Meditation to attract love, wealth, prosperity. Meditation to attract love, wealth, prosperity Meditation techniques to attract money

Imagine that an unexpected bonus literally falls from the sky on you. Or a cash gift. Or an old debt that you have long forgotten about is simply returning. Exactly how much money you received is not so important. The main thing is that this money is like a gift from the Universe.

Tell me, how will you react to this gift? With joy and gratitude? Great, this means that even more pleasant gifts and surprises await you! Make it a good habit to always give thanks, especially when you receive something good.

The art of receiving is no less important than the art of giving! By not allowing yourself to receive, you are creating a barrier with your own hands that prevents the flow of abundance energy into your life.

Learn to accept and thank so that wealth will always be in your hands!

Therefore, learn to accept with ease and gratitude everything that the generous Universe gives you: kind words, love, money, friendship, gifts, compliments, good health, free time, moments of joy and laughter...

And never refuse gifts - this way you block the flow of abundance not only in your life, but also in the life of the giver. Remember: you cannot give without receiving and receive without giving! Therefore, when accepting a gift, think about how you are helping yourself and the giver complete the cycle of giving and receiving.

This is not at all what we were taught at school, is it? It is enough to watch any talk show on television to understand how much our contemporaries have moved away from the concept of their own greatness and how much envy, callousness and ingratitude have taken their poisonous roots in the mind. If you want to create a place for abundance, gratitude must be a powerful foundation on your building site.

As my first feng shui teacher, Grand Master Yap Chen Hai, said:

“People don’t realize how grateful they should be that a higher power is watching over them every day.”

Don't get tired of saying thank you.

When your wish comes true, be grateful and positive. Calmly, without fear and doubt, accept the gifts of fate.

Many people, especially in our country, do not know how to accept. They were taught only to give, to live for others, to put the interests of society and the collective above their own. Distorted psychological cliches accepted in society lead to distorted destinies. Such people do not know how to accept compliments.

They can answer: “Oh, what are you talking about, this dress is already a hundred years old…”, to offers of help they answer: “No, no, don’t bother, I can handle everything myself!”, to joyful events they react like this: “ Somehow I feel uneasy... what did I do to deserve this?!” And what is the result? That's right, “a good person, offended by fate.”

Is this what you want? I don’t think so... Therefore, when accepting the gifts of fate, accept them with gratitude and joy. It’s better to say: “Wow! Dreams come true, thank you!” than: “I don’t deserve such luxury.”

Even when something negative happens, give thanks, and then completely new horizons, opportunities and prospects will open up before you.

When you give thanks, it goes without saying that you have already received a gift. And the more sincere your gratitude is, the faster the benefits you dream of will come to you.

Practical part

If you have not yet learned to thank life for the blessings that come, let's do it right now.

The above practices will quickly help you realize the value of giving thanks and accepting the money that comes.

Exercise “Thank you!”

This exercise will make you a real money magnet. You will learn to accept them with joy and faith in further increase.

1. When you come home, thank the money, stroke it and don’t spend it for 24 hours. They will love it and will come to you more often!

2. In order to transform your life, you can start saying amazingly simple and effective gratitude formulas today. Do this several times a day.

Thank you, Lord!

Thank you, wealth!

Thank you, happiness!

Thank you, love!

Thank you, good luck!

Thank you, success!

Practice of attracting the energy of abundance of the Universe

Once you have mastered the practice of gratitude, you can begin the next exercise, which will allow you to attract abundance and prosperity into your life.

1. Take a position lying down, sitting or even standing, especially if you are in nature.

2. Say: “I am one with the power of the Universe. I accumulate in myself the gold-bearing energy of the Sun. I accept abundance."

3. Take a deep breath and exhale, imagining how the sun's rays penetrate your body. Smile and mentally wish happiness and prosperity to everyone living on earth.

4. Say these words:

“I call upon the beneficial energy of abundance!

I believe that from now on I will become strong and pure!

I am the heir (heiress) of divine abundance!

I thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts! Thank Heavenly Father for the growing abundance!

I am transforming my consciousness! From now on I attract only happiness, health, wealth and love!”

Lesson 23

Helping others, or how to learn to give so that money multiplies

I think you have already learned how to enjoy the money that comes. But how can you sincerely thank the flowing flow of money?

