Gemstone oracle card meanings. Oracle cards are a simple and effective way to find out the future. Oracle of the Four Aces

From this article you will learn:

    What are Oracle cards

    What can you learn from Oracle cards?

    How to tell fortunes using Oracle cards

    Which decks of Oracle cards to buy

Since ancient times, people have tried to predict the future and used a wide variety of symbolic systems to do this: from looking at stars and clouds to fortune telling by the flight of birds or coffee grounds. However, the most popular fortune-telling tool has been “Oracle” cards for several centuries. They are used by gypsies, predicting people success, love, changes in life, illness, etc. In our time there is great amount decks of Oracle cards: astrological, psychological, associative and thematic, oracles of animals, stones, etc.

What are Oracle cards and how do they differ from Tarot?

What does the word "oracle" mean? Great encyclopedia defines it as follows: “Oracle (from Latin oraculum) is in ancient times one of the means by which a person tried to enter into direct communication with the deity. The sayings of the Oracle were considered revelations of the deity. All Oracles can be summed up under three categories: predictions were received either in the form of maxims, or in the form of symbols, or in the form of dreams.”

Card Oracles are symbolic systems. The structure of different decks of Oracle cards may vary, which distinguishes these cards from the Tarot, which must contain the major and minor arcana. In Oracles absolutely different number kart. They depict scenes or symbols from a single set.

Thus, in the Oracle of Numbers there are 32 cards, and each of them consists of two halves - a number and a Kabbalistic sign. Madame Lenormand's Oracle deck contains 36 cards, the content of which are characters (for example, Horseman) or abstract images (Ship, Clover). The Gypsy Oracle contains 52 cards, all of which are story-based. But this is not the limit: the Simbolon Oracle has as many as 78 cards (this deck combines astrological images and other symbolic subjects).

In terms of accuracy of predictions, Oracle cards are not inferior to Tarot. However, there is one significant difference: the strict symbolic system of the Tarot is not obvious and convenient to everyone; Oracles are simpler in this sense. To interpret the meanings of Oracle cards, it is enough to recognize the plots and images on them, while to use Tarot cards you need to have a good understanding of all the symbolism that they cover.

The problem with some Oracle decks is that they are superficial. These maps reflect the external outline of events rather than the deep essence of what is happening, so with their help it is impossible to obtain comprehensive and accurate answers to the questions posed. Unlike Oracle cards, Tarot reveals the entire chain of causes and consequences, starting from the energy level and ending with the event level.

If you want to bring a little magic to your daily life, when fortune telling on Oracle cards, turn to your own feelings and intuition. It’s not scary if at first it seems that intuition is silent and does not participate in what is happening. To begin, take the entire deck in your hands, hold it, listening to your own feelings. The one of the decks that will be more “lively” and “warm” for you is yours.

Fortune telling with Oracle cards: interpretation and rules

Fortune telling cards of the “Oracle” type have become a real breakthrough in the field of predictive techniques. In order to lift the veil of secrecy over the future, it is necessary to make a layout and then interpret its result (the meaning of the symbol is usually written on the card itself). Cards are not a blind weapon, but a rather capricious entity that can remain silent without giving an answer. If fortune telling is unsuccessful, put it off for another day, do not persist, be patient.

Oracle card decks typically contain 33 cards, one of which is a client card. Cards can be upright or upside down, and this also matters (as, for example, in Runes).

As for the meaning of Oracle cards, it consists of several components:

    Card suits (diamonds, crosses, etc.).

    The general meaning of the card (9 inverted worms, for example, symbolize sadness, straight ones - joy).

    Exact value. For example, for nine worms in upright position the adjacent card gives information about what kind of joy awaits you. If it has a cross suit, then it will be joy caused by unexpected receipt of money.

Thus, two cards provide information:

    The speaker is the one you are interpreting.

    Neighboring – located next to the speaker and clarifying her meaning. The card lying to the right of the speaker will have more weight.

The basic rules for fortune telling with Oracle cards are as follows:

    We select a client card - a person who addresses his question to the Oracle.

    We carefully shuffle the cards. To do this, you first need to hit the deck, then split it with your left hand, then divide it again into two halves and mix it again.

    The day of fortune telling affects the result. On Monday it is better not to touch the Oracle cards, but Friday (especially falling on the 13th) is a very good day for fortune telling. The first of January, the 13th of each month and your birthday are also suitable: the predictions will be deep and accurate.

