Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. Spirit of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). The last testament of the Prophet

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Whoever preserves forty hadiths for my ummah will be told on the Day of Judgment: “Enter paradise from whichever gate you wish.”" May Allah Almighty grant us paradise and the intercession of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)! Amine.

Therefore, we have collected these hadiths with the permission of Allah and with His help.

We hope you will learn them.

We also hope for your prayers for us, for our teachers, for the sheikhs, for our fathers and mothers. Your prayers for us are actually received for you, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a Muslim prays for his brother, the angels say to him in response: “And for you the same as you ask for him.” " May Allah Almighty grant us His pleasure in both worlds! Amine.

1. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Fear Allah, pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramadan, pay zakat on property and obey the rulers; you will enter heaven." The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi and said that the hadith is authentic.

2. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every good deed is charity.” The hadith was reported by Imam Bukhari.

3. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever of you sees an atrocity, let him stop it with his hand; if you are not able to do this, then with your tongue; and if he is not capable of this, even if he does not agree with his heart, this is the weakest degree of faith.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

4. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A hypocrite has three signs: when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he does not fulfill; when they trust him, he does not justify the trust.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

5. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The faith of one of you will not be perfect until he wishes for his brother the same as for himself.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

6. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He is not a liar who reconciles people by wishing good or saying good.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

7. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The most complete faith is the one of you whose character is the best, and the best of you is the one who treats his wife well.” The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi and said that it is authentic.

9. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every day two angels descend, and one of them says: “O Allah, enrich those who give alms.” And another says: “O Allah, destroy the property of those who abstain from charity.”

10. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should not harm his neighbor; whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him honor the guest; whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him speak good or remain silent.”

11. Abdullah ibn Masud said: “I once asked the Messenger of Allah: “What is the best deed?” He replied: “Performed prayer on time.” I asked: “And then what?” He replied: “A good attitude towards parents.” I asked the question again: “And then?” He replied: “Jihad in the path of Allah.”

12. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The major sins include associating a partner with Allah Almighty, disobeying parents, killing a person and taking a false oath.” Narrated by Imam Bukhari.

13. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best of good deeds is to have contact with your father’s friends.”

14. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A man is in the religion of his friend; let each of you look at who he is friends with.” The hadith was narrated by Imam Abu Dawud.

15. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A person will be with the one he loves.” The hadith is authentic.

16. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Seven will be in the shadow of Arsh on the Day when there will be no other shadow: 1) a just ruler; 2) a young man who grew up in the worship of Allah Almighty; 3) a person whose heart is connected to the mosque; 4) two people who love each other for the sake of Allah meet for his sake and separate for his sake; 5) a man who was called to her by a rich and beautiful woman, and he replied that he fears Allah; 6) a person who gives alms in such a way that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving; 7) a person who mentioned Allah in solitude and shed tears.” The hadith is authentic.

17. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), while making a khutbah, said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more.” And the companions, covering their faces, began to sob.

18. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The example of praying five times a day is like the example of a river of water that flows near your house, and you bathe there five times every day.”

19. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah is pleased with a slave when he praises Him after eating and drinking.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

20. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If those who believed knew the punishment of Allah, no one would strive for paradise; and if the infidels knew the mercy of Allah, not one of them would lose hope of paradise.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

21. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The poor will enter heaven five hundred years earlier than the rich.” The hadith was reported by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

22. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Wealth does not mean having a lot of property, wealth is having a rich heart.” The hadith is authentic.

23. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Repeat often what spoils pleasure.” That is, death. The hadith was reported by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

24. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was the best of people in character.” The hadith is authentic.

25. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Truly Allah is the Most Merciful and loves mercy in all matters.” The hadith is authentic.

26. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, whoever obeys the ruler, obeys me, and whoever disobeys the ruler, disobeys me.” The hadith is authentic.

27. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “...a good word, alms.” The hadith is authentic.

28. It is narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): “The speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was legible, he was understood by everyone who listened to him.”

29. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you dress and wash, start from the right.” The hadith is reliable, reported by Imam Abu Dawud.

30. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you begins to eat, let him mention Allah, and if he forgets to mention it at the beginning, let him say: in the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end."

31. From Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never blamed food - if he liked it, he ate it, and if he didn’t, he didn’t eat it.”

32. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Grace is sent down to the middle of food, so you eat starting from the edge.” They do this so that there is more grace.

33. Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) eating with three fingers, and when he finished, he licked them."

34. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drank water in three sips.”

35. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “I gave the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Zamzam water to drink, and he drank while standing.”

36. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The most truthful of you in sleep is the one who is truthful in speech.”

37. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever rides greets a person on foot, a person on foot greets someone sitting, a small group of people greets a large group, and a younger person greets an elder.”

38. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a person dies, his deeds cease except three: endless charity (for example, if you build a road, a bridge, draw water), knowledge from which people benefit, and righteous children, who pray for their parents.”

39. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “You set off at night, truly night shortens the path.”

40. Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “ The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), when returning from the journey, first of all went to the mosque and performed two rak'ahs ».

41. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “By Allah, he will not believe, by Allah, he will not believe, by Allah, he will not believe!” He was asked: “Who, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “He whose neighbor is not saved from his evil.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

Muslim narrated this hadith in the following words: “...he whose neighbor is not saved from his evil will not enter paradise.”

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the favorite of Allah, the best creation of Allah, for whose sake the community received awards that no community of other prophets received, received privileges that no ummah had received before him. Allah exalted the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to an extent to which no other creation has been exalted.

It is written in the books that a person’s worship and faith are not accepted if he does not know about the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), what the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), what the names of His parents were, the day and year of birth, place of birth, place relocation and place of transition to another world.

In this article we will give a little information about the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), referring to the books of authoritative scholars of Ahl Sunna wal-Jamaa, so that every Muslim knows a little about Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was born on Monday in the month of Rabiul-Awwal in the year of the Elephant, the year five hundred and seventy according to the Gregorian calendar. His father's name was Abdullah, son of Abdulmuttalib, and his mother's name was Amina, daughter of Wahba, who were from a noble and respectable family.

On the night of the birth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), some signs occurred: the palace of the Persian ruler trembled, that even sounds were heard and fourteen balconies fell out; the Persian fire (the fire of the idolaters), which had not been extinguished for thousands of years, went out; Lake Sava dried up, etc.

Childhood and adolescence

The father of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) died when the mother of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) was in the second month of pregnancy with him, that is, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not even see his father and became an orphan from birth.

The mother also left this mortal world when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) turned six years old, from which time he became an orphan. By the will of Allah, the grandfather of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Abdulmuttalib, took him under his guardianship.

Unfortunately, the grandfather was the guardian for a short time and died when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was only eight years old. And by the will of Allah, Muhammad’s uncle (peace and blessings be upon him), his father’s brother Abu Talib, took over guardianship.

Abu Talib was a very authoritative and respectable man, but he had many children and was not rich. Despite the fact that he had four sons Talib, Uqail, Jafar and Ali, he loved Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) very much and nurtured strong love to him.

Abu Talib loved Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) so much that he could not bear long separations from him and therefore, when he was heading to Sham (the territory of modern Syria) on trade matters, he took with him a little twelve-year-old boy. This was the first journey for our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

A story that happened on the way to Sham

On the way to Sham, when they reached the city of Busra, there was a priest who knew the Injil (Gospel), accordingly, he knew the descriptions of the last of the Prophets and Messengers according to the description that were given in his religion.

Abu Talib's caravan stopped with this priest, whom they usually did not stop before, although they often passed by him when he was in church, he also did not speak to the caravan. When he saw little Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), he found in him similarities with the description of the Messenger of Allah, who was expected and who was the last and completing the Prophethood.

Bakhira, that was the name of that priest, prepared a lot of food and sent for people from the caravan. Everyone came except the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who was left to look after the property in the caravan. Then Bahira said: “I prepared food for you and wanted everyone to be present. Is everyone present? They answered him: “ Everyone is here except the boy, the youngest among us and who was left to look after the property " When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was brought and the priest saw Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), he asked: “ Who is the father of this child ? Abu Talib replied: " I'm his father " The priest objected: “ No, this child cannot have a living father. ", then Abu Tali said: " Yes, I'm his father's brother, he's my nephew ", the clergyman further stated: " This boy is the Messenger of God for all worlds! “When everyone asked how he knew, they received the answer: “ When you were on your way here, there was not a stone or a tree left that did not prostrate before him, and these two things do not bow to anyone except the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them) ».

Next, the priest ordered them to return back, because if the Jews saw Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), they would not leave him alive, because the Jews were waiting for the Messenger, who was supposed to come out of their descendants, as they were convinced. Then Abu Talib and the caravan hastily returned.

Departure to Sham for the second time and incidents along the way

Time passed, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) grew up living and working with his uncle. He was a very righteous and honest man. During this period, there lived in Mecca a noble and wealthy woman who was engaged in trade and recruited men to be sent to Sham with trade affairs; her name was Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylida. She was looking for honest men, and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was recommended to her. After hearing about the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), about his honesty and reliability, Khadija accepted him into the caravan. By this time, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was twenty-five years old. He went with the slave of Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), whose name was Maysarat. This journey took place before the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her).

On this journey, miracles happened, which Maysarat told about upon his return to his mistress Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her). He said the following:

« I saw two angels make a shadow for Muhammad while others walked in the open desert under the scorching sun " Trade also turned out to be very beneficial and with greater income than ever before.

When they arrived in Sham, the Messenger sat down under the shade of one of the trees, which was located next to the monastery. The priest of this monastery, seeing Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), said in surprise:

« No one stopped to sit under this tree now except the Prophet “, that is, after the prophet Isa (peace and blessings be upon him), the last Prophet and Messenger should have appeared. Knowing this, the clergyman meant that the one who sat under the tree was the same Messenger of the Almighty.

Marriage to Khadija

When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) returned with Khadija’s servant, Maysarat told his mistress about the miracles he had seen on the way and that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was a very honest and noble man.

After everything she heard, Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) expressed a desire for Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to marry her, of course, through the intermediaries of Nafisat bint Munib. Khadija was then 40 years old, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was twenty-five.

Restoration of the Kaaba

When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was thirty-five years old, he participated in the restoration of the Kaaba, which by that time was already very damaged and old, as there was a flood, and before that there was a fire, and the walls were a little washed away.

The Quraysh could not decide for four whole days which of them would insert the Black Stone into the wall of the Kaaba. Then they decided to entrust the resolution of this dispute to the first person who came to their council, who turned out to be the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) laid out his cloak and placed a blessed stone on it. One person from each clan grabbed it by the edges and brought it to the wall, then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) personally inserted the Black Stone into the wall of the Kaaba.

First revelation

When Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was forty years old, the Angel Gabriel came to him with the first revelation, with the first verses of the Holy Quran, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was in the cave of Hira, in which he sometimes secluded himself for several months.

About sending down last prophet predicted by all the prophets and messengers, in all holy books was referred to as a seal prophetic mission.

After the revelation, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) preached Islam secretly, fearing the fanaticism and harm of the polytheists. But the number of companions grew, and it was no longer possible to preach and gather in one place secretly due to the increase in the number of Muslims. When the number of believers reached forty people, a command came from above to preach openly. The pagans of Mecca gave a tough rebuff to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions; truly, Muslims felt the real confrontation and cruelty of the pagans because of their fanaticism. For fear of losing authority, the Meccan leaders of the pagans incited the people to use the most sophisticated methods of confrontation with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), they even planned to kill, collecting a young man from each tribe, however, all praise is to Allah the Great, who took upon Himself the protection of His Messenger and did not allow the cruel plan of the polytheists to be realized.

It was especially difficult for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when his wife and the support of his life, Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), passed away, and then, after a short time, his protector and guardian, Uncle Abu Talib, died. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) called this year “ Amul-Khuzni"(year of sadness).

Relocation to Medina (al-Hijra)

Due to unbearable mockery, torture and ridicule from the pagans, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in the thirteenth year after the prophecy, when he was fifty-three years old, migrated (hijra) to Medina.

