Dream interpretation of the funeral of a grandmother's already deceased relative. Why do people dream and what do they predict about the funeral of a dead person? Dream Interpretation - Wounds

A funeral procession in a dream is interpreted depending on the specific dream book, but it does not mean anything bad and can often foreshadow and mean health, well-being, and a quick favorable outcome of the matter.

So, the interpretation of a dream according to Miller's dream book means success in life - especially if you dream about the funeral of a deceased relative.

Good sunny weather adds positive colors to the interpretation of the vision and gives reason to believe that very soon everything will change for the better

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I dreamed about a funeral, what does it mean?

Vanga gives the following interpretation of the vision:

  1. own death– you need to change your habits, think about your health;
  2. empty coffin– despondency and spiritual emptiness;
  3. nailing the coffin lid– getting rid of burdensome habits;
  4. bear the coffin– after some time it is necessary to expect meanness and betrayal;
  5. wreaths- mourning for six months.

Tsvetkova’s dream book states that seeing a funeral in a dream means a successful resolution of conflict situations and your own wedding.

If you dream of a stranger's funeral

Funeral of a stranger bring to an end a bad streak in life, predicting prosperity and success in all endeavors.

One famous dream book funeral stranger translates as improving the dreamer’s financial capabilities, meeting an authoritative person.

And the good one sunny weather only contribute to a stable state of affairs and elation. How more magnificent and luxurious than the wake, all the better! But if you see siru, a wretched procession, then apart from debts and troubles, you should not expect anything in the future.

Seeing the funeral of a person who has already died

If you dream about the funeral of a person who has already died, For example, grandfather– the isolation of the dreamer’s personality, the need to overcome psychological difficulties and make new acquaintances.

This dream can be interpreted differently depending on the dream book, for example, some seers talk about a warning from a close relative, others claim that thereby the grandfather is asking to visit him in the cemetery.

Why do you dream about funerals of deceased relatives?

Funeral of a deceased relative- are explained in two ways - they can mean well-being in family life or troubles, a long and painful process of divorce.

When translating a dream, it is necessary to take into account such components as the weather, those present, preparation and commemoration, the pomp or simplicity of the procession. Even a wreath has a sacred meaning, which varies greatly.

  • Rest your deceased grandfather to rest- this is the need to improve your social life and increase the number of social connections.
  • A sister's death or girlfriends for monetary gain.
  • Death of husband- this is an improvement in family relationships, a new round of feelings and emotions, a romantic period in the life of the spouses.
  • I dream about the death of my grandmother, in several cases, if she is alive, this means her longevity and your worsening affairs; if the ancestress has long since passed away, then we can expect a new gentleman or secret admirer to appear on the horizon.
  • Death of a beloved father has the following meaning in the dream book - any business or undertaking will result in waste, loss, danger of getting involved in debt obligations, collapse.
  • Death of a young child, son or daughter, over which you will cry very much, crying will drive any mother into a psychological frenzy. In reality, this dream can result in a major quarrel with the child or household members, or a deterioration in his health.
  • If a baby dies in a dream and is resurrected s, then you should prepare for a favorable turn of fate.
  • Death of someone else's child– disappointment in a very close and dear person.
  • Rest in peace for a neighbor or other loved one and a not very familiar one, who immediately resurrected - this is a joyful good sign.
  • And here death of a living or deceased mother- this is a warning of danger, the need to urgently visit living relatives or visit the graves of the dead.

If you dream about your own funeral, what is it for?

Dreaming of one’s own burial denotes deterioration of health. It is worth reconsidering your lifestyle and getting rid of bad habits. Own death– this is always not good!

Why do you dream about the funeral of a living person?

If you dream funeral of a friend who is alive, then we should expect longevity and good health for the deceased hero in the dream. Usually such a vision does not have a negative impact on the future.

However, it is necessary to know a more detailed description of the plot in order to make the most accurate prediction.

Usually death of the living, loved one has a positive meaning in the dream book. Your own priority in interpreting a dream must always be given to positive value in dream books.