For example, when paying bills for an apartment or telephone, instead of complaining about high prices, thank the Universe for all the benefits you receive: for warmth, light, cleanliness, the opportunity to communicate with friends and family... Or in a store, standing at the checkout, sincerely thank the Universe for comfortable, beautiful things, delicious food... And don’t forget to thank both the cashier and the seller!

If you have a big expense coming up: a big purchase, a loan payment, a debt repayment, put the money in a beautiful envelope and write words of gratitude or your favorite affirmation on it, draw a sign of double luck or another positive symbol of wealth. The main thing is to show the Universe that for you the process of giving is as important and comfortable as the process of receiving. Then the cash flow in your life will increase as if by magic!

Give exactly what you want, give others what you yourself lack. Just don't expect immediate equivalent returns. Life will repay you in full - you can be sure of that. But when and how exactly - she will decide for herself.

The main thing is to give with a light heart!

Learn to be generous and giving. This is one of the fundamental laws of abundance.

Where to give is not a question; there are those willing:

- to church;

– to those who ask on the streets;

– the poor;

– charitable foundations;

– sick children (such information can be easily found in the media and on the Internet).

I foresee indignant voices: “What should I give if I have nothing?!” Many have gone through this, including the author of these lines. You always have something - a smile, a kind word, a glass of tea, a small souvenir, etc. Learn to give people gifts, even if they don’t expect it from you. Donate to churches and charities. Don't pass by the collection points for children in need.

If you have absolutely no money right now, give things away. This is also possible. Donate your computer to a poor student and buy yourself a new one. Give away your items that you no longer need.

When there is not enough money, we are ready to change a lot - to save on something, give up travel and entertainment, even change jobs - but few people think of changing their way of thinking. But this is the most important thing for attracting money, says positive psychology specialist Natalya Pravdina - and offers exercises and meditations that will serve as a kind of “spell for money.”

Something happens to us that we think about all day long.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some time ago, a businessman approached me, whose business was generally going well, but he was striving for more. He asked me the following question: “Natalia, tell me, is there any catalyst for the process?” We used Feng Shui, positive affirmations and a clear mindset of wealth as a catalyst.

A little over a year has passed, my friend’s income has increased fivefold! It worked! But we've only just begun...

Here I write much more than I told that businessman. Let's work together. After all, we don’t lose anything, but we can gain a lot, a lot.

Imagine that you are surrounded by an invisible, thinking ocean of energy (remember Solaris?). This ocean of energy is called differently: the cosmic mind, the thinking Universe, all religions also give it their own names. We activate these forces around us by the way we think and the way we behave. We constantly remind them: “I strive for wealth, I strive for abundance, I deserve the best in life!” So what's going on? Life begins to “bend under us.”

All millions start from the head! Anyone who wants to become rich must realize this. Your reality is an exact copy of your thoughts. Look around carefully and you will see what thoughts prevail in your mind. Analyze what problems are most tormenting you now, and you will find your most active fears, blocks and limitations. There are no exceptions! All your actions, relationships, your whole life are a reflection of your thinking. Everything, absolutely everything that happens to you, you created, are creating and will create yourself - with your own thoughts.

Since everything you have at the present moment is the result of your thoughts, it means that you have the power to change what is happening. This is true! Even incurable diseases can be healed with the power of thought - how many examples of this can be found! And material difficulties are even more amenable to resolution. If you use the power of thought, you can find several ways out of any hopeless situation - and turn any problem to your advantage.

Now, at this very moment, you determine what events will happen in your life in the near and distant future, what kind of people will surround you, what level of income you can count on... Everything is in your hands, or rather, in your thoughts! And if you want to change something, you have the power to do it - right now.

I hear a chorus of skeptics’ voices: “If only it were really that simple!..” But I never said that change is quick and simple. They require time and patience. Just think: how many years has your subconscious been poisoned by negative attitudes inherited from your parents, diligently brought up by school or even a stream of advertising! It is clear that it is impossible to completely clear the subconscious of old ballast in a week, a month, or even a year.

At first, no changes occur. This first stage when work happens only on a subtle level, when the most impatient people declare: “This is all nonsense, these methods don’t work,” and quit classes.

