Magic ball of predictions for making decisions - how to use? Magic crystal ball, clairvoyance instrument or energy accumulator? Clairvoyance Ball

Working with a crystal ball can be considered as an independent technique, or as a preparation for “pure” clairvoyance, without the use of any objects. Previously, such balls were made from beryl crystals, but now, with the development of technology, it has been possible to obtain balls from natural rock crystal. Rhinestone itself enhances psychic abilities, helps to tune in to subtle energies, serves as a guide.

So, for classes you need choose a quiet room, where you are guaranteed not to be disturbed. Lighting should be dim, barely visible. During the day, even very thick curtains will not be enough, so it is better to wait until dusk. As this ability develops and better contact is established, all these conventions will become unnecessary, and an experienced clairvoyant will be able to evoke visions in him at will under any conditions.

Then the ball should be prepared for the session. To do this, you need to install it in such a way that it displays as few objects as possible. Black fabric is best for this. Drape it around the objects around you. Make sure there are no unnecessary mappings in the ball.

Now that everything is ready, you should tune in to the vision. To do this, close your eyes and sit as relaxed as possible for a few minutes. Try to free your head from obsessive thoughts, calm your feelings, and enter a calm and stable state. Pay attention to your breathing - it should become measured and slow down slightly.

When you feel strong and at peace, open your eyes and look into the depths of the ball. Peer into the ball in a relaxed manner, avoiding tension. Do not allow your will and attention to dissipate; gently but persistently return them to the crystal ball. For the first session, 10-15 minutes are enough. You should not tell anyone about your activities until you get a lasting result.

After several weeks, the ball may appear “cloudy” to you, as if it is covered in fog or a milky haze. Thus, the ball ceases to be transparent, and a background is formed in it for the appearance of images. Here, in no case should you show emotions - joy, surprise - or excessive expectations. Emotions will immediately knock you out of the desired state. Vice versa, relax and calm down even more.

If you have the appropriate predisposition, you will begin to distinguish vague and unclear images in the ball. Most likely, it will be a chaotic accumulation of different objects, static images or dynamic, small scenes. These may be incomprehensible symbols, not fully developed and incomplete, or scenes from your childhood. Most often, such visions are built on the basis of our associations and resemble dream plots. In order to evoke certain visions in the ball that provide answers to questions, additional exercises are required, as well as development of will and concentration.

Science Explains Crystal Ball Visions a kind of self-hypnosis. Indeed, many stages are very similar: relaxation, calm, concentration, manifestation of will. A more prosaic explanation: the viewer simply gets tired of prolonged concentration of attention, and his imagination begins to helpfully play along with him. However, both of these explanations do not apply to those cases where, with the help of the ball, it is possible to find lost objects, or to see exactly what is happening in the houses of relatives living at a great distance.

The space around us is filled with images and information, both about the past and present, as well as about future events. It depends only on the conductor what images he will catch, and in particular - how he interprets them. The interpretation of the resulting images is no less important than their receipt. In order to correctly interpret symbols and events, a clairvoyant must have a high level and extensive life experience.

And finally, a few more tips:

No matter how interesting the images in question may seem to you, the time of sessions should be deliberately limited. In the first six months, their duration should not exceed 30 minutes, and subsequently - one hour.

Once a week you should cleanse the ball of the energy projected onto it. To do this, simply immerse it in salt water for several hours.

If you want to speed up the results, try fumigating your practice room with incense sticks that smell like incense or sandalwood.

Keep your ball out of reach of others, wrapped in an opaque, preferably black, material. Do not lend your session ball to other people. If you were forced to do this, clean it with salt water as described above.

Remember that visions in the ball can reflect not only real events, but also your fears and doubts, so you should not absolutely trust everything you see.

My dears, this is for those who practice with a magic ball, as well as for those who would like to practice, but do not know how to do it! Firstly, first you need to choose your ball. It is ideal to choose a rock crystal ball, but you can also use glass. The main thing is that it must be free of defects, absolutely transparent and clean. The cut of the magic ball must be perfectly polished and even. The size of the ball is also important for the owner. It should not be small: for beginning trainees you need a ball of 10 cm or more. If you decide to choose a magic ball for yourself, take a close look at it. Looking closely, you will see a halo around the ball - this is its radiation, and it should be brownish-blue. As many people write in books and on the Internet, a real ball for clairvoyance should emit “dark light” - this is not necessary. It all depends on the crystal and glass. The magic ball is unique in that it can emit light in the twilight and absorb light in the light. The magic ball is stored on a stand, best of all it should be black, and even better if you make it yourself. My dears, of course, you can take any other stand (glass is also suitable) and paint it with black paint or varnish, in which it would be nice to add powdered wormwood. The main thing is that there should be a recess in the center of the stand so that your Magic Ball does not roll off. On the holder of your Ball you need to write on four sides, if it is square, and if it is round, then evenly in a circle the name of one of the four archangels: Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel. You can replace their names with the corresponding images of the Zodiac signs - Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus. The Magic Ball should only stand on your desktop, covered with a black tablecloth (satin or velvet). In the room in which you are going to work with it, you need to create twilight, and you also need to place four black candles around the perimeter. Before work, you need to turn on the incense, aroma lamp, or lamp, and first clean the room.

The main thing is to create an environment where you will not experience any physical discomfort or negative feelings. Nothing should bother you. You need to relax and under no circumstances should you be nervous or work with the Ball under nervous stress. You need to start working only with the Magic Ball when you completely renounce your problems and leave all your emotions.

And now we move on to the most important thing, to activating the Magic Ball! When you are ready and the room corresponds to the above, you just need to look inside the ball, as if through it, and at a distance of about 20 cm from the eyes to the ball and mentally concentrate on your question. Don’t try to see anything, but simply first connect with the aura of the Magic Ball - this practice, which I give at the master class, must be done once to activate the Ball in relation to you! Even when activated, images may come to you and this is good, it means you have activated your Ball. Remember! Activation may not work the first time, don’t despair, it means there are emotions or something that is bothering you. In this case, postpone the activation to another day.

