Interesting facts about Vanga. Vanga. Only real facts. People will kill each other for their faith, confident in the justice of such murders

Baba Vanga is a world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant with a unique gift of foreseeing the most important events in the world. The biography of a clairvoyant is considered the most mysterious among all famous people last century, since it lacks confirmed events. However, Vanga’s predictions are still an unsolved phenomenon, as the popular press claims. Fans of Vanga's gift are finding new evidence that prophecies continue to come true with incredible accuracy in modern world, while skeptics say the opposite.

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova was born on January 31, 1911 in the family of Bulgarian peasants Pande and Paraskeva in the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia. The newborn did not receive her name right away, as she was very weak and her family did not believe that the girl would survive. Immediately after birth, she was wrapped in a sheepskin coat and placed under the stove, where two months later she cried for the first time. This became a symbol that the future clairvoyant had grown stronger and would live. Therefore, the girl was immediately baptized in the church and given the name Vangelia, meaning “bringer of good news.”

Until the end of her life, Vanga remained religious. The clairvoyant urged people to believe in, to be kinder and wiser.

At the same time, Vanga interpreted in a peculiar way biblical parables and came up with own prayers. The fortuneteller loved to retell to journalists the legend of the flood and Noah's Ark. According to Vanga, the famous ark was ten steps from the clairvoyant’s house, and the woman could touch the warm wood, which Vanga really liked to do. Fans of Vanga's prophetic gift interpret these stories in different ways.

Personal life

Vanga’s personal life, like the entire biography of the clairvoyant, has no official confirmation. It is known that the clairvoyant of the 20th century found her first love in the House of the Blind. Then Vanga was even ready to marry her chosen one, but all plans were changed by her father, who urgently returned the girl home.

Vanga's only husband was Dimitar Gushterov, who married a blind soothsayer in 1942. Then Dimitar took his wife to his hometown of Petrich, which was located on the border of Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia. The couple lived for 40 years until the death of Dimitar, who passed away due to many years of drunkenness and its consequences for health.

Vanga's children are also one of the most interesting biography of the soothsayer. It is known that the clairvoyant was childless, but during her life she adopted two children - a boy, Dimitar Volchev, and a girl, Violetta. The seer raised her adopted children as worthy people, they were given a good education and the “right” start in life.


Vanga's departure occurred on August 11, 1996. The clairvoyant predicted her own death a month before the incident. The cause of death of the great fortuneteller was breast cancer, which began to progress rapidly in the last months of Vanga’s life.

Your own demise Vanga accepted with a smile on her lips. The clairvoyant called on the whole world not to mourn her, since the load that Vanga had to carry through life was unbearable.

The achievements of the fortuneteller for humanity are highly appreciated in modern society. In honor of Vanga, a museum dedicated to the seer was opened in Petrich in 2008, and in 2011 in Rupite, where she lived last years clairvoyant, a statue weighing 400 kg was installed.

Vanga's predictions that came true

Some of the clairvoyant’s predictions that came true appeared on the Internet in 2001, without primary sources indicating Vanga’s authorship. Skeptics claim that the Vanga phenomenon is a falsification started by the Bulgarian government and intelligence services in order to attract tourist flow and, accordingly, financial investments.

According to popular sources, over half a century Vanga made 7 thousand predictions that came true. In addition to World War II, the clairvoyant predicted events in Syria, Nicaragua and Prague. In 1943, Vanga predicted a fiasco in the war with Russia, to which the German Fuhrer only laughed, which turned out to be in vain.

Photos from open sources

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga never mentioned 2019, although she sometimes mentioned the end of the second decade of the coming century. Moreover, even at the same time, she did not say anything specific about our time, these were all hints and some general phrases that today everyone can interpret as they like. (website)

Nevertheless, let's look at the most interesting interpretations of the vague phrases thrown by Vangelina regarding the future. Moreover, even a translation from Bulgarian can radically distort the meaning of the prediction, not to mention many other factors (for example, falsification) that can reduce all these prophecies to almost zero.

Photos from open sources

And yet, for those who are interested, let’s read what Vanga allegedly said about our time, and what the most insightful researchers of her heritage think about this:

The actions of a huge country will plunge the whole world into confusion

There can be only three options here: the United States of America, China or Russia. No one can know who the blind seer had in mind, but every nation has the right to interpret this prophecy in its own favor. How else? Many in the world hope that this is, after all, Russia, since Vanga has always called our country the brightest and most spiritual.

The old order will be replaced by a new one, pleasing to man and God.