But gradually you will feel how something, still invisible, has changed. It could be a call from an old friend, good news, greater productivity, high spirits. This second stage when a person begins to feel that with his thoughts he is really making changes in reality.

Finally the time for miracles comes. This is when you get what you need, achieve success, meet the love of your dreams, have all the money you always wanted, wear designer clothes and vacation at the best resorts in the world.

Exercise to get rid of the poverty mindset

  1. The Universe is ready to fulfill your every desire. But if you tell her, “I can’t afford it,” then her answer will be, “Yes, of course you can’t,” and you will never get what you want.
  2. Change the attitude: “I can’t afford it” to: “I can afford everything I want. The universe is taking care of me." Repeat often: “The Universe gives me as much money as I need, and even more!”

Every time you feel like you need something, but don’t have the money for it yet, repeat to yourself or out loud: “All the best in this world is for me. Divine love is manifested by the flow of money in my life!

Today, repeat this phrase several times throughout the day so that your consciousness accepts it.

Meditation “I am a magnet for money”

This meditation has miraculous properties. After it, you will begin to radiate the energy of a rich person, which will attract money.

  1. Make sure in advance that no one disturbs you during meditation. Turn off your phone, choose a quiet place to meditate, sit comfortably on an armchair or chair. Close your eyes, relax all your muscles, let go of your thoughts. Observe how your breathing gradually calms down: take a deep breath, calmly exhale. Inhale - exhale.
  2. Imagine that you are a beautiful tree. Choose a tree to your liking: it can be a powerful century-old oak, a flexible willow, a tall pine, or a delicate birch... Your spine is the trunk of the tree, your arms are the branches, and your legs are the roots. Feel how the top of your head is reaching up, towards the sun, towards the sky. Feel how firmly your feet are rooted in the ground. Imagine how the branches sway slightly in the wind... Immerse yourself in these sensations as fully as possible. Enjoy!
  3. Mentally repeat: “I am the money tree! I am a magnet for money and success! I open up to the energy of abundance and prosperity!”
  4. Imagine how a ray of golden light is directed from the sun towards you. It envelops and fills you with a golden radiance: every leaf emits golden light. Repeat mentally: “I am filled with golden monetary energy. I am a magnet for money and success!”
  5. Imagine how a clear turquoise spring makes its way from the ground to your roots. It washes your entire body, removes all harmful energies, and fills every cell with a turquoise glow. Repeat mentally: “I am filled with pure energy of prosperity! I am a magnet for money and success!”
  6. Accumulate the energies of abundance and prosperity. Place a ball of golden light in the heart area and a ball of turquoise light in the area just below the navel.
  7. Now you are charged with pure monetary energy. Maintain this feeling for as long as possible, and return to meditation from time to time. This is a very powerful method of creating a money magnet within yourself!

Practice “Money Bath”

With this practice, your business will become a real gold mine, and you will realize that you are rich.

  1. Brew 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 4 tablespoons of parsley and 4 tablespoons of mint in boiling water.
  2. Add to warm bath water and say: “Money flows like a golden river and stays with me forever.”
  3. Lie in this “money water”, dream about how good you will be when all your dreams come true. You should definitely achieve a state of joy and satisfaction!
  4. After this, immerse yourself in water 3 or 5 times. Then get up and don’t dry yourself with a towel, just throw on a robe and go to bed. Let the herbal infusion water dry on your skin.
  5. Sweet dreams of abundance!

Comment on the article "Attracting money: meditation and 2 exercises. How to become rich"

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Test, meditation and exercise to increase self-esteem in women, men and children. Attracting money: meditation and 2 exercises. How to become rich. How to get out of depression? Antidepressants, psychotherapy, diet.

And here it was natural to practice meditation. Well, replace “taught me to meditate” from journalists with “began to meditate” - whoever understood it and managed it. Attracting money: meditation and 2 exercises. How to become rich.

Attracting money: meditation and 2 exercises. How to become rich. Let him find someone who has Yandex money, or PayPal, the second seems more reliable to me. Most people do a lot of physical work every day, but unfortunately they don't...

I wouldn't publish anything. Attracting money: affirmation and meditation. How to attract money. How wealth is connected to the subconscious. Like any company, IT organizations need promotion in the media, and you are tempting him.