Eat useful tips, for example, before a session it would be good to drink an infusion of chicory, which has a tonic effect. Since the chicory herb is influenced by the sign of Libra, which gives the Ball magical properties and, of course, the most favorable period is when the Moon enters the full moon phase, since there is a family relationship between rock crystal and the Moon.

How does this usually happen? Take a deep breath and exhale, your breathing and thoughts should calm down. When you enter into meditation on the Magic Ball, over time, a colored glow in the form of circles will appear before your eyes, which will turn into images. The main thing is not to allow verbal thoughts to appear that can interrupt the practice. Then you need to light the candles, the room should be immersed in darkness, and you should sit comfortably in front of the table, put your hands on it and carefully look at the crystal for half an hour, but no more. The light of the candles will be reflected by numerous glows in your Magic Ball. Your fields with the Ball are united and even if you have not received a definite answer, it can come within 3 days at night in a dream.

I would like to warn you that the energy consumption when working with the Magic Ball is very high, and sessions can be carried out for no more than 30 minutes, and the most optimal option is 15 minutes. That’s why the Magic Ball is Magic, as it has the ability to take energy, so you shouldn’t abuse it. For the first time, working with the Magic Ball should take no more than five minutes. If your eyes begin to water, it means that the experiment has gone on for too long and it is too early for you to be in contact with the Magic Ball for a long time!

At first, even if you practice every day with the Ball, you should not increase the duration of the session for a while. The ability to evoke visual images plays a major role in working with the Magic Ball.

A more complex process is clairvoyance, when the practitioner sees events occurring somewhere far in the past, present, or can look into the future. But for this you need to properly train your vision and have good protection, and always be on the rise in energy, doing pumping practices. The Magic Ball is just a portal through which images of the past, preserved in the memory of the soul and consciousness, are reflected.

During a session-practice of clairvoyance with the Magic Ball in its form and field, each modulated cosmic energy radiation (CE quanta) falling at an angle of 180 degrees is reflected parallel to the optical axis, and a reduced panoramic image is created in the eye of the observer. It seems as if the clairvoyant image is inside a crystal ball.

Focusing on one object for a long time can lead to inhibition of certain brain functions. This effect can be observed in the moment of helplessness of a bird, when its gaze is focused on the brilliant eyes of a snake, or in the involuntary submission of a roaring lion or other wild animal to the gaze of its trainer. At the same time, those who gaze long and continuously into a crystal or glass ball, an opal or moonstone, a sapphire or a tiger's eye, may find themselves partially hypnotized or even fall into a deep sleep. Therefore, be extremely careful.

It was believed that the induced state, be it semi-trance, hypnosis, or simply the work of the imagination, allowed one to look into the future. Perhaps this hypnotic effect is produced by some kind of flickering or special light of the stone, attracting and holding the owner’s gaze. Moon rock, sapphire, tiger's eye - all these stones have a moving light, and the inhabitants of the East were considered stones that bring good luck. Indeed, in the East they believed that a living good spirit lived in these stones (source from the Internet). I would like to remind you that we (our souls) came to undergo the experience of incarnation from Mineral to God of man!

After each practice, you need to rinse the Magic Ball with running water, or put it in a solution with sea salt to wash away the accumulated negative energy and the memory of that session. Your Ball should be stored covered with a dark and thick cloth and away from prying eyes. Under no circumstances should you put it on public display, as many practitioners and magicians do, and also do not store it in the room where you sleep; if you have one room, then you need to buy a chest for it. Remember, there should not be a TV, computer or other office equipment near it. Since your Magic Ball is very sensitive, it is able to capture negative feelings, emotions and dark entities from the surrounding space

Attention! Sessions with the Magic Ball should be performed no more than three times a week, otherwise energy exhaustion may occur and there will be no benefit from the implementation.

Crystal ball for clairvoyance and predictions. A good crystal ball for fortune telling should be quite large in size - at least 10 centimeters in diameter, and absolutely transparent, made of ultra-precise cut crystal or optical glass. A “dark light” should emanate from it - the feeling is that in daylight or artificial light it absorbs, and in the dark, on the contrary, it glows slightly.

When you choose a ball for the first time, you should take turns picking up several of different sizes and optical abilities. Choose the one that seems warm to you. The “crystal eye” should be stored in a closed cabinet or box. Under no circumstances should you put it on public display in the room where you sleep or receive guests. It's even worse if there is a TV next to it. Your magical instrument is extremely sensitive, it is able to pick up negative feelings, emotions and dark entities from the surrounding space. Even being in the most deserted room, he will gradually accumulate enough negative energy and begin to “broadcast” it during fortune telling sessions. That is why the ball is stored in a tightly closed box, and cleansed with water from time to time.

To work with crystal ball you will need a black velvet cloth and a candle. Try to achieve diffused lighting by moving the candle. After all preparations are completed, begin to peer into the ball, concentrating on the desired information. Just think about it, but don’t imagine or call it before your inner gaze. The session should be completed no later than 30 minutes, otherwise it is easy to become a slave to the ball and begin to give it your energy.

In ancient times, the best magic stone was considered quartz. And not only because this mineral, which was called ice that has lost the ability to melt (Krystallos - in Greek “ice”), is transparent and pure, like frozen water, but also because, unlike glass, it has an interesting quality: it is always cold to the touch. Patricia Ancient Rome In hot weather, rock crystal balls were used to cool hands. And jewelers have long checked its authenticity by applying it to the cheek to feel the coolness...

Which crystal ball is better?

However, quartz (rock crystal) was valued not only for appearance and coolness. In the old days, it was believed that it contained magical energy and that the sun's rays, passing through the crystal, became healing. And therefore crystal balls were applied to the wounds. Some peoples of Tibet still practice this method of treatment today.