They say that in recent years Vangelina repeated this saying as a refrain, moreover, often specifically pointing to the end of the second decade of our century. Experts believe that this is the most optimistic forecast of the Bulgarian fortuneteller, but now it is difficult to believe in it. Can everything really change so radically and so quickly?..

People will kill each other for their faith, confident in the justice of such murders

But this prophecy is already coming true. It is enough to trace how the confrontation in the Middle East is growing, the real threat of terrorists allegedly acting in the name of Allah, and so on. In this case, even the migration wave that has swept Europe, its murderous consequences, fits perfectly with this prediction.

The earth will rebel and many will die for this reason

Natural disasters in the form of volcanoes, earthquakes, monstrous hurricanes, and incomprehensible climate disasters are already rampant on the planet today. It seems that in the near future such a protest from the Earth will only increase, as Vanga warned us about.


Photos from open sources

Researchers of the predictions of the Bulgarian seer constantly mention that she spoke about victory over cancer, old age, flights to the Sun and many other amazing things that will certainly happen in the future, without naming a specific date, but always emphasizing that much depends on the people themselves , from their faith and love. And if we take into account first of all these words of Vangelina, we can highlight the main thing - she perfectly understood that the future is ambiguous, that it can be radically changed by bringing the Apocalypse closer or, conversely, pushing it back. The main thing is to believe in the best, strive for it and everyone to do for this a little good that is in their power.

And then, it is quite possible that the coming year 2019 will become a turning point for our civilization for the better, when, like , an order will reign on Earth that will please both God and every person living on our planet...

Since ancient times, people have been interested in what awaits them in the future. And even in the present, progressive time, we continue to look for answers and try to look into the future with the help of psychics and soothsayers. In 2016, Russia learned about a new prediction for 2018 for the country from Vanga’s heiress, a French girl. According to these predictions, global changes are coming not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

Heir to the clairvoyant

The young soothsayer was born in 2003 in the city of Montpellier in France. Not much is known about her, since parents are very worried about their child and try not to post information about her on the Internet.

It is known that the girl has a serious illness that is progressing. She quickly loses her sight, but this only enhances her psychic abilities.

At the age of five, the girl, Vanga's heir, made her first predictions. Initially they seemed to be only family and friends. Over time, her abilities began to improve. The visions began to concern global world events, for example, she predicted a terrorist attack in Belgium and the overthrow of Gaddafi.

The girl, Vanga's heir, receives predictions through prophetic dreams and spirits. Her visions are easily interpreted; the girl Kaede often sketches all her visions and pictures that come to mind.

Popularity in Russia

Even before her death, the great seer Vanga predicted the appearance of an heir who would receive her abilities as a gift. She assumed that this would be a transmigration of the soul. Many caring people and fans of the healer’s gift have been looking for such an heir since the 2000s.

In Europe they try not to talk about it; few people know about the girl. But the predictions of the heiress Vanga began to come true with enviable accuracy. In our country it immediately gained popularity. She sees the future of many countries, including Russia.

Many here believe that she is the reincarnation of the great Vanga.

In 2016, Uber came to our country and gave an interview to journalists from the NTV channel. During the program, she announced new predictions about Russia for 2018.

Prediction about Russia

Having studied these predictions about our country, the following events can be expected in 2018.

The fall of the national currency - the ruble. This prediction came true; we are indeed seeing a decline in the economy.

Lifting sanctions. Vanga's heiress claimed that America and Europe would lift all sanctions aimed at blocking the Russian economy.

The President will lead the country into a bright future. She argued that the country under Putin's leadership would achieve significant success on the world stage.

A French girl predicted that an unknown flu virus would begin to spread. She claims that the threat will come from the East.

Russian athletes will achieve many victories in sports in the coming years. She talked about restrictions, but they will be lifted. And athletes will be able to take part in competitions.

Other prophecies

The prophecies of Kaede Uber concern not only our country, but also other countries:

  • Vanga's heiress said that she did not see Barack Obama's further political career.
  • She predicted terrorist attacks in France and warned that the next ones would be on US soil.
  • In their prophetic dreams the girl often sees Arabs, she believes that they pose a threat and wars and terrorist attacks should be expected (most likely she meant ISIS).
  • The girl believes that in the coming years France will be filled with immigrants from the Middle East.
  • Kaede said that there would be another coup in Ukraine, larger than the Maidan. Poroshenko has been overthrown, and as a politician he will no longer appear on the political arena.
  • Now Uber is very afraid of migrants, she says that they are a potential threat: “Disease and war have no borders!”
  • The girl predicts the spread of a terrible virus that will come from Hong Kong and Central Asia. She says there is no cure for it and a lot of people will die. The epidemic will spread to all countries of the world. That is why she warns people against visiting countries that are potentially epidemiologically dangerous.

