Protective circle during rituals with a candle. Reiki protective circle - protection from negative influences. The power of the elements to cleanse evil

Somehow I came across an article “About the PROTECTIVE CIRCLE”. Here I will try to comment on it in Volkhov’s way...

1.Text of the article: “Before the start of any magic, a protective guard is fenced around the participants magic circle.The procedure is accompanied by conspiracies and many ritual actions. Let's figure out why this is done." (

WOLKHA: RITUAL - lat.ritus, “solemn ceremony, cult rite.” (encycl.)
RITUAL - Darkness) + "U" + "AL" (ALA - blood of a macaw). RITUAL - "Born by the will of the Master of the World of Darkness (Satan) from the blood of a macaw."
RITE (proto-language) - born of the Masters-Ors). RITE - "The world of the great-ancestor-Or" (briefly)

But in the Slavic World, there have NEVER BEEN any RITUALS at all! Magic WAS and IS, citizens are “neo-Slavic”! With magic, RITE is clearly used.
The entry into everyday language of “SLAVIC MAGIC” (and not magic) is the influence of Christian ideas about the supernatural, which in no way fits with real paganism, which is basically VEDIC and devoid of any religiosity-belief in the supernatural (nature-Nature, neo-pagans!). Behind MAGIC our language is heavily clogged by Christ. EKM (Unified World Picture) with its own terminology: ritual, soul, god, etc. There was nothing the same in our “pagan” (for the Russian Orthodox Church), but for us VEDIC rites did not exist (it simply did NOT HAPPEN - someone else’s introduction of sacred garbage into our language). And not just littering, but... a battle for consciousness and subconsciousness in people's minds. Someone consciously, and someone unconsciously (they simply use it for themselves in linguistic terms), using alien terminology (ECM)...becomes an OUTGATE from the World of the Family!
ARs are our ancestors, whom everyone calls “gods” (Rod’s family), such a poor fellow’s ancestral memory is TURNED OFF. That’s it, the path to the World of Rod is CLOSED for him until he changes his mind and changes his ECM to a truly Aryan one. Actually, this was one of the main goals of the work of the Russian Orthodox Church in the spaces of Russia-Rus: the struggle for survival with the sorcerers, sorcerers, hair-shapers; the struggle for the minds of the Ars, their Christianization of the subconscious and consciousness, and therefore of all life. THIS must be realized, non-pagans!

MAGIC - - “The Path of the Mother”. I don’t see anything supernatural here. MAGIC in the modern understanding is a project of the Temple of Christ.
CONCLUSIONS: The Magi: The World of Rod KNEW neither rituals nor magic.

2."Imagine that you are in a field in the summer. Flowers are blooming around you, and many insects are scurrying back and forth. You have a jar of honey in your hands. As long as the lid is closed, all these living creatures continue to go about their business. But As soon as you open the lid, hordes of insects will begin to gather around you. There will be honey bees that bring this same honey, and bright butterflies that are so pleasant to our eyes... But most of all there will be insects that are unpleasant to us and even dangerous: flies, wasps, bumblebees. For energetic entities, we are the same jars of honey. A protective circle serves to protect against such entities." (famous site)

