King of Cups meaning. King of Cups (Rider White Tarot). Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Description of the Tarot card King of Cups

In most decks, the King of Cups tarot card shows a mature man sitting on a throne. Sometimes the throne stands on the seashore, and sometimes it floats on the water. Almost always the King is depicted without armor or only wearing breastplates. In one hand he holds a goblet and in the other a scepter. The man's posture expresses ease, strength, calmness and self-confidence.

General meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and readings

Direct card position

IN upright position The King of Cups card speaks of conscious and consistent progress towards your goal surrounded by supportive people. Indicates understanding, leadership, friendship and help. The Arcanum may mean that in order to successfully resolve the current situation, you need to take on the role of a voluntary leader who understands the problems of others. Perhaps now is the time to provide help and support to your loved ones to resolve their various spiritual and emotional problems.

Reversed card position

When appearing in an inverted position in fortune telling or readings, the King of Cups can mean a loss that will cause a flurry of negative emotions, or involvement in some kind of scandal, deception or scam due to a tendency to listen excessively to the opinions of others and act on someone else's orders. The card is sometimes interpreted as insincere or simply bad advice, as well as an inability to make mature decisions.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

In this area, the King of Cups in an upright position indicates significant progress, advancement career ladder, appointment to a leadership position. Sometimes - receiving significant financial profit. In some cases, Arcanum should be taken as an indication of the opportunity to break out of the routine of everyday work and look at your activities from a different perspective, or even change your profession to a more interesting one.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reading in an inverted position, the King of Cups warns of unpromising, and sometimes even related to fraud or violation of the law proposals. The lasso can also indicate unhealthy relationships in a team, humiliation from management, and unfriendly attitude of colleagues.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Good health, full recovery in case of illness.

Reversed card position

Exhaustion of the body, tendency to hysteria, nervous disorders. Dangerous cases of liquid poisoning are possible.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In fortune-telling and layouts for love and relationships, the King of Cups card in an upright position speaks of the blossoming of feelings, when partners understand each other more than ever: they know about all the hopes, desires, doubts and failures and can help in difficult times. The lasso symbolizes the peak of romanticism and the period of ideal relationships, the willingness to accept a partner as he is, to support him with all his might, eliminating doubts, complexes, and fears. Sometimes the card is interpreted as a readiness to start a family.

Reversed card position

When reversed, the King of Cups indicates that one of the partners in the alliance is using their attractiveness to achieve personal goals, and too favorable developments in the relationship are usually too good to be true. When divining for a new acquaintance, this card should be taken as a warning that first impressions are often deceptive.

The meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

When upright, the King of Cups is a middle-aged man (at least 40–45 years old) with light brown hair or an older man, probably born under the sign of Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces. This is a kind, noble and generous person, a fair friend and authoritative adviser, creative, aware of the responsibility for what he does. Often the card indicates a scientist, a thoughtful person. Sometimes this person may simply be a businessman or a person whose activities are somehow related to the law. It is possible that this is a clergyman, a philosopher; perhaps a person who has achieved high academic degrees. This is a personable, reliable person, kind, attentive to others, and forgiving of their minor sins and shortcomings. This is a person about whom they usually say that he does not and cannot have enemies.

Reversed card position

When reversed, the King of Cups describes a person who is capricious, changeable and indecisive. He is often pompous and likes to promise more than he can deliver, or he is too lazy to take action. This is a dishonest swindler who can become a cause of loss for the fortuneteller in his personal life or career. You should be careful with such a person and move away from him to a safe distance as soon as possible.

Meaning and interpretation of the King of Cups card as a card of the day

Today you need to consciously manage your feelings, giving them free rein. Don't hide your emotions, but try to show the other person how much you love him, what problem bothers you or what matter worries you most. If you have a clear goal before your eyes, you will very soon see that emotions and rich imagination only help you achieve it faster. It is possible, however, that life path You will meet a sensitive, handsome man, or he will simply play an important role for you today. In any case, meeting him will delight you and enrich you in many ways.

