Cleansing the house from the devil. Prayer to expel evil spirits from the apartment. What prayers should you read against demons?

Have you ever wondered why in some houses you feel cozy and good, - the white magician Grigory VORON began a conversation with the M-N columnist, - while others are oppressive and depressing, you always go to them reluctantly, you feel constant discomfort there Are you trying to get home as soon as possible? And when you return, you feel tired and unwell. It seems that the owners are pleasant to you, and the food is delicious, and they try to please you in everything, but something is not right.

And this happens more often than we would like...

This happens because in any house, in addition to the given energy dictated by the earth’s crust, there is always its own internal energy-informational structure. Energy lines, like a web, envelop the home. Some of them are good, others are evil. And the mood of the house depends on which ones are “woven in” more.

This means that the comfort of a home is primarily related to the energies that inhabit it? Where do they come from?

Such energies arise from previous owners, from your quarrels, from the emotions that you experience for each other, from people who visited you. Every day and every hour we, without knowing it, are under the influence of invisible forces, sometimes friendly and sometimes hostile. Moreover, we ourselves constantly influence the world. Every movement, thought, feeling has a power that we don’t even think about. This is how we create the environment around ourselves in which we have to live. And if your house is boring, bad, difficult, sad, if scandals break out in it every now and then, will you really feel good and comfortable in it, can it be considered a real home? Whatever energy message goes out into space from us is what we receive in response.

Well, what if everything seems fine? By what signs can you tell whether a house is sick or healthy?

In an apartment where the energy is positive, it dries out more slowly spilled water, cut flowers do not wither for a long time, metal objects are cool to the touch, and wooden objects are slightly warm. In positive zones there is always an even and strong candle flame, in negative zones the candle smokes, its flame is flickering and weak. In places where negative information accumulates, the radio receiver receives short waves better, a silver coin thrown on the floor rings dully or barely rings, milk sours faster and hot water cools down, salt dissolves more vigorously in water, and butter melts before our eyes. In a neglected, dirty apartment, people are more likely to get sick, quarrel and feel discomfort. In order for the house to be filled with favorable energies and then be able to reflect unfavorable ones, you need to build your own microcosm in it.


As soon as bad luck begins to haunt you, you feel uncomfortable in the house, start cleaning it. The most ordinary cleaning is an act of cleansing that can be done daily. General cleaning is practically updating everything energy field apartments. And if something is bothering you in your home, then spring is the time to start life with a clean slate. It’s not for nothing that in Rus', general cleaning has long been timed to coincide with the most important thing for Orthodox holiday- Easter, Holy Christ's Sunday. They prepared for Easter starting from Maundy or Maundy Thursday, before Easter they put things in order in both villages and cities - they cleaned, washed and cleaned every house, swept the courtyards, straightened fences, painted gates and benches, planted flowers in front of the windows. In the North and central Russia, juniper branches were burned to fumigate homes and barns. Healing juniper smoke protects humans and domestic animals from evil spirits and diseases. Our great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers already knew then how to restore positive energy at home.

But Easter purity is festive, ritual...

So who prevents a person who is uncomfortable in his own home from starting with her? Should you take a mop and a rag and put things in order in your life before the holiday? As they say, trash in the house is trash in the head. Clean the house. Get into the farthest corners and rake out all the dirt. Physical dirt always implies energetic dirt. Wash windows, mirrors, all plumbing fixtures, sinks, central heating radiators. Everything needs to be polished to a shine, since it is precisely such things that serve as a source of pollution to the energy of the house. And get used to washing them until they shine every week - say, every Thursday. Gather your courage and get rid of all unnecessary, old, broken things. Check everything, and if you haven’t used something for more than a year, you can safely throw it away. It is unlikely that you will ever need it. First of all, the trash can should be blessed with chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with even minor defects. Every crack or chip emits a very powerful negative energy. There is an opinion that the well-being of the home disappears through cracked dishes.

The apartment seems to have been cleaned. What then? Are we ready to celebrate Easter yet?

After washing the floors and airing, wash yourself. Wet your face and hands with holy water and let it dry on your skin. On the eve of Good Friday, Christ's disciples washed their teacher's feet. Therefore, the Thursday before Easter is called Clean. It is believed that pouring water on such a day brings health, wealth and beauty. Among the people, it was celebrated by the custom of cleansing with water - swimming in an ice hole, river, lake. Our ancestors bathed before sunrise; they said that a raven bathes its children on such a day.

The candle light is one of the symbols of Easter. How to clean your house with a candle?

