Who sent the sons of the prophet Muhammad. Muslim names. Muslim female names

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had seven children - four daughters and three sons. Let's list them in order of seniority:

Qasim - born in Mecca, died in childhood, at the age of 17 months;

Zaynab - born in Mecca, she was married to Abul-'Assa, the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), gave birth to two children - son 'Ali and daughter Umamat, died in her youth;

Rukia - was born in Mecca, she was married to Ashab 'Uthman, she fell ill and died in her youth in Medina, on the day of the battle of Badr;

Fatima - was born in Mecca, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Ashab ‘Ali, gave birth to six children - Hasan, Hussein, Muhsin, Ummu-Kulthum, Zainab, Rukia. Fatima was very beautiful, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved her very much, she is the eldest among women in Paradise. She died six months after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The offspring of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) remained only from her eldest sons - Hassan and Hussein. Among these descendants were the greatest imams, the largest awliyas, tariqat sheikhs and other outstanding people. His descendants live in our time;

Ummu-Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to Ashab ‘Uthman after the death of her elder sister Rukiya, died in her youth, in the ninth year of Hijri;

‘ Abdullah - born after receiving the prophecy, died in early childhood;

Ibrahim was born in the ninth year of Hijra. On the seventh day after his birth, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) slaughtered a sacrificial animal (‘aqika), gave the child a name, shaved the hair on his head and distributed silver equal to the weight of this hair as a donation (sadaqah). Ibrahim died when he was exactly 18 months old. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had tears in his eyes on the day of his death. When asked: “Does the Prophet cry?” - he replied: “These are tears of sadness, but we never do what Allah Almighty is angry with.”

On that day, an eclipse of the Sun was observed, and people began to associate it with the death of Ibrahim, but the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them: “The Sun and Moon are signs of the omnipotence of Allah, and their eclipse is not associated with anyone’s death or birth."

The first six children of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were born to Khadija, and Ibrahim’s mother was Mariyat. All his children, except Fatima, died before him.

May Allah be pleased with all of them and may He make us one of those who will receive their intercession (shafa'at)!

Our first contact with Islam occurs immediately after birth.

In the family album of almost every Muslim family there are photographs depicting a special memorable day - "balaHow about» - day "naming", naming. This is our first contact with the rituals of Islam.

According to established tradition, the naming ceremony is usually carried out at home. Congratulations to loved ones and relatives, a generous table, reading prayers... But the heart of the whole action is considered to be the moment when the mullah reads special prayer formulas over the child - azan and iqamat, and then whispers the name chosen for him three times in the baby’s ear. That is why sometimes the naming ceremony is called that « Balaga Azan Shakyru» "adhan over the child". Anyone who has been brought up in the traditions of Islam since childhood cannot listen to this first azan in the life of a little man without some kind of inner excitement and special reverence.

Now let's look at the story of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), how exactly he chose names for children.

One day our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was told the good news of the birth of a son. His beloved child, his only son Ibrahim, was born. “This night my son was born. I gave him the name of my forefather Ibrahim,” said our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Truly, a child is one of the best blessings bestowed by Allah. It was not for nothing that the Messenger of Allah said: “I gave him the name of my forefather Ibrahim.” Undoubtedly, all the true prophets of the past are messengers of Allah.

One of the main foundations of iman is faith in all the true messengers of Allah, in all the prophets. Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is one of the great prophets nicknamed Ulul-Azm. The Koran says “the people of your father Ibrahim, the followers of the religion of Ibrahim”;. All true prophets and messengers of Allah were entrusted with the task of conveying to humanity, to all people, the religion of Allah, to convey to them divine revelation, to call them to tawhid, faith in the uniqueness of Allah. Our Prophet gave his born child the name of one of the prophets - Ibrahim.

Of course, a name is of great importance to a person. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) named his child the same day after his birth. The child must be named within seven days. On the third day after his birth, or no later than seven days, we are obliged to give the child a name. One of the duties of a father to his child is to choose a beautiful name for him. After naming his born children, our Prophet pronounced upon them right ear adhan, and on the left ear - iqamat. Then he repeated his name three times and then made a dua. In addition, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cut the aqiqa-qurban on the seventh day after the birth of a child.

