What to do with a found pebble with a hole. Chicken God: the meaning of a talisman stone. Stone “Chicken God” - magical properties

The Chicken God is a stone with a hole, which means a protective amulet. Perhaps some will not believe in the power of the talisman. But the pebble appeared in ancient times, when people believed in the existence of spirits. He helped protect loved ones, the household and remove obstacles.

Chicken god stone with hole meaning

To distinguish an amulet, you need to know what the god looks like. Any stone with a hole can be a talisman, no matter what color or shape it is. The location of the hole plays an important role. If it is close to the center, then the chicken god has a lot of power. The meaning of God is fulfillment of desires and luck in life.

Pay attention! A pebble can be considered a chicken god only if the hole in it was formed naturally. If a person makes a hole, it will be an ordinary stone. It is easy to distinguish between an artificial and natural hole. The latter is smooth, flowing and has an indistinct shape. Buying from a store is also not a good idea. They can sell fakes there, and you can only get the energy of the chicken god if you find it well.

Advice! You can find such a talisman anywhere. But if you can’t find it, look on the banks of a river or sea. Water can create holes like this. If a person managed to find several talismans at once, he is considered very lucky, and one can count on further luck.

Besides the chicken god, there are other names:

  1. Dog god.
  2. Arrow of Perun.
  3. Snake egg.
  4. Thunder stone.
  5. Boglaz.
  6. Witch's stone.

But the most common name is chicken god. It dates back to ancient times, when amulets were hung in chicken coops to protect against disease. This increased the production of eggs and helped repel robbers and diseases. But then such amulets were called Perun’s arrow.

Time passed, and people began to notice that energy affects not only animals, but also their owners, protecting family and friends. Therefore, amulets began to be hung inside houses (at the entrance and near the bed).

Rules for using the amulet

It is not a fact that every amulet will suit a certain person. There are some rules that allow you to choose your amulet:

  • Take it in your hand. If pleasant sensations appear while holding it, the talisman is suitable.
  • If a person does not feel joy when he finds it, the mineral will not be suitable. It should be donated or returned to its place. Such stones should not be used as a talisman, since incompatibility can cause failure.

Also, to wear the amulet, you will need a thread. It is not recommended to use gold and silver chains, as they do not transfer energy well to the body. The best solution would be laces made from wool, linen or cotton. Choose the color of the lace (bright is best, as this will increase protection). The thread is threaded through the hole.

The properties also depend on the time of day when the amulet was found. For example:

  1. At night. Allows you to remove obstacles.
  2. In the morning. Protects against deception.
  3. During the day. Will allow you to find good friends.
  4. In the evening. Heals diseases and illnesses.

Also, how to use the stone depends on the color of the amulet found. Different shades have different positive effects. For example:

  • A white pebble will help a person calm down, make wise decisions and establish contact with people around him.
  • Black gives confidence and is able to absorb negativity directed at the owner.
  • Blue is good for inspiration, helps you focus on work and brings out your creative side.
  • Greens increase activity and protect against disease.
  • Orange helps to finish unfinished business. They give confidence in their abilities.
  • Reds increase luck, help you find love and cleanse your energy.
  • White and red specks will help strengthen married life.
  • If half the stone is black and half is white, this will overcome imperfections. His life will improve and the negativity will disappear.

The last rule is that the amulet must be activated. Once you find it, immediately make a wish. After this, you will read several spells, depending on what you need to attract and what to protect yourself from.

Chicken god stone magical properties

There are some magical properties of God. He is capable of:

  1. Protect a person. God mirrors magical attacks and negativity emitted by unkind people.
  2. Attract positivity. The chicken god is able to attract good luck to a person.
  3. Fulfill wishes.
  4. Become a powerful amulet in the process of fortune telling. The hole in the stone is considered a portal from where energy comes.
  5. Cure diseases. Increase your health level.
  6. Increase endurance and activity.
  7. Contribute to career growth.
  8. Get rid of insomnia.
  9. Ease labor pains during childbirth.
  10. Cleanse the energy in the house.
  11. Help in overcoming obstacles on the way to the goal.

