Be amorphous. I say empty your mind, be amorphous, formless, like water. You pour. Growth is a process, not an end goal.

I say empty your mind, be amorphous, formless, like water. You pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup, you pour water into a bottle, it becomes a bottle, you pour water into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Water can flow, or it can destroy. If my friend were water... You should have seen how he used to behave on tour. Mountains of grass plus a sea of ​​alcohol. After the concert, the whole crowd go to my room, and the next day in another city to perform with a binge. Now people don’t understand what it is. When I refuse the pipe, why is he chasing? I'll tell you a secret, it's not willpower. I, so to speak, switched to something else. So my police can sleep peacefully. Lesha no longer smokes, in general, in kind. Better give me a kettle with hot water. Or let me do it myself, just show me where the cooler is. And damn, now I have nothing forbidden in my suitcase. Just a good supply of tea. And when I fly to other cities, I only need an outlet; so far there has always been water. It's not drugs, he's not high, is he? Well, yes, but tea comes in different varieties, and there are dangerous varieties. I compiled the top three for some reason and decided to draw some parallels. I can compare Pu-erh to an amphetamine. I don’t drink it often, but it gets me going too much. I brew a thermos and take it with me in the car And little by little throughout the day, the day can be long. In second place I have Tie Guan Yin, it’s like a plank. It goes as it should, a glass after a glass. He speaks so kindly and gently even to girls, but it’s better in the presence of a boy. So, I boldly give the first line of my hit parade to the big red robe. What I like is this - yes hong pao The tea drunkard is here, Vasya, get the poison. I love tea like a panda loves bamboo Just like Le Truk loves to blow grass. In tea powder without deception, no, this is not a trick. Put the kettle on the stove. I always have a dozen grams with me, trust the stuff from my hands, like boiling water. Packaged weight or pressed circle. This is a tea drinker. Well, Vasyanya, shall we sit down? There is maleha da hong pao, puerchika and shuixiana. Do you smoke? Don't smoke? Beautiful I'm quitting too. Kidding. It just... into the stall, and it stuck pretty hard. How many tea drunks have spread across the country? Is staff brewed without gaiwan? In some nailed-down hut, a tile, a saucepan, a charge and a full blast. Our brother is not very popular at food outlets. Waitress, dear, can I have a decanter of boiling water? More boiling water, more boiling water. Are you going to order anything? No, just boiling water. I'm going through security at the airport. Your backpack, so what do you have here? Witnesses, search, in short, everything is muddied. The captain reports on the radio: We found drugs. This whole story gathers a crowd, the Captain takes the grass out of his backpack, and there you go, TGshka, puerchik, yes hun And I have nothing to say to this sucker. (Marijuana) I feel like I’m drowning. If you want, smoke it. I’ll pour it out and break it off. I’ll put this poison into your cigarette myself. Just smoke, captain, why ask? He did not share my mood, and we proceeded to the line department. A whole council of people gathered there, sniffing and chewing. They want to close Vasily. Yes it grows. Yes it dries. Yes it is packaged. Special containers are used for consumption. Do you want to make this case jurisdictional? Article 228 on special tea sub-clauses? Confiscation of poison, poison and burg Thank God, there are people there who have stirred up the pressure of the circle. In Moscow, upon arrival, I went to the line administration. Che captain, did you taste the poison? And he’s on a light dry spell, his eyes look like he’s been smoking Tashkent all day (smoking Tashkent). I'm talking about tea, or rather about its return. And he whispers to me: There's no tea, it's gone somewhere. I love tea like a panda loves bamboo Just like Le Truk loves to blow grass. In tea powder without deception, no, this is not a trick. Put the kettle on the stove. I always have a dozen grams with me, Trust the stuff from my hands, like boiling water Packaged weight or compressed circle This is a tea drinker, keep in mind I love tea, like a panda loves bamboo Just like

I say empty your mind, be amorphous, formless, like water. You pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup, you pour water into a bottle, it becomes a bottle, you pour water into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Water can flow, or it can destroy. Be water my friend...

