We learn how to correctly assemble beads on a string. Master class for beginners. The meaning of the word rosary in Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary Living rosary and fans


A cord with stringed beads or knots for counting prayers read and bows made (in use in the Catholic and some other religions).

Efremova. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what rosaries are in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BEADS in the Concise Religious Dictionary:
    A cord with knots or beads used to count prayers read. In Orthodoxy - vervitsa or...
  • BEADS in the Dictionary of Church Terms:
    (from slav. counting) - a cord with knots or beads, used for counting prayers read. Otherwise - rope or...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". Rosary (from slav.: counting) - a cord with knots or beads, used for counting prayers read. Otherwise …
  • BEADS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • BEADS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    beads (wooden, bone, amber, etc.) strung on a cord and used to count prayers and bows read. Especially common in…
  • BEADS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • BEADS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -current. A cord with beads or knots (in church use for counting bows during prayer and the readings themselves...
  • BEADS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ROSARY beads (wooden, bone, amber, etc.) strung on a cord and used for counting prayers and...
  • BEADS in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • BEADS in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    rosary, rosary, rosary, rosary, rosary, ...
  • BEADS in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    rosary rosary, plural only. In church use: a cord with balls, beads or knots strung on it for counting the prayers read...
  • BEADS in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    beads, ladder, ...
  • BEADS in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • BEADS in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • BEADS in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • BEADS in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    a cord with beads or knots (in common use for counting bows during prayer and the readings themselves...
  • BEADS in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    beads (wooden, bone, amber, etc.) strung on a cord and used for counting prayers and...
  • BEADS in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    rosary, units no (cf. honor 2) (church). In everyday life of the Catholic and some other religions - a cord with...
  • BEADS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    pl. A cord with stringed beads or knots for counting prayers read and bows made (in Catholic and some...
  • BEADS in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    pl. A widespread device for counting prayers read, bows performed, etc. religious actions of Muslims in the form of a cord with strings...
  • ROSARY AND LADDER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    A rosary is a round thread or cord with wooden, glass, bone, amber and other grains (balls) strung on it, topped with...
  • ROSARY AND LADDER in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? Beads? This is a round thread or cord with wooden, glass, bone, amber and other grains (balls) strung on it...
  • LAVRENTY (KNYAZEV) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Lavrenty (Knyazev) (1877 - 1918), Bishop of Balakhna, martyr. Memory October 24, ...
  • DAMIAN PECHERSKY in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Damian of Pechersk, healer (+ 1062 - 1074), presbyter, reverend. Memory October 5...

Collect beads on a string... It would seem that what could be simpler? However, this is not true. As in any business, there are little tricks here. Not everyone knows what thread to use, how to choose and attach the lock correctly. When I first started collecting jewelry 5 years ago, I tried to find a good master class on this topic, but I was unsuccessful. I had to learn by trial and error. But now, in my opinion, I can teach you this too, dear friends.

I hope this simple master class will be useful to many.

I deliberately do not dwell on design issues. Knowing the basics of assembly, you can always come up with a design yourself.

So let's begin.

Materials and tools.

It's easy to guess that we need beads, thread and a lock. The beads can be anything you like. Threads and locks will be discussed below. The only tools you need are small scissors and a lighter or matches. You will also need a piece of fishing line 0.3-0.5 mm thick and 10-20 cm long (I use jewelry cable, but not every home has it, fishing line is quite suitable). And no needles!

Choosing threads

The thread should

  1. Be strong
  2. Do not stretch under load
  3. Do not become shaggy when rubbing
  4. Melt when heated

Only polyester meets these conditions. We reject cotton, silk, nylon (nylon) immediately.

Thread thickness - the thicker the better. The thicker the thread, the better the beads will lie. But don't overdo it double The thread should fit into the hole of the bead without effort. If the threads you have are not thick enough, fold them several times.

Choose a castle.

There are locks for beads different types: carabiners, screw-in, magnetic, toggle.

It is better if the carabiners are sold already with rings (No. 1, 2, 3 in the photo). Their sizes vary. The larger the beads, the larger the lock should be.

Carabiner No. 4 - without a ring, which means you will also need a ring. Important: Never use split rings. The ring should be double, like for keys, but, of course, small.

Lock No. 5 is also suitable, although it is not a carabiner. It is especially good if there is not enough length, and it is convenient to fasten it.

Now everything is ready, let's start assembling.

Job Description

Let's prepare the thread. We measure the length of the future beads, add 10-15 cm and multiply by 2. So for beads 45 cm long, the length of the thread will be 110-120 cm. Fold the thread in half, tie a knot at the end so that the beads do not jump off when stringing. If the thread is not thick enough, use double or even triple thread.

We take a piece of fishing line, fold it in half and insert it into the loop in the middle of our thread (at the far end from the knot) and begin stringing beads, threading both ends of the fishing line into the hole at once. Like this:

As we string, we move the beads from the fishing line to the thread.

Now all the beads are strung, let's start attaching the lock.

