How should a desk stand? Where to put the table for the student. North South. Where is the best place for a children's room

The writing table is an integral part of the children's room. It is necessary as an attribute of personal space and a place to do homework. It is best to place it near the window, because it is a source of natural light. Also, this arrangement will be a good option if you want to maximize the useful area of ​​​​the room.

Location Features

Choosing a place for a desk is one of the important points in planning a children's room. Some parents prefer to place such furniture against the wall. This option is convenient because a large number of hanging shelves for books and stationery can be placed above the work surface. Such a solution will ensure the unloading of the table itself, but with this arrangement, the free space of the room is significantly reduced.

For a small bedroom, the best solution would be a location near the window. With this table, you can replace the window sill and significantly increase the usable space. In the children's room there will be more space for games and relaxation.

Important Points

Modern manufacturers of children's furniture offer various table options for both one and two children, as everyone needs their own place where school supplies and other personal items will be located. Remember that in addition to textbooks and notebooks, the child needs space for a briefcase. A good solution would be to have special hooks or shelves under the table.

When placing the child’s workplace by the window, be sure to check all window fittings for serviceability:

  • windows should not blow;
  • the possibility of ventilation is necessary;
  • mechanisms must prevent accidental opening of windows.

The next point is the batteries. Most often they are located in this part of the room. Consider their location when installing furniture, try not to block the heating places, the temperature in the room during the cold season will depend on this. If there are no other installation options, then use special protective partitions under the table so that the heating of the apartment does not interfere with the student doing his own business.

If the bedroom is small, then you should not buy a table with shelves and drawers. Such a modification will visually load the place near the window. Products that have thin metal legs or two flat wooden supports along the edges will help ease the load. This design simplifies cleaning under furniture and leaves the right to choose a place to sit, which tables with side tables do not have.

For two children

When two children occupy one common room, special attention must be paid to the study area. Both children should have the same space, number of shelves, lighting fixtures and enough space on the table to accommodate all the necessary supplies and do their homework at the same time.

Make sure that in the nursery there is still room for games and recreation, as for the harmonious development of the personality, comfortable rest and communication with friends are necessary. Choose furniture based on the personal needs of each child and taking into account the size of the room.

Installation options

Solid table top along the window. With this arrangement, the children will sit as if at a school desk. It is worth taking care of the separation of the personal space of each child, especially if this furniture will be used for a boy and a girl at the same time. Often in such cases, a cabinet is used between workplaces, a desktop bookcase or a transparent partition.

Choosing this option, pay special attention to the material of the countertop. It should be thick enough and strong enough, as this table experiences a double load. Check with the manufacturer what materials are used in the production of your chosen furniture and whether they can withstand heavy loads. Also, the surface should be unpretentious in maintenance and easy to clean.

Corner table. The essence of the design is that the table is located with the letter G in one of the free corners. Schoolchildren will be side by side and will not observe what is happening on the neighbor's table. This arrangement will allow you not to be distracted by trifles and take up relatively little space. Shelves for books and other accessories can be placed in the corner above the furniture. At the same time, in this position, children will be able to easily pass various objects to each other without leaving their chairs.

Two identical tables. This modification is good because there is a passage between the desks that naturally divides the space. It also opens up free access to the window without having to stand on the furniture. A very important point is that the tables are the same and each child has an equal number of drawers and shelves for their personal belongings. Special attention should be paid to lighting, as the light will fall from different directions.

Two tables in the corners. A good option if the nursery is wide enough. Children are turned with their backs in the aisle and are at a distance. With their movements, they do not interfere with each other and everyone can do homework or creativity without distracting a neighbor. As in the option of identical tables along the window, the room has quick access to a source of fresh air.

An additional advantage is that you can use two corners for shelves, because different children have different hobbies. One will have flowers, figurines, photographs, and the other can have cars, flags and other things the child needs.

Requirements for choosing a job

The desktop will be the place where the child will spend a lot of time during the entire period of schooling.. It should be comfortable, functional, practical. Its installation should not take up all the space in the room, it is necessary to leave enough space for games and morning exercises.