He said that Akika Kurban is like a deposit for a baby. The bringing of Akika Kurbana is of great importance, and a large savab is required for it. Our Prophet observed this sunnah. Those who have the opportunity sacrifice a sheep or ram as a thank you to Allah for the birth of a child. More is possible. And our Prophet also shaved the child’s head and distributed as much silver as the baby’s shaved hair weighed. Those who have sufficient means can also observe this sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). “On the Day of Resurrection you will be called by your names and the names of your fathers, so let your children born beautiful names With good meaning“, - commanded our beloved Prophet. Of course, the history and culture of the people influence the choice of name for the child. People have long tried to give their children names with good value, often giving preference to the names of heroes of the past. If we look, we can notice that before the advent of Islam, in the society of the times of jahiliyya, such names as Muqatil (warrior), Zalim (tyrant), Khalq (created), etc. were popular. And also the names that related to idols: Abdul-Uzza, Abdul-Hajar, Abdul-Kaaba, that is, “a slave of an idol named Uzza, a slave of stone, a slave of the Kaaba.”
Our Prophet changed these names, which were contrary to tawhid, the essence of Islam. He made the name of Abdul-Kaab ibn Auf Abdurrahman. When our Prophet's grandson Hasan was born, at first the father of the child, Hazrati Ali, wanted to give him the name Khalq. Our beloved Prophet objected to him and said that the child should be named Hassan.

"Hasan" means "beauty", "kindness". There is no such rule in Islam that newborns are given only names that are mentioned in the Koran. The only important thing is that the name has a beautiful meaning, reminds of Allah, and contains such beautiful meanings as truth, justice, beauty, virtue. You can also give the names of prophets, great people of Islam. Islam calls for beauty, and this also applies to names.

Based on the hadith of our Prophet: “Allah is beautiful and loves beauty,” you need to give the child a euphonious name with beautiful meaning, since he will also have to wear it as an adult and respond to this name all his life. In addition, the name affects a person in a certain way. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a name for your child. A person should receive a name that, when pronounced, will not seem like a stranger among the people around him, since names reflect culture and faith. The name greatly influences its bearer and is one of the factors that shapes a person.
Our Prophet also changed names with ugly meanings. For example, he replaced the girl’s name “Asia” with “Jamila”. The name "Asia" means "rebellious" and "Jamila" means "beautiful". He also changed the boy’s name “Asi” to “Muti’”, that is, “submissive”. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was a messenger of truth, looking with the gaze of mercy on objects, on the world. Changes in human souls he started with the nature around them. This showed up, for example, when he gave people new names. He replaced the name "Afiyar", meaning "salty", with "Khadiyar", meaning "green". He also replaced the name “Bani Umuwiya” (sons of the mad) with “Bani Saniya” (sons of the happy).
One of the most important sunnahs of our Prophet, which became an indicator of great changes in the life of a person and society, is the change in the name of the city of Yathrib. After migrating from Mecca, our Prophet renamed this city Medina. Yathrib has a negative meaning darkness, disorderTo, and the new name Medina means light, radiant. To a companion named Fetih, who was overseeing the lighting of the mosque, the Prophet once said:

Dairy mothers of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

Suwaiba– freedwoman Abu Lahaba. She fed him milk for several days. She fed him with him Abu Salam Abdullah bin al-Assad al-Makhzumi along with her son Masrukh. Also with them she fed the uncle of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Hamza bin Abdulmuttalib. There is disagreement as to whether she accepted Islam, and Allah knows best.

Then he, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was fed Halima from the Saad tribe with milk, which she fed her son Abdullah And Judamatu, who is also called Shaima who are children al-Harithah bin Abdalizza bin Rifaa al-Saadi. There is also disagreement as to whether these foster parents accepted Islam, and Allah knows best.

She also fed with the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Abu Sufyan bin al-Harith bin Abdalmuttalib, who became an ardent enemy of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and then accepted Islam in the year of the conquest of Mecca and became a good Muslim.

