Below are a number of concepts. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the forms of art. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the theory of What is the hallmark of art

1) element; 2) subsystem; 3) homogeneity 4) isolation; 5) openness; 6) interaction.

Write down the word missing in the table

15 . The problems of heterogeneity of society, its division into different social groups are reflected in the theory of P. Sorokin. According to this theory, the entire society is divided into different layers - strata, which differ among themselves in terms of income levels, types of activities, political views, cultural orientations, etc. Sorokin considered economic, political and professional stratification to be the main forms of stratification of society.

What theory is presented in this fragment of text? What is she describing?


As a result of mastering this topic, the bachelor must:


The meaning of basic moral categories ;

System of humanistic values;

be able to

Recognize and evaluate the role of humanistic values ​​in modern socio-political, social, economic, personal and professional activities;


Skills of critical analysis of the surrounding reality from the perspective of various values.

1. Values, their nature and principles of classification. Value, evaluation, truth, norm.

2. Moral and moral values. Value characteristics of good and evil.

3. Aesthetic values. Aesthetic and artistic.

4. Dynamics of forms of religiosity as a change in value orientations.

Concept of value. Nature, classification and evolution of value.

Value and evaluation, truth and norm. Moral and moral values. The problem is updating them. Aesthetic values. Features of the aesthetic way of understanding the world, diversity and interconnection of religious values. The doctrine of values ​​by M. Scheler (ordo amoris).

Basic concepts: c value, appreciation, norm, good, evil, morality, aesthetic ideal, harmony, beauty, religion, faith.

Control questions

1. What is the hierarchy of values?

2. What are the main concepts of the typology of values?

3. What is the historical evolution of values?

4. Determine the relationship between the concepts: “culture”, “civilization”, “values”.

5. What role do values ​​play in determining the criteria of the past and future?

6. Define the hierarchy of moral values.

7. How do ethical and aesthetic values ​​relate to each other?

8. Define the axiological essence of the concepts “conscience”, “good”, “evil”, “duty”.

9. Determine the relationship between the aesthetic categories “beautiful”, “sublime”, “comic”, “tragic” in the value system.

10. What kind of society can be called “civilized”?



1. Lavrinenko V.N. Philosophy: textbook for universities/V.N. Lavrinenko. M.: Yurayt, 2014

2. Pastushkova O.V. Lecture notes on philosophy: textbook. allowance. [Electron. resource]. Voronezh: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "VSTU", 2014

  1. Glotova V.V. Historical and philosophical thought: textbook. allowance. Voronezh: Voronezh State Technical University, 2010


1. Abisheva A.K. About the concept of “value” / A.K. Abisheva //Questions of Philosophy. 2002. No. 3.

2. Vysheslavtsev B.P. Ethics of transformed Eros/B.P. Vysheslavtsev. M., 1994.

3. Global problems and universal values. M., 1990.

4. Guseinov A.A. Great moralists/A.A. Guseinov. M., 1995.

5. Zdravomyslov A.G. Needs, interests, values/A.G. Zdravomyslov. M., 1986.

6. Kagan M.S. Philosophical theory values/M.S. Kagan. M., 1997.

7. Science and values. L., 1990.

8. Samygin S.I. Religious studies: sociology and psychology of religion/S.I. Samygin, V.N. Nechipurenko, I.N. Polonskaya. Rostov-on-Don, 1996.

9. Tugarinov P. The problem of values ​​in philosophy/P. Tugarinov. M, 1983.

10. Kurochkina L.Ya., Plokhinova M.B. Systematic philosophy: Part 2: Philosophy of man (anthropology), philosophy of values ​​(axiology): Textbook. manual (electronic media)/L.Ya. Kurochkina, M.B. Plokhinova. Voronezh: VSTU, 2003.

Topics of reports and abstracts

1. Value and evaluation are forms of interaction.

2. Historical nature of norms and values.

3. Values ​​of ancient civilization.

4. Values ​​" inner man"in Christianity.

5. The system of new values ​​in the European Renaissance.

6. West and East – axiological similarities and differences.

7. Values ​​of the Russian mentality.

Test tasks

1. The study of cognitive, aesthetic, atheistic values ​​carries out...the function of philosophy:

a) ideological;

b) critical;

c) axiological;

d) methodological.

2. What qualities, according to Confucius, should a noble husband have?

a) justice;

b) loyalty;

c) sincerity;

d) filial piety.