If you dream about a funeral and a wedding at the same time

Wedding and burial, new life and death- an unpleasant sign that promises trouble, grief for a deceased person, tragedy in the family. It is worth paying full attention to this dream, as it is considered the most evil and bad, especially if it was dreamed by a pregnant girl or woman.

Rest a loved one/stranger, relative/stranger to rest You shouldn’t always take things seriously and expect trouble and misfortune. After all, the state of mind of the seer, his thoughts create a picture of the future, which everyone has the power to change and adjust to their desire.

The main thing is to realistically assess the situation and be prepared for any twists of fate. Happy dreams, happy interpretations!

Seeing the funeral of a person who is no longer alive in a dream symbolizes the end of a certain stage in the world and the beginning of a new one. What changes there will be depends on additional details of the dream. When interpreting signs, it is important to consider not only big picture of the events taking place, but also their own attitude towards the procession, as well as the degree of relationship with the deceased.

In addition, when asked why one dreams of the funeral of an already deceased person, different dream books give different definitions.

Interpretation from different dream books

The funeral of a person who has already been buried is not a bad sign. Despite the mournful plot, which can be present in the mind for a long time after sleep, most sources interpret such a situation as favorable. To obtain an objective assessment of what you saw, you need to turn to different dream books.

Reburial of the deceased

When interpreting the reburial of a deceased person, it is important to consider two factors: degree of relationship with the deceased and one’s own attitude to the situation in a dream.

If the event caused a deterioration in health (nausea, vomiting, panic or emotional shock), then in reality, you are in danger of falling under the influence of others, become a victim of other people's conspiracies and machinations. Caution must be exercised even when communicating with friends, objectively assessing their requests and suggestions.

The absence of negative emotions during reburial indicates financial stability or sudden profit.

Interpretation by degree of relationship

When interpreting the funeral of a person who has already died, it is important to take into account the degree of relationship with him. Some details may change general meaning sleep. For example, if you dreamed about the burial of one of your parents, then regardless of the additional details, such a plot will be an unfavorable sign.

If you had to bury your brother or sister again in the rain, then the bad interpretation changes the meaning to a warning. By being vigilant and careful in time, you will be able to avoid some mistakes and troubles.

The meaning of the degree of relationship in a dream:

  • Mother or father- problems in the work sphere, deterioration in financial condition.
  • Husband or wife- getting rid of troubles, the beginning of a favorable period in life.
  • Son or daughter- no problems in living children.
  • Brother— disputes are possible regarding the division of property or division of profits.
  • Sister- in the near future you will be congratulated on some event.
  • Aunt or uncle- receiving gratitude.
  • Grandfather- problems in personal life and communication with others.
  • Grandmother— there is a two-faced person around who is preparing a conspiracy.
  • Other relatives- joyful events.

Psychological moment

A dream in which there was a funeral of a deceased person is, in some cases, better assessed not according to the interpretations of dream books, but from the point of view of psychology. For example, if a dream was seen by someone who recently buried someone close to them, then it can only be the embodiment of thoughts present in real life.

Longing for the deceased, the desire to see him or the lack of awareness of his loss in most cases becomes the cause of not only a bad mood, but also bad dreams, including those that repeat events seen in life.

Interpretation nuances:

  • If the funeral was a long time ago, then Most likely, the cause of the dream was memories or a reminder of the deceased. For example, you saw an object that the deceased had, heard the smell of his perfume, or noticed other details that are indirectly connected with him.
  • Regular flashbacks or desires to see a deceased person can also trigger dreams., in which you will have to relive his burial. In real life, you must try to accept the event that happened and come to terms with it, otherwise dreams with a heavy moral precipitate may become frequent.

Dreams can be interpreted not only by explanations in dream books, but also by objectively assessing the events taking place.

A funeral is not a bad sign in a dream. Even negative interpretations can be regarded as a sign of fate. For example, if a dream portends illness, then you should be more attentive to your dreams. If the interpretation portends problems in business or personal life, then Special attention You should pay attention to controlling your own emotions and eliminating risks in work or transactions.

