How to ask Allah for forgiveness. Muslim prayer to ask forgiveness from Allah Prayer to Allah Almighty for help

This article contains: a prayer to Allah for help in Russian - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

In the Koran, which is holy book for all Muslims, it is said that if one prays to Allah every day, it will definitely be rewarded. The belief in this is so strong in the soul of every believer that believers turn to Allah many times throughout the day, both in sorrow and in joy. Every Muslim believes that only Allah is able to protect him from all earthly evil.

Gratitude and Praise to Allah in Daily Prayer

The Koran says that a true believer must praise and thank Allah every day.

The daily prayer translated into Russian is as follows:

Muslim prayers to Allah

Exists great amount a variety of Muslim prayers that are read in a variety of everyday situations. For example, there are special prayers that need to be read in morning time while dressing and vice versa, in evening time in the process of undressing. Prayers must be said before eating.

Every Muslim always reads a prayer when putting on new clothes, and at the same time asks Allah to protect him from damage. In addition, the prayer mentions giving thanks to the one who created the clothing, as well as asking Allah to send him the highest blessings.

Prayer is required before a believer leaves the house or in cases where one has to enter someone’s house. In this way, reverence and respect are expressed for the people whose home you have to visit.

Prayer "Kulhu Allahu ahad" in Arabic

The prayer “Kulhu Allahu ahad” is aimed at ensuring that a person can fulfill his own desires.

In Arabic, the text of the prayer is:

Lam yalid wa lam yulad

Wa lam yakun allahu, kufuwan ahad.”

It is believed that this appeal is more effective if pronounced in Arabic. It is imperative to take into account that this prayer can be read by a believer who has a pure soul and sincere thoughts. Otherwise, Allah simply will not hear the request and will not help. You also need to know that you this prayer not pronounced. It is important to understand the very essence of the ritual. The person for whom the prayer is offered must sit on a chair, and the one saying the prayer places his hands on his head.

After this, the words of prayer are said. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to carry out the ritual for several days in a row.

Listen to the prayer “Kulhu Allahu ahad”:

Text of the prayer “Kulhu Allahu ahad” in Russian

Despite the fact that the prayer “Kulhu Allahu Ahad” is considered stronger in the original language, it is allowed to pronounce its words in Russian. There are several variations of this prayer.

For example, you can pray with the following words:

It is important to understand that this prayer does not carry magical overtones; it contains a philosophical and religious grain. And this is exactly what the people participating in the ritual should fully feel. What is important is sincere faith that Allah will hear the prayer and will definitely reliably protect the person. But this is only possible if a person has a bright soul.

Prayer to Allah for help “O Allah, help me”

Namaz is a mandatory ritual for any Muslim. He will build not only from prayers, but also from certain actions. Therefore, someone who has recently converted to Islam will need to make great efforts to master all the rules. Of course, at first you will need to gradually study all the necessary prayers.

But first of all, you should know that there is a single prayer that can be used at any time.

It sounds like this:

In addition, there is a very important prayer for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the rules of prayer.

After obligatory prayers you should say the following prayer phrase:

Prayer "Allah Akbar"

“Allah Akbar” translated from Arabic means the great Lord. This phrase recognizes the power and might of the Almighty. In the Muslim religion, “Allah Akbar” is a formula for recognizing the Greatness of God. This phrase emphasizes obedience to Allah, it is one of the phrases that reflects true obedience to the Almighty, an oath of denial of other powers and dominations.

Every Muslim child understands what “Allah Akbar” means. This sacred phrase sounds on the lips of Muslims throughout their lives, and these words accompany all the deeds of the faithful. This phrase is always heard in Islamic prayers. It is treated as a separate prayer request.

It can be translated as follows:

It is incorrect to treat this expression as a war cry. It is rather a reminder to the faithful that regardless of the current situation, God is Great and Almighty. It must be remembered that success and happiness for a Muslim comes from Allah, his whole life depends on him. A believer says “Allahu Akbar” when he is very frightened and after that his soul will certainly calm down. Because he will remember that everything is in the hands of God. Using this phrase you can also remove anger from the soul, calm down and prevent wrong actions. This prayer expression is also pronounced in moments of joy and success as a sign of thanksgiving to God.

Prayer to Allah for help in Russian

Namaz is the second pillar of Islam

Namaz is one of the foundations of the religion of Islam. With its help, the connection between man and the Almighty is established. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Know that the best of your deeds is prayer!” Reading prayer five times a day helps a person strengthen his faith each time, cleanse his soul from committed sins and protect himself from future sins. Another hadith says: “The first thing a person will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is about performing prayer on time.”

Before each prayer, a true Muslim performs ablution and appears before his Creator. IN morning prayer he exalts Allah, endlessly asserting His exclusive right to worship. A believer turns to the Creator for help and asks Him straight path. As proof of submission and loyalty, a person bows to the ground before the Almighty.

How to read namaz correctly (Namaz uku tertibe)

Prayers are performed in Arabic - the language of Revelation - 5 times a day:

  1. at dawn (Irtenge);
  2. in the middle of the day (Oile);
  3. in the evening (Ikende);
  4. at sunset (Akhsham);
  5. at dusk (Yastu).

This determines the rhythm of the day of a Muslim believer. To perform namaz, women and men must cleanse their soul and body, clothing and place of prayer. If possible, righteous Muslims should strive to pray in a mosque. If this is not possible, you are allowed to pray almost anywhere, for example, at a university or in an office.

Before the obligatory prayer there is a call to it - Azan. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), in order to show that Azan is a manifestation of piety, said: “If the time for prayer has come, let one of you read the Azan to you.”

To read the prayer, the following conditions must be met:

  1. ritual purity. A person in a state of defilement must perform a ritual ablution (full or partial, according to the degree of defilement);
  2. clean place. Prayer should be performed only in a clean, undefiled place (free from najasa - uncleanness);
  3. qibla During prayer, the believer must stand in the direction of the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba;
  4. cloth. A Muslim must wear absolutely clean clothes, not stained with uncleanliness (for example, human or animal excrement, the hair of unclean animals such as a pig or a dog). Also, clothes must cover the aurat - places that a believer must cover according to Sharia (for a man - part of the body from the navel to the knees, for a woman - the whole body, except for the face, hands and feet);
  5. intention. A person must have a sincere intention to perform prayer (niyat);
  6. sobriety of mind. Alcohol, various psychotropic and narcotic drugs are absolutely prohibited in Islam (this is haram).

Muslim prayers are the basis of a Muslim’s life

Also unlike Muslim prayer in Islam there are prayers (in Arabic they are called “dua”, and in Tatar – “doga”) - this is an opportunity to communicate with the Lord of the worlds. The Almighty knows everything obvious and hidden, so Allah hears any prayer, no matter whether the Muslim prayer is said out loud or silently, on the surface of the Moon or in a mine where coal is mined.

Dua to Allah should always be pronounced confidently, because we know: Allah created us and our difficulties, and He has the power to change this world and solve any problem without difficulty. And no matter what language you use to address the Creator, let your soul whisper in the language in which it is easiest for you to express yourself.

In Islam there are prayers for all occasions. Below are examples of Muslim duas, most of which are taken from the Koran and Sunnah, as well as from sheikhs and auliya (close people - friends of Allah). Among them are prayers for good luck. For example, against problems, misfortune, misfortune and grief, if there is danger, etc.

Muslim prayer if you want to repent of your sins

Allahumma ante rabbi, laya ilyayahe illya ant, halyaktanii wa ana 'abduk, wa ana 'alaya 'ahdikya wa wa'dikya mastato'tu, a'uuzu bikya min sharri maa sona'tu, abuu'u lyakya bi ni'matica 'alaya wa abuu'ulakya bi zanbii, fagfirlii, fa innehu laya yagfiruz-zunuube illya ant.

O Allah, You are my Lord! There is no God but You. You created me, and I am Your servant. And I will try to justify the responsibility entrusted to me, to keep my word to the best of my strength and capabilities. I resort to You, moving away from everything bad that I have done. I acknowledge the blessings You have given me and I acknowledge my sin. I'm sorry! Truly, no one will forgive my mistakes except You. Note: by becoming a Muslim, a person assumes a certain responsibility and makes a vow to the Almighty not to do what is forbidden and to do what is obligatory.

Muslim prayers read before eating

First option: Bismillah!

Note: The Prophet Muhammad said: “Before eating, each of you should say: “Bismillah.” If he forgets about this at the beginning [of the meal], then let him say as soon as he remembers: “Bismil-lyahi fii avalihi va aakhirihi” (With the name of the Most High at the beginning and at the end [of the meal]).”

Allahumma baariq lanaa fikh, va at’ymnaa khairan minkh.

O Almighty, make it blessed for us and feed us with what is better than this.

Muslim prayers read when leaving home

Bismil-layakh, tavakkyaltu ‘alal-laakh, wa laya havla wa laya kuvvate illya bill-layakh.

In the name of Almighty Allah! I trust only in Him. True power and strength belong only to Him.

Allahumma innii ‘auuzu bikya an adyllya av udalla av azilla av usalla av azlimya av uzlyama av ajhala av yudjhala ‘alaya.

O Lord! Truly, I resort to You so as not to go astray and not be led astray, so as not to make mistakes myself and not be forced to make mistakes, so as not to act unfairly myself and not be oppressed, so as not to be ignorant and so that in relation to me did not act ignorantly.

Muslim prayer read at the entrance to the house

Saying these words, the one who enters greets the one who is in him:

Bismil-lyahi valyajna, wa bismil-lyaahi harajna va ‘alaya rabbinaa ta-vakkyalnaa.

We entered in the name of the Most High and went out in His name. And only in our Lord do we trust.

Muslim prayer if you want to get married

First, ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which two rak'ahs must be performed additional prayer and say:

Allahumma innakya takdir wa laya akdir wa ta'lyam wa la a'lyam wa ante 'alla-yamul-guyuyub, fa in ra'aita anna (says the girl's name) khairun li fii dii-nii wa dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa li, va in kyanet gairukhaa khairan lii minhaa fii diinii wa dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa lii.

