Dream Interpretation ex-husband hugs. Why do I often dream about my ex-husband? Ex-husband takes son

Dream books claim that dreams in which you happened to see your ex-man, talk about the dreamer’s subconscious desire to start the relationship anew. The girl secretly hopes that she will be together with her lover again. If the young man has long been forgotten, such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a bright streak in the dreamer’s life. But exact interpretation sleep can only be done after analyzing all the details of the dream.

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    Key values

    If a girl dreamed about her ex-husband rank, this suggests that she cannot let go of her past and hopes to renew her relationship with a young man. This negatively affects her personal life, prevents her from changing life priorities, and she does not develop as a person. If you often dream about your ex-husband, this indicates that the woman needs to complete many things in order not to think about all the problems at the same time.

      If you see a guy you broke up with, this is a sign of a rash and frivolous act. The girl will regret her behavior, as the consequences will be dire. If every day you dream of a man with whom a woman recently broke up, then this speaks of the dreamer’s undying feelings. In reality, she often thinks about her former lover.

      If the dreamer dreams of a former man showing tender feelings, this is a sign that in the near future the girl will face a surprise, perhaps an unpleasant one. Seeing your former lover in a dream means a quarrel and a showdown with your current boyfriend. The cause of the scandal will be a subconscious comparison with a former young man. In this situation, you need to monitor your behavior so as not to cause negative emotions in your other half. If you happen to see in a dream how a former man started a fight, then this is a sign that the current guy will have a feeling of ownership.

      Sigmund Freud's dream book says that the former young man in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's fear of treason or betrayal.

      If the guy looked tired, this may warn of the development of a serious illness in one of the dreamer’s friends. If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend died - this auspicious sign, foreshadowing an imminent marriage or addition to the family. If in a dream a deceased guy helps the dreamer with something, then her cherished desire awaits her. Close people and friends will help her with this.

      Hear reproaches from young man and suspicions of infidelity - in reality to hear words of praise from him.

      Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

      What do the dreamer’s actions with her ex-boyfriend portend?

      The meaning of the dream directly depends on what actions the dreamer happened to perform with her ex-man:

  1. 1. Kissing - to great surprise.
  2. 2. Having sex - aggravates an old conflict in real life with one of your relatives.
  3. 3. Quarrel - to a new romantic acquaintance, pleasant changes in life. If you see a conflict with a long-forgotten young man, this is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the receipt of good news from afar or an unexpected gift.
  4. 4. Getting married means big troubles and obstacles in achieving your intended goal.
  5. 5. Breaking up means dramatic changes for the better. Anxious dreams about an ex-boyfriend leaving the dreamer are a symbol of a girl’s subconscious fear of losing something very valuable and important.
  6. 6. Talking - to the illness of the current lover. It is necessary to show more care and attention towards your beloved young man.
  7. 7. Talking on the phone, hearing a voice - means renewed feelings. Night vision is a sign that the guy still has tender feelings for the dreamer. He wants to talk about this with a girl in real life. If in a dream the conversation was not completed, then this is a sign that warm feelings remained between the lovers. The best option in this situation would be a frank conversation with each other.
  8. 8. Seeing means the need to rest. The dream suggests that the dreamer needs to take a vacation and rest, to restore not only physical, but also moral strength. Just seeing from the outside, but not talking to your ex-man, means a quarrel with your current lover.
  9. 9. Take life, kill - auspicious symbol, which promises the dreamer success in all endeavors.
  10. 10. Feel love - the dream is a warning. You need to beware of making some rash decision that you will later regret.
  11. 11. Walking at his wedding is an auspicious sign. He says that the dreamer has completely forgotten about her past relationships, and will soon meet a good man who will become her husband. If a guy marries a dreamer, then this is a sign of great anxiety and worry.
  12. 12. Dating is a warning. The dream reminds you of the need to control your behavior. She may commit a frivolous act that will cause a big scandal with her current man or large material losses.
  13. 13. Breaking off a relationship means a new romantic acquaintance, which may not end entirely successfully.
  14. 14. Not recognizing your ex-man is a sign of big changes in the lives of young people. The possibility that they will meet in reality cannot be ruled out.

Why else do you dream about a young man you broke up with?

If the dreamer is already in a new relationship, then the dream about her ex-boyfriend is a symbol of the fact that she lacks tenderness and care from her current chosen one.

  1. You need to look at your relationship with your loved one differently. However, there may be other interpretations of the dream. It all depends on its details:
  2. 1. If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was married to another girl, then in reality the dreamer will have to forgive someone for previous grievances.
  3. 2. A dream in which a former boyfriend cries and begs to renew the relationship promises a quick meeting with this man. If you also dream about your mother-in-law, this is a sign of her regret that the couple’s relationship did not work out. If in a dream the ex-man was drunk, then this is a sign that he is bored and needs the support of the owner of the vision. 3. If the previous guy confesses his love, hugs, tries to kiss, then this promises a big surprise. If the kiss caused pleasant feelings in the dreamer, then the surprise will be pleasant. If a girl in a dream is ashamed of his behavior, then one should expect minor troubles
  4. and negative emotions.
  5. 4. If a former lover gave a girl a gift, it is a symbol of betrayal on the part of the current beloved man.
  6. 5. Seeing a man smile is a sign that the girl underestimates her current boyfriend. She sees only bad qualities in him, but does not notice his merits.

6. Seeing the relatives of a once-beloved man in a dream is a favorable sign that promises peace and mutual understanding in the dreamer’s family.

Why do you dream that your ex-husband has returned? Most dream books agree that you shouldn’t count too much on the fact that the dream is prophetic. Most likely, what you saw in a dream should be interpreted from a symbolism perspective. This is probably a hint of what happened during the marriage to this man. It is quite possible that the situation will force the woman to remember them more than once.

Why can such a dream even happen? A professional psychologist views this plot more as an unconscious reflection of some incident rather than a prophecy. If in a dream your abandoned spouse decides to conquer you again, it means that your feelings are not completely dead yet. However, one should not be mistaken and hope for a real “second coming.”

