What is said in the hadiths about magdi. Hadiths about the Mahdi. Caliphate forever: why the Islamic State cannot be defeated

Hadiths about Mahdi

It is reported from the words of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

"IN last times Mahdi will appear in my community. Allah will send rain for him and the earth will bring forth its fruits. He will distribute property equally, livestock will multiply and he will bring glory to the Muslim community. He will rule for seven or eight years." This hadith was reported by al-Hakim (4/557-558).

Al-Hakim said: “The isnad of this hadith is authentic,” and al-Dhahabi agreed with him.

Sheikh al-Albani called the isnad of the hadith authentic. See “as-Silsila as-sahiha” (711).

It is reported that ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

“The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Mahdi is one of us, from our family. Allah will correct him in one night." This hadith was narrated by Ahmad (1/84), Ibn Majah (4085), al-'Uqayli in ad-Du'afa (470), Ibn 'Adi (2/360) and Abu Nu'aym in Hilyatul-Auliya "(3/177).

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See "Sahih al-Jami' as-saghir" (6735) , "Sahih Ibn Majah" (3316), “as-Silsila as-sahiha” (2371).


The original uses the Arabic verb “أَصْلَحَ” /aslaha/, which has several meanings: to make suitable, to correct, to put in order, to reconcile, etc.

In his commentary on this hadith, al-Suyuti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “That is, it will make him fit to lead and rule the caliphate suddenly and instantly.” See as-Suyuti. "Sharh Sunan Ibn Majah." Kadhimi Qutub Khana. Garachi. P.300.

Mulla 'Ali al-Qari, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “That is, in one night or overnight he will put his affairs in order, grant him a high position, and people with the right to make decisions on behalf of the Muslim community will unanimously recognize him caliph." See al-Qari. "Mirkatul-mafatih." Dar al-Fikr. Beirut. 1422 AH T.8. P.3439.

Imam al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “The words “Yuslihuhu-Allahu” mean that he will not be internally ready (for leadership). Allah will make him fit to become the leader of the Islamic community overnight. These words do not mean that the Mahdi will be a wicked man and then become righteous, nor does it mean that he will be ignorant and become a scholar overnight.” Sl. “Silsilya al-Huda wa-n-nur” (No. 219 - abbreviated).

Salih Ali ash-Shaykh (may Allah protect him) said: “Scholars disagreed as to how these words should be understood. Does this mean that Allah will make him righteous in religion when he was not? Or will Allah make him fit to lead people and lead? The correctness of the second opinion seems obvious - Allah will make him fit to lead and govern people overnight.”

See Salih Ali al-Sheikh. "Sharh al-'Aqida at-Tahawiya." Dar al-Mawadda. El-Mansura 1431 AH T.1 P.692.

See Zayn ad-Din ar-Razi. Mukhtar al-Sihah. Al-Maktaba al-Misriya - Dar an-Namuzajiya. Beirut - Saida. P.178.

Ibn Manzur. Lisan al-'Arab. Dar Sadir. Beirut. T.2.S.517.

al-Fairuzbadi. al-Qamus al-Muhit. Ar-Risalah Foundation Lebanon 1426 AH. P.299.

al-Zabidi. Taj al-‘Arus min Jawahir al-Qamus. Dar al-Hidaya. T.6. P.548.

Cairo Academy Arabic. Mu'jam al-Wasyt. Dar ad-Da'wa. P. 520.

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri is reported to have said:

"Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and greet him, said: “The Mahdi is from my descendants. He has a prominent forehead and an aquiline nose. He will fill the world with fairness and justice, just as it was filled (before) with injustice and oppression. He will reign for seven years." This hadith was narrated by Abu Dawud (4285), at-Tirmidhi (2232), Ibn Majah (4083) and al-Hakim (4/557), who said: “It is an authentic hadith according to the conditions of Muslim.”

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good. See “Tahrij Mishkatul-masabih” (5382), “Sahih al-Jami’ al-saghir” (6736).


In the version of this hadith reported by at-Tirmidhi, Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said:

“We were afraid that after our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, something unusual would happen, and we asked the Prophet about it, who said: “Truly, a Mahdi will appear in my community, who will stay for five or seven or nine.” (The narrator of this hadith) Zayd (al-'Ammi) doubted (exactly how much he said). We asked him: “What is this?” He replied: “Years.” (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “And a man will come to him and say: “O Mahdi, give me, give me!”) (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “And he will give him as much as he can carry.”

In the version of Ibn Majah it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Mahdi will appear in my community and will remain among you for seven or nine years. And the members of my community will remain under him in such prosperity, the like of which they have never experienced, and there will be such a fruitful time in which nothing will be saved from people, and at that time there will be a lot of property. When a person approaches him and says: “O Mahdi, give it to me!” He will say: “Take it!”

It is reported that Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

“I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:“The Mahdi will be from my family, from among the descendants of Fatima.” This hadith was narrated by Abu Dawud (4284), Ibn Majah (4086) and al-Hakim (4/557).

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-Jami’ al-saghir” (6734), “Tahrij Mishkatul-masabih” (5381).

Jabir reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“‘Isa, the son of Maryam, will descend and their Amir al-Mahdi will tell him: “Go and lead our prayer!” (‘Isa) will answer: “No, for some of them are the amirs of others, as an honor from Allah to this community.” It is reported by al-Harith ibn Abu Usama in his Musnad, as stated in al-Manar al-munif by Ibn al-Qayyim (pp. 147-148), after which he said: “His isnad is good.” This was approved by Sheikh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbad in his message to al-Mahdi.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good. See “as-Silsila as-sahiha” (2236).

The basis of this hadith is given in Sahih Muslim (156) on a different path from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “A group from my community will not stop fighting for the truth until the Day of Resurrection.” (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: “And ‘Isa, the son of Maryam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, will descend and their Amir will say to him: “Go and lead our prayer!” (‘Isa) will answer: “No, for some of you are the amirs of others, as an honor that Allah has shown to this community.”

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"Of usthe one behind whom ‘Isa ibn Maryam will pray.”

Sheikh al-Albani hadith is authentic. Cm. “Sahih al-Jami’ as-saghir” (5920),“as-Silsila as-sahiha” (2293).

That is, from among the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

It is reported from the words of ‘Abdullah (ibn Mas’ud) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“If there was only one day left for the existence of this world, Allah would extend that day to send a person from my descendants (or: from my family ), whose name is the same as my name, and whose father's name is the same as my father's name! He will fill the earth with justice and impartiality, as it was (before him) full of injustice and tyranny.”

Sufyan said in his hadith:

“This world will not cease to exist (or: will not be destroyed) until a man from among the members of my family (i.e., descendants), whose name will coincide with my name, reigns over the Arabs.” This hadith was reported by Abu Dawud (4282), at-Tirmidhi (2230, 2231) and Ibn Hibban in his Sahih (6824).

At-Tirmidhi said: “A good authentic hadith.”

Shu'ayb al-Arnout called the isnad of the hadith good. See Tahrij Sahih Ibn Hibban (6824).

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good and authentic. See “Sahih al-Jami’ al-saghir” (5304), “Tahrij Mishkatul-masabih” (5380), “Sahih al-Mawarid” (1574).

Here it is the transmitter's doubt. See 'Aun al-Ma'bud (11/249).

Here it is the transmitter's doubt. See 'Aun al-Ma'bud (11/250).

Weak and fictitious hadiths about al-Mahdi

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported to have said:

“When you see black flags from the direction of Khurasan, go towards them, for the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi, will be among them.” This hadith was narrated by Ahmad (5/277), Ibn Majah (4084), al-Hakim (4/463-464). It is transmitted from Ibn Mas'ud and Sauban.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith rejected / munkar /. See “as-Silsila ad-da’ifa wa-l-maudu’a” (85), “Da’if al-Jami’ as-saghir” (506), “Tahrij Mishkatul-masabih” (5389).
Shu'ayb al-Arnaut said: "Its isnad is weak."
This hadith was also called weak by az-Zahabi, Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Mubarakafuri and others. See “Mizan al-i'tidal” (3/284), “al-Manar al-munif” (115), “Tuhfatul -Ahwazi” (6/140).
Some versions of this hadith say:

“…..go at them, even if you have to crawl through the snow to do it”. Some lack the words “Caliph of Allah” and “Khurasan”. With the words “Caliph of Allah” the hadith does not have a single confirmed path and they are rejected, as Imam al-Dahabi said. Moreover, such words contradict Sharia, as Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyya explained in his fatawas (2/461). For more details, see “Silsila ad-da’ifa wa-l-maudu’a” (1/195).
Wallahu a'lam!

Imam ad-Darakutni said:

- Abu Sa'id al-Astakhri told us (who said):

– Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah Nawfal told us (who said):

- Ubayd ibn Ya'ish told us (who said):

– Yunus ibn Buqair told us, (narrated) from ‘Amr ibn Shamir, (narrated) from Jabir, (narrated) from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali, (who) said:

« إِنَّ لَمُهْدَيْنَا آيَتَيْنِ لَمْ تَكُونَا مُنْذُ خَلْقِ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ تَنْكَسِفُ الْقَمَرُ لأَوَّلِ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ رَمَضَانَ وَتَنْكَسِفُ الشَّمْسُ فِى النِّصْفِ مِنْهُ وَلَمْ تَكُونَا مُنْذُ خَلَقَ اللَّهُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ » .

“Verily, our Mahdi has two signs that have not happened since the creation of the heavens and the earth. There will be an eclipse of the moon on the first night of Ramadan, and there will be an eclipse of the sun in the middle of it, which has not happened since Allah created the heavens and the earth.”

This message (asar) is a fabricated lie against Muhammad ibn ‘Ali (ibn Hanifiyyah), may Allah have mercy on him.

Dr. Abdul-Alim Abdul-Azim al-Bastawi in his book “al-Mausuatu fi ahadith al-Mahdi ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a” (p. 169) writes:

- In it (isnad - Transl.) Yunus ibn Buqair ibn Wasyl al-Shaybani - Abu Bakr al-Jammal al-Kufi. He makes mistakes (when transmitting hadiths), from the ninth (layer of transmitters). Died in 199 AH.

(Another of his narrators by name) ‘Amr ibn Shamir al-Ju’fi, al-Kufi, Shia, Abu ‘Abdullah – inventor (of hadiths).

Al-Suleimani said: “Amr invented (hadith) for the Rafidis.”

Al-Jawzajani said: “He who deviates (from the true path) is a liar.”

Al-Hakim said: “He narrated many fictitious (hadith) from Jabir al-Ju'fi, and no one narrates these disgusting fictitious (hadith) from Jabir except him.”

Ibn Hibban said: “A Rafidhi who reviles the companions (of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and narrates fictitious (hadith) from reliable (transmitters).”

Abu Hatim (ar-Razi) said: “His hadiths are completely rejected, he is weak in hadiths, and they should not occupy (themselves) and leave (or: they left him).”

He was also called weak by other scientists, including al-Bukhari, an-Nasai, Ibn Sa'd, ad-Darakutni, and others.

As for Jabir al-Ju'fi, he is an unacceptable transmitter in hadith/matruq/. He was considered reliable by Shu'ba ibn Hajaj, Waki' and Sufyan as-Sauri, but by Ibn Ma'in, Abu Hanifa, Leis ibn Abi Sulaym, al-Jawzajani, Ibn 'Uyayna, Ibn Hirash, Sa'id ibn Jubair, and others considered him a liar, and many others considered him a weak transmitter.

Imam al-Dhahabi said: “Shu'ba recognized it as reliable, but (this opinion is) rejected (shazz/), and it was abandoned by the experts of hadith.”

Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: “Weak (transmitter/, rafidit.”

In summary: this account is fictitious and its (main) flaw is ‘Amr al-Ju’fi.

Allah knows this better than anyone!

Dar al Burhaniyya
Al-Tariqa Al-Shadiliyya


Saydna Muhammad, may Allah's prayers and salvation be upon him, said: "Spread the knowledge of the Mahdi. He will be our descendant. Allah will give them the last seal in the Tradition that he left through us."

His appearance will be a sign of the approach of the Last Hour. The appearance of the Mahdi, together with other events - the rise of Dajjal (the Deceiver), the second coming of Christ, the raids of the hordes of Gogs and Magogs, the ascension of the Koran, the appearance of the Beast, the rising of the suns in the West - means the end of times.

The name of Mahdi's father will be the same as the name of the Messenger's father (Rasul), i.e. Abd Allah. He will be one of the descendants of Fatima from Saydna wa Mawlana Al Imam Hussein.

His mother's name will be Amina. Abd Allah marries Amina, who will give birth to Seydna Muhammad Abd Allah al Mahdi al Muntazar.

His parents, natives of the Hijaz (the region between Mecca and Medina), will belong to the Quraysh and Haymites branch.

Mahdi will be the last of the “silsil” (chain of clan) - from the “people of the house”, may the mercy of Allah be upon them.

The Mahdi will be the seal of the Tradition revealed through Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and the Messenger.

Tradition says that al Mahdi al Muntazar will be a man of Arab appearance, dark, tall and powerfully built. His gaze will be like a “shining star,” and his forehead will be high. His eyes will be black, and his eyebrows will be straight and fused. He will have a thick beard and divided teeth. on his right cheek there will be a beautiful mole, and the same mole will be on the right hand. His nose will be like the beak of an eagle.

He will be the last representative of Allah on earth.

Everyone will be pleased with his representation - both the people of Heaven and the people of Earth.

Allah will send him after the human society is subjected to monstrous oppression by the temporary authorities.

In the entire history of the sons of Adam, Allah did not send great torments to people.

The Prophet himself said this, may Allah’s prayer and salvation be upon him: "See the time when execution religious practice It will burn just like hot coals burn your hands.". There will be such a crop failure and such a famine that people will eat their sandals and the strings of their bows.

Then Allah, blessed be the Almighty, will send his angels to lead those in whose hearts at least a grain of faith remains to the “haram” of Medina and Mecca.

Only the insane and those who must undergo tests will remain outside the “safe place”.

Then Dajjal, the Deceiver, will appear.

His complexion will be red, his body strong, his hair curly. His eye will be like the seed of a dry grape. The letters will be written on his forehead: kaf, fa, ra. These letters can be read by both those who can read and those who cannot.

When he appears, he will bring with him “paradise” and “fire.” But his "paradise" will be "fire", and his "fire" will be "paradise". Allah instilled in him all kinds of cunning, temptation, lust and deception.

He will pass throughout the whole earth.

He will pretend to be a "nabi", a prophet. Therefore, the Prophet, may Allah's prayers and salvation be upon him, says: "After me there will be no more prophet or messenger." The Dajjal will fight, saying: "I am the prince of peace". He will thereby claim the kingdom.

It is said about his power: he will approach the tree and order: "Give me your fruits." And they will fly towards him like a swarm of bees.

He will boast that he can raise the dead. And especially he will resurrect the parents of people. In fact, these will be ghosts sent by the Devil who will say: "Our son, follow this man. He is your master.".

So Dajjal will grab one person and cut him in two, so that both halves fall to the ground.

Then he will say: "Look at this servant of mine. I will resurrect him.". He will declare that there is no greater master than himself.

Then Allah will resurrect that servant and give him the strength to resist the Dajjal.

This servant will say: “My master is Allah, and you are a deceiver and enemy of Allah.”

Dajjal will approach to capture this man, but Allah will save him. The Dajjal will remain on earth for seven days. A day is like a year, a day is like a month, a day is like a week and all the rest are like ordinary days. An explanation for this can only be given by the “lords of initiatory revelation,” and not by us.

The deceiver will pass across the earth quickly, like a cloud driven by the wind.

He will come to the people and call them, and the people will believe in him and obey him.

Then he will improve people's living conditions and cause them to go astray. Then he will go to another people and call them. But this people will reject his words, and he will leave this people.

They will remain poor, but pure.

Then Dajjal will become the head of an army that will destroy the entire land except Mecca and Medina.

Then the Dajjal will come to the gate" hallowed city", i.e. to the "Medina of the Prophet", but will not be able to pass through the mountains that guard the entrance to it. Allah with his angels will prevent this. Mecca will also be saved in a similar way.

When the Dajjal approaches the gates of Medina, the Mahdi will be 41 years old.

Then the Mahdi will make himself known, but even before that, two signs of the beginning of his mission will appear in the sky - lunar eclipse on the first night of Ramadan and solar eclipse at the end of this month. This has never happened at all since Allah created the heavens and the earth.

Allah will help the Mahdi with his divine people. These divine people will be born in an invisible place and become his companions and helpers.

One of these people will remain in office for some time and will have a special science that will allow him to stand out from the others. All these people will inform the Mahdi about the situation outside, and the Mahdi will begin to gather and prepare his forces.

Then the “divine awliya” (saints) and the 70 disciples of Seydna Isa will come in waves. He will also be helped by the “people of the cave” and the “noble people” of Egypt. Deputies of the people of Shama (Syria) and Asaib of the people of Iraq.

Believers will choose the road between al-rukn and al-makam (between the corner of the black stone and the site of Abraham, may salvation be upon it).

At the head of the Mahdi's army will be Tamim's man, with a sparse beard, named Shu'ayab ben Salih.

The archangel Gabriel will be in the vanguard of the Mahdi's troops, and the archangel Michael will be in the rearguard.

Among the enemies of the Tradition there will be one person called al-Sufyani.

He will be a descendant of the son of Khalid ibn Yazid ibn Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyani.

He will have a large skull and there will be obvious smallpox marks on his face.

One of his eyes will be specially marked: a white blob will appear on it.

Al Sufyani will send an army against the Mahdi, but this detachment of enemies of Tradition will go deep into the desert - between Mecca and Medina, and no one will escape from there.

Not calmed down after this first defeat, al Sufyani will again set out from Damascus with those warriors who did not participate in the first campaign. Most of his followers this time will be from the Kalb tribe, i.e. "dog" tribe. They will sow ruin and destruction everywhere and destroy the Kaysh tribe.

