Runes of protection kill a person immediately. Runes protection from enemies at work. MagicLife: Magic. Fortune telling - Tarot, Runes Black magic. Northern Tradition. Rune magic. Features of inducing damage with runes

This runic form allows all the words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions of the ill-wisher to remain in him and not allow them to come back out. How much this person wants to throw out his evil on you, so deeply his evil remains in himself and thereby causes harm three times more.

Working stav runes:

Square- consists of 4 Isa runes, promotes sustainable results

Mannaz, Perto, Nautiz, Laguz, Laguz lane. - the runes are in a square and mean the person himself who causes harm, his negative thoughts, emotions, witchcraft, etc.

4 Seals of Hel - block all channels leading to you.

This runic stipulation is something like this:

“Let all thoughts, words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions (name) remain within her, without finding a way back. How much (name) wants to do, think, throw out her evil on me, so deeply this evil remains in (name) herself and harms her threefold.”

5. Noose for the enemy ( marina)

With the help of this runic stave, you can get rid of enemies who have ever caused harm. You can instill fear and horror by influencing their fate, material wealth, and health. Also, in addition to punishment, this becoming will protect you from enemies in all areas of life by retaliating.

Working runes in the stave:

Dot- the operator himself

Algiz- rune of protection, protects against negativity

Teyvaz- attacks the enemy, bringing confusion to his ranks

Eyvaz, Turisaz- cut off all attack attempts, connect to the operator and destroy enemy resistance

Hagalaz- a weapon of revenge and attack, will destroy everything that you stipulate

Jotun's wraith- trouble

An approximate stipulation: let DRS destroy all my enemies with the power of runes, fall on them natural disasters, destroying and destroying their destinies, their positions in society, their wealth. Let this become the fate of all the people who have ever caused me harm. May the DRS always and everywhere protect my health, interests in career and financial growth from their negative impact. More on the classics...

Apply staves after making a preliminary diagnosis to see how the runes will manifest themselves in your case. If you are not sure that your actions are fair to another person, do not use the magic of revenge and justice. Otherwise it will turn against you.

A person is multifaceted, he has both positive and negative traits character. During his life path you have to deal with people who are unpleasant to communicate with. It can be former friends who have turned into rivals or enemies, two-faced colleagues who are jealous of their rapid career growth. There are a huge number of reasons for hostility.

Often ill-wishers try to set up intrigues that ruin life. Is it possible to protect yourself and your family from the negativity of enemies and ill-wishers?

It is possible to stop the flow of negative energy with the help of runes.

Runes of protection work against hostile people and they are divided into several types:

  • Protective formulas.
  • Formulas that send negative energy back to the sender. A person who wants to harm will receive all the negativity back.
  • Stats that stop enemy attacks. They create difficulties around the ill-wisher, and he no longer cares about the object of attack.

Often runologists with little experience are interested in the moral side of this issue. If you do not want to harm the offender, then it is better to look for another way. For a serious person, runescripts will be useful. But before you apply them, you should remember that the actions taken have consequences that may affect you in the future.

The combination of signs is applied to the photo of the offender, then they are specified individually or in whole. You can activate it in any suitable way. When the action weakens, it is allowed to update by circling the signs.


Runes for protection from negativity and enemies will help remove bad luck from areas of life. The most popular method is mirror. The point is that any evil thought will be automatically cut off from the operator and returned to the owner, working according to the “boomerang” method. The method will quickly identify the offender, since he will be in poor health and will be plagued by sheer bad luck in business.

Mirror protection

Helps to repel a purposeful action (evil eye, curse) mirror protection. It works according to the "reflective surface" principle. The negative energy sent will be cut off and redirected to the person who wants to harm.

The combination of Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz makes it possible to eliminate any magical influence. When drawing up a reservation, you must indicate the areas of life that need protection from negative energy with runes. Before installation, be sure to find out how to specify the formula.

Signs used in mirror protection

To install the “mirror” amulet with a reservation, the magic letters must be in strict sequence. Often used signs when creating a mirror shield are:

  • Isa is a symbol of ice. It has a wide range of uses: it freezes negative actions, stops the progression of illnesses, repels external attacks, and reduces the manifestation of rage.
  • Kenaz enhances the operator’s sensitivity and sharpens intuition. The main task is to cut off negative attachments with the help of self-confidence. Maintains excellent physical health.
  • Halagaz means "hail" in Scandinavian. It carries the strongest destructive energy, which is aimed at eliminating any negativity coming from enemies. The runic symbol is multifaceted, so it is advisable to use it in extreme cases.

Protection rates with return

Runic staves with return will help protect family or loved ones and punish the offender.


The purpose of the formula is to save the operator from trouble backfire, which will be directed at the ill-wisher. It includes:

  • Algiz;
  • Turisaz;
  • Evaz;
  • Inguz;
  • Nautiz;
  • Soulu.

Elven runes with Irish letters and signs of trouble enhance the effect. The northern sun is depicted in the middle, foreshadowing prosperity regardless of the area of ​​​​life. Suitable for weakened people. You can activate it simply by saying what you want to receive and supporting it with the phrase: “So be it.”

The formula must be fully specified. There is no need to activate each one, since they miss the operator’s magic.


The impact of a combination of runic symbols is manifested in the breaking of incoming negativity and striking back. The combination works great over long distances.

The runic diagram consists of the following magical letters:

  • Teyvaz and Algiz are protection and counterattack.
  • The Stunginn Iss branch, which is an Icelandic rune, creates impenetrability and conceals the operator from prying eyes.
  • Halagaz in conjunction with Ur has a strong backlash aimed at the offender.
  • Laguz creates a concentrated flow and also reflects an attack that acts on the principle of a “blast wave”.
  • Eyvaz in combination with Thurisaz cuts off possible attacks and protects against energy vampires.

Damage made on runes

During the period of technological progress, not all people believe in magic and witchcraft, but there are still those who tend to believe in supernatural forces. This part of humanity is afraid of their offenders, who can bring big trouble. For protection they resort to magic. The Scandinavian signs are characterized by the strongest influence:

  • Halagaz.
  • Uruz.
  • Eyvaz.

It is done for a specific area of ​​a person’s life: family well-being, work, love or health.

Runic damage represents certain actions that are carried out with the help of staves used to harm a specific person or several persons.

Runic damage is black magic, so not every person undertakes to perform these rituals. Because any mistake can turn against the operator. In most cases, becoming punishes the person who performs the ritual.

A person who dares to perform a ritual should be very careful. To conduct this, you need the personal belongings of the ill-wisher or a photograph. The result will not be long in coming. Lasts for a long time.

Which ones to use

Each Scandinavian symbol has its own purpose. Some carry positive energy and help a person, others can do a lot of harm. When inflicting damage, the following are used:

  • Eyvaz is a Scandinavian sign that has several meanings, which depend on what is located nearby. These include death, change, and the beginning of a new life.
  • Isa - encasement in ice. The effect is temporary.
  • Halagaz - disorder, destruction or dependence on other people. May portend a serious illness. But the rune is not negative, since one of its characteristics is the destruction of obstacles.
  • Perth - death and fear, but sometimes in a certain situation it has a positive meaning.

