Who are the Nephilim? full description. Nephilim: a mysterious race of winged creatures. Abilities of Mysterious Creatures

Some historical sources mention special people who were distinguished by their tall stature and simply gigantic physique - these are the Nephilim. Giants were a separate race and inhabited the earth at the beginning of time.

Origin of the Giants

In mythology and the Bible there are often references to giant supermen. Enoch writes especially a lot about them in Old Testament. According to his version, the Nephilim were different:

  • excessively tall in comparison with an ordinary person;
  • large build;
  • incredible strength;
  • gluttony;
  • bloodthirstiness;
  • prone to violence.

According to the Bible, the appearance of these giants in the history of mankind is associated with the fact that they entered into intimate relationships with earthly women. It was the one original sin, which subsequently provoked the Great Riot of Angels and the emergence of

The result of this connection between the daughters of Eve and the Sons of God was pregnancy: an ordinary woman conceived a child from an angel. From such unions children were born who grew up literally by the minute. And in the seventh year of their lives they were already fully formed people, but they continued to develop and grow. At the sixteenth year of life, these creatures, according to the Bible, had the following parameters:

  • height 300 cubits;
  • weight 20 bulls.

The giants terrorized people, killed for fun, devoured livestock, raped earthly women and constantly fought among themselves. Their fathers, the angels, did not prevent such outrages, and this led to people praying to God with requests to destroy the giants. Became a weapon Flood, which “washed away” not only sinners, but also the children of angels.

Who are the Nephilim - translated from Hebrew they are “those who led to the fall of the saints.”

The giants, as descendants of the Celestials, became the reason that the angels passed on to their women and the human race knowledge forbidden by God:

  • winemaking;
  • making jewelry;
  • secrets of processing stones and metals.

Inconsistencies in the Bible version

The Bible is replete with facts that are refuted by logic and official history. There is a mention that the women, the daughters of Eve, were so beautiful because they also came from the relationship of an angel with the first woman. It turns out that the angels were seduced by the appearance of their own daughters! If we take this as a basis, we can make an assumption: giants are a consequence of a genetic mutation due to inbreeding.

Many researchers believe that all information about giants is either greatly exaggerated or simply created to frighten people, because there are too many logical inconsistencies in the Old Testament.

According to the Book of Enoch, what is known about the Nephilim is:

  1. The height of such a giant was 300 cubits. And 1 cubit is a unit of length of approximately 45 cm.
  2. The fathers of the Nephilim were angels who were thrown into the underworld after the Great Rebellion and became fallen angels.
  3. The Bible claims that God destroyed the Nephilim by sending a great flood to the earth. But also in the Old Testament there is a mention that Noah, contrary to the creator, sheltered one giant named Og on the ark.

Logical rebuttals:

  1. Using simple calculations, we determine that the giant’s height was on average 14 m. This means that the newborn Nephilim met the following parameters: height 2 meters, weight 90-110 kg. A human woman could not bear and give birth to a child meeting such parameters.
  2. also refer to demons expelled from paradise. If we accept the fact that many people are tempted by demons of lust, entering into intimate relationships with them, then today giants should also be born. But no facts have been recorded about people with such incredible parameters.
  3. If we take as a basis biblical Noah, the ark and the flood, and attribute the salvation of Og to this, then it was not destroyed. But the Bible no longer mentions such creatures after the great water. And scientists have also not confirmed the fact that on the famous ship, in addition to animals and Noah’s family, there was a Nephilim present.

Historical evidence of the existence of giants

Some historical finds confirm the existence of giants on Earth. But their parameters do not correspond far from those indicated in the Old Testament. In the 60s, workers discovered the skeleton of an 8-meter man in one of the mines. This is the only officially recorded and research-verified find that speaks in favor of the existence of giants.

Official history tells that at one time there actually existed on earth a race of people distinguished by their gigantic growth and incredible strength. The genes of these people continue to show up in the birth of children with gigantism syndrome.

Legends about giants

The most famous legend of antiquity, in which a giant is present, is the biblical story about the battle of David and Goliath. It indicates that Goliath was 6 cubits and a span tall, or 2.772 m (1 cubit = 42.5 cm, 1 span = 22.2 cm). And this is significantly less than the parameters that the first Nephilim had.