3 What did the principle of “ren” mean in Confucian philosophy? a) the position of the golden mean;

b) humanity, philanthropy;

c) active attitude towards the world;

d) inaction.

4. Ethical and aesthetic ideal ancient culture is expressed in the concept:

a) kalokagathia;

b) cosmocentrism;

c) hedonism;

d) rationalism.

5. Considering the human personality as highest value, ON THE. Berdyaev considered his philosophy:

a) utopian;

b) anthropocentric, or personalistic;

c) theocentric;

d) rationalistic.

6. The concept of “personality” has been deeply studied on an existential basis in philosophy:

a) L.P. Karsavina;

b) S.L. Frank;

c) N.A. Berdyaev;

d) I.A. Ilyina.

7. Deprivation of human freedom, transformation human activity and its results into an independent force that turns the subject into

object, in philosophy is understood as:

a) arbitrariness;

b) fate (rock);

c) predestination;

d) alienation.

8. According to Marx and Engels, the source of alienation should be sought:

a) in the sphere of material production;

b) in the spiritual sphere;

d) in the field of politics;

d) in the social sphere.

9. N.A. Berdyaev argued that due to the initial defeat of man original sin(“fallen”), it is subjected to the conditions of space, time, causality, a person throws himself outside. The Thinker calls it...

a) objectification;

b) subjectification;

c) fetishism;

d) objectification.

10. According to M. Buber, the meaning and basis of one’s own existence for a person is revealed V:

a) self-reflection;

b) self-affirmation;

c) empathy for the lives of other beings;

d) participation in the existence of other beings.

11. Freedom as such does not exist. Any human action is a reaction to environmental stimuli. This is the point of view...

a) behaviorists;

b) fatalists;

c) voluntarists;

d) existentialists.

12. The era of the formation of the ideals of humanism in Europe is considered to be:

a) antiquity;

b) Renaissance;

c) New time;

d) Reformation.

13. The priority of the goals and values ​​of individuals over public ones asserts:

a) personalism;

b) hedonism;

c) collectivism;

d) conciliarity.

14. “Act in such a way that the rules of your behavior can become a universal law, i.e. the way you would like others to act towards you and your loved ones.” This statement of Kant is called:

a) moral commandment;

c) good wishes;

d) social norm.

15. Cultural values ​​are

a) components of human culture that have personal meaning and socio-historical significance for society, capable of satisfying certain needs and setting standards and patterns of behavior;

b) instructions, requirements, wishes and expectations of socially approved behavior;

c) a body of knowledge about the structure of the world and the place of man in this world;

d) initial images of cultural behavior formed under the influence of natural, historical and political factors.

M. Weber:

social action, ideal type, sociologism, understanding, affective action, traditional action, purposeful rational action

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Written assignment:

Specify the differences between the concepts of “social status” and “social role”

Memo to a part-time student in the academic discipline “Sociology”

A part-time student studies sociology in the following forms:

Lectures and seminars - during the introductory summer session;

Self-preparation before the start of the examination session;

Carrying out control work.

The final reporting for the discipline “Sociology” is exam.

During the orientation session at lectures and seminars, the student receives a number of basic knowledge in sociology in accordance with the State educational standard. Independent preparation for the subject consists of an in-depth study of the materials of lectures and seminars, as well as other questions submitted for the exam, without the help of a teacher. When preparing for the exam, the student uses the literature recommended by the teacher, as well as any other educational literature on sociology for higher education. In accordance with the consultation schedule of teachers teaching the subject "Sociology", a student can receive advice when writing a test and preparing for the exam.

Test in sociology – required form reporting of a second-year part-time student. Without it, the student is not allowed to take the exam.. An independently completed test must be submitted to the department no later than two weeks before the start of the session. Work submitted in violation of the specified deadlines receives the grade “ n it is accepted ».

The test includes several types of tasks. All of them are based on the material of the educational manual "Sociology: Questions and Answers" ( Magnitogorsk, MSTU, 2008 .) IN test assignments, you must carefully underline or circle with a pen the correct answer on the sheet that was given to you by the department. Each test question has only one correct answer option.

In tasks where you need to name a concept, identify a word or phrase missing in a fragment of text, fill in the gaps in a proposed diagram or table, establish correspondence between positions, you need to understand what topic is being discussed and look at the corresponding section of the teaching aid. The answer is formulated in the form of words or phrases, the order of numbers or the correct correlation of numbers and letters, for example, 1 – a, g; 2 – b.