Positive interpretations of dreams

Why dream of a positive attitude when the man you divorced returns? If you kissed passionately, then the Wanderer’s dream book is in a hurry to upset you: he has found himself another chosen one. Another interpretation of this plot is offered by the Sorceress Medea. She believes that you will witness genuine divine intervention.

In the case when the former chosen one in a dream committed romantic acts and showered him with a heap of flowers, the oracle of Catherine the Great promises the woman problems of a material nature or difficulties for which the children will be to blame. Did a man give you a bouquet at night? Due to unfulfilled desires, the sleeping woman cannot find new love.

The universal interpreter says that they will help you if you dreamed that your ex-spouse was trying to become just a friend.

If the husband returned

Some dream books, answering the question of why the returning husband dreams, say that in the dream there is a hint about this man:

  • returned because he was constrained by obligations - in reality he thinks about you;
  • came drunk and rowdy - got into trouble;
  • in general, the dream advises to deal with past mistakes;
  • cried - really repents;
  • he said that he wants to recreate his family - and he really dreams about it;
  • Once again you experienced what caused your divorce - a subconscious reflection of your joy at being separated from him.

Making love with your ex

If you open English dream book, then you will learn a rather interesting interpretation of the plot, in which your departed spouse has returned to you, and you again indulge in lust with him. Interpreters from Foggy Albion are sure that any dreamed events of the past days promise a sudden passion historical science, buying old stuff or meeting old friends.

Why do you dream of a returning spouse with whom the sleeping woman has sex? The Wanderer's Dream Book does not recommend inviting guests or pouring out all the emotional burden to strangers.

And in the Eastern predictor it is written that such a plot in a dream symbolizes the husband’s desire to return you, but this is hampered by different positions on vital issues.

Emotions in a dream

If reconciliation in a dream was successful, then unpleasant incidents and personalities from the past will again invade the dreamer’s life. However, the dream book of the sorceress Navi does not exclude the possibility that they will bring something good.

Miss Hasse's dream book advises interpreting a vision based on the emotions in it. If you were happy about the return of your prodigal husband, you will not be able to find new love yet. And disturbances in dreams indicate witchcraft.

Whether it is a husband, a lover, a friend, or all of these at the same time, everything connected with him begins to be perceived differently when this person is already in the past. If you suddenly had a dream about your former loved one, various dream books will help you understand it.

Miller's dream book predicts the appearance of indirect consequences of what happened in the past, if in a dream you dream of a former loved one, an intimate relationship with him, a repetition of past real feelings. A dream of sexual intercourse with this person promises an aggravation of some old conflict; kissing him is a quick surprise at something; a quarrel promises positive metamorphoses on the personal front; parting with him promises a new meeting, which, however, will ultimately prove unsuccessful; fight with him in a dream - the current partner will reveal his authoritarian essence, or the dreamer will soon have a new friend with possessive tendencies.

According to Meneghetti’s dream book, talking to your ex-husband in a dream means that the dreamer’s current man or one of her other loved ones will soon fall ill. See in a dream new family the former half means that in the foreseeable future the dreamer and her family will get along well. A former lover smiling in a dream means that any doubts about your current life partner will not justify themselves.

Nostradamus in his dream book explains a dream with an ex-husband or fiance in the leading role by saying that the dreamer should beware of witchcraft and its adherents - sorcerers. This becomes especially relevant if you dreamed that your former passion was again inflamed with the same tender feelings for her.

Having woken up and started to figure out why your ex is dreaming, it is important to carefully remember all the details you saw in the dream, because the essence may lie in them. That is why there are so many interpretations of such dreams in various dream books.

Tsvetkova's dream book predicts to a woman who sees a meeting with her ex-man in a dream that she will soon commit a frivolous act that will not end well. If the dreamer is divorced or married, she should expect unpleasant troubles and forced trips related to the education of children, material property or illnesses of her current husband.

According to Longo’s dream book, an ex-husband or boyfriend who appears to a woman in a dream may be a symbol of the fact that the dreamer thinks too much about the past and it is this fixation that prevents her from further moving forward, success in business and her development as a person. The past feeling does not want to make room in the heart for a new attachment.

According to Hasse’s dream book, a dream about breaking up with a man, with whom a breakup had already occurred in reality, signals that a new period, in which there is an overthrow of previous ideals and a complete change in priorities, begins in the dreamer’s life. After everything inside falls into place, the woman will experience a significant improvement in her situation in all areas of life.

Loff's dream book says that a dream about a former man marrying another woman means that the dreamer has forgiven someone for something. If he married the woman who saw the dream, then this promises major troubles. An ex dies in a dream - foretells a quick marriage and the birth of children. His feelings are again as strong as before - we should expect some surprises, which are not guaranteed to be pleasant.

The fortuneteller Vanga, in her dream book, explains a dream about people or objects that can be called “former” by the fact that the dreamer has not yet completely overcome memories of the past. Seeing your former husband or lover in a dream means hope for a renewed relationship. If you dream that a long-ended relationship is still ongoing, it means that the feeling has finally passed and the dreamer’s heart has been freed. Meeting former classmates, fellow students or colleagues in a dream means receiving news from a friend who is now far away.

Dreams are a reflection of existing reality. Psychologists say that what a person sees in a dream is an unresolved problem in real life. It makes sense to think about this and try to leave the past in the past. . .

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that a former man seen in a dream can mean a variety of things, according to the authors who worked on dream books. Here you can think about your own interpretation, which, most likely, will turn out to be the most correct.

Dream Interpretation Former

There are many options for what your ex dreams about. How should such dreams be perceived? The answer to these questions is given by dream interpreters.

Relationships in the past, but your failed lover continues to appear in your dreams with enviable consistency? This will alert and confuse any woman. Why do you dream about your ex? Maybe you still can't forget the old romance and are hoping to get your relationship back? Or are you not happy with your current partner on a subconscious level?

