Read online "The Man Jesus Christ and Some Questions of God's Economy." Read online “The Man Jesus Christ and Some Questions of God’s Economy” Sermons by Sergei Pavlenko

Our purpose in this presentation, which covers so many issues of God's economy, and perhaps seemed too long to some, was to share with you God's precious revelations about who Jesus is, the son of Mary, called Christ, the carpenter from Nazareth, who revealed to us Father. So -
He was God.
He was a Man.
He was God having human flesh.
He was a Man having the Holy Spirit.

We hope that after all this long story, you have learned at least a little more about what the Lord God means by the word “Man.” Let's summarize what has been written.
Through the Fall in the Garden of Eden, man became infinitely far from God. The human race itself has undergone a colossal transformation, both in its physical-carnal part and in its spiritual-mental component. But the Lord God allowed all this, moreover, all this happened according to His Plan, in order to show the immensity and incomprehensibility of His Divine Love to us. He “sowed” His seed in His sons and daughters in the fields of this world, hiding, for the time being, His election under the veil of human flesh. In the flesh, which carries within itself the seed of His enemy that is disgusting and alien to Him. And to show all His Love and all His Power, He gave the promise of another Seed, which was Christ.

1.1. Divine nature of Jesus Christ.

The Scripture says that in Christ the Lord God Himself was revealed to people. So who is Christ? Second Angle of the Divine Triangle? Second Part of the “Holy Trinity”? - Doctrine of the Trinity, “ birthmark” of many denominations is completely unbiblical, and the philosophical-human, introduced into church use by theologians, is not those who know God, but strong in Greco-Roman polytheism at the end of the 4th century. We do not consider it as undeserving. But it was the Lord God Himself, the One God, the True God, the God of spirits and all flesh, who Himself came with His Holy Spirit (for He is the Spirit, the eternal “I Am”) into the human body and revealed Himself to people. While here on Earth, He was the Son, not in the sense of being separate or representing a part of God, but the Son by the fact of BIRTH. There is no Eternal Son. He was not in Heaven before the birth of Jesus on Earth, and after the death of Jesus, the Eternal Son did not appear in Heaven. Only God alone is eternal. Having come to this earth from His great Timelessness, He incarnated in man and became a temporary Wanderer on this earth, like each of the people. To understand this, you don’t need to graduate from theological faculties, you need to receive a revelation from Him in His Word, for He wrote all this down in His Bible. And Sonship could be applied ONLY to our time period of space-time. There, in Heaven, we will not see the Son sitting next to the Father - no. We will see the Father who was the Son here on Earth. He who dwells in the Bosom of the Father is not something separate from the Father! This is the Father. Let him who has the Spirit understand. How simply the Teacher explained it

John 14:8,9

There is only One Lord, who is God. It is simply His Name by which He was known to Abraham and the patriarchs. This word appears in the Bible in relation to God more than 3,200 times! Under His Name Yahweh (Jehovah) he revealed himself to Moses. By the Name of Hosts He was known through the mouth of His prophets. But He fulfilled his saving mission by revealing himself to people under the Name Jesus (Yeshua, Yehoshua). This is His New Testament Name. And when we say that we believe in Jesus Christ, this does not deny faith in the God of Abraham, or the God of Moses, or the God of Jeremiah. Christians believe in the same God of Israel, whom Moses, David, Daniel, Paul, Peter, Mary, John and all, all worshiped. And there is only One and Only God. God of the Bible. God Old Testament. God of the New Testament.
After all, this is Commandment No. 1 (Deut. 5:6,6:4). And there is no other god.
And He alone is our Savior. Every Orthodox Jew knows this, despising Christians as pagans who do not believe in One God, but worship an invented polytheism called the “Trinity”. And the man Jesus of Nazareth was God incarnate, God come in the flesh.

1 Timothy 3:16
And unquestioningly - the great mystery of piety:
God appeared in the flesh, justified Himself in the Spirit,
Showed Himself to the Angels, preached to the nations,
Accepted by faith into the world, exalted in glory.

If we believe the Bible, then we must believe that God has appeared to us in the person of Jesus Christ, God come in the flesh. This absolute biblical statement raises a lot of questions that indicate a lack of knowledge of God. We list the most frequently asked questions.

Question: If God was in Jesus Christ on Earth, then who was in Heaven?
Answer: The Father was in Heaven. ABOUT spiritual world we must judge by spiritual categories, and not by our human mind, limited to this world. If the Holy Spirit is in brother Peter and sister Tatiana, and He is also in all members of the Body of Christ, then for some reason no one thinks that there is more than one Holy Spirit? He is the Spirit, He permeates the entire universe, without being divided or fragmented. He simultaneously dwells in all His people across the entire face of the Earth. We cannot be in Kharkov and Moscow at the same time due to our human limitations. He can simultaneously reside in Heaven, fill the entire universe with Himself, reside on Earth in His Only Begotten Son, reside in His servant John the Baptist, and fill the prophecies of Anna and Simeon. And at the same time be the One and Only God-Spirit. The thesis that “God left Heaven to save the sinful Earth” is evangelistically very successful and draws tears from the evangelized, but from the point of view of Truth it is incorrect.
We also see this in the Old Testament, for example when the Pillar of Fire led the Israelites through the desert. And the Lord God said that this would be His Angel, that His Name was placed in this Angel, and that, finally, it was Himself. And no one thinks that if God led the Jews through a desert land, then there must have been anarchy in heaven.
God is indivisible, i.e. He is omnipresent - present everywhere, at the same time, in all His fullness.

Question: Did not three men come to Abraham when God appeared to him?
Answer: Verily, there were three husbands. But only One of them was God. Abraham turned to Him alone with the proposal: “Lord (not rulers)! If I have found favor, etc.” This can be seen if you carefully read the text of Scripture. Also, when TWO angels went to Sodom, ONE remained to talk with Abraham. This One was God. Abraham bargained with Him for the souls of the righteous from Sodom. After all, who did the corrupt people of Sodom want to “know”? Son and Holy Spirit? Or the Father and the Son when the Holy Spirit spoke to Abraham? The Trinity theory is simply blasphemous. Perhaps the paintings and engravings on the theme “The Appearance of the Trinity to Abraham at the oak grove of Mamre” have cultural value, but with their images of three identical angels with wings, they do not correspond to the Truth of Holy Scripture.

Question: To whom, then, did Jesus Christ pray? God prayed to God?
Answer: Jesus Christ, while on this earth, was in human nature, and like every MAN, he needed mercy and prayers to God. We've already talked a little about this. As God, He accepted worship of Himself. As God, He forgave sins. How God raised the dead. As God, the elements obeyed Him. As a man He was tired. As a man He needed sleep. As a man, He needed food, water, and prayer.
When we confuse His divine and human nature, then it turns out that God prays to God, and man forgives sins.

Question: Jesus Christ said that “...My Father is greater than I...”. Are these two unequal Gods?
Answer: This is a question from the previous series. Being here on this Earth, in sinful human body, Jesus Christ became like each of us, became human, so that we humans could inherit salvation. Of course, man is LOWER than God in his physical nature. Moreover,
He, being the image of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God;
But he humbled himself, taking on the form of a servant,
Having become like people and in appearance he became like a man;
He humbled himself, becoming obedient even to the point of death, even death on the cross.

He was not “lower than the Father” in His essence, because. underneath the human body was the Nature of God. The image of God on earth was the Son, and not icons or Turin shrouds. He had Glory before the foundation of the world (John 17:5), because He is God. Having come to this earth, He showed His Essence - humility, patience, obedience, meekness, abstinence, chastity, etc. - those qualities that He commanded us to have. Let us repeat, the humiliation of Jesus Christ was the humiliation of God and was revealed for our salvation, and was not a consequence of the “inequality” or “official subordination” that exists in Heaven between the “persons of the trinity.” You can look at the Scriptures, the phrase “Son of Man” is found there only in the Gospels (52 times) and denotes the state in which the Son of God dwelt (29 times) on this earth. And always, when He spoke about Himself as the Son of Man, He spoke about His Messiahship and the suffering and glory associated with it. When the Son of God was spoken of, it was in connection with the wonders, signs, and powers that were manifested through Him.

Question: If Jesus is now at the right hand of the Throne of Glory, who is sitting on the throne?
Answer: This question requires a certain knowledge of God and spiritual knowledge in order to accept the answer. God, who has become our Father, now sits on the throne of Glory. At the right hand of the throne is the Son of God, who has become our Savior. He has not yet received all the glory, honor and praise that he is worthy to receive (Rev. 4:11). This will only happen after the rapture of the Church. Then the throne of God's Glory will become the throne of Glory of the Lamb (Rev. 22:1-3). The fact that both He who sits on the throne and the Lamb are One Person is evident from Rev. 5:1-6, where He sits on the throne and the Lamb stands IN THE MIDDLE of the throne. Try sitting in a chair with your son standing in the middle of it... In eternity, when our earthly world ceases to exist (Rev. 10:6), then the need for types and the need to describe spiritual things in carnal language will cease. It is then that EVERYONE will see that the Father, and the Son, and God, and the Spirit are ONE (1 Cor. 15:28). And then there will be ONE throne (Rev. 22:1,3), and the Name will be ONE (Zech. 14:9).

Question: Jesus said: “...why do you call Me good? God alone is good...", i.e. Did Jesus himself say that he was not good (ie God)?
Answer: Jesus did not refuse to be recognized as “good” (i.e. God), as it might seem at first glance. After all, in all such cases, earlier and later, He did not refuse! Having asked the question: “Why do you call Me good?”, the Lord asked the questioner: “Are you yourself, who compares Me with God, sure that I am He?” How many, then and now, call Him their Master (Lord), but only in words. It turned out the same way then - when the Lord commanded this man to sell his estate, he walked away. This was the price of the words “Good Teacher, what should I do...”. If you address someone (in this case, Jesus Christ) as God, then be kind and carry out his word as the Word of God.
You can, of course, ask a couple hundred more questions. But I agree with ancient wisdom that one fool can ask so many questions that not even a hundred wise men can answer. I pointed out the most superficial questions that are asked by people who do not want to change their tribal Trinitarian faith to faith in the Word of God. Without faith in the Unity of the Divine, it is impossible to know our Savior as He knew us, or as Paul knew him. Answer some questions for yourself:
Is Jesus Christ God? Yes or no?
Is there more than One God? Yes or no?
Is Jesus Christ Lord? Yes or no?
Is there more than One Lord? Yes or no?
Did Yahweh (Jehovah) speak of himself as the Savior? Yes or no?
Is Jesus Christ our Savior? Yes or no?
Did Yahweh (Jehovah) speak of Himself as the First and the Last? Yes or no?
Did Jesus Christ speak of himself as the First and the Last? Yes or no?

Of course, belief in the “Trinity” humanly easily explains some questions of Scripture, and few people care that these explanations are far from the Truth of the Word of God and, in essence, are anti-Christ. But:
John 7:17
Who wants to do His will,
He will know about this teaching, whether it is from God,
Or I speak for myself.

The Lord God Himself taught us, in strict accordance with His Word, that our Savior was the Lord God Himself, revealed to men through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. And that this Jesus Christ, who lived on this earth 2000 years ago, was God in the flesh.
This is the Mystery, the mystery of God, and the Father, and Christ (Col. 2:2), which consists in the fact that Eternal God, who came to earth in the Son and became our Savior, revealed himself to us, His chosen ones, like the Father.
It was always crazy. This has always been the Stone from which theologians and philosophers “teared their navels.” This always silenced the Pharisees, Saducees, scribes and priests.
The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand,
How long will I make Your enemies Your footstool.

This is not STUDYED by scientific and theological methods, it is KNOWN as a revelation. And when smart, educated Pharisees meet the One Who was the Revelation of the Father - “... and no one could answer Him a word.” Because they did not know Him, although they preached about Him daily.
Look! He warned in three Gospels (Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42) that the revelation of His Mystery would be CLOSED for the Pharisees, scribes and hypocrites. Through the apostles He announced this to those to whom it should be OPENED (Diary 2:34-36).

1.1.1. Father's name.

Diary 2:36-39
Know therefore surely, all the house of Israel, that God hath made this Jesus, whom ye crucified, to be Lord and Christ. Hearing this, they were touched in their hearts and said to Peter and the other Apostles: What should we do, men and brethren? Peter said to them: Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call.