Crystal was also revered by mystics as a stone of intuition and supersensible perception. This attitude towards him has survived to this day. Experts in the field of bioenergy believe that the radiation of this mineral resonates with the highest (parietal) energy center of a person - the Sahasrara chakra, which is responsible for the invisible connection of a person with the Cosmos. They say that the light that escapes from rock crystal after repeated refractions and reflections activates the brain, gives clarity to thinking, concentrates thought, excites imagination, spiritualizes, promotes insight and the perception of “cosmic” information...

Today, crystal balls are also held in high esteem. And it’s not just that a carefully polished crystal sphere looks very impressive. Here is a rare case when form and content are in complete harmony. The perfect ball allows the best way open up to the unique possibilities inherent in the rock crystal crystal. So, in any case, this is what modern scryers think - “glass predictors.” They, like their ancient predecessors, are convinced that balls allow you to see the invisible, recognize the unknown, travel both to the past and to the future...

Crystal balls were a mandatory part of rituals for guessing the future, since crystal was considered closely related to supersensible perception. Fortune telling by crystal balls and solid crystals (in this case they were called magical) was extremely common in the Middle Ages.

The fortuneteller placed a magic ball or crystal on the polished surface of the table. Candles were placed around. The reflections of the fireplace, gold embroidery, weapons, candles were reflected in the rock crystal. And so, when the props were selected, the audience was electrified, the fortuneteller sat down in front of the magical talisman and concentrated. After being in a trance for some time, he began to broadcast.

Crystal is probably one of the record holders of the mineral kingdom for mentions in church and secular literature, in lapidariums and medical books, manuals on magic and fortune-telling books. The Great Paracelsus (real name Philip Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), physician, naturalist, even wrote separate chapter“What should be done with the crystal” so that all objects and phenomena in the book Magical and Alchemical Writings can be seen in it...
Don't think that modern science ignored the phenomenon of the magic crystal ball.

The crystal ball is still a well-known prop of many fortunetellers and clairvoyants today. Professional diviners use a crystal ball (magic crystal) solely for the benefit of their clients: it gives the entire clairvoyance process something mystical, mysterious and unearthly.

crystal ball has a greater advantage over a flat mirror. The clairvoyant pictures received through the ball are brighter and more specific.
In the past, balls were made from quartz or beryl, but with the development of high-quality glass, natural crystal has almost fallen out of use. Since natural quartz is a conductor of cosmic energy, it is still better to use it than artificial glass.

Crystal ball and clairvoyance session

For clairvoyance experiments, balls made of rock crystal or normal glass with a diameter of 70 to 120 cm are best suited.
For the ball, you need to make a square stand from a board 3-4 cm thick, suitable for the size of the ball. To prevent it from rolling, make a spherical depression in the center of the board. Paint the stands with black paint containing finely ground wormwood. Many magicians write the names of the four Kabbalistic archangels around the perimeter of the stand: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, or their symbolic images with the signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. But this is optional.
The crystal is the main object in the art of divination, and the greatest importance is attached to it. As for other attributes, it is important that the fortuneteller does not experience any physical discomfort or unpleasant sensations that would interfere with his mind. Moreover, the nervous system should be in a relaxed state, so, for example, after eating you need to rest before starting fortune telling.

Before fortune telling, you can drink an infusion of chicory leaves, which has a tonic effect. Moreover, this herb is influenced zodiac sign Libra, which gives the stone magical properties. Astrologers say that the most favorable period is when the Moon enters the full moon phase, since there is a kind of family relationship between rock crystal and the Moon.
One of the methods recommended by fortunetellers is the following: place a crystal ball on the table, surround it with a velvet black curtain, and place seven wax candles in front of the curtain. Then you need to light the candles, the room should be immersed in darkness, and the fortuneteller should sit comfortably in front of the table, put his hands on it and carefully look at the crystal for half an hour, but no more. The reflections of the candles will be reflected by numerous points in the crystal. The psi-field of the crystal continues to be in rapport with the fortuneteller and remains with him after the fortune-telling session, even during sleep.
A fortuneteller using a magic crystal must strictly limit the time of the experiment. The first time one can guess for no more than five minutes, during which he should try not to think about anything extraneous, especially when looking at the sphere. If your eyes start to water, it means the experiment has gone on too long.

Even after gaining some experience, you should not increase the duration of the process by more than a few minutes at a time. The ability to evoke visual images plays a major role in crystal divination. The image, before appearing on the surface of the crystal, appears in the imagination of the fortuneteller, and the image on the crystal is, as it were, its projection. It occurs if you recall some scenes from the recent past or remember someone’s face and consider it as part of consciousness.
If it is possible to embody an internal image, then this will already be called fortune telling. A more complex process is clairvoyance, when a fortuneteller recognizes events occurring somewhere far in the past, present, or looks into the future. How to perceive the conclusions of the experiment depends on your personal attitude towards premonitions and prophecies. The crystal is just the basis of a hologram, which reflects images of the past preserved in memory, soul and consciousness.

The process of fortune telling is easy to understand from a physical point of view: there is an aura around the crystal, that is, it has a psi field (torsion field).

During a session of fortune telling or clairvoyance using a magic crystal, its spherical psi-field reflects each modulated cosmic energy radiation (CE quanta) incident at an angle of 180 degrees parallel to the optical axis and creates a reduced panoramic image in the eye of the observer. It seems as if the clairvoyant image is inside a crystal ball.

Focusing on one object for a long time can lead to inhibition of certain brain functions. This effect can be observed in the helplessness of a bird as its gaze focuses on the brilliant eyes of a snake, or in the involuntary submission of a roaring lion or other wild animal to the gaze of its trainer. At the same time, those who gaze long and continuously into a crystal or glass ball, an opal or moonstone, a sapphire or a tiger's eye, may find themselves partially hypnotized or even fall into a deep sleep.

It was believed that the induced state, be it semi-trance, hypnosis, or simply the work of the imagination, allowed one to look into the future. Perhaps this hypnotic effect is produced by some kind of flickering or special light of the stone, attracting and holding the owner’s gaze. Moonstone, sapphire, tiger's eye - all these stones have moving light and the inhabitants of the East were considered stones that bring good luck. Indeed, in the East they believed that a living good spirit lived in these stones.


