Sound meditation inner crystal palace. Reiki meditation audio Meditation on sound in space

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Tom Kenyon:

Our life force is “born” in the solar plexus (third chakra) and from there radiates throughout the body, simultaneously descending into the second and first chakras, where it becomes the primary force for the ascension of consciousness, as well as “sexual” energy.

This sound meditation energizes your solar plexus and gently raises the quality of your life force, which directly relates to your consciousness.

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This sound meditation will serve as a powerful ally for those of us who want to strengthen our life force and explore the interaction between body/mind and Spirit.

Meditation “Inner Sun”

This meditation takes place in several stages:

Place your focus in the solar plexus area, located under the sternum, behind the stomach and next to the diaphragm. This is one of the main nerve nodes and the location of the third chakra.

Imagine in this area there is a miniature Sun in the form of a ball of golden light. Feel this ball of golden fire in any form that is natural to you. There is no need to "see" anything.

Continuing to hold your attention on this ball of light, enter a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude. By combining your attention on the ball of light with appreciation or gratitude, you will greatly enhance the effectiveness of this meditation.

Start listening to the recording, which lasts 4 minutes 40 seconds. If your mind wanders away from the ball of light or the feeling of appreciation/gratitude, return the focus of your awareness to your Inner Sun and the feeling of the coherent emotions you have chosen to work with.

Allow these sound patterns to acoustically “massage” your Inner Sun, i.e. a ball of golden light in your solar plexus. By allowing this to happen, you will be able to notice all sorts of phenomena, including an intense flow of golden light through your body and a change in the shape and size of the ball. Your Inner Sun can also expand to encompass your entire body. When this happens, every cell in your body is bathed in the golden light of your Inner Sun, which has unique healing and transformative properties.

After finishing your meditation, spend a few minutes alone with yourself before returning to your external activities. If you have had particularly strong feelings during meditation, it would be good to rest for a while. This is especially helpful if your Inner Sun has expanded to encompass your entire body.

Please note that this sound meditation is only available on and may not be posted on other websites.

©2014 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you desire so long as you do not charge for it, alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.

Meditation on sound. Wide open ears

Meditation on sound.

With ears wide open.

When your flute sounds without a breath -

You will achieve undaunted dignity.

The first article in the “5 Doors of Perception” series is dedicated specifically to hearing for a reason. Even now, as you read this text with your full attention, there is a voice in your head, and a rich and sometimes intrusive soundscape vibrating around and inside you. If we compare sensory perception with doors, then the doors of hearing are always wide open...

Wide open... ears

We always see only what we direct our gaze to and only when we open our eyes. We feel only what we touch, we taste only what we put in our mouth. Hearing and smell are the only doors of perception that are always open, and which always perceive the entire spectrum of stimuli in the space around us. At the same time, the “gaze” of hearing is directed even over longer distances than the “gaze” of smell. But how often do we actually actually hear what is already there? Most sounds quite quickly become for us simply elements of the general sound background, from which we pick out only the brightest, sharpest, most significant stimuli.

Contemplative hearing

Unlike some other types sensory perception, the process of hearing does not require any effort from us. We do not need to chew the sound we hear in order to feel its taste. You don’t have to physically focus your auditory “gaze” to see it. There is no need to extend your hand from your ear and feel the sound. We can remain still without any control physical process and simply observing the space of sounds around.

Sound and external speech

And finally, no type of sensory perception is so closely related to the perception of speech, and therefore semantic verbal information. This attachment to speech structures, to the meanings and ideas behind the sound, instantly diverts attention from pure uninvolved perception to the coloring of the glasses through which we “see” the sound space, in the colors of our assessments and judgments.

Sound and inner speech

It is also easy to notice that we are constant sources of sound within ourselves - try to observe how much noise our internal verbal dialogue creates with ourselves, and how much attention we pay to it. How often do we remain quiet listeners to what the surrounding space and its inhabitants tell us?

Thus, despite all the features, it is easy to notice that in the space of sounds we are subject to the same factors of perception of the world as in all other spheres of sensory experience. On the one hand, we constantly unconsciously produce our own noise, to which we also unconsciously attach special meaning. We rarely truly listen, creating a thick wall of internal chatter, evaluations and judgments between ourselves and the outside world. On the other hand, we easily include in the field of our attention what seems brighter, sharper and more significant. These impressions lead us along, creating automatic emotional reactions within.