    For fortune telling, you can only use your individual deck of Oracle cards. It, like a toothbrush, cannot be passed on to other people.

    Fortune telling is done alone. At least not surrounded by people who are skeptical about predictions - in this case the cards will be silent.

    But a cat, on the contrary, is a wonderful companion and assistant in fortune telling. It's better to guess when the cat is in the room. If she showed interest and walked through the cards, see where exactly she stepped.

    To communicate with Oracle cards, sit in a comfortable, quiet place with dim lighting.

    You can also make wishes with the help of fortune telling Oracle cards. To do this, on February 2, you need to put a card under your pillow before going to bed, whose symbolism reflects your desire.

Oracle cards: layouts and some fortune telling techniques

Oracle of the Four Aces

Ask a question that has a clear answer: either “no” or “yes.” Take the top 13 cards from the deck. Set aside the aces you find among them and the client card. Repeat the entire procedure three times.

Interpretation of the result:

    The dropped four aces in combination with the client card indicate great luck, for which you do not have to make any effort.

    Four aces, but without a client card, is also a great success, but with the participation of other people.

    Three aces along with the client card indicate that you will have to try a little to achieve success.

    It's just that three aces are interpreted as a very low probability of luck.

    Two aces in combination with a client card are an opportunity for success in the distant future.

If there is no clear answer from the Oracle cards, you should postpone fortune telling for a while and ask the question of interest later.

Little Oracle of Laetitia

Take two cards, then set aside the one that goes with the client's card. Repeat these steps two more times. As a result, you should get three cards from which you can predict life events in the next three days. To interpret them, consult an interpreter.

Oracle of Flowers

For this fortune telling, 32 Oracle cards are taken (without the client card). A pile of cards is thrown face down, then nine cards are selected from it, turned over and laid out according to the suits in the order in which they were removed. These cards will be talking.

Then the next nine cards are removed and placed next to each of the speakers. These are adjacent cards.

Formulate questions for each suit. Take a talking card of the required suit and read its meaning from the interpreter. After this, refer to the adjacent card to clarify the result.

Great Oracle of Laetitia

This method is similar to fortune telling with the Oracle of Flowers, only you need to remove not nine, but thirteen cards. After the cards are revealed, they are laid out in the order they were removed in a circle (there should be no groupings). The cards are then sorted by rank. The speakers will be the first six cards on the left, and the neighboring ones will be the last six cards on the right. The talking and neighboring cards should be laid out according to the following scheme:

1-13 2-12 3-11 4-10 5-9 6-8,

the seventh card should be in the center, surrounded by six pairs of other cards.

Processing of the results consists of interpreting the talking cards and subsequent clarification of their meanings based on neighboring cards (only their suit is taken into account). The central card is a surprise. It can also be interpreted by drawing another card from the pile, which will become a pair for it.

Oracle for the future

Predicting the future is not at all difficult if you have a deck of Oracle cards at your disposal. Here is one of the most simple ways fortune telling:

    shuffle the deck and remove the top card;

    then pull out a pair of cards;

    when faced with a client’s card, put aside the card that is paired with it;

    do this three times;

    interpret the three cards set aside according to the interpretations that are written directly on them.

Where and what Oracle cards to buy

Oracle "Golden Dreams Lenormand"

The famous fortune teller and psychic Madame Lenormand developed her own method card fortune telling. Her Golden Dreams deck has become very popular and has been actively used for many decades. The secret of the success of this Oracle is that it is not only able to predict the development of events, but also helps to make a decision in a difficult situation.

A modern version of the Lenormand Oracle was illustrated by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Each of these maps is a real little masterpiece, combining exquisite detail and original imagery of plots. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with the Lenormand Oracle or already have some idea about it, the Marchetti deck is an ideal option.

This edition of the deck takes into account all the principles of the classic versions of the Lenormand Oracle, but by increasing the number of cards from 36 to 47, the predictive capabilities of the deck are significantly expanded. 11 new cards have been added to the traditional set of cards, namely Well, Bridge, Compass, Mask, Magnifying Glass, Owl, Dice, Man, Lady, Labyrinth, Time.

Oracle "I Ching"

Each of us would like to know how to achieve success, gain knowledge and spiritual strength, live every new day at the peak of feelings and possibilities, what changes fate has in store for us around the next turn.

To find answers to these questions in ancient China the oracle of the I Ching, the “canon of change”, was created - philosophical concept, ritual and technique for predicting the future. The classical I Ching involved drawing sets of lines, solid and broken, and throwing a coin to create a hexagram - a set of six lines, which is then interpreted in a certain way.