But still this man was superior to ordinary people. The legend says that he was no longer the son of a Nephilim, but of a giant, and a simple woman. Since the Nephilim are a descendant of a fallen angel, Goliath is their third or fifth generation heir. He no longer possessed all those powers and skills like the first sons of angels, but was, albeit unusual, but mortal.

The Nephilim are giants or giants mentioned in the sacred Pentateuch, that is, in the first five books of the Old Testament. Esotericism and occult sciences also do not bypass these creatures.

In the article:

Nephilim and their origins

For the first time in Russian this name appeared in Synodal translation, where it was transmitted as "giants". In subsequent translations, the giants became Nephilim or gibborim. Czech translators call them heroes, giants and titans. Sometimes they are identified with rephaims, representatives of the oldest population of the Palestinian land, they were distinguished by colossal growth for those times. They lived in Palestine during the reign of King Solomon.

The Nephilim, as the Old Testament says, were descended from angels and mortal women.
That is, the sons of God and the daughters of men came together, and from this union strange people were born enormous forces and growth - the Nephilim. Their life span was one hundred and twenty years, and old age passed quickly and painlessly.

But later the interpretations changed, and the descendants of the angels from the daughters of Eve turned into renegades, products of temptation and weakness of higher beings.

IN holy scripture The Jewish Torah is not only written lines - there is an Oral Torah, where there is a section “Midrash”. The name literally translates as “the study of something, interpretation”; it indicates the fundamental provisions of Jewish teaching that are found in the Written Torah. The Midrash gives seven names for the descendants of angels and human women, among them the “nephilim,” the fallen, for they are the fruit of the fall of God’s messengers, the offspring of the fornication of those who are destined for eternal holiness. “Rephaim” are the so-called dead or spirits, their flesh softens like wax, and their soul is struck by animal fear.

Nephilim - fallen angels

All Christians know that the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus without recognizing a man, and the conception of the Son of God is immaculate. And the Nephilim viciously approached women and entered into sexual relations with them, which is why their descendants were born.

One femur of such a creature is eighteen cubits. Imagine what giants they are!

The Nephilim, fallen angels, taught people forbidden arts, created magic, thereby plunging the souls of mortals into unforgivable sin, and they were destined to burn forever in Hell of Fire.

For centuries the Roman catholic church refuted the existence of the Nephilim, and where they were described, was considered heretical due to the bold views of the author and his statements.

There is a lot of conflicting information about the Nephilim, but among the legends, the story about the origin of the creatures stands out. According to it, the name Shemzahai forced and deceived a group of apostate angels to descend to earth to take care of the young human race. Over the centuries, virgin and sexless angels began to stare at mortal women. They became their husbands, taught them magic, the secrets of witchcraft, fortune telling and spells. From these unions came the tribe of giants.

The Nephilim in the Bible are described as the heirs of the angelic fathers, whose powers and appetites are colossal. Human supplies were not enough to satisfy the monstrous hunger, so the descendants of the angels attacked people and ate them. The war with the giants turned out to be devastating for people, since the Nephilim, although they were in a significant minority, had enormous physical strength and endurance. The legendary Goliath, slain by the lucky David, had similar characteristics.

Elohim, Nephilim, Anunnaki - what's the difference?

Jews traditionally believe that the first angel who met a woman was Gregory; he was also called the Observer. But in other interpretations, the Nephilim are an echo of the mythology of the ancient Jewish pantheon, and everything described in the Torah is the result of editing and processing of the faith of time immemorial.

In the directions of Christianity it is believed that “angelic sons” are ordinary people. And their spread, the Nephilim, became one of the reasons that forced God in the time of Noah to cause the Great Flood to destroy sinners on earth.

At the moment of the entry of angels to the daughters of men in the Bible (Old Testament), there are many contradictions, also generated by translation difficulties. "Elohim" or "Elohim"- these are more “sons of goddesses” than descendants of heavenly creatures. Elohim Nephilim - son of the goddess. In another translation, "Elohim" means "bright."

