What does stealing money mean in a dream? Why do you dream about money being stolen from your wallet? Why dream of counting a lot of paper money?

When you dream of stealing money, it means that you cannot contact people who are dear to you and you are frightened by certain prospects. It may also mean that you feel depressed and even enslaved, a situation that is not particularly comfortable for you.

Why dream of stealing money - Freud's dream book

If you dream of stealing money, this dream means that you can get rid of some bad relationships that are having a fatal, negative effect on you.

If theft of money appears in a dream, it is a sign that the trial will end in a way that will not be successful for you.

If you dream that your money is being stolen, this is a very bad sign that you may lose a significant part of your property or even go bankrupt in the near future.

According to the dream book, if you dream that you are stealing money from your loved ones, this is a sign that your life will be full of tedious, meticulous work, and this may drain your body, but in the end these efforts will certainly pay off, and you there will be great success as well as financial benefits.

Why do you dream of stolen paper money - Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed of stolen paper money, it means that you will have to engage in illegal business.

Stolen paper money appears in a dream, in general, this dream could be a sign from your subconscious to make you think about how you can protect the future of your loved ones in case of unexpected events.

When you have stolen paper money in your pocket in a dream, it means that you will not be able to honor the memory of your deceased loved ones in the near future.

Thefts are a fairly common and recurring dream. Did you dream that you were a thief?

Don’t rush to shame yourself for vicious desires; it’s better to look into your dream book: stealing in a dream means a lack of resources in reality.

Such a plot is an attempt by the psyche to compensate for an unsatisfactory standard of living. The problem may be financial or social in nature - it is useful to know why you dream of stealing different things.

What did you steal?

In your dream, did you steal basic necessities or food? Perhaps in reality you feel isolated, deprived of support and help. The dream reminds you of the possibility of choosing a different role - you do not have to be an outcast or a beggar. Look around, the world provides you with many opportunities - it's time to use them!

1. Steal a flower:

  • The theft of flowers promises a quick renewal of spiritual strength, the blossoming of the soul. The flower symbolizes the indestructible power of living nature.
  • Stealing flowers also promises success in love affairs, but you need to be careful when choosing applicants - momentary pleasure can bring difficulties in the future.

2. Did you dream that bread was stolen?

If your financial condition is now stable, then bread is a symbol of excessive anxiety and fears. It will be useful to take part in a charity project that will bring you not only the joy of helping people, but also useful contacts.

Bread in a dream means that participating in the lives of others will be for your own benefit. A particularly favorable plot is considered to be one where you share your spoils with the hungry. In reality, your wealth will increase, and those around you will feel sincere gratitude to you.

In difficult times, seeing such a dream means a quick solution to material problems and receiving unexpected income. Bread symbolizes general well-being, so “stealing” loses its negative connotation and means emerging victorious from a difficult situation.

3. Have your shoes been stolen?

Shoes symbolize activity, independence and self-confidence. Legs are an invariable human support that gives freedom of movement. Therefore, the desire to steal shoes (especially comfortable ones) means a lack of personal space and unnecessary influence from other people.

Did you steal military boots or hiking boots in your dream? Such shoes symbolize discipline and high ideas of duty. Therefore, the need to get your own boots may mean a desire to streamline life, make it more stable and manageable. If the stolen boots are old or falling apart before your eyes, it means that you are following the wrong path - you are taking someone else’s place, wasting your life’s time.

Beautiful shoes, whether patent leather shoes or fashionable boots, mean envy of others' well-being. Maybe you would like to live a different life, change some character traits? Trying to put on “other people’s boots” will not bring happiness - don’t look around, look for your own path!

4. Child theft.

Women who dream of a family and their own baby often dream of stealing someone else's child. A similar plot symbolizes her desire to get married and make her childhood dreams come true. In fact, she is not stealing a child, but trying to grab hold of her own future. The dream is favorable, everything will be fine.

If a married lady steals a child in a dream, pleasant surprises await her soon. Some young mothers see in their dreams how their own child is stolen from the maternity hospital - such a plot means the presence of a suppressed fear of motherhood. Try to enlist the support of your relatives in the near future and relax more, devoting time to yourself and your husband.


