Why do you dream of a cloud in the shape of a heart? Why do you dream about clouds? Decoding according to the dream book of the yellow emperor

The sight of a cockroach crawling along the floor or wall of a room immediately suggests unsanitary conditions. Although the insect is not large and a person can easily deal with it, its mere presence in the house characterizes the owner as a sloppy person. This is why cockroach control products are as popular as the companies that rid your home of them.

Since people don’t like Prussians in reality, most people don’t consider sleeping with them successful either. Dream books give conflicting answers to the question of why cockroaches dream. There are many interpretations of dreams. Each is quite logical and is based on centuries-old observations of the relationship between night dreams and future events.

The most common modern decoding is encountering difficulties, unpleasant troubles and discovering a dishonest person in your circle of acquaintances. Some dream interpreters refer to health problems or overwork of the body.

The ancient Slavs, on the contrary, rejoiced at such a dream. The image of a cockroach was associated with prosperity and comfort in the home, as well as the ability to successfully resolve complex issues. After sleeping with a large insect, the girls were expecting new clothes and gifts.

Interpretations of sleep in different dream books

An explanation of why cockroaches dreamed and what events this dream will bring can be found in famous works clairvoyants and psychologists. Their interpretations take into account all the details of the dream: the color and size of insects, the number of Prussians and their actions in relation to a person and his home.

According to Miller

The main meaning of the presence of cockroaches in a dream, according to the dream book of psychologist Gustav Miller, is accumulated difficulties and problems that should be dealt with immediately. The sleeper will certainly emerge victorious and change his life for the better.

A cockroach falling into a plate foreshadows minor squabbles in the near future. They concern only the dreamer himself, and he will try to hide them from his friends.

If insects are swallowed along with food, the dream no longer shows minor problems, but the secret vices of the person who saw the dream. He is afraid that they will find out about them, and the unpleasant dream demonstrates his fear and confusion.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant Vanga did not like it when the image of animals or insects appeared too clearly in dreams. She believed that their presence betrayed the primitive, rude thoughts of the sleeper or promised unkind events in the future.

If there is only one pest, there is a chance that the family will turn away from the dreamer in a difficult situation. A lot of cockroaches, in her opinion, will bring empty worries and troubles.

In a similar way, she explained why she dreams of red, live Prussians crawling under her feet. Sleep will bring nothing but gossip and unnecessary conversations. To avoid disruption of your plans, you should behave more modestly and be less frank with colleagues and acquaintances.

Black cockroaches, together with spiders, represent powerful ill-wishers who are intriguing against the sleeper. Insects white reflect the intentions of hypocrites to interfere in the dreamer’s life.

A dream with a large cockroach crawling up the wall has a positive meaning. He promises good profits. A dream about catching running insects has a similar meaning.

A giant cockroach, in the dream book of an astrologer and seer, marks a win in a gambling game. It’s worth trying your luck in the next few days before bedtime. The insect also represents an assistant who is able to participate in the dreamer’s fate, which will lead to an improvement in the latter’s financial situation. Most likely, it will be a guest who suddenly arrives.

Cockroaches swimming in food demonstrate big number gossips and envious people who wish the sleeper to lose good luck. By reducing communication with unnecessary people, you will be able to protect yourself from evil tongues.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud attributed dreams with insects to thoughts about children and offspring. Seeing a lot of crawling cockroaches and watching them is typical for people who dream of having a large family. When the dreamer poisons or catches Prussians, his sexuality contains features of pedophilia. The more brutally he kills them, the more likely the manifestation of sadistic tendencies.

If he is engaged in breeding cockroaches, his personal life is in a deplorable state, and he is experiencing problems with his partner.

According to Hasse

Miss Hasse, like Nostradamus, after sleeping with a huge cockroach, recommended trying your hand at gambling. A substantial jackpot cannot be ruled out. However, the presence of many large black cockroaches in a dream indicates bad energy in the home or the objects in it.

Dreaming of insects in a latrine guarantees income and positive changes in life. Exciting trips and fun entertainment are possible.

According to Loff

The more disgust a dream with cockroaches causes, the worse its consequences will be. Seeing many Prussians underfoot in a dream foretells family discord. The sleeper is trying his best to maintain peace with relatives and is worried about the quarrels that occur.

Cockroaches falling on the dreamer's head characterize him as an absent-minded and inattentive worker. If duties involve a risk to life and health, the dream warns of a possible accident.

By Longo

The white magician considered the dream of a cockroach to be a bad omen. Depending on the situation in which a person finds himself, he is either surrounded by deceitful people or is involved in empty undertakings. In both cases, the best development of events will be to look at what is happening from the outside and reassess your aspirations and your immediate circle of acquaintances.

Hordes of black cockroaches indicate the dreamer's fear of a turning point in life. A girl who has seen such a dream suspects that her friends are plotting against her. Killing pests in a dream shows that the sleeper wants to forget about problems and establish normal relationships with others.

Hordes of cockroaches in most dream books are interpreted more positively than one pest. Anyone who boldly enters into battle with insects in a dream and in reality will prove himself to be an energetic and successful person.

Live or dead insects

Night dreams with cockroaches breeding in the house promise the arrival of guests with rich gifts. The family will grow for a while, and the hours spent together will become memorable and sweet for everyone. If huge insects run and leave traces behind them, wealth will not leave the sleeping family for a long time.

According to Vanga, dead insects lying around mean the end of a difficult period filled with adversity. It's time to celebrate victory over difficult circumstances.

