Threading the upper and lower threads in a sewing machine. Lesson summary on the technology "Sewing machine. The procedure for threading the lower and upper threads" When threading the upper thread, you need to


  • introduce the rules for threading the upper and lower threads, the structure of the bobbin case;
  • familiarize yourself with safety rules when working with a sewing machine;
  • teach how to thread the upper and lower threads.


  • develop in students the ability to organize work in groups (shift pairs), the ability to analyze, and evaluate themselves and others.
  • continue to develop finger motor skills


  • cultivate neatness;
  • arouse interest in working with a sewing machine;
  • convince of the significance of the acquired knowledge.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods: verbal ( conversation); visual (showing slides, demonstrating work techniques); practical (exercises on performing techniques for threading a sewing machine).

Form of work: frontal, work in pairs of shifts.

Equipment: sewing machine, bobbin case, bobbin, thread, scissors, scrap of fabric.

Didactic tools: Screen, projector, computer with presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment:

A. Checking the payroll and readiness for the lesson.

B. Reporting the topic of the lesson and recording the topic in the students’ notebooks.

2. Updating knowledge:

10-15 minutes teaching method - game situation.

To check the level of knowledge mastery of the lesson topic: “The structure of a sewing machine”, necessary for mastering the topic of this lesson, students (one by one) are invited to work as a teacher and conduct a quick survey on the slide “Type of a sewing machine”. The “teacher” shows the detail, the students quickly name it and receive a token (1 point) for each correct answer. 5 tokens - 5 points.

3. Study of safety rules when working with CMM.

10 minutes.

The teacher explains the importance and necessity of following safety rules when working on a sewing machine. The teacher goes through each rule and asks problematic questions, starting for example: “Why do you think the light should fall from the front or from the left? “If the girls find it difficult to answer, then she comments herself. Students participate in the conversation. To reinforce this question, it is suggested to say the rules out loud in chorus (slide to help).

Safety rules when working on a sewing machine:

  • Sit straight on a chair in front of the sewing machine, at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge of the table. Incorrect working posture disrupts posture, causes fatigue and harms the functioning of the digestive system.
  • When working on a sewing machine, tuck your hair under a scarf and fasten the buttons of your clothing sleeves.
  • Remove foreign objects from the machine.
  • Make sure your hands are in the correct position.
  • Keep needles and pins only in the pincushion.
  • Do not leave scissors open. Pass them by holding the closed blades, handles forward.
  • Cut threads only with scissors.
  • If the needle breaks, find the broken parts and give them to the teacher.
  • 4. Motivation for cognitive activity.

    Sh.m. is a device that performs mechanical stitching movements of textile materials and leather for the manufacture of clothing, shoes and other garments. The first sewing machine was invented by the German professor Walter in 1755.

    The main advantage of a sewing machine is the speed of sewing and the ability to put sewing production on stream. Sh.m. have become the main technological equipment in the manufacture of clothing.

    Modern sewing machines can automatically gather fabric, process buttonholes, perform about 47 stitches and 30 types of stitches, stitch leather and different kinds fabrics from cambric to drape, embroider. It is possible to install a double needle in them for sewing with two (even multi-colored) threads at once.

    • Do you have a sewing machine at home?
    • How is it set in motion? (manual drive, foot drive, electric drive).
    • Why did man invent the sewing machine?
    • Is it easy to work on it?
    • What do you think needs to be done to make the machine work?

    To sew on a machine, you need to handle it correctly: be careful, know how to lubricate and adjust the machine. It is also necessary to thread your sewing machine correctly. Now we will get acquainted with the procedure for filling the upper and bottom threads in a sewing machine, and in practical work you will learn how to thread both the upper and lower threads.

    5. Learning new material:

    Using slide pictures, the teacher explains the procedure for threading the top and then the bottom threads in a sewing machine. Students listen to the teacher’s explanations and watch slides (auditory and visual learning of new material). After viewing the slides, the teacher suggests repeating the threading algorithm out loud, showing a video without sound. Students (optional) recite these actions out loud.

    Upper threading

    The top thread is the thread that runs from the spool to the eye of the needle. Before threading the upper thread, you need to raise the presser foot, then rotate the flywheel to set igloo And thread take-up lever as a last resort top position.

    Thread the upper thread as follows:

    A spool of thread is placed on a spool pin.

    The thread from the spool is passed through the upper thread guide to the upper thread tension regulator. You cannot skip the thread guide because the thread must enter the tension regulator at a certain angle.

    Then lay the thread between the tension regulator washers, bending around the regulator from below. Bringing the thread up behind the thread guide hook of the fixed washer of the tension regulator, and then into the eye of the compensation spring and into the eye of the thread take-up.

    Pass the thread through the two lower thread guides and thread it into the eye of the needle from the side of the long groove.

    After refueling top the threads should be pulled up lower thread from ShK (of course, if it is already installed). For this, holding the end of the thread with your left hand from the eye of the needle, but without pulling the thread, turn the flywheel towards you so that the needle and thread first drops into the hole of the needle plate, grabs the thread coming out of the ShK there, and then rises again to its upper position. After this you need to pull the end of the upper thread and through the hole in the needle plate pull the bottom up. The ends of both threads are pulled by 7-8 cm and lay them down under the presser foot. This completes the preparation of the machine for sewing.

    ShK is designed to place a bobbin with thread inside the shuttle mechanism and provide free exit from it bottom thread. The ShK is a metal cup, on the side surface of which there is an oblique slot for thread, and inside there is a spindle on which the bobbin is put.

    Refueling ShK. Before you start threading the bobbin, you need to check that the threads on the bobbin are wound evenly and tightly.

    Procedure for threading the bobbin thread:

    • Take the ShK in your left hand and insert a bobbin with thread into it: The bobbin should be held in such a way that the thread hangs in the direction opposite to the direction of the oblique slot and so that the end of the thread is located closer to the inner cheek of the bobbin. This makes threading easier.
    • Pull the thread right hand through an oblique slot under the pressure spring, and then into a small slot at the end of the spring. Make sure that the pressure spring does not move when pulling the thread.
    • Pull the end of the thread and make sure that the thread comes out of the bobbin with little effort, the bobbin rotates freely and does not jam.

    Installation and removal of the ShK

    Before installing the ShK into the shuttle mechanism, you need to perform several preparatory operations.

    • Turning the flywheel by hand, set the needle to the highest position so that it does not interfere with the installation of the ShK.
    • Move the slide plate so that you have clear access to the shuttle mechanism.
    • Take your foot off the electric drive rheostat pedal and turn off the machine from the network.

    Installation of the ShK into the machine is carried out as follows. Take the tucked ShK by the wing of the latch and bend it all the way. In this position, the latch wing must be constantly held with the index finger and thumb of the left hand so that the bobbin does not fall out of the bobbin. Then put the ShK on the shuttle spindle. In this case, the installation pin must fit into the corresponding cutout of the cover plate of the shuttle mechanism. Then they gradually release the latch wing, simultaneously pressing the ShK inside until it snaps into place.

    When removing the bobbin, first tilt the latch wing all the way, and then, constantly holding it with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, remove the bobbin along with the bobbin in it. If the bobbin pops out, do not try to pull it out. It is much easier to reinsert the ShK into place and carefully remove it again along with the bobbin.

    6. Practical work “Threading the upper and lower threads:

    30 – 35 minutes.

    Students are asked to thread the upper and lower threads working in pairs of shifts: A student in a pair threads the threads and a neighbor watches her work, then the neighbor threads. The same work on the other desk. Then one of the pair changes with the partner of the other desk, etc. .Evaluation criteria for the work are given: the first time without errors - 5, the second attempt - 4, the third attempt - 3.

