Numerology of your address: is your home happy for you? Chinese Numerology: Number Meanings and Their Impact on Your Life Energy of the Number 7


Mathematical manipulations with numbers underlie the numerological schools of the West and East. The knowledge about secret predictions using numbers, which our ancestors used in the distant past, was transformed into a system much later. Attempts to unite various schools into a single system have shown that there are significant differences between the existing numerological schools of the Western and Eastern directions.



This is the system of numerology we use today; it was formed by Pythagoras (Pythagorean numerology) - the founder of the Pythagorean school. During the Middle Ages, his system of numerology somewhat lost its original essence and was used more as entertainment among the nobility. Its revival occurred relatively recently - just a couple of centuries ago, but today Pythagorean numerology is considered one of the main ones in the world and is quite widespread.


The Eastern school has been steadily popular since its inception. This is due to the uniqueness of the culture and traditions of the East, and the attitude of the people living in eastern countries towards them. The numerology of India and China has become more widespread in this direction.

The Indian (or Hindu) school of numerology is also called Vedic, although with the Vedas themselves (the great scriptures) it is little connected. In the teachings of Ayurveda, there is a direct connection between a prime number and the corresponding disease of the human system.

The Chinese numerological system differs significantly from the Hindu one. Firstly, she gives her own definition to prime numbers, counts numbers differently and interprets their combinations differently. It is noteworthy that the Chinese today widely practice this system in Everyday life, live based on a system of “successful” or “unsuccessful” numbers and their combinations.

It is worth considering the Chinese school in more detail to understand what principle underlies its definition of numbers and interpretation of their combinations.


The history of Chinese numerology goes back more than one millennium; it was founded in ancient times, and during its formation it took on various designations and forms. It is based on a symbiosis of ancient Chinese philosophy, astrology and knowledge about numbers and numbers.

Square "Lo-shu"


In Ancient China, the sages believed that the world was governed by three principles - luminaries, stars and numbers, indivisible and in constant interaction, the number 12 was endowed with a special meaning. It was the basis of ancient numerology in China - 12 basic numerological numbers, the same number of animals (patrons of the planets in Chinese calendar), the same number of moons in a year, etc.

In a later period, it was replaced by the number 10, where each unit was given symbolism tied to one of the elements. Chinese numerology is closely related to the art of Feng Shui, which developed in parallel; both systems have much in common regarding numbers, their use, definition and interpretation.

Chinese numerology harmoniously combines mathematical and astrological knowledge and philosophy. In it, a series of prime numbers is divided into male and female digits, which is associated with ancient philosophy and the doctrine of light and darkness (we know it as “Yin” and “Yang”). In this regard, every odd number in a series of prime numbers is male, and every even number is female. Each number is associated with a specific element of nature, and the elements are correlated with the numbers, completely repeating their arrangement and order in Feng Shui.


Everything in the world has an inherent energy - a certain internal force that can influence the world. Being non-material, it is precisely this that underlies the movement of all processes associated with living/non-living objects. Through the same energy, all living things can sense the world at the level of the senses, and a person is able to sense what is happening around him figuratively and through the prism of special feelings (bliss, compassion, love, happiness, etc.). Powerful spiritual energy, filling a person’s soul, endows him with special secret knowledge, which are the key to a deeper understanding of the world and all its important processes.

Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology considers all fate numbers as the main characteristic of a person. In Chinese numerology, numbers are also endowed with energy, which manifests itself in the form of pure vibration; any such number is considered “living” and has a unique energy that guides a person through life. According to her rules, numbers cannot be positive or negative, they only carry a specific type of energy that can change fate. The energy of some numbers is aimed at filling something, renewing it, while the energy of other numbers empties, exhausts something.

When doing fortune telling, the Chinese also use a system of numerology similar to the European one, but they attach a special meaning to the essence of each number and endow it with additional properties. In order to fully decipher the meaning of a number and its influence on a person’s fate and life, it is necessary to use a special Chinese calculation system, known in the Feng Shui system as the “Lo Shu” square. With its help, you can determine not only the primary elements, but also their interaction and influence on each other.


Sometimes the Chinese use simplified meanings of numbers, which are similar in interpretation to numbers in European numerology. But even in this case, they correspond to certain elements and their own patron planets.

