Stones and minerals in meditation. Meditation with a gemstone, crystal Meditation on a stone with images

Meditation is beneficial in all your endeavors: psychological, mental, emotional and spiritual. Physically, meditation relaxes the body and relieves tension, slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. It reduces stress and calms you down, giving you a feeling of calm and serenity.

Meditation helps clear away the negative emotions that have accumulated in your heart, replacing them with feelings of love, kindness and peace. Spiritually, meditation allows you to achieve highest state consciousness, in which access to a higher realm is open, giving a huge meaning in which previously there are unprecedented solutions, answers and ideas that will lift you above the ordinary.

There are many other reasons why meditation is so powerful, such as: developing intuition, exploring higher feelings and meanings, clearing the mind and emotions, finding your spiritual path, helping to change your life, controlling feelings and thoughts, their expression, penetrating into the depths of your own I am in search of hidden beginnings. These are just a few examples of what meditation can do.

Some people use crystals and stones to help them enter a state of meditation. For example:

Calming blue stones, such as , will help clear your mind and relax your body.

Purple and transparent stones, such as , are pure and will help you achieve higher feelings and meanings.

Stones or crystals can be hand-held or on a chain during meditation, you absorb their properties. They can be prepared before the meditation begins, helping to maintain concentration. One stone can be placed in the heart chakra area for emotional balance or in the third eye chakra area for mental clarity.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. It doesn't matter how you do it, but meditation requires two things: an atmosphere of silence and ways to relax the body and clear the mind, such as breathing techniques, visualization and the musical repetition of "Ommm."

However, any healing stone can be used during meditation.

Meditation with quartz crystal:

  1. Lie face up on a bed, floor or other surface in the apartment.
  2. Place a smoky quartz crystal on your lower abdomen for an earthly experience in physical reality.
  3. Then place a citrine crystal on your navel to relax your body.
  4. Next, place the rose quartz mineral over the heart to remove negative emotions from the heart, allowing positive energy into it.
  5. Place an amethyst crystal on your forehead for awareness of being.
  6. Finally, place the pointed end of the clear quartz crystal towards the top of your head. This stimulates the crown chakra, the highest point of energy in the body, causing the higher centers of consciousness to vibrate and open.
  7. When all the crystals are on their poetry, close your eyes and imagine how the energy from the stones enters your body, chakras and aura.
Start with smoky quartz. Imagine its smoky brown earth energy flowing into your body and your Earth. Feel the energy spreading throughout your body. Feel connected to the Earth.

Next, imagine how the golden healing energy of citrine emanating from the stone penetrates your body. Feel how the flow of energy passes through your entire body, cleanses, relaxes, heals it, giving off its warmth.

Feel the tension in your relaxed muscles. Feel how much lighter your body is than it was. Feel like you are floating on a golden cloud.

Next, concentrate on rose quartz. Imagine this pink energy of love flowing around your body, opening your heart center, and releases all the negative emotions and feelings that have been weighing you down. As these emotions leave your body, feel the warmth and loving energy of rose quartz. Feel this spreading throughout your body, feel yourself arriving at peace with this energy.

Feel how the heavy burden on your heart has disappeared and you feel harmony, ascension and peace. Your heart feels light, as does your body.

Now imagine the violet energy of the amethyst emanating from the stone. Imagine how it circles around your head. Feel it move down your face, first relax your forehead and open your eyes and mouth.

Imagine the third eye on your forehead as violet energy penetrates inside. Feel the energy that is absorbed into your head, pushing out all your thoughts, fears and worries. Feel how calm, quiet and serene you have become. Think of it as an open book, blank pages, be prepared to feel that any knowledge has been gained.

Feel that the crown of your head is open and ready for meditation. Imagine the light energy of the quartz crystal flowing from your stone and swirling around you.

Now rest and wait patiently, relax, prepare and open to accept what awaits you.

Calms and concentrates the mind, allowing you to find answers to questions of consciousness; enhances visualization; contributes to changes in the field of cognition.

