A short skit about people violating traffic rules. A skit on traffic rules for elementary school students. Dramatization based on the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”. Let's, friends, figure out what you need to know on the road.

STAGEMENT OF “ROAD RULES” Characters: 1. Presenter. 2. Traffic light. 3. Naughty girl. 4. Attentive boy. 5. Road signs. 6. Squad. The squad comes out with a song to the tune of “We wish you happiness”: In a world where crazy snow is swirling, Lawlessness rises like a steep wall, Where one wants to find a good path. To make it easier in difficult times, Each of us really needs, Everyone really needs to know that you are here. Chorus: Valiant traffic police On the road in the cold and heat. And a barrier in any trouble will provide you and me. And sometimes the inspector himself suddenly signals to us from the dividing line, just to give flowers. Violator, be afraid of the traffic police! If you follow traffic rules, you can go on a distant journey without worries. After all, at any time at the post, with a wave of the baton, the faithful guardian of the roads will avert trouble! Leading. At any intersection you are greeted by a traffic light and very simply starts a conversation with a pedestrian. Traffic light (shows signs). Green light - come on in, Yellow light - better wait. If the light turns red, it means it is dangerous to move. Stop! Let the tram pass, be patient, follow and respect the traffic rules. Traffic light (speaks in a robotic voice). To maintain your health and life, you must strictly follow traffic rules. They are not complicated at all. Let's remember them. Attentive boy. There are a lot of traffic rules in the world, It wouldn’t hurt you to learn them all, But the basic rule of traffic You should know multiplications like a table. Don't play on the pavement, don't ride, If you want to stay healthy! It should be explained simply, Whether you are young or old: All (together). The pavement is for transport, The sidewalk is for you. Naughty girl. Here's another problem! What is a pavement? What is a sidewalk? Where can I go and where can I not? I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! Traffic light. The street is divided into two parts: the roadway is called a pavement, cars move along it; the pedestrian part is called the sidewalk - people move along it. Under no circumstances should you play on the pavement. A tram and a bus leave and say: Observe traffic rules!!! Respect PUD!!! Remember PUD!!! Attentive boy. Do you know what PUD means? Naughty girl. I know! Very simple! PUD is 16 kilograms. We went through this. Traffic light. I heard a ringing, but you don’t know where it is! In our language, traffic rules are traffic rules. Naughty girl. Understood! Movement! Rules! Street! Presenter (addresses her). Well, tell us about the PUD. What do you know about the sidewalk? Naughty girl. The sidewalk is for us pedestrians. Wherever I want, I go there! No one will run over me on the sidewalk! Attentive boy! Well, no! PUD – one for everyone. Squad member. On the sidewalk, all people must always stay on the right side. Even outside the city, where there is a road, you must follow the rules strictly. If you come across a highway on the way, you need to go on the left side of the road: The transport that comes towards you will be noticed by you in time! Traffic light. Pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk keeping to the right! Naughty girl. What if there is no sidewalk? Traffic light. Then you need to walk along the side of the road or along a pedestrian path, facing moving traffic, keeping to the right (shows posters). Naughty girl. And yesterday my friend and I went to the CINEMA... well, we were in the CINEMA, that is, we wanted to enjoy the CINEMA... and the policeman started whistling. And we ran away from KEEN and from the policeman...? Where is the transition? Traffic light. Yes, I see that you and your girlfriend are as bad at grammar as you are at traffic rules. The word “cinema” doesn’t change, and the traffic rules don’t change! Guys! Cross the street in places specially designed for this! Squad member. To accustom the pedestrian to order, They lined the asphalt like a notebook, Stripes go across the road, And they lead the pedestrian behind them. Squad member. No traffic light? There are also underground passages for pedestrians! Squad member. Cars scurry around without hesitation, They don’t let you cross the street. Look around - don’t get under the wheels, there are underground passages here! Naughty girl. What if there are no traffic lights, no pedestrian crossings, no underground crossings? What to do? Traffic light. Nuka, remember the rules - look to your left... Naughty girl. A! I remembered: look to your left - is there a policeman? Look to the right to see if there is a policeman, and run quickly across the road! Traffic light. Wrong. If you value life and health, then use the PUD. Squad member. Look to your left: if traffic is approaching, let it pass and only then begin crossing. Squad member. Reach the middle of the road, stop and look to the right; if there is no car, you can complete the crossing (they show posters and cross as expected). All. Where you need to cross the street, remember the simple rule: Look to the left first, look to the right later! Naughty girl. Ah, I see! Now I know the rules of the street! Bus and Tram get off. Bus. What about us? Tram. Do you know how to get around us? Naughty girl. Who cares? Tram. When leaving the tram platform, don’t forget to look to the right: is the path safe? Don’t go around the back of a tram: you might get hit by an oncoming tram. Bus. Do not go around the front of the bus, only from the back! I am not a tram! (Show posters.) Attentive boy. Everyone should know the traffic rules, and they must be followed without delay! Parade of road signs. Traffic light. Road signs, don’t forget about them, they will tell you whether the path is safe. Sign “Bicycle! Movement Prohibition". There are only cars driving here, their tires flashing everywhere. Do you have a bicycle? So – STOP! There are NO roads! Underpass sign. Hey, go forward boldly! You are cowardly in vain. Know that the underground passage is the safest! Sign “Sound Signals Prohibited”. QUIET! Listen, friends, you can’t give a signal here! "Caution Children" sign. I am a good friend to the children, I protect them: “The school is nearby” - I warn everyone around! Pedestrians sign. Pedestrian! I decided to cross the road safely - I will help you with this, hurry up and find me! All. REMEMBER! There are so many difficulties on the roads! REMEMBER! There are thousands of cars on the roads! REMEMBER! There are many intersections on the roads! REMEMBER! Learn these rules! Traffic light. Now let's play. Game "Sparrows and the cat". Children pretend to be sparrows. One of the students is a cat (he sits on a chair). The cat names the colors of the traffic lights one by one. At the command “Green!” sparrows fly (run around the stage). At the command “Red!” they freeze, and at the command “Yellow!” jumping on the spot. Those who are inattentive become the cat's prey (they drop out of the game). The remaining participants at the end of the game receive green mugs. The game is hosted by Svetofor. The holiday ends with the song that the team sang at the beginning of the holiday.


  • Introduce students to road safety rules and the names of road signs.
  • Introduce the history of the appearance of traffic rules and traffic lights.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules and the prevention of child road injuries among schoolchildren.


  • Introducing students to the history of traffic rules.
  • Consolidating children’s existing knowledge of traffic rules and new ones they learned at the holiday
  • Familiarize students with road signs, their names and meanings.
  • Formation of sustainable cognitive interest among students in this topic.
  • Instilling in students a sense of responsibility for personal safety and a value-based attitude towards their health and life.
  • Develop memory and thinking in children (during games, singing songs, reading poetry)
  • Cultivate collectivism and the ability to empathize.