Before performing the ritual, you should clearly define your desire and carefully study the rules of conduct and activation.

The rates are effective instantly. When inducing damage, it is not necessary to use complex formulas; it is enough to apply several separate magical signs.

How to deprive an enemy of his strength

Sometimes it happens that there is discord at work or in the family. A strong personality destroys a weaker one, showing his superiority. One solution is to exclude communication with an ill-wisher, but what to do if this is impossible? You can weaken the enemy and destroy him morally and physically by using punishment runes.

The procedure is simple, the main thing is not to deviate from the recommendations:

  1. Take a personal household item or a photo of a hater and apply: Nautiz-Hagalaz - Uruz - Isa.
  2. With thoughts of wanting to deprive an ill-wisher of strength, cut a finger using a knife or razor.
  3. Becoming activated by blood.

Blood is necessary to confirm enmity with a person, and it also personifies evil intentions.

A magical ritual completely destroys physical and mental activity. The hater becomes easily vulnerable, weak and depressed. He won't be able to stand up for himself.

Formula for destruction

The most risky and popular method of punishing an enemy is damage to death. Beginners should not try to harm in this way, since it can all come back.

The principle of destroying an enemy using damage is as follows:

  • A photo of the hater is taken.
  • Apply on the photo with a marker: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
  • Activation occurs through voiced words of anger towards the enemy. You should also ask higher powers to send your enemy to the next world.
  • Then they spit saliva on the photograph.

Incorrect activation or incorrect spelling of runes and other problems lead to various consequences. It happens that the damage to destruction is transferred to the practitioner himself. It will no longer be possible to change what is happening.

Source of problems

By interacting with each other, people exchange information, emotions, their achievements, happiness, and share grief and disappointment. Being in a close relationship, we open our souls and don’t think about the consequences. For some people, happy moments last longer, for others they are short-lived. And on this basis, feelings of envy often arise.

There are people who are annoyed by other people's happiness, health and well-being. They may have desires to turn to black magic to take away the bright moments in life from someone. Envious people can not only cause damage or other magical effects, but also cast the evil eye or act openly, causing problems in the life of a more fortunate person.

In order to prevent such things from happening unpleasant situations, you can install various protections, including runic ones. Being calm about your health, the health of loved ones, and property is one of the aspects of a happy life. If your home can be protected with reliable locks and alarms, then you can protect yourself from negative energy enemies are more difficult. Runic protection based on attracting energy to a specific area of ​​​​a person. The energy of runes protects a person from damage, evil eyes, and evil tongues.

With the help of runes, you can put protection as if preventing negative influences and any unwanted actions on the part of ill-wishers. But you can also stop a specific person and not give him the opportunity to harm if you know who your enemy is. And also, without knowing a specific enemy, you can specify the runes in such a way that they will act in general, on people who wish you harm.

Getting rid of enemies using runes

Straitjacket ( STRAIT JACKEET by DANTE)

This runic stave can help in the following situations: the neighbors are fed up - they make noise, drink, run along the landing, knock on the walls, listen to loud music; the boss at work constantly yells and threatens with dismissal; relatives began to frequent without invitation; an obsessive lover will not calm down... in general, you can negotiate any situation in which it is necessary to pacify a person so that he does not commit actions that are undesirable for you.

The name of the stave and the runes in it speak for themselves. It can be applied both long-term, updating periodically after a certain period of time, and on a specific situation in order to shackle your enemy from unwanted actions. This author’s phrase is very concise and not difficult to remember, so that you can use it at a specific unexpected moment.

Working stav runes:

Teyvaz lane.,Stungen-Iss, Nautiz, elforuns M and O, secondary Isa

As you can see, in this stav not only Scandinavian runes are used, but also the Icelandic rune Stungen-Iss,also Elforuns.

Elforuna O in combination with the rune Teyvaz lane. - this is the opening of the gates of the earth to drain the energy of the raging rabbit there, i.e. weakening of will

3 Nautiza(need) - speak for themselves, this is coercion and constraint in action

Stungen-Iss(pierced ice) - to close roads and stop some business, fainting. It is also used to hide one's actions.

It is possible to negotiate becoming either individually or in its entirety. Usually, if the runes are written in the form of a formula, then it is worth specifying each rune separately. If the runes are in alignment, then you can make a single reservation for the entire stave, and the runes themselves will distribute their roles based on the task at hand.

Runic becoming "Paralysis"

Here we see a stave, which consists of two runic staves. They were designed to destroy the belief in their exclusivity and immobilize them on a physical level, to deprive them of their strength, “so that life does not seem like sugar.” This becoming can be not only protection from the enemy, but also his punishment.

Runes in the stave:

Becoming the first

Evaz, Hagalaz, Berkana mirror, Teyvaz lane.- destruction of any efforts to be physically healthy.

Mannaz lane, Raido lane, Thurisaz pierced by Isa — destruction of personality and the search for a path to recovery.

Uruz lane, Isa, Algiz - weaken, de-energize, immobilize.

Two points -connect two influences

Second becoming

Seal of Hel with inscribed in it Berkanoy mirror. + Hagalaz, pierced by Isa, Ansuz lane, Laguz lane . - destroy faith and your purpose.

You can stipulate one by one or set a general goal for the stave, given that it consists of two parts.

Road closures

Another interesting post. This situation can create a chain of events that leads to the impossibility of implementing any plans. You can block a person's path so that he cannot come. Or block opportunities in intentions that have not yet been precisely planned.

Working runes in the stave:

Eyvaz, Nautiz- forced change

2 Isa- freeze, stop

Raido mirror, Raido lane. - roads leading to nowhere

Uruz lane- lack of strength to change anything

Square- for a stable and sustainable result

It can be used both to close roads in the literal sense and to close roads in achieving goals. Specify as required in your specific situation.

Lock up anger and witchcraft at the source of problems (POLLUX)

This runic form allows all the words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions of the ill-wisher to remain in him and not allow them to come back out. How much this person wants to throw out his evil on you, so deeply his evil remains in himself and thereby causes harm three times more.

Working stav runes:

Square— consists of 4 Isa runes, promotes sustainable results

Mannaz, Perto, Nautiz, Laguz, Laguz lane. - the runes are in a square and mean the person himself who causes harm, his negative thoughts, emotions, witchcraft, etc.

4 Seals of Hel - block all channels leading to you.

This runic stipulation is something like this:

“Let all thoughts, words, deeds, actions, witchcraft, emotions (name) remain within her, without finding a way back. How much (name) wants to do, think, throw out her evil on me, so deeply this evil remains in (name) herself and harms her threefold.”

Noose for the enemy

With the help of this runic stave, you can get rid of enemies who have ever caused harm. You can instill fear and horror by influencing their fate, material wealth, and health. Also, in addition to punishment, this becoming will protect you from enemies in all areas of life by retaliating.