By the beginning of the school year, parents of a future student should think not only about school uniforms, but also about how to organize a workplace for their first-grader. In our previous articles, we have already talked about the need to create several zones in the room of any student - a sleep zone, a study zone, and a play or entertainment zone. Today we will talk about how to equip a study area for a first grade student so that he is comfortable doing lessons here and, most importantly, that these classes do not harm his health. We have collected the most frequently asked questions of parents of first-graders, the answers to which will help in organizing the student's workplace.

1. What kind of table does a first grader need?

For a first-grader, you need to be especially careful when choosing a desk, because the child’s posture, his vision and, no less important, the desire to learn will depend on the size and model. Regarding the size of the desk, there are several strict rules:

height depends on the height of the child: 45-48 centimeters is enough for a first grader. When going to the store at the table, take your child with you, only in this way you will choose a table that fits him perfectly. A desk is considered optimal if its edge is exactly at the chest level of a seated child (then he can lean on his elbows), he does not support the table top with his knees from below, and his legs are at a right angle.

depth the working surface should be at least 60-80 centimeters, width - 120-160 centimeters.


In order not to change the student's desk every two or three years, it is better to give preference to a transformable model. By the way, experts advise purchasing a separate table for a computer, which will also appear in the nursery over time - it will be inconvenient to do homework in front of the monitor, so you need a separate surface for writing. If the room is small and there is not enough space for two tables in it, it is better to purchase a slightly larger table, for example, a corner table, in one part of which there will be a computer, and in the other there will be free space for classes.

2. Where to place a desk in the nursery?

It is best to put a desk to the left of the window, sideways, or to the right, but turning the front side to the window. The first option is convenient because the child is less distracted by street events, and the second allows you to well illuminate the work surface in the daytime. Designers often offer to turn the entire window sill into a desk. This is really a great option for a small room.


3. What chair to choose for a first grader?

It is important to choose a suitable chair, because the posture of the child depends on it. The chair should not be too high: the child's legs, bent at right angles, should touch the floor, while his back should touch the back of the chair. It is better if it is a comfortable work chair with adjustable seat height and back position, then it will be possible to adjust the height and position of the chair with the growth of the child. The seat should not be deep so that during classes the student does not hunch over and leans on his back. It is better to refuse a spinning chair and choose a fixed model for this age.



4. Are there any requirements for student furniture?

There are a number of requirements for the material from which the nursery furniture is made. It is desirable that the furniture for schoolchildren be made of natural materials: it is better to buy a wooden table. The material for the upholstery of the chair is also better to choose natural. When buying furniture for a student, be sure to pay attention to the product certificate: it must comply with GOST, developed for children's furniture. Plastic furniture, as well as furniture made of impregnated wood-glue materials, are unsafe due to possible fumes of harmful substances.

5. How to create the perfect study lighting?

So that the child’s vision is not affected by classes, it is best to combine light sources above the desktop. The combination of wall sconces or a light cornice with reflected light and a separate lamp directly above the work area is considered optimal.
The classic picture - a child sitting with only a table lamp in a dark room - is an absolutely wrong approach, because the light of only a table lamp is categorically contraindicated for children. If the rest of the room is darkened, the contrast will quickly tire the eyes of a first-grader who are not adapted to such loads, and contribute to a deterioration in vision.


6. How to help a first-grader organize order at the table?

If there are no roll-out drawers in the desk, then all the items necessary for the educational process must be placed within the reach of the child - no further than at arm's length. For these purposes, bedside tables, shelves and racks, as well as mobile plastic containers located under the table, can serve. If the table is located near a wall without a window, then a fabric organizer with a large number of pockets can be placed on it, which perfectly fits stationery and other little things that the child needs during the learning process. Also, you can use cortical boards, to which notes and all kinds of little things will be attached.


Teach your child to keep order in the workplace from the first grade. After class, invite him to tidy up all the accessories so that each item is in its place, and the work surface of the table always remains free.