You should have seen how he used to behave on tour:
Mountains of grass plus a sea of ​​alcohol.
After the concert, the whole crowd go to my room,
And the next day in another city to perform after drinking.
Now people don't understand what it is
When I refuse the pipe, what does he say?
I'll tell you a secret, it's not willpower,
I, so to speak, moved on to something else.
So my police can sleep peacefully,
Lesha no longer smokes, actually!
Better give me a kettle of hot water,
Or let me do it myself, just show me where the cooler is.
And damn, now I have nothing forbidden in my suitcase
Just a good supply of tea.
And when I fly to other cities,
I only need an outlet; so far there has always been water.
It's not drugs, he's not high, is he? Well, yes
But tea comes in different varieties, and there are dangerous varieties.
I made the top three for some reason
And I decided to draw some parallels.
I can compare Pu-erh to amphetamine,
I don't drink it often, but it gets me going too much.
I brew a thermos and take it with me to the car
And little by little throughout the day, the day becomes long.
In second place I have Tie Guan Yin, he’s like a plank
It goes as it should, a glass after a glass.
He speaks so kindly, softly,
Even girls can do it, but it’s better in the presence of a boy.
So, the first line of my hit parade
I boldly give it to the big red robe.
What I like is - da hong pao,
The tea drunkard is here, Vasya, get the poison.


In tea powder without deception, no, it's not a trick
Put the kettle on the stove.

Packaged weight or compressed circle
This is a tea drinker.

Well, Vasyanya, shall we sit down?
There is maleha da hong pao, puerchika and shuixiana.
Do you smoke? Don't smoke? Krasava,
I'm quitting too. Kidding. It just... into the stall, and it stuck pretty hard.
How many tea drunks are there in the country?
Is staff brewed without gaiwan?
In some nailed-down hut
A tile, a saucepan, a charge and a full blast.
Our brother is not very popular at food outlets,
Waitress, dear, can I have a decanter of boiling water?
More boiling water, more boiling water
Will you be ordering anything? No, just boiling water.
Going through security at the airport
Your backpack, so what do you have here?
Witnesses, search, in short, everything is muddied,
The captain reports on the radio: We found drugs.
This whole story is drawing a crowd,
The captain takes grass out of his backpack, and there
Count it up, TGshka, puerchik, yes hun
And I have nothing to say to this sucker.
(Marijuana) I feel like I'm drowning
Smoke if you want. I'll pour it out and break it off
I'll stuff this poison into your cigarette myself,
Just smoke captain, why ask?
He did not share my mood, and we
We proceeded to the line department.
A whole council gathered there
They sniff and chew. They want to close Vasily.
Yes it grows. Yes it dries. Yes it is packaged.
Special containers are used for consumption.
Do you want to make this case jurisdictional?
Article 228 on special tea sub-clauses?
Confiscation of poison, poison and burg,
Thank God, there are people there who have stirred up the pressure of the circle.
In Moscow, upon arrival, I go to the line administration,
What, captain, have you tasted the poison?
And he’s on a slight dry spell, his eyes look like
I smoked Tashkent all day (smoked Tashkent).
I'm talking about tea, or rather about its return,
And he whispered to me: There’s no tea, he’s gone somewhere.

I love tea like a panda loves bamboo
Just like Le Truk loves to blow grass.

Put the kettle on the stove.
I always have a dozen grams with me,
Trust the stuff from my hands like boiling water
Packaged weight or pressed circle,
This is a tea drinker, keep that in mind!

I love tea like a panda loves bamboo,
Just like Le Truk loves to blow grass.
In tea powder without deception, no, this is not a trick!
Put the kettle on the stove.
I always have a dozen grams with me,
Trust the stuff from my hands like boiling water,
Packaged weight or compressed circle.
This is a tea drinker, keep that in mind!

Business development is driven by the market, not you. Your job as an entrepreneur is to allow it to happen and then “move” out of the way. Like any startup, you are hungry - but it is a combination of several factors that triggers it. The disruptive value of a product that appeals to users motivates them to invite friends, who invite their friends, and so on. In other words, the product needs viral potential.

But most businesses don't achieve truly explosive growth. User attention is a limited resource; all brands lack it. Therefore, only single products will be able to “break through” to the top. But even those who catch the wave of “unbridled” growth suffer from serious obstacles on the path to success. Here's a three-part process for product growth and development, as outlined by Tyler Hayes of

  • Growth is the elimination of friction
  • Growth is retention.

Growth – reduction of conversion friction

A formula that should be engraved on the door of all startup accelerators:

Startups = growth, and growth = eliminating friction.

The main problem of young companies is that they forget that “the market comes first,” and they need to do what users want. As Sam Altman, President of Y Combinator, said:

“The goal of a startup is to create something that people will like. Once you've done this, figure out how to increase your number of users. But the first component is critically important - remember the truly successful companies of our time. They all started with a product that made their audience fall in love with it and motivated them to tell others about it. If you don't achieve this, you will fail. And self-deception will not help. The startup graveyard is full of projects that neglected this step.”