This is a very famous scripture. Too well known to be read with awe. But these words of Peter were those “keys to the Kingdom of Heaven” about which the Lord Jesus spoke to Peter (Matt. 16:19). How many people use these keys? Has the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven become more like a thieve's tunnel or a thieve's master key (John 10:1)?
So, in order to be saved, you need:
1. Repent of your sins.
2. Be baptized in water in the Name of Jesus Christ.
3. Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Just three turns of the key. Clack-clack-clack. And you are in the Father’s chambers.
But also:
Matthew 28:19
So go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (!!!)

Only a blind person will not notice that the Apostles did not baptize as the Lord commanded them. There may be several explanations for this.
1) The apostles did not fulfill the Lord’s instructions.
This is exactly what those who baptize “in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit” say. They say: “We would rather carry out the direct command of the Lord Jesus than the incomprehensible innovations of the apostles. The Apostles used the Name of Jesus Christ at baptism out of reverence. This was, of course, out of jealousy, but unreasonable. We honor the Word of God and fulfill It as it is written.”
If we follow this position, then both the Book of Acts and all the apostolic epistles should be excluded from the canon of Holy Scripture as unreliable and unhelpful. And if the apostles once did not fulfill the clear and direct command of the Lord, then where is the guarantee that in another case they also did not violate His command? However, no one has done this in two thousand years. It's scary, you know. Scripture tells us:
...being established on the basis of the apostles and prophets,
Having Jesus Christ Himself as the corner stone...

The Apostle Paul, who also baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, stated that:
I declare to you, brethren, that the gospel which I preached is not human,
For I also received it and learned it, not from man, but through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

On the contrary, seeing that I was entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, as Peter was to the circumcision,
For He who assisted Peter in his apostleship to the circumcision also aided me among the Gentiles,
And, having learned about the grace given to me, James and Cephas and John, venerated as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the hand of fellowship,
So that we may go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision.

I believe the testimony of Holy Scripture, which tells us of the apostles and the apostolic faith as the foundation, the foundation, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. Indeed, the Teaching of the Apostles is component Teachings of Jesus Christ. In addition, Eph. 2:20 also speaks of the faith of the prophets, who, being moved by the Holy Spirit, foretold the coming of the Messiah. Both prophets and apostles stand in the same row there. One can, of course, argue that all the apostles were wrong, and only I, Pastor Vasya, was right, but I would not advise doing so. And if the apostles had been so disobedient, it is unlikely that the wall of Jerusalem on High would have stood on the foundation of the twelve apostles (Rev. 21:14). And what, then, is to be done with Paul, who was not one of the Twelve, but preached the same Gospel, with baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ? And, let us note, both the Twelve and Paul were chosen by the Lord Himself! Or did He deliberately choose only those who disobeyed His Words? But He also confirmed their preaching, their “version of the Gospel” with great miracles and signs? So, maybe the apostles were not mistaken?
2) The apostles fulfilled the Lord’s instructions.
Then a logical question arises: “How is this possible?” Let us remember what the Lord said:
John 3:12 If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?
John 16:12,13 I have much more to say to you; but now you cannot contain it. When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth: for He will not speak from Himself, but He will speak whatever He hears, and He will tell you the future.

Note that the command to baptize “in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” was given to the apostles after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but BEFORE the descent of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:16-20).
AFTER the descent of the Holy Spirit, ALL baptisms were performed in the Name of Jesus Christ. As with the Twelve, so with Paul. Historically, until the death of Polycarp and Ignatius (disciples of John), the Trinitarian formula “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” was NEVER used for baptism in the early apostolic church. Why? Read CAREFULLY:
Matthew 28:19
Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them IN THE NAME of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have a Name!

Once again, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have their own unique Name!

And this Name is the Lord Jesus Christ!

Indeed, the word “Father” is not a name! What name of your father? Dad! An answer that is acceptable for a 2-3 year old child, but not suitable for a first grader. My dad's name is Boris, so I am Sergei Borisovich. Father is not a name, it is a position, a position, a role! Just like mother, grandmother, uncle, director, secretary, mechanic, pastor, investigator, etc.!!! The President of Russia has a name - Vladimir. The President of Ukraine has a name - Leonid. Their fathers' names were Vladimir and Danil, respectively. They are presidents. But I am sure that their wives, children, parents and friends do not call them “Mr. President”, but call them by their first names! This is the prerogative of relatives, family, so to speak!
In the same way, Master, God, Savior, Anointed One, My Shield, Holy Spirit, Good Shepherd, Vine, Bread of Life - this is NOT THE NAME OF OUR GOD! These are titles! These are positions! Sorry, but the Messiah is a position! This is not a Name! There can be many positions. You can be the General Secretary, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Father of the people, the Leader of all humanity, the Friend of athletes, the underground Stalin and the Dictator of 1/6 of the land. But you have one unique name of yours, which you received from your parents - Joseph, son of Vissarion (well, he gave an example!!!). Sorry. I'm talking about Stalin.
What is the Name of the Son? - Jesus! It's no problem.
What is the Name of the Father? - Uh-uh, Jehovah! We got out.
What is the Name of the Holy Spirit? - ??? Complete stupor.

The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ!

It is not written “baptize in the name of the Father, in the Name of the Son and in the Name of the Holy Spirit,” as if each of them has its own Name. In this case, it would be classical paganism, led by the two-faced Janus.
When the baptism of the Holy Spirit came, precisely when this same Holy Spirit revealed the hidden, then the apostles understood what it meant:
John 14:8,9
Philip said to Him: Lord! show us the Father, and it is enough for us.
Jesus said to him: I have been with you so long, and you do not know Me, Philip?
He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, show us the Father?

This is not at all the level of unity that the preachers of the “Trinity” describe. He who saw me, Sergei Pavlenko, has not yet seen my wife, Natasha Pavlenko, even though “the two will be one flesh.” It's not the same at all. But he who saw Jesus Christ saw the Father! It's identical!

Jesus Christ = Father.

So He came in the Name of His Father (John 5:43).
There is no question that Jesus Christ is the Son.
The apostles, chosen directly by the Lord, walked with Him for about three years. They knew Him. As they say, to get to know a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. A pound is 16 kg. A person eats that much salt in about two to three years. They knew Him, and they knew Him well! And when the baptism of the Holy Spirit came, they knew that this Holy Spirit was Jesus Christ! They recognized Him because they knew Him before!
John 14:16-29
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you forever,
the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him;
And you know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you.
I will not leave you orphans; I'll come to you.
A little more and the world will no longer see Me; and you will see Me...
On that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
You have heard that I said to you: I am leaving you and will come to you...
And behold, I told you about it before it happened, so that you might believe when it happens.

Just read this chapter of Scripture CAREFULLY. It's impossible to go wrong here. Jesus Christ, while still with his disciples at the last supper, tells them Something. While waiting for death, people talk to each other about the most important things.
He tells them about some Comforter, whom the world does not know, but whom (note!) the apostles ALREADY KNOW. He tells them that this Comforter is now WITH THEM, but after some time WILL BE IN THEM. He directly tells them that He will come to the apostles and they will see Him. Of course, this verse can be applied to His appearances during the 40 days after His resurrection. But people haven’t seen Him for “2000 years minus 40 days”! This is somehow different from “I will not leave you.” But on “that day” (note, a day, and not over the course of weeks or months) the apostles will learn that He, Jesus Christ, is in the Father, although He told them about this the whole chapter, that is, something like this should happen , when the apostles will be able to see what they do not see now. Moreover, then the apostles will know that they are in Him, and He is in them! So you try to explain this to a plumber from housing and communal services or a teacher of theoretical mechanics from KhAI - I’ll see how it works out for you. The baptism of the Holy Spirit cannot be described, it can only be experienced. He spoke clearly to them (for us now) about the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which took place on the Day of Pentecost. At the end, He once again tells the apostles that he is leaving them, but will come to them again. And he told them that He was telling them all this now so that they would believe when THIS SOMETHING (the baptism of the Holy Spirit) happens.
And if the apostles knew Christ “according to the flesh,” now no one knows him like that. We can all know Him by the Holy Spirit! In those who believe in Jesus Christ there abides not the “third person of the holy trinity,” but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the form of the Holy Spirit! And the Spirit of Jesus Christ is absolutely no different from the Holy Spirit! And the Spirit of Jesus Christ who helped Paul (Phil. 1:19) is the same Holy Spirit who helped Peter.

Jesus Christ = Holy Spirit.

We can stop here, because in order for those who want to fulfill the Will of God to begin to cry out to Him, it is enough. And for those for whom God has closed the doors of salvation, and who will blaspheme everything written above, that is also enough.
And remember, everyone reading this brochure, there is only one Christian water baptism- This is baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you were immersed in water “in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” you are not baptized at all, because you are not immersed in the Name of your Father and Savior.
This may seem like a small thing to you. I have been told this many times: “God is not so petty. The main thing for him is faith. He looks not at the ritual (!!!), but at the heart. Etc. and so on." For some reason, people who do not want to fulfill the Word of God are so confident in the purity of their hearts, and the proud and self-confident denominational leaders, who have never heard His voice, know to what extent He is petty and to what extent He is not.
That's your business. But look, the door of your salvation may not open, but “get stuck” on the second turn of the key. He gives the Holy Spirit to everyone and not in measure, that's true. But only those who love Him will fulfill His word. This is also from the 14th chapter of the Gospel of John.
Proverbs 28:9
He who turns away his ear from hearing the law,
That's why prayer is an abomination.

1.2. The Human Nature of Jesus Christ.

In this chapter we will summarize all our reasoning and research. Maybe we'll repeat something. Perhaps we will miss some place that you consider necessary. This is not important. It is impossible to give only correct interpretation on all verses of Holy Scripture. But there is a Teaching that allows us to see the whole picture as a whole.
The God of patience and consolation
May he grant you to be of one mind with each other,
According to the teachings of Christ Jesus,

We are not looking for people to join us. We don't need this. We do not want to be in unanimity, but without Christ. But those who are Christ’s, they WILL be in unanimity, because they are united by the Word of God, expressed through the Teaching of the apostles and prophets. They will not need to be united by human ecumenical damned efforts. God will unite them.

1.2.1. Seed of the Woman.

People who have never particularly delved into “such jungle” usually do not have questions about the birth of Jesus Christ from a Jewish girl named Mariam (Mary). This is the bliss of ignorance, because “in much wisdom there is much sorrow; and whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow.” (Eccl. 1:18). But also, “It is not good for a soul without knowledge” (Prov. 19:2). So:
And I will put enmity between you and your wife,
And between your seed and her seed;
It will bruise your head, and you will bruise its heel.

Now we know what “seeds” the Lord God spoke about. And in this first prophecy about the coming Messiah, the Lord God speaks of the complete, final and irrevocable victory that the Messiah will bring. He will hit the Serpent and his Seed “in the head”, and he, in turn, will resist, wriggle out, cause inconvenience, but will never be able to overcome.
By the way, when we talk about the “human body,” we will not think only about what we associate with 40...160 kg of good-quality meat. Those. we will talk not only about the physical “seed of the Serpent,” but also about the spiritual.
And we already know that the main struggle taking place in the members of our body is the struggle between the passionate human desire to sin, living a godless self-sufficient life, and his desire for truth, holiness, purity, justice, mercy, etc. Not a single creation has risen at such an amazingly rapid pace as man and his civilization. But also, not a single creation has fallen as low as man and his own civilization. No creature can love, endure, sacrifice and hope as much as man. But also, not a single creation has destroyed so many of its own kind or treated its own kind with such cruelty as man. And we know that such is human nature, which through the inheritance, in the literal sense of the word, of the God-fighting traits of the Devil, has become the enemy of God.
And the Lord God, great in His Love, wanted to save His fallen creation, which had become hostile.
Hebrews 2:14-18 And since the children partake of flesh and blood, He also received them, in order by death to destroy the power of him who had the power of death, that is, the Devil, and to deliver those who, through the fear of death, were subject to slavery all their lives. For He does not receive angels, but He receives the seed of Abraham. Therefore, He had to become like the brethren in everything, in order to be a merciful and faithful high priest before God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For just as He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted.