Freud believed dead cockroaches a sign of sexual impotence and, as a consequence, lack of offspring in the future.

Red cockroaches

A man dreams of red cockroaches when he experiences pangs of conscience due to an unfair or ugly act. It is possible that he received a large sum of money dishonestly. The Prussian girl in her hair shows her close attention to appearance and fear of causing someone's condemnation.

Black cockroaches

Some dream books advise to perceive a black insect as a sign of well-being, significant achievements and the presence of a rich patron. Other sources associate the dream with the sleeper’s vain fears or his loss of illusions about friends or certain events.

Dreams with pests are divided into harmless ones, in which insects simply crawl by, and alarming ones. In the latter, cockroaches can even attack a sleeping person.

Seeing a lot of cockroaches

An unmarried girl's dream with a large number cockroaches will bring disappointment. The new gentleman will not be worth attention a poser, and meeting him will end in nothing. If the insects are black, the dream warns of provoking friends. Some of them are jealous of the dreamer and gossip behind his back.

A flock of red Prussians represents the presence of good friends in the sleeping person’s life and pleasant communication with them. For a businessman, the dream promises profit from all his endeavors. According to Longo, a lot of cockroaches symbolize recognition from superiors and promotion.

For spenders, a dream with scattering cockroaches indicates an inability to manage money profitably. It should be considered as a warning about possible troubles due to too much spending.

Squash insects

For people building a career, the dream shows that they can easily cope with obstacles on the way to the desired position. They are full of energy and will soon show their best side. You won't have to wait long for a promotion.

For housewives, a dream with hordes of cockroaches that they try to crush is promised joyful meetings with loved ones and friends. At the same time, there are also chores ahead: preparing a meal, setting the table and cleaning the house. However, the hostess will accept these concerns with pleasure.

If all attempts to kill at least one cockroach are in vain, in reality a person risks being left without a livelihood. His investment intentions are unjustified. You should heed the warning dream and not invest your savings in dubious enterprises.

catch insects

If an insect gets entangled in the hair and has to be removed from there, this is a sign of intense mental work. The subconscious mind tells you that the sleeper is overtired and it’s time for him to get rid of at least part of his worries. Nostradamus explained the desire to catch a cockroach in a dream by attempts to save the family in reality.

According to Miller, catching cockroaches means an unwillingness to move forward and make an important decision. The dreamer is a true conservative and sincerely believes that everything new is the enemy of the good. However, life does not stand still. He would have to accept it and not try to slow her rhythm down.

Cockroaches in bed

A cockroach that sneaks into bed symbolizes the ambiguous behavior of a person sleeping in reality. This is a sign of discord in the relationship between partners; even betrayal of one of them is allowed. Inner experiences result in a dream with a pest. For a woman, the dream predicts meeting a generous lover.

A cockroach bit me in a dream

A cockroach bite symbolizes worries and resentment. If, despite the small size of the insect, a trace remains after its attack, memories of unfair accusations will remain for a long time. Unfortunately, the dreamer expects to lose a friend or money.


Any dream book interprets the appearance of cockroaches in two ways. Minor details can radically change the meaning of a dream. There is no need to worry about it, since small insects, even if interpreted negatively, will bring problems that are easy to deal with. It is better to focus on good explanations, such as the arrival of guests or the receipt of unexpected profits.

Dreams are quickly forgotten, but if few can direct their plot according to the desired scenario, most are quite capable of influencing events in reality. Once you set yourself up for success, it will be much easier to achieve it.

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There are hardly any people who love cockroaches. Insects suddenly invade the kitchen and spoil food supplies. They are found in hospital nightstands, under the bed, or simply running around on the floor. A person seeks to kill a Prussian, because he is a source of infection. Meanwhile, a cockroach in dream books is described as a sign of quick success, profit, promotion and other favorable moments.

If in a dream a multitude of pests swarm under one’s feet, and the dreamer tries to crush them, in reality he will be able to cope with a competitor and increase income. This could be the successful acquisition of a profitable position in the workplace or the deterioration of the affairs of business competitors.

A dream promises great luck to a person, where he is running away from a horde of mustachioed aliens. Large profits await those who hold live pests in their hands in a dream. Income will come suddenly and legally. If a sleeping person chases a family of cockroaches in an apartment in a dream, the vision signals big plans and dreams that are destined to come true.

The gray cockroach, like the black one, dreams of serious trouble. They will be connected with the well-being of the dreamer’s loved ones. But attentive attention to the problems of relatives will help a person deal with a dangerous situation.

Gray pests are interpreted as a hint that it is time to change your life situation. The outcome of your efforts will be successful, but you will have to work hard. Being a symbol of kindness, gray insects will not improve the dreamer’s situation without his independent efforts.

And the red cockroach dreams of profit. This could be a bonus, a salary increase, a cash gift, winning a lottery, or finding someone else's wallet. If a golden-colored cockroach was located near the ears in a dream, this promises gossip and rumors about your person. Advice is to temporarily distance yourself from others and not involve a large number of people in your affairs.

A white cockroach symbolizes a deceptive idea of ​​a person in a dream. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to recognize insincere people. Despite the expression of sympathy, they do not have the best feelings for you.

Flying cockroaches foretell the appearance of a competitor in men's dreams. The field can be personal or business. An opponent will appear on the horizon unexpectedly and will do everything to overthrow the dreamer from an advantageous position.

The Flying Prussians promise a woman a meeting with a man who will win her heart and be determined to have a long-term relationship.