A magic crystal ball has been used since time immemorial by magicians, doctors, healers and psychics in clairvoyance, hypnosis and healing.
In the past, the magic ball was made of beryllium quartz, but with the development of high-quality optical crystal with perfect transparency and a molecular crystal lattice that is capable of receiving, holding, reflecting and transmitting information like a TV screen, natural crystal has fallen out of use and given way to optical crystal.

A magical crystal ball is a well-known prop of many fortune tellers and clairvoyants. Who doesn’t know the paintings that depict an old gypsy woman with a black raven on her shoulder and a sparkling glass ball in her hands?

Particularly popular in ancient times were “burning glasses” - balls made of rock crystal, with which doctors in Rome cauterized wounds, and the so-called “crystal ball of magicians” was used for fortune telling. These balls, which appeared in ancient times, were a rare work of art.

It was this crystal ball that the great magician Cagliostro used for his sessions in the 19th century. He gathered 10-12 children aged 7-15 years at a round table. These were the children of parents of high society in St. Petersburg. Cagliostro conducted hypnosis sessions with them, later transferring them into clairvoyance sessions.
Children with a vivid imagination liberated themselves and, unexpectedly for themselves and the adults present, began to see future events in the ball.
Professional prophets of the past, present and future use the crystal ball in their daily work - it gives the whole process of clairvoyance something mysterious and supernatural. An experienced clairvoyant, as well as a “novice” in this field, needs a crystal ball, since it represents the optimal aid for achieving clairvoyance with open eyes.

Pure crystal and optical glass balls are expensive, but the price is worth it if you work with them. Even being present during treatment helps in healing.


Determined by the shape of a ball, with the ideal transparency of optical crystal, the spherical psi-field reflects every incident at an angle of 180 degrees. The simulated cosmoenergetic radiation is parallel to the optical axis and connects a reduced panoramic image in the observer’s eye.
It seems that the image of clairvoyance (Fig. 1, symbol B) is located inside the crystal ball.

The progress of clairvoyance experiments with a crystal ball becomes clear from the exercise report of Klaus K. from Munich: “I have been working with a crystal ball for some time now, and the successes achieved speak for themselves. At the beginning of each experiment, I immersed myself in degree 2 consciousness so that I could concentrate completely on the crystal ball. Most days I worked in the evening by candlelight.

In the beginning I saw a wild confusion, which I assume was mental images or visions that I was not concentrating on. And yet these images were well recognizable.

Later, I allowed mental images to slide past my consciousness. At the same time, I chose the most distinct ones in order to revive them in my ball. Often I saw a terrible face, various items, cities and landscapes.

Now I am able to see clear images of any processes of the past, present and future at any time, whenever I wish. So, for example, I often “observed” my friends in their activities or followed historical events in my crystal ball, like on a TV screen, only in smaller sizes, but more reliable in detail and in three dimensions...”
Klaus K.'s report shows the greatest advantage that the clairvoyance ball has over a black mirror, the clairvoyance pictures received through the ball are brighter and more specific. It goes without saying that we can carry out all clairvoyance experiments with a black mirror, but if we want to achieve especially good results, we should practice with a clairvoyance ball.

Exercise 1:

Option 1

The crystal ball will now serve us as an object of concentration, so that by observing it, we can experience inner knowledge, open new spheres and planes of the other side of our reality, taking them visually.

Everything we see or experience could have already happened many years ago, it can happen in the present and in the future. It has been found that when we look through a crystal ball, we can expand and deepen our consciousness.

A clairvoyance ball, a candle or small lamp, various incense (incense, sandalwood bark, incense), a clairvoyance exercise protocol form.

In a quiet room, we place a crystal ball for clairvoyance on the table in front of us, with the light falling on the ball from behind. At first, the close surroundings will begin to be reflected in the ball, but after a short breath the reflections will disappear, and foggy streaks and images of clouds will appear, which should precede the vision itself. The lamp (candle) should be installed in such a way that the illumination falls only on the ball, but the entire room remains in darkness; for this, a 20-watt lamp or an ordinary church candle is quite enough.

We spread a black tablecloth under the ball. Those who wear glasses must first remove them. First, we need to check whether we have set the distance correctly, then we direct our gaze to the ball. This should happen as if we were looking through the ball somewhere far into the distance, the eye should be tuned to infinity, as it usually happens somewhere in nature when we look into the distance.
After a few exercises, it will no longer be so difficult to control your gaze. In the future, this will be installed automatically as soon as we sit down in a chair.

Breathing should be smooth and calm, flowing easily and energetically through the entire body. All reflexes that interfere with us gradually stop and soon disappear completely.

Gradually our thoughts calm down and we are filled with deep peace, after which we are freed from all thoughts and experience a feeling of emptiness in our heads. The fatigue that sets in soon, thanks to him, very quickly gives way to pleasant anticipation.
We surrender to our intuition and watch with interest our thoughts that begin to arise in us or to which we tuned in when we set ourselves up for the ball.

We know how they begin to light up in the ball various images, and suddenly we begin to see something with amazing clarity. This could be: a symbol, a word, a whole sentence, some scene with people moving like in a movie frame.

A person practicing clairvoyance will in some cases experience nothing other than the feeling that in this moment he is an observer who views everything from the outside, but experiences the events that happen inside.
To exercise with a ball, first of all, you need patience; only then can you get the desired success.

You should not exceed the norm for an activity, which is 30 minutes, because the energy charge is enough for this period.

It will be enough to conduct classes twice a week. After 3-4 lessons, an attentive listener already acquires a certain skill sufficient to complete a cycle of lessons on this topic. In any case, it depends on the potential that each of them will have individually. Each lesson can be continued until then. As long as the pleasant sensations remain during the session. If you feel tired during the exercise, you should stop sitting in front of the clairvoyance ball and immediately return to real life.

