Metropolitan Agathangel. Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail: “We are ready to go this path to the end

His Eminence AGAFANGEL (Savvin) - Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Permanent Member Holy Synod Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Doctor of Theology "HONORIS CAUSA" and Honorary Member of the Kyiv Theological Academy, Doctor of Philosophy and Honorary Professor of the Uzhgorod Theological Academy named after. Saints Cyril and Methodius, Honorary Doctor "HONORIS CAUSA" of the Odessa National Law Academy, Honorary Doctor "HONORIS CAUSA" of the Odessa State Medical University, Honorary Professor of the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky, Honorary Member of the Academic Council of Odessa National University. I.I. Mechnikov.

His Eminence Agathangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail.

In the world - Alexey Mikhailovich Savvin.
Born on September 2, 1938 in the village. Burdino, Terbunsky district, Lipetsk region (Russia) in a large peasant family. During the Great Patriotic War in 1941, his father, Mikhail Petrovich Savvin, died a heroic death during the landing on the Kerch Peninsula. In the same year, his elder brother Nikolai died in a mine explosion.
From 1942 to 1947 he lived with his family in evacuation in the Novosibirsk region in the city of Oyash. Upon returning to his native, destroyed village, he entered school, graduating in 1956.
In 1958-1960 studied at the Kyiv Theological Seminary, in 1960-1962. - at the Odessa Theological Seminary.
In 1962-1966. studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated with a candidate's degree in theology for his essay "The Idea of ​​Redemption among the Ancients" pagan peoples and in Old Testament religion."
In 1965 he entered the brethren of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra. On April 2, 1965, he took monastic vows with the name AGAFANGELO.
April 18, 1965 by Archbishop of Minsk and Belarus Sergius (Petrov, † 1990) in the Holy Spirit cathedral In Minsk he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on April 22, 1965 - a hieromonk.
Since 1966 - senior assistant inspector and teacher at the Odessa Theological Seminary. At the same time, clerk of the Odessa diocesan administration.
On April 7, 1967 he was elevated to the rank of abbot.
From May 29, 1967 to November 1975 - rector of the Odessa Theological Seminary.
In 1974 - His Holiness Patriarch Pimen was awarded the right to wear a second cross with decorations.
In 1975, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen was awarded the right to serve with the baton.
On June 1, 1967, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.
Since January 1968 - member of the diocesan council of the Odessa diocese.
Actively participated in many international forums: in July 1969 - member of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the conference of representatives of all religions in the USSR for cooperation and peace between nations. In September 1969, he participated in four interviews with theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Church in Germany (FRG). In 1987 and 1989 - member of the delegation in the international “World Cruises on the Dnieper”. In 1988, he was a member of the delegation on the Peace Cruise along the Mississippi River (USA). In 1992 - member of the international meeting "People and Religion", which took place in Leuven, Belgium, under the motto "Europe and Religion". In 1997, Metropolitan Agafangel took part in a symposium on environmental problems, which took place in Odessa under the omophorion of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Catholicos of Georgia Ilia II.
In 1971 he was a member Local Council Russian Orthodox Church. Member of the Bishops' Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008.
On November 11, 1975, at a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, he received a determination to be the Bishop of Vinnitsa and Bratslav, governing the Khmelnitsky diocese. Hirotonisan November 16, 1975
From 1975 to 1990 - manager of the Khmelnytsky diocese. From 1975 to 1992 - manager of the Vinnitsa and Bratslav diocese.
On September 7, 1981 he was elevated to the rank of archbishop.
On March 10, 1989 he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.
With a peace mission, at the head of delegations of religious figures, the USSR visited Canada, and also, as part of a delegation of the Soviet Peace Committee and the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, visited the USA, Italy, Belgium three times, and Germany, France, Bulgaria, and Switzerland twice. At the head of the pilgrim delegation, he visited Holy Mount Athos, Jerusalem three times, and Cyprus.
People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 1st convocation (1990-1994). From 2006 to the present - deputy of the Odessa Regional Council. Member of the Board and Presidium of the Ukrainian Republican Peace Foundation, member of the Vinnytsia Regional Peace Committee, member of the Board and Presidium of the Ukrainian Republican Culture Foundation, member of the Presidium of the Odessa Regional Peace Council, member of the Association of People's Deputies of Ukraine.
On August 7, 1991, he was transferred to the Ivano-Frankivsk See, but refused to go as a result of the lawless actions of the then Primate of the UOC Philaret (Denisenko).