    After threading, students write down in a notebook the algorithm for threading the upper thread (thread guide, high tension adjuster washers, compensation spring, eye of the thread take-up lever, thread guide No. 2, 3, eye of the needle from the side of the long groove) and the keywords for threading the lower thread (Thumbs up until it clicks)

    • The teacher makes targeted rounds, observes, and records the refueling time of the first and lagging behind.
    • Cleaning workplaces by students.

    7. Summing up the lesson:

    Students sum up the lesson, give themselves a grade for practical work, for a quick survey and additional work (5 tokens - 5 points, 4 - 4, 3 tokens you can get an additional question and answer it).

    Next, the most typical mistakes are analyzed and homework is written down: Thread the upper and lower threads in the sewing machine at home, mom will mark it in the notebook for the painting, those girls who do not have a sewing machine at home can be threaded in class during the week after school.

    Do you have a sewing machine? This is a very valuable acquisition. Even in the most difficult times, the said creation of human genius fed and supported not only tailors, but also their families. Now you too have to sit down for the first time sewing machine. Fears aside. You will succeed.

    First you need to learn how to thread the machine. It depends on whether she will sew for you. This procedure consists of 3 parts: you must first fill the bobbin with thread, then thread the upper thread into the needle, then the lower thread. The top one usually goes in easier; the bottom one will require a little fiddling.

    Rules for threading

    Before operating the sewing machine, we first recommend that you read the instructions on how to thread correctly. Each machine needs to be threaded with 2 threads at a time. The bottom one is fed from the bobbin. And the upper one originates on a coil mounted on a special holder on the body, and then, snaking, it moves along this body and goes down to the needle, where it connects with the lower one.

    Threading the thread, regardless of the model of your machine, should be done in stages. We will try to help you with this.

    Filling the bobbin

    Is our bobbin empty? It needs to be filled with threads of the color and size you need.

    • To do this, take the coil you have chosen and put it on the holder on the body. To prevent it from falling off, we secure it with a cap.
    • Then we take out the bobbin, thread the thread into the tiny hole on it and wind it 3-4 times by hand. Then we put the bobbin on the lever and move it to the right.
    • We pass the thread from the spool through 2 holders. When you press the “start” button (in new models) or the machine pedal, the bobbin will begin to quickly wind the thread. After 30 seconds, the bobbin is full.
    • We remove it from the holder, tear off the thread or cut it off from the spool. The final touch remains - insert the bobbin into the hook at the bottom of the machine under the platform with the needle.

    Insert the bobbin into the shuttle

    Open the shuttle cover and insert the bobbin into it. The thread with its free end should be on the left, closer to you. Now about the same thing - in more detail. The shuttle is designed with 2 grooves through which the thread must be pulled.

    • First, we pull the thread through the 1st groove so that it faces “towards you”.
    • And then - through the 2nd groove, so that the thread goes “away from itself”.
    • It should be remembered that the thread in the bobbin case should not be threaded too tightly; it needs a certain tension.
    • Close the shuttle cover. The bottom thread should only peek out from under the lid for the time being.

    Threading the top thread

    We put the spool with the thread we need on the lower holder on the body. Now we have to finish it and connect it with the already prepared thread in the shuttle. Supporting devices have been prepared for our top thread so that it does not slip, but moves forward smoothly and cheerfully.

    • First we pass it through the tensioner, then through the lever under it. In modern machines, to the left of the needle there is another lever - for a more convenient needle threader. With or without his help, we thread the thread into the eye of the needle.
    • And finally, by pressing the button (in the automatic model) or using your fingers, pull the bottom thread up. For this purpose, we lower and raise the needle once or twice with the thread already threaded, and then the upper thread will hook and pull the lower one with the help of a loop.

    Threading a sewing machine is not that easy, but it’s not that difficult either. This requires a basic skill, which is developed after several refuelings. A beginner seamstress or tailor will need intelligence, responsibility and strict adherence to instructions. After doing this operation 3-4 times, you will begin to do it mechanically, without turning on your brain.

    To consolidate the topic, we will give a few more recommendations.

    • Don't forget to read the machine's instruction manual.
    • View the schematic drawing of threading, which the manufacturer applied to the sewing machine in the form of arrows especially for your convenience.
    • Be sure to disconnect the machine from the power source when threading.

    Mechanical Science Tests

    1. Determine the sequence for threading the upper thread:
    a) raise the needle to the upper position;
    b) pass the thread through the thread take-up slot;
    c) insert the thread between the washers of the upper thread tension regulator, then into the spring loop;
    d) place the thread behind the thread take-up hook on the front board;
    e) insert the thread into the eye of the needle from the thread take-up side;
    e) place the thread take-up in the upper position;
    g) put the thread behind the thread take-up hook on the needle holder;
    h) place the spool on the upper spool pin;
    i) insert the thread into the eye of the thread take-up.

    Answer: a, h, b, c, i, d, g, e, f.

    2. Determine the sequence for threading the bobbin thread:
    a) bring the ends of both threads back under the foot;
    b) insert the bobbin case into the shuttle device;
    c) bring the bottom thread up through the hole in the needle plate;
    d) insert a bobbin with thread wound into the bobbin case;
    d) thread the thread under the lower thread tension spring.

    Answer: d, d, b, c, a.

    3. Determine the sequence of winding threads on the bobbin:
    a) put the spool of thread on the lower spool pin and pull the thread through the clamping device;
    b) manually wind several turns onto the bobbin;
    c) press the rubber wheel of the winder to the rim of the flywheel;
    d) turn on the machine for working speed;
    e) cut the thread and remove the bobbin from the winder;
    f) put the winder into operation using the flywheel, the thread should lie tightly and in even rows;
    g) put the machine in a non-working position;
    h) put the bobbin on the winder.

    Answer: g, a, b, h, c, f, d, d.

    4. On the platform of the sewing machine there is:
    a) retractable plate;
    b) lower thread tension regulator;
    c) fabric drive rack;
    d) front board;
    d) winder.

    Answer: a; V.

    5. The shuttle device is located:
    a) on the sleeve stand;
    b) on the platform;
    c) under the platform.

    6. On a manual sewing machine, the following is superfluous:
    a) pedal;
    b) flywheel;
    c) pen.

    7. The manual sewing machine does not include:
    a) flywheel;
    b) stitch regulator;
    c) thread take-up;
    d) front board;
    e) electric motor;
    e) needle plate.

    8. Sewing machine drives include:
    a) manual;
    b) combined;
    c) foot;
    d) universal;
    d) electric drive.

    Answer: a; V; d.

    9. A household sewing machine has controls:
    a) stitch length;
    b) stitch width;
    c) zigzag width;
    d) upper thread tension regulator.

    Answer: a; V; G.

    10. When a weak stitch is formed, the reason is:
    a) excessive tension on both threads;
    b) insufficient tension of the upper thread;
    c) insufficient tension of the lower thread;
    d) insufficient tension of both threads.

    11. The machine needle device does not include:
    a) rod;
    b) flat flask;
    c) flat;
    d) tip;
    e) short groove.

    Answer: b; G.

    12. The foot drive does not have:
    a) pedals;
    b) drive belt;
    c) handles;
    d) flywheel.

    Materials Science Test

    1. Determine the type of fabric weave:

    10. The warp thread determines:
    a) the width of the fabric;
    b) the edge of the fabric;
    c) length of fabric;
    Answer: c.

    a) twill;
    b) linen;
    c) satin;
    d) crepe;
    e) melange.
    Answer: b.

    2. The mechanical properties of the fabric include:
    a) strength;
    b) creasing;
    c) dust holding capacity;
    d) crumbling;
    e) sliding;
    e) drapability.
    Answer: a; b; d; e.