It is very important to use all emerging images correctly, since unwanted ones may appear, due to which we will waste time on imagination, which is why our goals are simply unrealizable. Images from the past, present and future may appear. In this case, we must carefully consider and weigh them. We should definitely double-check all the answers we receive to our questions, and approach this check critically in order to find out the meaning. Since they often need to be understood symbolically, only the interpretation of the symbol can give the correct answer. If living people you know appear in the ball, then you should contact them, since perhaps they unconsciously called you and at the moment need your help.

Exercise 2:
Clairvoyance using a crystal ball
Option 2

1. Clear the magic ball from other people’s influence (with water, mantras and spells).
2. Close the door of your room so that no one disturbs you and place a magic ball in front of you.
3. The room should be in darkness. Then place a screen made of a white sheet of paper behind the magic ball and a candle on the left, so that it is not reflected directly in the ball.
4. Look at the center of the ball. Don't blink. This is a forty-minute experience in two or three days you will be able to freely not blink (the exercise for the eyes is absolutely harmless, at the same time you are practicing your magical gaze, which is necessary in hypnosis).
5. Set a program (goal) to acquire the gift of clairvoyance.
6. Enter a state of altered consciousness (trance).

7. Achieve emptiness of consciousness, that is, do not think about anything and imagine that not a single thought in the form of a word can enter your head.
8. Concentrate your attention on the information you want, without consciously wanting to receive it.
9. Make sure that a fog (veil) floats before your eyes - this is the transitional state when you see the image and running pictures in the ball. Usually it occurs 3-7 days after your classes.

Remember this state so that you can evoke it by looking at the magic ball at any time.
The exercise is repeated for 21 days for better clairvoyance; record everything you see in your diary.

Note 1.
Working with the ball is one of the ways to completely open the third eye and go beyond the illusion of space and time. You can meditate alone or together. In the latter case, the partners sit opposite each other, the ball is placed in the middle. Close your eyes halfway and constantly peer into the ball, concentrate your thoughts and establish silence. As soon as the third eye opens, you can see energy in the ball.
These images will become clearer and clearer as you practice. Trust your images. If the flow of intuitive expression continues, attunement with the ball is possible when the images become clear and unambiguous.

Note 2.
Most crystal balls have impurities - vortices that look like a galaxy, clouds, or a rainbow is visible inside them. It is better to use such balls in meditation to achieve greater spiritual purity.
This meditation is performed like this: take a ball and alternately bring each hand to your heart and third eye. Then look closely at the ball for about three minutes and let a beam of white light into your consciousness. Maintain this state for up to 30 minutes, transferring your concentration from the outer ball to the inner experience of this light.
Note 3.
It is recommended to clean the magic ball when purchasing or giving it to you. Cleaning helps the ball more easily accept a new home and a new owner. The easiest way to clean a magic ball is to use the healing powers of nature, or more precisely, the regenerating properties of the sun and water. With this method, the ball is held in the hand under running water under a tap, then placed in the sun for at least 30 minutes. After this, wipe with a clean cotton cloth. A magic ball that has been severely depleted or has been used to do evil can be cleaned with salt (preferably sea salt). Pour salt into the bottom of a clean glass bowl, place a ball, completely cover it with salt and leave for three days. Salt draws out impurities, neutralizes negative charges, and restores harmony in the magic ball. Afterwards, rinse the ball in cold water and dry in the sun. Salt must be thrown away; it cannot be used.

Exercise 3:
Working with photography through a crystal ball

We will take a photograph of a person close to us in order to, through this exercise, learn the ability of clairvoyance and strengthen our sensitive perception.

Through an experiment with photography, we will increase the sensitive abilities of our perception. We will activate our cosmic energy and thus turn off the inhibitory effect of the waves on our waking consciousness. Thanks to this, we become “observers” and “receivers” of events, processes and scenes that are hidden from our normal senses.

We again go to the place for meditation and exercises and enter a state of paranormal perception. We place the photograph we have chosen on a special stand under a crystal ball in our field of vision and very carefully begin to capture all the details of the appearance of the photographed person.
All this should happen without any pressure, tension or effort of will.
The photograph under the crystal ball acquires volume, facial features come to life.
If you choose a photo of your boyfriend or girlfriend, then remember the last meeting with them and a strong feeling should appear.
Then you close your eyes, lean back completely relaxed and drive thoughts away from your soul. You can formulate a specific question for yourself, you can register completely unexpected impressions within yourself and then write it all down for control.
You collect all the impressions and responses to record them in writing. You do this for a week, then you talk to the person in the photograph and compare your impressions with the actual events that this person actually experienced, while you notice even the smallest details for yourself. This exercise can be done with different people.

There is no specific time limit for this exercise; it all depends on your constitution, your condition and personal strength.

It will be sufficient to conduct classes twice a week and, above all, when you are able to cope with the volume of other exercises.


The basic rule of every occult experience is not to use a single object without first consecrating it (with holy water), and not to begin a single task without invoking the Invisible.
Therefore, any attempt at clairvoyance using a crystal ball must be preceded by cleansing and prayer.
Goodness, love for our Lord, love for neighbor - must be the first and a necessary condition clairvoyant. Only then will he be able to receive reliable information and use it without dire consequences.
The formula of Nostradamus was often successfully used in evoking planetary and other spirits by magicians of past centuries. Old treatises say: “Having obtained a good transparent crystal ball, in which spirits have not yet been invoked, a clairvoyant can use it for all purposes, since sometimes even frivolous questions are permissible, which can be beneficial for the everyday life of the experimenter, but not you need to use the stone for evil purposes, make a vow to God in this regard in fiery prayer when consecrating the stone. In your prayer you should not resort to intermediaries, but with firmness and humility hope that God will send a patron spirit, asking him to appear, and when he appears, ask him to give advice that he finds necessary.

1. Ask him on what days and hours he will appear to you, as well as about the time when you can call on other spirits.
2. Ask him to protect your crystal and not allow evil spirits appear in it, and in case of such an appearance, warn you in time so that both he and you can take measures to protect yourself.
3. Having agreed on all this, let him go because on the first call you should not keep him for more than half an hour.
After summoning him for the second time, you must conjure him three times with a firmly defined intention before asking him questions. If it does not disappear, then you can completely rely on it.

