Clean up old abandoned buildings. Do cleaning work in old abandoned buildings. Large rich building.

CHAMBER, noun. Histor. big rich building

CHAMBER, noun. Separate room in a medical institution

CHAMBER, noun. Name of the representative institution

CHAMBER, noun. Shared bedroom in a children's camp, boarding school, closed educational institution

HOUSE OF LORDS, Stable combination. Polit. the upper house of the British Parliament, consisting of the "clergy" (bishops and archbishops Church of England) and secular lords (hereditary peers and peeresses, law lords, and since 1958 life peers and peeresses)

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CHAMBER, chambers, w. (Latin palatium). 1. plural only Palace, magnificent building, early, ancient, stone (obsolete). Everyone on that island is rich, there are no pictures, there are chambers everywhere. Pushkin. Boyar chambers. Magnificently constructed chambers where they indulge in feasts and extravagance... Griboyedov. From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers. Proverb. 2. A large room, luxuriously decorated or intended for some purpose. special purposes (obsolete). Armouries. Faceted Chamber. Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber on the throne and wearing a crown. Pushkin. the first legislative authority in these countries; parliament). The upper house (estate-representative assembly, the highest legislative authority in relation to the lower house). The lower and upper houses in bourgeois countries are not equal. Chamber of Deputies (lower house of France). House of Commons (lower house of England). House of Lords (upper house of England). 6. The name of some government agencies(official and historical). Chamber of Weights and Measures. Book Chamber (an institution maintaining a bibliography of printed materials). Chamber of Commerce. Execution chamber (see state chamber). Judicial Chamber (an institution that was the highest court for district courts; pre-revolutionary).

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

CHAMBER, and floor. or more chambers, palace, magnificent residential building of the sovereign, nobles, esp. stone. | Tver. Vyat. stone house, and wooden mansions. | The ward, the building, was moved to our public place, esp. judicial, like the hut of old: the chamber of the civil, criminal court, treasury, etc. We call it the chamber, and parliaments, elected assemblies, legislative councils in other lands. | Magnificent and spacious chambers where wonderful antiquities, weapons, etc. are kept. The Armory Chamber, in Moscow. The Faceted Chamber, in the same place, from the outer, faceted decoration of the walls; This is the reception room of the great princes and sovereigns. Uma chamber, very smart. He has a crazy room, but it’s not covered, he’s poor. The chambers are quiet, old. living rooms, front rooms. The boyars' chambers are red, and the peasants have huts on their sides. You can't make money by stealing stone chambers. The chamber is crazy, but the other one hasn’t started. Crazy room, but not enough money. Ward, ward, relative. to the chamber, belongs to it. Ward men, old. Chamber official. Chamber decision. Tent m. old. member of the city hall. | Thick, durable fabric, with wide colored stripes: teak. Palazzo m. ital. inclined palace, chambers. Tent tent, tent, light frame, surrounded and covered with canvas or cloth, for some kind of shelter. Pitch the tent. The officer's tent is larger than the soldier's and double; the inner one is called a house, and the outer one is called a tent. Felt (cotton) tent, orenb. kibitka, sib. yurt; and birch bark and leather, vezha or tent. Trade tents, at fairs, bazaars, temporary booths of all kinds. | A tent at a shop, a special place of storage, a barn; in the rows and in the living courtyards, a tent, the top of a bench, a tower. | East a separate stone building with a vault and iron shutters for secure storage of things and protection from fires. Fur coats are taken out into the tent for the summer. | Mining: the place in the blast furnace from where ore is poured into the furnace. Assay office, an institution where the goodness of silver and gold is tested and hallmarks are applied. The ceiling is a tent, a sail vault, a pyramid. Paint the room like a tent, in two colors, in wide, sheer stripes. The porch is a tent, with a canopy and surrounded by fabric. The tent will belittle. eastern ledge or wide overhang of the roof, eaves, over a cage, grain barn, etc. Tent, tent, in a tent, in different meanings. related, belonging Tent-like, similar to a tent, sort of like a tent. Tent maker m. who makes, works tents, tent maker. To sit in a chamber, to sit in a chamber. Tent, roam in a camp, live in a tent, in a field. Polati, sev. eastern, southern chambers zap. (the chambers are probably from Pallast, palaz, and the floors are from half) w. pl. in general, a platform or scaffold, a flooring raised above the floor and head; then: the platform in the peasant's. hut, from the stove to the opposite wall (above the doors, and to the bed, or on the other side, to the kuti); three corners of the chambers are adjacent to the walls, the fourth to the chamber pole or chamber pillar, and the flooring lies, to one side of the pillar, on the chamber beam, and to the other - on the chamber pillar; this is a kind of mezzanine, mezzanine, useful for the sake of cramped conditions in the hut and for warmth; dormitory. In the old days, people also lived in boyar mansions. | See oder. Palatniki, palatyan m. pl. comic lazy people on the beds or children. | Tent, tent plank or deck, for baroque roofs. | Pay, old man. chapel in the upper church tier, upper church, choir. In those churches they only sang on the floors. | Polati Donsk. thief. attic, ceiling, firebox, top. | Okhotnich. bridge on two trees, north. storehouse, or a gazebo hung from a tree, a bed, for shooting animals, esp. bear; | platform on the barge, near the waters. | Scaffolding in mining operations; flooring in brewhouses for drying salt; poles under the ceiling, for carpenters, for drying wood; | cast iron platform at the shaft smelting furnace, for filling coal and ore from it; shelves; | astrakh. scaffolding on the shore, where ships are pulled out for repairs, a type of slipway, arch. Gorodki, Volzhsk. cells, but they are arranged differently; | at Kozhev. platform over tanning vats; | trellis, poles with a run for grape rootstock. Lying on the floors, you won’t see a slice (or bread). An owl flew into the air, not afraid of a clear falcon. I'll give you a blanket that's higher than the stove! Brave after the battle, how he climbed onto the floor. Many brave people are lying on their beds. Is there a man sitting on the bed, wearing a blue robe? smoke in the smoking hut. As there is no money, he rushes to the floor (climbs, i.e., becomes subdued; or pret, i.e., rushes to climb).

