"The Sacrament of Communion" outline of a lesson on Orkse (4th grade) on the topic. Lesson on the sacrament of the sacrament of a lesson plan on the topic Lesson on the sacrament of the sacrament of the sacrament with presentation

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Rainbow Primary School"

Lesson summary

Well. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics .

Module. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture.

Subject. Sacrament of Communion. 5th grade.

Lesson outline developed

MBOU "NOSH "Rainbow"

Objective of the lesson: Introduce students to the events of the Last Supper

Lesson objectives:

Educational – learn about what church sacraments are

Developmental understand that church sacraments from a Christian point of view are not the action of man, but of God.

Educating - to realize that a person’s church life is connected with his participation in the sacraments of the Church.

Equipment: A. Kuraev’s textbook “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, workbook, multimedia projector, screen, computer, Power Point presentation “The Sacrament of Communion”, sheets of paper, colored pencils, phonogram of the song “Bell Chant”.

Lesson description

Understanding the textbook article. Emphasis on the fact that the main purpose of the Church is to perform the sacraments in which it is not man who acts, but God.

Lesson progress

I . Organizational moment.

Guys, I'm glad to see you again. I think that today's lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other.

II .Comprehension stage

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children to imagine that they want to throw a big party and invite guests to it. Hand out paper and colored pencils to the children - let everyone draw a festive table with different delicious dishes. He asks the guys to talk about what holiday they want to invite guests to, who they want to invite and what treat on the table is the best and most delicious. At the same time, it is important to be able to lead the children to the fact that we always arrange a festive table (no matter what the occasion) for those we love, so we always, when preparing for the holiday, want to put on the table the best that we have.

You see how diligently we always prepare for the holidays! We prepare the best dishes and decorate the festive table. We do all this because we really love the people we want to see as guests. It’s so good to sit at the same table and celebrate something with those we love! With this we bring joy to our loved ones, we show them from the bottom of our hearts how dear they are to us.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ loves us. And it is precisely because He loves us that He instituted the Sacrament of Communion for us.

III .Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is “The Sacrament of Communion” Slide 1.

Read the objectives of our lesson. Slide 2.

What will you learn about in the lesson?

IV . Working on new material

Have you ever heard what Communion is?

1. The teacher’s story “The Last Supper” based on the textbook article p. 76-78.

Before His departure to the Cross, Christ gathered the apostles. It was a farewell meal. It is called that in different languages ​​– “The Last Supper” or “The Last Supper”. Taking a cup of wine in his hands, Christ said to the apostles: “Drink, all of you. This is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for you and for many.”

After that, he broke a loaf of bread and handed it to the apostles: “Taste (eat). This is My Body, broken for the remission of sins.”

Christ bequeathed: “Do this in My remembrance.”

You and I already know that, according to the Gospels, Christ, although he accepted death on the cross, was then resurrected. We have also already talked about the fact that Christians hope, following Christ, to become participants in the joyful universal Resurrection. The connection between these two Easters is considered to be the participation of every Christian in the body of the risen Christ: “if the body of Christ has risen, then in order for my immortal soul to reunite with my body, that is, for the sake of my resurrection, I myself must become a part of Christ.”

And so that people could become parts of Christ, His “participants,” Christ gave His Body to people at the Last Supper. But so that people would not be afraid, Christ gave His Body and Blood to people in the form of bread and wine.

The first “participants” were the apostles. Then they passed on the shrine to which they became involved, to other people.

We remember that in the life of Christians there is a very important word for them - “grace”. This is a good gift from God to people, or rather, the action of God in man. So, according to the Bible, Christ made a promise to His apostles to respond to their prayers. “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am,” He told them.

This means that a new and unexpected quality appears in the Christian congregation: human limitations are filled with infinite Divine power and love. In the language of Orthodox thought, this is called the miracle of church unity. The life of the Church cannot be described only by those words and laws that describe the life of any human society.

Where the apostles gathered, they prayed, and Christ again gave ordinary cakes the same properties as during the Last Supper. That is, bread became more than bread, and wine became more than wine. This did not manifest itself in a change in appearance or taste. It’s just that the apostles and the Christians they communed with felt that with this bread Christ’s power and grace entered into them. They now understood the words of Christ - “Abide in My love... May My joy be in you and your joy be complete.”

Where the blood of a living being flows, there is his life and his body. If a Christian accepts the blood of Christ, he becomes a part of the Body of Christ. And where the Body of Christ is, there is His spirit and His love. That is why Christians do not consider the strangest commandment of Christ - “love your enemies” - impossible to fulfill. What is impossible for people, according to Christ’s assurance, will become possible if man and God are together. The love of Christ described in the Gospels is limitless, and extends even beyond those who considered themselves His enemies. He who is involved in Christ is involved in this His love. And therefore, with the help of Christ, he will be able to fulfill the commandment of forgiveness and love for his enemies.

2.Work in a workbook. Lesson 24. Completing tasks 2.3.

3.Christian sacraments.

