Ready-made reservations. Ready-made slander Becoming an Old Friend - good luck in business

“This runic formula protects me from absolutely any witchcraft directed at me from outside that is hostile to me, including any curses, evil eye, damage, love spell, lapel, hex, closing paths, depriving me of any abilities, opportunities, prospects, as well as from any other magical, mystical, astral influences directed at me, hostile to me, including influences of a nature and character unknown to me from any people, both living and dead, groups of people, any creatures, entities, spirits, any objects, energies, matters, planets as well as from any other sources, including sources unknown to me.
This runic formula protects me from the penetration into my subtle bodies of absolutely any creatures hostile to me, entities, spirits, aliens, implants, programs and subprograms.
This runic formula protects me from any intrigues, intrigues, deception, fraud directed at me, from psychological pressure on me, from physical attacks on me, from any voluntary or involuntary attempts to cause me physical, moral, property, or any other damage from any living beings, any people, groups of people, any creatures and entities in the guise of people, organizations, law enforcement agencies, criminal elements, the state itself, as well as from any other, including sources unknown to me. This runic formula acts as harmoniously as possible, without harm to my physical and mental health and the health of my family. I breathe life into the runes. The runes take effect from this moment.”

Protection from negativity.

“This runic formula protects me from anything directed at me from the outside: absolutely any
psychological pressure, emotional pressure, protects me from absolutely any negative energy impacts of any character, of any nature, from any people, both living and dead, groups of people, any creatures, entities, spirits, any objects, energies, matters, planets, as well as from any others, including those unknown to me sources.
This runic formula protects me from any attempts at theft, seizure, siphoning, selection, use of my energy, as well as from any other forms of energy vampirism by any people, both living and dead, groups of people, any creatures, entities, spirits , any objects, energies, matter, planets, as well as from any other, including subjects unknown to me. This runic formula acts as harmoniously as possible, without harm to my physical and mental health and the health of my family. I breathe life into the runes. The runes take effect from this moment.”


This runic formula
– I remove my complexes that prevent me from being and feeling purposeful, active, and self-confident;
– I remove the blockages that exist in me, inhibiting the development of my personality, both spiritually and physically;
– I destroy the attitudes imposed on me that prevent me from making the right decisions and acting to achieve my goals (I list the goals).
To carry out the work without harming my physical and mental health, without affecting the structure of positive changes imposed on me by me or any other entity, without affecting the established protections, without harm to my family and loved ones. This formula is intended for 9 days. Let it be so.



This Stav protects me from any witchcraft and magical invasion, influence, hypnosis, scanning, any attempt to view
through all kinds of fortune telling and witchcraft on the part of my enemies and their
assistants, punishes those who attack me with all sorts of problems with
health, takes away from them all benefits, property, well-being,
closes all their paths, roads and money channels, repeatedly
increasing the effect of the reverse damage, directs it back to the attacker,
to his family and friends.
This Becoming with its power protects me from absolutely all rollbacks, reverse strikes, side and binary phenomena of staves and witchcraft influences and my
magical and witchcraft errors, redirecting all rollbacks, reverse
blows, side and binary manifestations of staves and witchcraft influences,
my magical and witchcraft mistakes, my misfortune, poverty, beggarly
share, bad luck and unemployment, magical effects for translation
witchcraft and diseases, all my problems and diseases on my enemies, on their
family and friends.
Let, with its strength, this becoming protect me from those aimed at me.
hostile and harmful to me magical, mystical, astral
influences of planets, including influences hidden from me
nature, character, origin and sources, from any beings existing,
spirits, demons, ghosts, phantoms, cubes, succubi, implants,
settlers, programs, subprograms, any items, objects,
subjects, energies, matter, as well as from their penetration into my body and
my subtle bodies.
This position acts without harm to my physical and mental health,
without harm to my abilities and energy fields. Without harm to health
my family (wife, children). Becoming acts as gently as possible and
Becoming begins its work right now, by activating the breath and ends its action when I burn it in gratitude to the Runes.



“The power of the runes disconnects and unravels the lives and destinies of Ivan and Marya. The power of the runes creates situations and opportunities so that Ivan and Marya are not builders and do not support sexual, love and family relationships. So that these relationships are not harmonious, not long-term, not strong, not comfortable, and also these relationships do not please and do not give pleasure and do not satisfy all the needs of Ivan and Marya.
The runes begin to operate from this moment until the moment of burning. Let it be so."

Apply with a marker to the couple - a joint photo. Place of application: between partners.
Activation as you are used to.

Don't forget these are just other people's templates. We change it for ourselves!!!

—————SHORT DISCLAIMERS—————————–

1. Let him, by his strength and the power of the Gods, give runic becoming constantly clears all my paths and roads, burns out all the blocks, obstacles and obstacles that prevent me from being a completely successful person.

2. May this runic becoming, with its power and the power of the Gods, constantly attract good luck and success into my life always and in everything, as well as at all levels and in all areas of my life.

3. Let, with its power and the power of the Gods, this runic pattern constantly burn out and destroy all obstacles and obstacles to my constant luck and success, and give me a constant large/significant income of money from all kinds of sources, in ways that are easy and comfortable for me, excluding criminal ones , criminal sources. (... keridits - You don’t have to write “loans”, just decide for yourself whether to take them or not, otherwise you’ll suddenly need them, and become blocked and won’t give them to you, so you just don’t take them and that’s it)

4. Let, with its power and the power of the Gods, this runic becoming constantly burn out and destroy all obstacles to my quick employment, by the power of the Gods and its energy, direct to me streams of generous and monetary employers, generous monetary clients and streams of very good offers for my quick placement in a high-paying job with wages from ...... rubles and above, with favorable prospects, working conditions and all kinds of material privileges for me.