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don’t. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if You think what is best for preserving my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me in making her my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that the other becomes my wife (husband).

Muslim prayer before marital intimacy:

Bismil-layah. Allahumma jannibnash-shaitaane wa jannibish-shaitaana maa razaktanaa.

I start with the name of the Lord. O Almighty, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will give us!

Muslim prayer read in case of loss of any thing

Bismil-layah. Yaa haadiyad-dullyayal wa raaddad-doollyati-rdud ‘alaya dool-lyatii bi ‘izzatikya va sultaaniq, fa innahaa min ‘atoikya va fadlik.

I start with the name of Allah. O He who guides those who stray from it to the right path! O He Who restores what has been lost. Give me back the lost thing with Your greatness and power. Truly this thing has been given to me by You out of Your boundless mercy.

Muslim prayer against problems, trouble, misfortune and grief

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji'uun, allaahumma 'indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa'jurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe.

Verily, we belong completely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown and replace the misfortune with something that is better than it.

Muslim prayer against difficulty, need and problems

First, ritual ablution (taharat, abdest) is performed, after which two rakats of additional prayer must be performed and said:

Alhamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-'aalamiin, as'alyukya muujibaati rahmatik, va 'azaaima magfiratiq, val-'ismata min kulli zanb, val-ganiimata min kulli birr, vas-salyayamata min kulli ism, laya tada' liyi zanban illya gafartakh, wa laya hamman illya farrajtakh, wa laya haajaten hiya laka ridan illya kadaitahaa, ya arkhamar-raahimiin.

True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You, O Allah, for something that will bring Your mercy closer to me, the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, protection from sins, benefit from everything righteous. I ask You for salvation from all mistakes. Do not leave a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety from which You would not deliver me, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You. After all, You are the Most Merciful.

Muslim prayers against anxiety and sadness in the soul

Allahumma innii ‘abdukya ibnu ‘abdikya ibnu ematik. Naasyatiy bi yadikya maadyn fiya hukmukya ‘adlyun fiya kadouk. As'alukya bi kulli ismin huva lak, sammyate bihi nafsyak, av ansaltahu fii kitaabik, av 'allamtahu akhaden min halkyk, av ista'sarte bihi fii 'ilmil-gaibi 'indeky, en tad-j'alal-kur'ana rabi' a kalbi, wa nuura sadri, wa jalaa'e khuzni, wa zahaaba hami.

O Allah Almighty! I am Your servant, the son of Your male servant and Your maidservant. The power over me is in Your [right hand]. Your decision is unquestioningly carried out in relation to me and is fair. I turn to You by all the names that You have called Yourself or mentioned in Your Scripture or revealed to anyone from those created by You or by those [names] that are known only to You. [I turn to You in Your name] and ask you to make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my soul and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness, the end of my anxiety.

Allahumma innii a'uuzu bikya minal-hammi wal-hazan, wal-'ajzi wal-kyasal, wal-buhli wal-jubn, wa dola'id-dein wa galabatir-rijaal.

O Almighty, with Your help I am moving away from anxiety and sadness, from weakness and laziness, from stinginess and cowardice, from the burden of debt and human oppression.

Muslim prayers if there is danger

Allahumma innaa naj'alukya fii nuhuurihim, wa na'uuzu bikya min shuruurihim.

O Allah, we hand over their throats and tongues to You for judgment. And we resort to You, moving away from their evil.

Hasbunal-laahu wa ni'mal vakiil.

The Lord is enough for us, and He is the best Patron.

Muslim prayer to pay off debts

Allahumma, ikfinii bi halayalik ‘an haraamik, va agnini bi fadlikya ‘am-man sivaak.

O Allah, make sure that what is permitted [halal] protects me from what is forbidden [haram] and make me, by Your mercy, independent of everyone except You.

Muslim prayers when visiting a sick person

Laya ba's, tahuurun inshaa'el-laakh (dvaraza).

Translation: No problem, you will be cleansed with the permission of the Lord.

The second option, the prayer should be said seven times:

As'elul-laakhal-'azim, rabbel-'arshil-'azim ai yashfiyak.

I ask the Great Creator, the Lord of the great Throne, for your healing.

Du'a (prayer) for all occasions

Du'a (supplication) is one of the types of worship of Allah. In the Qur'an, the Lord says: “Address me with du'a - and I will answer you.” In this regard, in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) there are numerous examples of how and in what cases it is advisable to turn to the Almighty in order to earn His mercy, gain blessing (bakakat) and protection.

Praise be to Allah, who resurrected us after He killed us (that is, sent us sleep, which is the “brother” of death), and to Him is resurrection.

Praise be to Allah, who healed my body, restored my spirit to me and allowed me to remember Him.

Praise be to Allah, who dressed me in this (clothing) and gave it to me, while I myself have neither power nor strength (that is, I do not have sufficient strength and cunning to get clothes for myself).

O Allah, praise be to You! You have dressed me in this (clothing), and I ask You for its good and the good of that for which it was made, and I resort to You from its evil and the evil of that for which it was made.

May Allah Almighty compensate you when you wear it out.

Wear new things, live with dignity and die the death of a martyr for the faith.

In the name of Allah.

In the name of Allah, O Allah, verily, I resort to You from depravity and bad deeds (it is also possible that by “hubs” and “habais” we mean evil spirits both sexes).

I testify that there is no god but Allah alone, Who has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.

O Allah, number me among the repentant and number me among the purifying.

Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, I testify that there is no god but You, I ask Your forgiveness and offer You my repentance.

In the name of Allah, I trust in Allah, there is no power or strength except Allah. (Possible translation: “Only Allah gives power and strength.”).

O Allah, verily, I seek refuge in You from going astray or being led astray, from making a mistake myself, and from being forced to make a mistake, from doing injustice, and from to be treated unfairly, from being ignorant, and from being kept in ignorance.

We entered in the name of Allah, we came out in the name of Allah, and we began to trust in our Lord.(Having said this, the person entering should greet those in the house).

O Allah, place light in my heart, and light in my tongue, and light in my hearing, and light in my sight, and place light above me, and light below me, and light on my right, and light on my left, and there is a light before me and a light behind me, and place a light in my soul, and make a light great for me, and make a light great for me, and light a light for me, and make me a light. O Allah, grant me light, and place light in my sinews, and place light in my flesh, and light in my blood, and light in my hair, and light in my skin.

I resort to Allah the Great, to His noble face and His eternal power from the damned shaitan. In the name of Allah, blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, open the gates of Your mercy for me!

In the name of Allah, blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, O Allah, verily, I ask You for Your mercy, O Allah, protect me from the accursed shaitan.

“Allahumma, bi-kya amsayna, wa bi-kya asbakhna, wa bi-kya nahya, wa bi-kya namutu wa ilyay-kya-l-masyru” (This is read in the evening).

O Allah, thanks to You we lived until the morning and thanks to You we lived until the evening, You give us life, and You deprive us of it, and You will resurrect us for an account.

O Allah, thanks to You we lived until the evening and thanks to You we lived until the morning. You give us life, and You deprive us of it, and You raise us up for an account.

O Allah, You are my Lord, and there is no god but You, You created me, and I am Your slave, and I will remain faithful to You as long as I have enough strength. I resort to You from the evil of what I have done, I acknowledge the mercy You have shown me, and I acknowledge my sin. Forgive me, for, truly, no one forgives sins except You!

Allah is enough for me, there is no god but Him, I trust in Him and He is the Lord of the great throne.(These words should be said seven times.)

I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Islam as a religion and Muhammad as a prophet!(These words should be repeated three times. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will certainly show His favor towards those who do this in the morning and in the evening).

Glory to Allah and praise be to Him(If a person begins to repeat these words a hundred times in the morning and in the evening, then on the Day of Resurrection only the one who repeated them the same number or more will be able to bring with him something more worthy).

There is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner. Dominion belongs to Him. Praise be to him. He can do anything.(These words should be repeated ten times or said once in the case when a person is overcome by laziness).

After this, you should run your palms over the entire body, starting with the head, face and front of the body. (All this must be done three times).

With Your name, my Lord, I lie down on my side and with Your name I will rise. If You take my soul, then have mercy on it, and if You let it go, then protect it through what You protect Your righteous servants.

O Allah, with Your name I will die and with it I will live.

There is no god but Allah, the Only, the Supremious, the Lord of the heavens, the earth and that which is between them, the Almighty, the Forgiving.

I resort to the perfect words of Allah from His anger, and His punishment, and the evil of His servants, and from the instigations of the devils and from their coming to me.

b) Turn to Allah for protection from Satan and from the evil of what he saw (three times).

A'uzu billahi min ash-shaitani r-radazim

c) Don't tell anyone about this.

d) Turn over to the other side.

e) Stand up and pray if a person wishes to do so.

O Allah, verily, I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the sentence You passed on me is fair. I adjure You by each of Your names with which You have called Yourself. or sent it down in Your Book, or revealed it to anyone of Your creation, or left it hidden from everyone except You, make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the cessation of my anxiety!

O Allah, verily, I resort to You from anxiety and sadness, weakness and negligence, stinginess and cowardice, the burden of debt and from the oppression of people.(Here we mean that people most often find themselves either oppressors or oppressed. Another translation option is also possible: “... and from being in a humiliated position among people”).

There is no god but Allah, the Great. Meek, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the great throne, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the noble throne.

There is no god but You, glory to You, truly, I was one of the unjust.

Allah, Allah, my Lord, I do not worship anyone along with Him!

“Allah is enough for us, He is a wonderful Patron!”(Quran, 4:173.)

O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the great throne, be for me a protector from such and such, the son of such and such, and his minions from among Your creations, so that none of them hasten to offend me or subject me to oppression (pronounce the name of the one whom they are afraid.) Strong is the one whom You protect, great praise be to You, there is no god but You!

O Allah, deliver me from them as you wish!

b) You should stop doing things that raise doubts.

I believed in Allah and His messengers.

O Allah, make sure that what is permitted by You frees me from the need to turn to what is forbidden by You and by Your mercy free me from the need to need anyone other than You!

O Allah, nothing is easy except what You have made easy, and if You wish, You will make this difficulty easy!