- What is a sacrament? How do you understand?

(Children share their opinions)

Communion with Christ in the Church is called a “sacrament.” A sacrament not because it is a secret (they say, we know what and how, but we won’t tell others!), but because it is a secret. Even the priest does not know how the transformation of bread into the Body of Christ occurs. A person can only know what he does himself. And a sacrament, from a Christian point of view, is an action not of man, but of God.

A sacrament, from a Christian point of view, is an action not of man, but of God.

What Christ said is conveyed through Scripture. What He did for people (unifying them with God) is transmitted through the Church. Since Christ left people not only his words, but also all of himself - His Life, Body and Blood, He found the opportunity to transfer all these gifts of His to all people (and not just the apostles). For this purpose, He created His Church, in which He performs the Sacraments. The most important of them are Communion and Baptism. In the Orthodox understanding, a priest is like a postman who delivers parcels from God (the Sacraments) to people.

The task of the Church is to spread throughout all countries and throughout all eras the gifts that Christ gave to the twelve apostles two thousand years ago. The Orthodox say: during the days of His life on earth, Christ saved humanity, and this salvation reaches each individual person through his participation in the life of the Church and in its sacraments.

Through the apostles and their disciples (patriarchs, bishops and priests) God performs the sacraments in the Christian Church. Therefore, Orthodox people are convinced that the Church is not just a collection of equally believing people. The Church is the presence of Christ in the world. The Apostle Paul called the Church “the Body of Christ.”

4. Liturgy.

Slides 5-24

The sacrament of holy communion is celebrated at a service called the Liturgy. This word in ancient Greece meant “a common cause,” as well as something that is done not for the sake of money, but simply for the benefit of people.

Christians go to church precisely for the sake of participating in the sacraments of the Church. This means that they go to the temple not in order to take something of their own there, but in order to receive from Christ through the Church that which cannot be made themselves. A person can pray on his own, study the Gospel, and do good deeds. But the Body of Christ can only be received.

In religion there are things that people do for the sake of God. And there is what God does for people. The Gospel does not speak about the sacrifice that people bring to God, but about the one that God brought to people. For the sake of people, Christ once ascended to the Cross. And for the sake of people, the Body of Christ gives its Easter properties to those who are ready to receive it.

5. Reading the sidebar. This is interesting. With. 79

What did you find interesting?

6. Work in a workbook. Completing tasks 3,4,5.

Completed tasks are discussed.

V .Lesson summary.

How is the main hope of a Christian connected with the Liturgy?

What happens during the Liturgy?

What do the words communion and Last Supper mean?

What is the main purpose of the Church?

VI .Listening to the song “Bell Chant”

What feelings did you experience while listening to this work?

(Children share their opinions)

Workbook. Lesson 24

Last Supper

Task 1. What is the Last Supper? _______________________



Task 2. Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper. What do you think He meant by this? __________________________________


Task 3. Fill in the missing words:

· “Take, eat, ______________________________, what was broken for you for the remission of sins.”

· “Drink everything from her, ______________________________

“For you and for many is poured out for the remission of sins.”

Task 4. What is the Sacrament of Communion? ______________________________


Task 5. What parts does the Liturgy consist of?

· __________________________________

· __________________________________



Faculty of Advanced Studies


“International education and integration of migrant children at school”

Lesson topic:

"The Sacrament of Communion."

completed by: Irova Nellya Alekseevna

GBOU secondary school No. 1022

Moscow 2014

Lesson topic: Sacrament of Communion.

Target: give children an idea of ​​the Sacrament of Communion and its meaning in the life of Orthodox Christians.


subject: introduce the basics of religious morality;

reveal the essence of church sacraments;

in what sacrament do we unite with God and what is


personal: develop independence and personal responsibility for one’s own


cultivate goodwill and

emotional and moral responsiveness;

develop cooperation skills with adults and peers

in different social situations;

develop a respectful attitude towards spiritual and

material values ​​of Orthodoxy;

to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Orthodox world,

the historical past of our Motherland;

meta-subject: to develop the ability to plan, control and

evaluate learning activities;

carry out information search;

develop the ability to work with text, semantic and

expressive reading.

Basic terms and concepts:

Grace is the power of God by which the salvation of man is accomplished.

Communion or in other words Eucharist (thanksgiving) is the main Church Sacrament in which Christians, under the guise of bread and wine, partake of the Body and

The blood of Christ unites with God and joins eternal life.

A sacrament is a sacred act through which the invisible Divine grace is visibly communicated to believers.

Apostles are (messengers) the closest disciples of Jesus Christ, chosen, taught and sent by Him to preach the Christian faith.

The Church is the Body of Christ, to which all living and deceased Christians belong, the unity of the Spirit dwelling in people.

Liturgy is a divine service during which the Sacrament of Communion is celebrated.

Antidor - (instead of a gift) parts of the prosphora for performing the Sacrament of Communion. Distributed to the faithful at the end of the Liturgy to the laity who have not received communion.

