Baptism of a girl who buys a cross. Girl's christening: rules and ritual, folk signs. Is it possible to baptize on critical days?

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Baptism is one of the main sacraments in human life. There are cases when this ritual occurs not only in infancy, but also at a more conscious age. At what age baptism is carried out is only the decision of the parents.

It is customary to perform this ritual on the 40th day after the birth of a child. This is due to the postpartum period and the fact that during this time a woman’s energies should be entirely focused on the baby. A woman cannot visit a temple without a certain prayer, which the priest must read over her. Only after this can she come to the temple.

It is believed that young children behave more calmly at baptism. Older children may be scared. The main thing in this process is the correctness and awareness in the choice of godparents. This process must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

Who can be the baby's godparents?

  • They must be Orthodox Christians
  • Pregnant and unmarried women are allowed to be godparents
  • Must be churchgoers and take their godson or goddaughter to church

Who can't be godparents?

  • Spouses or bride and groom, since marital relations are prohibited between people who are spiritually related
  • Minors under 14 years of age
  • Unbaptized
  • Mother and father of child
  • People with psychological problems
  • Monks and nuns
  • People of other faiths
  • Immoral people

Having decided on godparents, it is necessary to remind them of their main tasks after baptism:

  • Prayer room
  • Doctrinal
  • Moral

So, when the issue with the date has been resolved, the place where the ceremony will take place has been chosen and godparents have been selected, many pay attention to the signs at christenings. The rite of christening a girl is generally not very different from the christening of a boy, but still has some differences.

  1. There is no need to wipe the baptismal water off your face.
  2. It is a good sign when a child cries during a christening.
  3. After the ceremony, the baby will become calmer.
  4. The baptismal attire must be white. It should not be red.
  5. The godmother should give a kryzhma, and the father should give a cross.
  6. The baby needs to be baptized in a cap and then wear it for another 12 weeks.
  7. If a child screams during baptism, evil spirits come out of him.
  8. To make the godson’s life easier, it is customary to place a cup of water on the window during the ceremony.
  9. It is considered a good omen if the christening takes place immediately after the wedding.
  10. If bells ring before a christening, it will bring happiness.

Also, during the baptism of a child, a name is chosen that is consonant with the one given by the parents. It is believed that it should not be told to anyone, as it protects the child from damage and the evil eye. In the temple, the priest can offer you a choice of names for the girl’s baptism.

According to Orthodox traditions, a newborn is named after the saint, whose memory is celebrated on the day the child is born or on the day of naming. Often it was the eighth day. Basically, the days of remembrance of saints are written according to the old style, and in order to understand which saint, you need to add 13 to the date. It is with this name that you need to address your saint for intercession before the Lord.

Rules for girls' christening

Accordingly, it is necessary to approach responsibly.

  • For a girl it is considered the main receiver - godmother.
  • You need to arrive earlier. As soon as the priest says about the beginning of the ceremony, the godfather must bring the girl into the church.
  • Next, the child is anointed with oil, then immersed in the font.
  • After that they dress baptismal robe and put a cross on it.
  • Then the girl is brought to lean against the icon of the Mother of God.
  • The duties of the godmother during the baptism of a girl are to read the prayers: “Creed.”
  • Also, the clergyman will hand the baby into the hands of the godmother after the font.
  • The godmother should have experience communicating with the baby, know how to change her clothes and calm her down if she cries.

It would not be a bad idea to come for an interview with the priest before the christening. She should also help the child’s parents in preparing and conducting the christening.

Girl's christening: rules for the godfather

The basic rule for a godfather is to buy a cross for the ceremony. Also financial assistance in paying for the ceremony. It is generally accepted to buy silver cross, since gold is considered a sinful metal. You don’t have to buy the chain right away, but limit yourself to a ribbon. And then choose and buy it later.

Girl's christening: rules for the godmother

For the godmother, the main thing is to buy a kryzhma, a baptismal set. You can also buy an icon with the name of the saint that the goddaughter bears as a gift to your goddaughter. Also, the main rule is knowledge of the prayers necessary for the ritual. If you do not know the text of the “Creed” prayer by heart, then prepare a piece of paper with the text and take it with you to the temple.

What is needed for the baptism of a child: girls?

