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Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church chaired by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' summed up the results of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2018-2019”.

The winners of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2018-2019” were 255 projects presented in four competitive areas: “Education and Upbringing”, “Culture”, “Social Service”, “Information Activities”. The grant fund of the competition amounted to 115 million rubles.

The winning projects within the areas were distributed as follows:

  • “Education and upbringing” - 74;
  • “Social service” - 87 (of which 12 are “Shelters for pregnant women”);
  • “Culture” - 75;
  • “Information activities” - 19.

Applications for the competition “Orthodox Initiative 2018-2019” were accepted from September 1 to October 23, 2018 on the website www. newpravkonkurs.ru. In total, the competition received 1,250 applications from 77 regions Russian Federation, 14 countries near and far abroad.

Project implementation will begin no earlier than March 20, 2019 and will be completed no later than January 20, 2020.

The list of projects that have received approval from the Unified Expert Council and recommended for funding in 2019 is available at the link.

According to the Regulations on the “Orthodox Initiative” competition, the executive directorate does not comment on the reasons for the rejection of applications and does not enter into correspondence or negotiations on this matter. Expert comments are available upon request from diocesan coordinators.

Instructions for further actions (for winners) will be posted in their personal accounts on the competition website

on the announcement of an international open grant competition

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church announces the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2018-2019” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
The Contest is governed by the Regulations on the Orthodox Initiative program and this Notice.


1. The goals, objectives, general principles and strategic priorities of the Competition are set out in the Regulations on the international grant program “Orthodox Initiative”.
2. Conducting the Competition, including technical support for competitive procedures, organizing the examination of received applications, financing the winners, receiving and checking reports, is the responsibility of the Competition Operator - the Foundation for the Support of Humanitarian and Educational Initiatives “Co-operation” (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation).


1. The competition provides equal opportunities to all participants.
The following organizations can take part in the Competition:
canonical divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church;
non-profit organizations registered as legal entities;
state and municipal institutions;
non-governmental organizations in the field of education, culture, healthcare, social protection and others, including organizations created by the Russian Orthodox Church or with its participation;
facilities mass media;
commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs.
2. Organizations participating in the Program must meet the following requirements:
the applicant organization must be registered as a legal entity;
the organization carries out, in accordance with the charter, one or more types of activities corresponding to the project areas specified in Chapter III of this Notice;
the organization is not in the process of liquidation, insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings have not been initiated against it,
the organization’s activities have not been suspended in the manner prescribed by law;
the organization has no overdue debts on taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, the due date for which has come in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (except for amounts for which there is a court decision that has entered into legal force recognizing the organization’s obligation to payment of these amounts executed). An organization is recognized as meeting the established requirement if it has filed an application to appeal the specified debt in the prescribed manner and a decision on such an application has not been made on the date the organization submitted an application to participate in the Competition;
the organization has no overdue reporting debt for previously received grants.
3. Program participants cannot be:
consumer cooperatives, which include, inter alia, housing, housing construction and garage cooperatives, horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha consumer cooperatives, mutual insurance societies, credit cooperatives, rental funds, agricultural consumer cooperatives;
political parties;
self-regulatory organizations;
employers' associations;
associations of cooperatives;
chambers of commerce and industry;
real estate owners' associations, which include, among other things, homeowners' associations;
bar associations;
legal education;
notary chambers;
4. Replacement of the applicant organization at all stages of the competitive procedure, execution of the Grant Agreement and implementation of the project is not allowed, except in cases of reorganization of a legal entity in the forms provided for by law.


1. Within the framework of the Competition, applications in the following project areas are considered:
education and upbringing;
social service;
information activities.


Idea of ​​the project direction:
Support for projects in the area Orthodox education, spiritual and moral education, mastery of all the riches of native culture, development of abilities, formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Sunday schools;
spiritual and moral education of children and youth;
spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality;
catechetical ministry;
scientific and methodological support for the activities, including innovation, of Orthodox educational organizations;
gifted children;
support for inclusion (adaptation of people with disabilities) in the Orthodox educational environment;
prevention of deviant (risky) behavior of children and youth;
work in the field of Orthodox general (preschool, primary, basic, secondary, secondary vocational and higher) education;
working with children with disabilities;
development of ideas of Orthodox pedagogy in the modern educational space;
self-organization of the pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical community;
cooperation of state, church and public institutions in the field of education;
teaching development Orthodox culture in secular schools;
educational and methodological support Orthodox education(including the creation of a Unified educational and methodological kit for Sunday schools(for children), educational and methodological kit for Orthodox schools and gymnasiums, as well as educational literature to provide the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” as part of the ORKSE course);
formation of legal culture and respectable social behavior.
Priority is given to projects based on cooperation between state, church and public institutions.

1) Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk Mercury
2) Glebova Lyubov Nikolaevna


Idea of ​​the project direction:
Support social projects, aimed at Christian witness through concrete deeds, at strengthening mutual assistance, mercy and care for socially vulnerable categories of citizens in society. Identification and dissemination of best practices in the field of social assistance, including Orthodox parishes and monasteries.
Grants are provided for projects in the following areas:
volunteer projects;
care for orphans and children left without parental care;
protecting children from abuse;
protection of the rights of children, orphans and adolescents;
improving the quality of life of older people (creating mobile centers to provide medical, social assistance and others - especially in rural areas);
support for projects aimed at developing the creative abilities of children and youth with special needs (theatres, festivals, clubs and others);
assistance to families with many children: organization of recreation, comprehensive assistance in daily life;
assistance to single parents;
parish social service in the field of family assistance;
prevention and assistance in overcoming negative phenomena among teenagers;
prevention of non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, comprehensive rehabilitation and resocialization of persons who use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for non-medical purposes;
prevention of social orphanhood, support for motherhood and childhood;
work with military personnel;
work with children, adolescents and youth in the direction of spiritual education;
work with orphans and children at risk: work with birth families, courses for adoptive parents, family placement services;
development of traditional spiritual values;
rehabilitation of the homeless, rehabilitation of the disabled (children and adults);
promoting activities in the field of patriotic and spiritual-moral education of children and youth;
promoting activities aimed at improving the quality of life of children;
preservation and popularization of family values, creation and preservation of family traditions of spirituality and morality;
prison ministry. Resocialization of convicts, including in Orthodox, spiritual and labor education, formation of a legal culture;
popularizing the reduction of abortions.
Within the framework of the project direction, a special nomination “Shelters for pregnant women” has been allocated.
Key idea: creating help centers for pregnant women and women with children in crisis situations.
Priority is given to complex projects, in mandatory including accommodation for women with children, as well as, if possible, training in child care, housekeeping, training in a profession, employment, organization of nurseries, legal protection and others.
Funds are provided only for the opening of new shelters in cities where there are no existing church shelters.
Priority is given to projects aimed at helping large families.
Project managers:
1) Bishop of Orekhovo-Zuevsky Panteleimon
2) Ryabukhin Sergey Nikolaevich


Idea of ​​the project direction:
Supporting projects aimed at Christian spiritual and moral education, witnessing Christian truths through culture and art, and developing centers for supporting Orthodox culture.
Grants are provided for projects in the following areas:
publication of a series of books for the general public “Outstanding Scientists - Bishops” about the centuries-old presence of the church in the intellectual and cultural space of the country;
classical heritage;
local history;
cultural centers;
modern Orthodox church. Architecture and interior decor;
creative practice;
church culture;
electronic culture: intellectual innovative technologies in the sociocultural sphere, revealing the centuries-old presence of the Church in the spiritual, moral, intellectual and cultural space of the country;
ethnocultural heritage;
creation of spiritual and cultural centers, including regional ones;
popularization of the feat of the new martyrs in the history of the Church in the 20th century;
popularization of family traditions;
collection of information and coverage of activities to revive church life in the post-Soviet period.
socially significant historical projects aimed at reviving the historical memory of events related to the development and heroic defense of Russian territories, nurturing among young people an interest in Orthodox history and culture of the region.
Priority is given to projects aimed at children and youth, as well as people with disabilities.
Project managers:
1) Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsk Clement
2) Gabestro Sergey Vladilenovich
3) Klishas Andrey Alexandrovich