Numbers 11,12 and 13 have lost their meaning sacred meaning and are used as official


Taoists highly reverence the unit, seeing in it the Great Origin of everything. In fortune telling, it means the birth of children. Homonyms for the unit are the words “win” and “honor”. Association with the plant: Spruce is a slow-growing, but strong, hard tree with healing and beneficial properties.

Unit is the powerful energy of the Sun, instantly charging and filling all living things. This should be taken into account by those who have “1” equal to the Number of Destiny or Life, since they are susceptible to moral and mental overstrain and the appearance of sudden aggression and pain syndromes.


Two carries the energy of the Moon, which exposes a person to doubts and endows him with indecision. A person with a two in the Number of Destiny often finds himself in difficult and ambiguous situations, which require him to make a specific choice “between”.

It is a symbol of mutual complementation, unity, struggle and connection of opposites. In fortune telling it means the younger generation and a favorable environment for the development and growth of something; the card itself in the layout means “offspring”.

Plant association: straight and strong Bamboo is a fast-growing plant with beneficial properties that are widely used by humans. Homonyms for two are the words “easy”, “quick”.


Jupiter's energy promotes love and growth magical abilities In humans, like “1”, three is a symbol of the beginning and creative development. Three in the Number of Destiny for a person means that others can perceive him as a mysterious and enigmatic person. Three connects real world with the otherworldly. Trinity philosophy:

Three principles (heaven/earth/man);

Three light sources (Sun/Stars/Moon);

Three religions (Buddhism/Taoism/Confucianism);

The threefold basis of the family (husband, wife, child), etc.,

It is quite widespread and in demand in the philosophy of modern China.

In fortune telling, “3” is the exit to high society(hat) and knowledge of the world (window).

Association with fire, capable of creation and destruction. A homonym for two is the word “growth.”


This is the number of rationality and fidelity, it is stable and constant, providing balance (for the world). The uniqueness of the four: covering space and every facet of an object, it is able to identify and determine its shape. Philosophy “4” is relevant in China:

Mythical principles (Sun/Earth/Sky/Moon),

Seasons (4 seasons),

Symbolic animals ( White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Black Turtle, Red Bird),

Mythical creatures (Dragon/Phoenix/Pangolin/Unicorn),

Virtues (shame/justice/temperance/education/decency),

Light sources (Moon/Stars/Planets/Sun).

In fortune telling, the number four denotes an official, an officer, success and growth in a career, a positive outlook in an endeavor, and the opportunity to achieve a high position in society.

The word “lamp” is considered a homonym for the four.


The number “5” symbolizes perfection, ideal, power, and has the energy of creativity and search. It endows a person with the intention to strive for the highest, for perfection, and contributes to the generation of wars. Five is a very revered number; many dogmas and tenets of Chinese philosophy, religion, and culture are associated with it.

In fortune telling, this is “Emperor”; the number promises maximum and rapid success, growth, and development. In China, they believe that the number “5” is located in the center of the number series and controls it. The homonym for five is the neutral word “nothing.”


This is an ordinary (service) number in Chinese numerology, symbolizing some stability that comes after the flourishing, exaltation and success of the five. Six opens all directions - all (four) cardinal directions, nadir, zenith, symbolizes stability and interconnection of many phenomena, as well as the possibility of change.

The energy of the “animal nature” is inherent in the Six; it reveals the instincts necessary for a living organism to survive. At the same time, as a number symbolizing a hardworking person, it is capable of endowing him with the necessary strength and energy for the development of natural inclinations.

In fortune telling, “6” means “flaw”, “flaw”, “weakness”. A homonym for number is the word “wealth.”


The number “7” symbolizes spiritual perfection, the desire for the Higher Mind, it is the number of forward movement, which does not allow one to stagnate. In Chinese numerology, as in Chinese astrology, “7” is an important number, denoting lunar stations on each side of the world, planetary cycles (7 in total), seven calendar days, five major planets and 2 lunar nodes (or 2 luminaries), as well as many other religious and philosophical provisions. However, in Chinese numerology it rarely carries a key meaning. The Chinese were still in the period Ancient China They stopped using the seven-week week, and this number itself was rarely used in everyday life. Balancing between Light and Darkness in the duodecimal cycle, seven signifies “Balance.” A homonym for “7” is the word “for sure.”