In Medina, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also encountered opponents of the call to Islam, who did not openly oppose him, but covered themselves with Islam, performing only external rituals, but did not believe in their hearts, plotted and entered into secret agreements with the opponents of Islam. Such people were called “munafiks” (hypocrites) by Allah and His Messenger.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) lived in Medina for ten years; in the sixty-third year of his life, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) passed on to another world and was buried there, in Medina.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) completely brought to us the religion of Allah, enduring all the troubles and difficulties on his way, from the hard and rough bed with which he was content until ignorant people threw stones at him. He came with salvation, but people did not accept him! He preached the truth, and they called him a sorcerer! However, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) silently endured all their insults, and every day, shedding tears, he asked Allah for guidance and forgiveness in prayer, every day he stood up in prayer until his legs swelled from standing for a long time.

Perhaps even today we do not realize what difficulties our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went through with his companions, but we believed in him and recognize his greatness before Allah and thank Allah for the gift and His generosity in making members of the community of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and blessings to him).

May Allah help us and guide us on the path of truth.

Muhammad ﷺ is the last of the prophets, after him no other prophet will be born, he completes the messenger mission and is the seal of the prophets. Every Muslim who follows the path of the Prophet ﷺ, in order to earn praise and happiness in this and the Hereafter, cannot do without knowledge about the life, wonderful qualities and beauty of behavior of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

Allah Almighty gifted His Messenger ﷺ with all the perfections of this and other worlds, which he never gave to anyone else.

The Chosen One of Allah ﷺ was born at dawn on the 12th of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal...

Muhammad ﷺ – seal of the prophets

Muhammad ﷺ is the last of the prophets, after him no other prophet will be born, he completes the messenger mission and is the seal of the prophets. Every Muslim who follows the path of the Prophet ﷺ, in order to earn praise and happiness in this and the Hereafter, cannot do without knowledge about the life, wonderful qualities and beauty of behavior of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

Allah Almighty gifted His Messenger ﷺ with all the perfections of this and the other worlds, which he did not bestow on anyone else. The Chosen One of Allah ﷺ was born at dawn on the 12th day of the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal (April 20), 571 according to the Gregorian calendar, on Monday in the city of Mecca. His birth was accompanied by signs and wonders that heralded an extraordinary child.

He came from the noble and famous family of Hashim from the Quraish tribe. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself said this: “The Almighty, having created the people, divided it into two parts - Arabs and non-Arabs (adjams). Then he divided the Arabs into Yemenites, Muzars and Quraysh, and from among them he chose the Quraysh and brought me out from among the best among them.”

The Prophet's father's name was 'Abdullah, his mother's name was Amina. Father 'Abdullah died at the age of 25, even before the birth of the Prophet. At the age of six he becomes an orphan. For two years after the death of his mother, Muhammad lived with his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib. When he was eight years old, his grandfather also died, after which Muhammad ﷺ came under the guardianship of his uncle Abu Talib, the father of the future caliph ‘Ali-ashab.

In those days, the Arabs had the custom of sending children to be raised by nomads and hiring wet nurses for them, so that the children would grow up developed and strong; and the grandfather of Muhammad ﷺ did the same. Halima was the nurse of the Prophet ﷺ. She discovered his bodily and mental capacity: at two months he crawled, at three he stood up, at four he walked holding onto something, at six he began to move freely, at seven he ran, in the eighth month he pronounced words quite clearly, in the ninth month he could have a smooth conversation , in which he revealed such wisdom that he amazed everyone who listened to him; at ten, he began to shoot with a bow. Halima remembered how, when he first spoke, he praised Allah Almighty, and from that day he did not touch anything without mentioning Allah, and did not grasp anything with his left hand.

Muhammad ﷺ began to work early, tending the sheep of Meccans. He was very pure and sincere, free from any bad thought. The great confidence placed in his prudence and righteousness was the reason that his fellow citizens often chose him as a mediator in their disputes. He was distinguished by good morals, justice, reliability, determination, integrity and intelligence. Since childhood, he was always accompanied by a white cloud in the sky, creating a shadow for him.

He had a very hard life, but he never complained about his fate and always praised Allah Almighty. Muhammad ﷺ was entrusted with prophecy in Mecca when he was forty years old. He was sent as a Prophet to all humanity, to the angels and jinn. He began to preach Islam for a long time and patiently.

At the beginning of the prophecy, the Quraysh nobles took up arms against the Prophet ﷺ, sensing a threat to their foundations and traditions. He and the first Muslims began to be oppressed, persecuted, and violated morally and physically. The greatest difficulty he faced was the ridicule of his opponents. They slandered him, calling him a poet, others decided that he was possessed by the devil, and accused him of witchcraft and sorcery. He was subjected to the ridicule, abuse and insults with which infidels are always ready to shower a person who does not fit their level either in intelligence or in activity. The infidels directed all their forces to counter the Truth that he spread. They laughed at him, set children, the insane and women to throw stones at him, attack him, trying to kill him. Muhammad ﷺ and his companions endured all this for the sake of Allah and His religion.

In 620, in the tenth year of the prophecy, Allah Almighty ascended him to heaven. First, Allah transported him at night from Mecca to Jerusalem, to the Bayt-ul-Muqaddas mosque (isra"), and then ascended to heaven (mi'raj), where he was shown many miracles. He saw people being punished for their deeds, met with the prophets, many secrets of Allah were revealed to him, into which He did not initiate anyone else, he was especially exalted, as Allah did not exalt anyone else, and thereby he was given a special honor.

In the year 622 according to the Christian calendar, in the thirteenth year of prophecy, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), with the permission of the Almighty, together with the first Muslims, moved from Mecca to Yathrib, later called the city of the Prophet ﷺ - Madinat-un-Nabi (Medina). With this migration (in Arabic “Hijra”) the Muslim calendar begins (according to the Hijri).

Many wars and battles took place between the first Muslims and the infidels. But Muslims were never the first to start a war. Subsequently, Islam gradually spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

The Prophet ﷺ taught people the Islamic religion, explained duties and prohibitions, showed them the right path that was beneficial for both worlds, and showed people many miracles (mu'jizat). The wise followed the Prophet. Ten years after the Hegira, Islam became the dominant religion throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

The Prophet ﷺ died after completely bringing the religion of Islam to people at the age of 63 years, on the 12th day of the month Rabi'ul-Awwal of the 11th year of Hijra, (632 AD) in Medina, and was buried there, in the room his wife 'Aisha, next to the Prophet's Mosque. (Currently, the Prophet's Mosque has been expanded, and his grave is inside this Mosque). The Prophet was born, left Mecca as a muhajir to Medina, arrived in Medina and died on Monday.

The companions of the Prophet ﷺ are called ashabs. The most highly respected among them are Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali, who later, in the above order, became caliphs (vicars of the Prophet ﷺ), that is, rulers of Muslims.

Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

Before his death, the Prophet ﷺ had nine wives. In total he married fourteen women. They are all mothers of the faithful, this is stated in the Holy Quran, and we should love them.

The Prophet ﷺ did not marry any of his spouses except by order of Allah Almighty. By marrying them, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ united many large tribes around Islam. Living with the Prophet ﷺ, they got to know him better, saw that his behavior did not diverge from his teaching and told people about it.

After marrying Khadija, he did not take other wives until her death. Only after fifty years, given the need to spread and further strengthen Islam in various ways, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, following the commands of the Almighty, married other women.

In addition, this did not at all prevent him from serving Allah Almighty and spreading His religion. He also prayed at night, fasted during the day, participated in ghazavat, and did not allow excesses in food, clothing or anything else, either for himself or for his wife. All this testifies to the purity and perfection of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Children of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

From the Prophet Muhammadﷺ there were seven children - four daughters and three sons. Let's list them in order of seniority:

Qasim– born in Mecca, died in childhood, at the age of 17 months;

Zainab- was born in Mecca, she was married to Abul-'Assa, the cousin of the Prophet ﷺ, gave birth to two children - son 'Ali and daughter Umamat, died in her youth;

Rukia- was born in Mecca, she was married to ashab ‘Uthman, she fell ill and died in her youth in Medina, on the day of the battle of Badr;

Fatima– was born in Mecca, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to the cousin of the Prophet ﷺ, Ashab ‘Ali, gave birth to six children - Hasan, Hussein, Muhsin, Ummu-Kulthum, Zainab, Rukiya. Fatima was very beautiful, the Prophet ﷺ loved her very much, she is the eldest among women in Paradise. She died six months after the death of the Prophet ﷺ. The descendants of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ remained only from her eldest sons - Hassan and Hussein. Among these descendants were the greatest imams, the largest awliyas, tariqat sheikhs and other outstanding people. His descendants live in our time;

Ummu Kulthum- was born after the advent of Islam, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to Ashab ‘Uthman after the death of her elder sister Rukia, she died in her youth, in the ninth year of Hijra;

‘Abdullah– born after receiving the prophecy, died in early childhood;

Ibrahim- Born in the ninth year of Hijra. On the seventh day after his birth, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ slaughtered a sacrificial animal (‘aqika), gave the child a name, shaved the hair on his head and distributed silver equal to the weight of this hair as a donation (sadaqa). Ibrahim died when he was exactly 18 months old. The Prophet ﷺ had tears in his eyes on the day of his death. When asked: “Does the Prophet cry?” - he replied: “These are tears of sadness, but we never do what Allah Almighty is angry with.” On that day, an eclipse of the Sun was observed, and people began to associate it with the death of Ibrahim, but the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told them: “The Sun and Moon are signs of the omnipotence of Allah, and their eclipse is not associated with anyone’s death or birth.”

Khadija gave birth to the first six children of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and Ibrahim's mother was Mariyat. All his children, except Fatima, died before him.

May Allah be pleased with all of them and may He make us one of those who will receive their intercession (shafa'at)!

About love for Arabs

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Love for the Quraish comes from faith (iman), hatred for them is disbelief (kufr), whoever loved the Arabs loved me, whoever hated the Arabs hated me.” The hadith also says: “Love the Arabs for three reasons: because I am an Arab; The Qur'an was revealed on Arabic; the people in Paradise also speak Arabic.” Therefore, it is necessary for all Muslims to honor and love the Arabs who follow the true path of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

The first sign of prophecy is truthful vision

Even seven months before receiving the revelation, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had visions that clearly indicated that he would be a prophet. He secluded himself in the cave of Hira in Mecca and spent many nights in worship, then returned to Khadija and found support from her. This continued until the Truth appeared to him. During his next seclusion in the cave of Hira, he suddenly appeared Archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him) and commanded him: - Read! - I can not read! - answered the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), since he was illiterate - unable to read or write. Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) pressed him to himself and repeated the order, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) repeated the answer. The third time the archangel said: - Read! In the name of your Lord... The Messenger of Allah repeated these words, which seemed to be carved into his heart. When he finished reading, the Heavenly Messenger proclaimed: - O Muhammad! Truly you are the Messenger of Allah. And after this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), excited, whose heart was trembling with fear, returned home, entered Khadija and informed her about what had happened. He said that he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the weight of the prophecy, and that his fellow tribesmen might kill him. Khadija reassured him, saying: “No way, I congratulate you with great joy. I swear by Allah! Allah will never humiliate you, for you firmly support family ties, always speak the truth and help the weak in the truth.” Then Khadija went with him to her uncle Warak, a blind old man, one of those Arabs who accepted the religion of the prophet Isa (peace be upon him). He knew the Bible (Injil) well. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told him everything he saw, Waraqa said: “This is Namus (Jabrail), who also appeared to Musa (peace be upon him). Oh, if only I were young to help you when your people are driving you out.” “Will my people drive me out?” - asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). “Yes, it will,” Varaka replied. “Whatever person came with what you came with was treated with hostility, and if I catch your times, I will give you all possible help,” he added. However, Varaka did not live to see this. Khadija asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to tell her when Gabriel would appear again, and he told her when he descended again. She sat him to her left and asked if he could see Dzhabrail. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) answered in the affirmative. Then he sat down on the right and Khadija asked if he could see now. “Yes,” he said. “Sit down in front of me, you see, now?” “Yes,” replied the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). She threw off her scarf and asked: “Do you see now?” “No,” he replied. Khadija exclaimed: “I bring you good news, he is truly an angel, not a shaitan.” This incident tells us about her insight. From that time on, the revelation of the Qur'an began through the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It lasted for 23 years. From time to time, as necessary and at the behest of the Almighty, the Quran was revealed to humanity in parts. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) began to call people to the Truth, prohibiting idolatry, showing all his efforts in guiding people on the right path and calling them to Eternal Happiness. For forty years he lived as an ordinary Arab among Arabs. During this period he was not known either as a preacher or as an orator, although he was wise and judicious. He was never seen discussing metaphysics, politics, ethics, economics, sociology. He was not a commander, nor was he even known as a soldier. He never talked about God, angels, scriptures, early prophets, Heaven and Hell. Although he had a fine character and good manners, there was nothing about him that could foretell anything significant or revolutionary in the future. He was known as a calm, reasonable person. But when he came out of the cave with the message, he was completely transformed. During his sermons, all of Arabia admired his eloquence and oratorical abilities. They were so amazing and impressive that even people who hated him were afraid to listen to them, lest his words penetrate their hearts and tear them away from theirs. pagan beliefs and culture. None of the outstanding Arab poets, preachers and orators could compete with him in eloquence and diction. When he challenged his opponents, no one could write even one line similar to what he was saying. He appeared before the people as a unique philosopher, reformer, creator of a new culture and civilization, politician and leader, pious judge and incomparable commander. This illiterate Bedouin, a shepherd from the desert, spoke with such knowledge and wisdom as no one had spoken before him and no one would speak with since.