Farewell to a relative or good friend- this is certainly very sad. However, in night dreams such scenes do not always foreshadow the onset of problems. To understand why you dream about the funeral of an already deceased person, you should turn to authoritative dream books, and also take into account all the details of night dreams, your personal feelings and the day of the week on which the dream visited the sleeper.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that what they see in their dreams affects the future. In dream books you can also find out why you dream of burying a dead person:

  1. Miller's Interpreter. The psychologist believed that for the correct interpretation of such dreams it is necessary to take into account everything, even the smallest details. If the sleeper heard bell ringing- this portends difficulties, failures and illnesses. If the funeral ceremony was held on a sunny day, there is no need to worry about anything. Most often, such a plot conveys that the dreamer has not yet been able to survive the loss and accept the situation.
  2. Interpreter of Vanga. If in a night story the dreamer observed an empty coffin, he feels lonely and empty. If there was a person in the coffin who in reality had died a long time ago, it is worth paying attention to his image. The details of the dream will provide a clue.
  3. Loff's Dream Book. If you dreamed of saying goodbye to an acquaintance or relative, who in reality was buried not so long ago, this indicates sadness and melancholy in the dreamer’s soul. If enough time has passed since the death of a loved one, such a plot makes it clear that main character I haven’t let go of my loved one yet.
  4. Interpreter Tsvetkova. If in his night dreams the dreamer attended the funeral of his grandfather, who has been dead for a long time, this foreshadows the successful completion of an important project. A funeral ceremony does not always promise something unfavorable. Most often, such dreams speak of the end of some life stage. If the dreamer not only observed the process, but also felt sadness and saw the suffering of other people, this plot represents a warning. It’s worth thinking about your health and spending more time with your relatives. We dream of deceased loved ones to protect the living from mistakes. If you carefully analyze your state of affairs, you can find an unsolved problem.
  5. Freud interpreter. The psychoanalyst attached great importance to dreams, because he believed that they contained the key to unraveling true subconscious desires. Freud believed that a funeral symbolizes the end of a long journey. If, when saying goodbye to a deceased brother, people rejoice and have fun, it means that the sleeper is in the grip of severe discomfort, and it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing. If in a dream people are grieving, and after waking up the sleeper feels melancholy and pain of loss - this is a warning about material problems.

Opinion of other dream books

Interpreters pay great attention to plots with dead people. Therefore, you can find a lot of information about such dreams:

  1. Dream book of Nostradamus. The fortuneteller explained in detail why people dream about the funeral of a deceased relative. Such dreams come to those who cannot let go of their loved ones. Experiences have a very negative effect on the subconscious; such dreams indicate the presence of depression. However, if in night dreams the actions took place on a bright day and the dreamer did not experience negative emotions, this portends joyful changes in life.
  2. Jewish interpreter. If one of the distant relatives was present at the funeral ceremony, relations with loved ones will improve. If the deceased is dear person, then you need to learn to live for today and stop looking back to the past.
  3. Interpreter of Akulina. The plot, in which the observer had to bury already, suggests that his life will be long and happy. If the sleeper said goodbye to a deceased relative, and it was light and clear outside, the dreamer’s health will improve.
  4. Dream book of Catherine the Great. Saying goodbye to a relative foreshadows the receipt of sad news.

Interpretation by degree of relationship

Farewell to already deceased grandmother may portend a situation in which many people will turn away from the dreamer. The sleeper will not feel supported and cared for and will be disappointed in life.

This interpretation is due to the fact that the grandmother personifies warmth, therefore, at her funeral in the kingdom of Morpheus, the main character will experience approximately the same feelings as when saying goodbye in reality.

The loss of a deceased grandfather can be predicted by a lack of support from friends. Perhaps a betrayal, after which the sleeper will be greatly broken and depressed. If he saw the funeral of already deceased parents, a dark streak may come. Mother and father gave life to a person, and it is they who teach him what may be useful in the future. Therefore, such a plot can indicate a loss of faith in the future.

Saying goodbye to a deceased brother or sister can predict an upcoming separation from something or someone important. For example, a sleeping person has devoted almost his entire life to professional sports, but an injury occurs and he will no longer be able to do this.