According to the Torah, in the days of Abraham, the regions of Edom and Moab inhabited the east of the Jordan River. descendants of Anakov, Anakim. Son God's Jesus expelled them from the indigenous lands, but a handful managed to escape to the cities of Ashdod and Gaza. It is believed that the giant Goliath came from this tribe, with Anakim blood flowing in his veins.

Are the Nephilim and the Anunnaki the same thing, where did they come from, how are they related to the mythical Anakim tribe? This question is answered by one circumstance: the Sumerians called the gods Anunnaki.

Abraham came from the city of Ur, which belonged to the Chaldeans; he did not know about this name. From there came the tradition of calling people of gigantic stature with the words Anak ( singular) and Anakim (plural) to emphasize their hostility to the Jewish people. This name practically equates the Nephilim with the heroes of the Sumerian epic, such famous ones as Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

It is believed that the Nephilim are a tribe of people of gigantic stature, so warlike and cruel that their memory has passed down through the centuries in the form of legends about the descendants of fallen heavenly messengers. In other versions, such as the theories of paleocontact supporters, these are the descendants of the Atlantean civilization associated with aliens from other worlds and planets. A third theory states that the Nephilim were the result of a mixture of human and Neanderthal DNA. Whether this is true or not is unknown.

Nephilim and Raphaim - is there a difference between them?

Raphaim or Rephaim, whose name became synonymous with the word “wicked,” was a tribe of people of gigantic stature, they lived on the land of Canaan along with their descendants unrighteous Canaan(direct son of Ham). According to Canaanite mythology, they were fathered by Canaanite women from . They appeared to them during ritual orgies under the shade of sacred trees. The Canaanites considered them gods, and the resulting half-breeds considered demigods.

In the apocrypha, the Raphaim are described as having great stature, sixteen rows of teeth and six-fingered hands - polydactyly was widespread among this tribe. The fact that the legendary Goliath was also a Raphaim is indicated by his six-fingered nature.

Nephilim and Raphaim are the same, but under different names. But there is a nuance in their origin: the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees say that the Nephilim are the descendants of the Guardians who sinned with women, and the Raphaim descended from other angels, since the sinful Guardians were locked up before the consummation Last Judgment. The Bible says that during Doomsday Nephilim and Rephaim will not be resurrected, since the essence of these creatures is initially wicked.

The difference in fathers is considered the reason that distinguished these descendants of angels - the Nephilim were of giant stature, the Rephaim were considered simply giants at that time. Also, the Nephilim lived before the Flood, and the Rephaim - after. Their traditional habitat is the mountains, from where they descend as a last resort. The Jews, who had not forgotten about the tribes of giants who ravaged them, believed that the Rephaim were the risen dead, whose essence was disgusting to Heaven.

Various places and objects were named in memory of the giants who walked the earth. Megalith Galgar Rephaim, also called the Wheel of Spirits, Emek Rephaim, otherwise called the Valley of Rephaim, as well as a large street in Jerusalem, which is located in the colonial district of the city.

During the time of David and Goliath, the Rephaim lived in the city of Gath or Gath. In ancient times, it was important and majestic, as evidenced by the ruins of the castle. But disasters and wars destroyed this city, and time completed what people started. The last mention of the city of Gath is found in the history of the first Crusades, and then the last descendants of the Rephaim tribe left it.

Single ancient language of the Nephilim

Scientists believe that there was an ancient common language, which became the ancestor of all modern living and dead languages, as well as language families. Linguists attempted reconstruction and a scientific community recognized Proto-Indo-European language, from it came the Indo-European languages, which later split into many subgroups. All modern languages ​​and dialects are descendants of one great ancestor.

Book of Enoch.

It cannot be argued that the single ancient language of the Nephilim was given to people by angels, just as it is impossible to prove the opposite. The monogenesis theory states that all languages ​​have evolved over time. It's possible that different languages arose separately from each other, ancient people were looking for means of communication. And the language of the Nephilim is the heritage of their fathers, in addition to their height, strength and monstrous appetite.

The main book about the Nephilim is the book of Enoch, which talks about. For thousands of years this apocryphal work has been inaccessible. It causes controversy in the church by the very fact of its existence and the “inconvenient” stories that are recorded in it.