Working runes in the stave:

Dot- the operator himself

Algiz- rune of protection, protects against negativity

Teyvaz- attacks the enemy, bringing confusion to his ranks

Eyvaz, Turisaz— cut off all attack attempts, connect to the operator and destroy enemy resistance

Hagalaz- a weapon of revenge and attack, will destroy everything that you stipulate

Jotun's wraith- trouble

An approximate stipulation: let the DRS, by the power of runes, destroy all my enemies, strike them with natural disasters, destroying and destroying their destinies, their positions in society, their prosperity. Let this become the fate of all the people who have ever caused me harm. Let the DRS always and everywhere protect my health, interests in career and financial growth from their negative impact. More on the classics...

Apply staves after making a preliminary diagnosis to see how the runes will manifest themselves in your case. If you are not sure that your actions are fair to another person, do not use the magic of revenge and justice. Otherwise it will turn against you.


Since in this article we are faced with such a concept as Elforuns, I will briefly dwell on them.

In the mythology of the Germanic and Scandinavian peoples, elves are spirits, ideas about which go back to the lower natural forces. In German folk beliefs elves were spirits of nature inhabiting the air, earth, forests, and homes. And they are usually kind to people. Sometimes they are divided into light and dark.

Light elves in medieval demonology are good spirits of the air, atmosphere, beautiful little people in hats made of flowers, inhabitants of trees, which in such cases cannot be cut down. They loved to dance in circles moonlight. Peace light elves there was Upvheim.

Dark elves are miniatures and gnomes, underground blacksmiths who store treasures in the depths of the mountains. In medieval demonology, elves were sometimes called lower spirits of the natural elements: salamanders (spirits of fire), sylphs (spirits of air), undines (spirits of water), gnomes (spirits of earth). The world of the dark elves was Svartalfheim.

There are several types of elves (spirits):

ljós-álfar - elves of the day
svart-álfar - underground elves, they are also often classified as elves of rocks, mountains, etc.
dökk-álfar - dark elves, and these creatures are already closer to evil spirits, but on the other hand, ordinary night elves were often called this way.
bjart-álfar - elves of light, this is not the same as ljós-álfar, if the name ljós-álfar more characterizes the habits of creatures that like to appear during the day, then bjart-álfar speaks of elves who bring light to people, that is, benevolent spirits.
draum-álfar - sleep elves or creatures that come in dreams, sometimes controlling dreams, influencing dreams, etc. (they have separate runes, but in this series there are several related to them)
loft - álfar - air elves
vatn -álfar - water elves

The mechanism of operation of runes is standard, that is, a certain sign is the key to the forces for which it is responsible. Unlike the runes of the Elder Futhark, the Elforuns (more precisely, the spirits themselves behind them) require offerings - payment for their work.
Otherwise, when using the energy of the elves, they will take the energy due to them - payment directly with the energy of the operator himself, which is not convenient for all practitioners. Unlike gifts to Odin (when working with an elder futhark) where honey and beer with red apples are quite enough, when using elforun something more significant is required, such as, for example, when working with demons. By “essential” we mean such familiar ritual magic components such as alcohol, vodka, fresh blood, fresh meat, sometimes coins, jewelry, gold, silver and so on.
In most cases, live fish with vodka and sweets will be enough, but do not neglect your intuition.

a - a rune for summoning the spirits of underground mountains and rocks, was used mainly as part of staves or formulas, rarely when the rune was used separately from any additional runes or symbols, the main meaning of the rune is to receive anything, here it should be kept in mind that “receiving” can be both positive and negative.
Good to use to cast a spell on wealth.

b-rune of the elves of the day, used to call these spirits, this is the “call” rune, with the help of it they don’t get anything, they just call it or indicate affiliation, for example, you draw a stave in which all the runes are positive, but the stave lacks the power of the runes or simply in terms of energy, then this rune fits in to somehow consolidate the result, enhance the effect and attract certain forces.
Good to use to cast a spell on personal success.

c - the rune of the underground elves, again does not carry any specific meaning, but is simply a rune for calling.
It is good to use for casting spells to increase material wealth.

ð(d) - the rune of the light elves is used to call, to call upon spirits to help in emergency situations, it often fits into the stave for opening passages and gates, it is also used to ensure that the action reaches the goal, that is, for example, you have a stave for healing , but it acts poorly or its action is too general, for example You are treating a tooth, but becoming affects the entire body and the slander does not work as it should, to prevent this from happening, a rune is used, plus of course it comes as a call for help, you can say a sos signal.
Sometimes used to cast spells to confuse.

e is the rune of both the elves of the day and the elves of sleep, it is used for various purposes, both for opening certain doors and for calling, depending on what task you set for the camp, you can write it in the camp for sleep and discover worlds for yourself, Or you can write it in the post for benefits and receive enhanced financial support.
Can be used to cast spells for good luck and success.

f is the rune of the elves of the day, the rune is intended for calling, to enhance the effect of the stave, and if you need, for example, to create a stave that is valid only during daylight hours.
Can be used to cast a spell on personal power so that your words are listened to.

g - rune of the elves of rocks and earth. It is used both to summon these creatures and to open the way to them, it can be used in staves whose action is aimed at detecting something or someone, the rune is also used in love spells and amulets, but provided that the practitioner himself or the object for whom the love spell is being made did not bring harm to the earth (meaning, for example, excavation of mounds, looting and other unpleasant things).
Good to use for spells of trouble.

h - the rune of the dark elves, they are also the elves of the night, is used as a rune for summoning creatures, as a characteristic of the action of a stave, if for example it is designed for night time. For example, there are staves whose action is needed only at night, for example for sleep (although of course here differently), but let’s take a general example, a person wants to sleep and travel to other worlds every night, but he doesn’t need to dream in reality during the day, it is for this purpose that a rune can be included in the stave. In addition, the action of the rune can be used in the most various stakes for damage where trouble is required, both in itself and trouble in the desire for something or really needing something.

i - rune rune of the elves of the day - a rune for calling, for opening gates, channels and other roads. In addition, the rune is often used to close channels, gates, etc., in addition, it makes any journey beyond the border safe, the rune is used and in treatment, as a rune of help, calling the elves of the day.
When in trouble, it is used as a charm.

k is the rune of the light elves, the rune is most often used in treatment, in protection, in order to create a safe space for a person, for example, let’s take this case: you draw standing to protect the room, the energy of the standing is dissipated over all areas of the room and holds on to the binding, that is becoming himself, while the closer, roughly speaking, to the center, the stronger the protection, somewhat similar to an umbrella, if you enter this rune into the becoming, then the action, the energy will have a firm delineated boundary and the action of the becoming will no longer extend beyond a certain area , it’s the same as if you put an object in a closed box, but there is a minus, the energy will not get inside, so it is not always used. In case of confusion, it is used as a mental distraction.

l - the rune of the dark elves, here it is simply for action and calling, and opening gates, it is used in a wide variety of staves, it can be found both in staves for protection and in staves for damage, since the elves themselves are neither good nor evil creatures, They have their own moral and ethical standards, incomparable to human ones, so the rune can both protect by closing the channel and open it for damage, for example. When casting a spell, it acts as a distraction to thoughts. that is, the increased introduction of alien thoughts into the mental plane of a person.

m - rune of the sleep elves - as a rule, it is also quite widespread in stavs, it is used for completely different purposes, it can be used to close gates, for protection, and can be used as a challenge for damage, so that everything gets mixed up in the life of the enemy. The rune is well suited to confuse a person in desires, or to impose on him, for example, love desires.

