How many people has the devil killed? Who is stronger, God or the devil? But many believe that Satan is the enemy of God

Reply date: 04/26/2005 — time: 16:58

I apologize in advance for the created survey, since the idea was inspired by chance. But nonetheless….

God is the Creator, Creator...
Satan is one of God's creations...

How long have they been fighting...
Bottom line. What will the outcome be in your opinion?

Threat. I would like to see not just an answer, but a reasoned answer with a detailed chain of conclusions.

Reply date: 04/26/2005 — time: 21:23

God will win. Because Satan will bet money on him and all People will bet on Satan and he will fall in the last round and withdraw the money.

Reply date: 04/26/2005 — time: 21:34

Everything is very simple - God gave the devil the opportunity to tempt people - this is where the functions of the devil and his capabilities end. That is, without permission from God, the devil cannot create anything, since he himself is created by God. Therefore, there is no talk of any rivalry, much less confrontation...

About Satan or the Devil.

Cause of evil

How beautiful and wonderful our planet Earth is, but where did evil come from on such a beautiful planet?

Why do wars not stop, blood is shed, violence and injustice occur?

Why, on the one hand, do we rejoice in beauty, goodness and truth, and on the other hand, we are possessed by evil thoughts, envy, hatred, lies and greed?

Why can’t people come to an agreement and constantly quarrel, argue and compete?

Is it really only man who is to blame for all this?

The Bible sheds light on this issue and says that the true instigator of evil is Satan, and that evil on earth did not arise on its own, but as a result of the fact that man turned out to be weak and fell under the deception of the devil.

Satan or the devil, according to the Bible, is the enemy, the adversary of God. And this is not a mythical, fictitious character, not an abstract concept symbolizing evil, but this evil spirit, the prince of demons, who really exists as a resisting personality...

Who is stronger: God or the devil?

Many will probably grin when they read the title of this issue, and rightly so. But if it turns out to be useful for at least one person, then I didn’t write it in vain.

Now everyone knows the word “doping”. In fact, this is a set of narcotic substances, the use of which allows an athlete to increase his strength, reaction, endurance for a short time... Morphine, for example, has such properties. But a person pays for this temporary “power” not only by becoming involved in drug addiction, but also by destroying his own health, physical and mental.

It’s the same with Satanists - for receiving illusory “power” they pay with subsequent mental anguish. After all, if you believe in otherworldly forces, you should also believe in afterlife. And who doesn’t believe it, read Raymond Moody.

Devil, Satan, Lucifer, etc. - that’s how many names people have come up with. Why do many people like to watch “horror” films on TV, why do many “relish”...

Who is stronger: God or the Devil?

“Well, what kind of stupid question is this?” - the first thought that arose after reading this masterpiece from the original ask.
I will not dwell here on topics the depth of which no one has yet been able to fully comprehend.
I can only assume that for believers - God, and for idolaters - the devil.
And, by the way, I managed to find a spelling error in your question, dear ones.
The word "devil" is written with a small letter, since it is not one of the names known to everyone fallen angel. Here is Satan or Lucifer - with a big one.
For me, God is stronger. Because, first of all, I am a believer. Secondly, I am a supporter of the expression “good always triumphs over evil.”
At their core, good and evil can be represented as follows:
Good is one experienced warrior who knows karate.
Evil is a large group of bandits with poor skill levels.
A warrior is stronger than everyone alone or in threes, and it is unknown whether he can withstand everyone at once.
Goodness often happens in...

Today, when people's consciousness is literally filled with various information about mysterious creatures, flying saucers and other unexplained phenomena When interest in magic, spiritualism, and witchcraft has greatly increased, the name of the devil or Satan often comes up as the culprit of many human troubles.

“within the framework of the theistic worldview, every life in the Universe belongs to God” - for some reason, in the minds of Christian apologists, the theistic picture of the world is limited to the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). So - this is not so. In addition to the Abrahamic religions on earth, there are huge quantities other theistic movements. For example, religions that originated in the Indian subcontinent (not all, but many of them) can also be considered theistic, but not all of them say “Every life in the Universe belongs to God” - this is relative to the narrowness of your thinking.

Further. Of course, I understand that “a Christian minister, the leader of the Russian Bible School"It is not necessary to have logical thinking, because theology is not philosophy, much less epistemology or epistemology, but if you want to argue with people who do not have consciousness in the form of a rudiment, unlike your flock, you should understand principles of scientific discussion. In short, and especially for you, greatly simplifying - your arguments should not contradict logic; in this case, this is exactly what happens, because even within the framework of the Christian paradigm, man was endowed with free will (that is why Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation. ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge), therefore, by endowing man with free will, God guaranteed the subjectivity of man (and not objectivity, which would imply that man is a thing). Man is not a thing, if he has free will, he is not a slave, and therefore does not belong to anyone. Of course, I foresee that you will come up with another piece of nonsense, contradicting yourself, and yet, I will still try to get through to you, giving you the opportunity to learn how to make arguments that would not contradict not only banal logic, but at least to themselves within the framework of their own paradigms.


Wow! Another Atheist subscriber has arrived!

    In this matter, it is the Bible that is considered, i.e. the main scripture of the Abrahamic religions. When there is a question about how Shiva grew a fiery member that pierces the sky, be sure to come and tell about the theistic religions of the Indian subcontinent. In the meantime, we are within the framework of the Bible and Abrahamic religions.

