Interesting fortune telling with pen and paper. Fortune telling on paper: correct implementation for accurate results. Fortune telling on paper with a pen for feelings

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen is notable for the fact that no special tools are needed to perform the ritual. This is a combination of numerology and classical fortune telling, which can be done anywhere.

In the article:

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen

If a girl wants to know whether the relationship will be successful, ask her for real, ask other questions, and tell fortunes. You need to clearly formulate the question and write it down on a piece of paper. Count the number of letters (and punctuation is not included in the calculation). Example:

Does he love me?

L+yu+b+i+t+l+i+o+n+m+e+n+i = 13

If the number is two-digit, then you need to add its components together. Example:

Result - 4.

Interpretation of the results:

  • 1 - the fortuneteller understands the answer to the question. Events will develop as intuition suggests now.
  • 2 or 4 - yes, the answer to the question is positive. If there cannot be a definite answer, the situation will develop as we would like, the wish will come true, the problem will become luck.
  • 3 - no, the answer to the question is negative. The dream is unattainable. The situation will develop for the worst, the wish will not come true, and new problems can be expected to appear.
  • 5 - Both positive and negative answers are possible. On the one hand, the wish will come true or the problem will disappear, but on the other hand - possible consequences.
  • 6 - what you want will happen only if you put in the effort. You should not rely on luck, but on the results of your own actions.
  • 7 - the wish will come true, but not as quickly as we would like. Perhaps, when the dream comes true, the girl will forget about it.
  • 8 - the answer to the question will become clear very soon without the help of fortune telling. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, because with a high probability necessary information hiding nearby.
  • 9 - a suitable development of events is extremely unlikely. There are chances, but they are negligible. You should not hope for a positive answer. There is a high probability of problems arising due to a matter about which the Higher Powers are asked.

Fortune telling on paper and pen

If you want to know what, use next view fortune telling. You will need a sheet of paper and a pen. On the top of the sheet write the day of the week on which you want to know future events. Below write your last name, first name and patronymic. Not initials, but full version name. Write down on the side all the letters that appear more than once. Example:

Ivanova Maria Alexandrovna

O - 2, N - 2, I - 2, R - 2, B - 3, A - 6,

Cross out repeated letters and write out the remaining ones. Count the number of letters appearing once. If there are more than 10 of them, add the components together, as in the previous fortune telling. Example:

M + L + I + E + K + S + D = 7

Result - 7.

Interpretation of numbers when fortune telling for the future:

  • 0 or 9 - An unremarkable day, no bright events are expected. No different from everyday life, but you shouldn’t expect any serious problems either.
  • 1 - the day will be distinguished by good news from friends or relatives. It is possible to receive a gift or buy a new thing.
  • 2 - waiting great disappointment or failure. It is possible to receive bad news or problems associated with gossip.
  • 3 - there is a high probability of a trip, excursion or other event that goes beyond everyday life. The day may also be distinguished by a pleasant surprise.
  • 4 - you will have to change plans because of a stupid accident, which can either slightly adjust the idea of ​​spending time or completely cancel out what was planned.
  • 5 or 8 - The day will be successful for communicating with the opposite sex. The girl will attract attention young man, Maybe. A date or interesting revenge awaits.
  • 6 - meeting with an old friend from whom I have not heard from for a long time. A repetition of an event from the past or a return of old problems is possible.
  • 7 - an unfavorable day that threatens the fortuneteller with apathy, bad mood and minor difficulties.

Fortune telling on love on paper with a pen

You need to write down your own personal data (first name, patronymic and last name) and information about your lover. Select letters that appear more than once and see how many match. Example:

Ivanova Maria Alexandrovna

O - 2, I - 2, R - 2, B - 3, A - 6, N - 2.

Petrov Alexey Vladimirovich

O - 2, I - 2, R - 2, B - 3, A - 2, E - 3, L - 2.

In the example, 5 pairs of letters matched. So the result is 5.

Interpretation of the obtained meanings of fortune telling for love:

  • 1 - In a couple, everyone thinks only about their own well-being. If you find the strength to abandon selfishness, the union will be strong and full of love.
  • 2 - disappointment in your partner in the future, perhaps this has already happened. You shouldn’t hold on to the past; a lot has changed since you met the person. The girl probably grew out of the relationship.
  • 3 - real mutual love, the ability to overcome difficulties together. You don't have to be afraid of rivals and quarrels.
  • 4 - The relationship is not bad, but quarrels often arise for minor reasons. You should be more tolerant, learn to find compromises and look at the situation from the side of your loved one.
  • 5 - the girl is forced to give in to her partner and sacrifice her own interests.
  • 6 - the fortuneteller dominates the relationship. If the situation suits your partner, everything is fine, but if not, you need to look for a compromise and give your loved one more freedom.
  • 7 or 9 - love and harmony reign in relationships. Such couples make happy families.
  • 8 - Harmony and mutual understanding reign between partners. And without fortune telling, the girl knows that her beloved lives up to expectations, and the relationship is almost ideal.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for a guy

To find out who a certain young man is, you will need a piece of checkered paper and a pen or pencil. Draw a heart on a piece of paper with your dominant hand. Image dimensions don't matter. Carefully cross out all intact cells inside the heart. The uncrossed cells are counted, the number of which will indicate the person’s secret feelings. If the number of cells is two digits, add the 2 digits together.