The good character of the Messenger of Allah and his qualities

Allah Almighty endowed Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with the best character, best physique and beautiful appearance. In the history of mankind alone famous personalities were famous for their courage, others for their generosity, others for their meekness, others for their justice, others for their wisdom, etc. But they all possessed a limited number of such wonderful character traits. Only the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) possessed all the wonderful character traits and had no negative qualities at all. Moreover, his beautiful features were more pronounced and more perfect than those of the others. Therefore, Allah Almighty chose Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to carry out the prophetic mission, therefore He praises him in the Quran, calling him the owner of the highest character, a wonderful character that adorns not only himself, but all of humanity. The good character of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his ability to influence people is evidenced by the fact that people known in pre-Islamic Arabia as barbarians, for whom oppression of the weak, robbery, debauchery, drunkenness, bribery, etc. were the norm of behavior, under his influence they became wonderful people, known for purity of morals, justice, meekness, generosity and other similar qualities. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not have any signs of pride. Given his high position, he rode a donkey covered only with ivy. Walked behind people. He mended his own shoes, wore worn clothes, darned them himself, helped the household with housework, and cut meat with them. He was the shyest of all people, unable to look anyone straight in the face. He said: “Bashfulness comes from faith (iman), and faith is in Paradise, as for shamelessness, it comes from rudeness, and rudeness is in Hell.” “Bashfulness and faith are inextricably linked, and if one disappears, the other will certainly disappear,” says another hadith. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) responded to the invitation to go to both the slave and the free man. He accepted gifts, even if it was a sip of milk, a hare's thigh, and ate with the one who gave. He had one maid and a servant, but he did not differ from them either in food or clothing. He did not humiliate the poor for his poverty, and did not exalt the king for his wealth. He never scolded his wife or servant. He never remained silent when he saw that a person was doing the forbidden. When in one of the battles he was asked to send a curse to his enemies, he replied: “I was sent as a mercy, and not as a curser.” He was the first to greet everyone he met. He never sat down or stood up without mentioning the name of the Almighty. If anyone approached him during prayer, he would speed up the prayer and ask if there was any need for him. And if one of the companions or others called him, he answered with the words: “Here I am before you,” expressing his readiness to fulfill their request. About how he ate food He was very moderate in food, ate what was at home. If they were dates, I ate them even without bread. If it was barley or wheat bread, then I ate it without other food. If he found any sweets, for example, honey, he ate it. And if only milk, then he drank it without bread. He ate rye bread that had not been sifted through a sieve. Sometimes the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not eat for three days in a row. ‘ Aisha said that there were times when they did not light a fire at home to cook food for a month. He never talked about food, he ate what was given. What he liked best was meat. He said that it improves hearing, and that it is the master (sayid) of food in this and the next world. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also loved pumpkin. He said: “O ‘Aisha! When cooking pumpkin, increase it in the cauldron. Truly she cheers up a sad heart.” He ate the meat of birds brought from hunting. He loved lamb, especially ham and shoulder. However, he did not eat onions, garlic and leeks, so that people would not smell their unpleasant smell, and he never blamed the food: if he liked it, he ate it, if not, he left it. He did not eat with his elbows on the table or on his back. When he ate, he used both hands, but took food inside only with his right hand. When I ate dates, I put the pits in left hand . After eating, he licked his hands and did not wipe them with a towel until he cleaned them with his tongue. At the same time, he said that he did not know in which part of the food grace (barakat) was hidden. After eating, he praised Allah for these blessings, washed his hands and rubbed his face with wet hands. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drank three times, pronouncing the name of Allah each time, and after each sip he praised Him. He drank silently and never exhaled into the vessel. After himself, he passed the vessel to the one on the right. Once, when they brought him milk and honey, he refused, remarking: “Two products in one vessel!”, but then said that he did not forbid others to do so. He said that he did not want demand in the next world because of the surplus. One day, after circumambulating the Kaaba (tawaf), he went to the holy spring of Zamzam to drink water. There he discovered a drink made from dry dates in a large vessel from which everyone was drinking, and asked that he be treated too. The companion ‘Abbas then said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, this is a drink that has been touched by many hands, I will bring you a pure drink from home.” But the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: “No. Give me a drink from this, where people drank from, I want to receive grace from the hands of Muslims,” and he drank from it. He had a jug for ablution. People sent their children to him so that they would drink for barakah and pour water on their bodies and faces from this jug, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not object to them. About the way he sat Usually he sat with his hands clasped around his shins. When eating, he sat as if in prayer, with his hands on his hips. He said: “I am a slave, and I must sit and eat like a slave.” Being in the company of people talking about worldly things, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) supported this conversation; if it came to the Eternal Peace, he also took part in it. If people were talking about drinking and eating, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would support this conversation out of mercy towards them. When he got up from the Majlis, he read dua, praising Allah and asking Him for forgiveness. He said that the Archangel Gabriel taught him this. About his laughter and speech The speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was distinguished by amazing sweetness. His words were like rhyming lines of poetry. The speech was measured and unusually pleasant. He didn't talk unless necessary. He spoke nothing but the truth. He always gave kind and good instructions to people. He smiled more often than anyone. When the Quran was revealed or the Day of Judgment was remembered, he did not smile. He laughed silently, and his companions laughed with him out of respect for him, and he did not stop them. But he spent most of his time thoughtful and sad, and when his companions tried to cheer him up, he smiled, but then said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more.” About how he dressed The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) dressed modestly, often in white clothes. He had special clothes for Friday. He wore a cap under his turban. Sometimes he wore it without a turban. I always started getting dressed with right side . And at the same time he praised Allah, who adorns us and covers our nakedness. He always began to undress from the left side. When he put on new clothes, he gave the old ones to the poor. The mattress on which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) slept was made of leather and stuffed with palm fibers, its length was a meter and its width was a little more than half a meter. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had a cape (aba), which he laid under himself when he performed prayers. Sometimes he slept on a bare mat, without laying anything else. Once 'Umar, having come to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Allah) saw him lying on the mat, from which there were marks on his side. From what he saw, Umar’s eyes filled with tears. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the most generous of all people in the month of Ramadan. knew the boundaries, and he was like a free wind, he did not refuse a single one who asked. One day they brought him 90 thousand silver coins. He put them on a mat at the gate and distributed all the coins. If he had nothing left at home when those asking came, he gave them away. said: “Buy something from the merchants in my name, I will compensate them.” Seeing this, Umar Ashab said to him: “O Messenger of Allah! Allah did not prescribe for us what was beyond our power.” , who was nearby, said: “Distribute, O Messenger of Allah, and do not be afraid that the Possessor of the Arsha will reduce it.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) smiled back, showing his joy for these words. Neither dinar nor dirham were delayed with him. If he had at least one coin left, he did not return home until he found someone to give it to. He left for himself the bare necessities, the very least, for food. Speaking about his generosity, Anas noted: “A certain man made a request to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and he gave him so many sheep that it seemed as if they filled the entire space between two mountains. When this man returned to his fellow tribesmen, he said to them: “O people! Accept Islam, for Muhammad gives gifts without fear of becoming poor! And, truly, if a person comes to the Messenger of Allah during the day only to receive something from the blessings of this world, then by evening he begins to love his religion most of all, and it becomes something more dear to him than this the world with everything that is in it.” He did not accumulate wealth, he was always content with what he had. Although he had the highest authority, which no other ruler had, he never allowed himself to do too much. About his courage The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the most courageous and courageous of all mankind. The daredevil among the Askhabs was considered to be the one who could get close to him in battles. In the midst of battles with enemies, in the most difficult moments, he walked ahead and behaved fearlessly. The hadith says that there were no battles in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not participate, and in which the first blow did not belong to him. But the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never killed anyone, for he was sent as a mercy. He had incomparable strength, his blow was powerful. In the battle, he loudly addressed the polytheists with the words: “I am the Prophet, there is no untruth in this, I am the son of Abdul-Muttalib.” The companions said that they did not see anyone in battle who was stronger and more fearless than the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He alone went against the enemy. Even the most courageous people have moments of instinctive fear, but the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was fearless. It happened that companions known for their fearlessness were hiding behind his back. He knew no fear. About his anger The anger and hatred of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) could only be for the sake of Allah, he was not angry for himself. His anger and contentment could be seen on his face. He never told anyone anything he didn't like in an offensive or humiliating way. One day a man came to him dressed in a yellow robe, which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not approve of, and he did not reprimand him. When he left, he said to one of those present that if any of them told that man not to wear these yellow robes, then it would be good. He never got angry except for distorting the truth and could hide his anger. He said: “He is not strong who is able to defeat many, only he is strong who is able to restrain himself when anger overcomes him.” About his mercy The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the most merciful and desirable among people. He forgave people, although he could punish them. They say that one day they brought gold and silver to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He distributed it to the ashabans. Then one of the Bedouins stood up and said: “Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Allah has commanded justice for you, but you do not observe it.” “Oh, woe to you! Who have you seen fairer than me? - said the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but did not allow him to be rude to him and cause him harm. Another time, when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was distributing silver that went to the Muslims from Khaybar, one of the ashabs stood up and shouted: “Distribute fairly, Messenger of Allah!” “Woe to you! Who divides more fairly than me? “I will remain a loser if I do not distribute fairly,” answered the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Then ‘Umar stood up and declared that he would cut off the head of this hypocrite. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allah forbid that people say that I kill my companions.” The hadith says that a certain Jewish woman tried to poison the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with lamb meat. The companions caught this woman and wanted to kill her. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not allow this. Another time, Archangel Gabriel told the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that a certain Jew was practicing witchcraft in order to send damage to him. However, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) not only did not punish that Jew, but did not even allow him to tell him about it. The hadith says: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stopped to rest under a tree, took off his weapon and hung it on the tree, his companions also left him. Then a Bedouin approached, drew his saber and said: “Who will save you from me now?” “Allah,” answered the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Then Dzhabrail came down and knocked out the Bedouin’s saber. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) grabbed the saber and said: “Who will save you?” “Nobody,” the Bedouin answered, but the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) let him go. Then this man accepted Islam. The justice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is also evidenced by many facts from his life. Even before receiving the prophecy, he was known as an honest and reliable person who could be trusted with everything, including the most intimate. Therefore, he was nicknamed “al-Amin”, which means honest, faithful, reliable. The enemies of Islam and hypocrites made many attempts to kill the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but when they found themselves in the power of Muslims, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) always forgave and released them, showing the greatest nobility. There are so many stories about his mercy and mercy that they cannot fit in this small book. In the Koran, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is called showing mercy to those who believe. He said: “If you show mercy to everyone on Earth, then those in heaven will show mercy to you.” The Prophet would sometimes spend hours listening to the poor, widows and destitute as they told him of their difficulties. He was distinguished by conscientiousness, meekness, diplomacy, never expressed himself rudely, unworthily, and never told a lie. When his enemies accused him of lying about his prophecy, other pagans themselves rejected this accusation, arguing that a man who had never lied before the age of 40 could not lie now. He never broke the contracts and promises he made. One day he arranged a meeting with a certain person and waited for him for three days at the appointed place. Sometimes the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) rode a horse or a mule, sometimes a donkey, or a camel, and sometimes he walked without a cape and a turban or a cap. He visited the sick, even if they were on the outskirts of the city. The Prophet showed deep concern for each ashab, and after communicating with him, it seemed to each of them that for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) he was dearer than everyone else. And the companions loved and respected the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) very much. Some of them could not avoid seeing him for more than a day. And Ashab Abu Jannah died, covering him with his body from enemy arrows. At the meetings, when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke, silence reigned, all his companions listened to him with their heads down. One day, to sign a peace treaty with the Muslims, the Meccans sent Amr bin Suhail to them. Surprised by the respect shown by the companions to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), upon returning to Mecca, he said: “I met both the Emperor of Rome and the King of Persia, but I have never seen people respect their leader so much.” He gave names to his animals, household items, and also weapons. His horse was called “Uqab”, the saber with which he went into battle was “Zul-fuqar”, another saber was called “Mikhzam”, another was “Rusub”, the third was “Kazib”. The handle of his saber was made of silver. He wore a leather belt, the third part of which consisted of silver. His bow was called “Al-Qatum” and his quiver of arrows was called “Al-Kafur”. His camel was called “Al-Qaswa”, his mule was “Duldul”, his donkey was “Ya ‘fur”, and his milking sheep was “Aibat”. About his physique and complexion From the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) a mysterious light, shining with radiance, poured out. He was neither tall nor short, but of average height. This is how Hassan praised him: “His height is beautiful, not tall, but seemingly taller than everyone else, and not shorter than others.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had the most beautiful and pleasant face. Those describing it could not find words of comparison, except for the moon on a full moon. Some of his contemporaries called him moon-faced, others said that they could not get enough of him, others said that his body and face were given to him as if he himself was allowed to choose them. He was like the sun that rises over everything. His beard was black and thick. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had only 17 gray hairs. His neck sparkled as if cast from silver. His chest was wide. The shoulders were also broad and powerful, the forearms and thighs were athletically built. He was proportionally built. Between the shoulder blades there was a seal of prophecy in the form of a relief triangle. His fingers looked like they were cast from silver. The hands were softer than silk. When they greeted him, a pleasant smell and an unusual feeling of lightness and warmth remained even after several days. When he put his hand on the head of one of the children, these children could be distinguished from others by a very pleasant smell. The skin color of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was white with a hint of blush. Hafiz ibn Hajar said: “Whoever says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was black in color will become an infidel.” The beads of sweat on his face looked like pearls. The smell of his sweat was more fragrant than the bowl. This is what the companion Anas said about it: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) emanated a radiance, droplets of his sweat were like pearls, and while walking he leaned slightly forward and walked sedately (with dignity, not too fast and not too slow ), and I have never touched silk or brocade, which were softer than the hands of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and I have never inhaled the aroma of musk or amber, which was more pleasant than the smell emanating from it. His hair was wavy. He sometimes gathered them into four pigtails, and sometimes let them loose. The hadith says that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shaved his head four times. Archangel Jabrail shaved three times and once - Abu Talhat. Those hairs that Archangel Jabrail (peace be upon him) shaved, every single one of them was taken by the angels and were raised to heaven, and those hairs that Abu Talhat shaved all remained on earth and their the number was 12,332. There were many amazing stories associated with this hair, and there is much more to be told about it.