Often in a dream, people steal material assets - paper money, gold, jewelry, perfume, a stylish mobile phone, fashion accessories. The interpretation of such dreams is inextricably linked with a person’s social status and the level of his aspirations.

Stealing money in a dream means a life poor in emotions and events. Money is a kind of reflection of one’s own importance. Theft is an attempt to change one's own life or situation.

1. Paper money.

Stealing paper money means the approach of a bright streak. Moreover, what is expected is not so much financial income as good relationships with others and loved ones.

  • Small amounts indicate camaraderie at work and communication with friends.
  • Large bills mean a favorable atmosphere in the family.

2. Coins, small amounts.

Small money in a dream means many minor quarrels. Take a closer look at your work or school team and close social circle. Perhaps you should stop communicating with someone.

3. Large bills.

In your dream, did you steal big paper money? Beware of innovations in business and do not make hasty decisions in your personal life. In a dream, paper money promises changes, what they will be - you influence this.

4. Gold.

Dream books claim that gold symbolizes luck in business and social success. Stealing gold means an increased desire to become a more significant and important person, to achieve a high social status.

Also in a dream, gold warns of false goals that will not bring happiness. If the dream left an unpleasant “aftertaste”, then in reality you should slow down - achieve what you want gradually, do not try to get to the top too quickly.

Attributes of success

Theft of luxury goods is of great importance. A ring with precious stones, an exquisite perfume in an elegant bottle, the latest telephone, a luxury car - such symbols characterize career aspirations and the need to play an important role in society.

1. Ring (wedding ring, signet of kings).

  • Women who want to get married often dream about an engagement ring. Stealing it means forcing things, so try to be more selective in reality.
  • For men, the ring is a symbol of power and is associated with the family seal of the aristocracy. Theft reflects the need to gain more influence and take a leadership position.
  • In the dream, was the ring decorated with precious stones and easy to put on your finger? The chances of achieving what you want are quite high!

2. Perfumery.

Stealing perfume means a desire to appear better, to wear the mask of a successful and happy person. Does a bottle of perfume break during theft? Soon all your shortcomings will be revealed.

However, in the end, you will only benefit from this, since you will be able to build relationships with your environment on a basis of trust. It may turn out that the chosen role of the “ideal” separated you from many wonderful people!

3. Steal a car.

Stealing a car means the desire to “try on” someone else’s life. A car can be associated with independence, freedom of movement and changes in life. Remember that the sensations with which you stole a car in a dream are necessary for you in real life.

  • Did the hijacking go well? Expect new job offers, possibly related to business trips.
  • If you damaged your car during the theft, then you will soon have to deal with the consequences of rash decisions and harsh statements.
  • Are dreams about a stolen car recurring? In reality, you are probably chasing an impossible dream and refusing more realistic opportunities.

4. Telephone.

The phone symbolizes connection with people, so its theft is an attempt to expand the circle of communication or make interaction more sincere and intimate.

Did your non-working phone get stolen? In reality, you choose ineffective communication styles or trust indifferent people. A chic and new phone means a desire to join the elite.

However, stealing indicates that you feel unworthy of communication. Therefore, a telephone in a dream reminds you of the need to increase self-esteem, obtain additional education - any actions for self-development will bear fruit.

5. Steal a bag.

Did you have a dream where you happened to steal the bag of a famous person? Be careful in unfamiliar company, do not gossip or mock others - every word you say can become a weapon against you. If you stole a friend’s bag, this promises new experience and knowledge. However, it is worth sifting out unnecessary information to avoid intellectual overload.

Stealing a bag is a desperate impulse that reveals a deep distrust of people. Test yourself! Do you think that you are worthy of help and kindness? You will probably soon go through a difficult period, which will end faster if you can trust those around you!

Theft in a dream is a manifestation of secret desires or a desire to overcome unfavorable circumstances. The interpretation of such plots strongly depends on the emotional coloring of dreams, the sequence of events and the appearance of the stolen items.