Miller's dream book: dreaming about an ex

Having intimacy in a dream with a guy who was in your past, but remained there, means the appearance of negative echoes of that very past. Having sex means renewing the existing conflict; kissing means some kind of surprise. If a woman dreams of her ex-husband and in the dream she quarrels with him, it means that changes will occur in life, and for the better. A break in a relationship with a man predicts a new acquaintance, but it may end unhappily. Seeing your ex sad and unkempt in a dream means numerous disappointments and obstacles along the way.

Vanga: why do you dream about your ex?

Seen in a dream past love speaks of your desire to return the relationship back. But if a woman sees in a dream that she did not even break up with her ex, then this means that in real life She managed to overcome herself, and thoughts of the past no longer warm her. Why do you dream about your ex being drunk? Such a dream indicates that he misses you and is waiting for your support. When, along with your ex, you also dream about your mother-in-law, this is a sign that she is sorry that your relationship with her son ended unsuccessfully, and she wants to apologize to you.

A dream involving an ex according to Loff's dream book

The marriage of your ex-husband to another in your dream is a sign of forgiveness. You were angry with him for a long time, but now you can forgive him. But if you dreamed that he married you again, then this is a sign of negative circumstances. Why do you dream about an ex who in a dream treats you very kindly and lovingly? A dream of this nature predicts unexpected surprises, pleasant or not at all. In a dream, the ex-husband went to another world - to prosperity, well-being in the family, to a quick marriage and the birth of a baby.

Why do you dream about your ex according to Freud?

Arguing with your current boyfriend is what your ex-boyfriend dreams about. And all because in reality you compare gentlemen with each other, and even talk about your conclusions to your real partner. Such excursions into your past will be unpleasant for him, even if in the end the comparison turns out to be in his favor. If you dream about your ex, it means you secretly miss the past, which you’re afraid to even admit to yourself.

Tsvetkov's dream book: dreaming about an ex

There is a danger of committing an extremely rash act in real life if a woman saw her past love in a dream. This action promises bad consequences. If a divorced/married lady dreamed about her ex, what is this for? The dream means that concerns will arise related to money, the illness of the current companion, and travel. And all this trouble will not be very pleasant for you.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about my ex

Breaking up with a person from the past in a dream means the onset of a new stage in life: soon you will look at everything with different eyes and change your priorities. Your affairs will improve and go uphill, finally everything will stabilize.

Why do you dream about your ex according to Longo’s dream book?

You are most passionate about your past relationships if you see your ex-lover in a dream. This does not allow you to move on personally - past love does not let go and will not give way to the present. But if in a dream you broke up with this man, then it’s time to destroy your old ideals - that’s what your ex dreams about. Conduct an internal audit, and then there will be positive changes in all areas of your life.

Why do you dream about your ex in a dream?

Seeing your ex-lover in a dream means that your heart has not yet completely freed itself from this relationship and, perhaps, you secretly hope that it will resume and are interested in the fate of your ex-lover. However, when interpreting such a dream, other factors must be taken into account.

For example, if you dream about your ex and at the same time someone’s death, this means that there will be no new relationship, the connection with this person is completely severed. Sometimes such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows a meeting with an ex - for example, if in a dream you see your ex in a school corridor (or in other interiors reminiscent of the past).

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

How to perceive a sudden dream about a former beloved man when everything is long in the past? The human subconscious continues to be awake while a person is sleeping. What does it want to convey to its owner? Psychologists have explanations.

Such a dream may symbolize undiscovered sexuality. A dream is a conversation in a special language of hidden symbols with your own subconscious. Dreams do not need to be literally deciphered. If you suddenly dreamed about your ex-husband or lover, this does not at all mean that the dreamer is “obsessed” with this person or wants to get him back. For example, if the breakup happened about a year ago and a new man appeared in a woman’s life, then the dream about the former beloved is only an association or symbol.

If such dreams appear, you should try to remember past relationships, the first thing that comes to mind about them. This could be, for example, good sex. There is a possibility that in your current relationship there is a lack of romance, spontaneous sex, or new, positive experiences. Perhaps this is the case when you want to re-experience some moments, but only with a new, beloved man, and not at all with your ex.

In fact, dreams provide guidance on solving pressing issues. They signal to the dreamer that the intimate sphere of her current relationship requires diversity. Such a dream is like a call to reveal a woman’s sexuality, but, oddly enough, her ex has absolutely nothing to do with it. In this case, it acts only as a symbol of dormant sexuality and a sign of the need for change. Real relationships need renewal!

It is not necessary to tell your current loved one about the dreams that prompted you to suddenly take up changes in your sexual life. Why the details? You can simply gradually bring him to this issue and involve him in joint “work on mistakes.”

Another possible interpretation is some kind of incompleteness, rooted in the past. In a dream, a quarrel occurs, with raised voices, with many questions hanging in the air, with bickering and negative emotions. But at the same time, the dreamer hears only her own remarks, and no matter how hard she tries, she cannot hear the other side and then wakes up with a feeling of anxiety. In a dream, sort out a long-ended relationship with your ex-husband - why?

You need to remember the circumstances under which the separation occurred in reality and try to analyze them. Maybe not all the i's have been crossed and the resentment is still alive? The subconscious in a dream offers to end the unfinished last conversation. Trying to find and hear her ex in a dream, the dreamer is actually looking for answers to the unclear questions of her past relationship.

You can hide negative emotions trailing from past relationships from yourself as much as you like, but then you shouldn’t be surprised when they remind you of themselves from time to time. Perhaps the ex-husband himself, especially if he turned out to be the abandoned party, sees the same dreams. He also needs closure to let go of the past. And in general, in such cases, everyone must decide for himself what is more necessary and valuable to him - a new free life or a trail of unpleasant memories and dreams.

It also happens that dreams represent obvious or not so clear signals for action. The separation that happened in reality could have happened due to an absurd coincidence or stupidity. For example, the reason was unfounded jealousy, but the separated couple is still connected by sincere love. And then the subconscious sends signals through dreams that everything can still be corrected.