On September 7, 1991, according to the petition, he was dismissed.
In April 1992, he was restored to the Vinnitsa department.
In 1992, under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Agafangel, a meeting of bishops, clergy, monastics and laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was held, condemning the anti-Orthodox, schismatic plans and actions of the then Metropolitan of Kyiv Filareta (Denisenko).
In May 1992, Metropolitan Agafangel of Vinnitsa and Bratslav took an active part in the meetings of the Kharkov Council of Bishops of the UOC, at which he firmly insisted on removing Metropolitan Philaret (Denisenko) from the post of Primate of the UOC and banning him from the priesthood for gross violation of the canons of the Church.
Since June 20, 1992 - Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Permanent Member of the Holy Synod of the UOC.
From 1993 to 1998 - Rector of the Odessa Theological Seminary.
From August 27, 1995 to May 8, 2008 Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod of the UOC.
On December 27, 1999, the Academic Council of the Kyiv Theological Academy awarded Metropolitan Agafangel the degree of Doctor of Theology “HONORIS CAUSA”.
On November 26, 2001, the Academic Council of the Kyiv Theological Academy elected an Honorary Member of the Kyiv Theological Academy (diploma No. 1).
On September 2, 2003, the Academic Council of the Odessa National Law Academy awarded Metropolitan Agafangel the academic title of Honorary Doctor “HONORIS CAUSA”.
On June 9, 2005, the Council of the Odessa Theological Seminary was elected an Honorary Member of the Odessa Theological Seminary.
On February 22, 2007, Metropolitan Agafangel was elected Honorary Doctor of “HONORIS CAUSA” of Odessa State Medical University.
November 29, 2007 by the Academic Council of the Uzhgorod Theological Academy named after. Saints Cyril and Methodius Metropolitan Agathangel was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy
On September 2, 2008, Metropolitan Agafangel was awarded the academic title of honorary professor at the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky
On September 2, 2008, Metropolitan Agafangel was awarded the academic title of honorary professor of the Uzhgorod Theological Academy. St. equal to app. Cyril and Methodius.
On September 2, 2008, Metropolitan Agafangel was elected an Honorary Member of the Academic Council of Odessa National University. I.I. Mechnikov.
During the period of Metropolitan Agafangel's tenure at the Odessa See, the following monasteries were opened: St. Panteleimon, St. Elias, St. Iveron, St. Constantine-Elenin, St. Nicholas, St. Intercession monasteries, as well as St. Archangel Michael, Spaso-Preobrazhensky and Holy Resurrection nunneries.
More than 300 churches have been opened in the diocese, about 20 new churches have been built in Odessa and Odessa region and new temple buildings are being built. The three-story building of the St. Andrew's Athonite Metochion in Odessa was returned to the Odessa Metropolis, and all previously destroyed bell towers on city churches were restored. The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Odessa Cathedral, a cathedral in honor of the icon, was built Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring", and the bell tower with the gate church in the Holy Dormition Odessa monastery. A major overhaul of the Holy Dormition Odessa Cathedral was carried out.
In 1995-1997 According to the proposal of Metropolitan Agathangel, by decision of the Holy Synod of the UOC, the Venerable Kuksha of Odessa, the Venerable Gabriel of Athos, the Righteous Jonah of Odessa, and Archbishop Innocent were canonized. Khersonsky (Borisov), holy martyr Anatoly of Odessa (Grisyuk), righteous Theodosius of Balta. In 2006, on the third week after Pentecost, the first celebration in honor of the Council of Odessa Saints took place in the Odessa diocese, established on the proposal of Metropolitan Agathangel by the determination of the Holy Synod of the UOC.
Metropolitan Agafangel - Honorary Citizen of the city. Greenville (Mississippi) and Baton Rouge (Louisiana), USA. In June 2004, at a session of the Odessa City Council, he was elected an Honorary Citizen of Odessa.
As part of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church since 2001, with the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, as part of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Agafangel represents the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in negotiations with representatives of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople on healing church schisms and unrest in Ukraine.
Metropolitan Agafangel is a participant in two international church conferences dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ, held in 1997 and 1998. in Simferopol and Pochaev Lavra. Under the patronage of Metropolitan Agafangel from January 20 to 23, 1999, Odessa hosted international Conference Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples: "Orthodoxy and the threat of a systemic crisis of the world post-industrial society, global economy of state institutions of power. In 2008 - church scientific and practical conference “Orthodox spiritual education: history and prospects.”