Making a wish

The talisman helps make wishes come true. To do this you need:

  • Wait for the sun to rise.
  • Look at the sky through a hole in the stone.
  • Make a wish.
  • Carry the amulet with you, constantly reminding you of your wish.

Some amulets become unusable after the fulfillment of wishes. Cracks appear on them or stones break into pieces. This means that the talisman gave all its energy to the person. Very often, such a phenomenon means that the amulet has warded off trouble from the owner. But you should not be sad when a stone breaks. It should be buried near the house and thanked for its help.

There is another way to make a wish:

  1. The pebble should be placed on an open palm.
  2. Think about desire.
  3. Stroke the pebble with your index finger (clockwise only).

Interesting! The last way of making a wish is similar to a very well-known ritual, when they ask the god Hotei for help by stroking his belly.


There are several spells that are used for the chicken god. One of the conspiracies must be pronounced. For example, for a talisman to protect you from harm, say:

The stone I found was sent by fate. May he protect me from harm and bring me happiness. May he protect me from evil people and misfortune.

To do this, the pebble is charged in water. If it is found at sea, there is no need to charge it.

To attract good luck say:

As soon as I leave the house, luck follows.

He is an affectionate neighbor.

Next to me day and night.

Always ready to help me.

By casting this spell, you can protect yourself from bad luck and increase your luck.

And if a person has knee pain, apply the talisman to the sore spot, whispering:

The pain goes away, move from your knee to the stone.

And if you need to clear your mind, use the following spell:

Let the heavy, black and gloomy thoughts go away, and only joy and light remain. So be it.

All of the listed spells can be combined (use one amulet for all spells).

To successfully charge the god, the stone must be activated by four elements:

  • Fire. Allow the ray of the rising sun to pass through the hole.
  • Water. Place the stone in the water.
  • Air. Force air through the hole.
  • Earth. Place a handful of earth on the amulet.

Activated and charged stones have more power, and there will be a greater chance that your wish will come true.

Chicken god with two through holes

If a stone has two or more holes, its protective properties are enhanced. Some ancient shamans believed that each hole in a stone corresponds to a certain element, and the more of them, the stronger the amulet. It will be difficult to find such a stone. But his magical abilities are several times higher.

Protection by the chicken god from evil people

This stone has various positive effects, but the main one is protection from evil people. The stone can protect against...

Many superstitious people have items that they believe bring good luck. It could be anything: items of clothing, jewelry, trinkets. The so-called chicken god - a stone with a hole in the middle - belongs to the category of such things. They are especially popular among children, but some adults also firmly believe in their mysterious power. Even for those who are skeptical about such ideas, such a thing can become something that will bring back pleasant memories for a very long time.

Where can I find the chicken god stone? And why is it even called that? In fact, they are not found very often in nature. They are found on pebble beaches, and, as a rule, this happens by accident. Of course, you can look for a stone on purpose, but, firstly, the greater the disappointment will be if it is not found, and secondly, how can you then believe in the luck that such a specially found “chicken god” will bring? A stone with a hole made artificially is also not of particular value, except perhaps decorative. It is also impossible to re-gift it, since it is believed that in this case it will lose its properties, so you will have to look for the mentioned item yourself. But if you are lucky, it doesn’t matter at all what the shape of the stone and the hole will be, as well as its type or color. By the way, it is believed that the hole is formed as a result of prolonged exposure to running water. Remember the saying: “Water wears away stones”? So, this is exactly the same case.

The origin of the name of the talisman in question is interesting. It was of particular importance mainly among the ancient Slavs. Such an amulet was hung over a chicken roost or simply in a place where livestock was kept to protect animals from evil spirits. It is difficult to say why it happened that the amulet is called “chicken god”. The stone was believed to be able to protect not only chickens, but also animals, and even humans.

