What does a cartas tree look like? Southern map - Druid horoscope. Famous people under the sign of the Frame

He loves to amaze, take by surprise, be the center of everyone's attention, and is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve this. He believes that it is he who must make decisions and pronounce the final word. Resolves the most complex issues with brilliance. He does not know danger, is improvident and has the gift of getting involved in unforeseen situations. Fortunately, however, he knows how to easily get out of them. Proud, proud, straightforward, and at the same time an incorrigible optimist, which often leads to careless actions in both business and personal life.

Has a nature prone to excesses. With apparent independence, he is inclined to succumb to outside influence. Guided by an experienced hand, it can become a weapon of someone else's will. He devotes his soul and body to the cause that he himself has chosen, so among the Kartas there are many heroes, but there are also many martyrs.

Subject to the influence of others, he himself also has the ability to influence others. Has a motivating effect on others. He is very persistent and is one of those who are always right.

Sensitive, receptive and sentimental - he can become attached forever and perceives this love with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as pleasant and deprived greater value way of spending time. He is intelligent and has the ability to synthesize the perception of problems. The speed with which he thinks and makes decisions is amazing. Often shows a penchant for artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, he is distinguished by a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure, he usually leads an active and varied working life.

Traits of those born under the Sign of Kartas: impulsiveness, optimism, intelligence, ability to deduce.

A person born under the sign of Kartas is distinguished by idealization of life, inspiration, confident broadcasting of high truths, and legibility in contacts. The image of verticality, reminiscent of the silhouette of this tree, is striking everywhere in the characteristics of this sign.

Kartas is a solid, serious, noble tree, not subject to rotting, and low demands on soil. Receptivity, sensitivity of the mental, thinking type. The ability to clairvoyance, identify the essence, truth, philosophical inclinations. Such a person is calm, confident in himself and in the truth of what he proclaims. Usually he is in a divinely inspired, solemn mood.

He wants to see everything and everyone, no less than on a cosmic scale, as spiritual entities. Happiness lies rather in the awareness of possibilities, how everything can and should be. Forces yourself to be respected. Loves to surprise, amaze, be the center of attention, and form the basis of public regulations.

He is straightforward and at the same time an unquenchable optimist, an idealist, which is why he is careless both in public and in personal life. But failures do not fill him with doubt. Getting entangled in the most unexpected situations, he knows how to easily get out of them. Anticipates the turn of events and anticipates them, makes quick decisions. He devotes his soul and body to the business he has chosen. He is a kind of hero-martyr for the idea that inspired him. He knows how to spread inspiration to those around him, he is able to lead the shelves.

Idealism allows him to endure any conditions. He is also idealistic in love, which for him is always written only with a capital letter. Perhaps he will spend his whole life waiting for that one great love. He is generally very picky in communication; waves of simple, sublime feelings easily break against the granite rock of his ideal. The aesthetic, however, is not alien to him; Often he exhibits artistic abilities, musical talent, and a sense of rhythm. He leads an active, varied life that satisfies his spiritual interests.

In fact, noble, humane, spiritual, he often has the sin of pride, he is inclined to think that those around him are unworthy, but he is forced to endure this. Everyday life either causes disgust, disdainful shifting onto others, or is made ideal thanks to aestheticization. The spouse and other permanent partners, in life and business, are either ideal, or idealized, or rejected. He prefers to feed on the holy spirit, but not allow earthly rot into his life.

(09.02 - 18.02; 14.08 - 23.08)

Sprawling, powerful and although not very slender, it gives the impression of a solid and beautiful plant. Adapts to all conditions without difficulty. True, he also dreams of comfort, but if necessary, he can spend the night under open air. Possesses good health. Everywhere he feels at home and does not know what timidity is. Dynamic, confident, forces one to reckon with oneself, at the same time very sensitive to jokes about his person and does not really understand them. He loves to amaze, take by surprise, be the center of everyone's attention, and is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve this. He believes that it is he who must make decisions and pronounce the final word. Resolves the most complex issues with brilliance. He does not know danger, is improvident and has the gift of getting involved in unforeseen situations. Fortunately, however, they know how to easily get out of them. Proud, proud, straightforward, and at the same time an incorrigible optimist, which often leads to careless actions in both business and personal life. Has a nature prone to excesses. With apparent independence, he is inclined to succumb to outside influence. Guided by an experienced hand, it can become a weapon of someone else's will. He devotes his soul and body to the cause that he himself has chosen, so among the KARTAS there are many heroes, but there are also many martyrs. Subject to the influence of others, he himself also has the ability to influence others. Has a motivating effect on others. He is very persistent and is one of those who are always right. Sensitive, receptive and sentimental - he can become attached forever and perceives this love with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as a pleasant and devoid of greater significance way of spending time. He is intelligent and has the ability to synthesize the perception of problems. The speed with which he thinks and makes decisions is amazing. Often shows a penchant for artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, he is distinguished by a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure, he usually leads an active and varied working life. Traits of those born under the sign of CARTAS: impulsiveness, optimism, intelligence, ability to deduce. The following people were born under the sign of CARTAS: Galileo, Darwin, Kosciuszko, Goethe, Brecht.