Equipment: projector, presentation, road signs, costumes for each child with road signs, Dunno costume, Traffic Light, traffic police worker, dance costumes, banners with the inscriptions: “Road Rules,” “Visiting the Traffic Light.”

Motto: “Everyone should know the rules of the road!”

a stand with children's drawings on traffic rules, posters with traffic rules, a ball, a road with traffic signs, a traffic light (electric) that changes colors.

Expected results:

a) The guys will know:

The history of traffic rules

Road signs, traffic lights

Rules for driving on the road

b) learn to navigate in traffic situations.

Evaluate your behavior on the road.

Explain to a friend the rules of behavior on the road.


The song “Forbidden-Allowed” plays.

Host: Guys, today we have an unusual event. We have gathered with you to talk about something very important, but at the same time interesting!

And about what, you yourself will tell me now.

Listen to the poem and think!

The place where you and I live,
It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
Here it is, the alphabet, above the pavement.
Signs are hung overhead.
ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the alphabet of the city,
So that no trouble happens to you!

Guys, what alphabet are we talking about? (children's answers)

That's right, today we will talk to you about the rules of the road. We will visit a traffic light.

Dunno runs out.-

Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,
I'm lost, I'm lost...
Without knowing the traffic lights,
Almost got hit by a car!
There are cars and trams all around,
Then suddenly a bus is on the way...
To be honest, I don’t know
Where should I cross the road?
Guys! Help me!
And, if possible, tell me,
How to cross the road
So as not to get run over by a tram!

1st student: Dunno, don’t worry, stay with us!

2nd student: We will help you.

1st student: Guess the riddle:

I blink my eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
I help cars
I can help you too!

- (Dunno doesn’t know the answer. Traffic light comes out)

Traffic light: It’s a shame, Dunno, not to know the riddle about me. It’s me, the Traffic Light.

Dunno: Why is this embarrassing? Just think, Traffic Light!

Traffic light: I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. With the help of my eyes I give signals for you to move or stand.

Do you, Dunno, by any chance know what my three colors mean?

Dunno: No.

Traffic light: Guys! Tell Dunno.

2nd student:

The red light tells us:
- Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!
Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal to move.
The green light opened the way:
The boys can cross.

Traffic light: And now we’ll play with you.

The game is called "Red, Yellow and Green."(The game is played by a traffic light.)

The traffic light names and shows the colors (red, yellow and green), and the children sitting in the hall get up and begin to listen to the poem that the traffic light reads. And after the traffic light has read, they perform actions.

Traffic light:

Attention! Stares straight
We have a three-eyed traffic light.
Green, yellow, red eye -
He gives orders to everyone!
Everyone slams at a red light,
On yellow - stand silently,
When it turns green, they run in place.
To everyone who made a mistake, we say:
“There are traffic lights!
Submit to them without argument!”

(As the traffic light played the game, the students sit in their seats)


Traffic light: Dunno, do you know where the traffic rules came from?

Dunno: No, I don’t know, but I really want to find out.... It’s probably interesting.

Traffic light: (Listen, I’ll tell you.) Guys, the law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive mistakes on the road. This law is very good. He protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant observance of traffic rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets. Traffic rules are a special language of the streets. It was created gradually. Traffic regulations have been around for a long time. They, of course, were not like they are now, but much simpler. But even then everyone had to know to observe them.

The first traffic rules appeared more than 2000 years ago, under Julius Caesar. In those days, only carts, chariots and horse riders traveled on the roads.

The first country to come up with traffic rules for vehicle drivers is France. This happened in 1893. The first country to come up with traffic rules for vehicle drivers was France, in 1893. Modern traffic rules are almost 100 years old.

LEADING: - Guys, let’s all put together a reminder now, which will be called “IF YOU ARE A PEDESTRIAN”

1st student: Rule one: walk on the sidewalk and never walk on the roadway.

2nd student: Rule two: cross the street only where you are supposed to, and never cross (or run across!) in the wrong place.

3rd student: Rule three: cross the street only when the traffic light is green and never go to the red one.

Tell Dunno about other difficulties encountered on the roads and how to overcome them.

Readers come out with road signs. (Each student reads a verse by heart and tells what his sign means)

1st reader:

Bora never dreams of grief,
He rushes along the slippery leaves,
The sign was not placed in vain:
"Carefully! It's dangerous here!”

2nd reader:

“I am an expert road rules,
I parked the car here.”
In the kindergarten parking lot
There is no need to stand during quiet times.

3rd reader:

Do you see the sign? Its meaning is
The intersection of two roads.
Two girlfriends are equivalent
Two playgrounds.

4th reader:

I didn't understand the sign
And he fell and got scared.
And it’s not difficult to understand:
“Friend, come down carefully!”

5th reader:

Walk across the street there, pedestrian,
Where the sign indicates the transition for you!

SONG “IF THE RED LIGHT IS ON.” (performed by the whole class)

LEADING: What do these signs mean? Name them guys, tell us about them.

LEADING: Dunno, do you know when the traffic light we are talking about today appeared?

Dunno: No, I don’t know...tell me and I will listen carefully and remember.

It turns out that traffic control using a mechanical device began 140 years ago, in London. The first traffic light stood in the city center on a pole 6 meters high. It was controlled by a specially assigned person. Using a belt system, he raised and lowered the instrument needle. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern powered by lamp gas. The lantern had green and red glasses, but yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the USA, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. It also had only two signals - red and green - and was controlled manually. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But just 4 years later, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights the green signal was at the top, but then they decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now in all countries of the world, traffic lights are arranged according to the same rule: red at the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom. In our country, a traffic light first appeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the traffic controller manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color. Nowadays, road users cannot do without a traffic light. Translated from Greek, traffic light means “light bearer”. It regulates movement using light signals. Most traffic lights use three colors: red, yellow and green.

TRAFFIC LIGHT: Dunno, do you know why these 3 colors were chosen for the traffic light?

Dunno: no, but I would really like to know about this too.!!!

STUDENT:(tells and shows traffic lights)

Red is the color of danger. It is clearly visible both during the day and at night, and in rain and fog. It’s as if he’s saying: “Stop! The path is closed! Green is a very different color from red; they cannot be confused. Therefore, a green traffic light, unlike a red one, does not prohibit, but allows movement. It’s as if he’s saying: “The way is open! Boldly forward!”

Between the red and green “eyes” of the traffic light, another one was placed - yellow.

He calls on drivers and pedestrians to be attentive, as if telling them: “Attention! Soon traffic will either be allowed or prohibited.”