In a search task semantic error You must read the assignment carefully. A semantic error is not synonymous with syntactic or grammatical errors. For example, you have the following task: “Indicate the semantic error in the text: “Interview in sociology is a method of sociology that is aimed at studying and measuring interpersonal relationships and is used primarily to analyze behavioral situations in a small group.” The semantic error is that this is not the research method that is named. The task is about a sociometric survey. You must indicate this error and write the correct answer.

On p written assignment test you must give the answer yourself. The answer should be the result of creative comprehension of the text teaching aid and have a volume of no more than half a sheet. Answers to written assignment must be presented in printed form, in tasks No. 1 - 4 - carefully written with a ballpoint pen. Carelessly completed work (sloppy handwriting, blots, crumpled pages, stains, etc.) not checked and receives a “failed” grade. Only one that is completed in full is considered a completed test, that is, it contains answers to both the test questions and the five tasks.

The completed test work must consist of the following firmly bound sheets:

Cover page completed by the student;

Completed test;

Answers to questions (tasks No. 1 – 4);

Answer to a written assignment.

Depending on the quality of the work performed, it is officially assessed: “ passed" or " not accepted" Grade " not accepted" is marked if there are 8 or more erroneous answers in the test (in total, regardless of the type of task). A student whose work was graded " not accepted", during the exam, in addition to the ticket, there is an interview on the test paper.

The test is given in room 479. (working schedule: from 8.00 to 17.00; break: from 12.00 to 13.00; Saturday from 8.00 to 13.00; closed on Sunday). Phone for inquiries: 29-85-91.

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Write down the word missing in the table.


In the given series, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Classroom; labor collective; parental family; socialization agent; MASS MEDIA:


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “social regression”.

1) movement, 2) change, 3) technical revolution, 4) improvement, 5) decline, 6) degradation.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Select correct judgments about truth and its criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. True knowledge always corresponds to the cognizable object.

2. The criterion of true knowledge is its compliance with the interests of the knowing subject.

3. Relative truth is knowledge that changes as the capabilities of knowledge develop.

4. Truth is associated with the conditions of place, time, etc., which must be taken into account in the process of cognition.

5. True knowledge is always shared by the majority of people.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and the corresponding types of worldview


In country Z, extensive technology and hand tools predominate. What other signs indicate that country Z is developing as traditional society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. the main social units are the tribe and the extended family

2. there is an increase in the urban population

3. oral information prevails over written information

4. infrastructure is intensively developing

5. scientific knowledge is widely disseminated

6. subsistence farming dominates


Choose the correct statements about unemployment and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. In a market economy, there is a natural level of unemployment.

2. Seasonal unemployment is caused by structural changes in the economy.

3. Mass unemployment is accompanied by a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population.

4. The impossibility of employment due to differences in the structure of demand and supply of labor services of different qualifications gives rise to cyclical unemployment.

5. Lack of awareness of the unemployed about vacancies suitable for them may be the cause of frictional unemployment.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of competition (competitive markets): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


You are asked to prepare a presentation on factors of production. Which of the following can be included in the “Labor as a Factor of Production” slide? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Relevant provisions.

1. Factor income - profit.

2. Factor income - wage employee.

3. All types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of vital goods.

4. The limitation of this factor is due to the volume of money supply in circulation.

5. The activities of people in the production of goods and services by using their physical and intellectual capabilities, professional skills and experience.

6. The limitation of this factor is due to the size of the working population; its territorial location, professional structure, religious and cultural traditions, etc.



Choose the correct judgments about social conflicts and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Social conflicts can be both constructive and destructive.

2. Misunderstanding of the reasons causing the conflict can lead to an increase in its scale.

3. The parties to the conflict during its development are able to unite to achieve their goals.

4. One of the ways to resolve social conflict is to continue confrontation.

5. Social conflict is always generated economic reasons.


Scientists studied the consumer behavior of residents of countries Z and Y during the economic crisis. The histogram shows data (as a percentage of the number of respondents) on how consumer demand changed during the year.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The share of those who began to buy products of cheaper brands is greater in country Z than in country Y.

2. Equal shares of respondents in both surveys noted that they refused to purchase some products.

3. The share of those who began to buy fewer products and go to the store less often is greater in country Z than in country Y.

4. Among those surveyed in country Z, the share of those who refused to purchase some products is greater than the share of those who believed that the crisis did not affect consumer demand.