The I Ching, embodied in a deck of cards, simplifies the fortune telling procedure and makes it more understandable and convenient for a person of the European tradition, accustomed to Western mantles. To find out your destiny, you no longer need to perform a Chinese ritual; you just need to draw an Oracle card.

Oracle Rumi

Rumi's Oracle Cards will allow the reader to connect with the divine and experience love and beauty. This is a conversation through dance movements, not words.

The authors of the deck were inspired by the poems of a Sufi poet and philosopher named Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, who lived and worked in the 18th century. The images reflected in the cards of this Oracle originate in the mystical whirling dance practiced by the dervishes, which, according to Rumi, helps to throw off the shackles material world and soar to the spirit.

Oracle by Suzanne Kipper (Fin de Siecle Kipper)

This deck of Oracle cards has a long and interesting history. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Suzanne Kipper, a very gifted fortune teller, who at some point needed her own author's cards. She illustrated maps in a style typical of 1870s Germany, where she lived. The oracle turned out to be very popular (no less than the Lenormand cards).

This Oracle was later creatively reinterpreted by artist Ciro Marchetti, who created the third version of the Mystic Kipper in the style of Victorian England. Oracle cards by Marchetti are distinguished by a clear system of interpretation, an abundance of interesting details, and subtly and luxuriously painted interiors and portraits. This makes this deck of Oracle cards very popular.

Runic Oracle “Legends of the Northern Roads”

The Runic Oracle deck of cards, based on Legends of the Northern Roads, provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the runic predictive tradition through cards. Its authors are Anna Simonova, a tarot reader, and Dmitry Shevtsov, a Russian artist. The deck contains 25 cards, including an “empty” rune, which can be used or not used at the wish of the person doing the fortune-telling. These Oracle cards come with instructions in Russian.

Our online store “Witch's Happiness” is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

Fortune telling may seem like science fiction to you, but thousands of practitioners around the world know that it is a reality and that looking into the future is possible and not difficult.

In "Witch's Happiness" there is a suitable oracle for everyone. For beginners, we have created a selection of decks that are ideal for getting to know the Tarot. And experienced players will be pleased with the abundance of unusual and rare cards.

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Magical practice provides a lot of different artifacts. It's not easy to choose the right one. To understand the purpose and operating principle of each, you need serious knowledge. The choice of a magical thing will determine the change, in one direction or another, in a person’s life.

Talismans are often confused with amulets and amulets. But there is a difference in these magical objects, and it is very noticeable. While the amulet simply prevents negative impact at the energy level, and the amulet is able to protect the owner from physical threats, the talisman is something more.
Talismans are tied to a specific powerful egregor. The person wearing them not only receives benefits from it, but is also responsible to the egregor, accepting its rules.

The most striking example is the crucifix. According to all magical canons, it is a talisman that determines attachment to a specific egregor. Yes, it has the functions of a talisman, but by agreeing to protection, a person must lead a certain lifestyle and follow the rules in the form of commandments.

There is also a system of punishments for disobedience. There are also rules for attending meetings and performing rituals, such in this case as communion, repentance, and weddings. And many others.
Talismans are usually worn by esoteric practitioners. In rare cases, they determine a person's religion. But more often it is a symbol of an adherent of magical practices.

Wishing stones

These are enchanted magical artifacts aimed at fulfilling a specific desire, made for a certain person. Such things are usually ordered from craftsmen if there is something for which there is a strong need.
Such a stone charms the practitioner and contains part of his own energy in it. The artifact will collect strength from the person who ordered it and make the wish come true.

The stone is selected individually, according to natal chart, zodiac sign and desire. Before you speak it, you need to clearly define your desire, without substituting concepts. Work is carried out between the practitioner and the client, the moments that are significant for the person are determined.

Oracle stones

This could be an artifact in the form of a dice, made of natural materials. It is performed individually, also taking into account the customer’s magical parameters. The oracle can only be associated with one person and is spelled only for him.
They work quite simply. If there is doubt about making a decision, the owner of such a stone simply asks a question and throws it on a flat surface. The stone will tell you what is best to do in a particular situation.

The purpose of talismans, wishing stones and oracle stones

When pronouncing the names of certain magical artifacts, people can mean completely different things. When you decide to order or make an item, you need to know what exactly can be achieved and what to expect from this or that thing.
Not only a body item in the form of decoration can be called an amulet. They are completely different. These include all kinds of stone products, dolls and figurines. Even items of clothing.