Metropolitan Agafangel pays great attention to the training of clergy for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, religious education laity and spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.
The charitable activities of the Odessa Metropolis are becoming increasingly large-scale. The Odessa Theological Seminary, monasteries and parishes take care of orphans, the elderly, the disabled, and the homeless. Together with state hospital institutions in the Kiev and Primorsky districts of Odessa, mercy departments were created and shelters were set up. There are good contacts with military personnel. The clergy of the metropolis, monastery residents and seminary teachers are present when taking oaths in military units, and visit prisons and hospitals.
With the blessing of Metropolitan Agafangel, missionary activity is being revived in the Odessa Metropolis. A pastoral word is heard weekly on television and radio. All churches and monasteries have Sunday schools for adults and children.
In 2007, with the blessing of Metropolitan Agafangel, the monthly newspaper of the Odessa diocese “Odessa Diocesan Gazette”, the founder of which was St. Innocent (Borisov), began to be printed again.
Printed works Metropolitan Agafangel: festive Easter and Christmas messages, addresses, greetings, reports, words, speeches, sermons, abstracts, etc. make up three volumes, some articles of which are placed on the pages of the “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate”, in “Theological Works”, “Orthodox Vestnik", other periodicals of the Russian Orthodox Church and UOC.
In 2005, Metropolitan Agafangel became a laureate of the competition of the Union of Writers of Russia in the “Political Journalism” section and was awarded a prize.
By the decision of the Expert Council of the Russian Biographical Institute, Metropolitan Agafangel was awarded the All-Russian Prize - Person of the Year - 2008 for his ascetic and educational activities
The name of Metropolitan Agafangel is included in the biographical information directory: “Ukraine: 10 years of independence. 500 influential personalities.”

Odessa priests demand that Agafangel be retired

The clergy of the Odessa diocese of the UOC-MP turned to the media with a request to make public the church lawlessness that is happening in the diocese “under the cover and connivance of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail.”

An open letter addressed to the Holy Synod of the UOC-MP, the Primate of the Ukrainian Church, His Beatitude Vladimir, as well as Kiril, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. We publish without cuts or abbreviations:

To His Beatitude Metropolitan

Kyiv and all Ukraine Vladimir

from the priesthood of the Odessa Diocese

Your Beatitude, a catastrophic situation has developed in our diocese, which is contributing to the destruction of canonical Orthodoxy on Odessa land, the spread of sects, complete chaos in the field of education of clergy, and the collapse of the diocese.

Metropolitan Agafangel is ready to do anything for money.

He neglects your blessings and instructions, citing your illness and inability to lead the Ukrainian Church. Metropolitan Agafangel is the ideological leader of separatist organizations that want, with the help of the church, to make a coup in our independent Ukraine. Metropolitan Agafangel is led by senile insanity, which he brings to life by managing the Odessa diocese.

With all his deeds and actions he only contributes to the collapse of the Ukrainian canonical Orthodox Church, which is already having a hard time in our difficult times. He is pushing the church towards autocephaly. No one has done more than Metropolitan Agafangel to dislike the Patriarchal Church that so personifies him. He himself expressed more than once that he was for the Patriarchal Church, but against such a Patriarch. (Since he saw himself in the place of the Patriarch of the Russian Church, the proof of this was voting for himself, the result showed that the authority of the Metropolitan received 2 votes, his own and that of his closest like-minded person.)

Now, in more detail about some of the glaring problems in our Odessa diocese.

Despite your blessing not to run for deputies at any level and not to campaign for certain government officials, Metropolitan Agafangel ignored your instructions and openly participated in the elections, traveled, campaigned throughout the diocese, called on the flock for whom to vote, thereby dragging our church into the mud and political wars. In areas where the proteges of Metropolitan Agafangel lost the elections, cases of negative attitudes towards our church have become more frequent.

Metropolitan Agafangel openly pursues a policy that contributes to the incitement of war by the interethnic communities of our country; he openly declares that Ukraine has never been, and cannot be, an independent state. All this leads to heightened passions around unnecessary problems into which Metropolitan Agafangel is dragging us.

As the ruling bishop of the Odessa diocese, Metropolitan Agafangel controls the situation by 10%, since 90% of the diocese is controlled by constantly changing favorites and personalities close to Metropolitan Agafangel, he is completely satisfied with the chaos that is happening. The main thing in the Odessa diocese is praise and a hypocritical attitude towards the Metropolitan, all clergy are obliged to praise the Metropolitan in public, and anyone who does not do this is on the black list of “unreliable” ones for approaching the Metropolitan. Not every priest of the Odessa diocese can communicate with the ruling bishop, discuss problems, receive blessings for construction - the Metropolitan is beyond the reach of the ordinary priesthood. Not to mention the flock and ordinary believers for the laity, only paid communication is large donations and then the Metropolitan will listen carefully.

If you need a divorce, pay, if you want to serve the funeral service for a suicide, pay.