But they will not have time to advance very far, because... The Mahdi and his army will come out to meet them. The clash will take place near al-Ghoutan (an oasis south of Damascus). The Mahdi will defeat his enemies and kill al Sufyani next to the tree.

Then all Muslims will oppose the Dajjal, who, being unable to resist divine power Mahdi flees with his people. The Mahdi and his companions will pursue them. These companions will preach and restore the Tradition along the paths they follow.

Dajjal, meanwhile, will hide in a cave located in the Palestinian land and called Bab al Ludd.

A battle will begin between the army of the Mahdi and the people of the West, but the victory will go to the Mahdi. Those who resist will be crushed. One day the Muslims, preparing to start a war with the Dajjal, will all gather together to morning prayer. They will be preceded by Mahdi al Muntazar. At this moment, Seidna Isa will descend from heaven, may salvation be upon him, next to the white eastern minaret of Damascus.

He will descend, resting his hands on the wings of two angels.

In his hand he will have a sword with a fiery blade. He will present it to the Mahdi as a sign of his imamate, but he will refuse to accept it.

Saydna Isa, may salvation be upon him, will perform a prayer behind Mahdi al Muntazar, thereby symbolically confirming the subordination of his traditional law to the traditional law of Muhammad. The Messenger of Allah, may salvation and prayer be upon him, said: “If Seydna Musa, may salvation be upon him, the Lord of the Torah had lived in my time, he would have had no choice but to follow me.”. By this our Messenger, i.e. the messenger to all humanity, wanted to say that after the appearance of his law, all other types of law must be consistent with it.

Seydna Isa will say, may salvation be upon him, addressing those with whom he prayed: "You are a community of chosen ones, set apart from all others".

Seydna Isa will be as traditional doctrines describe him: a man of medium build, with pink skin, "as if he had come out of water, with straight hair and a broad chest." He will be dressed in saffron-yellow robes and “drops will fall” from his head, although it will be dry.

After the morning prayer, the Mahdi and Seydna Isa will approach to drive Dajjal out of the cave in which he hid. As soon as Dajjal sees them, he will melt at their sight, like ice melts in the sun.

Then Seydna Isa will strike him between the eyes with her sword and kill him. Then all those who helped Dajjal will be executed until only one person remains of them, who will hide in a tree.

Then this tree will say: "O Muslim, there is an infidel hiding within me. Come and kill him!"

Then Allah will order Seydna Isa, may salvation be upon him, to take his companions to a safe place, to Mount al-Tur. And when they are safe, Allah will open a hole in that wall that blocked the way for the hordes of Gogs and Magogs, who will burst through it and begin to devastate everything.

The first envoys of these hordes will drink the water in Lake Teviriad and drain it. Then they will drink the water of the Tigris and Euphrates. They will destroy and devour everything on the surface of the earth. Allah, blessed be the Almighty, will then destroy these harmful hordes and wipe them off the face of the earth.

This period will be the flowering of the Tradition, when the treasures prepared by Muhammad Ahmad al Mahdi bin Hasan alb Askari will be revealed to the world.

These two treasures remained on the banks of the Tigris for 41 years.

Muhammad Ahmad put these treasures in a box and threw it into the waters of the Tigris, awaiting the events we describe.

With the death of the Mahdi and Seydna Isa, this golden period will end, followed by the death of all good Muslims and the degradation of the human race.

Confusion and disintegration in the world will increase.

This will be followed by other signs of the last Hour - about which we do not dare to speak - but the highest Hour will fall on the heads of only the worst of creatures.


Sidi Muhyiddin in the Meccan Revelations said: Know that the Mahdi, may salvation be upon him, will definitely appear, but only when the earth is filled with unrest and injustice.

He must restore order and justice.

The Mahdi will be from the family of the Prophet, a descendant of the son of Fatima: the ancestor of the Mahdi is Imam Hussein, the son of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may the mercy of Allah be upon him.

His name will be the same as the name of the Messenger of Allah.

Muslims will go to him along the path between al-rukn and al-makam, i.e. between the corner of the black stone and the site of Abraham. - The Mahdi will be similar to the Messenger of Allah in everything compared to all other people, but at the same time he will be inferior to him internally, because there is no being equal to the Messenger of Allah. (An allusion to the famous hadith about " gemstone between ordinary stones.")

Among the people, the people of Kufa will be most pleased with him, because he will distribute wealth righteously.

Al-Khizr will go before him.

He will live 5, 7 or 9 years.

He will be steadfast in the paths of the Messenger and will not deviate.

His kingdom will be so huge that it will be impossible to comprehend it with your eyes.

He will defeat al-madina al-rumiyya with the help of takbir ("Allah is the Greatest") along with 70,000 Muslims. Allah will strengthen Islam thanks to him, and he will be loved after his death.

He will call to Allah with the sword, and whoever opposes him will be killed, and whoever rebels against him will be defeated.

He will make "pure cult" the norm, and in all legal decisions his point of view will be different from the point of view of the scientists whom he will humiliate with his justice.

When the Mahdi appears, all Muslims will join him, both the elite and ordinary people. There will be “divine people” with him who will understand his “call” and will help him.

They would become his "ministers" and share the burden of ruling with him.

These "ministers" will not be Arabs, but they will speak Arabic. The Mahdi will not do anything without consulting them. They will be the most worthy among his entourage.

There will be with him a “guardian” of a different kind than they, who, however, will also obey Allah.

This last one will stand out among the ministers.

There will be no more than 9 ministers, but no less than 5, since Rasul did not determine the exact time of his representation: from 5 to 9.

These "ministers" will have a science that will set them apart from everyone else.

They will all perish except one in the garden of Akka, which Allah has made a place for panthers, birds and animals.

The one of them who survives, says Sidi Muhyaddin, I don’t know whether he will be one of those whom Allah mentioned in His Words: "There will be a sign angel trumpets, and the inhabitants of both the earth and the sky will be burned, except those whom Allah pleases."(39.68). Or he will die along with everyone else when the trumpets sound.

I doubted, says Sidi Muhyaddin, regarding the exact number of years that the Mahdi would spend as the Imam of this world, until Allah sent me a man who told me the number of ministers. “But I,” says Sheikh al Akbar, “received the resolution of that doubt with training in a clash with the Almighty."

Having established with precision the time of the Mahdi's reign, Sidi Muhyaddin says: “He will rule in accordance with what the angel of inspiration tells him regarding the traditional law. It must be said that the Mohammedan law will be instilled in him, and he will rule based only on it as stated in the hadith: “He will be steadfast in my ways and will not stray from them.”

It is said of him that he will be one of those who “follow” and not “invent”, and he will be “infallible” in his rule.

He will prohibit "qiyas" (reasoning by analogy), despite what the angel of inspiration will inspire him about this.

Many scholars deny the second coming of Seydna Isa, may salvation be upon him, saying that there is no written evidence about this. We will give them in response as irrefutable proof the verses of the Holy Quran, in which the Almighty says: “There will be none of the people of the book who will not believe in it until death.” (Quran, 3,159), where the pronoun his refers to the death of Seydna Isa, may salvation be upon him.

At his second coming, Seydna Isa will be a member of the Islamic community as a "wali", while maintaining his status as "empowered", "Messenger", "prophet".

He will know perfectly the Islamic law, transmitted by the angel of inspiration, and will follow the Sunnah of our Prophet in all respects. He will be the seal of universal holiness and will have the privilege on the Day of Resurrection to be in the company of the Prophet and the Messengers with the banner of the Risala, surrounded by those who will follow him. He will be with us - i.e. he will unite with us Muslims - as a "Wali" in the "Awliya" community under the banner of Muhammad. Allah invested in him - in Isa - holiness and prophecy. But on the day of resurrection, among the messengers there will not be those who were among those who followed only two “messengers”, and not Rasul - Saydna Muhammad - who will be followed by Isa and Elijah themselves...

Seydna Isa will break the cross and kill the "pig", and will remain with us for 7 years, although, according to Suyuti, Isa will remain after his descent for 40 years. But the resolution of these apparent contradictions is not given to us.


The Prophet said: "The kingdom of Jerusalem will flourish when Yathrib lies in ruins(Yathrib = Medina) , the collapse of the Yathrib state will occur during the great war. Great War will begin with the conquest of Constantinople, and Constantinople will fall when the Dajjal first appears.". (Abu Dawud).

The Prophet said: "The Great War, the fall of Constantinople and the coming of the Dajjal will occur within 6 months". (Tirmidi and Abu David)

The Prophet said: "Between the great war and the fall of the city, 6 years will pass. The Dajjal will appear on the seventh". (Abu Dawud)

The Prophet said: "Make a safe peace with the people of the West(ahl-ar-rum) . Together you can fight the enemies behind you and defeat them. You will share the spoils and be intoxicated. But then you will descend into a meadow with hills and one of the Christians will erect a cross and say: “The cross has won!” One Muslim will fly into a rage and break him, and the Westerners will respond with violence and prepare for battle." Some sources add: “The Muslims will brandish their weapons and fight, and Allah will honor their army with martyrdom.”. (Abu David).

