Audiobook dangerous games. Julianna, or Dangerous Games. Yulia Nikolaevna VoznesenskayaYulianna, or Dangerous Games

Current page: 1 (book has 19 pages total) [available reading passage: 13 pages]

Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya
Julianna, or Dangerous Games

© Grif LLC, design, 2016

© LLC Publishing House “Lepta Book”, text, illustrations, 2016

© Voznesenskaya Yu.N., 2016

© Tymoshenko Yu., 2016

Dedicated to my granddaughter Katya Loseva

God bless!

Chapter 1

He walked along Mikhryutka Street, turned blue and was shaking all over. He walked along Krestovsky Island, along the green Kemskaya Street. All eight spider legs of the brownie limped, stumbled, shuffled, tangled as they walked, and the angular webbed wings broke, dragged and scraped along the dusty asphalt. If passers-by could see the demon Mikhryutka, they would think that the brownie was dragging two large broken black umbrellas to the trash heap. But passersby did not notice the brownie, because demons, thank God, are not visible to people. However, when the brownie passed by them, their faces darkened, people suddenly remembered some past grievances and were alarmed by premonitions of future troubles and disasters. It also seemed to them that a dark, cold cloud had suddenly crawled onto Krestovsky Island, although the day was clear and there was not a cloud in the blue sky. And then suddenly, out of the blue, right as they walked, people suddenly realized that their lives were decidedly unsuccessful, no one understood or loved them, and now would be the time to go and drown themselves, fortunately there was plenty of water around. If passers-by walked in a group, then between them there was immediately a reason for an argument, quarrel or abuse - and they argued, quarreled and cursed. And the poor people did not understand why such a misfortune happened to them... And this rogue Mikhryutka, passing by, breathed anger on them.

Actually, demons, of course, don’t breathe. It’s just that from time to time they are so filled with the spirit of hell that from time to time they emit poisonous fumes directly at people, puffing evil at them - vile spiteful critics! And then woe to the unbaptized person who lives without prayer, and woe to the one with whom his Guardian Angel does not go - his soul is instantly poisoned. But for those who have protected themselves in the morning with the armor of prayer, demons are not afraid: such people are firmly protected from the poisonous and fetid breath of demons. And from those who managed to visit the temple that day and even took communion 1
Communion, or the Sacrament of the Eucharist– A sacrament in which bread and wine are transformed by the Holy Spirit into the true Body and true Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and then believers partake of them for the closest union with Christ into eternal life. The substance of the Sacrament is bread and wine. The sacrament was established by the Lord Jesus Christ himself at the Last Supper, on the eve of his suffering on the Cross. (See: Hierarch Oleg Davydenkov. Dogmatic Theology. Course of lectures. Part 3. M., 1997. P. 257.)

, the demons themselves run away with a squeal, afraid of getting burned... But this is so, for reference, since Mikhryutka did not come across such Christians that day. This is understandable: everything was on Krestovsky Island - large houses and rich mansions, a metro station, a huge stadium, a yacht club and an indoor tennis court, the Primorsky Victory Park with a whole amusement town was spread out over a good half of the island, there was even a dolphinarium! But there was no church on the island.

From Kemskaya Street Mikhryutka crossed to the secluded Northern Road, which stretched along the Grebnoy Canal, and then they called out to him:

- Hey, Mikhryutka, hello! Where are you going?

Right in front of Mikhryutka, the demon Nedokop sprouted through the asphalt. It only grew halfway up to the waist, leaned against the edges of the hole created in the asphalt and stared at the brownie with curiosity: it is known that brownies don’t just leave their homes - something was wrong here...

“Hello,” Mikhryutka reluctantly responded, walked around the Nedokop sticking out in the middle of the road and trudged on.

- Just wait! “The under-digger dug himself out completely, shook off the asphalt crumbs from his skin, and trotted off next to the brownie. He did not clean up the hole after himself: perhaps one of the passers-by would fall into it and go lame, or even break his leg. “Mikhryutka,” Nedokop asked, looking at the brownie and giggling, “why are you so languid and rumpled, as if you were chewed for a long, long time and then spat out in disgust?”

- Look at yourself! – Mikhryutka answered boorishly. He was being rude not because he was angry, but because demons simply don’t talk to each other any other way; They themselves are rude and teach people the same. “Nobody chewed me,” the brownie continued, “I was wounded by superior enemy forces: the visiting priest burned me, poor thing, with prayer and scalded me with holy water.” But you, Nedokopka, have been eaten by moths!

Mikhryutka lied: the moth of Nedokop did not eat, although he looked like an old bald mole - what kind of moth would sit on a demon? And he looked moth-eaten because he was assigned to a baptized person, and he, of course, had his own Guardian Angel - so he got it from this Angel, so much so that scraps flew through the back streets.

“Come on,” muttered Nedokop conciliatoryly. In fact, he was vaguely aware that both of them were good - just look at them and spit on them.

They say that demons are vile in appearance from the very moment when Archangel Michael and his heavenly army swept them into one heap, dragged them through the entire universe and pushed them into the atmosphere of planet Earth, then still young and deserted. In a word, they were locked up here with us. However, some demonologists and demonologists argue that demons on Earth at first still retained an angelic appearance, only they were dark in appearance, and acquired their current vile appearance over thousands of years of creating all sorts of outrages - so they became ugly, completely losing their former angelic image. The same thing, by the way, happens to people. Haven't you noticed? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror when you are angry: do you like yourself - with those pouting lips, feisty eyes and furrowed eyebrows? This is what “demonic beauty” is. Your anger will pass, but a small amount of ugliness will remain forever. And every time you get angry, you add more of this anti-beauty to yourself - and so on throughout your life. Just think what will happen to your face in old age if you give vent to anger, rage, envy, gloating, despondency and other demonic feelings? Scary to imagine! However, experienced elders claim that traces of our bad deeds, thoughts and feelings remain on our faces only until we repent of them, but we begin to repent - and the imprints of even the most chronic sins will gradually be erased and disappear. That's it.

But let's get back to our story.

- You, Nedokopka, where are you hanging around? – Mikhryutka asked quarrelsomely. “You don’t take care of your own, but because of your Hakob, another angelic sabotage occurred in the house!”

“It’s good that it happened without me.” Today is not my day, today his Angel hangs around Hakob, forced downtime with me, so excuse me if something is wrong with you, but it’s my business! You can’t just step away for an hour... What happened, Mikhryutka?

- Oh, what happened, Nedokop, what happened! Our house, our whole house, was subjected to the machinations of the Guardian Angels... No, you know, I can’t – I can’t help but say it! Just fly and see for yourself.

- No, thank you! I’d better take a walk with you around the island, otherwise I’ll fly and end up in some kind of trouble.

- You'll definitely fly in! But I won’t tell you anything, Nedokopka, because my tongue is numb from horror and my larynx is freezing...

Well, if the brownie Mikhryutka is not able to really tell about what happened in the Mishins’ house, then we will do it.

At the beginning of summer, eleven-year-old girl Yulia Mishina was unexpectedly visited by her twin sister Anya from the city of Pskov. At first, Yulka disliked Annushka and even tried to get rid of her. But later, having gone through dangerous adventures together, described in the book “Julianna, or the Kidnapping Game,” the girls became friends and fell in love with each other. Now Yulka tried not to be separated from her sister even for a minute. She even had an argument with her father about this topic.

It happened like this. Dmitry Sergeevich looked into Yulka’s room one morning and saw that the girls were sleeping together on Yulka’s bed, and Annushka’s empty cot stood next to her. “It’s cramped for them to sleep together, and it’s uncomfortable for Annushka on the folding bed,” he thought, and on the same day he invited Annushka to move into one of the guest rooms. But Yulka was terribly indignant:

“By your grace, I lived without my sister for so many years, and now she will still live separately from me?” What is this, a folder? During the day we will play and walk together, and at night we will go to our rooms? No, no and NO! I don’t want to be separated from my only sister even for the night! You, dad, buy us a two-story bed: Annushka will sleep downstairs, and I will sleep upstairs.