If you don’t want to wake up every time because cloudless happiness with your former beloved husband returns in your dreams, doesn’t this mean that you finally need to do something to correct the situation in reality? At least try and take the first step towards reconciliation. It is important to remember that when people really love each other, no quarrels or distances will prevent them from being together.

And finally, dreams can be prophetic. If everything happened a long time ago, of course, but suddenly from time to time you start dreaming about your ex-man. At the same time, he is not at all the same as he remembered, he looks somehow unusual or is in a strange environment, he seems sick or sad to the dreamer - perhaps this prophetic dreams. There is a possibility that news about him will soon arrive, for example, about his planned marriage or some kind of trouble. This may also mean that an unexpected meeting with him will soon take place.

When trying to figure out what your ex-husband dreams about, it is important not to forget about your current husband, if you have one. Maybe dreams about the past are a hint that it wouldn’t hurt to pay more attention to the present? Otherwise, then it will also become the past and will come in dreams.

Dreams are a reflection existing reality, and you have to think, what are they trying to say? Perhaps dreams about a former loved one are an attempt by the subconscious to return everything as it was, or maybe vice versa - to let go of the past and move on lightly.

Dream Interpretation conversation with a guy

Why do you dream about talking to a guy in a dream according to a dream book?

Talking with your chosen one - in reality your relationship will become even better, you will live together for many happy years.

Telephone dialogue - portends receiving information from relatives, which will be quite unexpected for you.

Dream meeting and conversation with ex-husband

Talking to your ex in a dream

Talking to your ex in a dream

I dreamed that I called my ex myself. I don’t remember the beginning of the conversation, but in the end I started asking him about whether they had celebrated the anniversary of the death of his first wife, he replied that it would be soon (although it was not long ago). Then I was going to say that he should give me my money (I borrowed it from his brother a year ago at his request, but he didn’t give it back). I asked something about him new passion. Then I woke up. The conversation was clearly audible. But what’s alarming is that in a dream she spoke to him, and not to her sweetheart (the current martyr, who restored faith in men and the best). And in a dream, I called my ex “zhan” (an affectionate address) a couple of times, and it was as if I was refusing my words, that is, this happened unconsciously...

Conversation with an ex about us in a dream

I had a dream with my ex, we are sitting together talking, he says that we were together because we were somewhat similar and we were attracted to each other, and now it’s like we are different and we won’t have anything else and he tells me not to hope that he sees that I'm still not indifferent to him. And I agree with this and get up and start throwing everything on the shelf, I get angry and then I say this perfume I will break that he gave me, although in reality he did not give me perfume. That's what it's all about, I'd like to know.

Meeting and talking with your ex-husband in a dream

The dream was very long and clear, as if in reality. I couldn’t even leave for a long time. I dreamed that my ex came to me, we were in the village in my childhood home (now I live in an apartment in the city), I greeted him very warmly, even hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, stood on the threshold, and he was lower than me and we talked like that. He told me that he realized, understood and rethought a lot. I listened to him and said, then come back to us, to your daughter. But then he abruptly tore my hands off my neck and became very agitated, began walking feverishly and shouting that he could not leave his current wife and girls. And I tried to convince him that his wife would marry again, it would be easier for her, and I really needed him and my daughter. Then, just as he was getting ready to leave, my grandmother (she had been gone for 10 years) took potatoes out of the cellar for him. And he put 2 huge bags of potatoes on his shoulders (one on one shoulder, the other on the other). I began to beg, saying that it was too hard and he wouldn’t be able to carry it. But he carried them to the fence and wanted to go to the backyard. He put one bag on the fence and it seemed like the span fell, I stood nearby and looked at it all. Then he took these bags anyway and went out the gate. He walked through the meadow, which was buried in blooming clover, I even felt the smell in my dream. But then for some reason the clover turned into a thistle. And I tried to stop my ex not to go there because he would get hurt by the thorns. Looks like mine appeared younger brother and wanted to help him carry these bags of potatoes, so they both ended up in the backyard, and I stayed behind the fence and seemed to look at them from the side. Then what happened was that the earth seemed to collapse, a ravine formed, and I realized that both of them (my brother and my ex) had fallen there. I approached, but not too close to the edge of the ravine, I saw them at the bottom, but they were not injured, but lay there and laughed out loud. I decided that everything was fine with them and left. That's all I woke up with. Please tell me what this means? This dream makes me anxious. This is my common-law husband, we separated a little over 8 years ago, he left when I was pregnant, I’m not married, now I’m raising a daughter. The ex is now officially married, has 2 children (a girl and a boy), lives far from me, does not maintain much contact or relationship with my daughter and me (he has only come a couple of times in the entire time, he does not call). In this dream, I tried to persuade him to come back to me, that it was hard for me, that I needed him, that his wife was healthy and that she could cope without him and would get married again. This year in February I talked to him on the phone, but it turned out to be a scandal because of my daughter. After that there is no communication. I dream about my ex-husband very often, I don’t understand why or why.

Talking on the phone with an ex in a dream

I dreamed that I was talking on the phone with my ex, we agreed to meet (we should meet with him in a real meeting), then it turned out that I seemed to be visiting him, he was standing in front of me, and I was standing on the sofa thereby I am superior to him. I touched his muscles and shoulders. My soul felt somehow calm

Ex-lover conversation in a dream

I constantly dream about my ex-major! In my last dream, I see him with a girl. HE saw me too and begins to walk towards me, coldly pushing away the girl who is next to him. I start to run away from him, he runs after me and says that he wants to talk to me. I don’t want to listen to him and continue to run down the stairs. He runs after me and says that he didn’t know how bad I felt (in his voice there seems to be an awareness of my pain from parting) trying to stop me to say something. I don’t want to hear and I’m trying with all my might to run away from him. I wake up. I was really afraid of what he might tell me. I was afraid that it would hurt again. Now I’m tormented by what he wanted to tell me.