Advice from the King of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

Weigh each step carefully, without allowing confidence and understanding to blind you. Even the most obvious things and decisions at first glance need careful checking and thought.

Ace of Swords >>

King of Cups

Straight position:
DIVINATION MEANINGS: an honest person, a man of action, a lawyer or theologian; reliable, disposed to do favors for Quirent. Also law, art and science, including those who are professionally engaged in science, jurisprudence and art; creative mind.

Reverse position:
REVERSE MEANINGS: dishonest, hypocritical person; fraud, extortion, injustice, vice, slander.

Description of the lasso:
KING. The king holds a short scepter in his left hand and a large goblet in his right. His throne rises in the middle of the sea, on one side there is a ship gliding on the waves, on the other there is a dolphin jumping. The heart sign is understood to be related to water, which appears in all card figures of that suit.

© Original values cards that come with the deck.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Sun in Pisces as a symbol of subtlety of feelings, intuitive knowledge and willingness to help others.

The King of Cups personifies the masculine aspect of the element of water, our desire to acquire transcendental experience, to liberate ourselves from the shackles of consciousness and mystical unity with the beginning, with the Cosmos (or take any other designation for what there are no words for in our languages). He knows that these areas are closed to rational knowledge, and that only those who have learned to rely on their intuition and are ready to trust the Cosmos and its currents can penetrate them. In addition, the King of Cups signifies the need to express our feelings, give free rein to our intuition, and embody the images of our subconscious in music, poetry or other material form, including in the form of healing and psychotherapy. However, if this process of incarnation slides into amateurism, that is, into ignorance of the fundamentals of the matter or neglect of them, the King of Cups turns into a “guru from the backyard,” into a pathetic preacher of other people’s values, or even simply into a charlatan; such a “retrograde” misunderstanding of the basic laws of existence makes him a toy Space Force, and sooner or later he finds himself a victim of other people's intrigues.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

The KING OF CUPS embodies a creative person who is aware of responsibility for what he does. Often the card indicates a scientist (or a person whose mind is open), a thoughtful person.
Sometimes this person may simply be a businessman or a person whose activities are in one way or another related to the law (for example, a lawyer). It is possible that this is a clergyman, a philosopher; perhaps a person who has achieved high academic degrees.

Astrological equivalents: Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Venus in the Seventh House, Sun in the Fifth House.
The card may indicate a person who is put in a situation where he needs to show his intuitive abilities. He can feel it. Be that as it may, he is a personable, reliable person, kind, attentive to others, and forgiving of their minor sins and shortcomings. It is possible that this person is, in one way or another, connected with art. Perhaps his interests in art and science intersect. This is a noble man, hardly capable of low deeds. He is philanthropic and moderately generous.

Astrological equivalents: Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Sun afflicted by Uranus, Uranus in the Fifth House.
Pronounced artistry, moreover, gravitating towards shocking, eccentric (Uranus). Perhaps this person is accompanied everywhere by scandals, and his restlessness and desire to live on a grand scale will lead to losses, dishonor, and a disadvantageous position for him. Maybe this person is dishonest; his left hand does not know what the right one is doing. His life is a path of self-destruction. Once on his path, you will also be involved in a destructive process.
Sometimes the KING OF CUPS embodies a professional, a virtuoso in his field, completely devoid of any moral principles. It can sometimes be difficult to deal with him; it may turn out that this man is as slippery as a burbot (Chiron). At the same time, he is most likely not greedy.

If the card represents an action.
A. In a straight position
Subsequent cards can symbolize some kind of creative idea, creative act. Perhaps you are ripe for some emotion and in present moment you are waiting for this emotion to be initiated from the outside. It is safe to say that the action of subsequent cards will be tied to your emotional sphere, your emotional state.

B. Inverted position
Stagnant state, nothing new. It may happen that this card indicates a person’s condition when he is not able to learn life lessons, however, the latter must be confirmed by subsequent cards.