Afterwards about signs (money). - gatherings. About yours, about your girl’s. Simply put - to make money work for you. Really, as soon as I collected it for myself, things went uphill, ttt. But it’s still a habit, like when I get change in a store or get money from an ATM, to immediately check the letters...

He doesn’t have much money for a tutor, he doesn’t want to study on Skype, and he has almost no time to study. So what to do? Unfortunately, I don’t have any friends from there.

They paid money for a good education and took you away on vacation, and like all the children, you helped your grandmother (mom, dad) at the dacha? Or did you live in children? at home? I don't understand the reason for the offense if...

Another thing is that money itself does not make you happy, but it does provide some additional opportunities. to become happier. Of course, these additional opportunities to achieve results will require additional effort and/or brainpower.

I would fight the Russian authorities, create real opposition to the freezing of society and the descent into where we have already been. I tried yoga and everything related to meditation, I feel like an idiot. Do you NOT believe in anything?

My father didn’t ask when to give this money, and it doesn’t seem very convenient to ask again. It seems to me that you have to pay after the operation, closer to discharge. Anyone with experience, please tell me...

How much money are you willing to accept? Attracting money: affirmation and meditation. Questioning for money. A short survey about money.

Do a money-attracting meditation that helps change your money mindset. It will help attract income growth so that you have money for a comfortable vacation, a good life, study and travel. Open up to new energies and attract abundance into your life! How to do this? Will helpmeditation for the dayugh!

If you have never meditated, it is important and perform some useful practices.

Meditation on money “Blessing of Lakshmi”

It's very effectivemeditation for luck and money, which is associated with appealing to the Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi. In Hinduism, Lakshmi personifies endless abundance, happiness and luxury, beauty and harmony. She is very beautiful and graceful, she is depicted with two or four pairs of arms. It is believed that Lakshmi protects people from troubles and poverty, helps them improve their financial situation and promotes career growth.

Meditation on money“Blessing of Lakshmi” can be done at any time of the day, preferably during the waxing moon or on strong full moon/new moon days. This meditation uses the Lakshmi mantra OM SHRI MAHALAXMAI NAMAH, which is chanted to meditative music.

How to do money meditation:

  1. Take a shower, put on comfortable clothes, and retire to a quiet room. You can light incense - Lakshmi loves sweet aromas.
  2. Sit in lotus position and place your hands on your knees, palms facing up.
  3. Take a few deep breaths in and out.
  4. Turn on the music.Get started It's not necessary to sing along.
  5. Close your eyes and visualize the image of Lakshmi, enveloping her in a golden haze. See how beautiful and friendly she is! Feel the warmth and light coming from it, which envelops you too. The sounds of the mantra will help you tune in to the energy of the Goddess!
  6. Breathe evenly and visualize the image, feel calm and self-confident. If the desire arises, repeat the words of the mantra OM SRI MAHALAKSHMAI NAMAH.
  7. Sit like this for 5 minutes and finishmeditation for luck and moneywords: “I AM BLESSED BY LAKSHMI! A STREAM OF ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS IS ENTERING MY LIFE!” Repeat them 3 times with strength and confidence. Practice is over.

Repeat it 1-2 times a week and within a month you will be amazed by the results!

Meditation to attract money “Charging with the energy of abundance”

One more meditation to attract moneywhich will help you attract financial success and good luck in business. It is associated with the Sun, generous and bright, giving and blessing! Thisperformed in the morning, after waking up, when solar energy is strongest. In the morning hours, you will find yourself riding a wave of rising energy and will be able to connect to a spiritual source of abundance.

How to perform meditation on money:

  1. Play special music. Get started listen to a meditation on attracting money
  2. Lie on your back, close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, breathing slowly, deeply and calmly.
  3. Imagine how the Sun rises, how its rays reach your room and penetrate the window. Listen to music and visualize golden, warming sunlight. It envelops you, moves along your arms, shoulders, stomach, legs. You are completely filled with sunshine. Feel its warmth and strength!
  4. Do this meditation for 5-10 minutes. It will fill you with solar energy, which is a magnet for money, success and prosperity.

