Failure to comply with the right turn only sign. Road sign “Go straight ahead. Errors when interpreting the right turn sign

If all road users strictly and clearly observed all legal traffic regulations, the number of traffic accidents on the roads would be significantly reduced. If the attitude of drivers towards prohibitory signs is more or less adequate, then the prescriptive road signs are often simply ignored, which can lead to quite serious consequences. Such signs include the Move to the Right sign, which is often installed before intersections.

Ignoring it not only often entails various accidents, but also material losses, since violating the sign to move to the right entails the imposition of an administrative fine, the amount of which can amount to up to 1,500 rubles. Naturally, a meeting with traffic police officers will not only lead to the loss of money, but also a lot of time will be spent on drawing up the protocol. It will also be required for subsequent payment of a fine. It will be much easier to fulfill the requirements of this sign.

What does the right turn sign mean?

The location of the right turn sign can be different:

  • on right side roads;
  • on the left side;
  • over the strip.

Every driver should know that the installation location is chosen in such a way as to provide the best visibility, and does not in any way affect the very rule that it designates, namely, only right turns are allowed at the installation location. Only buses and fixed-route vehicles that move along a strictly defined and agreed route can ignore this rule.

In the event that a car owner approaches an intersection at which a Move to the Right sign is installed, he should change lanes to the far right lane as quickly as possible. In this case, it is allowed to briefly enter a dedicated lane, which is intended for route vehicles, and change lanes from there. Such maneuvering by the driver will not be considered a traffic violation.

In addition to intersections, the Move to the Right sign is often installed when leaving a gas station. No other traffic algorithm is possible here, so compliance with this point of the traffic rules becomes especially relevant. Any traffic accidents in the immediate vicinity of a gas station can lead to a very serious disaster, so the driver is obliged not only to take into account all available road signs and markings, but also to strictly adhere to the speed limit.

Errors when interpreting the right turn sign

Despite the meaning of this sign clearly stated in the traffic rules, some drivers are sometimes lost, especially if the shape of the arrow on the sign is somewhat different from the standard to which everyone is accustomed. A difference in shape is not a reason to ignore the rule that only allows right-hand turns. The same should be noted regarding the location of the pointer itself - it has the same meaning at any installation location.

Many road signs, including right-hand traffic signs, operate within strictly defined boundaries. For example, a sign regulating the direction of a possible turn extends its effect only at the road intersection where it is located. After passing through the intersection, it loses its relevance, and the driver must be guided by other signs or marked road markings. At the same time, it becomes completely unnecessary to occupy exclusively the right lanes - if there are several lanes, the driver chooses the appropriate one independently.

An extremely common traffic violation is to continue driving straight ahead. In addition, many drivers commit a serious violation by making a U-turn “out of habit” within the coverage area of ​​this sign. Doing this is not allowed under any circumstances - this is not an ordinary intersection where such an action is permissible. A fine for ignoring the Right Move sign will certainly become an unplanned expense item in the family budget.

Almost every car owner who has spent more than one year behind the wheel witnesses a wide variety of traffic accidents almost every day. From the outside it is always noticeable that most of them, although not particularly severe, could have been avoided. To do this, road users just needed to pay a little more attention to the signs on the road. As practice shows, if the majority of drivers know and follow prohibition signs regulating traffic rules, the attitude towards warning signs is much more dismissive. Quite often they are forgotten about immediately after graduating from a driving school and obtaining a license, which significantly aggravates the already difficult situation on domestic highways. What happens when the simplest traffic rules are ignored can be seen in the video.

There are different types and, as a result, have different spectrum of action. Some prohibit the performance of certain actions, others warn, and still others help in moving around the city and are called prescriptive. For the last group, a separate part (4) is allocated in Appendix 1 to the traffic rules. Exactly to last group and the following marking elements include: “Move to the right”, “Move straight” and “Move straight and to the right”, which will be the subject of further discussion.

