Hero of the day Tatyana Fomicheva: the world is bigger than people think about it. Biedriba SELENA PLUS - Lithotherapy


Once upon a time, crystals simply burst into my life. I compare this to the arrival to me forever of some noisy tribe or relatives whom I have not seen for a long time. The joy of meeting is enormous, there is a lot of information that needs to be exchanged. Everyone speaks at once and everyone shows their miracles at once, as if he were in a circus, where everything spins, flies, sparkles, rejoices, plays, thunders and rings. And although I have had experience communicating with the plant world and the animal world, communication with the mineral world is very different. It can be expressed in two words – Wisdom and Delight. And then Cooperation joined.

About a session of aura harmonization with crystal energies using crystals.

The physical body is the densest and most inert part of the human complex. The aura is a less dense and more mobile part of the human complex. There is a crystal lattice in the aura, which is a program for human development and its fuse. Above the crystalline grid are spiritual fields - the most subtle and mobile part of the human complex, connecting consciousness with other dimensions. Thus, the higher spiritual fields allow us to simultaneously be in several dimensions, and those closest to the physical body belong to our physical reality. Very often, all fields and the physical body are unbalanced, which interferes with a joyful and fulfilling life. (I talk more about the human energy complex at the “Crystal Energies” seminars). All changes first occur in subtle fields and only then make themselves felt in the physical body and physical reality.
further. .

Love in stone

The little shop smelled essential oils. Here and there, precious and semi-precious stones sparkle in the sunlight. Whole druses shone in the windows, and rich beads made of real crystals reflected the sun. We are talking over a cup of aromatic tea. My interlocutor is Tatyana Fomicheva, a specialist in stones, or more precisely, in the amazing properties that they possess. In her hands is a ribbon of semi-precious stones. Now these can be found in many salons in Riga. The magazine's correspondent, Tatyana Elagina, decided to find out how Tatyana Fomicheva's invention works.

Why do you work with stones?.....

During an interview with Tatyana Fomicheva.

During the interview with Tatyana Fomicheva, which Maris and I recorded in Riga, we touched on a wide range of issues regarding cooperation with crystals, both real and virtual...

Hear the answer to the question:

Crystal meditations by Tatyana Fomicheva!


Hello! ...sort of, Introduction.

Lately, the words “crystal” or “crystalline” (crystal child, crystal light, crystal energies...etc.) have been heard very often and not only from the lips of esotericists. Modern interest in crystals is due not only to fashion, but also to technological progress. The properties of crystals have been studied, parameters have been measured, and applications in technology have been determined. But the secrets remain. The magic works. But science agrees that some properties of crystals cannot yet be explained....

Hello! My name is Tatyana Fomicheva. I'm on the journey of life. I am 57 years old, I am a happy wife, mother, grandmother. My husband and I have been together since we were 16 years old.

My path led me to crystals, and I have been with them for over 12 years.

Crystals just burst into my life. I compare this to the arrival to me forever of some noisy tribe or relatives whom I have not seen for a long time.

The joy of meeting is enormous, there is a lot of information that needs to be exchanged. They say that everyone shows their photo albums and miracles at once, as if they were in a circus, where everything spins, flies, sparkles, rejoices, plays, thunders and rings. And although I have had experience communicating with the plant world and the animal world, communication with the mineral world is very different. It can be expressed in two words - Wisdom and Delight. Cooperation later joined.

Since childhood, I have had the ability to see the world and space differently. Life spoke to me and all objects glowed and communicated. So I grew up with the feeling that the world is bigger than people think about it. Now I talk about this at seminars and Crystal practices.

Modern space is filled with Crystal light, and crystals are the material confirmation and expression of this light. That's why many people turned to natural stones. I help everyone choose suitable stone and learn to feel the energy of a gem and apply it for your own purposes. Each stone is a battery filled with an energetic message. Often stones appear in life at a certain moment to help.

Sometimes people are unable to make choices in life and feel confused. Then you should turn to the stones for advice. By intuitively choosing pebbles at random, the energy picture of the situation becomes clear. In individual consultations, I help clarify the situation through gems.

Since 2010, she has initiated esoteric trips around Latvia to certain places to lay crystals. This is how the Crystal Network was formed, which is connected to the Estonian and Lithuanian ones.

I have developed my own method of using Crystal energies for harmonization and self-harmonization of the body and aura. Crystal energies are available to everyone and it is not necessary to have real crystals at home. I conduct meditations with real and virtual crystals.

In January, she organized the Mystery of Crystals and Sound in Riga. Here's a snippet.

I'm on the road, doing what I love, inspiring fellow travelers, running the Crystal Calendar, author of the Crystallosophy project.

I am. And we are a heartbeat away from each other.