Why do you dream of living cockroaches in a dream?

People don’t just dream about Prussians. Their behavior in dreams either reflects inner experiences or brings happy events closer. Therefore, carefully analyze dreams in which you see live cockroaches in own apartment:

  • Insects running around the body - a sudden and unexpected situation will arise in life. unpleasant situation. The dreamer’s extraordinary behavior will help you get out of it.
  • I dreamed of a lot of live cockroaches - expect a quick solution to the painful problem (Miller’s interpretation).
  • Running on the floor - A modern dream book predicts career growth through cockroaches.

For Nostradamus, such dreams prophesy an inheritance and cash prizes in gambling. Vanga compares cockroaches in dreams with disappointments, but warns that when insects crawl along the walls to the ceiling, one should expect large incomes.

If the pest ran along the floor and turned to the side, the profit will not be significant. Vanga does not advise killing them in their sleep, otherwise a new promising business will end in failure.

If you dream about a lot of cockroaches

A huge cockroach (alone or surrounded by fellow tribesmen) has the following interpretations in dreams:

  • Alive – self-deception and arrogance, incorrect assessment of one’s own strengths.
  • Striker - hints at the importance of timely action when it comes to the well-being of family members.
  • Got into food - an unpleasant surprise from life, without options.

Why does a woman dream about cockroaches?

For a young girl, dead insects promise a frivolous relationship with the opposite sex. An adult pregnant woman dreams of these insects pleasant troubles. Soon the expectant mother will start buying things for the baby.

Why do we dream of the Prussians, who appeared alive in a woman’s dream in her bed? This vision is unpleasant and the reality is no better. Soon the lady will begin a relationship with a man who will communicate with her only for sexual pleasures.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, cockroaches in dreams signify affection. This is not a relationship, but a banal fear or obsession that has haunted the dreamer since childhood. When such a person begins to frequently dream of a cockroach, Higher powers demand that he change his life for the better.

If the uninvited tenants do not leave when the sleeper drives them away in various ways, expect all sorts of worries and new responsibilities in the coming days. Which will have to be performed with special diligence. The troubles will be pleasant.

If you dream that when you turn on the light in a room, cockroaches scatter in the corners, Miller identifies this with the need to reconsider your position in life. For a dreamer prone to dubious pleasures, neglecting this advice will result in serious problems.

Finally, a huge Prussian of unrealistic size is interpreted by Miller as obsessive anxiety. A thorough assessment of your life situation and recognition of the absence of a serious threat will help you change yourself.

Seeing cockroaches in a dream according to Freud

According to Freud, running cockroaches seen in a dream represent sperm. For women, such dreams promise conception. The interpreter does not recommend fighting with the Prussians in a dream, because you are killing future offspring. In other words, health problems will arise that will affect the embryo and you will have to have an abortion.

There are dreams when cockroaches get tangled in hair. For girls, this predicts casual sexual relationships. In fact, you should not follow the lead of men you don’t know well, as there is a danger of contracting genital infections.

Cockroaches with long mustaches are favorable in dreams for women. They represent respectable patrons. Do not kill mustachioed broadcasters of wealth in your sleep. It may also seem like Prussians are climbing on your legs. Freud identifies this phenomenon for a woman with the upcoming menstrual days. Sigmund compares the red insects on his feet to blood and considers such dreams to be prophetic.

A lot of cockroaches running around in the sink promise a grand binge. For men, such a vision does not prophesy anything bad, but women should take care of their reputation and prevent communication with a dubious company. If you dreamed of sexual intercourse between cockroaches, expect your loved one to betray you.

Why do you dream of killing a cockroach?

Trying to poison cockroaches in a dream means get ready for pleasant troubles. Dream interpreters do not prohibit doing this. An already dead insect does not bode well for great success in life. But if you tried to poison cockroaches, and one corpse fell on the dreamer’s head, expect your most cherished dream to come true. If you catch the fugitive on the table, you will receive a reward for your hard work.

Baiting cockroaches indicates the need for a break in trying to achieve your goals. In the absence of rest and overzealousness, the success of intentions will be at risk of failure of the planned enterprise.

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Few people admire insects, especially cockroaches. People try to quickly forget a dream with such a symbol rather than find out its meaning. Still, you should not make hasty conclusions and conclusions. Looking in the dream book, Why do women dream about cockroaches?, you can find out interesting interpretations of such dreams.

A woman dreamed of cockroaches

The question of why a woman dreams of a cockroach does not lose its popularity. Dreams of this kind come to women quite often. Predictions will help you understand their meaning famous personalities and psychologists.

What is this for?

When looking for information about why a woman dreams of insects, you should note that cockroaches, as a rule, are auspicious symbols. These nasty insects promise good luck in different areas of life, prosperity and quick wins.


Prussians can also promise the dreamer good news.


For a woman who is married, insects in a dream predict a favorable period: family well-being, harmony, financial stability.


For a lonely girl, the dream predicts possible romances. Romantic relationship They will quietly enter their normal life and fill it with joyful experiences.


As a rule, for a pregnant woman, such a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing bright and joyful moments in reality.

90% of dreams with cockroaches bring positive news

Cockroaches can symbolize children. For a woman expecting a child, insects predict a quick meeting with the baby and a successful outcome of the birth. Such a dream can mean secure and decent life future child.


A middle-aged lady who dreams about these insects will face unpleasant troubles. A lot of black cockroaches in a dream means that a woman’s friends are slandering and plotting behind her back.