Conversation with ex-boyfriend's wife in a dream

I was walking with a friend and our children, my ex-boyfriend and his wife are driving in a car, they stop and get out of the car, the guy stands aside, and his wife comes up to me and says: leave him, he’s mine, I’ll see you again, you’ll regret it

Conversation in the kitchen with a friend in a dream

I'm at my parents' house. Nobody here. A friend comes home from work. She says she was driving past and decided to stop by. She and I are having a nice conversation about something. At some point she says, “If you want, I’ll braid your hair the way you like.” After that, she becomes naked to the waist, and her pigtails cover her breasts. We begin to kiss passionately. Then I hear the elevator moving, I start to get a little nervous, I look through the peephole and see my mother coming out of the elevator. The friend is dressed again, sitting in the kitchen. Mom comes in, looks at her in surprise and tells me “I thought she was from your work.” I think that I need to feed my friend, I immediately remember that there is soup, I pour it for her, she eats it. I look at the clock, the time is 15.00, I start to get even more nervous because... I understand that my wife will arrive soon, I think that my wife is very jealous of her friend and it’s time to somehow leave the house, I wake up..

Talking on the phone with the director in a dream

I'm at work, talking on my cell phone with the director of the plant. It seems to me that he is not sober.

Ex-husband and ex-girlfriend in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-husband and ex-girlfriend Olga. We all spent the night together in the same house, in different rooms. As I walked out into the corridor, I saw that my ex-girlfriend was heading to her ex-husband’s room. Going into his room with her, I saw that tea utensils had been brought there. Although I didn’t feel any jealousy or indignation, for the sake of decency I created a scandal for both of them. My husband tried to explain the situation, but I moved on in my attack to explain that he had never taken part in raising his son, even today. My husband said something that in the near future he is leaving for his home, he will just rent out the apartment he has and names the price - 9 thousand. I explain to him that my son and his young family now really need housing and it would be better if if he had allowed his son to live there, or rented the house to him for little money. He refused. I explain that my son is studying at the institute and financially it is very difficult. The husband verbally agrees that he will rent out the apartment and transfer the rent to his son. Then I see that my former classmate arrived at my parents’ house, with suitcases and several other people in company, it seems to be her sister and mother. The suitcases were all the same color and very beautifully packaged. I helped her carry her suitcases to the door. She went into the house. I also dreamed that I was still taking a shower with the same ex-girlfriend. At some point, she couldn’t find the shampoo because she was lathered up and I helped her go to the water and take the shampoo. Until this moment, I took a shower exactly where my friend was now washing, but we swapped places. In reality, all the people in the dream did not even know each other. Indeed, I have been raising my son for 15 years alone without the support of my husband and his family. currently a difficult situation with housing.

Drunk ex-boyfriend in a dream

So where to start. Perhaps because I often have dreams, I understand that I can control them, but for some reason I don’t. For a long time I didn’t have a boyfriend, either studying or having a family. And from the excess of feelings I involuntarily begin to remember everything former relationship: what would you like to change, do wrong, or not start at all. Why don't I date guys? Suggestions were often made, but I simply didn’t see the point in starting all these relationships, since I was replaying in my head a short affair - then a breakup, pain, etc. Perhaps it all started with the fact that I was hopelessly disappointed in the guys. My last 2 exes were completely different (age, body, height, manners, etc.) They had only one thing in common - they cheated on their girlfriends with me. I can’t imagine how it was for the girls, I naturally didn’t tell them anything, but I was so disgusted that I didn’t want to meet with them. So, in total, I didn’t have a relationship for a year. Now my dream. I’m traveling on a bus (or a trolleybus, or a tram I couldn’t figure out), and I meet a group of my ex. I realize that this is his company, but I only recognize 3 faces (along with my ex). All of them are sober and only the former (hereinafter referred to as “HE”) is drunk, or whatever, killed. He doesn’t recognize me, I see that HIM’s friends won’t help him and I decide to come up and take him out of the transport, as soon as I pick him up, HIS friends come up to me and start pestering me, moreover, they start saying: “Why do you need HIM? Let it lie around. “I run out of the transport, and find myself in it again, pick HIM up in my arms and we get out. THE END.. I would be grateful for any explanation)

Ex-girlfriend in a dream

I dreamed about it ex-girlfriend, then a former classmate and I with her in the Maldives, then an unfamiliar girl, I hug her and next to me my ex calmly treats it this way. Then I had a dream where my ex was, and after her I saw a sick black kitten with red eyes, then she disappeared and I saw a small white kitten in the corner with icons. Find out why I dream of my ex, the stranger I am hugging, as well as the contrast of my ex and a black kitten and then she disappeared and a white kitten.

Ex-husband and his family in a dream

Today I saw myself in a dream in my ex-husband’s house, leaving the bathhouse, I felt good after it. And I was relaxed.. I heard the voice of my former father-in-law behind me that my mother-in-law (now deceased, alive in the dream) would be unhappy because there was a wet mark on the carpet in the dressing room after me.. It needs to be hidden and so that she is happy, I go to her bed and took the sheet, pulled it off the mattress and covered the floor for her.. I was surprised - why didn’t he take a towel... I did it my way. I laid out a towel.. I went up to the mirror, I was satisfied, but I understood that this did not please my mother-in-law.. I went up from the bathhouse to the second floor of the house, I went into the bedroom and saw my ex-husband half naked in bed with her current wife (in the dream she is a mistress) next to her. my father-in-law is with them... He looks at me like - what am I going to do... My husband’s current wife looks at me in this way - he (the husband) has a lot of money, I’ll go for everything, and I’ll send you out. I was outraged by this, I took her by the hair, she was ashamed.. Her face flushed, I said - there was no need to act dishonestly and escorted her out the door.. Naked.. My husband was smiling.. He would have said that a long time ago.. Why sleep, if in real life I have another man in my heart, although only in my heart... I'm waiting for another man, not my ex-husband...