– And everywhere you want to take over! – Dad laughed, hugging both daughters. – And if Annushka herself wants to sleep upstairs, will you give in to her?

“I’ll give in, dad,” Annushka said reconcilingly.

- And I won’t let her upstairs! You, dad, don’t know how clumsy Annushka is! When we got into kidnapping, I had to watch her all the time: she would either fall, or drown her sneaker in the mud, or even almost drown herself!

At the mention of kidnapping, Dad frowned.

The Angels, invisibly standing next to their father and sisters, Guardians Julius, John and Dimitrius, also looked at each other: after all, they, the heavenly warriors, had to fight with a whole flock of demons for the sisters, locked by attackers in an abandoned barn. Then all the Krestovsky and surrounding demons, led by the leader Cactus, came out against the Guardian Angels, and they were led by none other than the terrible demon Leningad, the demonic prince of St. Petersburg. And the Angels would never have been able to cope with the demonic army if the city guard of St. Petersburg himself, the brilliant Petrus, and his angelic squad had not come to their aid. Then they completely defeated the demons at the Battle of Sarai.

Outside the window, perched outside on the ledge, sat the green demon Jumper, assigned to the mischievous youth Julia. Hearing about kidnapping, he shuddered: after the battle lost by the demons, Jumper no longer dared to come close to Yulka - Guardian Angel Julius did not let him get close to her. The demon was desperately nervous and tried to influence his charge from afar.

“You see, dad,” Yulka continued, “as soon as we start messing around and jumping, Annushka will immediately fall off the top bed and break her leg.”

“And that’s when your pink crutch will finally come in handy.” You really wanted to give it to me! – Annushka laughed.

In Yulka’s room there actually stood in the corner a flirtatious foreign crutch that Yulka had once walked with after breaking her leg. She understood her sister's hint correctly.

- Well, yes, I broke my leg, that was it. But since then I’ve been doing sports so that I’ll never break anything again. But you are not a sporty girl at all.

– What kind of sport is this – jumping on beds? - Dad asked.

- Dad, how come you don’t understand? In the evening you are supposed to whisper before going to bed, and in the morning you are supposed to jump and throw pillows.

– And you, Annushka, think so too?

- Not really, daddy. Read before bed evening prayers, and only then whisper in bed. And in the morning, of course, you can first jump a little and throw yourself on the pillows, but after that you need to quickly wash your face and immediately begin to pray.

- Everything is clear with you, girls. You sang well. That's it, my dear Juliannas, there won't be a bunk bed, period! I will buy you one large double bed. Here you will whisper and jump on it. At least you won't fall and get hurt.

- Class! Folder, why are you so smart? A double bed is a great idea, it’s a hundred times better than a two-story bed! – Yulka was delighted and gave her father a deafening kiss on the cheek. But then she frowned again: “Dad, but if you put a double bed in my room, it will become very cramped in there!”

- Perhaps. Would you like me to order an opening to be made between your room and the next one? Then you will have a room for games and activities and a separate bedroom.

- Well, it's a long story - breaking through openings. The holidays will end while we wait,” Yulka pouted. But she immediately became cheerful again: “I came up with an idea!” Zhanna has a large room - why does she need one? You will soon get married and she will become your half. Let her temporarily live in my room, and Annushka and I will move into hers.

Hearing these words, the demon Jumper jumped up and almost fell off the ledge with joy.

– Wow, Yulka, that’s a great idea! A great little reason for a big domestic war!

But Guardian Angel John, Annushka’s guardian, flapped his wings in alarm:

“Julius, tame your maiden immediately!” Can you imagine how mad Zhanna and Jean will be?

“It’s not hard to imagine, but I have absolutely no idea how to stop Yulia.”

- At least try!

Angel Julius approached Yulka, bent over her and began to whisper something in her ear.

Yulka rubbed her ear impatiently.

- Well, dad!

Mishin thought about it.

– What if Zhanna doesn’t want to give you the room? - he asked.

The jumper outside the window alerted his horns with two antennas. He made faces at Yulka and suggested something on his fingers.

Guardian Julius glanced sideways at him and again began to whisper in his ward’s ear.

Yulka shook her head and scratched her ear.

Angel Julius sighed reproachfully and walked away from her. The jumper happily nodded his goat muzzle and wagged his tail, twisted into a spiral, like a chameleon’s.

- Zhanna will give in! – Yulka said arrogantly. – She must give in if she wants to become our stepmother. Otherwise we can change our minds!

Dad grinned at Yulka’s arrogance.

“It seems, brothers, that big troubles await us ahead,” Angel Julius said to John and Dimitrius, the Guardian of Dmitry Sergeevich.

The angels looked at each other anxiously.

“Okay, I’ll try to persuade Zhanna,” said Mishin, but it was noticeable that he himself did not really believe in the success of such an enterprise.

The girls kissed their father and went for a walk. In private, Annushka once again tried to dissuade her sister from changing housing with her future stepmother.

“Are you and I feeling bad in our room, Julia?” Why should we embarrass Zhanna? This is not good and even somehow unfair, even though she is disgusting...

- Yeah, yeah, you don’t love her yourself!

“I can’t love Zhanna,” sighed Annushka.

- Serves her right! Let her not imagine that she is the mistress of the house, otherwise she will become a stepmother and begin to oppress us.

– Isn’t it possible that we ourselves are beginning to oppress her?

- You will oppress her! – Yulka waved her off.

Much to Mishin’s surprise, Zhanna, when he told her about the girls’ desire to exchange rooms with her, did not argue. She turned pale, then blushed, then immediately turned blue, and her made-up face turned purple from the mixture of artificial and natural colors. But Zhanna pulled herself together, pretended to be a meek lamb and quietly said to Mishin:

- As you say, Mitenka. I'm ready to give up my room to the girls if you think it's necessary.

And her feigned meekness was immediately rewarded: Mishin invited her to occupy his office for now, and his workplace I decided to temporarily set it up downstairs in the library.

“Let’s finish the third floor, then the house will be a little more spacious,” he said, very pleased that there was no scandal. “We’ll put the girls upstairs, and after the wedding we’ll occupy the entire second floor.”

At the mention of the upcoming wedding, Zhanna became brighter, and the violet disappeared from her face.

They called the workers and first of all moved the furniture, computer and papers from Mishin’s office to the library, after which Zhanna moved into the former office with all her outfits, furniture, cosmetics, esoteric books, astrological tables, smoking sticks, bioenergy pendulums, crystal balls, black candles, amulets, Tarot cards, amulets and other witchcraft stuff.

Finally, the sisters were asked to inspect Jeanne's vacated room and decide how they would furnish it. Annushka had never been in this room before. She entered it and stopped at the threshold, looking around anxiously.

Angels John and Julius also stopped at the door.

- What a demonic nest! – Angel John said slightly nasally, pinching his nose with two fingers. - Well, it stinks!

“Yes, the stench is exceptionally thick,” agreed Julius, fanning himself with his wing.

“Come in, don’t be shy,” Yulka invited her sister. – Don’t you really like it here?

– I don’t like it at all.

- Why?

- Well, the room is so gloomy and it smells bad.

Yulka sniffed.

– These are Jeanne’s cosmetics, her perfume is French. And also all sorts of esoteric smoking - she’s our psychic. It’s okay, we’ll move here – it will smell like us. What else don't you like besides the smell?

– I don’t like the red walls, I don’t like the black ceiling and the black carpet on the floor... And in general it’s uncomfortable here, it’s some kind of cave, not a room...