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Meditation on money “Merger”

For this you will need a large bill (the larger the better). You don’t have to turn on the music and carry out thismeditation on moneyin complete silence and privacy.

Sit comfortably, relax, taking a few deep breaths. Take the bill in your hands and start looking at it. It is important to do this very carefully and concentratedly!

Look at all the pictures, read all the inscriptions on the bill. Touch it, twirl it in your hands, smell it, rustle it, fold it in half! Your task is to imprint as many of its details into your brain as possible.

Let money information be deposited in your vision, hearing and sensations. When you are completely familiar with the bill, place it on your right palm and imagine that it turns into a cloud of golden smoke and you merge into one.

This simple meditation to attract moneycan be done at any time of the day, on any moon. Practice it regularly, and your dream will come true - you will have a lot of such bills, a lot of money!

When can I expect results?

“It takes years of daily practice to get any results in meditation!” - Many people think so. Actually this is not true! It has already been proven that 10 minutes of meditation 2 times a week is enough for significant changes to occur in the brain. Anxiety decreases, calmness, clarity of thoughts, confidence appear, the visualization process becomes more successful from practice to practice. Each newmeditation for luck and moneyreinforces the necessary changes in your brain and reprograms your consciousness for a rich, successful life.

What kind of meditation will you do? Write in the comments below the article!

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Meditation to attract Money and Prosperity

Activation of personal energy of prosperity. Meditation.


ABUNDANCE Meditation with Goddess Lakshmi

Money magnet. Digital code of money. Watch and repeat. It's easy!

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Reviews about my work:

Have a good and sunny day everyone. I thank God and the Higher Forces of Light with all my heart, I thank my Higher Self. I thank Natalia Vesna - she is a pure and powerful conductor of such knowledge, such necessary information in our time. This is not my first course with Natalia Vesna and I just fall in love and fall in love. Of course, there were Central Committees, but it’s great to undergo purification under such leadership and in such love. I just completed the Money Reiki course and am already going to the next one. One course complements another, practice in one course helps in another course. You just need to relax, trust and start. In Love and Harmony.

VIP-Meditation to attract wealth!

Did you know that wealth meditation has been used by people for over 6,000 years? How to find the most effective one?

Meditation comes in many forms and serves different purposes. Many millionaires and celebrities practice meditation on money and wealth. But why?

Meditation to attract money energy works in several directions:

1. Synchronizes the brain with the energy of money, adjusting its vibration in such a way that “like begins to attract like.” As a result, money begins to come from a variety of sources.

2. Clears negative energy (blocks) that are often associated with thoughts about money (for example: “I don’t have money,” “I can’t become rich,” “I don’t believe I can get rich”).

3. Reprograms the subconscious mind for abundance and prosperity.

What can meditation do for you to attract wealth?

Regular practice of money meditation has been proven to:

  • allows you to realize your most secret dreams of wealth;
  • attracts success, money, recognition, power;
  • promotes spiritual development and new useful awareness;
  • gives control over your mind, life and finances;
  • strengthens the spirit and attracts the energy of abundance into all areas of life.
  • money not only begins to come, but also lingers for a long time.

Meditation to attract wealth

1. The practitioner sits comfortably and mentally moves his attention through his body, relaxing all the muscles. You need to relax until the body ceases to be felt.

2. After this, the practitioner focuses on his breathing. He simply observes it without interfering with it. You can mentally or out loud say or chant wealth mantras¹.

3. When the internal dialogue is suspended, the practitioner focuses on his desire to become rich. He imagines what his life will be like when he has a lot of money, and focuses on this feeling for 2 minutes.

Our sensations are the vibrations that we send to the Universe, thereby outlining our life path.

4. When it becomes difficult to maintain this feeling, the practitioner relaxes and rests for a while, after which he opens his eyes and returns to his usual activities.

But attracting monetary energy depends not only on practice!

It has been proven that a person who follows his destiny and is engaged in the only activity that he determined for himself even before his birth will always attract wealth and success! Your individual diagnosis will help you find out about your life purpose and the areas of activity that suit you best. Get it for free >>>

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Mantra is a text, word or syllable in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring accurate reproduction of the sounds that make it up. You can find one of the wealth mantras here >>>

Meditation To Attract Love, Wealth, Prosperity And Abundance

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