VOLKHA: I liked the BRIGHT IMAGE of a summer meadow and a man with a jar of honey on it. Yes, in reality, the smell of honey will do exactly that to insects. And you REALLY will see a similar picture of a change in their behavior. - NO objections. But the image is USED incorrectly by the author of the article, more precisely, there may be an involuntary, but there is a CATCH - a conceptual and semantic substitution. It’s all about the ECM. For a real pagan in Nature there are NO spirits or forces that are clearly and always hostile to him. Of course, you can turn both an insect and spirits...If you try very hard to create either a threat to life for an insect or... a threat to life for the World of the Family (on your scale, you will behave like an ALIEN inclusion in Nature). And honey WILL NOT HELP such a thing. Yes, some insects use honey, like food and will fly to its smell. But this does not serve as a threat factor against a person standing next to him, unless his panicky actions serve as a threat to insects or as an obstacle to their access to honey.
Therefore, in reality, a jar of honey opened in a meadow with normal human actions (moves away from the jar, stands motionless or moves slowly and smoothly) will not bring any harm to anyone. In relation to sacred forces-entities of a natural nature (spirits, elements...): V spiritual world There can be no threats from them. In his EKM, all of them and he himself act in alliance with the fact of the “flourishing” state of the World of the Family. Therefore, they will “flock together”, but of course, but nothing more. Volkh will be able to communicate with them, how we communicate with a random traveler on our way; a commoner... he simply won’t notice anything; of course, unless he is thoroughly intimidated and the EKM of Rod is not completely distorted for him. What is successfully done by the pseudo-pseudo-Slavic “literature” and the false magi who instead of LIGHT and DARKNESS in the head, Light is at war with Darkness (Christian EKM). The goal of the Russian Orthodox Church was to instill FEAR and TERROR in the “Slavs” - good levers for controlling the people. And why do the Slavs need something like that from the Slavs?! Therefore, I give Volkhov’s knowledge, around you in Nature (just like in any room) there are clearly present and invisible to your eyes with ordinary vision and ordinary hearing... sacred entities: spirits, etc. Here’s what you think about yourself: Are you yourself a threat to the existence of Nature in everyday life? - It seems that at most times of the day - NO. But why are spirits, etc. - YES? - They have nothing else to do. But I’m talking about NATURAL spirits, etc. - normal secret inhabitants our reality.
And there are also spirits and other essences of the EGREGORAL worlds (for example, the same World of Christ). I can’t vouch for THESE. The whole point is what kind of life program their creators from the Russian Orthodox Church laid in them... These are sometimes DANGEROUS. - From them, my “human jars of honey” and make your PROTECTIVE CIRCLE. By the way, and it’s time to understand the very concept of this circle.

BEREZHNY - from the verb TO PROTECT in the Ukrainian dialect PROTECT (the same with the Belarusian dialect). BEREZHNY - “O” (World) + “BER” (brown bear, totem of the god BOR/Varvar) + “EZHNY” (short for DAILY ).BEREZHNY - “The World of Bohr”...daily. That is, its protection is the borders with other “worlds of Light”, i.e. real world spaces.

CONCLUSIONS Magi: Devils or devils... it’s all the same: you can’t “distinguish yourself” from Nature and its forces, but from egregoric forces/creatures - yes, it will help (for example, from the Temple of Christ). Example: in the film “Viy” "according to N.V. Gogol (an old film with N. Varleya and L. Kuravlev) HOMA, being a CHRISTIAN, outlined himself with a protective circle... from CHRIST. WITCHES (was baptized), thereby protecting himself from the World of the Dead ROC (HELL ).

3. WHAT TO DRAW? “It is drawn, most often, with iron - a knife or an ax. Since ancient times, metal has been associated with the element of fire, because it is born in a forge, among raging flames. Thus, the power of fire is called upon to burn all paths to the participants of the ritual, cutting off from the outside world occurs .If the ceremony is carried out indoors, then the circle is drawn with coal, for the same reason." (

WOLKHA: Have you tried it with an AXE or a SWORD? Pulling the elements “by the ears”, especially the fiery one, is DANGEROUS, supposedly Slavic citizens, by writing texts like this! An element can get OFFENDED, especially its initiation is Per/Por! And the rest is simple - the metal makes a good furrow in the soil, and the coal on the floor is clearly visible, like the chalk. Or maybe we’ll make a ditch and build a Fire in it in one way or another? - You do this, neo-pagans, on temples! And yet you try to “clearly explain”: this is not an approximation to reality sacredness, gentlemen, sorcerers and their ilk! - Don’t be stupid. You can, if you are a real sorcerer (or some kind of MAG...), make a MENTAL protective circle (mentally draw a line in any way). I give my word that it will not work worse than a circle physically made in reality.

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: There are no more stupid people who strive to strictly “order” everything. Reader, as soon as you see a text in which “a step to the right, a step to the left is execution,” understand: they either want to connect you to themselves (the pyramid-egregor for whom the author serves) , that is, make a slave or... play the fool. In the World of Rod, a CREATIVE APPROACH (individual, especially) IS WELCOME.