The Last Supper is the Easter dinner of the Savior with the disciples - the apostles on the eve of the suffering of the cross on Maundy Thursday, on which He established the Sacrament of Communion (Eucharist).

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, presentation.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment.

    Learning new material. Teacher's introductory talk.

Children, you all love fairy tales and the miracles that happen in them.

What about miracles in our real life? Let's think and remember the number of miracles that you know? 7 wonders of the world (beautiful architectural monuments of history), 7 notes (from which great musical works were written),

7 days of the creation of the World, 7 Ecumenical Councils.

Whether a person is born, dies, enters into a new home or independent family life, goes on a long journey, begins to do some useful work, whether he experiences joy or sorrow, one can find a response, advice, and consolation for everything in the Holy Church. and prayer blessing. She is like a mother who cares and sanctifies her believing children. “The Church is the spiritual haven of the soul. Do not move away from the Church, for there is nothing stronger than the Church,” said St. John Chrysostom.

And today in the lesson we will learn about the seven Christian Sacraments, through which “the grace of God is communicated personally and directly to each believer, assimilating the salvation of Christ. The word Sacrament denotes the idea of ​​the mysterious, the hidden.”*1

“Where there are Sacraments, deep silence is necessary”*2 - said John Chrysostom.

The Holy Orthodox Church contains seven Sacraments:








Guys, here they are arranged alphabetically, but we are faced with the problem of arranging these Sacraments as they stand in the established church order.

The coming into the world of a new human life must be accompanied by a sacred action that opens the gate to a new spiritual life and cleanses from sin. This Sacrament is performed only once.


Right. Baptism is a three-time immersion of the body in water with the invocation of the Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Well done, it means that we put Baptism in first place, which is the door to the Church of Christ.

The next Sacrament is Confirmation, in which the believer is given the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which strengthen him in the spiritual Christian life.

And the third most important Sacrament, in which Divine grace is given to a person so that, by applying it to his life, he overcomes everything selfish and unclean in himself and thus approaches eternity and God.


That's right, guys. We will write this Sacrament as the third.

The Sacrament of Penance is when a believer confesses his sins to God in the presence of a priest and receives forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Then follows the Sacrament of Marriage - this is when the bride and groom make a promise of mutual fidelity to each other and their marital union is blessed.

The Sacrament of the Priesthood is performed only on persons elected and ordained as clergy, and subsequently they receive the right to perform all other Sacraments.

And the last “Sacrament of the Blessing of Anointing,” during which a person prays for healing from physical and mental illnesses. It is also called Unction; when anointing a sick person with oil (oil), the grace of God is invoked on the sick person”*3.

Now, look guys, we have the correct recording of the Sacraments:







Blessing of Unction

Physical education minute:

Get up and stretch

To the world, smile to everyone.

Bow straight to the left

Bow to the right too.

Heaven, people, be surprised

Look into the distance without getting tired

There nature is our dear mother!

Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Children, and now we come to the most important thing, the topic of our lesson: the Sacrament of Communion. I will tell you what “Communion of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ” means, or in other words, the Eucharist – the main Church Sacrament. It occurs during the Liturgy and is the central, key moment of the entire Christian life. In this sacred rite, bread and wine, through the prayer of the Church and the grace of the Holy Spirit, are transformed into the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ”*4.

On Thursday of Passion Week we remember the last, last supper (dinner) performed by the Lord before His suffering. He gathered with his disciples in the upper room to eat Easter dinner. Jesus washed the disciples' feet to show that the elder should serve the younger. Then He said:

"One of you will betray Me." Everyone asked: “Isn’t it me, Lord?” Jesus took the bread and, having blessed it, broke it and, giving it to the disciples, said: “Take, eat: this is My Body. And taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them and said, “Drink everything from it, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” *5

This is how the Sacrament of Holy Communion was established - at each Liturgy, bread and wine, according to the promise of the Lord, are invisibly miraculously transformed into the true Body and Blood of Christ, and Christians, partaking of these great Holy Gifts, are united with the God-Man Jesus Christ Himself.

Working with the textbook.

Reading the text (with teacher's commentary) pp. 76 – 78.

How to properly prepare for Holy Communion?

- “Repentance is your covenant with God to correct your life” - St. John Climacus.

Before Communion there is a fast. Fasting is not only a restriction on food, but also a restriction on entertainment; one must maintain bodily and mental purity.

In the morning, going to the Temple, you must observe complete abstinence from food and drink. A person who is preparing to receive communion must make peace with everyone and protect himself from feelings of anger and irritation. Read spiritual books in solitude. “And when you pray, forgive if you have it in your heart against anyone”*6

One must confess in the evening, on the eve of Communion, or in the morning, during the Liturgy. Having confessed, you must make a firm decision not to repeat your previous sins.

Before taking out the Chalice, you must bow in advance from a distance and fold your arms crosswise on your chest (right over left).