– The walls and ceiling are nonsense! Today I’ll tell my dad to urgently remove this carpet and repaint everything.

- Yul, isn’t dad offended that you boss him around like that?

- Why should he be offended? – Yulka was surprised. - He is our father.

“I would never dare to talk to him like that.”

“But you don’t need it, it doesn’t suit you at all, you’re a meek and well-behaved girl.” Continue like this, so that your exemplary behavior is enough for both of us: “Oh, what good and well-mannered girls these Mishina sisters are!” And when we need something from the folder, for example, more pocket money or something else, I will take over all the negotiations. Dad is used to me having high demands.

- We need to get used to it.

- Who, dad?

- No, for you. From big demands and big money.

- Should I get rid of money? Why else is this? – Yulka was surprised.

– Because it is dangerous for children to have a lot of money. You can use them to your detriment. That's what our grandmother says.

– What if I’m used to the European standard?

-What are you used to?

– Towards a European standard of living, and this requires a lot of money!

– Yul, don’t you want to live according to the Christian standard? You are an Orthodox girl!

– I would really like to be a good Christian, but in such a way that I don’t lose anything! Let me have the most fashionable clothes, the most sophisticated computer, the most beautiful icons and some famous spiritual father!  2
Spiritual father- the name “spiritual father”, “confessor” of monastic origin. Writers of the 4th and 5th centuries call experienced ascetics “spiritual fathers.” Prpp. Ephraim the Syrian, John the Prophet, Nile of Sinai, St. John Climacus speaks of a “spiritual father” in the sense in which we now use the concept of “elder.” With all the diversity in word usage, the term “spiritual father” in Christian writing from the 5th to the beginning of the 9th century most often means a monastic elder. Institute " spiritual father"at that time it represented the monastery eldership, so the eldership - early form"spiritual father" The elder was not only a “spiritual father” in the strict sense of the word, that is, a person accepting confession, but also the leader of the monk’s entire life. It is clear that such a leader could not be appointed, but was chosen freely by someone seeking spiritual guidance. Thus, Abba Isaiah says: “When choosing (an elder), I pay attention not to those who are already advanced in years, but to those who are white with knowledge and spiritual experience.” We need such spirit-bearing mentors because, due to our common sinfulness, we often cannot discern the will of God. A spiritual mentor, aware that he is conveying the Will of God, invests the novice with specific obediences, which, if sincerely performed, are capable of not suppressing, but purifying and strengthening his own will and cleansing his heart from passions. Such obediences are given to each individual, in accordance with the inner world of the novice. Hence the notorious unusualness of those obediences, examples of which we find in patericons and paterikons. Modern false eldership often pursues only this “extravagance” of command, and inexperienced people take it as a sign of holiness, almost the most important. At the same time, along with spiritual mentoring, there is, so to speak, human mentoring, which we cannot neglect. If the first spirituality is truly Divine, and therefore indisputable and, in fact, unverifiable, then the second is based on the experience of the spiritual life of a particular pastor - the confessor and his flock and does not entail unconditional submission.

“And you, of course, will be proud of all this?”

- Certainly!

- And to be proud is a sin.

- Hm. Are you sure?

- Absolutely.

– Is it the Church that says so or you?

- Church.

- Strange! And at school we wrote an essay on the topic “Man sounds proud,” and Zhanna also says that pride adorns a woman. – Yulka sat down on the black floor, crossing her legs and resting her chin on her fist. – Actually, sister, I notice that in Christianity everything is somehow the other way around, not like a human being: having a lot of money is dangerous, being proud is a sin, and you have to love others more than yourself. Misunderstandings!

– Our Christian laws not from people, they are not from this world.

- Where are they from?

- From God.

- A! Well, He, of course, knows better. You know, I understand Him sometimes. Here you, for example, are also not of this world, but I like you much more than Kira, Gulya and, to be honest, even more than myself. So it turns out that you and God are right! “She easily jumped to her feet and looked around. - Okay, enough philosophizing, let's think about business! This is where we will put our double bed, choose the biggest one we can find in a furniture store! There will be your table here, mine here, and a computer table between them. Do you want a separate computer or will we use a shared one for now?

– One computer is enough for us, there is no need to ruin my father. I don’t really know how to use it.

– I’ll teach you in no time! And Yurik will show you the most complex operations. We'll put a closet here, a stereo system here. And we’ll put shelves in this corner. Agree?

“I just don’t agree about this angle, Yulenka.”

- Why?

- This is the Red Corner.

- Yes, all the corners here are red!

– Not in the sense of red: Red is the corner in which the icons stand.

– Isn’t it possible to keep them on the shelf, as it was before?

– You can, of course, if it doesn’t work out any other way. But it would be better to arrange a real prayer corner.

- Well, tell me how they arrange it.

– Yes, it’s very simple: we’ll put a small table for books in the corner, and hang my icons above it. It would also be nice to put a lamp or hang it...

– And will it burn at night? I saw this in a movie.

“My grandmother and I always had a lamp burning in our bedroom, let it burn in ours too.”

- Wow, great! I just need to get my own icons. Where do you get your icons from?

- From my mother and grandmother.

- I do not mean it! Where do icons come from anyway?

– In Pskov they are sold in churches and monasteries, we have a lot of them.

– St. Petersburg is also full of churches. Let's ask Uncle Hakob to go there and buy everything we need for us.

“Come on, Yul, let’s do this: we’ll ask Uncle Hakob to take us to the icon shop and there we’ll choose the icons ourselves and buy them with our pocket money.”

- That's right, we'll do that! And we’ll ask the folder to give us more pocket money for such a case. Let's buy the best, most beautiful and largest icons!

“And you always want the very best,” sighed Annushka.

- How else? – Yulka was surprised.

The renovation was done quickly, in just three days, and then the furniture from Yulka’s room was moved to Zhanna’s former “cave.” A large double bed was purchased, made up of two separate beds, which the girls immediately tested - both mattresses jumped along, across and diagonally. The bed passed the test - it did not fall apart and did not even creak once.

The sisters themselves moved a round table from the library to their new room and placed it in the Red Corner, and Annushka laid out her icons, prayer book and Gospel on it. Then they went to Akop Spartakovich and asked him to take them to the icon shop.

– Do you want to buy new icons for your new room? They’ve got a good idea, girls,” said Akop Spartakovich, “and I’ll be happy to help you.” Let's not put off a good deed, let's go right now! I’ll just call Dmitry Sergeevich and ask how much money can be spent on this spiritual event.

Dad's secretary Akop Spartakovich had one feature that made him an unpredictable person not only for those around him, but also for himself. The fact is that the Guardian Angel and the Tempter Demon assigned to Akop Spartakovich were with him not at the same time, but in turn: if today an Angel accompanied him, then tomorrow he was guided by a demon. On this lucky day for the sisters, Akop Spartakovich was under the close supervision of the Guardian Angel Akopus, and the demon Nedokop timidly huddled to the side.

They went by car to buy icons.

The Guardian Angels, of course, accompanied them, and the demons Nedokopka and Jumper, having heard about the purpose of the trip, wisely decided to stay at home.

Due to the nature of his duties, Akop Spartakovich knew well what and where he could buy in the city. He took the sisters to an Orthodox store opposite the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and there they were greeted by a great abundance of icons, lamps and church utensils. Seeing a gilded carved iconostasis leaning against the wall, Yulka rushed to it.

-What is this, An?

– Iconostasis.

- Amazing! This is what we need,” Yulka decided. – Can you imagine, Yurik and Gulya and Kira will come to visit, open the door to our room, and we will have an iconostasis!

– No, Yulenka, this is an iconostasis for a small church or chapel; you and I need something more modest. In general, iconostases are only placed in churches, but a small icon case would be suitable for us.