This was ordained by Allah and He did what He wanted.

– A strong believer is better before Allah and more loved by Him than a weak believer, although there is good in each of them. Strive for what will benefit you, ask Allah for help and do not give up, and if something befalls you, do not say: “If only I had done such and such!”, but say: “This is predestined.” Allah, and He did what He wished,” for these “ifs” open the way for Satan to his deeds!

“Barakya-Llahu la-kya fi-l-mauhubi la-kya, wa shakarta-l-Wahiba, wa balyaga ashudda-hu wa ruzikta birra-hu!”

May Allah bless you in the one who was given to you, may you repay the Giver with gratitude, may he reach full maturity and may you be given the opportunity to see the manifestations of his respect!

“Barakya-Llahu la-kya, wa barakya ´alay-kya, wa jazza-kya-Llahu khairan, wa razaka-kya-Llahu misla-hu wa ajzala sawaba-kya!”

May Allah bless you, and may He send His blessings upon you, and may He reward you with good, and may Allah send you the same, and may He reward you generously!

“U'izu-kuma bi-kalyamati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min buy shaitanin, va hammatin, wa min buy 'ainin lyammatin!'

I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any shaitan, and insect, and from every evil eye!

I ask Allah the Great, Lord of the Great Throne, to heal you.(These words should be said seven times.)

O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me and join me to high society (“Ar-Rafik al-A’la.” Here we mean either Allah, one of whose names is the name “Rafik,” or angels, prophets, righteous people, etc.)

“La ilaha illa-Llahu, inna li-l-mauti la-sakyaratin!”

There is no god but Allah, truly, troubles precede death!(In this case we are talking about the physical and spiritual suffering of the dying person, in other words, agony).

There is no god but Allah, Allah is great, there is no god but Allah alone, there is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner, there is no god but Allah, to Him belongs sovereignty. To him be praise, there is no god but Allah, and there is no power or strength in anyone but Allah!

Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we return! O Allah, reward me for my misfortune and give me something better in return!

Indeed, to Allah belongs what He has taken and what He has given, and He has set a time limit for everything. so be patient and endure the loss without complaint in the hope of Allah’s reward.(The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered these words to be conveyed to one of his daughters when her young son died).

“A'zama-Llahu ajra-kya, wa ahsana 'azaa-kya wa gafara li-mayiti-kya!”

May Allah make your reward great, and may He send you wonderful consolation and may He forgive the one who died in your life!

Peace be with you, O Muslim believers lying here! Truly, if Allah wills, we will join you, and Allah will have mercy on those of us who left earlier and those who stayed behind, and I ask Allah for deliverance for us and for you!

O Allah, verily, I ask You for his good, the good of what he carries in himself, and the good of what was sent with him, and I resort to You from his evil, the evil of what he carries in himself, and the evil what was sent with him!

Glory to Him to whom thunder and angels praise Him out of fear of Him!

O Allah, give us rain that is salutary, pleasant, plentiful, beneficial, and not harmful, quick, not late!

O Allah, give water to Your servants and Your animals, and spread Your mercy and revive Your dead country!

O Allah, may this rain be beneficial!

Rain fell on us by the mercy of Allah and His mercy.

O Allah, around us, and not at us, O Allah, on the hills and mountain peaks, in the wadi (Dry bed; valley) and where the trees grow!

Allah is great! O Allah, raise it above us and grant us security and faith, salvation (from illness and loss), Islam and assistance in what You love. Our Lord, and whatever pleases You! Our Lord and your Lord is Allah!

O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I trusted in You, and I broke my fast with what You gave me!

- Before you start eating, let each of you say:

“Bismi-Llyahi” – “ In the name of Allah“.

“Bismi-Llahi fi avali-hi va ahyri-hi” – “ With the name of Allah at the beginning and end of the meal“.

O Allah, make this a blessing for us and feed us with something better than this!

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who fed and watered and created us and the number of Muslims.

“Allahumma, barik la-na fi-hi wa zid-na min-hu!”

O Allah, make it blessed for us and add this to us!

O Allah, bless them with what You have given them, and forgive them and have mercy on them.

Verily, I fast, verily, I fast!

“O Allah, bless our fruits for us, and bless our city for us, and bless our sa’ for us, and bless our mudds for us!(Са´, mudd – measures of volume)

- If one of you sneezes, let him say:

“Al-hamdu li-llahi!” ( Praise be to Allah!).

“Yarhamukya-Allahu!” ( May Allah have mercy on you!).

“Yahdi-kumu-Llahu wa yuslihu bala-kum!” ( May Allah show you the right path and may He put all your affairs in order!).

May Allah bless you, and may He send His blessings upon you and may He unite you in goodness!

In the name of Allah, O Allah, remove us from the shaitan and remove the shaitan from the one (meaning children) you have given us.

I take refuge in Allah from the damned shaitan!

Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, I testify that there is no god but you, I ask You for forgiveness and offer You my repentance!

May Allah reward you with goodness!

May Allah bless your family and your wealth!

May Allah bless your family and your wealth! Truly, the reward for a loan is praise and repayment of the debt!

O Allah, verily, I resort to You in order to worship others along with You, knowing this, and I ask Your forgiveness for what I do not know!

And may Allah bless you!

O Allah, there are no birds except Your birds (in pre-Islamic times it was customary to tell fortunes by the flight of birds, the direction of which was perceived as a good or bad omen), there is no good except Your good, and there is no god except You!

Praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah, Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, glory to You, O Allah! Truly, I have offended myself, forgive me, because no one forgives sins except You!

Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great!

We return, repent, worship and give praise to our Lord!

O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and what they cover, and the Lord of the seven lands and what they carry, and the Lord of the devils and what they lead astray, and the Lord of the winds and what they scatter, I ask I ask You about the good of this village, and the good of those who inhabit it, and the good of what is in it, and I resort to You from its evil, and the evil of those who inhabit it, and the evil of what is in it!

There is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner. To Him belongs the dominion and to Him be the praise! He gives life and dies, and He Himself is the Living One who does not die; in his right hand is good, and he can do everything!

I entrust you to Allah, from whom what is given to Him for safekeeping does not go to waste.

– When we climbed (for example, up a mountain), we said: “To Allah Akbar” ( Allah is great), and when they descended, they said: “Subhana-Llahi!” ( Glory be to Allah!).

I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created!

“Al-hamdu li-Llyahi-llazi bi-ni´ma-ti-hi tatimmu-s-salihatu!”

(Praise be to Allah, by whose mercy good things happen!)

“Al-hamdu li-Llahi ´ala kulli khalin!”

(Praise be to Allah, no matter what happens!)

“If you hear the cry of a rooster, then ask Allah for His mercy, for, verily, the rooster saw an angel; if you hear the braying of a donkey, then turn to Allah for protection from the shaitan, for, verily, the donkey saw the shaitan.”

“If you hear a dog barking or a donkey braying at night, turn to Allah for help from them, for, verily, they see what you do not see!”

O Allah, whoever I offend among the believers, make it a means for him to approach You on the Day of Resurrection!

“If any of you has to praise his comrade, let him say:

“Ahsibu (.) (the name of the one who is praised) wa-Llahu hasibu-hu wa la uzakki ´ala-Llahi ahadan, ahsibu-hu kya-za wa kya-za.”

I consider so-and-so to be so-and-so (if he is sure of this), but I do not praise anyone before Allah.

O Allah, do not punish me for what they say, and forgive me what they do not know, and make me better than they think!

“Put your hand on the place that hurts you and say three times:

“Bi-smi-llahi!” (“ In the name of Allah!”), then repeat seven times:

“A'uzu bi-Llyahi wa kudrati-hi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhaziru!”

(“I take refuge in Allah and His might from the evil of what I feel and fear!”)

78. In case of fright

There is no god but Allah!

79. If someone is afraid of putting the evil eye on something or someone

“If any of you sees something in his brother, or in himself, or in his property that he likes, let him call upon it a blessing, for the evil eye is the truth.”

It is also advisable to say: “Masha Allah.”

It was pleasing to Allah

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Everything about religion and faith - “ask for help from Allah prayer” with detailed descriptions and photographs.

We often hear the word “dua” (prayer), especially during Muslim meetings and collective rituals: Friday prayer, dhikr, mawlidah, at taziyat (for condolences), when an elderly or pious person is asked to make a dua.

However, not everyone knows the meaning and essence of dua and when it is advisable to make it. And also how it should be done so that the Almighty will listen to it and answer it. In order to shed light on this topic, we decided to write this article.

However, I must note that even compliance with all the following recommendations does not guarantee one hundred percent guarantee that the Almighty will answer our prayer. Because He is the Lord of everyone and everything, and we are just His slaves. Our job is to ask and pray to Him, and whether there will be an answer to our prayer or not, no one knows except Allah Himself.

Sometimes it happens that after repeated prayers, without receiving an answer, we give up and lose hope. We must under no circumstances forget that the Almighty is our Creator, that He knows everything that was, is and will be. Therefore, who, besides Him, can know what is best for us? Nobody! Therefore, if the Almighty does not answer our prayer, this does not mean at all that He does not hear us or is angry with us.

It is possible that the Almighty does not answer our prayer because it could harm us, our worldly or afterlife. In any case, our dua does not go unnoticed, in vain. If we never receive an answer to our dua, then the Almighty will reward us for what we asked in this world and did not receive it in the Hereafter, since dua is also ibadat (worship of the Almighty).

Definition of the term "dua".

Defining the term dua, al-Khattabi said: “ The meaning of the word “dua” is a request from the Lord for care and help. The essence of dua is identifying the need for the Almighty, cleansing oneself of strength and power (that is, admitting that one is powerless to do anything good or leave something bad), this is a sign of slavery and a notification of one’s weakness, as well as praise to the Almighty and understanding of His generosity and generousness».

فقال الخطابي: “معنى الدعاء استدعاءُ العبدِ ربَّه عزَّ وجلَّ العنايةَ، واستمدادُه منه المعونةَ. وحقيقته: إظهار الافتقار إلى الله تعالى، والتبرُّؤ من الحول والقوّة، وهو سمةُ العبودية، واستشعارُ الذلَّة البشريَّة، وفيه معنى الثناء على الله عزَّ وجلَّ، وإضافة الجود والكرم إليه “

The Almighty says: “ So remember Me (by praying, making dua, etc.) and I will remember you (I will reward you) "(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 152).

