The result of the visit by the bailiffs. Result of a visit by bailiffs When a bailiff arrives and how to behave at this moment

More recently, it was not customary to talk about religion, much less write. So, thanks to new democratic changes, freedom of religion came to Mongolia. In practice this has taken various forms. Moreover, the vast majority of the population did not have any
ideas: how to become a believer.

Especially when yesterday you were still a non-party monarchist or, in the worst case, an atheist. Moreover, under socialism this was taken very seriously. For example, the head of the Mongolian Buddhist Church before the current Abbot of His Holiness was a former philosophy teacher. The Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party summoned him and told him in connection with the death of the Abbot of the Gandan Monastery approximately the following: you should come there and accept the duties of the head of the Mongolian Buddhist Church.

I am sure that it was the same in Buryatia. At least, this was the case with the sending of Soviet Buryats to study at the Theological Seminary in Ulaanbaatar. Then, in the early 1990s, everyone rushed into religion with the same passion as into the shuttle business. Moreover, Tibetan Buddhism has two different forms: the real one in the Tibetan language and the Western popular interpretation. The present knows only a limited number of professional clergymen who continued their education in Tibet or in Dharmasala; Western popular interpretation is Boris Grebenshchikov, Richard Gere or, at worst, Steven Seagal.

It is clear that in Mongolia only dudes and aesthetes know this Western interpretation. Every few years, a squabble begins over the celebration of the Lunar New Year. Some agree on the difference between the Chinese Lunar New Year and the Tibetan Lunar New Year, while others do not. Moreover, there is no shortage of experts. Because of this, the average person falls into a stupor.
Some even celebrate Lunar New Year twice. Moreover, both sides promise complete bad luck to the followers of the opposite side. For those who are curious, I inform you: not only Gelugpa followers live in Mongolia, but also followers of the Red Hat Tibetan Buddhism. We probably had “Reds” before. There are women nuns. Everything about them is unclear. Some say that they were, while others deny.

The clergy are represented by a motley crowd. Therefore, they always feel awkward in audiences with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They do not follow a vow of celibacy, drink alcohol, etc. etc... It is difficult to imagine a minister of religion who lives in a modern apartment and actively visits bars and restaurants. Because of this, a crisis of the genre began, which coincided with the time of rationing of products and the beginning of the spread of the English language in Mongolia. The average person was puzzled by Western Christian missionaries: they would warm you up, feed you, give you a coat and teach you English. But in a Buddhist monastery they will ask for money and won’t even give you a robe.

With the English language, doors will open to all sorts of Western institutions. Moreover, a significant number of these institutions have funding from various Christian organizations. Therefore, during the interview you declare your religiosity; to fully guarantee success, you must appear at the Sunday service
chief's church. You just have to strain with religious direction future boss, otherwise you will confuse Pentecostals with Jehovah's Witnesses.

And if you become a Mormon, you might as well go over the hill. You may find yourself in the USA, and specifically in the state of Utah. Only one problem: you can’t smoke, you can’t drink alcohol, and a couple of other prohibitions. Since we are harsh people, we can always find a reason to break prohibitions. Our lamas drink vodka, so why shouldn’t our Mormon drink beer or a cup of coffee? Kazakhs drink vodka in Kazakhstan and no one tells them
decree, but they don’t eat pork.

Finally, we must not forget the followers of shamanism. There were none of them in the era of historical materialism, but now every fourth and fifth resident of Mongolia is a shaman. They also have a genre crisis: that’s why they developed network marketing like the Russian version from Sergei Mavrodi or Vladimir Dovgan.

This means that a new shaman finds another new one. We have a minister in the government who is a shaman, so
lucky us with terrible force. And among artists, shamans are a dime a dozen, but among scientists - not at all. Not among ordinary hard workers either. They don't like ordinary people. In general, religion, like the East, is a subtle and dark matter.

Opium of the people

Opium of the people- a figurative definition of religion, which became widely known thanks to Karl Marx, who used it in his work “Towards a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right”. The comparison of religion to opium, however, dates back to before Marx. It is believed that the first to use it were the Marquis de Sade in his novel Juliette (1797) and the German poet Novalis in his collection of aphorisms Pollen (1798). A similar comparison is also found in the works of other poets, writers and philosophers (Charles Kingsley, Goethe, Lenin).