So, you need to first understand what people want and then give it to them as often as necessary. - this is not an elimination, but an increase in friction. This does not mean that adding new features and functionality is prohibited. But do this when innovations allow you to perform actions requested by people without the corresponding functionality.

The audience already needs certain tools (whether they understand it or not) - and you are simply satisfying a ready-made desire. You don't create it, you define it. Find a key user need and make satisfying it as easy/fast/fun as possible.

In an interview with Wired, the founder of Blogger, Twitter, and Medium, Ev Williams, shared his strategy for creating a billion-dollar business:

“Take a desire that has been relevant for a long time. Then identify this desire and, through modern technology, motivate the person to take steps towards satisfying it.”

Growth is like water. It takes any form, taking into account limiting factors. It depends on you how successfully you remove the restrictions.

“Become amorphous, formless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. When water is poured into a bottle, it becomes a bottle. Water can flow, or it can destroy. Be water, my friend,” Bruce Lee once said.

Determine growth areas based on your product. Then remove everything unnecessary that the user encounters along the way.

Growth is a process, not an end goal.

Your startup's growth is likely limited by friction. Most products don't explode in popularity right away; it's extremely difficult to achieve. Even Facebook was stuck at the 100 million user plateau, and it took a conscious effort to break through. At that time, the concept of “growth hacking” and “growth specialists” did not exist in Silicon Valley, so Facebook was forced to open them up. The hard work that led to growth to one and a half billion monthly visitors seems less difficult in retrospect. But someone had to walk this path first and collect all the “bumps” so that the next generations of growth hackers could follow the beaten path.

Former Facebook vice president Chamath Palihapitiya says the company grew while creating its current growth team concept.

Chamath argues that growth is a simple and elegant understanding of product value and consumer behavior, rather than an attempt to instill new user habits.

In a nutshell, Facebook has attracted a billion users (and angered a lesser known 100 million) without any secret tactics or crazy tools. The company simply went back to basics and carried out a ruthless “recapitulation.” Chamath created a work environment where employees could quickly test and measure the 3 most important aspects of consumer products:

  • How to attract users to the first contact?
  • How to get them to the Aha! moment as quickly as possible?
  • How to convey the core value of a product as often as possible?

Growth is a process, not final goal. Try, test, measure, try again. And so - constantly.

Growth is retention

Growing the number of users is a closed cycle. Most startups mistakenly believe that growth is just about acquiring customers. This reduces the process to the top of the funnel, when in fact, business development depends just as much (if not more) on the bottom of the funnel - that is, repeat purchases and customer retention.

The most valuable customers are those who consistently use your product. In the SaaS industry, this is called “retention,” which is the most important metric in online marketing.

Why is it so valuable? Simply, retention measures the number of your most loyal users—people who love the product and recommend it to others, which has a beneficial effect on the development cycle.

Alex Schultz, Facebook's VP of Growth, asks, "Where is your retention asymptote?"

Let's rephrase: after a few weeks, what percentage of your customers are still using the app regularly?

If you end up with a retention curve that is asymptote to a line parallel to the X-axis, then you have built a viable business with Product/Market Fit. Simply put:

  • If the retention rate is 0%, then even all the customers in the world will not save you, because they will soon abandon the product.
  • If the rate is greater than 0% (at least 1%!), find new users similar to those already between the X-axis and the retention asymptote - and encourage them to use the product!

There is a saying in agriculture: “Cattle graze where the grass is greener.” Of course, we don't consider our customers to be cattle :) But ask yourself: who uses the product (eats grass) most often? Where do they do this? The answers will show you product-market fit and help you identify your most loyal users.

Great startups are built by founders who developed products they themselves lacked. But they were lucky - the problems of these loners coincided with the interests and tastes of an ocean of clients. Growth comes from the market, not from you.

Your job as an entrepreneur is to effectively reduce friction. Engage a team that: reduces friction in the core value of the product, and increases awareness. These are the steps that lead to growth.