- What is this cabinet with icons? Will this not work for us?

– This is exactly the icon case. But it’s terribly expensive, Julia!

- Nothing. Dad allowed us to buy whatever we like, so we’ll buy it. And then there’s this candlestick – just look, Anh!

The bronze candlestick that Yulka liked was almost as tall as her and also turned out to be a church one: we had to limit ourselves to a lamp on a bracket with a chain. Then Yulka liked the painted porcelain vessels and mugs for holy water and silver incense holders. This, that, and the third were purchased, after which they moved on to icons. Anya immediately chose two icons of the Savior and one of the Mother of God.

– I would like to buy one icon of Jesus Christ for the dining room. What do you think, Yul, will dad allow it to be hung there? Otherwise, before eating, we pray on an empty corner.

- And we won’t ask, we’ll hang it and that’s it! Really, Uncle Hakob?

“I don’t think that Dmitry Sergeevich will object,” he answered. “But you need to ask, show respect to the owner of the house.”

“Okay, we’ll do it,” Yulia agreed easily.

She asked the seller to show her the Guardian Angel icons and, of course, chose the largest one.

“You don’t need to wrap it, I’ll carry it in my hands,” she told the seller. He was surprised, but handed the icon into her hands.

Yulka kissed the icon and pressed it to her chest.

“I want to bring the icon of my Guardian Angel into the house myself,” she whispered to her sister. - After all, I love him so much, I love him so much!

Touched Angel Julius quietly kissed her on the top of her head in response.

Anya smiled at her sister.

– You also need to buy an icon of your saint. But I don’t know what kind of Julia you are, there are several of them.

“Martyr Julia of Carthage,” Julius said to John and Acopus. - But how can I tell Yulenka about this?

“Yes, it’s very simple,” said Akopus and fluttered behind the counter, where his Guardian Angel stood next to the seller. The angels whispered, the Guardian leaned towards the seller and quietly said something to him.

The seller listened carefully to the girls’ conversation.

– How’s yours? holy name, girl? Julia?

– When were you baptized?

-Ann, when?

“She was born on the seventh of June, on the same day as me, and we were baptized eight days later,” said Annushka. - That's what our grandmother says.

- Yeah, now everything is clear: you are twin sisters and you were baptized on the same day. This means that her patron saint is the martyr Julia of Carthage. Now we will find the icon of your saint. “The seller put a long box on the counter, in which small icons were tightly packed, and began to sort through them. - Here it is, hold it!

Yulka pressed the icon of the Guardian Angel to her chest with one hand, and with the other carefully took the small icon of Julia of Carthage.

- That's what she is, my saint!

Annushka went up to her sister, hugged her and also began to look at the icon: Saint Julia was depicted in a blue chiton with a white veil on her head and shoulders, and right hand she was holding a cross.

“Saint Julia of Carthage was crucified on the cross like Christ,” said the seller. – The cruel ruler executed her because she refused to serve the pagan gods 3
St. Julia of Carthage- The martyr Virgin Julia suffered in 440 or 613. She came from a noble family in Carthage. During the capture of the city, she was captured and sold into slavery to a rich Syrian merchant. With her meek character, humility, conscientious attitude to work and chastity, she earned not only the favor, but also the respect of her master. Once, while on the island of Corsica on trade business, a merchant took part in a pagan festival; St. Julia, remaining on the ship, exposed the errors of the pagans. The pagans decided to take revenge on her for this. They, having drunk the merchant with wine to the point of intoxication, beat her, tore out her hair, cut her body and then crucified her. The body was dumped on the island. The monks buried him. At the place where the body was found, two miraculous springs soon began to flow, which are still active today, being a place of pilgrimage on the island. Corsica. In 763, her miraculous relics were transferred to the city of Brescia (modern Italy), founded by the Lombard king Desiderius convent. Until the 20th century St. Julia was considered the patroness of the city; now her relics are taken out of the cathedral, and in the church dedicated to her, St. Julia has a museum of religious painting. At this time, the relics of the saint found shelter north of Brescia, in the town of Villaggia Prealpino. Memorial Day July 16/29.

– Don’t you have her biography? – asked Yulka.

“The life stories of saints are called lives,” the seller corrected her. – Ask in the next department where we have books. But I can tell you when your name day is - July twenty-ninth. Soon you will celebrate your Angel's day 4
Day Angel- the day on which the Church commemorates the saint whose name a Christian bears.

- Great! When is your Angel Day, An?

“My Angel Day has already passed, it’s June twelfth,” said Annushka.

- And what is your name? – asked the seller.

– In honor of Saint Anna Kashinskaya?

– Yes, my saint – the blessed princess Anna Kashinskaya  5
St. Anna Kashinskaya. The Holy Blessed Grand Duchess Anna was born at the end of the 13th century, when Rus' was groaning from the terrible Tatar invasion. Her husband and son were killed in the Horde, and she herself had to hide with her children and grandchildren from the Tatar wrath. Blgv. book Anna, throughout her long-suffering life, carried out the feat of righteous femininity - chastity, unconditional obedience to the will of God, selfless meek obedience and fidelity to her husband, and then - the feat of inconsolable widowhood, adorned with the monastic rank. On October 2/15, 1368, she reposed herself as a schema-nun, revered by all. After her death, Saint Anna was revered locally. Miracles at the tomb of St. Anne began in 1611, during the siege of Kashin by Lithuanian troops. On July 21/August 3, 1649, her incorruptible relics were found, and on June 12/25, 1650, Princess Anna was canonized, and her relics were transferred to the Resurrection Cathedral for veneration. But in 1677, Patriarch Joachim raised the question at the Moscow Council about the abolition of her veneration in connection with the aggravation of Old Believer schism using her name for his own purposes. In 1909, on June 12/25, its second glorification took place and widespread celebration was established. Now the relics of St. Anna rests in Voznesensky cathedral Kashina.

- Do you know her life?

- I know. She was the widow of Prince Mikhail Tverskoy, also a saint, and after his death she went to a monastery. Her relics are kept in the city of Kashin: there are particles of them in every church.

- How do you know all this?

– My grandmother and I went on a pilgrimage to the city of Kashin.

– And you, of course, have an icon of St. Anna Kashinskaya?

- Eat. Consecrated on the relics. My grandmother gave it to me.

– What a wonderful grandmother you have! Didn’t your grandmother take you to venerate the relics of St. Julia of Carthage? – the seller asked Yulka with a smile. – After all, as I understand it, you have one grandmother for two? However, why am I asking! The relics of Saint Julia are in Italy, and traveling there is far and expensive.

Yulka was a little offended and immediately lifted her nose.

– If I want, I can easily take my grandmother to my saint in Italy!

The salesman raised his eyebrows.

Julius immediately flew up to Yulka and began to reprimand her.

Yulka glanced sideways at the icon of the Guardian Angel: it seemed to her that the Angel was looking at her disapprovingly.

- Sorry! – she muttered to the seller.

Angel Julius shook his head.

The seller politely replied:

- God will forgive.

“Let’s go, Yulia, let’s see what else is there,” said Annushka, taking her sister’s hand and leading her away from the counter. - Excuse us, please! – she said quietly to the seller. He nodded and smiled in response: Annushkino’s “sorry” sounded completely different than Yulkino’s “sorry.”

“Why is he...” Yulka began to whisper indignantly, but Annushka interrupted her:

– Yulenka, let’s look at the books now!

The girls went to the next room and stopped there, looking at the shelves with books.

The angels followed them.

– What nice girls! – the seller said to Akop Spartakovich. It seemed that he was not at all offended by Yulka.

- Yes, good girls, although very different.

- Really? But it seemed to me that you couldn’t tell them apart at all.

– This, you know, is only at first glance.