He holds a short scepter in his left hand and a large goblet in his right. His throne rises in the middle of the sea, on one side there is a ship gliding on the waves, on the other there is a dolphin jumping. The sign of heart is implied to be related to water, which appears in all card figures of that suit.
Straight position:
DIVINATION MEANINGS: an honest person, a man of action, a lawyer or theologian; reliable, disposed to do favors for Quirent. Also law, art and science, including those who are professionally engaged in science, jurisprudence and art; creative mind.
Reverse position:
REVERSE MEANINGS: dishonest, hypocritical person; fraud, extortion, injustice, vice, slander.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Sun in Pisces as a symbol of subtlety of feelings, intuitive knowledge and willingness to help others.
The King of Cups personifies the masculine aspect of water, our desire to acquire transcendental experience, to liberate ourselves from the shackles of consciousness and mystical unity with the beginning, with the Cosmos (or take any other designation for what there are no words for in our languages). He knows that these spheres are closed to rational knowledge, and that only those who have learned to rely on their intuition and are ready to trust the Cosmos and its currents can penetrate them. In addition, the King of Cups signifies the need to express our feelings, give free rein to our intuition, and embody the images of our subconscious in music, poetry or other material form, including in the form of healing and psychotherapy. However, if this process of incarnation slides into amateurism, that is, into ignorance of the basics of the matter or neglect of them, the King of Cups turns into a “guru from the backyard,” into a pathetic preacher of other people’s values, or even simply into a charlatan; Such a “retrograde” misunderstanding of the basic laws of existence makes him a toy of cosmic forces, and sooner or later he finds himself a victim of other people’s intrigues.
The KING OF CUPS embodies a creative person who is aware of responsibility for what he does. Often the card indicates a scientist (or a person whose mind is open), a thoughtful person.
Sometimes this person may simply be a businessman or a person whose activities are in one way or another related to the law (for example, a lawyer). It is possible that this is a clergyman, a philosopher; perhaps a person who has achieved high academic degrees.
Astrological equivalents: Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Venus in the Seventh House, Sun in the Fifth House.
The card may indicate a person who is placed in a situation where he needs to demonstrate his intuitive abilities. He can feel it. Be that as it may, he is a personable, reliable person, kind, attentive to others, and forgiving of their minor sins and shortcomings. It is possible that this person is, in one way or another, connected with art. Perhaps his interests in art and science intersect. This is a noble man, hardly capable of low deeds. He is philanthropic and moderately generous.
Astrological equivalents: Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Sun afflicted by Uranus, Uranus in the Fifth House.
Pronounced artistry, moreover, gravitating towards shocking, eccentric (Uranus). Perhaps this person is accompanied everywhere by scandals, and his restlessness and desire to live on a grand scale will lead to losses, dishonor, and a disadvantageous position for him. Maybe this person is dishonest; his left hand does not know what his right hand is doing. His life is a path of self-destruction. Once on his path, you will also be involved in a destructive process.
Sometimes the KING OF CUPS embodies a professional, a virtuoso in his field, completely devoid of any moral principles. It can sometimes be difficult to deal with him; it may turn out that this man is as slippery as a burbot (Chiron). At the same time, he is most likely not greedy.
If the card represents an action.
A. In a straight position
Subsequent cards can symbolize some kind of creative idea, creative act. Perhaps you are ripe for some emotion and are currently waiting for this emotion to be initiated from the outside. It is safe to say that the action of subsequent cards will be tied to your emotional sphere, your emotional state.
B. Inverted position
Stagnant state, nothing new. It may happen that this card indicates a person’s condition when he is not able to learn life lessons, however, the latter must be confirmed by subsequent cards.

Straight position

The essence of the King of Cups is artistry, intuitive feeling, emotional depth. This Arcanum usually falls to people who are always ready to help and give practical advice. However, in addition to the feeling of compassion, in this case we can also talk about inner restlessness, forcing a person to strive forward (remember, from the classic: “And he, the rebellious one, is looking for a storm...”)