5. Among respondents in country Y, the share of those who began to buy fewer products and went to the store less often is greater than the share of those who buy products of cheaper brands.


Select the correct judgments about the political elite and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The political elite is a small independent group ready to make political decisions.

2. The political elite is a group of people who are the source of power in any state.

3. The main functions of the political elite include production and consumption material goods.

4. The political elite nominates political leaders.

5. In relation to state power, there is a ruling elite and a counter-elite.


Establish a correspondence between the issues and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation to whose jurisdiction they relate


Head of State Z is the supreme commander of the armed forces of the state. What other signs indicate that the form of government of state Z is a monarchy? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The head of state receives power by inheritance.

2. The most notable people are among the advisers to the head of state.

3. Laws are adopted by the parliament elected by citizens.

4. The state consists of several administrative-territorial units.

5. The head of state enjoys his power for life.

6. Upon taking office, the head of state takes an oath.


Which of the following refers to the constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. defense of the Fatherland

2. payment of legally established taxes and fees

3. participation in the management of state affairs

4. choice of activity and profession

5. preservation of historical and cultural heritage


What is included in the legal system? Select the required items from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. legal custom

2. rule of law

3. branch of law

4. legal sanction

5. Institute of Law

6. legal precedent


Establish a correspondence between the actions and elements of the employee’s legal status in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Kirill Arkadyevich - prosecutor. Find in the list given the actions that are within the scope of the prosecutor’s powers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. represent and defend the interests of the accused in court

2. make copies of documents

3. carry out criminal prosecution on behalf of the state during criminal proceedings

4. ensure the legality and validity of the state prosecution during criminal proceedings

5. oversee the implementation of laws

6. draw up wills, certify the accuracy of the signature

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.


“The political elite is one of the __________(A) of politics. It is classified as an institutional component__________(B). This is a narrow circle of persons exercising power in society. In__________ (B) it is customary to divide this social stratum into two groups. The first is based on land ownership, __________(G), religion, origin, and therefore belongs to the traditional type. The basis of the second, modern group is political knowledge, experience, __________ (D) in issues social life. It is difficult to get into the first group; the main __________ (E) selection of people is their origin and personal devotion. Members of the second group also regulate the process of new faces coming in, but the main requirement is professionalism.”

The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1. political system of society

2. social structure society

3. competence

4. criterion

5. subject

6. economics

7. wealth

9. political science

Part 2.

First write down the number of the task (28, 29, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The main contradiction I encountered modern man, this is a sharp discrepancy between the biological and social capabilities of man and the civilizational capabilities that the world, built according to the latest achievements of science and technology, gives him. Which is why the problem arises: what state is the world heading towards? The first option: it could be a more developed world, progressing economically, politically, morally and otherwise. But there may be another option: a world deteriorating in some of these relationships or in all of them at once. But so far only one thing is clear: humanity... has received beginning of XXI V. very powerful means of influencing both nature and society...

Man as a socio-biological being functions at the intersection of two opposing types of needs. Necessities of the first type are a combination of biological, social and other needs. Among them, the leading ones are the needs coming from human body. A person needs to eat, drink, rest, needs some minimum level of comfort, some kind of personal circle of communication, etc. All this in a certain context can serve as the basis for selfish strategies human existence. Thus, the well-being of one specific individual, one family, (a certain circle of people connected by blood or business ties, etc.) can be placed at the center of such strategies.

The needs of the second type are associated with the socio-spiritual content of human consciousness and, first of all, with moral and ethical standards, among which human conscience, understood in various ways, comes first. philosophical schools differently. But all these schools agree on one thing: it is conscience that is an integral component of such experiences as compassion, altruism, heroism, etc. Conscience is also one of the components of spirituality... The situation of modern life is such that... lack of spirituality begins to permeate the entire society, and one of its most dangerous consequences is a decrease in the sense of responsibility of the individual. Such a decrease in the responsibility of the individual can be carried out in a certain “corridor” - from inattention to the object of communication or control, etc. until his needs and interests are completely ignored. If a soulless person finds himself at vital points in the state, economic, political, etc. mechanism, then its inadequate actions can lead to various kinds of disasters.

(T.D. Sterledeva, R.K. Sterledeva)

What two types of necessities of human existence are noted by the authors? What is the main contradiction, according to the authors, that modern man faces?