In other languages ​​there are also special names for amulets of this type. In Europe they are often called hagstones, holystones or witch stones. In Egypt, the name aggry was assigned to them. In Belarus, the subject of our conversation is known as the “Perunova arrow”, or “gromovka”, since local residents believe that the chicken god is a stone into which
Lightning struck and caused a hole to appear in it. Almost all nations believe that such a stone brings happiness to its owner; finding it is still considered great luck. After all, it combines two elements at once: water, which washes away any negative energy, and earth.

Some people are firmly convinced that this amulet has special properties. But the amulet only works if you wear the stone around your neck, threading a cord through a hole, or at least in your pocket. If you place such a talisman next to your bed, you can normalize your sleep and get rid of nightmares and insomnia. It also gives peace, optimism and good mood. This is what he is - the chicken god - a stone that brings happiness!

Of course, some are very, very skeptical about such superstitions, because how can this simple pebble actually influence a person? Without faith in its properties - nothing. For those who are inclined towards this point of view, the chicken god can simply become a beautiful and unusual accessory; it goes especially well with ethnic-style outfits.

Returning from vacation from the shores of warm seas, many bring from there a special amulet - the chicken god. This unremarkable natural talisman looks like a stone with a small, naturally occurring hole inside. Since ancient times, it has been believed that such a stone brings good luck and protects against the evil eye. The oldest amulet arose during pagan times and is revered to this day.

Why is a stone with a hole called the chicken god?

There are various theories about the origin of this name. Ethnographers believe that the stone was named so for a historical reason. The ancient Slavs had a tradition of putting such a stone in the chicken coop, as well as other objects with holes - pots without a bottom, for example. It was believed that such a talisman protected livestock from evil spirits.

According to another, Vedic version, the name “chicken” comes from the word “churiny”, which is consonant with the name Chur. This is what the Slavs called the spirit of their ancestors, guarding the border between the living and dead worlds. “Chur, me, Chur,” everyone heard from grandparents, from films, from books.

Sometimes such a pebble is also called the dog god, dog happiness, snake venom, witch stone, Perun's arrow, thunder stone, boglaz. From an archaeological and ethnographic point of view, the chicken god is apotropaic, i.e. “averting corruption” amulet, which is credited with the magical power to drive out evil spirits.

Such a stone symbolizes a window or door to a house, and in order to enter it, evil spirits need to seep through the hole, which is impossible if the talisman speaks and “locks it.”

Where can you find a stone with a hole?

The “lucky” characteristic of the chicken god is the hole in the middle. This hole is of natural origin, it is carved by the running water of a river, lake or sea. As a rule, such pebbles are washed ashore by water, where they can be found.

There is a belief that the first chicken god found is not kept for himself, but given back. You need to look at the water through the hole, make a wish and throw it back into the sea, lake or river.

Then you should look for another pebble, and keep it as an amulet. By how quickly a replacement is found, you can determine whether your wish will come true.

Under no circumstances should you use a stone purchased in a souvenir shop as an amulet. Real luck comes only to those who themselves find the chicken god on the shore.

Magic properties and spells

According to the point of view of esotericism, the chicken god with a hole inside symbolizes a person and his path to discovering something new that lies beyond the borders of his consciousness.

Nowadays, the talisman is used to attract good luck in various matters: financial, love, related to health and good luck.

Many people keep the chicken god in their wallet or on their keys, and this brings them success in work, finances and winnings.

Two chicken gods kept in the bedroom harmonize the home atmosphere and bring good luck in love. Paired chicken gods symbolize wedding rings.

What spells to cast on a stone with a hole?

Finding the chicken god is third of the battle. Bringing it in is another third. But speaking to the chicken god is the final touch to obtaining the strongest talisman.

In order for a cherished wish to come true, famous sorcerers recommend performing a small ritual. It works to fulfill desires in all areas of life: love, wealth, luck, health.

A pebble with a hole must be passed through four elements: water, earth, fire and air.