The Prophet said: "You will not see the last Hour until you fight the people who wear sandals made of leather, and until you fight the Turks, who have small eyes, red faces, short noses, and whose faces are like shields covered with leather."(Bukhari and Muslim.)

The Prophet said, according to one tradition, that people with small eyes (Turks) would fight against Muslims: "You will fight them three times until you meet them in Arabia. The first time you fight them, only those who flee will be saved. The second time, some will die and some will survive. But the third once they are finished."(Abu Dawud).

The Prophet said: "The Last Hour will not come until the inheritance can be divided"(i.e., only after great sacrifices and many murders, thanks to which such a number of heirs will remain, when the inheritance can be divided among them and there will be no joy in the division of the spoils). Then, pointing his finger towards Syria: The enemies will direct their forces against the Muslims, and the Muslims will direct their forces against the enemies.". One of the Prophet's companions asked: "Do you mean Rome?" "Yes", - he answered, - "there will be a terrible battle, and the Muslims will equip a military detachment(to fight to death) , who can return with victory. And they will fight until night falls on them. No one will be able to achieve victory, and everyone will be destroyed. And then the Muslims will equip a second military detachment to fight to the death, which will be able to return victorious. On the fourth day, a new military detachment will be formed from the remnants of the Muslims, and Allah will grant them victory over the enemy. And such a battle will break out, the likes of which have never been seen before. If the bird flies over the combatants, it will fall dead before reaching the other side of the battlefield.(There will be such a murder that only one in a hundred will remain when counted). What joy can there be in counting, and what inheritance can be shared? They will be in this place when an even more terrible misfortune comes. A cry will be heard: “The Dajjal is already near you, among your descendants!” Then they will abandon what they have in their hands and march forward, sending forward an advance guard of ten horsemen. These will be the best warriors on earth in those days, the best of the best warriors on earth in those days.". (Muslim)

The Prophet said: "You will attack Arabia, and Allah will give you the strength to defeat it. Then you will attack Persia, and He will give you the strength to defeat it. Then you will attack Rome(i.e. ar-Rum, which includes Syria and Anatalia) and Allah will give you the strength to defeat him.". (Muslim)

The Prophet said: “From the creation of Adam until the Last Hour, there will be nothing more terrible than the appearance of the Dajjal.”. (Muslim)

The Prophet said: “There was no prophet who did not warn his people about the danger of the one-eyed deceiver. I tell you that he has only one eye, but your Lord has more than one eye. On the forehead of the deceiver are the letters k-f-r(kufr, kafir) ." (Bukhari and Muslim).

The Prophet said: "The Dajjal will appear and bring with him water and fire, and what people consider water will be burning fire, and what people will consider fire will, in fact, be fresh and sweet water. And those who will live in those times must fall into what appears to be fire, for it will be fresh sweet water."(Bukhari and Muslim).

The Prophet said: "If he(Dajjal) will come when I am still with you, I will oppose him from your side, but if he comes when I am no longer with you, everyone must oppose him on his own, and Allah will stand in my place to take care of every Muslim. He will be a young man with curly hair and a crooked eye, and will resemble Abdel Uzzab bin Qatan. Those who will live in these times will have to repeat the versets of the beginning of Surah Al-Kahf against him(XY 11) . He will be on the road between Syria and Iraq and will do evil left and right. Be strong, O servant of ALLAH!"

Then someone asked about the duration of his stay on earth, and the Prophet replied: “Forty days of which one is like a year, one is like a month, one is like a week, and the remaining days are like your days.”.

Then they asked again whether the “salovat” (prayer) of one day would be sufficient for the whole day, which would last like a year, and the Prophet replied: "No, you will have to count all the time". Then they asked the question at what speed he would move on the ground and the Prophet answered: " Like a cloud driven by the wind."

He will go to one people and call them to him, and they will believe him. He will command the sky, and the sky will give rain, and the earth will produce a harvest. Then in the evening the herds will return from the high hills, with teats full of milk and stomachs full. Then he will go to another people and call them to him, but this people will refuse him, and Dajjal will leave them. In the morning they will not find any of their former riches. Then Dajjal will go to the desert lands and order them to give up their treasures, and these treasures will appear before him in abundance, like a swarm of bees. Then he will call the young man to him, and cut him in two with his sword, and place his two parts at a distance that usually separates the archer from his target. Then he will call him (the young man) , and he will go to him again, smiling, with a luminous gaze, and just at this moment Allah will cause the Messiah, the son of Mary, to descend. He will descend to earth next to the white minaret at the eastern edge of Damascus, dressed in light saffron robes in two parts, resting on the wings of two angels. When he bows his head, droplets of sweat will fall from his forehead, and when he raises his head, droplets like pearls will scatter around. Hypocritical believers who smell his breath will die, and his breath will spread as far as the eye can see. Then he will meet him(Dajjala) at the gate of Ludd and will kill him. Then a group of people whom Allah will protect will approach Jesus, the son of Mary, and he will slap them in the face, and he will line them up according to the dignity of the rank that they had in Paradise, and then Allah will reveal to Jesus these words: “I have chosen these people from among my servants, and no one can fight against them. Take these people safely to al-Tur.(i.e. to the "Mountain" par excellence, sometimes identified with Mount Sinai) "Then Allah will send Gogs and Magogs, and they will fill the slopes of this mountain. The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias and drink water from it. And when the last of them will pass there, he will say: “There used to be water here!” Jesus and his comrades will be besieged there(near al-Tur and will be subject to severe attacks) , so that an ox's head will be worth more to them than a hundred dinars. And the Messenger of Allah Jesus and his companions will pray to Allah to send insects to them(which would bite their necks) , and by morning they will all be dead as one. The Messenger of Allah Jesus and his companions will then descend to earth, but they will not find a space or inch on earth free from rot and stench.(Insects will attack the necks of Gogs and Magogs, and they will die as one, filling the earth with rot and stench). The Messenger of Allah Jesus and his companions will call on Allah again, and He will send birds with necks like the camels of Bactria, which will take(corpses) and will be carried away wherever Allah directs. Then Allah will send rain that no mud house or camel skin tent can withstand, and it will wash the earth so that it will be like a mirror. Then he will tell the earth to give its fruit and renew its fertility, and as a result the pomegranate will grow so large that a whole crowd of people can feed on it and take refuge in its leaves, and the dairy cow will give so much milk that a whole crowd of people will drink it. And the milking camel will give so much milk that a whole tribe can drink from it, and the sheep will give so much milk that a whole family will drink it. And then Allah will send a gentle wind that will penetrate right up to the armpits and take away the vital spirit(ar-rukh) all believers and all Muslims, and only the weakest will survive, who committed adultery like donkeys, and the Last Hour will strike on them."(Muslim).

The Prophet said: "... as you know, but with this addition: Gog and Magog will reach the hill of al-Hamar and this hill is Mount Bayt al-Maqdis(Jerusalem) and they will say: “We have killed those who are on earth, now let us kill those who are in heaven,” and they will turn their arrows into the heavens, and the arrows will return covered in blood...”(Muslim)

The Prophet said: "Seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan will follow the Dajjal, wrapped in Persian scarves.". (Muslim)

The Prophet said: "Seventy thousand of my people, dressed in dark robes, will follow Dajjal.". (Sharh as-suna)

The Prophet said: "People will flee from Dajjal until they reach the mountain"(Muslim).

The Prophet said: "Before he(Dajjal) will come, three years will pass: in the first year the sky will retain a third of its rains, and the earth - a third of its vegetation, in the second year the sky will retain two-thirds of its rains, and the earth - two-thirds of its vegetation, in the third year the sky will retain all its rain, and the earth - all its vegetation, and all animals with hooves and fangs will die. One of the greatest temptations will be when he approaches a nomadic Arab and says to him: “Say, if I bring your camel back to life now, will you recognize that I am your master?” and the Arab will answer: “Of course!” And he will make the demons turn into his camels, with full udders and high humps. Then he will go to the man whose father and brother have died and say: “Answer me, if I bring your father and your brother back to life, will you recognize me as your master?” - and the man answered: “Of course!” And then he will make the demons turn into his father and his brother." And the Prophet retired to rest. When he returned, his comrades asked: “How should believers behave at that time?” He replied: "Glorifying Allah and proclaiming his holiness(tasbih wa takdis) that are sufficient for the angels will be sufficient for them!"(Ahmad)

The Prophet said: "The Dajjal will emerge from the land of the East, called Khurasan, surrounded by people whose faces will be like shields covered with skin."(Titmidi).

The Prophet said: "He(Dajjal) will come, but he will not be allowed to cross the hills of Medina. So he will stop on the empty roads near Medina. And then one person, who will be the best of people, or one of the best, will say to him: “I testify that you are a Deceiver.(ad-dajjal) about which the Messenger of Allah(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) warned us." The Dajjal will say(to those who will be around him) : “What would you say if I killed this man and then brought him back to life? Would you still have doubts about this matter?” They answered him: “No!” Then he killed him(this person) and then brought him back to life again. When he brought him back to life, he said: “By Allah! I have never had better evidence(that you are Dajjal) like at this moment." Then Dajjal(again) wanted to kill him, but could not. Abu Ishaq points out that it was also said: “That person will be al-Khadir.”(radiya Allahu anhu) ". (Bukhari and Muslim.)