This is the story of the Sons of God who fell because of fornication with women. They were quoted to prove the sinfulness of the female essence and that they are guilty of seducing immaculate creatures. The Apostle Paul, or Saul, as he was also called, demanded that women hide their hair. Loose braids, as Tertullian interpreted, aroused lust among angels and descendants. Also, according to legend, angels were attracted to an open body and an immodest look.

Nephilim made of flesh and blood, angels, in modern mythology they are considered incorporeal beings, were believed to be also material. This view, as described in the Book of Enoch, became unpopular, and the church fathers made efforts to stop rewriting this treatise.

This began in the fourth century AD, and then the church carefully cleaned up and removed indications of the materiality of God's messengers, as well as their names. The name of Gadreel is the angel who led the foremother Eve astray. Apart from Kigi Enoch, the name does not appear in other sources. Thanks to the newly discovered texts that were found in the 18th century in a cave near the Dead Sea, we can get acquainted with another Bible, a different side of the events taking place in it.

The angels themselves are described as bright men, of an appearance not seen by the dark Jews. Their faces shone like the sun, their eyes burned like lighted candles. The mouth spewed fire. And the garments are like feathers.

The Nephilim (angelic-human and angelic-reptilian hybrids) survived the Flood and appeared before people as gods. They stocked various techniques of the antediluvian civilization fallen angels(which is called the Atlantean civilization), various knowledge, luxury goods, tools and weapons. By force they established veneration for themselves. All ancient religions were created either by the water Nephilim, or by the family of Anu (Nephilim Anunnaki), or by the camp of Nimrod (who is spoken of in the Bible; he was one of key figures ancient world).

As you remember, during the time of Job (several centuries after the Flood) in the whole world, except for Job, there was not a single righteous person left, i.e. all people at that time worshiped the Nephilim. This is how successful they were in subjugating people.

The Nephilim had two main goals: 1) the establishment of religions and the creation of historical, mythological and mysterious monuments (myths, images of gods, complex structures such as Stonehenge, Baalbek, Nazca paintings or Inca stonework); and 2) reproduction.

When the angels who fell before the Flood realized that God would not forgive them, and Judgment and eternal destruction awaited them for corrupting the human race and polluting its gene pool with their genes and animal genes, they came up with a plan on how to avoid death. If they corrupt the genes of all humanity, then God will not be able to lay claim to the Earth and its inhabitants. After all, people will then actually no longer be His creatures.

Therefore, the Nephilim tried their best, flooding the earth with their genes. They did this by raping women, arranging the right of the first wedding night, establishing fertility festivals (widespread drinking sessions with disorderly copulation), temple prostitution, creating harems for themselves, etc. They made it so that people considered it an honor to have a relationship with them.

As we know, when the Israelites emerged from the desert after 40 years of wandering through it and entered Palestine, it was almost entirely populated by the Nephilim. Therefore, God commanded His people to destroy those nations. Otherwise, they would have contaminated with their genes the bloodline from which Jesus was supposed to be born.

Previously, all this Nephilim spawn appeared to people in the form of various mythical creatures(stories about mermaids and frog princesses who had relationships with men; about dragons and cats chasing young princesses, etc.). However, after the war in heaven, which, according to the prophecy of Daniel (chapter 8 about 2300 days) occurred in 1849, everything changed. Then other angels who followed Satan were thrown to earth. They proposed a different plan. Once upon a time, in Eden, and before the Flood, this is exactly the plan that worked. They decided to promise people again to become gods like them. All "mythical" hybrid creatures had to hide, and man was offered the illusion that he was the god of this world, that there were no mythical creatures, no angels, no God.

In order for man to believe in his divinity, they began to form nations. The technical revolution in all countries occurred with their direct participation. Many inventors admitted that they made their discoveries with the help of some unknown forces, or it was shown to them in a dream. So, over the course of several decades, people moved from horse-drawn carriages to trains, light bulbs appeared instead of candles, etc. All this snowballed into the 1920s and 30s and stopped. Progress was stuck, it needed recharge.

And although the hybridization of people never stopped, it did not take place completely enough. More often - in remote places. It was there that various genetic “diseases” appeared. Hybridization was primarily carried out not by the fallen, but by the Nephilim. There are many of their descendants among us, who outwardly are no different from us. These are sociopaths, people without conscience, compassion, and incapable of deep feelings. Almost all people in power are descendants of the Nephilim. After all, Satan is the prince of this world. He distributes power (God allows him to do this for a time).