4. PARTICIPANTS OF THE RITE. “It is important that ALL participants in the ritual are inside the circle. Crossing the line after the circle (protective circle) is closed is strictly prohibited. Any crossing of the line will destroy magical protection.Not only is it not allowed to cross the line, but also to pass objects through it. After the completion of the ritual, the kolo opens and Chura is thanked for his patronage and help." (famous website)

MAGIC: About the “participants in the ritual”. Whoever DID the line-edge (edge) of the protective circle is the participant. The rest are SPECTATORS, neo-pagans and supposedly Magi! - You need to know the NATURE of what you are doing. Otherwise, like small children, I see , you are in complete IGNORANCE, which for a sorcerer, at least, is completely UNACCEPTABLE. You cannot handle fire in everyday life without knowing the rules. The same goes with the protective circle. If you WANT to have several participants in the ritual, then let EVERYONE repeat along the contour, i.e. .he will draw a protective circle himself, because CIRCLE is the concept of INDIVIDUAL protection during any ritual! Let’s take a simple example from everyday life. If one takes and uses a spoon while dining... What, the spoon will bring food to everyone’s mouths at once?

To cross the line in one way or another is to actually OPEN THE CIRCLE. This is true. But about GOD Chura... For some reason I DIDN’T SEE him in Rod’s family. And none of the wise men I knew and the real magicians either. Once I asked about him from Rod and this is what he answered me: “I didn’t give birth to such a thing!” But Rod is the ancestor and creator of all the “gods” of his family in the World of Rod! Then WHO? - So you gave birth and fantasized “from the heart,” neo-Slavic citizens and your Magi, the dog bites them!!

CHUR - "Ch" (black/northern; abbreviation of the god Chor, the main god of the World of the Dead) + "UR" (distortion from OR/Hyperborea). CHUR - "Northern OR" ... And not CHUR, but CHOR (Chernobog , for the pantheon of Svarog, neo-pagans of the Kiev region, I say). For the rest - there is NO such god.

Ps: Chur is a boundary SIGN. Hence CHURBAN, CHURKA... In all centuries, peasants put it up as a boundary sign in their fields. On the chura they drew: whose sign (whose field). But, gentlemen, sorcerers, you can’t lie so “ungodly” to the Slavic common people, who are LAZY and RELUCTANT to find out for themselves from historical chronicles. You are inventors, not inventors! Since the Christianization of the Kiev region, and subsequently in Muscovy, it has been used a boundary sign and NO ONE in the wildest of his head COMES to call him GOD... hmm.

CONCLUSIONS Magi: Magi, do not let our people FALL into your “stupidity”!

5. WHY CIRCLE? "Often in our lives we find ourselves in dangerous situations or are forced to meet and contact with unpleasant people.A protective circle will help us here. Mentally isolate yourself from the world with a luminous fiery line, call upon Chur with the help of spells. This will help minimize the influence of the outside world on you and reduce negative influence or cut it off completely." (

WOLKHA: The protective circle can be used this way...whether a magus or a voloshey. It’s just that you can’t do ANYTHING with your own imagination-fantasy. You need skill and skill. You need to STUDY: long and hard, neo-Slavs. It won’t work out of the box! It always amazes me EASY guarantee of results “without difficulty for yourself”, your loved one... Like, I’ll just imagine, “I’ll imagine” and everything will work out. Have you ever tried to drive a car without training? You can, of course, but what will happen as a result?! As for “situations”: you have to have a balance on your shoulders so as NOT to CREATE or get into such situations! You have to be the OWNER of your destiny, not a sucker for “maybe-crap”. That’s the end of the story.

WORDS OF THE MAGIC: Stop worrying about such “authors of articles”, otherwise you’ll be tormented by noodles, that is, surrender. Good luck to the beginning “MAGES from the Slavs”!