Looking up at a tall building means great ambition. Such a dream does not foretell the fulfillment of a wish. Climbing the steps to a magnificent tall building is a sign of happy changes in your life.

To see a beautiful tall building in a dream with a well-groomed lawn in front of it means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Such a dream predicts you a serene life of abundance, pleasant trips to distant lands and respect from others. Seeing new buildings in a dream means new beginnings.

Watching the construction of a building or taking part in it is a sign that you will soon start a new business. Being the owner of a beautiful building in a dream is a sign that you will become the master of your destiny and achieve a high position in society. Seeing an abandoned building in a dream is a sign that you will soon have problems in business.

If in a dream you refurbish an old building, then great success and wealth await you. Seeing an unfinished building in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to complete the job. Seeing a small cramped building in a dream means that you should be more modest. See interpretation: house, premises.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Abandonment

Do you feel left out or excluded from a certain area of ​​your life? Do you feel abandoned or neglected? Have you allowed a person or group of people to occupy a special place in your life, and now you feel disconnected from them? If this is so: it’s time to become the main authority in your life, to look for your own inner truth.

Abandonment: May indicate unresolved issues from childhood or even past lives.

If this is the case, you need to look into these issues now.

Self-pity will only make things worse.

Feelings of abandonment: This can also occur after the death of someone who helped you feel respected.

It's time to look inside yourself to find confirmation of your own importance.

Abandonment can also: indicate that you should accept yourself for who you are.

Are there aspects of your personality that you have discarded? It could be potential talent, ability or instinctive urge.

Think about what it could be and what place it will take in your life.

This could be a sign that it's time to let go of your inhibitions.

This can be a symbol of great freedom, where you throw off the chains and conventions that bind you.

Signs of abandonment: may appear to you on the eve of gaining independence and freedom.