Show answer


1) two types of needs (answer to the first question): a set of biological, social and other needs; necessities associated with the socio-spiritual content of human consciousness;

2) contradiction (answer to the second question): a sharp discrepancy between the biological or social capabilities of man and the civilizational capabilities that the world, built with the latest achievements of science and technology, gives him.

Elements of the answer can be given in other, similar in meaning formulations

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) answer to question: one of the most dangerous consequences of lack of spirituality is a decrease in the individual’s sense of responsibility;

(The answer to the question can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.)

2) judgment, revealing the contradictory influence of mass culture on the spirituality of the individual, for example: works of mass culture often promote violence, which negatively affects the spirituality of the individual; At the same time, mass culture (within the framework of educational programs) gives the average viewer the opportunity to become familiar with the masterpieces of world culture. A different judgment may be expressed.

A judgment that does not reveal the contradictory influence of mass culture, but only any of the aspects of influence, is not counted in the assessment

The authors claim that humanity received by the beginning of the 21st century. very powerful means of influencing nature and society. Name any one means of influencing nature and any one means of influencing society and illustrate with examples the effect of each of the means.

Show answer

The correct answer should include means of influence and the corresponding examples:

1) nuclear energy (for example, after an accident at a nuclear power plant, all components of the region’s natural environment were exposed to radioactive contamination);

2) electronic means mass media(for example, under the influence of media information, citizens began to buy foreign currency en masse, creating a crisis situation in the banking sector).

Other means of influence may be named and other examples given.

The authors proposed two options for answering the question: what state is the world heading towards? Which of these answer options seems more reasonable to you? Using your social science knowledge, provide three reasons to support your opinion.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) option to answer the question: a more developed, progressive world OR a degrading world;

2) confirmation:

if you select the first answer to the question it can be said that

The duration, level and quality of people’s lives are increasing;

Science and technology are actively developing;

Democracy and civil society are developing;

if you choose the second answer to the question it can be said that

IN modern world Wars do not stop, millions of people suffer from hunger and disease;

There is a great gap in the quality of life of the population of the most developed (“golden billion”) and the poorest countries of the world;

Mass culture broadcasts works that are incompatible with moral values ​​and ideas about beauty.

Other evidence for the chosen point of view may be provided.

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “inflation”? Using your social science course knowledge, write two sentences: one sentence containing information about the cause(s) of inflation, and one sentence revealing the essence of any type of inflation.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) meaning of the concept, for example: inflation is the process of depreciation of money and a decrease in its purchasing power, manifested in an increase in the general price level;

(Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about the cause(s) of inflation based on knowledge of the exchange rate, for example: One of the causes of inflation is the unjustified growth of the money supply in circulation.;

(Another sentence may be written containing information about the cause(s) of inflation.)

3) one sentence, which, based on knowledge of the exchange rate, reveals the essence of any type of inflation, for example: Creeping inflation is characterized by an average annual increase in prices of 3-5%.

(Another sentence can be drawn up that, based on knowledge of the course, reveals the essence of any type of inflation.)

Based on social science knowledge, personal experience Model a specific situation that illustrates negative deviant behavior. Give three examples of informal negative sanctions that are possible in this case.

Show answer

The answer must contain the following elements:

1) situation model negative deviant behavior: K. let down his workmates: he did not fulfill his obligations to organize an evening dedicated to the anniversary of the oldest employee of the company;

2) three examples informal negative sanctions, for example:

Some of his colleagues refused to shake his hand when they met him;

Some colleagues reprimanded him;

The artist drew a caricature.

Other relevant situations may be modeled and other relevant examples of sanctions may be provided.

In country Z, the government is formed by the bloc of parties that won the elections. Deputy seats (mandates) in the legislative assembly are distributed among lists of candidates in proportion to the votes cast for the lists of candidates, if these parties have overcome the 5 percent threshold. What type of electoral system is country Z? What is the other type of electoral system called? Name the difference between these two systems. Name any common feature of electoral systems in a democratic society.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:1) type- proportional electoral system;2) other type- majoritarian electoral system: 3) difference, for example: in a proportional system, voters vote for party lists, and not for specific candidates, as in a majoritarian system. (Another difference can be formulated);4) common feature, for example: - general equal elections by secret ballot; - alternative nature of elections; - candidates provide information about their income. Other common features of these electoral systems in a democratic society can be given

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Russian legal system.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

Show answer

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of the legal system.

2. Basic elements of the legal system:

a) rule of law;

b) institute of law;

c) branch of law.