Pine - Druid horoscope

(19.02 - 28/29.02; 24.08 - 02.09)

Exquisite silhouette, beautiful, decorative. Knows how to highlight his strengths. Loves home, valuable items, beautiful interiors. Often that sweet home, without which she could not develop, she creates for herself. They say that she knows what she wants, but does not allow herself to be carried by the will of the waves, that what life itself gives is not enough for her. There is nothing submissive about her; she is capable of planning and subordinating conditions to her needs. She is brave, faces resistance with her head raised and does not allow bad luck to overcome her. Thanks to his courage and ability to take risks, he always leads the way. She is capable of success at work, regardless of the type of activity she chooses. PINE is distinguished by the tenacity with which it follows its chosen path, and from which it is difficult to lead it astray. Knows how to get out of himself, difficult situation. Very fast and precise in action. Despite her affability and ability to be a sweet friend, there is no excessive complexity and generosity in her. Your own well-being and convenience come first. The failures of others do not drive the sleep from her eyelids, although it happens that she mentions them with sympathy in friendly conversations. Only in one thing does he show weakness - in love. Sensual and impulsive - she gets carried away easily, and then it’s too late. With all this, he has a penetrating mind and ordered thinking, and is a good organizer. Can apply necessary efforts to achieve their goals and, as a rule, achieves them. He knows how to get out of any troubles, even love ones, with honor. The PINE sign is extremely favorable for women. Traits of those born under the sign of PINE: aesthetic intelligence, organizational skills, penchant for analysis. The following people were born under the sign of PINE: Confucius, Copernicus, Napoleon's mother, Washington, Chopin, Schopenhauer, Caruso, Elizabeth Taylor.

Willow - Druid horoscope

(01.03 - 10.03; 03.09 - 12.09)

With its songlike, melancholic beauty, Willow is very attractive and unique. Even if only appearance determines the basis of her charm (especially if IVA is a woman), you feel something mysterious in her. She is full of unclear thoughts, unconscious desires, which sometimes she herself cannot define. Very sensitive, loves the warmth of the sun and being near water. Reacts to all smells and tastes. Like no one else, he can use momentary joys and not deny himself any of them. You should not trust the external meekness of WILLOW. Contrary to her, she is businesslike and decisive, she knows well what she wants. She never imposes anything on anyone, because she has a developed sense of respect for others and has no desire to command. There is something of a poet in her. Her melancholic sentiments about the approaching autumn and fast-moving life should not be taken too seriously and considered a manifestation of pessimism. IVA can be a very difficult partner, as it does not have the ability to quickly adapt and does not like compromises. Her defenselessness and helplessness are often just tactics. At times for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she brilliantly knows how to play a weak creature. In general, in life he knows how to protect himself perfectly. In feelings she is more romantic than sentimental. Loves sensual pleasures, brings a poetic coloring to them. Willow does not like everyday, colorless feelings. She has artistic abilities, intuition and a rich imagination. Sometimes she is a good psychologist, which, with a certain insight, allows her to guess other people's thoughts and desires. Her life could have been completely calm if not for the excessive attraction to love suffering. However, her complaints should not be taken seriously: feelings that are not embellished with suffering are not valued by her. Traits of those born under the sign of WILLOW: intuition, rich imagination. Born under the sign of WILLOW: Elizabeth I (English), Smetana, Maurice Chevalier.

Linden - Druid horoscope

(11.03 - 20.03; 13.09 - 22.09)

She is incredibly charming and knows how to use her charm. It can turn anyone's head. She dreams of a stable, prosperous life full of comforts and often does not realize that all this does not matter more to her. She easily adapts to any conditions. It is enough for her to have a tent to create an atmosphere of home comfort. Calm in appearance and even somewhat weak-willed, silent, timid, at the same time serene and pessimistic. LIPA often goes through life with a feeling of boredom. This is her main enemy. She can be unstable, especially sensitive to flattery. Full of contradictions, very difficult to decipher. One thing is certain about her: she is very pretty. Communicating with her is very pleasant and easy, leaving a feeling of mental comfort. LIPA patiently listens to the interlocutor, treats his neighbors with respect, and does not seek to command them. Everyone loves her very much even when you can’t really rely on her. She has a practical mindset, an aptitude for technology, is resourceful and precise. If he meets you on life path soul mate- conjugal love can restore balance to her, relieve her of contradictions. At the same time, he has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. She can be jealous, often without reason. Traits of those born under the LINDEN sign: sociability, observation, realism, organizational skills. The following people were born under the sign of LINDEN: Louis XIV, Renoir, A. Einstein, Julian Tuwim.