Marquis de Sade

In de Sade's novel Juliette, the main character uses the metaphor of "opium" in a conversation with King Ferdinand, criticizing his policies towards his subjects. Here, however, the “opium” metaphor does not refer to religion, but to the lies that the ruling elite resort to in order to distract the people from the causes of their plight:

Although Nature favors your subjects, they live in dire need. But not because of your laziness, but because of your policy, which keeps people dependent and blocks their path to wealth; thus, there is no cure for their illnesses, and the political system is not in better position than civil government, for it derives its strength from its own weakness. You are afraid, Ferdinand, that people will find out the truth, the truth that I tell you to your face, so you expel arts and talents from your kingdom. You fear the insight of genius, so you encourage ignorance. You feed the people opium so that, intoxicated, he does not feel his troubles, the culprit of which is you yourself. That is why, where you reign, there are no institutions that could give great people to the fatherland; knowledge is not rewarded, and since there is no honor or benefit in wisdom, no one strives for it. .

Original text(French)

“Quoique la nature donne beaucoup à ton peuple, il jouit de peu. Mais ce n"est pas l"effet de son inaction; cet engourdissement a sa source dans ta politique qui, pour tenir le peuple dans sa dépendance, lui ferme la porte des richesses ; d "après cela, son mal est sans remède, et l"état politique n"est pas dans une situation moins violente que le gouvernement civil, puisqu"il tire ses forces de sa faiblesse même. La crainte que tu as, Ferdinand, que l"on ne découvre ce que je te dis, te fait exiler les arts et les talents de ton royaume. Tu redoutes l"œil puissant du génie, voilà pourquoi tu favorises l"ignorance. C"est de l"opium que tu fais prendre à ton peuple, afin qu"engourdi par ce somnifère, il ne sente pas les plaies dont tu le déchires. Et voilà d"où vient que l"on ne trouve chez toi aucun des établissements qui donnent de grands hommes à la patrie: les récompenses dues au savoir y sont inconnues, et, comme il n"y a aucun honneur ni aucun profit à être savant, personne ne se soucie de le devenir.”


"We use the Bible simply as a constable's handbook, or as a dose of opium to calm an overworked beast of burden - to keep order among the poor."

Original text(English)

“We have used the Bible as if it were a mere special constable"s hand book, an opium dose for keeping beasts of burden patient while they were being overloaded, a mere book to keep the poor in order.”

Karl Marx was personally acquainted with Kingsley, exchanged opinions with him, and conducted polemics. Apparently, he borrowed this phrase from him, which he then used in his writings.

Karl Marx

Marx used this expression in the introduction to the work "A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", written in 1843 and published in 1844 in the German-French Yearbook.

Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of soulless orders. Religion is the opium of the people. .

Original text(German)

Die Religion ist der Seufzer der bedrängten Kreatur, das Gemüt einer herzlosen Welt, wie sie der Geist geistloser Zustände ist. Sie ist das Opium des Volks.

V. I. Lenin

There is a prejudice that Lenin, using Marx's expression, which was widely known at the time, paraphrased and distorted it. Indeed, instead of the expression “opium of the people,” the expression “opium of the people” was widespread in the USSR For people,” which in its meaning transformed religion from a means invented by the people themselves into a means imposed on them by hostile forces. However, in the article “Socialism and Religion” Lenin repeated Marx’s phrase literally:

Religion is one of the types of spiritual oppression that lies everywhere on the masses of the people, oppressed by eternal work for others, by poverty and loneliness. The powerlessness of the exploited classes in the fight against the exploiters also inevitably gives rise to faith in a better afterlife, how the powerlessness of a savage in the fight against nature gives rise to faith in gods, devils, miracles, etc. To those who work and need all their lives, religion teaches humility and patience in earthly life, consoling them with the hope of a heavenly reward. And for those who live by the labor of others, religion teaches charity in earthly life, offering them a very cheap justification for their entire exploitative existence and selling tickets to heavenly well-being at a reasonable price. Religion is the opium of the people. Religion is a kind of spiritual booze in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demands for a life somewhat worthy of a human being.