    11. Purpose of the edge:
    a) determines the length of the fabric;
    b) protects the fabric from stretching;
    c) protects the edges of the fabric from fraying;
    d) determines the width of the fabric.
    Answer: c.

    3. Distribute the correct sequence of fabric finishing:
    a) final finishing;
    b) dyeing;
    c) printing;
    d) preliminary finishing.
    Answer: g; b; V; A.

    12. The appearance of the front and back sides depends on:
    a) finishing;
    b) purpose of the fabric;
    c) on the type of fiber;
    d) method of making fabric;
    e) type of weave of threads.
    Answer: a; G; d.

    4. Restore the sequence of fiber processing:
    a) sorting;
    b) ?
    c) carding;
    G) ?
    e) spinning;
    e) ?
    Answer: sorting - loosening- carding - leveling- spinning - weaving.

    13. Determine the primary processing of flax:
    a) carding;
    b) drying;
    c) urination;
    d) chattering
    Answer: c; b; G; A.

    5. Determine the purpose of finishing the fabric:
    a) improvement of hygienic properties;
    b) improvement of fabric properties;
    c) increase in tissue volume;
    d) giving a marketable appearance;
    e) determining the purpose of the fabric.
    Answer: b; G.

    14. Determine the sequence of wool processing:
    a) drying with hot air;
    b) loosening;
    c) cleansing;
    d) sorting by quality;
    Answer: g; V; b; A.

    6. Determine the sequence of preliminary finishing of the fabric:
    a) desizing;
    b) bleaching;
    c) mercerization;
    d) scorching;
    e) boiling;
    e) napping.
    Answer: g; A; d; V; b; e.

    15. Natural silk is obtained:
    a) from cotton waste;
    b) from a silkworm cocoon;
    c) from oil;
    d) from gas and coal.
    Answer: b.

    7. Typing is:
    a) absorption of a dye from a solution;
    b) the process of applying a color pattern with dyes;
    c) creating lint on the surface of the fabric;
    d) removal of protruding fiber tips from the surface.
    Answer: b.

    16. The raw materials for synthetic fibers are:
    a) wood pulp;
    b) wool waste;
    c) coal, oil, gas;
    d) waste from coal production.
    Answer: c.

    8. Determine the sequence of final finishing of the fabric:
    a) finishing;
    b) calendering;
    c) expansion;
    d) special processing of fabric.
    Answer: a; V; b; G.

    17. Technological properties of fabric are:
    a) hygroscopicity;
    b) stretching;
    c) crumbling;
    d) breathability;
    d) shrinkage.
    Answer: b; V; d.

    9. Identify fabrics by finishing method:
    a) harsh;
    b) pile;
    c) corrugated;
    d) bleached;
    e) smoothly painted;
    f) scorched;
    g) printed;
    h) multi-colored;
    i) draped.
    Answer: a; G; d; and; h.

    18. Artificial fabrics have:
    a) ease;
    b) high strength;
    c) softness;
    d) drapability;
    d) elasticity.
    Answer: b; G.

    Food Processing Technology Test

    1. The nutritional value of foods and dishes is measured in:
    a) grams;
    b) kilocalories;
    c) kilograms;
    d) kilojoules;
    d) joules.
    Answer: b; G.

    23. Eggs are boiled “in a bag”:
    a) 1 minute;
    b) 2 minutes;
    c) 2.5 minutes;
    d) 5 minutes;
    e) 10 minutes;
    Answer: 5 min.

    2. The cells of a living organism are built from:
    a) amino acids;
    b) salts;
    c) vitamins;
    d) proteins;
    d) fats.
    Answer: Mr.

    24. According to the method of preparation, salads can be:
    a) vegetables;
    b) herbal;
    c) meat;
    d) floral;
    e) fish;
    f) dietary;
    g) assorted.
    Answer: a; V; d; and.

    3. What organic substances are sources of energy for the human body:
    a) carbohydrates;
    b) salt;
    c) vitamins;
    d) proteins;
    d) fats.
    Answer: a; G.

    25. Ways to cut vegetables:
    a) straw;
    b) spirals;
    c) balls;
    d) bars;
    e) cubes;
    f) barrels;
    g) pears.
    Answer: a; G; d; e; and.

    4. What vitamins contribute to the growth of the human body:
    a) vitamin A;
    b) vitamin D;
    c) vitamin E;
    d) vitamin K;
    e) vitamin B12.
    Answer: a.

    26. Methods for determining the quality of products:
    a) organoleptic;
    b) research;
    c) laboratory;
    d) problematic;
    Answer: a; V.

    5. Macroelements include:
    a) iodine;
    b) fluorine;
    c) iron;
    d) potassium;
    e) phosphorus.
    Answer: c; G; d.

    27. Depending on the method of storage, milk can be:
    a) fresh;
    b) salty;
    c) pasteurized;
    d) boiled;
    e) pickled;
    e) frozen.
    Answer: c; G; e.

    6. Microelements include:
    a) iodine;
    b) fluorine;
    c) water;
    d) iron;
    e) phosphorus.
    Answer: a; b; V.

    28. According to the method of heat treatment, fish dishes can be:
    a) boiled;
    b) frozen;
    c) stewed;
    d) dried;
    d) fried;
    e) baked.
    Answer: a; V; d; e.

    7. Complete the definition:
    A complete, reasonable, proper, regular diet is
    nutrition.?. .
    Answer: rational.

    29. According to the method of preparation, the dough can be:
    a) yeast;
    b) ambulance;
    c) sandy;
    d) daily allowance;
    e) air;
    e) custard.
    Answer: a; V.

    8. Select the principles of rational nutrition:
    a) frequent meals;
    b) correct diet;
    c) a large meal;
    d) moderation in food consumption;
    e) separate meals;
    e) varied diet.
    Answer: b; G; e.

    30. Determine the type of tea:
    a) Indian;
    b) Arabic;
    c) Turkish;
    d) Chinese;
    e) Japanese;
    e) Ceylonese;
    g) Armenian.
    Answer: a; G; d; e.

    9. Common utensils include:
    a) saucers;
    b) tureen;
    c) salad bowl;
    d) sockets for jam;
    e) gravy boat;
    e) napkins.
    Answer: b; V; d.

    31. Depending on the processing of the leaves, tea can be:
    a) black;
    b) raspberry;
    c) green;
    d) yellow;
    e) brown;
    e) red.
    Answer: a; V; G; e.

    10. Coffee utensils include:
    a) coffee pot;
    b) kettle;
    c) milkman;
    d) sockets;
    d) fruit vases.
    Answer: a; V.

    32. Determine the drink being prepared by the type of plant:
    -the fruit of the evergreen chocolate tree is...
    a) compote;
    b) tea;
    c) cocktail;
    d) cocoa;
    d) coffee.
    Answer: Mr.

    11. Cutlery includes:
    a) mug;
    b) knife;
    c) milkman;
    d) fork;
    e) salad bowl;
    e) spoon.
    Answer: b; G; e.

    33. The birthplace of coffee is:
    a) Türkiye;
    b) Mongolia;
    c) Ethiopia;
    d) China;
    d) Japan.
    Answer: c.

    12. Correctly distribute the sequence of primary processing of vegetables:
    a) cutting;
    b) washing;
    c) cleansing;
    d) washing;
    d) sorting.
    Answer: d; G; V; b; A.

    34. Name a drink known in Rus' since ancient times:
    - honey boiled in water with various spices.
    Answer: sbiten.

    13. During primary processing of pasta:
    a) sort through;
    b) washed;
    c) soak;
    d) remove impurities;
    d) cut.
    Answer a; G.

    35. A combination of chilled mineral water and carbonated drinks with berry juices is called:
    a) fruit drink;
    b) kvass;
    c) a cup;
    d) cocktail.
    Answer: c.

