Tell fortunes about your relationship with a man in the near future. Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me. What does your loved one think about you?

Algiz, translated from ancient languages, means reed. This is the support and patronage of the Higher Powers, a symbol of the Scandinavian god Heimdal, who is the Guardian of the Gods, protecting the World from attacks by dark forces.

What does the Algiz rune mean:

  • Symbolizes a person with his hands raised to heaven. The rune is similar astrological sign Zodiac sign Pisces also the patron saint of this constellation, Neptune.
  • The reed obeys the slightest breath of the Wind. This is a river of above-ground energy, which is connected to the higher will, so it can be deceptive. The fortuneteller who receives it must be like a reed.
  • This auspicious sign. The main thing is to correctly understand its meaning, but heavy runes may come next, for example, Perth.

Unlike the others, it predicts not material, but spiritual acquisition.

The magical designation conveys information to the human Spirit, but not to its vessel.

Straight position

This strong protection, which has the meaning of a bridge between people and gods. With such help, a person can withstand any test. The power of Algiz is enormous, so in ancient times it was carved on the human body or engraved on military weapons.

Given magic sign encourages you to trust your intuition. IN difficult situation, when a person has a difficult choice, a signal will be given from above about what needs to be done and what decision is correct.

Magical protection is another action of this runic symbol. The direct position indicates that the individual has strong amulet or some kind of amulet that protects against various troubles.

In everyday life, it is important to have a strong friendship with a person who has a wonderful character and a great sense of humor. Be sure to pay attention if there are:

  • Turiaz. Then the meaning changes to an extraordinary, unexpected gift of fate.
  • Soul. Shows that a person is capable of achieving his goal.
  • Berkana. Testifies to a reliable and indestructible “rear” in the form of a family that will always support.

Algiz is also a talisman against physical danger. At some point there will be a risk, but it can be successfully avoided. Or circumstances will arise in the future that pose a health hazard. If you are paired with Raido, then most likely it will be related to transport.

Reverse or inverted position

The Algiz rune inverted symbolizes:

  • vulnerability;
  • senseless self-sacrifice;
  • the fortuneteller does not know something because he himself is mistaken or someone is deceiving him;
  • the person asking someone from his environment devotes a lot of time, but does not receive any return;
  • Someone is trying to fool the person who is being told fortunes and make him the culprit of all the troubles, even if he has nothing to do with it.

Gives you the opportunity to change the situation and benefit from it. So, in combination with Feu, it will predict financial benefits, but what remains unknown is whether the fortuneteller will be able to succeed.

Interpretation in amorous affairs

The description and meaning in love in the direct placement of this symbol can be interpreted as the need to see in the second half not only an object for carnal entertainment, but also a friend who would always understand and share common moral principles and spiritual quests.

The Scandinavian rune Algiz in relationships says:

  • about a connection that is based on trust and a sense of unity between partners;
  • about reconciliation, which will either be in the near future or is already underway.

If it comes up in a combination:

  • with Teyvaz - victory over an opponent;
  • with Inguz - romantic meetings will end with a marriage proposal.

Reversed designation

In love and relationships, the rune in reverse warns against making new acquaintances, much less new close connections. She indicates that the future partner will have personal motives. The questioner will not be able to understand this quickly.

  • In combination with Uruz, it foretells that the other half will impose their views on the fortuneteller.
  • In combination with Ansuz, it says that the questioner listens strongly to the advice of his lover or beloved.

If on at the moment If the fortuneteller has a person striving for favor, then there is no need to encourage signs of attention, because after a certain time it turns out that this person’s character is not as good as thought.

Is tattooing allowed?

Despite the fact that this is a symbol of protection, runologists do not recommend applying it to people who rarely work with this type of fortune telling. The rune carries great energy, which will have a strong impact on the life of its owner.

Interpretation of Algiz on human body will change depending on the position in which others will see her.

It has both direct and inverted meanings, which will have a negative impact. Every time the tattoo turns over, situations in life will change.

How and when to use

It is allowed to be applied:

  • on a wooden board;
  • on a metal plate;
  • on the stone.

It is allowed to carve a hieroglyph on a wooden base, but not to burn it, as there is a belief that this method will harm the soul of the tree.