5. Let this runic becoming, with its power and the power of the Gods, constantly attract into my life good luck, success and the positive situations I need, constant significant winnings in all kinds of lotteries, and also gently and positively change everything in my life for good luck and success.

6. Let, with its power and the power of the Gods, this runic becoming reveal, increase and enhance all my qualities, talents and abilities, my logical thinking, rapid processing of information, give me greater concentration in everything, give me the necessary strength and energy, give me pleasure and satisfaction in learning gives me absolute and complete victory in studying, passing exams, as well as at all levels and in all areas of my life.

7. Let this runic becoming, with its power and the power of the Gods, reveal, develop and strengthen in me the physical, mental and magical abilities and strength, all kinds of talents and abilities, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, the ability to soberly and quickly assess situations and analyze the information I need, and also gives me leadership qualities, charisma and leadership in everything, always and over everyone, absolute respect and boundless trust all the people around me.

8. Let, with its power and the power of the Gods, this runic form pump out luck, success, vitality and the energy it needs for work from my enemies, and also take energy from space, constantly filling me positive energy and physical forces.

9. Let, from the moment of activation, become work under the protection and patronage of the Gods, gently and harmoniously for me, without harm to my physical and mental health, without harm to the physical and mental health of my family and friends (override), without harm to our well-being, well-being and property, without interference with the work of other staves activated for my benefit, luck, success, protection and the work of staves to remove hostile and harmful witchcraft influences from me, as well as the work of staves to protect our home.

10. Having become, without hindrance, allows me, by my own will, to produce absolutely any impact on any objects, subjects, items, people, groups of people and animals.

11. I activate this by becoming ..... (with my breath) and the power of the Gods () of the name of Odin, it begins its action right now and will stop it when I tell it to him (it will be burned with gratitude).

12. Happiness, Luck, Success, Money, Wealth, Material Wealth, Health and High position in society are always and in everything for me, and misfortune, bad luck, problems, poverty, poverty, illness and unemployment are for all my enemies forever. Let it be so! Reservation for defensive bets

Sapphire is considered a stone of fidelity, modesty, and chastity. It is a transparent corundum (aluminum oxide) of blue color. Sapphire owes its unique color to the combination of titanium and iron. Other shades of stone, except blue, are called “fancy”. Orange colored corundums are called padparadscha. Sapphire is considered a symbol of the heavenly dome, a stone of reflection and contemplation. The priests of the Temple of Jupiter constantly wore cornflower-colored sapphires in their rings. Sapphires were used to decorate the clothes of clergy in Judea and India. They decorated Cleopatra's crown. It is believed that the blue color of sapphire and its energy field calm, relieve excitement, and calm raging passions. Sapphire is a cold and pure stone, therefore it is considered the stone of virginity.

Sapphire is sometimes also called the “stone of nuns”, as it has the ability to cool passions. The therapeutic effect of sapphire is very wide, and previously it was used for rheumatic pain, diseases of the spine, neuralgic pain, epilepsy, and hysteria. Sapphire is recommended to be worn around the neck, in a gold frame.

Sapphire protects against treachery and fear, protects against slander, heart disease and poisons, and purifies the blood. This stone bestows power and helps in travel and business trips. Weak-willed and inactive people are not recommended to wear it, as it will further deprive them of initiative.

The name “sapphire” comes, according to one version, from the ancient Indian word canipriya - beloved by Saturn. Another name for the mineral is azure yakhont. Sapphire is a precious stone.

The name means blue or dark blue transparent gem-quality corundum, colored with impurities of iron and titanium. In Western gemological terminology, sapphire (with an adjective indicating color) refers to transparent corundum of any color except red and orange, although the English gemologist G. Smith notes that sapphire is always a blue stone.

In Russian literature, the term "sapphire" usually meant only blue corundum, but we lack special names for corundums that are not red or blue in color led to the fact that in special articles terms such as green sapphire, yellow sapphire and even pink sapphire and blue sapphire began to be used.

Named from the Greek "sappheiros" - a blue or blue valuable stone (before the 13th century lapis lazuli), originating from the Babylonian (Akkadian) "sipru" scratching or Hebrew sapphire for transparent blue corundum, this name was proposed in the 18th century. G. Vallerius. Synonyms: safir, azure yakhont, blue yakhont.

Main deposits: Russia, France, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, Australia, Africa, Madagascar, USA.

Physical properties. A.E. has a very colorful description of the color of sapphires. Fersman: deep blue with a velvety tint Kashmiri, bright blue Siamese sparkling with their own dazzling fire, bright cornflower blue with a purple tint Ceylon, very dark, almost black in artificial light Australian.

It should be added that the sapphires of the Urals and the USA are gray-blue, and the Khibiny sapphires have a greenish tint with a thick dark blue color; Australian and African sapphires have dichroism: they are dark blue along the elongation of the crystals, and green across them.

Currently, the majority (up to 90%) of sapphires are treated before sale to weaken, enhance or even out their color. When heated, the greyish-blue "silky" sapphires turn bright blue, and diffusion treatment results in the top layer of ground sapphires being colored in different colors. The diffusion of iron oxides gives a blue color, iron and nickel - red and orange, titanium - the effect of asterism.

The healing properties of sapphire

IN folk medicine Sapphire is used to treat many diseases. This stone is believed to be a powerful remedy for diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Some lithotherapists attribute to sapphire the ability to heal wounds, women's diseases, heart diseases, and rheumatic heart disease. In some countries, this mineral is used for ear diseases, skin diseases, and leprosy. There is an opinion that sapphire helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment with chemical and natural medicines. It is believed that to prevent various diseases and better treat existing ones, you need to wear them constantly. Golden ring or a ring with sapphire.