The uncle of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Hamza was also fed milk in the tribe of Bani Saad bin Bakr, and he was fed milk by the milk mother of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Halima. Thus, Hamza was the foster brother of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, from two sides: from the side of the foster mother Suwaiba and the foster mother Halima.

Educators of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

His birth mother Amina bint Wahb bin Abdmanaf bin Zuhra bin Kilab.

He was also raised by Suwaiba, Halima, her daughter Shaima, who is also his foster sister and she raised him with her mother. She came to him, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, along with a delegation of the Hawazin tribe, and he laid out his cloak for her and sat her on it, observing family relations.

They also include the respected, venerable Umm Ayman Barakat al-Habashiya, which he inherited from his father and she followed his religion. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, married her to his favorite Zayda bin al-Harith and she gave birth to him Osama.

After the death of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Abu Bakr And Umar visited her and found her crying. They asked her why she was crying, because what Allah has is best for the Messenger. To which she replied that she was crying because the revelations from heaven had stopped. This moved them greatly and they began to cry.

Children of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

The first of them was al-Qasim, from whose name he received his kunya (nickname “abu al-Qasim” (father of al-Qasim)). He died as a child, it is also said that he reached the age when he could ride a horse and he rode a camel.

Then she was born Zainab. It is also said that she was older than al-Qasim. Then Ruqaiya, Umm Kulthum, Fatima. It is said about each of them that she was older than her sisters. Transmitted from ibn Abbas that Ruqaiya was older than the rest of her sisters, and Umm Kulthum the youngest.

Then was born Abdullah. There is a question: was he born before the prophecy began or after? Some scholars have found it certain that he was born after the prophecy began. There is also a question: do the names belong to him? at-Tayib" And " at-Tahir", or are these the names of other children of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him? There are two opinions on this issue, and the reliable opinion is that these names are nicknames for Abdullah, and Allah knows best.

All these children were from Khadija, while the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, had no children from other wives.

Then, in the eighth year of the Hijri, in Medina, his concubine Maria Kiptia gave birth to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, a son Ibrahim, about which his freedman rejoiced him Abu Rafi, for which he was given a slave. He died as a child before he was weaned from breastfeeding. There is a disagreement about whether a prayer was read over it? Some say that it was read, while others say it was not.

All the children of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, died before him, except Fatima, who died six months after his death.

Allah exalted her for her patience and contentment above the rest of the women of the world. Fatima is the best of the daughters of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. It is also said that she is the best woman of this world. It is also said that the best woman is her mother Khadija. It is also said that this Aisha. It is also said that there is no unanimous and reliable opinion on this issue.

Uncles and aunts of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, from his father's side

Uncles: the lion of Allah and His Messenger, the lord of the martyrs - Hamza bin Abdalmuttalib, al-Abbas, Abu Talib whose name was Abd Manaf, Abu Lahab, whose name was Abduluzza, al-Zubair,Abdulkaaba, al-Muqawwim, Darar, Kusam, al-Mughira who had a nickname Hajal, al-Gaydak whose name was Mus'ab, also says Naoufal. Some people add here al-Awwam.

Apart from Hamza and al-Abbas, none of them accepted Islam.

Aunts: Safia mother al-Zubair bin al-Awwam, Atika, Barra, Urwa, Umaima, Umm Hakim al-Bayza.

Of these, Safiya accepted Islam and there is a disagreement regarding the acceptance of Islam by Atika and Urwa. Some considered it reliable that Urwa accepted Islam.

The eldest uncle was al-Harith, and the youngest was al-Abbas, from whom came the offspring that filled the earth. It is said that during the reign of Ma'mun, the descendants of al-Abbas were counted and it turned out that they reached 600 thousand people, which is a clear exaggeration.

Also, a large number of descendants came from Abu Talib. Both al-Harith and Abu Lahab had offspring. Some believe that al-Harith and al-Muqawwim are one person, others believe that Haydak and Hajal are one person.

From book Ibn Qayima al-Jawziyya

Characteristics of men