The vestibule is near. What scared the modern Elders of Zion and why they banned their protocols in Russia. From the prophecies of St. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming

We all sometimes think about the End of the World: optimists and pessimists, believers and non-believers. It is on this interest that the Hollywood cuisine of disaster films and other “horror” films is built. However, for Orthodox Christians in this regard, only the prophecies of our saints are authoritative. Including the predictions of the widely revered Athonite elder, who lived in the 17th century. Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming, who most vividly depicted the approaching reign of the Antichrist.

“Adultery, fornication, sodomy, murder, embezzlement, theft, falsehood, selling and buying people, buying boys and girls to wander with them, like dogs in the streets. And the Antichrist will command the spirits of evil, obedient to him, to bring people to the point where people do ten times more evil than before...”

Alas, this will not surprise anyone today. Especially in the “progressive West”. Where “gay parades” and similar abominations are an “entrance ticket” to the number of “civilized” countries. It is obvious to believers: all this is the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist, which will be accompanied by the most terrible disasters.

From the prophecies of St. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming

“During these disasters there will be a terrible famine... A great disaster will come everywhere... Gold will depreciate like dung on the road. And then the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal... for only those who have a seal, according to the Apocalypse, will be sold bread. Many will die on the roads. People will become like predator birds those who pounce on carrion will devour the bodies of the dead..."

Every Christian must understand that this horror is inevitable. But we are still able to postpone the End of Times. Fighting own sins and the preservation of the One who restrains from iniquity. And today this Holder, in Greek - Katehon, according to the prophecies of many saints, is the Orthodox civilization centered in the Third Rome - Moscow.

Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus in his office.

With the blessing of the Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov


A fragment of the painting “The Triumph of Death” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder was used in the decoration.

Instead of a preface

"Dialogue in Hell" and "Protocols" Elders of Zion »

When the Russian text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, edited by Nilus, appeared in Russia in 1908, it made a stunning impression on a certain part of Russian society. One must imagine the psychological climate of that era. Russian statehood had difficulty rising from the devastation caused by the first revolution, but along with reformist forces, reactionary movements were also revived. Among the latter, the idea of ​​a world Zionist conspiracy met with a powerful echo. Passions flared up.

My father, who was then the head of government, appointed a commission to investigate the origin of the “Protocols”. This commission - we must give it its due - worked in good faith. It was necessary to look for the starting point of the matter not in St. Petersburg, but in Paris. According to the conclusions presented by the commission, the Protocols appeared in manuscript in French in 1897 or 1898 in Parisian circles in which anti-Semitism was prevalent. It should be recalled that this was the time of the Dreyfus affair.

Somewhat later, the French text of the “Protocols” fell into the hands of an experienced and not very squeamish Russian police officer Rachkovsky, who decided to use the manuscript as a weapon of political struggle.

It turned out to be impossible to establish where the Russian translated text of the “Protocols” was compiled, in Paris or already in Russia. It is only known that this material was transferred to a naive and pious man - Nilus, who presented it to the Russian reader.

It should be emphasized that the commission very strictly condemned Colonel Rachkovsky, but came to the conclusion that Nilus acted in complete good faith, having been misled by unscrupulous schemers. It is interesting to note that almost all researchers of this matter, including Jewish ones, have come to the same conclusions today. No one denigrates the somewhat fanatical but pure figure of Nilus. One of the researchers of this case, Henri Rollin, gives the following addition to the materials of the Imperial Commission of Inquiry: The “Protocols” were drawn up in Paris by one of the intimate friends of the notorious Juliet Adam, perhaps by the director of the Gaulois newspaper, Elie de Zion.

Unfortunately, we do not have the text of the commission’s conclusion - it is stored in state archives in the USSR. There is only information about this document in the French archives of that time.

It must be assumed, however, that the data collected by the commission were very compelling. When my father went with a report on this case to Emperor Nicholas II and said that, based on the conclusions of the commission, he intended to ban the distribution of the “Protocols” in Russia, the monarch was shocked. Perhaps he believed in the existence of a world Jewish conspiracy or admitted the possibility of it. But the methods used by Rachkovsky deeply outraged his knightly nature. He approved my father's report banning the Protocols, condemning the use of "evil methods." The categorical position taken by my father and the sovereign’s ban did not completely disarm the reactionary camp. Some people, including quite conscientious ones, continued to defend the authenticity of the “Protocols”. The text was passed from hand to hand, but the matter died out. The Protocols were not widely used in Tsarist Russia.

As is known, things changed radically in the twenties, when, after the First World War, the Protocols were published in mass circulation and distributed throughout Western Europe and beyond the oceans. Hitler used this text in his racist policies that led to genocide.

One could have put an end to this bloody epilogue, but things turned out differently. In 1921, a certain Graves was a correspondent for the English newspaper The Times in Constantinople. Among his wide circle of friends were several Russian emigrants. One of them, in dire need of money, sold Graves all his books taken from Crimea. And so, to his greatest amazement, the English journalist discovered among the goods he had acquired a small, tattered French volume. The first pages were torn out, but on the spine one could read the author's name - Joly.

Upon his first, even cursory, reading, Graves was struck by the similarity of this work to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Returning to London, Graves easily found the same volume in the British Museum, but it remained completely intact. The volume was published on October 15, 1864 in Brussels. The author's name is Maurice Joly. The title of the book is “Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu.”

Comparing this work with the “Protocols”, Graves became convinced that the falsifiers appropriated entire pages from Joly’s book and, logically connecting them with each other, compiled a text exposing the world Jewish conspiracy. For reasons that will be discussed later, the counterfeiters were confident that their fraud would never be detected by anyone.

Graves wrote several articles about his sensational discovery in The Times. But he didn’t get down to business with much zeal, and the news of his find soon died out.