Careful work with the space of sounds and our perception of this space provides great potential for deep self-exploration.

Meditation on sound

Step 1. Attention

To be able to work with sound, you first need to simply direct conscious attention to it. We consider most of the sounds around us to be simply an unimportant background from which individual significant elements break into our consciousness. Try to “look at” the soundscape, consciously exploring it with your attention.

Step 2: Discernment

Based on our automatic emotional reactions, we can distinguish neutral, pleasant and unpleasant sounds in the sound space.

1) Neutral sounds

These sounds often merge for us with a soundscape that we usually do not distinguish. Neutral sounds include sounds that, even when noticed, quickly slip through our consciousness without clinging to anything.

Not only the space around us, but also our body is filled with sounds. Even in a quiet and peaceful place, you can direct your attention to the sounds of your heartbeat or breathing.

What to do with them? Neutral sounds have nothing to do with our needs, although they make up most of the sound space around us. The key to working with them is to direct your attention to them and notice the feeling that is present within. Clear and non-judgmental perception. No biological or psychological need, just hearing what is already there, what simply exists. This is a state that can be felt specifically with neutral sounds and then projected onto the perception of sounds that affect the sphere of emotions.

2) Unpleasant sounds

Unpleasant sounds easily enter the field of our attention and can remain there for some time, affecting our emotional state.

What to do with them? Try to find the boundary at which the simple perception of sound becomes emotionally colored, “dressing” in words that reinforce a negative emotion. In a similar way, we automatically characterize and recognize any stimulus that does not meet our expectations, interferes with what we had planned, distracts, or is assessed as threatening our ideas about ourselves or the situation. Watch the reaction. Don't frantically try to get rid of it or judge yourself for these feelings. Observe the conditioned state of mind without running away from it or clinging to it. In a state of mindful observation, perhaps you will see the clothing of your evaluation and judgment fall away from the sound, leaving pure naked listening.

3) Pleasant sounds

These are sounds that can evoke pleasant emotions and experiences. If it is convenient to use neutral sounds as a support, having felt thanks to them a state of uninvolved contemplation, then pleasant sounds in the form of working with them are rather closer to unpleasant ones.

What to do with them? Usually we easily fall into joyful and pleasant emotions, losing ourselves in them. Try to track how and when these reactions, sensations, and emotions arise in you. Turn your attention to pure sound and its perception. Conscious joy can be much more vibrant if you look at it from a place of non-involvement.

Step 3. Awareness and purification

Whatever the sounds that fall into the field of your perception - pleasant, unpleasant or neutral - the task in meditation is not to run away from some and strive for others, but to become, as it were, a mirror of any sounds.

Awareness of sounds is not something we consciously create ourselves. And this is not something that arises as a result of the attractiveness or unattractiveness of a particular sound. Everything that is created by our mind is like clothing for sound - we dress the sound, color it with our emotions or beliefs.

Awareness neither arises nor disappears. It is the background even for all background sounds. It is like space, air or sky, in which all the diversity of the sound palette exists. It is limitless and all-pervasive. It is what remains when we remove unnecessary concepts and leave the sound naked and pure.

We don't need to get rid of anything to clear the field of sounds. Purification happens naturally when we recognize temporary conditioned states and simply watch them dissolve on their own.

As you meditate, let your thoughts that arise from ideas about experiences, memories, and expectations go away. Don't engage in unconscious dialogue by commenting on them, and if the mind gets involved, watch that involvement too. Listen without commenting or dividing the process into listener and heard. Let only the process remain, in which there will be no your opinions and ideas.

Beyond the concepts of “music”, “road sounds”, “rain”, “heartbeat”, “pleasant” and “unpleasant”, “beautiful” and “ugly” there is pure sound, pure awareness of this sound. The thoughts that arise cannot color the soundscape in any way. Let their colors pass through it, leaving the space untouched.

The sound of silence

When you direct your attention to the sound field, you cannot help but notice the space that appears between sounds - the space of silence. The sounds are not continuous noise, but rather sound waves. Silence at the point between breaths, silence between heartbeats, silence as a basic background and as a relative field of rest.