The number “8” means “Infinity”, is highly revered in China, and is endowed with many religious and philosophical symbols. It stabilizes any energy, keeping it unchanged. This number is characteristic of people who are sensible, prudent and rational. In the material plane, it reflects the strength of connections and relationships, material wealth.

In fortune telling, the number eight is interpreted as “the completion of all affairs”, “death”, “final”, and this process can be characterized by both a positive and a negative sign. A homonym for the number “8” is the word “prosperity”.


Possessing the energy of Mars, the number “9” carries indomitable energy and endows all living things with it, ensuring swiftness in achieving goals, drive and determination. With its help, spiritual insight is possible, it allows you to control emotions, fears and madness.

In Chinese numerology, nine is an important number, endowed with many symbols and concepts. For many centuries, forecasts for the state were compiled using three nines:

Nine Heavens in Buddhism;

Nine stars in the constellation Ursa Major;

Nine planets.

At the same time, these three nines were a symbol of the union between Earth and Heaven and meant the highest (divine) wisdom, which is available to some people. The number “9” in modern Chinese numerology means “stability after eight” and allows you to control the forces of nature. Number is endowed with many philosophical concepts, dogmas of a religious nature.

In fortune telling, “9” means “grave” and is interpreted as the completion of affairs, the cessation of movements and development. A homonym for “9” is the word “longevity”.


The number “10” is a service number, used in the decimal cycle to count monthly decades (previously, in China, the 7-ary week was practically not used, the days were 60-day periods of 10 days each.).

In fortune telling, “10” symbolizes the end of everything, the dead lost souls who are undergoing purification through Hell and have not yet achieved enlightenment. By the way, in Buddhism Hell has 10 divisions.


It is used rarely and exclusively for some reasoning in the system of astrology. In fortune telling, this is the number of life that comes after death, with destructive force, posthumous existence. It can mean the renewal of vitality, the appearance of an embryo, the possibility of reincarnation. Predictions for the number “11” are unfavorable, it limits health and poses a real threat to it. In the 12-ary cycle “11” is destruction, in the 10-ary cycle it is completely absent, therefore can be characterized as a return to the original point, to the origins, as well as the emergence of something new. This is the turning point number.


This is the number of order and harmony in the world, which is guaranteed by the rules of law. At the astrological level, this important number is the basis of all cycles. In fortune telling, “12” is interpreted as the growth of the embryo, its nutrition (the process itself) in the womb of the mother. The 12-ary cycle interprets it as a “shelter”, the possibility of salvation or isolation.

When reduced to prime number gives the result “3” (1+2), during some calculations it can turn into the number “5”. Five is considered lucky and lucky number, symbolizing completion, development, internal growth and, as a result, significant changes and the implementation of reasonable plans. Homonyms for “12” are the words “easy” and “win.”


Rarely used in the modern Chinese numerological system. It is classified as a “human” number, indicating the completion of some processes of its fate. A homonym for the number “12” is the words “growth” or “winning.”

Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology interprets fate numbers differently, although in some cases their interpretations may coincide in key aspects. Numerology opens up unique opportunities to understand the world and oneself, as well as other people and the relationships between them. The Chinese numerological system is complex and very multifaceted, since each number in it corresponds not only to a unique interpretation, but also to many different provisions, postulates and dogmas of a cultural, philosophical, astrological and religious nature.

What is the energy of numbers? This question can be answered only after answering the question, what is energy in general, energy as such?

Many people have never even heard of the energy of numbers. As for other types of energy, then modern science, thanks to the study of their properties, made a huge leap into the future.

But(!) even despite this, science is not able to answer the simplest, most primitive question: “what is energy?” Others say: “energy is life.” And then, what is life?

Perhaps we have no choice but to judge energy based on the strength of its influence on the world around us. It is clear that such a method explains little in essence... But what to do if any energy is beyond words? And this despite the fact that the words themselves, like everything in the world, have energy!

Cools feelings, moderates desires. The energy of the quartet does not allow making sudden movements that lead to a state of mental or physical balance. The energy of number 4 fully corresponds to the energy of balance in Nature.

In general, energies in the world of numbers and energies in nature always interact with each other: they are not directly connected in any way, but ABSOLUTELY correspond to each other. This is one of the most important axioms of numerology. Without a clear understanding of this, interpreting numbers is a completely meaningless exercise for amateurs.