Aquamarine - supports and frees the mind; promotes enlightenment.

Prevents extraneous thoughts during meditation; helps to focus and concentrate; helps to focus the mind on higher goals.

Enhances relaxation.

Helps you concentrate; allows the mind to reflect and concentrate in a specific area during psychological activity; helps to understand higher, more abstract concepts.

Brings serenity; calms the mind; releases negative thoughts.

The choice of stones for meditation is such a broad topic that it seems unlikely to present it in one material. Perhaps you will need to take a whole esoteric course to fully master this knowledge. But we will try to list and briefly describe fundamental principles, underlying the choice of stones.

We need to start by understanding why we meditate in the first place. After all, meditation is not just a pleasant pastime. This is an act of serious spiritual work, for which we simply need serious auxiliary tools. Therefore, the choice of stones must be approached with maximum responsibility.

Meditation with the “first mineral that comes to hand” will not bring you much harm, but you will not achieve great results either. Another question is how to achieve deep relaxation? How to get rid of this terrible stress that modern high-speed life is always trying to drive us into?

Not everyone manages to enter a meditative state. What is the reason?
The main mistake is the wrong attitude towards spiritual practice: a careless, frivolous attitude towards choosing a place for meditation, towards meditative tools. Elementary - lack of knowledge.

Meanwhile, meditation is an excellent way of timely express rest and relaxation, which is so necessary in our lives. By plunging into the depths of consciousness, organizing thoughts, purifying and strengthening the aura, we discover a colossal source of strength and energy. This is an excellent way to quickly and without financial costs recover from tiring everyday life, relieve stress, and feel like a Human again!

Why are they used in meditation? natural stones?

It only seems that motionless and cold stones are inanimate nature. Very much alive! Each stone has its own vibration frequency and its own level of radiation of a certain energy. Natural minerals have been absorbing the energy of the surrounding world for many centuries. Of course, the strong energy of natural stones has an effect on the human body.

Stones have been used in meditation for centuries. In turn, only meditation allows you to perceive all the energy of the stone and absorb all the most valuable things from it. Essentially, meditation is a higher level of interaction with natural crystals.

What stones are good for meditation?

There are many criteria for choosing stones for meditation:

  1. stones according to your zodiac sign
  2. stones according to natural elements
  3. main chakra stones
  4. universal stones for meditation
  5. depending on the type of meditation
  6. a stone that attracts you (intuitive choice).

Choosing a stone according to natural elements

You can choose a stone for meditation depending on which of the 4 elements your zodiac sign belongs to.

Ancient Chinese philosophy says that each stone belongs to a certain element - Fire, Water, Air, Earth.

They have the appropriate fiery color and have the appropriate properties - these are diamonds and red stones (ruby, garnet, jasper, pyrite, zircon, hematite, red quartz, red tourmaline, agate and others). Natural stones of bright red color are real clots of energy that feed the human aura with powerful flows. Stones of the fire element eliminate stagnation in the body, increase activity and significantly improve well-being.

As a rule, they are opaque, but quite bright, energy-intensive, carrying a large volume of life-giving earthly energy.
This category of stones includes jasper, malachite, jadeite, jet, obsidian, cacholong, aventurine, and turquoise. Minerals of the Earth element help representatives of earth signs maintain health and vitality, and also give them great forces to satisfy their insatiable thirst for knowledge.

They are a group of energetically strong minerals - rock crystal, blue chalcedony, amethyst, alexandrite, sapphire, smoky quartz, citrine, rose quartz, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase, tourmaline, golden beryl, peridot, jade, adularia, rhodonite, lapis lazuli. It is this group of minerals that helps air signs zodiac sign to quickly immerse yourself in meditation, work as fruitfully as possible with flows of information, experience deep and vivid emotions, relieve psychological stress, eliminate insomnia and nervous disorders.