    14. Determine the correct sequence of primary fish processing:
    a) wash or dry;
    b) thaw;
    c) gutted;
    d) cleaned of scales;
    d) cut up.
    Answer: b; G; V; A; d.

    36. Choose the right canning methods:
    a) salting;
    b) drying;
    c) pickling;
    d) freezing;
    e) fermentation;
    e) urination.
    Answer: a; V; d; e.

    15. During the primary processing of legumes (peas, beans, beans):
    a) sift;
    b) sort through;
    c) washed;
    d) cut;
    d) soak;
    e) clean.
    Answer: b; V; d.

    37. Determine the sequence of product processing:
    a) pasteurization or sterilization;
    b) preparation of syrup, marinade, brine;
    c) preparation of products;
    d) filling containers;
    e) preparation of containers;
    f) hermetically sealed containers.
    Answer: c; d; b; G; A; e.

    16. Determine the correct sequence of primary processing of meat (beef, pork, lamb):
    a) wash and dry;
    b) clean up;
    c) cut up;
    d) thaw;
    e) prepare semi-finished products;
    Answer: g; A; V; b; d.

    38. When setting the table, a spoon is placed:
    a) on a plate;
    b) in front of the plate;
    c) to the left of the plate;
    d) to the right of the plate;
    e) in a special installation.
    Answer: Mr.

    17. During primary processing of poultry:
    a) singe;
    b) washed and dried;
    c) thaw;
    d) gutted (remove the head, neck, legs, wings, entrails);
    e) cut or shaped;
    Answer: c; A; G; b; d.

    39. When setting the table for dinner, a fork is placed:
    a) to the right of the plate, teeth up;
    b) to the left of the plate, teeth up;
    c) to the right of the plate, teeth down;
    d) to the left of the plate, teeth down;
    e) in a special installation.
    Answer: b.

    18. According to the method of preparation, sandwiches can be:
    a) simple;
    b) complex;
    c) combined;
    d) layered;
    e) single;
    f) snack bars;
    g) closed
    Answer: a; b; e; and.

    40. When setting the table, place napkins:
    a) in a ring;
    b) in a glass;
    c) on a snack plate;
    d) to the left of the plate;
    d) to the right of the plate.
    Answer: a; b; V.

    19. Depending on the type of product, sandwiches can be:
    a) fish;
    b) salty;
    c) meat;
    d) openwork;
    e) gastronomic;
    e) hot.
    Answer: a; V; d.

    41. The table is set for dinner:
    a) a white tablecloth;
    b) a white tablecloth with transparent oilcloth;
    c) colored oilcloth;
    d) colored tablecloth;
    d) a colored tablecloth with transparent oilcloth.
    Answer: a.

    20. List the missing components included in the egg:

    42. The festive table is decorated with:
    a) low bouquets in low vases;
    b) flowers with long stems in tall vases;
    c) flowers with a pungent odor;
    d) garlands of fresh flowers.
    Answer: a; G.

    1. supra-shell film;
    2. shell;
    3. ?
    4. subshell membrane;
    5. ?
    6. ?
    8. hailstones;
    9. ?
    10. ?
    11. germinal disc.
    Answer: 3 - pores; 5 - air chamber; 6 - protein shell; 9 - vitelline membrane; 10-yolk.

    21. According to the method of preparation, eggs can be:
    a) soft-boiled;
    b) “in a bag”;
    c) hard-boiled;
    d) chops;
    d) fried eggs;
    e) raw.
    Answer: a; b; V; d.

    43. Determine the order in which dishes are served on the table:
    a) soups;
    b) hot main courses;
    c) hot and cold drinks; d) snacks;
    d) dessert.
    Answer: g; A; b; d; V.

    22. Distribute the eggs according to quality, based on the levels of egg location:

    44. Determine the types of holiday tables:
    a) dining table;
    b) Easter table;
    c) banquet table;
    d) morning table;
    e) cold table;
    e) cocktail table.
    Answer: a; V; d; e.

    Answer: Level 1 - low-quality egg;
    Level 2 - not fresh enough;
    Level 3 - fresh egg.

    Fabric Design and Making Test

    1. Dimensional characteristics unnecessary for constructing apron structures:
    b) B;
    c) Op;
    d) Sat.
    Answer: b; V.

    7. Determine the group to which the seam belongs:

    a) stationary;
    b) connecting;
    c) regional;
    d) finishing.
    Answer: c.

    2. What size characteristic affects the width of the apron:
    a) Sat;
    b) Di;
    c) Children;
    d) Art.
    Answer: a.

    8. When preparing an apron pattern for cutting, you must perform the following operations:
    a) transfer of pattern details onto tracing paper;
    b) transfer of design lines onto tracing paper;
    c) designation of the direction of the warp threads;
    d) designation of the direction of the weft threads;
    e) designation of the name of the parts and their quantity;
    f) designation of the size of seam allowances;
    g) designation of the names of cuts and folds.
    Answer: a; b; V; d; e.

    3. Establish a correspondence between the symbols and the name of the dimensional characteristics:

    9. Arrange the correct sequence of technological operations when laying out the pattern on the fabric:
    a) arrange small parts;
    b) arrange large parts;
    c) pin the fabric with pins:
    d) pin small parts;
    e) pin large parts;
    f) determine the front side of the fabric;
    g) draw control lines and points;
    h) place allowances for processing;
    i) trace the details along the contour.
    Answer: e; V; b; A; d; G; And; h; and.

    1. semi waist circumference
    2. semi hip circumference
    3. half chest circumference
    4. chest width
    5. product length
    Answer: 1d; 2d; Sv; 4a; 56.

    a) Shg
    b) Di
    c) Cr
    d) St
    e) Sat

    4. What calculation formula determines the width of the lower part of the apron:
    a) Sat: 2+8;
    b) St:2+8;
    c) Сг:2+8;
    d) Ssh:2+8;
    e) Op:2+8.
    Answer: a.

    10. Transferring the pattern to fabric is carried out using:
    a) running stitches;
    b) cutter;
    c) copy stitches;
    d) tailor's chalk;
    e) oblique stitches.
    Answer: b; V; G.

    5. Dimensional characteristics are divided in half when recording:
    a) half waist circumference;
    b) half chest circumference;
    c) semi-hip circumference;
    d) shoulder circumference.
    Answer: Mr.

    11. When cutting out the hem facing, the grain thread is placed:
    a) along the facing;
    b) across the facing;
    c) at an angle of 45°;
    Answer: c.

    6. The drawing of the garment is built to scale:
    a) 1:1;
    c) 1:16;
    Answer: a; b.

    12. When making a skirt, the following seams are used:
    a) stationary;
    b) facing;
    c) hem with closed cut;
    d) double;
    d) invoice.
    Answer: a; b; V.

    In his practical work, it is important for a teacher to take into account that one of the main components of teaching is monitoring the quality of students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills. Its main purpose is to establish the degree to which students have achieved the mandatory level of technological training, to obtain objective information about the nature of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, the difficulties and typical errors in their work, to determine the reasons behind them, to identify the effectiveness of the organization, methods and means of teaching.

    In school practice, the following types of control are used: current - on a topic or part of a topic studied in class: milestone - on a large amount of information (topic or section); final - for the entire subject or most of it, as well as its various methods: oral questioning, tests and assignments, testing. Due to the limited time allocated for control, tests and control assignments are the most effective ways to test and evaluate students' knowledge.

    Below are test tasks of two levels of knowledge acquisition by students of grades 5-6 in the section “Textile Processing Technology” and grades 5-7 in the section “Cooking”. In accordance with the methodology of V.P. Bespalko, when developing tasks of the first level of mastery, the following were used: control questions of an alternative nature, requiring a “yes-no” answer; discrimination or selective tasks, in which several answer options are given (correct, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, etc.); classification tasks in which it is necessary to establish a correspondence between two types of phenomena. To construct control cards of the second level, tasks were used in which a word or part of a phrase was missing, constructive tasks that required the student to formulate a particular concept, rules, as well as standard tasks, the conditions of which allow the application of a known rule or solution algorithm.