They are usually aimed at protecting the owner and his property. Be it a home or a car, or the person himself who wears it in the form of jewelry, a pin or, for example, a tie. In this regard, amulets can be of the most varied and unpredictable shapes and purposes.

These artifacts are not difficult to make and, if desired, they can be made independently, a spell is pronounced that corresponds to their tradition, and the amulet begins to work. The main difference is that amulets remove negative effects in the form of damage, evil eyes and other energy impacts. They can adjust the sequence of events and even add luck.

Amulets are intended for a narrower focus of action. They protect not only from energy, but also from physical influences. Such an artifact is purchased for specific cases and with a specific task.
Before going to war, many people buy amulets with the goal of returning home unharmed. Such an artifact is produced by masters great strength and experience. They are usually made from gifts from warriors of past generations.

Also, amulets can be aimed at increasing wealth or attracting the opposite sex. Such things take into account the energy of the customer himself, redirect and add strength.

There are amulets for good studies and favorable working conditions. Here a person decides according to what he wants to change in his own life. What area of ​​activity he has is not fully disclosed.

Amulets most often look solid and are intended to be constantly worn on the body. This is either a specific sign, carved from stone or cast from a suitable metal. There are also rings with stones or signs. Less often, these are enchanted artifacts of antiquity in the form of cartridges or other parts of weapons and household items.

It is important to remember that you need to purchase an amulet from a master whom you can completely trust. It should be close in spirit to the customer. If in doubt, you should not buy a magical item - it simply will not bring the expected effect.

Do you have any questions about stones, amulets, talismans and methods of using them, or do you have other questions? Ask them to me personally by email and I will definitely answer you.

Peace, love and warmth to your hearth.

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1 Oracle of Stones (Oracle precious stones, Oracle of Gems) Author of instructions Isa Donelly Published by Lo Scarabeo Publishing House, Turin, Italy, 2004 Thanks to their color, shape and splendor, precious stones and gems have fascinated people since ancient times, causing people to attribute amazing properties to them and use them even in currently for predictive and therapeutic purposes, as well as talismans. "Oracle of Stones" 32 cards, each of which depicts magic stone, conveying the meaning of the card - offers us possible situations from the spiritual sphere, the sphere of personal life and everyday life, which, in turn, give us the opportunity to harmoniously combine our “ inner life” with the daily choices we make in our “outer life.” Page 1

2 1. Aquamarine. Introspection: This is a good time for introspection. A place for meditation. Thoughtful decisions. 2. Amazonite. Recovery: possibility of improvement. Triumph of justice. Cure from illness. Supernatural talents (including the talent for " miraculous healings"). 3. Amethyst. Balance: steady progress. Advantages in business, travel, new beginnings. Mediumship abilities. Education in esotericism. 4. Apatite. Evolution: the light of newness that accompanies the journey. Internal revolution. Change of life style. New meetings. 5. Azurite. Transformation: new feelings. Completion of training. Separation from family, origins. 6. Chloromelanite. Life force: determination to use new energy to renew your own life style, relationships, love and work. 7. Agate. Contradictions: the difficult search for truth. Irritability and conflicts. Uncertainty, unstable relationships. Extremism. 8. Danburite. Energy: frantic and somewhat excessive impulse. Suppressed energy. Recycling. Distracting company. Youthful love (“candy-bouquet period of relationships”). 9. Diamond. Intelligence: inspiration and protection from above. Talent for sciences, arts, music and songs. Sincere and loving loved ones (partner and friends). Page 2

3 10. Dumortierite. Comfort: material security. Job satisfaction. Marriage, love, successful unions. 11. Hematite. Power: good advice. Decisiveness and coordinated action. Constancy in love and social relationships. 12. Pomegranate. Prosperity: high profits. Waiting for offspring. Management of communities and vocational training centers. Humanitarian works (charity). 13. Hambergite. Creativity: spirit of initiative, new ideas, including in art. Innovative actions in social work. Mother of a large family. 14. Lapis lazuli. Strength: openness and desire to express feelings. Spirit of brotherhood. Head of the company, judge, professional. 15. Malachite. Courage: Pursuing noble goals for oneself and helping those weaker. Perseverance when restarting a business. 16. Morganite. Anxiety: uncertainty, misunderstanding, displeasure. Rejected love, stirring passion. Problems in implementing projects. 17. cat eye. Luck: Opportunities to take advantage of. Availability of financial resources. Waste of energy and savings. 18. Black opal. Protection: helping the weak. Altruism and solidarity. Parent, friend, guardian leader (superior person). 19. Orthoclase. Clairvoyance: psychic powers, alternative therapy (non-traditional treatment). Socially useful activity. Mission abroad. Page 3