Traditionally, to carry out the baptism ceremony, you must have: a cross, a kryzhma, and a baptismal gown. All these attributes must be purchased by godparents.

What does the godfather buy for a girl's christening? The godfather must buy a cross and pay the costs of the ceremony in the temple. When choosing a cross, you need to pay attention to the fact that the edges are rounded. Sharp corners can injure your baby. The metal from which the cross will be made is not important. It can be silver, gold or regular metal.

You can buy it both in the church and in the store. It must be remembered that church crosses have already been consecrated, but store-bought ones must be consecrated before the start of the ceremony. Godparents can also offer financial assistance in organizing a feast after the sacrament.

What does the godmother buy for a girl’s christening? The godmother buys kryzhma. This is a piece of white cloth into which the child is received after the bath. Nowadays it may be white towel with a cross. Often the date and name of the child are embroidered on the kryzhma. The godmother also buys a baptismal set. It is advisable to consult with the baby’s mother when choosing a dress and other items of clothing for your goddaughter.

Baptism set for girls

Basically, this set consists of a beautiful baptismal dress or shirt, a lace cap, and booties. There may also be a bib, tights or other accessories. The material from which the set is made should depend on the time of year when the christening ceremony takes place and the age of the child.

It is also considered a good omen if these things are white or light in color and made by the godmother’s hands. It must be remembered that the kryzhma and baptismal set must remain in the house and not be passed on to anyone. The kryzhma is not erased for a year after baptism. Also, if a child is sick, they wrap him in it and he recovers faster.

What do godparents give a girl at her christening?

The choice of a gift should not be hasty. It will be good if it combines practicality and feature. After all, the sacrament of baptism is a special holiday and therefore the gift should also be special. You can buy a chain for a cross, books for the baby, a personalized photo album, a set of bed linen.

If your financial situation allows, you can order a photo or video. The parents of the goddaughter will be pleased and the memory will remain for a long time. A cake can be a good gift. It will be a delicious conclusion to the celebration. In addition, you can choose hygiene products for your baby.

The gift can be either “for growth” or one that the baby will use in the near future. The godmother usually buys an icon for a girl’s christening. This could be an icon with the face of a patron saint. But besides this icon, you can also present such images as: the Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It will be especially nice if the godmother embroiders this image with a cross or beads. She will be a good memory for your goddaughter and your contribution to her Christian upbringing.

It must be remembered that this ritual is very responsible and serious in the life of a small child. The choice of godparents must be carefully considered. You should not chase your image and the desire to become closer to influential people. It is worth remembering the main purpose of baptism. In addition, godparents cannot be changed after christening, no matter how much they change. In such situations, you need to pray for him.

It is also important that after christening you need to go to church and take your child with you. It is also necessary to give him communion if possible, and pray. And then all your prayers will be heard.

The Lord is always with you!

From this video you can learn how to choose the date of your child's baptism:

Baptism is the birth of a person in faith. For this spiritual birth and the carrying out of the Sacrament, certain material attributes are needed, the main one of which is a pectoral cross for the baptism of an infant. In a sense, wearing it is a prayer without words, which helps to overcome all life's difficulties. So, which cross is better to choose for Baptism? How to choose it and who should buy it? Our article will answer these and other important questions.

Adults like to choose a cross (another name is a vest) and a chain to suit their taste. But a cross for a baby is a special category of goods that should be maximally suitable for wearing on the body of a newborn child. Do not press, do not prick, do not rub, do not cause allergic reactions. One of the most important rules is that the cross must have rounded, smooth edges.

The question about chain or thread is easier. Most parents agree that the best option is simple cotton cord or ribbon. A metal chain will rub and irritate the skin and may cause injury. The length of the lace should be approximately 2 times greater than the circumference of the baby's neck. Before wearing, wash the braid in warm water and soapy water 2-3 times to make it softer.

By church canons There are no hard and fast rules about which cross to give preference to. The main thing is comfort for the baby and peace of mind for the parents. But there are average parameters: maximum weight - 1.5 grams, maximum size - 2 cm, no sharp stones that could fall out, no sharp patterns, no hard fastener on the lace. The cross may contain the following images:

  • Image of the crucifixion.
  • The inscription “Save and preserve.”
  • The abbreviation "I. N. Ts. I.”, which means “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

What more can be said about the matter of choice? The modern market for Orthodox goods offers a wide selection of materials in addition to gold and silver. These are wood, platinum, steel and other precious metals. Orthodox traditions differ from Catholic ones, which means that the cross can be not only 4-pointed. It can have 6 or 8 endings, it doesn't matter. But all this is not the main thing.