List of suitable markup elements

  1. The “Go straight ahead” sign is a prescriptive sign and has the shape of a blue circle with a white arrow in the center. It gives the car owner permission to drive only straight and not turn anywhere. To some extent, this designation is prohibitive, since if it is present, the driver is prohibited from moving in another direction - only straight ahead. This can be installed along with a configuration of arrows that correspond to all the necessary directions that are available at a particular intersection.

This marking element has a number of features that depend on the location of its installation:

  • the presence of such an element at an intersection limits its effect only on those roadways to which it belongs;
  • When this marking element is located outside the intersection, its effect continues only to the nearest road intersection. In this case, the vehicle is allowed to enter the adjacent territories;
  • The installation of a sign can be carried out in places where the dividing strip breaks to establish a ban on cars turning to the left or making a U-turn;
  • does not apply to route vehicles.

If you violate these rules, you can not only run into a fine, but also make a turn onto a road on which you can only travel in one direction. And this can already lead to more serious consequences in the form of an accident and deprivation of rights.

  1. The Right Turn sign is also a mandatory safety graphic and is shaped like a blue circle with a white arrow in the center indicating a right turn. This prescriptive designation allows the vehicle to travel exclusively in the direction that corresponds to the arrow on the sign. It has prohibitive characteristics, because if this sign is present, the driver is prohibited from driving straight, turning left and making a U-turn. This prescriptive road element can often be seen at the exit from parking areas, gas stations, and on roads with a large number of lanes (4 or more). Its action continues.

  1. The “Move straight and right” sign looks like a blue circle containing an arrow with a forked end. One part of the arrow points straight ahead, and the other part points to the right. This means that travel can continue in any of those directions indicated by the prescriptive road safety element. Turning in the opposite direction or performing a U-turn maneuver is strictly prohibited. continues until the first intersection, after overcoming which you can perform any maneuver in the absence of other prohibiting or prescriptive signs.
  2. The sign “Avoid obstacles on the right” indicates that if there is an obstacle ahead, you must turn right. Obstacles may be temporary or in the form of islands of safety. A similar designation with two oblique arrows allows turning both right and left, but not straight.

How much does a violation cost?

The amount of punishment for committing actions that violate traffic rules in the part that is regulated by the graphic elements described above cannot be immediately determined. It is necessary to understand the nature of the violation, then it will be clear what fine the violator faces.

  1. In case of violation of the requirements established road sign, the driver will be fined in the amount of 500 rubles. A clear example of such a violation is a situation in which a car drives out of a yard onto an unmarked road with two lanes and turns left, although the sign only allows right turns.
  2. Making a turn in the opposite direction, which contradicts the rule depicted by the road safety element, will entail a penalty of 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles. For example, you can take the situation at an intersection with a “Move to the right” sign when the driver makes a U-turn. In case of these illegal actions, you will have to pay a fine, and it is better not to perform such maneuvers in the future.
  3. If you violate the rules of one of the signs discussed above, the driver may find himself in the lane intended for the movement of route vehicles. In this case, you will have to pay a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles. And if such a violation occurs in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the fine will double.
  4. The largest penalty is provided for turning and moving along a one-way lane for movement - 5 thousand rubles. Not only will you have to pay a fine, but you can also lose your license for up to six months.

In a word, it is better not to violate traffic rules. It will be better for your budget and safer for the people around you.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in following these simple rules, which make the movement of vehicles and the movement of pedestrians orderly and safe. If each participant follows these rules and follows the corresponding signs, there will be fewer accidents, and moving along the streets of our cities will become safer.

Penalty for violating the rules of turning left (if established sign movement only straight or to the right, when there is a sign, turning left is prohibited) is prescribed in Part 2 of Art. 12.16 and is punishable by a fine of 1000-1500 rubles.

Sign 4.1.1 - “Move straight ahead”

When turning right and failing to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings, the driver will be punished on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offences. In this case, a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Attention! If, when turning left or right, the car ends up in a one-way lane in the opposite direction, then the driver will be punished in accordance with Part 3 of this article. In this case, the admin is waiting for the violator. a fine of 5000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months.