6. KNOWLEDGE from Volkha about the PROTECTIVE CIRCLE. 1). Let me start with HISTORICALLY, so to speak... On the Volkhov DROPs, and they are all small towns, there are NO and there have never been any protective circles: none of the Magi went crazy: TO DEFENSE or TO DISCONNECT from Nature and its forces. Yes both myself and my actions... I had no intentions of protecting Nature from them (there was nothing to hide; there was the principle “Don’t harm anyone or anything and they won’t do that to you”). It’s like standing in front of a mirror: if you don’t make a face, even the mirror will not show... such a horror! So, on the DROPs, the Magi did not have any “PROTECTION CIRCLE”: they were not afraid of Mother Nature! Fear was brought into your “Slavic” consciousness by CHRISTIANS, for whom Nature is “ a door closed for centuries." And that’s why they always imagined ghouls and witches, or even something worse. These are their affairs and I won’t go into them today. That’s where the PROTECTIVE circles around the TEMPLES OF IDOLATERS come from. If you want to control who among the people, - instill fear (Hell) and give a carrot for obedience (Paradise). “Divide”, i.e. SEPARATE the Slav from Mother Nature and his ancestors... and do with him what you want! Like, neo-Slavs!

2).We found out that PROTECTIVE circles appeared around the TEMPLATES with the Magi imitating the Magi. WHERE did they, so to speak, get this “experience”? So if it WASN’T possible to take it in the World of the Family, then... they adopted the “experience” from outside ?!- We know where - in Byzantium, which built, following the example of the Romans (which it was part of as part of the Roman Empire), fortresses surrounded by ditches with water and, if necessary, fire (where there was no water). It was from there that the MAGI learned the experience of fencing. Only then did it occur to someone to use it MAGICALLY! And off we go! So they brought it to Rus'-Ros! Superstitious monks, magicians of all stripes... And the imitators of the Magi are happy to “show off”: they found PROTECTION! Their forelocks weren’t torn enough by the real Magi and Wise Men! Fear, citizens, fear... YOU NEED TO THINK WITH YOUR OWN HEAD, and not from the media "People" eats!"

3). Is there a use for the PROTECTION CIRCLE in magic or sorcery? - I won’t lie: there are! If in Nature there are virts - egregors, how could it not be! The Magi are also not stupid: they KNOW from whom they put protective circles in case of something... But sorcery - sorcery and sorcery - is a secret matter and... not for commoners, citizens. The SECRET is professional, I’ll say so. Don’t torture, it’s not for you. No offense. Volha.

CONCLUSIONS: Magi: There are some things that only Magi can do, but there are some things that common people can do “with a protective circle” that are not forbidden.

GENERALIZATION from the ARTICLE: I divided as best I could the “knowledge” of the Magi and knowledge on the topic of the Magi... I wish you all good health. Good luck!

The Reiki protective circle is needed to protect against negative impact and avoiding negative situations (if appropriate).

1) To set up a protective circle, we call upon the Reiki energy, according to our level.
2) “I ask the Reiki energy, the Reiki Teachers and Guides and all the Higher Powers to protect and protect me (or the name...) at the right time from any harm that may be caused to me (or the name) voluntarily or involuntarily.”
3) Visualize around us an oval of milky golden color, which originates at the feet and ends slightly above the crown chakra.
4) Imagine that we are thoroughly saturated with the energy of the circle.
5) “I thank the Reiki energy, Teachers, Reiki Guides and all the Higher Powers for helping and ask to protect me (or name) for ...... (period of time)
The protective circle has been set.

Note: It is possible to place a protective circle (with intention) for a certain time. If the circle is installed for a sufficiently long time, it is recommended to periodically update it, in this case the effect of the protective circle will be more intense and effective.

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Do you already know that northern magic turns first to the power of the elements? The rules of sorcery, witchcraft, fortune telling, reading conspiracies or persuasion to the Gods, as we call them in the north, must be known first of all. Before you turn to the power of the elements, make sure you understand northern tradition, the foundations of our ancient magic.

What distinguishes northern magic from other traditions?

Nowadays people often do not follow the traditions of divination, they study different practices, believing that everything is for the good. I think differently: we must comply ancient tradition, its rules were not created for nothing. Before calling on the power of the elements in the northern rite, feel how native northern magic differs from overseas traditions:

In northern magic we turn to the Native Gods of Rule, Reveal and Navi. When we talk about the power of the elements, we most often call upon the Gods of Revealing or those who often visit the World of Revealing. In many northern conspiracies, the names of the Native Gods have already been replaced with Christian names, but don’t let this confuse you - the whole point is to turn to the ancients Slavic Gods, whom we know by many names.