We pass the loop of our thread (the end on which we threaded it) through the ring of the lock.

We pull the opposite end of the beads into the loop...

And we tighten it. The ring is in place!

Now the most difficult part is the design of the second end of the beads.

We remove the lock itself from the ring, cut off the knot and insert the end of the thread into the lock ring.

We take the thread by the end, the lock moves towards the beads.

Take the fishing line again and press the middle tightly to the junction of the beads and the lock

We wrap the end of the thread tightly around the joint, one turn is enough

We thread the end of the thread into the loop of the fishing line

and pull the ends of the loop. The thread is threaded through the knot!

The best and easiest way for beginners to learn how to knit knots between beads is based on using an awl or a thick needle. An awl will allow you to get very tight and uniform knots.
It is very important to use the correct silk cord for your pearl necklace, one that is well-matched in size and color.
What we need:
Pearls of your choice
Rondels sized to match your pearls silver color with the hole size more or less matching the size of the hole in the pearl
2 caps for beads according to the size of your pearls
Lock (in this example I use a toggle lock)
Natural silk lace of suitable size and color
Awl or thick needle
Needle for silk cord
3 cm braid (billion, French wire)

1. Cut about 8mm of braid.

2. Most cord sold for use in jewelry making comes with a needle. Using it, string it onto the cord almost to its end (leave about 10 cm for later work) in the following sequence: pearl, bead cap, braid, toggle ring.

3. Thread the remaining short end of the cord back through the bead cap and pearl. To do this, you will most likely need to use an additional lace needle.

4. Pull both ends of the lace and straighten the braid so that it forms a properly shaped loop. In this case, the silk cord should not be visible in the loop.

5. Using both ends of the lace, tie a knot as close to the bead as possible. You can do this without using an awl, which you will need when you only have one end of the lace to tie knots.

6. Thread the next bead onto both ends of the cord until you reach the knot. Tie another knot using both ends of the lace. String the third pearl onto both cords and trim the short end so that it barely protrudes from the third bead. Now you only have one end of the lace left.

7. Tie a loop of the next knot immediately behind the pearl. Place the awl inside the knot loop as close to the pearl as possible. Using an awl will allow you to get very tight and uniform knots between the beads.

8. Tighten the knot loop while holding the awl in place.

9. Pull the awl out of the knot. Use your nails to final formation(tightening) the knot, moving the loop as close to the pearl as possible.

10. If desired, you can “dilute” the pearls a little with silver by adding silver-colored beads between the pearls. If you decide to add silver colored beads or beads made from... natural stone, we strongly recommend that you first work out the design and only then proceed to stringing and tying knots.

11. Continue tying knots as described above until you have one free bead left.

12. Now: thread the remaining pearl, bead cap, 8 mm braid and the mating part of the togla ring (pin) onto the cord.

13. Thread the cord back through the bead cap and pearl (not through the braid and toggle pin). Pull the end of the lace and tighten until a regular loop of braid is formed. As in the beginning, the lace should not be visible from under the braid.

14. Tie a knot as shown in the bottom picture. Pull the end of the lace to tighten the knot (the knot may look a little larger than the others since it is practically doubled). Do not cut off the end of the lace yet.

15. Pass the string through the next pearl.

16. This is the last step in learning this lesson. Tie another knot after the second pearl, and pass the lace through the third pearl. Don't tie a knot - just cut off the end of the lace protruding from the third pearl. Good job, now you know how to tie beads in knots.

beads (wooden, bone, amber, etc.) strung on a cord and used to count prayers and bows read. Particularly common in catholic church, Buddhism and Islam.

  • - glass, wood, bone, plastic, amber, thread and other balls strung on a cord or connected to each other with loops. Serve for counting prayers and bows...

    Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary

  • Religious terms

  • - A cord with knots or beads, used to count the prayers read. In Orthodoxy - rope or ladder...

    Religious terms

  • - beads strung on a cord and used to count prayers and bows read. Particularly common in the Catholic Church, Buddhism and Islam...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a thread with leather plates or beads made of simple or precious stones or corals, according to which bows or prayers are counted...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - a mechanism for lifting liquid or granular bodies. They are a chain or rope with blades mounted at a certain distance from each other - rosaries...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - beads strung on a cord and used to count prayers and bows...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - pl., R....

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - -current. Lace with beads or knots...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - rosary, units No. In everyday life of the Catholic and some other religions there is a cord with beads strung on it for counting prayers read and bows made. “He tied a rosary around his neck instead of a scarf...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - rosary pl. A widespread device for counting prayers read, bows performed, etc. religious actions of Muslims in the form of a cord with 99 beads or 99 knots strung on it and...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - current, -tkam, pl. In everyday life, some religions use a cord with balls, beads or knots strung on it to count prayers read or bows given to those praying. Amber rosary. Touch the rosary...

    Small academic dictionary

  • - ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - pl. From what, from *what...

    Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary

  • - Original. Plural form h. noun rosary, suf. derived from the honor "to count". The rosary literally means “that which counts the number of prayers read.” See count...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

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