    In the Christian model of the world, all life truly belongs to God. But man is created in the image and likeness of God, that is, endowed with freedom of consciousness. As a result, a person in Christianity is responsible for his actions. Including, for violating the requirement not to eat those same fruits.

So, man, created in the image and likeness of God, breaks the law and is punished for it. Is he still a slave? Of course not. The legal system was formed from sets of rules and penalties for breaking them. Does the legal system make people slaves? Of course not.

  1. It is not entirely clear how a claim to scientific excellence and rudeness towards an opponent are combined.


“In this matter, it is the Bible that is being considered, i.e. the main scripture of the Abrahamic religions.” - LOL!
Firstly, in the comment I answered not the question, but the answer. If you could read, you would understand this by seeing the quotation marks meaning the quote: “within the framework of the theistic worldview, every life in the Universe belongs to God” - to which I was actually responding.
Secondly, “The Bible, i.e. the main scripture of the Abrahamic religions” - are you serious? Do you really think that the Abrahamic religions have a main scripture? That is, for the Jews, the main scripture is not the TaNakh, in which the Torah is only a part, like the Pentateuch of Moses in the Old (I emphasize, precisely in Old Testament, since such a part of the Bible as New Testament Jews don’t recognize it at all) I’m not even talking about the existence of the Talmud.
And for Muslims, according to your logic, the Bible is more important than the Koran (as in the case of the Talmud, the Jews can also forget the Sunnah of Muslims, after all, there is the Bible :-D
It’s funny that the “subscriber of the Atheist public” understands religion better than its zealot.
I'm sorry, of course, but literally in the first sentence you screwed up so deliciously that I was simply not interested in reading your nonsense any further.


8 more comments

There is no theistic thinking in the Indian subcontinent. I’m telling you this as a religious scholar. Buddhism does not belong to them for obvious reasons (I hope there is no need to explain), and Hinduism does not belong to them because of the Personal-Impersonal Absolute (Brahman-Atman). Theistic religions are Abrahamic plus Zoroastrianism.


Evgenia Senchukova is a very bad religious scholar among you.
There are four main movements in Hinduism - Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and Smartism, each of which is divided into branches (sampradayas) and six orthodox ones philosophical schools(darshan) - Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta. The concept of impersonal brahman exists only in Vedanta, since it is mostly based on the Upanishads, but even within Vedanta, theistic directions based on the Bhagavata Purana dominate, for example: Achintya-bheda-abheda, Vishishta-advaita, Dvaita-advaita... yes, in fact, ALL directions, with the exception of Advaita Shankara. In all directions and schools of Hinduism, with the exception of Advaita Vedanta, there is a personified God, be it Vishnu (Krishna), Shiva (in all his manifestations like Bhairava) or Parvati (in all her manifestations like Durga)

In addition, you do not take into account not only Jainism (which is in many ways close to Buddhism, but unlike Buddha, Mahavira did not deny God and the existence of the soul (jiva) as Buddha did (anatmavada), but you also ignore the most theistic religion of Sikhism .

Hmmm... Sit down, "religious scholar", deuce.


ah, “religious scholar” then we have “Press Secretary of the Yakut and Lena Diocese; columnist for the website “Orthodoxy and the World” - LOL! I should have first read what kind of “religious scholar” is in front of me before spraying myself... There is also the famous Orthodox “sectologist” Dvorkin. Evgenia Senchukova probably draws her knowledge of religious studies from the lectures of such “specialists”.


My friend, I defended my dissertation with Vladimir Shokhin, so I know the schools of Hinduism quite well. This is not theism at all, there is nothing to argue about. Hinduism generally has big problems with personalism. Personalism is basically a theme based on the EUROPEAN idea of ​​personality. It penetrated into Islam from the Roman Empire. Not to mention Judaism, which was formed somewhat later than the books of the Bible were written.


You and I are not friends, so let's not be too familiar. Vladimir Shokhin is indeed a respected scientist, but hiding behind the name of a scientific supervisor in a scientific debate is extremely ignorant. Everyone knows this, apparently except you. This technique is called “appeal to authority” and is essentially just a demagogic trick. The fact that you know or even worked under the guidance of a famous scientist does not make your pearls any less anti-scientific. Hinduism is not a monolithic religion. This is a group of religions. But all these religions are theistic. In the discourse of religious studies, there is a question about whether Hinduism is a polytheistic or a monotheistic religion (usually ignoramuses like you, on formal grounds, classify Hinduism as a polytheistic religion, although what am I saying, ignoramuses like you classify Hinduism not as theistic religions (lol), but as True religious scholars consider Hinduism to be a polytheistic religion, but there is a position based on which Hinduism can be classified as a monotheistic religion (if we consider the Trimurti to be only manifestations of the same God, then Hinduism is completely monotheistic, otherwise Christianity with its Trinity should also be classified as polytheistic religions (on which, by the way, the Islamic criticism of Christianity is based). Why am I writing this? Yes, there is no question of whether it is theism or not. The question can be whether it is polytheism or monotheism (this question is easily resolved by recognizing the fact that Hinduism is not homogeneous, and some movements can be more likely attributed to polytheism, while others (Gaudia-Vaishnavism, Kashmir Shaivism) to monotheism. But this is theism in any case. Then there is some kind of jumping from topic to topic, from Islam to Judaism and all through CHRISTIANITY (have you ever heard of such a concept as engagement? Google it at your leisure) and the crowning achievement of your pearls is the statement that personalism is an exclusively European invention (better was to say Christian, so your stubborn zombie supporters would have better received your message, because it is closer to the body, so to speak) despite the fact that earlier you argued that only the Abrahamic group + Zoroastrianism are theistic religions. This is an epic fail, since Zoroastrianism is 1) older than Judaism (and therefore other religions derived from it) and 2) originated in Persia (present-day Iran), which seems to have nothing to do with Europe, and ruins all your enchanting nonsense about “Personalism” - this is, in principle, a topic based on the EUROPEAN idea of ​​personality "at its core. In Indian religions, most of which are older than Judaism (see the genesis of Hinduism through the stages of Vedism and Brahmanism), everything is fine with personalism. It all depends on the specific branch. In some branches personalism dominates, in others impersonalism. If in Hinduism there are impersonalist schools (which, by the way, were criticized by the sectarian Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who was not your idol Dworkin’s favorite, which is already extremely funny for an outside, unbiased observer who does not belong to either the Orthodox or Hare Krishna sects), this does not mean that all of Hinduism is imbued with impersonalism. I tried to explain this to you in a gentle form, listing all the diversity of branches of the tree called Hinduism. But you could only throw in an authoritative name and write nonsense that contradicts your own first message. Please stop disgracing the name of a famous scientist. And I’m no longer interested in you. Bring on the next fanatic "religious scholar".