Take into account all the nuances in order to correctly adapt the meaning of sleep to your life. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

dreamed of stealing money

Was money stolen from your home? Expect troubles that will arise as a result of neglect. The scale of the impending troubles directly depends on the amount of money stolen. If your money was stolen outside your home, then you should be careful in the near future and do not allow a rash approach to business. Otherwise, your actions will harm your family.

what does it mean if money is stolen in a dream

Such a dream is interpreted in different ways. If money was stolen from you, expect trouble in the family and at work. If you yourself stole the money, then this is a sign of danger that hangs over you. Advice - carefully monitor your behavior, carefully think through all your actions in the near future.

Why do you dream about stealing money?

Theft in a dream is compared with good news that you will learn in the near future. You may feel fear, uncertainty and anxiety. But in the end, good news awaits you - exposing the culprit in your troubles. But if you are accused of stealing money, then be prepared for interference in your personal affairs. Perhaps today someone will want to prevent you from completing your planned business. Don't worry, by the end of this day you will still be able to get out of this predicament

dream interpretation of stealing money

The theft of money committed by the dreamer is interpreted by the universal dream book as envy of wealthier people. If you were robbed, then you should not set yourself serious tasks and plans for the current day. Not a single job begun will be completed.

dream interpretation of stealing money

The family interpreter believes that missing money in a dream represents impending losses in your life. If you saw robbers in your dream, then expect minor troubles at home. If you witness the theft of money from your loved ones and acquaintances, then failures await you, into which your loved ones may drag you.

dream interpretation of stealing money

The interpreter explains that misappropriation of funds in a dream promises great grief in life. If you find yourself in the role of a robber, then all the failures and troubles that await you depend only on your spontaneous and rash actions.

Losing money in a dream often foreshadows real losses in life. Undoubtedly, the accuracy of the interpretation of such a plot is influenced by the details of the dream seen. Before opening the dream book, try to remember exactly how the money disappeared, who stole it, what the amount was.

Hasse's dream book can interpret such a night vision as the simultaneous theft of finances and documents. If you had such a dream, be sure that luck is on your side. The French dream book says - in all actions and endeavors, you will be accompanied by success and higher powers!

If you dreamed that money and an identity card were stolen - in reality you will have to go through the fact of personal humiliation. Someone, intentionally or accidentally, but for some reason, will greatly humiliate you. The Dream Book of Wanderers recommends not to take the incident to heart and to erase it from memory as quickly as possible.

In a dream, were your finances and important documents stolen, causing you to wake up in horror and cold sweat? Did you dream that you were a victim of scammers? Don’t worry, because in reality the dream does not predict anything negative. The Eastern dream book advises to be extremely reasonable and attentive. Spend your money wisely, do not make thoughtless expenses and do not take on shady matters.

Has a bag containing large denomination bills been stolen? Be on the alert, in reality ill-wishers are thinking of insidious plans in order to harm you in your work life. Miller's dream book advises communicating less, sharing important thoughts with work teams, and directing all your skills to the impeccable performance of your duties.

In Grishina’s dream book, there is an interpretation of what the gypsies dreamed about stealing money. If in a dream a gypsy played the role of a thief, then in reality you will have to go through a series of problems and disappointments. Moreover, you yourself are involved in the emergence of life’s troubles. Analyze your actions, what you are doing wrong, and quickly try to correct the situation.

Theft in a dream

The loss of funds almost always carries an unfavorable interpretation, with one exception. Theft of money has a negative interpretation in all dream books, with some exceptions. A detailed interpretation of the dream is associated with the following facts:

  • Who caused the loss of money, scammers or the dreamer.
  • Whoever has lost money is the dreamer or a stranger.
  • Where were the funds stolen - indoors or somewhere else?

Money symbolism is associated with a person’s material well-being, since finance plays an important role in a person’s life. Seeing money missing means that in reality the dreamer’s financial situation is not stable. Everyone can in reality encounter problems and pitfalls in realizing their own goals.

A dream where the dreamer himself is involved in theft? Such night dreams mean that a person will go to great lengths to achieve the desired result. The theft of banknotes indicates that the dreamer is wasting time on dubious matters that will not bring him the expected results.

Did you dream that money was stolen by a loved one? Dream interpreters believe that very soon he will cause big problems for the dreamer and set him up.