The Prophet said: "The Dajjal will appear to my ummah(to the community) and there will remain forty in the world"(Abd Allah bin Amr, the companion of the Prophet who reports this traditional data, clarifies that he does not know whether the Prophet meant days, months or years) . Then Allah will send Jesus, the son of Mary, who will be like Urwab ben Mas'ud. He will approach him(Dajjalu) and will kill him. Then people will live for seven years, during which there will not be a single quarrel between two people. Then Allah will send a cold wind from Syria, and not one of those who has at least a grain of goodness and faith in their hearts will remain on earth,(his spirit) will be taken. And even if someone takes refuge in the mountain, the wind will overtake him there too, find him and take him. Only the weak, restless, like birds, with the mind of wild animals, will remain. They will be unable to either prescribe good or condemn evil. Then Satan will come to them in human form and say: “Do you not obey?” And they will say: “What do you order us?” And he will command them to worship idols, and for this they will have plenty of food, and their life will be easy. And then a trumpet will sound, which will be heard only by those whose necks are bowed in one direction and raised in the other - and the first person to hear it will be the man busy adjusting the camel's drinking tank. He will faint, and other people will faint. Then the second trumpet will sound, and they will all rise up and look around. Then it will be said: “People, go to your Lord.” And they will be forced to stay to be interrogated. Then it will be said: “Choose a group from among them for Hellfire.” And they will ask: “How much?” "Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of a thousand are for Fire." And on this day infants will become old men because of horror, and this day will be the one about which it is said: “The day when the sacrum will be exposed.”(Quran LXY111.42) ". (Muslim)

The Prophet said: "In the name of the one in whose hands my soul is, the Son of Mary will come down to us as a fair judge. He will break the crosses, kill the pig and destroy the jizyah(fee paid by book people to Muslims) . The prosperity will be such that no one will want to accept more, and sajda(bow) will be the best thing in this world with all that is in it."(Bukhari and Muslim).

The Prophet said: "...as you know, but additional instructions must be added: how will you behave when the son of Mary descends and your Imam is among you?"(Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet said: "A group of my people will not stop fighting for the Truth and will remain until the day of Resurrection. Jesus, the son of Mary, will descend and their(Muslims) commanding(Mahdi) invite him to lead the prayer(salah) , but he will refuse and say: “No. None of you can lead others. This is the honor of Allah for your Ummah.”. (Muslim).

The Prophet said: "Jesus, the son of Mary, will come down to earth, marry, have children and remain forty-five years, and will not die, and will be buried next to me, in my grave. Then Jesus, the son of Mary and I, we will rise from our graves for(grave) Abu Bakr Omar". (Ibn al-Jazi).

The Prophet said: "The world will not see the end until the Arabs are ruled by a man from my family whose name is the same as mine.". (Tirmidi and Abu Dawud).

The Prophet said: "If there is only one day left for this world, Allah will lengthen it so that He can bring out a person who will be from me(from my family) whose name will be exactly the same as mine, and his father's name will be the same as my father's name(The Mahdi will be named Muhammad ibn Abd Allah) , and this man will fill the earth with justice and balance, as completely as it was previously tormented by tyranny and oppression.". (Abu Dawud)

The Prophet said: "The Mahdi will be from my family, from the descendants of Fatima". (Abu Dawud).

The Prophet said: "There will be a dispute after the death of the Caliph, and one person(Mahdi) from the people of Medina will escape to Mecca to escape. Some people from Mecca will come to him, and against his will they will carry him outside and make a pact of allegiance with him between the Angle(Kaaba containing the Black Stone) and Makam(Station of Abraham) . Then an army will be sent from Syria against him, but it will die in the desert between Mecca and Medina. When people see this, Abdal is from Syria and best people Iraq will go to him and conclude a pact of allegiance with him. Then there will appear a man from the tribe of Quraysh, whose maternal uncle will(belong to a tribe) Kalb will send against him a detachment superior in number and with the forces of Kalb's army. Then he will govern the Sunnah of his Prophet and establish Islam on earth. He will remain for seven years, then he will die, and Muslims will pray for him."(Abu Dawud).

The Prophet said: “When you see black flags from the direction of Khurasan, go towards them, for the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi, will be among them.”. (Ahmad and Bayhaki).


Some believe that al Mahdi al Muntazar, who will appear in the last times to give battle to the Dajjal (anti-Messiah), will be Imam Muhammad ibn Hasan al Askari. This identification is based on the story that Saydna Muhammad ibn Hasan al Askari built halva(round shelter) on the bank of the Tigris and retired into it. A few days later they went to look for him in his halva and were not found. Some believe that he disappeared in order to reappear in the end times.


Predictions about the coming of the Mahdi as material for understanding the content and goals of Islamic religious and political movements (from the 14th to the 21st centuries)

In constant circulation among Muslims (both Sunnis and Shiites) throughout the history of Islam there remain predictions about the coming “at the end of time” of the Mahdi - “Guided [by Allah]” (aka “Caliph of Allah”), the herald of the very rapid approach of the Day of Judgment .

Almost any historical moment, given a certain mindset of contemporaries, can be mistaken for the “end of time.” And the coming of the Mahdi for those who believe in these predictions has either already taken place in some place or is about to happen. Thus, the founder of the Fatimid dynasty (ruled 909-1171) Ubeydallah declared himself Mahdi. Ibn Tumart, the founder of the Almohad movement and dynasty (1121-1269) also acted as the Mahdi. In the last two decades of the 19th century, Sudan witnessed a major religious and political movement led by another Mahdi, Muhammad Ibn Abdallah (1844-1885). In November 1979, in Mecca, an attempt was made to implement in all its details the “scenario” set out in several hadiths about the Mahdi. The "Juhayman Group", consisting of fanatical "Ikhwans", chose for their action the end of the 14th century AH (which fell in November 1979), and seized with weapons the main mosque of the Islamic world Al-Masjid al-Haram and forced the pilgrims present in Mecca to bring an oath of allegiance to the Mahdi - to an Arabian youth named Muhammad Ibn Abdallah, and it was proposed to do this in the place indicated in one of the hadiths about the arrival of the Mahdi - between the Black Stone and the footprint of the biblical Abraham (Ibrahim). More recently, in Iraq, Shiites under the leadership of Muqtada al-Sadr fought against the Americans and Sunnis in the ranks of the Mahdi Army.

Currently, the hadith prediction is popular among al-Qaeda fighters of the “global jihad”: “If you see that black banners have come out from the direction of Khorasan, then join them, even if you are crawling through the snow. After all, underneath them is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi.” Al-Qaeda propaganda emphasizes the fact that the banner of Al-Qaeda is black and it was created on Afghan territory, which is partly included in Khorasan, from which for many “Mujahideen” it directly follows that the “Caliph of Allah” means the creator and the leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, whose coming, it turns out, was predicted by the Prophet Muhammad.

Curiosities also happen. In Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) in the summer of 2009, a Guinean appeared who claimed that he was the Mahdi, that he had visited heaven, where he met the Prophet Muhammad, who allegedly said that he was destined to “correct the affairs of this (i.e. Muslim) Ummah." The African was arrested, tried and sentenced to a year in prison and ten “sessions” of caning, 60 blows per “session” with breaks of 10 days.

Most likely, a significant part of the hadiths about the arrival of the Mahdi are apocrypha, composed after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and even after some events that are mentioned in some hadiths. And these apocryphal, composed hadiths either legitimized some events that had already taken place as “predicted” by the Prophet himself, or mobilized Muslims to implement this or that “prediction”, which was some kind of, most often political, “project”.

Hadiths are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as messages about his actions, institutions, etc. Hadith were first transmitted orally and began to be systematically collected and written down only in the Abbasid era, i.e. a century after the death of Muhammad. At the same time, the statements of the closest companions of the prophet (as-sahaba) were also recorded. These statements are called rivaya, i.e. story, narration. Shiite religious and historical traditions, attributed primarily to Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, as well as to the Imams, were called khabar (plural: akhbar).

The recording and systematization of hadiths, as well as their transformation into the second, after the Koran, source of legislation and doctrine of Muslims - all this was caused by the emergence of new ones that required solutions to socio-political and ideological problems in the Islamic Caliphate. And it turned out that over a hundred years, oral transmission gave rise to a literally boundless number of so-called mavdu‘at, or composed, apocryphal hadiths, i.e. those that the prophet Muhammad did not utter. Hadiths were composed by literally everyone: representatives of various Muslim sects, the so-called zandiks, or “heretics”, representatives of religious and ethnic groups conquered by Muslims, folk storytellers and even traders. This figure can give an idea of ​​the scale of the writing. The Zandiks alone composed fourteen thousand hadiths.