It seems to me that you are getting personal and generally being rude (so we quickly change the tone) and are not very well versed in the topic. In all branches of Hinduism there is a place for the personal-impersonal Absolute, and also in all branches of Hinduism the “supreme” deity can be understood as an aspect of the Divine. For this reason, it is somewhat rash to call Hinduism polytheistic, but for the same reason it cannot be a theistic religion.


There is a popular saying: “when it seems, you need to be baptized” (though there is another one: “The more you are baptized, the more it seems”)
About “you don’t understand the topic very well,” he yelled. I have been studying dharmic religions for more than seven years. Among specialists on this topic, even your well-known (and perhaps in some circles, respected) scientist is criticized (not to mention his disgracing student like you). The problem is that even a good scientist (like your scientist), being an adherent of a competing cult (in your case, Christianity), cannot understand the essence of the issue in any clear way. It’s like a feminist sociologist or a Marxist economist, or a raw food nutritionist. Being an adherent of one of the sects, a person will never be able to take a sober look at things, no matter how many dissertations he defends. Moreover, he will hide behind his “learning” in order to bring to the masses the nonsense that is stuck in his head. A feminist, having defended her dissertation in sociology, will tell everyone about patriarchy and misogyny, always mentioning that she is a “scientist” (just like you) and, even better, that she defended her thesis with Max Weber himself (as if this in any way neutralizes the level of her nonsense about patriarchy and misogyny). In the same way, you, being a representative of a rival cult, meddle with science to give weight to your words. But the problem is that even after formally defending your dissertation, you still don’t understand anything about religious studies, because for you it’s a heresy, and your limited perception simply cannot accept a different view of the world. You perceive everything “from your own bell tower,” where Orthodoxy is the truth, and everything else is Satanism. I, being non-denominational, am open to knowledge, moreover, with great love I study my subject because I am not biased towards it, I am open to understanding. For me there is no heresy and truth, be it myths ancient Greece or the myths of ancient Israel (Judea). And you are a banal Christian who a priori cannot be a religious scholar. A Christian religious scholar is an oxymoron. Not only are you unable to study “foreign” religions, you can’t even be a Christian scholar (because you will reduce everything to the fact that the Orthodox are great, and Catholics and Protestants are heretics). This famous story. Even a Buddhologist should not be a Buddhist, because a Buddhist-Buddhist, being a representative of, for example, Vajrayana, will call Theravada - Hinayana (which is incorrect), and if this Buddhist is Theravadin, then he will rely exclusively on the Pali Canon, ignoring other collections, or even calling Vajrayans not Buddhist sects. So, getting back to you and me (you yourself wrote that I “don’t understand the topic very well” lol. So. Of course, this is getting personal. Because on the topic you, together with your two fanatic friends, are yourselves You understand? I don’t need to battle you on the merits, because as soon as you open your mouth, it is obvious to any educated person, well, at least to one who is in the know, that you are discrediting yourself by spewing out with an intelligent person. one contradicts himself, the second claims that the Bible is the main book of all Abrahamic religions, the third talks about the fact that “there is no theistic thinking in the Indian subcontinent” - this is a laugh for any religious scholar. But there are people who are not specialists. Having read your pearl about “Hinduism is due to the Personal-Impersonal Absolute (Brahman-Atman)” [oh hey... this pearl would deserve a separate analysis if there was any sense in the analysis, because neither you nor your comrades who downvote my comments without even having time to read will still not understand anything] ignorant people may accidentally think that perhaps you really understand something... so yes, of course, I’m getting personal. Because you are wretched and stupid, hiding behind the name of a scientist you are spreading nonsense to the masses, and I am no longer interested in explaining to an outside observer who accidentally wandered into this thread what the actual nonsense of your pearls is, but from a sociological point of view it is more interesting for me to show why you are carrying this nonsense .

Quick question: Who is Satan? – And the short answer: Jesus gave two titles - “the prince of this world” (John 14:30) and “the enemy of man” (Matthew 13:28).

2. But many believe that Satan is the enemy of God.

- This is not in the Bible. This idea is not biblical.