4 20. Peridot. Calm: wisdom. Countryside. Travel, trips for pleasure or study. A reserved, sincere, unpretentious person. 21. Rhinestone. Spirituality: the path to knowledge. Spiritual renewal. Medical institutions. Altruistic and generous person. 22. Star ruby. Passions: high ideals and aspirations. Confused love relationship. Craving for the unusual. 23. Scapolite. Patience: Waiting and effort rewarded. Decency. Inheritance, reward (gratitude for services, tips, etc.). Doctor for the soul. A relative or elderly friend. 24. Emerald. Magnetism: hidden forces. Search for “adrenaline” and achieving material goals. Unorganized life. Charming man. 25. Smithsonite. Charisma: prestigious position. Strong personality and pleasant character. Nonconformism, generosity, charm. 26. Spessartine. Wisdom: maturity gained from life experience. Craving for earthly things and distraction from them. Serene old age. 27. Tektite. Risks: decisive and renewing situations that can be confusing. Risky business. Excessive trust. 28. Topaz. Messages: signs from above. Astral travel. Relationship with foreign countries, trade, tourism and communications. Life in distant countries. 29. Tourmaline. Love: fateful meetings. Marriage. Generosity. Agreement with other people. New perspectives in life. Page 4

5 30. Turquoise. Friendship: altruism. Teaching music, painting, philosophy. Friendship for life. Tenderness that can turn into love. 31. Sapphire. Loyalty: honesty. Confidence in life and in other people. Optimism, the ability to give and receive. Parent, partner or trusted friend. 32. Zircon. Success: prestige in the family and at work. Fame, recognition and career. Income growth. Marriage or fateful meeting. Page 5

6 Layouts Gemstone guide for meditation. Choose one card from the deck that will become your guide for a certain period of one day, three days, a week to concentrate on it during meditation. Six-card spread (hexagon) for past, present and future Arrange six cards in a hexagon shape clockwise. The first two cards, the Past, show the querent's starting position. The second pair, Present, shows the current situation. The last pair, Future, briefly describes the querent's future. Three stones for one question To understand how the day, week or important meeting will go, lay out three cards in a fan. Interpret them in sequence and they will give you the prediction you require. Page 6

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CONTENTS How to work with cards...3 Card meanings...15 MAJOR ARCANA...15 10. A new beginning...16 11. Make your dreams come true...17 12. Go inside yourself...18 13. Creativity and abundance...19 14. Organization...20

Mini-book + set of cards for fortune-telling using semi-precious stones and minerals.

The set includes a small book-brochure and 44 cards with beautiful photographs of gemstones. In the gallery below are all the cards in the photo. Every single one of them is very beautiful!

Set for fortune telling using gemstones, with cards.

The compiler of the set is Salerno Tony Carmine. Author's dedication:

The Crystal Oracle is dedicated to love and wisdom, which originate from the heart of the Earth. This wonderful planet is our habitat, the cradle of our mind and spirit, a magical source from which the soul draws inspiration and desire for the sublime.

We are part of the amazing Universe, an endless ocean of shining stars. And in my opinion, it is this cosmic light that gives the eternal wisdom of unconditional love. And I don't mean romantic love. I define love rather as a spiritual essence that permeates everywhere; love that comes from a harmonious understanding and perception of everything around us.

Reverse side of the packaging box: description of the crystal oracle.

There is a natural order in the world, but it can only be seen through love. After all, love gives us the opportunity to understand that as soon as we stop trying to change any things and circumstances, everything changes by itself - by magic.

Precious stones are fraught with many secrets and healing energy. Each of these 44 cards attracts the energy and vibration of a specific crystal, gemstone or mineral to heal and nourish your body, mind and soul.

Instructions talks about the qualities of all stones, it also contains detailed interpretation each card in the set.

Join the love and wisdom that originate in the very heart of the Earth!

The cards are quite large, larger than usual playing cards(but smaller than postcards) - very dense.

The back of all cards in the set is with images of transparent crystals on a black background.

Magic force stones (set of 44 cards + mini-book).

What is an oracle?.....
How to use cards.....