سور ة البقرة آية 152)

In another verse, the Almighty says (meaning): “ Indeed, for Muslims and Muslim women who often remember Allah, Allah has prepared forgiveness and reward "(Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 35).

إِنَّ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ . وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّه ُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا (سورة الأحزاب آية 35)

In another verse, Allah says (meaning): “ And remember your Lord to yourself, humbly and with fear and quietly in the mornings and evenings, and do not forget to remember Allah (Surah Al-Araf, verse 205).

الْج The ْغَافِلِينَ (سورة الأعراف 205)

What does the Quran and Hadith say about dua?

And if My servants ask you (O Muhammad) about Me, then I am close, I answer the prayers of the one who asks, when he asks Me. So let them (My slaves) ask Me and continue to believe in Me, and then they will be on the true path "(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 186).

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The Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): “ So ask Allah to give you from His bounty. Indeed, Allah is aware of all things (including your requests) "(Surah An-Nisa, verse 32).

The ْءٍ عَلِيمًا (سورة النساء آية 32))

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “ Dua is the weapon of the believer, the support of religion and the light of heaven and earth "(Jamiul-Ahadith, 12408).

12 408))

Adabs (desirable actions) and reasons for accepting dua.

1) Showing sincerity towards Allah;

2) Decisiveness in prayer and firm conviction in its acceptance;

3) Perseverance in prayer and reluctance to rush things;

4) Humility while making dua;

5) Prayer to the Almighty both in joy and in sorrow;

6) Saying the prayer out loud, but not loudly;

7) No request to harm anyone or anything;

8) Confessing your sins and asking for their forgiveness;

9) Recognizing the blessings that Allah has endowed us with and giving Him praise and gratitude for them;

10) Returning all debts and performing repentance for them;

11) Ask the Almighty three times;

13) Raising hands;

14) Start asking first for yourself, and only then for others;

15) Ask the Almighty through His most beautiful names, epithets or through a good deed;

16) So that the clothes, food and drink of the person asking are obtained in a permitted way;

17) Do not ask for sinful things or to break family ties;

18) Do not go beyond what is permitted in prayer (for example, do not ask Allah to make you a prophet);

19) Do good and protect others from evil and forbidden things;

20) Removal from everything forbidden.

Times, situations and places in which the Almighty accepts dua.

1) Dua performed on the night of Laylat-ul-qadr (night of predestination);

2) The last third of the night;

3) Immediately after performing the obligatory, daily five prayers;

4) Between adhan and iqamat;

5) During rain;

6) During the clash of ranks in battle between Muslims and non-Muslims;

7) While drinking Zamzam water, in the presence of a sincere and pure intention;

8) During the performance of sajda (bow to the ground);

9) When you wake up in the middle of the night and make dua;

10) When you lie down at night in ablution, and then specially get up and ask the Almighty;

11) Say the following prayer during dua: “La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina-zzalimin” (There is no deity worthy of worship except You, You are pure from everything unworthy. Truly, I oppress myself (by committing sins));

12) Dua of people after a believer dies;

13) Dua after reading salawat on the Prophet ﷺ in the last tashahhud (at-tahiyat);

14) Dua of one Muslim to another, in his absence;

15) Dua on the day of Arafah (10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah) on Mount Arafah;

17) During a gathering of Muslims for collective remembrance of the Almighty (dhikr);

18) Reading this prayer when any misfortune overtakes: “Inna lillahi vainna ilyayhi ar-rajiuna, Allahumma ujurni fi musibati wahluf li hairan minha” (Truly we all belong to Allah and to Him we will be returned. O Allah, grant me reward for grief that has overtaken me and replace my loss with something that is better than it);

19) Dua of the oppressed in relation to the oppressor;

20) Dua of parents to your children, be it good or bad;

22) Dua of the fasting person until he breaks his fast;

23) Dua of a fasting person during breaking the fast;

24) Dua of someone in extreme need, someone who is in a very difficult situation;

25) Dua of a just ruler;

26) Dua good child your parents;

27) Dua after ablution;

28) Dua after throwing a pebble (during the Hajj);

29) Dua inside the Kaaba;

30) Dua on Safa Hill;

May the Almighty accept the dua of each of us, reward us for this and instill in our hearts exactly those words that He wants to hear from us. So let's take Dua into service and protect us and our religion from the enemies of Islam and their patron - Iblis! Amine.

Prayer to Allah

The Koran, which is the holy book for all Muslims, says that if one prays to Allah every day, it will definitely be rewarded. The belief in this is so strong in the soul of every believer that believers turn to Allah many times throughout the day, both in sorrow and in joy. Every Muslim believes that only Allah is able to protect him from all earthly evil.

Gratitude and Praise to Allah in Daily Prayer

The Koran says that a true believer must praise and thank Allah every day.

The daily prayer translated into Russian is as follows:

Muslim prayers to Allah

There are a huge number of different Muslim prayers that are read in a wide variety of everyday situations. For example, there are special prayers that need to be read in the morning while dressing and vice versa, in the evening while undressing. Prayers must be said before eating.

Every Muslim always reads a prayer when putting on new clothes, and at the same time asks Allah to protect him from damage. In addition, the prayer mentions giving thanks to the one who created the clothing, as well as asking Allah to send him the highest blessings.

Prayer is required before a believer leaves the house or in cases where one has to enter someone’s house. In this way, reverence and respect are expressed for the people whose home you have to visit.

Prayer "Kulhu Allahu ahad" in Arabic

The prayer “Kulhu Allahu ahad” is aimed at ensuring that a person can fulfill his own desires.

In Arabic, the text of the prayer is:

Lam yalid wa lam yulad

Wa lam yakun allahu, kufuwan ahad.”

It is believed that this appeal is more effective if pronounced in Arabic. It is imperative to take into account that this prayer can be read by a believer who has a pure soul and sincere thoughts. Otherwise, Allah simply will not hear the request and will not help. You also need to know that this prayer cannot be said independently. It is important to understand the very essence of the ritual. The person for whom the prayer is offered must sit on a chair, and the one saying the prayer places his hands on his head.

After this, the words of prayer are said. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to carry out the ritual for several days in a row.

Listen to the prayer “Kulhu Allahu ahad”:

Text of the prayer “Kulhu Allahu ahad” in Russian

Despite the fact that the prayer “Kulhu Allahu Ahad” is considered stronger in the original language, it is allowed to pronounce its words in Russian. There are several variations of this prayer.

For example, you can pray with the following words:

It is important to understand that this prayer does not carry magical overtones; it contains a philosophical and religious grain. And this is exactly what the people participating in the ritual should fully feel. What is important is sincere faith that Allah will hear the prayer and will definitely reliably protect the person. But this is only possible if a person has a bright soul.

Prayer to Allah for help “O Allah, help me”

Namaz is a mandatory ritual for any Muslim. He will build not only from prayers, but also from certain actions. Therefore, someone who has recently converted to Islam will need to make great efforts to master all the rules. Of course, at first you will need to gradually study all the necessary prayers.

But first of all, you should know that there is a single prayer that can be used at any time.

It sounds like this:

In addition, there is a very important prayer for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the rules of prayer.

After the obligatory prayers, the following prayer phrase should be said:

Prayer "Allah Akbar"

“Allah Akbar” translated from Arabic means the great Lord. This phrase recognizes the power and might of the Almighty. In the Muslim religion, “Allah Akbar” is a formula for recognizing the Greatness of God. This phrase emphasizes obedience to Allah, it is one of the phrases that reflects true obedience to the Almighty, an oath of denial of other powers and dominations.

Every Muslim child understands what Allah Akbar means. This sacred phrase sounds on the lips of Muslims throughout their lives, and these words accompany all the deeds of the faithful. This phrase is always heard in Islamic prayers. It is treated as a separate prayer request.

It can be translated as follows:

It is incorrect to treat this expression as a war cry. It is rather a reminder to the faithful that regardless of the current situation, God is Great and Almighty. It must be remembered that success and happiness for a Muslim comes from Allah, his whole life depends on him. A believer says “Allahu Akbar” when he is very frightened and after that his soul will certainly calm down. Because he will remember that everything is in the hands of God. Using this phrase you can also remove anger from the soul, calm down and prevent wrong actions. This prayer expression is also pronounced in moments of joy and success as a sign of thanksgiving to God.

Istikhara - the answer to all your questions!

Throughout life, everyone more than once encounters “difficulties” when a person does not know what to do in a given situation. Has doubts about making decisions, wonders whether committing a given act will be “good”. When we need to turn to the Almighty and ask Him for help, wanting to get an answer to our question. We seek Allah's help when we undertake things such as marrying someone, buying a house or car, looking for a job, going on a trip, etc. In such important and doubtful moments, every Muslim is required to perform Istikhara prayer.

IN Arabic translation Istikhara is the search for good, choice in action. The choice between two actions, who needs to make one of the correct decisions, preferable to Allah. They say: “Ask Allah for help and He will give you a choice.”

To whom and when should I perform Istikhara prayer?

Istikhara prayer photoThe performance of Istikhara is desirable for those who wish to perform any specific action. If a Muslim hesitates in choosing between several solutions, the worshiper, having carefully listened and weighed the advice of the “experienced”, settles on one thing and performs the Istikhara prayer. After prayer, he follows his intended goal with a calm soul. And if the matter is good, as the Great Allah wishes, he will undoubtedly facilitate it or eliminate this matter. Anyone who reads Istikhara will not repent or doubt the result or outcome of his case. In any case, no matter which of the options comes true, it will be good. It’s great if it turned out the way you wanted and good if it didn’t work out.

It should be noted that this prayer is performed for a specific cause. If we, for example, ask for happiness, success in work and study, health, well-being, new job, family life, then we make the usual prayer (dua).