The birth of fire has been surrounded by mystery since ancient times. To protect the home, they walked around the house and premises with livestock with a candle. From the front door, clockwise, you need to go around the entire house from the inside, including the bathroom and toilet, without missing a single corner, with a candle in your hand. Read “Our Father” and at the same time cross all corners, doors, beds, resting places and windows three times with a candle. Then melt the incense in a spoon on the stove and walk around the house with the smoking spoon, doing everything the same as with a candle. When the incense in the spoon cools down and does not smoke, it should be heated again and the consecration of the house should continue from the place where the spoon stopped smoking. Hide the spoon - it will come in handy more than once. Now take holy water and, again going around the house clockwise, spray (you can use a brush) three times all the corners, beds, windows, resting places, entrance doors, saying each time: “In the name of the Father” - the first sprinkling, “and of the Son” - the second sprinkling, “and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" - third spraying. After this procedure, the apartment is cleaned very well. At night, light a church candle in each room and repeat this for three nights in a row. You can also fumigate the rooms with a dry twig of St. John's wort, thistle and heather. Often one such ritual is enough to completely cleanse the biofield of an apartment. But it can only be done after spring cleaning. If it does not help immediately, the entire procedure can be repeated two or three times within a month. For a long time, your apartment will be absolutely clean, unless you introduce dirt yourself due to a quarrel with your family or your own sad mood.

And here I am sitting in such a clean house, guests came, looked askance and ruined everything.

Unpleasant guests or people who secretly dislike you really leave a negative mark behind them. Therefore, after any guests leave, it is better to immediately wash the floors and ventilate the apartment. I advise you to do the same after a quarrel with your family. It is better not to let guests into children's rooms and into their own bedrooms. If you do not have a separate living room, then in addition to washing the floors, after they leave, you need to bathe the children and take a shower yourself. By the way, animals - especially cats, canaries, flowers - for example, geraniums, willow branches in a vase or sunflowers under the windows, are good at repelling energy attacks and defusing the atmosphere in the house. Be sure to listen to the bells ringing on Easter. The ringing of bells also drives away dark forces from us.

Eat popular belief that on Easter you cannot give anything to anyone from home, otherwise there will be grief in the family. And anyone who asks for something is probably a witch.

Not only on Easter, but also on other major holidays, for example, the Annunciation, Christmas or before Epiphany, you should not give anything from home to strangers. On such days, people knowledgeable in black magic can really do a lot of dirty tricks with the things they take from you. However, as you understand, if someone asks you for something on such days, it is not at all necessary that he is going to spoil you. Maybe he really needs sugar for the cake or an egg for the dough! But it’s better to play it safe and not give anything to strangers on such days.

Yes, you can’t give it. Should I take it?

It's better not to take it. Someone else's thing always carries a powerful energy charge from its former owner. And if the energy is negative, another unfavorable source will appear in your home.

Yes, we have a lot to do before Christ’s Sunday...

The Resurrection of Christ is the most joyful and solemn event for Christians. Every Maundy Thursday Orthodox man strives to be spiritually cleansed, to receive communion, to receive the sacrament. On the same day, eggs are painted for the Easter table. Candles are lit, the house and icons are decorated with flowers. The entire evening of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in the homes of Orthodox Christians before, and even now, they bake Easter cakes and make Easter, and then consecrate them. IN Holy Week It was customary to do good deeds. It was believed that good deeds done in favor of people deprived by fate help remove sin from the soul. On Bright Sunday after Matins, the custom was to christen yourself - to kiss your family and friends three times. And it was impossible to refuse a kiss to anyone. The Easter holiday is unthinkable without eggs. They can be either real, colored with coffee, tea, beet juice and simply food coloring, or chocolate, sugar, marzipan... At least one of the colored eggs should be saved until the next Easter table, because it has the wonderful property of never spoiling . It is believed that the shell from an Easter egg should not be thrown out the window onto the street - after all, during the entire Bright Week, Christ and the Apostles walk on the earth and you can get into it.

