Fortune telling gypsy tarot card for a woman. Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Gypsy layout. Features of the Gypsy layout

Fortune telling with gypsy cards is one of the oldest ways to find out the secrets of your destiny. Gypsy fortune telling, along with cards, penetrated into Europe from India, where it was part of the ancient Gypsy culture. It is the ability to predict the future that is distinctive feature this people - mysterious and mysterious.

Gypsy fortune telling on cards is about 500 years old. Their traditions have been carefully preserved for many centuries. Today you can find many simple layouts, answering pressing questions, revealing the secrets of many problems, finding their root causes and sources, however, there are also more difficult layouts that are understandable only to professionals, but today we will talk about the first.

Like all readers, we are more interested in working with simple diagrams that will effectively and reliably tell us about what and from whom to expect, what is destined for us, what to do in a given situation, who to turn to and what to pay attention to. This is important for most. This is what we will talk about.

Simple gypsy layout

This layout requires only 36 regular cards playing deck, from which you must choose a lady or a king, personifying the person who is doing fortune-telling or for whom fortune-telling is being done.

The deck is shuffled and laid out as follows:

  • The person's card is placed in the center;
  • Now 4 rows of cards, 4 pieces each, are laid out, and all of them are placed above the portrait of the fortuneteller - this is the near future;
  • One more thing is placed above the laid out images - this is a characteristic of the person himself or the circumstances that will greatly influence him;
  • At the bottom of the queen or king, 4 rows of 4 units are laid out again - this is the distant future;
  • The last two cards are placed at the very bottom. The first is the person or cause of past troubles. The second is a person or circumstances that will soon disappear from your life and you will not see them again.

Cards must be laid out from left to right, face up. It is important to pay attention to the combination of cards that may have special meaning when interpreting.



  • Ace - trouble, blow, death. With the Queen of Spades - to separation, court cases, prison. With 9 diamonds - profit. With 6 clubs - unsuccessful business or unpleasant news. With 6 hearts - to near happiness.
  • A king is a person who inspires trust - an official or a respectable representative of someone or something. From the 9th of spades - speaks of a serious illness, from the 7th of clubs - of a fruitless meeting, from the 9th of tambourines - about difficult earning of money, with the queen of hearts - about the end of troubles, the help of good people.
  • The lady is a treacherous woman. From 9 of hearts - obstacles in love, from 7 of spades - a threat to happiness, from 6 of diamonds - receiving money with an accompanying scandal.
  • Jack - unpleasant news and worries. With the Jack of Clubs - to empty troubles, with the Queen of Clubs - to protecting your own secrets and secrets, with the 6 of Diamonds - a bad road.
  • Ten - difficult things, full of obstacles.
  • Nine – troubles and illnesses.
  • Eight – scandal and resentment.
  • Seven – theft and deception.
  • Six is ​​disappointment, a long and hopeless path.


  • Ace will talk about the state house, serious matters that require solutions. With the King of Clubs - you can expect help in business, with the Ace of Hearts - joy will come from officials in the form of help, with the nine of diamonds - you will receive a large profit, with ten of spades - a protracted case or the danger of being held accountable through the court.
  • The king is a groom or a middle-aged man. With 9 clubs it promises great joy, with 9 diamonds - long-awaited news, and with 7 hearts - prosperity and good luck.
  • A lady is a middle-aged woman, possibly a widow or divorcee. With Ace of spades - a hindrance in work, with 10 clubs - vanity, with 7 hearts - new feelings, with 9 diamonds - an intriguer.
  • Jack is the bearer of news, and good or bad is judged by the neighboring cards.
  • Ten – business interest, entrepreneurship.
  • Nine – good luck at work.
  • Eight – tears and sadness.
  • Seven - for a meeting in a government house.
  • Six – hopes, expectations, dreams.


  • Ace – money or important papers.
  • The king is a young bachelor.
  • A lady is a young girl of marriageable age.
  • Jack - to disappointed hopes.
  • Ten – interest through money of a pleasant nature.
  • Nine – receiving a large sum of money.
  • Eight - a pleasant conversation or the same meeting with a person after a long separation.
  • Seven – receiving money, agreement.
  • Six is ​​a short-term road.


  • Ace – happiness, family, joy.
  • The king is a married young man.
  • A lady is a married young woman.
  • Jack – pleasant chores and joy.
  • Ten – interest, surprise.
  • Nine – matchmaking, mutual feelings.
  • Eight – cordial or emotional conversation.
  • Seven is a date.
  • Six – short-term love full of pleasure and pleasant memories.