APPEARS TRAFFIC LIGHT: Stands at the pedestrian crossing and reads the verse:

Only me for the pedestrian -
Sign at the crossing point.
I walk in the blue square -
Transition indicator!

Dunno: Guys, how great! I think I understand everything. Now I know everything about the rules of the road. I don’t have a car, and I don’t know how to drive a car. BUT they gave me a bicycle.

Leading: Wait, Dunno, do you know about the rules of cycling?

Dunno: Yes. After all, a bicycle is transport. It has the same driving rules as driving a car.

Leading: Guys, do you agree with Dunno?

Leading: Children: No.

Tell us about the rules of cycling.

1st student: Children over 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle.

2nd student: You can ride in courtyards, parks, and stadiums.

3rd student: If you need to cross the road, get off your bike and carry it behind the handlebars across the pedestrian crossing.

4th student: You can't ride a bike without holding the handlebars.

5th student: Do not ride anyone on the frame or rack.

Dunno suddenly takes the ball and starts playing with it

Traffic light: Dunno, you can’t play ball on the roadway.

Dunno(surprised): Where can I?

Traffic light:

On the roadway, children,
Don't play these games.
You can run without looking back
In the yard and on the playground!

Dunno: I understand everything now. Thank you. I will be very careful and attentive on the roads.


No matter how the driver slows down,
And the car keeps sliding,
On wheels, like on skis -
Closer, closer, closer, closer!

For salvation there is a possibility:
The best brake is caution.
Save your life
Don't run in front of the car!

We are girlfriends, girlfriends,
We have eyes and ears,
Along the road we go
We all read and eat.

Dear friends,
Our final advice to you:
After all, the road is not a reading room
And not a place for conversation.

We are good athletes
We love to play football
The pavement has been turned
To our stadium field.

The conclusion is undoubtedly clear to me,
That the pass is dangerous for life,
not the road, but the yards -
A place for such a game.

HOST: Guys, now I want to check how you have learned the rules of the road. I will ask questions, and if you do this, you will say: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Are you ready?!

Which one of you is going forward?
Only where is the transition?

Who knows, red light
Does that mean there is no move?

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?
Does it give way to adults?

Which one of you, on your way home,
Is it on the pavement?

Which one of you is flying so quickly?
What does the traffic light not see?

DANCE: TO THE SONG BY LEONTIEV “GREEN LIGHT” (a group of boys and girls is dancing. The boys have steering wheels in their hands, and the girls have balls.)

Host: Guys, tell me, who needs traffic rules? (students answer)

That's right. All road users need them - pedestrians, passengers, and drivers. 3 students come out and tell a story.

A pedestrian is a person who walks along the road rather than riding in a vehicle.

A passenger is a person riding in any vehicle other than the driver.

A driver is a person who drives a vehicle.

Everyone - pedestrians, passengers, and drivers - must follow certain traffic rules. Only in this case will they be able to maintain health, and even life.

TRAFFIC LIGHT: Guys, let's sum it up!

How to cross the road correctly?

How many colors does a traffic light have? Name them. Explain what each traffic light color means.

Traffic lights are needed on the street: after all, cars are going in different directions, and people need to cross the road. In order for there to be order on the road, a traffic light is installed, which controls traffic with its lights, and everyone must obey it or be in trouble. The traffic light works clearly: one signal gives way to another.

What does the red light mean?

Red light - danger is nearby!
Stop! Don't move and wait
Never under the red gaze
Don't go on the road!

Never cross the road at a red traffic light, even if there are no cars nearby.

What does a yellow traffic light mean?

Yellow light – warning:
Wait for the signal to move!


You cannot cross the road when the light is yellow; at this time you can prepare to cross.

What does a green traffic light mean?

You can cross the road
Only when the light is green
Lights up, explaining:
“That's it, go! There are no cars here!”

You can cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

Traffic light: Well done guys! You learned everything. It was not in vain that you listened.

And now the presenter and I will ask you riddles to relax. We answer in unison.

Strange zebra: does not eat or drink,
But without drinking and eating, he won’t ureth. (pedestrian crossing.)

Hey, don't stand in the road!
The car rushes in alarm,
Why should she be in such a hurry? Why?
Put out the fire!
(fire engine)

He doesn’t go on his own, he doesn’t go.
If you don't support it, it will fall,
And you will put the pedals into motion -
He will rush you forward.

Red circle, rectangle
Every student must know:
This is a very strict sign.
And wherever you are in a hurry
With dad in a car
You won't get through.
(No entry)

You can find a sign like this
On the highway,
Where large sizes pit
And it's dangerous to walk straight,
Where the area is being built,
School, home or stadium.
(No Pedestrians)

In the white triangle
With red border
For schoolchildren
Very safe.
This road sign
Everyone in the world knows:
Be careful
On the road...

Underground corridor
It leads to the other side.
There is no door, no gate,
This too...

Young and old walk boldly,
Even cats and dogs.
Only this is not a sidewalk,
It's all about the road sign.
(Pedestrian path)

Day and night I'm burning
I give signals to everyone.
I have three signals.
What's my friends name?
(Traffic light)

TRAFFIC LIGHT: Well done, you coped with this task too!

Dunno, what do you remember? (Dunno says)

Well done! It’s not in vain that you came to visit us today!

LEADING: Today, I hope you learned a lot of new and interesting things. The rules of the road are very important. Every adult and student should know them. Remember them firmly. Don’t break them, then we won’t have accidents on the roads, and you will grow up strong and healthy.

Dunno: Let’s sum it up with the poem “PROHIBITED-ALLOWED.”

And avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere.
Walk along the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
here to play pranks, disturb people

Be a good pedestrian

If you are traveling on a tram
and the people will fight you,
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come forward quickly.
Riding like a hare, as you know,
For-pre-scha-et-sya. (in chorus)

If you're just walking,
Look ahead anyway.
Through a noisy intersection
Pass carefully.
Crossing at red light -
FOR-SHA-ET-SIA (in chorus)

When it's green, even for children

ONCE-RE-SHA_ET-SIA!!! (in unison)


TRAFFIC LIGHT: Guys, it was a pleasure working with you. In conclusion, I would like to wish you success in your studies.




THEY DANCE AND SING (then they get up in a round dance, and after that they distribute balloons to the children of kindergarten.333 and the children of the ‘Nest’ kindergarten.”


Our school has events that have become traditional. This includes the propaganda team on traffic rules. Children of all ages take part in it with great interest. I bring to your attention scenarios of a propaganda team on traffic rules for grades 4-5. The scenarios are musical (children enjoy performing songs).



Propaganda team on traffic rules

“Stop, driver, don’t rush, let the pedestrian pass!”