Muhammad is the Prophet, the first created and the last to come into this world.

One day, Gabriel, as usual, came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for ziyarat. When a friend came, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stood up, showing him honor and respect. And this time, to Jabrail’s surprise, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not get up. - Perhaps you are tired of my visit? - asked Dzhabrail. - O Trusted Creator and my faithful friend! Is there such a person who gets tired of your ziyarat? “Can I do without the one whom Allah Almighty made as an intermediary for the transmission of Sharia to the messengers,” answered the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and then asked: “Who is more worthy to stand in front of each other - the elder or the younger?” “The younger must stand before the elder,” answered Dzhabrail. - And how old are you? - asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). To this question, Jabrail eloquently answered: “I saw a star that rises once in 700,000 years three times.” - And when Allah created you, what was the first thing you saw? - asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). - When Allah Almighty created me, the first I saw was the luminary from the Nur, which hung on the Arsha. - That nurt you saw was me. If you see this guy now, will you recognize him? “Yes, I will,” answered Jabrail, after which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) showed him his nails. When Gabriel saw the noor coming from the nails of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he said that this was the same noor, and, saying “The Light of my eyes,” kissed them, running them over the eyelids. For those who want to know how Allah Almighty created this nur, we will tell you below. Then, when there was nothing yet, Allah Almighty created a tree with four branches, which was called “Shajarat-ul-yaqin” (Tree of Truth). After this, Allah Almighty created the noor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the form of a peacock, for which He created a blanket of pearls and diamonds and placed the noor on this tree, where it stood for forty thousand years, praising Allah Almighty. Then Allah Almighty created a mirror called “Mir" at-ul-Hayat” (Mirror of Life). When this mirror was placed closer to the nur, he, from seeing his beauty, embarrassed by the Almighty, committed five prostrations (sajda). Therefore, Allah Almighty ordered the community of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to perform prayer five times a day. And when Allah Almighty looked at the nur with the gaze of mercy, sweat appeared on it from shame and embarrassment, from which Allah created this entire world. ‘ Arsh, Kurs, Lavkh, Kalam, Sun, Moon, stars - were created from drops of sweat that were on his face. From the sweat of the head, Jabrail, Mikail and all the angels (peace be upon them) were created. Messengers, prophets, scientists, martyrs and righteous people who knew God were created from the sweat of their chests. The House of Allah (Kaaba), Bayt-ul-Ma'mur (heavenly prototype of the Kaaba), Bayt-ul-Muqaddas (al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem), all mosques and sites for their construction were created from sweat released from the back, and from the sweat from both eyebrows - the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): from the sweat from the ears he created Jews, Christians, fire-worshippers and all other hypocrites, the whole earth from sunrise to sunset and all the natural resources of the earth, identified due to the needs of people, were created from the sweat of the feet. After this, the All-Merciful Allah ordered the nur of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to look around in all four directions, and when he looked back, he saw four more nurs. These were his four. caliph: Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali (may Allah be pleased with them). Then for another seventy thousand years this nur was in the service of the Almighty. And then the nurs of all the prophets were created from it, after which the Almighty looked again. mercy on the nur of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and from it he created his soul. And from the nours of the prophets he created their souls. And sweat appeared on each soul of the prophets, from which communities of followers of these prophets were created. The highly respected ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was also created from drops of sweat from his soul. Having recognized the Creator and having learned that the reason for their creation was our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), giving Him praise, everyone proclaimed “La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad - rasulullah.” After this, Allah created a lamp, bright inside and out, like a mirror. Then he created the image of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the form in which he appeared on earth. The image of the Chosen One above all creatures was placed in the lamp in which he stood, as if in prayer, ashamed of the Almighty, not daring to sit down. This adab was not suggested to him by anyone - this is how he exalted the Almighty. The souls of the prophets walked around this lamp for a hundred thousand years (tawaf). After this, the Almighty ordered everyone to look at the nur of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and depending on who looked at what part of the body of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Almighty created the crafts of all people. Those who saw his head became caliphs and sultans, his forehead became righteous emirs, his eyes became hafiz who knew the Koran by heart, his eyebrows became engravers. He who saw the ears perceived the righteous. Those who saw the cheeks became perceptive. Those who looked at the lips became viziers. Those who saw the nose became doctors and bosses, and the mouth became those who diligently observed fasting. Those whose gaze stopped at the throat became preachers and muezzins. Those who saw the beard became mujahideen (fighters for Islam), and those who looked at the neck became traders. Those who examined the shoulders became riders and fencers. Those who recognized the right shoulder became healers who treated with bloodletting, and those who saw the left remained ignorant, the right hand became guardians of the treasury, the left hand became stingy, and both hands became generous. Those who saw the right hand from above became cooks, those who saw the fingertips of the left hand became clerks, and the fingers of the right hand became tailors. Those who saw the fingers of the left hand became blacksmiths. Those who saw the chest became mujtahids (imams who have the right to make decisions independently), and the back - they submitted to Sharia. Those who died for their faith saw the side. Those who looked at the belly became detached from the worldly, the knees became praying, the legs became hunters, the soles of his feet became walkers, and those who saw only his shadow became singers. Those who saw nothing became polytheists, ascribing partners to Allah, like Christians, Jews and idolaters. Those who did not look at all in the direction of the Nur of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), began to argue with the Almighty, denying His religion, imagining themselves to be gods and forcing people to serve themselves. The Almighty created the whole world with His power, putting His will into practice. Everyone who looked at the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw one or another part of his body, but not the whole. In fact, no one fully knew him; being in this world, they knew his abilities and virtues only to the extent of faith in him. Truly, Allah Almighty created the entire Universe for the sake of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Koran says that the Almighty created the heavens, the earth and everything that is on them for the benefit of humanity. Allah said to our forefather, the first prophet on earth Adam: “If it were not for Muhammad, I would not have created you,” says the Holy Hadith. Therefore, for the sake of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Almighty created the progenitor of all humanity, Adam, and for the sake of humanity he created the heavens and the earth, and everything that is on them. From this it is clear that everything was created for the sake of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

The Night Journey and Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to Heaven