Sapphire influences the heart chakra.

The magical properties of sapphire

Sapphire symbolizes purity, virginity, chastity and constancy. In European countries it was called the “stone of nuns”, and it personified chastity, virtue, love of truth and a clear conscience. In the countries of the East, it was associated with such wonderful human qualities as friendship, modesty and selflessness. In some legends there is a mention of a ring with a sapphire, which helped to distinguish truth from lies. In modern magical practice, amulets and amulets made of sapphire are used for a person’s better knowledge of the world around him. Such amulets help to avoid deception, strengthen love and contribute to a long and strong marriage.

Sapphire is most favorable for people born under the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius women are recommended to wear a brooch or pendant with this stone to enhance their attractiveness. For Sagittarius men, sapphire gives confidence and the desire to achieve their goals.

Sapphire talismans and amulets

As a talisman, sapphire endows its owner with the ability to think and contemplate, develop clarity of thought and encourage him to discover the unknown. This is a talisman of philosophers, scientists and poets. Sapphire can be a talisman for people who are overcome by laziness. It will help its owner get rid of this negative quality.

The Diamond Fund of Russia houses a deep blue sapphire from Sri Lanka weighing 258.18 carats, set in a diamond brooch. The largest processed sapphire was considered to be a stone weighing 951 carats, which was seen on the ruler of Burma in 1827, but today a sapphire crystal weighing 1905 carats was found in the USA.

Sculptural portraits of American presidents A. Lincoln, D. Washington and D. Eisenhower, stored in the American Museum of Natural History, are cut from large sapphire crystals (not entirely transparent) weighing 2302, 1997 and 2097 carats.

One of the largest sapphires in the world, weighing 6454.5 carats and measuring 10.8 x 8.4 x 5.1 cm (raw) was found in 1977 in Thailand. An even larger sapphire weighing about 19 kg was found in Sri Lanka. According to ancient beliefs, sapphire was considered a stone that gave fidelity, chastity and modesty, protected from anger and fear, and was a symbol of hope and contemplation. Nowadays it is synthesized on an industrial scale.

Becoming Magic Seal Solomon

Becoming a 21-beam antcarana

Becoming a Fan of Changes - Good luck in everything!

Anchun (Gold).
Peace, wealth, victory, joy, happiness, triumph, successful deals, trade, construction, studying history, prosperity, the power of money, warmth, relationships, carelessness, self-confidence and self-confidence, victory in a planned business, breaking the vicious circle of failures , communications, team organization.
1. Increased well-being. Financial achievements.
2. Restoring or establishing relationships and acquaintances.
3. The magic of family and health.
4. General harmonization of life.
5. The beginning of a new happy period.

U is the rune of the earth elves, it is used for transactions, for concluding profitable contracts, and it can also work as an amplifier of intuition, during negotiations, it can be used to find out whether they are telling you the truth, how fair and profitable the contract is, can be used to to convince someone to enter into an agreement or deal, this rune in addition has the properties of trouble for speech.

Hooks - Greenlandic letters of success.

The central axis is Galdrastav “Menestis” - thanks to the action of this galdrastav, everything will work out in the best way for what you really want. This is a kind of pointer the right way to Happiness and Success!

On the sides – Galdrastav “Valitinti Luuparas” - changes for the better
Circle with a dot - a glyph as protection from negative influences on financial flows and also the cyclical nature of the process, clarity and fertility

(Vyacheslav Katyshkov is the author of the galdrastas "Menestis" and "Valitinti Luuparas" book "Rune Lagus")
J - the letter is intended for warning negative impact to the material sphere

R – for warning negative influence on a person’s well-being includes family, success, and material wealth. The letter will work both when threatened by magic and when threatened by ordinary nasty things; as punishment, it can cause illness, misfortune, and death, depending on how the opponent acts. She will not punish with death for an attempt, for example, to deceive, because the action must be equivalent, but she can punish for damage to the family - with the death of the one who tries, with the correct selection of runes and letters and particularly aggressive action on the part of the enemy.

K - rune of elves of enchantment, used to summon elves, can be used for good luck and success, can be used to achieve various goals, can be used both as part of staves and as a separate talisman, the rune can be seen in completely different staves, most often directed for good purposes, but you can use the rune for bad purposes, only then there should be a clear stipulation of the rune in the stavka and it is not used individually to cause harm.

B-rune of the elves of the day, used to call these spirits, this is the rune of “call”, with the help of it they don’t get anything, they just call it or indicate affiliation, for example, you draw a stave in which all the runes are positive, but the stave lacks the power of the runes or simply in terms of energy, then this rune fits in to somehow consolidate the result, enhance the effect and attract certain forces.

L - the rune of the elves of enchantment is used for various purposes, you can use the rune to call elves, you can use the rune as part of stavs or single, the rune is used to acquire various benefits, for protection and prosperity, for protection from evil, but it is also a general concentrator of forces ,it can also be used to concentrate the action of the stave, that is, the symbol will generalize and direct the action of neighboring runes or letters.

M - rune of the elves, the rune is used to call the elves of the earth, the rune is used to increase wealth and well-being, can be used to increase income, in addition, the rune can be used for successful construction, to achieve any material goals.

Z is the rune of the earth elves, the rune can be used to call these elves, can be used for treatment, the rune can be used to obtain material benefits, the rune can also be used to conclude profitable deals, to obtain loans, the rune can be used to return funds, You can use the rune to influence debtors.