MAIN! Remember that the essence of a cross for any person is not its beauty or cost. No matter what material it is made of, no matter what precious stones it was not inlaid, the cross is visible Christian symbol faith in God.

How to wear a vest for a baby correctly?

Some consider the constant wearing of a cross at any age to be a fundamental matter of faith. " A real Christian, even if he is 2-3 months old, must always wear a cross. This is protection from everything, nothing bad will happen a priori“- such people repeat.

The opposite point of view also exists. " A cross is a potentially dangerous thing for a baby. It can injure your skin, worst of all, it can even choke you.».

Who is right and what is the right thing to do? The only correct answer: you need to act according to faith and personal convictions. If you are of the opinion that wearing a cross at such an early age is dangerous for a child, carefully remove it after the Sacrament and store it in a holy corner next to the icons.

5 STOP: how not to wear a cross?

  1. You cannot put a cross on your baby if he has not yet been baptized. After all, the cross is a sign of belonging to the Church.
  2. The crucifix should not be worn over clothing. In the Church tradition, this is only permissible for priests who wear crosses over their cassocks.
  3. There is no need to wear an attribute of faith for beauty or use the symbol of the cross in the child’s jewelry or clothing (wearing a scarf or headscarf with such an image is acceptable).
  4. You should not put a cross on a child just for reasons of “protection” from the evil eye, damage and evil spirits. All these are superstitions and have nothing to do with Christianity and Orthodoxy.
  5. It is forbidden to buy a cross for baby's baptism from your own hands, resell or give a personal vest to other people (even loved ones).

The correct attitude of parents towards a child's cross can be formulated in one sentence: it is a symbol of the spiritual birth of a baby, which invisibly guards his soul.

Where to buy baby baptism cross?

According to established tradition, godparents buy a cross for a baby’s baptism. Godfather to a boy, godmother to a girl. But this is only an established tradition; in practice, such a purchase can be made by parents or one of the relatives. The question is where to go for such an important and significant purchase?

This can be done in a jewelry store or church shop of the Temple. As a rule, jewelry stores provide a larger range of products made from different materials. Did you buy a cross at a jewelry store? It must be brought to the Temple in advance for consecration. Those crosses that can be purchased in a candle shop have already been consecrated by the priest.

What else should you take to church?

Complete sets for the baptism of children are sold in the Temple in the candle shop. It includes everything you need in the Sacrament of Baptism. But all attributes can be purchased separately. IN standard set includes the following items:

The most important thing to take to church is your faith that the Sacrament of Baptism and wearing a cross is a manifestation of God's blessing in our lives.

What to do if the “symbol of faith” from baptism is lost/broken?

It is believed that the baptismal vest should accompany any person throughout his life. In practice, this does not work out, at least for the reason that a child’s cross is very small. Often the cross is lost or broken - but this is not a problem, not a sign that the baptism has become invalid, or that a bad fate awaits the child.

A broken cross can be replaced with a new one (necessarily consecrated). The old one should be kept in a box next to the icons. You should also do the same with a lost chain - replace it with a new one. The situation is similar with the issue of age. When your child grows up and needs a larger cross on a chain, give him such a gift. And save the old small cross for the baby’s baptism.

If you are concerned about the situation with the loss or breakage of your vest, tell this situation to your confessor or priest in any Temple. He will listen and tell you what to do. Turning to a priest for advice in many situations, including in matters of raising a child, will help save the family and overcome difficulties.

On many websites and forums they write that a cross for a baby’s baptism will protect him from troubles, evil spirits, lies, slander and everything bad. Blood and godparents must always remember: it is not the cross itself that saves you from everything evil in the world, but faith Orthodox teaching, Faith in God.

All questions about the cross and the Sacrament of Baptism can be asked to the priest in the Temple where you plan to baptize your baby. Baptism, as a rule, is preceded by a series of conversations about Orthodoxy and the role of godparents in the child’s life. It is during these conversations that it is best to ask the priest the questions that interest you.