Our body can also be a wonderful helper and transmitter of the sound of silence. When you sit in silence in meditation, try directing your attention to the sound in your head. You may hear a high-frequency, thin, constant sound. It can also be used for meditation. You can meditate by directing all your attention to it, or by leaving it as a kind of screen on which all other sound vibrations will arise.


Formal practice

- Take a comfortable position - lying or sitting.

— Do a short breathing meditation or body scanning meditation, tuning your mind to contemplative observation.

- Start by “looking” at the soundscape, directing your attention to near and far, quiet and loud sounds.

— Note whether you have any emotional reaction to certain elements of the sound space. If you notice certain emotions, try to observe them and become aware of them.

- Now stop carefully examining individual sounds and reactions, putting aside all mental designations and judgments, dissolving and disappearing in “hearing.” There is neither the one who hears nor the heard - only the process of sound penetration into open doors perception.

— Include the “sound of silence” in your practice. You can direct your attention only to it, or, as it were, “string” other sounds of the surrounding space onto this background sound

- If you feel your mind wandering, return your attention to your breathing and just calm awareness, as if exhaling and relaxing any tension or restlessness in the mind, and then return your attention to the sound field.

Informal practice

If you're used to moving around the city with headphones on, constantly creating background noise that suits your desires and needs, try going without your usual sound "sanctuary" for a few days. Open up completely to all the sounds that arise, stay with them, consciously directing your attention to them. Try taking three steps towards mindful listening: pay attention to the sounds around you, notice the different reactions to them, and finally, embrace all the sounds with your awareness, gently clearing your perception of the clutter of concepts.

Be aware and listen to the “music” of the city, the sounds of your own body or the surrounding reality, as if floating through the sound and dissolving all concepts and emotional reactions in it.

This sound meditation is primarily intended for practitioners for whom meditation is given with great difficulty, for whom increased internal dialogue, endless self-arising uncontrollable desires during meditation, various distracting external and internal factors... make meditation impossible.
Of course this meditation- this is not a panacea for this, but only one of the options for help, which is very likely to be very effective for many practitioners.

The essence of the practice is the ability of the brain to respond to specially constructed sounds with slight deviations of the right and left signals in amplitude, frequency and phase, which create an appropriate adjustment of the brain to the waves it produces. In this regard, it is obvious and imperative to listen to these sounds using two channels (stereo). To do this, you can simply put on headphones or be between the speakers, i.e. create conditions for listening to stereo sound in a way convenient for you (the easiest way is to listen with headphones).

  1. Download the first hyperactive sound meditation "Thunderstorm"(4.42 Mb - 4.4 min.)
    • First of all, it must be said that this sound meditation works directly with your subconscious. It includes special sounds, superimposed on one another, which carry information directly to the subconscious. One sound is the phrase: “I easily perceive this information. I assimilate this self-hypnosis well,” which are recorded over time (they can be heard like the sound of whales under water or the purring of a cat). The second sound is the phrase: “My DNA is fully activated. My brain begins to work at one hundred percent. Everything in me is actively revealed hidden abilities. All my protective functions are strengthened many times over. My health is reaching its highest peak. The vibrations of my body rise sharply. The vibrations of the atoms of the body approach the vibration of light. My consciousness is constantly expanding and enlightening. I completely open myself to the Higher Knowledge and Higher Powers. My mind is getting stronger, I can understand and contain all the secrets of the Universe. I easily remember past lives. I am constantly aware of myself and in the present moment. I see the past, present and future of any person, any event and any object. All programs aimed at self-destruction are destroyed in me. I think only positively and think only about good things. I accumulate in myself a colossal amount of Energy, which increases every minute. Everything that I am at all levels instantly passes through all stages of evolution to the highest level. I become perfect, like my Creator. I will never grow old, get sick or die. I will live as long as I want", which are recorded accelerated in time (they will be barely audible, like the sound of raindrops). All voices are artificial - that is, generated by me using a computer program and practically no different from the human voice (this is done deliberately, in order to exclude any personal influence through the voice). As a carrier of binaural beats in this sound meditation, I chose white noise, which will be perceived as the sound of rain ().
  2. Download the second hyperactive sound meditation "Awareness"(2.16 Mb - 4.1 min.)
    • As the carrier of binaural beats in this sound meditation, I chose a calm neutral hum of 100 Hz, which can be perceived as a vibration of Energy (the tuning of brain waves using binaural beats is done at 3 Hz). In this meditation, only one word is repeated in different ways - “Be aware.” You will hear it like birdsong, like rumbles of thunder or the “conversation” of a mountain echo, an extended rumble or the voice of a giant, up to an understandable voice, but as if dancing somewhere in the back of your head. Just like in the upper sound meditation, the voice that says “Be aware” is generated by the program, i.e. it is artificial in order to completely exclude any personal influence. This sound meditation is very suitable for those who practice Lucid Dreaming and access to the Astral when you need to be aware of yourself in ordinary life in order to easily become aware of oneself in another state of consciousness, which is commonly called a dream. And also for the practice of “Constant self-awareness”.
  • This meditation used brown noise (the carrier of binaural effects 3 Hz), also according to the principle already familiar from the sound meditations that I gave you earlier - sound phrases: “Open space”, “Infinity around” and “I am perfection”, they are also were created programmatically (i.e., it is a computer voice identical to a human one) with a strong slowdown, which makes them easily accessible to the subconscious. The music itself adjusts to the feeling of your consciousness being in the open space of space (since the sounds are truly cosmic, not artificial, real), enhancing this effect with the help of these phrases. It is recommended to listen to this sound meditation in a heavily darkened room, for example late in the evening with the lights off and the windows curtained (to protect from outside street lights) and with your eyes closed.