  • 0 or 9 - if a girl crosses out all the boxes, the guy loves her and is likely to ask her out on a date soon.
  • 1 - 1 cell remains uncrossed - the young man himself does not understand how he feels towards the fortuneteller. The guy is not sure of his feelings, he needs time to sort out his feelings.
  • 2 - They don’t like fortunetellers, but you can become good friends thanks to common interests and compatibility of characters.
  • 3 - the guy feels sympathy, but excessive shyness does not allow him to admit his feelings.
  • 4 - the object reciprocates, is very jealous of the mutual ones.
  • 5 - The image of a girl often visits his thoughts; the guy loves and dreams of asking him out on a date.
  • 6 - complete indifference.
  • 7 - a young man is interested in another girl. If they are guessing about who they are dating, a rival has appeared.
  • 8 - it’s easy to win a guy’s sympathy, but the union will be unhappy and will only bring problems.

Fortune telling from drawings on paper

Fortune telling will give accurate answers to questions, tell you whether the wish will come true and how soon.

They take 10 identical pieces of paper, on each they draw 1 of 10 things: a girl, a fence, a river, a flower, a tree, a bird, a cat, a house, a door and a man. Fold the paper in half and mix thoroughly.

You need to pull out one of the drawings at random. The symbol depicted on the note will tell you about the future.

Interpretation of the meanings of drawings on paper:

  • Young woman- symbolizes high expectations and demands. If you moderate your ardor, your desire will soon come true. This means that there is an enemy surrounded: you need to be careful in your statements, you shouldn’t trust just anyone.
  • Man- a symbol of safety and security. The wish will certainly come true, albeit with the help of another person.
  • Image birds denotes a flight of fancy. The wish can come true if the girl makes every effort. You can’t have your head in the clouds and hope for a lucky chance, but you should take the situation into your own hands.
  • Fence says everything will be fine. Problems will be solved, obstacles will be overcome. You cannot refuse the help of friends who are very worried.
  • Image tree- financial troubles. Avoid making unnecessary purchases and entering into dubious deals. The wish will not come true.
  • House- a symbol of care and support for relatives. With their help you will be able to make your wish come true. If the dream concerns the family or home, it will 100% come true.
  • Cat- will start soon black line. The image speaks of emerging victorious from difficult situation, although something will have to be sacrificed. The wish will not come true.
  • Flower - that the clouds are gathering. Some event will dramatically change your life forever. A rival will appear on the personal front. Not everything is so bad: the symbol can represent a large amount. With proper luck, your wish will come true.
  • River- a quick trip or meeting someone from afar. Possible homage with a foreigner. To make your wish come true, you will have to try, but everything will work out.
  • Door- a symbol of new perspectives. With the right amount of activity, many doors will open. The wish will come true provided that the girl is ahead of the competition.

Fortune telling on paper for your betrothed

Fortune telling will help you find out how guys feel about a fortune teller. You will need a piece of paper, preferably in a checkered pattern, and a pen.

Draw a 7x7 table. Random names of the months are written at the top. WITH right side the tables name 7 guys' names, on the left - days of the week (not necessarily in order).

Below they put from 1 to 7 in any order. In the empty cells in the center, put any numbers from 1 to 31. It should look like this:

Take the calendar for the current year and check if the dates exist. If so, look at which guy the numbers refer to and look at the corresponding number in the lowest row, which will tell you how the young man feels about the girl.

Interpretation of the results:

  • 1 - sympathy, soon the girl will be convinced of his feelings.
  • 2 - indifference.
  • 3 - the guy dreams of a relationship and is ready to take active steps.
  • 4 - the other one is interesting, most likely a friend. It is possible to win the attention of your lover.
  • 5 - the guy likes the girl, a quick meeting is most likely accidental.

In this article:

Before we tell you about ancient Slavic, Russian, Ukrainian and other fortune-telling, we would like to remind you that there are a number of rules and situations that do not allow fortune-telling or which must be observed when traveling to the future.

So, fortune telling on cards, water, wax, etc. should only be done with pure thoughts, treating the fortune-telling itself with respect, without neglecting its rules, without being ironic about the methods or interpretation.

Before starting the ritual, take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and say:

“My thoughts and deeds are aimed at the benefit of all living things. I am not guilty of anything (guilty), and no one is guilty before me. Let me see what I want and find out what will help me... (I should voice what will help in solving the problem).”

Afterwards, you need to read any prayer that you like. The success of fortune telling directly depends on your mood and invested energy.

It is best to tell fortunes in the evening or at night, after sunset. Fortune telling is performed in silence and, if possible, alone, since the presence strangers or pets can scare away spirits or dispel magic, as a result you will not receive an answer to the question or it will be incorrect.

You should also not guess several times in a row for the same desire or question, because in the end you will hear not what actually exists, but what you want, and this is not the same thing!