Most often they are transparent, have variegated, changeable colors, and often shimmer and shimmer. Such stones include opal, fluorite, pearl, chrysoberyl, emerald, aquamarine, selenite, amber, coral, etc.
“Water” stones help representatives of the water element to reach the depths of consciousness during meditation, as well as get rid of melancholic moods and maintain their body in good shape.

Please note that some minerals relate to all four natural elements, for example, quartz eye stones ( hawk eye, cat eye, tiger's eye, etc.).

Universal stones for meditation

Universal stones are the strongest natural minerals that are suitable for meditation for absolutely everyone.

Very often quartz minerals are used in meditative practices - crystalline quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, citrine, as well as all eye stones (cat's eye, tiger's eye, hawk's eye). All calcites are also suitable for meditation. These stones are well known to everyone and they are quite accessible. Quartz is widely used in the manufacture jewelry, which can also be used in meditation.

Very often, such well-known and popular stones as obsidian and amber are used to immerse oneself in a deep meditative state.

Amber is one of the powerful, versatile stones for meditation. According to its characteristics, the sun stone is ideal for absolutely all people for meditative exercises and raising their spirits. Amber with inclusions (insects) is considered the most valuable for meditation.

– one of the most popular stones, which is widely used for meditation all over the world. IN Ancient India and in Tibet, rock crystal is considered the most powerful magic stone, whose energy field is unique. Tibetan lamas consider rock crystal crystals to be “alive”, since their natural pyramidal shape reaches straight into space with its top. They use rock crystal balls to open the “third” eye and regulate energy field person.

Crystal balls are also used to predict the future. They are placed in a dark room, into which a bright beam of light penetrates, and they try to read the signs of the future that appear in the ball under the influence of light phenomena.

Yoga experts recommend that women use “stones” when meditating. feminine energy» – moonstone, rose quartz and pearls. According to ancient Indian practice, a spirit lives in every animal, plant and stone. These 3 stones are carriers of the feminine spirit and contribute to the development of femininity. These minerals can also be used regularly as versatile meditation stones. Normalization of feminine energy will very quickly affect external data - the condition of the skin and hair will noticeably improve. Psychological balance works real miracles for us!

These are minerals with which you will always feel calm, as if you are under reliable protection. This provides the basis for complete relaxation and deep immersion in a meditative state.

Stones for various types of meditation

The choice of stone may also be determined by the type of meditation.

Light meditation – short, aimed at relieving stress and quickly achieving relaxation. These are standard and widespread types of meditative practices based on breathing exercises without deep immersion into the expanses of consciousness. Light meditations also include morning and evening meditations (before bed), moving meditations, audio meditations and video meditations using color therapy.

For such procedures, select stones with soft and light energy - these are almost all stones green(turquoise, chrysoprase, jade, chrysoberyl, etc.). Also, such purely “feminine” stones as pearls, mother-of-pearl, moonstone, rauchtopaz (smoky quartz), citrine and others are ideal for light meditation.

Deep meditations – complete disconnection from the world, reaching the farthest depths of consciousness. This is the most active form of meditation, available only to experienced and long-time practitioners. For deep meditations, it is necessary to use only the most powerful and powerful stones. These include rock crystal, amber, diamond, topaz, ruby, sapphire, agate, aquamarine, malachite, cat's eye, rose quartz and others.

What shape should stones used in meditative practices have?

Pyramid shape– as you know, pyramids are “antennas” of the Universe, tuned to the vibrations of the subtle world. The entire globe, including the underwater world, is literally dotted with pyramids.

Why are pyramid shaped crystals good for meditation?
The act of meditation is essentially gathering energy. With the use of pyramids of the correct shape, concentration and energy collection occurs much faster, and all exercises are much easier and more effective. Pyramids, carved from solid pieces of minerals, are ideal for meditative practices. Jade and agate pyramids are widely used. Rock crystal pyramids are especially valuable.

The pyramidal shape of the stone ensures stable and thorough circulation of energy through all energy centers of the human body. Very often, meditation pyramids are stored on bedside tables, which is favorable good sleep and good rest.