3. Is it true that God gave the earth to Adam, and he, having sinned, gave it to Satan?

– The idea is not biblical. God handed over to Adam, first of all, the world of Paradise, and if the mechanism of transferring rights to Satan had actually been implemented, the latter would have taken possession of the heavenly abode. The Bible reports something else: after the sin, the Lord himself disposed of both Paradise and earth. And if today Satan enjoys the rights of a prince on earth, then this is God’s will.

4. Sometimes they write that Satan appropriated the title of prince of this world to himself!

– There is no such thing in the Bible, and to think so means to believe that God has no order. It should be remembered that in the world created by God, only what happens is what God allows, and if Satan really uses the enormous rights of the prince, it means that God needs it.

5. They write that a great struggle is taking place in the world.

– Yes, there is a spiritual struggle going on in the world, and the field of this battle is human hearts. The struggle is between the forces that encourage a person to do good and the forces that tempt him with sinful temptations.

6. But why does God need this struggle?

– The Bible teaches that God is not a dictator in relation to people, He gives everyone the right to choose – to fulfill His commandments, or not to fulfill them. Two opposing forces offer a person one or the other path. Only those who honorably pass through the crucible of all kinds of temptations and pass through the narrow gate will inherit eternal life.

6. Is it true that behind the first forces is God, and behind the second is Satan?

– Neither Jehovah nor Jesus spoke about any “great controversy” between God and Satan. Such a belief actually calls into question the omnipotence of the Creator. In the Bible, the following phrases appear many times: “God spoke, and it became so.” But with Satan, according to some beliefs, everything is not so. God seems to be at war with a supposedly fallen angel, but Satan’s position really does not change at all. Judging by the number of human sins, Satan is in active form. Let's look around: the overwhelming number of people do not even rush to God! If you believe that it is God himself who fights with Satan, then this means that it is as if God is losing this fight, and losing to his angel?!?

7. But who stands on both sides of the “barricades”?

– Let us repeat: everything in the world is determined by God Himself, which means that He determined both the fighting sides. Indeed, Satan represents one side, and who represents the other, the Bible does not cover this issue. Some believe that these are guardian angels. And the fact that today the majority of people follow Satan does not mean that God is ineffective, but that He allows only the most suitable ones into His gates, who were able to melt down during this spiritual struggle. He does not need spiritual “idlers” or “bullies”.

9. In the books they write that Jesus was tempted by Satan according to his own evil will!

– But the Bible tells a different story. Evangelist Matthew (4:1) writes unequivocally: “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” So who led Jesus into the wilderness? By God's Spirit. For what? For temptation from Satan. That is, God decided to carry out this test - before the Son entered into ministry. The word temptation, as you know, means test, test, test.

10. But the evil will of Satan is spoken of in 1 Chronicles 21:1: “And Satan rose up against Israel, and stirred up David to number the Israelites.”

– Let’s compare this text with the parallel one – 2 Samuel 24:1. “The wrath of the Lord was kindled again against the Israelites, and it stirred up David in them to say: Go, number Israel and Judah.” It turns out that Satan rose up against Israel because the wrath of the Lord again kindled against the Israelites. God got angry, made a decision and... Satan carried it out. By the way, the Bible repeatedly tells us that God made “tough” decisions, and entrusted their execution to his angels, for example, the destroyer (Ex. 12:23), the lying spirit (1 Kings 22:22). Another example: “The troublemaker seeks only evil; therefore a cruel angel will be sent against him” (Prov. 17:11). There are, God has angels specialized for temptation and reward!

11. All the major churches agree that the prophecies about the kings of Tire and Babylon simultaneously refer to Satan, and there he is shown as an arrogant rebel against God.

– Yes, the churches attribute these prophecies to Satan, but there is no such thought in the Bible itself. The prophecies about the kings of Tire and Babylon were first forwarded to Satan by the church fathers only in the 3rd century after Christ. Bl. Augustine denied the connection of these prophecies with Satan, but they did not listen to him. In fact, an ordinary angel, who is not “more powerful” than the angel of the Destroyer or the Lie, has been elevated to the level of a powerful adversary of God. And in the Bible there is not a single episode in which Satan did anything against the will of God. Let's read Luke 10:17: “The disciples said to Jesus with joy: “The demons are subject to us because of Your name.” Even to the disciples, at the mere mention of the name of Jesus, the demons obeyed! Moreover, demons could not even incarnate into pigs without God's consent. And Job says that Satan sought permission for every step and punctually carried out everything that God said.

12. And some believe that God knew that Job was faithful to Him, and agreed in order to humiliate Satan.

- God! Forgive our wingless thinking! After all, you are credited with the “technologies” of a communal apartment - how can I humiliate this nasty neighbor? It’s better to pay attention to the beginning of the conversation! God was keenly interested in the affairs of Satan - where he was, what he saw... Answering Job’s questions about the causes of the misadventures, the Lord did not refer to the fact that all the troubles were organized by Satan. No, Almighty God has shown this time that He alone resolves issues of both blessings and suffering.

13. But the Apostle Paul in the First Epistle to Timothy (3:6) wrote about ministers: “He [must not] be one of the new converts, lest he become proud and fall into condemnation with the devil.” That is, he wrote that Satan fell into condemnation, didn’t he?

– This is an example of how sometimes people make translations “for themselves.” Bishop Cassian translated this passage differently: “so that, having become proud, he would not fall under the judgment of the devil.” This text more accurately expresses the views held by the apostle (compare 1 Timothy 3:7). After all, he used this spirit so that backslidden people could later turn to God (1 Cor. 5:3-5; 1 Tim. 1:20).