The widespread use of the Protocols by the Nazi authorities and the bloody consequences that were associated with it once again revived the cause of exposing the forgery. Since 1946, following in the footsteps of Graves, French researchers have taken up this matter. Dialogue in Hell was re-released in Paris (last edition in 1968, under the direction of Raymond Aron).

The size of the article does not allow for a detailed comparison of both texts, but it is interesting to compare several passages.

Dialogue II (pp. 15–17)

Montesquieu: In your mouth there are only two words: strength and guile... If you elevate violence to a principle, wickedness to a rule of government, then the code of tyranny will only be an animal code... According to your principle, good can flow from evil.

Dialogue XII (pp. 139–140)

... Like the god Vishnu, my seal will have a hundred hands, and these hands will come into contact with all shades of public opinion throughout the country ...

Dialogue VII (pp. 75–76)

... I will establish huge financial monopolies, reservoirs of the public domain, on which the fate of private capital will depend so closely that the very next day after one or another political catastrophe they will be absorbed along with state credit.

Protocol I (pp. 2–8)

Our slogan is: power and hypocrisy... Violence must become the principle, hypocrisy the rule of those governments that do not want to hand over their crown to agents of another power... Evil is the only way to reach the goal: good.

Protocol XII (pp. 78–83)

They will have, like the Indian god Vishnu, a hundred arms... which will lead public opinion in a direction that will suit our goals.

Protocol VI (pp. 42–44)

We will soon establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal wealth. Even the large fortunes of Christians will depend on them to such an extent that they will be swallowed up along with the state credit the very next day after one or another political catastrophe.

It is impossible not to mention who this unknown Maurice Joly was and what exactly prompted him to write the book that brought him posthumous fame. He was (born in 1829) a lawyer and polemicist. Talented, bilious, eccentric, he managed to incur hostility from both the right and left camps. Because of several polemical books he wrote, he had to go to trial, sit in prison, and fight a duel. In 1864 in Brussels he published his Dialogue in Hell. Thus, Joly is the forefather of political fiction, characteristic of authors of underground literature these days. In his afterlife conversation with the stunned Montesquieu, Machiavelli reveals the ins and outs of the authoritarian system, whose representative at that time was Napoleon III. The exposure, I must say, is very strong. It is all the more impressive because the abuses of power attributed to Napoleon III are very typical of a number of dictators of our day.

Unrecognized, unloved and rejected, Maurice Joly shot himself in the forehead on July 17, 1877. Not a trace remained of his literary work. The edition of “Dialogue in Hell” printed in Brussels was completely bought up and destroyed by agents of the government of Napoleon III. How did the copy that was later purchased in Constantinople by the Englishman Graves survive and end up in Russia? Perhaps Colonel Rachkovsky took this copy with him to Russia, along with the apocryphal manuscript? This little mystery will never be cleared up.

What should I say in conclusion? It has long been known that the Protocols are apocryphal. But those who concocted such a sensational fake about the world Jewish conspiracy did a disservice to the enemies of Jewry. It is not anti-Semites who are using the Protocols today. On the contrary, they have become a document in the fight against anti-Semitism. This shows once again how dangerous it is to base politics on lies, as, for example, the totalitarian rulers in the USSR do today. Lies often boomerang against their authors.

I would also like to add something about “Dialogue in Hell”, already in isolation from “Protocols”. An ardent enemy of the communists of that early period and the author of articles against the early communes, Maurice Joly was something of a prophet. In his book, he not only condemned the relatively harmless authoritarian system of Napoleon III, but also predicted what awaits humanity on the terrible path leading to totalitarianism. Joly sensed half a century ahead what our world would be like in the 20th century:

“The impoverishment of ideas and revolutionary upheavals have given rise to cold and disillusioned social formations, indifferent to both politics and religion, whose only incentive is material pleasure and who seek only their own personal gain and worship only gold...” (Dialogue IV, p. 39 ).

“These social formations, real giants with feet of clay, can, in my opinion, seek salvation only in centralization taken to the limit, placing all social forces at the disposal of the rulers ... in the creation of an extensive system of legislation, taking away in the smallest detail all the freedoms that were previously thoughtlessly given, in the organization, finally, of gigantic despotism, capable of striking immediately and at any hour on everything that resists, on everything that is dissatisfied” (Dialogue IV, p. 40).

Arkady Stolypin.

Art. 32-47 Take a similitude from a fig tree: when its branches become soft and put out leaves, you know that summer is near; So, when you see all this, know that it is close, at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things are done; heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. No one knows about that day and hour, not even the heavenly angels, but only My Father alone; But as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also at the coming of the Son of Man: for as in the days before the flood they did eat and drink, they married and were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they thought not until the flood came. and did not destroy them all, so will the coming of the Son of Man be; then there will be two on the field: one is taken and the other is left; two grinding millstones: one is taken, and the other is left. Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come. But you know that if the owner of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, be ready, for at an hour you do not think, the Son of Man will come. Who is the faithful and prudent servant whom his master made over his servants, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, finds doing so; Truly I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions.