Spherical shape– the power of stones is well revealed in the form of a sphere. It is no coincidence that in any magic salon there are crystal or onyx balls. A rock crystal ball is the most famous “magic crystal”, a model of supersensible perception and intuition. Since time immemorial it has been used by magicians and clairvoyants to predict the future.

Crystal balls are an excellent tool for diving into the depths of consciousness, containing magical energy. The sun's rays passing through crystal ball, become healing. Meditation on a crystal ball helps to quickly stop the internal dialogue, relax the brain, and relieve tension. After just a few minutes of meditation, thinking becomes sharp and clear.

Irregular shape– rough, irregularly shaped stones are ideal for meditation. Their unusual natural appearance adds natural magic to this ritual. For meditation, raw clear quartz of natural shape is used.

Druze- this is a lot of fused crystals. Despite their chaotic location, they live next to each other in complete harmony. Why is druse so valuable in meditation? This form of crystal is the strongest emitter and transformer of energy. Druse has only a positive effect on the environment and is great for cleansing the aura. Also, during meditation, you can cleanse objects that are easily placed on a friend, for example, jewelry that is worn every day and on which a lot of different information accumulates. They can be cleaned during meditation. Druses are well programmed for specific tasks and even several tasks! After all, a druse is a set of crystals united on one base. This means that the shape of the crystal is suitable for solving several problems at once.

Seer Stone– this is any transparent quartz, polished naturally with water. Such minerals have pleasant rounded shapes, therefore, in addition to meditation, they are successfully used for scrying (clairvoyance through a crystal ball). With the help of a seer stone, you can reveal details of the distant past and see the horizons of the future. The seer stone deeply immerses the meditator into his own “I” and easily “transports” us to different periods of time, contributing to the acquisition of new knowledge.

Crystal scepter- This is a thin crystal, the top of which has a cone shape. Main hallmark scepter - the crystal grows from a thinner form to a thicker one. Moreover, both the top and the base of the crystal (reverse scepter) can be thickened, creating the impression of a “hilt”.

The scepter is a special form of crystal that connects us with the wisdom of the Universe, transmitting high vibrations. Scepter crystals were symbols of spiritual power in Lemuria and Atlantis.

The scepter crystal is used in meditation to quickly expand consciousness, as well as for a powerful mental message. Its unique form perfectly transforms the images of simple human thinking into the highest images of the spiritual sphere. The crystal generates and amplifies energy that processes all clots of negative energy. The scepter has unique ability tune in to absolutely any body and direct your healing energy. The scepter eliminates pathological conditions and restores energy both on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Quartz sticks– long transparent crystals of natural origin or faceted. Meditation with a quartz wand will help you understand the real cause of your poor psychological state and find a way to quickly transform it. This is a subtle and effective tool for achieving complete concentration on a task and increasing energy in a certain direction.

Abundance Crystal- This is a long crystal, on the body of which nature has formed many small crystals. The main task and purpose of the abundance crystal is to tune its owner to programs that lead to the shortest possible path to wealth and material well-being. Regular meditation helps to attract wealth and abundance into the life of its owner.

Laser quartz is a long, untreated quartz crystal with a wide base that gradually tapers to a top formed by small edges. Laser quartz may be slightly curved. It is one of the most powerful tools through which the flow of energy is transmitted. Experts strongly recommend handling laser quartz very carefully and not pointing it at people or yourself without a specific setting. Laser quartz is a very powerful tool for concentrating energy into a dense beam of colossal power. That's why the crystal is called a laser. Laser quartz is one of the best human protectors from negative external influences.

Sheet quartz– a flat transparent crystal of natural origin. In nature it usually forms between two other crystals. Meditation with leaf quartz promotes deep self-knowledge, helps to reveal paranormal abilities, achieve clearer visualization and obtain information that is relevant at the moment. Leaf quartz opens a window to parallel worlds and other dimensions.

Raw crystals of irregular shape have many more varieties - this is a real storehouse of high-precision energy-structural tools, without which high-level meditative practices are indispensable.