Unfulfilled prophecies

Should you trust the young soothsayer? The answers are very contradictory. She has many prophecies that came true, but she also made mistakes.

For example, predicting the future of Russia, Vanga’s heiress said that Putin would resign from office in 2016 and leave power forever. A new president will take his place. But this prophecy did not come true.

In addition, the young seer predicted Hillary Clinton's victory in the United States. But here too Kaede was mistaken.

In addition, she believed that the East would become an island of peace and stability. In the meantime, it is seething due to constant terrorist attacks and the war in Syria.

So, who is Kande Uber?

  • They call her: “the heiress of Baba Vanga.”
  • The girl lives in France, she has a serious genetic disease, as a result of which she is losing her sight and may soon become completely blind.
  • She claims to see the future in her dreams.
  • She made her first predictions at the age of 5.
  • Vanga herself predicted her appearance 30 years ago, and she even named the country in which her heir would be born.
  • Kaede Uber dreams of becoming a doctor and treating people.

What kind of illness does the young soothsayer have?

Opinions on this matter are mixed. According to the foreign press, she is sick with a genetic disease - chromosome 17 is damaged. This is what some doctors say. It manifests itself in impaired motor skills of the child and in developmental delays; as a rule, the child gradually begins to lose acquired skills and does not live to see 10 years of age. It is for this reason, since the girl is already 14 years old, many scientists claim that Kaede has a disorder not of chromosome 17, but of the 21st - which is called Down syndrome. This is a form of genetic pathology in which, as a rule, a person develops peculiar features of appearance and psyche: Mongoloid eye shape, flat bridge of the nose, flattened face, developmental delay, low resistance to infections.

Similarities between Vanga and Uber

It should be noted that many people really note the similarity between the little French soothsayer and Vanga. When making prophecies, Uber also raises his index finger up. Parents complain that the stronger the gift manifests itself, the more the child’s vision declines. Uber began to lose her sight from early childhood and doctors predict complete blindness for her.

The girl is also limited in movement, like Vanga.

Instead of a conclusion

It is difficult to say whether the French girl is actually clairvoyant, because not all of her prophecies come true, and some of them are completely contradictory.

Perhaps the reason for this lies in the fact that she is still a child. Either her predictions are not interpreted correctly. Sometimes Vanga’s heiress draws to more accurately explain what she saw in her dream.

Should we believe her predictions? This is a personal matter for everyone. But we should not forget about common sense in the pursuit of new predictions. This way you can separate reality from fiction and not create illusions.

Most people know or have at some point heard about a blind soothsayer from Bulgaria named Vanga (Vangelia). For science, her gift is a phenomenon that doctors, physicists and hypnotists tried to study. But the scientists were not unanimous. The verdict was this: no rigorous evidence of prophetic abilities was found, but it was impossible to deny it.

Biography of Vangelia

She was born in the Bulgarian city of Strumich, into a poor peasant family. She was a premature 7-month old, and she was even given a name only 2 months later. And in those days, if a child was born in a Bulgarian family, there was a custom to go out into the street and ask for advice on what to name him. That’s what Vangelia’s grandmother Pandeva Gushterova did (Vanga’s maiden name was Dimitrova). She went out into the street and the wanderer called the name - Vangelia (means Good News).

When the girl was only 4 years old, Vanga’s mother died. While the father was at the fronts of the First World War, the child grew up with a neighbor. Returning from the war, Vanga's father married for the second time. As if anticipating her fate, from an early age the girl loved to play doctor and...blind. Her greatest entertainment was to be blindfolded and find previously hidden things.

In 1923, father and stepmother, together with Vanga, moved to Macedonia. That same year, Vanga lost her sight: a whirlwind threw her several hundred meters. Twelve-year-old Vanga was returning from a spring - a terrible hurricane arose, a huge air funnel lifted the girl into the sky and carried her away. They found her with her eyes covered with sand... They couldn’t cure her due to lack of money and Vangelia went blind... Then she was sent to a school for the blind, where she learned to read the alphabet for the blind. The gift of clairvoyance lay dormant in her, before she went blind, she often closed her eyes, doing some kind of work or looking for something. And she told those around her that for some reason she thought that this would be useful to her.