To do this, do the following ritual:

  1. The first step is to pass a ray of sunlight through the hole.
  2. After the sun, you should pour some earth or sand into a hole.
  3. Then water (preferably river or sea) is poured through the hole.
  4. Finally, you should blow gently into the stone.

After which the conspiracy is read. His words can be anything; instead of a conspiracy, you can express a desire in simple language, but the witches recommend pronouncing an already existing conspiracy:

“Chicken God, protector of good people, drive away evil spirits from me. Open the way for me to fulfill my cherished dream, protect me from evil. Give me strength and luck in life, may my wealth increase, may my health become stronger, may the love in my heart not go out, but light up from another fire, may success await me in all my endeavors. Amen".

How to wear?

You will be surprised, but it is not enough to find a talisman, you also need to know how to use it correctly. The chicken god (a stone with a hole) should be worn daily, and this can be done in various ways.

These amulets themselves are very diverse in size, material and quality. There are no two identical chicken gods, just like nothing else in nature is the same. Depending on your life priorities, you can choose the right amulet:

  1. Three pebbles with a hole on one thread will promise the owner success in all matters for a decade.
  2. Five talismans on the same thread will double the duration of the talisman.
  3. If you are lucky enough to find seven such amulets at once, you are exceptionally lucky and luck will not leave you throughout your life.
  4. The chicken god made of coral is the strongest talisman for pilgrims and travelers. This amulet protects you from road troubles, injuries and enemies along the way.
  5. The turquoise chicken god promotes career growth and the opening of a prosperous business.
  6. A malachite pebble is perfect for children, protecting them from evil spirits; for adults, it will help maintain physical health.
  7. The rare and most powerful crystal mineral with a hole is capable of completely changing the fate of the finder for the better.

The material from which the water carved the chicken god is of great importance. But for simple stones (pebbles), non-precious or semi-precious, color matters:

  1. A white pebble will become a talisman of kindness and tranquility. Its owner will become softer and will better understand the people around him.
  2. The black talisman, contrary to prejudice, is a talisman of relationships. It liberates the owner, instills confidence in him and helps him find the way to the heart of a loved one.
  3. Reddish is the color of love and sincerity. Such a talisman can change the owner’s life, brightening it with sincere heartfelt feelings.
  4. The chicken god with white and red splashes will be an excellent amulet in married life, helping to maintain a faithful and strong union.
  5. The rare blue pebble is an excellent talisman for creative people, giving inspiration and new ideas.
  6. A green pebble attracts good luck in financial matters.
  7. The orange chicken god, the color of the sun, will endow the owner with enormous vital energy, and with its help it will be easier to withstand the blows of fate.
  8. The black and white chicken god is an amulet of purification that helps you understand your life, soul and actions, understand the motives of your mistakes and change for the better.

A necklace of chicken gods of different colors will multiply their power many times over. Anyone wearing such a necklace will be reliably protected from all troubles every day. But you must admit, wearing large stones every day is unlikely to be convenient, so it’s worth stopping at just one thing.

But it’s not enough to find, put on and wear such a talisman. It is important to use it correctly and charge it with your energy, talk to it, ask for help in business, and then the talisman will be powerful and effective. Until then, it's just a souvenir.

The intricacies of fate and the black and white stripes of life, periods of ups and downs - all this sometimes forces a person to turn to magic and supernatural rituals. Life crises force us to believe in omens and talismans. Often things like this really help. No one knows for sure whether the amulet worked, or perhaps the person himself overcame the problems with the help of his energy and diligence, or simply had another streak of failures. Magical properties are often attributed to certain stones: esotericists recommend wearing them as amulets.

A stone with a hole or gods are different

A special place among the stones endowed by human rumor with unusual properties is occupied by an original natural formation: a pebble with a hole. It is believed that it was the water that washed away filth and negativity by making a hole in the stone and endowing it with magical effects.