The history of Islam is replete with such events and incidents that allow one to judge the values ​​and virtues of Islam, which are reflected in the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In particular, the miracles that happened to him are the best evidence of this and edifications and lessons for us. One of the most significant and deeply symbolic events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is his night journey (isra") and ascension (mi'raj). The miracle of the transfer and ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ) is one of the greatest miracles in his life that Allah gave him as consolation and encouragement. This happened after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) admonished and preached to the Meccans for ten years, calling them to Islam, but in response he received only smiles, humiliation and insults. It came to the point that he went to Taif and turned to the respected citizens of this city, calling them to Islam, but they turned away from him and set fools and children against him. shout at him and throw stones, and he found refuge in a vineyard outside the city, his body was beaten, and his feet were bloody, and he sat down, in deep sadness and bitterness, calling on Allah and asking Him for help. This event happened. some time after the death of Khadija and the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Abu Talib. All these events followed each other in such a way that this year was called the “year of sorrow.” That night, when darkness fell over Mecca and its inhabitants slept, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) lay saddened, leaning against the wall of the Kaaba, because the Meccans rejected Islam and hated it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was in a state between sleep and wakefulness, when suddenly he saw Jibril bearing an invitation to visit his Lord. Jibril cut his chest, washed his heart and, filling it with wisdom and knowledge, returned it to its place. Muslim cites a hadith from Anas ibn Malik, which says that they brought Buraq to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), an animal taller than a donkey and lower than a mule, which steps where its gaze reaches. And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) rode on this animal and set off until he reached Bayt-ul-Muqaddas (in Jerusalem). There he tied Burak to the ring to which all the prophets tied their animals, then he entered the mosque and performed a prayer of two rak’ata, after which he left. Then Jibril approached the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with vessels of heavenly wine and milk. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) chose milk. Jibril congratulated the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said that his ummah would be the right way. Then they ascended to heaven, and Jibril asked the gates to be opened for them. It was said to him: “Who are you?” He replied: “Jibril is with Muhammad.” When the heavenly gates were opened to them, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw Adam (peace be upon him), who greeted him and asked Allah for good for him, then they ascended to the second heaven, the gates of which Jibril asked to open. He was asked the same questions, and he answered the same, and this happened in every heaven. In the second heaven, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) met Isa ibn Maryam and Yahya ibn Zakarya (peace be upon them), in the third - Yusuf (peace be upon him), who was given half the beauty of the world, in the fourth - Idris (peace be upon him) , on the fifth - Haruna (peace be upon him), on the sixth - Musa (peace be upon him), on the seventh - Ibrahim (peace be upon him), leaning against Bayt-ul-ma'mur, around which 70 thousand angels constantly circle. Then they reached to the great tree created from light (nur), and no one can rise above this level, not even Jibril. Stopping in front of him, Jibril said: “My degree ends here, O beloved of Allah! If I take one more step, I will burn.” Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) began to walk and was covered. divine rays , the curtains opened before him, he saw many mysteries and great signs of Allah. He looked at the greatness and beauty of Allah and the Lord brought him closer to Himself and addressed him, talking to him without an intermediary, showed respect to him and purified him, and Allah was beyond time and place. “...Allah instilled in me what he instilled and prescribed for me and my community to perform 50 prayers a day. Then I went down to Musa and he asked me: “What has the Lord prescribed for your ummah?” I answered: “50 prayers.” He said: “Return to the Lord and ask for relief, truly your ummah will not tolerate this, because I tested the children of Israel and I recognized them.” I returned to my Lord and said: “O Lord, make it easier for my ummah.” And He removed the five prayers, and I returned to Musa and informed him about this. Musa said: “Verily, your ummah cannot bear this, return to your Lord and ask for relief.” And so I walked from Musa to the Lord and back, until the Lord told me: “Truly these are five prayers a day, for each prayer the reward is tenfold and that’s 50 prayers. And whoever intends to do a good deed and does not do it, I will write down one good deed for him, and if he does it, then I will write down ten. Whoever intends to do a bad deed and does not do it, I will not write it down, but if he intends to do it and then does it, I will write it down as one bad deed.” I went down to Musa and told him everything. He said, “Return to your Lord and ask for relief.” I replied that I was ashamed to return to Him again.” The greatest lesson and edification in this ascension is the prescription of prayer. There is a subtle and close connection between the prescription of namaz and the miracle of the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), which allows us to call namaz the spiritual mi'raj. While the ascension of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in body and soul was a miracle, truly Allah made for the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) a spiritual mi ‘raj, which occurs five times a day. In prayer, their souls and hearts ascend to their Lord, moving away from their passions and lusts and testifying to the power and greatness of Allah and His Uniqueness. This leads to the rule of Islam on earth, not through oppression and violence, but through goodness, sublimity, through purity, through prayer. Namaz is not just rituals and body movements that have no meaning; truly, it is a school that educates believers in the best traditions of goodness, love and dignity. Prayer is the greatest act of Islam; whoever treats it with care will make himself happy and gain a lot, and whoever treats it indifferently will become unhappy and suffer a loss. Allah prescribed it to his slaves so that it would be a link between Allah and them. And it serves as a reminder of His greatness, and is gratitude for His mercy, and therefore it is the foundation of success and happiness in this world and in the Akhirat, since the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The first thing for which will be reprimanded a slave on the Day of Judgment is a prayer, and if it is complete, the rest of his actions will be complete, and if it is spoiled, then all his actions will be spoiled.” And it is not surprising that prayer is the basis of all actions; truly, persistence in its perfect implementation, showing fear and awe of Allah, strengthens in the soul the feeling of Allah’s vision of you. And whoever feels His presence will fear Him and will strive to earn His pleasure, for example, will be truthful when he speaks, fulfill his promises, and will return what was entrusted, show patience in difficulties and give thanks for mercies. The Qur'an says that a person, when trouble befalls him, becomes impatient, restless, when good things come to him - greedy, except for the one who performs every prayer on time. The one who knows about His All-Seeing and All-Hearing will refrain from everything that angers Him: He will not commit adultery, will not hate, envy, trample on the rights of people, infringe on them, will not violate the rights of his family, neighbors, loved ones and relatives, for it is said in the Koran that it is prayer that keeps a person from vile and unworthy things, i.e. everything that is blameworthy. And whoever does not show obedience in prayer and who does not have the knowledge of the All-Seeing and All-Hearing of Allah established in his soul, he will become disobedient and will be justly punished by Allah, since the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “A prayer that does not warn a person from abominations and reproach, only distances him from Allah.” It is also the mercy of Allah that prayer is performed five times a day; each time the arrival of prayer time reminds the believer of his Lord. By transferring the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to Jerusalem, the Almighty showed the dignity of this sacred place. The transfer (isra") and the ascension (mi' raj) were accomplished by the body and soul of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), not in a dream, but in reality. From the story of mi' raj, one can extract a lot of useful and instructive things, repeating, retelling this story and reflecting on it, we can get something new for ourselves that will strengthen iman and love for Islam and the Prophet in our soul.

Excellencies of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

Allah Almighty did not create anything better than the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The true superiority of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) over other creations is known only to Allah Almighty. Here are some of its advantages. There are many verses in the Quran that praise the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). There was no other person in history who brought as much benefit to peoples as he did. Through him the Holy Qur'an was revealed. The excellences of the previous prophets (peace be upon them) converged in him, and he is their seal. He is the Messenger not only to humanity, but also to the jinn, angels and even to all created things. His Shariah is prescribed for all mankind. It abolishes all previous Sharia and will remain in place until doomsday . for the community of his followers the entire planet is provided as a place of worship. Allah Almighty says in the Koran that he made his name often pronounced: every day in all mosques of the world the azan is announced and in each azan his name is pronounced twice, it is also mentioned when pronouncing the shahada, reading the Friday sermon (khutbah), at the beginning of all Islamic books, etc. The life of no one has been studied as thoroughly as his life. His every action, every word serves as an example to follow. Allah Almighty gave him the ability to speak briefly, but very succinctly. For 1400 years, his profound words have been rewritten in millions of books, from which there is great benefit, and they do not grow old. He will be the first to rise from the grave on the Day of Judgment, and when all the prophets and angels will be afraid to ask for intercession (shafa'at) from Allah Almighty, he will be the first to ask Allah for shafa'at, and his shafa'at will be accepted. He is the master of all mankind, and on the Day of Judgment all the prophets will gather under his banner “Liva”-ul-hamd.” He will be the first to enter Paradise. In Paradise, Allah Almighty will bestow upon him special degrees called “Wasilat” and “Makamun Mahmud”, where He will be praised by people, jinn and angels. The Almighty in the Koran forbade raising his voice next to him. He who is submissive to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is submissive to the Almighty, whoever hates him, the Almighty does not send troubles to the infidels. due to the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was among them, Allah swore by his life and the city in which he was located gave him special honor, bestowing him with miraj, which was not given to anyone. from the prophets and angels. Allah called him by the names - “Gafuru Rrahim”. Allah made following his sunna one of the qualities of those whom He loves. He was given such a charm to all humanity that even the infidels were afraid of him. him at a distance of a month's journey. Allah Almighty has not created anything more beloved than him. In the grave, the angels Munkar and Nakir will ask about him. His wives are the mothers of all the faithful (mu'min). Shaitan will not be able to accept his image. The one who saw him in a dream is the one who saw him with his own eyes. The one who saw and believed in him is a companion (ashab). There are angels who tell him who blessed him. All our actions are revealed to him. When he rises from the grave, 60 thousand angels will accompany him. On the Day of Judgment, the largest ummah will be his ummah. He was given as many miracles (mu'jizat) as were not given to all other prophets combined. In Paradise there is a spring created only for him, in which the water is whiter than milk and the smell is more fragrant than a bowl. And whoever drinks from this source will never feel thirsty. Allah Almighty blesses ten times the one who blesses him once. He predicted everything that would happen on earth after him until the End of the World. He talked about what would happen in Heaven and Hell. He was in charge of the sciences of all previous and subsequent people, and one of the most great miracles, given to him, was that he owned the secret, the unseen.

On the intercession of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

On Sunday, believers will gather and begin to look for someone who could intercede for them before the Lord. They will come to the prophet Adam and turn to him: “You are the father of humanity, Allah Himself created you and ordered the angels to prostrate before you, and taught you the names of all things. Intercede for us before your Lord until he takes us away from this place!” And Adam will say: “I am not who you think I am!” Adam will mention the mistake he made in Paradise, for which he was taken out of there, will be ashamed and say: “Go to Nuh, truly, he is the first of the messengers sent by Allah to people!” People will come to Nuh and he will answer them in the same way and send them to the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), and Ibrahim to Musa (peace be upon him), Musa to 'Isa (peace be upon him), 'Isa will already send to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him) and greets). This is how our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) talked about it: “...And they will come to me, and I will leave to ask the permission of my Lord to appear before Him, and He will allow me this. When I see my Lord, I will fall on my face... and He will say: “Raise your head, ask - and it will be given to you, speak - and you will be heard, intercede - and you will be given intercession!” I will lift up my head and give Him the praise He has taught me, then I will ask for His mercy. After this, Allah will point out those who received His intercession, and I will enter them into Paradise, then I will return to the Lord, and when I see Him again, I will do the same as the first time and ask Him for intercession. Allah will point out those who deserve His mercy, and I will enter them into Paradise, then I will return to Him for the third time. Returning to Him for the fourth time, I will say: “Only one remained in Hell who was held back by the Qur’an and for whom it became obligatory to remain in it forever, and this was realized in accordance with the words of Allah Almighty: “They will abide in it forever.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that whoever visits his grave will certainly receive his intercession. The Companions also asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for intercession with the Almighty. For example, the companion Anas, who served the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for ten years, asked him: “O Messenger of Allah! Intercede for me before Allah on the Day of Resurrection." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied: “If Allah wills it.” “My intercession (shafa ‘at) will be for those from my community who have committed great sins,” says another hadith. Thus, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is given the right to intercede for his community (ummah), and in order to earn it, every Muslim must follow the path indicated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), for there is no person who does not fear the Day of Great Judgment and does not thirst for forgiveness and mercy on this Day.

Miracles of the Prophet

Allah Almighty endowed the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with the ability to perform miracles (mu'jizat) that are superior to the miracles of other prophets (peace be upon them). The greatest mu'jizat of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Holy Quran, for it is a miracle, not limited in time or space. The Ulama say that all Muslims are obliged to teach their children and wives the names of the prophets that are given in the Koran so that they believe in them, and do not think that it is enough to believe only in the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Faith in all prophets and messengers of Allah is obligatory, regardless of whether his name is given in the Qur'an or not. It is necessary to believe in those whose names are listed in the Koran separately, but in those whose names are not listed, it is necessary in general. The total number of all prophets (nabis) was 124 thousand, of which 313 were messengers (rasul). According to the degree of their dignity and veneration after Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), they are arranged as follows: Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, Nuh, Adam (Allah's blessings and greetings to them). Another of his mu'jizat is Sharia - a code of life perfect in all respects for people. Human mind unable to come up with a code that is universal for all times and peoples, such as the Sharia. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had many other mu'jizat. The book of Yusuf Nabhani lists about three thousand of his miracles. Here are some famous mu'jizat of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): he split the moon in the sky with one sign; the pebbles in his hand glorified Allah Almighty (tasbih); he gave a whole army to drink with water flowing from his fingers; after his prayer (du ‘a), the small food of the companion Jabir satisfied the whole army, and did not decrease; he revealed the secret plans of hypocrites (munafiks) and read their thoughts; he predicted the future, and his predictions came true and are coming true at the present time; the tree from which he usually preached groaned when he began to preach from the minbar; that he was the Messenger of Allah was confirmed by babies and animals. All these miracles were seen and heard by many people. They testify to the prophetic mission of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Some, although they recognize the unsurpassed intelligence, the highest talent of a public figure and commander, and other special qualities of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), do not want to recognize him as a Prophet. But his talent and his abilities are, figuratively speaking, branches of the prophecy tree. They talk a lot about these branches (although this is often distorted), but they do not see the tree, or rather, they do not want to see it. The truth will not cease to be the truth because of this. After the prophets, the most valuable among people are the four righteous caliphs of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman, ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with them).