If such a King is considered as a court card, then he represents a middle-aged man (at least 40-45 years old) or an elderly person, and almost certainly born under the sign of Scorpio or, possibly, Cancer or Pisces. If the Arcanum describes social status, then it should be interpreted as quite high, and most likely associated with creative activity. However, at the same time, the area of ​​interest can hardly be called simple and ordinary. Judge for yourself: people who are characterized by the King of Cups may be interested, for example, in psychotherapy or the occult sciences (especially with the Priestess).

Together with the Magician, the King of Cups should be interpreted as a chance to fully reveal and realize one’s talents, and with the Hierophant - as an opportunity to achieve inner enlightenment.

Inverted position

The reversed King of Cups can represent a loss that will cause a storm of emotions, or involvement in some kind of scandal, or dishonesty (deception, cheating, etc.) Such a card, among other things, sometimes symbolizes insincere or simply bad advice, as well as an inability to make mature decisions (including the Chariot).

Another side of the “coin” for this Arcanum in reverse is the susceptibility to dependence on someone or something. That is, a person tends to get confused in situations or opinions and, as a result, listen excessively to outside opinions and act on someone else’s orders. Very indicative in this regard is the combination of the inverted King of Cups and the Hermit, which means that a person is looking for “truth in wine,” trying to forget about his problems with the help of alcohol, and as a result, he becomes an alcoholic.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For personal relationships, the King of Cups is attentiveness to a partner, excellent mutual understanding, deep feeling, emotional openness to each other. This card indicates great sexuality and the desire to realize it as much as possible.

In general, the King of Cups symbolizes the peak of romanticism and the period of ideal relationships, the willingness to accept a partner as he is and support him with all his might, eliminating doubts, complexes, and fears.

In addition, with the Emperor this card should be interpreted as a desire to create a family, with the World - as the peak of emotionality and consolidation of relationships on a high positive note, with the Two of Cups - as an attitude towards a partner as one’s “soul mate”.

Inverted position

When reversed, the King of Cups indicates using one's sexuality to achieve personal goals. If such an Arcana falls on a new acquaintance, then this should be taken as a warning that the first impression is often deceptive. And also that a perfectly successful, absolutely favorable development of relationships in most cases is too good to be true.

In some situations, such a card may suggest that we are dealing with a drug addict or a potential (or secret) alcoholic.

In a pair with Judgment, the inverted King of Cups warns of the inevitability of retribution (how you treat your partner is how he will ultimately treat you), and with the Hanged Man - of betrayal.


Straight position

A person who has the King of Cups in the professional scenario is good at combining work and leisure (and personal life), that is, he is able to successfully move up the career ladder without infringing on himself. In addition, this Arcanum suggests that a creative approach is very important in work, that you need to devote yourself to your work with all your heart. If such a card fell to a non-poor person, it means that he does not skimp on social assistance to the poor and, perhaps, is engaged in philanthropy.

When the King of Cups appears as advice to a fortuneteller, it should be perceived as a need to break out of the routine of everyday work and look at your activities from a different perspective. Or maybe even change your profession to a more interesting one. By the way, if the Arcanum Wheel of Fortune also appears in the layout along with the King of Cups, then this indicates a particularly favorable moment for this.

Paired with Justice, this card is a recommendation not to waste time on trifles, and with the Sun it indicates a person’s enormous creative potential.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the King of Cups usually warns of proposals that are unpromising, and sometimes even associated with fraud or outright disregard for the law. Such a card may indicate unhealthy relationships in a team, when the boss humiliates his subordinates (with the Three of Swords - he is even ready to resign in order to get rid of those he doesn't like) or team members demonstrate obvious hostility towards one of their colleagues (together with the Six of Swords - want to teach him a lesson).

If the Ace (or Nine, or Ten) of Coins appears next to the inverted King of Cups, then problems in the workplace are related to the material aspect; if the Four of Coins – then with careerism.

The desired is already close, but a final, decisive effort is needed. You shouldn’t be afraid to do it, because Fortune is on your side. If you have doubts about this, feel free to cast them aside and go ahead! And if among your friends there is an influential (and certainly attractive) person, resort to his help for greater confidence in success.