Interpretation by days of the week

When interpreting a dream, you should pay attention to the day on which it visited the sleeper. The following values ​​are possible:

  1. On Monday, the emotional and eccentric Moon dominates, so such dreams have no special significance. They only indicate the personal problems of the sleeper.
  2. Tuesday is ruled by warlike Mars, so dreams visited on this day tell how the sleeper will manifest himself in business. A positive interpretation of the plot indicates that the dreamer will be active and will be able to resolve any issues. Negative dreams They say that you don’t have to count on success. Usually such dreams come true within a few weeks.
  3. The environment is ruled by Mercury, responsible for brain activity and obtaining information. Dreams visited on this day indicate how the sleeper will be able to use his intellect. If the dream had a positive meaning, in reality the person can become very successful. Bad visions indicate that the person will lose concentration. In general, such stories will come true soon.
  4. On Thursday, Jupiter rules, responsible for luck and authority. What is seen on this day is related to whether the dreamer will be able to change his life and whether he will become successful. If the sleeping person does not have any negative emotions, it means that in reality he will have a chance to change his life. Such dreams often come true within a few months.
  5. On Friday, sensual Venus rules, which can influence the dreamer’s financial condition. Favorable stories seen on this day predict the ability to improve your financial condition. Negative dreams indicate that the dreamer will miss a favorable opportunity to increase his financial position. On this day, good dreams most often come true.
  6. Saturday is dominated by Saturn, which is responsible for career advancement and discipline. If the sleeper sees a good plot, this means that he will be able to cope with any difficulties. Bad dreams they inform you that the main character lacks self-control and will not be able to solve new problems. Dreams visited on this day have great meaning, but come true only after a few years.
  7. The Sun rules on Sunday. It is responsible for creativity and the manifestation of abilities. What you saw that night tells how your plans will be implemented. Good dreams they say that the sleeper will be able to show his individuality. Negative stories indicate that someone or something will be able to interfere with the dreamer.

Possible plots

If in your night dreams you dreamed of the funeral of an already deceased person, it is worth remembering what exactly the sleeping person observed. This will allow you to predict future events as accurately as possible:

  1. Seeing a funeral service means making a mistake for which you will have to pay for the rest of your life.
  2. If the sleeper was burying a distant relative who in reality had already died, he will have to endure difficulties caused by the events of the past.
  3. The funeral of a deceased parent warns that no important decisions should be made in the near future.
  4. If the dreamer attended the funeral of a long-dead person, and the deceased rose from the coffin, he should not lose hope of making his dream come true.
  5. Burying an animal that died in real life means the onset of a depressive state.
  6. Attending the funeral of a friend who has died means communicating with an unpleasant person.
  7. If the dreamer cried in a dream, his soul is pure and he has nothing to worry about.
  8. If the sleeping person laughed at a relative’s funeral, it means that he does not want to come to terms with reality.
  9. Rainy weather at a funeral tells that people who once brought trouble to the sleeping person will make themselves known. Sunny weather says that the dreamer will have to face problems, but after that everything will be very favorable.
  10. If during a funeral someone relieves himself in public, this hints that the people whom the sleeping person trusted will show disrespect towards him. They may tell others things that should not be mentioned.

Dreams in which the sleeper had to bury a person who had already died most often speak of his inability to let go of the past, but there are other interpretations. The surest clue is the feelings experienced by the sleeper during sleep and after waking up. If the dreamer does not have negative feelings, dreams definitely do not have a negative meaning. Otherwise, you should treat the message as a warning.

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems.

Seeing living loved ones people dead, means their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich.

If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it.

Seeing a single dead person means marriage, and seeing a married dead person means separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him - indicates a very good position this person in the next world.

The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Who sees in a dream that deceased woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him, she will be successful in all her endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that he from the other world treats the person who saw this dream favorably.

Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he did not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future.

Seeing a deceased person rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world.

Greeting a deceased person in a dream means receiving favor from Allah.

If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon.

The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved.

Seeing yourself sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person in a dream means longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died.

Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his life in a dream means that he is in afterlife not very good.

Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds.

A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person.

If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people come to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice will come to the residents of this place from their ruler, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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A funeral in a dream, even for strangers, remains a very sad and unpleasant event. In reality, funerals are always associated with loss and therefore evoke negative feelings. Therefore, after a dreamed event, people subconsciously prepare for a disaster in reality.

Someone else's funeral

You don't always have to be nervous if you know why do you dream about funerals?. Many negative visions are interpreted positively. And to find out exact value night dreams, it is important to find out as many details as possible. Why do you dream about other people's funerals?

Seeing someone else's funeral means positive changes in reality. Reconciliation with enemies, finding love, and happiness are possible. For a man, seeing a stranger in a coffin is a signal of a long and happy life, and a funeral procession warns of a possible wedding.

If the weather was clear during the sad ceremony, then the dreamer’s family will remain healthy. And the dreamed funeral is a harbinger of life change for the better. Bad weather signals the onset of illness and the possibility of receiving negative news.

See the funeral procession for a lonely lady- hope for a quick wedding, married - the work started will be successfully resolved. But for the dreamer, the dreamed burial of a living person means something incredible in her life. And this event will happen very soon.

If in a dream you happened to cry at someone’s funeral, in reality they will come better times. And, according to any dream books, there is no reason to be upset. You should fight for your own happiness.

Why do you dream

Funeral of relatives

If in a dream you had a chance to accompany last way baby, everyone in the dreamer’s family will be in excellent health. Seeing off sisters or brothers means good health and long life.

Seeing your daughter or son see off means farewell to adversity in real life. However, such an interpretation, with peace and prosperity reigning around the dreamer, means a long and happy life for children.

If you had to say goodbye to your father, you should beware: financial difficulties and material losses lie ahead. You should prepare yourself in advance so as not to have a nervous breakdown due to the troubles that have befallen the dreamer.

A dreamed farewell to a mother's final journey- a sign of the approaching “black streak” in life. The vision warns that the difficulties that have arisen will last a long time and will have to be fought for a long time. If, moreover, the weather was bad, you will have to face serious and numerous competitors both in business and at work.

If a bell was heard at the funeral of a living grandmother in reality, in reality there was probably news of the illness of a close relative. The farewell ceremony with the grandfather draws attention to problems with the dreamer’s internal state. He is probably deprived of attention from his loved ones. Therefore, it is important to relax in reality in order to expand your social circle.

If you happen to bury a relative, who is alive in reality, is ahead of the participant similar dream Still quite a long life. This interpretation especially applies to grandparents who were alive at the time of the vision.

A dreamed farewell to relatives in reality has nothing to do with their death. The dream warns, talks about possible events. Why do you dream about the funeral of an already deceased relative? Dreaming of long-dead relatives in reality - information that candles should be lit for their repose in the temple, and the dead should be remembered.

Own funeral

Did you happen to dream about the funeral of the dreamer himself? In reality then there is nothing to worry about: the vision predicts a happy and long life. Even though the dream turned out to be quite pessimistic, it says that luck is close and you should hope for it. If you see a coffin with the dreamer’s name, you will have to tune in to changes in your existing life, giving up bad habits, and the like.

Seeing one's own farewell is interpreted as a reliable forecast for the dreamer's longevity. Seeing yourself in a coffin means living family life safely. For young people, such visions are interpreted as future happy marriages.

The beliefs of the ancient Mayans allow one to interpret one's own funeral as an opportunity to correct past mistakes in the present. And according to modern dream books vision means a chance to change the professional sphere. But the vision does not exclude material difficulties, albeit temporary ones.

Funeral of loved ones

If you dreamed of seeing off a friend on his last journey, with whom it was not possible to communicate for a long time, very soon he himself will come to visit. If you dreamed about the funeral of a close friend, the meaning of the dream is positive. Such a vision is a sign of luck in any endeavor. Saying goodbye to a friend in clear weather hints at the appearance of her new chosen one.

Saying goodbye forever to your beloved spouse is always a tragedy. And it’s unlikely that the mood after such a dream can be high. But in reality everything is different. Such a vision speaks of a speedy resolution of a problem rooted in the dreamers’ past and preventing success in the present.