With love, Tatyana Fomicheva

Crystals were placed for a specific purpose in certain places. These were not always places of power in the modern sense. In places that will become places of power. Groups of people would gather and perform a ritual or ceremony for the site and crystal. There is something about trips and bookmarks here: http://blog.tatjanafomiceva.lv/p/blog-page_401.html.
Yes, it could be the aura of the stone and it could be a different color than the color of the stone. Stones and crystals also have an aura and it can “breathe”.

Tanya is emotional, their mood can change from unbridled joy to sadness and melancholy. The owners of this name cannot stand monotony, so in childhood they attend many clubs. She cannot be called hyperactive, but her character is very lively.

Tatyana is a bright personality, decisive and courageous. Greek word“tatto,” from which the name comes, means “to command, to determine.” They are very independent, stubborn and independent. The owners of this name have their own opinion on most life events and rarely need advice. However, even such strong-willed people need their own talisman.
Find out soon about
and its powerful magical properties.

In the article, you will learn about medicinal properties tourmaline.

The beautiful stone named after Tatyana is ruby. A gem of rich red color and raspberry-pink hues, the stone of emperors and leaders. It symbolizes attraction to great things and love passion, and these women really love to be in a male group and flirt. Ruby perfectly reflects their hot nature.

The second strong talisman stone for Tatyana is the tiger's eye. A rich golden yellow color with dark stripes, it really looks like tiger eyes. For an active and purposeful person, such a talisman will bring success in business and help avoid transactions with unscrupulous partners. The tiger's eye concentrates the owner's fighting spirit and directs him in the right direction, helping him achieve great achievements.

The top three most effective stones are closed by rauchtopaz - smoky quartz. It has strong energy: it helps to cope with a bad mood, supports independence and her personal opinion independent of anyone.
We invite you to listen to the opinion of a specialist in the video:

All these stones perfectly frame Tatyana’s strengths. Ruby, tiger's eye and rauchtopaz are the most in effective ways direct energy in the right direction, and also highlight the beauty of its owner.

The story of how, during the opening of the Lion's Gate, I set an intention that changed my entire life... and made me who I am today...

2 years since I gave up my teaching role, 2 years of tutoring and translating channelings in my free time.

I had already collaborated as a volunteer with Celia Fenn (Archangel Michael’s channel), translated books for the Sofia publishing house and was thinking about how to live further...

That year, my friends and I decided to arrange an unusual, somewhat extreme vacation for ourselves - on the Black Sea coast, far from civilization, without electricity or running water. For 2 weeks we lived in tents, cooked on a live fire, washed in waterfalls, and listened to the howling of coyotes and the fuss of raccoons at night.

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Cosmic Laws

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Since my friends were all, to one degree or another, involved in spiritual and energetic practices, we decided to make the most of the 8:8 portal and the surrounding environment.

2 events were planned:

  • shaman stone wheel to create a new direction in life,
  • And spiral passage of cobblestones on the beach, in the center of which everyone could tune in to the flow of powerful cosmic energy from the Center of the Galaxy to raise their vibrations and strengthen their expressed intention.

The most difficult thing, as it turned out, was correctly formulate intention for the new planetary year... so that it is clear enough, and at the same time does not limit the possibilities that the Universe is ready to bestow on us.

After two days of active reflection, I abandoned specific definitions and in the end the following was chosen for the ritual:

A job that brings me tremendous satisfaction, helps me grow spiritually and brings me a stable, high income. And still have time to travel.

I didn’t think about what kind of work this could be... All the options that came to my mind at that time did not correspond much to what I wanted.

So I decided to send my request to the Universe and see what comes in response)

To my joy, I found several photographs of that memorable moment in my archive:

Shamanic wheel almost ready for ritual

The ceremony itself, Utrish 2008

Unfortunately, I don’t have any photographs of the spiral... And it’s unlikely that they would have turned out late at night...

The result of the ceremony

Well, now the most interesting part)) RESULTS?!

In my case, the intention worked very quickly, for many reasons. One of them is my 100% readiness for this plus a fairly high spiritual potential (after all, we worked hard on this for 2 years).

— At the end of August, I received an offer to interpret Pepper Lewis’s seminar in Moscow, which marked the beginning of my new activity as a translator on stage, which I did for the next 4 years: Steve Rother, Celia Fenn, Janos, Lee Caroll, Pepper Lewis, Michelle Eloff.

— After 2 years, I was already organizing and conducting webinars. First as a translator and someone who answers questions, and later she began conducting her own online seminars.

If you carefully read my intention for 2008 again, you will see that it was COMPLETELY REALIZED!

Especially for this day, Tatyana Fomicheva and I, a unique master of working with crystal energies and stones, wrote down a detailed cheat sheet.

Turn on the video player and act!

The same thing, but in audio format

Characteristics of men