Project direction ideas:
Supporting information projects demonstrating using professional means and modern methods communication of the life of the Church in an understandable, accessible and attractive way for a wide audience, especially for secular society.
Increasing the presence of the Church in the information space. An increase in the number of materials on Orthodox topics and dedicated to the Church in secular media.
Development of the Orthodox media environment, strengthening professional interaction, corporate community of journalists Orthodox media. Raising standards of work in the field of Orthodox journalism.
Grants are provided for projects in the following areas:
self-organization of the journalistic community;
content creation;
creation of media.
Project managers:
1) Legoyda Vladimir Romanovich
2) Sungorkin Vladimir Nikolaevich
2. In order to support the initiatives of applicants from small towns and villages, as well as applicants, regardless of the place of their registration, if the projects they provide are planned to be implemented in small towns and villages, within each
project direction, the opportunity to submit an application in the special nomination “Small Towns and Villages” was provided.
Applications for the special nomination “Small Towns and Villages” undergo examination in a special manner.
The amount of grant support for projects in the special category “Small Towns and Villages” is up to 300,000 rubles.
3. In order to create an infrastructure to help the most vulnerable group of people in need - pregnant women and women with small children in a crisis situation - a special category “Shelters for pregnant women” is being introduced.
The amount of grant support for projects in the special category “Shelters for Pregnant Women” is up to 1,000,000 rubles.
Funds can only be used to create a new help center and the first year of its operation in cities where there are no existing church shelters. Priority is given to complex projects that necessarily include accommodation for women with children, as well as, if possible, training in child care, housekeeping, vocational training, employment, organization of nurseries, legal protection and others.


1. The Competition includes 3 types of projects - local projects, network projects and infrastructure/system-forming projects.
2. Local projects are implemented by one organization in one or several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The amount of the requested grant cannot exceed 600,000 rubles.
3. Network projects are implemented in at least two constituent entities of the Russian Federation by two or more organizations. The amount of the requested grant cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles. The applicant must document the network nature of the project, namely:
provide letters of partnership from organizations in the regions indicating specific forms of participation of these organizations in the project;
inform about the existing regional branches of your organization;
create a Budget that reflects the financial participation of all partners in the project.
4. The implementation of infrastructure/system-forming projects is carried out by an organization that interacts with a large number of other organizations.
The organization’s activities should be aimed at supporting other non-profit organizations in terms of:
providing information, consulting and methodological support for the activities of socially oriented non-profit organizations;
identifying, generalizing and disseminating best practices for implementing projects of socially oriented non-profit organizations.
The amount of the requested grant cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles.


Announcement of the Competition - 09/01/2018.
The acceptance of competitive applications begins from the moment the Competition is announced.
The deadline for accepting competitive applications is 18:00 (Moscow time) 10/23/2018.
The winners of the Competition will be announced no later than 03/01/2019.
The start of the project is no earlier than 03/20/2019.
Completion of the project is no later than 01/20/2020.
The duration of projects cannot be more than 9 months.


1. To participate in the Competition, you must submit an Application.
Attention! A participating organization can submit only one Application for the Competition. From organizations that include divisions without forming a legal entity (departments, departments, etc.), which are characterized by pronounced specific activities aimed at achieving a specific social result, several Applications may be submitted. The status of such units must be documented.
2. The Fund accepts Applications and keeps records of them as they are received.
An application is considered submitted to the Competition after filling out the electronic form on the Competition website www.newpravkonkurs.ru and assigning a serial number to the Application.
3. The following must be attached to the Application:
an electronic extract from the unified state register of legal entities generated on the website www.nalog.ru on the day of submission of the Application for the Competition;
foreign participants in the Competition must confirm the legal status of the applicant organization with a copy of the registration document with a notarized translation into Russian;
a notification letter stating that as of the date of filing an application for participation in the Competition, the organization is not in the process of liquidation or reorganization;
resume of the project manager;
for network projects, documents confirming the partnership of the organizations specified in the project are attached (contract, agreement, letter of intent);
a covering letter signed by the head of the applicant organization;
for secular applicant organizations - a letter of cooperation with an Orthodox religious organization, indicating a partnership between the applicant organization and this Orthodox religious organization religious organization in the implementation of the project.
The Application may be accompanied by documents evidencing the applicant’s professional competence, documents confirming the organization’s experience in the development and implementation of social projects, letters of support and other documents.
4. An integral part of the Application is the Schedule and Budget of the project. The budget must be consistent with the project activities; administrative costs of the organization in the project budget should be minimized.
The project budget must reflect the costs incurred by the applicant (and/or the applicant's partner organizations) in the amount of at least 25% of the grant amount (of the requested amount).