Approaching the Chalice, clearly pronounce your full Christian name, open your mouth wide and reverently, with full consciousness of the holiness of the great Sacrament, accept the Body and Blood of Christ and immediately swallow.

Having received the Holy Mysteries without being baptized, having kissed the edge of the Chalice, immediately go to the table to taste a particle of antidor *8 and wash it down with warmth. It is not customary to leave the Church before kissing the altar cross in the hands of a priest; then listen to prayers of thanks.

In the future, behave reverently and do good deeds.

“Lord Jesus, live in me and let me live in You,” prayed Elder Parthenius of Kiev.*7

Continuation of work according to the textbook.

Reading the text page 79.



    What is a Sacrament?

a) Grace

b) Secret

c) Ritual

2. How many Sacraments are there?

a) 2

b) 5

c) 7

    Which of the Sacraments are the most important?

a) Baptism and Communion

b) Baptism and Priesthood

c) Baptism and Marriage

    What is Communion?

a) Thanksgiving

b) Healing from diseases

c) Blessing

    Who were the first Communicants?

a) Christians

b) Apostles

c) Women

Test answers:

Lesson summary.

Come to the conclusion that with the help of the Christian Sacraments, human souls are healed and reborn. This testifies to the importance of the Church in the Orthodox culture of Russia and in the spiritual formation of society.


Answer the questions in the tasks in the Workbook. lesson 24.

The main purpose of the Church.

List of literature for teachers:

    The Sacrament of Holy Baptism and the duties of recipients. Taken from the personal notes of Archpriest Valentin Mordasov (1998) / Spiritual and educational publication of Syntagma LLC. M., 2011 – 3s.

    Jonathan (Eletskikh) Archbishop of Tulchin and Bratslav. An explanatory guide to the Divine Liturgy. Orthodox Book Center. Belgorod. 2008 – 230 p.

    Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy. God's Law. A guide for families and schools. Belarusian Exarchate of the Moscow Patriarchate. M., 2013 -559 p.

    Pushkina D. The Sacrament of Communion. For those who want to be with God. M., Nikea 2013 – 5s.

    Gospel of Matthew. 26, 26-28 Bible. Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1990 – 1048s.

    Gospel of Mark. chapter 11 verse 25 Bible. Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1990 – 1071s.

    Gorbova N. To the beginning Christian. With the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. Pilgrim. M., 2008 – 32-33 p.

Internet resources:

8. http :// www . days . pravoslavie . ru / Life / dictionary 2134. htm / Pravoslavie.ru

Auxiliary and educational literature for children:

    Astakhova N.V. Bible for children. Old and New Testaments. White City. M., 2009 – 240s.

    Kalashnikov V.I., Lavrova S.A. Wonders of the world. Encyclopedia of secrets and riddles. White City. M., 2008 – 208s.

ORKSE module: "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture"

Developed by Natalya Aleksandrovna Tyutimova,

teacher of history and social studies, municipal educational institution "Secondary

secondary school in the village of Agafonovka

St. Petersburg district of the Saratov region named after

Hero of the Soviet Union N.M. Reshetnikov"

Today I want to offer you a lesson from the ORKSE course “The Sacrament of Communion,” intended for ordinary fourth-graders - an important lesson, a lesson difficult for children to understand. Over the years, many lessons on this topic have been published on Internet sites. For me, when compiling a lesson, the guideline was A. Kuraev’s textbook, the development of the Svetoch website, the help of an Orthodox priest and the creativity of S. Kopylova.

Lesson 24. Topic: "The Sacrament of Communion"

Purpose of the lesson : give children an idea of ​​the sacrament of Communion and its meaning in the life of Orthodox Christians.



Introduce students to the sacrament of communion and the purpose of the liturgy.

Deepen children's knowledge about the need for the sacrament of repentance.


- Arouse cognitive interest in the material being studied.

Expand schoolchildren’s understanding of church services - that a person’s church life is connected with his participation in the sacraments of the Church


To cultivate respect for Orthodox cultural traditions and the religious beliefs of believers.

Enrich the personal world with spiritual reading.

Expected results:

Personal :

manifestation of independence in various types of activities, the ability to evaluate oneself from the point of view of Orthodox values;

development of skills for interaction with peers and adults in the process of educational, research, creative and other types of activities;

the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions.


expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

the ability to extract necessary information from texts, define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, build logical reasoning, inferences and draw conclusions;

control, correction, evaluation of one’s own activities and the activities of a partner.


an idea of ​​the sacrament of Communion and its meaning in the life of Orthodox Christians;

continued acquaintance with the Holy Book of Christians, the Bible.

Intrasubject connections - music, painting

Interdisciplinary connections – story,literature, Russian language, computer science

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, hello! Today I would like to start our lesson with S. Kopylova’s song “I haven’t gotten better yet.” Listen to it carefully and then answer the question:“Why does a person strive to become better?”

So, guys, what question is the girl asking herself?- I would like to understand, God, what is my purpose? And she answers it herself: “God knows how I try to become better, at least a little.”