The salesman in the book department was very young and was wearing what Yulka thought was a black robe. First of all, he asked if the girls had children’s prayer books and the Gospel, then he began to ask what they liked to read.

“Lives and books about Russian antiquity,” said Annushka.

“Fantasy,” muttered the still pouting Yulka.

- Fantasy? – the bookseller was delighted. - Amazing! You know, I also really love Christian fantasy.

- Do such things exist? – Yulka was surprised.

- Of course they do! "The Chronicles of Narnia" by Clive Lewis, for example, or the tales of George MacDonald  6
George MacDonald(1824–1905). Writer, poet and theologian, one of the founders of fantasy. Macdonald's books have provided big influence on Clive S. Lewis. Born in Huntly, near Aberdeen. Protestant priest, later preacher and lecturer. In 1855 he published a tragedy in verse, “Inside and Outside,” after the publication of which he became a professional writer. The most famous children's stories are “Behind the North Wind” (1871), “The Princess and the Goblin” (1872), “The Princess and Cardi” (1873).

And also the modern Russian author Elena Chudinova  7
Elena Chudinova is a modern writer who writes on religious and Christian topics. Author of historical adventure novels, fantasy, science fiction. The most famous: “The Casket” - a fantasy novel, “The Sign Holder”, “Notre Dame Mosque”.

We have her new book “Casket”. The book tells how three girls, about your age, defeated a terrible ancient demon.

– Were the girls believers? – asked Annushka.

- Certainly! Otherwise how would they deal with him? Here's Lewis, here's McDonald, and here's Chudinova... - The seller took three elegant books from the shelf and put them on the counter. – And over there on the shelf are books by Nikolai Blokhin. These are also Orthodox fantasy.

- Oh, I read it! Do you have “Granny’s Glasses”? – asked Annushka.

- How not to be! And also for you personally, since you love history so much, there is his new book “Holy Rus' on the River of Times.” I highly recommend it!

– Do you have Harry Potter? – Yulka asked, leafing through Narnia in doubt. – I already have four books, but I don’t have a fifth one yet.

“We don’t sell books about Harry Potter,” the seller said sternly.

- Why?

- Because everything there is not true.

- How? Isn't all fantasy fiction? – Yulka was surprised.

“Fantasy is the same as a fairy tale, and wise fairy tales not only amuse, but also teach us to distinguish between good and evil,” answered the seller. “And a false fairy tale only entertains and mixes good and evil into one pile—that’s the kind of untruth I’m talking about.” It's clear?

“Not really,” Yulka answered. – Personally, I would really like to study at a school for wizards, like Harry Potter.

Orthodox girl wants to study at a school for witches and wizards? – the seller was surprised and shook his head.

- Come on, you don’t understand anything! – Yulka was offended.

“I just expressed my opinion,” the seller shrugged. – Can I have my own opinion about Harry Potter?

- Can not! – Yulka stamped her foot. – If you sell books for children, you should sell what children like – and children like Harry Potter!

- Well, not all children like this psychotic Garik.

- Everyone! Everyone likes! Unless they are the last retarded idiots! – Yulka suddenly shouted, blushing and stamping with both feet alternately.

Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya.

Julianna, or Dangerous games.

Dedicated to my granddaughter Natasha Loseva

God bless!

He walked along Mikhryutka Street, turned blue and was shaking all over. He walked along Krestovsky Island, along the green Kemskaya Street. All eight spider legs of the brownie limped, stumbled, shuffled, tangled as they walked, and the angular webbed wings broke, dragged and scraped along the dusty asphalt. If passers-by could see the demon Mikhryutka, they would think that the brownie was dragging two large broken black umbrellas to the trash heap. But passersby did not notice the brownie, because demons, thank God, are not visible to people. However, when the brownie passed by them, their faces darkened, people suddenly remembered some past grievances and were alarmed by premonitions of future troubles and disasters. It also seemed to them that a dark, cold cloud had suddenly crawled onto Krestovsky Island, although the day was clear and there was not a cloud in the blue sky. And then suddenly, out of the blue, right as they walked, people suddenly realized that their lives were decidedly unsuccessful, no one understood or loved them, and now would be the time to go and drown themselves, fortunately there was plenty of water around. If passers-by walked in a group, then between them there was immediately a reason for an argument, quarrel or abuse - and they argued, quarreled and cursed. And the poor people did not understand why such a misfortune suddenly happened to them... And this rogue Mikhryutka, passing by, breathed anger on them.

Actually, demons, of course, don’t breathe. It’s just that from time to time they are so filled with the spirit of hell that from time to time they emit poisonous fumes directly at people, puffing evil at them - vile spiteful critics! And then woe to the unbaptized person who lives without prayer, and woe to the one with whom his Guardian Angel does not go - his soul is instantly poisoned. But for those who have protected themselves in the morning with the armor of prayer, demons are not afraid: they are firmly protected from the poisonous and fetid breath of demons. And from those who managed to visit the temple on this day and even took communion, the demons themselves shied away with a squeal, fearing to get burned... But this is so, for reference, since Mikhryutka did not come across such Christians that day. This is understandable: everything was on Krestovsky Island - large houses and rich mansions, a metro station, a huge stadium, a yacht club and an indoor tennis court, the Primorsky Victory Park with a whole town of attractions stretched over half the island, there was even a dolphinarium! But there was no church on the island.

From Kemskaya Street Mikhryutka crossed to the secluded Northern Road, which stretched along the Grebnoy Canal, and then they called out to him:

- Hey, Mikhryutka, hello! Where are you going?

Right in front of Mikhryutka, the demon Nedokop sprouted through the asphalt. It only grew halfway up to the waist, leaned against the edges of the hole created in the asphalt and stared at the brownie with curiosity: it is known that brownies don’t just leave their homes - something was wrong here...

“Hello,” Mikhryutka reluctantly responded, walked around the Nedokop sticking out in the middle of the road and trudged on.

- Just wait! “The under-digger dug himself out completely, shook off the asphalt crumbs from his skin, and trotted off next to the brownie. He did not clean up the hole after himself: perhaps one of the passers-by would fall into it and go lame, or even break his leg. “Mikhryutka,” Nedokop asked, looking at the brownie and giggling, “why are you so languid and rumpled, as if you were chewed for a long, long time and then spat out in disgust?”

- Look at yourself! – Mikhryutka answered boorishly. He was being rude not because he was angry, but because demons simply don’t talk to each other any other way; They themselves are rude and teach people the same. “Nobody chewed me,” the brownie continued, “I was wounded by superior enemy forces: the visiting priest burned me, poor thing, with prayer and scalded me with holy water.” But you, Nedokopka, have been eaten by moths!

Mikhryutka lied: the moth of Nedokop did not eat, although he looked like an old bald mole - what kind of moth would sit on a demon? And he looked moth-eaten because he was assigned to a baptized person, and he, of course, had his own Guardian Angel - so he got it from this Angel, so much so that scraps flew through the back streets.

“Come on,” muttered Nedokop conciliatoryly. In general, he was vaguely aware that both of them were good - just look at them and spit on them.

They say that demons are vile in appearance from the very moment when Archangel Michael and his heavenly army swept them into one heap, dragged them through the entire universe and pushed them into the atmosphere of planet Earth, then still young and deserted. In a word, they were locked up here with us. However, some biologists and demonologists claim that demons on Earth at first still retained their angelic appearance, only they were dark in appearance, and acquired their current vile appearance over thousands of years of creating all sorts of outrages - so they became ugly, completely losing their former one Angelic image. The same thing, by the way, happens to people. Haven't you noticed? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror when you are angry: do you like yourself - with those pouting lips, feisty eyes and furrowed eyebrows? This is what “demonic beauty” is. Your anger will pass, but a small amount of ugliness will remain forever. And every time you get angry, you add more of this anti-beauty to yourself - and so on throughout your life. Just think what will happen to your face in old age if you give vent to anger, rage, envy, gloating, despondency and other demonic feelings? Scary to imagine! However, the same elders claim that traces of our bad deeds, thoughts and feelings remain on our faces only until we repent of them, but begin to repent - and the traces of even the most chronic sins will gradually be erased and disappear. That's it.