It is impossible to outwit the Higher Powers, but it is very easy to remain a fool yourself. Therefore, when starting fortune telling, focus as much as possible on the process and the question to which you want to receive an answer.

The most important thing is not to be upset in case of a bad prediction, since it is not a final verdict. This is just a warning and a possible outcome of the situation, the case. All in our hands. And each of us is able to change our future for the better, especially if we not only want to, but also make every effort to do so!

Selection of candles for fortune telling

Previously, candles for fortune telling were made independently, but now it is easier for us to buy a ready-made candle. This should only be done in church; only church candles are 100% protected from otherworldly forces that will neither harm you, play tricks on you, nor deceive you. But the main thing is not this, and not even the color and shape of the candle, but how sincerely you believe in fortune telling and how pure your thoughts, intentions, and deeds are.

You need to choose the color of the candle depending on the purpose of fortune telling. White - for fortune telling about the betrothed and marriage. Questions about travel will be resolved by yellow and orange candles. Red candles will help you make a decision. Green and blue will tell you whether your wish or something planned will come true. Black candles are rarely used in fortune telling. But color is not as important as where the candles are purchased. Church candles are endowed with positive energy with amazing power.

Candles are used in various rituals, and these are mainly ancient fortune-telling, which means they are very powerful and effective. You can find a list of such fortune-telling on our website, but in the meantime we will tell you about several more ancient fortune-telling.

Coin fortune telling

The older the coins used in the ritual, the more accurate your answers will be. But if you don’t have such coins, try to find the newest coins possible, they still don’t know how to lie.

If you often tell fortunes on coins, do not forget to clean them regularly by placing them in running water and then wiping them with a soft cloth.

To clean coins, you can soak them in salt.

Under no circumstances guess church holidays and on the full moon. You still can’t tell fortunes in moments of poor health or weakness, because you exude negative energy, and coins absorb it, which has a bad effect on the result of fortune telling and the coins themselves.

Fortune telling by stones

Lithomancy is fortune telling precious stones. Gems are a good informant, easily telling about the future. At the same time, the stones themselves have great strength, which also affects the purity and effectiveness of fortune telling.

Before starting the ritual, wash the stones in running water, thus washing away the accumulated information and energy from them. Also, take off your watch in advance, turn off your mobile phone and other electromagnetic and mechanical devices that knock stones off the right path.

An amulet made of solidite, tanzanite, rock crystal, amethyst, topaz, calcite, and obsidine helps to make the prediction even more accurate. All of the above mentioned stones influence a person’s enlightenment, endowing him with clairvoyant abilities.

Fortune telling is carried out on an empty stomach and even more so on a sober mind. No food and especially no alcohol!

Fortune telling by thread

You can also guess on a thread. This is very simple fortune telling, which do not require practice and agility, only the execution of clear instructions. For example, together with your friends you need to cut threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster will get married first. An unburnt thread or an extinguished thread means there is no defect.

Prophetic dream

A prophetic dream is also one of the methods of fortune telling. He can be called on Christmastide. So, on the night from Thursday to Friday, before going to bed, say the following words:

"Thursday with Wednesday,
Monday with Tuesday
Saturday with Sunday.
One Friday, just like I’m young,
I recline on the mountains of Zion,
And in my heads I have three angels:
One sees
The second one will say, The third one will point out fate. Amen"

Before going to bed, you need to mix a thimble of salt with a thimble of water and drink, saying:

“Betrothed-mummer, come and give me a drink.”

Don't forget to put a glass of water near your bed!

Card reading

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it well, focusing on the question that matters.

Fortune telling with cards is one of the most popular methods

In random order, divide the deck into three parts, removing three cards from each - one from the top, bottom, and from the middle. In total, there should be nine cards on the table, which are laid out like this: three bottom cards, three from the middle, three top cards.

Now analyze the pictures that open.

  • If all four aces fall out or a combination of two aces and two people (jacks, queens, kings) - the wish will come true
  • One ace with one people card - strained family relationships
  • Three aces with one person - to strong enemies
  • Four ladies - problems in your personal life or quarrels with your significant other
  • Four kings fall for success
  • Four Jacks is hard work, a waste of time
  • One at a time: ace, king, maiden, jack and change - usual life without sorrows and joys
  • Small cards - failures, failure to fulfill a wish or wish

Flower fortune telling

Another ancient fortune telling is flower fortune telling. The first method is fortune telling on lilac flowers about whether the wish will come true or not. You need to make a wish, find a flower with five petals on a lilac branch. If found, the wish will come true. If there is no such flower on the selected branch, the wish will not come true. Remember that lilacs usually have flowers with four petals and before you start fortune-telling, decide whether it is worth it to end up disappointed and upset.

Another method of flower fortune telling is performed on rose hips. You need to pick a rosehip flower, make a wish and throw the flower up, and then see how it fell to the ground. If the flower falls with the receptacle up, the wish will come true, if the flower falls with the stalk down, the wish will not come true.

If you are not satisfied with either the first or second option, try the third. In the summer, step into a field of blooming sunflowers after making a wish. Take ten seeds from a sunflower. If among the seeds there is at least one empty one, then you will have to work hard to fulfill your wish. If there are more empty seeds, then the wish will not come true.