Baptism is the first of the seven main sacraments, symbolizing the birth of a person in faith. Parents want their child’s meeting with the church to be remembered as a bright, joyful event, and they try to foresee in advance everything that is needed for the child’s baptism, as well as to properly prepare for it.

What you need to know about child baptism

Having decided on the location and date of the christening, parents and future godparents need to agree with the priest on the days to attend public conversations, during which the priest will explain the essence of the sacrament, tell how the ceremony is carried out, and also what responsibilities appear for the recipients. In addition, immediately before baptism, godparents must fast for three days, confess and receive communion.

Interview before Baptism

The main purpose of public conversations is to convey the essence Orthodox faith and convince those who wish to accept Baptism or become a recipient of its truth.

The organization of such interviews depends on the rules established in the temple. Meetings can be regular - held according to certain days for parents and future godparents, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In some churches, these conversations are strictly individual and scheduled at an agreed upon time. There are temples that, after listening to lectures, practice exams and issue a corresponding certificate. The duration of such a course can be up to 7 days.

The interview does not have to take place in the church where the baptism is planned. Out-of-town godparents can listen public conversations at the church closest to them.

Communion and fasting before the Sacrament

A day or two before baptism, both parents and recipients need to visit the temple, confess and receive communion in order to be cleansed of sins before the bright event.

Before the sacrament of the cross one is supposed to fast for three days, abstaining from foul language, pleasures and amusements. On the day of baptism, the godparents are prohibited from eating until the end of the ceremony, since very often after the ceremony there is communion immediately, and the godparents are given the opportunity to take communion together with the godson.

Preparation for the rite of Baptism

At what age should a child be baptized?

The Orthodox Church calls for infants to be baptized as early as possible, so that grace may quickly descend on the child and he will find his Guardian Angel.

Most often, the 40th day of birth is chosen as the date of christening. There are several reasons for this:

  • up to 40 days the woman in labor is not allowed to participate in church sacraments, after which a cleansing prayer is read over her, allowing participation in baptism;
  • in babies in the first months of life, intrauterine reflexes do not completely fade away, so they can easily tolerate being dipped into water;
  • newborns behave more calmly when strangers (godparents, priest) take them in their arms.

On what days can a baby be baptized?

The baptism of children is carried out on any day, including holidays and Lenten days. On weekends, services are usually longer and the number of parishioners is larger, so it is better to arrange for a baptism on a weekday. In days big holidays When services that are special in content and duration are performed, Baptism may not be held at all, it all depends on the specific church. It is also worth considering that during Lent, the treats at the christening celebration should be Lenten.

It is good to choose a day when the atmosphere in the church is calmer and there are few people, but it is better to agree with the priest about an individual sacrament, discussing the main nuances of organizing the ceremony:

  • the date of the ceremony is agreed upon;
  • a list of necessary baptismal accessories is announced;
  • the name of the child, which he will be named at baptism, is specified.

Is it possible to baptize on critical days?

On the days of monthly purification, women are prohibited from participating in church sacraments oh, so the date of baptism should be selected when the godmother and mother of the child do not have menstruation. If critical days unexpectedly occurred earlier or later and falls just at the time of christening, then the priest must be informed about this. The priest may recommend postponing the sacrament, and if this is not possible, then give certain recommendations. Most likely, the godmother will simply be present in the temple, without taking full part in the ritual, that is, she will not be able to accept the child from the font and hold him in her arms, and also venerate the icons. Offering prayers is permitted.

What you need to take to church for a girl’s baptism: list

Godparents need to prepare the necessary baptismal supplies in advance:

  • Pectoral cross on a string or chain - must buy Godfather. If purchased in a jewelry store, then the priest must be warned before the sacrament begins so that he can consecrate the product. In the church shop, all the crosses have already been consecrated.
  • - white cloth (diaper, towel) for taking from the font, bought or sewn by the godmother. In the cold season, you may additionally need a blanket or blanket to wrap your child before the bath and warm him up after.
  • or a dress - clothes after the font are bought by the godmother. The cut of the shirt should be loose and give access to the chest, arms, and legs for the priest to anoint. The fabric should be natural and pleasant to the body, well absorb remaining moisture.
  • . It is not necessary for a baby girl (up to 7 years old), but parents themselves prefer to wear caps for newborn children, even for boys. But for one-year-old babies and girls from one year old, lace scarves and headbands are selected - they beautifully complement the image. It is advisable to buy a product that matches harmoniously with the dress. In ready-made sets, all baptismal accessories are made in the same style, so this outfit will be preferable.
  • Icon by name. If there is no image available heavenly patron, then you can purchase an icon of the Mother of God or revered saints - Nicholas the Pleasant, Panteleimon the Healer, Matrona of Moscow.
  • Church candles for the sacrament.