Seeing money being stolen from your pocket means that in reality you will be disappointed in your loved ones. Stealing money from your friend's pocket? Troubles are likely to arise, the culprit of which will be the dreamer himself.

Did you dream about people taking money out of the pocket of a person you don’t know? Perhaps a long-planned trip or discussion of personal issues will fail - it is advisable to postpone these matters for some time.


Some interpreters predict financial enrichment if you see a dream where money is pulled out of a bag. It is likely that a profitable source of additional income will appear, which will significantly improve the dreamer’s unstable financial situation.

Other dream books symbolize such a nightly plot as a warning - in reality there are enemies who want to frame the dreamer by appropriating his achievements. Be extremely careful, especially in business.

Theft from a wallet

Did you take money out of your wallet? Prepare to overcome major, financial disruption. The universal dream book recommends carefully monitoring your financial situation, without waiting until you are left without a penny. Analyze in advance how to protect yourself from impoverishment and think through your cash reserves. Then you can get through difficult times with a minimum of troubles.

To see that the dreamer himself is stealing a wallet with banknotes means that in the near future you will encounter misunderstandings and adversity. The more bills you have in your wallet, the more difficult it will be to overcome life’s obstacles. When restoring a damaged reputation, remain confident, put aside emotions, and maintain clarity of mind. Move towards your goal with confidence and composure.

Rob a large number of people in a dream? Try to do without cunning tricks in reality when solving your problems. Be honest with people and they will answer you the same. Another option for interpreting such a dream is household chores and the bustle of life.

A wallet stolen in a dream signifies great disappointment and troubles in reality. For entrepreneurs and businessmen, this is an unfavorable sign, indicating that the company is facing bankruptcy.

If the dreamer in reality is a fan of gambling, then the dream warns not to participate in games and not to make any bets.

Apartment robbery

Such a dream clearly speaks of losses and damages. Moreover, the more money was stolen, the more you will lose in reality. The theft of a small amount of money predicts minor problems and troubles.

Sometimes, the robbery of a house or apartment means meeting criminals who are looking for a victim to steal. The dreamer himself can become this if he overlooks the warning signs.

If in reality you are planning to launch a project or an important business, it is better to wait it out, leaving the undertaking until better times, in order to avoid complete collapse.

What kind of money was stolen?

Stealing money in your night dreams - in reality you will feel a sharp shortage of them, you will be upset and not satisfied with your own life.

Paper money

Theft can be a dream for those who live in a monotonous, boring reality. The dream book advises you to diversify your life with new impressions and emotions.

Stolen banknotes mark the beginning of a bright, happy stage in life for the dreamer. Large cash receipts, good news are likely, important matters will be completed successfully and promisingly.

In addition, stealing banknotes means that in reality you will finally find a common language and find harmony with your family members.

Small bills

Do you see yourself stealing small sums of money and small bills? In reality, a rather pleasant acquaintance awaits you. The new person will become your good friend and will occupy an important, honorable place in your reality. In addition, communication and spending time with him will bring you a charge of energy and positivity.

Did you dream about stolen banknotes? Long-awaited communication with a close friend in reality, a reason to spend the evening in a fun company.

Large banknotes

Get large banknotes in a dream

Did you dream that you stole a large amount of money? You shouldn’t worry, because everything you plan will come true. You will achieve serious heights and become successful. However, there is a warning: if you count a stack of banknotes several times in a dream, in reality your plans and hopes will not come true.

Also, stolen high denomination banknotes symbolize a clear warning. Try not to make sudden conclusions or commit rash actions. How your destiny will develop depends entirely on you.

Iron coins

Theft can promise sadness and trouble, a series of new, unknown events. The dreamer will have to go through family conflicts and everyday troubles. Your environment will begin to turn their backs, rejecting you. Be more attentive and careful.

There are probably people from whom only negativity and bad thoughts come. Protect yourself from them at all costs.

What does it mean to dream about stealing a large number of coins? The dream book interprets this as a loss of a significant amount of money in reality. Be alert, do not share your personal information with anyone, and avoid suspicious connections.

Gold coins

Stealing pure gold coins in a dream? This is an auspicious and positive symbol.