7. Is it possible to help a child remember the daily routine?

In the life of a first grader, a lot of things change, the daily routine gets the main role. Buy a pack of office paper, bright markers or felt-tip pens, and come up with your child's first schedule. You can use such ready-made pictures or make them yourself - and hang this board near the child's desktop. For the first month, such a daily routine will help your child get used to new living conditions, and you will avoid nervous explanations and children's tears.


Consider how a Feng Shui student's study corner should be equipped. We all know that some children manage to do their homework quickly and get good grades, while others are busy with homework until midnight and to no avail, the next day the child still comes with a deuce. Do you know why this is happening? As a rule, the point is not at all in the mental abilities of the child, but in his educational place. There are no stupid kids. But an improperly organized educational place is a fairly common phenomenon.

The requirements for the educational place are reduced to being attractive to the child. After all, for fast and high-quality homework, he needs to concentrate his attention on them. And all the subjects in the study corner should contribute to this. There are several Feng Shui tricks that allow you to create an attractive work area.

Feng Shui study corner for schoolchildren. Where to put a desk

The place for study should be organized as follows: the child sits with his back to the wall, and the table is in front of him. The wall is subconsciously perceived as a support, so in this position the child will feel confident and calm.

The whole room and the entrance to it are in his line of sight, and he does not worry that adults will take him by surprise. This will allow him to concentrate and do his homework most effectively.

The place of study will be even more comfortable if the child has support on the left - the left side is energetically weaker, besides, the heart is located here. Also make sure that sharp corners are not directed at the child sitting at the table - furniture, wall ledges, window sills and other furnishings. Often the child does not sit at the desk precisely because of the presence of "poisonous arrows": he intuitively seeks to leave the zone of their influence.

A big mistake is to put a desk right next to the window. The child will longingly watch how his peers play in the yard, and this will discourage him from doing any homework.

Once in my practice there was a case when parents complained about the poor academic performance of their son, while his desktop was located right by the window. I advised to transplant the child to another, more suitable place. A week later, his mom called me and said they were pleasantly surprised by the results. The boy literally stuck to the new school place and wrote an excellent essay on literature, which had never happened before.

It is undesirable to put a desk between a window and a door. This arrangement is called a "bullet through": the energy rushes through this span and de-energizes both the place itself and the person sitting there. The child will not sit long in such a place. The feeling of discomfort will cause him to jump up every five minutes. In addition to everything else, the child may have problems with the spine. If it is problematic to allocate another place for the table, hang a cut glass ball on the window, put indoor plants on the windowsill, and hang wind chimes in the doors: these items will become a protective barrier to the flow of energy.

Position the table so that the child sits facing in one of his favorable directions, preferably in the best: it will be easy for him to concentrate, assimilation of new information will go faster, and the energies of a good direction will program him for success. When a child reaches the age of 10, this is a prerequisite.

Feng Shui study corner for schoolchildren. What should be a desk and chair

We decided on a place for a desk. Now about how he and the chair should be.

Naturally, when choosing furniture, typical recommendations should be taken into account. Let me remind you of some of them. The table should fit: an unfolded album, a stand for pencils and pens, a table lamp. Although you can save on a lamp by placing lighting above the table. Useful bedside table with three or four drawers.

The optimal table height is selected as follows. Seat the child on a chair and ask him to bend his elbows at a right angle: they should be at the level of the table top. The legs of a child sitting at a table, bent at a right angle, should rest against the floor or against a special stand, otherwise he will spin, taking complex and harmful poses for the spine. Make sure that there is enough space under the table so that the child can safely stretch his legs.

You will need a chair with a comfortable back. The height is selected as follows: when landing, the back should fit snugly against the back of the chair, and the legs should be bent at a right angle. It is better to immediately buy a chair with a height-adjustable seat, armrests and a high back. It is desirable that the angle between the seat and the back of the chair is slightly more than 90 °.

You can buy a table and chair of an office plan, but with a children's design - bright colors, with the image of cartoon characters.

Both the table and the chair should not have sharp corners. Angles have an aggressive effect on any person, and on a child in the first place. Try to find furniture with rounded outlines. Actually, the same requirements apply to all nursery furniture. And it is not useful for adults to live surrounded by angular objects.