To the tune of the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together”

It's fun to walk together

across the open spaces. (3 times)

If the way is open to you

Traffic light. (3 times)

We will show you an interesting program,

Although the topic may seem familiar to you,

Everyone is learning today, no doubt.

There are traffic rules in schools.


Let's get acquainted.

2. We represent the propaganda team

All: “Bon voyage!”

3. Propaganda brigade:

All: Creative and united

Cheerful and resourceful!

4. Our motto:

Everyone: “We don’t expect any reward, if only there was order and peace in the country!”

Leading: We have a dispute on the roads

Has been around for a long time

To resolve it for us

Shed light on the situation

We offer you the story

Who is right here and who is wrong?

Music sounds, on one side of the zebras, guys portraying drivers come onto the stage (they may be holding a steering wheel or large cardboard cars in their hands), on the other side of the zebras there are pedestrians - a girl with headphones in her ears, a grandmother, a boy (variants of pedestrians can be different).

Driver 1: We are rushing along the roads

We have all the rights.

Let's go guys, touch...

Pedestrian 1: (indignantly) There's a zebra here! Where are you going?!

Driver 2: Who wants to stop us

After all, we can crush!

Pedestrian 2: But here, look, the transition

I want to go there, I want the other way around...(walks along the zebra crossing back and forth)

Driver 3: We need to hurry to work...

Pedestrian 3: And I want to dance here!(dances on the crosswalk)

Driver 1: Come on guys, push it!

Pedestrian 1: You are right, but we are right!

Drivers and pedestrians collide at the crossing, simulating an accident and freezing in place. The presenter comes out.

Leading: The situation is like on a battlefield

There is no peace on the road,

But you must know everything for sure

Who should we call to help us?

Guys in uniform come out (YuID squad), sing a song (DJ Slon and Angel-A “Do you love me?”)

  1. On our streets

You see it more and more often

In the boys' uniform

Don't be surprised - this only means

YID detachment

Help everyone - children and elders

Figure it out for everyone

What are signs, pedestrians, street

And traffic rules

Do you know them yourself? Yeah-Yeah!

Do you help others? Yeah-Yeah!

And we will be together

And we'll be close

Always with you!

The YID squad lines up on the stage, leaving the middle free

Inspector 2: It's not hard for us to figure this out

Let's change the situation!

Music is playing. Pedestrians and drivers change places. Pedestrians stand instead of drivers, drivers instead of pedestrians.

Pedestrian 1: Hey grandma, where are you going?

Let me through first!

Driver 1: (standing on the crossing and talking on the phone)

Where are you going? I'm standing here

I'm talking on the phone.

Pedestrian 2: Of course I know the rules

But when I’m in a hurry, I don’t let pedestrians pass!

(enters a zebra crossing)

Driver 3: But I won’t reach the zebra

Now I’ll skip here!

Pedestrian 3: Why are we paying a fine?

Do pedestrians walk like this?

The emergency situation is repeated. Drivers and pedestrians freeze in place.

Inspector 2: Here are the drivers, and here are the pedestrians,

Look how similar they are!

Inspector 3: The picture is clear, no matter how you look at it,

They don't respect each other!

Inspector 4: Today you are the driver,

And tomorrow is a pedestrian!

And the day after tomorrow it will be the other way around again.

Inspector 5: And whoever you become

Remember forever:

The main thing is that everyone still...

Together: Man!

Drivers and pedestrians come to life. Inspectors take the signs and, in pairs with drivers and pedestrians, stand at the zebra crossing one after the other. The signs are made in the form of road signs, but with different meanings. For example: 1 pair holds a sign in the form of a warning blue road sign, in the middle of which is a large letter “U” (respect). 2 pair holds a sign in the form of a prohibition (with a red frame). It shows the profile of a man with his mouth open (screaming) and crossed out with a red stripe. The main thing is that the signs display the text.

Inspector 5: Everyone agrees with this sign!

Pedestrian 1: Respect is important!

Inspector 6: Emotions and raised tone

Driver 1: Leave it at home, don't take it with you.

Inspector 1: A smile goes a long way!

Pedestrian 2: Improve your mood.

Inspector 2: Precision is the politeness of kings.

Driver 2: Don't rush, know how to calculate your time!

Inspector 3: Don't leave me in trouble on the road.

Pedestrian 3: Then they will help you too!

Inspector 4: Litter the environment

Driver 3: No one is allowed!

The presenter approaches

Leading: Remember these new signs

1. And now we address the drivers of our city with the following request:

2. Observe traffic rules carefully, maintain peace in our city.

3. Don’t drive like Formula racers, don’t rush around forgetting about everything.

4. Don’t drive drunk, it’s better to walk!

5. Please don’t forget, adults, you are responsible for us children!

6. We will say thank you to those drivers who strictly follow traffic rules

All confirming that you remember us.

1. – study the rules of the road

2. – everyone must know and remember them from a young age

3. -be twice as careful on the road

4. – let him show the way

All - green light!

All participants perform a song from the repertoire of A.B. Pugacheva “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”

Song: Give me your hand, friend

Here's my hand

You and I have equal rights

Let everyone around hear it

On the roads, everyone is your friend

Come visit us at UID

And bring your friends

Learn traffic rules with us, come on!


Scenario of a propaganda team on traffic rules

Municipal educational institution School No. 175

1 participant: Agitation brigade

All "Klaxon"!


2nd Our beloved green light,



5th Driver look at the road:

6th The pedestrian fails again.


All - Knowledge of the rules creates for us!

All - Do you know that...

1st - The first traffic rules were created in 1812

Everyone - Do you know that...

2nd –The traffic police assistants are a detachment of Young Traffic Inspectors, created in 1973.

All - Do you know that...

All - Do you know that...

4th -The first Soviet car was produced in 1924, and the Volzhsky Automobile Plant produced more than 20 car models.

All - Do you know that...

5th- In 1998, the State Traffic Inspectorate received a new name - the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

Dance screensaver to the melody of Dunaevsky M. “Fashion changes daily.” The girls sing, at the end turning, one by one, with their backs to the audience.

Fashion changes daily

The pedestrian, as always, is in a hurry

But it never goes out of fashion

Our favorite is the car.

Waiting for impossible miracles

We were in a hurry to come here for the holiday

Traffic rules studied day and night

And they became associated with YID forever.

(turned away)

1st TIME

2nd TWO

3rd TRI (turn one by one towards the hall)

4th FOUR

5th FIVE

ALL: Let's go for a walk.(street noise, musical screensaver from the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”)

1st . Once upon a time there was a girl. And her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother baked pies and sent Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother. But the path was not short.

Little Red Riding Hood appears and sings to the tune of the song “School Time.”