Turn left out of your lane

Sometimes a motorist, carried away by the maneuver, makes a turn from outside his lane (for example, from the second).

The maximum possible penalty for turning right out of your lane is a fine of 500 rubles, can also be written out warning.

When turning left in the presence of prohibitory signs and markings, the driver of the vehicle will be punished more severely. The fine in this case will be 1000-1500 rubles. However, if there are no markings, the driver will be punished under Part 1 of Art. 12.14 Code of Administrative Offences. In this case, the offender is waiting warning or 500 rubles fine.

Through continuous

When turning across a solid line, the action is qualified as a violation of the requirements prescribed by markings on the roadway or special signs establishing the traffic mode. Punishable by a fine of 1000-1500 rubles.

Wrong turn in the wrong place

Now let's talk about violating the U-turn rules.

At the crossroads

Violations at the intersection most often consist of: the driver cannot make a U-turn in the area of ​​the road intersection or makes it under a sign, where this maneuver is prohibited. The punishment is determined by Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and can amount to 1000-1500 rubles.

At the bus stop

In areas intended for stops by route transport, turning around is prohibited. Drivers need to pay extra attention in this area, as pedestrians often enter the area and visibility is obstructed.

Just a note. If a special sign is installed at a stop to indicate it, the zone for restricting a turn is determined as follows: 15 m are counted in each direction from the sign.

If there is a sign and markings on the road, 15 meters are counted from the end of the marking in each direction. What punishment awaits the driver and how much will the fine be for making a prohibited U-turn in the wrong place? If you violate the rules of turning around at MTS stops, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. About the fine a driver will face for making a U-turn on pedestrian crossing, find out .

Is a turn and/or U-turn allowed at sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead only”?

The coverage area of ​​sign 4.1.1 applies only to the intersection at which this sign is installed. At the next intersection it will no longer operate.

This mandatory road sign prohibits left turns and U-turns in the area where the “Straight ahead only” sign is installed.

What happens if the driver does not give way?

If the driver, when making a U-turn or making a left turn, does not give way to the car that has the right of way, the punishment will be determined according to Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (Part 2). The motorist is charged with violating the rules of passage at an intersection and is given a fine of 1,000 rubles. If the actions are qualified as, the punishment is determined according to Art. 12.14 Code of Administrative Offenses (Part 3). The punishment may be a fine of 500 rubles or a warning.

Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner, a vehicle that has not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection

  1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in the established “procedure” entails an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles. Repeated commission of an administrative offense entails an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.
  2. Driving a passenger taxi, bus or truck designed and equipped for the transport of people, with more than eight seats (except for the driver), a specialized vehicle designed and equipped for the transport of dangerous goods that have not passed the “state technical inspection” "or "technical inspection", entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.

Rules in accordance with traffic rules

The rules that must be followed when turning and turning vehicles are outlined in clause 8 of the traffic rules: The driver of the vehicle must take the most comfortable position on the roadway in advance:

  • If you want to turn the vehicle to the left, you must take the extreme left position in the lane.
  • If there are tram rails on the road for driving cars, you can perform a maneuver from them - subject to certain conditions. There should be no signs prohibiting this type of maneuvering. When making a turn or U-turn using tram tracks, a car must not interfere with the tram.
  • Before making a left turn, position the car so that it does not enter the lane intended for traffic in the oncoming direction.
  • If the driver of a large vehicle is turning, there may be a deviation from the rules due to the size of the car, if this does not violate safety measures for other road users.

When performing the maneuver, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. Turns and U-turns should be made only in the absence of prohibiting elements or marking lines that prohibit such actions.
  2. If there are dividing strips, the driver can choose the far or near territory accessible for traffic; driving between them is also permissible.
  3. The driver must ensure that the car does not end up in the oncoming lane.

Why is it important to follow the signs?

When performing maneuvers, the driver must understand that any change in the trajectory of movement can cause an emergency if other road users are not informed of their intentions.