14. Some argue that after the fall of Adam, people live under the curse of Satan.

- They approve. The Bible says that God cursed people for their first sin, and this – God’s – curse is still in effect today. But Satan did NOT curse anyone at all.

15. But believers believe that even at the dawn of mankind, God cursed Satan, who took the form of a serpent!

– Let’s be precise: the one God cursed was the snake, and the curse is still in effect: snakes move on the ground on their bellies and sting a person in the leg; Most people are terribly afraid of them and, when they see them, try to kill them by crushing their heads. But the Bible does not say that God cursed Satan. Do you believe that after being cursed, Satan moves on his belly?!

16. But in Revelation the “ancient serpent” and Satan are presented as one entity.

– Apparently, this is not entirely true. Already significantly later than first sins, in Job it is shown that God calmly listened to Satan, gave him permission, set restrictions. That is, by this time God clearly did not curse Satan. It can be assumed that before the first sin, Satan tempted the serpent and managed to instill in him daring thoughts, and he was already tempting with the words of Satan, and therefore John united Satan and the serpent. One way or another, we will believe the Bible: Eve was tempted by a serpent, and it was him who God cursed.

17. Did Jesus defeat Satan at Calvary?

- In a sense, yes. But not in the sense that they usually want to put into these words. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He “was tempted as we are, but sinned not” (Heb. 4:15, modern translation), and the prince of this world had nothing in Him. In this sense, Jesus won: he resisted temptations, did not succumb to them, and walked His path to the end. But Satan is not destroyed. Now every disciple of Christ must repeat the victory and feat of Jesus: submit to God and resist the devil so that he runs away.

18. What then does 1 John 3:8 say: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, to destroy the works of the devil”? And: “And since the children share in flesh and blood, He also took part in it, so that by death He might destroy the one who had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Heb. 2:14)?

– It is clear here that we are talking about victory over the works of the devil, and not over Satan himself. What are the works of the devil? Lead astray, make you sin. But Christ gave us the Spirit so that we could resist the devil. Jesus walked His Path, showing that this is possible for us too. “For just as He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted” (Heb. 2:18). Thus, He reduced the “effect” of the tempter’s work. Jesus also showed the goal - the Kingdom of Heaven and the life of the next century through His resurrection. Therefore, the fear of death has now disappeared, and those who were enslaved by the fear of death have gained a future and new strength.

19. But Jesus, when the 70 He sent returned, said (Luke 10:18): “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”

– The Bible does not report that there were any collisions in the sky at that time. It is more logical to assume that Satan was once again in heaven, and then descended to his usual “ workplace"The prince of this world." We cannot see such “flights,” but Jesus saw them. Perhaps the “prince of this world” turned out to be seriously concerned about the relentless activity of the 70 disciples, so he hastened to put more effort into his “earthly affairs.”

20. Why did Jehovah communicate with Satan calmly, but Jesus denounced him? One example (John 8:44): “When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

– The Almighty and Jesus talked about one thing – the need to resist sinful hobbies, but they talked about different aspects of this problem. If Jehovah, in denouncing people for following sin, did not touch upon the “technology” of creating tempting situations, then Jesus, living among people, paid attention to who organizes these situations. Yes, Jesus noted that the essence of Satan is a liar. And as such, in order to tempt, Satan lies, and people listen, when there is no need to listen, and they do his works, but there is no need to do them; Satan must be resisted with firm faith. Let us add: Jesus did not curse Satan.

21. They say that God does not stop the activities of Satan because he does not want to scare people: He does not want to be feared because of His power and authority, but is waiting for simple love.

– Yes, some believe that God creates with an eye on what people think of Him. The Bible presents God to us differently. When mankind became corrupt, He brought upon them great flood and was not afraid of anyone's opinion. If His angel began to mock His children with his evil will, God would only think of it, and Satan would end up somewhere on Venus, or even in some other galaxy.

And secondly, people actually imagine God to be indifferently cruel. Satan supposedly mocks people, and God is worried about his “image”?! Do you think about God this way too?

22. So is Satan an enemy of God?

– This is a human thought, it is not in the Bible. They refer to Matthew 13:36-39 – about the enemy the devil, who sowed tares, and also to Acts 13:8 about “the son of the devil, the enemy of all righteousness.” Let's say briefly: here we are talking about an enemy not to God, but to people. Jehovah did not say a single word that Satan was His enemy. Let us remember what streams of angry words the Lord poured out against people when they betrayed their God, but in relation to Satan - not a word of reproach. Jesus said about Satan: “the enemy of man” (Matt. 13:28).

23. But we are children of God! Isn't the enemy of people also the enemy of God?

– What about us people? When a crime is committed, the police are to some extent the enemies of the criminals. But these “enemies” receive salaries from the state treasury. So we are all sinners, and until God’s Judgment is completed, God allows Satan to act in our lives. Yes, today Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. But with whom does he succeed? With those who easily succumb to the influence of others, they either put carnal pleasures above all else, or grow self-love to gigantic proportions, as well as with those who do not want to think about the future. In a word, through various temptations, Satan identifies those who are capable of exchanging God for something sweet, serene, and enticing. One can feel sorry for such people, but it is doubtful that God needs them in eternity. Will He be able to rely on them?

24. But in “Revelation” the epic picture of “War in Heaven” is presented - Satan is leading an innumerable army against God’s forces.