n - rune of light elves - as a rule, it is used only in benevolent staves - for protection, to gain success or patronage, you can often see it in love spells, the effect of the rune is laid by the creator of the stave himself. For example, there is a spell for a love spell in which this rune is included, it would seem why there is a rune in the spell for a love spell that is very reminiscent of Algiz, but in fact everything is simple, it fits in so that the object of the love spell is not harmed, any love spell can go wrong, have an effect too much on a person, to break his will in order to avoid the negative consequences of a love spell, such as illnesses, misfortunes and “zombies” use this rune. And in defensive positions x it is usually used to add strength to an action, to call upon certain spirits for help, or to put a “seal,” roughly speaking, a lock on a spell. This rune is good for increasing personal strength and protection.

o - rune of the dark elves and rune of the rock elves - the rune is used to open the gates of the earth, to learn dark secrets, to gain power and authority, you can see such a rune in staves for damage, curses and in staves for success.
Opening the gates of the earth means the channel for absorbing dark or low-frequency (raw) energy is open. which means it works well in situations of draining troubles into the earth or simply draining negativity into the earth.

p - rune of the water elves - reveals the secrets hidden by water, you can read the water using this rune, you can call certain creatures, the same rune is used to put seals of water and close staves, the rune is also often used in staves for cleansing and to remove negativity, but almost never alone, you can’t use this rune alone while at sea (for example, if you are in the sea or on a river, you never know and it’s forbidden to use a single rune, they’ll be pulled in.), near rivers, lakes and other things when combined with other runes used freely.
It is used in staves to induce strong troubles, and can also enhance personal strength.

q - water elves - the rune is often used for treatment, for protection, again, it is usually not used alone, only in pairs or in a formation. The rune naturally also serves to summon elves. Can be used in staves to cast spells for success.

r- rune of the elves of light - the rune is used for protection, for calling on the forces of light, for the reliability of the spell, plus a call rune.
Well suited for increasing female charm and attractiveness, as well as for casting a spell on beauty.

s - rune of the air elves - the rune is used in staves for protection, to fulfill the plan it can be used in treatment, can be used in staves as a symbol of calling spirits, can both open and close gates with the upper worlds, such gates themselves will not be closed by the action general stav for example, and with this rune the spirits of the air will be used to close the gates.
Can be used in bets to increase strength and attract success.

t - rune of the elves of the day - the rune is used in staves for well-being, success, good luck, to achieve what is planned. The rune attracts elves of the day to realize desires, which significantly enhances the effect of the stave. The rune is also used to summon creatures. It can close unnecessary channels and cut off bindings, therefore, this rune can often be seen in staves for protection, and in love spells, for example, this rune is often used to seal the union of two people by force, so it can be found there too.
It can also be used to increase success and luck.

u - rune of the dark elves - is used most often in working with dead spirits, a similar rune can also be found in a camp for protection - it will be inscribed in it so that the dark elves act as intermediaries and assistants, thereby protecting the operator, the rune can also be used in a camp to summon or raise the dead, then it will intensify the action and, figuratively speaking, instead of drawing forces from the operator or the area, the elves will “raise” and “summon.”

x rune - another rune of the dark elves - is also most often used for calling, protection, depending on what the operator wants to put into the action of the rune or stave, it can be used as a characteristic of summoning forces.
Can be used to ward off unpleasant situations.

y - rune of the elves of light - is used to summon these creatures, the purpose can be completely different, most often used in staves for success, prosperity, well-being, etc., but can be used in love spells and in rare cases in damage. Rune just like most elven runes can open certain gates.

z - rune of the elves of sleep - used to call these creatures to sleep, can be used to create confusion, obsession, found both in staves for good purposes and in bad ones, depending on what the author wants to put in the stave and for what purpose targets summons elves.
Can be used to confuse the mind.

þ is a rune for summoning dark elves, a rune of closure and protection. It is also used as a summoning of these creatures. It can be found in absolutely any staves, both in staves for good purposes and in staves for damage. Writing a rune into a stave can both enhance its effect and add additional characteristics, found in many protective staves as a “protective” and “repelling misfortune, trouble, etc.”
Good for enhancing spells and spells.

æ - rune of the elves of the day - is used to summon these creatures, often acts in the stave as a connecting link to the spirit of actions, is used in staves for damage, for charm, for love spells, etc. It is used in stakes as a hassle.

ö - the rune is the general rune of elves of any kind - it is used to summon any creatures, it is found quite often in various staves, in order to more accurately say about the nature of the summoned creatures, neighboring runes are considered.
Well suited for hidden protection.

Regardless of one’s spiritual and moral development, every person knows what corruption is. And only a few of this huge number are skeptical; such people do not believe in superstitions or folk signs. In fact, damage is the work of envious and embittered people who think only about their own well-being. One of their types magical influence there may be damage using runes.

Runic damage represents various kinds of negative influences that are aimed at destroying certain aspects of a person’s life (be it business, family, etc.). The degree of destruction of these aspects primarily depends on the ritual that was applied.

Damage by runes refers to rituals performed only by black magicians. Not many of them agree to perform such rituals. There is no material reward here special significance. In this matter, one thing is important - good knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice by the magician himself. Otherwise, you can bring disaster upon yourself in the form of a serious illness, and even death.

Runic damage and white magic (as opposed to black) are practically incompatible. There are exceptions, for example, the return of a loved one to the family with the help of damage caused to a rival.

Damage caused by people without much preparation is quite common. As a result, such rituals are unfinished or done incorrectly, which often leads to the return of negativity, illness, deterioration of well-being, or death. Novice magicians and sorcerers will not waste their energy on such rituals, since this ritual is very labor-intensive and often requires visiting cemeteries, communicating with other world. Experienced sorcerers charge quite a lot of money for such actions.

What is special about rune magic?

Magic with runes has always been interesting to both black and white magicians. Their interest lies, first of all, in their wide range of effects (they combine both good and evil).

With the help of runic magic, you can remove a curse from a person, save him from a serious illness, or you can put the same curse on a person, bring misfortune and even death on him, bring a curse on a rival’s house, ruin a rich business competitor, make him an outcast, and so on Further.

We can say that anyone can become a “victim” of runic magic. Therefore, without special protection it will be very difficult for you to resist this. Removing such damage will be much more difficult than if you had special “protection” on you. It seems to protect you and soften magical blows.

How to cause damage with runes

Most often, damage is caused in order to get rid of sworn enemies and enemies. What to do in a situation where it is necessary to remove a person from business without using physical force? In this case, runes come to the rescue.

Using runes for such purposes is a personal matter. By directing negativity at your enemy, you can harm yourself. To apply various runic formulas, you must have some special knowledge. Otherwise, your ritual may not take place or may turn against you.

Basic rules for using runic magic

Before performing this or that ritual, you need to cleanse yourself of negativity. Otherwise, if the ritual is performed incorrectly, all this negativity will spill out on you.

The rune formulas used by magicians affect each person individually. When choosing the formula you need, you should diagnose it. This is necessary in order not to make a mistake with the choice.