He came into this world in the same way as each of us came - through birth. Let's focus on this. There is a fundamental difference between the appearance of God to men and the birth of the Son of God from a girl.
The appearance of God in the Old Testament is called THEOPHANY. It’s just when there was nothing, and a second later the Lord God appeared in the form of a man, and with Him a couple more angels. In this case, the Lord God has a body, but this body has nothing in common with our human body. He can picture a table at the entrance to Abraham's tent, just as His angels did, but He has no need to do so. He can move on foot, but He has no need to do so, and in a second He may disappear. This is only a visible likeness of our body, but not the body itself. I repeat once again: any appearance of God in the Old Testament in the guise of a man did not bring God one centimeter closer to men, and men to God, because it was only the appearance of a body, and not a human body with its pain, suffering, thirst, hunger and TEMPTATIONS.
James 1:13
...because God is not tempted by evil and He Himself does not tempt anyone,

And Christ had to not just APPEAR in this sinful world, namely, BE BORN into it. The Lord God is perfect and omnipotent, and He, of course, could, in our understanding, simply collect a couple of trillions of molecules, “blind” them into a body, as He did with Adam, and move into it Himself. But it would be a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT body than the one we have. And precisely because the Devil “put” his hand and paw on our body. And our body, crippled by Snake genes, together with our distorted spirit, cannot be CREATE. Even God. Because in this case the Lord God Himself will act as the Creator of Evil, which is impossible in principle.
The devil was also created, but created as the complete opposite of God. Those. The Lord God simply collected together all the qualities that would be antagonistic towards Him (remember: He did not create these qualities, and they were not in Him!) and placed it in spiritual being which he called the Devil. But He did not intend to remain in this Devil! Do you understand the difference? In fact, it looked a little different, but in order not to go too far from the topic, we will focus on this extremely rough approximation.
So, the Lord God could not simply CREATE a body corrupted by sin. Yes, by the way, He had no plans for this.
Souls had to be saved. Souls who were in the prison of the flesh, under the cover of sin and constipation from the seed of the Serpent. In order to rescue them, it was necessary to come in exactly the same nature. It is fundamentally.
Jesus Christ had to be born from a human being (Mary) in order to inherit the whole complex of sin and temptation, which He had to overcome! Any other victory would have been meaningless. It’s very simple - if He needs to save people who are perishing in their sins, and the source of this fatal disease called “sin” is a virus called the “seed of the Serpent”, and the saving vaccine is the Calvary Sacrifice, then He has one way out - to come to this Calvary in the same form as the people being saved! Maybe this is somehow clumsily stated?
Let's try a little from the other side.
The Lord God has only one solution to the problem called “Sin”. And this decision is called “Death”. For each and every sin, the Saint has only one punishment - removal from Himself and His Being into non-existence, which in fact is death. It's the same cause-and-effect relationship. There is sin - there must be death. And in order to save His beloved, but alas, sinned creation, there is a terrible, terrible, but formally-legally-impeccable way out - someone else must die for the sinner. There must be a sacrifice! And the blood shed testifies to the punishment for sin. But an animal sacrifice cannot destroy sin as such, simply because human life and animal life are not identical. Our spirit, our life, like our body, are not identical! This is just a temporary reprieve from Death, but Death itself is still at the door. It's like drugs for a cancer patient. And the underworld continues to fill. There must be a perfect sacrifice, with a life completely identical to ours, with a soul that could replace our soul on the scaffold of punishment. It should be completely identical. Neither sheep, nor goats, nor calves, nor doves were such a sacrifice. It had to be a person. But not a single person was suitable for this, for all people, even before their birth, were corrupted by the spiritual seed of the serpent; their spirit was not pure. And their soul was in bondage to the flesh with the fleshly seed of the serpent.
The perfect substitutionary sacrifice had to have:
1) human soul, because human souls had to be saved;
2) a completely pure spirit, so that the sacrifice is accepted by God; Moreover, the spirit must be akin to the human spirit in order to replace the human fallen spirit;
3) a body with the seed of the Serpent, because the souls to be saved were in such bodies, and in His eternal plans He did not want to leave people with these bodies.
Failure to fulfill any condition made the entire sacrifice imperfect, and from the point of view of eternity, useless. If they sacrificed a lamb, this would not satisfy the first condition. If some hero, like Samson or David, sacrificed himself, this would not satisfy the second condition. If the Savior had come in a created body without the seed of the Serpent, the third point of salvation would not have been satisfied.
The Savior had to be a MAN who came in a HUMAN BODY and had the HOLY SPIRIT.
And besides the human spirit itself, only the Spirit of God is akin to the human.
If He came in creation angelic body, He could save angels if they needed it. If He came in the body of a chimpanzee, He could be a savior for the chimpanzees. If He had come in a human body, but without the seed of the Serpent, He would have been the savior of some humanoids unknown to me, but not of the human species Homo Sapiens. And as we have already said above, it was His presence in the body with the seed of the Serpent that made it fundamentally possible for His Holy Spirit to be Perfect. Perfect from the point of view of the Perfect Sacrifice.

That is why He had to be born of a woman.
And that's why He had to be born of the Spirit of God.
The fact of being born of a virgin has nothing to do with salvation. From the point of view of salvation, Christ could be born from any woman, and not necessarily from a girl. The fact of being born from a virgin who did not know her husband simply emphasized the fact of God's salvation, and not from men, so that no one could say that he was the pope of Jesus Christ. Jews still consider Jesus to be the son of the Roman legionary Pentera - and has this changed the plan of salvation?
So, when the time came for the Savior to come into the world, Mary found herself pregnant.
Luke 1:35
The angel answered Her:
The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You;
Therefore, the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

The process of a normal human birth goes like this:
A woman's egg matures (23 chromosomes).
A man has a sufficient number of sperm (23 chromosomes each).
As a result of sexual intercourse, one sperm penetrates the egg and fertilizes it.
A fertilized egg has a full set of chromosomes (46), which is why the born baby resembles both the mother and the father.
The egg contains a supply of nutrients for the initial existence of the embryo and the formation of the human body.
The fertilized egg (embryo) moves into the uterus, attaches to its walls and begins to divide.
After approximately 40 weeks, the person is born.

As we see from the text of the Holy Scriptures, Mary did not have sexual intercourse with a man, and, therefore, did not have the desired sperm in her insides. However, she turned out to be pregnant.
There are several approaches to this Holy Pregnancy.
Some argue that the Lord God invested in Mary no more or less than his created sperm, and on this basis consider Mary the “wife” of God.
The obvious chimerical nature of this assumption in the extreme leads to the fact that Mary turns out to be a harlot who has another husband while her husband is alive (God!!!). We will not consider this assumption further, although I would like to feel sorry for Joseph. Hm, although Mary was engaged to him “before”... This is already blasphemy. This is typical Roman-Greek theology, with Zeus copulating with earthly women. It is strange that Catholics who openly call Mary the wife of God do not notice this.
Others claim that the Lord God placed an already fertilized egg in Mary, and on this basis they call Mary an “incubator.” This is a more elaborate false teaching, in part because it was held by the prophet Branham. While we honor him as a prophet, we nevertheless do not consider him and his statements to be the Absolute. He was mistaken many times in his assumptions purely humanly, like each of us, like Nathan, like David, like Paul. Brother Branham’s assertions that all women are just “incubators” for “father’s blood cells” are, to put it mildly, incorrect and contrary not only to science, but also to existence, not to mention the Word of God. It is enough to look at the children of your parents to be convinced that the mother is not only an incubator-laying hen, but also her genes and chromosomes most actively take part in the creation of the child. The eyes are from dad, the mouth is from mom. Or character - from mom, inclinations - from dad. And so on.

The truth is that neither the first nor the second occurred in Mary's womb. Scripture says very simply and directly: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” There were no flying sperm or fertilized eggs there - the Power of the Almighty was there. That's what it says in my Bible. Probably - and yours too.
Jesus Christ was conceived in the womb of a woman through the influence of the Power of the Holy Spirit on her egg. And by his appearance or some other sign He could have looked like Mary. And Mary was truly the Mother (emphasis added!) of Jesus Christ, and not an Incubator for the Savior. The Holy Scriptures are very precise in their definitions, for these are the definitions of the Lord God. And if Mary is called His mother (19 times), then it means that she really was His mother. And anyone who says otherwise is an opponent of God and a blasphemer.
Hebrews 10:5-7
Therefore, Christ, entering the world, says: You did not want sacrifices and offerings,
But he prepared a body for Me. Burnt offerings and sin offerings are displeasing to You.
Then I said: Behold, I come, as it is written about Me at the beginning of the book, to do Your will, O God.

She, Mariam-Mary, carried Him under her heart. She was His mother and He was her son. She gave Him His body. He was like her in some way or another. Modern methods of determining paternity (maternity) would indisputably recognize Him as her son.
We do not exalt Mary. What is important for us is that She was the mother of that Tabernacle, which people called the body of Jesus of Nazareth. For, if she was His mother, then His body was the same as that of every representative of Homo Sapiens, like that of every person - with the Seed of the Serpent.
Recognizing Mary's fact of motherhood in relation to Jesus Christ is tantamount to recognizing the presence of the Law of Sin and Death in His body.
If Mary simply carried someone’s fertilized egg (even one given by God himself!), then Mary would be an ordinary “surrogate mother”, and Jesus Christ would not be a Man! This is what the Lord says! And His Sacrifice would be absolutely meaningless for us. The fact of being born of the Holy Spirit means little in itself! The fact of birth from the Holy Spirit in a human body is important!

This is fundamental and decisive for our salvation!!!

And it is precisely the fact that a woman’s egg took part in the birth of the Only Begotten Son of God that gives the right to call Jesus Christ the Promised Seed of the Woman!!! And nothing else. If Mary is not the mother of Jesus, then the promised Seed of the Woman, bruising the Serpent's head, has not yet come. Thank God this is not the case!!!
The born baby, who can call only God as His Father and the Jewish Mariam as His mother, came into this world not as an angel - He was born into this world as a man. As a man, illness, sorrow, temptation, insults and insults, death, and all that, alas, is the human essence, awaited Him.
Moreover, having come in a human body, “being made like the brothers” and “becoming in appearance as a man,” He had no right to sin. He had to be absolutely obedient to His Father. Not a single sin - otherwise everything would perish forever. You know, I don’t envy Him. I couldn't.
Who believed what they heard from us, and to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed?
For He rose up before Him as an offspring and as a sprout from dry ground;
There is no form or greatness in Him; and we saw Him,
And there was no appearance in Him that would attract us to Him.
He was despised and humbled before men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with pain,
And we turned our faces away from Him; He was despised, and we thought nothing of Him.
But He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our illnesses;
And we thought that He was defeated, punished and humiliated by God.

This is true. To whom did the Lord reveal His Power? Who witnessed when the Archangel Gabriel talked with Mary and told her about the coming Power that would make her a mother? He came in such a nature, the nature of man, which really was more like dry land, like a desert, than like the blooming gardens of Eden God's creation. He looked like his mother and his ancestors - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, with the same fleshy nose and curly hair. He did not have the proud profile of Julius Caesar or the subtle features of Alexander the Great. He was not a tall, blond Anglo-Saxon or a determined Norman. He was the most ordinary person with an incomprehensible birth story. - Hehe, we know what wind of the holy spirit blew you, hehe. He was despised among his peers and misunderstood at home, with Mary and Joseph. He also experienced all the temptations and could not even break down, as each of us can do, trusting in the mercy of God. He really had to pray with a cry - because the whole world depended on Him. He was sick like all people, and the Power from which He was born did not help Him, because He had to go the way of an ordinary person. And through His suffering He truly “accustomed to obedience.” He knew His Father, and with each revelation He understood WHAT HE WAS BORN FOR - in order to die a shameful death.
One day a Christ seller said how Christ suffered from temptations - how an American missionary watches children dying of hunger in Ethiopia and suffers greatly from what he sees, chewing his hamburger - so Christ suffered, seeing how unfortunate people suffer from their sins, and I suffered a lot from this. And this was supposedly a temptation for Jesus Christ. I truly feel sorry for this man. He died, and there is no forgiveness for him in eternity.
Lie!!! He Himself knows what temptation is when YOU YOURSELF want to eat after a 40-day fast! He knows what temptation is when YOU YOURSELF need to go to a shameful and unfair death, when you can say one word - and EVERYTHING will be different. He Himself knows what kind of temptation it is when You are worshiped, crowds of people follow You, and they want to make You a king, but YOU YOURSELF have to be rejected by those whom you fed and healed.
He knows well what a temptation it is when you see obvious injustice, but your Father tells you: “Be patient!” ABOUT! He knows what kind of temptation it is when the Holy Spirit revealed to you who will betray you, but you must not let condemnation into your heart. He knows what it is to shout: “Poor man that I am!”, when YOUR OWN flesh begins to rebel, when a murmur rises from the depths of YOUR HEART, and when you want to raise YOUR fingers to Heaven! He knows how hard it is for a person to humble himself before God when His Will is to kill You!!! He knows what kind of temptation it is when your “I” stands in opposition to His “I Am!”