From now on, there is no inconvenience in continuing calls for as long as it is convenient for you and the angel.
If he wishes to leave, then this does not require your sending. But don't forget to read the leave at the end of the call.

When invoking any atmospheric or other lower spirit, for example, the spirit of a deceased person, do not forget the expression “if it is convenient and pleasant for you and gives you pleasure.” This attitude is recommended especially when addressing a patron or higher spirit. In addition, one should not burden the angel with all sorts of errands indiscriminately, and in particular one should not entrust him with anything related in one way or another to receiving money. In such cases, although he will dutifully fulfill your demands and provide you with the desired information and visions, sooner or later the disastrous consequences of your thoughtless demands will fatally make themselves felt.
If you have a good crystal, do not distrust it, but take steps to ensure that the information is true. received through him.


Burning incense, various resins, the aroma of flowers, wormwood, mint, pine needles, aromatic resins. Low-lying entities do not tolerate all this, and they drive them away from the magic ball. It is not for nothing that there is a proverb among the Russian people: “he runs away like the devil from incense.”


“In the name of the almighty God in whom we live, move and have our being, I humbly implore the guardian angel of this crystal ball to appear.”
When he appears, you can ask him questions and get information, and also know how, for example, when and for how long he will allow himself to be called again.


“In the name of the almighty God in whom we live, move and have our being, I humbly implore the spirit of this crystal ball to promote phenomena interesting and instructive.”
(Explain the reason for the call and name the desired vision).


“In the name of the almighty God in whom we live, move and have our being, I beg you (name) to appear in this crystal ball if it is convenient and pleasant for you.” (Don't forget to add these words).


“In the name of almighty God, in whom we live, move and have our being, I release and send away the spirit currently visible in this crystal ball, unless it be (such and such) a good and righteous spirit.”
This must be said in a stern and energetic voice and repeated three times, placing your finger on the crystal.


“In the name of almighty God, in whom we live, move and have our being, I release from this crystal ball all the spirits who have descended upon it, and may there be divine peace between them and me.”

These words must be repeated three times before the end of the session, even if no one was visible.
Omitting this formality takes away the power of the crystal ball.

Travelers of the past describe various magic mirrors used in the East.
We personally did experiments with a magic mirror brought from India. It was shaped like a crystal ball reflecting light.
A small room was built under this ball, which was used to place objects belonging to the person about whom the clairvoyant was being asked.

Experiments carried out with hypnotized persons gave remarkable results.
In general, all magic balls serve solely to concentrate part of the astral light at one point and establish a connection between our personal life and the universal life, with the guardian of forms.
You should not imagine that, having nothing to do, you look into a magic ball and immediately see the reflection of the evoked forms.
Magical operations, even the most insignificant ones, require great mental effort, complete calm and, especially, a deep consciousness of the difficulty of the task being undertaken.


Every day, newspapers and magazines are filled with promising advertisements promising the health of prophets, healers, clairvoyants and fortune tellers. There are no problems that cannot be solved, there are no such sides human life, which they ignored. After all, they can look into the future and into the fate of any person, which is inaccessible to ordinary people.
Clairvoyants and soothsayers who work seriously and approach their work with full responsibility are wary of any rumors surrounding their activities. This worries them because such rumors can only harm the seriousness of their work. If a person uses his powers for good, then this same benefit will extend to him, but if he turns his gift to harm another person or for his own enrichment, then these same forces will soon force him to return to his original position.
In many cases, self-proclaimed prophets lack inner maturity and self-confidence, and they use their clientele as an indicator and scale for their repressed insecurities.
The power of clairvoyance and its energy are not always equally great, since all people have favorable and unfavorable days, therefore, clairvoyants are also subject to such fluctuations in time, which they can use productively in their work thanks to self-knowledge and their own experience.
One of the main conditions for the responsible work of a clairvoyant is faith in one’s own strength, as well as the ability to have intuitive premonitions in communicating with people who have trusted him.
Since the activity of a clairvoyant is not limited only to aspects of clairvoyance, but is practically connected with all areas human activity and spiritual life, then it will be very useful for the clairvoyant to deepen his knowledge in other aspects, for example, in psychology, which would allow him to improve and supplement forecasts for the future.
To the same extent, chirology and astrology will contribute to the improvement of the clairvoyant and the deepening of his experience in this area.
And so, anyone who has felt a calling in the activity of a clairvoyant and is going to engage in this activity as a specialist should use it to increase the level of their knowledge and improve their professional skills in TAROT, astrology, chirology and other predictive sciences.

To be a qualified clairvoyant practitioner, the following is required:
- Self-confidence “That everything works out for me.”
- A positive attitude towards work and a good attitude towards people, kindness and love are the criteria for success.
- Mental balance.
- Sincerity.
- Awareness of one's own responsibility.
- Health and physical well-being.
- Will and readiness to improve all the time.
- Constant observation of the phases of the moon (new moon, quarter, half and full moon).
- Regular meditation.
- Concentration exercise.
- Restraint.
- Moderate alcohol consumption.
- Refusal of medications.
Detailed information, practical advice For possible practical work with a crystal ball, you can receive our methodological recommendations in part two.


Depending on the degree of openness of the “third eye,” there are four degrees: at the lowest are visions of extraordinary things. Bizarre, attractive pictures are visible, not products of sick imagination, but normal phenomena, images or parts of them in outlandish lighting, unusual shades of colors or without connection with the direction of thought of the seer.