The article “On the attitude of the workers' party to religion,” written in 1909, contains a direct quote from Marx:

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

It is unlikely that the works of Marx and Lenin, despite their widespread propaganda in the USSR, could become the source of the widespread dissemination of this catchphrase. It is believed that in modern form(that is, in the “opium” version For people”) this phrase became widespread thanks to the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”, which won popular love. The novel creates a satirical image of the greedy clergyman Father Fyodor, who becomes a competitor to the main characters in search of hidden treasure. During one of the conflicts between the opposing sides, Ostap Bender, ironizing the rank of Fyodor’s father, utters the phrase “How much is opium for the people?” In the Stalinist USSR, where a strict policy was pursued to persecute and discredit the church, this comparison of a clergyman with an opium dealer found a lively response among the population.

Satisfied, Ostap, slapping his laces on the carpet, slowly walked back. When his massive figure moved far enough away, Father Fyodor quickly stuck his head out the door and squeaked with long-restrained indignation:

You yourself are a fool!
- What? - Ostap shouted, rushing back, but the door was already locked, and the lock just clicked. Ostap leaned towards the keyhole, put his hand to his mouth with a pipe and said clearly:
- How much is opium for the people??

Guy Debord

Situationist theorist Guy-Ernst Debord, in The Society of the Spectacle (1967), draws parallels with Marx's classic expression when speaking of the "Opium War":

The spectacle is a permanent opium war, waged with the goal of achieving acceptance of the identity of goods with goods, and satisfaction with the threshold of survival, increasing according to its own laws. But if consumed survival is something that must always increase, it is because it constantly contains deprivation. If there is nothing beyond the increasing cost of survival, no point where it could cease to grow, then this is precisely because it is not beyond deprivation, because it is this, only it has become even more expensive, deprivation.

Ambiguity of the term

IN different periods human history the term "opium" had different meanings and meaning. According to research by A. MacKinnon, in mid-19th century

  • opium was an important medicinal drug used as an analgesic and sedative, as well as for other medical purposes, including the treatment of cholera. Opium was freely sold in pharmacies in many countries, although attempts were made to ban or restrict its free sale.
  • opium was a symbol of international colonial conflicts (Opium Wars).
  • opium was the source of serious social problems, in particular “baby doping” (eng. baby-doping, doping for a child ), because it was used as a sedative for infants.
  • opium was the source of fantastic visions and was used as a source of inspiration by Romantic writers and poets.
  • Morphine, an opium derivative, is a powerful drug.



  • Abrams, M. H. 1971. The Milk of Paradise: The Effect of Opium Visions on the Works of De Quincey, Crabbe, Francis, Thompson, and Coleridge. New York: Octagon
  • Berridge, Victoria and Edward Griffiths. 1980. Opium and the People. London: Allen Lane
  • Marx, Karl. 1844. A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, February.
  • McKinnon, Andrew. M. “Reading “Opium of the People”: Expression, Protest and the Dialectics of Religion” in Critical Sociology, vol. 31 no. 1/2. ISSN 0896-9205
  • McKinnon, Andrew. M. “Opium as Dialectical Metaphor”, Chapter, 2006, Marxism Critical Theory and Religion, pp. 11-29.
  • O'Toole, Roger. 1984. Religion: Classic Sociological Approaches. Toronto: McGraw Hill
  • Rojo, Sergio Vuscovic. 1988. “La religion, opium du people et protestation contre la misère réele: Les positions de Marx et de Lénine” in Social Compass, vol. 35, no. 2/3, pp. 197-230.
  • Michael Lowy (2005)

Figurative definition religion by Karl Marx - 5 letters?

    ‘Towards a critique of Hegel’s philosophy of law’ was the title of Karl Marx’s article in which he defined religion as the opium of the people. But he is right about something, religion does not cure pain, it only makes you forget, not think about it.

    Opium. Religion is the opium of the people. Karl Marx is partly right about something. Looking at the religious fanatics who have been overwhelmed by their leaders, who are smart psychologists and manipulate them. Looking at these fanatics, sometimes it seems that they are under the influence of some kind of intoxicating and stupefying drug to their brain. Well, it’s impossible to talk normally with such people.

    Karl Marx said a very interesting expression; he compared religion to opium for the people.

    The answer is opium.