Collectors and systematizers of hadiths developed a fairly clear system for selecting and verifying hadiths, which consisted of establishing primarily the honesty and good memory of the muhaddis (transmitters of hadiths) included in the isnad, i.e. in the listing of people who passed on one or another saying of the Prophet to each other from generation to generation. This systematizing work cannot but command respect, if only because of its scale. The practical result of these efforts were collections of true or correct (sahih) hadiths, among which the most famous are “Sahih” (“Correct”) by Muslim and “Sahih” by al-Bukhari. It is noteworthy that neither in the “Sahih” of Muslim, nor in the “Sahih” of al-Bukhari there is not a single hadith in which the Mahdi is mentioned, and this could be a sufficient argument for the apocryphal nature of the hadiths in which the Mahdi is discussed.

However, fictitious hadiths were not removed from circulation. Some groups of Muslims believed in their authenticity, and in these groups these hadiths functioned as reliable. Despite the fact that scientific criticism (either within the framework of secular Islamic studies or within the framework of religious hadith studies) can establish and prove the apocryphal nature of some hadiths, they are perceived by Muslims as reliable, i.e. coming from the Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah. And as such, they function either as divine legitimation of the current state of affairs, or as religious predictions-“projects” that Muslims are obliged to implement, i.e. act as an ideology that mobilizes them and are a kind of divine guarantee of the victory of the “mobilized.”

Predictions about the coming of the Mahdi in the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun

In the famous “Prolegomena” (“Muqaddimah”) of the medieval sociologist Abd-ar-Rahman Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) to his “Book of Instructive Examples and Diwan of Reports on the Days of the Arabs, Persians and Berbers and their Contemporaries, Who Possessed Power of Great Dimensions” there is chapter fifty-two of part three, entitled “On the Fatimid affair, how people relate to it, and how the veil [of secrecy] is removed from all this.” Ibn Khaldun writes at the end of this chapter: “This ends what the muhaddis (collectors and transmitters of hadiths - A.I.) gave from the reports about the Mahdi. We collected them all in full, putting our maximum effort into this.” Elsewhere he says: “These are all the hadiths about the Mahdi that were recorded by the imams [of hadith studies].” Ibn Khaldun's integrity can be trusted, and, apparently, the selection of hadiths he provides is complete. But the complete history for that period is the 14th century. A modern collector of hadiths about the Mahdi would definitely include in the collection the “Khorasan” hadith given above, as well as a number of others that are in circulation at the present time. It is quite possible that one of the future orientalists will collect a complete “set” of hadiths about the Mahdi, indicating the time of introduction of this or that hadith into circulation, but we will mainly limit ourselves to those collected by Ibn Khaldun, with the goal of demonstrating the probable motives of the authors or transmitters of these texts, some of which, which is by no means excluded, go back to the Prophet Muhammad.

Below are only the texts of hadiths and khabars - in the sequence in which they are given by Ibn Khaldun. (For the sake of convenience of further presentation, they are numbered.) The sources from which hadiths and khabars are taken, isnads (chains of hadith transmitters), comparisons are omitted various points opinions regarding the degree of their reliability - “correctness” or “weakness”, as well as the Sunni formula for the magnification of the Prophet Muhammad (“peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!”) In parentheses, explanations are given for the text or Arabic expressions, the full accuracy of the translation of which is doubts, as well as possible translation options (after the word “or”). In direct brackets, clarifications and additions are given that arise from the context and contribute to a better perception of the text in Russian. The narrator is indicated only in those cases if he is not the prophet Muhammad. After the texts, a brief historical and philological commentary is given. All this will give general idea about the apocryphal and possibly non-apocryphal predictions of the Prophet Muhammad about the coming of the Mahdi - “Guided by Allah,” “Caliph of Allah.”

1.Whoever questions the truth of [messages] about the Mahdi is an infidel (kaafir), and whoever questions the truth of [messages] about the Anti-Messiah (Dajjal) is a liar.

2. If there was [one] day left in the world below, then God would lengthen this day in order to send a husband from me or from the people of my house (ahl bayti). His name is the same as mine, and his father’s name is the same as my father’s (i.e. Muhammad Ibn Abdallah - A.I.).

3. The world below will not end until a man from my house becomes the ruler of the Arabs. His name is the same as mine.

4. Even if there were [only one] day left from the age (dahr), then God would send a husband from my house who would fill it (the Earth. - A.I.) with truth, as it was filled with unrighteousness.

5. Ali looked at his son al-Hasan and said: “This son of mine is a master (sayyid). A man will appear from his flesh, bearing the name of your Prophet, similar to him in disposition, different from him in appearance. And he will fill the Earth with truth.”

6. A man called Kharis (Plowman) will come out from across the river (or: from Transoxiana). Ahead of him is [another] husband called Mansur (the Helper), who will support or strengthen the family (aal) of Muhammad, as the Quraysh strengthened God's Messenger. Every believer must support him (or: respond [to his call]).

7.Mahdi - from the descendants of Fatima.

8.Yes, Mahdi is the truth, and he is from the Fatimids.

9. There will be a dispute after the death of the caliph. A husband will appear among the inhabitants of Medina and flee to Mecca. The Meccans will come to him and elect him [caliph] against his will between ar-Rukn (Black Stone - A.I.) and al-Maqam (the place where Ibrahim-Abraham stayed - A.I.). They will send an army to him from Ash-Sham (Syria), but he will destroy them in the desert between Mecca and Medina. Seeing this, the inhabitants of Ash-Sham and the tribes of Iraq will change towards him and they [also] will elect him [as their caliph]. Then a husband from Quraish will appear, whose uncles on his mother’s side are [from the tribe] Kalb. He will distribute money to the people and treat them according to the law (sunnah) of their Prophet and... And he will remain for seven (option: nine) years.

10.Mahdi has a clearer forehead than me, a straighter nose. He will fill the Earth with justice and truth, just as it was filled with injustice and unrighteousness. He will reign for seven years.

11. In my ummah there is a Mahdi who will come out and live five or seven or nine [years]. A man will come to him and say: O Mahdi, give it to me! And he will pour into [the man’s] clothes as much as he [can] carry.

12. In my ummah there is Mahdi. If you take less, then [he will remain] seven [years], but if not, then nine. He will bring benefits to my ummah that they have never heard of. The earth will give [people] their food and [there will be no need] to save anything [of this food]. And then there are piles of money. And a man will stand up and say: “O Mahdi, give it to me!” And he will say: “Take it!”

13. At the end of the ummah there will be a caliph who scatters money without counting.

14. Among your caliphs is one who scatters money.

15. At the end of times there will be a caliph who will give money without counting.

16. The hour [of the Last Judgment] will not come until the Earth is filled with unrighteousness, injustice and enmity. And then a husband will come from my house and fill it with justice and truth, just as it was filled with injustice and enmity.

17. At the end of my ummah, the Mahdi will appear, whom God will water with rain. The earth will provide its plants. And he will give the money fairly. Livestock will multiply. And the Ummah will be exalted. He will live seven or eight [years].

18. The Earth will be filled with unrighteousness and injustice. And a husband will appear from my descendants. He will reign for seven or nine [years] and will fill the Earth with justice and truth, just as it was filled with unrighteousness and injustice.

19. A man from my ummah will appear, speaking according to my sunnah. God will bring down rain from heaven on him. The earth will give its grace. The Earth will be filled with justice and truth from him, just as it was filled [before] with unrighteousness and injustice. He will rule this ummah for seven years. He will descend on Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis).

20. There was a revolt of the Hashemites (Banu Hashim). And when God’s Messenger saw them, tears flowed from his eyes and he became gloomy. And I said (one of those present, a certain Abdallah - A.I.): “We see in your face something that upsets us.” And God's Messenger said: “God has chosen for us, Ahl al-Bayt afterlife, and not the long one. After me, my house will be subjected to [severe] testing, expulsion and persecution, until people [carrying] black banners come from the side where the Sun (Mashriq) rises and ask, but no [answer] will be given to them. And they will fight, and support will be given to them, and what they asked for will be given to them. But they will not accept [this answer?] and will give it (the Land?) to the husband from my house. And he will fill it with justice, just as they filled it [before] with unrighteousness. And if you hear about them, then come to them, even if it means crawling through the snow.”

21.Mahdi is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt. Through him, God will improve [the Earth] (or: establish peace) in [one] night.

22.Ali asked God’s Messenger: “Is the Mahdi one of us or one of the strangers?” And the Messenger said: “Of us. After all, God seals us with us, just as He opened them with us. We will achieve salvation from shirk (polytheism), by us God will bring their souls (or: hearts) to harmony after open enmity, just as we brought their souls (or: hearts) to agreement after enmity [generated by] polytheism.” Ali said: “[Who is “they”?] Believers or infidels?” The Messenger said: “A troublemaker (maftun) and an infidel.”

23. There will be turmoil at the end of times. There will be people in it, like [inserts of] gold in ore. And you do not blaspheme the inhabitants of Ash-Sham (Syria), but blaspheme their evil (deeds), for there is a change in them, [foreshadowing] that rain will soon be sent from heaven on the inhabitants of Ash-Sham, which will separate them. And if [after this] even the foxes attacked them, they would have been overcome. Then a person from my house will appear with three banners. [He] is the multiplier. He says to them: [become] fifteen thousand, [He] is the one who reduces [the number]. He says: [become] twelve thousand. And their word is amut, amut (perish or perish). They will unfurl seven banners, and under each banner is a man demanding the kingdom. But God will kill them all. And he (a native of the House of the Prophet - A.I.) will return to the Muslims their friendship, their good, their distant [lands], their [unified] opinion.