“Pay” is a disgrace to our diocese.

Just look at the “tariffs for services” established, for example, in the Odessa Transfiguration Cathedral, the rector of which is Metropolitan Agafangel himself. Wedding – 3200 UAH, baptism – 1000 UAH. Free in this biggest Orthodox church"nobody does anything." It is very unfortunate that the Metropolitan knows about all the “tariffs” and he obviously has no desire or will to change anything.

Many of our petitions and appeals in written form simply do not reach the Metropolitan; they are lost among his “retinue.” A separate person is the secretary of the diocese, Archpriest Andrei Novikov. This is a person who lacks shame and conscience. His main task is to make money, and church affairs have no value in his work. There are many examples to prove this. When applying to register the parish, the secretary, without embarrassment, demanded a bribe. There are several known cases when communities were registered in schismatic dioceses, thereby showing what kind of aspirations of people to build churches and organize church communities Extortion of funds by the leaders of the diocese is unacceptable.

All this happens with the silent connivance of the outstanding fighter for Orthodoxy, a true patriot, Metropolitan Agathangel. Knowing about all the deeds of his secretary, Metropolitan Agafangel systematically rewards him with church regalia, thereby setting an example to the priesthood of the diocese that one can commit any sins - the main thing is to “gild the handle” in time. All this leads one to wonder why a true fighter for Orthodoxy covers up such iniquities. It’s sad to see young priests spend one to three years in the priesthood pastoral ministry, have all the awards of our church. Compared to the rest of the clergy of the diocese, who served for the benefit of the church for 30-40 years, this looks mocking. All this for money - you can buy any reward.

The main problem of our diocese is that our bishop does not see or hear sound thoughts; everyone around him is narrow-minded people pursuing purely their own interests. The Metropolitan, due to his age and established tradition, does not have his own opinion; it is formed exclusively by his favorites.

We ask Your Beatitude to delve into the problems of the Odessa diocese and stop the lawlessness that is happening in one of the most numerous dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and pull us out of the sinful swamp into which the leadership of the diocese is dragging us. It’s time for Bishop Agafangel to retire, which we hope will come in September.

And we wish him many years of retirement!


Odessa and Izmail diocese.

14. Metropolitan Agafangel

In Yaroslavl, in October 1928, His Eminence Agathangel, Metropolitan of Yaroslavl and Rostov, died.

Bishop Agafangel, in the world Alexander Lavrentievich Preobrazhensky, native Tula province, born on September 24, 1854. After graduating from theological seminary, he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated with the degree of candidate of theology and then entered the spiritual educational service.

He was a teacher and assistant superintendent of the theological school, and upon becoming a monk, inspector and rector of the theological seminary. On September 10, 1889, he was consecrated to the rank of suffragan bishop, and 4 years later he was appointed Tobolsk diocesan bishop and successively occupied chairs in the rank of archbishop of Riga, Lithuania and Yaroslavl. In 1918, at the Council, he was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan.

The late metropolitan was distinguished by a gentle character, a sensitive heart, meekness and wisdom in governance. In all places of his ministry, the bishop was loved by his flock.

He put a lot of work into the development of missionary work and spiritual enlightenment.

He zealously took part in the work of the Holy Council of the All-Russian Church in 1917–1918.

In 1922, Patriarch Tikhon, being in an exceptionally difficult situation regarding the further continuous management of the Church, transferred its leadership to Metropolitan Agafangel, with the following letter: “Due to the extreme difficulty in Church Administration that arose from bringing me to a civil court, I consider it useful for the good of the Church to place Your Eminence at the head of the Church Administration until the convening of the Council" (May 3/16, 1922).

He was the first to strictly condemn in his message the emerging “living church” as self-proclaimed, with a claim to an unruly revision of the sacred dogmas and canons of the Church.

He was second deputy His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, but at one time the Bolsheviks did not allow him to perform these duties.

Metropolitan Agafangel was not allowed to leave Yaroslavl, and then he was sentenced to forced labor (in fact, often hard labor) and deported. According to foreign newspaper reports, the elderly hierarch was forced to walk part of the way in the bitter cold.

The deputy of Patriarch Tikhon, Metropolitan Agafangel, was in exile in the Narym region, in a remote village, 200 versts from the village of Kopysheva. After his arrest in Yaroslavl, from August to December 28, the Metropolitan spent time in Lubyanka in the GPU prison awaiting investigation and trial, but did not receive any, and, by order of the GPU, was expelled to Narym under the supervision of the local Cheka. It is interesting that when Metropolitan Agafangel was in Yaroslavl, shortly before his arrest, a deputation from the “living church” came to him, which promised him its support and the preservation of the metropolis for him if he recognized the dogmas of the “living church” and took part in her work. The Metropolitan refused and was soon arrested.