Northern magic is impossible without conspiracies and persuasion to the Native Gods. Sometimes the words are very simple, say, to meet the power of the elements, to say hello to Mother Earth or Fire and Wind. But for the Slavic ritual the plot is long, it is important to preserve every word in it. In the North, long entreaties to the Slavic Gods were written down in special notebooks - conspirators.

Special ritual objects help us create magic: pure wax candles, knives for outlining a protective circle, bowls for the elements, stones with Cuts inscribed on them, herbs, salt. Objects are increasingly simple; they used to be in every home. If you want to invoke the power of the elements in the Slavic ritual, acquire such objects, and certainly from a good master.

Do you understand these rules? Then you can call on the power of the elements in the Slavic ritual.

The power of the elements and the protective circle

When appealing to one element, you can do without a protective circle, but if you call on the power of four elements and even the Gods, Rule or Navi, you will certainly draw a circle!

The protective circle of the devils must be salted three times. Experienced fortune tellers can draw a circle on the table with their finger and that will be enough, but don’t be lazy, do this: take a man’s knife or a spindle with a sharp end, if you don’t have either one or the other, you can set fire to a splinter and put it out and draw a circle with it or salt around you mound. Everything must be included in the circle: the altar with objects for the ritual, and you yourself, and the other person, if you are creating for him.

Draw a circle with a man's knife or a spindle, or a splinter, or sprinkle with salt

Point a man’s knife (that means a straight and sharp knife that you use only for fortune telling, not in everyday life) or the sharp tip of a spindle towards the ground. Start drawing a circle with east side, go salting (clockwise) three times.

I’ll give you simple words for the protective circle:

“Stand around me from earth to heaven, from sea to fly, from east to west,” so the rivers and salt three times, from the east, go. And when you remove the protective circle after the ritual, do the opposite, go against the salt, from the east, and the rivers: “Fall around me from east to west, from sea to summer, from earth to heaven.”

Here's something else you need to remember: the wall around you is not a high fence, but a ball that surrounds you from all sides, from below and from above too. When you go with a spell and set up a protective circle, imagine how a thin but viscous ball surrounds you and everything that is needed for the ritual. No bad thing can happen through it, and Rodya Gods are yours Your aspirations will be heard, so don’t worry.

When you have drawn a protective circle, you can call on the power of the elements in the Slavic ritual.

Greeting the power of the elements in the ritual: gestures and vercha

When you call upon the power of the elements in the Slavic ritual, you must respect them and greet them. This is where any ritual begins! If you appeal to all four elements, perform the ritual on the lunar altar. He will bring the forces of Water and Fire, Earth and Air into balance.

In our North, the altar is placed like this: Mother Cheese Earth on the north side (“for winter”), Agidel-Water on the west side, Stribog-wind on the south side (“for summer”), Semargl-fire on the east side. At each place a sign of one of the Gods of Reveal is placed so that the power of the elements manifests itself in the ritual. Let's say, put the Rez of God, or bowls with earth and water, a candle for fire, an incense burner with herbs, or an empty bowl for air.

This is what the altar to the forces of the elements looks like with the verts and churs of the elemental Gods

Salute the elements, starting with the Earth. The words are like these:

“Hello, Mother - Cheese Earth. From me to you, Mother - Cheese Earth, and you, Mother - Cheese Earth, listen to my aspiration. Hello, Agidel - water. From me to you, Agidel - water, vercha, and you, Agidel - water, listen to my desire. Hello, Stribog - Wind. From me to you, Stribog - the Wind, whirling, and you, Stribog - the Wind, listen to my aspiration. Hello, Semargl - Fire. From me to you, Semargl - Fire, vercha, and you, Semargl - Fire, listen to my desire.”