Perhaps the main experts in the use of natural minerals in meditation are the people of India. It was from this country that the experience of spiritual practices, working with chakras, and meditation techniques came to us. Ancient Indian books on medicine (100 BC) list stones that were considered the most effective healing agents and were used in meditative exercises. It also indicates which stones should be used depending on the month of birth: January - garnet, February - amethyst, March - aquamarine, April - diamond, May - emerald, June - pearl, July - turquoise, August - sardonyx, September - sapphire, October – opal and tourmaline, November – topaz, December – turquoise.

In Ayurvedic medicine, both in ancient times and nowadays, 9 precious stones are used for therapeutic purposes: pearl, cat's eye, coral, onyx, diamond, carbuncle, ruby, emerald, topaz. These stones are widely used during meditation. Their healing power has been tested for centuries.

You can choose a stone for meditation purely intuitively. Do you doubt your intuition? Completely in vain. Intuition is emotional intelligence that copes with its task much faster than the brain.

Intuitive choice suitable stone occurs on the basis of the laws of harmony - visually we only like what suits us energetically! Conversely, you will never like a stone that does not suit you. When we, as they say, have a soul for a stone, this means that our body at the level of atoms and cells interacts with the energy of the healing stone! This feeling is difficult to explain in words, but in practice you will immediately feel it.

You need to hold each stone that you like in your hands, passing your energy through it. A stone that immediately attracted your attention and caused a storm of emotions should be boldly taken and used during meditation, since it sets you up for positive emotions. Do not take a stone that does not evoke positive emotions, even if it is written in your horoscope.

Everything that surrounds us is in a state of constant vibration, including ourselves. Even if we don’t know it or forget it, everything vibrates and emits waves. But sometimes we have an “epiphany” and a small miracle happens - we suddenly realize that everything around us is alive, and we begin to see life differently! We discover beauty in a whole new light. Our soul opens up to beauty! Natural minerals can give just such a powerful boost. And then everything around comes to life - nature, the Universe, music...

It is impossible to predict in advance which stone you will like: transparent or opaque, bright or pale. It is completely unknown what will cause a reaction in you - the cosmic shimmer of opals or the bizarre broken lines of agates, a riot of shades of tourmaline or the silvery haze of aquamarine.

The intuitive method of choosing stones for meditation is best done where there is a large selection - in an online store or a specialized store selling gems. It is here, among this luxurious multicolor, that your stone will stand out especially clearly. Rest assured, you will certainly feel this signal. Nature itself will send it to you!

All our “favorite” colors, shapes, symbols are nothing more than the result of resonant phenomena. Intuitively, we like the color vibration that at the moment necessary for our body. It's always better to trust yours inner voice and intuition than fashion trends. If you blindly obey someone else's opinion, you can cause great harm to yourself.

How many stones can you use during meditation?

When meditating, it is not necessary to work with only one crystal. Moreover, experts almost always use a combination of stones: rock crystal with amethyst, onyx with lapis lazuli, and so on. You need to combine stones and crystals carefully. First, each stone must undergo a fairly lengthy individual meditative study. Only after this experience can you try to combine stones, creating any combinations according to your desire and feelings. In meditation techniques, it is often practiced to create “places of power” around oneself, when an imaginary circle is created from stones, within which the meditator is located, concentrating the energy of all minerals on himself.

What stones should not be used for meditation?

By the way, about the harm. Are all natural stones equally useful for meditation?
To one degree or another, everyone. But here the individual component comes into play. In meditation practice, you cannot use stones that you do not like. You cannot use other people's minerals that belong to other people.

Damaged minerals (with chips, cracks, cloudiness and all kinds of damage) are not suitable for meditation. The energy structure of these crystals is destroyed, and such specimens are strictly forbidden to be used.

How long can a meditation stone last?