– The real power of the so-called “enemy of God Himself” is well shown in Rev. 20:2. One single angel will bind Satan without any war. And after that, for a thousand years he will be inactive, “shackled,” but then he will suddenly be released. For what? Obviously, it is by the will of God that he must once again perform his usual work - to encourage active actions those who resist God. Apparently, the Almighty will give sinners one last chance - to repent and not follow the tempter.

25. How to explain Rev. 12:7-9? “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought [against them], but they did not stand, and there was no longer room for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

– This question must be examined in context with others of a similar nature. In one of the following articles we will look at it in detail. For now, briefly. Yes, there was a war in heaven. But let's remember the episode of the temptation of the first people. Satan, as John claims, was present in this case, but God, having punished the people and the serpent, did not show in any way that He had any claims against Satan. So in this case, Satan and his angels were thrown out of heaven, but Satan, as it is written in Job, remained allowed into heaven by God.

26. How can we explain that “Revelation” promises to eliminate Satan at the end of time?

“Those who believe that God waged a spiritual battle with Satan for many thousands of years actually imply that He lost it. And after that he physically destroyed the enemy. Of course, this is not so, which means that the initial premise that God fights with Satan is not true. It can be assumed that God created this spirit only to work as a tempter; After selecting the required number of human souls, Satan will no longer be needed.

27. What is it - it became no longer needed, and it was thrown into the lake of fire? The Moor has done his job - can the Moor leave?

– The very formulation of the question suggests that many exaggerate the importance of Satan. Angels are merely ministering spirits. Some things can serve us faithfully, but when they become unnecessary, they throw them away. Things that have become unnecessary should not clutter up the apartment, and unnecessary perfumes should not clutter up the Cosmos.

28. So who is Satan?

– First, let me ask you two questions. Do you believe that if Almighty God wanted, Satan would not tempt anyone? And one more thing: do you perceive as an edification for us the Bible’s mention that even the Archangel Michael did not dare to pronounce an offensive judgment against Satan? (Jude 1:9-10, Sir.21:30).

And now the answer to your question. As Jesus said, Satan is our enemy; he is a tempter, or in other words, a provocateur. Few people pronounce the word “provocateur” with respect. But they benefit not only the leadership of the state, but also the common people. For example, thanks to their tempting work, the very roots of criminal gangs are often discovered, from which it is mainly the common people who suffer.

This is the same work - only for God - that the tempting spirit does. And with sweet lies, and pleasant temptations, and screaming pain, Satan provokes us to betray Jehovah. As said earlier, God in eternity does not need those who are able to renounce Him. So let us humbly accept the will of the Creator, who tests our devotion to Him at the “hands” of the prince of this world.

And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and walked around it. (Job 1:7) I tried to count the number of people who were killed by God in the Bible. I came up with a figure of 2476633, which, of course, significantly underestimates total number those killed by God, since it only includes those murders for which there are specific numbers in the Bible. No attempt has been made to include victims Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as many other disasters, famine, snakes, etc., which this " good book " is filled. However, 2 million is a respectable number even for world class killers! But how does this compare to Satan? How many did he kill in the Bible? Well, I can only find ten of his murders in the Bible, and even that number, he shares with God, because God allowed him to do this as part of the wager. I speak of the seven sons and three daughters of Job. There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job... And to him were born seven sons and three daughters... And the Lord said to Satan: Have you paid attention to My servant Job, for there is no one like him on earth, a blameless Man who fears God and shuns all evil? And Satan answered the Lord... send Your hand now, and touch everything that he has, and he will curse you. And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, everything that he has is in your hand; only save his soul.” And Satan went away from the presence of the Lord and struck Job. , when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their firstborn brother... And behold, a great wind came from the desert and swept through the four corners of the house, and the house fell on the youths, and they died; and I alone was saved to tell you. (Book of Job) So it appears that both Satan and God must share the blame for these murders. If so, then the count would look like this: Kills God: 2,476,633 Statana: 10 I was trying to calculate the number of kills God, where there is no exact number of killed in the Bible. The results were even more one-sided: 25 million (give or take a few million) were killed by God, 60 people were killed by Satan. WHO IS BETTER, GOD OR THE DEVIL? “The doubt of intelligent believers about the existence of God often arises as a result of the answer to the question: “How can God allow the existence of so many injustices, deaths and suffering in the world he created?” Theologians and priests, answering this question, talk about the mysterious ways of God and the incomprehensibility of logic God with the mind of man. Agreeing with this answer, believers leave the doubts that torment them and return to the bosom of faith, repenting of their temporary apostasy. At the same time, the very nature of the question deserves deep study. God is recognized by believers as the bright beginning of the world, the source of all life, goodness and wisdom. All grace has its source in Him, the whole world was created by Him, He decides the destinies of people and the entire Universe. At the same time, it is God who is the source of the concept of “sin”, it is God who is constantly angry with sinners and punishes them, it was God who forced Abraham to be sacrificed on the altar. own son, it was God who expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise for their desire to continue the human race, and when the expulsion did not lead young humanity to death, he caused the Great Flood. .. The devil is recognized by believers as the source of all evil spirits, the enemy of the human race, tempting true believers with his instigations. Meanwhile, for the Devil there is no concept of sin, the Devil is never angry with anyone (why can he be angry?), the Devil did not arrange the Great Flood, the Devil did not drive Adam and Eve out of Paradise, the Devil never prevented the human race from being fruitful and multiplying, never organized mass epidemics and wars, punishing sinners... God, according to the believers themselves, destroyed much more people than the Devil. And all because God is easy to anger, and an angry God, using his power, does not take into account how many he will have to kill in order to calm his emotions. The Holy Inquisition, exterminating everyone who rises even slightly above the average animality and stupidity, fat bearded priests calling for humility and love for enemies, Old Believers inspired by God to self-immolate... Isn’t, according to God, death the greatest good , and the extermination of humanity is the greatest merit? "Not peace, but a sword." Self-destruction. Death. These are the symbols of God. Nevertheless, everything looks amazingly logical: “Love your enemies” + “Love your neighbor” = “Make your neighbor your enemy and your enemy your neighbor.” But the enemy brings disaster and death with him. Therefore it means "Bring your death closer to yourself and kill your neighbor." Death is for God the highest manifestation of love, since he hung his own son on the cross and crucified him, promising him resurrection. And then this cross (an instrument of torture and murder) became a symbol of faith. The devil never wishes people to die; in general, he doesn’t care, since his emotions do not depend in any way on the actions of humanity. The very concept of sin does not exist for the Devil, but is not a truly sinless life in which even the concept of sin is absent?" A. SHOKHOV