Dear friend

Who to listen to?

To Bible Christians who believe the Message Prophet of God W. M. Branham.

Dear friend! Brother, sister, you have read the brochure “The Message - a View from the Inside” and the books “The Man Jesus Christ” and “The Road beyond the Jordan” by the author Sergei Pavlenko from the city of Kharkov.

Maybe you also listened to his sermons, or talked with him, corresponded. This is not so important, because where the tree is tilted is where it will fall, the purpose of this letter is not against this person as a preacher, writer or simply an intelligent, educated person.I I appeal to those who know the Bible and are familiar with the biography and Message of the prophet. My purpose and motive is to show the difference between God's prophet and this man.

To do this, we need to answer at least some questions:

At their birth, which of them had a supernatural light hanging over them?
Which of them began to see visions at the age of three?
to which of them did the voice say, “don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t defile yourself, will have work...?”
which of them was baptizing when the Voice spoke from the fiery ball-star: “as John the Baptist, so are you, your message...?”
To which of them was an Angel sent with the instruction of Divine healing?
through prayer, which of them healed the terminally ill, blind from birth, and raised the dead?
which of them had the gift of discernment with an accuracy ofAllone hundred percent about 200,000 times?
above which of them is the Pillar of Fire photographed on the right shoulder, above the head?
to which of them did the Angels fly with the revelation of the Seven Stamps?

To just continue these questions, you need to write a book many times larger than all of Pavlenko’s writings. To compare them, their lives, calling, ministry, it is enough to read “Acts of the Prophet”, “A Man Sent by God”, “The Prophet William Branham Visits South Africa", "Supernatural". And most importantly: the sermons of the prophet, printed from films without reduction or alteration. And read Pavlenko’s books, his sermons, his conversations to those who know him better - his biography and his life. If you approach this comparison impartially and objectively, then whether you are the closest to him - his wife, children, friends - you will see the difference between them, maybe a million kilometers.


Now let’s take the Bible in our hands, look at some places to find out with whom they are identified, who they are talking about, who manifested themselves in them: the 7th angel-messenger to the Laodicean period (as Pavlenko himself sincerely or feignedly claims) or Mr. Pavlenko with with your teaching, scholarship and philosophy?

Which of them showed Jesus Christ as at the tent of Abraham (Gen. 18:9-15), at the well of Samaria (John 4:16-18), God's prophet or Pavlenko?

Who received two signs - like Moses (Ex. 8:16-19)?

Whom did the prophet Ezekiel see in a vision in the Spirit, 1:26-28, 8:2 (see color photograph; the prophet in the fire of the other revelation, chapter 4, part 2, * 154-165-184, who is there: the prophet or Pavlenko?

To whom, like Daniel, were dreams and their meaning revealed (Daniel, Chapter 2): the prophet or Pavlenko?

In the ministry of which of them the Scriptures were fulfilled, and this was presented to everyone, many photographs were taken of what Daniel saw, 7:9 and John the theologian (Rev. 1:14), what Christ spoke about (Luke 17:30) ? (cloud).

By the word of which of them, as well as by the word of Christ, did the storm stop? (Mark 4:37-41).

Who finished reading Matt. 4:16-22, Isaiah 61:1-2, which of them declared the day of vengeance: the prophet or Pavlenko?

He who wrote with His Hand the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone (Ex. 32:15-16, Deut. 10:4), who wrote the judgment of the king of Babylon and his kingdom on the wall (Daniel 5:5-31), whose name He wrote on the rock with white quartz “Eagle” of the prophet or Pavlenko?

About whom it was foretold is written in the Scriptures of Malakh. 4:5-6, Mark 9:12, Rev. Z:14, 10:7 about the prophet or about Pavlenko?

From these questions we can conclude: that comparing Pavlenko with a prophet is equivalent to comparing a pug with an elephant. “But the pug is so strong because it barks at the elephant.”

When Sergei Pavlenko just published the brochure “The Message - a View from the Inside,” one brother in the Message “correct and spiritual” said: is it really not true that is written here? The Bible says that this “truth” began in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-5). This is where the goal and motive of the devil is shown: to force, to induce a person to reason and doubt the Word, instead of simply believing and fulfilling the Word. And if the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever, then the devil has not changed, his tactics and techniques are the same, he cannot force believers of the Message of the Seventh Angel to believe that William Branham is a false prophet, antichrist, etc. That would be very rude and primitive. And he will be exposed and rejected by almost everyone. But when he speaks in Pavlenko’s words; Let’s read “The Message from the Inside,” page 2:

“If someone thinks that we “don’t love the prophet”, he is stupid.
If anyone thinks that we are “opponents of the Message,” he is stupid.
If anyone thinks that we “left the Message”, he is stupid.
If anyone thinks that we “didn’t understand the Message,” he is stupid.
In order to immediately dismiss idle fiction, we will make several fundamental statements. We acknowledge that:
W. M. Branham is a true prophet of God.
W. M. Branham is a messenger to the Laodicean Church Age.
The life and ministry of Brother W. M. Branham is predicted by the Bible in Mal. 4:10; Rev. 10:7 and Luke. 17:30.
We are Christians from Kharkov. “Those who believe in the one Lord Jesus Christ, we love brother Branham and honor him as a servant of God.”

With such flattering, insinuating words, he or (they) lulled your vigilance. This is the bait that will make you swallow the hook. And time passes and some are already sitting on this hook, there are not many of them, it is for them that this brochure is written, to warn those who are somehow carried away by this false teaching. Although this will be a digression from the topic, I will say that there are those who do not directly agree with Pavlenko’s teachings, but they themselves are influenced by the same spirit when they argue that the prophet said correctly here, but was wrong here, when they encounter difficult-to-understand passages in the Epistle and seeming "contradictions".

Friends! When I once spoke about ministers who, in my opinion, were not doing the right thing, one brother said: you cannot judge the Lord’s anointed - then how can we judge this Lord’s anointed - the Seventh Angel, a true prophet, evidence that he is exactly that's more than enough. And if we say about someone else that he is God’s anointed, then all the more can we say this about our dear brother Branham. It was to this man that the Almighty Himself testified. People who doubt the truth of the Message are usually educated, do not fully believe the Bible, and are very curious. Those who do not notice their mistakes, who do not want to admit their mistakes, who are out of place.

As for me, the words “...he who receives the one I send receives Me » ( Joanna 13:20) decide everything. I have no evidence that He sent Brother Pavlenko. But there is a lot, a lot, a lot, and, I repeat again, more than enough evidence that He sent a prophet. And it is my duty to accept it, even if not everything is clear, even if it seems that something is contradictory, even if I am branded as a fanatic, but the Lord called me not to reason, to analyze: does it - this Word correspond to science, logic, chronology, common sense, modern concept. But believe Him, obey Him and fulfill.

There are certainly “something hard to understand” in the Bible and the Epistle (2 Peter 3:15-16) and there are also false apostles who pervert these things. We have two answers for what to do when we encounter something incomprehensible that confuses us. The Bible says: "What is hidden belongs to the Lord... (Deut. 2:29). God's prophet advises putting such “bones” aside.

From my personal experience I’ll say: when I used to come across such “bones” in the Scriptures or Epistles, doubt and confusion really came, because I tried to figure everything out with my mind, but when I began to use the advice of the prophet, it didn’t take long before the incomprehensible became clear. Praise be to God!

But let's return to our famous Pavlenko. First he bombs, smashes the “Branhamites,” as he puts it, well, no matter where it goes, to some extent we have something to smash for. But in that criticism there was so much anger and bile towards the believers following the Message that I had to doubt the sincerity and honesty of the statement he made at the beginning. But these were like flowers; the berries ripened later. Already in the book “The Man Jesus Christ” the big claws of the big beast that stands behind all this were released. Here the fire of criticism of right and wrong is transferred from the followers to the messenger. How can one come to terms with the fact that a prophet with his seventh-grade education, with a Kentucky accent, was raised to such a height, without even knowing biology (as this science was formed much later, according to Pavlenko). And the prophet with “Thus saith the Lord” proclaimed such things that he could be caught. And our hero went: “The Prophet adhered to false teachings, was mistaken in his assumptions many times” (“The Man Jesus Christ” p. 200, read below). But you cannot touch the messenger without touching the One who sent him! Therefore, the target of criticism was not only the “Branhamites”, Branham himself, his sons, who, according to Pavlenko, created a denomination (which they did not create and will not create, and not only they, but no one: the prophet said so, author’s note.) The target of criticism was God, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. In this matter, the Kharkov heroes S. B. Pavlenko and A. V. Polyakov surpassed themselves, stepping into the territory where even sinless Angels are afraid to tread. Just think, with their scholarship, genetics, biology, with their perverted concepts, they have reached such blasphemy that they are trying to convince believers of the Message that in Christ there was the seed of the serpent. I hate to say it (they really don't know what they are doing), but it smells like blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. But let's look at what the Bible says on this topic: “Truly I say to you, all sins and blasphemies will be forgiven by the Son of Man, no matter what they blaspheme, but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but he will be subject to eternal condemnation... because the unclean spirit has spoken in him.” (Mark 3:22-30, Matt.12:34-36). The Lord himself refuted these blasphemies and allegations long ago. "Jesus answered, “I have no demon, but I honor my father, but you dishonor me.” (John 8:47-49), and further "It is not long now for me to speak with you, for the prince of this world comes and has nothing in me.” (John 14:30). « We know that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Rom.3:23; 5:12). "There is none righteous, not one" (Rom.3:10), “...every man is a liar” ( Rom.3:4). But Pavlenko and others like him were found (in their collection, of course) “because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.” (Rom.8:2), if Christ (according to Pavlenko’s teaching) had in His Body the law of sin and death, then how could He free Paul, us and others (Man Jesus Christ, p. 212). And there, page 198, Pavlenko states: “Jesus Christ must be born of Mary in order to inherit the whole complex of sin and temptation...” “and His presence in the body with the seed of the serpent made... it possible for His Holy Spirit to be perfect from the point of view of the perfect sacrifice,” p. 199 and in the same place: “The fact of being born from a virgin has nothing to do with salvation” and p. 201: “The fact of being born of the Holy Spirit means little in itself.” Christ, according to Pavlenko, inherited a sin complex from birth, p.198: “We are sinners because of the sins we have committed,” p.212. What a contradiction with the Word of God. David says: "Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sin. my" (Ps.50-7). And Job exclaims: “Who will be born clean from an unclean? No one" (Job 14:4). AND We mentioned earlier that"there is none righteous, not even one" . It turns out that we were born sinners, in every person there is something of the seed of the serpent, or, as is commonly believed, of the nature of the devil. Otherwise the Apostle Paul would not have shouted “poor me Human!..." (Rom.7:15-25). It is said about Christ that He is the Lamb of God (John 1:29,36) and the Lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:19) and He was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8). He is blameless (Heb. 9:14), He is God, He is the Creator, He is the Savior, He is the Beginning and the End (Rev. 1:8). And all of Pavlenko’s mentioned statements are nothing more than heresy.

We can cite many passages from Scripture and the Message and we will see that Christ was not conceived through sex, so that the seed of the serpent could not be in Him. He was conceived from the Spoken Word: through the prophet Isaiah 7:14: “Behold, the virgin will be with child and give birth to a son, and They will call his name Emmanuel." through David, Ps. 2:7: “You are My Son; I today I have begotten you" and the Virgin Mary was indeed an incubator (as the prophet said) or a surrogate mother. But there was not a drop of blood in Him from the Virgin Mary, otherwise we would have been saved by the blood of a woman. This is where Catholics and Orthodox Christians are mistaken, introducing her to the rank of co-redeemer. Moreover, in Him there was no seed of the serpent, the law of sin and death, otherwise the devil would have been a co-redeemer in Him, what an absurdity, this is truly the religious insanity of Pavlenkov’s followers.