24. Says Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyya (one of the sons of Ali Ibn Abi Talib - A.I.): We were with Ali, and one person asked him about the Mahdi. And he said: “Alas!” Then he twisted a rosary on his hand and said: “This (apparently, the Mahdi is meant. - A.I.) will appear at the end of times. If a person says [addressing him]: “Allah, Allah,” he will be killed. Allah will gather for him people like clouds. God will make friends of their hearts. They will not miss anyone and will not rejoice at anyone who came to them. Their readiness [for battle] is like that of the participants in the Battle of Badr. There were none [like them] among the ancients, and no others will reach them. In number they are like the companions of Talut who crossed the river with him.” ...And Abu-t-Tufail (muhaddis who reported the story of Ibn al-Hanafiyya) said: “Ibn al-Hanafiyya said: “Do you want this (i.e. the rosary - A.I.)?” I said; "Yes". And he (Ibn al-Hanafiyya) said: “He will appear between these two [wooden] rosaries.” I said, “Of course. And, I swear to God, I will not leave them until death."

25. We, the descendants of Abd al-Muttalib, the lords of those who are in Paradise - I (i.e. the prophet Muhammad - A.I.), Hamza [Ibn Abd al-Muttalib], Ali [Ibn Abi Talib ], Ja'far [Ibn Abi Talib], al-Hasan, al-Hussein, al-Mahdi.

26. Words of Ibn al-Abbas (apparently he means the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, the son of the uncle of the Prophet Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib. - A.I.): Of us, Ahl al-Bayt are four. From us - al-Saffah (Bloody, Shedding Blood), from us - al-Munzir (Warning), [further omission in the text of the source should be: from us - al-Mansur (Assisted [by Allah])], from us - al-Mahdi. Al-Saffah, perhaps [called so] because he destroyed his comrades and forgave his enemy, as for al-Mundir, I see him, he said, he will distribute money in abundance, he will not be proud of himself (or: he will not be proud ) and will retain little of his right. As for al-Mansur, he will be given help [from Allah] over his enemy - half of what was given to God's Messenger when the enemy fled from him to the distance of a two-month march, and from al-Mansur the enemy will flee to the distance of a month's march. As for al-Mahdi, who will fill the Earth with truth, as it was filled with unrighteousness, and wild animals will become safe, and the Earth will throw out the treasures of its depths.” [Next, the narrator asks Ibn al-Abbas: “What is this - the treasures of the bowels of the earth?”] “Like round plates of gold and silver.”

27.When you [achieve] greatness, three will fight among themselves. Each of them is the son of a caliph. will not pass [power?] to any of them. Then black banners will appear from the side where the Sun (Mashriq) rises. And they will kill them like no one has ever killed. ...And if you see him, then elect him [caliph], even if you had to crawl through the snow. After all, he is the Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi.

28. People will appear from the side where the Sun (Mashriq) rises and strengthen the Mahdi.

29. In my ummah there is Mahdi. If he reduces it, then seven, but if not, then eight or nine [years]. [At this time] my ummah will enjoy happiness, the like of which has never been seen. The heavens will send abundant [rain] upon them, and the Earth will not retain any of its plants, and the money [then] will be in heaps. A man will stand up and say: O Mahdi, give it to me! And he will say: Take it!

30. The hour will not come [ Last Judgment], until a person from my house comes out against them and begins to beat them so that they return to the truth. (Interlocutor of the Prophet: “And how long will he rule?”) Five and two. (Interlocutor: “What is this - five and two?”). The Messenger of Allah said: “I don’t know.”

31.Yes, the Earth is filled with unrighteousness and injustice. And if it is filled with unrighteousness and injustice, God will send a husband from my ummah. His name is like mine, his father’s name is like my father’s (i.e. Muhammad Ibn Abdallah, or Muhammad, son of Abdallah - A.I.). And the sky will not refuse anything from its rain, and the earth will not save anything from its plants. He will remain among you seven, or eight, or nine [years].

32. There was a Messenger of God with a group of Muhajirs and Ansars. Ali Ibn Abi Talib - by left hand from him, and al-Abbas - on the right. Al-Abbas and one of the Ansars began to quarrel with each other. And this Ansar was rude to al-Abbas. And the Prophet took the hands of al-Abbas and Ali and said: A man will appear from this flesh to fill the Earth with unrighteousness and injustice. And from this flesh will come [a man] who will fill the Earth with justice and truth. ...He will come from the side where the Sun (al-Mashriq) rises, he will have the banner of the Mahdi.

33. There will be turmoil. And if one side remains motionless in it, then the other will be in the dispute until a voice from heaven announces: Your ruler (amir) is such and such.

34.Mahdi is only Isa the son of Mariam. (Or: There is no Mahdi except Isa, son of Mariam).

Our research hypothesis is that some of the above hadiths are the result of the writing activities of various religious and political movements in the 7th-8th centuries, namely the Abbasids (descendants of al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad ), Alid Shiites (descendants of Ali Ibn-Abi-Talib Ibn-Abd-al-Muttalib, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad - the husband of Muhammad’s only daughter and generally the only surviving child of Muhammad, Fatima), Fatimid Shiites (descendants of Fatima, the prophet’s daughter Muhammad and the wife of Ali Ibn Abi Talib). The first two groups initially fought for the return of the power “usurped” by the Umayyads (one of the Quraish clans) in the Islamic caliphate of Ahl al-Bayt, i.e. representatives of the “house” of the prophet, or members of his Bayt, i.e. large family group of which he was a member. Subsequently, the Fatimid Shiites made claims to power, narrowing the concept of Ahl al-Bayt.

Khorasan (Khorasan; Middle Persian, literally - “sunrise”, “east”). In fact, this Persian word denotes the same concept that is denoted in Arabic by the word al-Mashriq - “Mashriq”, “the place where the Sun rises”, “the east”.

In III - middle. XVIII century Khorasan was the name of the region that included the northeastern part of modern Iran, Merv (Mary), the oases of the south of modern Turkmenistan, the northern and northwestern parts of modern Afghanistan. It is this historical and geographical region that is meant by current Islamists who do not recognize existing interstate borders when they talk about Khorasan.

See: Akram Diya al-Umari. Buhus fi tarikh al-Sunnah al-musharrafa (Studies on the History of the Sunnah), Baghdad, 2nd ed., 1972, Pp. 7.

See: A.D. al-Umari. Decree. cit., p. 31.

In circulation, in addition to reliable (“correct”) and apocryphal (“composed”), as if located at the “poles” of authenticity and inauthenticity, there were also intermediate options, for example, “weak”.

Ibn Khaldun. Muqaddimah (Prolegomena), Beirut, b.g., pp. 311-330.

Ibn Khaldun. Decree. cit., pp. 327, 322.

Ibn Khaldun was a Sunni Maliki.

Maverannahr, from Arab. Ma wara' an-Nakhr, literally "What is beyond the River", a historical region in Central Asia. The name appeared during the Arab conquest of the 7th-8th centuries and originally meant the region along the right bank of the Amu Darya. Later, this term began to denote the region between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya.

A phrase that cannot be translated: yulki al-Islama bi-jiranihi.

The translation conveys the internal inconsistency of the sentence present in the source text.

The ambiguity of the concept of byt played a large role in justifying claims to power in the caliphate. The Abbasids tried to interpret it broadly, meaning by the byte of Muhammad his close relatives - the descendants of Abd al-Muttalib. Shiites - more narrowly, meaning by the byte of Muhammad his closest relatives, and later - only the descendants of Ali, the overwhelming majority of whom (through Fatima) were at the same time the descendants of Muhammad.

Hadiths indicating the coming of Imam Mahdi are mutawatir hadiths

So that there are no questions or doubts regarding the obligatory faith in the coming of Imam Mahdi, I present to the reader texts containing the sayings of muhaddith scholars that the hadiths indicating the coming of Imam Mahdi are mutawatir hadiths, like the hadiths about Dajjal, the Syrat Bridge and the descent Prophet 'Isa.