    The presented tasks can be used at any stage of training, during current, midterm and final control. The distribution of tasks by sections and topics allows the teacher to use them before students study new material, as well as at the stages of consolidation, repetition and generalization of knowledge. During midterm and final control, the teacher can group tasks from different sections, topics and different levels. The selection of tasks can be done both for the whole class and for individual students, depending on their individual abilities and level of training.

    The teacher can also use the results of the final control to diagnose the aspirations of schoolchildren. Knowing the student’s level of training, the teacher checks his compliance with the level of complexity of the tasks selected for completion. The results of assignments also allow the teacher to track the individual growth of students' knowledge. By studying the learning of schoolchildren, the teacher can draw a conclusion about the progress of the child’s overall development and choose measures of pedagogical influence that activate the process of formation of knowledge and skills.

    The developed tasks can also be used to diagnose students’ knowledge before starting work on creative projects, during their implementation and upon completion of the design. The diagnostic results allow the teacher to make the necessary corrections in the organization and management of students’ project activities. Consistent monitoring of students' knowledge acquisition at different stages of education creates conditions for intensifying the educational activities of schoolchildren and improving the quality of their technological training, which will ultimately contribute to the conscious inclusion of graduates in independent life.

    When starting to teach technology in the 5th grade, it is important for the teacher to know the level of technical and technological skills acquired by students in grades 1-4.

    For example, in order to identify students’ skills in cutting materials using ready-made patterns, you can ask them to trace the pattern on the fabric and cut out the part along the contour. At the same time, the teacher checks the accuracy of the outline, the speed of work and the ability to use fabric economically.

    Techniques for mastering measuring instruments will reveal tasks for constructing geometric shapes according to given dimensions and a question like: how many cards measuring 7 x 7 cm can be made from a sheet of paper measuring 21 x 11 cm?

    To identify skills to organize workplace students are offered the following tasks:

    1. Measure the thread, thread it into the needle, and tie a knot.

    2. Carry out the proposed design using known hand stitches.

    3. Name the seams shown on the poster.

    4. Complete the floral design.

    5. Create an ornament from the given elements.

    To determine the ability to plan their work, the teacher can ask schoolchildren to draw up a plan for completing a simple product and make it according to the model.

    Other similar tasks may be offered. The teacher reads them out as the students complete the work, offers them task cards or makes notes on the board.


    1st level

    Fabric structure

    Choose the correct answer.

    1. Fabric is made in a factory: a) sewing factory; b) weaving; c) spinning.

    2. Roving is obtained from fibers at the stage of: a) loosening; b) combing; c) stretching with twisting.

    3. The following people work in weaving factories: a) roving workers; b) weavers; c) spinners.

    4. Cotton fiber is: a) white; b) pink; c) blue; d) red.

    Warp and weft threads

    Choose the correct answer.

    1. The shared thread runs along the edge: a) yes; b) no.

    2. When the fabric (cotton) is sharply stretched, the lobe thread makes a ringing sound:

    a) yes; b) no.

    3. Weft thread: a) short; b) smooth; c) fragile; d) thin.

    4. The weft thread is long and strong: a) yes; b) no.

    5. Indicate the signs by which the warp thread can be identified: a) by sound; b) along the pile; c) along the edge; d) by stretchability; e) by quality of finishing.

    Choose the correct answer.

    1. The fabric has technical knots and fibers: a) on the front side; b) on the wrong side.

    2. The reverse side of cotton fabric has a smooth, shiny surface: a) yes; b) no.

    Fabric properties

    Choose the correct answer.

    1. Cotton fabric: a) soft; b) hard.

    2. The following fabrics have a smooth surface: a) linen; b) cotton; c) wool.

    3. Higher fabric creasing: a) cotton; b) linen.

    4. It cools in summer and warms in winter: a) linen fabric; b) cotton fabric.

    5. Indicate with appropriate letters the characteristics of cotton (x) and linen (l) fabrics: a) matte surface: b) shiny surface; c) the fabric is soft.

    6. Indicate with appropriate letters the characteristics of identifying cotton (x) and linen (l) fabrics: a) the stretchability of the weft is high; b) the surface is smooth; c) the surface is rough; d) the fabric is hard; e) fluffy threads: f) smooth threads.

    7. Linen fabric has: a) a shiny surface; b) matte surface.

    8. Cotton fabrics in appearance: a) matte; b) shiny.

    9. Caring for garments made from cotton and linen fabrics includes: a) washing; b) ironing: c) cleaning: d) dry cleaning: e) drying.

    2nd level

    Fabric structure

    a) The fabric consists of... b) The thread contains... c) On looms work... d) Plain weave is... e) Natural fibers include... f) Plant fibers include... g) Fabric is made from... h) At home, yarn is made from fiber using the method. ..i) Spinning is a process... j) Weaving is a process... k) The raw materials for producing silk, flax, wool, cotton are... fibers.

    2. List the stages of primary processing of flax fiber.

    3. List the stages of primary processing of cotton.

    4. Indicate the sequence of stages for obtaining tissue:

    a) finishing:

    b) spinning:

    c) primary fiber processing; d) weaving;

    e) production of gray fabric.

    5. Specify the sequence of operations when

    yarn production: a) obtaining roving; b) loosening of fibers; c) pulling the fibers into an even ribbon;

    d) obtaining yarn.

    6. Mark with the appropriate letter from which part (root - k, stem - s, fruit - p) of the listed plants fibers are produced: a) hemp; b) cotton; c) jute; d) nettle; D) flax.

    7. Mark with the appropriate letter from which fibers (natural - n, chemical - x) the following fabrics are obtained: a) linen; b) cotton; c) nylon, d) lavsan; e) crepe de chine; e) viscose; g) acetate: h) wool.

    Warp and weft threads

    1. Fill in the missing words. a) The warp thread can be determined by the following characteristics:... b) When the fabric claps sharply, it produces a ringing sound

    sound, which means this is the direction of the thread... c) The edge is directed along the threads... d) The fabric stretches more in the direction

    e) Threads... thinner and smoother. f) The threads... are thicker and fluffier. g) Warp threads have the following properties:... h) Weft threads have the following properties:... i) The direction of the warp thread in a fabric without a selvedge is determined by...

    Front and back sides of fabric

    1. Fill in the missing words:

    a) It is necessary to determine the front and back sides of the fabric when...

    b) On the front side there is a bright and clear pattern... fabric.

    c) Fabrics... have pile on the front side.

    d) For variegated fabric, the front and back sides can be determined...

    e) The right side of a fabric with a shiny finish can be identified by...

    2. Indicate with the appropriate letter the characteristics of the front (k) and back (s) sides of the fabric:

    a) technical knots: b) smooth shiny surface; c) clear printed pattern; d) pile on the surface; e) weak printed pattern.

    Properties of fabrics

    1. Fill in the missing words.

    a) The technological properties of cotton and linen fabrics must be taken into account when...

    b) Linen fabric can be distinguished from cotton fabric by touch by such features as...

    c) Creaseability of linen fabrics…..than cotton fabrics.

    d) Fabrics have high strength.

    e) By appearance linen fabric...

    f) To the touch... the fabric is softer than... the fabric.

    g) Thermal protection properties are higher for... fabric, which...

    h) ... fabrics have higher thread shedding than ... fabrics.

    i) When washed and wet-heat treated, cotton fabric gives...

    j) Fabric care includes...