3. Main branches of Russian law:

b) civil law;

c) labor law;

d) criminal law;

e) criminal procedural law, etc.

4. Substantive and procedural law (subparagraphs may be given).

5. Public law:

a) constitutional (state) law;

b) criminal law;

V) administrative law and etc.

6. Private law:

a) civil law;

b) business law, etc.

7. The Constitution of the Russian Federation in the system of Russian law.

8. Reflection of features social development in the legal system.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

Choose one of the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts public life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from different sources for factual argumentation.)

29.1. Philosophy“The less people know, the more extensive their knowledge seems to them.” (J.-J. Rousseau)

29.2. Economy“Questions: what? How? and for whom? production would not be a problem if resources were not limited.” (P. Samuelson)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology"Man is fundamental novelty in nature". (N.A. Berdyaev)

29.4. Political science“The main achievement of democracy is the right to say “no.” (Yu. Nesterenko)

29.5. Jurisprudence“The wise legislator begins not by making laws, but by examining their suitability for a given society.” (J.-J. Rousseau)

Reflection of the surrounding world in artistic images is typical

Below are a number of concepts. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the areas of culture

Select from the list provided true statements about culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated

Scientists designate all types of transformative activities, as well as all their results, with the concept

The sphere of spiritual culture and its features

1) society

2) culture

3) cognition

2. Are they true? the following judgments about culture?

A. Culture arose with the emergence of humans as a biological species.

B. Distinguish between material and spiritual culture.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

3. The above list indicates the similarities and differences between material and spiritual culture material culture from the spiritual. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) human activity

2) real result

3) value creation

4) formation of ideas, images

1) Culture is the level of a person’s upbringing

2) Culture arose only with the advent of the state

3) Culture – a certain level of development of society

4) Culture formed before society

5) Culture is part of the cultural environment

1) art

3) education

4) society

5) religion

Find and write out concept number, falling out of series

6. What is the hallmark of art?

1) use of artistic images

2) reflection of ideas about good and evil

3) explanation of the essence of events and phenomena

4) appeal to supernatural forces

7. Which of the following concepts unites and generalizes all the others?

1) architecture

3) painting

4) art

2) religion

3) art

4) ideologies

9 . Are the following statements about art true?

A. The purpose of art is the self-expression of the creator and the emotional impact on the viewer.

B. Thanks to art it is realized scientific knowledge peace.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

1) literature

3) architecture

Find and write down the number of the concept that falls out of this series.

11. Establish a correspondence between the areas of culture and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) creation of artistic images 1) art

B) logic and evidence of conclusions 2) science

C) explanation of natural and social phenomena

D) emotional impact on a person

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Establish a correspondence between the types of economic systems and characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Write down the circled numbers in ascending order and transfer them to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).

Answer: _________________________ .

AT 4

Read the text below, each clause of which


1. Statistical services report an increase in unemployment among young people. 2. Girls and boys who have graduated from school find it difficult to find work. 3. This situation indicates serious shortcomings in the authorities’ youth policy. 4. To change the situation, the government needs to develop an effective policy to encourage employers to provide more jobs to young workers.

Determine which provisions of the text are

A) factual nature,

B) the nature of value judgments.

Under the position number, write down the letter indicating its nature. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

Answer: _____________________ .

AT 5

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“A political regime is an orderly interaction of the structures of political ____________ (1), as well as a set of methods for achieving political goals and implementing ___________ (2). This concept reveals the dynamic, functional nature of the political system. The qualitative characteristics of political ___________ (3) are: the scope of rights and __________ (4) of a person, methods of exercising government power, the nature of the relationship between _________ (5) and society, the presence or absence of society’s ability to influence the adoption of political _____________ (6), methods of forming political _________________ (7), methods for developing political decisions. In political science, there are several classifications of political regimes. According to the most common of them, the main types of political regimes are totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic regimes.”

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted into the spaces. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap.

Please note that the spaces are numbered. The table below shows the space numbers. Under each number, write down the letter that represents the word you chose in the list.

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

Society as a dynamic system is characterized by the following of the following characteristics:

Please indicate the correct answer.

Please indicate the correct answer.

Test No. 16. Final control. 11th grade (express control).

Option No. 2

Find the correct pair:

1) A B C 2) ABG 3) AVG 4) AED

Test No. 17. Final control. 11th grade (in Unified State Exam format).

Characteristics of men