Surname Yezhov: origin and number of people with this surname. The meaning and origin of the surname Ezhov The origin of the surname Ezhov

The owner of the surname Yezhova can undoubtedly be proud of her surname as a monument of Russian culture and language.

The surname Ezhov is derived from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

Since ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be: an indication of the profession, characteristics of the person’s character or appearance, the name of the nationality or locality from which the person came.

The basis for the surname Ezhov was the worldly name Ezh, which could be the nickname of a quarrelsome, prickly person. In the dictionary V.I. Dahl, the word “hedgehog” in relation to a person has several meanings: “a person who shudders from the cold or for another reason,” and “a miser, a miser, an inaccessible rich man.”

On the other hand, before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. This corresponded to man's pagan ideas about the world. Old Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself to be a part of it. By giving the baby such names as, for example, Wolf, Squirrel, Nightingale, Viburnum, parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her own, so that those useful qualities endowed with the chosen representative of the animal or plant world would pass on to him.

Already in the 15th-16th centuries in Rus', surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. These were possessive adjectives with the suffixes -ov/-ev, -in, initially indicating the name of the head of the family. Thus, the descendants of a person with the name Ezh eventually received the surname Yezhov.

The bearers of this family name left a bright mark on the history of Russia, among them:

Nikolai Mikhailovich Yezhov is a fiction writer and journalist, educated at the Moscow Stroganov School. He published stories and articles in Severny Vestnik, Novoye Vremya, Istoricheskoe Vestnik and other publications. Collections of his stories were published separately. From the mid-1890s, he published feuilletons about Moscow life in Novoye Vremya under the pseudonym “Not a feuilletonist.”

Valentin Ivanovich Yezhov is a film playwright, co-author of the scripts for the films “The Ballad of a Soldier”, “Wings”, “White Sun of the Desert”, “This Sweet Word is Freedom” and others, laureate of the Lenin Prize.

Talk about the exact place and time of the appearance of the Yezhov surname in at the moment is not possible, since the process of forming surnames was quite long. Nevertheless, the surname Ezhov is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Dictionary of modern Russian surnames (Ganzhina I.M.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning (Vedina T.F.), Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Khigir B.Yu.).

The basis of the surname Ezhov was the worldly name Ezh. The surname Ezhov is derived from the non-church name Ezh. It is known that before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. This corresponded to man's pagan ideas about the world. Old Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself as a part of nature. Therefore, by giving the baby a name such as Hedgehog, Viburnum, Wolf, the parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her own, so that those useful qualities endowed with the chosen representative of the animal or plant world would be transferred to him.

Since ancient times, the hedgehog symbolized wisdom. In addition, it was believed that, thanks to the spines, the hedgehog had a disgusting power. Therefore, it was often used as a talisman. According to the beliefs of the Bulgarians, the Hedgehog gave advice to God on how to cover the earth with heaven. In South Slavic legends, the wise Hedgehog saved the world from incineration by the sun. Standing on the road, he stopped the donkey, on which the Sun was riding to look for a bride. The sun did not marry and did not give birth to many other suns. According to Bulgarian beliefs, the Hedgehog is the wisest of animals, as it lives the longest in the world. He knows everything that happened before and that people have long forgotten about. He also knows a special rejuvenating herb and never ages. Hedgehog eventually received the surname Yezhov.

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The meaning and origin of the surname Yezhov

Owner of the surname Yezhov, undoubtedly, can be proud of his surname as a monument of Russian culture and language.

The surname Ezhov is derived from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

Since ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be: an indication of the profession, characteristics of the person’s character or appearance, the name of the nationality or locality from which the person came.

The meaning of the surname Yezhov

Basis for surname Yezhov served as the worldly name Hedgehog, which could be a nickname for a quarrelsome, prickly person. In the dictionary V.I. Dahl, the word “hedgehog” in relation to a person has several meanings: “a person who shudders from the cold or for another reason,” and “a miser, a miser, an inaccessible rich man.”