At some point, every girl or woman wants. But Tarot cards are not always at hand, working with a crystal ball is the prerogative of practicing witches, and the result is needed right away.

It was for such cases that an original and truthful method of fortune telling was invented. All you need is a piece of paper, a pen and ten minutes of free time.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen - what is it?

Let's talk about what operating principle is used when telling fortunes with paper and pen. People who professionally engage in fortune telling claim that most people are already subconsciously aware of their own future.

And cards, runes and other tools act in the same way - their task is to “pull out” the answer to a question of interest from the fortuneteller’s subconscious.

In principle, with the help of paper and pen there is also a reference to such a science as numerology - the magic of numbers.

The operating principle of this fortune telling is simple: the fortuneteller writes a question on paper, trying to formulate it as clearly as possible. Then paired letters are crossed out from the words, and the remaining uncrossed out ones are counted using a special formula. The result is a single-digit number, on the basis of which the interpretation is made. The answers to each fortune-telling are given below.

From the description, fortune telling may seem complicated, but in reality it does not cause difficulties even for those girls who use it for the first time in their lives. And the results are very accurate and truthful.

Now you know what fortune telling is on a piece of paper with a pen, and you can try to tell fortunes to find out the answer to your question.

No special preparation is required for such fortune telling, unlike working with the Lenormand Oracle.

In order to find out what developments to expect in the near future on a specific issue, prepare paper and pen. Write down your question, your name, date of birth and name day (Angel Day).

Now let's move on to the calculations. First you need to count the number of letters in the question. For example, “Will they take me to new job this month?".

Happened total number 37 letters. Now we need to make this number unambiguous. To do this, add up the numbers: 3+7= 10; 1+0 = 1.

Write the first number in a separate column. Now we count the number of letters in your name. For example, your name is Marina - there are 6 letters in your name. We write the second number in the column - 6.

We count the date of birth: 11/12/1987. Add 1+2+1+1+1+9+8+7= 30. 3+0 = 3.

We write the number “3” in the column. The name day date is considered the same. For example, your Angel Day is September 9: 9.09 = 9+0+9 = 18; 1+8 = 9.

You have four numbers: 1, 6, 3, 9. Add them together: 1+6+3+9 =19; 1+9 = 1.

Now let's look at the result:

  • "1"— Unexpected help will be provided in resolving your issue.
  • "2"— The issue will be resolved successfully in the next 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months.
  • "3"- Be careful, envious people can harm you.
  • "4"— To successfully resolve the issue, you should ask for help.
  • "5"- The issue will not be resolved in your favor, expect disappointment.
  • "6"- Count only on yourself and on Divine protection.
  • "7"- Beware of those who often lie, harm through a woman.
  • "8"- Keep your thoughts and intentions pure, and a speedy journey awaits you.
  • "9"— An imminent wedding, or an addition to the family.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about lifting the veil of your future a little. If you find it difficult to count numbers in your head, you can use a calculator to get quick and accurate results.

For a guy's name

This method is designed so that a girl can find out the name of the guy who is in love with her or whom she will marry. You will also need paper and a pen, but the method will be different from the previous one.

Write yours down on paper full name, last name and patronymic. For example, Ivanova Maria Igorevna. Now we need to count the number of letters: in our case, there are 20. Now we count the number of letters in the name: 5.

Let's write down the numbers 20 and 5 in a separate column. Now you need to count the number of identical letters in the first name, last name and patronymic. In our example, these are 4 letters “A”, 3 letters “I” and 2 letters “O”.

We got 5 numbers: 20, 5, 4, 3, 2. Last calculation: 20 – 5-4-3-2=6. The name of your chosen one (fan) will have 6 letters.

Let's look at the correspondence between numbers and names:

  • "1"— Alexey, Andrey, Arkady, Anatoly, Alexander
  • "2"— Boris, Bogdan, Bronislav, Egor, Elisha, Efim, Evgeniy
  • "3"— Igor, Ilya, Ivan, Ignat, Ippolit, Innocent
  • "4"— Denis, Dmitry, Damir, David, Ruslan
  • "5"— Victor, Vyacheslav, Vladislav, Valery, Vadim, Vladimir
  • "6"— Gennady, Roman, Gleb, Ruslan, Georgy, Rodion
  • "7"— Konstantin, Kirill, Karen
  • "8"— Matvey, Maxim, Mikhail, Marat, Makar, Mstislav, Methodius
  • "9"- Taras, Timofey, Timur, Tigran, Yaroslav, Stanislav, Savva,

Your future husband will be called Ruslan or Rodion.

For love and relationships

To find out how the relationship with your loved one will develop, what feelings he has for me, use the following fortune telling. Write down the full name and date of birth in a column, and write the guy’s name and date of birth under it. For example: Yanina, 10/11/1992 and Yaroslav, 01/21/1991.