Former man in a dream

I very often have dreams about my ex-man, with whom I broke up almost 2 years ago. Moreover, these dreams begin to occur precisely when I stop thinking about the past, I begin to forget everything... And then bam - I dreamed. After that, I again plunge into memories, all the negativity comes up, etc. The feeling is not pleasant. When all this happens, I don’t dream about him, and when I start to forget, he comes in dreams that I cannot forget. I don’t understand what these dreams mean. Even his close relatives dreamed about it more than once. There were many dreams, I will describe two of the last ones. 1st dream. I was visiting my parents and was already leaving home and went out into the yard. The former man walked past me (without noticing) in the yard of my parents’ house, got into the car and drove away. I was surprised that he didn’t notice me and walked further along the road to the exit from the yard. Then my ex-man calls me on my mobile phone. I also thought - “Did you notice? What does he need? "; In general, I was surprised and answered the call. I don’t remember the whole conversation (it was short), but the last words were like this - “You don’t want to tell me anything? “I clearly heard his voice and these words. I didn’t answer him and the dream was interrupted. 2nd dream. I dreamed that I was in the house of an ex-man. I was alone in his house, lying on his sofa and covering myself with my blanket. The house was a mess. Suddenly I heard a car approaching, heard men's voices and looked out the window. I saw that he arrived with some acquaintances. I was afraid that he would find me in his house and quickly got ready to leave. She threw her blanket into the corner (between the wall and the sofa) and quickly left the house. She went outside and walked away from his house. As I walked, I turned around several times and saw that he was following me. He doesn’t just walk, but seems to be minding his own business and doesn’t see me, but I just can’t leave/hide from him. At the same time, I felt a sense of anxiety that he would notice me and find out that I came. When I came across an obstacle (a fence) and realized that I would not have time to overcome it, I became afraid that he would notice me and I hid among the trees and bushes. As a result, he didn’t notice me, I sat out, came out of the shelter onto the dirt road and calmly walked away. Help me understand this dream. The thing is that this is not the first time I have had dreams of this kind. We broke up about two years ago, the separation was difficult. If this dream doesn't mean anything, then at least I'll calm down.

Ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend in a dream

This night I had two dreams, or maybe one, but in a dream everything flows so smoothly, so I still think there are two. 1) I dreamed that my parents built a small three-story wooden house outside the city, it was so small that on the first, second and third floors there were only one or two rooms, leaving the house I saw my ex-boyfriend(now I am on friendly terms with him, we see each other often) he came up to me, picked me up and carried me to the bus, said that it was time for him to leave, but he didn’t want to let me go because he would miss me very much. 2) I’m in some kind of room, it reminds me of something familiar Kid `s camp, which I went to as a child, my ex-girlfriend (with whom I haven’t talked for a long time) comes into the room, gives me one white rose, introduces me to her boyfriend and says that she will soon marry him, says that she came to me to invite me to their wedding. Please help me decipher my dreams

Ex-husband and his children in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-husband... My son... I see my mother-in-law who wants me to give up something in favor of my son... We start talking to her in a raised voice, and then I loudly declare that I have decided to return to my husband. Everyone is in shock.. Suddenly I see. That my ex-husband has three children.. Boys.. But in general, I kind of know that he has five in total.. And there’s a thought in my head. What do you need... How many women did he have and they all gave birth to children... Among these three is my son... (but in fact, my child is not there, and the boys are all 6-10 years old). I think: oh well.. I’ll raise other people’s children.. Then I see my husband again.. Some conversations.. Today all day I feel like the reality of a dream.. At work I caught myself thinking that it seems that everything is real.. Me again I live with my husband...

Did I dream in a dream that I was talking on the phone with my former common-law husband?



It would be good if you had a civil marriage only in a dream, otherwise Bolg considers this to be fornication. Like believing in dreams is superstition. Both it is a sin. I can show you from the Bible if you are interested.


Well... at least we talked in our sleep. . when else will you have to...


Will you talk about your upcoming wedding in life?

Ibragim Magomedov

There are no common-law husbands, especially former ones, common-law husbands are MALES, and common-law wives are BITCHES. There are no other definitions. As for the question, ask the current “common-law husband” what your dream means, he will explain to you.


Bonus! + phone as a gift!)))


You just haven't let go of the situation with your ex yet... Or perhaps this dream is for some event: watch what happens...


Well, these are flowers... I have already dreamed once again that I hit the face of that whore for whom my ex left me (they are now both taking sides)…


Most importantly, did you manage to send it in a dream?)))

In a dream it does not necessarily mean longing for your past spouse. Often a dream indicates unfinished business, a “hello” from the past, or the dreamer’s false sense of guilt.

Subconscious Clues

To find out why you are seeing your ex-spouse, there are several sources to consider.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Constantly seeing your ex-husband in your dreams portends an unusual incident, a love adventure. Making love with an ex predicts disagreements with a person “from the past” or with the dreamed man himself. Kissing your ex is an unexpected surprise. A conflict or quarrel with him predicts a change in affairs for the better, a solution to some pressing problems.

    Breaking up with your ex-spouse in a dream indicates bad luck, I will meet in reality with an unreliable person. If a man looks unimportant in a dream, then in reality this promises troubles and disappointments. If in a dream he looks good and well-groomed, then the dream indicates the dreamer’s fame and recognition of her merits.

    Being afraid or not recognizing your ex-spouse promises emotional distress because of a friend who will betray or set up the dreamer. A naked ex-husband in a dream means that due to a disastrous financial situation, a woman will take an indecent job, because of which she will get into trouble.

    Husband playing guitar predicts illness or severe cold. If in a dream he screams or calls for someone, then in reality he is in distress - perhaps he is sick or suffering.

    If in a dream the ex-husband swears not in the direction of the dreamer, then in reality she should expect problems due to the fault of one of his former lovers.