Interpretation of dreams from
  1. ward - s, w. 1. plural h. (chambers, -lat). outdated A large, rich building with many rooms. [Ibrahim] brought him [Peter] to the magnificent chambers of Prince Menshikov and returned home. Pushkin, Arab of Peter the Great. Small academic dictionary
  2. Chamber - (legal) 1) the name of representative bodies or individual components(for example, in the USSR, within the Supreme Soviet of the USSR there are two equal parties - the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities). Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  3. Chamber - Borrowing in other Russian era from Greek lang., where palation< лат. palatium. См. палатка. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  4. Chamber - (from Middle Greek palation, Latin palatium - palace, palace), in Russian. medieval architecture a hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults (the Faceted Chamber in the Moscow Kremlin); premises for a special purpose (Armory). Art encyclopedia
  5. chamber - see >> house, parliament, court, palace see also -> chambers, mind chamber Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  6. chamber - chamber pl., tent, see floor. palatine I "steward", see paladin. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  7. CHAMBER - CHAMBER - in law, 1) the name of the representative bodies or their components. 2) The name of some state or public organizations and institutions (eg, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Book Chamber). Large encyclopedic dictionary
  8. Chamber - 1) in medieval Russian architecture a hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults (Faceted Chamber). 2) a palace institution, located, as a rule, in similar halls (the Armory). * * * room. Architectural Dictionary
  9. chamber - CHAMBER -s; and. [from lat. palatium] 1. pl.: chambers, -lat. Outdated A large, rich building with many rooms. White stone chambers. 2. Unwind A large, luxuriously decorated room or hall. Tsarskaya village. Oruzheynaya village (storage of weapons, utensils of the Moscow kings). Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  10. ward - 1. ROOM 1, s, w. 1. A large, rich building, premises (outdated). Stone chambers. 2. A separate room in a hospital, medical inpatient facility. Someone's mind (colloquial) is very smart. | adj. ward, oh, oh. P. doctor. 2. ROOM2, s, f. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  11. Chamber - In ancient times in Russia, a stone structure, and then the name of many institutions. Now there are state (q.v.), control (q.v.) and judicial (q.v.) P. About the Chamber of Citizens. and angle. court see Judicial system. In states, constitutional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  12. chamber - In constitutional law, the name of representative bodies of state power or their individual components. see also bicameral system, unicameral system. in other branches of law, as well as in international law... Large legal dictionary
  13. ward - Chamber/a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  14. chamber - noun, g., used. compare often (not) what? chambers, what? ward, (I see) what? ward, what? chamber, about what? about the chamber; pl. What? chambers, (no) what? chambers, what? chambers, (I see) what? chambers, what? chambers, about what? about the chambers... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  15. ward - Someone's ward (colloquial) - very smart. You can't say that he's crazy. Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  16. chamber - Chamber, chambers, chambers, chambers, chamber, chambers, chamber, chambers, chamber, chamber, chambers, chamber, chambers Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  17. chamber - (foreign) - storage of jewelry, (own) luxurious building, palace Wed. Uma chamber. Wed. Pallast (Pfalz), cp. Palace (English). Wed. Palais (French), Wed. Palazzo (it.). Wed. Palatium (from the Palatine Mountain to others. Mikhelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  18. chamber - orf. ward Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  19. chamber - Old Russian - polata, chamber (palace, tent) from polati (boardwalk, bunks). Latin – palatium (palace). The word “chamber” has been used in Russian since the time of Prince Vladimir (10th century). Etymological Dictionary of Semenov
  20. ward - ward I f. 1. The room where patients lie in medical institutions. 2. outdated A magnificent building, a palace (originally made of stone). Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  21. chamber - Chambers, w. [lat. palatium]. 1. plural only Palace, a magnificent building, originally, in ancient times, stone (obsolete). Boyar chambers. 2. A large room, luxuriously decorated or intended for some purpose. special purposes. Armouries. Large dictionary of foreign words
  22. ward - PAL'ATA, wards, female. (Lat. palatium). 1. plural only Palace, magnificent building, early, ancient, stone (obsolete). “Everyone on that island is rich, there are no pictures, there are chambers everywhere.” Pushkin. Boyar chambers. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  23. chamber - noun, number of synonyms: 20 white walls 1 upper room 9 hall 47 commercial board 2 room 59 lagting 1 landsting 1 supervision 1 odelsting 2 parliament 42 peace 41 psychiatric chamber 1 reg chamber 1 lighthouse 8 lighthouse 7 council 90 folketing 2 temple 7 palace 8 estamentos 1 Dictionary of Russian synonyms

large rich building

Alternative descriptions

An architectural structure that contains a large amount of mind

IN Ancient Rus' and the Moscow state - a magnificent residential building of the sovereign, nobleman

For some it is a royal room, for others it is a hospital room.