After the new plan was adopted, hybridization began to take place more secretly and therefore more slowly. Then the fallen and the Nephilim began to appear to individuals of the hybrid lineage as teachers from other dimensions, as inhabitants of the inner Earth, or as aliens from other galaxies. They convinced the governments of some countries that they came from other space systems with the goal of helping humanity go through the terrible changes coming to earth. They promised that they would give secret technology to governments if they would allow them to kidnap people for their “research” (i.e. to create hybrids). Governments (initially Germany and the USA, and since the 1950s the governments of other countries) accepted their proposal.

“Aliens” began to abduct people, but they did not return many, although they promised. People who previously worked in secret underground bases talk about a special type of “aliens” called dragonoids. They eat people. And the grays (which are biorobots) need the blood of animals or people to feed. They absorb it through the skin because they do not have digestive organs. The Grays deliver people to the Nephilim for their genetic experiments (creating various hybrids), as well as for creating biocamouflage from the tissues of the abducted. Some Nephilim with obvious hybrid characteristics live among us, using such camouflage and also some kind of hologram, and continue their breeding program.

The secret technologies passed on to governments by these “aliens” later developed into computer technology, bio-genetic engineering, and more recently into nanotechnology and other scientific fields. All these technologies were transferred so that at the right time they could be used to establish control over all the inhabitants of the earth and make sure that everyone living had their DNA changed.

The Fallen promised the elite that with the help scientific achievements she will be able to live forever in a nano-paradise, in virtual reality (like in the movie “The Matrix”). Everything, including food, will be produced by robots using nanotechnology. In virtual reality, people will be able to travel to other galaxies and do everything that previously seemed impossible.

To tear a person away from reality and give him the idea of ​​moving into virtual reality more acceptable, a lot of money is spent on the development of computer games and 3D gadgets using virtual reality.

Scientists, deceived by the fallen, say that by 2045 they will be able to transfer the consciousness of an individual into an artificial body, which by 2045 will be a hologram body that receives various shapes. In other words, members of the elite were promised that by 2045 they would become gods.

Plans for a nano-paradise are not intended for ordinary people. Vice versa. To achieve such a nano-paradise, the elite must destroy 93% of the world's population (as stated in the New World Order tablets in Georgia). This is what she is now doing through wars, economic crises, propaganda of debauchery, poisonous drugs, vaccinations, laboratory-grown viruses, GMOs, as well as through chemtrails with the spraying of heavy metals, dried blood cells and nano-fibers (in Russia, spraying chemicals with climate change became a target only recently - after joining the WTO).

Everything that is being done today by the world elite is being done not FOR the people, but AGAINST the people. People have little time left before the official appearance of “aliens”. So they are in a hurry. It is necessary not only to destroy as many people as possible, but also to lead people away from God. This is what all the media and pop businesses bought by them are doing with all their might. All, or almost all, popular figures in show business are Satanists.

The elite persistently proposes the theory of evolution as a science, because people supposedly need to enter a new stage of development - the final stage of evolution; become a new person - a cyborg or a person with advanced DNA. After all, it is impossible for undeveloped homosapiens to enter the “galactic brotherhood”. Human DNA must be changed. Very soon, being an ordinary person will become the biggest sin. People have already appeared who have not a double, but a triple helix of DNA. GMOs, viruses, vaccinations, radiation from cell and wireless communications, frequent x-rays, etc., as well as self-aligning nanoparticles sprayed from airplanes - all this damages and changes our DNA. However, the most critical change to our DNA will be carried out through the implantation of chips.

The Russian Ministry of Industry and Energy plans to carry out mass chipping of the population by 2025. According to the American Obamacare, mass chipping (i.e. when Obamacare comes into full force) in the USA should begin after 2017. All these plans to change humanity into neo-humanity by 2045 are a big lie. All the fallen want to do is microchip everyone under any sauce, but as quickly as possible. The bait about eternal life worked again.