It is written: Christ was not in sinful flesh, but in the likeness of sinful flesh (Rom. 8:3). And not for Himself (He was blameless), but for us He became a curse (Gal. 3:13 Greek translation). He was not a serpent, but the brass serpent (which meant judgment), raised on a pole in the desert, indicated that Christ would be crucified and take our sins upon Himself, and give Eternal Life. Could the law of sin and death within itself give Eternal Life? Could someone in prison release the tortured to freedom? (Luke 4:18), if he had been with the seed of the serpent, He would have, like all previous high priests, first made a sacrifice for himself, and then for the people. (Lev. 16:6, 11-15).

The words of the prophet came to mindIsaiah 37:3-4: “Who are you mocking? Who do you widen your mouth against, stick out your tongue? Are you not the children of crime, the seed of lies? " Knowledge of biology and genetics does not give anyone the right to interpret the Holy Scriptures in their own way; the Bible says: “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the Words of God” (1 Peter 4:11). What people think and determine is one thing, what God thinks and determines is another matter. People thought: "Jesus, when he began his ministry, was... as they thought, the Son of Joseph...” (Luke 3:23-38). AND prophet Isaiah says they thought: "That He was God" (Isa.53:4), but already in verse 8 of this chapter he exclaims: “...but who will explain his family? “And so, our heroes from Kharkov also thought and...explained His Family. “Jesus was conceived in the womb of a woman through the influence of the power of the Holy Spirit on her egg... recognition of Mary's fact of motherhood in relation to Christ is tantamount to recognition of the presence of the law of sin and death in His Body,” p. 201. This false teaching is truly “chimerical” and at the same time similar to Greek mythology, where gods copulate with women. And the author on page 200, condemning others, condemns himself. Brother Branham brought the true teaching that God created the body of Jesus Christ in the womb of Mary, and this is confirmed by the Holy Scriptures. "Thus says Amen, the faithful and true witness, the Beginning of God’s Creation" ( Open 3:14, Greek lane). That is why He is considered the firstborn among many brothers (Rom. 8:29; Heb. 1:3-6). So God could not fertilize Mary's egg (if so, she would be an adulteress, having Joseph as her betrothed husband), He could not transgress His own laws (Matt. 1:18, Deut. 22:23-29). A body was prepared for Christ: “...You did not desire sacrifices and offerings, but You prepared a Body for Me.” (Heb. 10:5-7).

On page 180 (read below) Pavlenko writes: “only through the father is transmitted what is called life from the point of view of God.” Amen! Yes, we must look from the point of view of God - His Word and we try to look that way, and not from the point of view of geneticists, heretics, biologists, theologians and sexologists. The point of view of those is that: “His blood was... the most ordinary human blood, which he received from his mother Mary,” page 206. All those places given on page 205 do not contradict the fact that God created for Himself in the womb of the Jewish woman Mary (from the line of David, betrothed to Joseph, also from the line of David). , in Which there was neither Jewish nor pagan blood. We are saved by God's Blood, as the prophet of God said. And there, on pp. 205-206, we are advised to turn to genealogies; but ap. Paul in Hebrews 7:3 spoke of Melchizedek, who was "without father, without mother, without genealogy " Who is he? Isn’t he the one in whom the Pavlenki are trying to place the seed of the serpent? And ap. Paul advises us not to get carried away with genealogy (1 Tim. 3:9), otherwise we may think as we thought in Luke 3:23-38, and if we believe Mary herself: “here is your father and I they sought you with great sorrow" (Luke 2:48). Some Pavlenki may create a doctrine that Joseph was the father of Jesus, and the fact that Mary is called His mother 19 times does not yet prove that He had her blood (blood type, Rhesus, character). Christ never called her mother, neither there, in Luke 2:48-50, nor in Canna of Galilee (John 2:4). There He called her simply a woman, and on the cross He called her a woman (John 19:26-27), and when one woman wanted to praise Mary, who carried Him in her womb and suckled Him. He has placed above those who hear His Word and do it. (Luke 11:27-28), and in Matt. 12:46-50, Mark 3:31-35, Luke. 8:19-21 He publicly renounced her. If she had been His mother, as Pavlenko teaches, then He would have violated the commandment “Honor your father and mother" (Deut. 5:16) . I wonder what Sergei’s mother would say if he called her a woman and renounced her publicly. Yes, she was His mother, she carried Him in her womb. That body, created by God in her womb, received nourishment from her through the umbilical cord. She gave birth to Him, fed Him with her breasts, she did everything like all mothers, but of her blood, her character, her inherited data from her sinful nature, from the seed of the serpent, such as lies. Let us remember how she lied to Him that Joseph was His father (Luke 2:48). It was not in Him, He was not from below - He was from above, not from this world, (John 8:23)! And the circulatory system of the fetus is not connected with the mother’s, I say this because Pavlenko is so grasping at science. But science has proven that a woman can get pregnant from two fathers, which is what happened to Eve. She also proved that a fertilized egg (embryo) could be placed inside a woman and take root there. If doctors do this, then why can't God create His body (Heb. 10:5-7) and place it in Mary? And everyone knows that the so-called surrogate mothers give birth to people (humans), contrary to the teachings of Pavlenko (p. 201, read below). So I'm not against science. One famous scientist said: “True religion and true science agree with each other.” And this is proven by the example of Eve and Mary. One accepted the devil into her womb and brought death, the other accepted God into herself and brought life. And for this revelation it is not necessary to know chromosomes, DNA and RNA, genes, blood groups, and rhesus blood. Not necessary higher education in genetics and biology, but what is mandatory, a prerequisite is Faith . It is written that the seed of the woman will smite the serpent (Genesis 3:15), and It is the Seed that this woman, Mary, received that smote the serpent on the head (John 19:30). The female egg, even the most holy and righteous woman, even according to Pavlenko, fertilized by God, could not do this. She herself needed redemption. Christ said: that Satan cannot cast out Satan (Mark 3:22-27). And even more so - to rebel against oneself, and even more so - to defeat oneself. And according to Pavlenko, and just as the Pharisees claimed that He had a demon, it would have turned out like this. God's prophet said that spirits do not die. He is a pure and blameless Lamb (1 Peter 1:18-20), and there was no lying in His mouth (Isaiah 53:9) or flattery (1 Peter 2:21-25). And the fact that His blood is God's Life was sufficiently explained by Brother Branham. Holy pure God's Life without the admixture of the serpent. Otherwise there would be no REDEMPTION, there would be nothing to pay with!

Again, someone may ask, as at the beginning, in the brochure “A View from the Inside”: is there really no truth in the book “The Man Jesus Christ” that you are fighting so much against its authors? I cannot calmly watch how the Son of God is crucified and cursed at Him. (Heb. 6:4-8). They trample on the Son of God and do not consider the Blood of the Covenant sacred. (Heb. 10:29). And someone needs to shout about it. They will not go with such heresy into the denomination - they will be kicked out of there. And some believers of the Message have forgotten that we must believe "Not every spirit" (1 John 4:1), But test them. And they turned out to be false prophets (a false prophet who says “thus says the Lord” when the Lord does not speak through them). They are liars, because there is no trace left of those statements and assertions they made at the beginning of the brochure “The Message from the Inside,” 2 pages. Let them call me a fool! But I will say that they do not love the prophet and do not honor him as a servant of God. They did not understand the Message, abandoned the Message, and became opponents of the Message. They do not believe that W. M. Branham is a true prophet of God - a messenger to the Laodicean church age, and that his life and ministry were foretold (Malachi 4:5-6; Rev. 10:7 and Luke 17:30). And it is through such that the way of truth is reproached (2 Peter 2:4).

Let's return to the question: do these authors have truth? There is a lot of truth, and they drew it, oddly enough, from the messages of the prophet, depending on the content. Because you will not find the truths that they present as their personal revelations from other teachers who are no less wise than them, that is, no less educated intellectuals. Those either do not know the truth, have not encountered It, or have met it, but did not accept it in order to teach according to It. So there is truth in Pavlenko’s books, but this is not the pure truth, it is already a defiled truth, and no matter how good, nutritious the food is, but if we know that poison is mixed in there, then it is better to throw it away. Let us remember that even good mixed with bad can be deadly. There is also a lot of good food in denominations, truth, truth, but it is mixed with fiction, traditions, customs, and human teachings. And I would like to note, as if in praise of them: no matter how low they were, I have never yet heard from their representatives that in Christ there was the seed of the serpent. This does not mean that we should agree with them on everything, if they have not sunk to such blasphemy as Pavlenko. And no matter how correctly some of Pavlenko’s truths are described, even a fly in the ointment can spoil a barrel of honey, and he has much more of this “ointment.” The Bible says that a little leaven can leaven the whole lump. There is no use arguing with such people, and although a copy of this letter will be sent to them, it is not intended for them. It is intended for you, my brothers and sisters, to whom the Seventh Angel spoke, who went for the Message. I want you to see the purpose, motive and desires of Pavlenko and those who are with him (and moreover, who are leading them) - this is to push you away from the true Message and to encourage, convince you to follow their false message, taking advantage of the fact that There is much misunderstanding, disagreement and confusion among Message believers. They, or the spirit of malice that stands behind them, managed to confuse some to some extent - to make them believe a lie disguised as the truth. Friends, we have a lot of real, natural Food. This is the Bible and the Message. It can be eaten without research. Everything else, including this message that I am writing to you now, check, research, pass through a real filter thinking man, through the filter of the Word of God, and hold on to the good. The fact that there are differences of opinion between us is not a reason to listen to such false teachers as Eugene from Vinnitsa, who preaches about another prophet (the eighth), who, according to his teaching, will bring the bride to the wedding feast; and the Kharkov “heroes” who found in Christ “the seed of the serpent and the whole complex of sin.” This teaching is not new; even in the time of Christ there were those who said: “He is a sinner and has a demon in Him.” And even a few years ago I met one pervert who argued that the devil and Christ are brothers. Christ said:“Beware lest anyone deceive you” (Matthew 24:4). I don’t want to frighten anyone, much less judge, the Lord is the Judge of all. But I want to remind you that there is a sin leading to death. (1 John 5:16) and is sin for which there is no forgiveness (Mark 3:22-29). And there is a sin for which there is no sacrifice. (Heb. 10:26).

So let us be careful that we do not fall away (Heb. 2:1). Ap. Paul encourages us not to think beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:6). The fact that we are educated is good, and that we are poorly educated is also not bad. True knowledge The Holy Scriptures come by revelation, and if not so, how can we be children of Abraham, being pagans? And why didn’t Esau become a Jew like his brother, father, grandfather?

We are faced with a choice: who to listen to? Who to believe? Who should I follow? Who should I imitate? It’s up to us to decide, no one will do this for us, let’s be careful, attentive, for the days are evil. Prophet Elijah was the first to say: “...if the Lord is God, then follow Him; and if Baal, then follow him.” (1 Kings 18:21). If you are convinced, if you have received a true revelation, that W. M. Branham is a true prophet of God, then his mouth is the mouth of the Lord. Then discard everything that contradicts his message and listen to him. If not, let us remember that you cannot follow two paths at the same time, you cannot hold on to the Message with one hand and with the other hand on other food that contradicts the Message.“A man with double thoughts is not steady in his in all their ways" (Jacob 1:8).

I wish you grace and blessings from God.

Vaivala Mikhail


"Oh, you say you love
Seventh Message! But here
You are ruining yourself, my friend.

You dig it with your mind like a mole!
Dying from the mind -

He brings death into your soul.
And you don’t love the Message,
And only my own version!”

A. Pogorelov

Since I had to work with this text, I would like to add the following:

What Brother Mikhail said gave me an idea and the need to convey it to those whom I have not met at earthly path and I don’t know if I will have to.