Medical premises

Names of representative bodies or their components in some countries

A separate room in a hospital, medical inpatient facility

Premises in medical institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums

Room in the palace

Play by S. Aleshin

. "room" in the hospital

Bedroom in the clinic

Separate room for "Napoleons"

This word comes from the Latin “palace”, and today what it means is both where there is a lot of suffering and where there is a lot of talking

. "camera" in the hospital

Both Faceted and Book


. "6" by Chekhov

Space for the mind

Play by Russian playwright S. Aleshin

Name of representative authorities

Measure of the magnitude of the mind

Measure of a huge mind

. "... No. 6", Chekhov

hospital room

Room in the hospital

The whole room is crazy


. “Crazy... but the key is lost” (pron.)

Room in the hospital

hospital room

The sick lie in it, and the lords sit

A room full of ducks

Rich building for a big mind

Hospital premises

Large mind capacity

Room in the hospital

. "room" in the hospital

. “crazy... but the key is lost”

Name of some government agencies

Upper... parliament

Room in a pioneer camp

Weights and measures (standards)

Inpatient room for patients

. "mansions" of lords in parliament

Private room in hospital

Play by S. Aleshin

Room in the hospital

A hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults

Play by S. Aleshin (1962)

. "Room" in the hospital

. "Uma... the key is lost"

. “Uma... but the key is lost” (verbal)