The Christian world is divided into two kingdoms: heavenly and underground. In the first, God rules and a retinue of angels obeys him. In the second, the reins of government belong to Satan, who controls demons and devils. these two opposite worlds are fighting for human souls. And if we know a lot about the Lord (from church sermons, the Bible, stories of devout grandmothers), then about his antipode they are trying once again don't remember. Who is he? And what is the correct name for him: the Devil, Satan, Lucifer? Let's try to lift the curtain on an incomprehensible mystery.

Who is Satan?

Researchers claim that at first he was the majestic angel Dennitsa, the crown of beauty and wisdom. Bearing the stamp of perfection, one fine day he became proud and imagined himself higher than the Lord. This greatly angered the Creator, and he overthrew the obstinate man and his followers into complete darkness.

Who is Satan? Firstly, he is the head of all dark forces, the enemy of God and the main tempter of people. Secondly, he is the embodiment of darkness and chaos, the purpose of which is to seduce true Christians from the righteous path. To do this, he appears to people in different guises and promises untold wealth, fame and success, asking in return, in his words, the least - eternal possession of the soul.

Often the devil himself does not tempt the righteous, but sends his earthly assistants, who during their lifetime became associates of dark forces: witches and black magicians. His the main objective- the enslavement of all humanity, the overthrow of God from the throne and the preservation of one’s own life, which, according to legend, will be taken away after the second Coming of Christ.

Early mentions in Old Testament texts

First, the concept “Satanail” appeared, meaning a certain dark force. It comes from ancient myths, in which this matter is described as the main opponent of the demiurge god. Subsequently, the image was formed under the influence of Iranian mythology and Zoroastrianism. Added to this are people's ideas about evil forces and demonic darkness: as a result, we received a complete and fairly accurate idea of ​​who Satan is and what he needs from us.

It is interesting that in the Old Testament texts his name is a common noun, denoting an enemy, an apostate, an infidel, a slanderer who opposes God and his commandments. This is exactly how it is described in the books of Job and the prophet Zechariah. Luke points to Satan as the personification of evil, who possessed the traitor Judas.

As we see, in early Christianity the devil was not considered a specific person. Most likely, it was a composite image of all human sins and earthly vices. People considered him a universal evil, capable of enslaving mere mortals and completely subordinating them to his will.

Identification in folklore and everyday life

People often identified the devil with the serpent, based on stories from the Book of Genesis. But in fact, these assumptions have no basis, since on the pages of the mentioned source the reptile is a typical trickster, a mythological archetype endowed with negative human characteristics. Despite this, the late Christian literature considers the serpent to be an analogue of Satan or, in extreme cases, his messenger.

In folklore he is also often called Beelzebub. But researchers say this is a mistake. And they cite indisputable facts: in the Bible, Beelzebub is mentioned only in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark - as a “demonic prince.” As for Lucifer, he is not mentioned in either the Old or New Testament. In later literature, this name is given to a certain fallen angel - a demon of the planet.

From the point of view of orthodox Christianity, sincere prayer will be the real salvation from the bonds of the devil. Religion ascribes to Satan the power that he takes from the Almighty and turns to his harm, paradoxically being part of God’s plan. These contradictions often lead Christian philosophy to a dead end.

Later mentions

In the New Testament, Satan appears as a deceiver and pretender, who hides under the guise of a wolf in sheep's clothing - stated in the Acts of the Holy Apostles and in the second letter of Paul. The image received its greatest development in the Apocalypse, where he is described as a specific person - the head of the kingdom of darkness and vices, giving birth to offspring. The son of Satan, Antichrist, is also a fully formed image here, playing a certain role: opposing Christ and enslaving people.

In subsequent mystical, as well as Christian apocryphal literature, Satan acquires specific features and a line of behavior. This is already a person who is the enemy of the human race and the main antagonist of God. Despite censure in all religions of the world, it is an integral part of the doctrine, the starting point for comparing good and evil, a certain criterion of human actions and motives. Without his existence we would never have been able to achieve righteous path, because they would not be able to distinguish light from dark, day from night. This is why the existence of the devil is an important part highest divine plan.