Questions and answers

  • During the time I was writing my first sound meditation, which can be freely downloaded just above, I received all sorts of questions, so below I decided to publish them in some systematic order to help those practitioners who have only recently begun to study according to my methods and practices.

Q: Is it really possible that in sound meditations, the sound of rain or the quack of a duck (it seemed to me that it was a duck) is actually an encrypted voice that introduces an attitude into the subconscious? I just don't understand something about this...
A: Yes, that's true. With the help of programs now you can do a lot. In fact, there is nothing fantastic about this - you can simply stretch out these sound meditations in time (as if to slow down the movement of sound) - and then what you hear as the quack of a duck or the sound of rain will turn into a voice. But I explained this in a simplified way, because... I won’t tell you the full method for changing your voice, this is my own method.

Q: I would like to ask you a question, as the Author of the sound meditations posted on your wonderful website. Tell me, please, how long do you need to listen to them for the result to begin to manifest itself on the material level?
A: Conventionally, this period can be defined as 10 days. But again, we are talking about conveying the information you need to the subconscious, and its implementation is very individual for each person. For example, in one of my meditations there is the following phrase “My brain begins to work one hundred percent”, listening to this sound meditation - this desire of yours is recorded in the subconscious and it will work from the inside to manifest itself in reality, but there are conventions on the way to this every person may have different number. Therefore, accordingly, the implementation time will be different for everyone.

Q: I often listen to your sound meditations and often fall asleep listening to them. They calm me down a lot. Like. I wanted to ask if I’ve been listening to them for a long time, maybe I should set an alarm clock?
A: You can fall asleep while listening to these meditations. They really harmonize the brain waves and bring them into a state of meditation and deep relaxation, which is good.

Q: Can I listen to your sounds? meditation during regular meditation? Doesn't one interfere with the other? It would be more convenient for me, because now I have problems with time. Thank you!
A: It is possible. They are relaxing and quickly soothing, good for those who have little time to practice.

B: Great stuff! I finally began to enter into what is called meditation. My thoughts fade away, I almost don’t feel my body. Class! I was wondering, is it possible to “charge” all your sound meditations into the player at once, so that they all play at once, one after another? Or is it better to work with one day and then the next?
A: It’s better to work with just one first. Those. put one on auto repeat. It’s just the way the brain and our subconscious work - it’s better to let one thing “spun” and then it will become more invisible. Different compositions will seem to get out of this rut. But you can try, in fact, this is to some extent subtleties.

Q: If I ever want to delete the entered information from my subconscious, will it be possible to do so?
A: Perhaps you will succeed, but it will not be easy. Therefore, now watch what you enter into the subconscious. That is, you are guaranteed to write down what you need and useful information, avoid questionable language, especially those related to business, money, etc.