Since Christ said: Abiye for the sorrow of those days(Matthew 24:29), the disciples asked him when this would be, and wanted to know exactly the day itself, then He presented them with a fig tree as an example, showing that there was little time left, and that His coming would soon be. And He confirmed this not only with a parable, but also with the following words: lead me as if it is near, at the door. At the same time, Christ prophesies both about spiritual summer and about the silence that will come on that day for the righteous after the winter that is now overwhelming them: for sinners, on the contrary, he predicts winter after the summer has passed, which he later confirmed, saying that that day will find them in the midst of luxury and pleasure. However, He gave the example of a fig tree not only to designate time - he could have signified it in another way - but also to confirm that His prediction would certainly be fulfilled. Just as it is necessary to be first, so it is also necessary to be last. And in general, Christ, as well as the blessed Apostle Paul who imitates Him, when talking about what must certainly happen, always cites necessary natural phenomena as an example. That is why, speaking about the resurrection of the dead, He says: Even though a grain of wheat falls on the earth and does not die, then one remains; And if he dies, he will create much fruit(John XII, 24). And the blessed Apostle Paul, imitating Christ, uses the same example when discussing the resurrection with the Corinthians: crazy, he says, you see, it will not come to life unless it dies(1 Cor. xv. 36). Then, so that the disciples do not soon start again with the question: when will this happen? The Savior reminds them of the approach of this time, saying: Amen I say to you, this generation will not pass by, until all these things will be(v. 34) What does He mean by the word: all this? What happened to Jerusalem: wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, false Christs, false prophets, the spread of the gospel everywhere, riots, strife and everything that we said would happen before His coming. How did He say: this generation? Here He speaks not of the generation then living, but of the faithful. Gender is designated not only by time, but also by way of religion and life, as, for example, when it is said: this generation of those who seek the Lord(Ps. XXIII, 6). What Christ said before: it's fitting for everyone to be like this, and further: the gospel will be preached this expresses the same thing here, saying that all this will certainly come true, and the race of the faithful will endure and will not be interrupted by any of the above-mentioned disasters. Jerusalem will also be destroyed, and most of the Jews will perish; but nothing will overcome this generation, neither famine, nor pestilence, nor earthquakes, nor the horrors of battle, nor false Christs, nor false prophets, nor seducers, nor traitors, nor seducers, nor false brethren, nor other similar temptations. Then, to further assure them, He says: heaven and earth pass by, but My words will not pass by(v. 35) - that is, the heavens and the earth, so solid and motionless, will sooner be destroyed than any of My words will pass away. Whoever doubts this, let him examine everything that has been said, and then, having found everything to be true (and he will certainly find it), - on the basis of what has been, he will also believe what is to be; let him look into everything carefully - and see that subsequent events completely justified the truth of the prophecy. Christ mentioned the elements in order to show both that the Church is superior to heaven and earth, and that He is the creator of everything that exists. And since He spoke about the end of the world, which many do not believe, He also mentioned heaven and earth, thereby showing His ineffable power, and with all His power declaring Himself the ruler of the universe, and thus introducing them to those who doubt His words completely reliable. No one knows about that day and hour, not the angels of heaven, not the Son, only the Father.(v. 36) In words: no angels Christ restrains His disciples so that they do not try to find out what the angels themselves do not know; in the same words: neither Son- forbids them not only to know, but also to ask about it. And that these words were spoken by Him with this very intention, learn from how He, after His resurrection, with greater force forbade their curiosity when he noticed that they were unduly indulged in him. Now he pointed out many and countless signs, and then he said simply: there is your understanding of times and summers(Acts I, 7). Then, so that the disciples do not say: “We are perplexed, they despise us, but we are not worthy of this,” He says: even the Father has placed in His power. He was very careful that his students were respected and that nothing was hidden from them; but in this case he leaves it to the Father himself to know the times and seasons, in order to instill fear in the matter and forbid them to even ask about it. If this were not so, if in fact the Son of God did not know this, then when would He know? Together with us? But who will say this? He knew the Father perfectly, just as the Father did the Son, but he did not know about this day? Besides, The Spirit tests the depths of God(1 Cor. II, 10) - and the Son supposedly did not even know the time of judgment? He knew how he should judge, he knew the secrets of everyone - and could he not know what was much less important? If everything was by Him, and without Him nothing would be(John I, 3), then how can it be that He did not know this day? He who created the eyelids also created times without a doubt; But if He created times, He also created the day: how can He not know the day that He created?