It depends on the power of the crystal used, on the depth and complexity of spiritual practices. In general, one stone can be used in meditation from several months to several years. Particularly powerful crystals, such as rock crystal, onyx, green quartz and others, can last the entire life of their owner! Weak minerals may not withstand heavy loads if the owner's aura is subjected to powerful negative impact. In this case, the energy structure of the stone may collapse - it will split, crack, or numerous dark spots will appear on it. This mineral should absolutely not be used!

But there is another reason to change the stone. Step by step, opening your consciousness, comprehending the levels of spiritual growth, you need to use new and stronger tools. Once you feel completely satisfied with the meditation practice using one mineral, you have reached a certain energetic height, and for further growth it is recommended to change it to another one that you have not yet worked with. Each new stone brings a new level to your energy budget, opening up a whole new dimension.

Stones can and should be changed!

Perhaps all the main criteria for choosing stones for meditation are listed.
With “your” stone you can meditate on anything: attracting love, healing from illnesses, rapid career growth and achieving material well-being.

For beginners, experts strongly recommend mandatory use natural stones when meditating, as they can “teach” you to meditate more deeply and successfully, since the subtle energy of crystals allows you to communicate with the subtle energies of consciousness.

It is difficult to predict how this or that crystal will affect a person during meditation, but one thing is clear: any stone promotes harmonization and spiritual growth.

Choose the minerals that are right for you and be sure to use them during meditation. This will allow you to look deep into yourself, calm down and relieve stress, and understand the causes of your problems and poor health. Ultimately, regular meditation allows you to achieve spiritual harmony, so desired and so necessary!

If you have never worked with stones, then it is best to choose a stone to begin with purely by intuition, without becoming familiar with its meaning.

When you purchase a stone, wash it under running water, washing away the previous energy. Tune in to it, feel that kamen is a mineral that has lived in the depths of the Earth for a long time, that it is much older than you and wiser, that it has unbending strength and intention, and carries certain qualities that manifest themselves in nature and the Earth, and that many people possess these qualities to varying degrees, and now you have in your hands some of this knowledge, and some information structure that can help you strengthen or gain the qualities inherent in this element. Try to determine for yourself what qualities he carries from your point of view. Feel what energy you receive from it, whether it fills you with joy, gives you a surge of strength, strengthens your inner core or brings peace, or maybe vice versa.

If the energy of the stone is close to you, then leave it for work; if not, put it aside for a while, or give it to someone.

For someone who has been familiar with stones for a long time and understands their meaning, you just need to choose the stone that will help you now in working on yourself.

Once the stone is chosen, prepare a space for meditation. Sit in a meditative position, take the stone in your hands, tune in to a positive interaction with it, tune in to it, listen to it, feel your sensations. Start immersing yourself in the center of the stone, in its meaning, in the qualities that it carries. Merge with these meanings, with its energy, feel the inviolability, inflexibility of these meanings. See how the information that is embedded in the stone begins to appear in your aura, in your mind, and penetrates your life, then it intensifies and becomes denser. So, for example, if you chose an amethyst and its spiritual aspect, then visualize how the radiance emanating from the stone fills your palms and arms with spiritual energy and goes through your body, captures your aura and strengthens your field. If you have chosen the protection aspect of amethyst, then imagine how its field builds a field around you that protects you. Thus, when choosing a stone, you can also choose its aspect that you now want to strengthen in your field, in your life.

When you finish your work, with love and care put the stone in a box or a bag prepared for it, you can wear it around your neck, or work in the evenings to enhance the aspect for 9, 18, 21 days.