Q: Will you do more such meditations? I really like them!
A: Perhaps I will create a series of sound meditations, stay tuned for news on the site.

Q: Is it really that simple: I turned on the sound meditation and the meditation began? But what about the years of persistent practice, asceticism, asceticism?
A: No, sound meditations are not meditation as such. This is just help along the way.

Q: How do I know if my brain waves have dropped to 3 hertz or not? For some reason I don't think this has any effect on me...
A: You need to lie down quietly or sit down, relax, put on high-quality headphones and wait a little, without resisting and not think about anything particularly active (it’s better not to think about anything at all) - then your brain waves will inevitably begin to calm down and tend to 3 hertz. It doesn’t have to be exactly 3 Hz, it’s just that sound meditations create such an effect - but the fact that the brain waves will gradually begin to move in this direction is for sure, this is how the brain works, it cannot behave differently, unless, of course, it strongly resists.

Q: Could you do this sound meditation for weight loss? Thanks a lot.
A: If I do it for weight loss, then I will have to do it for a thousand other problems. Try to live in this mode - if you find your main problem, then you will solve all your problems stemming from it. Therefore, I help you solve your main problem - and you thereby get rid of those that exist thanks to its presence, and there can be a great many of them. Try it this way.

Q: I really like the after-effect after the sound. meditations. How to keep it longer?
A: Be calm and not develop mental dialogues within yourself. Also react less to various external manifestations. Those. walk calmly, speak calmly, think calmly.


Listening to the inner sound, Anahata Nada, is a higher stage of meditation. It is thin, ringing and similar to the sound that you can hear when you put a sea shell to your ear. Or it may vaguely resemble the quiet hum of wires in electrical networks (I’ve already talked about it).

The word "Anahata" in Sanskrit means the heart chakra (you can read about chakras). The word “Nada” is translated from Sanskrit as sound, vibration. That is, "Anahata-Nada" is the sound of the heart chakra.

Listening to it helps you progress in your meditation practice. Thanks to him, you rise to more high level. When you listen to the inner sound, all other sensations are eliminated and the consciousness becomes pure, unclouded. Thoughts go away, you are in the moment “here and now.”

The ability to hear inner sound does not appear immediately. Sometimes it comes quickly, and sometimes not soon. If, as you practice meditation, you find that you begin to hear it, rejoice. This means that your ability to concentrate has noticeably improved. The ability to hear the inner sound indicates the advancement of the meditator.

At first these moments will be short: the sound will disappear and then appear again. Over time, the moments of hearing the sound will become longer and longer. Many years will pass, and you will gain the ability to do ordinary things and at the same time remain deep within yourself. For example, now I am writing this article and at the same time I am hearing Anahata-Nadu. But such an ability does not come immediately.

So, sit in a meditative position. Calm down, relax, disconnect from the outside world. Enter a meditative state by counting your breath, repeating a mantra, watching a candle flame, etc.

When you feel that you have gone deeper into yourself, begin to listen to the sounds within. You may be able to catch Anahata Nadu. If it doesn't work out the first time, don't worry. This means that the ability to hear this sound will come later.

One way to hear Anahata Nada is to meditate on sounds. I have already . Enter into meditation. Concentrate on listening to sounds and nothing else. You will begin to pick up multiple sounds around you and outside the house: you will hear the movement of a distant tram, a car braking, a dog barking, passers-by talking under the windows, a TV behind the wall, a car horn, a gust of wind, etc.

This time, deepen this practice. Perceive sounds from the outside world, then cut them off as extraneous interference. Gradually you will be able to detach yourself from everyone and identify among them a sound that is not external. You will understand that it is not coming from outside, but is located inside. This is Anahata-Nada.

The ability to hear this sound indicates the degree of purification of the astral channels. If you have them clean, you will be able to hear a clear, subtle sound and easily pick it up.

But if you can’t hear it yet, don’t worry. This means that this is still to come. Therefore, there is no need to “puff up” and try to hear something by force. In meditation there should be no violence against oneself. Everything should happen naturally, in its own way.