Imams of the four madhhabs

A madhab is a theological and legal school. In the religion of Islam there are only four of them. The imams (founders) of these madhhabs are: Muhammad al-Shafi'i, Abu Hanifa, Malik, Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with them). You should know that all four imams of the madhhabs are on the true path and their madhhabs are the paths leading to happiness and to Paradise. One cannot assume that one madhhab is correct and the other three are incorrect, for such a person is deeply mistaken. IMAM ABU HANIFA This is Nu'man - the son of Thabit. He comes from the Tabi'in, he was a great expert in fiqh, an 'alim, a zealous worshiper ('abid), renounced the worldly (zahid), knew Allah ('arif), and feared God. Sufyan bin Uyayna said: “My eyes have not seen a man like Abu Hanifa.” Hammad said that one day Abu Hanifa heard people talking about him that he spent the whole night in worship, when in fact, he did not spend the whole night in prayer. After that, he was constantly engaged in divine services, saying that he was ashamed before the Almighty for the fact that he was assigned a divine service that he did not perform. Imam Abu Lais of Samarkandi gives several examples from the karamas associated with him. When they washed him after death, the words of the Almighty clearly appeared on his forehead, the meaning of which is as follows: “O calm soul, return to your Lord, pleased with Him and pleased with yourself, enter My service, enter My Paradise.” On right hand: “Enter Paradise for what you have done,” and on the left: “Indeed, We will reward those who do good in full.” On the belly were the words: “And the Lord makes them glad with the news of His mercy and contentment.” When he was placed on a stretcher, a voice was heard: “Oh, you who watched the long nights, who stood up a lot for Tahajjud, and fasted a lot, the Lord has granted you “Dar-us-salam” (Paradise).” When he was laid in the grave, a voice was heard again: “Incense and bliss in Paradise “Na’im”.” He died in Baghdad in the year 150 AH at the age of 70. In the same year, Imam al-Shafi'i (may Allah be pleased with both of them) was born. IMAM MALIK Malik is the son of Anas. He is the imam of imams and alim of Medina. He was an outstanding zahid and hafiz. Before telling the hadith, he washed himself, combed his beard, anointed himself with incense, and sat down in the center of the bed more comfortably and with dignity. And only then did he begin the story. When asked what this meant, he replied that he wanted people to respect the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Al-Shafi'i said: “I saw horses from Khorasan and a mule from Egypt at the gate of Malik. I have never seen such beauty before. I told Malik: “They are so beautiful!” “They are a gift from me to you,” Malik replied. I said, “Keep at least one of these horses and mules for yourself to ride.” “I am embarrassed to trample with their hooves the soil of Medina, where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) lies,” he replied. Such was his generosity and respect even for the land of Medina. He was born in 95 and died in 179 AH at the age of 84. IMAM AS-SHAFI'I He is Muhammad, son of Idris. On Abdul-Manaf, his family unites with the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Imam Ibn Hajar said: “Imam al-Shafi'i is the imam of imams in knowledge, fear of God, renunciation of worldly things (zuhd), knowledge of Allah (ma'rifa), in sharpness of mind, in knowing the Koran by heart (hifz) and in pedigree, because he distinguished himself favorably in all the listed acts.” He surpassed all his contemporaries, even those who came before him like Malik bin Anas, Sufyan bin Uyayna and their sheikhs. He absorbed everything that came before him, which caused an increase in the number of his followers in all corners of the Earth, and his madhhab spread all the way to both shrines (Mecca and Medina) and Palestine. These three places are the most valuable on earth. The hadith says: “Alim from Quraish will fill the earth with (Islamic) science.” His outstanding abilities are evidenced by the fact that in four years he created a new madhhab. One of the miracles associated with him is that when his grave was opened, incense and an indescribable aroma wafted from there. About forty books have been written about him, where his caramats are also described. He was born in the 150th year of the Hegira in Gaza. When he was two years old, his parents moved to Mecca. By the age of fifteen, he had achieved such success in the sciences that he was given permission to issue fatwas on his own. At the age of 7, he memorized the entire Koran. He died in Egypt on Friday in 204 AH, when he was 54 years old. IMAM AHMAD Abu Abdullah Ahmad is the son of Hanbal Shaybani. He was the greatest alim, a zahid, a very God-fearing person. He said that he saw Allah in a dream and asked Him: “What brings you closest to You?” And He replied: “My Word (Quran).” - O My Lord, with or without understanding the meaning? – I asked. “With or without understanding,” was the answer. Qutaybah said: “If Ahmad had been there during the time of Sufyan al-Sawri, Malik, Awzaiya, Layth bin Sa'ad, he would have been more distinguished than them.” He was asked if Ahmad was from the Tabi'in. He replied: “He is one of the greatest Tabi‘in.” He was born in 164 and died in Baghdad at the age of 73. May Allah help us to follow their path. Amen!

Mawlid, its benefits and advantages

Mawlid is an event held by Muslims to express joy to our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). During the time of the Companions, Muslims were with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and knew him well, so there was no need to organize special meetings where they talked about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his merits. And in the era of Tabi ‘ins, Muslims everywhere and always talked about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and followed his hadiths, so there was also no urgent need for mawlids. Then, gradually, people began to forget about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and pious Ulama scholars recommended from time to time organizing special majlises so that people would not forget the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). From that time on, the tradition of holding Mawlid began. The day on which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born is one of the most highly revered days of the year and falls on the 12th of the month of Rabi ‘ul-Awwal. Undoubtedly, those who sincerely rejoice at the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) have their sins forgiven. Of course, this day and this month are worth highlighting especially, in particular, by holding Mawlid, although Muslims should constantly remember their Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and study his life and work. Therefore, one should not limit oneself to conducting only the Mawlid of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but it is necessary to acquire as much knowledge as possible about it. Carrying out Mawlid means telling about the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), praising him, and treating the poor and other Muslims. Truly, reading, listening, and recounting the wonderful events associated with his life and prophetic mission is a great blessing. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself loved to recount such events. The very form of holding Mawlid contains only good things, since people gather to remember Allah Almighty, remember and express joy on the occasion of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the joy of the mercy of the Almighty, who made us from the community of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). greets), recite blessings on him and perform other good deeds that Muslims need to do at every opportunity, especially in the month of birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Gatherings for the performance of Mawlid are the greatest way of calling to Allah, moreover, scholars and those calling on the path of Allah need to constantly remind people of the character of the Prophet, his fortunes, worship and other areas of his life. The first person to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), as stated in the hadith reported by Muslim. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, he replied: “This is the day I was born.” These words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) indicate that holding Mawlid is a good deed in accordance with Sharia. Here are some statements about the Mawlid of prominent people of Islam. For example, the companion and first deputy of the Prophet Abu Bakr said: “Whoever organized mawlid, spending at least one dirham, will be with me in blissful Paradise.” May the Almighty make us one of the friends of Abu Bakr! The second caliph ‘Umar noted: “Every mawlid who exalts contributes to the revival of the religion of Islam.” May Allah help revive His religion! Third righteous caliph ‘ Uthman said: “Whoever gives one dirham in sadaqah to perform mawlid is like a participant in the ghazavat in the battle in the mountains of Badr and Hunayn.” O Allah! Accept and magnify our deeds! The cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the fourth righteous caliph ‘Ali, who is called the endless ocean of knowledge, said: “Whoever magnifies mawlid and serves as the reason for its holding will not leave this world without faith (iman) in his heart.” O Allah! Have mercy on us at the moment of leaving this world! Hasan al-Basri noted: “If I had gold the size of Mount Uhud, I would like to distribute it in sadaqah by organizing mawlid.” O Allah! Grant us the same will that Hasan al-Basri possessed! Junayd al-Baghdadi said: “A person who comes to Mawlid, sincerely exalting the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), is a true believer.” Ma'ruf al-Kurkhi stated the following: “Whoever invited the brothers in faith to Mawlid, having prepared food, will stand with the prophets on the Day of Judgment.” May the Almighty raise us up on the Day of Judgment along with the prophets! Fakhrudin al-Razi said: “There is not a single case where there is no grace (barakat) from food for which mawlid was performed. If even a small part of this food is mixed with other products, then the person who tastes it will be cleansed of sins. If someone drinks the water on which the Mawlid was recited, his heart will be filled with radiance (nur) and will get rid of ailments and illnesses. And the barakat from the money with which the mawlid was performed goes to all the money with which it was mixed.” Imam al-Shafi'i said: “The refuge for the one who called his brothers in faith to his home for Mawlid, having prepared food, will be Paradise “Naim.” Sariyu Sakati noted: “Whoever left home with the intention of visiting mawlid is one of those who long to visit the Gardens of Eden.” The mercy of Allah descends into the house in which Mawlid is performed. Angels surround this house, it is filled with nur, and grace descends on all those present. The inhabitants of this house are blessed by the angels Jabrail, Mikail, Israfil and ‘Israel (peace be upon them). This is what the great Alim as-Suyuti said. The eminent scholar and hadith expert Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani said that Mawlid stands on a solid basis, for the hadith says: “When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) arrived in Medina, he found that the Jews were fasting on the day of ‘Ashura. He asked them about the reason for this fast and they replied that it was the day on which Allah drowned Pharaoh and saved the prophet Musa, and they fasted it as a sign of gratitude to Allah Almighty. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “We are closer to Musa than you,” and from that day he also began to glorify the day of ‘Ashura by fasting. It follows that in this way the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) expressed gratitude for the blessings of Allah and for saving Musa from harm on a certain day, and repeated this benefit every year. And gratitude to Allah is manifested in various forms of worship, such as prostration, fasting, almsgiving, and reading the Koran. And what mercy could be greater than the appearance of the Chosen One of Allah, the Prophet of Mercy (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), for the Almighty says in the Koran that He showed mercy to the believers by sending them a Messenger from among them. Thus, all recognized and famous Muslim Ulama, who knew the subtleties and depth of our religion, for many centuries without any doubt approved and conducted mawlid. There were many reasons for this, including the following: - Showing love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and therefore rejoicing at his birth, which Allah Almighty commands us. Allah told us to rejoice in mercy, and the Prophet is the greatest mercy, because Allah said that He sent the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) only as a mercy for all the worlds. Even the infidel benefited from this joy. When his slave Suwaiba told Abu Lahab the joy of the birth of Muhammad, he freed her from slavery. The uncle of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ‘Abbas then saw a dream that for this reason, every Monday Abu Lahab’s torment for his sins was alleviated. Even if the Almighty eases the torment of Abu Lahab, a notorious apostate and sinner, for the joy of the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), then true Muslims who recognize the Unity of the Creator, who love and honor the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), rejoice in the day and month , in which he was born, what will be the reward on the Day of Judgment?! - The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) appreciated and exalted the day of his birth, thanked Allah Almighty for creating him and giving him life, and praised him for this good. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) expressed this exaltation in fasting on Mondays. - Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) approved when poets sang him in their works. - Mawlid is a gathering of Muslims to express joy on the occasion of the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and love for him. The hadith says that on the Day of Judgment a person will be next to the one he loved. - At Mawlid, a blessing is performed repeatedly on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah Almighty says that He himself and His angels bless the Prophet, and commands us to also diligently bless and greet him. On the Day of Judgment, who invoked blessings on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) will receive his intercession (shafa ‘at). - The singing of Mawlid, poetic narratives about the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), about his life and prophetic mission, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and reminds those who have such knowledge of this again, and this causes experiences that contribute to strengthening love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and strengthening faith (iman). - The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) paid attention to the connection of time with a long-past religious event, and when this time came, it served as a chance to recall this event and glorify this day. This was also mentioned in the above hadith about the day of ‘Ashura. - Speaking about the dignity of Friday, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Adam was created on it.” This honors the time on which it is established that the prophet Adam was created on this day. What can we say about the day in which this world was born? best prophet and the Messenger of Allah - Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). - In Islam, the gathering of Muslims for joint worship and study of religion, the distribution of alms and various gifts are highly valued, for the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: “Make each other happy, give each other gifts.” “Whoever gives sadaqa, Hell is removed for 70 years,” says another saying of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Truly, the mere fact that during the mawlid people protect themselves from sins is enough in itself to recognize its benefits.