Everything that a driver must know to ensure safety when driving on roads is described in the traffic rules. Without knowing these rules, it is easy to get into an accident as soon as you get on the road. One of the driver's responsibilities is to study road signs. Knowing what they mean and how to act when they are present, you can increase the safety of your own actions when driving on the roads.

Attention! It is important to know not only what each sign means, but also what their coverage area is.

Each group of elements has a specific zone within which the sign’s instructions must be followed. In the area where this or that sign is in effect, the driver must comply with the requirements of the technical element used to organize traffic. Without them, it is not particularly clear whether it is possible to turn, perform U-turns and other maneuvers.

Controversial situations of this violation and ways to avoid punishment in such cases

Sometimes, while performing a maneuver, the driver realizes that he does not fit into the trajectory and is forced to break the rules. In such a situation, he may try to reduce his punishment. He will have to choose whether to drive into the oncoming lane or use several successive techniques to complete the maneuver.

By choosing the second option, you can reduce the severity of the punishment - if you make a U-turn incorrectly, you will be fined only 500 rubles, and if you drive into the oncoming lane, the court will make a decision that is more serious for the offender.

You should start making turns in the area that seems larger. If you can't fit perfectly into the road. You will be able to continue driving along the road you intended to cross. In that case, there will be no violation, except perhaps some inconvenience, because you will have to drive along a road that was not originally planned.

When making a U-turn in a small area, if the driver feels that he cannot fit in, it is better to use reverse gear and straighten the path. In this case, you can only be fined for the fact that the car was moving in reverse at the intersection. The fine is 500 rubles if the driver managed to avoid causing an accident by such actions. Find out more details about fines for reversing.

How can the traffic police prove your guilt?

Traffic police officers can detect violations committed by motorists while patrolling the area. If a protocol has already been drawn up regarding your violation, you can avoid punishment only if you find enough arguments to challenge the information contained in it in court.

Reference. To prove the guilt of the offender, traffic police officers can provide photographs taken directly at the scene of the offense or video materials.

Also many representatives of law enforcement agencies are also trying to obtain witness testimony, because with some legal experience, evidence in the form of photographs is easy to challenge.

Any materials that indicate that at a certain time the violator’s car was at the scene of the offense and was directly involved in it will be suitable as evidence.


U-turns, like turns, are among the most dangerous maneuvers on the roads. When performing them, increased concentration of attention is required. To avoid fines and other types of punishment, the driver must carefully study the traffic rules and be able to use them. By performing maneuvers in accordance with the rules established by law, you will avoid accidents on the roads and will not incur penalties.

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· The effect of sign 4.1.1, installed at the beginning of a section of road, extends to the nearest intersection,

You can make a turn only along trajectory A.

It is impossible to turn around along trajectory B, since the sign’s instructions are still in effect in this place.

The sign does not prohibit turning right into courtyards and other areas adjacent to the road.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight”, installed at the beginning of the road section (behind the intersection), prohibits left turns into yards and U-turns in this section, without restricting entries into yards located on the right.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” is also used to prohibit turns in breaks in the dividing strip on road sections between intersections. In this case, the sign is installed only on the dividing strip.

At the gap in the dividing strip, indicated by sign 6.3.1 “Turn point”, a temporary sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead” is installed on a portable stand. The requirements of the signs contradict each other. The rules stipulate that in such cases the temporary sign should be followed, i.e. you are only allowed to continue moving straight ahead (trajectory A).

If necessary, sign 4.1.1 may be used to duplicate markings 1.1 or 1.3 separating oncoming traffic flows, while the sign is installed directly at the beginning of the road section.

· Sign 4.1.1, installed before intersections of roadways, applies only to the first intersection behind the sign.

At this intersection, the road being crossed has one carriageway, and therefore sign 4.1.1 “Go straight ahead” prohibits you from turning around at the intersection. If you need to turn around, drive straight ahead and turn around at the intersection.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” in this case only applies to the intersection in front of which it is installed, and does not limit maneuvers on the subsequent section of the road, where you can enter the yard located on the left.