To the girl

When a young girl dreams of cockroaches, the dream book advises going shopping. All products will be successful purchases. If in a dream an insect actively moves its whiskers, it means that the girl will soon hear a marriage proposal.

Why do women dream of cockroaches in a dream?

The presence of insects in a dream is a good prediction. All problems troubling a woman will soon be resolved successfully.


However, you need to deal with the tasks yourself. When the dreamer begins to act actively, the dream book predicts a successful completion of her affairs.

In the apartment

Dreaming of insects in a woman’s house promises financial stability. This could be marriage with a wealthy man, expensive gifts or lottery winnings. The more insects you see, the better.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about cockroaches?

On the floor

An insect running across the floor means getting injured or difficult life circumstances, which you have to get out of with the help of cunning.

On the wall

When insects crawl around the house in a dream, you should pay attention to the direction of their movement:

  • Up is a sign of security and stability in the family;
  • Downward direction - financial collapse;
  • Aside from that, no significant changes are expected in the monetary issue.

In bed

Dreaming of insects in bed is interpreted by dream books specifically and clearly:

  • On the pillow - to conflict, the instigator of the quarrel will be a woman;
  • On the blanket - to the secrets that a man hides from his wife;
  • On a sheet - to the betrayal of one of the spouses.

Dreaming about cockroaches generally symbolizes enrichment and profit. This could be a promotion, an increase in pay, or a bonus for work. For a young girl, a dream can predict the appearance of a wealthy groom.

On the body

The interpretation of the dream is explained taking into account where the cockroaches were found. Bad sign- see an insect on yourself. The meaning of the dream depends on the situation.

Seeing a cockroach:

  • On the body - postpone your planned trip, road accidents are possible;
  • In the mouth - keep your mouth shut to avoid scandal;
  • Under clothes - check the safety of the cache. Perhaps the attackers became aware of it.


If an insect crawls out from under your heel, then you will have to go on a trip to resolve business issues.

In the hair

Insects on hair dream of an upcoming change in image. Sometimes a dream reflects the anxiety and stress of the sleeper.


Large, well-fed insects promise the dreamer an inheritance. The woman's relatives can give a generous gift.

Little ones

Small cockroaches in a dream - good sign. In the near future, your business will go uphill, and your financial situation will stabilize.

In 7 out of 9 cases, small insects dream of money

When small cockroaches come to a woman in a dream, this means an improvement in her material condition. This is a good period for investments, so if the dreamer has been planning to do this for a long time, now is the most favorable time for this.


When the insect that a woman dreamed of was of enormous size, it means that she will become an object of envy and gossip. Gossipers will slander, giving no peace. No need to get on your nerves. Sooner or later the situation will become clearer. It’s important not to worry, everything will work out.


Active, agile black Prussians seen in a dream are a good sign for those who dream of moving up the career ladder. They promise rapid career development and success. Don't miss the opportunity, show yourself in a positive way.

If you dreamed of a black cockroach alone, then the interpretation of the symbol will be different. The influential man probably harbored a grudge against the woman. This threatens the dreamer with serious problems.


White insects warn the dreamer about possible deception. Check documents and all incoming information for accuracy. Check all banknotes for authenticity.

Watch the video. Why does a woman dream of a cockroach?


When a woman dreams of red insects, she is advised to follow her lover, perhaps he is looking to the side.


The red cockroaches seen by the dreamer predict interference in her life by strangers with selfish intentions. Beware of such people, they can cause serious harm to your financial situation.


A dream about flying insects in reality promises a woman the appearance of a charming man whom she will love for the rest of her life.


Dream about dead insects large sizes advises correcting the mistakes of the past. Try to take advantage of the chance, because it will affect the future.

If the dead cockroaches in the dream were small in size, in reality the woman can achieve success, but she will have to put in a lot of effort.

A dream where a woman intends to enter an apartment, but cannot do so due to the large number of dead cockroaches on her way, means failure of plans for the near future.

If you see such a dream, do not rush to set global goals for yourself and begin to implement them. First, think carefully about each step, weighing all the pros and cons.


Insects, slowly crawling one after another towards the dreamer, in her dreams are a sign of prosperity and wealth. When the Prussians scattered, the dream suggests that the flow of finance will pass by.

A lot

A dream in which a woman sees a large number of cockroaches predicts the unexpected arrival of guests and family worries.

Dream Interpretation: cockroaches for a woman

According to the interpretation modern dream books, cockroaches are often associated with the material sphere. According to Miller's dream book, if a woman meets huge Prussians in her dreams, then she will experience rapid advancement in career ladder. The rise can be rapid and the best part is that the girl will be able to stay in her new field for a long time.

When a woman in a dream kills a vile insect that causes disgust and disgust, she will soon hear a lot of pleasant and joyful news.

Vanga mentions in her predictions that with such symbols, the news will concern the dreamer’s family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, live cockroaches in a woman’s bed foreshadow an unhappy relationship. A man will be around not because of love for a woman, but in order to satisfy his sexual desires. The faster a girl realizes this, the faster she will break the connection and the less bitterness she will experience in later life.


When a woman tries to get rid of insects in a dream, new serious worries await her in reality. Killing insects in a dream predicts an important cardinal event in the girl’s fate.

Whiskered insects occupying the kitchen of a home rightfully cause disgust in life. Many people are afraid of creatures. Why do women, girls, and men dream about cockroaches? What omens do terrible dreams bring? Dream books favor these pests. The Slavs have long considered them a prophecy of the appearance of a rich, generous guest. But plots should be interpreted from the context. The type of cockroach you dreamed of, color, size, location critically affects the decoding. The gender of the sleeper is also important.