For what?- Because this is the purpose of a person - to become better.

How to become better? –Do good deeds.

Well done. And also to become better,Orthodox ha person seeks union with God in his earthly life, because he believes that he will be with Him in eternity.

You and I already know that God, in the guise of his son Jesus Christ, appeared on Earth to make man better, to teach him to live according to the laws of God.

II. Introduction to the topic.

Christ left us his teaching, and his teaching is very great.

- What is the name of the book that will help us in the lesson, it tells about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ? - Gospel

Today we will talk about one of the main legacies of the Lord’s teaching, which is called the Sacrament of Communion.

So, the topic of our lesson (3 slide) is “The Sacrament of Communion” (writing in a notebook ). Both words of the topic are not yet very clear. But now we can see how they are formed. Sacrament from “secret”, participle –ACCEPT PART. -Whom? -God.

- What questions should we answer today? -What is a sacrament? What is a communion?

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    During our lesson, you and I must answer 4 questions - we have already asked 2 of them and I will add two (slide 4):

How did Christ convey himself to his disciples?

What is Communion?

What is liturgy?

What is a church sacrament?

At the end of the lesson we will return to them and answer them ourselves.

What is the name of the period of time into which Orthodox people enter on the eve of the Great Resurrection of Christ?Great Lent.

- How long does it last? Almost 7 weeks, and now it’s the 3rd week of Lent. This is the time when Christians, limiting themselves in food and entertainment, think more about their actions and prepare for a joyful, bright Easter.

Let's remember the event that happened 2000 years ago in the week called “Holy Week,” that is, the seven days of the week where Jesus Christ was given over to suffering and accepted death on the Cross. (3 slide)

The Lord knew in advance everything that would happen to him, so he gathered his disciples inThursday for the last meal together (eating). It was a farewell ceremony, where only his immediate circle was present, in other words, the 12 apostles, and no outsiders. Therefore, this event in history began to be called“The Last Supper.” (4 slide)

Guys,supper in translationfrom Slavic language comes from the word"evening" Andmeans "dinner". It was during this that the Savior predicted that one of the disciples would betray him, and the other would deny him three times before dawn.? Judas,Peter

(5th slide) Guys, look at the “Last Supper” icon. Please note that Christ sits in the center in the place of honor, and His disciples are around the table.

And above all, except one, the divine light shines.

Tell me, why is one of the students not enlightened by it? Who is this? –Judas of Kariot, who betrayed Christ

Before handing himself over to his disciples before his suffering for the sake of atonement for human sins, the Lord committedfoot washing ritual to his students. (6 slide) Look at the slide depicting this action.

- Determine and prove whether this is a painting or an icon?

Look carefully at this picture. The Lord sits on his knees in front of the disciples, holds a jug of water and wipes the feet of the apostles with a towel.

- Why do you think Jesus did this? (children's answer options)

Let's summarize: firstly,The Lord did this to show his love to his disciples , and secondly,to show true humility to the apostles, since at that moment they began to argue about which of them was the most important?

Thus,He showed them that everyone is equal!!!

    Now let's open itGospel of Matthew (chap. 26, 26) and read about how the Sacrament of Communion was established.

(Slide 7) “Then he gave praise to God the Father, took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to the disciples, saying:“Take, eat: this is My Body, which is broken for you.” (explaining words to students)

(8 slide) “Then He took the cup of grape wine, blessed it and gave it to the apostles, saying:“Drink of it, all of you: this is my Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.” Having communed them, the Savior left a commandment that this great sacrament should be constantly performed by people for the purpose of remembering it.

Thus, Jesus Christ established one of the great Sacraments of the Orthodox Church, Communion, that is, the union of a person with a piece of God on Earth.

In order for people to become parts of Christ, His “participants,” Christ at the Last Supper gave people His Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. (Slide 9)

So who were the first communicants? That's right, the first “participants” were the apostles. Then they passed on the shrine to which they became involved, to other people. (Slide 10-11 G. Dore, 12-L. da Vinci)


2. - In Orthodox churches, Communion is a special action that leads people to Christ, performed by the disciples of the apostles - priests - during the Divine Liturgy. (13 slide)

Liturgy - is the most important divine service in the church, during which the Most Holy Sacrament of Communion is performed, established by our Lord on Thursday evening, on the eve of his suffering on the cross.

Guys, liturgy has different names. (Slide 14) The first name is Greek, means “public service” and indicates that the Sacrament of Holy Communion is a propitiatory sacrifice to God for the sins of the entire community of believers, living and dead.

Guys, pay attention to the word “propitiatory”. How do you understand it?

In apostolic times, that is, when the apostles lived, the “Liturgy” was called “the breaking of bread.” (Slide 15) Look at the slide.

Who is depicted on it? (Priest)

What is he doing? (breaks bread)

That is why this Sacrament was called that.

During the liturgy, in the very first part, which is called Proskomedia, bread and wine are prepared for the sacrament of Communion. (16 slide)

The bread for Communion is called Prosphora (slide 17).