The idea is simple and not new, it was even expressed above to some extent. Look, friends, because the spirit trying to reach us and draw us aside, lead us astray, operates not only in Sergei Pavlenko. Friends, at the very end of Revelation 3, the Lord says: “who will hear my voice ..." - after all, this is not my voice and not the voice of any of the other brothers. The only voice that is verified for us by so many testimonies is the voice about which the Lord said: “My Voice.” It is the voice of His prophet, the voice of the Scriptures, predicted and fulfilled and still being fulfilled, it is this voice that we can hear on tapes, it is this voice that we can read in tracts.

There are so many different voices in this world, but only one of them is authenticated by the Almighty. Just one voice that is said to be God's voice. It is through the supper that comes from hearing this voice that victory is promised to the one who overcomes! And the only way my voice can sound in the stream of voices described in the 1st chapter of Revelation (1:12-13) is only if my voice sounds in complete harmony, in complete agreement, in complete accordance with the voice of God's prophet , with what he said. That is why the prophet so often says on the tapes: “say what is on these tapes.”

Look at what this voice says in the Exposition of the Seven Church Ages (pages 63-64), what it teaches:

“You have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars.” Wow, what a harsh statement. “You have tested those who call themselves apostles.” Isn't this unceremonious? What right do people have to test those who called themselves apostles? And how do they experience them? Oh I love it. This is stated in Galatians 1:8: “But even if we or an angel from heaven were to preach to you a different gospel than what we have already preached to you, let him be cursed.” It was the apostle who brought the original Word to the people. This original Word could not change, not even a letter or a period could change. Paul knew that God said it, so he said, “Even if I come and try to give you a second revelation, if I try to make one little change in what I gave you at the first, cursed be I.” You see, Paul knew that this first revelation was accurate. God cannot give a first revelation and then a second revelation. If He did that, it means He changed His mind. He can give a revelation and then add to it, like He did in the Garden of Eden, when He promised the Seed of the woman, and then later indicated that that Seed would come through Abraham, and then later said it would come through the line of David. But it was the same revelation. It just gave people more information to help them accept and understand it. But God's Word cannot change. The seed came exactly as it was revealed. Hallelujah. And look what those whom Paul taught did. They were filled with the Holy Spirit through the laying on of Paul's hands. They looked those false apostles straight in the eye and said, “You are not saying what Paul said. Therefore you are false." Oh, this makes my heart delight. Get back to the Word! It's not really you who tests the apostle, and the prophet, and the teacher, IT'S THE WORD THAT TESTS THEM! One of these days a prophet must come to the Laodicean Church Age. And you will know whether he is truly sent from God or not. Yes, you will know, for if he is from God, HE WILL BE IN EXACTLY THE WORD THAT GOD GAVE TO PAUL. HE WILL NOT GO AWAY FROM THIS WORD, NOT FOR A MOMENT, NOT FOR AN IOTA. During the period when many false prophets will appear, be on your guard, and you will see how they will tell you that if you do not believe them and what they say, then you will be lost; but when a LAST DAY PROPHET comes on the scene, if he really is that prophet, he will proclaim, "Get back to the Word or you will be lost." It will not be based on private revelation or interpretation but on the Word. Amen and Amen!

These false apostles are savage wolves, as Paul said about them. He said, “When I go, they will try to come in and claim equal revelation; but their goal is not to help you, but to destroy you.” Acts 20:27-32. “For I did not fail to proclaim to you the whole will of God. Therefore, pay attention to yourself and to the whole flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the Church of the Lord, and I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come among you, not sparing the flock; And from among yourselves there will arise people who will speak perversely (not God’s, but their own own words and thoughts) in order to captivate the disciples with him. Therefore, stay awake, remembering that for three years I taught each of you day and night without ceasing with tears. And now I commend you, brethren, to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to edify you more and give you an inheritance with all those who are sanctified.”

After all, those who read these words of mine,I I hope they really believe that this same prophet for the Laodicean Church Age has already come and that this prophet's name is William Marrion Branham. After all, if the disciples of Christ in the first centuries could and should have had such an attitude towards what Paul brought, then are you really supposed to have a different attitude towards what the Almighty brought through the weak flesh of a man named William Marrion Branham? Almighty God has once again come down to us, ministering in this body, fulfilling that restoration that was promised by the prophets of old. Friends, are we not supposed to use the words of this prophet to test those who are trying to apply for ministry? Indeed, in Paul’s time, it was not the Jewish priests who were tested by Paul’s words, but those who studied with Paul. Moreover, they had every right to do so.

Now friends, judge whether it is fair and true before God to accept by faith absolutely any voice that reaches our ears? After all, only a fool believes every word?! (Proverbs 14:15) Is it fair and true that in the meetings the people know very well what brother so-and-so or so-and-so said about the Message, but often they have absolutely no idea what that voice said? through which victory is promised? Are they seeking to please Christ or are they seeking their own glory and great service? dear brothers, whose sermons replace the sermons of the prophet? No matter how wonderful the sermons of these people are, they cannot and should not replace the supper provided by Almighty God from hearing the words of the prophet and leading us to victory. Don't miss this, dear brothers and sisters.

It turns out that the sermons of these people are removed and replaced by a prophet. They remove him from the stage. For what?!

Believe me, I have absolutely no objection if any brother undertakes to preach in the congregation, as long as everything is within the framework of the teaching of the Scriptures. I have yet to meet a person who believed the Scripture and the Message and argued that the ministries set forth in Ephesians 4 were not needed.

What should I do if a person applying for ministry tries to point out when the prophet was under the anointing and when he was not? It is obvious to me that man thus places himself above the prophet through whom God spoke. The same mistake is repeated that the Pentecostal brethren made during the life of the prophet, saying: “When Brother Branham is on the platform, under the anointing, listen to him, but when he teaches in the pulpit, do not listen.”

What should I do when someone claims that someone else is needed to further reveal what the prophet brought, to complete it, so to speak... Scripture clearly says that when the voice of the Messenger sounds, it will be completed (completed, what He preached to His servants the prophets will be fulfilled (Rev. 10:7).

You know, friends - for me the answer is obvious - I will simply stay away from this.

I would really like to end with the words of Pavel:“And now I commend you, brethren, to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to edify you more and to give you an inheritance with all those who are sanctified.” But the word of grace has already been repeated, brought to us through the lips of the prophet, why neglect it?

Perederenko Mikhail

I, Sergey Pavlenko, on behalf and on behalf of the entire Church of God, AGAIN call on the sons of brother Branham - Joseph and Billy Paul to repent of apostasy from Jesus Christ, of planting vile heresies among the people of God, of causing divisions among the brothers and of idolatry before by his father - the prophet V.M. Branham.

I ask everyone who can convey these words to them - convey this to them on behalf of Sergei Pavlenko from Kharkov.

Also proof of a misunderstanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ and a direct misconception in understanding the Mystery of God’s Economy is the brochure “Vision” distributed at one time by the publishing house “Voice of God Recordings”, through which the above-mentioned publishing house announced its special rights to distribute brochures with recorded sermons of Brother Branham. This issue has already been raised and carefully considered from all sides. But we will have to stop there. “VoGR” claims that only it has the right to spread the sermons of Brother Branham, because is the owner of a certain “franchise”. All other distributors are declared to be lawbreakers, who do not love Brother Branham, and enemies of the Message. Let's go in order:

    If Brother Branham's sermons are property of brother Branham, then every sensible Christian is obliged to use these brochures for only one purpose - in the toilet, because... “...the words of every man are lies, but God is true.” I repeat once again - if any preacher or prophet claims copyright on the word he preaches, this is tantamount to admitting the falsity of this word. I have never seen any statement in any of Brother Branham's brochures that the word preached or the visions that Brother Branham ministered to the Church were his own. It would be simply monstrous! Paul preached the Word of God. Peter preached the Word of God. Jeremiah, Daniel, Moses, John - they all preached ONLY the Word of God. Proof of this is the Holy Scripture, which includes books named after them, the right to which only the Lord God has the right to possess. If the Branham brothers believe that W. M. Branham preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and ministered in visions under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, this is tantamount to recognizing the copyright of the Lord Jesus Christ in the sermons and visions of Brother Branham. The same rights belong to the Lord in principle to any preaching, prophecy, vision or healing. The claim to copyright Brother Branham's sermons is simply blasphemous.

  1. Is it possible to allow some publishing house to take the copyright to the Bible? There are copyrights for translations of the Bible and Torah, or for references (example: the Scofield Bible), but not for the text of the Holy Scriptures themselves. It is not difficult to see that every time Brother Branham spoke about the tapes, he demanded only one thing - that the sermons he preached should not be distorted, edited, etc., i.e. so that the meaning of the sermon is not distorted. Unfortunately, there were and are people who do not know not only the fear of God, but even ordinary human decency.

  2. The originals of all Brother Branham's sermons are audiotapes with recordings, not brochures, therefore all claims to possessing a printed “original” are also unfounded. It was the tapes that Brother Branham turned to when he spoke about spreading his sermons. He did not prohibit the spread of the sermon (it would be strange to hear such a thing from the lips of an evangelist!), but on the contrary, he encouraged it in every possible way. Again, it is enough to listen to the sermons of Brother Branham to understand that the current tricks with the “franchise” and other “author’s problems” have nothing in common not only with the Gospel, but also with the views of the prophet Branham on this. And believe me, by copying the sermon “The Sign” onto a cassette tape for your fellow Baptist, or copying the sermon “The Jezebel Religion” on a photocopier at your work for a Pentecostal sister, you will be doing God’s work, even without having the documentary permission of Jeffersonville. .
    Also unfounded are the claims that Jeffersonville is the “Center for the Spread of the Message.” This city was indeed Brother Branham's headquarters, but only by virtue of his residence there. Last years W.M. Branham, by the way, did not spend his life in Jeffersonville, and his last records also have a different “registration.” If Jerusalem was not the center of preaching the Gospel (under all 12 apostles!), and Antioch was not such a center (under Paul and Barnabas!), then the American town with the tomb of the prophet Branham is certainly not such a center. And in general, how can there be a “Center” for the movement of the Holy Spirit? Catholics have their own center - Rome, Orthodox - Constantinople, Muslims - Mecca, but the center of God's action has always been human hearts, and not a dot on the map. Rome once claimed to be the “Center of Christianity.” He alone had a “franchise” for the Bible; all those who disagreed were burned along with their “unfranchised” Bibles. Luther's merit is that he returned the Bible to the people of God. This spirit has a very bad spiritual “smell”, claiming the exclusivity of “VoGR” in disseminating Branham’s sermons. This smells like Nicolaitanism.

  3. And what is the fuss with addresses worth? For the “uninitiated,” it is difficult to imagine that there is a real competition between the distributors of the “Message,” and primarily from Jeffersonville, for the mailing addresses of groups reading the brochures. We ourselves encountered this when, having sent our database of addresses to the Pavlograd “Evening Light”, in response, to our great surprise, we received gentle gratitude and a firm rebuff to the request for addresses. Having started printing brochures earlier than many others, we did not look for profit for ourselves, and we are still not looking for it, having stopped doing this business. We have helped many. We are not building our own system. We do not seek seniority or exclusivity. We are not looking for a name for ourselves. But may the Lord remember the deeds of those who build their organization in the name of Branham.

  4. Why is this all started? For the Kingdom of God? Or to create a name for yourself? With much lower costs, brochure printing can be organized in any country or region than opening offices and storage facilities, spending money on shipping across the ocean and customs. Why not take the path of least resistance? We have had cases in Ukraine when receiving brochures was subject to various conditions - membership in the Evening Light or a donation to the needs of VoGR. And although in Lately such excesses are unheard of, but the very fact of their former existence testifies to the unsoundness of the whole concept.