In the case when you use several formulas of magic runes, you need to check them for general compatibility. It often happens that there is a conflict between runes.

For the ritual, a photograph of the person being charmed is often used. Therefore, before the ceremony you need to get it and make several copies.

It is not necessary to turn to God for help and bring gifts (the so-called ransom), although without these actions your ritual will be less powerful and will begin to take effect much later.

How to correctly apply rune formulas

  • To remove protection from the person being charmed, you need to use the “Teyvaz” and “Algiz” runes. Take a photo of a person and draw the Algiz rune upside down above his head as high as possible. The Teyvaz rune is applied above the very head of your offender; it must necessarily rest against the top of his head.
  • If you want to prevent your opponent from spreading gossip about you, use the Ansuz and Isa runes. Remember, excessive abuse of these runes can cause irreparable harm to the health of your enemy, including cancer of the throat or larynx, as well as death.
  • To make your enemy impotent, use the Teyvaz rune, which must be surrounded on both sides by the Isa rune. “Isa” must be depicted in two, relative to the two sides of “Teyvaz”.
  • To destroy the enemy, eliminate him, bring death to him, draw “Mannaz” and surround it on both sides with the “Hagalaz” runes.

Removing runic damage

Removal of damage using runes should only be carried out by a specialist (magician, sorcerer or traditional healer). Without special training, removing damage from runes is difficult and almost impossible.

Runic damage are special magic symbols, the so-called keys. They are able to open ancient secrets magical rites. Currently, such signs are mined, one might say, bit by bit. Only a few have access to specialized literature. Therefore, the removal of damage by runes (especially those made for death) should be entrusted only to a specially trained person.

Removing damage from death runes is a rather labor-intensive process. The death of a person is very serious. It is very difficult to find specialists who could cope with such damage. Therefore, it is better to prevent damage in advance than to get rid of it later. Provide yourself with “protection” in a timely manner (preferably not one, but several), and then you will not be afraid of any damage by runes.

Runic formulas. Make him pay back the debt.

At numerous requests from workers, I propose to discuss the problem of debt repayment from the point of view of runic magic.

To begin with, as always, let's try to build an algorithm for the situation. So, with a detailed analysis, the situation related to debt repayment breaks down into two substructures:

1. From the position of a creditor, money comes to a person not for him to give it to others, but if he does this, it means he doesn’t need it and therefore, choosing the path of “lending” we choose not to have it, everything else We leave it up to the one who has to repay the debt. There is also the opposite opinion - by lending, we release the energy of money, and force it to take part in the “circle”, but only living energy, i.e. “circulating” monetary energy returns with fruits. There is “something” in both points of view, so our task is to develop a compromise solution.

2. From the position of the debtor, money borrowed transfers a person’s consciousness into an altered state of “monetary debt”, in which a person is faced with the temptation of not repaying the debt and “forgiving the debt” to the creditor. This phenomenon is associated with the need to give your own money, although you took someone else’s. For this reason, many debtors do not repay their debts, although their financial situation allows it.

Thus, with the help of Runes it is necessary to influence both substructures:
For the first, the mechanism of action will be aimed at increasing the welfare of the creditor, i.e. attracting cash flow associated with obtaining results from actions to “transfer” money into circulation.
For the second, it is to awaken the “voice of conscience” of the debtor and persuade him to painlessly part with his money.

Based on this, the following variants of formulas are possible (some are mine, some are borrowed, some are “folk in literary adaptation” ;D):

1. Dagaz – Fehu – Yera
A twist of Fate that returns the investment as a “harvest.” Here you need to pay attention to the writing of the Yera rune (see the topic on the development of determination, etc.), so as not to turn receiving what is due into another installment plan.

Fehu - Odal -Vina
Runes of general action to improve well-being.

2. Nautiz - Ansuz - Nautiz
“Braining” for the debtor (

Elm Kenaz – Ansuz – Nautiz – Tyr – Yera
“Tur of Speeches” (author Zigwult, - if you need to carry out explanatory work with the debtor. According to reviews, it works.

Elm Thurisaz – Nautiz – Fehu (inverted) – Gebo
“The Conscience of a Debtor” (by Zigwult, According to the author, Gebo sets into motion the Law of Balance, violated by the debtor, triggering a chain of events that results in a situation where the debtor is forced to repay the debt. And it is the result in this connection: the Law is fulfilled. It may work, but, in my opinion, the mechanism of action does not correspond to the description - I actually don’t see “conscience” here. And the inverted position of Fehu here is not entirely clear if we are talking about the circulation of funds according to the Law of Equilibrium. But you can try, incl. and in combination with the “Alarm Clock of Conscience” (see the topic about instilling feelings of guilt)

Nautiz – Fehu (inverted) – Yera
Forced parting with money and returning it to the original owner. You can add Gebo to make the refund process feel mutually beneficial:

Nautiz - Fehu (inverted) - Gebo - Yera
/Handle Yera carefully, as in the first formula/
These formulas are based on an “awakened conscience,” but more aggressive ones are also possible:

Turisaz – Fehu
"Knocking out money." This formula is considered tested and effective (, but I would add Evaz and Yera there (we still treat Yera with caution):

Evaz – Turisaz – Fehu – Yera
Those. in this case, objective circumstances will develop in such a way that the money will be “shaken out” from the debtor in order to return to its source of origin - i.e. to the creditor.

Some script options can be viewed here.

Powerful individual runes in combination with each other turn into powerful staves that radically change a person’s life. The banishing cross contains a power that is not so easy to withstand or overcome on your own. Why is the runic cross dangerous, and how can it be used for good?

Becoming a “Banishing Cross” contains a power that is not so easy to withstand or overcome on your own

Runic magic

The cross that drives out evil is a runic formula that changes a person’s destiny.

Such bets should be treated responsibly and not used for fun. Incorrect position of the runes will lead to the opposite effect, which will harm the customer. A formula is applied to change lives for better and worse. The expelling cross can become a weapon in the fight against enemies or an instrument of revenge. The runic cross is not used in Everyday life due to the risk of consequences.

Runes are an attribute for fortune telling, a talisman against monetary losses and the main component powerful formula, changing the energy of another person. The banishing cross consists of only two runic symbols. The powerful sign Raido and Nautuz combine into a single formation, the effect of which is difficult to cancel.

A runic cross is applied to the body, item or furniture. the main objective formulas to expel the essence that sits in a person. Evil entity or soul - for stav the state and nature of the essence does not matter.

Two runic symbols connect and begin to work. It is important how and when, under what circumstances, the formula was applied. The location of the cross determines its impact. Before you decide to use runic magic, you should assess the possible risks.

How to prepare for applying the stave? The banishing cross, like any other formula, is not without risk. Any sign applied will work either on the victim or on the customer. The consequences of existing runic symbols cannot be avoided. Before performing a secret ritual, you should protect yourself. For these purposes, a protective rune or an entire formula is applied that can protect against the effects of extraneous magic. Making a reservation without preparation is dangerous and unwise.

What is the cross that drives out evil?