Harsh but beautiful
rocky Caucasus,
grows in the Caucasus
Caucasian frame.
Not afraid of the frame
the arbitrariness of the winds -
both strong and flexible
squat trunk!
(Yu. Nasimovich)
Wide famous horoscope Druids claim that on the ninth of February the action of the sign of the southern Frame begins. Oh, and I had a hard time trying to figure out what kind of tree this was. mysterious frame. The all-knowing Google didn’t give me anything, thousands of links and all to LLC and Black Sea Fleet, or prosaic reprints of the meaning of the horoscope. And everywhere - kartas and kartas. Spreading, powerful... Well, further in the text.
Some sites indicated the name of the sign in parentheses as South Frame (cedar). Others indicated pyramidal poplar in parentheses. But excuse me, what does poplar have in common with cedar? The fact that the ancient Celts could give well-known trees their own names is not at all surprising. But why are the same trees called differently today? To be honest, I wouldn’t have figured it out on my own, but an unknown friend who had done the same thing before helped me. His research was based on habitat maps, and from there it went from there.
The Celts came into contact with cedar for a short time on the scale of their civilization and only in Asia Minor, in limited territories. It is unlikely that a little-known tree could even be included in the horoscope.
Before we figure it out, let's clarify where the Gallic horoscope came from? It is generally accepted that he aided the predictions of the ancient Druids. So it may be so, but how do we know this? In what library can one find a fundamental tome in which an unknown scribe, from the words of a gray-haired sorcerer, listed all the nuances of the horoscope known to any civilized Celt? That's right, there is no such library, and there is no such horoscope.
So what happens, a complete hoax? Let's not rush to conclusions. The Druids lived a very long time ago; few documents have been preserved since then. In addition, a coherent system might not have existed at all, which does not deny the cult of tree worship.
Until about the middle of the last century, the Gallic horoscope was not known to the general public. In 1948, Robert Graves, a failed historian and remarkable poet and prose writer, published his most important book, The White Goddess, a study of ancient religions and myths filtered through rich poetic imagination.
Venerable astrologers today scold Graves in every possible way, but do not deny that he did use really existing sources. Mainly records of “regular” bards who sang the exploits of their native Celtic clans.
The mythological basis on which Graves built his “Goddess” interested not only the “dense layers of the population”, but also other researchers, including the author of “Astrologie Gauloise” Edgar Bliss. It was Bliss who introduced to the general public the cyclicity and signs of the Druid horoscope, which have become widespread in our time.
What do we see from Bliss? "February 9 - 18: Nettle-tree." Nettle-tree - nettle tree? Another mystery? The Latin name is Celtis australis, the Russian name is Southern Frame. A relative of the elm, which the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia calls a stone or iron tree.
Rune - Thurisaz
Element - Water
Zodiac sign - Cancer
Family - Elmaceae
Other names: ironwood, stonewood, nettlewood
Southern frame (lat. - Celtis australis)- deciduous tree up to 20 m high. The bark is smooth, gray. The leaves are gray-green, asymmetrical, pointed, up to 15 cm long, with a rounded or heart-shaped base. Male inflorescences are paniculate. Female flowers are solitary, on long petioles. Perianth leaves are free. The fruit is a stone with a fleshy wrapper. Ripe fruits have a gray tint
The southern hackberry tree is native to the Mediterranean. Distributed in the dry and warm climates of Europe and Asia. The genus of cartas includes up to 70 species, growing in the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere.
The closest relatives of the cartas are
They are both from the elm family and have a lot in common. The main difference is in the form of fruit. If elms have flying wings, then hackberries have edible, tasty and healthy fruit. In Tyrol, the national sweet is made from the carcass drupes.

Economic use: Decorative use is due to the Frame's resistance to air pollution.
Large-grained, greenish-yellow wood, with a grayish-brown core, different high density, strength, hardness, heaviness (specific gravity 0.78), flexibility, elasticity, strength and polishes well, and therefore is used for carpentry and carvings, wind instruments, in carriage craftsmanship, in the manufacture of cuttings of knives, canes and other small products, and also for stakes, grape stamens, hoops, etc.
The fruits have a pleasant taste, they are eaten fresh, and also dried, ground together with the stone, and a special porridge “prishmi” is cooked from flour, which is highly nutritious. In Armenia, for the sake of its fruits, the frame was grown on personal plots. The fruits contain up to 15% fatty oil, similar to almond oil. Sometimes it is pressed for food and medicinal purposes. The leaves are fed to livestock and are sometimes used to feed silkworms. The bark contains 8-12% tannins and was used in artisanal tanning and for dyeing fabrics.