Key meanings of the King of Cups in the upright position:

  • emotional balance and control;
  • generosity;
  • caring, friendliness, compassion;
  • diplomacy, tact;
  • honesty, loyalty;
  • creation.

Key meanings of the Tarot card in reverse position:

  • capriciousness, inconstancy;
  • manipulation of emotions;
  • deceiver, fraud;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • apathy.

The King of Cups sits on his throne, which sits on a gray stone block. The sea is raging around him, but he looks calm, relaxed and quite content. Around his neck is a chain with a pendant in the shape of a fish.

Fish is a symbol of spirit and creativity. It represents the balance between the unconscious and consciousness.

The King of Cups does not suppress his emotions and unconscious impulses. On the contrary, as a mature person, he learned to accept and manage them. He is balanced and emotions do not overwhelm him.

Emotions are powerful force, and they are truly beautiful when their energy is pure and flows freely. However, the King of Cups realizes that this power could become potentially dangerous if it gets out of control. Even the energy of love can become a crushing force.

In the midst of stormy waves, the King calmly waits for the water (emotions) to calm down. He doesn't panic. When the storm subsides, the tide will bring him back to shore.

King of Cups (Chalices) – personality characteristics

The King of Cups approaches everything calmly and carefully. Sensitive to the needs of others, he strives to help in any matter. Good listener. His wisdom and ability to hear what matters most make him an excellent advisor. You can trust him with your secrets. He will keep them and will not judge you.

Because he is in control of his emotions, it gives him the ability to remain objective and impartial when it comes to the emotions of others. He doesn’t take sides, so you can rely on him to judge fairly.

Although characteristic features The King of Cups is tenderness, sensitivity and kindness, this does not mean that he is weak. Behind his soft appearance hidden deep inner strength and wisdom. This king is powerful and strong. But he does not feel the need to show it, because he is in harmony with himself and the world.

King of Cups (of Cups) - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

The King of Cups, like the other court cards of the suit of Cups, signifies emotion, creativity and the unconscious. However, unlike, or Cups, the King is much more emotionally reserved.

He is the master of his feelings and emotions. But this does not mean that he suppresses them. He simply learned to control them through self-discipline. Understands that giving in to feelings or giving in to emotions can be unwise or even dangerous. Thus, it symbolizes the balance between emotions and reason.

This is an example of compassion and kindness. In a reading, the card often indicates a strong bond in a relationship based on restraint and understanding.

Sometimes the King of Cups Tarot can represent an older man who will appear in your life or who is already present and influencing the situation. He is kind, considerate, generous and ready to help. Not afraid to take responsibility. Able to listen carefully to others.

Calm in critical situations. He uses diplomacy rather than force. This person shows you generosity, mercy, love, care. Provides assistance.

Often in layouts it personifies a father, guardian, patron, relative, husband (wife) or simply a person who treats the questioner in a fatherly way.

In addition to indicating a person, in fortune-telling the King of the Suit of Cups can say that you feel emotionally balanced and are calm about current events. This emotional maturity will help you cope with problems that arise.

If you encounter difficulties, this Tarot lasso can also be interpreted as advice to calm down and create balance in the sphere of emotions. You must clearly understand where the line is that you cannot cross on an emotional level. Feelings should not interfere with making a reasonable decision.

The King of Cups is extremely diplomatic and correct. He has a real talent in resolving conflicts and smoothing out tense situations. Attentive to the emotional state of others and their needs. This allows a large number of people to interact harmoniously and productively.

However, the presence of the King of Cups in a reading may suggest that you should not reveal your true feelings about a situation. Sometimes you should be careful and not rush to help. In some cases it is appropriate to show compassion, while in others it is better to pretend that you do not know or understand anything.

One of the interpretations is intuition. Rely on the subconscious when making decisions. Trust your feelings. Deep religiosity. Old-fashioned views on life.

Reconciliation, resolution of contradictions. Peacemaker. A faithful friend who you can always rely on and who will come to the rescue in difficult times. Wise advice, support, consolation. A situation of justice and honor.