Jesus said that the time before His coming would be like the time of Noah. The corruption of the present generation is rapidly approaching the same level as it was before the Flood. However, the reason for the total destruction of humanity was not promiscuity, but a change in the human genome. All the descendants of Adam could not have become so sinful in 9 generations that God decided to destroy them all. The descendants of Benjamin also fell into the sin of homosexuality, but were not destroyed, like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, because the reason for the total destruction of those cities was not the sin of debauchery, but their hybrid DNA (the hybrid descendants of Canaan lived there).

The Bible says that during the time of Noah, “all flesh corrupted its way,” and “Noah was blameless in his generation.” This means only one thing - everyone was carried away by the promises of the fallen that they could become like gods. Everyone allowed the fallen to change their nature in order to become better, smarter, more beautiful and stronger, i.e. become like the gods.

During the Second Coming, the same thing will happen as during the Flood, the same as during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, namely: the total destruction of everyone who accepts the chip - the mark of the beast. The sins and merits of individual people will not be considered. Having accepted the chip, no matter how kind and good man no matter what, he will sign his own sentence to eternal death, because his nature will change, and he, in fact, will become a Nephilim.

There is only One The real GOD- God of love, mercy, justice and purity. God of life. God, Who came down to people and accepted suffering not for His own sake, but for our sake. So that we become His children and can live forever and happily on a beautiful earth. He helps and protects His children. The time of testing must come soon. He warned about this for more than 2.5 thousand years. And nothing can be changed. Satan should receive full power on this earth for exactly as long as Jesus preached on earth - for 3.5 years. This will be the most difficult time for humanity. But He will be with us until the very end. We should not be afraid, because for a believer there is NO death. He moves from life to LIFE. And everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds.


What are Nephilim

Nefilimi is an antediluvian biblical race that arose from the union of the “daughters of men” and the “Sons of God.” Usually the word “nephilim” is usually translated as “fallen.” Mention of these creatures can be found in Genesis 6:1-7.

What are the Nephilim like?

There is much speculation as to who the Nephilim are. This is due to the fact that there is no unambiguous interpretation of the phrase “Sons of God.” Some theologians adhere to the version that this phrase refers to especially pious and righteous people. But in contrast to this theory, there is another more popular interpretation of this expression. Adherents of this theory believe that the “Sons of God” are literally supernatural creatures. In simple words these are angels. Thus, the Nephilim are the children of fallen angels and humans.

It is worth noting that there are no accurate and unambiguous descriptions of these creatures. In some texts they are described as giants, hybrids or even monsters.

An ancient story about the Nephilim.

Exists ancient history about an angel named Shimhazai. He brought a group of followers to Earth to guide the human race towards the path of righteousness. After several centuries on Earth, the angels began to experience human emotions, which in turn allowed them to experience passion for women. They copulated with them, resulting in the Nephilim.

The further history of the Nephilim is shrouded in darkness. Some texts mention that some of these creatures became great leaders of humanity. Others say that thanks to its half human nature, they succumbed to sin and declared war on heaven. For which God ordered the angel Gabriel to incite a war between the Nephilim themselves, which ultimately led to the complete destruction of their race.

Information about giants - tall, strong, intelligent creatures - has reached us since time immemorial. By the way, even in one of the chapters of the biblical Book of Genesis (6:4) there is a very scant mention of certain giants - the Nephilim, born from the ungodly union of the sons of God with earthly women. In the first Book of Enoch (13:33), the descendants of the “fallen angels” are presented as voracious and bloodthirsty giants, because of whose outrages the Lord sent down the Great Flood to the Earth...

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The fact that giants lived on Earth is also evidenced by numerous archaeological finds - bones, fossilized traces and even amazing megalithic buildings.

So who are they - these mysterious Nephilim, the origin of which is still debated by theologians, historians, archaeologists and linguists?

Divine tragedy

From Hebrew, the word “nephilim” is translated as “one who causes the fall,” while the English interpretation of the word Nephal even means “fallen.” That is why the “illegitimate” descendants of 200 rebel angels, who dared to go against the will of their Father, are considered to be children of vice. Having transgressed the Law of God, the winged fathers doomed the Nephilim to a short life, by biblical standards - only 120 years. In addition, the unfortunate giants were mortal, did not have souls and could not count on eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven...