The runic cross, capable of expelling any entity from an enemy or a loved one, works on the same principle. The cross is rarely used for protection, but the correct use of the cross will protect you from the tricks of your enemies better than amulets and amulets. Such a formula, made for protection, will not only repel the attacks of ill-wishers, but will also repel them with obvious actions. Working as a stav all year round will not be beneficial, so you should resort to runic magic only in extreme cases.

It is also not recommended to solve simple everyday problems with the help of the cross. A reply of such force will only do harm and bring even more troubles into the house. Whether caused by ignorance or stupidity, the damage caused will be worse than a curse. To achieve grandiose goals, a cross is used, but only for a short period of time. Why do you need a stave?

A clause for expelling an entity will come in handy if an urgent need arises:

  • cleanse the aura of the body or the energy of the home;
  • get rid of extraneous entities;
  • to defeat sworn enemies;
  • for moving neighbors;
  • to kill cockroaches or other pests;
  • to destroy damage or deadly disease.

Becoming the “Banishing Cross” is used so that the patient can overcome a fatal disease

How strong the slander will be depends on the purpose of the conspirator. Choosing to become without a clear goal is too dangerous. To clean the house, a method of applying runic symbols to furniture, walls or ceilings is used. Signs should be made with waterproof pens or markers that will be difficult to remove. Staves are drawn in a certain order and form, in an exact sequence. If a beginner is engaged in staves, then he should prepare - find a runic formula on the Internet and try to reproduce it.

You cannot use the formula too often. Such actions can disrupt the harmony in the home and a person’s peace of mind. The rune sign or several symbols should not be too large. Size is not as important as quality work done. The drawn becoming should be activated. Experienced magicians use several ways to activate the formula. Forced to work ancient magic earthly elements, blood or fire.

Dangerous expulsion of essence and consequences of the expelling cross

If I become, what will happen? A question to ask yourself before applying the stave. Using the formula requires grit and determination. The essence of the formula is liberation. From circumstances, from imposed blocks, from factors that constrain the soul. Liberation of mind, soul, body. A universal remedy in the right hands will not harm, but only help.

To understand the formula, it is necessary to consider each of its component parts. What does the expelling cross hide within itself? Two parts of a complex and powerful stave:

Rune Raido

Symbol of directed energy. One of the strongest rune symbols that pushes a person to action, to movement, to self-improvement. The second meaning of Raido is liberation, the destruction of everything superfluous and unnecessary. By removing obstacles, the rune opens up new opportunities for a person and cuts off his path to the past. The sign of a leader, a director, a person who decides her own destiny, in the formula of the cross directs its power.

Runa Nautiz

The contradictory rune, which destroys any manifestations of a person’s will, serves the stav as a coercive force. Together with Raido, the second part of the formula reproaches the victim of the will of the conspirator. Runes do not need motives; they do not distinguish between good and evil. Their direction is the desires of the conspirator, his whims, his deepest feelings.

Just two parts, when combined into one, destroy any protection. Without Nautuz there will be no working goal, and the absence of Raido will not allow you to make a sharp breakthrough or free yourself from damage. Any cramped circumstances will go away, disappear, as if they never existed.

What is the formula for? A force that destroys and pushes towards future achievements receives outlines and boundaries in the hands of a person. A universal combination of runes nullifies the work of damage to death. If the enemy has encroached on the most precious thing - life, it is Raido and Nautuz who will help get rid of someone else's energy influence.

The Nautuz rune helps to get rid of other people’s energy influences

How to make a stave?

The energy of the formula affects the essence sitting in a person, circumstances or any other mental or real substance. You can even expel a living person with the help of runes. Externally, the formula looks like the Latin letter R. An oblique line runs through the middle of the letter, which conditionally divides the symbol into two parts. The traditional scheme of the formula can change, and experienced magicians use an improved cross. Such manipulations with the finished formula are contraindicated for a beginner.

The second type of cross is an even symbol. On each side of the cross there is one rune, Raido and Nautuz. The process of applying runes will take a little time and all your strength. When drawing straight lines, a person must be aware of his own goal. Stats charged with human aspirations are the strongest.

Use of the banishing cross

The method of applying staves or special formulas depends on what they are needed for. The process of getting rid of the entity will go without complications if you apply staves to the victim’s house or his clothes. It is important that the victim does not realize that uncontrollable changes are taking place in her life. The found rune no longer works.

The method of applying the formula depends on the sphere of influence.

If you need to harm the work or business of an enemy, then a combination of runes is applied inside the work premises or directly at the place of work of the ill-wisher. The working runic spell in the victim’s house is the strongest and most difficult. It is difficult to get rid of its influence, even with the help experienced magicians or witches. It will be possible to destroy the staves only after thoroughly cleaning the house or work space.

A conspiracy reinforced by a stave to settle or destroy an entity is always fraught with many dangers. A person, whatever his motives, plays with runic magic not worth it. In the universe, all processes and phenomena tend towards harmony, the violation of which will entail consequences.

Should we be afraid of the consequences? When resorting to the help of magic, you need to know its price. It is not difficult to teach an enemy a lesson or to harm a traitor, but it is not so easy to accept the consequences with humility. Runic symbols can help, they can protect and even take revenge, but not only magic is unable to restore balance and calm to the soul of an angry person.

We put protection (Tanya) quick ritual

Tanya! For you.

You have an enemy at work. You know that this is a vile person and he will not leave you alone. It will be “throwing mud”, but “you can’t throw a scarf over someone else’s mouth.”
We will provide you with protection. Those. You will do the protection yourself, and I will now tell you how this process can be done very quickly.

You are new to rune magic. But that doesn't mean you won't succeed.

Here is some information about the runes of the Northern Tradition. I am writing today only about them, because... These are the only ones we will use for now.
The Elder Futhark rune set (as Scandinavian runes or Northern tradition runes are called) consists of twenty-four runes (24 runes).
The Elder Futhark is divided into 3 Attas with 8 runes in each Atta. This is for general development. Then I'll tell you in more detail. See the picture for what the runes look like and what they are called.

a small sheet of paper (cardboard),
lighter (candle or box of matches),
a cigarette from my husband, some water in a cup
and a little soil from a flower pot.

Now you will take a sheet of white paper, or even better, a small piece of clean cardboard (for example, the inner packaging of tights) and write runes on it from left to right with a marker or felt-tip pen.

When you start writing runes, read the following spell: (don’t ask yourself or me questions, why? It’s necessary!)

“I also know the third thing,”
It will protect
In battle with enemies,
I dull their blades,
Their swords and clubs
Useless in battle."

For general education I inform:
The third spell is designed to fetter enemies, and therefore can be called “the shackles of war,” or, in terms of modern psychology, a means of limiting actions. According to tradition, the runes Thurisaz, Isa and Nautiz have this effect. Isa opens access to the energy of Jotunheim - the world of ice, home of the Frost Giants. The Nautiz rune serves as her support, providing a binding effect. The Thurisaz rune in this case is used in its passive form - with its tip facing to the left.

Did you write the runes?

Now cross out the runic formula (these three runes written in a row are called the “runic formula”) with lines above and below, and write your name on the reverse side.
When drawing the top line, you must say: “In the name of Odin!”, and when drawing the bottom line: “So be it!”

