How to determine feng shui zones in your home. Feng Shui of an apartment: ten golden rules. Money Zone in different places of the apartment

Properly organized Feng Shui of an apartment is a whole philosophy. According to ancient Eastern teachings, the energy that circulates through the rooms directly affects a person’s life. Therefore, by changing the space, you can radically change everything that happens around you.

You need to show all cardinal directions on the apartment diagram, and also mark the center. The sectors are as follows:

  1. The southeast is an area of ​​wealth. Behind material well-being The energy of water is responsible, so in this sector it is necessary to decorate the interior in a “water style”. The color scheme is shades of blue, the paintings depict seascapes. Indoor fountains, aquariums and oriental money talismans are suitable for decoration.
  2. The south is a zone of glory and fame. You can place all awards, certificates, medals and any other items that confirm your achievements and merits in it. Properly organized space in this zone helps to gain recognition from others, improve your reputation and increase your authority.
  3. Southwest is the sector of love. It is filled with paired objects: figurines of animals, birds, angels. It is important that there is an even number of them. Red scented candles are also placed here and the walls are decorated with paintings of married couples, happy lovers.
  4. The West is an ideal place for a nursery. The energy that is responsible for development, the disclosure of creative potential and intellectual abilities is concentrated here.
  5. North is a work and career zone. The water element also rules here, so this sector can be designed in the same way as the wealth zone.
  6. Northeast is the zone of wisdom. An ideal space for organizing a workplace, office, library. Here you can store books, notes, and educational materials.
  7. The East is the family zone. For the energy of this sector to be “alive,” it must contain indoor plants and paintings with floral still lifes. You can decorate the walls with photographs of relatives, children, household members, and pets.

Watch a video on how to divide a room into zones according to Feng Shui:


Any symbols of fiery energy are appropriate here: bright rich shades of red, family photos with gatherings around the fire, paintings depicting the rising sun.

Decorations made from natural materials: wood, clay will also enhance the fiery energy. It is desirable that the kitchen set is not plastic, but wooden. Metal objects should be kept locked.


- another important place in, which is filled with. To avoid problems in your personal life and loneliness, you need to follow the rules of Feng Shui when organizing your space.

It is advisable that the bed be double, and there is enough free space around it. The feet of a sleeping person should not look into the doorway, and a dream catcher can be hung above the head of the bed.

Living room

The largest room in the house should be designated as the living room. Here it is necessary to create bright lighting. Hang a large chandelier or glass lamp in the center of the ceiling. It is better to choose furniture with smooth, rounded, soft outlines.

There should be a lot of fresh flowers in the living room. They are placed in areas with “non-living” energy - next to household appliances and electronics (TV, music system, and so on).

The teaching of Feng Shui came to us from China; it has existed for more than four thousand years and has not lost ground. And for Lately It has also become very popular. I became interested in Feng Shui about 6 years ago. At first, just a little, and then, after my friend’s stories, stronger. She shared with me in an inspired voice: “So I activated the “Wealth” zone and the next day I received 5 thousand rubles, which I did not expect”. A few days later, she talked about how she activated the love zone, and a young man (who had been interesting to her for a long time) invited her to the cinema.

Magic? I became even more interested in this amazing teaching. It turned out that it really combines elements of magic. And it’s not devoid of common sense, which is what I liked about it.

Feng Shui views a home as a living organism that is either in harmony with you or in conflict. And to let vital energy To move smoothly through your home, you need to activate the main life aspects or feng shui zones. They are influenced by the color palette, the arrangement of furniture, the presence of various talismans, and the amount of light. In this article we will take a closer look at how to correctly identify these zones.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in our lives can be divided into nine life aspects or categories. All of them, combined together in a certain order, form the Bagua grid. In translation, “ba” means eight, “gua” means a trigram, and ba-gua means 8 trigrams.

Sometimes it is drawn simply as a table, and then it may look like this:

If this magic octagon is superimposed on the house plan, we will be able to determine where certain sectors are located.
It all sounds, of course, quite simple: take an apartment plan and put it on a Bagua grid.

But I have some questions:

firstly, where to get an apartment plan,

secondly, how to put one on top of the other correctly?

I had to deal with this several times. The first one was when I wanted to activate the Feng Shui zones in our apartment where I live with my loved one. The second one was when I helped my mother with renovations. These two rooms are very different in their layout.

In the case of our apartment, I found its plan in the documents issued by the BTI. The reader who has recently been involved in the privatization of an apartment will easily find the location of all the rooms in the issued papers.

In the case of my mother’s apartment, this plan was drawn on my own. My close friend, an architect, was able to help me with this over a cup of tea. Take help from others.

By the way, while I was writing the article, another option came to mind. It is suitable for those who have apartments with standard layouts. For example, my mother has a standard, 2-room Khrushchev apartment. I typed “Khrushchev apartment plan” into Yandex, and all the available options were given to me. I found one that looks like the apartment I grew up in. This plan looks like this:

Great. Now you know several ways to get a floor plan for your apartment. What's next?

Next, as they write in all sources on improving Feng Shui in an apartment, we need a compass. I didn’t have a compass, and I asked friends, acquaintances and relatives for one. My friends, as always, did not leave me in trouble - as a result, I ended up with two compasses in my hands.

So, I was all armed and looked like a monkey with glasses from Krylov’s fable. I don't know how to use compasses at all. I twisted them this way and that, for some reason they showed different data. I was completely confused and decided that I couldn’t handle it on my own. If you, my readers, have the same story as mine, announce a new search for those who know how to use this miracle of technology.