What dream books say

Prophetic visions don't happen every night. Interpreters recommend that dreamed Prussians be taken into account. Moreover, they usually bring wonderful news. Their appearance in a dream tells the sleeping person:

  • making a profit so that it doesn’t pass by;
  • an important visitor so that he has time to prepare;
  • a chance for career growth so that you don’t miss out.

Pay attention to the number of insects. A woman may dream of many cockroaches before an unfavorable situation. Quantity changes the meaning of the prophecy.


Not every story with cockroaches in a dream is assessed positively by a psychologist. Some pictures have a bad connotation. His predictions are:

Eating a dish with a cockroach swimming in it is bad. This is a harbinger of the dreamer being condemned by society for bad habits.


The seer connected the Prussians with the news:

  1. Good things are brought by a horde of cockroaches crawling in the space of sleep. This will be information about an increase in earnings, a bonus, a new position.
  2. The bad ones are a pest. You will have worries and problems. Those around you will remain indifferent to calls for help. You'll have to sort it out yourself.

Vanga also deciphered more complex plots:

  1. Killing a pest is a big change. This is an event such as admission to an educational institution, meeting with your betrothed, or a fateful journey to distant lands.
  2. Dead speaks of the end of an unpleasant streak. You can rest and relax.
  3. Many people were killed after sanitation - a serious event will happen soon. It is advisable to pay attention to it and think about it.
  4. Living in an apartment, at home - there will be changes.
  5. Crawling over the body is an awkward situation.
  6. Along the wall, ceiling - unexpected profit. Buy a lottery ticket, remembering to say it.
  7. On the table - small or regular receipts.

The wise Vangelia gave separate predictions to female dreamers. For girls and unmarried women, the cockroach brings news about a future gentleman:

  • the dead prophesy a dishonest suitor;
  • black - rich;
  • red - military;
  • white - priest.

A huge Prussian catches up, attacks, bites - there is bad talk about you. The initiator of gossip is a friend to whom you trust your secrets. Look around, identify the source of slander.

Cockroaches and spiders together in a dream prophesy to men and women the machinations and networks of intriguers and unkind people. Sometimes they foretell a reprimand from superiors or an influential person.


The psychoanalyst is known for his original interpretations of dreams. He associates small insects with children, and the images themselves with primary instincts. Plots, in his opinion, should be recognized as follows:

  1. Seeing one redhead means a desire to have children.
  2. Dead - intimate problems. A lot is impotence for a man.
  3. To kill is an attraction to immature people.
  4. Cruelly mocking a pest is a sign of sadistic tendencies.
  5. To slap someone on the body is a shameful act.


This source connects mustachioed pests with prosperity. Interpretations by plot:

  1. One or more - an increase in cash receipts.
  2. A lot of it is accumulation. Sometimes it indicates an excess of things that the dreamer does not have time to use.
  3. Dead - losses, waste.

An unusual cockroach is a sign of energy anomalies in the room in which you dreamed.


An ancient soothsayer prophesies a monetary reward to someone who dreams of a Prussian. Red foretells a chance to win the lottery. Buy a ticket. Even after such a dream, an important person may visit you.

A negative interpretation, according to Nostradamus, is that it is a pest in food. An unpleasant picture indicates envious people planning to poison your peaceful existence. Ladies need to be more gentle with their lover. He is tired of whims and looks at other beauties.

Catching a Prussian means starting a family.

Video with interpretation of the Ancient Dream Book:

Other sources

Interpreters have different opinion regarding the appearance of cockroaches in dreams. Original interpretations:

  1. Islamic the dream book definitely prophesies joy.
  2. Hasse. Pests in the bathroom prepare the dreamer for wealth.
  3. Tsvetkova. The one who crawls on clothes advises you to work more diligently. Otherwise you will be punished financially. By the curtain - to ill health. Rest is needed.
  4. Loffa. Dreams of Prussians underfoot before a quarrel. The more there are, the longer the conflict with loved ones will last. If one falls on your head, then you will be criminally negligent at work. An accident is likely.
  5. Longo. Pests bring bad news. The dreamer got carried away by bad deeds and got involved in bad society. Hordes of blacks represent fear of change. The white magician only recognizes killing an insect good sleep. The plot characterizes the sleeper as a decent, wise person.
  6. Astromeridiana. Look forward to pleasant, joyful events. A quick move is likely. Spreading - gossip.
  7. Autumn. A scandal is brewing in the family.
  8. Summer. Minor quarrels.
  9. Children's. Financial growth. Quarrels with friends.
  10. Maly Velesov. The hassle associated with the arrival of guests. Unfounded worries.
  11. Russian folk. Deception. Forgery. There are obsessive, unworthy people hanging around, capable of setting you up and blaming their own tricks on you.
  12. Aesop. Catching it on the table is a reward for hard work. Flying - rivalry.
  13. Family. Seeing yourself surrounded by domestic pests means getting a scolding from your manager. Monsters of this breed are a sign of self-deception.
  14. Ukrainian. It's crazy in the house.
  15. Wanderer. Moves his mustache - matchmakers will come. Many - your conscience is unclean.
  16. Modern. To see is to be happy.