    2. Graphically depict symbols of proper care for fabric products:

    a) cleaning; b) hand wash; c) bleaching; d) ironing.


    1st level

    Sewing machine device

    1. Select the manual drive parts from the following:

    a) body; b) lever; c) spool pin; d) sleeve; e) stopper; f) platform; g) flywheel; h) nest; i) handle; j) paw; k) needle; m) leash; m) large and small gears.

    2. Fill in the missing words.

    a) You need to sit behind the car..... slightly tilting your body and head...

    b) The distance between the worker and the machine must be...

    c) When working on a sewing machine, you need to sit on... the surface of a chair. The chair is...

    3. Choose the correct answer.

    When preparing the machine for operation, the needle and thread take-up must be: a) in the upper position; b) in the down position.

    4. Indicate the sequence in which operations should be carried out when preparing the machine for operation:

    a) place the fabric under the foot; b) pierce the fabric with a needle; c) bring the machine into working position; d) thread the upper thread; e) thread the lower thread; e) lower the foot.

    5. Specify the sequence for threading the upper thread:

    A) compensation spring; b) thread guide on the front board; c) spool pin; d) needle; e) upper thread guide on the sleeve; f) thread take-up lever; g) upper thread tension regulator; h) thread guide on the needle bar.

    6. Choose the correct answer.

    When working on a sewing machine, the fabric is advanced: a) from the worker; b) for the worker.

    7. Name the part that presses the fabric to the needle plate:

    a) needle; 6) needle bar; c) foot; d) thread take-up.

    8. Find the bobbin case parts in the listing:

    a) body; b) friction screw; c) slot; d) pressure plate; D) sleeve; e) screw; g) latch; h) needle plate; i) installation pin.

    9. Choose the correct answer:

    To thread the lower thread, you need to prepare the following parts: a) manual drive; b) bobbin; c) needle; d) bobbin case; d) winder.

    Machine seams

    1. Indicate which machine seams are used when performing these operations:

    Machine seams:
    a) stitched b) hemmed c) overhead
    1) for sewing pockets on the main part 2) for connecting the main parts 3) for connecting small parts together 4) for processing the bottom of the product 5) for sewing braid on the main part

    8. Indicate with numbers the correspondence of the terms to the content of machine work:

    1) stitching

    2) grinding

    3) grinding

    4) customization

    5) stitching

    Machine seams:

    a) connection of two or more parts of equal size

    b) connection of two or more parts of different sizes

    c) the connection of two parts, one of which is placed with the wrong side on the front side of the other

    d) the connection of two parts, after turning them inside out the seam is located inside along the edge of the part

    e) securing the edges of parts with machine stitching

    9. Indicate with numbers the correspondence of the terms to the content of manual work:

    Terms: basting, basting, basting, basting, basting

    a) fold the cut of the part and secure with a running stitch at a distance of 0.5 cm from the cut b) connect two or more parts with a running stitch c) connect a small part placed on the wrong side of the front side of a larger part with a running stitch d) straighten the edges of the parts and secure them with a running stitch stitch e) treat the cuts from shedding with a winding stitch

    2nd level

    Sewing machine device

    1. Match the name of the manual drive parts and their purpose:

    Part name

    2) leash

    3) large gear

    4) handle


    a) transmits movement to the small gear b) fixes the drive lever in the socket

    c) transmits movement to the flywheel

    d) serves for convenient rotation of the drive lever

    2. Match the names of the parts involved in threading the upper thread and their purpose:

    Part name: upper thread tension adjuster, thread guide, presser foot lift lever

    a) lowers and raises the presser foot b) to tension the upper thread c) guides the thread

    3. Match the name of the bobbin case parts and their purpose:

    Part Name: Slot, Pressure Plate, Installation Pin

    a) presses the thread against the body of the cap; b) enters the slot of the shuttle device; to prevent the bobbin case from turning c) guides the thread

    4. Complete the sequence of preparing the machine for operation:

    a) bring the machine into working position


    c) thread the lower thread


    e) lower the paw

    Complete the upper threading sequence:
    a) spool pin


    c) upper thread tension regulator

    e) thread guide on the front board

    6. Complete the names of the bobbin case parts:

    a) body




    1st level


    1. Indicate how length measurements are recorded: a) completely; b) half the size.

    2. Indicate which of the following measurements are recorded:

    a) completely:

    b) half the size;

    1) St: 2) Day: 3) Sat: 4) Day.h.

    3. Indicate the name of the measurements for these designations:


    a) semi-circumference of the hips; b) length of the bib; c) length of the back to the waist; d) length of the lower part.

    4. Determine the purpose of the following measurements:

    1) St; a) to calculate the length of the lower part of the apron;

    2) Day; b) to calculate the length of the bib;

    3) Day.h: c) to calculate the width of the lower part of the apron:

    4) C6; d) to calculate the length of the belt.

    5. Indicate the corresponding segments from the listed names of the apron drawing lines:

    1) top line: 2) bottom line; 3) middle line; 4) side line; 5) waist line; 6) pocket line:

    a)НН1 b)ТТ1 c)T1H2 d)KK1 e)BB2 f)BH

    6. Select from the listed operations necessary to prepare the pattern for cutting:

    a) indicate the name of the parts;

    b) write shaped lines;

    c) indicate the number of parts:

    d) indicate defects:

    e) indicate the shared thread;

    f) indicate seam allowances;

    g) indicate the name of the lines.

    7. Indicate in numbers the sequence of cutting the product:

    a) trace the pattern taking into account seam allowances; b) perform an economical layout; c) trace the pattern along the contour: d) pin it with tailor’s pins; d) set aside seam allowances.

    8. Indicate from the following rules necessary when laying out a pattern on fabric:

    a) definition lobar thread; b) accounting for the shared thread; c) decating the fabric; d) coincidence of the line of the middle of the part with the fold on the fabric; e) taking into account the direction of the drawing; f) determining the front side of the fabric; g) economical layout; h) taking into account seam allowances.

    9. Choose the correct answer. In order to transfer contour lines on the cut details, lay:

    a) running stitches; b) overlock stitches; c) copy stitches.


    1. Select the appropriate fabric for the product:

    1) work apron; 2) everyday apron; 3) festive apron.

    a) bright with a printed pattern; b) dark, plain fabric; c) light plain fabric; d) dark with a pattern.

    2nd level


    1. Write down the measurements needed to draw the apron drawing:

    2. Write down the names of the measurements according to the designations: a) Day b) Day.hour. c) Art. d) Sat

    3. Indicate what measurements need to be taken for calculation:

    a) the length of the lower part; b) the length of the bib; c) belt length; d) the width of the lower part of the apron.

    4. Write down the purpose of the following measurements for constructing the apron drawing:

    a) St. b) Sat c) Day d) Day.h

    5. Name the lines of the apron drawing: a) ВВ1 b) ВН c) НН1 d) ТТ1 E) КК1 e) Т1Н1

    6. Indicate the segments corresponding to the listed names of the lines of the apron drawing:
    a) top line ________ b) bottom line _________ c) middle line _____ d) side line __________ e) waist line f) pocket line

    7. Complete the sequence of preparing the pattern for cutting:

    c) indicate the shared thread

    8. Complete the sequence of preparing the fabric for cutting:

    a) fabric decating b)__________ c)__________ d) determination of the lobe thread e)__________ f)__________

    9. Complete the cutting sequence:

    d) cut.

    10. Complete the rules for laying out the pattern pieces on the fabric:

    a) accounting for the shared thread b)__________ c)__________ d)__________ e) economical layout.

    11. Fill in the missing words.

    a) Cutting details are...

    b) In order to transfer the contour lines on the cut details... stitches are laid.