The order here is correct! Begin to greet the elements with Earth and end with Fire. You see how it turns out: the outer, protective circle, you put in the salting, but you will remove the anti-salting, with the elements it’s the other way around - greet the elements with the anti-salting, but you will say goodbye to the salting.

The power of the elements to cleanse evil

Now that you know the rules, I’ll share the full ritual that calls on the power of the elements. Remember how to correctly place a protective circle, how to greet the elements, how to turn to the Native Gods in a ritual, and do as it says here:

Ritual for cleansing by the power of the elements

Ritual of appealing to the four elements for cleansing from Evil

Come to the place in advance, go out into the forest, by the water, by the river, on a stone, near an anthill, strong words are spoken to the natural Gods. Wait for the clear Sun to rise - then Reality will begin to flicker and interfere with the Rule, your words will flow throughout the whole wide world. Stand against the morning dawn. Your words will be strong, and molded, and walked, and capacious, stronger than overseas damask steel, both in negotiations and not in contracts. 

Place the cuts of the natural Gods (Semargla on the east side, Mother Earth on the north side, Agidel on the west side, Stribog on the south side), salt, a candle and the image of the Patron God in the middle, light the candle, take a pinch of dry grass in your palm. 

First, bow four times to the cardinal directions.

Bow to the north side: 

“Hello, Mother - Cheese Earth. From me to you, Mother of the Cheese Earth, and you, Mother of the Cheese Earth, listen to my aspiration.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

Bow to the west side: 

“Hello, Agidel - water. From me to you, Agidel - water, vercha, and you, Agidel - water, listen to my desire.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

Bow to the south: 

“Hello, Stribog - Wind. From me to you, Stribog - the Wind, spinning, and you, Stribog - the Wind, listen to my aspirations.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

Bow to the east side: 

“Hello, Semargl - Fire. From me to you, 

Semargl - Fire, vercha, and you, Semargl - Fire, listen to my desire.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

Three times, with faith and hope, say your aspiration “into the salt” (into the cup of salt in the middle of the altar). 

“Let all parables and lessons be removed from me (your name of the river, or the name of the river of the person you are helping). Just as forest lakes are filled with clean rains, so I (your name of the river, or the name of the river of the person you are helping) would be filled to the brim with strength.” 

The second time, shoot off your (or the person you are helping) lessons and ghosts with arrows, turning to God the Patron. 

Rivers facing east: 

“I will get up and bless myself, I will bow to my Native Gods, I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into an open field - to the Ocean Sea. In the ocean sea there is a white latyr - stone. 

On that white latyr - stone sits (the name of God - the Patron of the river, for example, Mother Lada, or Father Svarog), draws a tight bow, directs red-hot arrows - seventy-three and two, and a single arrow. Shoots and shoots from az (name of the river) all parables, ghosts 

and windy (e) negotiations from bones and from brains, and from clear eyes, from a white face, from a zealous heart, from hot blood, from the entire human body. May my words be strong and firm from key to key, from castle to castle, viki puviki, get rid of duviki.” 

Now, following the spell of the river, develop silk radiant grass on four sides: 

“I will get up at early dawn, I will wash myself in spring water, I will go from door to door, from gate to gate into an open field, into green meadows, under a clear sun, under an eastern star. And in that open field clear Fire, hot Blaze, cold Water and wild Wind. I will bow to four sides.” 

Bow to the north side: 

“First of all, good morning, the earth is your mother, turning away from me, I ask you to lay out a smooth path for me, in good hour serve me faithfully.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

To the west side: 

“The second time, in a good hour, there is water for you - some water, springing from me, holy water, earthly and heavenly, helper of all the world, I ask you, show me the way, open the way for me - the road. In good time, do me a faithful service.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

To the south: 

“The third time, good morning to you, mighty wind, the violent wind has come - go to the wind. In good time, do me a faithful service.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

To the east side: 

“Fourth time, good hour, the fire of heaven rises to you, turning from me, you are the king of all fires, burn and drink the fallen evil spirits. In good time, do me a faithful service.” Throw a pinch of radiant grass in that direction. 