So I'm running along the road and I'm not afraid at all,

The road ahead is very long,

There's a lot to go through

Only I will never go astray.


I rush to my grandmother with pies,

She has now settled in the city.

Here is her house with nine floors,

She is waiting for me and sitting by the window.

At home everyone told me: “The city is full of cars,

There are so many of them on the roads,

Even the car is a Volga,

Don’t rush out onto the road.”

2nd And then Little Red Riding Hood came to the city.

K.Sh. How interesting the city was set up:

How many drawings hang along the roads,

Apparently, only those who are not young go here.

(points to the “Speed ​​Limit” sign)

Someone is selling a bicycle here.

(sign “No bicycles allowed”)

There's a vegetable garden behind a fence ahead.

(sign “Railway crossing with barrier”)

Here you can run and even play.

(sign "Caution, children")

Why is this sign painted?

You can fly airplanes here!

(sign "Low-flying aircraft")

How well that spotlight blinks,

Here it is green, here it is red again.

Maybe he lights up the street during the day?

I'll have to ask my grandmother.


She hovered around the road for a long time -

Everything is interesting, but grandma is waiting,

The house is already visible, and now there is no alarm

Little Red Riding Hood is coming straight ahead.

I forgot my mother’s order in vain

I kept thinking: “Well, what’s the use of them?”

That's what happened! - well, it’s just terrible!

And a Wolf appears on the way!

Wolf. What are you doing on the road?

Or is it not scary? You're not in the forest, are you?

K.Sh. It’s scary, it’s scary, and the journey was long,

I’m bringing gifts to grandma in town.

Wolf, explain what these signs are for?

What does a colored spotlight illuminate?

Wolf. This one burns so as not to get lost in the darkness,

Signs hang to turn your head.

Okay, sit down, we'll get to grandma in no time,

Riding in a car is not crawling on foot.

(K.Sh. “gets into” Wolf’s car and they “drive away”)

4th The girl and the Wolf went dashingly.

What does road signs and traffic lights mean to him?

Having not really learned the rules of the road,

The wolf didn't even have rights until now.

The grandmother will hardly wait for her granddaughter,

From the street you can hear the squeal of brakes,

The wolf is not shy, he presses on the pedals,

Ready to take off into the sky in a car. (noise effects!)

5th Here the fairy tale could come to a denouement:

Ambulance and white coat.

Just managed to appear, like in a fairy tale,

No, not a hunter-road soldier.

The traffic police inspector comes out and blows his whistle.

In a fairy tale, as in life, you can’t make mistakes,

And laws cannot be broken.

So let's figure it out, friends.

What you need to know on the road.

The signs you saw along the road

Not to turn your head

And in order to demand strictly

Act correctly on the pavement.

This one warns about speed,

This one prohibits access to the yard,

This one - that planes fly here,

This one is like a traffic light nearby.

You definitely need to know all this

To walk the streets safely.

So as not to be afraid of the roads at all,

Everyone sings together to the tune of the song “I’m Walking Around Moscow”

So that it would be good for everyone in the world,

So that trouble does not come to your house,

So that the guard comes to you like a friend

Today and always.

So that the pedestrian and the driver are friends,

So that the traffic light is on,

Everyone should be friends with the law of the streets

And I didn’t dare to break it.

Let's learn the rules

Let's remember them always

After all, the rules are for us all -

Fun game.

While playing, we will study the signs,

Let's tell everyone around

That only the one who learned the rules

A reliable friend for us!


Scenario of the traffic propaganda team “Your paths are inside the yard, but don’t go on the road!”

The Klaxon propaganda team welcomes you!

1st When the traffic light turns on,

2nd Our beloved green light,

3rd The car will rush along the road,

4th Like a whirlwind that has no obstacles.

5th Driver look at the road:

6th The pedestrian fails again.

7th Reliability, road safety

All - Knowledge of the rules creates for us!

Song performance"So that there is no trouble."

1.We have no doubt

We can tell you exactly

What are the traffic rules?

Every student should know.

Chorus. We teach little by little how to cross the road

And if you want to get on a bicycle,

Then first learn not much and not little,

All traffic rules so that no troubles happen.

2. We know the road signs,

The traffic light is our best friend,

We cannot do without them,

This is clear to everyone around.


3. These rules are not difficult.

Everyone can understand them

But we not only need to know them,

We must fulfill them.


Against the background of the presentation.

  • Who invented the bicycle anyway?
  • The first bicycle in Russia was built by the serf master Artamonov in 1801. It was made entirely of iron and was called by the Russian word “scooter”.
  • Then there was the "spider". Its front very large wheel had many spokes and resembled a spider's web.
  • The chain drive first appeared on the Kangaroo bicycle in 1876. The bicycle acquired a look close to the modern one in 1891.
  • What does the word “bicycle” mean?
  • Translated from Latin - “fast foot”.

Performing 1 verse of a song"I'm pedaling"

I twist, I twist, I twist, I pedal,

From the mountain, from the mountain, from the mountain I fly like a bird.

I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry

Towards the rainbow-arc.

Let, let the road run into the distance,

Let sadness not lie on your heart,

I can handle everything in the world.

And with this song I fly around the world,

I fly, I go wherever I want.

On the screen there is a sign “Bicycle path”

  • Can Fedya and I go?

Only here by bicycle.

It’s good that our mothers didn’t buy us cars!

On the screen there is a sign “No cycling”

  • I'm used to the bike and I ride it safely.

But at the sign on the road, I boldly use my legs.

3.-Children, be careful!

Know what is not allowed and what is possible!

Against the background of music (“Visiting a Fairy Tale”).

The Tsokotuha Fly comes out.

What a blessing it is to rush along a well-groomed road!

But for the careless, she can suddenly become mercilessly strict.

Together . Let's begin the fairy tale!

A fairy tale - a story!

  • Fly-fly! Tskokotuha! Gilded belly.
  • The fly went along the highway, the fly found the money.
  • The fly went to Sporting Goods so as not to waste time.
  • And I bought that thing called a bicycle.

Fly. Come cockroaches! Everyone! Everyone! I'll give you all a ride!

  • The cockroaches all came running and rode their bikes.
  • And the bugs three times along the highway at a time, three of them!
  • Nowadays everything is allowed to the Tsokotukha Fly!
  • 5.6 (together) -No! Not allowed!
  • Pedal car

Not for a long walk!

6.-Inside the courtyard of his path,

Don't go on the road!

  • Granny Bee came to the Fly and brought the Rules of Movement to the Fly.

Bee.- Make friends with them, Mukha, and then get behind the wheel!

Together they sing to the tune of “Plasticine Crow”

The idea of ​​this fairy tale

Or maybe not fairy tales,

Not only adults will understand,

But even a toddler!