I found helpers quickly. A friend, the same one who drew the diagram, helped me figure out the cardinal directions in my mother’s apartment. First, with the help of a compass, we found the west and made a corresponding entry on the plan. By the way, if you still can’t find a compass, just pay attention to which direction the sun sets.

All that remains is to add intermediate data.

It turned out that at the very top of the apartment diagram is the southwest. Let's now expand our Bagua grid in the same way:

Now I can easily say that in my mother’s apartment the “Children and Creativity” zone is located in the kitchen. "Career" area in the hallway. The “Helpers” zone (also known as the “Travel” zone) is located in the hallway and bathroom. The bedroom has three zones: “Glory”, “Wealth”, “Wisdom”. And I think you yourself will be able to determine which zones are located in the hall.
Mom shows a very good layout option from the point of view of Feng Shui for the apartment. The room is almost square and has all the zones.

Let's consider another option. The plan below is our three-room apartment.

The floor plan of this apartment shows that the north-west direction is at the top.
Let's arrange the Bagua grid in the same way:

The zone of “wealth” South-East and the zone of “fame” South are absent, they fled to their neighbors. In this case, Feng Shui masters recommend applying a Bagua grid to the living room or kitchen. These rooms are considered the most neutral in energy. Determine the zones of “wealth” and “fame” in any of these rooms according to Feng Shui of the apartment and activate them there. By the way, an attentive reader, looking at the Bagua grid, will be able to understand that in order to activate the “fame” zone, it will be useful to add some red object to the south of the apartment. And to activate the “quarry” zone, place a vessel with water in the north.

I hope you understand that all compass directions are always the same, and we simply adapt them to our homes. If you correctly identify the sectors in your apartment or house and use Feng Shui tips, your life will begin to change. If good events follow, then you did everything right. If they don't, you still have work to do.

And we will talk in more detail about activating the feng shui zones of the apartment in
the second part, read.

Olya Yeltukova.

Today, the phenomenon of Feng Shui is popular not only in the East, but also in the West. Today we will discuss Feng Shui for the home, and we will try to show the zones on the diagram.

This current appeared, according to various sources, from 2000 to 5000 years ago. Initially, Feng Shui was used to find the right place to build a palace, based on the landscape of the area. This branch was called the school of forms. Later, a second branch appeared - the compass school. In the 19th century they united.

Today, Feng Shui helps people create a harmonious space to live there in harmony with the Universe and themselves. “Feng” (Chinese) – wind, “Shui” (Chinese) – water. Without water, life cannot exist; without wind, change is impossible. If you are careful when studying Feng Shui for your home, you can show the zones on a diagram of your own house or apartment.

Feng Shui is based on three principles:

  • Qi energy, which creates everything in the Universe,
  • balance of yin and yang forces,
  • interaction of the five elements.

To harmonize a room, it must first be divided into zones or sectors. To divide, for example, an apartment, take a copy of its plan and connect it to the Bagua grid. It is necessary that all cardinal directions coincide.

The Bagua grid is shown below and using Feng Shui for the home, as well as dividing the house or apartment into zones, you can show on the diagram different options for zoning the room.

So, here are the benefits of Feng Shui for the home (the zones are shown in the diagram):

  1. Career - north. To activate this zone, it will be useful to place an aquarium, a fountain, or an image of a turtle there. Also, any items reminiscent of work would be appropriate here.
  2. Knowledge and wisdom - northeast. Education related items, bookcases, shelves. Here, of course, it would be best to acquire new knowledge and skills.
  3. Teachers, travel - northwest. Good lighting, figures of gods, photographs of your teachers will attract people into your life who will help you cope with difficult life situations. Images of landmarks or souvenirs from different countries will help you go on your journey faster.

Family - East. Place family photos and gifts from relatives here. The placement of indoor plants will also be helpful. Preferred green color. When this zone is activated, the attachment of household members to each other will strengthen, and quarrels will be avoided.

Following the teachings of Feng Shui, it is important to know that everything that happens in our lives is divided into nine life aspects, which are combined in a certain order and are reflected in the Bagua grid.

Bagua Grid

Bagua Grid is an octagon of regular shape, where each side corresponds to a trigram. Ancient legend says that about two thousand years ago a huge turtle appeared on the shore. On the back of the turtle was inscribed a message from the Gods: the order of the trigrams, which were deciphered by the greatest sage Fu Xi.

Each of the nine zones of the Bagua grid is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​a person’s life (health, fame, love, wealth, etc.). All zones are equal in size. When forming the Feng Shui of an apartment, the areas you want to influence need to be designed purposefully. By focusing on the Bagua grid, you can greatly enhance the influence of Qi energy on more important areas. this moment areas of your life.

How to determine feng shui zones in an apartment

In order to correctly design the areas of your apartment according to Feng Shui, you first need to determine where they are located. To determine the location of the zones, you need to arm yourself with a compass, a Bagua grid and a scale plan of your apartment (or house).

Apartment zones according to Feng Shui

  1. First, using a compass, you need to determine where north is in the apartment - it will serve as a starting point.
  2. Next, you need to divide your apartment plan into nine equal-sized parts.
  3. And finally, combine the north on the compass and the north on the plan - this is how you determine the Career zone. Now you can easily determine the remaining eight zones using compass directions and the Bagua grid.

Correctly determining the location of zones in your apartment is very important, but this is only half the battle. It is equally important to be able to activate the found zones so that influencing them brings tangible benefits.

It’s worth noting right away that there are “universal” activation methods for each zone. First of all, this is the placement of crystals in the desired area, which accumulate Qi energy and distribute it throughout the apartment. Naturally, there are many items that are selected individually for each of the nine zones.