Dedication to the crystal oracle.

Set cards:
Australian agate......
Tumbled stone.....
Smoky quartz........
Gold with quartz......
Talisman stones......
Lapis lazuli........
Moon rock. . .
petrified wood
Rose quartz. . .
Rutile quartz. .
Selenite green. .
Tiger iron.
Eye of the Tiger. . .
Fluorite. . . .
Chrysoprase. . .
Red jasper

How to use crystals

Examples of set cards. Crystal Oracle.

I have been working with crystals for a decade and am deeply convinced that these minerals truly have very special and magical qualities; First of all, they can help us heal. Crystals are life force, and just like humans, they give and receive energy and life force.

IN last years Countless people appeared wanting to buy crystals or find books describing their properties. Undoubtedly, before you buy a crystal, you need to read what is written about it.

But my advice to you: choose the crystal that caught your attention, because it is from this crystal, in my opinion, that you will get the maximum benefit and pleasure.

For the crystal oracle, I chose crystals that caught my eye. I intuitively turned to each of them to write a message, but I admit that this message is not the only one that each individual crystal contains.

Crystals are interactive; they, just like us, can resonate and tune in to the flows of our energy. Color, sound - all this is ultimately pure vibration. Every color, every crystal and every sound has its own special frequency. That is why it is impossible to give an exact and final definition for them, to describe things and phenomena that are, in principle, infinite, multidimensional and eternal.

All orders are sent from the Moscow warehouse. Delivery times to your city directly depend on the distance to your destination. Assembly and shipping are carried out within 1-3 business days

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Pickup Moscow

The pick-up point is located at Chistoprudny Boulevard, 12, building 2
Opening hours: Every day from 11:00 to 21:00

How to find us:

The nearest metro station is Chistye Prudy.
Walk along the boulevard, along it right side. The landmark is the Roland cinema, followed by a two-story building with the Kodokan inscription. Immediately after it, turn into the courtyard.

Right in the courtyard you will see the end of the house at 12/2 Chistoprudny Boulevard with a white plastic porch. You should go there, office No. 3. Point of issue website

Courier delivery in Moscow

Courier delivery is carried out
Monday – Friday from 11 00 to 20 00
Saturday – Sunday from 11 00 to 20 00, subject to order before Friday.

Payment to the clouds store courier is made in cash. You can pay by card through the website when placing an order.
If you choose delivery from the ShopLogistic courier service, then their couriers have terminals for card payments.

On the day of your order, the courier will contact you at least an hour before delivery.

ShopLogistic pick-up points in Russia

Delivery times to pick-up points range from 2-14 days, depending on the location of your city. You can calculate the cost and delivery time when placing an order. , as well as in the delivery calculator

When ordering an amount from 4599 RUR delivery is carried out for free

After your order arrives at the pick-up point, you will receive an SMS notification. The shelf life at the point of issue is 10 working days.

When arranging delivery, carefully study the location of the delivery point and its work schedule, choose the most convenient option in terms of cost and location.

Payment for the order is made in cash or by plastic card, carried out at the point of issue upon receipt of the order.

Check your order directly at the point of issue before paying. After payment, keep the receipt.

Courier delivery ShopLogistic in Russia

Delivery is carried out to all major cities of Russia and the region.
Delivery time depends on the location of your city, ranging from 2 to 14 days.
Orders are delivered daily from 10 00 to 23 00
On the day of your order, you will be sent an SMS notification, and the courier will also call you.

You can calculate the cost of delivery in the delivery calculator or When placing an order, indicate your city in the “delivery city” column.
The cost of delivery to most major cities starts from 299 rubles and depends on the weight and dimensions of the parcel.

When ordering an amount from 4599 RUR delivery is carried out for free

Payment for the order is made in cash upon receipt.

Please check the contents of your order before paying. If you have any questions regarding packaging or defects, call +74951200609 to coordinate with the operator for the exchange or return of goods.

Delivery by Russian Post

Delivery by mail is carried out to all settlements upon 100% prepayment of the order.
The order is completed and shipped immediately after payment is received.

You can pay for your order with a Bank card on the website, using YandexMoney, the AlfaClick service, Terminals for accepting payments in mobile phone stores.

The cost of postal delivery is calculated automatically when placing an order, depending on the tariffs of the Russian Post.

If you have any difficulties paying for your parcel, contact the operator, he will help you choose a convenient payment method that suits you.

Shipping calculator from ShopLogistic