“Earth power with earth power, water power with water power, wind power with wind power, fire power with fire power, help me, help me, help me. Let all sorts of parables and lessons be removed from me (your name of the river, or the name of the river of the person you are helping), just as forest lakes are filled with clean rains, so would I (your name of the river, or the name of the river of the person you are helping) be filled to the brim with strength - 3 times rivers. I speak words from great families, in which the words were strong and daring and great, and those words were useful for any influx business from any parcel portage business. May my words be strong and firm from key to key, from castle to castle, viki puviki, get rid of duviki.” 

Now, turn around and leave that place, not talking to anyone until you return home!

This is our northern magic. You feel how the power of the elements awakens in magic words conspiracy? And if you do it like the grandmothers: go out into the forest, into the field, and to the river at dawn, when the boundaries between the Worlds are especially thin, spin the elements and read the spell smoothly, calmly, like a song... Words cannot describe how the power of the elements is felt then, how it flows through the body, how you feel the answer of the Gods to all your aspirations. This is our northern magic!

Watch webinars, read our articles,

I wish you wonderful discoveries and the fulfillment of your cherished aspirations!

For good!

Before the start of any ritual, a magic circle is fenced around the participants. This procedure is accompanied by conspiracies and many ritual actions. Let's figure out why this is done.

Imagine that you are in a field in the summer. Flowers are blooming around you, and many insects are scurrying here and there. You have a jar of honey in your hands. As long as the lid is closed, all these living creatures continue to go about their business. But as soon as you open the lid, hordes of insects, both flying and crawling, will begin to gather around you. There will be honey bees that bring this very honey, and bright butterflies that are so pleasant to our eyes... But most of all there will be insects that are unpleasant to us and even dangerous: flies, wasps, bumblebees.

For energy entities we are the same jars of honey. During the ceremony we open up and remove the lid. And many spirits begin to circle around us in a swarm. Some of them would be useful to us, but there are even more who want to feast on our “honey” and give us nothing in return. Without reliable protection, we may find that after the ritual, instead of spiritual uplift and inspiration, we are left with only emptiness, fatigue and a depressing feeling of hopelessness. But this is not the worst thing. There are entities that attach themselves to their host and begin to slowly but surely suck out their life force. Such a person begins to lose interest in life, he begins to “ black stripe", character deteriorates, close people turn away...

A protective circle is used to protect against such entities. It is drawn, most often, with iron - a knife or an ax. Since ancient times, metal has been associated with the element of fire, because it is born in a forge, among raging flames. Thus, the power of fire is called upon to burn all paths to the ritual participants, cutting them off from the outside world. If the ceremony is carried out indoors, then the circle is drawn with charcoal, for the same reason. It is important that ALL participants in the ceremony are inside the circle. After drawing the line, the following conspiracies are read:

Chur-churila, old old man,
Old old, churila-chur,
You go, go around,
Go down, go down,
Look closely at the holy stake,
Kolo communication, for the sake of strength,
And take me to Navi!
In the guardian's camp,
The power of Bozhsk will be with us.

You walk, walk, walk around
Look, look, look
You drive, drive, respect
Send all evil away from us

Chur- God of property rights, protection, patron of borders, integrity, protection, home. His responsibilities include protecting boundaries, land boundaries, and borders in general. Chur protects clan and tribal possessions, and evil spirits cannot cross their borders. Guardian God Chur has always perfectly protected all the secret and innermost thoughts of a person from various demons and evil people practicing black witchcraft. Therefore, if any danger arises, old and wise people They advise you to remember God Chur more often and shut yourself up, saying: “Chur me!”, i.e. ask the Great Guardian God: “Chur, protect me!”

Crossing the line after the kolo (protective circle) has closed is strictly prohibited. Any crossing of the line will destroy the magical protection. Not only is it prohibited to cross the line, but also to pass objects through it.

After the completion of the ritual, the kolo is opened and Chura is thanked for his patronage and help.
Often in our lives we find ourselves in dangerous situations or are forced to meet and come into contact with unpleasant people. The protective circle will also help us here. Mentally isolate yourself from the world with a luminous fiery line, call upon Chur using the above conspiracies. This will help minimize the influence of the outside world on you and reduce the negative influence or completely cut it off.

Characteristics of men