  • Never forget this, guys!

Everyone sings to the tune of “Light Up”

Caught fire, sparkled

The traffic light is mischievous,

The way, telling people:

Wait, go or stop!

Traffic light traffic police will help,

Well, help me too

Sign up for UID soon, there’s still more to come!


It's not fun

This is not a game!

It's time to learn the rules of the road!

Follow the traffic rules.

Observe everything without exception.

Observe them throughout Russia.

Observe, made with UID!

  • Very difficult on the road

Don't get into an accident!

Take care of your hands and feet, study the traffic rules.

Tell the whole world

Take it home

Take it home

This song with us -

Finish your drink today!



Scenario of the propaganda team's speech

“You need to know the law of the road, and respect those who are nearby.

Let's build a lot of highways

Everyone is happy to live without accidents!"

- -Hello, hello!

How are you doing?

Propaganda brigade of the 175th school

I came to visit you!

Our squad:

All: Traffic inspector!

Our motto:

All: We are young inspectors!

Let us tell you seriously,

Let's find a sensible answer

For any of your questions!

Everyone knows, from young to old,

What exactly forty years ago

Came to help the traffic inspector

First squad of young assistants!

Today traffic rules

They teach us at school for a reason!

And we know the use for them

And we always do them!

Remember! Only he is safe

Driver, passenger and pedestrian,

Who values ​​his life very much,

Doesn't break the rules, doesn't rush.

What are we calling for today?

Let us remind you about...

All: What everyone should know!

Song. ("We are little children")

The sun is shining above us,

not life, but grace!

To all the people on the planet

It's high time to understand

To all the people on the planet

It's high time to understand

The road is not a playground, you can’t play on it!

(The music stops: the roar of cars, the screams of people, the signals of a siren are heard. They squat down sharply and grab their heads. They stand up sharply and point their finger forward at the audience with the phrase “Only you can stop this, follow the traffic rules, think about your loved ones.”

1.-Rules! Rules! Rules! Rules!
2.-The safety inspection compiled them for a reason!
3.-Comply! Teach! Follow! And know!
4.-In books, on the radio, on the Internet site!
5.-Lots of useful and important information
6.-Each of you will need it one day!
7.-Today we are holding a safety promotion
8.-Check for attentiveness and good reaction.
9.-Passenger and pedestrian,
10.-Everyone who drives their own transport
11.-All participants in the movement
12.-Without the slightest doubt
1.-You must know the law of the road,
2.-So that there is no anxiety!
3.-We accept the population
4.-On traffic safety issues. (run away)

(The backing track “Teacher’s Aria” sounds)
Two people run onto the stage:
-I'm a driver, help me,
Explain to the pedestrian
I drove without touching anyone
Suddenly I look across the road
The pedestrian rushed
The people are completely insolent
If I'm already on my way
Can he go?

Tell me, pedestrian
Is there a transition indicated?
- Yes, sure! Zebra sign! (picture on screen)

What a driver! Yes, yes, yes!
- Well, there was a traffic light there,
I forgot to ask you!
- There is no traffic light in that place
And this means for the driver
Never forget
Let pedestrians pass! (picture on screen)

One girl runs out:
-So, comrades, just a minute!
What kind of joke is this?
Who said he was driving?
What about the phone, what about the fire?
I'm a business man
Constantly busy
Must always be in touch
I have clients in my database! (picture on screen)

You are a business man
Well, the steering wheel with one hand
Were you taught to hold?
Or have you already forgotten everything?
Talking on the phone
You might get into an accident. (picture on screen)
Maintaining clientele
Buy a headset. (picture on screen)

A little boy comes out:
-I don’t understand something
What are the traffic rules?
Explain why
Am I not allowed to be in the seat?

For you baby, we know
There is a special chair (picture on the screen)
Both reliable and convenient
By the way, it's very fashionable.

I don't want, I don't want
I scream to mom and dad
Well, can I sit on the seat? NO!!!
Up to 12 years old. (slogan)

If you are bringing a child
You are responsible
And it's okay to carry him
Only in a special chair! (picture on screen)

The backing track “Teacher's Aria” plays.
Be sure to follow
All traffic laws
There are big changes in us
We came to the traffic police
We joined the YID detachment
We know the law of the roads
All laws applied
Thanks everyone for the lesson
We are the UID members of the country
We help people
We must know the rules
Of course we know them

The first law of a YID activist: You know it yourself – teach someone else!

- For kids and even adults,
To everyone who meets along the way,
Through a difficult crossroads
We will help you transition.

(With rebuilding.)

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you decide to go to a red traffic light

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you cross the street in front of nearby traffic!

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you turn the roadway into a playing field!

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you arrange chaotic bike races through yards and streets!


We want to give you guys a warning.
Follow traffic rules.
So that parents don’t worry every day,
So that drivers can be calm behind the wheel.
Walk carefully, watch the street.
And only cross it where possible.

1. – So far everything is quiet. (A boy runs out with a ball.)

- Look, look, a guy with a ball is running towards the roadway.

- Let's go, let's intercept. (Brakes squeak.)

- We made it...

Don't play with the ball on the road
Know that you can't do this.
And you roller skate
Only on the sidewalks, friends!
Remember to play safely
On the site in the yard!
There are no cars and the asphalt is beautiful,
Very cool kids!

2. - And over there, look, someone is trying to cross the road from behind a tree.

- Yes, this is Anton

- What are you doing, Anton? Stop! The driver can’t see you!” (Brakes squeak.)

- We made it...

Law II - the law of attention
Unfortunately, road traffic accidents
Another common occurrence among us!
For 9 months of 2009
Many people were injured on the roads of the region.
729 children were injured
Decide for yourself whether it is a lot or a little.
35 guys died in accidents?
This figure will remain without comment.
Children often neglect their safety,
Let us clarify why, friends, their troubles.




Law III. Law of relevance.

Everything is changing - the fashion for following traffic rules has arrived!

Our reasons for staying safe on the roads:

Drivers! Parents! Peers! Friends!

We ask you:

(with dance moves)

Is it COOL for innocent people to die on the roads?

Is it STYLISH to cross the road in front of a car?

Is it COOL to be in the hospital with injuries?

Is it GROWN to ride scooters without a license or helmet?

Is it FASHIONABLE to drive around in broken down cars?

It is VERY STUPID not to follow traffic rules!

Here are our reasons to comply

road safety!

(with rebuilding)

I don't want to be disabled!

My parents love me very much, and I don’t want to make them suffer!

I don't want to lose people close to me!

I don't like the chaos on the roads!

I want to be beautiful, successful, healthy, loved, happy!


