Tarot what we will have with him. Online fortune telling - for love, for the future, for attitude, for desire. In my husband's name

This fortune telling will help you understand your love relationship with a close friend, will tell you how to act in a given situation. It is possible that the result may be stunning, completely different, which you did not even suspect. Then you should look at your relationship with different eyes and turn on your vigilance. After all, sometimes blinding love leads to disappointment.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the deck and lay out the cards according to the following principle. In the middle of the table there are 3 cards face down, they will mean what is in your heart. The 3 on the left and right are the present time period. The three on top will tell you about the future. And the three below are the past period of time (previous events that have already happened). Extra cards must be removed - they do not participate in fortune telling.

The main cards that indicate love are the Ace, Jack and Nine of Hearts. If all four aces, a jack and even a nine of hearts come up in a reading, get ready for marriage. Aces - get ready for something new. Jack always means troubles, spades - unpleasant. Ten - curiosity.

When laying out the cards, you need to hold them face down in your left hand and remove them right hand. And one more unique rule: before starting the process of fortune telling, you should voice the following spell, which will contribute to a more accurate card forecast: “The ace of wine lay down, and the shawl fell off your shoulders, drink, dear, you are wine, why save it...”

Using love fortune telling online What will happen to you with him? you can get an answer to the cherished question: how does your lover (or beloved) or other men (women) whose attitude you would like to know treat you. For this free fortune telling online for love you need to present an image of the person you are interested in.

Enter name

The one who interests you is full of love for you and is ready to devote his life to you with all his heart or is close to this decision. He is fascinated and captivated by you, but, apparently due to his indecision or too strong feelings, waiting for your first step. If he's hesitant, give him a little push and you won't have any trouble winning this man over for good. This person is ready to open his soul to you and will gladly meet you halfway. He shows you his affection in every possible way and with all his heart wants to become a part of your life.

Your relationship will be built on a strong, creative basis, allowing you to confidently plan for the distant future. Unions subject to this combination are easy, reliable and rich in creative possibilities. You have already laid the foundation for a strong relationship, and now all that remains is to wait a little for this relationship to be realized. Try to get to know the person you are interested in better, try to understand what worries him. Find common ground with him, goals that you could strive for together.

The one who interests you wants to meet you halfway with all his heart and is ready to take on the most serious obligations. It is possible that he sees you as a companion for the rest of his life. Perhaps the person you are interested in is not very decisive in matters of relationships and love, and therefore needs some guidance from you. He is a very honest and decent person, although sometimes he may seem overly cold and reserved. Just not in relation to you. He just needs time to make a final decision and find out for himself what he really wants. You should take into account his integrity.

If we talk about the person who interests you, then we can say that he has a bright head. He is smart and sociable, always ready for an interesting discussion. If you are seriously interested in him, then be prepared for the fact that more than anything else he values ​​his own independence, and you should respect his love of freedom. Otherwise, he will become so cold towards you that the prospect of being left alone looms before you.

Give up the old rules of the game and don’t be afraid to put everything on the line. Your relationship most likely will not work out, but you will gain very valuable life experience that you can use in the future to avoid past mistakes. If this prospect does not suit you, then you should think about how to say goodbye either to your expectations and ideas about life, or to habits that have already become convenient for you.

Be careful. The one you are asking about harbors bad intentions in his soul, and it is possible that they are against you. Maybe you yourself provoked such an attitude towards yourself. In any case, he is overcome by a vindictive mood. Therefore, now all means are good for him, and he is capable of much. Leave all doubts aside, show everyone your confidence in success and give yourself a “mindset” to win.

From the moment the first tender feeling was born on our sinful and beautiful Earth, every girl would like to know what the guy she loves is thinking about. A curious person would pay dearly for such information. In search of an answer to this question, as well as to other questions, for example: does he love me or not, the weaker sex turned to witches, sorcerers, fortune tellers and soothsayers of all stripes. Some were really lucky and they found out the truth, while others, having gone through all the circles of hell, remained in the tenacious clutches of swindlers who kept their “victim” on a short leash: “treatment” for non-existent diseases, false advice and ineffective spells and, as a result, incalculable money infusions. But let’s be honest, all this still exists. Charlatans are not extinct, as are those who are in an endless search for answers and clues.

However, it’s much easier for today’s girls; now there is a great opportunity, without leaving your own home, to simply open the Internet and enter in a search engine: “Fortune telling for a loved one.” And voila! The World Wide Web will immediately offer a lot of esoteric sites. Including our Mogura. By scrolling down the page a little, you can choose those love fortune telling that fully meet your current need for information and advice.

Our great-great-grandmothers would probably die of envy if they found out that while sitting on the sofa in their favorite cafe, you can tell fortunes online and find out what your loved one is doing. Fantastic! For them - yes, for us this is a reality in which there is nothing unnatural. Not only do modern technologies provide such chances, but you also don’t need to pay anyone. Everything is free!