Istikhara prayer does not have a “time frame”; it can be performed anytime and anywhere (except for places where the pronunciation of the name of Allah is not permitted and times that are not permitted for prayer). But the last third of the night is still desirable and preferable. It is also better to read it before reading Witr prayer in accordance with the words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and send him peace, transmitted from Abdullah son of Umar, may Allah be pleased with them:

اجعلوا آخر صلاتكم بالليل وتراً - “Make Witr your last prayer at night” (hadith cited by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to perform Istikhara prayer?

When you are going to do something and sincerely want Allah to show you the right decision, then for this you must first perform ablution (wudu) and additional prayer in 2 rak'ahs. After performing the prayer, a special Prayer (Istikhara) should be read.

It is reported that Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught us that we should seek help in all matters, just as he taught us this or that surah from Quran, and said: “If any of you wants to do anything, let him pray an additional prayer of two rak’ahs, and then say:

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْتَخِيْرُكَ بِعِلْمِكَ، وَأَسْتَقْدِرُكَ بِقُدْرَتِكَ، وَأَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيْمِ، فَإِنَّكَ تَقْدِرُ وَلاَ أَقْدِرُ، وَتَعْلَمُ وَلاَ أَعْلَمُ، وَأَنْتَ عَلاَّمُ الْغُيُوْبِ. اَللَّهُمَّ إِنْ آُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ – وَيُسَمَّى حَاجَتَهُ- خَيْرٌ لِيْ فِيْ دِيْنِيْ وَمَعَاشِيْ وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِيْ (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاقْدُرْهُ لِيْ وَيَسِّرْهُ لِيْ ثُمَّ بَارِكْ لِيْ فِيْهِ، وَإِنْ آُنْتَ تَعْلَمُأَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ شَرٌّ لِيْ فِيْ دِيْنِيْ وَمَعَاشِيْ وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِيْ (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّيْ وَاصْرِفْنِيْ عَنْهُ وَاقْدُرْ لِيَ الْخَيْرَ حَيْثُ آَانَ ثُمَّ أَرْضِنِيْ بِهِ

“Allahumma, inni astakhiru-kya bi-'ilmi-kya wa astakdirukya bi-kudrati-kya wa as'alyu-kya min fadli-kya-l-'azimi fa-inna-kya takdiru wa la akdiru, wa ta'lamu wa la a'lyamu, wa Anta 'allamu-l-guyubi! Allahumma, in kunta ta'lamu anna haza-l-amra khairun li fi dini, wa ma'ashi wa 'akibati amri, fa-kdur-hu li wa yassir-khu li, sum barik li fi-hi; wa in kunta ta'lamu anna haza-l-amra sharrun li fi dini, wa ma'ashi wa 'akibati amri, fa-srif-hu 'an-ni wa-srif-ni 'an-hu wa-kdur lia-l -haira haisu kyana, sum ardi-ni bi-hi.”

The general meaning of this prayer is: “O Allah, I ask You to help me with Your knowledge and Your power and I ask You to show me great mercy, for You can, but I cannot, You know, but I do not know, and You know everything about hidden! O Allah, if You know that this matter (and a person should say what he intends to do) will be good for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or: ... sooner or later), then predetermine it for me, make it easier for me, and then give me Your blessing for it; if You know that this matter will turn out to be harmful for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then take it away from me, and lead me away from it and judge for me the good, wherever it is, and then bring me to satisfaction with it."

None of those who asked for help from the Creator and then consulted with the believers created by Him, showing prudence in their affairs, experienced regret, for Allah Almighty said: “...And consult with them about matters, and having decided on something, trust in Allah" (The Family of Imran, 159.)

How many times to perform Istikhara prayer?

Before every important task, it is enough to perform Istikhara once.

After asking for advice, the Almighty “inspires” the Muslim, instructing him on righteous path. The person who prays must listen to his heart and make the right choice. If the first time he failed to see the “signs,” then “the person should continue reading this prayer until he feels something.” There is a hadith narrated by Ibn al-Sunni in which it is said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If you are worried about any issue, perform Istikhara by praying to Your Lord, then see what is the first feeling that arises in your heart. If after this dua the heart is inclined to do what caused istikhara, then doing it will be better; if the heart is not inclined, then this matter is postponed. If your heart is not inclined towards anything, then repeat more than seven times.”

Some scholars advised repeating the prayer until it “reveals” which of the two things is better.

The one who makes Istikhara does not go astray!

Dear brothers and sisters, after we have entrusted ourselves to the Almighty, turned to him with need, read the Istikhara prayer and du’a, we just have to do what our heart is in. It is considered good for each of us and a good “sign” if Allah has made it easier to complete a certain task, the problem has been solved - easily and naturally. And on the contrary, the existence of obstacles on the path is a sign of detachment from unrighteous deeds and actions. Thus, Allah shows us that this should not be done, it should not be done. In both cases, we should be satisfied, because by performing Istikhara, we allow the Almighty to choose for us what is best. Even if at that moment it seems to us that this is not so. May Allah always protect us and lead us along the path of goodness and blessings!

Detailed recommended procedure for performing Istikhara prayer

1) Perform ablution for prayer.

2) It is necessary to make intentions for Istikhara prayer before starting it.

3) Perform two rak’ats. The sunnah is to read Surah Kafirun in the first rak'at after Fatiha, and Surah Ikhlyas in the second after Al-Fatiha.

4) At the end of the prayer, say salam.

5) After salam, raise your hands with submission to Allah, realizing His greatness and power, and concentrate on du’a.

6) At the beginning of the du'a, say words of praise and exaltation to Allah, then say salawat to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. It will be better if you say salawat to Ibrahim, peace be upon him, the way it is pronounced in the tashahhud:

“Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin, kama sallayta ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim. Wa barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin, kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim. Fil ‘alamina innakya Hamidu-m-Majid!” or any other learned form.

7) Then read the du’a-istikhara: “O Allah, truly I ask You to help me with Your knowledge, and strengthen me with Your power...” to the end.

8) After saying the words “... if you know what this is,” you need to name your goal. For example: “... if You know what this matter is (my travel to such and such a country or buying a car or marrying the daughter of such and such, etc.) - then complete the du’a with the words “... that this matter will be good for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and the next).” These words are repeated twice - where they talk about a good and bad outcome: “... And if You know that this matter will turn out to be evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and the future) ... »

10) At this point the istikhara prayer ends, the outcome of the matter remains with Allah, and the person’s trust in Him remains. You yourself should strive towards your goal and throw away all dreams and everything that oppresses and overcomes. Don't be distracted by all this. You need to strive for the last thing in which you saw good.

Rules for performing Istikhara prayer

1) Accustom yourself to istikhara in every matter, no matter how insignificant it may be.

2) Understand that Allah Almighty will guide you to what will be better. Be sure of this while du'a and thinking about it and understand this great thought.

3) Istikhara read after the ratibats of obligatory (fard) prayers is not valid. On the contrary, it is necessary that these are two separate rak’ahs, read specifically for istikhara.

4) If you wish to perform istikhara after voluntary ratibats, dukh prayer or other nawafil prayers, then this is permitted, but on the condition that the intention is made before entering the prayer. But if you started prayer and did not make an intention for istikhara, then this is not correct.

5) If you need to do istikhara during a time forbidden for prayer, then be patient until it is done. time will pass. And if the matter can be completed before the forbidden time ends, then perform prayer at this time and ask for help (istikhara).

6) If you are separated from prayer by a ban on performing prayer (such as menstruation in women), then you should wait until the reason for the ban passes. And if the matter can be completed before the forbidden time ends, and the matter cannot be delayed, then you should ask for help (istikhara) only by reading the du’a, without performing namaz.

7) If you have not memorized the du’a-istikhara, then you can read it from the sheet. But it would be better to learn.

9) If you asked for help (istikhara), then implement what you want and be consistent in it.

10) If the situation has not become clearer for you, then you can repeat istikhara.

11) Do not add anything to the du’a-istikhara and do not subtract anything from it. Follow the text exactly.

12) Don't let your passions control you in what you choose. It is possible that the most correct decision is something that is contrary to your desire (such as marrying so-and-so’s daughter or buying a car you like, etc.). Moreover, the person who performed istikhara must leave his personal choice. Otherwise, what is the point of seeking help from Allah? He will not be completely sincere in his conversion (du'a).

13) Do not forget to consult with knowledgeable and pious people. Combine your istikhara and consultation.

14) Does not ask for help (istikhara) one for another. However, it is very possible when a mother calls on Allah for her son or daughter so that Allah chooses good for them - at any time and in any prayer, in two positions:

the first - in prostration, the second - after tashahhud, salawat for the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him in the form of salawat for Ibrahim, peace be upon him.

15) If there is doubt as to whether there was an intention for istikhara and after the prayer has already begun, it becomes clear that there was no intention, and he is already in prayer, then the intention is made for general prayer. And then a separate prayer for istikhara is performed.

16) If there are many things to do, is it legal to perform one prayer for all the things to do or for each thing to have its own istikhara? It is more correct and better to do a separate istikhara for each task. But if you combine them, there will be nothing wrong with it.

17) There is no istikhara in unwanted matters, not to mention forbidden ones.

18) It is forbidden to make istikhara on the rosary or the Koran (as the Shiites do), may Allah guide them. Istikhara is done only in the permitted way - prayer and du'a.

Istikhara on the rosary

An alternative to istikhara prayer is istikhara on the rosary, it is performed as follows:

3. 25 times astaghfirullah

4. 4 times Al-Fatiha

5. 3 times Al-Ikhlas

6. Dua istikhara (Written above)

7. We take a rosary (long for 99 beads), in an arbitrary place (not at the beginning) we take it by any bead and from it we begin to go to the beginning, counting out 7 rosaries

8. As a result, several beads remain, from which we can determine the result:

We do points 7, 8 3 times and see what results the majority came out with. This option will be the answer in sha Allah

In the latter case, it is advisable to re-read the istikhara the next day.

, Mawlida, at Taziyat (for condolences), when they ask an elderly or pious person to make a dua.

However, not everyone knows the meaning and essence of dua and when it is advisable to make it. And also how it should be done so that the Almighty will listen to it and answer it. In order to shed light on this topic, we decided to write this article.