Mannaz + Othala - we change events and situations in the subject’s life, so that money, success, gifts come into it.

Replenishing the energy balance Uruz-Ingwaz-Berkano
A surge of strength Dagaz-Ingwaz

Teyvaz - clears the path to money, overcoming any obstacles
Algiz - protects us on this path
Evaz, Raido – movement of the subject towards the cash flow
Dagaz - transforming our lives into richer ones with new incomes
Laguz - Luck, luck. Search.
Vunyo - the joy of possessing material wealth
Fehu-Rune of money, material wealth. Provides wealth and prosperity.
Perth - good luck, a chance to get money, an open path to money., attracts good luck from all sides and any sources
Yera - constant cash flow, reward for work
Supplemented by Liters of Asov.
Axara (AKS-ar-ah)
Magical uses:
-magic of luck and abundance
-gaining power
-gaining material well-being, wealth, good luck and prosperity
-in spells for harmony and purification
-in spells for wisdom
Louis (Loo-ees)
Magical uses:
protection from lightning and evil spells
finding treasures and revealing secrets
for a successful hunt
protection of property and wealth
success in negotiations
improvement of skill
success in litigation
Ruiz (Roo-ees)
The second rune is called the rune of the kingdom of the gnomes. This is another earthly rune, its number is 5. Its color is blood red, its bird is the pheasant, its animal is the bull, its sacred stones are red jasper and heliotrope. Ruiz means fruits, successes and achievements, it means wealth and winning, speaks of the need or desire for rest, often the rune means prosperity and well-being of an individual person and family or kind. In addition, the rune is associated with witchcraft power and birth, it is a rune of dedication and self-discovery, it personifies the world of magic and death, the rune can also talk about afterlife or the dead, she is also associated with magical helpers. Astrologically, Ruiz is associated with the planet Earth.
Tinne (Tiin-ye)
Magical uses:
For power
For business success
To pass on a power or gift by inheritance
For personal growth
To remove obstacles
Dwyr (Doo-vir)
Magical uses:
For wisdom
For power and success
To generate new ideas
For endurance and wisdom
For protection and fertility
For clairvoyance
Uru or Uruin (OO-roo; oo-ROO-een)
Magical uses:
-Spells to unlock potential
-Protection spells
-Spells of success, prosperity, purification
-Healing and death ward spells
Charlemagne's letters bestowing good luck and prosperity, success and getting what you want.

Becoming Freyr - abundance

Hringur - becoming a man's luck

Later it began to be used by both women and men, in principle, it became more of an “acquired luck”, but can give the “effect of awakening one’s luck” for men, i.e. if luck was initially laid down by fate, but is in a “dormant state” and does not manifest itself, then this becoming can help activate it, for women activation is not possible, only the action of “acquired luck”, also for men becoming will work better, although in women it will work, but still weaker. The action is almost the same as that of "Lukkuhringurinn", only luck is more focused on leadership, victory, fulfillment of desires, getting what is required, family and other needs are already a secondary action.

Becoming a Knight med flagga - flying through events

Have you ever wanted to fly through an unpleasant event? So that it passes as quickly and painlessly as possible, as if someone had gone through it? Yes, for me.
My very old experience for such a flight is suitable for exams, interviews, and other things. Runes: Manaz Evas Evas Vinya
You can stipulate this by saying: “To fly through the uncertainty of getting a job, the uncertainty of where to live, so that these unpleasant events pass as quickly and painlessly as possible for me.”
I tried it... Super! The situation is really difficult... moving, searching and buying an apartment... registration... the tenant is not moving out... a container with things is stuck somewhere on the road... there is nowhere to live... when both physical and mental strength are running out , dear Kavvira simply poked her nose into this situation...on Friday there was still complete uncertainty, today we are already in our apartment...the container arrived..and everything somehow passed unnoticed and fell into place.

Becoming Prosperity 1

Bind rune of luck (Algiz-Tiwaz-Wunjo)

Becoming Umbotarstafur - Improvement Mark

Draw this sign in red ink on new parchment. The main function is to improve the attitude of others towards its owner; secondary ones are calming, reconciliation and protection. It will help get rid of problems, improve life and find peace of mind.
It also has a defensive nature.

Becoming Varnarstafur Valdemars - Brings benefits and happiness

Becoming Gods of Givers

Consists of the runes Ansuz and Gebo. The talisman is aimed at increasing the level of luck of the owner.

Becoming Lucky

Icelandic runes:
Tir - A guiding star or goal leads to:
Ac - increasing well-being, good luck, overall growth
Yr - realizing your plans, being in the right place at the right time
Wun - fulfilling a wish, giving joy and harmony
Man - a person who
Inguz, Fehu - receives prosperity, money, luck
Ger - fully, abundantly
Sol (Il. Futhark) - additional. protection

Becoming Win the lottery 1

Becoming Win the lottery 2

Becoming Geilzeichen is a sign of goodness

It combines the double rune "sovulo" with the connected runes "Teyvaz" ("rune of Tyr") and "As" ("rune of Wotan-Odin") and means happiness, luck and prosperity
runescript: Sowilo-Ansuz-Tiwaz-Sowilo

Becoming Gift of Heaven

Elm is used to attract good luck. The working combination of runes is Algiz (protection of the Gods), Gebo (gift), Wunjo (joy, glory, harmony). Secondary plan: Raidho (path) - Fehu (to prosperity).