But let's get back to our story.

- You, Nedokopka, where are you hanging around? – Mikhryutka asked quarrelsomely. “You don’t take care of your own, but because of your Hakob, another Angelic sabotage occurred in the house!”

“It’s good that it happened without me.” Today is not my day, today his Angel hangs around Hakob, forced downtime with me, so excuse me if something is wrong with you, but it’s my business! You can’t just step away for an hour... What happened, Mikhryutka?

- Oh, what happened, Nedokop, what happened! Our house, our whole house, has collapsed due to the machinations of the Guardian Angels... No, you know, I can’t - I can’t help myself! Just fly and see for yourself.

- No, thank you! I’d better take a walk with you around the island, otherwise I’ll fly and end up in some kind of trouble.

- You'll definitely fly in! But I won’t tell you anything, Nedokopka, because my tongue is numb from horror and my larynx is freezing...

Well, if the brownie Mikhryutka is not able to really tell about what happened in the Mishins’ house, then we will do it.

At the beginning of summer, eleven-year-old girl Yulia Mishina was unexpectedly visited by her twin sister Anya from the city of Pskov. At first, Yulka disliked Annushka and even tried to get rid of her. But later, having gone through dangerous adventures together, described in the book “Julianna, Or the Kidnapping Game,” the girls became friends and fell in love with each other. Now Yulka tried not to be separated from her sister even for a minute. She even had an argument with her father about this topic.

It happened like this. Dmitry Sergeevich looked into Yulka’s room one morning and saw that the girls were sleeping together on Yulka’s bed, and Annushka’s empty cot stood next to her. “It’s cramped for them to sleep together, and it’s uncomfortable for Annushka on the folding bed,” he thought, and on the same day he proposed to Annushka

Dear readers! Before you is the continuation of the new fairy-tale trilogy of the famous writer Yu. Voznesenskaya. “Julianna, or Dangerous Games” tells the story of how two twin girls, Julia and Anya, end up in a school of magic located in distant Ireland. But faith in God and the intercession of the Guardian Angels help the girls overcome all dangers and defeat evil.

The first book of the trilogy is “Julianna, or the Kidnapping Game.”

In 2005, the third book in the series “Julianna, or the Daughter-Stepmother Game” will be published.

Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya
Julianna, or Dangerous Games

Dedicated to my granddaughter Natasha Loseva

God bless!

Chapter 1

He walked along Mikhryutka Street, turned blue and was shaking all over. He walked along Krestovsky Island, along the green Kemskaya Street. All eight spider legs of the brownie limped, stumbled, shuffled, tangled as they walked, and the angular webbed wings broke, dragged and scraped along the dusty asphalt. If passers-by could see the demon Mikhryutka, they would think that the brownie was dragging two large broken black umbrellas to the trash heap. But passersby did not notice the brownie, because demons, thank God, are not visible to people. However, when the brownie passed by them, their faces darkened, people suddenly remembered some past grievances and were alarmed by premonitions of future troubles and disasters. It also seemed to them that a dark, cold cloud had suddenly crawled onto Krestovsky Island, although the day was clear and there was not a cloud in the blue sky. And then suddenly, out of the blue, right as they walked, people suddenly realized that their lives were decidedly unsuccessful, no one understood or loved them, and now would be the time to go and drown themselves, fortunately there was plenty of water around. If passers-by walked in a group, then between them there was immediately a reason for an argument, quarrel or abuse - and they argued, quarreled and abused. And the poor people did not understand why such a misfortune suddenly happened to them... And this rogue Mikhryutka, passing by, breathed anger on them.

Actually, demons, of course, don’t breathe. It’s just that from time to time they are so filled with the spirit of hell that from time to time they emit poisonous fumes directly at people, puffing evil at them - vile spiteful critics! And then woe to the unbaptized person who lives without prayer, and woe to the one with whom his Guardian Angel does not go - his soul is instantly poisoned. But for those who have protected themselves in the morning with the armor of prayer, demons are not afraid: they are firmly protected from the poisonous and fetid breath of demons. And from those who managed to visit the temple on this day and even took communion, the demons themselves shied away with a squeal, fearing to get burned... But this is so, for reference, since Mikhryutka did not come across such Christians that day. This is understandable: everything was on Krestovsky Island - large houses and rich mansions, a metro station, a huge stadium, a yacht club and an indoor tennis court, the Primorsky Victory Park with a whole town of attractions stretched over half the island, there was even a dolphinarium! But there was no church on the island.

From Kemskaya Street Mikhryutka crossed to the secluded Northern Road, which stretched along the Grebnoy Canal, and then they called out to him:

Hey Mikhryutka, hello! Where are you going?

Right in front of Mikhryutka, the demon Nedokop sprouted through the asphalt. It only grew halfway up to the waist, leaned against the edges of the hole created in the asphalt and stared at the brownie with curiosity: it is known that brownies don’t just leave their homes - something was wrong here...

“Hello,” Mikhryutka reluctantly responded, walked around the Nedokop sticking out in the middle of the road and trudged on.

Just wait! - The under-digger dug himself out completely, shook off the asphalt crumbs from his skin and trotted off next to the brownie. He did not clean up the hole after himself: perhaps one of the passers-by would fall into it and go lame, or even break his leg. “Mikhryutka,” Nedokop asked, looking at the brownie and giggling, “why are you so languid and rumpled, as if you were chewed for a long, long time and then spat out in disgust?”

Look at yourself! - Mikhryutka answered boorishly. He was being rude not because he was angry, but because demons simply don’t talk to each other any other way; They themselves are rude and teach people the same. “Nobody chewed me,” the brownie continued, “I was wounded by superior enemy forces: the visiting priest burned me, poor thing, with prayer and scalded me with holy water.” But you, Nedokopka, have been eaten by moths!

Mikhryutka lied: the moth of Nedokop did not eat, although he looked like an old bald mole - what kind of moth would sit on a demon? And he looked moth-eaten because he was assigned to a baptized person, and he, of course, had his own Guardian Angel - so he got it from this Angel, so much so that scraps flew through the back streets.

“Come on,” muttered Nedokop conciliatoryly. In general, he was vaguely aware that both of them were good - just look at them and spit on them.

They say that demons are vile in appearance from the very moment when Archangel Michael and his heavenly army swept them into one heap, dragged them through the entire universe and pushed them into the atmosphere of planet Earth, then still young and deserted. In a word, they were locked up here with us. However, some biologists and demonologists claim that demons on Earth at first still retained their Angelic appearance, only they were dark in appearance, and acquired their current vile appearance over thousands of years of creating all sorts of outrages - so they became ugly, completely losing their former Angelic image. The same thing, by the way, happens to people. Haven't you noticed? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror when you are angry: do you like yourself - with those pouting lips, feisty eyes and furrowed eyebrows? This is what “demonic beauty” is. Your anger will pass, but a small amount of ugliness will remain forever. And every time you get angry, you add more of this anti-beauty to yourself - and so on throughout your life. Just think what will happen to your face in old age if you give vent to anger, rage, envy, gloating, despondency and other demonic feelings? Scary to imagine! However, the same elders claim that traces of our bad deeds, thoughts and feelings remain on our faces only until we repent of them, but begin to repent - and the traces of even the most chronic sins will gradually be erased and disappear. That's it.

But let's get back to our story.