People help me. One story happened to me about a year ago, 3-4 years ago, I was about 12 years old then. As usual, I was playing at the computer in the evening, as usual, with headphones on, but then it really seemed to me that someone was standing behind me and breathing down my neck, I turned around, there was no one, I was alone at home then, I turned away, I thought it seemed, then the same thing happened a little just every time it gets stronger, I also have a habit of just looking sharply to the side, I don’t know where it came from, but when, as usual, I looked towards the door in my room, something ran there, but I only saw it when it almost disappeared around the corner . I didn’t attach any importance to this, but when I went to bed I heard all sorts of rustling noises and knocks, but I was still able to fall asleep, I didn’t dream of anything. But suddenly I noticed that this kind of garbage began to happen every day, and I didn’t dream of anything at all, but when I (occasionally) dreamed of something, it was something very bad, moreover, each such dream had meaning and not like before without it, dreams it was like reality, they say in dreams you don’t feel pain, so I felt that’s the problem. And after such dreams, the next thing something very bad happened, not with me but with my loved ones, every day it was more and more devastating. Then it all calmed down for a while. But one day, about 9 months ago, something inexplicable to me happened. Again there were all sorts of sensations and sounds, then my temperature rose, and I almost couldn’t move, I felt paralyzed, I lay there for about ten minutes, then it went away just as quickly as it all started. But in the other doorway I saw something running again, but this time I saw that it was (it was something I didn’t understand, some creature about 150-180 cm tall, with a terrible face, bloodshot eyes, claws and fangs, and the body itself was very dark but it was hard to see; it was lightly covered with some kind of haze) I was very scared then. Then there was a sudden lull, and I began to hear voices, many voices but inaudibly, from all sides, then I began to understand the voices little by little and then specifically clearly the words GIVE YOUR SOUL. Then I almost (roughly speaking) shit myself. And then, out of nowhere, I saw such weirdos like that one, well, at least a dozen around me, I wanted to get up and run away, but I couldn’t, I was again as if I was paralyzed, they started asking me if I loved my family and friends, if I loved life. I answered them that of course, but I wouldn’t give up my soul, then they threatened me that I would pay very much for this, and from that moment I have nightmares every day, 3 of my close friends died, count me in your arms, several relatives, and several of them I’m in the hospital now, I’m very scared, I don’t know what to do. There was even a case once they came to me again demanding my soul, I decided to threaten them with my cross and began to pray, but then they laughed and told me to stop talking nonsense, one of them took my cross in his hand (I don’t know it’s more like a paw) looked at I grinned at him again and they left, But then I woke up even more bitterly from the fact that I was in great pain in the chest area, there were small wounds on it, apparently inflicted by them, I now have about 15 small scars left from them, I am very I’m very afraid, they even began to come and talk to me during the day, the main thing is that they talk like any ordinary person, not like in films, but specifically like the most ordinary people, but the main thing that I understood is that without my consent they cannot get a soul, but they can inflict minor wounds, and make people close to me die, no matter what I tried, it didn’t help them, but after every attempt I made, the situation only got worse, many people who know are already saying that these could be collectors of souls, but they they just come up with the idea that if I myself have done a lot of bad things, although I didn’t do anything like that (I know myself) I’m a good guy and many of those who know me will say this. Help me please, I don’t know what to do, I’m very scared.

Prayer from demons can protect the victim evil spirits person. When demons appear to you, evil spirits live in the house, or you suspect that they have settled inside you, prayers that drive out dark forces will help and save.

In the article:

In what cases is prayer from demons used?

Despite the fact that today a person is surrounded modern world, where there is almost no room left for legends and ancient traditions, there are demons. They come to a person, settle in the home and body.

There are no barriers for them. Neither thick walls nor door locks will stop them. One thing can get rid of evil spirits and drive them back to hell - prayer from demons. She will protect from any evil and enemy. The latter cannot stand places where prayers are constantly heard. It is believed that it is not found in churches and monasteries. However, there are known cases such as fighting Satan in one’s own cell, and many also believe in the existence, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

To expel evil spirits from your home, stock up on holy water, an icon and church candles. Sprinkle walls, windows, doors and corners, outline with church wax, and carry the holy face with you during this process. Church incense is also suitable; it is used to fumigate the room. Evil spirits are also afraid of wormwood smoke. When you are practicing, read any of the prayers from demons that are given below.

They are capable of much, and meeting with them ends in mild fear or death. Knowledgeable people It is recommended to carry prayers with you written down on a piece of paper. Or memorize one of the texts below, but many simply lose the ability to think clearly when encountering real evil spirits. You can meet her anywhere - in a deserted place on the street, in the dark.

When they saw devils or other unclean entities with their own eyes, they wished for it - evil spirits love to scare people. Or perhaps you have the rudiments of clairvoyance and see more than others. But don’t look closely at the horned figures, say a prayer and believe that it will save you.

Obsession- a separate and complex case. There are options for getting rid of this problem - expelling evil spirits from yourself, performing a ceremony for another person, or getting help from a church, which has nuances.