    If you dreamed about your ex’s apartment and you can’t recognize it, changes are coming in your life, moving or changes in relationships.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    A legal or common-law ex-spouse who wants to return means that a woman wants to return her old feelings, her first love. To dream that a man is still the sleeping woman’s husband indicates that the woman has fallen out of love with her “ex” and has let him go. A drunk ex-husband means that he is sad and needs the dreamer. If you dreamed about your ex-mother-in-law, then in reality the dreamer will have a big surprise.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Dreaming of reconciliation with your ex-husband promises a woman a major quarrel with her current lover. The dream also reflects the sleeping woman’s inner jealousy and her suspicions of her partner’s infidelity.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    If ex-husbands appear in a dream, this is a warning about negative magical influence, about an attempt to influence the dreamer with the help magical rituals. Making love with your ex-husband means that soon the woman will have to answer for past sins, and a well-deserved punishment will overtake her. A deceased ex-spouse in a dream foreshadows danger, the likelihood of physical injury.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    An ex-husband in a dream indicates the dreamer’s frivolous behavior, which will bring her not only problems, but also a good, albeit bitter, life lesson. Married woman such a dream predicts tedious chores associated either with an unwanted trip to another city or with the illness of the current husband.

    Esoteric dream book

    Kissing or sleeping in bed with your ex-spouse in a dream indicates unresolved problems, unfinished business. Separating from your spouse predicts financial gains that will turn out to be a kind of trap for the dreamer. Quarreling with your ex means a successful conclusion to things.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Seeing your ex-spouse in a dream promises unexpected but pleasant events. If in a dream the past husband marries another woman, then in reality the dreamer has long since forgiven and released her former lover. If in a dream he marries the sleeping woman again, then in reality this promises troubles and losses. Seeing the death or funeral of an ex in a dream indicates a happy future and the likely imminent birth of children.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    An ex-husband in a dream represents a woman’s excessive interest in the past, her focus on mistakes and her tendency to self-examine. This approach will not allow the sleeping woman to move on and enter into a new relationship.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    When you see a conversation in a dream with your ex-spouse, this is predicts illness of current lover or child. If in a dream a man laughed and had fun, then the dream indicates the dreamer’s unjustified suspicions of her lover’s fidelity.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Ex-husband in a dream portends a change in a woman's views, her worldview and tastes.

Actions of the ex-spouse

If your ex-husband hugs you in a dream, this indicates the dreamer’s feeling of guilt before some person, regret about an act done in the past. Kissing and hugging an ex-man promises a new romantic adventure, a volcano of passions and a lot of new sensual and emotional sensations.

Intimate relationship with ex-husband predicts major troubles due to the hot temper and impulsiveness of the dreamer herself. A drunk man in a dream indicates frivolous communication and flirting of the dreamer with the opposite sex. This behavior can backfire on a woman.

Angry, dissatisfied man in a dream means the dreamer's longing for him— the woman’s feeling has not yet passed and continues to torment her. A joyful, satisfied man promises an unexpected opportunity for career growth for the sleeping woman.

To see in a dream how he returned home can mean both the dreamer’s embodied desire and the man’s desire to get along with his ex-wife. The dream may also portend the return of a debt., which the woman has already forgotten about.

Swearing and quarreling with your ex-husband in a dream indicates a romantic acquaintance with a man who will turn out to be a womanizer and an inveterate liar. Beating her husband in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s internal contradictions, her inability to come to terms with the past.

If your ex-spouse cries in a dream, then in reality he will provide significant support and assistance to the woman. Talking to her husband in a dream means that the dreamer will be able to complete her planned event. Also, a dream can talk about reconciliation in reality with this man.

Making peace with your ex-spouse in a dream indicates the dreamer's futile attempts to reach loved one . The dream also speaks of the ex’s desire to establish friendly relations.

If in a dream your ex-husband marries another woman, then in reality, the dreamer will be able to realize what she wants in. The dream also foretells a woman a new love and a happy marriage.

New wife or mistress

Seeing your ex-husband's mistress in a dream means revealing in reality some of the dreamer's secrets. However, this revelation will not cause much damage to the woman’s reputation.

I dreamed about a husband and his current wife - this foreshadows an awkward situation in which the dreamer will find herself through no fault of her own. To avoid such a turn of events, you need to control your every action and think through several steps forward.

See in a dream ex-wife or a friend of my ex-husband means that the current lover is very worried about the dreamer’s state of mind.

Late husband

Seeing the death of her ex-husband indicates that now is the right time for decisive action - the dreamer can realize her plans if she takes at least a step forward.

Seeing your late husband alive may mean longing for a deceased person, and stagnation in the affairs and life of the dreamer. The woman has stopped moving forward and is now simply floating with the flow.

On what day of the week did he dream?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on what day of the week the ex-spouse dreamed about:

  • On Monday- indicates the dreamer’s unrestrained feelings for the man.
  • On Tuesday- portends a small financial income, debt repayment.
  • On Wednesday- promises an acquaintance with an interesting young man.
  • On Thursday- foreshadows an unexpected meeting with your ex-husband.
  • On Friday- indicates self-examination and a desire to return the past, a woman’s self-torture about her passing youth.
  • On Saturday- predicts unpleasant situation associated with the mistress or girlfriend of the ex-husband.
  • On Sunday- is a reflection of the dreamer’s feelings about her current state (this may relate to work, relationships with friends or the personal sphere).

Date of publication: 01/05/18

Not all marriages end well. After a divorce, women often dream about their ex-husbands. What is the significance of such a vision? What is the subconscious trying to say?

Why do you dream about your ex-husband according to Freud’s dream book?

The Austrian psychoanalyst believed that a dream in which a former lover dreamed foreshadows a quarrel with the current chosen one. The girl should be careful not to let him in on the details of her past. Half may get angry, and the relationship in the couple may cool down. A dream involving an ex-husband can speak of longing for a past love, even if the dreamer does not want to admit it.

Ex-husband in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

If in a dream an image of objects or people who have passed away comes, it means that the wound is still alive, and the dreamer continues to worry about the past. When a girl dreams of a loved one with whom she broke up, she expects him to return to her.

If exes reunite in a dream, in real life the dreamer has finally come to terms with the end of love.