Philosophy of Bruce Lee (Water Dragon) (video)

“I say, empty your mind, be amorphous, formless, like water. You pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup. You pour water into a bottle
it becomes a bottle. You pour water into a kettle, it becomes a kettle. Water can flow, or it can destroy. Be water, my friend...
Styles divide people because everyone has their own doctrine and then this doctrine becomes a gospel that cannot be changed, but if you don’t have a style, if you just say here I am, a simple person, how can I express myself completely and completely, then you you cannot create a style, because style is a process of crystallization, a process of constant growth.
When you hit, leaning slightly forward, (I hope I don't fall out of frame), you have to hit with all your strength, very sharply, putting all your energy into it, making your body a weapon, a real weapon.
It doesn't cost me anything to put on a show, give everyone a hard time,
to create that halo around myself and feel like I'm cool or I can do fake stunts and dazzle with them or show off fancy moves, but to really, truly express myself, not lie to myself and honestly express myself, that my friend, is very, very difficult ...
Nowadays, you can’t just walk through the streets giving out kicks and punches, because you yourself understand the attitude towards such a person, obviously, no matter how positive he may be.”

Kung fu (there is such an interpretation in in a broad sense) is life
1) “I say, empty your mind, be amorphous, formless, like water... Be water, my friend...”
(Free your mind for your spirit, be ready for change,...)
2) Here I am, a simple person, how can I express myself completely and completely - Create your own style (image) of life as a process of crystallization, a process of constant growth (vital Force and Spirit) putting all your energy into it, making your body an instrument.
3) “Really Express Yourself” (Express Your Essence)

"1. A creative person creates himself. This is always more important than an established style or system.
2. The teacher does not reveal the truth; he is a guide to the truth, which each student must discover for himself. A good teacher is just a catalyst.
3. Remember: even the strongest tree is easier to break than bamboo or willow shoots bending in the wind.
4. My choice is martial arts, my profession is an actor. My main role is the artist of life.
5. A quick temper will very soon make a fool of you.
6. Don't think, feel! It's like pointing your finger at the moon. Don't concentrate on your finger, or you'll miss this divine beauty.
7. Clear your mind. Become formless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Be water, my friend.
8. Simplicity - highest level art.
9. At all times, the end of heroes was the same as the end of ordinary people. They all died, and memories of them gradually faded from people's memories. But while we are alive, we must understand ourselves, understand ourselves and express ourselves.
10. If you always set limits on what you can do, physical or otherwise, you might as well be dead. This will extend to work, to morals, to life. There are no boundaries, only horizontal areas of stabilization. But you can’t stay on them, you need to go beyond them. If it kills, it means it will kill.
11. Only constant and conscientious training in martial arts will ensure a long and happy life.
12. Cinema is a combination of commercial creativity and creative commerce.
13. Truth has no path. Truth is alive, therefore changeable.
14. An ordinary person is a collection of routines, ideas and traditions. If you follow this path, you will learn routines, ideas, and traditions - your shadow. You don't know yourself.
15. A fight is not won with one blow. You'll have to learn to roll with the punches or hire a bodyguard. Forget the words victory and defeat. Forget about pride and pain. Let the enemy enter you, penetrate your flesh. Penetrate his flesh, get under his skin. Let me break your bones. Don't think about safety - put your whole life before him.
16. The goal does not have to be achieved. Sometimes it's just a direction to move on.
17. A good fighter is not the one who is tense, but the one who is ready. He doesn't think or dream, he's ready for anything that might happen.
18. You should BE the workout instead of DOing the workout. You should be free. Instead of complexity of form, there should be simplicity of expression.
19. A wise man is able to get more from a stupid question than a fool is able to get from a wise answer.
20. The more complex the method, the less freedom. By adhering to methods and rules, we create limitations for ourselves. If someone grabs you, hit you. All these advanced techniques are non-functional.
21. What you think about is what you become.
22. To hell with the circumstances. I create opportunities.
23. I am learning to understand instead of judging. I can't blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.
24. I'm not a teacher. I'm just helping you study yourself.
25. I am not afraid of the one who studies 10,000 different blows. I'm afraid of the one who studies one blow 10,000 times.
26. If you love life, do not waste time - time is what life is made of.
27. Spontaneity always wins in battle. Cramming always loses.
28. It doesn’t matter what you give, it’s how you give.
29. Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Desire is not enough, you have to do.
30. You can always forgive yourself for mistakes, if only you have the courage to admit them.
31. Gather all the great teachers together in one room and they will agree with each other on everything. Gather their disciples together and they will argue with each other on everything.
32. Posturing and showing off are the weaklings' vision of glory.
33. Use only what really works. And take it from wherever you can find it.
34. A good teacher protects students from their own influence.”

P.S. this is not a complete list