This is the rare case when the talisman can be found literally under your feet. Typically, clusters of such stones are located on the shores of water bodies. In childhood, probably everyone at least once found a holey natural miracle and rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts at their happiness. Not only among the Slavs, but also in many other cultures, people who found such a stone were considered lucky. They used unusual stones as talismans and amulets, and called them differently, depending on traditions and probable origin: Europeans - snake eggs, witch's stone, Belarusians - Perun's arrow, Russians - the eye of God or the chicken (dog) God.

The Russian name most likely appeared because this stone was originally used to protect chicken coops, barns and other outbuildings from the presence of evil spirits that could harm poultry or livestock: cause pestilence, death, attacks by martens, foxes, organize dangerous tricks of brownies and kikimore. A reflection of these beliefs can be observed in the fairy tale “The Chicken God”, written by Buratino’s “father” - Alexei Tolstoy.

Another version of the origin of this strange name somewhat echoes the European one. It is believed that the word form is “chicken” comes from the word "squinty", that is, from the god Shchur, who protected door and window openings. In Europe, there was a similar use of a stone with a hole: it was hung above the entrance as protection from robbers.

What does God's eye heal?

From a modern point of view, the maximum significant number of stones should be seven, and they are most suitable for people born under the auspices of the earthly element. It is believed that if all conditions are met, then the chicken god stone is able to provide the owner with good luck and happiness for life.

Belief in the supernatural capabilities of the stone goes back to the gray ages. In modern language, our ancestors were convinced that a hole washed out by water in a stone was nothing more or less than a portal to the world of gods, magic and sorcery. The chicken god was honored by the first people, as evidenced by the study of their sites, and was also respected by the Druids, Arabs, English, Scots, and Italians. He was associated with the cults of many gods: Odin, Veles, Hecate, Artemis, Astarte and the two-faced Janus.

It is interesting that in Rus', the more holes an object had, the more magical power it was endowed with.

The chicken god, according to the ancients, treated and protected literally from any misfortune and was actively used:

  • for obstetrics;
  • to rid the baby of nightmares and illnesses: a stone was hung at the head of the crib, thus driving out unclean spirits;
  • for mastopathy, it was recommended to pass a stream of milk through a hole in the stone;
  • if a child had problems with urination, then he should urinate into the hole to get rid of the disease;
  • as a remedy for toothache, by applying a stone to a sore spot;
  • in order to control the weather over one’s land plot, by installing a large chicken god on its territory;
  • to speed up the fulfillment of a cherished dream by looking through a hole in the stone at the heavenly body or stroking the amulet in a circular motion;
  • for treating animals, in particular cows, by massaging their udders with a stone and then “milking the disease” into the ground;
  • in the stables so that witches do not spoil the horses;
  • when fishing, to improve the catch;
  • from damage, the evil eye, to communicate with dead souls, elves, fairies, gnomes and other spirits;
  • to protect camels from the evil eye;
  • in order to distinguish truth from lies and catch a liar.

People wore the chicken god stone in different ways: on the wrist, neck, in the form of key chains and earrings. We tried to choose a thread for hanging from natural materials: flax, hemp, wool. Often the amulet was hung on a metal chain. Any material was good for this purpose, but silver and gold were the best to conduct magical power.

Massive amulets, as a rule, were installed in the center of the home or area, for an even distribution of magical power, or hung in the form of beads around the perimeter of the room.

Important rule: Stones of natural origin, and those found personally, can help, heal and make you happy. Products made by handicraftsmen do not have any magical value.

Not everything is clear with the formation of such stones. Their natural origin varies, as do the myths about the chicken god. The formation of a hole in the structure of the stone was attributed to everything: a lightning strike, fused and petrified snakes, and some peoples even believed that the hole was made by the strong beak of a legendary bird. In fact, everything is much more prosaic: stones with holes owe their appearance exclusively to nature.

There are stones of biogenic, chemical and crystalline nature. TO biogenic include:

  • with hole washed with water;
  • with a hole formed by erosion, for example in a desert area;
  • a hole that owes its appearance to the influence of flora and fauna on the stone.