What is read against demons

The prayers described below are for expelling demons from the house or in case of a chance meeting for protection from it. Apartments become housing for her, often in those where murders or suicides have occurred. The evil spirits love the homes of drunken alcoholics and drug addicts, where they make scandals and sin in other ways. When you get one with otherworldly powers, drive them out. Evil spirits will encourage suicide, drunkenness, and scandals. You will forget about peace with such neighbors.

One of the prayers that casts out demons is “Our Father.” For any situation, it is universal. For protection and expulsion of evil spirits it is read “May God rise again,” Jesus Prayer, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Prayer to Saint Cyprian and many others sacred texts, which is kept from evil spirits.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from demons and other representatives of hell.

A special prayer for protection from any evil spirits.

These prayers are read at any time, anywhere when protection is needed. The main purpose is to drive away evil spirits, to prevent them from frightening a believer or causing harm, whatever they are capable of.

How to cast out a demon on your own

Priests are involved in exorcising demons, and to do this they must obtain permission from the church diocese.
But with the help of special prayers it becomes real even at home. They will not be able to harm, and when it is not possible to drive away the dark entity, the ritual is repeated, they ask for help - it is easier to reprimand another than themselves, or they turn to church.

A demon sitting inside a person may prevent him from crossing the threshold of a temple; such entities experience serious discomfort in holy places. While reading the exorcising prayer, you must be alone - otherwise the essence will move into someone who is nearby, leaving you. The presence of icons, candles or incense is not required, but pectoral cross Worth wearing.

The prayer is read during the manifestation of activity of the enemy sitting in the body. When you have enough willpower to understand that a demon is forcing you to drink alcohol, show aggression, or engage in other obscene activities, this text is pronounced:

You need to read a prayer to feel better. At this moment you will feel resistance dark entity that has occupied the body, but willpower and faith in the Lord can deliver from demons, demons and devils. They also resort to prayer to Seraphim of Sarov. After expulsion, they put up protection, but it must be Orthodox.

Casting out demons from another person

Not everyone has the willpower to fight the dark forces on their own. And not every person is capable of exorcism. This requires strong nerves, unshakable faith in the help of the Lord and a desire to selflessly help one’s neighbor. You will also need an icon of the Savior - they place it in front of the demoniac.

There are many requirements for an exorcist: that there is no zero in the date of birth, that the person is baptized and wears a cross on his body, that he fasts for nine days before the ceremony, and is older than the person being reported in age, different names with a sick person, a woman with her period or a baby should not be in the exorcist’s house.

It is impossible to cast out evil spirits with this deduction on the waxing moon, or on the week when there are birthdays, weddings or christenings in the family of the exorcist or the possessed.

When reading, you should not make mistakes, confuse words and stop until the end. This is a long prayer, but a powerful one. During the reprimand, the possessed man sits on a chair in front of the icon. In especially severe cases, he is tied up. Do not keep sharp or cutting objects near the patient; when a seizure occurs, those suffering from evil spirits cannot control themselves. Legitimate question:

how to expel a Ghost or some kind of spirit from your home or premises? How to make sure that evil spirits leave this or that place if it lives there? Is it possible to do this yourself if you don’t particularly understand these issues? Is it possible to exorcise a Ghost or Spirit?

Yes, you can! Can you do this yourself?

  • I wouldn't recommend it. A person who does not know, and does not see and does not understand the Spiritual Laws can make such a mess that even his ancestors will get it. So, it’s definitely better to contact a specialist, for example.

But first, read the article -

How to expel a Ghost or Spirit? And why do you need a specialist for this?

1. Behind any Ghost or Spirit there are Forces that are responsible for it and hold it. And expelling a Ghost or Spirit always means working with the corresponding forces that stand behind it, and from which you often don’t know what to expect.

2. In order to do everything correctly when expelling or liberating (a lost Soul or entity), it is first necessary to find out the reason why this ghost is here at all, why this soul is punished, etc.

3. When it is clear what happened, what sins are on this restless soul, why it is tied to this or that place or room, who else is involved in the relevant events of the past - you can begin to unravel this tangle.

What to do with evil spirits? First of all, you need to identify it and understand what it is - Is it a creature, some kind of demon, a dark spirit or what? Again, an ordinary person, without psychic abilities

cannot do this.

When exorcizing evil spirits, it is important to know its nature, strength and reasons for its presence. Often you will have to fight, and this is in its purest form.

After this, having dealt with the reasons, you can draw conclusions, repent for the corresponding sins and conduct an expulsion ritual dark force, evil spirit and disconnect it from the premises, and sometimes simply destroy it.

This should also be done by a good specialist, a strong Healer!