Now take a candle, lighter or match and holding the leaf over the fire three times, say: “I consecrate you with the power of fire!”

Now run your finger moistened with water or (as a last resort) saliva three times over the leaf, saying: “I sanctify you with the power of Water!”

And at the end, run your fingers that have been in a pot of flowers (that is, touched the ground) three times according to the runic formula with the words: “I consecrate you with the power of the Earth!”

Then say this disclaimer:
By the power of the runes Thurisaz, Isa, Nautiz, I receive protection from all ill-wishers and enemies, visible and invisible. This protective shield will repel all attacks and render my enemies and ill-wishers powerless. Let it be so! In the name of Odin!"
After this, you need to exhale, using the belly breathing technique, for as long as possible on the amulet, charging it with the power of your spirit. (This will revive the amulet).

After all this, fold the piece of paper so that the name on its reverse side and the top of the runescript coincide in the top-top and bottom-bottom positions. Put the amulet in your pocket with the words: “So be it! In the name of the great Odin!”

Original post and comments at

This is not exactly a translation, but rather an addition to what was already taken from you. There are many situations when something is allegedly taken legally, but not in an honest way. Or in general - they take it illegally. Or they require you to do something that is beyond your competence, because this is the whim of management. And so on, any situations in which you are forced to do something and you cannot refuse it. You do it and give away your problems. There was such a concept during the Soviet era, when obscenities were given in addition to scarce goods. So here too, this is not damage in any way. A person already takes from you what he considers his own, so why doesn’t he add a little more? To the load. For example, you and the master agreed on a certain amount of work for a certain fee, and he began to break the price and demand to pay extra. Or if relatives demand part of the inheritance of the grandmother whom you have been caring for for the last 20 years, while at most they called to inquire about the will. Do you understand the principle?

The last poem by Insolate

There are situations when you don’t know what to do. People often do harm to us. Many are due to feeblemindedness, while others are sophisticated and prudent. And you don’t know what to do - let the person go and continue to create chaos (and wait for someone to punish), or take justice into your own hands. I invented a way to “do it and forget it” - bet on the bastard and forget about his existence, and after a while find out that your friend got what he was due.
Multiply the strength of each rune by four.

Mannaz is the person we work for.
Teyvaz pp - weakens the will, removes resistance. Forces a person to commit actions that he will regret.
Algiz pp - destroys the ability to perceive the environment and what is happening adequately.
Ansuz zerk – subconscious anxiety, fear, impairs mental potential, makes a person inadequate in communication. Those nightmares that are induced.
Laguz is the subconscious, enhances all a person’s feelings, making them unusually bright.

There is a bottle fight in which a photo of a rival is put into a bottle, vinegar and other hot spices are added and thrown into the river. With my luck, even the simplest quarrel turns into a show. Oil painting: early morning, I throw a bottle into the river, and people in black appear behind me - only I can think of doing magic a few hundred meters from the border crossing)). To the question “what am I doing here” I answer that I throw coins into the river so that I can come back. It is clear that I no longer had the desire to do this quarrel. And so I came up with “based on”, although it didn’t turn out to be a quarrel, but a closure - well, it didn’t turn out bad either))).

For ruin, it was conceived specifically for “extra” stores, and then in the process it was useful for business in general.

Hagals - destruction, transformation in a negative direction. The surprise factor is how “Baby” suddenly gets into trouble, all at once.
Ansuz pp and Ansuz pp zekr - bad rumors spreading about what needs to be ruined/ruined. Misunderstandings in communication with suppliers, customers, clients, partners. Or what is needed according to the situation based on the meaning of the rune.
Fehu pp and Fehu pp zerk - troubles with money, income, goods, property, etc.

I’m not a fan of online chatter about the mandatory removal of protections. Most of the influences already work, and if they don’t work, then the matter is primarily in the inability or weakness of the practitioner, and not the need to remove protection. Moreover, I don’t like all sorts of fancy staves from all the futharks, for the application of which you need to have a whole arsenal of tools - from a magnifying glass to a compass. I prefer one clear blow, rather than an endless hammering of hundreds of runes.

When I needed to do it quickly, I used this combination:

Everything is more than simple.

Vunyo - mood, good health, Hagalaz destroys it, Yera cycles the process and Vunyo changes his position to inverted - which means a bad mood and general troubles. Isa stabilize the process and do not allow it to go beyond what is indicated.

It is advisable to tie it to some kind of cycle - the Moon or the change of day and night, or something else you can imagine.

For example, like this:

As the moon waxes and wanes,

so your (name) experiences increase,

How will the moon become round?

howling depression will manifest itself in all its glory.

The moon will go down -

your good mood will disappear.

How the moon will not be visible

so your depression will be black.

How the moon goes around the earth,

That's how depression gets to you.

A similar scheme can be used to damage other spheres by drawing the appropriate runes on the tips of the Hagalaz: Fehu, for example, or Raido, and stipulating the permanent destruction of which road))).

Runic Curse "Hate Speech". Nothing new, my version of an old fairy tale. Chain from Svartur Tungl by Hadeken to “Runic spells and apocryphal prayers of the Icelanders” by Korablev.

Runic curse "Speech of Hate" by rune:

Runic damage "Atta her!" ) is intended to make the girl “persecuted” in society. It makes people around (or a specific person) want to bully the target. People attack the object like a pack of hounds attacking a chased rabbit.

Runic damage "Atta her!" runnically:

I don’t like to interfere with runic formations, but for some reason it worked in this form.

Runic corruption "Byaking)" runnically:

Runic corruption F 20.3 by rune:

  • Mannaz pp - “internal enemy”. The vision of oneself and positioning in society is inadequate.
  • Dagaz + Isa is in itself a curse for insanity. Such a “bow” drawn on the head will in itself provoke inadequacy in thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Ansuz pp - no understanding of what is happening, there is no clarity, the person is confused and he is not at all concerned about the problems that really exist. The subject experiences a sense of futility, wasted effort, and this causes despondency. The actions he has committed are not wise, not timely, lack of critical thinking and attitude to what is happening. A person takes dubious advice from people who are too biased and are around him only for their own benefit.

Tritely simple closing/destroying the road with runes :

Raido runes surrounded by 2 Hagalaz. Turisaz is in the background. If you're confused about Raido's upright position- just turn the picture over.

Closing/destructing roads that are not asphalted - our fools will destroy them anyway (although, if you think about it, it might also be useful to competitors of road builders). Any road as a “path” - so that a person does not go somewhere or leave somewhere. For example, if you were going to another city, you wouldn’t leave/get there. If he has his sights set on some position, there would be no way to get this position. You can take the symbolism of Raido and play with the resolution of any aspect of it.

We constantly have to make choices in life. A person is like a knight who periodically finds himself on a road and sees a stone with instructions: “There you will go...”. Runic damage "No options"and there is precisely that stone that puts a person before a choice. More precisely, it is damage by which the operator gives the object a choice, but, in essence, it is a choice without a choice, because no matter which way the object goes further, everywhere there will be the word that is in the picture.

Runes in the setup of runic corruption “No options”, Northumbrian system:

Nautiz is the force of action under pressure and coercion. A person understands the necessity of his actions, this is a motivator for work and energy for its implementation. Persistence on the path to the implementation of any work or action.