The second degree feature is own movement visions like a movie, or like a landscape in low light, twilight, at night. This is because these paintings are initially cloudy, like faded photographs, and only become stronger and lighter with further experimentation. But their own movement and life are independent of the will of the observer, therefore they are not the fruit of his imagination. In addition, they have another striking feature: they provide an answer to the question directly posed. It is worth thinking during a vision about any of its details, as it immediately appears in the picture, and sometimes it appears a little earlier than you realize your question. This again proves the “timeless” nature of spiritual rays. One thing is clear - these pictures are not the fruit of the practitioner’s imagination, which, being directed at this symbol for years, will give a hundredfold weaker and inanimate phenomenon than the real perception of the two stages described.

At the third stage, visions develop to complete clarity and beauty, which can in no way be inferior to the pictures physically perceived by our eyes. But the visions last a short moment and immediately go out, and they “burn out” for a whole minute, like an electric light bulb after turning off the current. This afterburning is a typical sign of the third stage, as well as the characteristic sparkle and radiance of paintings. Subtle matter is radiant, which is why the occultists of old called it astral light. This feeling of ecstasy continues throughout the vision and fades away gradually, leaving an incandescent light. You need to accustom yourself so that in the future this special feeling (sometimes it’s a shiver down the back) does not interfere, and if possible, prolong the perception.

Fourth degree- This is the level of the master. And if adjusting the consciousness of this spiritual telescope and stopping at a certain object as a focus is a typical sign of the first three stages, then the fourth stage is characterized by spatial perception. This perception is simultaneously on all sides, which, when completely mastered, makes a person an adept, that is, “those who have nothing else to learn,” since he sees everything to which he wishes to direct his spiritual gaze. He no longer needs to rummage through books to learn from the experience and knowledge of others, he does not need to make logical experiments from the knowledge of others, which ordinary mortals are forced to do, limited by their perception of the boundaries of space, time, etc., nothing remains hidden to the third the eye of the adept.


Crystal balls have always been a symbol and have had a huge influence in the development of the occult, they are an object of power and psychic abilities. If you look into the ball correctly, you can see new world, open the windows and doors of your sensory abilities. The crystal ball has the gift of tuning and training a person.
Magic crystal ball - will help you develop your clairvoyant abilities, see your past, present and future, help you in healing, business and Everyday life. This is your talisman that will answer all your questions.




Explanations and Notes

Learning to see something in a ball is only half the battle; you also need to be able to correctly interpret all the images that appear there. Images may appear that are not related to the question you asked or to the topic you need; you should not focus your attention on these images, otherwise your real goals will simply be unrealizable. If living people you know, your friends or relatives, appear in the ball, you must definitely contact them somehow, since perhaps they are in trouble and need your help.

It should be borne in mind that images can be from the past, from the present, or from the future. It is necessary to double-check all answers obtained by working with the ball. So some things should be perceived purely symbolically, which is why correct interpretation. Here is a brief explanation of some common symbols.
Angel- divine protection, help in trouble.
Bull head- wealth.
Scales- justice, fairness.
Water- dirty: scandal, shame. Pure: insight, revelation.
Eye- spiritual patronage, clairvoyance.
Two stars or figures- the question concerns some second person.
Earth- success, overcoming difficulties.
Grain, bread- prosperity, abundance.
Book- knowledge; if closed: knowledge will open in the future.
Bell- unexpected good news.
Cat- occult protection.
Cross- possible disasters, but in the end overcoming difficulties.
Water lily, lotus- Very good sign, meaning the revelation of spiritual gifts.
a lion- passion, love.
Bow and arrow- independence. Perhaps a long journey.
Moon- deception. Changes within a month.
Nude woman- motherhood.
Fire- cleansing; retribution. Unexpected or urgent news.
Spider- monetary profit.
Bird- lead.
Roses- Love.
Glowing ball- success.
Heart- affection; generosity; kindness.
Dog - bad sign, if the dog is black. Health Hazard
Sun- happiness; prosperity.
Dancing figure- success.
Flowers- a good sign. By the time of their flowering you can roughly determine
event time.
Anchor- safety, relaxation.


The legendary Doctor Faustus left an interesting recipe for making magic balls: “When ordering a magic ball, you should ensure that the jeweler performs the work only on Tuesdays, during the hours of Mars - at the first, eighth, fifteenth and twenty-second hours of the day. The jeweler cannot give this ball to the customer should be paid generously. The manufactured ball should be charged. magical power, for which, in accordance with the gender of the customer, bury him in a fresh grave (if the customer is a woman, then in a woman’s). Then the ball must be saturated with magical power for three weeks. Now the spirits of evil should be called upon, and they will show the owner of the ball everything that a mortal might be interested in."

Experienced magicians advise that before you start working with any magical object, you need to first clean it and then consecrate it. All this fully applies to the magic crystal ball: you need to do this in order to receive any reliable information from it and so as not to have any negative consequences after this.

First of all, after purchasing a ball, you need to ask God to send a patron spirit for this ball. He will protect the stone from the penetration of evil spirits and help the fortuneteller see exactly what he needs. In addition, it was required to make a vow to God that the stone would not be used for bad purposes.

The Nostaradamus formula was often used to summon planetary and other spirits.
When the patron spirit of the stone appears, you should find out from him on what days and hours he will appear, and also at what time it will be possible to call other spirits. You should also ask him to protect your ball and not allow unclean or evil spirits to appear in it, and if they do penetrate into it, ask him to warn you so that some measures can be taken in terms of protection.
The first time you should not detain the patron spirit for too long. The maximum time during which you can talk with the spirit is half an hour.

When you call him for the second time, you need to curse him three times with a firm, definite intention. If after this he does not disappear, then you can start asking him questions and, in principle, subsequently completely rely on him. From now on, calls can continue for as long as you need. But when the session is over, you should definitely read a dismissal prayer or conspiracy.
If you decide to call any other lower spirit or the spirit of the deceased to a session, do not forget to say the following phrase: “If it is convenient and pleasant for you and gives you pleasure.” The same phrase must be said when addressing the spirit of a living person. But if you turn to a higher spirit or to patron angel ball, then this phrase should not be said.