What you need to buy for a boy's baptism: list

The list of things for a boy’s christening is practically the same. Godparents and parents will need to bring with them:

  • Pectoral cross - , or .
  • - terry or cotton (according to the season).
  • or a ready-made baptismal set without a headdress. For newborn boys, a cap is allowed.
  • A personalized icon or image of the Savior.
  • Church candles.
  • A second small towel so that the priest can dry his hands. Afterwards it remains for the needs of the church.
  • A bottle of water, a pacifier.
  • Spare clothes.
  • Birth certificate, passports of mom and dad.

Rules and responsibilities of parents and godparents

All those invited to the temple for the sacrament must wear crosses and also know their responsibilities.

Godfather and godmother

The girl should be taken from the font and held in her arms throughout the entire sacrament by the godmother, the boy by the godfather. The baby will also have to be dressed in baptismal clothes. godparents, so it’s good when they have experience with newborns.

The recipients, instead of the baptized person, renounce the unclean and his deeds and take a vow of allegiance to the Lord, thereby promising God to help the newly-made Christian believe and live according to the laws of the church.

Mom and Dad

The parents of a child under seven years of age (infant) must give their consent to baptism, since they are the ones who will be involved in the spiritual education of the child and his inclusion in the church. A child over 7 years old (adolescent) makes this decision himself.

The presence of the mother at the baptism depends on how many days have passed since the birth. Only after 40 days and after reading a cleansing prayer is the young mother allowed to attend the ceremony.

When, after baptism, the priest conducts churching: he brings and places the baby to the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God (the boys are first brought into the altar), then after that he is given either to the godparents or to the father and mother present.

The first communion may be scheduled for some other day, for example, in a week. Parents or mother will need to come with the child to the morning prayer service so that the priest will give the baby communion. Children need to receive Holy Communion as often as possible, preferably every week.

Grandmother and grandfather

Grandparents present at the baptism offer prayers and can help the godparents change the child’s clothes. Being one of the closest relatives, they take part in solving organizational issues. If desired, they can buy additional baptismal accessories, for example, a blanket, blanket, booties, socks, which will be needed during the sacrament and will also be useful to the child in the future.

What prayers do you need to know to baptize a child?

The main prayer said by the person being baptized or his recipients is. You need to know it by heart, or at least read it confidently from the page, understanding the meaning. This prayer consists of 12 statements and briefly describes the essence of the Orthodox faith.

The receivers also pronounce prayer words godfather and godmother, in which they ask to be named godparents and blessings for this sacred mission.

It is customary to know the prayers that are well known to all Orthodox believers and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice.”

One of the most important events in the life of a child - the christening of a girl. The priest will tell you about the rules for parents and godparents before performing the ceremony. The baptism of a child is a great sacrament, after which the baby receives the protection and protection of God. He has a guardian angel who saves him from misfortunes and troubles.

Many people do not know at what age to baptize their daughter. Priests advise doing this in the first year of life, but there are no restrictions. Both infants and teenagers can be baptized. The only difference in the ceremony is that small children are dipped into the font, while older children have water poured from it on their heads.

After 40 days from the moment of birth, the mother is already allowed to be present at the ritual. The Church advises not to delay the sacrament, since until it is performed the baby does not have a protector or patron. There are also practical explanations for this: babies easily tolerate immersion in water, react calmly and are not afraid when picked up stranger. It is difficult for an older child to withstand the entire duration of the ceremony.

Exists Slavic custom carry out baptism for 8 or 40 days. On the first date, it was customary to name a newborn, and by the second, the mother could already visit the temple, since the natural purification after the birth of the baby had ended. If a child is born weak and sick, it is advisable to baptize him immediately.