This figure gives general characteristics relations:

  • "1"— The couple gets along well with each other, but there are no deep feelings.
  • "2"- These people are meant for each other, a very strong partnership.
  • "3"— Conflicts and quarrels are possible in relationships, but without far-reaching consequences. One partner suppresses the other.
  • "4"- A stable union, a successful marriage in the future, an even number of children in the marriage.
  • "5"— Both partners are adventurers, easy-going. They get along well with each other, but the relationship lacks seriousness. Treason is possible, which can destroy the union.
  • "6"— Both partners are practical and homely people, but at the same time with a developed imagination. Good prospects for marriage.
  • "7"— Tender and sincere, relationships based on deep emotional affection.
  • "8"- A union of mind and intellect, but the relationship lacks passion and romance.
  • "9"— Stormy passion, jealousy, “Shakespearean” dramas. Overall, a very passionate and at the same time harmonious union.

Now we calculate the future of a specific couple based on their dates of birth. To do this, you need to add up the numbers of the birth dates of both partners. Example: 1+1+1+1+9+9+2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=48; 4+8= 12; 1+2 = 3.

Now let's look at the interpretations:

  • "1"— The relationship is at the finish line - the partners will soon get married.
  • "2"— The relationship will not develop quickly; there is no prospect of marriage in the next year.
  • "3"— The man in this union is the main one, and the future of this couple depends on his decisions.
  • "4"— A child may be born soon.
  • "5"- Expect a proposal from your partner soon. The marriage will be strong.
  • "6"- You should fight for your happiness, because many would like to see your partner next to them. Beware of betrayal.
  • "7"- Happy union, financial luck, luck - wonderful relationships, you can envy!
  • "8"- A new addition to the family soon.
  • "9"- Be careful and protect your partner from gambling. There is a prospect of losing not only money, but also him. Try not to take unnecessary risks.

Now you know what the future holds for your couple.

To fulfill a wish

Every person wants to know for sure whether his cherished wish will come true or not. Well, there is nothing complicated about it. In order to get an answer to this question, it is enough to use in a simple way fortune telling.

Write a fully formulated question on a piece of paper. For example, “Will I get a fur coat for my birthday?” Now cross out the identical paired letters. You will be left with a certain number of uncrossed out letters. In our example there are 11 of them. Now we add 1+1 = 2.

And look at the answer:

  • "1"- The wish will come true, but not soon.
  • "2"- Expect good news soon.
  • "3"- Soon you will experience joy!
  • "4"— A period begins in your life when any dreams and desires come true. Take advantage of it!
  • "5"— Unforeseen circumstances will prevent the implementation of the plan.
  • "6"- Wait for outside help, without this your efforts will be in vain.
  • "7"- Fortune is on your side, luck itself floats into your hands. Stay tuned for news soon.
  • "8"- An unpleasant set of circumstances will make you worry. The wish will come true, but not soon.
  • "9"— Implementation of the plan through a male friend.

Now you know how to tell fortunes using a regular piece of paper and pen. We hope you enjoyed this simple and easy way to find out the answers to your questions.

Every girl or woman wants to know her future at some point. But Tarot cards are not always at hand, working with a crystal ball is the prerogative of practicing witches, and the result is needed right away.

It was for such cases that an original and truthful method of fortune telling was invented. All you need is a piece of paper, a pen and ten minutes of free time.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen - what is it?

Let's talk about what operating principle is used when telling fortunes with paper and pen. People who professionally engage in fortune telling claim that most people are already subconsciously aware of their own future.

In principle, fortune telling with paper and pen is also a reference to such a science as numerology - the magic of numbers.

In principle, with the help of paper and pen there is also a reference to such a science as numerology - the magic of numbers.

The operating principle of this fortune telling is simple: the fortuneteller writes a question on paper, trying to formulate it as clearly as possible. Then paired letters are crossed out from the words, and the remaining uncrossed out ones are counted using a special formula. The result is a single-digit number, on the basis of which the interpretation is made. The answers to each fortune-telling are given below.

From the description, fortune telling may seem complicated, but in reality it does not cause difficulties even for those girls who use it for the first time in their lives. And the results are very accurate and truthful.

No special preparation is required for such fortune telling, unlike working with the Tarot or the Lenormand Oracle.

No special preparation is required for such fortune telling, unlike working with the Lenormand Oracle.

In order to find out what developments to expect in the near future on a specific issue, prepare paper and pen. Write down your question, your name, date of birth and name day (Angel Day).

Now let's move on to the calculations. First you need to count the number of letters in the question. For example, “Will I be hired for a new job this month?”

It turned out to be a total of 37 letters. Now we need to make this number unambiguous. To do this, add up the numbers: 3+7= 10; 1+0 = 1.

Write the first number in a separate column. Now we count the number of letters in your name. For example, your name is Marina - there are 6 letters in your name. We write the second number in the column - 6.

We count the date of birth: 11/12/1987. Add 1+2+1+1+1+9+8+7= 30. 3+0 = 3.

We write the number “3” in the column. The name day date is considered the same. For example, your Angel Day is September 9: 9.09 = 9+0+9 = 18; 1+8 = 9.

You have four numbers: 1, 6, 3, 9. Add them together: 1+6+3+9 =19; 1+9 = 1.