Ethics of holding and visiting Mawlid

When going to Mawlid, you must have the pure intention of fulfilling the wishes of the person who invited you to Mawlid, to visit a good Majlis, listen to stories about the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and invoke blessings on him along with your brothers in faith. Goals such as eating, having fun, etc. should not be present. It is advisable for those going to Mawlid to be in a state of perfection. ritual purity, be in ablution and anoint yourself with incense. It is not advisable to think about worldly problems during Mawlid. It is necessary to pay Special attention what is read on the Mawlid, even what you hear not for the first time, should be treated with respect, and you should carefully delve into the stories about the Prophet. Men should listen to mawlid separately, women - separately. The one who organizes mawlid must conduct it based on his capabilities. Although basically Mawlid are held on the day and month when the Almighty granted the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) earthly life, but it is advisable to conduct them at other times. You need to perform Mawlid with pure intention, as a manifestation of joy on the day when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came into this world, in order to hear about him again and so that the barakah from Mawlid remains in this house. From the one who organizes mawlid in this way, grief and sadness are removed for a whole year, as the great alims noted. The one who performs mawlid must take into account the time of inviting guests, so that mawlid does not interfere with performing prayer on time, etc. It would be nice to read and listen to sermons more often, like mawlids. If we dedicate the month of birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to the cause of calling to the path of Islam, then this would truly be a godly act!

How the Messenger of Allah left this world

After the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fully communicated the religion of Allah to the people, on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar in the 11th year of Hijri, he was seized with a headache and fell ill. Some time later, on the 12th of the month Rabi ‘ul-Awwal, on Monday, on his birthday, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) - the light of our eyes - left this world. This day was the most difficult for Muslims, and even the senior companions, due to the sadness and bitterness of parting with the Beloved (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), could not restrain themselves. The great companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ‘Umar bin Khattab, being at a loss, not realizing what was happening, declared that he would cut off the head of anyone who said that the Messenger of Allah had died. “I swear by Allah, the Messenger of Allah is not dead!” - he repeated, his heart pierced by pain. Some of the Companions lost consciousness, others were speechless, and it was as if no one noticed or realized anything. However, Abu Bakr, whom Allah had endowed with strong faith, showing patience, humbly turned to the people and began to console them. He approached the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), opened his face, kissed him and said: “May my parents be your ransom! You were beautiful during life and remained so after death. I swear by the One in Whose hand my soul is, Allah will never let you taste death twice!” - refuting with these words the statements of those who said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would resurrect and then die again. Then Abu Bakr came out to the people and said to ‘Umar: “Do not rush, O oath-giver!” And when Abu Bakr spoke, ‘Umar sat down, and Abu Bakr praised Allah, thanked Him and said: “Whoever worshiped Muhammad, Muhammad died, and whoever worshiped Allah, verily Allah is the Living and does not die!” And he read the verse in which Allah Almighty, addressing the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), says that, truly, he is also mortal, like all people. After these words of Abu Bakr, the people began to cry. The Angel of Death ‘Israel (peace be upon him), having come for the soul of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), stopped at the threshold of his house, fearing that he would disrespect him, and, having greeted him, asked permission to enter. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) invited him and asked where the Archangel Jibril (peace be upon him) was. ‘ Israel began to tell the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that he remained in the lower sky, and that angels came to him to express condolences. Then Jibril came and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned to him: “Is there any good news for me?” “The Gates of Paradise are open for you,” said Jibril (peace be upon him). “That’s not what I wanted to know, is there anything else that can please me?” - All the angels in the seven heavens are ready to receive and meet you. Again the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked a question, and this question was about his ummah, about which he was so worried even in his dying moment, and Jibril conveyed to him the good news from Allah: - The first to enter Paradise will be you and your community (ummah). Paradise is forbidden to other communities until they enter it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) calmed down, for his dream was fulfilled, and he allowed the angel of death to separate his soul. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was in his death throes, Jibril turned away from him. - Why are you turning away from me, are you really tired of looking at my face? - asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). - O Messenger of Allah and my faithful friend and comforter! “How can I get tired of looking at your face, and who can look at your face when you are in mortal agony,” said Jibril. So the Seal of the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), leaving his beloved companions and family, entrusting his ummah to Allah Almighty, left this mortal world. When he died, his head rested on the chest of his beloved wife ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), and the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was buried in her room in Medina. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fell ill, his financial condition was seven dinars. He, ashamed before Allah Almighty to die, leaving these permitted funds as an inheritance, ordered them to be distributed to those in need. Even when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was ill, Jibril came to him for ziyarat. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked him if he would ever come down to earth again after his death. Jibril replied that after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) he had nothing to do on earth, but added that he would go down ten times to pick up ten jewels. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked him about these jewels and Jibril listed them: The first time he will come down to take away grace (barakat) from the earth, the second time - to take away love for each other from the hearts of people, then compassion, mercy , the fourth time - the justice of rulers, the fifth - the modesty of women, the sixth - the patience of the poor and needy, the seventh time - detachment from the worldly (zudh) and piety, fear of God from the learned Ulama, the eighth - the generosity of rich people, the ninth - the Speech of Allah - the Koran , and the tenth is faith (iman). Today, if you think about it, out of all of the above, only two jewels remain - the Koran and faith.

The last testament of the Prophet

After the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed his farewell hajj, he addressed the people with his farewell sermon in the area of ​​‘Arafa, because he knew that his death was approaching. “Oh people! Listen carefully! Listen to those who are present, and let those who are absent convey my words, for this is mine to you. last instruction! O people! Follow the commands of Allah Almighty, which are listed in Holy Quran: Observe what is permitted (halal) and avoid what is forbidden (haram). Do not destroy your unity, do not stray from the truth, follow the right path! O people! Fear the Almighty, do not treat women unfairly. Don't be cruel and unfair to yourself! O people! Protect yourself and your children from the fire of hell! Teach them the path indicated by Allah and His Messenger! O people! Show humility, obey, follow your elders and leaders. He who submits to his leader is submissive to me, and he who obeys me is submissive to Allah Almighty. O people! Respect my followers. Love those who know the Koran by heart and doing as it is commanded. O people! Perform namaz five times a day. Perform your ablution properly. Perform namaz according to all the rules and regulations and with all your heart. O people! Deduct zakat from your property and wealth. O people! There is no doubt that Allah has ordered the Hajj to be performed by Muslims whose financial situation allows them to do so. O people! Do not defile your tongue. Shed tears in the name of the Almighty! For the sake of the Almighty, cleanse your hearts from all filth. Make your body aware of need. Fight your enemies. Improve your mosques. Purify your faith. Instruct your Muslim brothers, show them righteous path" Then he turned to everyone: “Have I brought this to your attention?” - Oh yeah! Messenger of Allah, they replied. - O Allah! Witness this!”


The hadith transmitted by Ibn 'Abbas says that on the day when Allah Almighty handed the Prophet Musa the tablets on which the Divine commandments (Shariah) intended for his people were written, Musa turned to the Almighty, expressing gratitude to Him for the mercy He had shown and honor, and then Allah punished Musa with the following: “O Musa! I have chosen you among the people to carry out the messenger mission and bring My Word to the people. Take what I have given you and be grateful, and try to die sincerely those who love Muhammad" So the Almighty made him understand about the esteem, value and chosenness of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And Musa (Peace be upon him), very surprised, asked the question: “Who is this Muhammad, whom the Almighty commands me to love?” And Allah answered him: “This is Ahmad, whose name was written on 'Arsha a thousand years before creation of the earth and heavens. I chose him from all mankind and he is the most beloved to Me.” - O Allah! If of all created things Muhammad is Your favorite, then have You created a community (ummah) that is more honorable to You than my community? - asked Musa. “The esteem and superiority of his ummah over others is the same as My Greatness over all creatures,” Allah answered. And Musa very much wished to at least see this ummah, but Allah said to him: “You will not see this community, but will you want to hear their voice?” - Yes, of course I would! - exclaimed Musa (Peace be upon him). Then Allah, addressing the community of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), cried out: - O umma of Muhammad! - Here we are before You, O Allah! – their essential particles (zarra) answered. And then Allah Almighty pleased them with the news: “For you, My mercy has outpaced My wrath, and My forgiveness has outpaced My punishment.” Dear brothers and sisters! Pay attention to what our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is before the Almighty, what his community of followers is like, what blessings Allah Almighty has bestowed upon us! Do we thank Him for this greatest and incomparable mercy, and are we His obedient servants?! May Allah Almighty help everyone to be worthy followers of the Chosen One of Allah, the Prophet of Mercy and the Messenger of Allah - Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! Amen! Praise be to Allah, peace and blessings to the Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions and all followers! Amen!

The faqih with its isnad was narrated from “Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). She said: “One day the Jews came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: “As-samu aleyka” (“Death to you”). The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: “Wa aleikum” (“And to you”).

“Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “On yourselves, the curse and wrath of Allah is upon you.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “O Aisha, verily, Allah Almighty loves gentleness in every matter.” “Aisha (may there be Allah is pleased with her) said: “Didn’t you hear what they said?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Yes, I heard, but I only told them, “The same for you.”

It was narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “O Aisha, whoever has received a share of gentleness has received a share of the blessings of this world and Akhirat. And whoever is deprived of even a share of gentleness is deprived of a share of the blessings of this world and Akhirat.”

It was narrated from Sa'id bin Musayib (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The head of prudence after faith in Allah is good relations with people and friendship with them. A person will not die from advice, but if he commits matter, without consulting, relying only on his opinions (beliefs), then he will not be happy. If Allah Almighty wants to destroy one of His slaves, then the first thing that will spoil is his conviction. For the owner of good in this world is the owner. good in the next world, and the owner of the bad in this world is the owner of the bad in the next world.”

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah Almighty is merciful and loves the merciful. He will bestow on the merciful what He did not bestow on the harsh.”

It was narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If Allah Almighty wishes good for the inhabitants of one house, then He will place kindness in them. If kindness becomes a characteristic quality, then people will not see the best characteristic quality.”.

It is reported that “Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I sat on a lazy camel and hit him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “O “Aisha, be gentle towards him, for gentleness adorns a thing, even if the thing there is nothing. If there is no softness in something, then it will be bad.”

It is reported that “Ali bin Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “After Surah Nasr was revealed, the Prophet (peace be upon him) fell ill. He came out to the people on Thursday with his head bandaged. Indeed, he sat on minbar, shedding tears and with a sad face.

Then he called Bilal to him and commanded him: “Announce to everyone to gather in the mosque for the testament of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). For this will is your last testament.". After Bilal announced, old and young people gathered. They hastened to the Prophet (peace be upon him), leaving open doors their homes and without collecting things from the markets.

Young girls also came out from behind their curtains to listen to the will of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). The mosque was filled with people. The Prophet (peace be upon him) told people who are in front to give space to those who are behind.

Then he (peace be upon him) stood up and, shedding tears, said:

“Inna li-Llyahi wa inna ilyayhi rajigun” (“Verily, we are in the power of Allah, and only to Him will we return!”), gave praise and glory to Allah Almighty, read salawat (blessing) to himself and other prophets and said: “I Mu-hammad ibn "Abdullah ibn" Abdulmutallib ibn Hashim, Arab, Meccan. I am such a prophet after whom there will be no prophets. O people, know this! Truly, my soul informed me of death. The time has come to part with this world. I strive to meet my Lord. How sad it is to be separated from your ummah! What will they say after me?!

Oh my Allah! Be merciful, be merciful. O people, listen to my will and take care of it. Please convey my words to those who are not here. For this is my last testament to you.

O people, truly, in the book that Allah Almighty sent down to you, He explained what is permissible for you (halal) and what is forbidden (haram), and also explained what you can approach and what you need to beware of. Therefore, use what is permitted and avoid what is prohibited.”