While the Priest reads the divine prayers, the bread and wine, by the power and action of the holy spirit, are transformed into the true body and blood of Christ. And no one can explain how this happens, not even the angels.Bread becomes more than bread, and wine becomes more than wine. This does not manifest itself in a change in appearance or taste. Simply, Christians who receive communion feel that with this bread Christ’s power and grace enter into them. (18 slide)

    Viewing the documentary “The Sacrament of Communion”

3. - Guys, in order to take communion you need to follow some rules.

In order to receive Communion, you must fast for at least three days (during fasting you do not eat eggs, meat or dairy products), attend church services more often, and on the evening before Communion, you must come to church for the evening service and confess your sins.

On the day of communion they do not eat or drink anything from midnight. In the morning they come to the temple and during the Liturgy they reverently approach St. More often remembering the Death and Resurrection of Christ. At the end of the Liturgy, they thank God and go out into the world to do good deeds.

By observing these rules, after Communion, people feel the grace of God, joy, tenderness and great humility, as we unite with a piece of God. (19 slide)

Have any of you received communion? Were your feelings close?

    Listen to Anna Pirkova’s song “For God is With Us”

3. Communion with Christ in the Church is called a “sacrament” . A sacrament not because it is a secret, but because it is a mystery.(Slide 20)

Even the priest does not know how the transformation of bread into the Body of Christ occurs.

A person can only know what he does himself. Aa sacrament, from a Christian point of view, is an action not of man, but of God. ( Slides 21-22)

Since Christ left people not only his words, but also all of himself - His Life, Body and Blood, He found the opportunity to convey all these gifts of His to all people. For this purpose, He created His Church in which He performs the Sacraments. (Slide 23)

“Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am,” Christ said to the apostles. (Slide 24)

In the language of Orthodox thought this is called a miraclechurch conciliarity . (Slide 25)

The life of the Church cannot be described only by those words and laws that describe the life of any human society. Through the apostles and their disciples (patriarchs, bishops and priests) God performs the sacraments in the Christian Church. (slide 26-27)

Therefore, Orthodox people are convinced that the Church is not just a collection of equally believing people. The Church is the presence of Christ in the world. (slide 28)

The Apostle Paul calledChurch "Body of Christ". (slide 29)

I V . Securing the topic. EXERCISE. Fill out the table.

(Fill in on printed map tables and on the board - slide 30)

Christians go to church precisely for the sake of participating in the sacraments of the Church. (Slide 31)

A person can pray on his own, study the Gospel, and do good deeds. But the Body of Christ can only be received. And this can only be done in the temple during the Divine service. - Which? (Slide 32)

In religion there are things that people do for the sake of God. And there is what God does for people. (Slide 33)

For the sake of people, Christ once ascended to the Cross. And for the sake of people, the Body of Christ gives its Easter properties to those who are ready to receive it.

Easter properties – what are they? (Easter - resurrection).

Remember the beginning of the lesson - right now, during the days of Great Lent, Orthodox people partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. - For what? (Become a part of Christ)

V. Summary.

(Slide 34) To summarize, I would like to use lines from Tatyana Egorova’s poem dedicated to the great Sacrament. Let's read them expressively:

And there is no higher happiness in the world:

Open your lips before the Cup,

Receive Holy Communion

And become a part of Christ.

V I . Reflection.

Now let's return to the main questions of the lesson. (35 slide)

Answer them in writing in your notebooks. Check - read out.

And I suggest you finish the lesson.

Continue the statement:

In class I learned...

The lesson was interesting...

I will praise myself for...

What else would I like to know...

VI I . Homework.

1. Tell your parents at home about the Sacrament of Communion.

2. Prepare a message about any Sacrament of the church (except Communion) in a notebook.

Today I want to offer you a lesson from the ORKSE course “The Sacrament of Communion,” intended for ordinary fourth-graders - an important lesson, a lesson difficult for children to understand. Over the years, many lessons on this topic have been published on websites. For me, when compiling a lesson, the guideline was A. Kuraev’s textbook, the development of the Svetoch website, the help of an Orthodox priest and the creativity of S. Kopylova.

The Lord tells us about the obligatory nature of communion for all who believe in Him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him” (John 6: 53–56).

Module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”

Prepared by a primary school teacher at MKOU Medvedskaya Secondary School No. 17, Efremovsky District, Tula Region

Sizova Nadezhda Vasilievna

2012-2013 academic year

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

What are the Sacraments

Sacraments are sacred acts through which believers receive divine grace. For the sacrament to occur, two conditions must be met. Firstly, the sacrament must be performed by a legally appointed priest, observing all the rules for its administration. Secondly, a Christian must be internally ready to receive the sacrament.

Slide 5

Seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church:

  • Baptism
  • Confirmation
  • Sacrament of marriage
  • Repentance
  • Communion (Eucharist)
  • Unction (unction)
  • Sacrament of the Priesthood
  • Slide 6


    Through this sacrament a person becomes a Christian.