Until the age of seven, the parents make the decision. Children under 14 years of age must consent to the ceremony. Older teenagers are baptized only if they have their own desire. If a child is in the hospital, there is a threat to his life, or there is no way to bring him from home to church, then you should contact the priest and ask to perform the ritual outside the church. As a rule, doctors and clergy do not refuse people in such a situation.

Preparation for the sacrament

Natural parents are not godparents for their child; they themselves choose where to baptize him. They need to agree with the priest about the time, it depends on the church schedule. It is advisable to choose godparents from among the believers: they bear responsibility before the Lord for the spiritual development of the child.

Choosing godparents

Godparents must be chosen for a girl. They meet the following criteria:

  1. profess Orthodoxy;
  2. are not in an official or civil marriage;
  3. are adults.

Pregnant women become godparents, but there are several nuances:

  • a woman must feel good in order to be able to withstand the entire ceremony;
  • she wants to take responsibility for this particular girl.

Parents need to know who cannot be godparents. These include:

  • unrepentant sinners;
  • young children;
  • unbaptized and unbelievers;
  • nuns, monks;
  • women who have recently given birth, if 40 days have not passed since the birth of the child;
  • persons leading an immoral lifestyle, violating the commandments;
  • alcoholics;
  • Gentiles.

For Orthodox Christians who regularly attend church, no additional preparation is required. For others it is obligatory to confess and receive communion. The priest conducts a conversation before baptism, explains how to behave during the ceremony and what is needed for baptism. Close relatives: sister, grandmother, aunt can also be godparents.

What is needed for the ritual

The godmother is responsible for raising the girl in Orthodox spirit. Before the sacrament, you will need to visit the church and undergo an interview, during which they talk about God and the rules of the great sacrament. It is important that she is able to handle the baby as she will have to undress him and put on the christening set.

The christening kit includes:

  1. For babies, a kryzhma (large towel) or a baptismal dress for a girl. Godmother buys.
  2. The godfather acquires the cross. It can be put on a rope or chain. For small children, it is advisable to choose a cross with rounded outlines without sharp corners to avoid scratches.

The cross and chain are chosen based on their capabilities: from plain metal or from gold, silver. There are no strict requirements on what to buy and for whom, so they can be purchased by parents, grandfather or uncle.

Preparation and rules for godparents:

  • visit the temple for confession and communion;
  • observe a short fast (3 days), giving up meat food, bad thoughts and words;
  • learn the text of the baptismal prayer “Creed”, “Our Father”;
  • acquire the necessary attributes for baptism;
  • Do not eat before the sacrament.

Church rules

During the sacrament of baptism of a girl, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Church rules for a godmother say that her main task is to read during the ritual of prayer. If you are not able to learn it by heart, you can take a prayer book. Traditionally, he buys a white towel (kryzhma) and a baptismal set. As a gift, he acquires an icon of the saint, whose name was given to the goddaughter during the ceremony. According to church rules for a godfather, he carries the child into the church and holds him in his arms until the time comes to hand him over to the clergyman.

Godparents and spouses often do not know on what days the sacrament of baptism is performed. There are no prohibitions in church rules on holidays, fasts or ordinary days of the week. Exceptions are made only for three great holidays: Christmas, Easter, Trinity. At this time, the priest is unlikely to have free time for the sacrament. Many churches have a set schedule; baptisms are held only on certain days, usually Saturdays. In a conversation with the priest, they clarify how the ceremony takes place and what is needed for it.

Parents and invited guests are welcome to attend the church. These include immediate family members; photography and video filming are permitted, but it is time to secure the consent of the priest. Sometimes a professional is invited to record all the important moments of the ceremony.

How to dress correctly for a christening

When going to a ritual, you need to know what to baptize with. There are church rules that require festive clothing for everyone present. Allowed:

  • skirt below the knees;
  • closed jacket with long sleeves;
  • a scarf covering the head.

You should not wear trousers, shorts, or a short skirt in church. Clothing must cover the neckline, back and arms. Men can be bareheaded in a shirt and trousers; a woman must wear a headscarf.

The color and pattern of outfits are not regulated, but for baptism it is advisable to choose something light, because this is a big holiday for the family.

How does the sacrament happen?