The suffragan bishops of the Yaroslavl diocese were arrested immediately after the arrest of the metropolitan and were expelled by order from Moscow without trial. A metropolitan is prohibited from serving in exile. The exiled metropolitan was about 70 years old at that time, but he patiently endured all the hardships, eating starvation rations, which were not always carefully distributed to him by the local council. It should also be noted that, before reaching the place of exile, the elderly metropolitan had to endure many ordeals on the way, since the Bolsheviks, obviously for the purpose of mockery, forced him to go into exile along the stage, sending him along with a group of convicted criminals from the prison of one city to prisons in other cities. After some time, Metropolitan Agathangel was released and returned to his see.

In 1926, considering that Metropolitan Sergius incorrectly perceived the rights of the deputy patriarchal locum tenens, the deceased declared himself, in accordance with the written instructions of His Holiness the Patriarch and the resolution of the patriarchal locum tenens, His Eminence Metropolitan Peter, as his deputy, but then, for the sake of church world, waived his rights. When Metropolitan Sergius announced his terrible declaration, Metropolitan Agafangel categorically rejected it and separated from him.

In January 1928, the separation of the Yaroslavl church region followed, and for this separation, Archbishop Seraphim of Uglich was exiled to Mogilev, in its environs, and Metropolitan Joseph to the Modena Monastery of the Novgorod province. Metropolitan Agafangel is prohibited from leaving the city of Yaroslavl itself. Bishop Evgeniy of Rostov was arrested, and in the entire Yaroslavl church region there was only one bishop, Varlaam, who was with the sick Metropolitan Agafangel.

The Yaroslavl people did not form a new church center, and each bishop was left to act according to his own personal fear and conscience. Metropolitan Sergius, hiding behind the 15th rule of the Double Council, took the position not of an accused, but of a judge, while Metropolitan Agafangel was deprived of his faithful assistants, left without any support. Deputations were sent by Metropolitan Sergius to Metropolitan Agathangel - Metropolitan Seraphim of Tver and Archbishop Sylvester of Vologda, which were not successful.

Then Archbishop Iuvenaliy, formerly of Kursk and then of Ryazan, was sent, who arrived from Solovki and was a member of the Synod of Metropolitan Sergius. Afterwards Bishop German, who arrived from exile (Bishop Vyaznikovsky), went. But all these deputations were unsuccessful. Elder Agathangel, although deprived of support, remained adamant, only agreeing to give an explanation that “we are not creating any schism, we are not denying the power of the deputy in principle, we are not alienating anyone from the deputy, but we did not carry out any of his orders that were contrary to us and the people’s conscience and We won’t do it.” His vicars also joined this explanation, mainly in order to maintain unity with their metropolitan - the Angel of the Yaroslavl Church, and to block the mouths of their enemies - supporters of Metropolitan Sergius - and the mouths of their brethren, who do not understand their zeal for the glory of God and for the freedom and good of the Holy Churches. This clarification, dated May 10, 1928, deprived Metropolitan Sergius of the reason to impose, albeit incorrectly, a ban on the priesthood. The price of this ban is as follows: Archbishop Seraphim of Uglich was offered the metropolitan position at the same time as he was banned from the priesthood. white hood and any diocese, just accept the appointment from Metropolitan Sergius and his Synod, but he replied that he preferred to suffer for the Church.

His funeral service was actually carried out by members of the Sergius Synod, since Metropolitan Sergius needed to create the appearance of reconciliation with Metropolitan Agafangel, and the hierarchs who did not recognize Metropolitan Sergius were not allowed by the Soviet authorities to Yaroslavl for the funeral service of Metropolitan Agafangel.

The Riga newspaper Segodnya reports details of the burial of the late His Eminence Metropolitan Agafangel: it took place on October 21, and not on the 20th, as was initially decided. The fact is that October 20 fell on a Saturday. Workers of the Yaroslavl industrial region appealed to local Soviet authorities with a petition to allow the burial to be postponed to the next day, i.e. October 21, when all the workers, on the occasion of the resurrection, were free and could attend the solemn ceremony.

The funeral service for the body of Metropolitan Agafangel was performed in the Yaroslavl Nikitsky Church, near which the deceased saint continued services upon his return from exile.

Under the same Nikitsky Church, Bishop Agathangel was buried in the presence of a huge number of local workers, who maintained order throughout the city during the burial. The entire population of the city and surrounding area flocked to the Metropolitan’s burial.