Career Zone

The element of the Career zone is water, its colors are blue and black.

Career symbol

The Career Zone, located in the north, is activated by enhanced lighting, wind chimes, and items that symbolize the element that corresponds to your astrological sign and Gua number.

If you dream of a promotion, place a small indoor fountain in the Career zone. If you want to reinforce the gains you've already made, a painting or photograph of calm water will help. A figurine of a turtle (representative of the water element) will help provide reliable support for your career success.

If your goal is to quickly advance career ladder or searching for a new business, you can further activate this zone by placing in it any office equipment (computer, telephone, etc.) and a positive photo of your work team.

Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge

The element of the zone of Wisdom and Knowledge is earth, its color is beige.

The Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge is located in the northeast of the apartment. This is an ideal place for a library or study, as this area maximizes the learning process. Here, any activity that requires mental activity will be crowned with success.

Activate the Wisdom and Knowledge zone with enhanced lighting, as well as items directly related to your learning goal (dictionaries and textbooks if you plan to study foreign languages etc.). Also place here items related to the education process in principle ( geographic map, globe), and books that contain great wisdom(Bible, Vedas, Koran, etc.).

Never leave sharp or cutting objects, entertaining literature, or anything that represents cruelty or misfortune in this sector.

Helpers and Travel Zone

The element of the zone of Helpers and Travels is metal, its color is white.

The Assistant and Travel Zone is located in the northwestern sector. It is often called the Teacher zone, since its activation contributes to the appearance of a “teacher” or “helper” in difficult or turning points in your life. To do this, you need to increase the lighting of this area, place figurines of guardian deities (Guyin, Ganesha, etc.) and photographs of your spiritual mentors in it.

If you are waiting for the help of a specific person (knowing his date of birth), place in the Helpers and Travels zone an object symbolizing the element that corresponds to your astrological sign and Gua number.

In order to activate the influence of this zone on your travels, place in it an object symbolizing the element that corresponds to your astrological sign and Gua number, photographs of the places you dream of visiting. Also place in this sector photographs of traveling people and various means of transportation (motorcycles, trains, cars, ships, rockets, etc.).

Try not to leave broken objects, images of an erotic nature, or firearms (even photographs of them) in this area.

Family Zone

The element of the Family zone is wood, its color is green.

Bamboo is the talisman of the family zone

The Family Zone is located in the east. It symbolizes all the people near and dear to your heart and additionally affects your health.

To strengthen family bonds and ease disagreements between people close to you, place a family photo in the Family zone, increase lighting, place objects associated with people close to you. An image of a forest landscape, plants growing in pots, as well as any wooden things, preferably made with your own hands (various weaving, carvings, etc.) will help activate this zone.

In the Family zone it is strictly prohibited to place metal objects, ancient coins, photographs of deceased people and pets, as well as herbariums, stuffed animals and dried flowers! By accidentally placing sharp (cutting or piercing) objects or thorny plants in this area, you risk provoking unnecessary family quarrels, and climbing or creeping plants placed there can give rise to intrigue in the family.

Children and Creativity Zone

The element of the Children and Creativity zone is metal, its color is white.

In the west is the Children and Creativity zone. There are several ways to activate this zone, depending on your goals and needs.

If you have difficulties communicating, raising a child, or the child himself has problems, it is necessary to activate the Children and Creativity zone by maximizing the lighting and placing in it objects related to the element corresponding to the astrological sign and Gua number of your child.

Place in this area bronze figurines of protective deities, as “light” in weight as possible, children’s crafts, photographs and drawings. Additionally, it is recommended to place pots with young plants or a vase with fresh flowers in this area. The main thing is that there are no dried or fading flowers in the children's area!

Wealth Zone

The element of the Wealth zone is wood, its color is red, green.

The Wealth Zone is located in the southeast. It is this that is directly related to the material component of your life, the abundance of your financial well-being.

Activating the Wealth zone is not difficult: it is necessary to increase the lighting of this sector in order to attract Qi energy. For additional activation, place in the Wealth zone any symbol of money, products from precious stones and metals and a silver vessel with water. Place in this sector any metal object, an aquarium with goldfish (if you are not a representative of a fire sign) or a red decoration in the form of fish (fish symbolize success), an indoor fountain, a pot with a plant and a “money” tree. You can also place in the wealth zone any item that symbolizes the element corresponding to your astrological sign and Gua number.

Glory Zone

The element of the Glory zone is fire, its color is red.

In the south is the Glory zone, symbolizing the position you occupy in society. If you set out to become famous person, be sure to activate this zone. This can be done by enhancing its lighting, placing your own awards (and even diplomas) in the Glory zone, an object symbolizing an element corresponding to your astrological sign and Gua number, figurines of non-predatory and non-wooden birds (ideal - a figurine of a dove), as well as stones ( with the exception of marine ones).

Zone of Love and Marriage

The element of the Love and Marriage zone is earth, its color is yellow.

The Love and Marriage Zone is located in the southwest direction. Be sure to activate it if you want to improve an existing relationship or want to start new ones. Increased lighting will attract Qi energy to the zone of Love and Marriage. Place in this area a photograph of you next to your loved one, objects symbolizing elements that match your astrological signs and Gua numbers, any object that evokes warm feelings and love associations in you, as well as two candles (one red and the other white), representing a man and a woman.

Be sure to place paired Feng Shui symbols in this sector: a pair of mandarin ducks (a symbol of constancy of love and happiness), butterflies (a symbol of joy and love), doves (the embodiment of romance) or geese (the personification of fidelity in marriage). This is an ideal area for storing erotic “paraphernalia”: objects for love pleasures, magazines, books and photographs of erotic content, essential oils, aphrodisiacs, erotic incense.