    Slide 7


    Through this sacrament a person joins the Church.

    Slide 8

    Sacrament of marriage

    In this sacrament, a man and woman receive a blessing for family life.

    Slide 9


    In this sacrament, Christians cleanse themselves of their sins.

    Slide 10

    Communion (Eucharist)

    In this sacrament, Christians, under the guise of bread and wine, take into themselves God Jesus Christ Himself.

    Slide 11

    Unction (unction)

    Through this sacrament a person is healed of illnesses.

    Slide 12

    Sacrament of the Priesthood

    Only men begin this sacrament. In it they receive the right to perform all other sacraments.

    Slide 13

    last supper

    The meaning of the sacrament of Communion for a Christian is that through this sacrament, through God, who is Love for Christians, he is united with all other Christians, and together they make up the Church of Christ.

    Slide 14


    Liturgy - (from the Greek "public" and "work") - the name of the most important of Christian services.

    Slide 15

    Sacrament of Communion

    In the photograph, a priest performs Proskomedia. During Proskomedia we prepare bread and wine for the Sacrament.

    Slide 16

    This particle, specially removed from the prosphora (specially baked bread), will become, after the descent of God’s grace, called upon by our prayer, the Body of Christ.

    Slide 17

    After preparing the “substance” for the Sacrament, that is, bread and wine, we transfer them to the Throne. This ceremony is called the Great Entrance.

    Slide 18

    The priest prays for the Holy Spirit to descend on the bread and wine. We see hands raised up - a sign of especially solemn and deep prayer.

    Slide 19

    The deacon, who helps the priest during the service, points with an orar (a special ribbon hanging on his left shoulder) to the bread and wine. On behalf of all believers, the deacon turns to the priest with the words: “Bless, Vladyka, the holy bread... the holy Chalice...”.

    Slide 20

    In this photograph we see how the priest breaks the Lamb - the particle that became the Body of Christ, containing the fire of the Divine.

    This is called "breaking" the Lamb. The lamb is split into four pieces. One part of the communion is for the clergy, the other three for the laity.

    Slide 21

    First, the clergy receive communion. They take a Particle of the Body of Christ in their hands and pray for the forgiveness of sins, bowing to the Throne.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Tulun “Secondary school No. 1”

    Lesson from history teacher Yulia Ivanovna Semenova.

    Lesson 24. The Sacrament of Communion

    Goal: to create conditions for the formation of ideas about the events of the Last Supper


    1. Find out what church sacraments are

    2. Understand that church sacraments, from a Christian point of view, are not the action of man, but of God.

    3. Realize that a person’s church life is connected with his participation in the sacraments of the church.
    Today in class you will receive “secret signs” for your work. What are these signs?

    Why I chose this “secret sign” and what it means, you will tell me at the end of the lesson.


    - Who is shown in the picture?

    What are these people doing?

    What's on the table?

    What is the conversation about?...

    Slide 2

    - Who is shown in the picture?

    What are these people doing?

    What is the conversation about?...

    What's on the table?

    Slide 3.

    What's in common?

    How are they different?


    What is the name of the painting? (in case someone knows)

    What does "evening" mean?

    Why is she “secret”?

    - (communion, sacrament of communion slide 5)

    Learning a new topic

    Slide 5. Recording the topic in a workbook.

    What will the lesson be about?

    Slide 6. You will learn:

    How Christ gave Himself to the disciples

    What is a Church Sacrament

    Reading the text on pages 76 -78

    Slide 7. Leading task.

    As you read, please note:

    • What happened at the Last Supper?

    • What is the connection between the Sacrament of Communion and the future resurrection of man?

    • What is church conciliarity? What do Christians become a part of?

    Text Analysis

    Slide 8

    We fill out table 1 (attached) with the children.






    What happened at the Last Supper?

    farewell meal (dinner)

    establishment of the Sacrament of Communion

    What is tasted in the Sacrament of Communion?

    bread and wine

    Body and Blood of Christ

    By what means is the Sacrament performed?


    the power and grace of God

    What is church conciliarity?

    united society of believers in Christ

    one Body of Christ

    Working with dictionary words.

    Slide 9

    What is a communion?

    Slide 10

    What is a sacrament?

    Slide 11

    Communion with Christ in the Church is called a “sacrament.” A sacrament not because it is a secret, but because it is a mystery. Even the priest does not know how the transformation of bread into the Body of Christ occurs. A person can only know what he does himself. And a sacrament, from a Christian point of view, is an action not of man, but of God.

    What Christ said is conveyed through Scripture. What He did for people (unifying them with God) is transmitted through the Church. Since Christ left people not only his words, but also all of himself - His Life, Body and Blood, He found the opportunity to transfer all these gifts of His to all people (and not just the apostles). This opportunity is the Church and the Sacraments performed in it by the Spirit of Christ.

    Slide 12. Independent reading of the text on p. 79.

    Ts.V. What happens during the Liturgy?