1. The competitive selection of received Applications is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the examination of projects of the international open grant competition “Orthodox Initiative”, approved by the Executive Director of the Coordination Committee.
2. When evaluating an application, the following criteria are taken into account:

Criterion category Criterion Expert assessment Significance
Compliance of the project with the idea of ​​the competition The project corresponds to the goals, objectives and themes of the competition.* 10%
Mechanisms for the implementation of church-secular partnership are prescribed.* 10%
Project content The proposed project staffing is adequate to the planned project activities. 3%
The problems of the project are relevant and in demand in modern conditions 5%
The goals and objectives of the project correspond to the stated issues. 5%
Planned activities correspond to goals and objectives. 5%
The project includes non-standard approaches: the author's individuality, novelty of methods, significant social effect. 4%
The target group is clearly described, worthy of support, and corresponds to the problems of the project. 5%
The methods of recruiting the target group and including them in the activities are realistic. 5%
The mechanisms for information support of the project are realistic and effective. 3%
Project budget The budget is economical: the level of salaries, the cost of services and material resources, and other expenses correspond to price reality. 9%
Budget items, cost and technical characteristics of the declared equipment, staffing and wage levels are adequate to the requirements of the project. 8%
The distribution of funds among budget items ensures the successful implementation of all activities, solving problems, and achieving goals. 8%
Planned results of the project Quantitative and qualitative results are achievable. 8%
Quantitative and qualitative results are adequate to the goals and objectives of the project. 8%
The criteria for assessing results are instrumental. 4%

The rating is given on a scale from 0 to 3:
0 - the application does not meet the criterion at all;
1 - the application largely does not meet the criterion and requires significant revision;
2 - the application almost meets the criterion, minor revision is required;
3 - the application fully meets the criterion.
Criteria marked with * are cut-off: assigning a score of 0 to an application according to such criteria by the majority of experts entails rejection of the application.
3. The Coordination Committee, having considered the results of the examination, makes a decision on the winners of the competition and on providing them with grant support.
Information about supported applications is posted on the Competition website, and all participants receive notification of the results of the Competition.
4. Authors of individual projects may be sent additional requirements that must be taken into account when drawing up the Grant Agreement.
5. The Competition organizers do not enter into correspondence or negotiations with applicants whose Applications were rejected.


academic research and cultural exchanges;
purchase of consignments of equipment and goods;
publishing activities (without other activities);
commercial projects;
travel abroad, if these trips are beyond the scope of necessary and sufficient project activities;
political activity;
purchase of vehicles;
acquisition and renovation of premises (except for work necessary to perform the main activities of the project);
purchase of furniture (including office furniture) and professional equipment (except for purchases necessary to carry out the main activities of the project);
conducting investigative journalism;
CD/DVD production (without other activities);
direct humanitarian assistance;
items “unforeseen expenses”, “income tax”, “property tax” and others.


1. Grant agreements are concluded with the winners of the Competition.
The Grant Agreement stipulates:
deadlines for project implementation and provision of interim and final reporting;
the amount of the grant provided, the amount of the applicant organization’s own funds allocated for the implementation of the project, and the full cost of the project, requirements for the content of the financial report, its execution and placement in the Personal Account;
the principle of providing a grant in two equal tranches, with the second tranche being provided after the Fund approves the interim report;
support of the project by its manager through Personal Area posted on the Competition website, including: placement operational information on current events of the project and maintaining the project page in in social networks; provision of the content and financial part of the interim and final report drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Fund; maintaining correspondence through your Personal Account with a Foundation employee (project supervisor).
2. Grant support to the winners of the Competition is provided subject to the implementation of expert recommendations on adjustments to the Budget and the substantive part of the project, as well as the Fund’s requirements for the design and content of the Grant Agreement.
3. The winners of the Competition, no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification through the Personal Account of the project manager on the Competition website www.newpravkonkurs.ru, submit the documents necessary for signing the Grant Agreement:
a Grant Agreement form filled out in accordance with established requirements, signed by the head of the organization and certified by the seal of the organization;
an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (original or notarized copy), received no earlier than 03/01/2019;
a certificate confirming the taxpayer’s fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes, fees, and insurance premiums, received no earlier than 03/01/2019;
a certificate from the bank indicating the bank details of the organization received no earlier than 03/01/2019;
a copy of any payment order of an organization that has a bank mark no earlier than 03/01/2019 (only for Russian winning organizations).
4. The grant agreement with the foreign organizations that won the Competition is drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Transfer of funds is carried out exclusively to the bank account of the winning organization.
The procedure for providing a grant to foreign winning organizations and the requirements for financial reporting are fixed in the Additional Agreement to the Grant Agreement.
Foreign winners of the Competition to receive a grant in Russian rubles provide bank details indicating the correspondent bank in the Russian Federation.
Foreign winners of the Competition to receive a grant in US dollars or euros provide bank details indicating the correspondent bank in the Russian Federation and SWIFT.
5. The Application approved by the Unified Expert Council, including the Schedule and Budget of the project, is an integral part of the Grant Agreement.
6. The agreement with all necessary annexes must be signed by the parties no later than 5 days before the start date of the project. If before this deadline the Grant Agreement is not concluded due to the fault of the winning organization of the Competition, information about the project that did not provide the Agreement is transferred to the Coordination Committee, the winning organization of the Competition may lose the opportunity to receive a grant.
7. The grant is paid in two transfers (tranches). The first tranche is transferred in an amount of no more than 50% of the grant amount. The second tranche is transferred after the Fund approves the interim report,
provided by the winner of the Competition within the time limits established by the Grant Agreement.
8. The Fund exercises control over the expenditure of targeted funds in accordance with the terms of the Agreement concluded with the winners of the Competition.
9. The Foundation reserves the right to conduct selective monitoring and evaluation of winning projects supported within the framework of the Competition.
10. Substantive reports contain information on the progress of the project and the results achieved, financial reports - on budget execution with a copy of primary and other documents confirming the actual expenses incurred, signed by the head of the organization.
During the review of the report, the Fund has the right to request Additional information and (or) documents necessary to obtain a complete picture of the progress and results of the project, including photo and video materials.
11. The Coordination Committee and the Foundation reserve the right to use all information about projects that have received grant support for research, methodological, statistical, publishing and other purposes.