You say that you even know the essence of God: does not the Son of God know the last day, the Son who incessantly abides in the bosom of the Father, despite the fact that the knowledge of the essence is much more important than the knowledge of days, infinitely more important? How is it that you, appropriating the greater, do not yield the less to the Son? in it are the essence of all the hidden treasures of wisdom and reason(Col. II, 3) ? But just as you do not know what the essence of God is, although you often madly assert this, so the Son does not remain ignorant of this day, but, on the contrary, knows it completely. That is why He, having spoken about everything, denoted times, years, and brought His disciples to the very doors (precisely said: close, at the door), kept silent about the day. If you ask about the day and hour, you will not hear anything from me, He says; If in general about time and preliminary signs, then, without hiding anything, I will tell you everything in detail. That I know this day - to this I presented many proofs: I spoke about the distance of time, about all future events, and even about how much is left from the present time until that day (the parable of the fig tree explains this to you), and thus brought you until the very threshold. If I did not open the doors for you, then this is for your own good. For greater confirmation that Christ remained silent about the day of His death not out of ignorance, pay attention to the fact that He adds another sign to the above sign of His coming: just as I ran in the days of Noah, eating and drinking, marrying and committing violence, until the bad day the water came, and everything was taken away: so will the coming of the Son of man be (vv. 38 and 39). Christ said this as proof that He would come suddenly and unexpectedly, when the majority would be enjoying pleasures. Paul says the same thing in the following words: When they always proclaim peace and affirmation, then all of a sudden destruction will attack them.(1 Sol. V, 3), and in explanation of this accident he said: like a disease in the womb of the poor. How does Christ say: after the sorrow of those days? If then there will be pleasures, peace and confirmation, as Paul said, then how does Christ say: after the sorrow of those days? With joys, what sorrow can there be? This refers to pleasures and peace, which can only be enjoyed by insensitive people. That is why the apostle did not say: when there will be peace, but: when they say peace and affirmation, thus depicting their insensibility, similar to that which people had in the days of Noah, when they, despite the greatest disasters, lived a life full of pleasures, while the righteous, on the contrary, spent their lives in sorrow and sorrow. From this it is clear that with the coming of the Antichrist, among the wicked and those who despair of their salvation, shameful pleasures will increase - then there will be gluttony, gluttony and drunkenness. Thus Christ gives an example perfectly suited to the circumstances of the case. Just as at that time, He says, when the ark was being prepared, people did not believe, and even when it was ready and foreshadowed an imminent disaster, they calmly looked at it and indulged in pleasure, as if no disaster lay ahead of them, so now: the Antichrist will appear, after whom there will be death, after death there will follow punishment and unspeakable torment; and people, drunk with debauchery, will not feel any fear of these future disasters. That is why, just like someone who has a sickness in the womb, according to the word of the apostle, so these terrible and inevitable disasters will befall them. Why didn’t Christ mention the disaster that befell the Sodomites? He wanted to present as an example a worldwide event, which was also not believed when it was predicted. And since many did not believe the future, He confirms them with past events, and this shakes their hearts. At the same time, He also points out that in previous cases it was He who acted. Next, the Savior presents a new sign of His coming, so that from a consideration of all these signs it becomes obvious that He knew this day. What sign? Then there will be two in the village: one will be eaten, and the other will be left behind. Two grind in the millstones: one is eaten and one is left. Beware, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come (vv. 40, 41, 42). All this serves as proof that He knew this day, but only forbade the disciples to ask about it. That is why He reminded them of the days of Noah, and that is why He said that then there would be two in the village, showing that He would come completely unexpectedly, when they would not even think about it. And two grinding- this also serves as a sign that they will not expect him at all. Moreover, servants and slaves are caught and left, and those who will exercise themselves in labor, and those who will be in idleness, in a word, from all states, just as in old testament it says: from him who sits on the throne to the slave who sits at the millstone(Ex. XI, 5). Although Christ said that it is difficult for the rich to be saved, here he assures that they will not all perish, and the poor will not all be saved; but both of these and of these, some will be saved, and some will perish. I even think that it is indicated here that His coming will be in the night. The Evangelist confirms the same (Luke XVII: 34). Do you see how accurately Christ knows all the circumstances? Then, so that the disciples would not turn to Him with a question, he adds again: Beware, for you do not know at what time your Lord will come. Didn't say: I don't know, but - don't know. Having announced to them almost the hour, he again warns them of questions about this, wanting them to be constantly vigilant. Therefore He says to them: watch out, showing those the reason why he does not announce to them last day. Know this, for if the ruler of the house had known at what watch the thief would come, he would have been vigilant and would not have allowed his temple to be dug under. For this reason, you too must be prepared: for at this hour, remember not, the Son of Man will come (vv. 43-44). He does not tell them about the hour when He will come, so that they will watch and be always ready. Wanting them to always be concerned about meeting Him and always be virtuous, he told them that He would come when they did not expect Him. The meaning of His words is this: if people knew when they would die, they would undoubtedly take care of that hour.

So, in order not to worry about only one day of death, Christ does not mean either the day of the common death, or the day of death of each, wanting people to always look forward to this day - so that it would be the subject of constant concern. Therefore, the end of everyone’s life was left unknown. Then he openly calls Himself Lord, whereas he had never said this so clearly before. Here, I think, there is also a reproach for the careless, for the fact that they do not show about their souls the same care that people who are waiting for a thief show about their money. These latter, when they are expecting a thief, stay awake and do not allow anything to be taken from their storerooms; and you, He says, although you know that the Lord will come, and will certainly come, yet you are not at all awake, you are not preparing, so that death does not overtake you unexpectedly; That is why this day comes to the destruction of the careless. Just as a rich man, if he knew the time at which he would be robbed, would avoid it, so you would protect yourself if you were ready. Further, since He mentioned judgment, He finally turns His speech to the teachers and speaks about punishments and rewards. And, having first spoken about the fate of virtuous people, he dwells on the fate of sinners in order to arouse fear in the listeners by the conclusion of the speech.

For this purpose, He first says: Who is the faithful and wise servant, whose master will appoint him over his house, to give them food in their time? Blessed is that servant, who, when his master comes, will find him doing such things. Amen I say to you, for he will set him over all his possessions (vv. 45-47). Tell me: do these words also mean His ignorance? If you, based on His words: no Son news? And in the gospel: when will my Son be put to shame(Luke XX, 13). All these expressions show ignorance. But God did not say this out of ignorance, but with the intention of more conveniently achieving His goal. So He spoke to Adam in a similar way with the intention of encouraging him to seek forgiveness for sin; with the Sodomites - in order to teach us never to pronounce a sentence without knowing the case itself; the prophet said in order to prevent that crazy thought, as if the prediction involuntarily leads to disobedience; in the parable of the Gospel in order to show that they had to do something - to honor the Son; here - so as not to be overly curious; and together to indicate the special importance of this issue. Moreover, look what ignorance is expressed in these words, if He does not even know the one whom He supplies! He calls the slave blessed, - blessed is bo speaks, slave of the one- but doesn’t say who he is; but only: whoever is, the Lord will appoint him? And: Blessed is the one who does this will find him. It should be noted that this is not said about one property, but also about the word, and power, and gifts, and about all the duties assigned to everyone. This parable can also apply to civil leaders: each should use his gifts for the common good. Whether you are gifted with wisdom, or given power, whether you are rich, or have anything else, you must not use your gifts to the detriment of your fellow men, or to your own destruction. The Savior requires two qualities from the servant mentioned in the parable: prudence and fidelity, because sin comes from foolishness. He calls him faithful because he did not hide anything from his master’s property, and did not squander anything in vain and without purpose; and wise because he knew how to use the property entrusted to him in the proper way. And we also need both of these qualities, both in order not to appropriate for ourselves what belongs to the Lord, and in order to make proper use of what is given. If one quality is not in us, then the other is imperfect. If a slave is faithful and does not steal, but destroys his property, squandering it on useless items, then this is also a great fault. If he knows how to manage the estate well, but at the same time steals, then this is again an important crime. Let those of us who have money also notice this, because the words of Christ apply not only to teachers, but also to the rich. Both of them have been entrusted with wealth - to those who teach what is more necessary, and to you, the rich, what is less necessary. If teachers generously squander more important benefits, and you do not want to show generosity even in unimportant things, and not only generosity, but also gratitude (because you are giving someone else’s), then what excuse will you have? However, before we talk about the punishments awaiting the unjust, let us hear how those who act properly will be rewarded. Amen I say to you, for he will place him over all his possessions. What can compare with such an honor? What word is sufficient to express that dignity, that bliss, when the King of heaven, to whom everything belongs, places man over all his possessions? That is why he calls him wise, because he knows how not to waste great things for the sake of small things, but by acting prudently here, he receives heaven.

Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

Recent events increasingly indicate that the global elite is moving to open control over humanity on the basis of the latest information and computer technologies.

The scandal erupted during the meeting of the Bilderberg Group, which in turn met immediately after the annual Google Zeitgeist conference, which summed up the analysis of billions of Google user queries. And on the same days, June 15-16, the Second International Congress of the Global Future 2045 forum was held in New York, bringing together experts in the field of neuroscience and nanotechnology to discuss cybernetic methods of achieving human immortality... The goal of the congress participants was the creation of the Avatar megaproject , which includes the development of anthropomorphic robots, brain-computer interfaces, telepresence systems, neuroprosthetics and brain modeling, the study of consciousness and ways to transfer the human “I” to a non-biological substrate - an artificial body (1). The main topics at the congress were spiritual development, cybernetic life extension technologies, “cybernetic immortality”, “metamind”, “neo-humanity”.

If the first congress of the Global Future 2045 forum took place in Russia in 2012 almost unnoticed, then 200 journalists from leading media were accredited to New York for this event. Such famous futurologists and scientists as the director of technical development of Google Corporation and inventor spoke here Ray Kurzweil; writer and entrepreneur, the largest individual benefactor of the University of Oxford, James Martin; co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Marvin Minsky; developer of brain prosthetic technology, professor at the University of Southern California, Theodore Berger; founder of the first Russian laboratory of brain-computer interfaces Alexander Kaplan; artificial intelligence developer and entrepreneur Ben Goertzel; creator of the theory of substrate-independent mind Randal Kuhne; developer of the theory about the possible quantum teleportation of consciousness into an alternative body, Stuart Hameroff; the head of United Therapeutics Martin Rotblat (the company plans to begin mass transplantation of artificial human organs printed on 3D printers in 2016) and many others.

The organizer and president of the forum is the Russian billionaire, CEO of the Internet company Newmedia Stars and founder of the Russia-2045 movement. Dmitry Itskov, setting out his credo as follows: “Man must be free from the limitations of biological nature, death, gravity.” To do this, Itskov preaches, human bodies must be replaced by non-biological carriers, into whose heads the brains of earthlings will be implanted, and thus the evolution of humanity will be directed towards achieving immortality.

The forum participants presented the results of their activities. Japanese roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro demonstrated the capabilities of the humanoid robot Geminoid HI-1, which he invented, which is an exact copy of himself. This specimen was presented as a pioneering initiative in terms of man gaining immortality by 2045. The first cyborg man, Englishman Nigel Ackland, the owner of a bionic prosthetic arm, also made his first appearance here, showing the possibilities of integrating cybernetic technologies with human body(2). Finally, an android (that is, humanoid) head was demonstrated here - Itskov’s double, designed by the American inventor David Hanson as part of the first stage of the Avatar A project. Itskov’s humanoid head is controlled by 36 motors.

“Global Future 2045” is part of the international transhumanism movement, which has declared its goal to achieve, with the help of the latest technologies, such changes in the nature of Homo Sapiens, in which a person will turn into a “posthuman” or “superman”.

That is, we are talking about an attempt to practically implement a global worldview focused on strategy for changing the species “homo sapiens”. The main idea for the Global Future 2045 forum is the idea of ​​creating a “new world consciousness” and a “new world civilization.” Before the congress, the forum participants sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General, calling on him to provide them with the support of the UN General Assembly. The letter indicated that the world is on the threshold of global changes, the essence of which should be the implementation of a new model of development, promoting the evolution of the individual’s consciousness and the transition to "Neo-humanity". This is planned to be achieved with the help of breakthrough technologies designed to ensure life extension up to immortality based on an artificial avatar body, which will allow the creation of a new civilization. This strategy, the authors of the letter emphasize, should become “an alternative to nationally oriented ideologies and unite nations, making service to humanity the meaning of everyone’s life” (3).

Ray Kurzweil's presence at the convention was special meaning: He is considered the guru of modern transhumanism, although in fact the idea has ancient roots. This concept was established in the late 50s of the twentieth century, and in modern meaning it began to be used by American scientists in the 80s. Within the framework of transhumanism, there are different directions: some crave immortality, others dream of super-intelligence, others believe that people will be able to transfer their intelligence into machines with artificial intelligence, while computer networks will recognize themselves as superhuman intelligent entities (!). The most significant financial resources are invested in research aimed at achieving complete change. human nature, which is planned to be accomplished with the help of the so-called convergence of NBIC - nanotechnology, biology, computer science and cognitive sciences.

A characteristic feature of these studies is that their authors interpret human rights extremely arbitrarily, considering the citizen as an absolutely autonomous being who belongs only to himself and has the right to decide for himself what changes he wants to make with his body and his brain.