Desk drawer handles should be round or oval, preferably wood, but not metal or trimmed with metal! Try to choose such furniture for the nursery that there are no metal linings on it. It is better if the heads of the screws and bolts connecting the furniture joints are covered with plastic overlays. Above the table, you must certainly hang at different heights three pictures depicting a flowering plant, a smiling person and one of the monetary symbols (the cornucopia, the god Hottei, etc.).

Work lighting should be neutral in color and directed towards the desk, not diffused. When choosing a lamp, remember about "poison arrows": do not buy lamps with sharp design elements. Fluorescent lamps in the nursery are highly undesirable. The ideal solution is a lamp with a round white shade: such a shade helps a lot to concentrate.

Every parent wants their child to have only the best. If it is possible to allocate a separate room in an apartment or in a house for a baby, then it should be the warmest, brightest and most comfortable. Most often, a children's room is a room where a child sleeps, plays, prepares lessons, where he brings friends and considers it his own territory. Recently, many parents are trying to equip the nursery and organize the child's living space using the popular technique - Feng Shui. It has its own secrets and features, which we are going to tell you about.

1.Room for a child

If you have a child, he must have his own room, or, at worst, a part of the room that will be considered a "children's corner" - so say Feng Shui experts. The thing is that the energy of a child is different from the energy of an adult, so he needs his own zone where he would sleep and play, otherwise the child will quickly overwork. It is impossible to make one universal room for a child from birth to, say, 18 years old, because at different periods of life we ​​have different energy, which needs a different balance of yin and yang forces. For example, children under six years of age are very dependent on their parents, so their energy does not have an individual flow, but at the same time, it is impossible for the child’s bedroom to be opposite the parent’s, as experts are sure that this can lead to disobedience, and then to real rebellion. If for kids the room is a place to sleep and play, then for older children it is a place to sleep, do homework and meet friends. It doesn’t matter how old the child is, but his room should be divided into zones - a bedroom, where there will be a bed and a playroom (hereinafter - a work room).

2. The main rules for the location of the room

Feng Shui offers a few rules that you should listen to before you start decorating a child's room. First of all, this room should be close to the parents' bedroom. When choosing a nursery, try to ensure that the room is oriented to the east, or at least located in the eastern part of the house. At the same time, the nursery should be located as far as possible from the front door, bathroom, kitchen, toilet and various other utility rooms. If the room will have an adjacent room with the above rooms, then it is still worth putting protection to this wall - it can be a closet, a picture or a carpet. If the door of the children's room opens onto such unfavorable premises, then teach the child to always keep it closed. Remember that the nursery should have a flat ceiling, there should not be any slopes or ceiling beams that protrude noticeably.


The sleeping place should not be located near the front door, as this will interfere with restful sleep. In addition, if the bed is on the way to the desk, it will be difficult for the child to concentrate on homework, he will often be sleepy. If you have two children, it’s still better to abandon the bunk bed that is popular today, since the baby who sleeps on the “first floor” will feel discomfort, because the structure will hang over him, and the child who sleeps on the “second floor” will feel himself uncomfortable, as he will be "torn off the ground." That is why it is undesirable to put a loft bed for a child. The place under the bed should remain free, you should not store boxes there. Boxes with toys and old things and so on. Do not buy a bed that stands close to the floor - let it be better there will be a place so that the “chi” energy can safely move around. Remember that for a baby under the age of three, a crib with sides is required. Place the crib so that the child, lying on it, can perfectly see everyone who enters his room.


Place a bedside table next to the bed, which will be higher than the level of the bed - this is also useful for the circulation of "chi" energy. You should not buy one furniture for a child from birth to adulthood, it is better to change it as your child grows up. In addition, over time, the place for games will give way to the training area. A kid under six years old needs bright furniture and the same bright colors on the walls and floor. But the student no longer needs this, since he needs a calmer tone. A good solution would be transformer furniture, which will turn into a castle, ship or fortress in a matter of minutes, as this not only greatly contributes to the creative endeavors of the baby, but is also an accurate and proven method of combating boredom. Do not forget that experts say that in the room of a child under the age of six there should not be a TV or computer.