. "Mansions" of the Lords in Parliament

. "No6" by Chekhov

And the plata. or more chambers, palace, magnificent residential building of the sovereign, nobles, esp. stone. Tver. Vyat. stone house, and wooden mansions. The ward, the building, was moved to our public place, esp. judicial, like the hut of old: the chamber of the civil, criminal court, treasury, etc. We call it the chamber, and parliaments, elected assemblies, legislative councils in other lands. Magnificent and spacious chambers where wonderful antiquities, weapons, etc. are stored. The Armory Chamber, in Moscow. The Faceted Chamber, in the same place, from the outer, faceted decoration of the walls; This is the reception room of the great princes and sovereigns. Uma chamber, very smart. His chamber is crazy, but it’s not covered, he’s poor. The chambers are quiet, old. living rooms, front rooms. The boyars' chambers are red, and the peasants have huts on their sides. You can't make money by stealing stone chambers. The chamber is crazy, but the other one hasn’t started. Crazy room, but not enough money. Ward, ward, relative. to the chamber, belongs to it. Ward men, old. Chamber official. Chamber decision. Tent m. old. member of the city hall. Thick, durable fabric, with wide colored stripes: teak. Palazzo m. ital. inclined palace, chambers. Tent tent, tent, light frame, surrounded and covered with canvas or cloth, for some kind of shelter. Pitch the tent. The officer's tent is larger than the soldier's and double; the inner one is called a house, and the outer one is called a tent. Felt (cotton) tent, orenb. kibitka, sib. yurt; and birch bark and leather, vezha or tent. Trade tents, at fairs, bazaars, temporary booths of all kinds. A tent at a shop, a special place of storage, a barn; in the rows and in the living courtyards, a tent, the top of a bench, a tower. East a separate stone building with a vault and iron shutters for secure storage of things and protection from fires. Fur coats are taken out into the tent for the summer. Mining: the place in the blast furnace from where ore is poured into the furnace. Assay office, an institution where the goodness of silver and gold is tested and hallmarks are applied. The ceiling is a tent, a sail vault, a pyramid. Paint the room like a tent, in two colors, in wide, sheer stripes. The porch is a tent, with a canopy and surrounded by fabric. The tent will belittle. eastern ledge or wide overhang of the roof, eaves, over a cage, grain barn, etc. Tent, tent, in a tent, in different meanings. related, belonging Tent-like, similar to a tent, sort of like a tent. Tent maker m. who makes, works tents, tent maker. To sit in a chamber, to sit in a chamber. Tent, roam in a camp, live in a tent, in a field. Polati, sev. eastern, southern chambers zap. (the chambers are probably from Pallast, palaz, and the floors are from half) w. pl. in general, a platform or scaffold, a flooring raised above the floor and head; then: the platform in the peasant's. hut, from the stove to the opposite wall (above the doors, and to the bed, or on the other side, to the kuti); three corners of the chambers are adjacent to the walls, the fourth to the chamber pole or chamber pillar, and the flooring lies, to one side of the pillar, on the chamber beam, and to the other on the chamber pillar; this is a kind of mezzanine, mezzanine, useful for the sake of cramped conditions in the hut and for warmth; dormitory. In the old days, people also lived in boyar mansions. See oder. Palatniki, palatyan m. pl. comic lazy people on the beds or children. Tent, tent plank or deck, for baroque roofs. Pay, old man. chapel in the upper church tier, upper church, choir. in those churches they only sang on the floors. Polati Donsk. thief. attic, ceiling, firebox, top. Okhotnich. bridge on two trees, north. storehouse, or a gazebo hung from a tree, a bed, for shooting animals, esp. bear; platform on the barge, near the waters. Scaffolding in mining operations; flooring in brewhouses for drying salt; poles under the ceiling, for carpenters, for drying wood; cast iron platform at the shaft smelting furnace, for filling coal and ore from it; shelves; astrakh. scaffolding on the shore, where ships are pulled out for repairs, a type of slipway, arch. Gorodki, Volzhsk. cells, but they are arranged differently; at Kozhev. platform over tanning vats; trellis, poles with a run for grape rootstock. Lying on the floors, you won’t see a slice (or bread). An owl flew into the air, not afraid of a clear falcon. I'll give you a blanket that's higher than the stove! Brave after the battle, how he climbed onto the floor. Many brave people are lying on their beds. Is there a man sitting on the bed, wearing a blue robe? smoke in the smoking hut. As there is no money, he rushes to the floor (climbs, i.e., becomes subdued; or pret, i.e., rushes to climb)

Armory, Faceted


and women's polata or more chambers, palace, magnificent residential building of the sovereign, nobles, esp. stone.

| hard , Vyat. stone house, and wooden mansions.

| The ward, the building, was moved to our public place, esp. judicial, like the hut of old: the chamber of the civil, criminal court, treasury, etc. We call it the chamber, and parliaments, elected assemblies, legislative councils in other lands.

| Magnificent and spacious chambers where wonderful antiquities, weapons, etc. are stored. The Armory Chamber, in Moscow. The Faceted Chamber, in the same place, from the outer, faceted decoration of the walls; This is the reception room of the great princes and sovereigns. Uma chamber, very smart. He has a crazy room, but it’s not covered, he’s poor. The chambers are quiet, old. living rooms, front rooms. The boyars' chambers are red, and the peasants have huts on their sides. You can't make money by stealing stone chambers. The chamber is crazy, but the other one hasn’t started. Crazy room, but not enough money. Ward, ward, relative. to the chamber, belongs to it. Ward men, old. Chamber official. Chamber decision. Men's tent , old member of the city hall.

| Thick, durable fabric, with wide colored stripes: teak. Palazzo man. , Italian , uncl. palace, chambers. Women's tent tent, tent, light frame, surrounded and covered with canvas or cloth, for some kind of shelter. Pitch the tent. The officer's tent is larger than the soldier's and double; the inner one is called a house, and the outer one is called a tent. Felt (cotton) tent, orenb. kibitka, sib. yurt; and birch bark and leather, vezha or tent. Trade tents, at fairs, bazaars, temporary booths of all kinds.

| A tent at a shop, a special place of storage, a barn; in the rows and in the living courtyards, a tent, the top of a bench, a tower.