Under these conditions, a person turns into an experimental object for the use of NBIC technologies, the use of which is not limited by any ethical considerations, to the point that a person can simply be turned into a kind of website. As Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom stated at the First Congress of the Global Future 2045 forum, there are two paths to immortality - biological and digital. Digital is a complete reproduction of the human brain on a computer, allowing the creation of backup copies of a person. The biological method is intermediate, and the digital method is the main one (4). Today, the transhumanist lobby is most active in California, China and South Korea , that is, where the centers for the production of NBIC technologies are concentrated. Google is becoming one of the most active architects of the transhumanist revolution

It is argued that the “singularity” (the hypothetical point at which technological progress will supposedly become so rapid and complex that it will be inaccessible to understanding) should occur after technology exceeds the computing capabilities of the human brain and the emergence of artificial intelligence. It will happen, according to Kurzweil, by 2045. And then, as he writes in the book “The Singularity is Near,” people “will transform biology and will exist in the Universe as immortal cyborgs.”

In July 2012, Kurzweil met with Google CEO Larry Page to show him a draft of his new book, How to Create a Mind, and admitted that he dreamed of starting a company that could build a truly smart computer, but for this he needed data about each of the 2 billion Internet users, and even better - about each of the 7 billion inhabitants of the Earth, including those who do not know about the existence of networks and mobile phones(7). Page agreed to cooperate, and in January 2013, the guru of transhumanism became Google's CTO, turning artificial intelligence into a key research area of ​​the company and gaining the ability to use information about 2 billion Internet users.

Now Kurzweil's team is working on creating a computer that can reproduce the human nervous system. To do this, the computer is “trained” not just to respond to search queries, but to understand natural language and analyze semantically complete text. "The system will know semantically deep level everything you are interested in, explains the developer. “I expect that in a few years the system will be able to provide the user with answers to most questions before those questions are asked.” The user will be able to receive individual answers to queries that take into account his experience on the Internet, his range of interests, his character, and temperament.

This is what Kurzweil calls “emotional intelligence,” which, in his opinion, can influence interests more than the thirst for information and analytical abilities. By collecting all the information about how the user works and creating a complete portrait of him, Kurzweil’s system will be able to work as an “emotional robot” that will guess what exactly the user needs in accordance with his mood. This is thought of as merging a person with a computer, which Google executive director Eric Schmidt spoke about and in which the initiative will quietly pass from a person to a machine that manages – under the guise of “guessing” – the interests of a person.

Google provides apologists for transhumanism with a financial and information base, and they provide Google with more effective means of controlling the consciousness of Internet users. In light of the revelations made by Edward Snowden, this further expands the capabilities of American intelligence agencies working closely with Internet companies.

To what extent, however, can these revelations change anything in the created system of total control over the world community, if this control represents the very content and essence of the information and post-information society? Transhumanists continue to diligently weave their transnational web, working to restructure human consciousness. And they do not hide their goals, about which Professor Nick Bostrom openly says: “As for the attitude towards transhumanism, now it is a political label, which, as it develops, will become a popular movement. Next - necessary common language

, which must become a world order where at the highest level of the organization there is only one decision-making body. It could be a world democratic government, or a dictator, or a universal moral code with the power to enforce the law (emphasis added - O.Ch.)" (8) And so latest news about Dmitry Itskov’s transplant projects human mind

into an artificial body: “Transferring a personality into a hologram provides a number of advantages already known today. Patients will be able to freely cross walls, state borders and travel at the speed of light (like cashless money). Considering the great military potential of future inventions, Itskov intends to cooperate with DARPA, the military division of the US Department of Defense for advanced research” (emphasis mine - O.Ch.) (9). DARPA is engaged, among other things, inventing video surveillance cameras for personal identification based on programs simulating the functions of the human brain.I
. “How a Jew got into the Pope”

“On December 5, 2017, The New York Times published a landmark article by renowned columnist, political editor of the Jewish Journal, and senior fellow at the Jewish People's Policy Institute (JPPI) Shmuel Rosner, “Of course, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.”

In his article, Rosner notes: “According to many scholars, there was a temple on this site approximately 1,000 years before it was destroyed by the Romans. This may mean that for approximately three thousand years, Jerusalem has been the center of the Jewish people—the physical center when the temple stood on the site, and the center for prayer and distant aspirations during the period when the Jews were scattered across the globe. Every year, at the very end of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, and at the end of Passover, Jews say the phrase: “Next year in Jerusalem.”
Then the Jews returned. In the 19th century, Jews began to build houses and settle outside the walls of the Old City in Jerusalem. The Six Day War then ended Jordan's temporary control of the Old City and united Jerusalem under Israeli jurisdiction.
However, this return proved more controversial for the international community. Even the United States, Israel's closest ally, has not recognized this city as our capital, despite the fact that our government has been there since 1949.
According to reports, President Trump will soon change this situation and even announce that he is moving the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “Next year the American Embassy will be in Jerusalem” – these words were not in our prayers, but, nevertheless, we welcome them and perceive them as a sign of support – and recognition of the existing reality.”
As we see, in Jewish world were aware of Trump's "fateful" decision in advance.
And on December 6, 2017, the current US President Donald Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The American leader stated this while speaking at the White House: “I have decided that now is the time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel... Israel is a sovereign state that has the right to decide on the location of its capital. And recognition of this city status is the right step,” the US President emphasized.

It must be said that since 1949, almost all state and government services of Israel have been located in Jerusalem, but until now there have been no foreign embassies there. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately thanked Trump for his decision: “We are deeply grateful to the President for his courageous and fair decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to prepare to move the United States Embassy here.”

So the Jews are really and with great speed taking over the world and Nilus’s prophecies that the Beast is already “Close at the door” are visibly coming true before our eyes. Proof? Well, here they are. The website “Moscow – Third Rome” published the following text:
« PROJECT THIRD TEMPLE... The tribe of deicides is already celebrating.
Brothers and sisters, in the very near future we will witness catastrophic events prepared by the deicides. They have everything ready to implement the final stage of their satanic plan to capture the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple in which they will crown their Antichrist. May God forbid them!