As for savings, a nursery is not a room where you can save money, as old, used furniture keeps the memory of the former owners, their energy, thoughts, desires. Refuse furniture with sharp corners - this will not only protect the crumbs from injury, but also create a favorable environment, so try to ensure that the furniture has soft rounded corners. Do not place shelves and cabinets above the bed - this will create a feeling of discomfort.

Do not forget that growing up, your child will want to change something in his room - either just rearrange the furniture, or replace it with a more suitable one for his age. The purchase of new furniture depends only on the capabilities of the parents, but the rearrangement can be done every six months.


In the child's room, the desk should stand so that the student can see the front door well, so you should not put the child with his back to the door - turn the table around, otherwise the child will be disturbed all the time, which will interfere with normal work. You should not move the table close to the wall - this creates the effect of an enclosed space and will lead to a deterioration in academic performance. It is best for the child to sit with his back to the wall. It is not necessary to place pictures of water, some monsters from cartoons or films, as well as wild animals behind the back of the child - this will interfere with learning. It is best to put a crystal globe on the table - it will contribute to a good study. If you live on a high floor, then you can put a desk near the window, but if you live on a low floor, this idea should be abandoned, since the sight of children playing will not contribute to learning at all.

6.Color solution

It is desirable that the children's room be multi-colored, but it is not at all necessary to paint the walls in all the colors of the rainbow - it will be enough for things and toys to be of a variety of colors - these touches will perfectly complement the room. For example, a blue writing set, a yellow vase, a pink bouquet of flowers, a gray clock. But for painting the walls in the nursery, green and blue colors are most suitable. For an older child, paint the walls peach, cream, lavender, or cocoa. Discard white, red, orange, gold, purple, as well as various cold shades. You should not choose too bright a palette - it depresses the nervous system.


The nursery must be well lit. It is on this that the health of the baby depends. There should be a chandelier on the ceiling, a sconce on the wall, a lamp on the desk, there should not be a single dark corner. Try to immediately change burned-out light bulbs, otherwise health problems may appear.

8.Combination of zones

In the child's room, several zones should be combined: a sleeping place, a playroom and a place to study. It is because of the combination of zones that it is difficult to furnish a children's room as required by Feng Shui. Agree that no one wants to sleep in the office or work in the bedroom. That is why the first step is to separate one zone from another. To do this, you can use a partition, which must be made of durable material, but not of glass or plastic. It is best to attach it to the ceiling and floor - for safety's sake. If the nursery is not so big, then decorate the room in two colors or separate the zones with furniture. The sleeping area should be located in the back of the room, and the play area should be close to the door. It is desirable that the table is not visible from the bed, and the bed from the desk. It won't upset the balance.

9. Useful simplicity

Ventilate the children's room as often as possible, as the lack of fresh air will impede the movement of energy. Keep cleanliness and order, as all unnecessary rubbish accumulates negative energy in itself and leads to depression. Teach your child to get rid of old and unnecessary things. Make sure that the baby has clean windows and ceiling lamps. Fresh curtains will also bring a feeling of comfort. Try to move more and teach your child to do this.

10. Important little things

For kids, lay a soft carpet on the floor, and for an older child - a laminate or parquet. Do not install underfloor heating, as it will dry the air very much. In the room, the child should have one mirror in which he should be reflected in full growth. Do not hang blinds in the baby's room.

Near the bed of a small child, you need to put four animals that will be a talisman: a turtle - at the head, a phoenix - at the feet, a tiger - on the right, a dragon - on the left. Then the baby will sleep peacefully all night, under reliable protection.

Try to decorate the room with various active items: clocks, bird cages, air bells, mobiles, and so on.

If you want to "settle" a plant in the nursery, approach this with great responsibility, as it should be a plant whose foliage "looks up", and it should not be a "vampire plant".

The child should have a wide variety of toys - it is better to focus on animals, and not on monsters or aliens, otherwise the child will grow up nervous. On the contrary, the kind muzzles of plush animals, dolls and baby dolls, bright cars and trains have soft energy - they are more suitable for children.