Is it possible to try to expel the Ghost and Spirit yourself?

You can try it if you have and Light Forces and at least some spiritual or esoteric experience.

It happens that if a ghost has already served its purpose and there are no special conditions for its expulsion, one appeal to the Higher Powers in prayer may be enough, with a request for the release of this lost soul (ghost) and for the cleansing of the premises.

  • Read more -

Sometimes it happens that a ghost is released immediately as soon as one single person prays for his Soul and asks for him. But, more often than not, there are still individual conditions that need to be clarified and worked out.

If you need specific help in cleaning the premises, in exorcism -! I can recommend you a good specialist.

Also read

If you feel a foreign presence in the apartment, you should not brush off these sensations, but, on the other hand, you should not panic, thinking that some kind of super-mega damage has been brought upon you. It’s just that in the astral world there are a lot of different creatures - both friendly or hostile towards people, and completely indifferent to them. Another thing is that not everyone is pleased when someone unknown is rummaging around their apartment. To begin with, you can simply ask the uninvited guests (evil spirits) to leave your territory. But if this doesn't help, then it's time to get rid of them. Read on to learn how to kick them out.

Prayers to expel evil spirits from home

One of the most common methods of exorcism is reading prayers or conspiracies. In general, verbal magic is a rather complex thing - it’s not only about what you say, but also about how you do it. It is necessary to put energy into words that reinforces your intention, while correctly distributing it between the words of the spell, and monitoring your breathing and intonation. True, some people have an innate ability for this type of magic, and having developed intuition, you can choose the version of reading the plot that will work.

Prayers in this regard are simpler, but in order to achieve results, you need to have a good connection with the egregor - Christian, Muslim or other. This, naturally, implies that you have faith (so that it doesn’t work out like in one American film: a character waves a cross in front of a vampire, and the vampire tells him that in order for this to help, you need to believe).

To drive out spirits, it is better to resort to mixed methods: for example, while reading prayers, hold a lit church candle in your hands and baptize the entire space of the house with it (especially the corners). It is advisable to have someone follow you and sprinkle the house with holy water, but if that doesn’t work, you can do it yourself later. You can light incense before starting the process, and at the end scatter it around the apartment Thursday salt. Just be sure to protect yourself and all your pets (including animals), and it will be even better (and easier) if you send them somewhere for a walk. When you're done, don't forget to clean yourself: take a shower and use energetic ways, which were described earlier.

It is impossible to list here all the suitable prayers and conspiracies against evil spirits (and it is hardly necessary - it is not a problem to find them if you want), so I will, perhaps, limit myself to one interesting passage from the Koran. Don't be embarrassed, it works not only for Muslims. BUT: for this you should not have any personal conflicts with the Muslim egregor. Such conflicts include, for example, rejection of this religion, disrespect for it (they say that only Christian faith), hostility towards representatives of peoples professing Islam. Second BUT: if there is a certain aura of Christianity in your apartment (by the way, simply having icons in the house does not always ensure it), and you feel that you should not disturb it, then, rather, the methods by which spirits are exorcised are more suitable for you. described earlier.

So, when pronouncing this passage, the main part of the exhalation should be done on the highlighted parts of the words: BezmiLYAIRrahMANupraHIM (“and” is pronounced as something between “and” and “s”, “x” is aspirated). Help yourself with your hands: stretching them towards those you are expelling, imagine how the energy of the words you pronounce comes from your hands in a powerful stream (by the way, did you forget to put up protection?). If you cannot accurately determine the location of incomprehensible creatures, then allow the energy of the conspiracy to cover as much space as possible - if not the entire apartment, then the room. Just be careful, don’t drive the brownie out by overdoing it!

What techniques were used to exorcise the spirit?

Ritual of exorcising spirits using charged water

To drive out spirits, pour water into a cup or other container (not made of plastic, it conducts energy poorly), throw a few pinches of salt into it, take it in your hands and imagine how the water through your palms is filled with energy - for example, in the form of white or bluish glow. Alternatively, you can hold your hands above the water, allowing the energy to “drain” into it. This may take a few minutes or more, depending on your level of energy skills. You yourself will feel when the water is charged to the desired level. By charging water, you can send it a certain intention (for example, in the form of an image), that is, program it to cleanse space, to heal - depending on your goals.

Expelling an evil spirit with Thursday salt

It is prepared on the night of Wednesday to Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter). Pour salt into a saucer or other open container and leave it overnight; you can read a prayer over it (for example, “Our Father”). This salt retains its potency until the next Maundy Thursday.