According to church regulations, Metropolitan Agafangel was to be buried under the walls of the Yaroslavl Cathedral. But, due to the fact that the cathedral has been occupied for some time by renovationists, who did not give the late metropolitan the opportunity to perform divine services, he was forced to perform services in Yaroslavl parish churches, and therefore he was also not buried under the walls of the cathedral.

In the morning, on the day of burial, in all Yaroslavl churches funeral services were performed. Upon completion of them religious processions, accompanied by huge crowds of people, headed towards the Nikitsky Church.

In this church, as well as over the grave of the deceased metropolitan, archiepiscopal services and memorial services were held daily for forty days, to which residents of the city and outskirts invariably flocked.

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Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail AGAFANGEL - Honorary DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY HONORIS CAUSA KDA

Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail AGAFANGEL His Eminence AGAFANGEL (Savvin) - Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Permanent Member of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod of the UOC, Doctor of Theology, Honorary Member of the Kyiv Theological Academy, Honorary Doctor of the Odessa National Law Academy.

In the world - Alexey Mikhailovich Savvin.

Was born September 2, 1938 in the village Burdino, Terbunsky district, Lipetsk region (Russia) in a peasant family.

In 1956 graduated from high school.

In 1958-1960 studied at the Kyiv Theological Seminary, in I960-1962 — at the Odessa Theological Seminary.

In 1962-1966. studied at the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated with a candidate of theology degree for essay<Идея искупления у древних языческих народов и в ветхозаветной религии> .

IN 1965 entered the brethren of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra. April 2 1965 took monastic vows with the name AGAFANGEL.

April 18, 1965 Archbishop of Minsk and Belarus SERGIUS (Petrov, + 1990) ordained as hierodeacon, April 22, 1965- in hieromonk.

Since 1966— senior assistant inspector and teacher at Odessa Theological Seminary. At the same time, clerk of the Odessa diocesan administration.

Since May 29, 1967 to November 1975- Rector of the UDS. June 1, 1967 elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

From January 1968- Member of the Diocesan Council of the Odessa Diocese.

Actively participated in many international forums: in July 1969- Member of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the conference of representatives of all religions in the USSR for cooperation and peace between peoples. In September 1969 participated in four interviews with theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Church in Germany (FRG). IN 1987 and 1989- member of the delegation to international<Круизах мира по Днепру>. In 1988 - member of the delegation to<Круизе мира>along the river Mississippi (USA). In 1992- member of the international meeting<Люди и религия>, which took place in Leuven, Belgium, under the motto<Европа и религия> .

In 1971 was a member of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Member of the Bishops' Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1996., at the last two he was elected chairman of the Credentials Committee.

November 11, 1975 At a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, he received a determination to be the Bishop of Vinnitsa and Bratslav. Hirotonisan November 16, 1975

From 1975 to 1992- Administrator of the Khmelnytsky diocese.

With a peace mission, at the head of delegations of religious figures, the USSR visited Canada, and also as part of a delegation of the Soviet Peace Committee and the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, he visited the USA, Italy, Belgium three times, and Germany, France, Bulgaria, and Switzerland twice. At the head of the pilgrim delegation, he visited Holy Mount Athos, Jerusalem three times, and Cyprus.

People's Deputy of Ukraine 1st convocation (1990-1994). Member of the Board and Presidium of the Ukrainian Republican Peace Foundation, member of the Vinnytsia Regional Peace Committee, member of the Board and Presidium of the Ukrainian Republican Culture Foundation, member of the Presidium of the Odessa Regional Peace Council, member of the Association of People's Deputies of Ukraine.

Since June 20, 1992— Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Permanent Member of the Holy Synod of the UOC.

From 1993 to 1998- Rector of the UDS.

Since August 27, 1995 G.- Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod of the UOC. Academic Council of the Kyiv Theological Academy from December 27, 1999 Metropolitan Agafangel was awarded the degree<доктор богословия>. Academic Council of the Odessa National Law Academy September 2, 2003 Metropolitan Agafangel was awarded the title of honorary doctor.

During the period of Metropolitan AGAFANGELO's stay at the Odessa See, the following monasteries were opened: St. Panteleimon, St. Elias, St. Iveron, St. Konstantino-Eleninsky, St. Nicholas monasteries, as well as St. Archangel Michael and Spaso-Preobrazhensky convents. More than 300 churches have been opened in the diocese, about 20 new churches have been built in Odessa and the Odessa region, and new church buildings are being built. The three-story building of the St. Andrew's Athonite Metochion in Odessa was returned to the Odessa Metropolis, all previously destroyed bell towers on city churches were restored, and the Transfiguration Cathedral was restored.