However, I must note that even compliance with all the following recommendations does not guarantee one hundred percent guarantee that the Almighty will answer our prayer. Because He is the Lord of everyone and everything, and we are just His slaves. Our job is to ask and pray to Him, and whether there will be an answer to our prayer or not, no one knows except Allah Himself.

Sometimes it happens that after repeated prayers, without receiving an answer, we give up and lose hope. We must under no circumstances forget that the Almighty is our Creator, that He knows everything that was, is and will be. Therefore, who, besides Him, can know what is best for us? Nobody! Therefore, if the Almighty does not answer our prayer, this does not mean at all that He does not hear us or is angry with us.

It is possible that the Almighty does not answer our prayer because it could harm us, our worldly or afterlife. In any case, our dua does not go unnoticed, in vain. If we never receive an answer to our dua, then the Almighty will reward us for what we asked in this world and did not receive it in the Hereafter, since dua is also ibadat (worship of the Almighty).

Definition of the term "dua".

Defining the term dua, al-Khattabi said: “ The meaning of the word “dua” is a request from the Lord for care and help. The essence of dua is identifying the need for the Almighty, cleansing oneself of strength and power (that is, admitting that one is powerless to do anything good or leave something bad), this is a sign of slavery and a notification of one’s weakness, as well as praise to the Almighty and understanding of His generosity and generousness».

فقال الخطابي: "معنى الدعاء استدعاءُ العبدِ ربَّه عزَّ وجلَّ العنايةَ، واستمدادُه منه المعونةَ. وحقيقته: إظهار الافتقار إلى الله تعالى، والتبرُّؤ من الحول والقوّة، وهو سمةُ العبودية، واستشعارُ الذلَّة البشريَّة، وفيه معنى الثناء على الله عزَّ وجلَّ، وإضافة الجود والكرم إليه "

The Almighty says: “ So remember Me (by praying, making dua, etc.) and I will remember you (I will reward you) "(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 152).

سور ة البقرة آية 152)

In another verse, the Almighty says (meaning): “ Indeed, for Muslims and Muslim women who often remember Allah, Allah has prepared forgiveness and reward "(Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 35).

وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً ًا عَظِيمًا (سورة الأحزاب آية 35)

In another verse, Allah says (meaning): “ And remember your Lord to yourself, humbly and with fear and quietly in the mornings and evenings, and do not forget to remember Allah (Surah Al-Araf, verse 205).

الْج The ْغَافِلِينَ (سورة الأعراف 205)

What does the Quran and Hadith say about dua?

And if My servants ask you (O Muhammad) about Me, then I am close, I answer the prayers of the one who asks, when he asks Me. So let them (My slaves) ask Me and continue to believe in Me, and then they will be on the true path "(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 186).

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The Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): “ So ask Allah to give you from His bounty. Indeed, Allah is aware of all things (including your requests) "(Surah An-Nisa, verse 32).

The ْءٍ عَلِيمًا (سورة النساء آية 32))

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “ Dua is the weapon of the believer, the support of religion and the light of heaven and earth "(Jamiul-Ahadith, 12408).

12 408))

Adabs (desirable actions) and reasons for accepting dua.

1) Showing sincerity towards Allah;

2) Decisiveness in prayer and firm conviction in its acceptance;

3) Perseverance in prayer and reluctance to rush things;

4) Humility while making dua;

5) Prayer to the Almighty both in joy and in sorrow;

6) Saying the prayer out loud, but not loudly;

7) No request to harm anyone or anything;

8) Confessing your sins and asking for their forgiveness;

9) Recognizing the blessings that Allah has endowed us with and giving Him praise and gratitude for them;

10) Returning all debts and performing repentance for them;

11) Ask the Almighty three times;

13) Raising hands;

14) Start asking first for yourself, and only then for others;

15) Ask the Almighty through His most beautiful names, epithets or through a good deed;

16) So that the clothes, food and drink of the person asking are obtained in a permitted way;

17) Do not ask for sinful things or to break family ties;

18) Do not go beyond what is permitted in prayer (for example, do not ask Allah to make you a prophet);

19) Do good and protect others from evil and forbidden things;

20) Removal from everything forbidden.

Times, situations and places in which the Almighty accepts dua.

1) Dua performed on the night of Laylat-ul-qadr (night of predestination);

2) The last third of the night;

3) Immediately after performing the obligatory, daily five prayers;

4) Between adhan and iqamat;

5) During rain;

6) During the clash of ranks in battle between Muslims and non-Muslims;

7) While drinking Zamzam water, in the presence of a sincere and pure intention;

8) During the performance of sajda (bow to the ground);

9) When you wake up in the middle of the night and make dua;

10) When you lie down at night in ablution, and then specially get up and ask the Almighty;

11) Say the following prayer during dua: “La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina-zzalimin” (There is no deity worthy of worship except You, You are pure from everything unworthy. Truly, I oppress myself (by committing sins));

12) Dua of people after a believer dies;

13) Dua after reading salawat on the Prophet ﷺ in the last tashahhud (at-tahiyat);

14) Dua of one Muslim to another, in his absence;

15) Dua on the day of Arafah (10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah) on Mount Arafah;

17) During a gathering of Muslims for collective remembrance of the Almighty (dhikr);

18) Reading this prayer when any misfortune overtakes: “Inna lillahi vainna ilyayhi ar-rajiuna, Allahumma ujurni fi musibati wahluf li hairan minha” (Truly we all belong to Allah and to Him we will be returned. O Allah, grant me reward for grief that has overtaken me and replace my loss with something that is better than it);

19) Dua of the oppressed in relation to the oppressor;

20) Dua of parents to their children, be it good or bad;

21) Dua of a traveler;

22) Dua of the fasting person until he breaks his fast;

23) Dua of a fasting person during breaking the fast;

24) Dua of someone in extreme need, someone who is in a very difficult situation;

25) Dua of a just ruler;

26) Dua of a good child to his parents;

27) Dua after ablution;

28) Dua after throwing a pebble (during the Hajj);

29) Dua inside the Kaaba;

30) Dua on Safa Hill;

May the Almighty accept the dua of each of us, reward us for this and instill in our hearts exactly those words that He wants to hear from us. So let's take dua into service and protect us and our religion from the enemies of Islam and their patron - Iblis! Amine.

“The best way to ask for forgiveness from Allah is to say these words...”

Every person commits many sins throughout his life, both serious and minor. In order for sins to be expiated, believers should turn to the Almighty with a request for forgiveness of sins. The Holy Quran says: “Ask your Lord for forgiveness, for He is the All-Forgiving” (71:10).

One of the hadiths of the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.) contains information on how best to ask for forgiveness from the Creator:

“Whoever repeats these words during the day, being convinced of what he is saying, and dies that same day before evening falls, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise, and whoever repeats these words at night, being convinced that he says, and will die that same night before morning, he will be among the inhabitants of paradise” (Bukhari).

It should be noted that the Prophet Muhammad himself (s.g.w.) asked the Almighty for forgiveness more than seventy times, as stated in one of the hadiths, transmitted from the words of Abu Hurayrah: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “I swear by Allah, verily, I ask Allah for forgiveness and bring repentance to Him more than seventy times a day.” (Bukhari).

Read also:



Muslim prayer asking for forgiveness from Allah

Proper performance of istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah)

Before proceeding to Istighfar, a person must remember the greatness of Allah Almighty and express this through praise and exaltation through the words “subhanallah”, “alhamdulillah”, “Allahu Akbar”. There are many hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) on how to do this. For example, before istighfar, you can say the following expression:

اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ كَبِيرًا وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ كَثِيرًا فَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا

(Allahu Akbar kabiran, wa-l-hamdu li-Llahi kasiran, wa subhana-Llahi bukratan wa asyl)

“Allah is great, much (greater than everything else), much praise be to Allah, glorious is Allah morning and evening!”

After declaring the greatness of Allah Almighty, you need to say salawat to His Messenger (peace be upon him), which will also be an important reason for the Almighty to accept your repentance. Since salawat is a prayer already accepted by Allah. As far as we know, salawat are a very important reason for a person to establish a connection with the Prophet (peace be upon him). Therefore, the believer’s appeal to the Almighty before the start of Istighfar with a request for the intercession of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is also an important element.

Also, before istighfar, you can first ask for forgiveness for the entire ummah of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and only then for yourself:

اَللّٰهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِأُمَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ اَللّٰهُمَّ ارْحَمْ أُمَّةَ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma gfir liummati Muhammad, Allahumma rham ummata Muhammad)

“Oh Allah! Forgive the Ummah of Muhammad! Oh Allah! Have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad!”

Thus, we will pray for our fellow believers and provide good prerequisites for the Almighty to accept our istighfar. Or you can, considering yourself the most sinful of the community of the Messenger (peace be upon him), put yourself in first place and say:

اَللّٰهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَاغْفِرْ لِأُمَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ اَللّٰهُمَّ ارْحَمْنِي وَارْحَمْ أُمَّةَ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma gfirli uagfir liummati Muhammad, Allahumma rhamni warham ummata Muhammad)

“Oh Allah! Forgive me and the Ummah of Muhammad! Oh Allah! Have mercy on me and the Ummah of Muhammad!”

Istighfar through the best words

After such an introduction, the best words to ask for forgiveness of your sins are those phrases that are revealed in the verses of the Holy Quran:

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ

“There is no god but You! Glory to You! Verily, I was one of the wrongdoers!” (21:87)

أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنْتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

“Verily, evil has touched me, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful” (21:83)

رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

“Lord, forgive and have mercy, because You are the Best of the merciful!” (23:118)

رَبِّ إِنِّي ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِي فَاغْفِرْ لِي

"God! I did an injustice to myself. Forgive me!” (28:16)

رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ

“Our Lord! Forgive me, my parents and the believers on the day when the account is presented" (14:41)

رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَإِسْرَافَنَا فِي أَمْرِنَا وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ

“Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and excesses that we have committed in our business, strengthen our steps and grant us victory over the disbelievers" (3:147)

Together with Holy Quran, there are beautiful Istighfar prayers contained in the authentic Sunnah. For example, once the honorable Abu Bakr (r.a.) asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) to teach him a prayer to recite in prayer, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) taught him the following prayer:

اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنّـِي ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِي ظُلْمًا كَثِيرًا وَلَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَغْفِرَةً مِنْ عِنْدِكَ وَارْحَمْنِي إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ

(Allahumma, inni zalamtu nafsi zulman kyasiran, wa la yagfiru-z-zunuba illya Anta, fa-gfir li magfiratan min indika va-rham-ni, inna-kya Anta-l-Gafuru-r-Rahim!)