Becoming Lady Luck

Becoming to attract good luck and material well-being. Works well to increase sales, get out of financial stagnation and the crisis of “bad luck”. It is better to use for an amulet.
Dagazy: transformation of all circumstances in your favor (specifics are needed here).
On short beams:
Teyvaz-Naut-Uruz-Kano. Clearing all obstacles to the implementation of the task (successful outcome of the situation, receipt of material benefits).
Ansuz-Uruz-Yera-Ansuz. The magic word AUJA is to attract good luck and luck with getting real results. On long beams: Fehu-Soulo-Vuno. Makes a reservation directly about what you want to receive. If it’s money, then the main emphasis is on Fehu (Soulo flow, Vunye - getting only positive things from finances). If this is luck, then we start writing with Vunyo, then Soulo, and Fehu - as the materialization of luck in something specific (depending on the task).
Inguz of the second plan - success, successful completion.

Becoming a house full of cup

Task: To bring back into life everything that was lost, everything that was not received, everything that was deserved and dreamed of. Let there be a home- cup full"May it contain the laughter of children, full bins and warm hugs of loved ones! And may all this be protected by all the Gods!
First we draw Otal - this is our Home. Then it contains Dagaz in conjunction with Fehu. These will be changes in the material and love areas. Then Algiz, protection of the Gods.
In the background will appear Vunye, the joy in the house from changes (Otal + Vunye) and Teyvaz (the masculine principle in the house.. True, real. As it should be. As commanded by the Gods.)

It's dawn in my house (Dagaz)
He is rich (fehu), protected (Algiz) and active (Teyvaz)
And there is no happier person in the world (vunye)
He is creative, productive and positive (Ingvaz)

Draw in all corners of the house. To bind to yourself, you must first wear it on yourself. Do a small ritual right in the house. Draw so that it is visible, but not noticeable. This is a marker or pen that tends to be red (but very light). But you can also use a different color to match the color of the wall. The unwinding will be long. First you need to clean your house, all household members, including cats and dogs (you can use some from the photo). To clean the house, take a millstone, apply it to a thick homemade candle and go around the whole house, all rooms. Where the candle will be “hooligan”, wait.” There you can put the candles in the salt later with scratched millstones.

Becoming Achieving Goals

Becoming Tomorrow is better than yesterday

A new day transforms the situation at home or at work in a positive direction and acquires a tendency to maintain what has been achieved. This becoming transforms unlimited family well-being, the joy of communication, happiness, financial situation and material benefits of life.

Becoming Green Light

Today I came up with the idea of ​​a traffic light that consists of two glyphs: attraction and luck. The purpose of the stave is to attract luck (this could be winning the lottery, gambling) and in general where a successful combination of circumstances is needed. Becoming strengthened by the Dreamm-Runir runes. The glyphs were tested separately, it’s interesting to see how they will work in combination, and the effect of the rune series, which is new to me, is interesting. One of the runes will drag luck from other participants in the lottery or game... All you have to do is go to the post office and buy a lottery ticket.

Becoming a wish come true 1

The medium is not important. You can cut it on the inside of a ring or bracelet, but you can also draw it on paper or on a photo on the back side. It is imperative to keep these magic signs in secret and hide them from prying eyes. While drawing, you can read a spell composed by the hadeken runologist based on the “Vision of Gylvi” (there was no spell at all in the original recipe):

Ek sja ?rju has?ti ok hvert upp fra o?ru, ok satu ?rir menn sinn i hverju.

Har, Jafnhar, ?ri?i, ??r eru a hli? minni til a? hjalpa ok leysa.

(I see three thrones, one higher than the other and three men sitting on them. High, Equally High, Third; they are on my side in helping and resolving (problems)

It sounds like this:

Ek syau s"ryu hausaiti ok kwert upp frau yo"z"ru, ok sautu s"rir mann sinn and queru.

Haur, Yabnhaur, S"riz"i, s"air au hliz" minni til az" hyaulpa ok leisa.

Then out loud - a desire, for example: “I want a lot of money!”

And you can fix it with this line:

Vatn ok salt i Valholl, enn oskinn til vor.

(Water and salt to Valhalla, and all our wishes)

It sounds like this:

Vatn ok salt and Valhötl, anne ouskinn til for.

Becoming the Ring of Fortune

Becoming a machine of luck

Perthro - accumulates and transforms energy and directs it to achieve goals
Feho direct and mirror. - specifically requested or any other benefits to which we redirect energy; Dagaz - a push and breakthrough in moving towards the goal;
Vunyo - bringing joy to the operator; Evaz + Uruz - The path and strength that gives energy to the entire process. Yera left – Launching a whirlpool, strengthening, looping the process.
Right yera – strengthening, constant process and abundance of results.

Intent: given rune. becoming produces a breakthrough in all areas, both material and casual plans, accumulation and use of energy, in achieving any goals and
opportunities, fixated on the constant presence and implementation in your life.

Becoming a Horseshoe

Becoming, in order to turn the situation from minus to plus, to find or find luck, a favorable combination of circumstances. We will look for luck with the help of the Perth, Raido and Laguz runes. Perth is calmness, clear, clear thoughts, understanding of the situation and intuition, Raido is right choice, confidence and composure, Laguz is flexibility and adaptability. This is based on the effect on humans. In terms of impact on circumstances: Dagaz will help turn the situation around, Perth-Raido will open up new prospects, Laguzy is luck and as a result: two Fehus, direct and mirror, are the achievement of what we are striving for. Becoming gives both luck and understanding of situations, and can give you winnings in lotteries or competitions.