If you are single, post a photo of a loving couple in this area, as well as Stuffed Toys, boxes, valentines and cards in the shape of a heart.

In the Love and Marriage zone, you cannot use sharp objects, photographs of lonely and sad people, climbing and prickly plants, muzhegon and monstera.

Health Zone

The element of the Health zone is earth, its color is yellow, orange.

In the very center of the Bagua grid is the Health zone. If you want to live a long life, be sure to put things in order. Place wooden things, a pot of soil, indoor plants, clay jugs and green interior items in this sector - they will help improve your health. Also try to saturate this area with water landscapes, paintings of nature, sea pebbles and decorative boulders.

To activate the health zone, in addition to standard methods (intensified lighting), use more symbolic objects: a branch of bamboo, pine, an odd number of peaches, a figurine of a crane or deer. It is recommended to place a bonsai tree closer to the east of this zone. If there is a table in this sector of your apartment, decorate it with porcelain peaches (five or nine pieces), a porcelain figurine or a bowl of fruit.

The center of your apartment is also known as " spiritual center"or "center of luck." This place should be as well lit as possible, which will encourage the inhabitants of the house to communicate, have an interesting and exciting time together. Ideally, a large crystal chandelier containing many crystals should be located in the center of the apartment. The abundance of crystals helps spread Qi energy throughout your entire apartment.

Private rooms

If necessary, all of the above can be applied to very small areas: a room or even a table! It’s not for nothing that almost all Easterners put several figurines on their table. The most common table decoration is a metal saucer or a frog with a coin.

In order to determine the location of zones in a specific room, you need to do the same thing as you did when defining zones in the entire apartment: using a compass and a room plan, find the north, starting from which and using the Bagua grid, you will easily understand where the the zone you need.

What to do if some zones “fall out” of your apartment

Thanks to the delights of modern architecture, most of our apartments cannot boast of a square shape, and accordingly, when applying the Bagua grid to an apartment plan with sophisticated forms, some zones may simply be absent in a given room. In such a case, you can compensate for the missing zones by identifying and activating them in other rooms of the room.

Directions for zones outside your apartment

We have found out how to determine the Feng Shui zones in an apartment, but what to do if it seems to you that their activation is not enough? Naturally, the influence of Bagua is not limited to the boundaries of your apartment - they stretch to infinity, far beyond the walls of your home. Taking this into account, you can pay attention not only to the zone within your apartment, but also to the direction of this zone outside the apartment.

For example, by following the direction indicated by the zone of Love and Marriage, you increase the likelihood of meeting your betrothed. Are you hungry for a promotion? Take short walks in the direction indicated by the Career zone in the morning before work, and you will further activate the Career zone.

Let's sum it up

If it seems to you that it is quite difficult to form the Feng Shui of an apartment, the zones of which require so much attention, it is also worth noting that you may not have to change anything in your apartment! Often people, listening to their own instincts, do many things exactly as they should be! Apply a Bagua grid to the floor plan of your apartment and try to see if your own interpretations match the actual picture. In any case, if something is wrong, you can always correct the situation by getting closer to your own happiness and harmony! Once you do this, the desired effect will not be long in coming!

Feng Shui zones in an apartment are an amazing way to transform your life. About a thousand years ago, the ancient Chinese teaching of “feng shui” was born, which translated means “feng” - “wind”, and “shui” - “water”. The Chinese realized that the elements and the world generate energy on which our lives depend.

Living in certain places, the ancient Chinese began to notice that nature itself creates landscapes with at different levels energy: low and high. Therefore, having studied the “laws of nature”, they began to use the knowledge they acquired in Everyday life, settling in the most favorable and protected places. Ideally, the teaching involves not only the favorable arrangement of sectors in an apartment or room, but also the correct initial choice of place of residence.

What is the essence of the teachings of Feng Shui?

At present, of course, we are far from the landscape opportunities in which ancient people lived. Few people can afford to have a country house near the sea and mountains, surrounded by gardens and bushes. In the context of global urbanization, many seek to harmonize their personal homes in accordance with Eastern knowledge about pure vital energy Qi. Unfortunately, in a big city this is incredibly difficult, because a house or apartment should not be located near noisy places, old buildings, etc. As for the internal space, it can and should be harmonized.

How to independently determine zones

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, our home is a spiritualized living substance in which energy circulates, influencing our lives.

So, let's try to divide our home into zones of influence of this vital energy so that our life becomes more comfortable and harmonious.

First you need to know what zones exist. There are nine of them, according to the Bagua grid. The Bagua grid is one of the fundamental concepts of ancient Chinese teachings, which is a regular octagon with a center in the middle. This “sacred octagon” is divided into 9 sectors, including the central one, which is responsible for health. In order to understand which sector (zone) this or that part of your home belongs to, you need to know the cardinal directions in relation to your apartment. It is possible that you will need a compass for a more accurate determination.

Let's take a closer look at each zone

  1. The northern zone is responsible for career, business success and the overall dynamics of the room

    The colors correspond to it: from blue to black. The element is water, which geometrically takes the shape in which it is placed. To activate this zone, it is recommended to place in this part of the room everything related to water: paintings with seascapes, aquariums with fish, non-heating electrical appliances.

    Because, according to Feng Shui, electricity and magnetic fields are also related to water. The metal that supports water can be reflected in any metal decorative decoration (for example, coins tied with a red ribbon, or metal tubes - “wind chimes”). A positive talisman There will be aquariums with turtles and fish, all kinds of fountains, mirrors and a metal horseshoe.