From 1925 to 1928, Vanga was in the House of the Blind in Zemun, Serbia. When her stepmother died, the girl returned to Strumitsa. For the first time she heard voices in her head in 1941, and she was afraid to say about it, she did not want to be recognized as crazy. They say that before the start of World War II, an ancient warrior who appeared to her predicted: “Soon the world will turn upside down and many people will die... you will stand and predict the dead and the living.” A rumor spread through the surrounding villages that the girl was accurately indicating the location of people missing in the war, determining whether they were alive, or naming the place of their death and burial. At this time, Vanga met her future husband, Dimitar. He wanted to find out who killed his brother and take revenge. A stately and handsome guy wooed Vanga, they got married and lived together for 20 years. In recent years he began to drink heavily and died. And a few years later an orphan boy came to her house and his name was also Dimitar. And he became Vanga’s own son.

The rumor spread throughout Bulgaria. On April 8, 1942, Boris III himself, the Tsar of Bulgaria, came to Vanga. Vanga was “helped” by pieces of sugar to look into the future. Vanga demanded that visitors keep them under their pillow all night. Meticulous statisticians have calculated that the clairvoyant had about a million visitors who brought her 2 tons of refined sugar!

Vangelia also helped the sick. She could make a diagnosis, suggest how to treat, or refer her to doctors. And she said where this or that doctor lives. She pointed out the cause of the disease, since the cause is not always physical; it happens that it is given to us for edification, bad thoughts or actions.

She healed physically and mentally. And in the Bulgarian city of Petrich there is not a single family that Vanga would not help.

Since 1967, she has been in the public service.

Vangelia is very popular in Bulgaria and the countries of the former USSR. In the USA, Wang is almost unknown; in Europe, her prophecies are treated with great skepticism. In her homeland, Vanga is, first of all, considered a healer who could find an individual approach to each patient. Some general healing tips from Vanga can be successfully applied by all people.

Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova; January 31, 1911, Strumitsa, Ottoman Empire - August 11, 1996 Petrich, Bulgaria) - Bulgarian clairvoyant.

Vanga was born in the Ottoman Empire. Her father was a poor peasant. The mother died very early, and the father married a second time. The stepmother was kind and caring towards Vanga. In 1923, the girl was picked up by a hurricane and carried away two kilometers. The girl was terribly scared. However, the worst was yet to come. Due to the copious amounts of dust and dirt that got into her eyes, Vanga went blind. At first the eyes swollen and reddened, and then became dead and white. The girl spent three years in the Home for the Blind. There she studied a special alphabet for the blind and studied music. Here she met her love. A blind young man who also fell in love with Vanga. However, instead of a blessing from her father, Vanga received a letter full of prayers asking her to come home. The stepmother died, leaving three children. He cannot do without Vanga’s help. What kind of personal life could we be talking about? The girl rushed to her father.

In order to somehow help her father, she did everything in her power. She sewed, knitted, and spun. The tests were just beginning. Vanga stood for a very long time on the icy cement floor in line to receive benefits for the New Year. As a result, she caught a cold in her legs and was unable to walk. Then - lo and behold! “She got to her feet. People were amazed at her incredible abilities. Vanga could find a sheep or predict fate. She only had to pay attention to the person, as his life flashed before her mind's eye. Vanga knew everything in advance. However, she used her gift very carefully. She knew that she could not prevent fate.

The soothsayer did not think about her personal life. One day a soldier came to her. He asked her to indicate who killed his brother. Vanga promised to fulfill the request, but before that she made the guy swear not to take revenge on the killer. Dmitry Gushterov became Vanga's husband. They lived together for twenty years. When he died, Vanga was kneeling by his bed and suddenly fell asleep. When she woke up, she claimed that she was escorting the soul of her husband to the place prepared for her.

Vanaga sincerely believed that kindness is the key to mental health. By helping others, a person helps, first of all, himself. Vanga collected herbs for treatment herself. She argued that healing herbal infusions can be taken not only internally, but also doused with them. Vanga also treated it by applying frog skin. Vanga’s main advantage was not to break ties with those who are no longer alive. The blind soothsayer knew how to communicate with those who were dead. She didn't need anything for this. Even at 85 years old, Vanga did not stop helping people. In 1967, Vanga was registered as a civil servant. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary. Vanga died in 1996 from cancer of the right breast. She did not allow herself to have surgery. In her will, she wrote that she wanted to be buried in her backyard. However, the Vangi Foundation decided otherwise. The blind soothsayer was buried in the fence of the chapel of St. Paraskeva.