In medicine: The fruits contain oil (0.4%), sugars (25%), organic acids (0.4%), pectin (0.3%), tannins (5%), dyes (0.15%), mineral salts (3.5%), vitamins B1, B6 and C.
Decoction: 200 g of crushed roots and fruits (1:1) of stone tree per 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, filter. Take 250 ml 4 times a day for diarrhea, dysentery and as a prophylactic to strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase the body's defenses.
Fruits are harvested after they ripen; roots - in autumn or spring, before the beginning of the growing season

All sorts of things: For its extraordinary properties, the frame is called iron or stone wood. Its dense and heavy greenish-yellow wood is strong, hard, flexible, resilient, durable and polishes well. Carpentry and carvings, wind musical instruments are made from it.
The durability of wood and resistance to decay have led to its widespread use in construction since ancient times ( Mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar, Turkmen historical and architectural monument of the 12th century).
The period from February 9 to 18, as well as from August 14 to 23, went to the southern Karkas. The tree is not widely known, but has a number of remarkable properties.
For many centuries, miraculous amulets were made from the wood of the frames, which they carried with them or hung in their homes. Even today, in the villages of Central Asia, you can find ordinary pieces of kartas wood, called "dagan", hung above the gate or at the entrance to the house. They are called upon to protect the home from the evil, unclean eye.
The versatility of the benefits of this tree and the ease of its cultivation make cactas indispensable on organic, ecological and permoculture farms in Israel. In Judea and Samaria This tree is considered sacred, and its hard, round fruits are believed to have healing properties. Sometimes such beads are worn by children or pets.

The widely known Druid horoscope states that on the ninth of February the action of the southern sign of Kartas begins. What kind of card is this? I've never heard of such a plant.

The omnipresent Mr. Google will help me, I decided. But that was not the case. The search engine offered various LLCs and Black Sea Fleet, but most of all links to various sites reprinting the contents of the Druid horoscope from each other. And everywhere - kartas and kartas. Spreading, powerful... Well, further in the text.

Some sites indicated the name of the sign in brackets as Southern Kartas (cedar). Others indicated pyramidal poplar in parentheses. What the hell is this? The fact that the ancient Celts could give well-known trees their own names is not at all surprising. But why are the same trees called differently today? After all, it’s a no brainer that cedar and poplar of any kind have as little in common as a cat and a dog.

I tried entering Latin characters into the search engine - no effect. Unless there are links to various cards in the language of the Baltic states. Then I decided to decline the map, and then Google smiled and sent me to the dendrologist forum, whose visitors were also looking for the map and, like me, did not find it. I was even happy, the first success: the tree is not known to professionals.

What then are we talking about? What tree is hiding behind an unknown name? Cedar? But let's look at the map of the Celts' habitat. They came into contact with cedar for a short time on the scale of their civilization and only in Asia Minor, in limited territories. It is unlikely that a little-known tree could even be included in the horoscope.

Before we figure it out, let's clarify where the Gallic horoscope came from? It is generally accepted that he aided the predictions of the ancient Druids. So it may be so, but how do we know this? In what library can one find a fundamental tome in which an unknown scribe, from the words of a gray-haired sorcerer, listed all the nuances of a horoscope known to any civilized Celt? That's right, there is no such library, and there is no such horoscope.

So what happens, a complete hoax? Let's not rush to conclusions. The Druids lived a very long time ago; few documents have been preserved since then. In addition, a coherent system might not have existed at all, which does not deny the cult of tree worship.

Until about the middle of the last century, the Gallic horoscope was not known to the general public. In 1948, Robert Graves, a failed historian and remarkable poet and prose writer, published his most important book, The White Goddess, a study of ancient religions and myths filtered through rich poetic imagination.

Venerable astrologers today scold Graves in every possible way, but do not deny that he did use really existing sources. Mainly records of “regular” bards who sang the exploits of their native Celtic clans.

The mythological basis on which Graves built his “Goddess” interested not only the “dense layers of the population”, but also other researchers, including the author of “Astrologie Gauloise” Edgar Bliss. It was Bliss who introduced to the general public the cyclicity and signs of the Druid horoscope, which have become widespread in our time.

What do we see from Bliss? "February 9 - 18: Nettle-tree." Nettle-tree - nettle tree? Another mystery? I ask Google for advice, and everything falls into place. The Latin name is Celtis australis, the Russian name is Southern Frame. A relative of the elm, which the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia calls a stone or iron tree.

One can only wonder. Of course, a typo is possible. But how did it become so widely established and generally accepted that they began to “adjust” the native flora to it? Incredible but true. Well, I’ll tell you about the “correct” southern Framework a little later.

Characteristics of men