“O Allah, verily, I have offended myself many times (that is, I have sinned), and no one forgives sins except You! Forgive me, and grant me Your forgiveness and have mercy on me, truly, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful!” (Bukhari, Muslim). This prayer can be read in prostration and after at-tahiyyat, and in this situation the reading of this istighfar is very appropriate.

Another very important prayer, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) called “The Lord among the requests for the forgiveness of Allah” (sayyid ul-istighfar), which can be read in the morning and evening, is the following:

اَللّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ خَلَقْتَنِي وَأَنَا عَبْدُكَ وَأَنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ وَوَعْدِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا صَنَعْتُ أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَيَّ وَأَبُوءُ لَكَ بِذَنْبِي فَاغْفِرْ لِي فَإِنَّهُ لَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ

(Allahumma, Anta Rabbi, la ilaha illya Anta, halyakta-ni wa ana 'abdu-kya, wa ana 'ala 'ahdi-kya wa wa'di-kya ma-stata'tu. A'uzu bi-kya min sharri ma sana'tu, abu'u la-kya bi-ni'mati-kya 'alaiya, wa abu'u bi-zanbi, fa-gfir li, fa-inna-hu la yagfi-ru-z-zunuba illya Anta!)

“O Allah, You are my Lord, and there is no god but You, You created me, and I am Your slave, and I will remain faithful to You as long as I have enough strength. I resort to You from the evil of what I have done, I acknowledge the mercy You have shown me, and I acknowledge my sin. Forgive me, for, truly, no one forgives sins except You!”

About this prayer, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever utters these words during the day, being convinced of what he is saying, and dies on the same day before evening, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise, and the one who utters these words at night, being convinced of what he says, and dying that same night before the morning comes, he will be among the inhabitants of Paradise" (Bukhari).

Prayers must be said tirelessly in a state of prostration until a feeling of purification and satisfaction comes. For example, you can ask Allah the following:

يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ أَسْتَغِيثُ أَصْلِحْ لِي شَأْنِي كُلَّهُ وَلَا تَكِلْنِي إِلَى نَفْسِي طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ

(Ya Hayyu, ya Kayyumu, bi-rahmati-kya astaghisu, aslih sha’ni kulla-hu wa la taqil-ni ila nafsi tarfata ‘ayn!)

“O Living One, O Ever-Existing One, I turn to Thy mercy for protection, put all my affairs in order and do not trust me to my nafs even for a moment!” Some added the following words to this prayer: وَلَا أَقَلَّ مِنْ ذٰلِكَ , i.e. "and even for a shorter time."

In this state, you can also read the prayer of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), which he read after waking up from sleep:

سُبْحَانَكَ اللّٰهُمَّ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِذَنْبِي وَأَسْأَلُكَ رَحْمَتَكَ، اَللّٰهُمَّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا وَلَا تُزِغْ قَلْبِي بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنِي وَهَبْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ

(Subhana-Ka Allahumma astaghfiru-Ka li-zanbi, wa as'alyu-Ka Rakhmata-Ka. Allahumma zid-ni 'ilman, wa la tuzig kalbi ba'da from hadaita-ni! Wa hab li min lyadun-Ka Rahmatan, inna-Ka anta-l-Wahhab!)

“Glorified are You, O Allah. I ask You for forgiveness of my sins and Your Grace. O Allah, increase my knowledge and do not turn my heart away from the right way, after You instructed me! Grant me Mercy from Yourself, truly You are the Giver!” (Bukhari, Muslim)

On the other hand, each person himself, realizing his sins and mistakes, must pronounce thousands of “astagfirullah” and “subhanallah” every day. For example, there are narrations that Abu Hurayra said “subhanallah” twelve thousand times a day. When asked: “Isn’t that a lot?” He replied: “I say this according to the number of my sins” (al-Musannaf, Ibn Abu Shaybah). And this was said by a man who lived next to the Prophet (peace be upon him), his faithful disciple, who transmitted the largest number of hadiths, and it is impossible to even assume that he sinned, but he considered it necessary, based on his own considerations. What about us? We, thoroughly corrupted by sins and mistakes, how many times do we need to recite istighfars? Probably thirty thousand times a day won’t be enough!

You can read the istighfars of the righteous, for example the istighfars of Hasan al-Basri and others. In order for Istighfar to be accepted, both before and after it, offer salawat to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), because a prayer said between two accepted prayers, is accepted.

And most importantly, when a person pronounces istighfars, he must do it consciously, understanding what he is saying. Since idle and unconscious utterances themselves are disrespect for Allah Almighty, and may turn out to be a lie. Therefore, every word should come from the depths of the heart and leave a deep mark on the soul. So much so that when a person asks the Almighty for forgiveness, he must toss and turn in shame for his sins, be horrified in regret so much that his heart is about to stop.

Sivak – toothpick made from tree branches and roots

“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “I command you to use siwak (the root of the arak tree), because it has ten wonderful properties: 1) cleans teeth; 2) makes the Lord pleased; 3) angers Satan; 4) whoever uses it is loved by the Merciful Allah and the angels; 5) strengthens gums; 6) promotes the disappearance of mucus; 7) improves the smell in the mouth; 8) extinguishes bile; 9) improves vision; 10) eliminates bad odor from the mouth and stomach. Siwak is sunnah."

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    How to ask the Almighty for your prayer to be accepted?

    We often hear the word “dua” (prayer), especially during Muslim meetings, collective rituals: Friday prayer, dhikr, mawlid, at taziyat (for condolences), when an elderly or pious person is asked to make a dua.

    However, not everyone knows the meaning and essence of dua and when it is advisable to make it. And also how it should be done so that the Almighty will listen to it and answer it. In order to shed light on this topic, we decided to write this article.

    However, I must note that even compliance with all the following recommendations does not guarantee one hundred percent guarantee that the Almighty will answer our prayer. Because He is the Lord of everyone and everything, and we are just His slaves. Our job is to ask and pray to Him, and whether there will be an answer to our prayer or not, no one knows except Allah Himself.

    Sometimes it happens that after repeated prayers, without receiving an answer, we give up and lose hope. We must under no circumstances forget that the Almighty is our Creator, that He knows everything that was, is and will be. Therefore, who, besides Him, can know what is best for us? Nobody! Therefore, if the Almighty does not answer our prayer, this does not mean at all that He does not hear us or is angry with us.

    It is possible that the Almighty does not answer our prayer because it could harm us, our worldly or afterlife. In any case, our dua does not go unnoticed, in vain. If we never receive an answer to our dua, then the Almighty will reward us for what we asked in this world and did not receive it in the Hereafter, since dua is also ibadat (worship of the Almighty).

    Definition of the term "dua".

    Defining the term dua, al-Khattabi said: “ The meaning of the word “dua” is a request from the Lord for care and help. The essence of dua is identifying the need for the Almighty, cleansing oneself of strength and power (that is, admitting that one is powerless to do anything good or leave something bad), this is a sign of slavery and a notification of one’s weakness, as well as praise to the Almighty and understanding of His generosity and generousness».

    فقال الخطابي: “معنى الدعاء استدعاءُ العبدِ ربَّه عزَّ وجلَّ العنايةَ، واستمدادُه منه المعونةَ. وحقيقته: إظهار الافتقار إلى الله تعالى، والتبرُّؤ من الحول والقوّة، وهو سمةُ العبودية، واستشعارُ الذلَّة البشريَّة، وفيه معنى الثناء على الله عزَّ وجلَّ، وإضافة الجود والكرم إليه “

    The Almighty says: “ So remember Me (by praying, making dua, etc.) and I will remember you (I will reward you) "(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 152).

    سور ة البقرة آية 152)

    In another verse, the Almighty says (meaning): “ Indeed, for Muslims and Muslim women who often remember Allah, Allah has prepared forgiveness and reward "(Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 35).

    إِنَّ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ . وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّه ُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا (سورة الأحزاب آية 35)

    In another verse, Allah says (meaning): “ And remember your Lord to yourself, humbly and with fear and quietly in the mornings and evenings, and do not forget to remember Allah (Surah Al-Araf, verse 205).

    الْج The ْغَافِلِينَ (سورة الأعراف 205)

    What does the Quran and Hadith say about dua?

    And if My servants ask you (O Muhammad) about Me, then I am close, I answer the prayers of the one who asks, when he asks Me. So let them (My slaves) ask Me and continue to believe in Me, and then they will be on the true path "(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 186).

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    The Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): “ So ask Allah to give you from His bounty. Indeed, Allah is aware of all things (including your requests) "(Surah An-Nisa, verse 32).

    The ْءٍ عَلِيمًا (سورة النساء آية 32))

    The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “ Dua is the weapon of the believer, the support of religion and the light of heaven and earth "(Jamiul-Ahadith, 12408).

    12 408))

    Adabs (desirable actions) and reasons for accepting dua.

    1) Showing sincerity towards Allah;

    2) Decisiveness in prayer and firm conviction in its acceptance;

    3) Perseverance in prayer and reluctance to rush things;

    4) Humility while making dua;

    5) Prayer to the Almighty both in joy and in sorrow;

    6) Saying the prayer out loud, but not loudly;

    7) No request to harm anyone or anything;

    8) Confessing your sins and asking for their forgiveness;

    9) Recognizing the blessings that Allah has endowed us with and giving Him praise and gratitude for them;

    10) Returning all debts and performing repentance for them;

    11) Ask the Almighty three times;

    13) Raising hands;

    14) Start asking first for yourself, and only then for others;

    15) Ask the Almighty through His most beautiful names, epithets or through a good deed;

    16) So that the clothes, food and drink of the person asking are obtained in a permitted way;

    17) Do not ask for sinful things or to break family ties;

    18) Do not go beyond what is permitted in prayer (for example, do not ask Allah to make you a prophet);

    19) Do good and protect others from evil and forbidden things;

    20) Removal from everything forbidden.