Now let's look at the result:

  • "1"- Unexpected help will be provided in resolving your issue.
  • "2"- The issue will be resolved successfully in the next 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months.
  • "3"- Be careful, envious people can harm you.
  • "4"- To successfully resolve the issue, you should ask for help.
  • "5"- The issue will not be resolved in your favor, expect disappointment.
  • "6"- Count only on yourself and on Divine protection.
  • "7"- Beware of those who often lie, harm through a woman.
  • "8"- Keep your thoughts and intentions pure, and quick success awaits you.
  • "9"- An imminent wedding, or an addition to the family.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about lifting the veil of your future a little. If you find it difficult to count numbers in your head, you can use a calculator to get quick and accurate results.

For a guy's name

This method is designed so that a girl can find out the name of the guy who is in love with her or whom she will marry.

You will also need paper and a pen, but the method will be different from the previous one.

Write down your full name, surname and patronymic on paper. For example, Ivanova Maria Igorevna. Now we need to count the number of letters: in our case, there are 20. Now we count the number of letters in the name: 5.

Let's write down the numbers 20 and 5 in a separate column. Now you need to count the number of identical letters in the first name, last name and patronymic. In our example, these are 4 letters “A”, 3 letters “I” and 2 letters “O”.

We got 5 numbers: 20, 5, 4, 3, 2. Last calculation: 20 – 5-4-3-2=6. The name of your chosen one (fan) will have 6 letters.

Let's look at the correspondence between numbers and names:

  • "1"- Alexey, Andrey, Arkady, Anatoly, Alexander
  • "2"- Boris, Bogdan, Bronislav, Egor, Elisha, Efim, Evgeniy
  • "3"- Igor, Ilya, Ivan, Ignat, Ippolit, Innocent
  • "4"- Denis, Dmitry, Damir, David, Ruslan
  • "5"- Victor, Vyacheslav, Vladislav, Valery, Vadim, Vladimir
  • "6"- Gennady, Roman, Gleb, Ruslan, Georgy, Rodion
  • "7"- Konstantin, Kirill, Karen
  • "8"- Matvey, Maxim, Mikhail, Marat, Makar, Mstislav, Methodius
  • "9"- Taras, Timofey, Timur, Tigran, Yaroslav, Stanislav, Savva, Sergey

Your future husband will be called Ruslan or Rodion.

For love and relationships

To find out how the relationship with your loved one will develop, what feelings he has for me, use the following fortune telling. Write down the full name and date of birth in a column, and write the guy’s name and date of birth under it. For example: Yanina, 10/11/1992 and Yaroslav, 01/21/1991.

This figure gives a general description of the relationship:

  • "1"- The couple gets along well with each other, but there are no deep feelings.
  • "2"- These people are meant for each other, a very strong partnership.
  • "3"- Conflicts and quarrels are possible in relationships, but without far-reaching consequences. One partner suppresses the other.
  • "4"- A stable union, a successful marriage in the future, an even number of children in the marriage.
  • "5"- Both partners are adventurers, easy-going. They get along well with each other, but the relationship lacks seriousness. Treason is possible, which can destroy the union.
  • "6"- Both partners are practical and homely people, but at the same time with a developed imagination. Good prospects for marriage.
  • "7"- Tender and sincere love, relationships based on deep emotional affection.
  • "8"- Union of mind and intellect, but the relationship lacks passion and romance.
  • "9"- Stormy passion, jealousy, “Shakespearean” dramas. Overall, a very passionate and at the same time harmonious union.

Now we calculate the future of a specific couple based on their dates of birth. To do this, you need to add up the numbers of the birth dates of both partners. Example: 1+1+1+1+9+9+2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=48; 4+8= 12; 1+2 = 3.

Now let's look at the interpretations:

  • "1"- The relationship is at the finish line - the partners will soon get married.
  • "2"- Relationships will not develop quickly; there is no prospect of marriage in the next year.
  • "3"- The man in this union is the main one, and the future of this couple depends on his decisions.
  • "4"- A child may be born soon.
  • "5"- Expect a proposal from your partner soon. The marriage will be strong.
  • "6"- You should fight for your happiness, because many would like to see your partner next to them. Beware of betrayal.
  • "7"- A happy union, financial success, luck - a wonderful relationship, one can envy!
  • "8"- A soon addition to the family.
  • "9"- Be careful and protect your partner from gambling. There is a prospect of losing not only money, but also him. Try not to take unnecessary risks.

Now you know what the future holds for your couple.

To fulfill a wish

Every person wants to know for sure whether his cherished wish will come true or not. Well, there is nothing complicated about it. In order to get the answer to this question, it is enough to use a simple method of fortune telling.

Write a fully formulated question on a piece of paper. For example, “Will I get a fur coat for my birthday?” Now cross out the identical paired letters. You will be left with a certain number of uncrossed out letters. In our example there are 11 of them. Now we add 1+1 = 2.