We are for health, we are for happiness,
We are against pain and misfortune!
For a sober mind, for clarity of thought,
For childhood, youth, for the joy of life!

ABC of the streets. Avenues, roads

The city of Samara gives us a lesson.

Here it is, the alphabet above your head:

Signs are hung over the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that no trouble happens to you.
The music sounds “Who else if not us!!!”
Time affects days and events,
Time sometimes makes us rush
But it is also known that haste is destructive
The traffic police calls on everyone around:
How to follow all the laws of traffic,
Be careful on the road every time
People should know this without a doubt
After all, our TOMORROW depends on us.

Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.
Who, if not us, is for the traffic rules,
Who, if not us, is the squad of the decade,
Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.
Who, if not us, is a single team,
Who, if not us, is the propaganda of laws,
Who, if not us, will master all the rules,
Who, if not us, are the YuID members of Russia!


Umnyasha is the presenter of the program, an expert in traffic light science.



The recording contains cheerful, children's, rhythmic music (without words) at the discretion of the organizers of the event. Mischievous Pochemuchki appear on the stage, wearing bright suits and braids or ponytails that stick out like question marks, and the inscription on T-shirts or caps: “Why?” Pochemuchki play leapfrog, juggle balls with question marks, jump rope, in general, play and dance.

Why(together, after the number). Why? Why? And why again?

1st Pochemuchka

2nd Whychka

3rd Pochemuchka. Why do tires have patterns?

4th Pochemuchka. Why can’t you cross the road in front of nearby traffic?

5th Pochemuchka. Why do cars have red lights even during the day?

6th Pochemuchka. Why do cars have flashing lights?

All(together). Why?

Umnyasha appears on the stage, accompanied by his assistants Answers, strictly dressed boys. This is a very interesting, unusual, fairy-tale character. Smart girl appearance resembles a cute traffic light caterpillar. She has a very kind expression on her face, cute horns on her head, each link of the caterpillar is three colors - red, yellow, green. Umnyasha also has a cute curly forelock and large glasses on her nose, which slightly resembles a small potato. Smart girl, moving importantly, comes to the forefront. The answers gallantly support her arms.

Smart girl. Greetings, my young friends! My name is Umnyasha! I have a sister, she lives in a children’s magazine, which is called “Umnyasha”, and I live in the country of Traffic Lights and am a great expert in traffic light science! I heard a lot of questions asked: “Why?”

Why? That's what we said! Our name is Pochemuchki! (They bow.)

Smart girl. Wow, what cute and sweet little girls - Why! There are six of you, and for all six of you, “Why?” we have very interesting information. And my assistants, the boys, will help me bring it to you. Answers! (Answers bow.) So, is everyone ready?

All(together). Yes!

Smart girl. Well, let's begin!

1st Pochemuchka. Why is a traffic light called a traffic light?

Smart girl. Really, why? Come on, Answer #1, tell us about it!

Answer #1. We need to start with the fact that the word is made up of two parts: “light” and “for”. (Signs are displayed.) Well, “light” is light! What about “for”?

The word "for" comes from Greek word"foros", which means "carrier" or "carrier" - as you wish. And all together - “traffic light” means “light bearer”, “light bearer”.

He truly “brings light”, and more often than three different colors: red, yellow and green. That's why the traffic light. (A layout or picture of a traffic light is shown.)

2nd Whychka. Why is the red light prohibiting, the green light allowing, and not vice versa?

Smart girl. And we have a ready answer to this question! Come on, Answer No. 2, tell me!

Answer #2. Red light is a danger signal, an alarm signal. And not only at traffic lights. It is the red lights, and not any other color, that light up at nightfall on the corners of the fence enclosing the place where the road or street is being repaired; it is the red lights that flash behind each car when it slows down; it is the red light, blinking alarmingly, that signals drivers and pedestrians to railway crossing about the approach of a train; The fire trucks rushing to the scene of the incident are painted red; and the lighthouse, a friend and assistant to captains, sends not just any ray, but a red ray far into the sea. And this is not without reason. Red color is the most noticeable, it is visible from afar, and cannot be confused with any other. And blue, green, yellow can be confused!

Here a dance number can be performed to rhythmic music in two versions:

Using children's lasers, if turning off the lights completely is possible;

Using red light material.

3rd Why. But I wonder why there are patterns on the tires?

Smart girl. Of course, we will answer your question. We are ready to perform Answer No. 3. Please!

Answer #3. The same reason why there are pimples, rubber squares and stripes on sports shoes or boots. To prevent them from slipping. Convex patterns cling to the road and prevent the car from sliding.

If a pedestrian slips, he falls and gets hurt. And if a car “slips,” it can either run into another car, or roll over along with all its passengers, or hit a person.

To prevent this from ever happening, drivers make sure that the car’s tires always have patterns - with tread. This is also closely monitored by traffic police officers. And if they find a car that has at least one tire with a worn-out tread, a “bald” one, they immediately force the driver to replace it. (An illustration is shown.)

4th Pochemuchka. Why can't you cross the road in front of nearby cars?

Smart girl. Although we've talked about this topic many times before, it's worth hearing about it again! So, we're listening to Answer #4's story!

Answer #4. One second... Is it a lot or a little? For a pedestrian, one second is nothing: just a step. And for a car driver, that same second is sometimes a very serious thing.

In a second, a car traveling at 60 kilometers per hour travels more than 16 and a half meters. And if its speed is 80 kilometers per hour, then 22 meters.

Some people in a hurry see that the car is very close, but no, they still rush to run across the road right in front of its nose. He thinks: ah, nonsense, in extreme cases, the driver will have time to brake.

Little does he know that the driver, no matter how hard he wants, no matter how hard he tries, even pressing the brakes with all his might, still won’t be able to stop in time.

Simple arithmetic. There is no such person in the world who would immediately, as soon as he notices an obstacle, press the brake. To figure out what’s what, he definitely needs some time, some moment. And in this very moment the car manages to travel several meters. Even the most reliable and well-adjusted brakes do not work immediately... Another fraction of a second passes.

Brakes are on. The wheels don't spin anymore. The brake pads grabbed them tightly. And the car is still moving - crawling, “skidding,” as the drivers say. And the longer it takes, the higher the speed, the more worn out the tires, the smoother the road. And if it is also slippery or just in this place goes downhill, then this, as they call it, braking distance lengthens and lengthens. As a result, at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour and on an ice-crusted highway, the car will finally stop only 400 (!) meters after the driver began to brake. The car is difficult to control for almost half a kilometer!

That is why you need to cross the road carefully and not rush headlong into the path of cars. (A video clip or illustrative material on this topic is shown.)

5th Pochemuchka. Please tell me why red lights light up on cars during the day?