When divining the development of a situation, it gives a favorable prognosis. Your plans have every chance of coming true. Help will be provided to you when needed. But then it depends on you or other circumstances whether you achieve what you want or not.

King of Cups (of Cups) - meaning and interpretation in an inverted position

In a reversed position, the King of Cups can be seen as a manipulator. He is gloomy, touchy, vindictive and withdrawn. Especially if something doesn't happen the way he wants. Can be vindictive. Capable of emotional manipulation and emotional blackmail to get what he wants.

Communication with such a person brings you a feeling of insecurity. It starts to seem like the problem is you, not him. This causes emotional instability, leading to worries and worries. Although in reality there is no reason for this.

The reversed King of Cups can also represent a person who has lost control of their emotions. Now it is not he who controls his feelings, but feelings and emotions that control his life. Mood swings. Depressive state.

All sorts of addictions are associated with this inverted King: smoking, drugs, alcohol, overeating, dependence on other people's opinions. Indulge in illusions, abuse alcohol, or use other methods of escaping reality.

In a relationship, a reversed card says that you have reached a dead end, emotions are getting out of control. You are unsure of your true feelings, they seem to change every day, leaving you completely confused. Your partner is in the same state, because he cannot understand your behavior. When today I “love”, and tomorrow “I don’t love”. Today there is a rise, and tomorrow there is a decline.

The cup in the hands of the King symbolizes feelings. If in the upright position the lasso speaks of compassion, then in the inverted position it is indifference, lack of compassion and empathy, indifference, betrayal.

A warning that someone is trying to take advantage of you or that someone is not who they say they are. Fraud. Embroilment.

The implementation of the plan is delayed. You won't get the help you expected.

King of Cups (Chalices) – relationships and love

The card symbolizes a deep feeling based on devotion and trust. The period of an ideal relationship. Peak of romanticism.

The King of Cups aims to marry for life and will be faithful and devoted. He is caring and tries to protect his partner from any unpleasant situations. Always takes into account the feelings and opinions of others when making decisions.

Wants to have a big family. Loves children and allows them almost everything. Participating in the process of raising them gives him joy. Happy to share the hassle associated with night feedings and diapers.

He tends to avoid conflicts or difficult situations, preferring to gently find solutions to any problems that may arise. Gallant and courteous. Romantic.

The King of Cups is a homebody. Prefers to spend time with family. He is a hospitable host and loves to receive guests. As an art connoisseur, he likes to visit exhibitions and go to theaters.

In an inverted position, it can indicate emotional coldness in a relationship. Cooling, lack of romance, problems in sex life. The surrounding cards will help you more accurately tell whether this is the end of a relationship or just a temporary situation.

The Reversed King is a seducer or a person who pretends to be in love. Control over a partner, skillful manipulation of his emotions. Deception, treason. Marriage swindler.

The person symbolized by this lasso in the reading is capable of violence. At the same time, no one expects this from him. In society, he can be nice and make a pleasant impression. However, for closed door everything changes and he becomes terrible. Home tyrant.

Work and career

This is a professional in his field. He is distinguished by his compassion and desire to help those in need. Therefore, in matters of profession, the card can mean activities related to psychology, social work, guardianship, medicine, raising children, law, charity.

One of the meanings is strong intuition, spiritual development. Accordingly, a person can find himself in healing, esotericism, lean towards the occult, or go into religion.

Creative abilities and rich imagination run through the map. Thus, the lasso can mean various types of activities related to the demonstration of one’s talents. For example, music, painting, cinema, theater.

Activities related to the sea or water. Other suitable activities include diplomat or consultant. It may also be associated with the catering industry, hotel business or wine industry.

Work is more for the soul, not for money. Success in business or project success thanks to intuition, calmness, wisdom, diplomacy.

A friendly boss who strives to create a harmonious atmosphere in the team.

IN reverse position The King of Cups signifies a swindler, a corrupt official or an embezzler. Dishonest businessman. Work that does not bring pleasure, but is performed for financial gain. Unpromising proposals. Unfriendly relations in the team.

Dream Interpretation