And look at the answer:

  • "1"- The wish will come true, but not soon.
  • "2"- Expect good news soon.
  • "3"- Soon you will experience joy!
  • "4"- A period begins in your life when any dreams and desires come true. Take advantage of it!
  • "5"- Unforeseen circumstances will prevent the implementation of the plan.
  • "6"- Wait for outside help, without it your efforts will be in vain.
  • "7"- Fortune is on your side, luck itself floats into your hands. Stay tuned for news soon.
  • "8"- An unpleasant set of circumstances will make you worry. The wish will come true, but not soon.
  • "9"- Implementation of the plan through a male friend.

Now you know how to tell fortunes using a regular piece of paper and pen. We hope you enjoyed this simple and easy way to find out the answers to your questions.

Fortune telling on paper is a favorite type of fortune telling among young girls who want to find out something about their betrothed. The popularity of these fortune tellings is due to their simplicity, because you can tell fortunes right in class, and for this you only need a piece of paper, a pen and the desire to get answers to your own questions.

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As already mentioned, fortune telling on paper attracts mainly young girls, therefore the most popular questions in such rituals are:

  • Does the guy like me?
  • What will your relationship with your lover be like?
  • will your loved one call?
  • Am I destined to be with a guy?
  • What exactly does the guy feel for me?
  • What will my husband's name be?
  • who loves me?
  • etc.

Many people take this type of fortune telling lightly, as if it were just entertainment, a pleasant pastime, something that can be done during boring lessons. With this approach, of course, one cannot even hope for any truthful results. Only if you approach fortune telling with all seriousness and responsibility, and follow the basic rules for conducting magical rituals, only then will you be able to get truthful answers to any questions posed.

Fortune telling for a specific day with a pen

With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you on a particular day. To perform this ritual you will need a sheet of paper and a simple pen. Write your last name, first name and patronymic on a piece of paper, as well as the exact date days and times that interest you (write the numbers in letters). All information must be written on one line.

Now you need to distribute identical letters in pairs and cross them out. The answer to your question lies in the number of remaining letters that have not been crossed out. If there are more than 10 of these letters, this number must be reduced to elementary, that is, from 1 to 9. This is done by adding all the individual numbers. For example, if you get the number 15, you need to add 1 and 5, and the answer to your question will be the number 6.

Decoding fortune telling answers:

  • 1 – unlikely to happen on this day important events, but you will still get a charge of positive emotions;
  • 2 – expect unpleasant news that can make you angry;
  • 3 – an interesting journey is possible on this day;
  • 4 – expect good news;
  • 5 – on this day you will not suffer from lack of attention from interesting people;
  • 6 – a pleasant meeting awaits you;
  • 7 – unpleasant events are possible that will cause depression;
  • 8 – possible meeting with a future lover or beginning romantic relationships;
  • 9 – a dangerous omen, beware of betrayal and betrayal;
  • 0 – no interesting events are expected on this day.

Classic fortune telling on a sheet of paper

To carry out this magical ritual you will need: a sheet of paper, a saucer and church candle. The ideal day for this type of fortune telling is Christmas, but on any other day the ritual shows true results.

Secure the candle so that it stands next to a vertical light surface on which the shadow of the flame will be reflected. After sunset, light a candle and concentrate on the question to which you are most interested in the answer. Write your question on a piece of paper, say the question to yourself again, crumple the paper and place it on a saucer. Set the papers on fire and watch the flames turn the paper to ash.

The answer to the question posed will be hidden in a handful of ashes remaining on the saucer. All that remains to be done is to correctly interpret the information received. Place the saucer so that it is between the wall and the candle so that the shadow of the burnt paper is reflected on the vertical surface.

Interpretation requires skill, so turn off extraneous thoughts and focus on what you see

In fact, interpreting the resulting image is not so difficult; remember that the most accurate is the first impression; you don’t need to peer at fancy images for a long time and try to find some figure you know or like. If you can't figure out what the ash looks like at first glance, you can carefully rotate the dish until you can interpret the answer.
As a result of this fortune telling, a variety of figures can be obtained on paper, however, you can often see the following images in the ashes:

  • an animal is a warning sign against deception;
  • a person is a symbol of a quick acquaintance with a person who will become important part of your life;
  • a flower is a symbol of the imminent start of a new romantic relationship or wedding;
  • stripes - travel or change of residence;
  • The cross is a negative image that indicates imminent troubles or failures.

Fortune telling for your beloved boy "LI"

The main feature of this fortune telling is that all questions asked must imply an unambiguous answer “yes” or “no”, in addition, the question must contain a verb with the particle “whether”, for example, does he love..., will it work out..., is he jealous …, etc. In addition to the question itself, you will also need to write down your own date of birth on a piece of paper. The subsequent actions are completely identical to those described in the ritual for a specific day - cross out the same letters, count the remaining ones and interpret:

  • 1 – rely on your intuition, only it will allow you to get the right answer;
  • 2 - yes;
  • 3 – no;
  • 4 – rather yes;
  • 5 – most likely;
  • 6 – obstacles interfere;
  • 7 - most likely not;
  • 8 – yes, but later;
  • 9 – put off your plans for later.

On sticks

This is a simple way of fortune telling, which allows you to find out the main desire of your lover, namely, what he wants from you.