The rune is blue - the rune is used to obtain a result, no matter what the spell, the rune guarantees the effectiveness and fulfillment of its plan.
Red color - the rune is intended for good luck, for various winnings
You don’t need to draw the horseshoe itself. We draw a blue rune and pronounce the intention. Next, we draw becoming Perth, Dagaz, Laguzy, Raido, and draw a rune in Dagaz in red and again pronounce the general intention.

Becoming Odin's Help

Areas of application: luck, knowledge, prosperity, court cases, business (production).
The text in the outer circle is the 1st stanza from “The Preliminary Song or Odin’s Raven’s Divination”: The work of the All-Father, the manifestations of the Elves, the knowledge of the Vanir, the spinning of the Norns, the witch’s blizzard, the most ancient cravings, the Thurs’ thirst, the Valkyrie’s call.
It can be replaced with another passage from the Eddic texts or with your own, suitable for the occasion.

Becoming Progress

Development, improvement, achieving success in any field. Simple, effective.
All runes are straight: Ehwaz – Raido – Teiwaz – Sowulo – Algiz – Wunjo, background: Uruz – Jera.
Ehwaz – movement forward, changes taking place.
Raido – way, road, change.
Teiwaz – perseverance, determination and victory.
Sowulo – breakthrough and energy, a harbinger of success.
Algiz – help and protection.
Wunjo – the joy of change and satisfaction with success.
Uruz is a new beginning, a way out of a dead end.
Jera - a favorable outcome, a well-deserved reward.

Becoming Prophetic Wisdom

The formula is not rigid, but rather the opposite, the main thing is to treat the Hagal rune correctly and everything will go like clockwork. The work of the formula feels slightly like "Magma". You will learn the remaining privileges of the formula when you apply it. The formula is multifaceted.
Hagal - mystical supernatural experience and positive influence
Kano - strengthening magical abilities
Tours - to move the needle and neutralize enemies
Evaz - bringing rapid change and source of prophetic wisdom

Becoming Prosvet

Working runes: Dagaz, Eikhvaz, 2 Fehu (+2 Fehu secondary), 2 Vunyo.
One kroll quickly got a job (which he couldn’t get for about a year), the second quickly had his financial problems solved. I hope becoming will bring enlightenment to your life too!
We make the reservation in our own words and write it down in advance, so that later during the reservation we do not get confused. Something like this: “May the power of these runes open up new opportunities for me in my work, in material benefits, in an increase in salary, in the ability to afford to travel,..... so on. May the power of these runes take me to a new level of material wealth (or spiritual - whatever you want), which will be much higher than the current one..... May the power of these runes end my unsuccessful period in life.... May the power of these runes will help me meet my love and my other half in life...." In general, we discuss everything we need on paper, and then, after applying the runes, we say it out loud. At the end, I always add: "without harm to my physical and mental health. Let it be so.".

Becoming the Path to a Better Life

Runes in this stave:

Raido - Our path, which we should have by right and according to the Divine path

Evaz is the driving force that carries us along our destined path.

Teyvaz is a sword that will pierce those paths that we cannot go through, something that will help us achieve our goal.

Algiz - what is a warrior without a shield? This is our protection and prevention of danger that we can meet with militant courage.

Salt gives us strength to achieve our path.

This RF gives strength in order to overcome all the obstacles on our way to (the activity that you want to get through). It also gives strength and protects from the misfortunes that will be on this path. I activate the runes with breathing, deactivate them with burning. So be it !

Becoming Life

Attracts Luck, health, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment of desires. There are no rules for drawing this stav, but it is best if you first draw the central part (the rectangle and the signs in it), then in a circle (clockwise) the signs outside it, that is start drawing from the top circle, then the right “wheel”, then the signs below, at the end the left “wheel”, while you draw, say your wish in your own words

Becoming Help from Above

Becoming to gain destiny, prosperity, protection, support, etc. Whoever needs something will get it, regardless of his desire. Quite a complex stav both in execution and in application. The difficulty lies in the fact that the effect of stav is a priori positive and affects fate, health and the environment the best way, but this influence is not under your control. There is no need to charge or activate it in any special way.
It begins to work simply when applied to a musical instrument. The vibrations of the instrument activate the steel and within a few days it gains full speed.
Description: The two roses on the sides are hidden runes of appeal to the “High Entities” so that they would turn their attention to you. They ensure that a channel is maintained between you and the higher planes of existence. The middle row is a message that contains a wish for fame, prosperity and happiness and, of course, gratitude for your help.
The middle row is made using the technique of mirror runes: “As above, so below.”
The first rune is the Ehvaz rune, the second is the combination of Raido + Winn, the third is the doubled Anglo-Saxon rune Yr, then two Bjorkans, followed by two Othal runes, and at the end two Dag runes.
The best place to apply stav is a musical instrument: drum, tambourine, flute, guitar, bells (wind music also plays music) in general, everything that produces sounds and what you are able to play. By and large, stav itself determines how to positively influence you , in the sense that you order the music, and the way it is performed no longer depends on you. It works for a long time without recharging and you can wish for more and more new desires throughout its use. Having become specially for those who are in the runes of Nebelmes and opened a page with them for quick and immediate help, not knowing how it all works, in principle it’s a good thing, I came and saw that it could help, drew it and use it as much as necessary. Nice consumer approach. Becoming influences everyone who surrounds you, changes your fate, which means the fate of your child, spouse, so there is protection from fools, no matter what you want, you will get only the best that you can get in life, but not a guarantee that you really wanted it, so everything you receive will have to be accepted with gratitude, because it is given from above, by entities that understand more in earthly life than all of us put together.