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church announces the start of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2017-2018”.

Applications for participation in the Competition will be accepted from September 1, 2017 on the website www.newpravkonkurs.ru. The deadline for accepting competitive applications is 18:00 (Moscow time) on October 23, 2017. Winners will be announced no later than March 1, 2018.

The Competition is regulated by the Regulations on the “Orthodox Initiative” program and the Notice of the announcement of the international open grant competition “Orthodox Initiative 2017-2018”.

As part of the “Orthodox Initiative 2017-2018” competition, applications in the following project areas are considered:

— Education and upbringing;

— Social service;

— Culture;

— Information activities.

Within the framework of the “Social Service” direction, the special nomination “Shelters for Pregnant Women” is retained. The amount of grant support within the nomination can reach 1 million rubles. Grant funds can only be used to create a new assistance center and support the first year of its operation.

As part of the Competition, for each project direction, a special nomination “Small Towns and Villages” is maintained with the amount of grant support up to 300 thousand rubles. The nomination “Small Towns and Villages” is aimed at supporting the initiatives of applicants from small towns and villages, as well as applicants, regardless of their place of registration, if the projects they provide are planned to be implemented in small towns and villages. It should help increase the starting opportunities for applicants from small towns and villages (especially those without experience in participating in grant competitions). Applications in this category undergo examination in a special manner.

The Competition includes three types of projects - local projects, network projects and infrastructure/system-forming projects.

Local projects are implemented by one organization in one or several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The winners can count on grant support in the amount of 600 thousand rubles.

Network projects are implemented in at least two constituent entities of the Russian Federation by two or more organizations. The size of the requested grant cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

The conduct of the Competition, including technical support of competitive procedures, organization of examination of received applications, financing of winners, receipt and verification of reports, is entrusted to the Fund for Support of Humanitarian and Educational Initiatives “Cooperation”.

The acceptance of applications for the international competition of small grants “Orthodox Initiative - 2017” has begun. Deadline April 17, 2017.

Organizer: Foundation for Support of Humanitarian and Educational Initiatives “Co-Working”

Projects implemented in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church and in countries professing Orthodoxy and (or) having social institutions maintaining and developing one’s Orthodox identity.

The purpose of the Competition is to support civil initiatives on the basis of large-scale and diverse cooperation between the Church, the Orthodox community, entrepreneurs and government agencies.

Non-profit organizations, state and municipal institutions in the field of education, culture, healthcare, social protection are invited to participate; canonical divisions of the Russian Orthodox Church, media. The applicant organization must be registered as a legal entity.

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With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church announces the start of the small grants competition “Orthodox Initiative - 2018”.

The purpose of the competition is to support civil initiatives on the basis of large-scale and diverse cooperation between the Church, the Orthodox community, entrepreneurs and government agencies.

The size of the requested grant cannot exceed 120 thousand rubles. Grant support to the winners of the competition is provided on the basis of mandatory co-financing of project implementation costs.

The competition is open to projects implemented in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church and in countries that profess Orthodoxy and (or) have social institutions for maintaining and developing their Orthodox identity.

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted from April 16 to May 21 on the website www.newpravkonkurs.ru.

Implementation of the projects will begin no earlier than July 10, 2018, and will be completed no later than November 10, 2018.