Where are you, Nedokogka, hanging around? - Mikhryutka asked quarrelsomely. - You don’t take care of your own, but because of your Hakob, another Angelic sabotage occurred in the house!

It’s good that it happened without me. Today is not my day, today his Angel hangs around Hakob, forced downtime with me, so excuse me if something is wrong with you, but it’s my business! You can’t just step away for an hour... What happened, Mikhryutka?

Oh, what happened, Nedokop, what happened! Our house, our whole house, has collapsed due to the machinations of the Guardian Angels... No, you know, I can’t - I can’t help myself! Just fly and see for yourself.

No, thank you! I’d better take a walk with you around the island, otherwise I’ll fly and end up in some kind of trouble.

You'll definitely fly in! But I won’t tell you anything, Nedokopka, because my tongue is numb from horror and my larynx is freezing...

Well, if the brownie Mikhryutka is not able to really tell about what happened in the Mishins’ house, then we will do it.

At the beginning of summer, eleven-year-old girl Yulia Mishina was unexpectedly visited by her twin sister Anya from the city of Pskov. At first, Yulka disliked Annushka and even tried to get rid of her. But later, having gone through dangerous adventures together, described in the book “Julianna, Or the Kidnapping Game,” the girls became friends and fell in love with each other. Now Yulka tried not to be separated from her sister even for a minute. She even had an argument with her father about this topic.

It happened like this. Dmitry Sergeevich looked into Yulka’s room one morning and saw that the girls were sleeping together on Yulka’s bed, and Annushka’s empty cot stood next to her. “It’s cramped for them to sleep together, and it’s uncomfortable for Annushka on the folding bed,” he thought, and on the same day he invited Annushka to move into one of the guest rooms. But Yulka was terribly indignant:

By your grace, I lived for so many years without my sister, and now she will still live separately from me? What is this, a folder? During the day we will play and walk together, and at night we will go to our rooms? No, no and NO! I don’t want to be separated from my only sister even for the night! You, dad, buy us a two-story bed: Annushka will sleep downstairs, and I will sleep upstairs.

Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya

Julianna, or Dangerous Games

Dedicated to my granddaughter Natasha Loseva

God bless!

He walked along Mikhryutka Street, turned blue and was shaking all over. He walked along Krestovsky Island, along the green Kemskaya Street. All eight spider legs of the brownie limped, stumbled, shuffled, tangled as they walked, and the angular webbed wings broke, dragged and scraped along the dusty asphalt. If passers-by could see the demon Mikhryutka, they would think that the brownie was dragging two large broken black umbrellas to the trash heap. But passersby did not notice the brownie, because demons, thank God, are not visible to people. However, when the brownie passed by them, their faces darkened, people suddenly remembered some past grievances and were alarmed by premonitions of future troubles and disasters. It also seemed to them that a dark, cold cloud had suddenly crawled onto Krestovsky Island, although the day was clear and there was not a cloud in the blue sky. And then suddenly, out of the blue, right as they walked, people suddenly realized that their lives were decidedly unsuccessful, no one understood or loved them, and now would be the time to go and drown themselves, fortunately there was plenty of water around. If passers-by walked in a group, then between them there was immediately a reason for an argument, quarrel or abuse - and they argued, quarreled and abused. And the poor people did not understand why such a misfortune suddenly happened to them... And this rogue Mikhryutka, passing by, breathed anger on them.

Actually, demons, of course, don’t breathe. It’s just that from time to time they are so filled with the spirit of hell that from time to time they emit poisonous fumes directly at people, puffing evil at them - vile spiteful critics! And then woe to the unbaptized person who lives without prayer, and woe to the one with whom his Guardian Angel does not go - his soul is instantly poisoned. But for those who have protected themselves in the morning with the armor of prayer, demons are not afraid: they are firmly protected from the poisonous and fetid breath of demons. And from those who managed to visit the temple on this day and even took communion, the demons themselves shied away with a squeal, fearing to get burned... But this is so, for reference, since Mikhryutka did not come across such Christians that day. This is understandable: everything was on Krestovsky Island - large houses and rich mansions, a metro station, a huge stadium, a yacht club and an indoor tennis court, the Primorsky Victory Park with a whole town of attractions stretched over half the island, there was even a dolphinarium! But there was no church on the island.

From Kemskaya Street Mikhryutka crossed to the secluded Northern Road, which stretched along the Grebnoy Canal, and then they called out to him:

Hey Mikhryutka, hello! Where are you going?

Right in front of Mikhryutka, the demon Nedokop sprouted through the asphalt. It only grew halfway up to the waist, leaned against the edges of the hole created in the asphalt and stared at the brownie with curiosity: it is known that brownies don’t just leave their homes - something was wrong here...

“Hello,” Mikhryutka reluctantly responded, walked around the Nedokop sticking out in the middle of the road and trudged on.

Just wait! - The under-digger dug himself out completely, shook off the asphalt crumbs from his skin and trotted off next to the brownie. He did not clean up the hole after himself: perhaps one of the passers-by would fall into it and go lame, or even break his leg. “Mikhryutka,” Nedokop asked, looking at the brownie and giggling, “why are you so languid and rumpled, as if you were chewed for a long, long time and then spat out in disgust?”

Look at yourself! - Mikhryutka answered boorishly. He was being rude not because he was angry, but because demons simply don’t talk to each other any other way; They themselves are rude and teach people the same. “Nobody chewed me,” the brownie continued, “I was wounded by superior enemy forces: the visiting priest burned me, poor thing, with prayer and scalded me with holy water.” But you, Nedokopka, have been eaten by moths!

Mikhryutka lied: the moth of Nedokop did not eat, although he looked like an old bald mole - what kind of moth would sit on a demon? And he looked moth-eaten because he was assigned to a baptized person, and he, of course, had his own Guardian Angel - so he got it from this Angel, so much so that scraps flew through the back streets.

“Come on,” muttered Nedokop conciliatoryly. In general, he was vaguely aware that both of them were good - just look at them and spit on them.

They say that demons are vile in appearance from the very moment when Archangel Michael and his heavenly army swept them into one heap, dragged them through the entire universe and pushed them into the atmosphere of planet Earth, then still young and deserted. In a word, they were locked up here with us. However, some biologists and demonologists claim that demons on Earth at first still retained their Angelic appearance, only they were dark in appearance, and acquired their current vile appearance over thousands of years of creating all sorts of outrages - so they became ugly, completely losing their former Angelic image. The same thing, by the way, happens to people. Haven't you noticed? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror when you are angry: do you like yourself - with those pouting lips, feisty eyes and furrowed eyebrows? This is what “demonic beauty” is. Your anger will pass, but a small amount of ugliness will remain forever. And every time you get angry, you add more of this anti-beauty to yourself - and so on throughout your life. Just think what will happen to your face in old age if you give vent to anger, rage, envy, gloating, despondency and other demonic feelings? Scary to imagine! However, the same elders claim that traces of our bad deeds, thoughts and feelings remain on our faces only until we repent of them, but begin to repent - and the traces of even the most chronic sins will gradually be erased and disappear. That's it.

But let's get back to our story.

Where are you, Nedokogka, hanging around? - Mikhryutka asked quarrelsomely. - You don’t take care of your own, but because of your Hakob, another Angelic sabotage occurred in the house!

It’s good that it happened without me. Today is not my day, today his Angel hangs around Hakob, forced downtime with me, so excuse me if something is wrong with you, but it’s my business! You can’t just step away for an hour... What happened, Mikhryutka?

Oh, what happened, Nedokop, what happened! Our house, our whole house, has collapsed due to the machinations of the Guardian Angels... No, you know, I can’t - I can’t help myself! Just fly and see for yourself.

No, thank you! I’d better take a walk with you around the island, otherwise I’ll fly and end up in some kind of trouble.