Becoming Sunshine

Inside the sun, Ogham inscriptions:
pob lwc- luck
hapusrwydd - happiness
ffyniant - wealth
lles - well-being
grim - strength
kudos - honor
money - money
successful - success
Hooks are Greenlandic letters of success.
Sol - burning blocks, opening financial channels, Sol will also provide energy for the operation of the stave.
And also the Sun-runes, for strengthening
1. Acceleration of internal transformation and access to a new life and spiritual level.
2. Increase in wealth, money, prosperity, health
3. Normalization of relations with someone.
4. Finding harmony.

Becoming Luck

Stable attraction of luck, only luck can be different, do not forget about this, that for me luck, for someone else it will be an incomprehensible coincidence of circumstances. Becoming teaches you to understand what luck is and appreciate it. Thanks to Stav, I realized that there is nothing accidental in this life of mine, and if my car breaks down, it means it’s luck and I avoided other troubles that could have been much more fatal than a punctured tire.

Becoming an Old Friend - good luck in business

Becoming an "Old Friend" Perth+Fehu+Laguz+Vuno to search for and receive non-basic income opportunities. Those who began to use this ligature wrote that it works well to attract opportunities for the implementation of something. I remember reports about how, when used, kalyms appeared and additional opportunities to earn money.
They also used it to find money for a specific cause, i.e. a specific amount and deadlines were agreed upon. My personal feeling from working with a stav is when you have reliable support and a friend who will help you with many little things, find something (for example, good quality boots at the lowest cost or something else, what to do it’s necessary, but your arms can’t reach you and your legs too), to sort out some troubles and inconsistencies in the daily schedule, in short, a lifesaver, with proper reservation, can be considered a bet on good luck in business.

Becoming Happiness nearby

In the center of the stave is the glyph “LIVING WORLDWIDE SENSATION”. It generates a flow of happiness and love from the four corners of the world and attracts happy waves. Allows you to experience life in all its diversity. Opens the heart to goodness, mercy and Higher knowledge. Adjusts thinking to positive. This will undoubtedly affect your relationship with others. People will be drawn to you. The central glyph is surrounded by a powerful wall - a circle of 20 glyphs “BARRIER OF SADNESS”: They open the way to happiness, joy, self-control, bring enormous vital energy, removing depression and melancholy. They have a beneficial effect on consciousness, making a person more open, optimistic and resistant to life’s conflicts. Gives the ability to see the positive side in everything, maintain good spirits and a joyful perception of reality in any situation.

Becoming Happiness

Becoming is intended to tear negativity to shreds,
and to ensure the happiness, joy, well-being of the operator.
Working runes: 3 gebo, 2 ansuz, 2 vunyo, 2 soul, algiz, as well as mannaz and otal of the second plan.
Formula Mechanism:
3 Gebo - firstly, this is luck associated with partnership. A person begins to be lucky in being connected, people have a really positive attitude towards him, and new acquaintances are acquired that help the implementation of plans. Moreover, people receive positivity from communicating with a person and give the same in return.
2 soul is vitality and energy, namely pure energy that gives lightness. There is also insight here, the ability to see the essence, etc.
2 vunye - joy, positive emotions, etc.
2 ansuz - gifts of fate, luck in everything, fulfillment of desires, etc.
otal - a person is like an egr, that is, an independent personality is a magnet.
dagaz - ensures this transformation by removing internal resistance
algiz is the protection of this entire system, the guarantee that all runes will work as intended.
Operating principle: becoming will provide the operator with a comfortable state, moreover, becoming begins to attract what is needed. Moreover, it attracts good luck, creates the preconditions for gifts of fate, ensures happiness and joy, as well as an increase in energy. Stav protects you from negativity and things that can spoil the effect of the stav.
It is recommended to make it in the form of a talisman. I will note that the mood already begins to rise when you just draw ligature, even without a reservation. You feel a surge of energy. Good condition, as if I had fully rested. I cut the amulet before going on a business trip, during which I had to do a lot of not very pleasant things. The business trip was easy, without problems or negativity. Moreover, based on its results, he received a prize) He drew with a rabbit (marker) in the photo.

Becoming the Talisman of the Sun attracts good luck

Talisman of the sun. Attracts good luck. Improves intuition, helps to reveal inner abilities. Able to quickly restore energy. Meditation on this sign allows you to understand the essence of things and any question that interests you.

Becoming Transformation

mannaz - personality,
3 dagaz – ensures personality transformation,
perto – transformable internal state,
Teyvaz - perseverance in the desire to become what you want,
algiz - protection of this system, so that no one interferes with the transformation,
the abundance of soul is the energy for transformation and insight that is necessary for the transformation process.

Formula Mechanism:
Provides internal transformation of personality, abilities and characteristics of the individual and its characteristics in the necessary way. When setting a task, it is important to correctly specify what is being transformed and into what. It’s up to you to decide for yourself what to translate into what) There is complete freedom for action here. To avoid side effects, do not forget to mention the safe operation of the formula so as not to get a good charge of aggression (in best case scenario))) I tested it on myself and the rabbit. I applied it to myself with a marker - left hand and in the photo. Initially, I made a mistake in the slander and received a good dose of aggression))) Having become energy-intensive and can be exhausting both physically and emotionally, but this can all be solved due to the slander.
The work process of the station is stable. I'm pleased with the result. After the stav has completed its task, its action should be stopped and gratefully destroyed.