This night plot is interpreted as follows:

  • In reality, personally solve your financial difficulties.

Take a large amount of gold for yourself in a dream:

  • Success awaits, good luck in business.
  • Improving social and financial status.
  • You will become an authoritative, respected person.

Silver change

Why see silver coins in a dream? In reality you doubt the correctness of the actions being performed. A re-evaluation of thoughts and behavior should be made. Perhaps you are consumed by dubious prejudices, so you do not notice the true happiness that swirls around you.

Why do you dream of giving money?

If you dreamed about giving away banknotes, in reality you will experience large, unexpected financial expenses. Are you asking me to lend you money? A warning that existing prosperity will add unwanted problems. Try to adequately assess what is happening around you.

In a dream, your friend is trying to borrow money, do you have finances? In reality, a quarrel with a loved one is likely. If in a dream a close friend or relative does not repay a debt, then a long-forgotten acquaintance may appear.

Handing banknotes to someone in a dream is a warning that a lot of financial expenses will be required in order to complete the business started with a successful outcome.

They are eager to receive supposedly borrowed banknotes from you - beware of easy money, dubious projects where they want to drag you into them. Your trust in people may end very unfavorably.

Returning borrowed money in a dream is a new, unplanned trip, and what its outcome will be depends on your inner mood. If you spend a large amount of money, there are disagreements and conflicts with colleagues on work issues.

What does a dream mean - finding money

I dreamed that I found money - a favorable sign. Positive emotions and bright changes await you. However, if you find a lot of finances in a dream, but lose sight of them, there is a traitor lurking in your environment, ready to strike you at any moment.

Remember, even in a dream, do not try to appropriate other people’s money, as this will not bring you happiness, and in reality you will have to give or lose much more.

List of used literature:

  • Bolshakov I.V. Predestination and interpretation of dreams in Ancient Egypt (historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of dream interpretation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005
  • Nechaenko D. A. History of literary dreams of the 19th-20th centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. - M.: University Book, 2011.

Numerological Dream Book

If in a dream you waste this money or lose it- On the 11th or 29th you will appear in court.

Solomon's Dream Book

Copper money- troubles, tears; silver- unnecessary efforts; gold- important matters.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Dreams about money- really imply POWER, control over others and competence. Therefore, an important element for the interpretation of a dream is a closer look at the persons taking part in commodity-money relations, as well as the role that you play in them.

The life of many people who dream of money- subject to the desire to get them, such people are upset by the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly seen in the “money dreams” that come to people who are stuck in debt.

If you receive money in a dream- try to remember who you receive them from and under what circumstances this happens. Perhaps this is a dream about a blessing. Receiving money in this case- indicates a revival of emotional strength or renewal through the settlement of relationships that no longer gnaw at your soul.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Money is golden- honor, important matters; silver- respect, big profits, and copper- sadness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Money- something equivalent to their price, often time, energy, sometimes love. Excrement due to the association of money with dirt. A certain amount of money. A specific number of days, the length of time required to implement the plan.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Old Yakut"

One day an old Yakut came to the bank and asked for a loan of 500 rubles.
With this money, he wanted to go to a big city, sell the furs and jewelry that he received through his labor.

The banker thought and replied:
-What do you have as collateral?
– What is a deposit? - the Yakut was perplexed.

– We cannot give money without backing it up with some value.
The deposit is needed for our peace of mind. Do you have a car?
– Our family has an old Moskvich, but it’s running.

– No, we cannot take such value into account as collateral.
Or maybe you have a house or apartment?
– We live in a yurt. This is our home.

“Unfortunately, we cannot recognize this as collateral either.”
- Okay, then I'll borrow this money somewhere else.

The bank's desire to earn money still prevailed, and it issued a loan to the old Yakut.

A few days later, the Yakut returned to the bank and went into the office of the banker who issued him the loan.
He took out a stack of bills, counted out five hundred rubles from it and the portion due as interest.

The joyful banker, seeing the money, invited the Yakut to make a bank deposit.
– What is a bank deposit? – the Yakut asked.

- Well, this is when we take your money to work, and you make a profit from it.
- I understand... What do you have as collateral? - asked the wise Yakut.

Dream Interpretation