During the ritual, everyone must wear crosses. IN church laws The sequence of the ceremony is specified. When a girl is baptized, she is brought (led) into the temple premises by her godfather, and after immersing herself in the font, she is received and dressed by her godmother. The baptism process is long and takes place in several stages:

  1. Bringing a child into the temple by a godfather of the opposite sex.
  2. Reading prohibitory prayers to renounce the child from evil. At this time, the baby is wrapped in a diaper.
  3. Prayers against Satan, during which renunciation of him occurs. The priest asks the question about refusal three times, his godparents are responsible for the small child;
  4. Combination to Christ and the reading of the Creed by the godparents.
  5. The receivers take the lit candles in their hands, and three more are placed on the font. The priest blesses the water and oil.
  6. The priest dips the child in a font of cold water three times, after which a cross is put on.
  7. During immersion, cleansing from sins and birth for spiritual life occurs.
  8. The godmother picks up the baby and wraps him in christening towel, then puts it on.
  9. The priest performs chrismation by applying oil to the cross on the child’s legs, arms, back, stomach and forehead.
  10. The godparents and the child follow the priest around the font three times, at which time he reads prayers.
  11. A small strand of hair is cut from the girl’s head and remains in the church, symbolizing the spiritual unity of the child with God.
  12. The priest takes the child in his arms and places it to the icon Mother of God. This means that the sacrament has been completed and the child has been churched.

Christening is a long procedure, taking from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. It also depends on whether one child is baptized or several.

A week after baptism, you must come to church for communion, the exact date the priest will say.

Choosing a church name

During the ceremony, the child receives a new name. As usual, it is chosen from those that are in tune with the worldly or are included in the lists of saints. If there is no match for the name recorded on the birth certificate, you should seek help from a priest. It will tell you which saint is venerated on the girl’s birthday or baptism; her name will become her second name. Will be used in church rituals. Thus, children have another holiday - the day of the heavenly intercessor (saint), whose name was given during baptism. Church name not disclosed to strangers so as not to weaken the baby’s protection.

Responsibilities of a godmother

A woman who agrees to become a godmother takes responsibility for life and spiritual development girls. Her responsibilities include:

  • pray for your goddaughter, ask God for help for her in a difficult situation;
  • attend church together, confess and receive communion;
  • take part in spiritual education and development;
  • be a worthy role model;
  • talk about God, attend church together;
  • congratulate you on your birthday, give gifts on Angel's Day;
  • give instructions, help with advice and practical deeds;
  • adopt a girl if her parents have died.

Cost of baptism

Not everyone understands why pay for the ceremony, because Jesus commanded not to take money for baptism, so that poor people would not be excommunicated from the church due to lack of funds. But before there was a tradition of giving a tenth of income to the church, donating funds. Now there are fewer contributions, so ministers are forced to draw up a price list in order to be able to pay the costs of maintaining the temple. The cost depends on the chosen church.

There is no single price, so you can find out how much to pay only in the temple that is chosen to perform the sacrament. In churches, boxes are installed for collecting donations; the clergyman may say that there is no fee, but you have the right to put any feasible amount into it. The estimated cost of the ritual is from 1500, there is no upper limit. For this you will need a baptismal kit, which includes: White dress, kryzhma and kerchief (cap).

How to store baptismal items

There are no rules in the Bible for the use of things left after a christening, but clergy recommend that parents keep the kryzhma and baptismal cross. They can be folded into a chest of drawers and stored with the child’s clothes so that they are not in front of anyone. strangers. If he gets sick or behaves restlessly, they cover him with kryzhma.

What not to do with a baptism towel:

  • wash;
  • throwing away;
  • used to baptize other people.

There is an opinion that a baptismal shirt is a healing amulet that is applied to a sore spot for a speedy recovery. Not all parents know whether a child should wear a cross all the time. This is desirable, but if the need arises, it is temporarily removed. This thing should not be thrown away, because it is the best amulet. Even if they bought a new cross and chain, they keep the old one.

Folk signs and traditions of celebration

After the holy sacrament, a christening celebration takes place in the family circle. It is customary to use it to prepare dishes from cereals and vegetables, poultry, pastries, and pies. Godparents and guests usually ask parents in advance what to give the girl. There are no special rules for choosing an item, but the following are considered a good present:

  • saint icon;
  • a silver spoon or a set of them;
  • children's clothing, toys;
  • Bible.