Shapes of Satan

Despite undeniable points of view, disputes and judgments, the devil is called differently. In a number of teachings, his name changes depending on the image in which he appears before humanity:

  • Lucifer. knowing, bringing freedom. Appears in the guise of an intellectual philosopher. Sows doubts and encourages debate.
  • Belial. The beast in man. Inspires the desire to live, to be yourself, awakens primitive instincts.
  • Leviathan. Keeper of secrets and psychologist. Encourages people to practice magic and worship idols.

This theory, which also deserves to exist, allows us to better understand who Satan is. According to her, this is a certain vice that a person struggles with. He can also appear before us in the female image of Astarte, pushing us into adultery. Satan is also Dagon, who promises wealth, Behemoth, who inclines to gluttony, drunkenness and idleness, Abbadon, who calls to destroy and kill, Loki is a symbol of deceit and lies. All these persons can be either the devil himself or his faithful servants.

Devil's signs

The most sacred is the snake. The hood can be seen in many Egyptian paintings and frescoes. This is a symbol of the expansion of consciousness, and the snake assuming an attacking pose indicates the soaring of the spirit. Other symbols say the following:

  • Pentagram pointing downwards. Symbolizes Satan himself.
  • Simple pentagram. More used by sorcerers and witches to perform rituals.
  • Emblem of Baphomest. The mark of Satan inscribed on his bible. This is an inverted pictogram in the form of a goat's head.
  • Cross of Disorder. An ancient Roman symbol signifying the renunciation of Christian values ​​of the divine essence of Christ.
  • Hexagram. It is also the “Star of David” or the “Seal of Solomon”. The most powerful sign of Satan, which is used to summon evil spirits.
  • Marks of the beast. Firstly, this is the number of the Antichrist - 666. Secondly, they can also include three Latin letters F - it is the sixth in the alphabet, and three intertwined rings forming sixes.

In fact, there are many symbols of Satan. They also include a goat's head, a skull and crossbones, a swastika and other ancient signs.


The wives of the devil are considered to be the so-called demonesses, each of which has its own sphere of influence and is irreplaceable in hell:

  • Lilith. The main wife of Satan, the first wife of Adam. Appears to lonely travelers in the form of a beautiful brunette, after which she mercilessly kills them.
  • Mahallat. Second wife. Leads legions of evil spirits.
  • Agrat. Third in a row. Field of activity: prostitution.
  • Barbelo. One of the most beautiful. Patronizes treachery and deceit.
  • Elizadra. The devil's main HR advisor. Characterized by bloodthirstiness and vindictiveness.
  • Nega. Demoness of epidemics.
  • Naama. The temptress whom all mortal men desire.
  • Proserpine. Patronizes destruction natural disasters and disasters

The devil has other wives, but the demonesses listed above are the most powerful, and therefore are familiar to many peoples of the world. From which of them the son of Satan will be born is unknown. Most researchers claim that the mother of the Antichrist will be a simple earthly woman, but very sinful and vicious.

Devil's Book

The handwritten Bible of Satan was created at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. According to sources, it was written by a monk under the dictation of the devil himself. The manuscript contains 624 pages. It is truly huge: the dimensions of the wooden covers are 50 by 90 centimeters, the weight of the Bible is 75 kilograms. The production of the manuscript took 160 skins skinned from donkeys.

The so-called Bible of Satan contains the Old Testament and various edifying stories for preachers, various forms of conspiracies. On page 290 the devil himself is drawn. And if the legend about the monk is a fiction, then the “satanic image” is a fact. Several pages before this graffiti are covered in ink, the next eight have been completely removed. Who did this is unknown. The most interesting thing is that the “demonic manuscript,” although condemned by the church, was never banned. Several generations of novices even studied the texts of Holy Scripture from its pages.

From its historical homeland - Czech Prague - the manuscript was taken with them to Stockholm as a trophy in 1649. Now only employees of the local Royal Library, wearing protective gloves on their hands, have the right to leaf through the pages of the sensational manuscript.

Church of the Devil

It was created on April 30, 1966 by the American Anton Sandor LaVey. Founded on Walpurgis Night, the Church of Satan proclaimed itself the antipode of Christianity and the bearer of evil. The Seal of Baphomet is a symbol of the community. By the way, it became the first officially registered organization that worshiped the cult of the devil and considered Satanism its ideology. LaVey was the so-called High Priest until his death. By the way, he also wrote another modern version of the Satanic Bible.

The Church of Satan accepts into its ranks everyone who has reached the age of majority. The exception is the children of active participants already involved, since they understand satanic practices and teachings from a young age. Priests hold black masses - a parody of church service, and also practice sexual orgies and sacrifice. The main holidays of the community are Halloween and Walpurgis Night. The initiation of new members into the secrets of the devilish cult is also celebrated on a grand scale.

How to protect yourself from the influence of Satan and his servants

The church gives two practical advice that will help save the soul from the devil's machinations. First, temptations must be resisted, and prayer will help with this. It is difficult for Satan to fight the pure intentions, the sincerity that we put into the basis of turning to the Lord. There is no need to ask for anything except strength and at the same time thanks for another day lived and those little things that made it unique and colorful.

Secondly, you need to get as close to God as possible. Priests advise attending Sunday and holiday services, fast, learn to be kind and honest towards other people, not to break the commandments, fight vices, reject temptations. After all, every step taken towards the Lord simultaneously removes us from Satan. The ministers of the Church are confident: following their recommendations, every person is able to cope with the demons living inside, thereby preserving their soul and finding a well-deserved place in the Gardens of Eden.

Characteristics of men