Of course, a crystal can be used not only for great purposes. Do not hesitate to ask him any everyday questions that can help you in any current affairs. Just do not overdo it, burdening the angel with all sorts of assignments, and be careful with assignments related to obtaining money. He, of course, will fulfill your instructions, but soon the negative consequences of your ill-conceived demands will play a cruel joke on you, and you will not only not get rich, but you may even lose what you had.

If you have acquired a good magic ball, then treat it as you would treat someone dear to you: you must trust the information obtained with the help of your ball. Subsequently, you can check the information received through the ball in some other way, but at the time of the session you should not question what you see.

Between fortune telling sessions, the ball must be wrapped in black or blue velvet or stored in a tightly closed box. The ball should serve only one owner!

If you use the ball very often, then put it in a box with soil - this is the most best protection for a magic crystal. The crystal ball will now serve you as an object of concentration. And you will be able to discover new areas of our reality by taking them in visually. Everything that you see could have already happened many years ago, and it can happen in the present, it can happen in the future.

Remember that magical operations, even the simplest ones, require a lot of mental effort and peace of mind. One should not think that one has only to look into a magic ball and the required visions will immediately appear.

As an aid when summoning spirits and working with the ball, use incense, aromatic resins, wormwood, mint, and pine needles. Floral scents help a lot. All this drives away low-lying entities that can interfere with working with the ball.

And now we bring to your attention some practical tips, formulas and spells that can help you when working with the ball.

If you feel a calling to clairvoyance and are going to engage in this activity seriously, as a specialist, you need the following personal qualities for this:

  • positive attitude at work
  • confidence that you will succeed
  • sincerity,
  • restraint,
  • good attitude towards people, kindness and love are the main criteria for success

In addition, you will need to:

  • conduct regular meditation
  • concentration exercises,
  • observe the phases of the moon (new moon, full moon, waxing, waning),
  • exercise your will
  • improve your knowledge and personal qualities

Among other things, you should observe moderation in drinking alcohol and completely stop taking medications.

Since the activity of a clairvoyant is not limited only to aspects of clairvoyance, but is connected with almost all areas of human activity, it will be very useful to deepen your knowledge in other areas of the occult sciences, especially those related to predictive activities. To do this, it’s a good idea to study astrology, chirology, Tarot cards, and psychology. All this knowledge will allow us to improve and supplement forecasts for the future.

The clairvoyant must use his powers for good deeds, then this good will be returned to him tenfold. If he uses his abilities to the detriment of other people or for his own enrichment, he will soon return to where he started.

The clairvoyant must believe in his own abilities, and also have an intuitive feeling in communicating with people. This is one of the main conditions for responsible professional work with people.
It should be remembered that the power of clairvoyance is not always the same; you need to take into account not only astrological influence, but also your personal favorable and unfavorable days. You need to know or feel these days in order to avoid problems at work and make the most of some favorable aspects.

You need to beware of any rumors about your activities, as some salon clairvoyants do, working for the public and creating unhealthy interest in themselves. Newspapers, magazines publish their promising applications in which they are able to solve all possible problems. It would seem that there are no problems that they could not solve, no diseases that they could not get rid of. But that doesn't happen. The clairvoyant who works seriously in this area will never give a 100% guarantee of his capabilities, since it ultimately depends not only on him. And all this excitement, all these rumors only harm the seriousness of the work.


I offer you additional explanations for the methodological recommendations for working with the ball. I would like to analyze the main mistakes that many of you make when working with a magic ball.

As you begin to work with the ball, as you begin to look into it, you probably sit and think: “When will I see something?”
So you will never see anything. Why? I answer.

1. Looking into the ball, you must first turn off your consciousness, i.e. calm down that “monkey” of thought that jumps from branch to branch. In other words, you must enter a state of trance (self-hypnosis) or meditation, i.e., into a state when “there are no thoughts, your head is empty, complete peace.” You give yourself this setting and immerse yourself in a state dream-like, after that you look into the ball for 30-40 minutes without blinking.

2. You need to learn to look into the ball without blinking, because the visions started, and you blinked, after that you will have to start all over again, since the vision disappeared. By the way, this exercise is very useful for the eyes, and besides, you develop your hypnotic (magical gaze).

3.To prevent surrounding objects from being reflected in the magic ball, place a screen made of a clean, white sheet of paper behind it. For initial exercises this will be very suitable for you, and then, when you develop your clairvoyance, you will not need a white screen.

4. The glow of the candle in the ball prevents you from concentrating.
To do this, you need to take a tall candlestick or, placing something under it, lift and place the candle as high as possible. In this case, the glow of the candle will disappear.

5. It is best to put dark green matter under the magic ball.

6. You need to look into the magic ball as if through it.

7.I am often asked how far away the magic ball should be? I advise you to place the ball so that it is convenient to look into it, it is about 60 centimeters.

Find yourself a comfortable position (arms and legs should not cross, the whole body should be relaxed, because tension of any muscle, including the face, does not give a state of peace and tranquility of thought).

8.Do not leave the Magic Ball in direct sunlight or any other source. Ballmay cause a fire!!! It can, like a magnifying glass, focus rays and set fire to surrounding objects.

9. The most optimal time to start working with the ball is at 24:00, time 30-40 minutes, duration 30-45 days. Record everything in your diary every day, indicating your condition, Lunar phase and any minor details.

All this will be extremely important when working with the Magic Ball. You will, for example, know that “that on Thursday, during the full moon, you have excellent clairvoyance, but not during the black moon, etc.”

10. The Magic Ball is your magical attribute, and no one except you has the right to work with it, take it, touch it, play around with it. Treat it with great respect - this is your Magical Power, Strength, your Talisman and Amulet, it will always protect and protect you - its Owner, give warning signs and work as a “Clairvisor”.
Learn to talk and work with him. The magic ball will harmonize the atmosphere, create peace and comfort.

11.Cleansing and charging the Magic Ball.
You need to take the Magic Ball and hold it in the sun (preferably morning) for 20-30 minutes and talk to it. Ask him to open up to you faster, to be your friend and Teacher, to help you in life, to come to your home with love and kindness.

This information is taken from the source