It is believed that love relationship between godfathers is a great sin; there are many other folk superstitions:

  • you cannot show the newborn to anyone before baptism, because at this time he is weak and defenseless, he is easy to jinx;
  • during christening, the child appears before God, so he is dressed smartly;
  • An odd number of guests present at a christening is considered a bad sign;
  • During the ceremony, the candle must be held firmly in your hands, covering it with your second palm so that it does not fall or go out;
  • After the christening, they immediately go home, without turning anywhere along the road, otherwise the child’s guardian angel will weaken.

Main traditions :

  • choose believers and reliable people as godparents;
  • do not argue with the priest over the choice of name;
  • do not purchase a gold cross for newborns;
  • after the christening, the child is brought into the house by the godmother;
  • baptize the child as early as possible;
  • don't have drunken parties;
  • invite the minimum possible number of people.

An Orthodox Christian becomes a godfather any number of times; there are no limiting rules. Christening is the second most important holiday for a person after his birthday. The ritual belongs to one of the seven Orthodox church sacraments. After it is removed original sin and descends upon the baptized God's grace and protection. She cleanses and gives eternal life, means spiritual birth.

Baptism is a mysterious rite that requires special preparation. The choice of godparents must be approached especially carefully. IN Lately their role has decreased significantly, but in reality, they should become second parents for the child, who throughout life path They will be nearby and support you in difficult times.

After giving birth, a mother cannot go to church for another 40 days, so traditionally christenings are held after this period.

What to buy for christening


First of all, it is very important to take care of buying a cross. The baptismal cross is one of the main attributes of this event. It can be made of brass, silver or gold. The choice of metal depends on the desires and capabilities of those who make the purchase.

Traditionally, the future godfather buys a cross for a christening. but if desired, this purchase can be divided among themselves by the godparents or relatives of the child.

Today the assortment includes children's crosses. They differ from simple ones in their small size and, accordingly, lower price. But this is not the best option, since the child is growing quickly, and by the age of 5 this cross will be small.

When choosing a cross, make sure that there are no sharp or protruding parts on it so that the child does not get hurt.

Chain or thread

Often, a child is given a chain along with a cross at a christening. But you should understand that a child can easily tear a piece of jewelry and lose it. Therefore, it is still better for small children to buy a thread on a lock. These are sold directly in church shops.

If you were given a chain as a gift or you bought it yourself, then you can wear it during the ceremony itself, and at home change it to a thread, and the chain will wait for its time.

It is advisable for future godparents to take communion shortly before the christening.

Christening towel – kryzhma

Kryzhma- this is a diaper, piece or towel that is always white. Why white - because it symbolizes purity, sinlessness, innocence. According to tradition, the future godmother is responsible for purchasing kryzhma.

It is best to buy a good quality towel as a cover. The thing is that it will be your assistant for many years. Church ministers assure that after the baptismal ceremony the kryzma receives a certain power and becomes a kind of amulet; it is advisable not to wash or clean it.

At a time when a child is sick, capricious, or simply restless, he is wrapped in a cloth that helps get rid of all problems. Of course, it all depends on how much you believe in the sacrament of baptism and its power.

Christening outfit

As mentioned earlier, it is White color symbolizes innocence, and baptism is, above all, the remission of sin, if any. That is why it is advisable to choose a baptismal outfit in this color.

It is very important that the clothes are light and easy to take off. Throughout the first part of the ceremony, the child will be dressed in a beautiful outfit. Before lowering the child into the font, the outfit will be removed, and the baby will remain completely naked.

Afterwards it will be wrapped in kryzhma.

For a girl it can be a light dress, and for a boy a vest or shirt.

Gifts for a child

On such a holiday it is not at all necessary to give gifts, but still, family and friends very rarely deny themselves the pleasure of presenting another gift to the hero of the occasion.

It has become a tradition to give a silver spoon at christenings. Such a spoon will come in handy for the baby in the near future, namely when they begin to introduce complementary foods. It will be possible to start with a silver spoon.

If you decided to give your child toys, then you can choose suitable options in one of the online toy stores, which are described in detail here.

Remember, all christening participants must come to church with pectoral crosses. Women's outfits should be below the knee length, and the head should be covered with a headscarf.

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