The meaning of some stones

Crystal - purification, protection, wisdom

Rose Quartz - love, feminine attractiveness and tenderness

Ruby - passion and willpower, leadership

Amethyst - spirituality, protection

Citrine - money (for those who work with their hands)

Chrysoprase -money wealth, success in business for businessmen

Amazonite - female attractiveness and protection from damage and the evil eye

Cornelian - success and well-being, protection

Sardonyx - happy marriage

Lace blue agate - femininity and slimness

Obsidian - weight loss and cleansing, improved metabolism

Blue topaz, red tourmaline - creation

Sapphire - fortitude, clarity of thinking, power of the gray cardinal

Pink calcite - will make it easier to part with your past love and help you find a new one

Blue calcite - expand your thinking, look at everything from above

Amber - health and joy

Malachite - friendship and harmony in the home

Emerald - achieving any goal

Black eye agate - protection

Loving Kindness Meditation Working with chakras
Preparing to meet your Guardian Angel in a dream Working with the Sahasrara chakra
Visualization of what you want Working with the Ajna Chakra
Building astral protection. Removing damage Working with the throat center - Vishuddha
Meditations on shaping events Working with the Anahata chakra
Meditation "Ideals of the Possible in Man" Working with Manipura Chakra

IN meditation Any healing stone or crystal can be used. It can be held in your hand or placed nearby for mental focus; can be placed on the heart chakra for emotional balance or on the forehead for mental purity.

Clear quartz stimulates sahasrara. To do this, you need to lie face up and attach a quartz crystal to the top of your head (its top with edges should continue the shape of the peak). Additionally, you can place an amethyst crystal on your forehead to calm your thoughts, and citrine on your navel for “grounding.” meditation into physical reality. Close your eyes and hold the image of the crystal in your mind. Access to the vibration of the cosmos and the wave of the existence of crystals will begin. Time and space will disappear. Meditating will begin to plunge into a state of unity with the Absolute. At this stage meditation deep breathing is necessary to keep the consciousness attached to the physical body and to guide the higher reality into the material sphere. Complementing meditation, it is necessary to imagine the crystal in the golden rays of sunlight that it emits. Then imagine yourself as a crystal.

After working with crystals and stones, they need to be cleaned. The most effective cleaning is to immerse the crystal in sea ​​water for 3 hours. You can clean it by holding it in your hand under running water (30 minutes), in the sea, lake, stream. Stone It should not be released from your hand, you should not look at it when taking it out and immersing it again in the water. The stone is finally removed from the water

The art of healing with stones is one of the most effective methods of cleansing the aura and removing oppressive factors. Crystals and stones help accumulate light in the aura, which facilitates the transition to a more subtle area of ​​Existence. Different parts of the body store their emotions. Heart and lungs - sadness and grief, liver - anger, teeth - anxiety and fear. When treating a disease, it is important not only to see the physical symptoms, but also to understand the deep mental and emotional reasons for its occurrence.

The new era of stones was sent to help humanity so that it could cross the threshold of the Aquarian Era without danger. It is necessary to clarify the perception of weak and strong interactions of light and color with the human psyche and energy systems of the body and move into a more advanced health safety system. It will include the mental, astral, spirit, past and how they affect the entire body, how to prevent diseases. This era will reflect the possibility of reason and a new way of life and will give us an alternative - how to lead a person through light and beauty, to awaken the soul in him. By developing fortitude, a person will be protected from many negative influences that impose themselves on his thoughts and body. He will be able to focus all his attention on Peace, Love, Joy, Development and Happiness of all people. Stones new era reflect colors that our mind is just preparing to accept. Some of these stones have been discovered quite recently, others are just about to interact with our world. It is a great happiness to live at this time and combine our forces with stones, people and everything that Mother Nature gives us, creating a World in which Reason, Love, and Happiness will live.

This is the simplest way, and they do it with three small druses of pure quartz and two small generators crystals.

The patient lies face up. One druse is placed on the third eye, the second on the chest, and the third on the navel. They will saturate the consciousness with energy and activate the heart chakra. The healer holds one generator crystal above the top of the head, and the second one slowly moves in a straight line from the sex chakra upward until they close above the patient’s head. As the crystals move, they will sense blockages or energy blocks. A white ray is directed from the crystal above the top of the head to the moving crystal, which should dissolve any blockage in the aura. As soon as the moving crystal passes over the drusen, it is necessary to direct the flow of energy from the crystal to the chakras. The treatment ends when the moving crystal no longer encounters any obstacles.

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