    1. List the types of apron finishes: a)__________ b) braid c) d) e)

    2. Complete the sentence. Modeling is a process...

    3. Complete the answer options. When modeling an apron, you can change the details:

    a) ..... b) pocket c) ...... d).......

    4. Determine the fabric that matches these products:

    1) work apron_________________

    2) casual apron

    3) festive apron

    learning specific topics.


    1st level

    Fabric structure

    1. b: 2. c. 3. b. 4. a, b, c.

    Warp and weft threads

    1.a. 2. a. 3. a, c. 4. b. 5. a, c. G.

    Fabric properties

    1. a. 2. a. 3. b. 4. a. 5. ah; bl; input 6. ah; bl; in; ch; dx; ate 7. a. 8. a. 9. a. b, c, d.

    2nd level

    Fabric structure

    1. a) threads intertwined with each other: b) many thin fibers; c) weavers: d) interlacing threads through one; e) fibers of flax and cotton, wool and silk; f) flax and cotton fibers; g) yarn: h) spinning; i) obtaining yarn from fibers: j) obtaining fabric from yarn: k) natural.

    2. 1 lobe; 2 drying and crumpling: 3 scuffing: 4 obtaining flax fiber.

    3. 1 raw cotton; 2 pre-cleaning: 3 separation of fibers from seeds: 4 pressing into bales.

    4. 1e: 2b; Zg; 4d: 5a.

    5. 1b; 2c: For: 4d.

    6. ac; bp; sun; gs; ds.

    7. an; bn; in; gh; dn: ex: lx; zn.

    Warp and weft threads

    1. a) sound, stretchability, strength, edge, appearance; b) basics; c) basics; d) weft: e) warps; f) weft: g) thin, even, strong, smooth, tough; h) thick, uneven, fragile, loose, soft; i) by sound, stretchability, type of thread.

    Front and back sides of fabric

    1. a) cutting and manufacturing of the product: b) printed; c) corduroy, velvet, velor; d) on technical units; d) edge.

    2. ia, d; forehead, c, d.

    Properties of fabrics

    1. a) product manufacturing technology; b) smoothness, hardness; c) above: d) linen; d) shines; f) cotton, linen; g) cotton, linen; h) linen, cotton: i) shrinkage: j) washing, cleaning, bleaching, damp-heat treatment.

    2. a) b) c) d)


    1st level

    Sewing machine device

    1. a, b, d, h, i, m, n.
    2. a - straight, forward; b - 1520 cm; in - all over, opposite the needle.
    3. a.
    4. 1c; 2d: 3d; 4a: 5b: 6e.
    5. 1e: 2d; Zh; 4a; 5e; 6b; 7z; 8g.
    6. a.
    7. c.
    8. a, c, d, f, g, i.
    9. b, d.

    Machine seams

    1. a2,3; b4; v1.5;

    2. 1a: 2^; Zg; 4c; 5d.

    3. 1b: 2c; 3a:4r; 5d.

    2nd level

    Sewing machine device

    1. 2b: 3a; 16; 4g.

    2. 16; 2c; Behind.

    3. 1c; 2a: 36.

    4. b - thread the upper thread: d - place the fabric under the foot: e - lower the needle.

    5. b - upper thread guide: d - compensation spring; d - thread take-up lever; g - thread guide on the needle bar; z - needle.

    6. b - pressure plate; g - slot; d - latch: e - installation pin.


    1st level


    1. a. 2. a2, 4; 61.3. 3. 1b; 2g; Sv; 4a. 4. 1g; 26; For: 4c. 5. 1d: 2a; 3e; 4c; 56; 6g. 6. a; V; d; e; and. 7. 16: 2g: Sv; 4d: 5a. 8.6; G; d; and; h. 9. c.


    1. 1b, d; 2a, b, d: Sv.

    2nd level


    1. Dn - bib length; Lnch - length of the lower part; Sb - half-hip circumference; St - half waist circumference.

    2. a - the length of the bib; b - length of the lower part; c - half-waist girth: d - half-hip girth.

    3. a Dnch; b Day; Tue: r Sat.

    4. a-to calculate the length of the belt; b - to calculate the width of the apron; c - to calculate the length of the bib; g - to calculate the length of the lower part of the apron.

    5. a - top line; b - mid-front line; v-bottom line: g - waist line; d - pocket line; e - side line.

    6. a - BB); b - NN,: c - VN; r- T^,; d-TT,; e - K^.

    7. a - name of the part; b - number of parts; g - the amount of seam allowances; d - control lines.

    8. 6 - checking the quality of fabric; c - definition of the front side; d - alignment of the fabric at right angles to the bottom; e - determination of the direction of the drawing.

    9. a - economically lay out the pattern pieces; b - pin the parts with tailor’s pins; c - trace the pattern along the contour; d - trace the pattern taking into account seam allowances.

    10. b - taking into account the direction of the drawing; c - taking into account the coincidence of the line of the middle of the part with the fold on the fabric; d - taking into account seam allowances.

    11.a) Fabric parts cut according to the pattern; b) Copying.


    1. a-embroidery; c- shuttlecocks; g - lace: d - applique.

    2. creation of new models.

    3. a-bib: b - lower part; g - strap.

    4. 1 - fabric of dark colors; 2 - fabric of bright colors with a printed pattern: 3 - light plain fabric.

    Mechanical EngineeringRules for threading the upper and lower threads of a sewing machine Presentation for a technology lesson in 5th grade Author Zueva Tatyana Nikolaevna, technology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, Svetly, Kaliningrad Region.

    Repetition 1. How should you organize your workplace before starting to work on a sewing machine? 2. Why do you need to follow safety regulations? 3. What are the main parts and devices of an electric sewing machine? 4. What determines the sewing speed on an electric sewing machine? 5. What is the reverse motion of the machine used for?

    Rules for threading the lower thread Preparing to wind the thread onto the bobbin 1. Place the bobbin on the winder rod and wind the end of the thread onto it, making 2-3 turns clockwise 2. Move your hand to the right to press the bobbin to the bobbin

    Switching the sewing machine to idle speed 3. Switch the machine to idle speed (pull the handwheel to the right until it clicks) 4. Turn on the machine using the switch

    Inserting the bobbin into the bobbin case 8. Take the bobbin case in your left hand and find the groove on it running from right to left 9. Insert the bobbin into the bobbin case with your right hand (the direction of the thread should also be from right to left)

    Switching the sewing machine to working stroke 7. Remove the bobbin from the winder and switch the machine to working stroke (press the handwheel to the left until it clicks)

    Threading the lower thread into the bobbin case 10. Thread the thread with your right hand under the pressure plate and into the slot of the bobbin case (pulling the thread until it clicks) 11. Hold the bobbin case door with your left hand, place the thread on top of your fingers (at the same time, the “nose” of the bobbin case pointing upward)

    Raising the needle to the highest position 12. Raise the machine needle to the highest position Using the handwheel, turning it towards you

    Inserting the bobbin case 13. Insert the bobbin case into the hook with your left hand.