Seeing people you haven’t seen for a long time in a dream means meeting them soon.

The ex-husband is drunk in a dream - he wants to get the relationship back. The mother-in-law from a previous marriage who appeared in a dream - the mother of her ex-husband regrets that the union broke up and asks her daughter-in-law for forgiveness.

Dreaming about ex-husband according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about your ex-spouse and the resumption of communication with him, in reality you should expect retribution for past deeds.

A passionate kiss in a dream - reality will bring a surprise.

If you dream of having sex with your ex, an old quarrel will make itself felt. Finding out the relationship with him means positive changes are coming in life.

Experiencing a breakup again in a dream means new love is just around the corner.

An ex-husband who comes into a dream unkempt or aged is a disappointment in reality. If the dreamer is frightened by the changes that have occurred in his appearance, she will have to be bitterly upset because of the man whom she considers a friend.

Seeing your ex-husband handsome and successful in a dream is fortunate.

A loved one from the past dreamed of being naked - you will have to participate in a business that will cause universal censure.

If your ex-husband plays the guitar, you should be more careful about your health: you can get sick.

The ex-husband cries or yells in his sleep - in reality he is going through hard times.

If the beloved from the past makes a scandal, the dreamer will have big problems for which she will be to blame.

Ex-husband in a dream - Islamic dream book

If a woman saw her ex-husband in a dream, she misses him and secretly wants to get everything back. These feelings hinder happiness in this life.

A deceased ex in a dream means bad news will come from loved ones.

Kisses and hugs with a former lover reflect the sadness of the past days.

Making love and feeling shame in a dream is a disappointment.

To be satisfied due to the resumption of communication is worth waiting for news from your ex.

Taking the initiative to restore relations with your ex in a dream means that in reality you lack tenderness and attention.

Receiving a kiss from your ex-spouse means that soon a man will appear in your life who will become your spouse.

She dreams of the return of her lover, with whom she broke up - a quick trip. A quarrel with an ex means something good will happen. If he changed for the worse in a dream, the dreamer will be disappointed in reality.

The former spouse was blooming and joyful in a dream - a pleasant event will happen.

What do various actions with your ex-husband mean in a dream?

Seeing a separation from your ex-husband in a dream means a change in direction in life. Something will happen soon that will radically change your views.

If the ex has returned, this is a signal from the subconscious that the dreamer is seeking to renew her love affair and is suffering from a breakup.

Kissing him is a sign that you need to let go of your feelings, become more relaxed and not pay attention to the public.

If you dream about having sex with your ex-husband and not bringing pleasure, you can suffer because of your character if you don’t control your feelings in time.

Hugging a lover from the past means experiencing bitterness over the end of the relationship.

Beating your ex-husband in a dream means unwillingness to let go of the situation. The reasons why the dreamer broke up with him have not gone away. Arguing with a former boyfriend means experiencing difficulties with the opposite sex.

Seeing your spouse from afar means preoccupation with the past does not allow you to develop relationships in the present.

Why do I often and constantly dream about my ex-husband?

If dreams with your ex-husband are repeated too often, this is a reason to think about completing unfinished business. To avoid the burden of responsibility, they should be resolved as soon as possible.

Periodically recurring dreams with a former lover indicate a reluctance to live in the present. Perhaps the feelings for him are still alive.

Why do ex-husbands dream about his appearance and condition in a dream?

If you dream of a deceased ex-spouse, you should remember the words he says - they are prophetic. The house he shows in his dream is where he currently lives.

Drunk ex-husband - in reality he is in a difficult situation. You can help him by analyzing your dream - often the answer to the problem lies there.

A dream where a lover leaves - the dreamer acutely experiences events from the past that it is time to let go.

Making love with a former lover means feeling longing for him. If the ex-husband dies in a dream, and the girl feels relieved, this means that the connection between them has finally broken.
The dreamer is ready to start life again.

An ex-husband cries in a dream - you can turn to him for help, he will treat the request with sympathy and understanding.

Dreaming of a naked ex-husband is a warning about dangerous situation. You should carefully choose your environment: among your friends there is an enemy plotting intrigues.

I dream about my ex-husband's house, my ex-husband's mother-in-law, my ex-husband with another woman, my ex-husband's new wife, my ex-husband's mistress, my ex-husband with another woman.

If the dreamer returned to her ex-husband’s house in a dream, this means that she will never visit there in reality. The mother-in-law who appears in the dream warns that in current relationships one should be careful and not talk about the details of one’s past.

Seeing a former boyfriend in a dream with someone else is a sign that the girl will never be with him again.

The new wife of her ex-husband is in charge of the night - the dreamer is not ready to let go of long-standing events. Such a dream may portend meeting an important person.

She dreams that her ex-husband has a mistress - a reflection heartache, shattered uncertainty, loss of self-confidence. In order not to disappoint your new partner, you need to perk up and focus on pleasant things.

An ex-husband with another woman in a dream means a conflict is brewing in the relationship with him.

I dream about my ex-husband and his intentions to return

If a woman dreams that her ex-husband wants to renew the relationship, this means that she herself is not averse to getting into a relationship again. Subconsciously, the dreamer continues to miss her departed love.

Marrying your ex-husband in a dream means finding yourself in a difficult situation, from which you will not be able to get out in the near future. Such a dream can be interpreted as nostalgia for days gone by.

Making love with your ex-spouse is a subconscious desire to return to where it was comfortable and cozy. You should work on new relationships, otherwise the past will not allow you to live fully.
If you dreamed about your ex-husband, from whom you have been divorced for a long time, he will make himself known, and the dreamer will learn some news.

How to interpret a dream for a pregnant woman who dreams about her ex-husband

If a woman in an interesting situation dreams of her ex-husband, a new stage will begin in her life. She needs to leave the past behind in order to live calmly and happily.
A woman who dreams of her ex-husband should end her relationship with him not only virtually, but also psychologically: it is possible that in her heart she still harbors the hope of getting him back.

Dream Interpretation