Becoming AUJA - Luck 1 consists of Ansuz-Uruz-Jera-Ansuz

Becoming Luck 2

I walk through life with a soft gait
Gathering gifts with a generous hand
Providence gives, from birth to funeral feast
And gives health, wealth, love
Fortune is with me, gifts from Heaven
From generosity sun, in the palm of your hand dumps
She lights up with a sure harbinger
He will reward me with wealth and love

DISCLAIMER: This magical formula gives me unprecedented luck in all my plans, endeavors and intentions. Gently, progressively, naturally: - expanding my consciousness, for constant readiness to accept the possibilities and results of my efforts, and also for receiving, previously, everything that was not received by me, throughout my life, for my good

Becoming a weather vane

The name of the stave was born during the testing process, where our intention is directed - luck goes there too! The framework of the stav consists of runes of the Sol-runir series: the rune of good luck, the runes of fulfillment of desires (any) and the fulfillment of plans. The filling of the weather vane is ligature, which has already become a classic.
The range turned out to be wide: from money (in the form of side earnings) to resolving conflicts in the family, which was surprising. You can just try it on paper first, it unwinds quickly and doesn’t draw energy. You can simply apply it with the general intention “for good luck”, gifts and various pleasantries begin to pour in..

Becoming a Flower

The glyph of power replaced the glyph of liberation. Becoming more focused on changing the situation for the better (from minus to plus), strengthened by the letters of Charlemagne.
The stakes, due to the spiral, will work to expand the living space, like circles on water when you throw a stone. Valid for 1 week.

Becoming an Elven tray

Bet on luck, success, luck, successful completion of a certain task.
becoming works with certain elves (spirits), the work is aimed at improving things through changes, achieving success, winning in business and protecting, this is not an ornament, just a kind of stylization of staves, it only adds power to staves, previously it was believed that stylization of runes not only hides their meanings from the hostile side, but also significantly enhances the effect of the stav. Therefore, it’s good that your stakes turned out to be so interesting and unusual. In your staves you have salt and elven runes, also triple letters (look, there was a topic about elven runes, they are there). Elven runes call upon certain spirits (elves) to do their work. This is the Gate to the “other” world (life). There is not only rune magic here. Additional forces are also woven into the staves. There is no need for a curse clause. The task is set as a whole. The direction of action in the stakes is set by a verbal stipulation. If the reservation is not made, the position will work in all directions at once.

Becoming Alpenstock

Becoming a Gift of the Gods

Consists of Perth, Evaz, Raido, Gebo.
In order to correct the future expected situation, the most likely future, to receive what you want as a gift from fate...
Becoming can be used to change a person’s fate, if it is bad, it can be used to open roads, it can be used to gain any abilities, not necessarily magical, any abilities and talents, it can also be simple, for example, a talent for drawing or dancing, or maybe a talent for fortune telling is acceptable. I also agree with you about the formation of the future; you can also make this central (as in the examples where three staves go together), and surround it on the sides with those staves that describe the necessary events, for example, staves for health and well-being. It can also be used to work with the OS, but this is more like an additional function; becoming, as an additional action, can give lucid dreams and help in traveling through the worlds; it can help with exits to the astral plane, if necessary. Also, becoming can be used in cases memory loss, for recovery, will work very well, while the reasons for memory loss do not play a role, becoming will help a person remember in any case. A good becoming, it is soft enough, and at the same time the runes are strong, and the structure of the stave is perfectly composed "

Becoming Wheel of Fortune

Many thanks to Blagomir for the design
In essence, becoming is a lottery drum in which fate mixes its options for events
According to my favorite quantum physics, all possible events exist simultaneously. Probably, we ourselves pull out a specific one, according to our desires, experience, attachments, mental attitudes, etc. And we are not always satisfied with the option that comes out.
This entry is an attempt to play this lottery in a format that is more profitable for us.
Porn description:
Inguz, the basis is the field of events, actions
There is a swastika in it, in the center of its soul there is an energy engine, starting the wheel and mixing options
Several ansuz in a swastika - different options for events
The elm at the top is the task for starting the wheel - teyvaz, manaz, ansuz - our conscious intention, installation - choose the best option for yourself
The elm under the wheel - Teyvaz, Evaz, Fehu - a filter (Fehu), through which only the best option can fall out and be put into action in real life (Teyvaz, Evaz).
And this realized happiness - soul ligature, dagaz, vunyo - falls straight into our hands - perto
The winnings can be defined as events, specific values, intangible resources.

Becoming a lucky bauble

2 Fehu - provide concentration of magical power, concentration and direction in the right direction, and also contribute to increasing the material level.
2 Algiz - provide protection, patronage of the Gods, increase personal luck
Odal - provides protection of real estate from the encroachments of various thieves and other dashing people, builds a sacred fence that protects a person from negative influences, and contributes to the accumulation of material wealth.
Dagaz - helps transform a dark, bad period in life into a good one, resolve crises and eliminate dark streaks in life, ensures financial well-being.
Increasing the personal power of the operator.
Kenaz - helps to obtain additional operator power for creative spells, gives control of the magical flow, insight, idea, inspiration. They help a person to express himself creatively.
2 Gebo – increase magical power and abilities, help bring people closer together, create equal partnerships, and give good luck, especially when negotiating.
Nautiz (secondary) – strengthens the operator’s intention (desire), gives strength to achieve what is planned, eliminates the feeling of false duty, gives the operator will, perseverance, and sobriety of mind.

The glyph for getting what you want (from Arabic glyphs for well-being) speaks for itself about its purpose. The position of the moon when using runes does not matter. You can activate becoming in any way, as you are used to doing it usually. I activate staves with breathing. If you turn to the Gods in a slander, then of course you need to thank them. The gifts will depend on who exactly you will contact in the reservation. There is a separate topic on our forum about who, how and what gifts to offer. I wish you good luck, may this becoming love you and bring exactly the result that you put into it.