In spiritual numerology, it is considered a source of optimism and a stimulator for finding new paths. This is the energy of Creativity and the energy of War. Creativity and War in their original meaning, that is, at the highest levels of existence and consciousness, are completely identical concepts.

The energy of number 5 actively prevents the conclusion of peace. By the way, any peace and truce corresponds to the energy of the number 4. And attempts to make peace correspond to the energy of the number eight.

Energy of numbers 6, 7, 8

Stimulates “animal passions” in us, helps the body conquer the spirit. Animal passions are considered something shameful. No, they are not shameful in themselves. But (!) it is shameful and vicious - when the body triumphs over the spirit. The spirit must lead the body, and not vice versa!

If the body conquers the spirit completely, a person spiritually falls below the level of animals. Precisely lower, because animals use their “base” instincts for survival, and we cultivate them. The energy of the number 6 is the energy of cultivating the animal nature in a person.

It takes us out of the state of routine and everyday lethargy. The energy of the seven fully makes us feel our own defenselessness in the face of God. The energy of the number 7 is like a push in the side: “Hey man, wake up! I, the Almighty, did not create you so that you would senselessly mark time and degrade, turning your life into a stupid, hopeless hard labor!

Energy of numbers 8, 9, 10

Preserves the values ​​we have accumulated - both spiritual and material. The energy of the number eight is also the energy of meditation, the energy of spiritual health. The energy of number 8 encourages us to seek (and find!) ways to peace and harmony in relationships between people.

— the energy of the enlightened, the epicenter of internal spiritual insights. This is the most powerful energy of the human Spirit, overthrowing the body’s pathetic attempts to maintain control over the situation.

The energy of number 9 ensures the triumph of the Spirit and its decisive victory over the fears and ignorance of our Mind.

Everything that exists in our world is ordered energy - a kind of internal force that can influence its surroundings.

Let's first figure out what energy is? It cannot be seen, much less touched, but we all understand perfectly well that it is it that can make all living and nonliving organisms on earth move and develop. It is energy that allows our soul to feel this world, see it figuratively and experience many wonderful feelings - such as love, compassion and bliss. The soul, filled with powerful spiritual energy, begins to live consciously and understand the meaning of existence.

Numbers have certain qualities and at the energetic level they represent pure vibration. Each number is “living”; it carries a certain type of energy that in one way or another affects our lives.

And although many people divide energy into positive and negative, in numerology it is not customary to consider some numbers “good” and others “bad”. They all have a certain charge of energy that influences destinies and they all tend to either empty or fill the person associated with them.

Energy of number 1

The unit contains solar energy, it charges and fills a person to the brim. The power of this number can charge a person with energy instantly, in a matter of seconds, which must be taken into account when working with one, so that moral and physical overstrain does not occur, during which outbreaks of unmotivated aggression and even pain appear.

Energy of number 2

Two contains the energy of the Moon, due to which it makes a person indecisive and often puts him in ambivalent situations, forcing him to make a choice. This is a number of contrasts, but at the same time it is a couple, because it is the two that can lead a person to internal balance and harmony.

Energy of number 3

Three contains the energy of Jupiter, its energy is considered the energy of Love and magic. This number can make its owner changeable and mysterious. Another three are capable of connecting the world of living people and energies with the other world - the world of the dead.

Energy of number 4

Four generates rationality and stability. Containing the energy of Uranus, the quartet is responsible for starting any business in our world. It is a symbol of reliability, loyalty and constancy. The energy of the number 4 gives balance to the world.

Energy of the number 5

Five is a symbol of power and perfection.

The energy of this number is considered to be the energy of search, creativity and striving for a higher level. Therefore, it cannot be considered “peaceful” - it is the energy of war.

Energy of number 6

Six carries within itself the animal nature, instincts - such energy is required for the survival of the species. This is the number of hardworking people, it gives the strength and energy of Venus to improve the physical body and cultivate the natural principle in it.

Energy of the number 7

Seven is a symbol of spiritual improvement and constant striving for the Higher Mind. Possessing the energy of Neptune, it does not allow a person to stand still and do routine and meaningless things. The energy of the seven will always push you upward, force you to get out of hopeless moments and develop.

The number eight contains the sign of infinity; it preserves any energy unchanged, continuously prolonging it forever. The qualities of the Eight include prudence and rationality. On the physical level, it is reflected by material wealth and the strength of relationships.