  5. Somehow, those “responsible” for distributing brochures begin to carry out some other service along the way, such as preaching, teaching, instructing, prohibiting acceptance into fellowship, etc. Is it not clear from the Scriptures that the office of a distributor is not identical with the calling of a preacher? Or is it our Soviet habit of being a boss, from which people begin to suffer even if they work as janitors, but got a new broom?
    Another important fact is the ostentatious trembling over the “authenticity of the Message”, which consists in the verbatim reproduction of all the stutters, sneezes, coughs and other obstacles to the preaching that arose during the ministry of Brother Branham. Joseph Branham again refers to the words of the prophet Branham: “speak as on these tapes.” It is understood that the recorded sermon is an analogue of the Holy Scriptures, and therefore no abbreviations or remarks are allowed here. But excuse me, if you approach it from this angle, then there should be no mistakes in the sermon! Those. to confuse that God hid 700 Jews during the time of Ahab, and not 7,000 Jews, is simply unacceptable! But this is when preaching according to one of the Seals! God does not make mistakes in His Word! This misconception was discussed above. The meaning of the sermon should not be distorted, and not doctrinally copy all these “Brother Branham clapped his hands twice”, or “E-uh-uh”, or “E-e-e-e”. This only makes it more difficult to understand the meaning of the sermon. Ewald Frank's translations are much more readable (although there is evidence of their unreliability). By the way, I still remember the times (early 90s) when they didn’t think so in Jeffersonville - then brochures with truncated sermons, with fragments of sermons and without numbering of verses of sermons “under the Bible” (the same idolatry) and etc., not to mention all these stutters. It’s strange that now “VoGR” is pretending that this never happened. But the brochures remained!

  6. The strongest temptation is that even among themselves, many groups from the “Message” do not have not only the love of Christ, but even the usual Christian fellowship in the Holy Spirit. In addition to VoGR, several “centers” are involved in printing brochures with Brother Branham’s sermons or “spreading the Message” in one form or another. And, as a rule, they have no communication with each other. There are "Message preachers" from Jeffersonville, and there are "Message preachers" not from Jeffersonville. There are those who pray for Jeffersonville, and there are those who curse Jeffersonville. There are “those who stand in the Message,” and there are also “those who walk in the Message.” There are “Gromovites” and there are “Frankovites”. What can we talk about if, according to the testimony of brothers from the USA, three different groups now gather at the Branham Tabernacle: for some, the pastor is Brother Collins; for others, the pastor and prophet is Brother W.M. Branham (and now); for others, Joseph Branham is a prophet. Maybe I’m wrong about something, but at one time Kharkov was a favorite place to visit for all kinds of “bearers of the Message”. And few of these “carriers” had a good relationship with other similar “bearers of the Message”. The impression from all this is depressing. Better to have fellowship with Jesus Christ and lovers of Jesus Christ than to witness all these denominational fights.


We're coming to the conclusion of this summary apostasy among a community of people who call themselves “those who have accepted the Message of the Prophet Branham.” Only a blind person can fail to see that it is just as criminal to equate between the prophet W.M. Branham and the people who call themselves his followers as between Paul and Orthodox Church(considering Paul “one of her own”). This is absolutely different people, this is a completely different faith, after all, these are different spirits. History repeats itself. As little as Lutherans resemble the blessed servant of God Martin Luther, as little as Methodists resemble the blessed servant of God John Wesley, so little do the Branhamites resemble the blessed servant of God William Branham. The Branhamites departed from Branham in everything: in teaching, in following the Bible, in the manifestation of the Spirit and power, in the knowledge of God, in the economy of God. There was not a single commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ or the Holy Scriptures that they did not violate. We have the boldness to say that a religious system, similar to any other religious system, has been erected on the bones of Brother Branham. There is a fait accompli - the formation of a DENOMINATION.

What is a denomination? This word, “denomination,” is not found in the Bible (although character traits denominations are set forth in Isaiah 29), but the denominations themselves are quite well described there: Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots and Jessites. They were all descendants of Abraham. They all believed in One God. But in their interpretations of the Law they differed radically. The Zealots killed the Sadducees for their collaboration with the “Roman occupiers”, the Jesses criticized the Pharisees for their “easy interpretations of the Scriptures”, the Pharisees and Sadducees even made the roofs of their houses different to emphasize their dissimilarity. Among the Pharisees themselves, the schools of Hillel and Shammai argued for more than a hundred years about whether it was possible to eat an egg laid by a chicken on the Sabbath. A worthy occupation for those whom God has destined for His Glory! But they all rejected Jesus Christ together. Historians, such as Josephus in his Antiquities of the Jews, say that even at the time of the siege of Jerusalem, these warring factions burned each other's stores of grain - so great was their mutual hatred. It's the same now. From the original English, this word means "separation". God's people were divided by these denominations. They could not stand together against the enemy, as in the days of David or Samuel. So it is now. Led into the depths of darkness by their denominational teachers, they did not recognize the coming of the Messiah and rejected Him. So it is now. Rome killed everyone. So it is now. Denomination is the result of the enemy's work among God's people. These are divisions between brothers. These are divisions between ministers of the same Gospel. This is hatred of those who are different from oneself. It is erecting barriers to fellowship in the Holy Spirit and the truth.

The characteristic features of the denomination are the following:

    Leaving the Bible in one form or another. If the Bible is no longer the foundation, and the only foundation, of God's economy, this is an alarm signal, and the "guardians" of the congregations must be on the watch. When the topic of a sermon finds its inspiration not in the Holy Scriptures, but in something else, this is a sign that idolatry begins and God leaves. When the form of a ministry or the truths being professed begin to contradict the biblical pattern, this is a sign that spiritual fornication has begun. When the Bible is no longer the absolute and the ultimate truth, when the written Word is no longer enough to resolve issues that arise in the life of the congregation, but human beliefs, experience, rationality, traditions, etc. become significant, this is the clearest sign of that God has left. Instead of the Church, a group of religious people remained. The church died, the denomination remained. Life is gone, death has come.

  1. Quenching of the Holy Spirit. Formalism in services, the carnal state of the church, the lack of action of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the prosperity of sin and hypocrisy, the lack of changes in the state of believers over the years, the lack of personal knowledge of God. Instead, when God Himself, through His Word, revealed in living preaching, through the direction and correction of the state of the community through the action of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, guides His people, human programs are approved. Forums and conferences are organized, presentations of “European warehouses of Bread for the European Bride”, centers and hubs are organized one after another for distributing the Message, printing brochures and cassette recordings - and all this instead of preaching the Gospel. Did the apostles organize centers for copying the Old Testament scrolls? Were there conferences held in Jerusalem or Antioch? Have you sent out subscription sheets with invitations to join “Light in the East” or “Evening Light”? This is disgusting to the Spirit of the Lord.
    Nicolaitanism. It is strange that those who read the brochures derive so little benefit from them. As one of the ardent “supporters of the Message” (Jeffersonville translator) told me: “I don’t read tracts - I translate them.” I advise everyone to carefully read the sermon “The Teaching of the Nicolaitans.” Almost every congregation that has “received the Message” has a “pastor.” He is the owner. He is not a slave. Ministry in the community depends almost entirely on how the pastor wants it, and not on how it pleases the Holy Spirit and how it is written in the Bible. As a rule, the pastor is not the one whom the Lord wants to appoint, but the one who shouts louder about his fidelity to the Message, is eloquent and unprincipled. Such a virtue as the fear of God is unknown to such people. “Pastor” can be anyone - young, new believer, inexperienced, not chosen by the Lord , lazy and drunkard, - as long as he “stands faithfully for the Message.” It is a fact. There are cities and assemblies. Unhappy meetings. There are specific false apostles. Of course, these “pastors” will not teach the knowledge of God and the Word of God, and they cannot teach this. But they methodically, with the brochure “Order in the Church” in one hand and with prepared bookmarks in the book “Exposition of the Seven Ages of the Church” - in the other, like a reticulated python, they will squeeze out the last breath of life from the Church, which the Lord Jesus bought for Himself with His blood . Their original is a brochure, not the Spirit of life in scriptures

  2. Pride. Unprecedented pride and conceit, arrogance over all other denominations and their members is the most repulsive thing that “those who stand in the Message” have. How affectionate and hospitable they are to you when you are “one of their own.” How metal begins to sound in their voice when your confession begins to differ from theirs! The same goes for Pentecostals, Charismatics and Baptists. They will not cry and pray for you, and if they find out that a misfortune has happened at your home, they will joyfully rub their hands and say: “Finally, God has struck them down!” How different this is from the gentle Spirit of Christ! Not many will answer what a denomination is, but pride is enough. “And we are not like these damned denominations,” - how many times have you heard this? They cannot show anything - neither holiness, nor the power of God, nor joy in Christ, nor brotherly love, nor signs and wonders, nor victory over sin. So what are they boasting about? Brother Branham? The Jews once boasted that they were children of Abraham and had the Law of Moses. Did it help them? Doesn't the book of Romans say otherwise? Isn't that what the Book of Jeremiah is talking about? Or have you forgotten that God does not have grandchildren? Words spoken, by the way, by Brother Branham. Check, friends, do you speak in an excellent tone about denominations? Aren’t you proud of your “C” students (those who believe in the “Trinity”) of their “correct” faith (as if they deserved it)? Are you not being told that you are already the Bride of Christ? It is written that “a wife is the glory of her husband.” Have you ALREADY become His glory? Are you just as perfect? Can you reveal Jesus Christ? Have you already grown into a perfect man, to the measure of the full stature of Christ? It is written that “His wife made herself ready.” You are ready? ARE YOU REALLY READY? The works that He did are you doing? Do you know your Father as Jesus knew Him? Have you defeated the evil one? Is there no sin in your life? Is your love consistent with the biblical pattern found in Jesus Christ? Many times I was convinced that your “Ukrainian Bride” or “European Bride” is the essence of the Harlot, sitting on the scarlet beast along with her “mother” and her elder, equally proud, arrogant and adulterous “sisters”.

  3. Denominational language of communication. The denominational language of communication is characteristic of those who have received the message, just as the language of the Bible is characteristic of Christians. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” “Prophet”, “Message”, “Messenger” (with emphasis on the first syllable), “This Word”, “That Man”, “Word of This Hour”, “European (Ukrainian, Chinese, etc.) Bride”, etc. - characteristic and clear. Having your own fetishes - pictures with a cloud, photographs with light, eagles in all poses and forms, a newspaper dedicated only to the description of the Branham family, mountains with profiles of V.M. Branham, etc. - are as visible as Orthodox icons, Catholic rosaries, Baptist scarves, or heraldic swords and shields of charismatics. Did the Christians of the first centuries have anything similar?

  4. Taking the mark of the Beast. Known to belong to some form Christian religion and at the same time perverting the Word in one’s favor is accepting the mark of the Beast. To emphasize their separation from others, people take the name of their god. Christians - the true Christ, Baptists - the Baptist Christ, Orthodox - Orthodox Christ. Was Christ divided? Believers were never called anything other than the name of Jesus Christ. There is nothing wrong with the word “those who accepted the Message,” just as there is nothing wrong with the word “baptized with water,” or “survivors of Pentecost,” or “rightly praising.” But when these words become proper names, when they designate a group of people who believe in some way apart from others, this is a sign of a typical denomination, even if you are called “The Most True and Correct Believers in Jesus Christ.” So there are “Baptists”, “Pentecostals”, “who stand in the Message” (in common parlance – “Branhamites”). Do not call yourself “one who accepted the Message of Brother Branham,” but bear the name of Jesus Christ, by all means – it is more glorious! Well, or the mark of that very Beast. The choice is yours.
As with any other denomination, God says, “Come out, come out of it, My people!” Remember, denomination is not converted, it is not cured. This is Babylon, and no one has ever been able to heal it. Run from there. Do not be afraid that you will be left without brochures - God will feed you Himself, from His storehouses, directly from heaven. Don’t be afraid to be left without communication, God will give you brothers and sisters, be afraid to be left without communication with Him. Do not be discouraged when you are persecuted as “apostates from the Message” - this is over, it is not fatal. This is followed by abundant blessing from the Lord. Woe, if everyone speaks well of you, don’t forget it. Don't be stupid, don't be fearful, be like the goats in front of the herd. Go outside the camp bearing His reproaches. You will be hated because you have not renounced His name. Go seek His Face in His Word. The time is near. The end is near.

"Exposition of the Seven Ages of the Church"; p.301.

“Let me tell you this. I don't think God is calling only the false church to repent. In this verse He is speaking to His chosen ones. They also need to repent of something. Many of His children are still in these false churches. These are the ones about whom it is said in Eph. 5:14: “Awake, O thou who sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give thee light.” Sleeping is not dead. And these sleep among the dead. They're setting there in these dead denominations. They go with the flow. God is calling: “Wake up! Repent of your stupidity! They exert their influence by giving their time and their money, in fact their own lives, to these anti-Christ organizations, and yet they think that everything is fine. They need to repent. They must repent . They need to change their thinking, turn their face to the truth.”