  2. The south is responsible for the zone of fame, authority and social status

    Represents the element of fire, which is characterized by red hues. By working to activate this sector, you will achieve the desired results, fame and success much faster. To strengthen this sector, it is important to use triangular and pointed shapes, wood and fire. Various paintings depicting strong animals, blooming sunflowers and poppies, and sunrise are suitable here as decorative elements.

    Photos of famous and famous people will bring good luck successful people next to yours, fancy pointed lamps, scented candles, a peacock feather, etc. Reading special affirmations will also help to give strength to this sector, which will allow you to soon achieve universal respect and acquire solid authority.

  3. The area of ​​creativity, children and their relationships with parents is represented by the western sector

    Element - air. Without a doubt, children are the best expression of creativity! If you are still thinking about having offspring, you should definitely pay more attention to this sector. To activate this zone, metal decorations related to air (“wind music”, which necessarily consists of 7 bell tubes), white shades of the interior in the room, ceramics, crystals, and a horseshoe to attract good luck are suitable.

    In this part of the apartment it is good to place images with children and pets, and netsuke figures of children. The influence of this zone on labor will be very positive. creative people, if you place a workplace in it.

  4. Family relationships occupy one of the most important places in our lives. The east is responsible for this area

    The symbol of this zone is a tree. Therefore, it is very favorable to place something of plant origin in this part of the home. Moreover, this would also satisfy the main green color of this zone. It’s good to place a tree in a tub, fresh flowers with leaves up, bamboo shoots symbolizing eternal love, fidelity, reliability and well-being of the family. In order for harmony to reign in your home, it is very useful to place frames with family photographs on the wall, where everyone looks smiling and happy.

    Tall rectangular interior items made of wood will also have a positive effect. To enhance this, you can place objects related to water here. Sharp and piercing objects are extremely unfavorable; they will bring discord and misunderstanding into your family.

  5. The northeast is responsible for the zone of education and wisdom. Element - earth

    Beige, orange and yellow colors are favorable. Triangle and square shapes are good. It would be very positive to place a computer, a globe, textbooks, a crystal pyramid or a ball in which knowledge is concentrated here. Since this zone is responsible for studying, it would be good to hang your certificates, medals and other achievements in this area on the wall.

  6. Southeast - zone of prosperity and wealth

    IN modern world Welfare plays an important role. This zone corresponds to the element of wood. Favorable colors and shades of green, purple, gold. In this sector, the corresponding talismans that bring wealth and good luck “work” best. Chinese coins, figurines depicting a turtle or a three-legged toad sitting on coins, a large amethyst, various Chinese gods of wealth (smiling Hottei, Fuk with a large gold coin in his hands) will have a positive effect. Just place them in the southeast zone and you will soon see the results. Don’t forget that true abundance must first be formulated in your head. It is not for nothing that it is believed that thoughts are material.

  7. The northwestern zone is considered to be the zone of teachers, patrons and travel.

    The dominant element is metal. Square, round and oval shapes are favorable, as well as all shades of white and yellow. The placement in these places of images of distant countries and exotic landscapes, photographs of authoritative people, a metal bell, and crystals has a very good effect. You should not use bright lighting or candles in this part of the house, as fire damages the metal. Mainly this sector promotes support and protection from heavenly forces. Therefore, if this sector is correctly activated, their patronage will always accompany you on your life’s path.

    It is very important to install talismans in the form of figurines of the god Ganesha and Kuan Kung (Kuan Di). These talismans will bring good luck in business and protect against negative influence. Images of mountains will have a positive impact in this sector. By the way, by placing a picture of mountain landscapes in your office behind your back, you will always be under the reliable protection of their greatness even in the most difficult situations. But you should be wary of images of mountains near bodies of water, otherwise there is a risk of financial loss.

  8. Southwest - zone of marriage and love relationships

    Element - earth. Characteristic colors: from pink to red, shades of beige. Geometric shapes - triangular and square. In our life, love and happy relationships are the most significant and in demand. After all, when a person’s “soul sings,” any business becomes successful. The need to “love and be loved” is inherent in each of us by nature.

    Therefore, to improve the situation in this area, it is necessary to properly harmonize the energy in your home and the sector responsible for this area. If you are looking for a new relationship, then you should not hang photographs of your ex-partners or single people on the wall in this area. It is better to use hearts in the form of decorations or their images, bouquets of fresh flowers, equivalent paired items (a pair of doves, pillows, images of pairs of swans, flamingos). For greater effect, you can purchase a couple of bright red candles in a stone candlestick and crystals.

  9. The central zone in classical Feng Shui is traditionally occupied by the health sector

    It incredibly affects and influences all other areas, as we are convinced of every time when we are not in the best state of health. The dominant element is earth. Favorable colors - from beige to terracotta. Characteristic shapes are square and triangle. The area is not quite saturated in terms of volume of objects. A carpet in brown and sand tones and a beautiful chandelier look very good here. Very powerful protection There will be a purchase of talismans in the form of Fu dogs. It is believed that they protect the house from various evil spirits and negative energy. It will be auspicious to decorate the wall with an image of peaches, which have been the guardians of a successful married life since ancient times.

Wanting to change something in their lives, people resort to different methods. The ancient Chinese science of finding and activating the right areas, properly organizing space and building a map of desires has become very popular all over the world. If you really believe in this, you can actually attract the right events, people, and thereby achieve what you want.

Feng Shui zones - description and activation

There are several ways to determine the zones of an apartment according to Feng Shui, and all of them one way or another come down to a simple Ba Gua diagram. It has eight sectors around the circumference and one in the middle. These sectors have their own names. It’s just that the layout of the diagram is mirrored relative to the cardinal points. It needs to be drawn on thick paper or printed, and then cut out.