In 1995-1997 According to the proposal of Metropolitan AGAFANGELO, by the decision of the Holy Synod of the UOC, the Venerable Kuksha of Odessa, the Venerable Gabriel of Athos, the Righteous Jonah of Odessa, Archbishop Innocent of Kherson (Borisov), and Hieromartyr Anatoly of Odessa (Grisyuk) were canonized.

Metropolitan Agafangel - Honorary Citizen of the city. Greenville (Mississippi) and Baton Rouge (Louisiana), USA. In June 2004 at a session of the Odessa City Council he was elected an Honorary Citizen of Odessa.

As part of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church with 2001 with the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Metropolitan Agafangel represents the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in negotiations with representatives of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople on the healing of church schisms and disorder in Ukraine.

Metropolitan AGAFANGEL is a participant in two international church conferences dedicated to 2000th anniversary Nativity of Christ, held in 1997 and 1998 in Simferopol and Pochaev Lavra. Under the patronage of Metropolitan Agathangel from January 20 to January 23, 1999 An international conference of the Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples was held in Odessa:<Православие и угроза системного кризиса мирового постиндустриального общества, глобальной экономики государственных институтов власти> .

Metropolitan AGAFANGEL pays great attention to the training of clergy for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the religious education of the laity and the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

The charitable activities of the Odessa Metropolis are becoming increasingly large-scale. The Odessa Theological Seminary, monasteries and parishes take care of orphans, the elderly, the disabled, and the homeless. Together with state hospital institutions in the Kiev and Primorsky districts of Odessa, mercy departments were created and shelters were set up. There are good contacts with military personnel. The clergy of the metropolis, monastery residents and seminary teachers are present when taking oaths in military units, and visit prisons and hospitals.

With the blessing of Metropolitan AGAFANGELO, missionary activity is being revived in the Odessa Metropolis. The pastoral word is heard weekly on the television and on the radio. Many churches and monasteries operate Sunday schools for adults and children. At the Holy Dormition Patriarchal Monastery, it has become a tradition to hold extra-liturgical conversations with parishioners.

Printed works of Metropolitan AGAFANGELO: holiday Easter and Christmas messages, addresses, greetings, reports, words, speeches, sermons, abstracts, etc., many of which are published on the pages of the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, in Theological Works, Orthodox Bulletin, other periodicals of the Russian Orthodox Church and UOC.

The name of Metropolitan Agafangel is included in the biographical information directory: “Ukraine: 10 years independence. 500 influential personalities."

Awards of Metropolitan AGAFANGELO:

Church: Order of St. Prince Vladimir III degree (1968), II degree (1969) and 1st degree (1988), Order of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh II degree (1985), Order of St. Prince Daniil of Moscow II degree (1998), the right to wear the second Panagia (1998), Order of St. ap. and Evangelist Mark of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church, II degree (1969) and 1st degree (1981), Order of St. Equal to the Apostles Nina of the Georgian Orthodox Church, II degree (1981), Order of the Holy Cross of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem (1981), Jubilee Order "Nativity of Christ" 2000″ 1st degree, Order of St. Nestor the Chronicler II degree (2001) and 1st degree (2003), order of saints Innocent of Moscow II degree (2000), Order of Stephen the Great of the Moldovan Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church, II degree, Order of the Church of Antioch and medals of other Churches;

Secular: insignia: President of Ukraine - Order of Merit, II degree (1999) and 1st degree (2003), Order of Friendship Russian Federation (2003), Order of St. George the Victorious (award of the Russian Chamber of Personality under the President of the Russian Federation) 1st degree (2004), Certificate of honor and medal of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1998), Certificate of honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR (1988), Order badge "Glory for loyalty to the Fatherland" III degree, silver medal "10 years of independence of Ukraine" II degree, order "Cossack glory" 1st class, order "Chernobyl cross"(award from the All-Ukrainian public organization “Union of Chernobyl Survivors of Ukraine”, 2003), Order of Honor of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (2000), Order of Suvorov of the PMR (2003), Order of G. Marazli III degree (award of the Odessa City Hall), insignia of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, diploma of honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR (1989), gold insignia of the Odessa Regional State Administration and certificate of honor (1990), UN Peace Medal (1988), commemorative medal of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR, medal of honor "Fighter for Peace" Soviet KZM, gold medal of the Soviet Peace Fund, honorary medal of the Soviet Peace Committee, certificate of honor, honorary medal and badge of the Soviet Peace Fund, six certificates of honor of the Ukrainian Peace Council with the presentation of commemorative medals, certificate of honor from the society "Ukraine", certificates of honor from the Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regional branches of the Peace Fund, certificates of honor from the Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regional organizations of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.