If the cards are located above the portrait of the fortuneteller

  • 4 aces - to the fulfillment of all desires and plans.
  • 3 aces - success in love and business.
  • 2 aces - to surprise.
  • 4 Kings - you will be in the company of respectable people.
  • 3 Kings - expect a business meeting or negotiations.
  • 2 Kings - be careful.
  • 4 ladies - to talk.
  • 3 ladies - to squabbles and scandals.
  • 2 ladies - lies and gossip.
  • 4 Jack – troubles.
  • 3 Jacks – negative conversations about your person.
  • 2 Jack - you will worry.
  • 4 Tens - you can expect benefits.
  • 3 Tens - to changes in life.
  • 2 Tens - your dreams are unrealistic.
  • 4 Nines - expect a good gift.
  • 3 Nines - good luck will finally visit you.
  • 2 Nines - we can talk about profit.
  • 4 Eights only mean serious trouble.
  • 3 Eights - the engagement will not take place.
  • 2 Eights - get ready for red tape.
  • 4 Sevens - you will be denied the expected help.
  • 3 Sevens - people will make fun of you.
  • 2 Sevens - illness will knock on the door.
  • 4 Sixes - for a long journey.
  • 3 Sixes - to worries.
  • 2 Sixes are a long road to what you want.

Cards under the portrait of a fortuneteller

  • 4 Ace - your vanity is empty and unpromising.
  • 3 Aces - you can be wrong.
  • 2 Aces – don’t make hasty decisions!
  • 4 Kings – hurry, don’t.
  • 3 of Kings – these matters cannot be debugged for later.
  • 2 Kings - be creative and imaginative.
  • 4 Ladies - to empty words.
  • 3 Ladies - to deception.
  • 2 Ladies - you should beware of flattery.
  • 4 Jacks – expect big losses.
  • 3 Jacks – empty rumors.
  • 2 Jacks - to the news.
  • 4 Tens - you have a good and reliable friend.
  • 3 Tens - you will find yourself in a hole of debt.
  • 2 Dozens - no one has ever forbidden anyone to hope - hope!
  • 4 Nines - you won’t be able to trust.
  • 3 Nines - make a mistake.
  • 2 Nines - you will have to.
  • 4 Eights – fear.
  • 3 Eights - for matchmaking.
  • 2 Eights - a large number of promises given out.
  • 4 Sevens - you will have to defend yourself.
  • 3 Sevens - they will cheat on you.
  • 2 Sevens - you will have fun.
  • 4 Sixes - people will gossip about you.
  • 3 Sixes - for guardianship.
  • 2 Sixes - for guardianship.

Fortune telling to make a wish come true on two dice is one of the simplest types of fortune telling. You just need to throw two dice and find out the decoding of the sum of the numbers you got. The transcript indicates whether your wish will come true or not and why.

Tarot card layout “When will I meet my love?” used to predict a new acquaintance, which can develop into true love and strong relationships. For this fortune telling, the questions usually asked are “Will I meet a guy/girlfriend in the near future?”, “Will I get married in the next year?”, “Where should I look for my love?” In a map symbolizing the place of acquaintance - carefully study what is shown on the map - this is a direct indication of the place of acquaintance. Focus and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have direct meaning and indicate exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

For what purpose do we meet this or that person in our lives? This is a very interesting question for many, especially when it comes to close relationships. The “Karmic Union” layout on Madame Endora’s mystical cards gives answers to the most cherished questions regarding the union of two people in this and previous lives: what lesson should you learn from this relationship, what role do you and your partner play in the relationship, and what needs to be done to complete a karmic lesson. Ask your question and choose 13 cards from the deck.

An ancient method of fortune telling “Yes or No?” on two dice gives a simple answer to a clearly formulated question. For this fortune telling, a round napkin was used on which two cubes were thrown, then the sum of those cubes that remained on the napkin was calculated. If both cubes turned out to be outside the napkin, they no longer guessed that day. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question and click on the bowl to start fortune telling.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Home » Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Fortune telling with gypsy cards, also called gypsy tarot, gives fairly accurate answers to exact questions. With the help of these fortune-telling, you will be able to analyze life situations, find out personality characteristics and perspective love relationship, the development of the work situation and get a forecast for the near future.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Online fortune telling with gypsy Tarot cards “Cockroach” is a comprehensive layout that allows you to deal with the existing problem, understand what is bothering you in life and the reasons for unpleasant, possibly recurring situations. The layout considers any unpleasant situation: conflict, failures in love, failures in business and work, as well as personal problems. Most appropriate questions for this fortune telling: “Why is this happening to me?”, “Why is this situation in my life?”, “Who or what is to blame for my problem?”. Think about your question and choose cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and choose cards from the deck.

The “Virtual Romance” gypsy oracle layout will be useful in cases where relationships between people proceed without physical contact, through correspondence on the Internet or communicating most of the time by phone. This fortune telling will help you understand what kind of person your partner is, what his intentions are for you and your relationship, and how the relationship will develop in the future. focus and ask your question.