At this intersection, the road being crossed has two carriageways; sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead” is valid only for the first intersection of carriageways in front of which it is installed. Therefore, you are only prohibited from turning right onto the first carriageway (direction B).

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” allows you to continue moving in the forward direction at this intersection only.

4.1.2 "Move to the right" Movement is only allowed to the right.

At this intersection, the road being crossed has three carriageways. Sign 4.1.2 “Move to the right” applies only to the first intersection of roadways in front of which it is installed, ordering a right turn onto the first roadway, i.e. only along trajectory A.

Turning left in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs and (or) markings of the roadway - Fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

4.1.3 "Move to the left."

Driving only to the left or turning is permitted unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

4.1.4 "Move straight or to the right."

Movement is only allowed straight or to the right.

Sign 4.1.4 “Move straight or to the right” allows you to move only in directions A or B. Turning along path B, even if there is a broken marking line 1.7, is prohibited.

On roads with two or more lanes for traffic in a given direction, turning right is permitted only from the right lane, unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

The driver of the red car is allowed to continue driving straight or to the right at the intersection.

The driver of the blue car is only allowed to continue driving straight ahead at the intersection.

Turning left in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs - Fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs and (or) markings of the roadway when entering the adjacent territory or when leaving such territory - Warning or fine of 500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

4.1.5 "Move straight or left."

Movement is only allowed straight ahead, to the left, and turns are also allowed unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

The driver of the red car is only allowed to continue driving straight ahead at the intersection.

The driver of a blue car is allowed to continue driving at the intersection only straight, left or in the opposite direction.

4.1.6 "Movement to the right or left."

Driving is only allowed to the left or right, and U-turns are also permitted unless markings or other road signs indicate otherwise.

Since you are moving in the left lane, you can only continue driving to the left or in the opposite direction (section 8.5). In this case, you are required to turn on the left turn indicators (clause 8.1).

Signs 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.6, allowing a left turn also allow a U-turn, but only from the leftmost lane on two-way roads.

Signs "Avoid obstacles"

They are used to indicate directions to bypass the beginning of fences installed along the axis of the roadway, the beginning of the dividing strip, raised traffic islands and guide islands, and various kinds of obstacles on the roadway.

Signs are installed outside the roadway at the beginning of dividing strips, islands and fences. If there is a cabinet with internal lighting in the indicated places, signs are installed on it.

4.2.1 "Avoiding obstacles on the right."

Avoiding obstacles is only allowed on the right.

4.2.2 "Avoiding obstacles on the left." Detour is permitted only from the direction indicated by the arrow.

When installing temporary signs 4.2.1 -4.2.3 to avoid obstacles, it is allowed to cross a solid marking line.

4.2.3 "Avoiding obstacles on the right or left." Detour is permitted from any direction.

4.3 "Circular movement". Movement in the direction indicated by the arrows is permitted.

Installed at each entrance to an intersection (square) where roundabout traffic is organized.

A turn is allowed only along trajectory A.

Sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, like all “Required signs”, allows traffic only in the directions indicated by arrows on the signs. The effect of these signs (4.1.1 - 4.1.6) applies only to the intersection of roadways in front of which the sign is installed. Otherwise, when entering under the sign, you are instructed to move around the flowerbed counterclockwise, and, therefore, you cannot move in direction “B”. Sign 3.18.1 “No right turn” prohibits turning in direction A.

Driving in violation of the requirements prescribed by road sign 4.3 “Roundabout” into a lane intended for oncoming traffic. Deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 4 to 6 months (Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

4.4.1 "Cycle path or lane for cyclists."

The sign is installed:

To the right of the bicycle path or lane, if it is separated from the roadway by a curb, barrier, lawn, etc.;

Above the roadway with a sign 8.14, if it is separated from the lanes intended for the movement of motor vehicles by markings 1.1.

The main sign is installed at the beginning of the bicycle path, the second one is installed after each intersection of the bicycle path with the road.

Sign 4.4.1 can designate not only a bicycle path, but also a dedicated bicycle lane on the roadway.

Only cyclists over 14 years of age and moped drivers can use the dedicated lane.