Next, you need to draw an exact plan diagram of the apartment, not forgetting to indicate all the rooms, windows and doors. The cardinal directions need to be plotted on this plan. You can identify them using a compass. But the measurements must be made in a room where there are no radio electronics that could throw the arrow in the wrong direction. After all these activities, all that remains is to compare the Ba Gua diagram and the plan of the apartment (house), not forgetting to turn the diagram over according to the mirror principle.

After such a comparison, you will see in which rooms this or that Feng Shui zone in the apartment is located. If you want to activate them, you need, if possible, to maintain the correct color scheme and place several symbols that are responsible for the selected goal. Remember that you do not need to activate all sectors at once. Start with the 2-3 most desirable ones that require strengthening at a particular moment. Once these areas are established, it will be possible to move on to other sectors.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

If you want to achieve material well-being, the Feng Shui money zone in your apartment should be activated. It is located in the southeastern part, its element is water. Fish (an image or a real aquarium), an indoor fountain, Money Tree, various talismans. The colors for decorating this room are green, beige, brown and purple. There should be a lot of light and air here, and it is better to get rid of unnecessary trash and disorder.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment

The southwestern part of the apartment is responsible for love and a happy family union. It corresponds to the element of earth, the characteristic colors are yellow, brown, red and their shades. To attract energy to a given zone, Feng Shui for the home requires decorating a room or a corner in it in the correct way. color scheme with the addition of several symbols - a porcelain couple of doves, mandarin ducks or swans, angels, kissing lovers, books about love, etc., as well as objects related to fire (candles, aroma lamp).

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The center of each home is the health zone according to Feng Shui. It unites all other sectors, but mainly affects a person’s well-being. Agree, it will be difficult for a sick person to achieve success in any area of ​​life. To activate this segment, you will need wooden items. For example, it could be on which there is a figurine depicting fruit, or a basket with real fruit. You can also hang a small crystal ball in the center of the apartment, which will guide positive energy in all directions.

Career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

In the northern part there is a feng shui career zone. Its nourishing element is metal, its element is water. Colors that activate this sector: white, gray, blue, black. It would be appropriate to place an indoor fountain or aquarium here and decorate it with a turtle mascot. It is advisable to place the computer and telephone in this part of the apartment. Things that remind you of work - a photo of the team, an item with corporate symbols - will not be out of place.

Family zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

According to the science of Feng Shui, the family zone is towards the east. It corresponds to the color green and its shades, the elements are water and wood. Here you need to place family photos, gifts from relatives, children's crafts (especially made of wood) and drawings. It is prohibited to place photographs of deceased relatives, thorny or dried plants, or stuffed animals in the family area.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone

Western Feng Shui zones in a room are places of creativity, hobbies and children. If you have difficulties in understanding each other with your child or want to reveal your talent, you need to activate this sector. To do this, select the lightest area of ​​the room, place fresh flowers and the child’s drawings here. Also, if you don’t know which Feng Shui zones to activate in the apartment, if you are just planning a child, then the western part of the apartment is what you need.

Feng Shui travel zone in the apartment

This sector, located in the northwest, is responsible not only for travel. Activating Feng Shui zones will also help attract useful people who will help you in difficult situations - Teachers. In this part of the apartment you can hang photos of people who helped you become, as well as figurines of the gods Ganesha and Guin. If you want to see the world, hang landscapes and images of attractions from those countries where you would definitely like to go.

Feng Shui Glory Zone

The southern part of the apartment is the glory zone. Its element is fire, its activation colors are red and green. Ideally, all awards for your achievements should be stored here - cups, medals, certificates, etc. A wooden or metal figurine of a crane, eagle or dove will contribute to even greater achievements and an excellent position in society. For this Feng Shui zone, a bright place is allocated in the apartment.

Feng Shui wisdom and knowledge zone

In the northeast, in the zone of wisdom, it is appropriate to locate a library, or at least. This is the most comfortable place to study, learn foreign languages, and acquire new skills. Objects directly related to all these processes will help activate the segment. Whereas it is better to get rid of low-grade literature, glossy magazines and piercing and cutting objects - they negatively affect the energy of knowledge.

Feng Shui Wish Map Zones

In addition to arranging the appropriate talismans around the house and decorating various rooms in the right colors, it is advisable to always have before your eyes a wish map, which is otherwise called a vision board. It is an additional “magnet” for attracting necessary events in your life. The difference between it and a vision board is that the Feng Shui zones in the apartment and on the map will coincide, that is, photographs and other images must be placed in strict accordance with the zones on the Ba Gua diagram, and not chaotically.

So, how to activate Feng Shui zones on the map:

  1. Start from the center of the map: place a photo of yourself here in which you are absolutely happy. This is the health zone.
  2. Place pictures above the center that symbolize your success. This is the glory zone.
  3. Under your photo, in the career area, there should be an image that corresponds to the desired profession and professional achievements in the chosen field.
  4. In the upper left corner, in the wealth zone, paste pictures with money and everything related to material wealth.
  5. In the wisdom sector, at the bottom left, you can place an image of a diploma and everything that obtaining the desired education can lead to.
  6. In the family sector, which is located between wealth and study, stick up family photos - yours or just happy married couples, if you don’t have a family.
  7. In the upper right corner, in the love zone, place all the symbols of this feeling - hearts, intertwined hands, kissing lovers. If you have a loved one, be sure to paste his photo.
  8. In the hobby and children's area, located below the love sector, stick pictures with objects that indicate your way of self-expression - books, musical instruments, paints and brushes, etc. If you want children, place here images of pregnant women, newborn babies, as well as what you do to give birth to healthy children - examples of proper nutrition, exercise.
  9. At the bottom right, in the area responsible for assistants and travel, you need to place pictures with places about the travels you dream of. And also a photo of a person who teaches and supports you.