Chemogenic minerals, holes in which are formed as a result of the ingress of mollusks, the influence of magma or an extracted foreign body, are represented by tuff, granite, chalcedony, gypsum, opal, pebbles, basalt.

Minerals crystalline nature with natural holes are diamonds, emeralds, rubies, modest quartz, moonstone and crystal.

It is believed that the properties of the stone closer to the hole increase significantly. The drop-shaped chicken god stones are especially valuable. They are actively used in lithotherapy and traditional healing.

Magic stones come in different colors, as can be seen in numerous photos, and this fact gives them additional magical functions.


It makes the owner’s thoughts much purer, and teaches the person himself kindness and patience.


With whitish areas it protects marriage from infidelity and lies. And pure red color will bring a lot of love adventures or even true feelings.


Luck and inspiration will invariably accompany the owner of such a stone. This is especially true for creative individuals.


The owner of the stone will forget problems with the opposite sex. A contrasting black and white pebble will cleanse the soul of the person asking for it from past mistakes.


Money amulet attracts financial luck and wealth.


Resilience in the face of the blows of fate, disobedience to circumstances in any, even hopeless situations, cheerfulness and vitality - these are the gifts that this amulet can bestow.

Modern use of an ancient amulet

Being a primordial god, subordinate to the earthly elements, the chicken spirit is able to help overcome life’s difficulties, protracted failures, hardships and troubles. Modern esotericists advise using the stone in the following cases:

  • the need to attract monetary energy;
  • strengthening physical condition;
  • cure for obsessive illnesses;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • fulfillment of a cherished dream;
  • help in finding a soul mate.

But there are some rules that need to be followed to achieve an effective result. For example, to attract finance, you need to carry the chicken god in your wallet or as a keychain.

To guarantee that true love will come, you need to keep two holey talismans in your own bedroom, because they are so similar to wedding rings.

If, looking through the hole, you make a wish, then it will will certainly come true. Only for this you need to find the stone yourself.

Looking for a lucky talisman

You can find the stone on sea and river banks. Basically, there are quite young stones, the energy of which is weak, because they were formed quite recently. But the magical effect will still be present. But if you meet the chicken god in the gray Urals, then the energy from such a find will be much higher.

A stone found in a volcano can become the strongest amulet and talisman. For centuries it has accumulated the fiery power of lava, earthly igneous rock and is the true embodiment of the spirit of the earth.

Unfortunately, there is absolutely no power in homemade stones with artificially made holes. It's not even worth trying waste energy and desires, trying to communicate with the fake chicken god.

Is it worth giving an amulet and will it be of any use to the person to whom it is given? There are completely opposite opinions on this matter. Probably, if the donor invests his energy component and strongly wishes happiness to his dear person, the effect will follow.

In the end, you can buy the desired stone in a souvenir shop, but first you need to make sure of its authenticity.

Stone happiness

It is also important how many amulets the owner has and in which stone nature has made a hole.

Chicken God is a small stone that has a naturally occurring hole. The hole is drilled with water. People believe that this amulet can protect against adversity, sadness and illness. Otherwise it is called boglaz.


Even in Rus', the chicken god was considered the most powerful and happy amulet. A stone with a hole has different shapes and even colors. The power that the amulet has protects people, poultry and livestock from negativity.

Kurki Day was celebrated on January 15th. On this holiday, all the chicken coops were put in order. According to the signs, on this day a black rooster hatched an egg, and from it hatched a Basilisk - an evil snake.

The name of the stone in the hole comes from the word “churiny”. Chura is an ancient bright spirit that helped resist negative energy. The secret of the power is in the hole, which was considered the entrance to another world.

Description of the stone

The Chicken God talisman belongs to one of the elements - earth. A person is allowed to have 7 such stones. They especially bring good luck:

  • Capricorns;
  • Virgos;
  • Taurus.

It means a lot when and under what conditions the talisman was found:

  • at night - all difficulties along the way will be resolved;
  • after lunch - to longevity;
  • during the day - to good people around;
  • in the morning - to justice and righteousness.