Here's another interesting text:
. . .

II. "The Unsolvable Divine Mystery"

Pope Francis I continues to surprise and delight: “There is a Jew inside every Christian!”

Recently, the Vatican released a policy document, which for the first time recorded the official refusal of missionary work among the Jews.
From now on, Jews, according to Catholic doctrine, are the only people on Earth who do not need the “good news” of Christianity to save their souls.
It turns out that, despite the fact that the Jews do not believe in Jesus, Catholic theologians recognize the salvation of the Jews as “theologically indisputable” and declare this glaring paradox an “unsolvable divine mystery.”
Like, if the Almighty promised to save the Jews, he himself will cope with this task - without the help of Christians. This revolutionary step in the development of Christian theology was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate - the declaration of the Second Vatican Council, which largely revised the attitude of Catholicism towards Judaism and condemned attempts to forcefully baptize Jews.
Let us remember that until the 1960s, every Good Friday Jews were accused of “perfidy,” read - crucifixion, and this accusation was removed from the liturgy precisely by the Second Vatican Council, which declared that “the covenant between God and the Jews continues to be in force.”
Now the Papal Throne took the next step, declaring the voluntary inclusion of Jews in the Christian faith unnecessary.
The document, entitled “Gifts (i.e., gifts to the Jews) and G-d's calling are irrevocable,” contains a number of important messages.
In particular, it is noted that Christians cannot be anti-Semitic, since their religion is rooted in Judaism.
Moreover, at a recent meeting with Jewish religious leaders, Pope Francis said that not only attacks on Jews, but also attacks on Israel are anti-Semitism.
Pope Francis I broke all the records of “Judophilia” shown by his predecessors.
He stated that « there is a Jew inside every Christian,” and that “one cannot be a true Christian without recognizing one’s Jewish roots » – the pontiff explained.
In emphasizing the continued presence of Judaism in Christianity, Francis went further than John Paul II, who called Jews the “elder brothers” of Christians.
Francis said he prays the words of the Psalms of David daily as a Jew and then celebrates the Eucharist as a Christian.
In a long interview with the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, the pontiff expressed the opinion that the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity should include an exploration of the Jewish roots of Christianity and the “flourishing of Judaism in Christianity.”
The Pope admitted that this is a very difficult and explosive topic, as he put it, “a hot potato,” but expressed confidence that “we can live like brothers.”
The Pope spoke out against any religious fundamentalism, saying that it is always based on violence, and in our days violence “in the name of God” is absurd.

That is, Pope Francis I broke all the records of “Judophilia” shown by his predecessors. He agreed that “There is a Jew inside every Christian.”
How are the Orthodox doing regarding Jews?“The obscurantism there is absolute and not only regarding Jews. And anti-Semitism was and remains the cornerstone of Orthodoxy in general, and especially of the Moscow Patriarchate,” says someone signed with the letters “E.L.” those. "God".
Meanwhile, our pre-apocalyptic, or, more precisely, directly apocalyptic times continue to develop. And no longer in Jerusalem and the Vatican, but in Moscow.
. . .

III. “Covered with vodka”

“Does not correspond to historical facts”: the vandal explained why he defaced the painting “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan” in the Tretyakov Gallery

Vasilisa NIKOLAEVA: The criminal who attacked the painting by Ilya Repin was detained.

The vandal turned out to be a 37-year-old visitor from Voronezh.
On Friday evening, a very major emergency occurred at the State Tretyakov Gallery. An unknown person broke the glass protecting Repin’s masterpiece “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581.” The flying fragments tore the canvas in three places.
As the press service of the Tretyakov Gallery reported, the canvas was damaged in the central part of the figure of the prince. But most importantly, the most difficult places to restore - the images of hands and faces - were not damaged.

The criminal who attacked the painting by Ilya Repin was detained Photo: Operational shooting
The incident has already been reported to the leadership of the Ministry of Culture. Most likely, an expanded restoration council will be assembled in the near future. The canvas has already been removed from the exhibition and placed in the restoration workshop of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Information about the arrest of the criminal appeared on Saturday morning, May 26, 2018. Although they caught him the night before.
He turned out to be a 37-year-old visitor from Voronezh. What he does and whether he has anything to do with art and history is not reported. But he explained his action to the police by the “historical inconsistency” of what is depicted in the painting.
According to the telegram channel "112", the vandal's name is Igor Podporin.
This is not the first time that Repin's painting has been attacked by vandals. More than a hundred years ago, in 1913, Old Believer Abram Balashov cut the painting with a knife. And, by fateful coincidence, also in three places. The places where the faces of the Tsar and Tsarevich were severely damaged. Repin himself was then involved in the restoration.
. . .
And here is what the website “Moscow – Third Rome” writes about this:
“A SIGN... THE FALSE PICTURE IS TORN. In the Tretyakov Gallery, a man damaged Repin’s daub “Ivan the Terrible kills his son.”

Note Ed.– Brothers and sisters, it was not for nothing that the Lord allowed the damage to this false picture-slander of the holy Emperor Ivan the Terrible, who did not kill his son, did not gouge out the eyes of architects, never organized a sex orgy, etc.
We remind you that Repin, who was a Freemason, withered away after writing this false daub. right hand. The artist Myasoedov, who posed as a king, almost killed his little son, also Ivan. And the writer Vsevolod Garshin - Repin wrote the prince from him - he soon went crazy and threw himself into a flight of stairs.
This is for the edification of all detractors of the “teachers” of our kings! The time has come when the purification of the bright Royal names begins. The king is coming! Thank God for everything! Amen."
A video of the interrogation of a homeless vandal who damaged Ilya Repin’s masterpiece “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son” has appeared online. The man claims that at the time of the attack he was “covered” with vodka.