In the book “Nazmul mutanasir minal hadith al-mutawatir” (p. 236) by Imam Muhaddith Muhammad ibn Abil Fayd al-Qattani, rahimahullah, the following list of hadith transmitters is given by name, who narrate the coming of Imam Mahdi:

1. Ibn Mas'ud. His hadith is cited in the collections of Sunnah by imams Ahmad, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi and ibn Majah.
2. Umm Salama. Her hadith is reported by Abu Dawud, ibn Majah and al-Hakim in the book Al-Mustadrak.
3. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. His hadith is reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and ibn Majah.
4. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri. His hadith is cited by Imams Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, ibn Majah, Abu Ya'la and al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak.
5. Saubaan. His hadith is reported by Ahmad, ibn Majah and al-Hakim in Al-Mustadraq.
6. Qurra ibn Iiyas al-Mazani. His hadith is cited by al-Bazzar and at-Tabarani in the books “Al-Kabir” and “Al-Ausat”.
7. Abdullah ibn al-Harith ibn Juz. His hadith is reported by Ibn Majah and at-Tabarani in Al-Awsat.
8. Abu Huraira. His hadith is cited by Imam Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Abu Yaala, al-Bazzar in their two “musnads”, at-Tabarani in “Al-Ausat” and other sheikhs.
9. Huzaifa ibn al-Yamaan. His hadith is reported by ar-Ruyani.
10. Ibn Abbas. His hadith is reported by Abu Nuaim in his Reports on the Mahdi.
11. Jabir ibn Abdullah. His hadith is reported by Imams Ahmad and Muslim.
12. Usman. His hadith is cited by ad-Darakutni in Al-Afraad.
13. Abu Amama. His hadith is cited by at-Tabarani in Al-Kabir.
14. Ammar ibn Ya'sir. His hadith is cited by ad-Darakutni in Al-Afraad, al-Khatib and ibn Asakir.
15. Jabir ibn Majid al-Sudfi. His hadith is cited by at-Tabarani in Al-Kabir.
16. Ibn ‘Umar. His hadith is reported by at-Tabarani in Al-Awsat.
17. Talha ibn ‘Ubaidullah. His hadith is reported by at-Tabarani in Al-Awsat.
18. Anas ibn Malik. His hadith is reported by Ibn Majah.
19. Abdu-Rahman ibn ‘Auf. His hadith is reported by Abu Nuaim.
20. Imran ibn Husayn. His hadith is cited by Imam Abu Amr ad-Daani in his al-Sunan
- timesAllahu anhum ajma'in.

The words of the muhaddis that the hadiths about the arrival of Imam Mahdi are mutawatir hadiths

In the book “Nazmul mutanasir minal hadith al-mutawatir” (pp. 237-238) by Imam Muhaddith Muhammad Abil Fayd al-Qattani, rahimahullah, the following is said that the hadiths reporting the arrival of Imam Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, are hadiths- mutawatir:

“[Far] not one scientist quotes the words from al-Hafiz al-Sahaavi, may Allah Almighty be merciful to him, that the hadiths about the coming of the Mahdi are mutawatir hadiths. Imam al-Sahawi himself, rahimahullah, speaks about this in the book “Fathul Mu’is,” referring to the words of Abul-Hussein al-Abri, rahimahullah. In the work of Sheikh Abul Alaa Idris ibn Muhammad ibn Idris al-Husseini al-Iraqi, rahimahullah, dedicated to the arrival of the Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, it is said that the messages telling about this have reached the level of mutawatir hadiths or almost reached this level. This scholar writes: “More than one al-hafiz an-naqid has decisively expressed the fact that the hadiths about the advent of the Mahdi have the level of hadiths-mutawatir.” In the commentary to Ar-Risalah, Sheikh Jasoos, rahimahullah, says: “The message about the coming of the Mahdi is contained in numerous hadiths; Imam al-Sahawi, rahimahullah, noted that these hadiths have reached the level of tawatur.” In the commentary to the book “Al-Mawaag'ib” the following words are given by Abul-Hussein al-Abri, rahimahullah, from the book “Manakibu al-Shafi’i”: “The reports that the Mahdi is from this ummah and that Isa, alayhi ssalaam, will to perform prayer (as-salat) after him are mutawatir hadiths.” In the book “Ma'anul wafa bi maanil iktifa” Sheikh Abul-Hussein al-Arbi, rahimahullah, writes: “The hadiths indicating the coming of the Mahdi, as well as the fact that he will rule for 7 years and fill the earth with justice, have reached the level of hadiths -mutawatir and are known for the abundance of their transmitters from the Messenger of Allah” (end of quote from the book of Sheikh al-Qattani, rahimahullah).

Imam Zahid al-Kyausari, rahimahullah, writes in his work “An-Nazratul aabira” (p. 73):

“As for the fact that the hadiths telling about the advent of the Mahdi, Dajjal and Isa, alayhi ssalaam, are mutawatir hadiths, this fact is not in doubt among hadith scholars.”

Sheikh ibn Khaldun and hadiths about the coming of Imam Mahdi

According to Imam Muhaddith Muhammad ibn Abil Faid al-Qattani, rahimahullah, those who doubt that the hadiths about the coming of Imam Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, have reached the level of tawatur, often rely on the opinion of Sheikh ibn Khaldun, rahimahullah, who noted the weakness of the isnads these hadiths. Below is a text from the above-mentioned Sheikh Abul-Fayd al-Qattani, rahimahullah, dispelling doubts that the hadiths about the advent of the Mahdi have reached the level of tawatur. On page 238 of the book “Nazmul Mutanaasir”, this muhaddith, in particular, writes:

“[It is known that] Sheikh ibn Khaldun in “Al-Muqaddima” subjected to research, to the best of his strength and capabilities, the isnads of the hadiths telling about the coming of the Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam. As a result, the reputation of these hadiths suffered. However, scientists answered Ibn Khaldun, rahimahullah, and proved that the hadiths about the arrival of the Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, given in various isnads, are numerous and have reached the level of tavatur. These hadiths are cited in their collections (al-Sunan, al-Masanid, al-Maajim) by such imams-muhaddis as Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Abu Daud, ibn Majah, al-Hakim, at-Tabarani, Abu Yaala al-Mausili , al-Bazzar, razyAllahu 'ankhum, and others. Among the transmitters of these hadiths there are a very large number of companions of the Messenger of Allah. Considering the above, these hadiths cannot be denied in any way...”

Then the Sheikh Muhaddith, complaining that many deny that the hadiths about the coming of Imam Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, are mutawatir hadiths, writes in the book “Nazmul Mutanasir” (pp. 239-240):

“...after all, in our time we can see how many people doubt that the hadiths telling about the advent of the Mahdi have reached the level of “tawatur”. They ask: “Are the hadiths about the advent of the Mahdi authentic, or is there doubt about their authenticity?” Many of them rely on the words of Ibn Khaldun, rahimahullah, although this alim was not a hadith scholar. After all, it is obvious that for clarification of controversial issues one must turn to specialists...”

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Safaarini Hanbali on the obligation of faith in the coming of Imam Mahdi

Sheikh Muhaddith Muhammad ibn Abil Fayd al-Qattani, may Allah Almighty be merciful to him, in the book “Nazmul Mutanasir” (p. 238) quotes the words of the Hanbali Sheikh al-Safarini, rahimahullah, about the obligation of faith in the coming of Imam Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam :

“The hadiths reporting the coming of the Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, are very numerous and have reached the level of tavatur. This knowledge spread among the scholars of the Sunnah, which ultimately led to the acceptance of the advent of the Mahdi as one of the provisions of the creed (aqida).”

Imam ibn Abil-Fayd al-Qattani, rahimahullah, said:

“After al-Safaarini mentioned several hadiths related to the Mahdi and narrated by many of the companions of the Prophet, he said the following: “These hadiths are narrated both by those companions whose names are mentioned and by those whose names are not mentioned, as well as by people from generation of Tabi'in and from the generation following them. From which we conclude that the messages telling about the arrival of the Mahdi convey to us undoubted knowledge (al-ilmul kat'i). Therefore, faith in the Mahdi is mandatory. This was established by the people of Knowledge and is part of the Aqida of the Sunnis.

Imam Muhaddith Abdullah al-Gumari that the hadiths about the advent of the Mahdi are mutawatir hadiths

Noting in the book “Al-Hawi fil Fatawa” (pp. 20-21) that the hadiths telling about the advent of the Dajjal have reached the level of tawatur, Imam Muhaddith Abdullah ibn al-Siddiq al-Gumari, rahimahullah, continued:

“The same should be said about the hadiths reporting the coming of Imam Mahdi, alayhi ssalaam, which have reached the level of hadith-mutawatir, since they are transmitted from the Messenger of Allah through numerous “isnads” from 30 companions of the Messenger of Allah and are given in the books of the Sunnah, such as “al-sikhhah”, “al-sunan”, “al-jawaamia”, “al-musannafaat”, etc.

The fact that the hadiths about the advent of the Mahdi reached the level of tawatur was also reported by al-Hafiz Abul-Hussein al-Abri as-Sajzi, the author of the famous tafsir, Imam al-Qurtubi, al-Hafiz ibn Hajar, al-Hafiz al-Sahawi, rahimahumullah, and other sheikhs. And Imam al-Syaukyani, rahimahullah, even compiled a special book explaining that the hadiths reporting the arrival of the Mahdi, the Dajjal and the descent of Isa, alayhi ssalaam, reached the level of “tawatur”, and called his treatise “At-Taudikh li bayani tawaaturi hadisil muntazar wa ddajal wal masiyh”... His student as-Said al-Siddyk Hasan Khan, rahimahullah, also wrote the book “Al-Izaatu li ma kyana wa ma yakunu baina yadayi as-sa'a”, in which he explained that the hadiths about the arrival of the Mahdi , Dajjal, 'Isa, alayhi ssalaam, are hadith-mutawatir..."