On the other hand, before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. This corresponded to man's pagan ideas about the world. Old Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself to be a part of it. By giving the baby such names as, for example, Wolf, Squirrel, Nightingale, Viburnum, parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her own, so that those useful qualities endowed with the chosen representative of the animal or plant world would pass on to him.

Already in the 15th–16th centuries in Rus', surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. These were possessive adjectives with the suffixes –ov/-ev, -in, initially indicating the name of the head of the family. Thus, the descendants of a person with the name Ezh eventually received the surname Yezhov.

Origin of the surname Ezhov

The bearers of this family name left a bright mark on the history of Russia, among them:

Nikolai Mikhailovich Yezhov is a fiction writer and journalist, educated at the Moscow Stroganov School. He published stories and articles in Severny Vestnik, Novoye Vremya, Istoricheskoe Vestnik and other publications. Collections of his stories were published separately. From the mid-1890s, he published feuilletons about Moscow life in Novoye Vremya under the pseudonym “Not a feuilletonist.”

Valentin Ivanovich Yezhov- film playwright, co-author of the scripts for the films “The Ballad of a Soldier”, “Wings”, “White Sun of the Desert”, “This Sweet Word is Freedom” and others, laureate of the Lenin Prize.

It is not possible at the moment to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the surname Yezhov, since the process of formation of surnames was quite long. Nevertheless, the surname Ezhov is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

DOB: 1895-05-01

Soviet statesman and politician, People's Commissar of the NKVD

Version 1. What does the name Yezhov mean?

The basis of the surname Ezhov was the worldly name Ezh. The surname Ezhov is derived from the non-church name Ezh. It is known that before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name that was the name of an animal or plant was a very common tradition. This corresponded to man's pagan ideas about the world. Old Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself as a part of nature. Therefore, by giving the baby a name such as Hedgehog, Viburnum, Wolf, the parents wanted nature to perceive the child as her own, so that those useful qualities endowed with the chosen representative of the animal or plant world would be transferred to him.

Since ancient times, the hedgehog symbolized wisdom. In addition, it was believed that, thanks to the spines, the hedgehog had a disgusting power. Therefore, it was often used as a talisman. According to the beliefs of the Bulgarians, the Hedgehog gave advice to God on how to cover the earth with heaven. In South Slavic legends, the wise Hedgehog saved the world from incineration by the sun. Standing on the road, he stopped the donkey, on which the Sun was riding to look for a bride. The sun did not marry and did not give birth to many other suns. According to Bulgarian beliefs, the Hedgehog is the wisest of animals, as it lives the longest in the world. He knows everything that happened before and that people have long forgotten about. He also knows a special rejuvenating herb and never ages. Hedgehog eventually received the surname Yezhov.

Version 2. History of the origin of the surname Yezhov

At the heart of the surname - everyone famous word hedgehog, which could be a nickname for a quarrelsome, prickly person, or even a worldly name. (E) In Dahl’s dictionary, the words hedgehog in relation to a person have several meanings: ‘a person who shudders from the cold or for another reason’, and ‘a miser, a merchant, an inaccessible rich man’.

Version 3

The surname is based on a well-known word hedgehog, which could be a nickname for a quarrelsome, prickly person, or even a worldly name. Option - Yozhikov. This is one of the great many “animal” surnames, among which, for example, Barsukov, Volkov, Zhabenkov, Zhabin, Zverev, Lisitsyn etc.
Ezhov Valentin Ivanovich (born 1921) - film playwright, co-author of scripts for the films “The Ballad of a Soldier”, “Wings”, “White Sun of the Desert”, “This Sweet Word is Freedom”, etc. Lenin Prize laureate.

Version 4

Ezhevsky, Ezhikov, Ezhin, Ezhinikov, Ezhinnikov, Ezhov - the origin of these surnames, in general, does not require explanation. Everyone has known this funny animal with needles on its skin since childhood, if only because it is the hero of many fairy tales. And in the forest, in summer cottages, you can often find it. But all “animal” surnames were given, as a rule, not by the name of the animal, but by the nickname that a person received if fellow citizens noticed “animal” advantages or disadvantages in him. In this case, the Hedgehog was supposed to be a not very friendly person, ready to “let out his needles” at any moment.

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