The right motivation and environment created with the help of Chinese teachings is the first step towards change. All this contributes to the fulfillment of your aspirations. But remember that besides this, you yourself need to work hard on yourself and your life, make efforts and go towards your dreams and wonderful changes. Feng Shui will help you with this.

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The free flow of Qi energy is what the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui sees as the secret to a happy life. By organizing our home in accordance with her recommendations, we will create everything the necessary conditions so that health, love, luck, money come to him. How exactly to achieve this? Feng Shui of an apartment is a comprehensive concept, we will focus on the main points.

Determining Feng Shui zones in an apartment

A certain sector (zone) is responsible for each aspect of life in an apartment. Its activation leads to positive changes. But here it is important to know: what to activate and how. Let's start with the first one.

Any house is divided into 8 zones - according to the number of cardinal directions. Here they are, indicating the area of ​​responsibility of each of them:

  • north – career
  • northwest – travel and helpers
  • northeast – knowledge and wisdom
  • south – self-realization and glory
  • southwest – love and marriage
  • southeast - wealth
  • West – children and creativity
  • East – health and family.

We activate the necessary sectors

Now you need to determine which parts of your apartment they fall on. In other words, where, for example, is your wealth sector located - in the corner of the kitchen or near the entrance to the bedroom. There are three ways to find out:

  1. Ba Gua. The easiest way.
  • You need to draw a Ba Gua grid diagram on cardboard and cut it out. Here she is:
  • The next step is to reproduce the apartment plan on paper, displaying on it all the available premises, with the exception of balconies and loggias: rooms, kitchen, bath, toilet, storage room. Maintain the same scale as on the Ba Gua grid, as well as the real proportions of the rooms.
  • Remember where your windows face and connect the house plan with the Ba Gua octagon in a mirror image. If the windows face east, attach a line with their designation to the western sector on the grid. Now you can see where which zones in the apartment are located.
  1. Using a compass and protractor.
  • Again, you will need a plan of your apartment. It must be cut along the contour.
  • Now take a well-sharpened pencil and place the outline on its tip. We are looking for a balance point - a place where the paper does not fall from the pencil. This is the center of the apartment.
  • Using a compass, we determine the cardinal directions and plot them on the plan, but in a mirror image. That is, where south is, we write north, where west is east, and so on.
  • We connect the center of the protractor with the center of the apartment on the plan. We divide the apartment into 8 sectors (each 45 degrees). Now all sectors are at your fingertips.

A properly drawn up housing plan will help activate the right areas

Before activating specific zones, you need to harmonize the entire space of the apartment. Because if in one place everything is according to science, and in the rest - haphazardly, nothing will work out. So, where to start arranging an apartment according to Feng Shui:

  1. To clean up. This means not only washing the floor and wiping the floor, but also clearing away the rubbish, throwing away all unnecessary, unnecessary, broken things. By doing this, you will put things in order in your head, get rid of unpleasant memories and clear the way for positive thoughts. Nothing will distract you from making important decisions. If you do not dare to remove old clothes, toys, gifts from your life, this indicates that you are not ready to part with the past. And this will prevent you from moving on and you shouldn’t count on positive changes in this case.
  2. Correctly position the front door and objects at the entrance. This is important because Qi energy enters the house through the front door, and nothing should interfere with its further movement. That's why Entrance door should open inward, not outward.

Order in everything - both in the apartment and in thoughts.

If, when opening, it bumps into a wall or rests against a small and cramped hallway (corridor), this is bad. Hang large mirror, which will create the illusion of increased space.

Correct arrangement of objects is the key to favorable energy circulation

Do not place the TV with its screen facing a window or door. But on the contrary, it is better to place armchairs and chairs with their backs to the window.

  1. Choose suitable decorations and images for your home. Everything that is associated with negativity should leave the house. For example, paintings and photographs depicting suffering, pain, death. Only pleasant, positive things that bring a smile and pleasant memories. Then thoughts will be directed only towards improving life.
  2. Decorate the premises of the house in accordance with their purpose. The bedroom, for example, should be quiet and cozy. Nothing should interfere with a restful sleep. Therefore, there is no place for a computer or TV here. Avoid bright colors and create narrow passages.

Activation of the Feng Shui zones of the apartment

Now let’s move on to activating the sectors you need.

Sector of love and marriage. It is perhaps the most important for women. Located in the southwest. Responsible for all types of love: between a man and a woman, parents, relatives, as well as the intimate sphere.

To maintain strong marital relationships, place two candles in this sector - red and white. They will symbolize a man and a woman. You can tie the candles with a red ribbon. When disagreements arise, you need to light these candles for a short time to clear the subtle levels of energy.

For the same purpose, it is necessary that all objects in a given zone be paired. Two armchairs, two sofa cushions, a candlestick - only two-armed, and so on. There should be no portraits or photographs of single women or men. Violation of these rules can lead to divorce or the fact that the search for your soul mate will not be successful.

One of ancient sciences for organizing indoor space - Feng Shui, has become very popular in our country over the past few years. Feng Shui teaches us to discover our ability to achieve harmony in all spheres of human life, attract success, love and prosperity into your life.

To do this, you need to ensure that your home fully interacts with you, reflects not only your sense of style, but also helps in personal self-realization.

Feng Shui will also help correct the shortcomings of the room itself, hiding the incorrect layout and unsightly view from the window, correctly placing accents in the rooms, visually enlarging the space and making it multifunctional.