You'll definitely fly in! But I won’t tell you anything, Nedokopka, because my tongue is numb from horror and my larynx is freezing...

Well, if the brownie Mikhryutka is not able to really tell about what happened in the Mishins’ house, then we will do it.

At the beginning of summer, eleven-year-old girl Yulia Mishina was unexpectedly visited by her twin sister Anya from the city of Pskov. At first, Yulka disliked Annushka and even tried to get rid of her. But later, having gone through dangerous adventures together, described in the book “Julianna, Or the Kidnapping Game,” the girls became friends and fell in love with each other. Now Yulka tried not to be separated from her sister even for a minute. She even had an argument with her father about this topic.

It happened like this. Dmitry Sergeevich looked into Yulka’s room one morning and saw that the girls were sleeping together on Yulka’s bed, and Annushka’s empty cot stood next to her. “It’s cramped for them to sleep together, and it’s uncomfortable for Annushka on the folding bed,” he thought, and on the same day he invited Annushka to move into one of the guest rooms. But Yulka was terribly indignant:

By your grace, I lived for so many years without my sister, and now she will still live separately from me? What is this, a folder? During the day we will play and walk together, and at night we will go to our rooms? No, no and NO! I don’t want to be separated from my only sister even for the night! You, dad, buy us a two-story bed: Annushka will sleep downstairs, and I will sleep upstairs.

And everywhere you want to take over! - Dad laughed, hugging both daughters. - And if Annushka herself wants to sleep upstairs, will you give in to her?

“I’ll give in, dad,” Annushka said reconcilingly.

But I won’t let her upstairs! You, dad, don’t know how clumsy Annushka is! When we got into kidnapping, I had to watch her all the time: she would either fall, or drown her sneaker in the mud, or even almost drown herself!

At the mention of kidnapping, Dad frowned.

The Angels, invisibly standing next to their father and sisters, Guardians Julius, John and Dimitrius, also looked at each other: after all, they, the heavenly warriors, had to fight with a whole flock of demons for the sisters, locked by attackers in an abandoned barn. Then all the Krestovsky and surrounding demons, led by the leader Cactus, came out against the Guardian Angels, and they were led by none other than the terrible demon Leningad, the demonic prince of St. Petersburg. And the Angels would never have been able to cope with the demonic army if the city guard of St. Petersburg himself, the brilliant Petrus, with his Angelic squad had not come to their aid. They then completely defeated the demons at the Battle of Sarai.

Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya

Julianna, or Dangerous Games

- Everything is clear with you, girls. You sang well. That's it, my dear Juliannas, there won't be a bunk bed, period! I will buy you one large double bed. Here you will whisper and jump on it. At least you won't fall and get hurt.

- Cool! Folder, why are you so smart? A double bed is a great idea, it’s a hundred times better than a two-story bed! – Yulka was delighted and gave her father a deafening kiss on the cheek. But then she frowned again: “Dad, but if you put a double bed in my room, it will become very cramped in there!”

- Perhaps. Would you like me to order an opening to be made between your room and the next one? Then you will have a room for games and activities and a separate bedroom.

- Well, it's a long story - breaking through openings. The holidays will end while we wait,” Yulka pouted. But she immediately became cheerful again: “I came up with an idea!” Zhanna has a large room - why does she need one? You will soon get married and she will become your half. Let her temporarily live in my room, and Annushka and I will move into hers.

Hearing these words, the demon Jumper jumped up and almost fell off the ledge with joy.

– Wow, Yulka, that’s a great idea! A great little reason for a big domestic war!

But Guardian Angel John, Annushka’s guardian, flapped his wings in alarm:

“Julius, tame your maiden immediately!” Can you imagine how mad Zhanna and Jean will be?

“It’s not hard to imagine, but I have absolutely no idea how to stop Yulia.”

- At least try!

Angel Julius approached Yulka, bent over her and began to whisper something in her ear.

Yulka rubbed her ear impatiently.

- Well, dad!

Mishin thought about it.

– What if Zhanna doesn’t want to give you the room? - he asked.

The jumper outside the window alerted his horns with two antennas. He made faces at Yulka and suggested something on his fingers.

Guardian Julius glanced sideways at him and again began to whisper in his ward’s ear.

Yulka shook her head and scratched her ear.

Angel Julius sighed reproachfully and walked away from her. The jumper happily nodded his goat muzzle and wagged his tail, twisted into a spiral, like a chameleon’s.

- Zhanna will give in! – Yulka said arrogantly. – She must give in if she wants to become our stepmother. Otherwise we can change our minds!

Dad grinned at Yulka’s arrogance.

“It seems, brothers, that big troubles await us ahead,” Angel Julius said to John and Dimitrius, the Guardian of Dmitry Sergeevich.

The angels looked at each other anxiously.

“Okay, I’ll try to persuade Zhanna,” said Mishin, but it was noticeable that he himself did not really believe in the success of such an enterprise.

The girls kissed their father and went for a walk. In private, Annushka once again tried to dissuade her sister from changing housing with her future stepmother.

“Are you and I feeling bad in our room, Julia?” Why should we embarrass Zhanna? This is not good and even somehow unfair, even though she is disgusting...

- Yeah, yeah, you don’t love her yourself!

“I can’t love Zhanna,” sighed Annushka.

- Serves her right! Let her not imagine that she is the mistress of the house, otherwise she will become a stepmother and begin to oppress us.

– Isn’t it possible that we ourselves are beginning to oppress her?

- You will oppress her! – Yulka waved her off.

Much to Mishin’s surprise, Zhanna, when he told her about the girls’ desire to exchange rooms with her, did not argue. She turned pale, then blushed, then immediately turned blue, and her made-up face turned purple from the mixture of artificial and natural colors. But Zhanna pulled herself together, pretended to be a meek lamb and quietly said to Mishin:

- As you say, Mitenka. I'm ready to give up my room to the girls if you think it's necessary.

And her feigned meekness was immediately rewarded: Mishin invited her to occupy his office for the time being, and decided to temporarily set up his own workplace downstairs, in the library.

“Let’s finish the third floor, then the house will be a little more spacious,” he said, very pleased that there was no scandal. “We’ll put the girls upstairs, and after the wedding we’ll occupy the entire second floor.”

At the mention of the upcoming wedding, Zhanna became brighter, and the violet disappeared from her face.

They called the workers and first of all moved the furniture, computer and papers from Mishin’s office to the library, after which Zhanna moved into the former office with all her outfits, furniture, cosmetics, esoteric books, astrological tables, smoking sticks, bioenergy pendulums, crystal balls, black candles, amulets, Tarot cards, amulets and other witchcraft stuff.

Finally, the sisters were asked to inspect Jeanne's vacated room and decide how they would furnish it. Annushka had never been in this room before. She entered it and stopped at the threshold, looking around anxiously.

Angels John and Julius also stopped at the door.

- What a demonic nest! – Angel John said slightly nasally, pinching his nose with two fingers. - Well, it stinks!

“Yes, the stench is exceptionally thick,” agreed Julius, fanning himself with his wing.

“Come in, don’t be shy,” Yulka invited her sister. – Don’t you really like it here?

– I don’t like it at all.

- Why?

- Well, the room is so gloomy and it smells bad.

Yulka sniffed.

– These are Jeanne’s cosmetics, her perfume is French. And also all sorts of esoteric smoking - she’s our psychic. It’s okay, we’ll move here – it will smell like us. What else don't you like besides the smell?

– I don’t like the red walls, I don’t like the black ceiling and the black carpet on the floor... And in general it’s uncomfortable here, it’s some kind of cave, not a room...

– The walls and ceiling are nonsense! Today I’ll tell my dad to urgently remove this carpet and repaint everything.

- Yul, isn’t dad offended that you boss him around like that?

Dream Interpretation