That is, at the moment when he decided to damage the famous painting, he was drunk.
The detainee stated that he was aware of the gravity of the crime he had committed, but explained his illegal actions by the influence of vodka, an alcoholic drink that he usually does not drink and which “covered” him. “One day I went and came to look at her. At 8 pm I wanted to leave, I went to the buffet, drank 100 grams of vodka, and something... I don’t drink vodka - so it hit me,” the man explained his actions.
Let us note that the vandal who damaged the painting was a homeless man who came to Moscow from Voronezh. According to the press service statement Tretyakov Gallery, the damage he caused to the canvas can be assessed as serious. In the center it is torn in three places, and the original frame in which Repin’s painting was located was damaged.
. . .

IV. “Once upon a time there lived a cockroach”
Such interesting events are happening here in Moscow... But let's move back to the Vatican. Here, in connection with the fact that Pope Francis discovered a Jew inside his body, for some reason I suddenly remembered one story by Franz Kafka, where the hero dies in a vacant lot. Moreover, he dies not in the form of a person, but in the form of a cockroach. As soon as I remembered this, how - oh, miracle! – on the Internet, on the page of the Serb Sasha Knezevic, I came across such a magnificent illustration for a story by Franz Kafka.

Unfortunately, it came out on my printer in small sizes, so I’m also presenting my drawing:

“Inside every Christian sits a Jew,” and inside every Jew sits a cockroach.” . .
So, brothers and sisters, Sergei Nilus was absolutely right - the Beast has escaped from the Abyss and is already thundering its hooves along the pavements of not only Rome the Third, but also Jerusalem and Rome the First. We are surrounded by “cockroaches” on all sides. But in order not to lose hope, let us turn to the great prophetic poem by Captain Lebyadkin, from the immortal “Demons” of Dostoevsky, which is called:

There lived a cockroach in the world,
Cockroach from childhood,
And then I hit the glass,
Full of fly-eating.

Lord, what is it? - Varvara Petrovna exclaimed.
“That is, when in the summer,” the captain hurried, waving his hands terribly, with the irritable impatience of an author who is being prevented from reading, “when flies crawl into a glass in the summer, then something happens.”
fly-eating, any fool will understand, don’t interrupt, don’t interrupt, you’ll see, you’ll see... (He kept waving his hands).

A cockroach took the place
The flies began to murmur.
“Our glass is very full,”
They shouted to Jupiter

But while they were screaming,
Nikifor approached
Dear old man...

I haven’t finished this yet, but anyway, in words! - the captain cracked. - Nikifor takes the glass and, despite the scream, throws out all the comedy, flies and cockroaches, into the tub, which should have been done a long time ago. But notice, but notice, madam,

The cockroach doesn't complain!
The cockroach doesn't complain! - madam! For, madam, although he is from the poor, he is a most worthy person:

He was not of noble breed,
He rose among the people
But driven by royal vengeance,
The evil envy of the boyars,
He doomed himself to suffering
Executions, torture, torture,
And he went to tell the people
Brotherhood, equality, freedom.
And, the uprising begins,
He fled to foreign lands,
From the king's casemate,
From the whip, tongs and kata.
And the people are ready to rebel
From under the harsh fate,
From Smolensk to Tashkent
I was waiting impatiently for the student.
He was waiting for him,
To go unquestioningly
Put an end to the boyars,
Resolve the kingdom completely,
Share estates
And betray forever with vengeance
Churches, marriages and families -
Old world villainy!
This is our cockroach
Came from cultural countries.

– Captain Lebyadkin completed his reading.
This is from Dostoevsky, in “Demons”. And then the topic, already in our socialist times, was unexpectedly picked up by Korney Chukovsky. The work is called “Cockroach”:

Suddenly from the gateway
Scary giant
Red-haired and mustachioed
Cockroach, Cockroach, Cockroach!
He growls and screams
And he moves his mustache:
"Wait, don't rush,
I'll swallow you up in no time!
I’ll swallow it, I’ll swallow it, I won’t have mercy.”
The animals trembled
They fainted.
Wolves from fright
They ate each other.
Poor crocodile
Swallowed the toad.
And the dashing monkeys
Picked up the suitcases
And quickly as fast as you can
Run away. And the shark dodged
She just waved her tail.
And behind her is a cuttlefish -
So he backs away
That's how it rolls.
So the Cockroach became
And the ruler of forests and fields.
The animals submitted to the mustachioed one.
(So ​​that he fails,
And he walks between them,
The gilded belly strokes...
But one morning
The kangaroo galloped up
I saw a barbel
She shouted in the heat of the moment:
“Is this a giant?
(Ha ha ha!)
It's just a cockroach!
(Ha ha ha!)
Cockroach, cockroach,
little booger-bug.
And aren't you ashamed?
Aren't you offended?
You are toothy
You are fanged
And the little one
Bowed down
And the booger
Suddenly from the blue forest,
From distant fields
Sparrow arrives.
Jump and jump
Yes, chirp, chirp,
He took and pecked the Cockroach,
So there is no giant.
The giant got it right
And there was no mustache left from him...

So in our “pre-apocalyptic times” the same thing can happen, and even, excuse me, with the Pope, who, it turns out, has a Jew in his seat. But since, according to Franz Kafka, there is a cockroach inside every Jew, a sparrow can fly in - and chik-krik, chik-tweet! - and no, - there is no longer either Kafka or the cockroach...
This is the kind of thing that can happen, chiki-riki. However, we will return to this very Kafkaesque theme more than once. . .

ChapterUnion of Orthodox Banner Bearers, Chairman of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods, representative of the Order of St. George the Victorious and head of the Serbian-Montenegrin Savez of Orthodox Barjaktar

Leonid Donatovich Simonovich - Niksic