(Savvin Alexey Mikhailovich; born September 2, 1938, village of Burdino, Terbunsky district, Lipetsk region), Metropolitan. Odessa and Izmail. From a peasant family. In 1956 he graduated from high school. Since 1958, he studied at the Kyiv DS, after its closure, from 1960 to 1962, at the Odessa DS, in 1962-1966, at the MDA, graduating with a Ph.D. theology for op. “The idea of ​​redemption among ancient pagan peoples and in Old Testament religion.” 2 Apr. 1965 In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra he was tonsured a monk with the name A. and entered the brethren of the Lavra. 18 Apr 1965 Archbishop. Sergius (Petrov) of Minsk and Belarus ordained him a hierodeacon, April 22. the same year - into hieromonk. Since June 15, 1966, senior assistant inspector of the Odessa DS, teacher of liturgics, basic and comparative theology, Priest. Scriptures of the New Testament, as well as the clerk of the Odessa diocesan administration. From May 29, 1967 to Nov. 1975 rector of the Odessa DS. He took an active part in peacemaking and ecumenical events, including the Conference of Representatives of All Religions in the USSR for Cooperation and Peace among Nations (1969), and in theological interviews with representatives of the Evangelical Church of Germany (1979). Apr 7 In 1967 he was elevated to the rank of abbot, and on June 1 of the same year - to the rank of archimandrite. From 10 Jan. 1968 Member of the Diocesan Council of the Odessa Diocese. In 1971, being a member of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Odessa diocese, he took part in the election of Metropolitan. Pimen (Izvekov) Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. 11 Nov 1975 Priest. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church determined A. to be bishop. Vinnitsa and Bratslav, November 16. The episcopal consecration took place. From Nov. 1975 to February 20 1990 A. temporarily ruled the Khmelnytsky diocese. 7 Sep. In 1981, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop, and on March 10, 1989, to the rank of metropolitan. He was actively involved in the Vinnitsa and Khmelnytsky departments social activities, being a member of the board and presidium of the Ukrainian Republican Peace Fund, Vinnytsia Regional Peace Committee, a member of the board and presidium of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. On March 4, 1990, he was elected as a people's deputy of Ukraine. Taking part in the work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, A. opposed the nationalist course of Rukh, for which he was attacked by representatives of nationalist circles. In 1991, A. stood in opposition to the separatist course of Metropolitan. Kyiv Filaret (Denisenko), this ended in a conflict, as a result of which on August 7. 1991 A. was transferred to the Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia departments, which by that time had already been practically destroyed by Greek Catholics and autocephalists. Refusing to accept this appointment and not seeing an opportunity to counteract the policy of Metropolitan, which was destructive for the Church. Filareta, A. submitted a petition for dismissal from the staff in his name. 7 Sep. 1991 was retired. After the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on March 31 - April 5. 1992, April the same year, A. was returned to the Vinnitsa and Bratslav departments. By the decision of the Holy Synod of June 26, 1992, he was transferred to the Odessa and Izmail Sees, heading one of the largest dioceses of the UOC, and became a permanent member of the Priest. Synod of the UOC. In 1993, he was again appointed rector of the Odessa DS, and on August 27. 1995 - Chairman of the Educational Committee at the Priest. Synod of the UOC. At the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in February. 1997 A. was among the bishops who spoke out against the further participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the ecumenical movement. According to A. Priest. The Synod of the UOC carried out local canonizations of devotees of piety, whose ministry is connected with Odessa, including St. Innocent (Borisov), archbishop. Kherson, St. Kukshi (Velichko) of Odessa, St. right Ions of Odessa, Ataman, sschmch. Anatoly (Grisyuk), Metropolitan. Odessa, St. Gabriel of Athos. With the blessing of A., several were opened in the Odessa diocese. new mon ray. Awarded orders of the Russian Orthodox Church and other local Churches.

Works: The idea of ​​redemption among the ancient pagan peoples and in the Old Testament religion: Course. Op. / MDA. Zagorsk, 1966; Holy Martyr Photina // ZhMP. 1966. No. 4. P. 62-64; The spirituality of Orthodoxy in its outstanding representatives // BT. 1973. Sat. 10. P. 120-128; On the knowledge of God // ZhMP. 1973. No. 6. P. 29; Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky) // Ibid. 1975. No. 5. P. 76-78; No. 6. P. 68-72; Metropolitan John, former of Prague and all Czechoslovakia: (Obituary) // Ibid. 1976. No. 9. P. 39-42.

V. I. Petrushko