But that's not all. The rebellious angels did not limit themselves to carnal love with earthlings and presented their “wives” with Knowledge, carefully preserved by the Creator from people since the time of the rebellious Eve. As stated in the original sources, each of the angels taught people a certain skill: Azazel - military, jewelry and even cosmetics, Amatsarak - medicine and homeopathy, Barkael - astrology, Tamiel - astronomy, Akibiel - clairvoyance... For their arbitrariness, the rebels were subjected to God's judgment and overthrown from Heaven to the abyss, where they are found to this day.

It would seem that everything is clear: giants existed, but were destroyed during the biblical catastrophe. But it's not that simple. “At that time there were giants on the earth,” the Bible narrates, “especially (!) from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men and they began to give birth to them. These are strong people who have been famous for a long time.” It turns out that the Nephilim existed on Earth long before the Fall of the angels? Moreover, even after the Flood, sent to wash away unworthy humanity from the face of the Earth, the Nephilim survived and multiplied. This is evidenced by entries in the Babylonian sacred books: “Noah saved Og, the giant, by allowing him to fit behind the lattice door of the ark.” It turns out that among us there are descendants of the surviving Nephilim?

The Secret Legacy of Nibiru

But perhaps everything was much more prosaic and incredible. And they didn’t “fall” to us, but... “descended”!

Thanks to many years of research by the leading specialist in the field of ancient languages, Zecharia Sitchin, present moment scientists have sensational information about the emergence and development of the human race on Earth with the help of the intervention of alien intelligence. A thorough study of ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and ancient Egyptian texts and tables has shown: we are all descendants of aliens who gave earthlings not only great knowledge, but also part of their gene pool.

According to Sumerian manuscripts dating back to 4400 BC. e., in those days the solar system consisted of 12 planets, one of which was the mysterious Nibiru. It was its inhabitants, the Nephilim giants, who conveyed to the ancient Sumerians a true understanding of the structure of the universe and its laws. According to calculations, space guests first set foot on our planet more than 430,000 years ago, but aliens began experiments on introducing their DNA into the human gene pool relatively recently - about 100,000 years ago. The goal of the Nephilim was to breed an intelligent human race capable of learning and development. Maybe it is this “love” of angels for the daughters of men that the Bible talks about?

It is interesting that humanity underwent truly rapid evolution only about 4,000 thousand years ago, when the first great civilization of “hybrid” people arose in Sumer, giving rise to states in the Nile and Indus valleys. The Nephilim, deified by earthlings, elected intermediaries between themselves and people from among the rulers and priests, and it was through them that they passed on to humanity their knowledge in the field of mathematics, astronomy, medicine and other basic sciences.

The Sumerian king lists speak of 10 generations of Nephilim kings who reigned for 3,600 “shars.” Considering that one “sphere”, by earthly standards, is equal to 120 years (!), accordingly, the power of the Nephilim lasted about 432,000 years in a row. Then there was a global catastrophe associated with a flood, and the aliens disappeared from our planet for a long time, leaving the surviving earthlings with almost complete independence, as well as many hidden bases for UFO landings.

By the way, according to one of the Sumerian “versions”, the reason biblical flood there could have been a collision of Nibiru with one of the planets closest to Earth with the subsequent formation of an asteroid belt between Jupiter and Saturn...

Are they coming back?

The question of why the mysterious Nephilim supervise the development of humanity still remains open. According to one version, the Earth for them is one of many potential colonies intended for the extraction of gold and other useful resources; according to another, it is a rescue base in the event of a possible disaster on Nibiru. According to some Russian scientists, modern UFOs may well be directly related to the Nephilim from Nibiru, whose ancient underground and underwater bases still faithfully serve their masters.

According to astronomical calculations, the mysterious wandering planet appears between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter approximately once every 3,600 years, which for the Nephilim means only a year. And now scientists claim that Nibiru is again inexorably approaching the Earth. What awaits humanity as a result of her next “visit” – the “long-awaited” apocalypse or a new birth – no one knows for sure.

However, given the Sumerian evidence of an ancient catastrophe, it may turn out that this time Nibiru entered solar system already uninhabited... Maybe this is a new chance for our survival?

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