    Sl. sl. Liturgy is the most important Christian service at which the sacrament of Communion (Eucharist) is celebrated.

    Slide 13

    During the explanation process, we fill out Table 2 with the children (attached).

    A lot of mysterious things happen in the Church of Christ. But the most important Sacraments in the Church are seven: Communion ( or Eucharist), Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage ( Wedding), Repentance, Priesthood, Unction ( Blessing of Unction).

    Slide 14 Baptism.

    To save the soul, every person, first of all, needs to become a Christian. To do this, you need to believe in Christ our God and be baptized. In the Sacrament of Baptism, the human soul is reborn, made sinless and close to God, just as children are close to their parents.
    - How many times do you think the Sacrament of Baptism is received in life?

    (The sacrament of Baptism is performed on a person only once in a lifetime.)
    In order to maintain intimacy with God, given in the Sacrament of Baptism, a person needs strength in doing good. God gives this power to man in the Sacrament of Confirmation. (go to slide 15)

    Slide 15. Confirmation.

    When Confirmation is performed, a person is sanctified by the Holy Spirit and becomes a member of the Orthodox Church. In the Orthodox Church it is customary to perform Confirmation immediately after Baptism.

    How many times in life do you think the Sacrament of Confirmation is received? (Once.)

    A person can be close to God when he lives with God, and God lives in a person.

    What Sacrament did the Lord give for this?

    Slide 16. Communion.

    To unite man with God Himself, the Lord gave the Sacrament of Communion.

    How many times should a Christian take communion in his life?

    Christians should partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ as often as possible.

    Sins in man hinder the union of man with God.

    What is the name of the Sacrament in which sins are forgiven?

    Slide 17. Repentance .

    God forgives human sins in the Sacrament of Repentance.

    How many times should a Christian confess in his life?

    Confession is the reconciliation of a person with God. Therefore, you need to confess as often as possible. This will only make your soul cleaner and healthier.
    These four Sacraments - Baptism, Confirmation, Communion and Repentance - were given by Jesus Christ for the salvation of every person. In them, God gives His special power or grace, which is necessary for every Christian.
    There are three more Sacraments that God Himself established. These three Sacraments are needed not for every Christian, but for the entire Church of Christ.

    Do you think any Christian can serve and perform the Sacraments in the Church?

    It is not every Christian who serves in the church and performs the Sacraments, but a priest. The priest does not appropriate this power to himself, but receives it from God in a special Sacrament, which is called the Sacrament of the Priesthood.

    Slide 18. Priesthood.

    The visible action in the Sacrament of the Priesthood is the laying on of hands with prayer, and the invisible action is the receipt of God's grace for performing the Sacraments over Christians and for teaching the people the Christian faith.

    Ordination can be performed three times, according to the degree of priesthood: from deacons, from deacons to priests, and from monastic priests to bishops.

    The next Sacrament is the Sacrament of Marriage.

    Slide 19. Marriage.

    Some people live their whole lives single or remain maidens, while others get married and get married. Marriage is a Sacrament in which Himself

    How many times do you think the Sacrament of Marriage can be performed? The family union is completed once and for all. For a Christian, a second marriage is not permissible, but only tolerated.

    The Seventh Sacrament is called Unction.

    Slide 20. Unction.

    The sacrament is called Unction because it was customary to perform it by a “council” of seven priests. In this Sacrament, one or more priests prayerfully anoint the sick person with oil (oil), and the Lord gives the sick person the strength to recover from the illness and be cleansed of sins.

    Unction can be performed repeatedly in the life of a Christian, as needed.

    Slide 21 Checking what happened.


    Number of times in life













    1 - (2)

    God unites the bride and groom with His grace for family life.

    Unction (Unction)



    Today in class you received “secret signs” for your work. What are these signs?

    Why did I choose an egg?

    What does it mean?

    What is "Easter"?


    Every Christian hopes, following Christ, to become a participant in the joyful universal Resurrection - Easter. To do this, you need to observe the sacraments given by Christ and God.

    Slide 24. Attach a sticker with the number of the Sacrament to the picture.

    (The sacraments are written on the board)

    Appendix 1.

    Task 1. Fill out the table “The Sacrament of Communion”

    Appendix 2.

    Task 2. Fill out the table “Church Sacraments.”


    Number of times


    1. Baptism

    Under the influence of God's grace, a person's soul is reborn, becomes sinless and close to God.

    1. Confirmation

    The grace of God gives strength to do good in order to maintain closeness to God.

    1. Communion

    The grace of God gives strength, nourishes and revitalizes a person’s soul, uniting him with God for eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    1. Repentance

    By the grace of God, sins that interfere with union with God are forgiven.

    1. Priesthood

    The grace of God is given to teach the people the faith of Christ and perform the Sacraments.

    God unites the bride and groom with His grace for family life.

    1. Unction (Unction)

    The sick person is given the power by the grace of God to recover from his illness and be cleansed of his sins.

    Appendix 3.