Raido is a directed and repeated movement. Raido creates not only movement, but also a correctly calculated action, this is the rune of the right result. Under its influence, a person trusts the course of events and, most importantly, himself. As soon as a person begins to feel like he is doing everything right and is about to get results, Iera comes to the fore and puts Raido into action.

Raido pp - untruth, delusion, injustice. The man is not walking the right way, performs incorrect, non-logical actions. He is at the mercy of circumstances that he cannot control. As soon as a person understands that something is going wrong, he takes action

Runic damage to failure "Devil's Mill" runnically:

  • Ur is the power engine of corruption. Plus it gives damage to misfortune and destruction of affairs.
  • Stunginn iss - makes the impact invisible. It creates obstacles and closures, obstacles to the resolution of agreed upon issues, and interferes with business. At the same time, the person himself, by his actions, closes his own roads and attracts troubles. It creates situations in which a person himself destroys his life, creates troubles, a person does not see the right decision and goes along the wrong path.
  • Hagall - casts a curse and changes fate. It works well if you need to punish for an action.
  • Fe – promotes quarrels and disagreements, leading to ruin.

As is already clear, runic damage to failure “Devil’s Mill” can be used to deprive someone of a job (breaks their career), ruin a business, and deprive them of any money at all. Plus gives a general set of troubles and misfortunes. Man himself creates situations that contribute to all this.

Runic corruption for fornication "Snow White and many dwarves" by rune:

Verkana is a woman inscribed in Pertr - open to sexual relations, acting very actively and intrusively (Teyvaz). Laguz pp – treats them uncritically (with everyone indiscriminately). Kenaz - makes her attractive, attracting Gebo - all kinds of partners - to her.

If desired, you can add a lot of Gebo.

So, runic damage "You will be alone in your bed".

I paraphrased James Hadley Chase's line "You will be alone in your grave." Considering that you can put some drops on a grave, I haven’t strayed that far from the original))). Cold Bed Option.

Since there is no rune characterizing the relationship, it is advisable to draw on a joint photo.

Runic damage "You will be alone in your bed" in Russian:

Runes in the ritual “Restraining Spell”:

Trolling is a malicious interference in the communication of people, expressed in the escalation of anger and conflict by a participant in communication (“troll”) through hidden or obvious bullying, belittling, insulting another participant or participants, often in violation of moral norms and rules of communication and, sometimes unconsciously for the “ troll." By analogy from ordinary life this is deliberate deception, slander, inciting quarrels and discord, and a call to unseemly actions. Expressed in the form of aggressive, bullying and offensive behavior. Trolling can be carried out either by specific participants or by anonymous people without the possibility of their identification.

I brought the network feature into practice and tested it on friendly budget vipers. As you already understand, you can identify the instigator (troll), or you can remain unknown and without consequences for yourself, that someday the truth will come out. You can punish and set up in this way a certain person, or you can scold the whole team.

Stav concept

runic corruption "Blood or tears"

is such that the victim herself chooses the direction of influence: a negative manifestation on the physical body (blood - disease) or an effect on the emotional plane and causing tears.
Runic damage "Blood or tears" by rune:

  • Mannaz - object
  • Laguz + Turisaz – tears
  • Laguz pp + Soulo – blood
  • Hiera is the result of an object’s past actions, which manifests itself in the form of damage.
  • Ansuz is the understanding that the object itself is to blame for the ongoing process, as well as a conscious choice of punishment.

I made a simple reservation: “I say blood or tears, but you choose.”

There are many opinions regarding magical rituals. Some people categorically deny their existence and power, while others use them to solve their problems. Strong magical instrument Scandinavian runes are considered. Runes are often used to quickly get rid of the enemy, namely, the sign of death - Eyvaz.

Using the runic symbol of death, you can bring destruction to various areas of life, from family, love and work relationships to human health.

Characteristics of Eyvaz

A total of 24 runes are known. Each of the marks applied. exerts its influence. Some of them can bring good, and some can bring evil. It is Eyvaz that is used to cause damage. It is aimed at death, at good or bad changes.

When compiling ritual formulas, a certain set of runes is used, which are arranged in a certain sequence. During magical ritual symbols should be applied to certain accessories. Once you have managed to activate your status, there is no way to get it back.

To create a curse, it is not at all necessary to use heavy magical formulas. For this purpose, you can simply apply individual symbols to a photograph of the person you want to punish. However, please note that an incorrectly activated symbol can cause serious problems, even death.

Features of runic damage

To carry out such a ritual, magical formulas are needed that can harm a rival or enemy. This ritual is often used by ill-wishers to take revenge on their offender. Runic damage can have Negative influence to work, financial well-being and the general condition of the person. Some ill-wishers do not stop at one area of ​​life; they want to take away a person’s life.

Runic corruption - black magic, therefore, such a ritual is very dangerous and it is better not to carry it out without experience. The slightest mistake can lead magical powers in the other direction, that is, to the one who casts spells.

If a person decides to take such a step, then one should remember that Scandinavian gods don't tolerate mistakes. Everything should be done carefully and according to the rules. To carry out a ritual aimed at destroying a person, you must have his personal item or photograph. The effect of the conspiracy is almost instantaneous. Misfortune, which is directed at a person, lasts a long time, sometimes even a lifetime.

Rune Curse

It is not always possible to weaken the enemy using traditional methods, so sometimes people can resort to magical methods receiving retribution. Runes can help punish the enemy not only morally, but also physically.

To cause damage, you should follow the following instructions:

  1. Depict your enemy in the photograph as: Nautiz-Khalagaz-Uruz-Isa.
  2. Cut your finger with a knife or razor, while thinking about what kind of failure will overtake your opponent.
  3. To activate the stave, use your own blood.

Nautiz is responsible for difficulties and problems, and Uruz is responsible for the energy of life. Runic meaning Isa helps to bind energies, and Halagaz has a destructive effect. Activation using blood is needed to confirm blood feud between people.

This formula helps to paralyze a person’s physical and mental activity. He becomes depressed and weak. Luck will completely turn out of his way. The opponent will begin to lose understanding with others.

Destroying the enemy

Often runic damage aimed at undermining human health or causing his death. Activating damage without the necessary knowledge and experience is not recommended, as you can bring death upon yourself.

If you decide to make a fatal spell and destroy the enemy, then carefully follow the following instructions:

  1. Take a photo of your enemy.
  2. Using a marker or pencil, apply the following stanza: Khalagaz-Mannaz-Halagaz.
  3. To activate the formula, speak words of hatred and ask a higher power to kill him.
  4. Spit on the photograph.

Please note that the consequences of such a magical action can be unpredictable. The enemy's demise will not occur instantly after the ritual ends. Often there is a protracted period first black line, And Vital energy a person gradually begins to fade away.

It is not at all necessary to contact your enemy. Negative energy works even at a distance. You can use runic stave Revenge.

Energy protection

Anyone can become a victim of a magical ritual. Therefore, if you have enemies, you should protect yourself and do energy protection. To make such protection, you should follow the instructions.

Characteristics of men