Interpretation by type and number of cockroaches


An insect crawling alone is interpreted by color:

  1. Black portends an acquaintance with a wealthy person. The girl is with the groom.
  2. Ginger indicates excessive gullibility of the sleeper. A friend can let you down, and a random person can deceive you.
  3. White portends a surprise of an unpleasant nature. If he disappeared, there would be no consequences. To kill him is to cope with the disaster on your own.

A lot of

Ambiguous plot. See great amount Prussians in a dream:

  • to profit, unexpected wealth;
  • to appointment to a high post (sleeping woman or her husband, father);
  • to receive protection;
  • to a pleasant pleasure trip.

Gathered in a big pile - tension in personal relationships. It would be more rational to give in and smooth out differences.

It is necessary to recognize the meaning of the plots by other nuances: the behavior of the Prussians, the actions of one’s own or other participants in the dreams.

Big size

Imagination exaggerates reality. Giant cockroaches are interpreted according to their actions:

  • just saw - dangerous situation;
  • attacked - harm from an enemy,
  • bitten - you will be defamed;
  • felt pain - betrayal in love, friendship;
  • run away - to escape from an unworthy friend, parting with a scandal;
  • many - black stripe.

To drive away such a monster is to show heroism and perseverance in very difficult, critical circumstances. Many years from now you will remember your action and be proud.

Little ones

The plot prophesies as follows:

  1. Small creatures crawling on the floor, walls, table, food - minor difficulties. Often they foreshadow unpleasant conversations and clashes.
  2. There is funny gossip in the refrigerator. They will retell them for you to have fun.
  3. On clothes, body, hair - income of money, gifts, chances.
  4. On another person - they will slander him in order to cause a rift between you.
  5. On a stranger - someone will ask for help.
  6. On an animal there is a risk of committing a bad act. Be careful.

A mustachioed little thing is a symbol of bad thoughts. If you don't drive them away, you may succumb to depression.


If a harmful character takes off, then there is no need to wait for good. This is a prophecy of the appearance of a rival. Moreover, the girl will be more successful if the dreamer does not destroy the creature.

Living and dead

Prussians from night visions are messengers. They show the secret meaning of future events. This is true if the pests are alive and healthy. The dead are interpreted differently:

  • one - information is hidden;
  • many - ill-wishers weave intrigues without reporting important facts;
  • huge - they will try to steal;
  • crippled (without paws, whiskers, body parts) - they will deceive a large amount, the borrower will not return the funds.

The revived pest speaks of the restoration of justice. Lovers will reconcile after a quarrel over a slander; the bosses recognize the merits of the slandered worker; Forgotten debts will be returned.

Color meaning


Most often he talks about income. Even negative pictures predict troubles that end in profit.


This color indicates unworthy people, erroneous assessments of others. Portends deception, fraud, secret and overt conflicts.


Albinos neutralize the negative prophecies of dreams. Troubles will happen, but they will not bring troubles. For example, an insolvent friend will borrow money. He will harbor a desire not to give the amount. But circumstances will be such that it will have to be returned in the near future.


Fantastic color shows the state of energy:

  • purple - positive;
  • blue - reduced;
  • yellow - closed;
  • red - sexy;
  • orange - increased (promotes risk);
  • green - optimal.

What they were doing

The activity of the sleeper or other participants in virtual plots plays its own role in decoding. The ideal interpretation is made up of all the nuances.

Kill, slam, poison

  • to poison in the house - to create harmony in relations between relatives;
  • in the bathroom - whitewash your own name;
  • in the toilet - waste your fortune, waste your savings;
  • destroy in the office, at the place of work - cope with slackers, gossips, ill-wishers;
  • kill one in your own kitchen - reveal an envious person;
  • slam on your arm, stomach, leg - clear your thoughts of negativity, stop being offended;
  • on the head, in the hair - buy something unnecessary;
  • in a car, bus - an emergency situation;
  • V public place- miss the chance for risky enrichment.

If a girl kills a big black Prussian crawling towards her doorstep in a dream, then she will refuse a good guy. You will regret this action until your gray hairs.


It’s good to drive harmful creatures out of the house if they are red and nasty. This plot prophesies the establishment of peace, universal recognition of you as a leader. The harmony will not last long. But this time will be enough to restore peace of mind.

To drive out many dark Prussians is to fight for a place in this world. Such pictures come only to brave, integral individuals. Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Your thoughts are fair, and your plans take into account the interests of all participants in the situation.

Using a towel to fight off those who are creeping in means arguing with envious people. The latter will try to drag you into their network. The result depends on the correct assessment of the situation, the role of each interlocutor, and his secret intentions.

Sweep out of the apartment with a broom or broom - change your place of residence. Another room will be more suitable and energetically clean. Probably, the current house darkens your aura and draws out vital juices.


Stepping on a barbel in a vision means coping with problems. Remember exactly how this happened:

  1. Intentionally crush - the seriousness of the dreamer. He grows up and ceases to be afraid of responsibility. Those around you and your relatives will not be slow to appreciate this change.
  2. By chance - refusal to communicate with obvious enemies. Together with them, annoying misunderstandings that exhaust the soul will go away.


Chasing longhorned Prussians in your dreams is a hint. You are overly passionate about obtaining benefits. Intentions to get rich in any way fence off other, more important areas of life from you. Look around, are you not offending your loved ones who have trusted you with your selfish considerations?

Catching insects for a girl means hypertrophied concentration on her own appearance. But guys are attracted not only to makeup, hairstyle, dress. They also need soul, kindness, affection.

Someone else catches you - you have indulged in unseemly feelings. This is a sign of dark envy. Negative emotion does not contribute to the development of your life.