4.4.2 "End of a cycle path or lane for cyclists."

Indicates the end of a dedicated bicycle lane or the end of a bicycle lane.

4.5.1 "Pedestrian path".

Pedestrians and cyclists are allowed to move in the cases specified in paragraphs 24.2 - 24.4 of these Rules.

Cyclists over 14 years of age are allowed to ride on the sidewalk or footpath- in the following cases:

There are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the roadway or shoulder;

The cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 7 years or transports a child under the age of 7 years on an additional seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed for use with a bicycle.

The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and pedestrian paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Cyclists under 7 years of age should only ride on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the pedestrian side), as well as within pedestrian zones.

4.5.2 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic (cycle and pedestrian path with combined traffic).

The shared path is suitable for cyclists of all ages.

4.5.3 "End of a pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic (end of a bicycle and pedestrian path with combined traffic)."

4.5.4, 4.5.5 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation." A bicycle and pedestrian path with a division into bicycle and pedestrian sides of the path, allocated structurally and (or) marked with horizontal markings 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.23.2 and 1.23.3 or in another way.

According to the traffic rules, sign 4.1.1 (Driving straight) determines that a motorist can only drive in the direction of the arrow. Difficulties arise if the driver needs to make a left turn or a U-turn; in certain road conditions this is not allowed. The straight ahead sign is mandatory, but failure to comply with the rules may result in a fine.

Action of the sign

Beginning drivers often resort to repeating the rules, since the theory must be consolidated at a practical level. So, the sign looks like a blue metal circle, in the center of which there is a white arrow indicating the direction of movement.

The main point is that the coverage area of ​​the regulation differs depending on the installation location..

The driver is only allowed to drive straight; turning under the sign is a violation of the rules. However, if a sign is additionally installed under the sign specifying the type of transport, then the regulation applies only to certain vehicles, for example, trucks.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight”

Installation features according to traffic regulations:

  1. In circumstances where the sign is located at an intersection, it is relevant only for the first intersection of roadways in front of which it was installed. After passing this section, it is allowed to move not only straight, but also to make turns and U-turns, if there are no other restrictions.
  2. If 4.1.1 is installed at the beginning of the road, its coverage extends to the next intersection. The entire area must be crossed in the direction of the sign. At the same time, turning right into any adjacent territory (for example, at a gas station) is not prohibited. This means not an exit onto the main road, but an exit to a roadside area (entering courtyards).

Exceptions are provided for public transport; if a route runs through this section, they can turn left or make a U-turn within the coverage area of ​​the straight ahead sign.

There may be situations when 4.1.1 is installed on the dividing strip; this is done to prevent turning to the left. This often happens on roads with a large flow of traffic.

It is 4.1.1 that is not so common; sign 4.1.4 (movement straight and to the right) is more common; it is also prescriptive. The motorist is allowed to drive only in one of the directions of the sign; accordingly, turning left and making a U-turn are prohibited.

Traffic violation

Initial non-compliance with a mandatory sign may initially result in only a warning. Typically, a fine is imposed if one violation is followed by another, for example, driving onto a one-way road. However, turning under a sign is punishable by a fine of 500 to 1,500 rubles. At the same time, reversing in such a section is not prohibited.

Reason for installing the sign

On roads with intense high-speed traffic, it is not so easy to turn left, because this will impede the movement of cars moving in adjacent lanes. Therefore, in order to avoid blocking the passage, as well as emergency situations, a straight ahead sign is often installed at intersections and narrow roads.

What the sign prohibits

Many people wonder what road sign 4.1.1 prohibits, since it is only prescriptive in nature and why is it necessary?

If the sign is installed in front of an intersection, it is prohibited:

  1. turn right;
  2. a left turn or U-turn (for the first crossing), but if the road being crossed has a median, then a left turn or U-turn is allowed (see picture on the right).

If the sign is installed after an intersection, it is prohibited:

  1. turn left;
  2. reversal

Video: “Go straight” sign according to traffic rules