The runic sign is used in extreme cases. If a person finds himself in dangerous situation can be drawn on the body with a ballpoint pen, or on a foggy window or with a dry branch on the ground. If you want to protect yourself from evil spirits the amulet is scratched or engraved on silver jewelry.

It can be embroidered on clothes, but so that prying eyes cannot see it. This will be universal protection against physical dangers and energy attacks. When embroidering, it is recommended to use red thread.

Algiz and astrology

A person born between October 23 and November 7, that is, at the beginning zodiac constellation Scorpio is under the protection of the Higher Powers. In this case, this runic sign will help open up new perspectives, and drastic positive changes will constantly occur in life. But only if a person born under this sign tries to correct his negative traits.

People under her auspices want to know themselves and discover hidden talents, but before doing this they need to stand confidently on the ground so as not to lose their balance. They have a strong instinct for self-expression. They are used to spinning around to improve their well-being. If they sense danger, they instinctively defend themselves.

It is not easy to harm people under the auspices of this rune symbol, since they have great potential vital energy. It is she who protects the personal aura and strengthens determination.

It promotes:

  • the emergence of creative ideas and their development;
  • searching for hidden sources of energy when facing any difficulties;
  • deviation is a bad influence;
  • gaining balance during times of stress.

If a person does prohibited actions to please his own bad habits, he loses his restraint and composure. People who fall under the protection of the Algiz rune should avoid bad habits.

You definitely need to be scrupulous about your mental health so that there are no problems in the future. They need to learn to be moderate, courteous, and loyal. This is how it will be possible to resist the dangers and attacks of negativity from the outside.


Got it, I'm correcting myself

Since I am completely green in tarot, I use cards only in upright position. I read in Banzhaf's book that this is quite acceptable.

Kakarta means hesitant change, fear of plunging into something new, moving into something new with fear. Perhaps the man is thinking about a more serious relationship, but is afraid of the consequences of such a decision.

2. Ace of Cups

The card means a chance to find spiritual happiness, well-being, new love and relationships that give great happiness and reconciliation.

I assume that the man thinks that if he still dares to have a relationship, he will find happiness and well-being in it.

The card means confidence in the future, new hopes, love under a lucky star, the beginning of a new promising relationship.

It is somewhat difficult for me to interpret this card as human behavior, but since its meanings are positive, then nothing bad man will not do, maybe something related to romance...

4.5 Queen of Wands and 10 of Cups

The Queen of Wands - a figured card, means a temperamental, proud, self-confident woman.

10 of Cups - joy, sociability, harmony, deep love, family happiness.

The Queen of Wands has me stumped. I assume that a man would like to start a family with me, but there is another woman who is preventing this.

6.7 Page of Cups and Hierophant

Page of Cups - emotional support, peace, declaration of love, spiritual intimacy

hierophant - finding meaning, confidence, sincerity, mutual trust, goodwill, the ability to respect and appreciate.

I try to create a comfortable atmosphere in our communication, full of all of the above))

8. 2 cups

The card means overcoming splits and conflicts, reconciliation, “binding” oneself with a person.

I assume that the man would like to improve the relationship after a quarrel, which really happened, and is ready to take some steps towards reconciliation.

9. queen of swords

A figured card means a smart, independent woman. Just like the previous figure, I can’t understand how to interpret it.

As far as I could understand, the man is looking for a more serious relationship, but is afraid

Of course, Hayo Banzhaf is a world-famous tarot reader, but personally, I still would not simplify the Tarot cards so much as not to pay attention to the position of the Tarot cards in the layout. Tarot cards in an upright position have their own meanings, and reversed cards have their own. Yes, there are some Tarot card layouts where it doesn’t matter in what position the cards fall. For example, the well-known and beautiful Tarot card layout “The Path” (by Hayo Banzhaf). But always, when using such layouts separately and initially, it is stipulated that the position of the drawn Tarot cards (upright or inverted) does not matter in this particular layout. In the scenario given in this topic, “How does he treat me?” There is no such clause! Therefore in mandatory All cards should be interpreted taking into account their upright or inverted position. This is very important and simplifications are unacceptable here!

Characteristics of men