What does listening to Anahata Nada give? Going beyond ordinary consciousness. You rise to a higher level: ordinary consciousness remains below, and you are above, where there are no thoughts, but only a feeling of being, the moment “here and now.” Thoughts float somewhere below, like clouds under the wing of an airplane. You can be an observer if you want. But you exist separately from them, your essence is pure and silent.

In yoga there is a comparison of the meditative mind to a lake. The meditative mind becomes calm, like a lake whose water is still.
For comparison: ordinary consciousness jumps all the time. It is constantly seething, like a lake into which pebbles are constantly being thrown. Every thought is like a thrown pebble that creates ripples in the water. So is the surface of everyday consciousness - it is restless, agitated and can constantly be disturbed from the outside.
And the surface of the meditative mind is calm, smooth. The meditative mind is not disturbed by extraneous influences, it only contemplates them.
Listening to Anahata Nada is one of the ways to achieve peace of mind.

I am talking about all these phenomena so that you will already know about them when you encounter them. My articles on meditation are like road signs along the path you are moving on.


This article contains an excerpt from which gives instructions for this meditation. It follows information about the audio file that was created for this meditation, which you can download for free at the end of this article.


Through the meditation we are about to convey, you can reach a higher level of your innate creative abilities, and access what we call your Higher Mind, which is simply an aspect of your consciousness beyond the limitations of awareness as it is currently experienced. within the constraints of time and space. The Higher Mind is the interdimensional aspect of your consciousness and is a potential source of immense inspiration, wisdom, insight and creativity.

The Inner Crystal Palace relates to the pineal gland as part of its structure is crystalline in nature. These small calcite crystals have piezoelectric properties that can react to higher spheres Sveta. By activating these crystals within your pineal gland, you open a portal to your Higher Mind, which can bring you and all of humanity an influx of creativity, inspiration, and solutions to personal and collective problems.

Meditation is divided into three phases.

Phase one.

The first phase involves activating the heart chakra and entering into heart resonance with the Earth. This connection through your heart connects you to the wisdom of the Earth and the ascension process your planet is going through. This is done through your sensual nature and, in particular, through the message of appreciation and gratitude to the Earth itself.

This is a very important aspect of this meditation because the Earth's energy is wider than yours. This can help stabilize you in this process and connects you to the progress of your planet's ascension process.

In this phase of meditation, you place your focus on the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, and feel appreciation or gratitude to the Earth for life itself. Depending on your level of development, some of you will simply settle on this feeling of appreciation or gratitude to the Earth.

Others may actually feel the energies flowing from you into the Earth.

People with advanced interdimensional abilities may find themselves floating in space, sending their appreciation and gratitude to the Earth from this high point and/or expanded state of being. So there's a wide variety of ways to experience it.

This phase is also an energetic transformation of the collective thought form of humanity. This thought form is the belief that the Earth can be used, even abused, for humanity's own needs, without regard for how it affects other life forms.

This thought form must be removed and transformed if humanity is to survive the passage that is now before you and thus, when you perform this simple act of appreciation or gratitude to the Earth, you are both connecting to the ascension of the Earth and contributing to the transformation of this destructive thought form that you have power and authority over the Earth.

On the New Earth, service will be a key concept, along with an understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and respect for the Earth itself.

Second phase.

After being in the vibrational field of appreciation or gratitude to the Earth for at least 5 minutes, you shift your attention from heart center on the pineal gland in the center of the head and listen to the Pineal Gland Tuning.

This sound meditation is just over five minutes long and was created specifically to assist you in activating the untapped potentials contained within the crystalline structure of your pineal gland.

The sounds you will hear are similar to vibrations in the realms of light. They fine-tune the receptivity and subtle perception capabilities of this gland. This is very similar to turning on an antenna and tuning it to the higher spheres of light and to what we designated earlier as the Higher Mind.

Throughout the sound meditation of this Tincture, your attention is simply placed in the center of your head, in the pineal gland area. You don't have to do anything other than keep your attention on this area. If your mind wanders, you bring it back to the pineal gland.

Allow the sound to resonate and activate this area of ​​your brain. Again, depending on your level of awareness, some of you may simply sense a subtle, vague shift in this area. Others may experience complex geometries of light. Still others may experience themselves outside the body observing actual energy fluctuations within the pineal gland. There are many other perceptual possibilities here as well.