Suffer from a bite

Toothed Prussians are found only in fantastic dreams. But interpreters have found a corresponding purpose for them:

  • positive changes;
  • a tempting career offer;
  • improving family ties;
  • moving to a new level as a couple;
  • a bright novel without offense or worry.

If there are many biters, it means that several influential people are betting on the sleeping person. He managed to please the powers that be with his creative projects and active position. For a girl, this situation predicts several marriage proposals.

Where did you see it?

Sometimes the main factor is the location in which the small reptile was located. It is usually interpreted as follows:

  • in bed - personal disappointments;
  • on a person - jealousy;
  • on the street - futile worries;
  • in the forest - a strange act;
  • in the garden - a quarrel with a brother, sister.

Prussian promises a lonely lady in bed love relationship with a married man. Give up hope if there is already a connection. A man will never leave his wife.

Fantastic images

Sometimes the stories become completely unrealistic. Some found an interpretation:

  1. Riding a cockroach means boasting about your own wealth. This will cause envy and also harm the successful course of business.
  2. Catching them with a lasso is not a realistic plan. Leave it and turn to more promising projects.
  3. Destroying creatures with piercing objects (saber, needle, sword) is a waste of energy fighting imaginary enemies.

To breed Prussians on purpose, to take care of replenishing the “herd”, means to progressively, stubbornly achieve a high position.

Cockroaches cause a feeling of disgust. These unclean insects instill horror and a feeling of disgust. A large percentage of people are actually afraid of them. But traditions and interpretations say that the cockroach is a good symbol.

The Slavs considered this insect a worthy guest of any home. His presence spoke of prosperity, comfort and strong family life. Why do you dream of cockroaches and how is it deciphered in different dream books?

There are a lot of variations on the theme of why Prussians dream about them. It is worth paying attention to the details of the dream; every little thing can mean one or another event in the future. A cockroach may appear alone, or maybe a whole flock is bothering you. They run on the floor or crawl on your body, causing you to panic. All additional dream elements play an important role, so do not neglect them.

When entering a query into the cockroaches dream book, many expect to see negative interpretations. But don’t be scared, the generalized designation of sleep is not as scary as it might seem.

General meaning of the dream

Most dream books say that seeing cockroaches in a dream is the personification of success. Happiness can come to you in different forms. We are also talking about good luck in business and profession, improving financial well-being, winning sweepstakes, and moving up the career ladder.

If a woman dreams of cockroaches, then this will bring good things. This means that in the near future she will be revealed information that will be pleasant news. The cockroach promises pleasant and profitable purchases. There will be an opportunity to completely update your wardrobe.

Male representatives see such dreams also not in vain. They portend sudden additional income and a successful outcome of work affairs. Perhaps an assistant will appear in your professional activity, and things will go uphill.

What different dream books say

Each dream book interprets the concept of cockroaches in its own way. However, in almost every case, the decoding will be positive. You just have to take into account some of the nuances, and you can be ready for changes in the future. Let's try to figure out what the Prussians dream about, and what famous soothsayers say about this.


Miller's dream book interprets in a simple way the appearance of Prussians in a dream. This is not a reason for anxiety or grief. Partly the opposite. If you are bothered by problems in your everyday life, you will soon resolve them with minimal expenditure of energy and time.

If you dream of dead cockroaches, then this symbolizes passing problems and sorrows. All you have to do is look around and make a small push towards luck, and you will succeed.

If a girl has to kill cockroaches in a dream, then this promises small quarrels in her personal life. However, nothing big will happen. Such squabbles will help you achieve greater understanding with your other half in the future.

If you eat cockroaches in a dream, then this is a reference to your unusual and even harmful desires. It is worth engaging in self-control to avoid problems in reality.


Vanga deciphers dreams in an ambiguous way, unlike the previous interpreter.

Seeing one insect in a dream promises you bad luck. This suggests that if you encounter trouble, friends and family will not come to your aid. You will have to solve problems alone. A dead mosquito means that you will spend a lot of energy while coping with difficulties.

Why do you dream of many cockroaches in an apartment? Vanga believes that this is a positive moment. The sleeper will be able to climb the career ladder and receive financial profit.

If an insect is crawling over your body, then there is a chance to find yourself in an awkward position, from which it will not be easy to find a way out.


The dream book pays special attention to black cockroaches. Seeing such insects is a bright sign of an unexpected and large win. This is not necessarily a lottery or competition; it can also be about luck in life.

Simple red-haired Prussians dream that you are surrounded by people full of self-interest and evil intentions. Ill-wishers can get into your circle of trust and begin to create intrigues. Reconsider your attitude towards some of your friends.

To dream of cockroaches that have gotten into your food or are swimming in a bowl of soup indicates that problems await you, the solution of which will not come in the fastest way. Try not to make big plans for the next month, because they are destined to fail.


Freud compares any small insects with small children.

Why, then, does a woman dream of a cockroach? To the desire to have a child, to start a strong family.

Why do men dream of cockroaches according to Freud? If you dream of a dead Prussian, then this promises problems in the area of ​​intimate life. In addition, people who suffer from infertility dream of dead insects.

If you catch and kill them in a dream, then we are talking about a secret attraction to minors. If the murder is cruel and sophisticated, then there is a tendency towards sadism.

Another interpretation of the dream is to survive the betrayal of a loved one, to deceive your expectations.

If you simply swatted away a cockroach that was crawling across your body, you will experience a feeling of acute shame for life situations in reality.