Energy of the number 9

Nine contains the energy of Mars - it is indomitability and rapid pressure in everything. It is this energy that allows you to gain spiritual insight and control fears, emotions, and madness.

Energy of number 0

Zero seems to us to be empty for a reason - it actually carries an almost zero charge of energy, which promotes rest and zeroing. You can’t stay on the waves of this energy for long - you can fall into emptiness, but you won’t be able to exist without it.

Numerology gives us knowledge about the energy of numbers, teaches us to start important things in a timely manner, and strengthen control where it is currently necessary. These rules allow you to stop during hours of complete imbalance in the body in order to change the vector and replenish with new strength.

The number seven surrounds us everywhere: seven days of the week, seven ruling planets, seven chakras, seven musical notes. The magic of this number has penetrated into fairy tales: something valuable is certainly hidden behind seven doors and seven locks, seven kids are hiding from a wolf in a hut, and a seven-flowered flower grants a wish... The matryoshka consists of seven figures, and the word “family” is not difficult to decompose into components - “seven” and “I”.

The number seven is closely associated with nature, harmony and the cosmos. This is a symbol of spiritual quest and peace. Seven carries the energy of inner peace and emotional stability. It awakens intuition, the ability to make the right decisions, and reveals a person’s hidden talents.

Symbolic images of the seven help protect yourself from stress and get the desired result. Before important event- speaking in public or negotiating - put seven thin metal bracelets on your hand. In moments of excitement, finger a short rosary of seven large beads. Inhale essential oils cypress and pine are plants of Saturn, the planet that patronizes the seven.

Lucky talisman

The energy of number 7 helps relieve nervous tension, stress, and get out of depression. Choose a houseplant with a flower that has seven petals and place it at the head of your bed. Collect a bouquet of horse chestnut leaves and place it in a vase, or dry the herbarium. In the courtyard of a private house, peace of mind will be protected by the European Weekend. Tie a seven-petal flower with your own hands and carry it with you as a talisman. Buy a pendant in the form of a seven-color rainbow or ouroboros - a snake biting its tail (a symbol of harmony and completeness). If you need to find a solution to a complex problem, grab a set of seven pencils and a piece of paper. Take your mind off the question and just draw using each color. If the solution does not come while drawing, fold the drawing and carry it with you - the problem will soon be resolved.

Life path number

If, as a result of adding all the digits of your date of birth, the result is seven, then this is the number of your life path. “Sevens” are secretive and have difficulty letting other people near them. They are demanding of themselves and fair to others. People “sevens” most often reveal their talents in the arts and humanities, and are able to notice the beauty in the simple.

Striving for perfection, we don’t give “sevens” material goods to the fore. They do not accept assertiveness, rudeness, and do not know how to adapt. By working hard, “sevens” achieve their goals. They love to get to the bottom of the truth, they trust intuition more than reason - and often this is justified. They make good teachers or psychologists, because they, like no one else, know how to listen and give competent advice.

In their personal lives, Sevens have problems due to their inability to express their true feelings. Such people know how to love selflessly, but are shy about passion and strive for a stable relationship with the ability to keep a distance. If the “seven” is convinced that her partner can be relied upon, she will completely trust him.

“Sevens” do not like to talk on the phone, they are irritated by empty conversations, but they always have something to say in personal conversation with a loved one. It’s better not to try to remake or re-educate the “seven”! The number 7 is associated with sudden changes. Its people can lose everything at one moment, but after a while gain a lot thanks to a happy occasion.

Catch your luck!

If your life path number is seven, then the people whose numbers are one and nine will be the most interesting to you. By nature, they are closest to introverts, so with them you can easily find mutual language. Between two people with a life path number of seven, ideal mutual understanding and a strong union are guaranteed.

You can develop friendly relations with those born under the sign of two, but only if you are willing to compromise. To activate all the positive properties of the seven, in clothing, give preference to blue, violet, purple colors, as well as shades of brown. Your lucky item will be a linen dress or shirt.

The symbol of the seven is the earth - surround yourself with clay accessories and ceramic jewelry. Take a pottery master class - this hobby will bring you good luck. Jewelry with onyx, amethyst, sapphire or dark coral will help you become happier. Believe in the lucky seven and your own strength - and luck will certainly find you!

Characteristics of men