In my husband's name

It’s not enough to get an answer to the question: when will I get married? Every young lady of marriageable age wants, among other things, to find out the name of her future husband. It’s understandable, you look closely at your suitors, you look closely, but it’s still not clear - with whom will the family work out? How not to miss the one who can become a reliable and strong man's shoulder. Who should you look for happiness with?

On a date

What do you think are the most visited fortune tellings on the Mogura website? Of course, those that help us find out what the coming day has in store for us, especially if on that day you have to go on a love date. What to expect from the meeting? On what note will we part? How will it go? Will he/she like me? A million questions, the answers to which will be revealed either by time or by our free and irreplaceable card fortune telling for a date!

Crown of Love

Gypsy tarot

This online fortune telling combines the centuries-old traditions of European tarot cards and highly respected gypsy fortune-tellers. The rare deck has an exclusive design, as well as a unique interpretation of the individual major and minor arcana.

What does he like about me?

What did he like about me? The question, of course, is by no means the most significant and pressing. But it’s interesting! Alas, the hero of the occasion shifts from foot to foot and best case scenario something is babbling unintelligibly. And I would really like to know what your chosen one found in you so special!? How about telling your fortune? They know everything about cards, and they will tell you this answer to the question.

Scandinavian runes

Is there a more ancient and time-tested fortune telling in the world than the Scandinavian runes? There are few of them, even fewer fortune telling, which combine exquisite simplicity and versatility. Scandinavian fortune telling using one rune is a universal recipe for all occasions. Ask your question, ask and the runes will certainly answer you.

Fortune telling Berendeyev

A long time ago, in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, namely on Slavic lands The Berendeys lived, the birch bark kings, and they had their own birch kingdom. No one knows for certain what happened to them; only epics, wise tales, initial letters and fortune telling from tree leaves have survived to this day.

Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire game that will give the most accurate forecast of upcoming changes on the personal front. Don't know what to expect from the next weekend, upcoming vacation or series of chosen ones? It's time to play the solitaire cards!

Love does not love?

When will I get married?

Well, when will I get married? When? This question worries every young lady over eighteen years old. To help those suffering - our simple online card fortune telling. When resorting to this ancient tool for fortune telling, we rarely remember, or even think about, that in addition to metaphorical and associative symbolism, each tarot card has a close connection with the time and place of the supposed events.

We present to your attention online fortune telling “yes no”, predictions for the future, for a person, for love. On our website you will find a huge collection of accurate and free online fortune telling for all occasions. To guess online, just select the service you are interested in and follow the instructions attached to it. Today, the Valtasar ru website can offer its visitors the following exciting predictive services:

  • Truthful fortune telling “yes or no”, allowing you to get answers to simple questions
  • Coffee fortune telling online is one of the proven ways to look into the future
  • Predictions using Tarot cards, including the popular “card of the day” fortune telling
  • Fortune telling for the fulfillment of a cherished desire
  • Online fortune telling for a man, for his attitude loved one
  • Catherine's fortune telling
  • Prophecy using crystal ball
  • Services that allow you to tell fortunes using the Bible or aphorisms
  • Fortune telling “Crown of Love”, which will tell about his feelings
  • Gypsy Aza layout and much more!

Are you interested in the Chinese “Book of Changes” or popular online fortune telling? playing cards? On the pages of our portal you will find everything your heart desires! The beauty of online fortune telling is that you don’t need to study multi-volume manuals and practice complex card layouts. You just need to choose the appropriate service and ask the question you are interested in, and virtual online fortune telling will do all the work for you!

People often ask what determines the veracity of the predictions they receive. Firstly, the mood of the fortuneteller matters - anyone who has had to deal with runes or Tarot cards will tell you this. A fortune telling tool (be it an online service or a deck of cards) senses your mood very sensitively. Therefore, if you are guessing only for entertainment purposes, then you do not need to count on a serious answer.

Secondly, don't underestimate the power of astrology. Sometimes negative aspects of planets can interfere with the prediction. Therefore, if the answer you receive seems too vague to you, then it makes sense to “guess” another time. Fortunately, such interference occurs extremely rarely.

And finally, we must not forget that every person is the master of his own destiny. Therefore, you can listen to the results of online fortune telling, but you should not take it as the only correct guide to action. Trust your own judgment and intuition first, not tarot cards or runes.

Fortune telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” free schedule Tarot for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what it is for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he is making for you.

By laying out the cards for your loved one, you will also find out how he feels about a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot Arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, and whether you will have a wedding.

Free online fortune telling “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of relationship development, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already taken shape and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this fortune telling for their partner’s plans.

Tarot cards ready for online fortune telling“His plans for a relationship with me”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. What a relationship with you means to a partner.
Card No. 2. What does your partner want from a relationship with you.
Card No. 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card No. 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His readiness to start a family.
Card No. 5. What fears and hopes does your partner have regarding marriage with you?
Card No. 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card No. 7. How your existing relationship with your loved one will affect your life.
Card No. 8. How your existing relationship will affect your partner's life.
Card No. 9. What will your union come to? How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).