In this phase, it is important not to “try” to make something happen. Just let it unfold. At the end of this phase you move on to the third and final stage, which we have designated as the Opening of the Halls of Amenti.

Third phase.

In this meditation we use the term Halls of Amenti as a metaphor that refers to states of being through which you can make contact with your Higher Mind.

This phase of meditation gives you direct access to your Higher Mind and its vast capabilities. Unlike the previous two phases, in this phase your awareness is in many places at once.

We will present them in a specific order. Some people will only be able to hold one place at a time. Others will be able to hold several points of awareness simultaneously. Just hold down as many points as you can. If you continue to use this method, you will eventually develop the ability to hold several points of awareness at the same time, and this ability (to hold several points of awareness at the same time) is good training for developing interdimensional awareness.

The first and main point of focus is in the area we call the BA point. This is not where your Star Soul or Higher Self resides. It is simply an energetic entry point. BA speaks to, or in some way sees, your Heavenly Soul, your Higher Self. If you raise your hands above your head, where your fingers touch is the BA point. (Please keep in mind that you are not actually holding your arms above your head during this meditation. This is just for your information.)

In this final phase of meditation, your awareness is at the BA point and you are sending your appreciation and gratitude to the aspect of yourself that is beyond time and space. In particular, you send appreciation and gratitude for the influx of wisdom, understanding, creativity and inspiration, as well as possible solutions to problems you face.

This is very important part this phase. The harmonic, vibrational signature of appreciation and gratitude activates the BA, your Celestial Soul or Higher Self. By this action you open a portal to your Higher Mind and also contribute to the end of another negative thought form that has plagued humanity for eons of time.

This thought form is nothing less than the belief that you are separate from your own divinity, that somehow you are lesser and undeserving of the gifts of your own divinity.

This thought form was implanted to control you through religions. This is a very limiting and destructive thought form because it denies your ability to access higher wisdom, your spiritual vision, your ability to discern truth from lies, and your ability to change reality at will.

It cannot be emphasized enough how insidious this limiting thought form is and how important it is for you to act to hold the new thought form (that you are inseparable from your Heavenly Soul, Higher Self, or Divinity) in the place where you send your appreciation and gratitude to the BA point .

You are not asking, pleading or praying to your Heavenly Soul, or Higher Self, or God. You are simply opening a channel to another part of your own being. As you continue this phase, you will feel the response of your Celestial Soul - a movement from the BA point down into the pineal gland.

It is the descent of energy from your Higher Mind along with inspiration and initiation into that aspect of you that you know as your body and mind. These initiations come in the form of both conscious and unconscious light patterns.

If you allow the downward movement from the BA point to continue, then the next point of attention will be the pineal gland, allowing the downward movement of energy from the Celestial Soul into the crystalline structure of the pineal gland itself.

If you can simultaneously hold in your awareness the third point - the heart chakra in the center of the chest, then a surge of energy from the Heavenly Soul will pass into the pineal gland and heart chakra. At this moment, send your appreciation and gratitude to your Heavenly Soul, your BA for the revelation of your own Higher Mind.

Finally, those of you who are most advanced can place your awareness at the fourth point, the center of the Earth itself, so that the influx of energy from your Higher Mind flows from the Celestial Soul, through the pineal gland, the heart chakra and down into the center of the Earth.

Don't worry about how many points you can hold. Holding only the first of them, the BA point, is enough to start with.

As we said before, if you continue this meditation, you will eventually be able to hold more points at the same time. The purpose of this meditation is to activate the untapped potentials and possibilities of your interdimensional nature and provide you with access to your own Higher Mind, which you can then use to enrich your life with new insights, new understanding, new forms of inspiration and new creative solutions their problems (both personal and collective).

Because you are one with all life, your openness to the potentials of your own Higher Mind will help others to do so as well.

Audio Meditation File

Tom has created a musical sequence for this meditation that you can freely use for your own personal listening. It contains three separate audio fragments corresponding in time to the instructions of the Hathors. The first and last are identical, 5 minutes each and are the first part of the Ascension of the World from my “Ascension Codes” CD.

The middle fragment is 5:47 minutes long and represents the Spatial Attunement of the Pineal Gland.

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