Smart girl. Now, baby, he will not only tell you, but tell you our Answer No. 5 about red lights on cars!

Answer No. 5. If you look at the street, you can clearly see that all cars approaching any intersection, even during the day, have red, alarming lights behind them.

And it’s good that they light up. With their light they warn drivers of cars driving behind: “Be careful, the front car is slowing down. So be careful not to run into her!”

This is why such flashlights are called “brake lights”. (Illustrative material is shown.)

6th Pochemuchka. And one more question! Why do cars have flashing lights?

Smart girl. We have already answered five questions, and we will answer this one too! Please, Answer No. 6, explain to us about car “flashing lights”!

Answer #6. A car is driving down the street, and suddenly the lights in front and behind it start to turn on and off. Here the car flashes its right lights, there - its left ones. Why?

Because here she needs to turn right, and there she needs to turn left. So she warns other cars and passersby about this.

Cyclists do not have flashing lights, and cars, motorcycles, and scooters can also have them damaged. How to warn about a turn?

This can be done without flashlights. Just pull it to the side left hand, and everyone will understand that you are turning left. And as soon as you raise the same left hand up, bent at the elbow, everyone: both pedestrians and cars, will know that you are going to turn right.

The cyclists' dance is performed, based on road gestures.

Smart girl. Well, dear Whys, were we able to correctly answer all your six “Whys”?

Why. Yes! Thank you very much!

Smart girl. We sincerely wish all the children to be friends with the rules of the road and respect all the advice of our traffic police! And you will see that everything will be fine for you!

Heroes(amicably). See you again, friends!

The recording again features rhythmic music. Pochemuchki perform the final number, at the end of which everyone bows and goes backstage.

What could be more important than knowledge at school? Perhaps only safety: in the school itself and on the way from school and to school! And here a lot depends on the adults around them, because children master the rules of behavior well by imitating them or during the game, which adults have competently organized. This is why extracurricular and extracurricular activities on various topics are so useful.

For example, children will remember traffic rules well if they play them in competitions, games and skits. We offer one of the options - A skit for schoolchildren about traffic rules “Lesson of Traffic Light Semaforych”

Sketch "Traffic Light Semaforitch's Lesson"


Traffic light Semaforych



Traffic Light Costume


A stand (or any device to prevent the ball from rolling)

On the stage stands Traffic Light Semaforych in his hand a pointer in the shape of a rod

“Traffic Light” sings live and dances (or just dances and a small excerpt from the original song plays)

An excerpt from the song “Cheerful Traffic Light” sounds:

"Remember the traffic rules,

Like a multiplication table” - 2 times:

Guys, let's go to the stadium!?

Yes, well, from the teachers' lounge, in full view...

And I suggest to the yard, which is across the road

Nobody will see us and there is a lot of space there.

That's right, let's run! Antokha, come on, give me a pass...

(The ball rolls out, right under the feet of the “Traffic Light”, he catches it, a group of guys immediately appears, each holding a roll with a picture)

Traffic light:

Yeah, we got caught, the trespassers, this time!

The guys are making noise (they all say at once): “What did we do?”, “What, the violators immediately” “Give me the ball”, “Oh, I’m afraid”, etc. . (one of the girls starts whining).

The traffic light sings a song (or speaks a recitative to the music)

It sounds like an adaptation to the tune of "The School Principal's Song" from the film The Magic Power of Art.

What kind of crying is this?

Well, don't whine, I'll give you the ball.

On a handkerchief, I'll give you the ball.

But first I’ll sing to you,

Why am I standing here?

Why am I standing here?

I would like to take off at a gallop,

And kick a soccer ball

And kick a soccer ball

I'm following the road

I'm not going anywhere

I'm not going anywhere.

I want to tell you, friends:

It is important for everyone to know the traffic rules

It is important for everyone to know the rules

And for this now,

I'll teach you a lesson

I'll teach you a lesson!

(Traffic Light puts the ball on the stand, children surround Traffic Light)


Yes, we all know, give it back, let it pass!

Traffic light:

Do you know everything? Great! Prove it to me!

Like the word “true” - I’ll say it seven times,

I'll let you pass right away and return the ball right away.

(The children sigh doomedly, but stand on both sides, half-turning towards the traffic light and the stage and take turns coming out with the necessary posters, unfolding them, then standing in place)

Picture “You can’t play on the roadway”

Traffic light:

Who answers me first:

“What does the picture mean?”


Do not play on the roadway


Yes, everyone should know this!

Picture - road sign"Pedestrian crossing"

Traffic light:

That's right..

Children (in chorus) This time!

Traffic light:

... let's continue, if so,

What is the name of this sign?


It's called "Pedestrian Crossing"

Indicates a place where passage is possible.

Traffic light:

And that's true...

Children (in chorus) That's two!

Traffic light:

………with this sign we are friends,

But what if my light is red?

Picture “The traffic light is red”


This is clear, since the red light is on...


So, we are waiting, the pedestrian is not allowed to go!

Traffic light:

That's right again..

Children (in chorus):

Picture “The traffic light is green”

Traffic light:

….And the green light is on?


This means, let's move on, the path is open!

Traffic light:

Well done, right!.....

Children (in chorus):

Picture “Zebra with a safe island”

Traffic light:

……. Now say:

Run to the green light

Suddenly the red light came on

What to do? No way?


Don't rush, don't worry,

Stay on a safe island.

Wait for the green light.

Traffic light:

And again true, no doubt.

Children (in chorus):

That's five!

Picture “Transition with small children”

Traffic light:

…….A simple question was clearly too

What if with a little brother?

Need to cross the road?

Who knows how to behave?


It's better not to run away with small ones,

And hold your hand tightly!

Traffic light: Right!

Children (in chorus):

Picture of "Children" sign

Traffic light:

Looks like you know everything in the world...


Certainly! This is the sign "Children"

They are always installed near the school,

So that drivers are prepared for this.

Traffic light:

True again!

Children (loudly in chorus):

It's seven!

Traffic light:(takes the ball in his hands)

Seven, so seven, get your ball,

And don’t play pranks near the road anymore!

After all, you know the rules of the road...



We know a lot about traffic rules!

(The minus of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend” sounds, all participants sing a remade song)

If you know the traffic rules,

If you know the traffic rules,

Merry way,

This knowledge is everywhere

This knowledge is everywhere

For me it is help.

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If these rules are with me, (point to head)

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If these rules are with me!

I'm on the road, friends,

I'm on the road, friends.

I'll go out without fear!

Traffic rules, since I know

Traffic rules, since I know

The traffic light has become a friend (waves to the traffic light)

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If these rules are with me, (point to head)

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

Why do I care about pouring rain?

When my friends are with me! (hug)