If a pebble is found when there is a downpour, it is a sign of fertility and enrichment. On a sunny day - for quick fun, and in a snowstorm - for a quick trip.

Properties of the talisman

Chicken god stone is used:

  • when a girl fails to get pregnant;
  • if children have bad dreams: then the amulet is hung over the bed, it scares away evil spirits;
  • when a person wants to figure out whether he is being deceived;
  • to protect animals, especially camels, cows and horses;
  • fishermen - so that fish can be caught better;
  • from the evil eye and damage;
  • for contact with dead souls and various mystical creatures, to work as a guide;
  • to fulfill wishes (there is a ritual for this: they look through a hole at the sky and stroke the amulet);
  • for medical purposes: the talisman has medicinal properties, helps get rid of pain in the teeth, problems with the mammary glands;
  • to control climate conditions.

Nature of stone

All stones are divided into 3 groups:

  • crystalline nature;
  • biogenic;
  • chemical

Biogenic holes are those whose holes could be washed out by water or formed due to erosion.

Crystalline rock - quartz, moonstone. These are minerals that have natural holes.

Chemical nature - amulets, holes in which are created by the influence of magma or the ingress of various bodies.

The most valued amulets are those that look like a drop. They are used in folk medicine.

Stone color

The Chicken God Stone has different colors. This affects the magical properties of the amulet:

  • Orange. If the Chicken God is sunny in color, a person will overcome any trials in life and come out of any situation.
  • White. Thoughts will become clearer and more positive.
  • Green. This color attracts financial flow and good luck.
  • Red. A talisman against betrayal and deception, as well as for sincere love.
  • Black. Thanks to this amulet, problems with the opposite sex will disappear.
  • Black and white. According to signs, it cleanses thoughts and souls from previous failures.
  • Blue. It has the ability to inspire new endeavors and is suitable for creative people.

The thread on which the found amulet is hung must be red and made of certain fibers:

  • wool;
  • cotton;
  • flax

Number and type of stones

The owner may have more than one found stone with a hole, which also has a magical meaning:

  • 1 - fortune is on the side of the owner of the amulet;
  • 3 - fortune accompanies the first 10 years;
  • 5 - happiness for 20 years;
  • a necklace made of stones with a hole - happiness for the rest of your life.

The type of stone also matters:

  • malachite is the best amulet for children;
  • crystal promises happiness in all areas of life;
  • turquoise promises success at work, promotion;
  • coral portends that any path will be simple.

How to use

Finding a stone with a hole is great luck, but not all people take advantage of the opportunity. Most of them are on the seashore. Initially, the amulet is washed and dried, and then they decide how to use it.

Once found, the talisman is worn as a necklace to work as a person's protection. It is worn when help is needed. A pebble hanging over the bed saves you from nightmares and causes prophetic dreams.

They use a pebble to protect their home: they hang it above the front door, then bad people will not be able to do harm when entering the house. If the amulet is not needed, it is hidden in clothes or given to a loved one.

There is a ritual for the found chicken god to grant a wish. A ray of sun is passed through the hole, then liquid (water) is passed through and sprinkled with earth. After the ritual, what you wished for will definitely come true.

To avoid financial problems, the amulet is placed in a wallet. To improve relations between lovers, the amulet is moved to the bedroom. You can activate the action using incantations and spells.

Losing a talisman does not mean trouble. The person will simply become less fortunate. A pebble breaks to incidents and problems.

Chicken God. How to use it correctly

Chicken God: luck and luck for life

Talisman Chicken God - a gift from the sea


The chicken god has been worshiped for a long time. There are those who believe in its energy, and there are those who believe that it has magical powers. Having found such an amulet, they look at its shape, color and composition. The amulet can be used to protect a person, animals, home and attract money.

Holes in amulets appear in most cases due to the influence of sea and river waters. Pebbles are most often found on the seashore. To use the talisman, spells are read. If you make a wish using an amulet, it will come true.