The gypsy oracle layout “The influence of past relationships” is used in cases where the fortuneteller has a suspicion that the partner’s past love relationships have some kind of projection on the current relationship with you. Sometimes for compilation full picture relationships, it is also necessary to take into account the partner’s past relationships, in which case this alignment will help. Concentrate, make a wish for your partner or the person for whom the layout will be made and select cards from the deck.

The layout on the gypsy oracle “Square” is used for full characteristics the person of interest, as well as about clarifying important moments in his life. The cards provide answers to the most interesting questions regarding personality, spirituality, positive and negative traits character, as well as what the intended person is in relation to other people and who he really is. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, think about the person you are interested in and select nine cards from the deck.

The gypsy oracle reading “For relationships” is necessary when questions arise regarding love and relationships. Gypsy cards will show your partner’s attitude towards you in the past, present and future, what you mean to him and how you perceive these relationships. Also, the cards give a forecast for the development of relations in the future and advice on how to behave to strengthen the union. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

The layout on the gypsy oracle “Golden Horseshoe” is ideal for analyzing the situation and predicting the near and distant future. With the help of gypsy oracle cards, you can analyze the situation and see how it will develop in the near and distant future.

The layout of the gypsy oracle “Choosing a path” is used when you need to find out what will happen if you choose one or another course of action. Before starting fortune telling, think about the situation of interest and two options for actions that you could take. Decoding the fortune telling will show the development of events in the near and distant future in the first and second cases.

The 12 month gypsy oracle spread is used to predict the events of the coming year. This fortune telling is best done before the New Year or Christmas, or before a birthday, in which case the cards give a month-by-month forecast for the coming year. If you are guessing in the middle of the year, then the past months should be assessed as events of the past.

Characterizing your situation according to the layout of the cards closest to yours. Focus and start divination playing solitaire. According to the schedule, you will learn about what is happening. If the card that represents you is in the middle fortune telling- this is a good omen and you need to consider all four cards, but if it is in a different place, then the most important cards for you are above your head...


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It's simple and exciting online divination based on the materialization of signs of upcoming events. The prototype of this fortune telling is an ancient method of prediction, during which a cup with coffee grounds turned it upside down and interpreted the symbols formed on its walls. Instructions for carrying out fortune telling on the coffee grounds directly on the virtual screen of the fortune telling. Divination on the coffee grounds online invigorates...


Or tails - divination on coins that predict the future. This divination originated in Ancient Rome and has remained virtually unchanged since then. Patroness fortune telling heads or tails is the goddess Juno-Coin. Divination heads or tails can be used at least every day. But it is believed that it gives the most truthful answers to questions concerning the near future.


Divination with buttons is quite ancient. But unlike the modern version fortune telling Previously, pearls and sea shells were used instead of buttons. When doing this fortune telling 2 large buttons - black and white, and 9 small ones are placed in the cup. After shaking the cup, the buttons spill out onto a flat surface. Prediction fortune telling on buttons is based on the interpretation of a pattern of scattered buttons.


Your future. When doing this fortune telling you need to throw three dice, and the sum of the points on the dice will tell you the secrets of your destiny. If at fortune telling On the dice, a number appears more than once, this means that you need to expect important news. TO fortune telling It is not recommended to use more than one cube...

Fortune telling by the gypsy Aza will help you get a forecast for the near future. Press the "guess" button, then the "shuffle deck" button, and then the "get prediction" button. Wait a little while the gypsy lays out the cards for you. To make the forecast accurate, we recommend using Aza’s fortune telling no more than once a day.

You may be interested in other online fortune telling:

What does fate have in store for you?

From time immemorial, people have used fortune telling to look into the coming day. The priests and esotericists of antiquity developed numerous techniques to predict the future. For example, Celtic Druids told fortunes by reading the entrails of animals and birds, and Egyptian magicians had great respect for natural signs and astrology. The Aztecs and some other Mexican tribes used captured warriors, whom they “gifted” to their gods in exchange for secret knowledge.

The most widespread predictions are made using cards, which include Aza’s fortune-telling. There are quite a few card decks in the world with which you can look into the future. Almost everyone knows the Tarot cards, the authorship of which is attributed by some to the Egyptian priests, others to the Sumerians, and some to mythological gods Anunnaki, who are also found in Sumerian legends.

If you want to find out what surprises fate has in store for you, then it’s time to lay out the cards! To make Aza’s fortune telling as truthful as possible, carry it out by adhering to the following rules:

  • Tell fortunes in this way no more than once a day;
  • Focus as much as possible on the question you want to answer;
  • Lay out cards only for yourself, and not for another person;
  • Postpone fortune telling until another time if you are not feeling well.

Will the coming day bring long-awaited good news, or will you be disappointed? Are the plans being implemented, or are they not destined to come true? Who is really your friend and who can't be trusted? By using online fortune telling Basics, you can get detailed answers to these and many other questions!

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