    Times, situations and places in which the Almighty accepts dua.

    1) Dua performed on the night of Laylat-ul-qadr (night of predestination);

    2) The last third of the night;

    3) Immediately after performing the obligatory, daily five prayers;

    4) Between adhan and iqamat;

    5) During rain;

    6) During the clash of ranks in battle between Muslims and non-Muslims;

    7) While drinking Zamzam water, in the presence of a sincere and pure intention;

    8) During the performance of sajda (bow to the ground);

    9) When you wake up in the middle of the night and make dua;

    10) When you lie down at night in ablution, and then specially get up and ask the Almighty;

    11) Say the following prayer during dua: “La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina-zzalimin” (There is no deity worthy of worship except You, You are pure from everything unworthy. Truly, I oppress myself (by committing sins));

    12) Dua of people after a believer dies;

    13) Dua after reading salawat on the Prophet ﷺ in the last tashahhud (at-tahiyat);

    14) Dua of one Muslim to another, in his absence;

    15) Dua on the day of Arafah (10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah) on Mount Arafah;

    17) During a gathering of Muslims for collective remembrance of the Almighty (dhikr);

    18) Reading this prayer when any misfortune overtakes: “Inna lillahi vainna ilyayhi ar-rajiuna, Allahumma ujurni fi musibati wahluf li hairan minha” (Truly we all belong to Allah and to Him we will be returned. O Allah, grant me reward for grief that has overtaken me and replace my loss with something that is better than it);

  • Dua for wish fulfillment is sacred text from the Muslim religion, which helps a person achieve mental balance, harmony, achieve goals, and fulfill dreams. Followers of Islam know: when starting a new business, you need to prepare first of all morally and spiritually. The texts given in the Koran help with this.

    Muslim prayers have no strict rules reading. They are performed in any language, at any time. By pronouncing the text, believers worship the Almighty, admit their weakness and humility. By making dua, people receive blessings and help from Allah.

    In order for prayers for the fulfillment of desires to be heard and accepted, certain conditions must be met:

    • let the one who turns to the Almighty with a prayer be purposeful, it is said in the Koran. The dua should be read persistently, with confidence in making the right choice goals;
    • The Lord does not tolerate hypocrisy. A prayer for the fulfillment of a desire must be sincere, coming from the heart, soul;
    • regularity. Dua is performed daily, several times a day;
    • without faith in the power of the Lord, prayer will not be heard;
    • humility. Man is weak, powerless before the will of Allah, he only asks for help;
    • dua is offered under any conditions, in times of need, in moments of joy;
    • the text for fulfillment of desires is read aloud, without raised intonations;
    • one must turn to the Almighty without evil in the soul, with pure thoughts;
    • without repentance and recognition of sins, the dua will not be accepted;
    • you need to offer praise to the Lord, recognition, gratitude for everything while saying prayer;
    • the text for fulfilling a wish is read turning towards the Kaaba;
    • the prayers of those whose diet contains haram foods will not be accepted;
    • words of the messenger: The dua that mentions greatest names Almighty;
    • during prayer they raise their hands;
    • moderation of desires. You cannot ask the Creator to fulfill the forbidden.

    Without faith in the possibility of fulfilling desires, reading the text is pointless. Muslim duas can be performed by people who are firmly convinced of the power of the Higher powers. Faith in the text and the greatness of the Creator is important.

    Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of desires is not suitable for representatives of other religions - they do not have true faith in the power of Allah.

    Dua texts for fulfillment of desires

    When there is an urgent need to meet someone or get something, Muslim tradition It is customary to read dua. They are pronounced at home or in a mosque, formulated in their own words or memorized as given in the Koran.

    There are powerful duas to fulfill any desire in Islam. They are read in Arabic, clearly understanding what is being said.

    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said when a person has a need for Allah and another person, let him read:

    La illaha ila lahul hallimul karim, sukhana lahi rabil arshiil azzim. Alhhamdu lilahi rabil allyamin. Asalluqa mujibbati rahmaatika, wa azaima magfirratika wall ganimmata min kuli birin, wa ssallamata minn kuli isminn lla tada-li zanbann ila gafarrtahu wa-la haman ila farajtahu wa la hajattan hkhiya lakka ridann ila qaddaytaha ya arrhama rahimina.

    Translation dua fulfillment requests and wishes:

    There is no other God but Allah, He is great and patient. He is Mr. Arsha, he is far from imperfect. Glory to the Almighty! Allah, I pray, grant me forgiveness and mercy. Protect from sins and temptations. Don't send me trials that won't help you. Do not send trials that will not be for your glory! Do not leave unforgiven sins behind me. Allah is merciful and great!

    Another version of the dua for making your dreams come true:

    Allahuma ini asalluqa tawfiqa ahlill-huda, va-ammala ahlill-yakkyn, wa munasahatta ahlit-tavbakh, vaazma ahlis sabr, waa jidda ahlil lhashyah, wa-tallabah akhli-rragbah, vataabuda ahlill vara, waa irffana ahlill illm , hut akhaffak. Allahuma ini asalluqa mahhafatan tahjuzunni amma syattika hata amalla bitta attika amallan astahiku bikhi riddaka vaa hata unasykhaka bit tavbatti havvfan minkka waahata uhlissa lakan nasykhata huball lakka vaa hata atta-wakalu allaika fill-umurri wa-hussna zanin kka subhanna halikun-nurr.

    The meaning of this dua for the fulfillment of any desires:

    There is no other God except Allah Almighty. He is pure, far from flaws. Praise be to the Lord of the World, praise be to Allah. I pray that you give me qualities that will help me avoid temptation. Grant me liberation from sins, do not leave a single one unforgiven, do not leave a loss not compensated by You. Fulfill the request that corresponds to your will, with which you will be pleased, O Great One!

    Variation of the dua text:

    Allahuma ini astahirruka biilmika wa-astakkdiruka bi kkudratika wa assalyuka minn faadlika, fa-inakka tak-diru waa alla akkdiru, wa taalamu wa-lla allamu wa an-ta allamul guyub. Allahuma fainn ku'nta taklyamu hazall ammra (specify for the fulfillment of what desire the prayer is) khairran lii fi-adjilly ammri wa-a-adjilihi fakkdirhu li-va yasirrhu li-suma barrick li-fihi. Allahuma wa-in kunnta tallamu anahu sharun li-fi dinni wa ma-ashi wa akkibati amri fasriffni anhu wakkdur lill khairra h'aisu ka-na suma radnni bi-hi.

    Translation of dua for fulfillment of desires:

    Great Allah, I pray for help, strengthen me with your knowledge and power. You are great, I am insignificant! You are omnipotent, I am helpless. You know everything, I'm blind. Allah is great, grant me help in fulfilling my desire if it benefits my faith, life and deeds. Give your blessing to the matter. If it becomes evil, it will turn out to be detrimental to religion, life and work, decree that it will not come true, and then predetermine the satisfaction from this for me.

    A short powerful dua to fulfill your cherished desires. Convenient to read daily anywhere. Unlike prayer, it can be performed at home when there is a need to ask for help from the Lord:

    Rabi yasirr wa-la tagaasir. Rabi Tamin Bill Hayirr.


    Almighty, help, make your work easier. Predetermine an easy completion of the matter.

    Dua is a prayer appeal to the Almighty. When making a prayer, one should tirelessly thank Allah for the mercies, trials, and difficulties sent down. The Lord is omnipotent, wise, and it is beyond human strength and will to resist the fulfillment of his plans.

    How to read so that your wish comes true immediately

    Human life belongs entirely to the Lord, everything is the will of Allah. The fulfillment of desire occurs when it pleases the Almighty. With fervent prayers, pious deeds, and kindness, you can bring your dream closer. Reading a dua helps plans come true faster and easier.

    To make your wishes come true as quickly as possible, you need to follow the rules of pronunciation:

    1. Allah hears those who are devoted to the Muslim faith. You cannot be cunning or use dua without sincere faith in your soul.
    2. It is better to make duas in Arabic, having learned them by heart. You cannot repeat words without understanding the meaning of what was said. There must be a clear awareness of what has been said.
    3. Duas read by the team work more effectively. For the speedy fulfillment of desires, they gather with family, a circle of like-minded people, and read suras from the Koran.
    4. Prayers are offered daily, without perseverance there will be no result.

    In the Muslim faith, an important role is played by Arabic. Surahs in Arabic are written on souvenirs, textile items, and jewelry. They are placed in the house - they serve as a talisman for the family.

    To fulfill a dream, they read suras from the Koran every day, starting with a prayer to the Almighty, then make dua.

    Imams believe that to fulfill desires you need sincere, selfless faith.

    Why wishes don't come true

    Sometimes a person makes a prayer and expects the dua to fulfill his desire immediately. If this does not happen, you should remember that everything is the will of the Almighty, the fulfillment of desires occurs when requests do not contradict it.

    The fulfillment of a desire after making a dua may not happen for various reasons:

    • the prayer was uttered without faith in Allah or in success. Faith is the main driving force of the processes leading to a dream;
    • the person who made the dua did not make independent efforts to fulfill his dream. If you want to get slim or material well-being It’s not enough to pray, you have to act. The Lord will hear the prayer and facilitate the efforts aimed at its fulfillment;
    • there is no corresponding zeal or energy;
    • there is no gratitude to Allah. Praise is given to the Lord daily. At every prayer appeal thank the Almighty for joys, sorrows, trials, rewards;
    • when making dua to fulfill a wish, the request was not clearly and clearly formulated.

    Reading prayers and making dua- a traditional method of facilitating efforts to achieve goals. We must not forget that the Lord helps in fulfilling good intentions. You cannot pray to commit evil; requests for illnesses for others, for breaking off relationships in married couple, other desires that bring evil.

    Dream Interpretation