Show on zone diagram

One of the most common tools for organizing space is the Lo-Shu square. It represents a square of nine sections that needs to be superimposed on top of the room plan to analyze the placement of energies in the room. It looks like this:

Feng Shui teaches us that each sector of the Lo Shu square is responsible for a certain type of energy in your home and, by activating it, your life will come to absolute harmony, minimizing troubles and attracting good luck, love and material well-being.

To bring complete symmetry to the energy balance in your home, it is important to activate all its types. Special attention should be given to the sectors in which the entrances and windows in the room are located.

How to correctly determine

Take a blank piece of paper and draw a Lo Shu square on it. Next, you will need a plan of the room you want to feng shui transform.

If there is no ready-made drawing, you can draw it yourself in the form of a rough diagram: draw the exact outlines of the room, taking into account the location of windows, corners, entrances, ledges and niches, if any.

Now you need to determine the location of the room relative to the cardinal points. For getting exact result use the compass. If there is no compass, then you can navigate by the sunrise, which, as you know, rises in the east and sets in the west.

On the apartment plan, write down where north is, where south is, and so on. And then all you have to do is apply the Lo-Shu square to the apartment diagram, comparing the cardinal directions on the room plan with their location on the square.

So you locate different types of energies in the room and you can start directly decorating it with furniture and interior items.

Feng Shui zones

As Feng Shui teaches, competent activation of the energies of the Lo Shu square plays an important role. It occurs through the design of space, its decoration and stylization. Once you have determined the location of each zone, it is important to know what exactly should be in them.

  • North – Career. This sector is responsible for a person’s performance, career growth and ambitions. He is often credited with financial well-being. The element of this zone is Water, so to activate it, place an aquarium with fish, a decorative fountain or an image of a river or waterfall in it. Important: the body of water must be flowing; do not hang a picture with a lake or swamp in the Career zone.
  • Northeast - Knowledge. Responsible for the spiritual and intellectual development of a person. Helps to maintain clarity of thinking and self-improvement in any situation. The symbol of the sector is Mountains. To activate, place several minerals, stones or their image in it.
  • East – Family. The zone responsible for relatives and close people. To awaken this energy, place several photographs of you and your loved ones in the Family sector. The patron of the eastern zone is the Tree.
  • Southeast – Wealth. This zone is responsible for a person’s material well-being. Its symbol is the so-called “money tree”. To make the energy of Wealth work for you, store vases and living plants, wicker furniture, and paintings in wooden frames in this sector.
  • South – Glory. The Glory Zone corresponds to your reputation and authority among the people around you. Fire is considered its patron. Place light fixtures, a fireplace, and candles in the southern zone.
  • Southwest – Love. The Love Zone is responsible for your relationships with the opposite sex, both in work and in your personal life. Its symbol is the Earth. To activate the energy of Love, place paired figurines and fresh flowers in this sector.
  • West – Creativity. Many Feng Shui scholars also attribute protection over children to this zone. It is directly related to the creative and artistic self-realization of a person. Air is considered the patron saint of the West. Place mirrors and crystal objects in the sector.
  • North West – Travel. The talisman of the northwestern sector is metal. To activate its energy, store coins, metal jewelry, figurines and souvenirs from trips here.
  • Center – Health. Main area indoors. According to Feng Shui, it should not be cluttered with furniture and decorative trinkets. Try to leave it open, since this is where all energy flows from other zones will intersect.

By date of birth

In order to attract good luck, good health and material well-being into their lives, people resort to various magical talismans and amulets. The teachings of Feng Shui say that Each person has his own patron element who helps in any difficult situations and protects.

There is a special Feng Shui horoscope based on date of birth. To understand which element is yours, pay attention to the last digit in your year of birth and read your horoscope:

  • 0. Metal – Yang. A person of this sign has enormous power will and tough character. Often stubborn and straightforward, he is demanding of close people.
  • 1. Metal – Yin. These are very proud and smart people. The love of cleanliness and order is brought to the point of paradox. They crave attention and admiration from others. Gambling.
  • 2. Water – Yang. Impatient and impulsive. People of this sign live with a feeling of acute lack of time. They love to travel, but are reluctant to enter into serious relationships.
  • 3. Water – Yin. They are good-natured and very noble by nature, and categorically do not accept violence and aggression. They try to avoid conflicts, which is why they accumulate negative emotions and often fall into a depressive state.
  • 4. Tree – Yang. Principled and stubborn. Such people become excellent leaders. They love and know how to work and earn money. They always finish what they start. But they don’t accept compromises.
  • 5. Wood – Yin. Unobtrusive and shy, people of this sign in the Feng Shui horoscope often devote themselves to art. They have a very well developed sense of beauty. They are open and sincere with others, which is why they always become good, reliable friends.
  • 6. Fire - Yang. Very hot-tempered. Often an absurd situation can lead to conflict. They show aggression and impatience unconsciously and quickly cool down. Such people are generous and always try to help their loved ones.
  • 7. Fire - Yin. Cautious and suspicious. TO strangers are distrustful. Rarely share personal information, feelings and emotions. But if a person of this sign becomes your close friend or soulmate, you can be sure that in a difficult situation for you, he will put your interests above his own.
  • 8. Earth – Yang. Conservative and slow. They don't like fuss. They are ready to talk for hours about pressing problems, but are in no hurry to take action. Dreamers. But they don’t know how to relax completely.
  • 9. Earth – Yin. Selfless and somewhat nervous. They love nature. They easily follow the lead of others because of their boundless faith in people. They live in constant stress and tension.