After this, he raised his head to the sky and said: “O Allah, be a witness, I have brought this to light. O people, save yourselves from the dissolute desires of nafs, for it is far from Allah and heaven, but close to hell. Let community (jama'at) and perseverance be obligatory for you, for community and perseverance are close to Allah and paradise, far from hell."

Then he said again: “O Allah, have I accomplished this?” “O people, fear Allah in your religion and amanat, also fear Allah in your relationships with those who are in your care. Feed them the same as you feed yourself, dress them in the clothes that you put on. Don't tell them to do work they can't do, because they are just like you. Be wise, if anyone oppresses them, Allah will be their judge on the Day of Judgment. Also fear Allah in your relationships with your wives. Pay mahr, do not treat them unfairly. If you are unfair to them, then on the Day of Judgment this injustice of yours will be the reason for the deprivation of your benefits. Be reasonable, did I get it right? Save yourself and your children from the fire of hell, teach them knowledge and ethics (adap). For they are an amanate for you. Be reasonable, did I get it right?

O people! Show humility, obey your leaders, do not commit sins towards them, even if your leader is an Ethiopian slave with a cropped ear. For whoever submits to them is subject to me. And whoever submits to me is subject to Allah. Whoever opposes them truly opposes me. And whoever opposes me opposes Allah Almighty. Be smart and protect yourself from committing sins towards them. Don't break their agreement. Did I get it?

O people! May it be obligatory for you to love my family (ahl-bayt), those who know the Quran and your scholars. Do not hold anger against them, do not envy them, and do not encroach on them. Be reasonable, whoever loved them loved me. And whoever loved me loved Allah Almighty. Whoever angered them has indeed angered me. Whoever angered me has truly angered Allah Almighty. Be smart! Did I get it?

O people! May it be obligatory for you to perform thorough ablution (taharat) and five times prayer, in which ruku and sajdah are performed properly.

O people! Deduct zakat from your property. Be reasonable, for someone who has not paid zakat, prayer is not considered prayer. Know that if a person’s prayer is not considered prayer, then there is no reward for him for his religion, fasting, hajj and jihad. O Allah, did I achieve it? O people! Allah Almighty did obligatory hajj for those who are able to go on the road. If he who is able to perform the Hajj fails to perform it, let him die as a Jew, or as a Christian, or as a pagan. The Hajj can only be abandoned if a person is seized by an illness that prevents him from going out on the journey, or if he is prevented from doing so by the oppression of his ruler. Be reasonable, my intercession will not be for those who did not perform the Hajj, having the opportunity to perform it. He will not come (on the Day of Resurrection) to my pool (al-haud). Be reasonable, did I get it right?

O people! Verily, Allah Almighty will gather you on the Day of Judgment in a clean and wide land. This is a very harsh day. On this day, neither property nor children will help you. However, only those who come to Allah with a healthy heart, that is, a heart pure from sins, will find benefit (on this day). Be reasonable, did I get it right?

O people! Save your tongues from sinful speeches, shed your tears, make your body experience need, fight with enemies, that is, infidels, improve mosques, purify your faith, instruct your brothers, first follow these instructions yourself, take care of your shameful parts of the body (aurat) from haram, pay alms from your property, do not envy. If you are jealous, your good deeds will disappear. Do not speak evil of each other behind your back; if you speak evil, you will perish. Be reasonable, did I get it right?

O people! Try to free your slaves. Do good for the day when you are poor and needy.

O people! Don't harass. For the one who oppresses will have Allah Almighty himself as his opponent. Also on the Day of Judgment you will account for your actions to Allah. You will return to Allah Almighty. Verily, the Great Allah does not like your manifestation of evil.

O people! He who has done good has done something useful for himself. He who has committed evil has committed something harmful to himself. Your Lord (O Muhammad) does not oppress anyone. Be God-fearing for this day. On this day you will return to Allah. After this, every human act, good or evil, will not go unnoticed. They will not be oppressed.

O people! I am returning to my Lord. Truly, my soul informed me of death. I trust you and my ummah to Allah. May Allah's mercy be upon you. Oh, my Sahaba, may Allah’s mercy and barakah be upon you and my entire ummah.” Then he (peace be upon him) got down from the minbar and went home. After that he couldn’t leave the house.”

From the book "Tanbikhul-gafilin"

15:05 2018

Almost one and a half thousand years ago, a ray of light illuminated the world, drowning in the darkness of ignorance. A ray that illuminated the path and dispelled the darkness, freeing people from worshiping one another to worship the Lord of the worlds. Allah says in the Quran (meaning): “Alif. Lam. Ra. We have sent down the Scripture to you so that you will lead people, with the permission of their Lord, from darkness to light - to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy" (Sura Ibrahim, verse 1).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to people one and a half thousand years ago to establish the last Sharia of Allah Almighty, which will answer all questions and requests of people until the Day of Judgment. Allah says (meaning): “Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My mercy on you and approved Islam for you as a religion” (Sura “Meal”, verse 3). Fair, responsible, intelligent, kind, gentle, brave, strong - the best of the people who have ever inhabited the planet - he built a society and a state the likes of which the world has never seen before and will never see again.

Allah says about him (meaning): "We sent you only as a mercy to the worlds"(Surah Prophets, verse 107). Addressing His Messenger, Allah says (meaning): “Truly, your character is excellent!”

Intellectual explosion

If we turn to history, we will see that unremarkable sultry deserts one and a half thousand years ago showed the world a great civilization, stretching from China to the Atlantic. Arab society, which did not play any serious role in the historical arena, raised science and culture in a way that no one had ever raised them. Based on the words and actions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Islamic jurists built a perfect legal system, the beauty and depth of which has not yet been comprehended and appreciated by humanity. European orientalists just throw up their hands in amazement, exclaiming: “This is a great right, which the great minds behind it wanted to attribute to the Koran and Sunnah Muhammad! But that's just what they want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true: the Quran and Sunnah gave society the most powerful scientific impetus in the history of mankind, after which the world saw not only Islamic law, but also algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine... on a completely new level. Allah says (meaning): “Say: “Are those who know and those who do not know equal to each other?”(Sura “Crowds”, verse 9), and the revelation of the Koran - the last scripture of Allah Almighty, containing thousands of commands, which was revealed over 23 years - began with the word “Read!” This command was the foundation on which Islamic civilization rose.

Progress and development of society were the accompanying factors and inevitable consequences of the call of the last Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to humanity. His main mission was to educate people to refuse to worship the same people, society, passions, idols, Satan... and to turn to the worship of Allah alone - the Lord of the worlds.

Allah says (meaning): “We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in vain.”(Sura Sad, verse 27). Allah also says (meaning): “O people! Verily, We created you from a man and a woman and made you nations and tribes so that you may recognize each other, and the most revered among you before Allah is the most God-fearing. Verily, Allah is Knowing, Knowing” (Sura “Rooms”, verse 13).

Between "best" and "worst"

The messenger mission of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is indicated by a lot of indisputable evidence. Among them is the obvious difference between the best and the most the worst person on the ground. Everyone knows that the prophets of Allah are among His best creations. Moreover, one of the verses of the Quran, revealed to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), says: “Who could be more unjust than the one who slandered Allah or considered His signs a lie? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not prosper" (Surah Scott, verse 21).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the best of people who raised the best generation that ever existed. The smart and brave, sincere and intelligent followed him, and after a certain time the entire society surrounding him followed him. This society then built a state and a civilization. All those who fought with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and were hostile to his call perished, despite the economic, political and military advantage that they had. An indication of this is contained in the shortest surah of the Koran, “Abundance”: “Truly, your hater himself will be childless.”(verse 3). The enemies of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) tried to belittle his dignity by the fact that he did not raise sons who would glorify his family. They did not understand the wisdom of Allah Almighty inherent in this circumstance, Who glorified and exalted the name of his prophet, who became the leader of billions of people, while history did not show any honor to his enemies.

No one can boast that he is a descendant Abu Lahaba or Abu Jahl, because these people ended their lives in enmity with the best call of the best messenger of Allah.

History, by the will of Allah, has clearly demonstrated the power of the words of the Lord of the worlds (meaning): “Who could be more unjust than the one who slandered Allah or considered His signs a lie? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not prosper" (Surah Scott, verse 21). None of those who falsely claimed prophethood in the early days of Islam succeeded. Only the true Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) succeeded, and people easily distinguished between the best and the worst, between the most unjust wrongdoers and the most truthful prophet of the Almighty.

This is not difficult today. Anyone who undertakes an objective study of the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), with a reliably preserved history piece by piece, will easily discern in it great path, made by man and dictated by the Lord of the worlds.

Imagine who the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should be, whose standard morals are collected in thousands of books, according to those who did not recognize him? Could a hypocrite, whose call was based on the greatest deception, speak in the name of the Almighty Lord: (meaning): “Who could be more unjust than the one who slandered Allah or considered His signs a lie? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed” (Sura “Cattle”, verse 21) - to have the character known from the Messenger of Allah, and to educate a highly moral society that changed the course of history? This is counterintuitive.

Attitude towards others

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was a gentle and meek person. Where necessary, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was tough, but the basis of his character was meekness. He was the most truthful person, and the Quraish (his fellow tribesmen - “”) called him a liar. He was the most pious man, and they accused him of impiety. He only wanted the best for people, and they threw stones at him... But all this did not in any way affect his gentleness and meekness.

He never took revenge for himself and always loved to forgive. He was the most generous and wanted the best for the people around him. When Mecca submitted to his call, he entered it with his head bowed. There was not a drop of arrogance in him, and people had confidence in him. Having earned himself an ideal reputation forty years before the prophecy began, he received the nickname "Amin", which means "trusted". Even those who rejected his call continued to trust him implicitly in economic and other matters. In hostility to his call, they could leave their property with him for safekeeping. And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never let anyone down. Fleeing from a society that wanted to treacherously kill him, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made sure that the property left with him for safekeeping by these same people returned to its owners.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was a great ruler, politician and strategist. Of course, he was led by the Lord of the worlds. However, this did not stop him from becoming a great educator, father, husband, neighbor and friend. He was an example in everything. Therefore, Allah Almighty said about him (meaning): (Sura “Hosts”, verse 21).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took care of his companions in a way that their closest relatives did not care for them. He cared about their marriage, their financial condition, their mood... He noticed who was missing after the battle, when others did not notice. He did not seek to punish people and tried to find an excuse for them, even when they came to him with confessions, wanting to be punished according to the law. He cared about those who committed crimes, caring for their psychological state, forbidding people from vilifying and insulting them.

He was always concerned about his community. He worried about her throughout his life, he worried about her while dying, and he will worry about her on Judgment Day. On the Day when “a man will leave his brother, his mother and his father, his wife and his sons, for every man will have his own worries to fill” (Surah “Frown”, verses 34-37).

He gained such authority among people that they were ready to carry out any of his orders at the very first minute. For example, men who drank wine that was important part When the Arabs learned about its ban, they immediately poured out intoxicating drinks. This event remained in history as the day on which rivers of wine flowed through Medina, and after that the smell of it lingered for a long time. Women reacted in much the same way to the hijab mandate.


We can talk about the personality of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the hard-to-imagine fruits of his call. In order not to bore the reader, we will dwell on this, despite the fact that we have not even touched on one of the greatest indications of the truth of his prophecy - the correctness, universality and naturalness of the beliefs and legal norms with which he came. Beliefs and norms on which the new society, state and civilization were built. Beliefs and norms that harmoniously regulate all areas in the most complete manner human life, starting with a person’s relationship with Allah Almighty, ending with the economic, family and political spheres.

In conclusion, we would like to remind Muslims of the need to study the biography of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) - the best of the people who ever inhabited the planet, who is an example for each of us. An amazing life will open before us amazing person who achieved amazing results. We will see how the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) treated friends and enemies, how he met joy and sorrow, how he was angry and how he laughed, where he was strict and where he was condescending... Perhaps much of what we are accustomed to consider the true manifestation of Islam was not inherent in the one who was sent to spread it and put it into practice, and vice versa.

“In the Messenger of Allah there was a wonderful example for you, for those who hope in Allah and the Last Day.”(Sura “Hosts”, verse 21).

Abdulmumin Gadzhiev