Don't think that this is about some Baptists! It's about them too! But this is for you, THIS IS FOR YOU, “those who accepted the Message of Branham”!!! Repent of idolatry! Repent of quenching the Holy Spirit and abandoning the Bible! Stop calling yourself “those who accepted the Message” - finally become CHRISTIANS!!!

"Sign"; p.24

“O people, my brothers and sisters, come under this Sign, quickly. Do you hear? Do not accept any substitute. Don't, don't do this. Do you understand? Don't imagine It. Stand until you know that the Sign has been set, until the mind that was in Christ is in you, until all the absurdity of this world goes away, when all your heart desires only Him.”

We testify to everyone who reads this article that you cannot make the excuse that you did not know, or were not warned, or were not told. Did you read. You can burn this book or curse its authors, you can mock or mock what is written here - it’s up to you. Just know that the Lord is near. And you will have to answer to Him for your faith.

We say: “Your blood is not on our hands. The Lord sent us. We preached. We warned you. We screamed. We wrote letters to you. We are clean from your blood." These are the duties of a guard. If anyone has read them (Ezek.33:1-19). Amen.

May the Lord bless all those who love Him!

About the teachings of Sergei Pavlenko (from Kharkov)

Article by Pavel Terebilin, pastor of the church in Gus-Khrustalny

Greetings to all who truly love the Lord Jesus Christ and the prophet Brother Branham sent by Him. In addition to the sermon “On the Teaching of Sergei Pavlenko” (in mp3 format) posted on the website, there is an incentive to post a written testimony-article about this false teaching. If this helps anyone, then I will be grateful to Heavenly Father.
According to Eph.6:12 there is a difference between a person and a teaching... And I make this difference: I wrote to Sergei personally and apologized to him as a person, but this lying spirit, truly the spirit of wickedness in high places, is absolutely impossible to accept.
May the Lord Jesus help everyone who still encounters this false teaching to make their right choice. Amen.

March 2010

Warning from Scripture.
The Bible teaches us to be careful because:
2 Corinthians 11:13-16: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And it is not surprising: because Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light, 15 and therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness; but their end will be according to their works.”
John 8:44: “Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Brother Branham, commenting on Rev. 2:9 (“I know your works, and your tribulation, and your poverty (yet you are rich), and the slander of those who say that they are Jews, but they are not, but the synagogue of Satan”) speaks:
“7 Church Ages”, p.96: “But why were these people who called themselves Jews mixed within the same church? The reason is this: since they are liars, they could claim anything. They could say whatever they wanted, as if it were true, and then stick to it. In this case, they could lie with quite strong conviction. Wasn't it like that early church consisted almost, if not entirely, of Jews, counting them among the original members of His body? The twelve apostles were Jews, and the subsequent apostles were also either Jews or proselytes. Thus, these people swore that they were Jews in order to gain an advantage by claiming originality. They lie without paying attention to facts or history and stick to it. They just talk and talk, and soon people accept it.”
The characteristic of this false teaching is that they talk a lot. And as the prophet said, they speak with quite strong conviction. But they can say whatever they want - they are still liars. Because in the light of the Word they are. Below we will look at several of their characteristic misconceptions.
The danger also lies in the fact that they talk and talk and talk, and some unconfirmed souls begin to believe it. It's a pity.
Luke 17:1,2: “[Jesus] also said to the disciples: It is impossible for temptations not to come, but woe to him through whom they come; 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than for him to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”
Proverbs 14:12: “There is a way that seems right to a man; but their end is the way to death.”

I would like to examine at least three things in which this teaching is false:

2. Misunderstanding of the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. (1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 7)

3. Misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit and His relationship with the Message given through Brother Branham.

There are two sides to this issue.
On the one hand, what lies, as it were, on the surface: in words, Sergei Pavlenko (hereinafter abbreviated as S.P.) and the followers of this false teaching accept Brother Branham as God’s prophet, but in reality they constantly doubt him (article “The Message - a view” from the inside"). They almost completely stop reading his sermons. And most importantly, they instruct all believers to renounce him as their idol. Whom they, they say, only served instead of Jesus Christ.

Let's take a look at God's Word:
Rev. 1:10-16,20: “I was in the spirit on Sunday, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, saying: I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last; 11 Write what you see in a book and send it to the churches that are in Asia: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea. 12 I turned to see whose voice it was that spoke to me; and turning, he saw seven golden lampstands 13 and, in the midst of the seven lampstands, one like the Son of Man, clothed in a robe, and girded around the chest with a golden girdle: 14 His head and hair were as white as white wool, as snow; and His eyes are like a flame of fire; 15 And His feet were like fine glass, like those in a fiery furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. 16 He held in His right hand the seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sword sharp on both sides; and His face was like the sun, shining in its power... 20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lamps [is this]: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches; and the seven lampstands which you saw are seven churches.”

Rev. 3:14-22: “And write to the angel of the church of Laodicea: Thus says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: 15 I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot; Oh, that you were cold or hot! 16 But because you are warm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 For you say: “I am rich, I have become rich, and I have need of nothing”; but you don’t know that you are unhappy, and pitiful, and poor, and blind, and naked. 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, so that you may become rich, and white clothes so that you may be clothed, so that the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and anoint your eyes with eye salve, so that you may see. 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and punish. So be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. 21 To him who overcomes I will give to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

John 13:20: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives him whom I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me:

Matthew 10:41: “Whoever receives a prophet in the name of the prophet will receive the reward of a prophet; and whoever receives the righteous, in the name of the righteous, will receive the reward of the righteous.”

Amos 3:7: “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.”

Hos. 12:13: “The Lord brought Israel out of Egypt through a prophet, and through a prophet He kept them.”

These Scriptures show us the meaning of God's prophets in general and that God sent us the Angel of the Laodicean period, Elijah of Malachi 4. We know that this was fulfilled in the ministry of Brother Branham.
And here is Sergei’s opinion:
From a letter from S.P. Mikhail 03/30/2004
“You, Michael, say that you are not a member of the Message Standers denomination.” But your image of faith fully corresponds to it. Instead of following the Word of God regardless of faces (including the face of Branham), you are engaged in disguised idolatry, worshiping the creature instead of the Creator. For the Absolute of every religion is the God (god) of this religion. If your absolute is the words of a mortal man, no matter what ministry he carries out in the Body of Christ, you are a man-worshipper. In this case, you are a Branham worshiper. This is spiritual fornication."
Here is my testimony based on God's Word and personal revelation: I personally (Paul T.) do not worship the creature instead of the Creator. I honor the Spirit who spoke through Brother Branham. By doing this, I honor the Creator by accepting the prophet sent by Him. (see quotes above).

Let's make a comparison with John the Baptist:
Luke 1:13-17: “The angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John.” 14 And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, 15 for he will be great before the Lord; He will not drink wine or strong drink, and will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb; 16 And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God; 17 And he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the minds of the righteous, to present to the Lord a prepared people.”

We know that the Pharisees said something like this - we will not honor the creation (John) instead of the Creator (Jehovah). Why should we listen to him? We have Moses and God's Scriptures... And we also know how it all ended.
Matthew 21:31,32: “Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the publicans and harlots believed him; But you, having seen this, did not repent afterwards to believe him.”
About John it was written like this:
Mal.3:1-4: “Behold, I send My angel, and he will prepare the way before Me, and suddenly the Lord, whom you seek, and the Angel of the covenant, whom you desire, will come to His temple; Behold, He comes, says the Lord of hosts. 2 And who will endure the day of His coming, and who will stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner of fire and like refiner's lye, 3 and He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and like silver, that they may sacrifice to the Lord in righteousness. 4 Then the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the Lord, as in the days of old and as in former years.”
John could have said - I don’t need to be honored instead of Him, but I was sent by Him. Repent completely, put aside all your own heresies and accept His message, His Word.
The same applies to Brother Branham:
Mal.4:5,6: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. 6 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
A S.P. rejects part of the Teaching that the Holy Spirit spoke through him. Expresses contempt for everyone who reads these brochures. Believes that we do not know the Bible and do not read It.
The main thing, I repeat, is that he calls and inspires and insists that everyone renounce Brother Branham as “their idol.”
And this is the second side of this question - what lurks in the depths: when a person does this, he commits a denial of the Holy Spirit, Who spoke through Brother Branham. There is a severance of connections in the spiritual world. This is how they are forced to renounce satanic influence. Those who have ever led people through renunciation of extrasensory perception, witchcraft connections that stretched from the past, curses, etc., know what we are talking about. During such prayer, the devilish threads that have entangled a person for perhaps years are broken.
And here there is a deliberate renunciation of the Holy Spirit. This is why this false teaching is really very strong spirit the evil of heaven.
At its core, this is not even just incomplete acceptance, but complete non-acceptance of Brother Branham. I leave the first headline only because they themselves still verbally claim that they believe it. And on the basis of these words of theirs, God will judge them in due time. Just like all the false vines, the Lord also addresses them as the church in the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Revelation.

Let's look at two more biblical examples. First:
Haggai 1:12: “And Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jozedek, and all the rest of the people obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as one sent by the Lord their God, and the people feared the Lord.”
People realized that Haggai was sent to them from God. And they listened... to him. Whom? The voice of the Lord their God and the words of Haggai, as sent... And the people feared the Lord. Reverence went to the One for whom it was intended - to God.
What happens to this false teaching? In words they accept Brother Branham as sent from the Lord their God. But in fact, they begin to reject his words and interpret the Word in their own way (this will be discussed below) and, again, I repeat, they force people to renounce... They do not really understand Who sent him and do not recognize God’s action.

Second example:
Numbers 31:16: “Behold, according to the advice of Balaam, they were a reason for the children of Israel to depart from the Lord to please Peor, [for which] the defeat was in the congregation of the Lord;”
When Balaam failed to curse Israel, he advised Balak on how to bring God's wrath on God's people. And when the Israelites began to commit fornication, because of the advice of Balaam, God had to punish His people.
Lying Spirit via S.P. for its own purposes does not yet claim that Brother Branham is not God's prophet. And he certainly cannot say that there was no divine action in his ministry. But the unclean spirit (and I am aware of what I am saying) caused people to begin to deny Brother Branham as an idol and thus a crack appears in the spiritual world between such a person and the Holy Spirit. To begin to accept a lie, a person must first reject the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12: “And with all unrighteous deceit of those who are perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe a lie, 12 that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but loved unrighteousness.”
It is very dangerous to reject the love of the truth for your salvation! Such people will begin to believe lies! This is what the Lord says right from the Word! So It's Written!
The person becomes completely defenseless, and the false teaching about Jesus coming in the flesh begins to influence him, as they interpret this issue. And even further they already accept false anointing. Instead of the real Holy Spirit...
What is happening is the spiritual murder of people.

To conclude the coverage of the first question, I would like to cite two more passages that describe what happened:
Jer.8:8,9: “How do you say: “We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us”? But the lying reed of the scribes [and him] turns into a lie. 9 The wise men were put to shame, they were troubled, and they were caught in a snare: behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord; What is their wisdom?
How do they say in this false teaching that they are wise? And is the law of the Lord with them? Their reed is false, they measure incorrectly. Now, they have rejected the Word of the Lord through the prophet brother Branham, they believe only what they like - what is their wisdom?
We must adjust not the Word to ourselves, but ourselves to the Word of God.

The Apostle Paul, the first messenger, says:
2 Corinthians 11:2-4: “For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God; because I have betrothed you to one husband, in order to present you to Christ as a pure virgin. 3 But I am afraid, lest, as the serpent deceived Eve with his cunning, so your minds may be corrupted, [deviating] from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if someone came and preached another Jesus, which we did not preach, or if you received another Spirit, which you did not receive, or another gospel, which you did not receive, you would be very lenient.” .
Brother Branham, the last messenger, betrothed us to Christ as a pure virgin, just like the first messenger. But this false teaching has deviated from the simplicity in Christ and offers people its own views, passing them off as the truth. What a pity that someone succumbs to this provocation of the enemy.

2. Misunderstanding of the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
Let's also consider two sides of this issue...

The entire article “On the teachings of Sergei Pavlenko (from Kharkov)” is contained in a file that you can download here.

Dream Interpretation