| eastern a separate stone building with a vault and iron shutters for secure storage of things and protection from fires. Fur coats are taken out into the tent for the summer.

| Mining: the place in the blast furnace from where ore is poured into the furnace. Assay office, an institution where the goodness of silver and gold is tested and hallmarks are applied. The ceiling is a tent, a sail vault, a pyramid. Paint the room like a tent, in two colors, in wide, sheer stripes. The porch is a tent, with a canopy and surrounded by fabric. The tent will belittle. , east ledge or wide overhang of the roof, eaves, over a cage, grain barn, etc. Tent, tent, in a tent, in different meanings. related, belonging Tent-like, similar to a tent, sort of like a tent. Male tent who makes, works tents, tent master. To sit in a chamber, to sit in a chamber. Tent, roam in a camp, live in a tent, in a field. Polati, sev. , east , southern chamber , app. (the chambers are probably from Pallast, palaz, and the floors are from half)


Dahl's Dictionary.

  • 2012 See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CHAMBER is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:
  • 2012 WARD
    - (from the Latin palatium - palace, palace) in Russian medieval architecture a hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults...
  • 2012 in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    - in constitutional law, the name of representative bodies of state power or their individual components. see also bicameral system, unicameral...
  • 2012 in the Big Legal Dictionary:
    - in constitutional law, the name of representative bodies of state power or their individual components. See also Bicameral system, Unicameral system. ...
  • 2012
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    COUNCILOR - the name of the upper house of parliament...
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • 2012 in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1) in medieval Russian architecture, a hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults (Faceted Chamber). 2) A palace institution located...
  • 2012 in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from Latin] 1) the ancient name of the palace; 2) an outdated large interior room, a hall in the palace; 3) a room for patients in a hospital; ...
  • 2012 V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -y, w. 1. Large rich building, premises (outdated). Stone chambers. 2. A separate room in a hospital, medical inpatient facility. * Uma...
  • 2012
    "CHESSBOARD CHAMBER" (Exchequer), called. higher finance organ in the Middle Ages. England (from the checkered cloth that was used to cover the tables in the hall where...
  • 2012 in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HOUSE OF COMMONS, called lower Houses of Parliaments of Great Britain and...
  • 2012 in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HOUSE OF LORDS, called. top. Houses of Parliament...
  • 2012 in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CHAMBER (legal), name. will introduce. organs or their components. Name some state or societies. organizations and institutions (for example, Trade and Industry P., ...
  • 2012 in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CHAMBER, in the Middle Ages. rus. in architecture, a hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults (Granovitaya P. in the Moscow Kremlin). Palace...
  • 2012 in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? in ancient times in Russia a stone structure, and then the name of many institutions. Now there are state (see), control (see) and judicial...
  • 2012 in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    I. (lat. palatium palace) 1) an integral part of parliament or other supreme body of state power; Chamber of the Supreme Council of the USSR - ...
  • 2012 in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 Name of representative institutions in some pages Narodnaya p. Nizhnyaya p. (first legislative instance). Upper paragraph (highest legislative authority). P. …
  • 2012 in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    1) in medieval Russian architecture, a hall, usually pillarless or with one pillar supporting the vaults (Faceted Chamber). 2) A palace institution located...
  • 2012 V Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    chambers, w. (Latin palatium). 1. plural only Palace, magnificent building, early, ancient, stone (obsolete). Everyone on that island is rich, i...
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    REPRESENTATIVES - 1) the name of the lower houses of parliaments of Australia, Belgium, Colombia, the USA, the Philippines, Jamaica, Japan and a number of other countries; 2) name...
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    The Commons is the name of the lower houses of parliament in Great Britain and...
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    THE LORD'S is the name of the upper house of the British Parliament. Included in P.l. includes temporal and spiritual lords (peers) ...
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    DEPUTIES - the name of the unicameral parliament of Greece and the lower houses of the parliaments of Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Italy, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Romania, ...
  • 2012 in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - 1) in constitutional law - the name of representative bodies of state power or their individual components. See also. BICAMBERAL SYSTEM; ...

Dream Interpretation