    Rules for threading the upper thread 1. Place the spool of thread on the rod, thread the end of the thread through both thread guides on the machine sleeve 2. Draw the thread down (in the direction of the arrow) along the first groove on the right on the head of the machine

    Threading the upper thread 3. Move the thread into the second groove (from bottom to top in the direction of the arrow) 4. Bring the thread up along the second groove and from right to left (in the direction of the arrow) around the thread take-up

    Threading the upper thread 5. Pass the thread along the second groove again, but from top to bottom 6. Holding the thread with your left hand, thread it with your right hand through the thread guide hook on the needle holder

    Threading the upper thread into the needle 7. With your right hand, take the end of the thread and insert it into the eye of the needle away from you 8. Take the upper thread with your left hand and pull it to a length of 10-15 cm, shaking the handwheel with your right hand

    Grabbing the lower thread 9. With your left hand, take the end of the upper thread and make a “rocker” out of it (i.e., let it sag) 10. With your right hand, turn the flywheel toward you several times. the needle will drop down, forming a loop of upper thread. This loop will catch the bobbin thread

    Bringing the bottom thread up 11. With your right hand, straighten the loop that appears from below, pulling it up 12. Connect both threads together, and then align and cut them to length

    Threading under the foot 13. With the index finger of your right hand, press the folded ends of both threads against the needle plate 14. With your left hand, bring both ends of the threads under the foot, and then over the edge of the machine platform

    Preparing the sewing machine for operation 15. Close the shuttle device 16. Put the container in its original place

    Final steps 17. The machine is ready for use 18. Make a test stitch on a piece of fabric

    Tasks Perform the following tasks on the sewing machine: 1. winding the thread on the bobbin 2. threading the lower thread 3. threading the upper thread

    Answers to questions 1. Organization of the machine workplace The sewing machine should be placed on the table at a distance of 5 - 10 cm from the front edge of the table. To the left of the machine you need to leave space to place the product being processed. There should be good lighting of the workplace. There should be no unnecessary items on the car. When threading the machine, remove your foot from the pedal. Only one person should operate the sewing machine. 2. Safety precautions must be followed to avoid causing injury to yourself or others.

    3. The main parts and devices of an electric sewing machine: head, sleeve, stand, platform, electric drive (consists of an electric motor, pedal, cord and plug), hook, bobbin, bobbin case, presser foot, presser foot lifting lever, needle holder, needle bar, thread take-up , thread guides, spool pins, winder (a device for winding thread onto a bobbin), handwheel, reverse lever, regulators (stitch length, zigzag stitch, upper thread tension), switch. 4. The sewing speed on an electric sewing machine depends on the force of pressing the pedal with your foot. 5. The reverse motion of the machine is used to make bartacks at the beginning and end of machine stitches.

    Literature 1. Technology: Tutorial for students in grade 5 and general education institutions, edited by I. A. Sasova 2. Technology: Textbook for students in grade 5 in general education institutions (option for girls) edited by V.D. Simonenko 3. Krupskaya Yu.V. Technology: 5th grade (option for girls): Methodological recommendations

    Typically, household sewing equipment is quite easy to operate. But for the average person who uses a sewing machine once a year to replenish the supply of kitchen towels or pillowcases, it is quite difficult to remember the basic rules for threading or winding a bobbin. However, a few minutes of studying the instruction manual and you can get to work. But how to thread a sewing machine if this document lost? Or how to deal with a three-thread or four-thread overlocker if the threading pattern has been completely forgotten? Are there any ground rules? This is exactly what will be discussed further. So, how to thread a sewing machine?

    It is worth noting that sewing will require top and bottom threading, so it is advisable to consider both processes in more detail and understand the principle.

    Basic rules for threading the upper thread into a sewing machine

    Of course, all models have their differences, but the operating principle of these units is the same, so we can highlight the basic rules:

    • Thread in mandatory must be on a reel that is mounted on a special pin. Depending on the model of the unit, this may be a pin on the top panel of the machine body or a specially equipped housing for the skein, located near the handle for carrying the machine.
    • Next, the thread should pass through a holder that provides the required tension and tension regulator area.
    • The next element is the thread lifting lever. If you put the thread through it incorrectly, it will get tangled in the fabric and break.
    • Threading a thread into a sewing machine involves passing it through special clamps and hooks, which provide the necessary tension and prevent tangling. Therefore, the thread, going down to the needle from the feed lever, must necessarily pass through the hooks located on the holder.
    • When entering the needle hole, you need to make sure that the thread does not wrap around it, and there are no corners on the edge that would impede passage. Some models are more high class They have a special device for inserting thread into a sewing machine. However, it is quite easy to do this without it.

    Rules for threading the lower thread of a sewing machine

    The principle of machine stitching is that the work involves two threads that intertwine at the puncture site. But all its work depends on how to thread the machine. After all larger number malfunctions come down to incorrect operation. Therefore, for proper operation of the unit, correct upper and lower threading into the sewing machine is required. The entire process of installing the lower thread can be divided into two stages:

    • bobbin winding;
    • installing the thread in the shuttle.

    Almost all new models have special indicators on the body for winding the bobbin (a small spool with the lower thread), but if for some reason they are missing, you should examine the body of the unit. It should have a small pin with a switch and a winding limiter in the form of a disk on the pin.

    Then it remains to figure out how to thread the thread into the bobbin. To do this, the coil is installed on the main pin (or in the box), passed through the tension holder device, attached to the coil with several turns, switched to the winding mode and the unit is started. Typically, this mode is activated by moving the bobbin pin to the side.

    Features of installing a bobbin in a vertical hook

    The vertical shuttle is characterized primarily by its structure and location. As a rule, it has a removable housing into which the bobbin is inserted. The free edge of the thread should be passed into a special hole under the pressure plate. This is done quite simply, you just need to put the thread in the slot and pull. Next, the housing is inserted into the shuttle device until it clicks. In this case, the so-called finger should look up, and the part should be held by a special clamping handle. When the bottom thread is in place, the needle is lowered and both edges of the threads (top and bottom) are brought to the working surface. Perhaps this is all you need to know about how to thread a sewing machine.

    Features of installing a bobbin in a horizontal hook

    The process of threading the machine's bobbin thread always begins with winding it onto the bobbin. Installing thread in a horizontal shuttle is more primitive, as is its structure as a whole. Here the bobbin is placed in a special hole under the cover under the working needle. Then the free edge of the thread is drawn by pulling it into special slots. Next, lower the needle and bring out both edges of the working threads.

    The quality of the stitch depends on how you thread the sewing machine. Ideally, the threads should intertwine in the piercing of the fabric, but if loops form on one side, you should make sure that the tension is adjusted. If the problem persists, you need to check all the elements of the refueling route again.

    Features of threading an overlocker

    All leading manufacturers of sewing equipment, taking care of the user, apply indicator marks directly to the body for threading working threads and paint hooks. Each serial number has its own color: red, green, blue or yellow. But how to thread an overlocker without pointers?

    Here you also need to understand the basic operating principle of the unit. For example, in a four-thread overlocker, the first two threads are for needles, the rest are for the upper and lower loopers. So, how to thread a two-needle overlocker?

    Threading needles

    All spools should be installed on special pins and the threads should be passed through the holes on a special lifting stand. Then, on the upper part of the body, thread it into the holes in front of the clamping devices for tension, designed to prevent the threads from tangling during operation of the unit. Next, each of them has its own separate path from the tension regulator to the exit to the needle or looper. In a two-needle overlocker, both threads are connected in the area of ​​the lifting lever and pass along all the hooks together, separating only at the entrance to the needle. The thread from the first spool on the pin goes to the first needle, the second to the other. Next, you should deal with threading the loopers, which, in fact, overcast the edges of the products.

    Looper threading

    The third pin is the upper looper. The thread descending from the clamping device through a special groove must be brought out to the panel with holders (hooks). Clinging to one of them, she is led to the upper looper. Then they are secured in the holder again and passed into the hole of the large hook.

    The fourth pin is the lower looper. The thread is also lowered to the panel with the holder, attached to it, then the overlock handwheel is turned so as to open the looper stand, the thread is hooked onto two hooks and passed into the looper hole. Then press the foot of the unit to start work. The first few stitches should be done with a handwheel, and after that you can add speed.

    If you know the basic aspects of how sewing devices work, none of the models will cause you any difficulty with the question of how to thread a sewing machine and overlocker. Everything is quite simple. The main thing is just to study all the elements of the unit and pay close attention to the refueling process.

    Convenient disposal of the machine In your city.

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