Strangers' funeral

Why is this? see a stranger's funeral in a dream? If you had to say goodbye to strangers, there can be several interpretations. Usually, the vision is explained as the beginning of problems in communication and by others.

However, good weather during the ceremony makes it possible to quickly improve the dreamer’s financial situation. It can also be interpreted as an upcoming acquaintance with a very influential person who will help overcome any difficulties.

A luxurious farewell ceremony warns of the emergence in reality of circumstances that threaten the dreamer’s reputation. Therefore, extreme caution should be exercised after such a signal. If the stranger’s funeral turned out to be sparsely attended and modest, then the dream portends success and material well-being in business.

Turmoil at a funeral

If no strong experiences occurred either in a dream or after waking up, then you should be wary negative influence there should be no sleep. You just need to move in the chosen direction and boldly take on new things.

Crying is an internal cleansing for the dreamer. Such a plot means that hardships end, and a happy time in reality begins. But it is necessary to say goodbye to the past. Then new life you can safely begin.

Did you dream that the dreamer was sobbing at the wires of strangers? In reality you will have to understand that even your own wealth is a temporary phenomenon. And the black streak is just around the corner.

If in a night dream you had the opportunity not only to grieve, but also to receive condolences from other, completely unfamiliar people, then in reality you should prepare for festive celebrations with the dreamer in the role of the main culprit of the fun.

Participation in the funeral procession

Why do you dream of a stranger’s funeral procession? Seeing yourself in a funeral procession with a wreath is a warning that the dreamer attaches too much importance to conventions. This hinders his successful progress through life.

It’s worth changing, listening to yourself and realizing your most cherished dreams. Carrying a coffin in a vision is interpreted by the dream book as participation in reality in a dubious enterprise that can significantly harm the dreamer.

However, the dreamed funeral procession can be interpreted and how the delay in business. Moreover, the delay time depends on the duration of the procession itself. If a funeral procession blocked the path in a dream, in reality even an already decided matter will reach a dead end. If you happened to overtake a funeral procession in a dream, you should be careful on the road. The risk of an accident is too great.

  • If you had to walk ahead, carrying a cross, then you will have to give up all hopes. And to carry the coffin yourself is love without reciprocity.
  • In general, the procession in the funeral procession, in its first rows, is interpreted as an unexpected and very pleasant friendly surprise.
  • I dreamed that the dreamer was lowering a coffin with a stranger into the grave - deliverance from a long-standing illness lies ahead. Falling asleep with earth is interpreted as the acquisition of new troubles and worries.

Gathering for a funeral means the existence of an unpleasant matter. The dream book recommends not to forget about it, but to complete it immediately.

If during a stranger's funeral the dead man winked at the dreamer, love awaits the latter. But he will fall in love with a person who is completely opposite to his ideal.

Any music at a funeral, be it a bell or an orchestra, is interpreted negatively. The vision promises troubles, illnesses, sadness. And the black streak will be prolonged.

If you dreamed of seeing off a person who was very influential in reality on her last journey, dramatic changes will take place in the dreamer’s country in the near future.

Child's funeral

Child's funeral- a very sad sight both in a dream and in reality. However, saying goodbye to someone else’s baby signals family happiness, overshadowed by troubles in communicating with friends.

There are other, unpleasant interpretations of visions. So, according to Lagutina’s dream book, a ghostly funeral promises young people misfortune in their personal lives. And people who are already married are threatened with big troubles associated with the deterioration of the baby’s health.

However, there is a clarification. If during the vision no negative emotions arose, and the deceased was completely unfamiliar to the dreamer, and the weather turned out to be sunny, then the interpretation is clear: just fabulous luck in life.

Dream books advise not to panic after the sad events seen in the night. As a rule, even the most negative dreams are just warnings. Information is given to dreamers to help them avoid difficulties and troubles.

But even with favorable interpretations, there is no point in sitting idly by. After all, it is much wiser to help luck find the recipient as quickly as possible and keep fortune at your home for as long as possible.

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