But career achievements will go uphill if you dream of a black insect.


Hasse in his dream book does not devote much space to deciphering dreams with the appearance of cockroaches. He provides generalized knowledge about insects in general.

However, it is mentioned that if a huge Prussian crawls across the floor, then this will bring favorable news about your family.

If a married lady sees this insect in a dream, then this promises a new stage in her relationship with her significant other. It’s worth thinking in a positive way: strengthening feelings, having children, traveling, doing things together.

According to Loff

Running cockroaches in Loff’s dream book indicate that joyful worries, pleasant shopping, and family troubles await you.

If insects have unusual look, look like little monsters, then you should think about whether there are things in your home that carry a lot of negative energy. Get rid of them as soon as possible.

A crowd of Prussians hints that the house needs to be rid of rubbish.

By Longo

According to Longo's dream book, many cockroaches in the house are interpreted as having a phobia of losing what you have. this moment in reality: family, housing, financial accumulation. This dream should foreshadow that you should not waste your emotions on empty experiences. We must live for today.

If you dream of one cockroach, it will be a symbol of an unexpected win. Try buying a lottery ticket.

Sleep Features

A role in the interpretation of dreams is played not only by the circumstances of the dream, but also by its features. Every detail, from the number of cockroaches to the type of setting: home, street, forest, carries its own special symbol.

Dead or Alive

Small live cockroaches are a pleasant symbol that you are being revived by additional income that you did not expect or profit. We are talking about monetary rewards, gifts, new clothes.

Dead Prussians are Bad sign. Workplace the person who dreamed about them may be lost. We need to focus on our professional activities and not waste our energy on trifles. Ask colleagues or friends for help.


Red cockroaches mean trouble in the house - many dream books talk about this. They promise minor misfortunes, idle talk, squabbles and unjustified hopes.

You will be able to improve your well-being and that of your loved ones if you dream of a crowd of cockroaches. However, this also suggests that not everything on your conscience is as smooth as it seems. You are tormented by her remorse, worried about the money that you did not earn in the most honest way.


The color and number of insects play an important role in the process of dream interpretation.

A large black cockroach dreams of unexpected financial rewards. It is a symbol of success and career growth. It is considered an excellent sign for men who are immersed in their profession and dream of achieving a high level.

A large number of insects

Killing a lot of cockroaches in a dream means fighting enemies and competitors.

If there are a lot of cockroaches crawling around your apartment in a dream, then you will soon receive a profit or a bonus.

Large insects that have gathered together foreshadow disputes and disagreements in your personal life. Try to make concessions to your significant other to avoid huge scandals and quarrels. Work on your relationships.


The actions that cockroaches perform in your dreams or what you do with them can affect the interpretation of the dream. Take a closer look at a number of transcripts and choose the one that suits you personally.

Crush the Prussians

Dream books say that if you crush insects in a dream, then you should take household chores more seriously. Big changes are coming, you can free yourself from routine and boring worries. In this case, there will be no scandals or quarrels.

If you accidentally crush an insect, then expect sudden news.

There is an opportunity to get rid of minor troubles. However, you should not pay more attention to the little things in your life, try to think more globally.

Together with the crushed Prussians, all ill-wishers will leave your life.

Catching cockroaches

If you catch cockroaches in a dream and try to catch up with it, then you need to be careful. This suggests that you have many desires and aspirations, but there will be obstacles on the way to realizing them. Take a closer look at your surroundings; there are many envious people and ill-wishers among them.

Catching insects also represents a strong desire to maintain mutual understanding and goodness within your family or personal life.

Present in bed

If you see cockroaches in your bedroom, then a streak of disappointment and failure awaits you. The happiness of family life can fall apart due to the gossip and tricks of your enemies. They will spread false rumors and ruin your mood.

A Prusak crawling over a person warns that your spouse may be very jealous of you, which leads to quarrels.

Getting rid of an insect in bed means a disease or the presence of enemies.

Unmarried women see similar dreams to marry a man they can never love. In such a family, everyone will mind their own business, there will be no communication and contact.

Lonely people may have a dream in which there will be a whole crowd of cockroaches in their bed. Such dreams speak of upcoming minor troubles and adversities. A long-awaited vacation may be disrupted or a minor trouble at work may occur. However, you can spend a lot of time solving the problem.

If a lonely person has a regular lover, then you should expect a gift from him. This will be an unexpected and pleasant gift in the form of money or luxury items.

They bite

What does it mean to dream about a cockroach biting you?

Most often, this portends significant changes in life. It's worth thinking in a positive way. If your life's focus is on career growth and professional development, then expect suggestions from your manager that will help you move forward.

Family people who were bitten by a Prussian in a dream dare to hope for improved relations within the family. A married couple can move to a new level of love feelings. Perhaps a second honeymoon will begin. If there are children in the family, they will please their parents with their success in learning and development, and you will be proud of them.

Single people will have a chance to meet their other half or experience a short-term but passionate romance. In any situation, emotions will be bright and pleasant, and the pain from the breakup will be brightened up by a new, lighter feeling.

As you can see, in most interpretations, cockroaches play the role of a positive hero. This symbol means success in financial and career matters. May promise improved well-being. Management is also reflected in love affairs; you will be able to improve relationships with your partner or meet your chosen one.

Among the negative aspects, ill-wishers may be wary of you and will try to harm you and your family. Be careful and do not let strangers into your life whom you do not trust one hundred percent.

Dream Interpretation