To carry out this fortune telling on paper, you will need a sheet of paper and a pen. Sit down at the table, concentrate on your desire, and then start drawing sticks on paper. Draw them in one row until your intuition tells you to stop. Thus, you need to draw three rows of sticks.

After this, cross out three sticks at a time from each row until there are 0.1 or 2 sticks left. Based on the results obtained, you will not only be able to find out about the desires of your lover, but also receive Additional information about himself. If you have 2 sticks left in the first row, 1 in the second, and 0 in the third, then your combination is 210.

Results and values:

  • 000 - he wants to be with you;
  • 001 – wants to meet;
  • 010 – he is in love;
  • 011 – loves, but hides;
  • 100 – doesn’t like;
  • 101 – loves many women;
  • 110 – wants to kiss;
  • 111 – hides love;
  • 002 – he likes you;
  • 020 – he is indifferent;
  • 022 – just wants to be friends;
  • 202 – good for you;
  • 200 – I like you;
  • 220 – will invite you to a meeting;
  • 222 – loves another;
  • 012 – only friendship;
  • 102 – all girls are friends for him;
  • 112 – in love with you;
  • 120 – ideal pair;
  • 121 – will soon show his attitude;
  • 122 – will write to you soon;
  • 201 – does not trust anyone;
  • 210 – thinks about you;
  • 212 – jealous;
  • 211 – sympathizes with you;
  • 221 – I like you, but not more than others.

Once upon a time, talented seers performed fortune telling using a mirror, crystal ball or dishes with water. In order to reveal the future, a variety of objects, Tarot cards and even playing cards. However, everything has changed, and today you can guess with just a pen and paper. From this article you can learn about what kinds of paper predictions for love there are.

Fortune telling on paper for love “Chamomile”

The simplest and most popular today is the “Chamomile” fortune telling. It is based on the famous chamomile fortune-telling “Loves - does not love.” However, the image of a daisy is drawn on a sheet of paper, and the number of its petals must match the number of letters in the name of your loved one.

The name of your loved one and your name are written into the petals, and if it is very long, then you do not need to write the last letters, but this only applies to your own name. Now it is necessary to analyze how many petals have two different letters, that is, one consonant and the second vowel.

If the result is zero, then there is and never will be love in such a couple.

If there is only one petal, then this indicates a successful union, but only if it is possible to maintain respect after the passion goes away.

If there are two petals, then the relationship will end.

Three petals are mutual understanding.

If there are four or more petals, then you are just a perfect couple.

Fortune telling by first and last name

This fortune telling is also carried out on paper. It is based on the first and last name of the guy and girl. To tell fortunes in this way, you need to write the details of your loved one in the first line, and the girls - in the second. Next, you need to cross out those letters that are repeated in the written lines. Then you need to count the number of letters that are left and add them until you get a simple number from 1 to 9.

The interpretation looks like this:

1 – your couple will have a wonderful future.

2 – nothing good will happen in the relationship.

3 is just love, which will quickly pass.

4 is not love.

5 – your relationship has mercantile interests.

6 is an ideal pair.

7 – friendly relations.

8 – you understand each other, so you will feel good together.

9 - you need to work more on your feelings in order to be together.

Fortune telling on paper for a guy's love

This fortune telling is suitable for those who want to find out what feelings a guy has for you and how your relationship with him will develop. For this fortune telling, you only need a piece of paper and a pen.

The question you are interested in is written on a piece of paper, the answer to which should be “yes” or “no”. Now you need to count the number of letters in this question. The resulting figure must be added until you get a single-digit number. If the number is even, the answer is “yes”, and if it is odd, the answer is “no”.

Other love fortune telling

There are ancient fortune telling for the betrothed, which were used in ancient times. Here's one of them.

You need to write everything on small pieces of paper male names, and leave one piece empty. You need to roll these pieces up and put them under your pillow. Before going to bed, the following words are repeated three times: “A birch tree with an ash tree, a swan with a winch, a well with a bucket, so are you and I, my betrothed.”

As soon as the girl wakes up, she pulls a piece of paper with a name from under her pillow. If the piece of paper is empty, then the desired name simply was not on the list. It is worth noting that you cannot talk to anyone during the period between pronouncing the words and pulling out the piece of paper. If you did talk to someone, then under no circumstances should you touch the pieces of paper, otherwise there will be trouble.

Chinese fortune telling "Formula of Love"

Exists Chinese fortune telling"Formula of Love", with which you can find out what the future holds for your relationship with your loved one.

To start fortune telling, you need to prepare a pen and a piece of paper, as well as this table.

  1. letters A, K, B, U.
  2. letters B, L, F, E,
  3. V, M, X, Yu.
  4. G, N, C, Y.
  5. D, O, Ch.
  6. E, P, Sh.
  7. Zh, R, Shch.
  8. Z, S, L.
  9. AND YOU.

Answers must be in numerical form. When all seven numbers are received, you can calculate the formula (L – 7) x 2.

L – sum of answers to questions.

The result that is obtained must be converted to a prime number.

Such fortune telling will help you look into the future and learn a little about your relationship with your loved one.

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