    The expression is certainly beautiful, it’s stupid to argue with it. But I completely cannot agree with him, because I know another expression, about the fact that if the Lord God did not exist, it would be worth inventing it.

    Karl Marx called religion the opium of the people. This refers to the intoxicating effect of opium, intoxicating the mind and suppressing the will. By the way, Ostap Bender, literary hero 12 chairs, ironically, also uttered this famous phrase.

    The answer to a very smart and at the same time interesting game - the riddle 'Karl Marx's figurative definition of religion - 5 letters' will be - 'OPIUM'

    This is what Karl Marx called Religion. he meant that religion is like a drug (since Opium is a drug.)

    The unforgettable Ostap Bender wanted to find out the cost of this question from Father Fdor: ‘Why... for...’? And yet, despite such brilliant work of Karl Marx, everyone has the right to choose their own... The figurative definition sounds like 'OPIUM'.

    ‘Religion is the opium of the people,’ said Karl Marx opium was right - in the sense of intoxicating

    go and pain reliever..

    but here it develops into a state ideology, strange as it may seem...

    Apparently this is very beneficial for someone...

    If I'm not mistaken, Karl Marx said that religion is the opium of the people. In his work “A Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” the philosopher wrote that religion serves to stupefy and exploit the working class. Before Marx, such comparisons had already been mentioned in literature by such writers as the Marquis de Sade, Novalis, and Charles Kingsley.

    The correct answer is opium. This word, as specified in the question, has five letters, therefore, you can be sure that it is correct.

    In his famous saying Karl Marx calls religion ‘the opium of the people’.

    Most likely we are talking about the famous expression that religion is opium. Marx used the expression in his work in 1843. But it is certain that this expression was known long before Marx and was used by the Marquis de Sade. Read more about the history of this definition here.

Guess the words answers to level 16

  • Wasteful, spender (3 letters): ILO
  • Part of the world (2 letters): SOUTH
  • An ugly dwarf guarding underground treasures (4 letters): GNOME
  • Was hungry, swallowed... cold (4 letters): IRON
  • Specially dressed sheepskin (5 letters): MOUTON
  • Behavior of animals during the mating season (3 letters): GON
  • Homemade… (3 letters): COMFORT
  • ... distrust (5 letters): VOTUM
  • A book of considerable volume and thickness (3 letters): VOL.
  • Representative of a subculture who dresses in all black (3 letters): GOT
  • Color, shade, light coloring (3 letters): TONE
  • In the quiet... there are devils (4 letters): Whirlpool
  • Theft of a car, plane or bicycle (4 letters): THEFT

Level 17 answers to the game guess the words

  • S..u, from the heat (3 letters): PYL
  • Archimedes needed not only a fulcrum, but also... (5 letters): LEVER
  • Foe (4 letters): ENEMY
  • ... Yaroslavny (4 letters): CRYING
  • Tree with fragrant leaves, symbol of victory (4 letters): LAUREL
  • Low-melting resinous substance (3 letters): VAR
  • There are evil ones, there are female ones, and maybe both (4 letters): CHARMS
  • Marine device (3 letters): LAG
  • Water in gaseous state (3 letters): STEAM
  • Highest paid profession in the USA (4 letters): DOCTOR
  • Which flew in Savrasov’s painting (4 letters): GRACCH
  • Sediment (5 letters): EVAPORATOR
  • One who derives as many benefits as possible from his work (4 letters): RVACH

Guess the words level 18

  • Canned herring - ... (5 letters): IVASI
  • A large field cultivated and sown by man (4 letters): NIVA
  • Slide vehicle (4 letters): SLEDGE
  • Responsibility for committing an illegal act (4 letters): GUILT
  • Antifever agent contained in tonic (5 letters): QUININE
  • Note (2 letters): SI
  • Sports exercise on uneven bars (3 letters): VIS
  • Turkic and Mongol title in the Middle Ages (3 letters): KHAN
  • Place where any organ is dislocated (4 letters): SVIH
  • Natural red-yellow dye used for hair coloring (3 letters): HEN
  • What Muslims don't eat (7 letters): PORK
  • Tree with narrow leaves and flexible branches (3 letters): Willow
  • Spice, the only remedy against Indian spices (4 letters): ANIS
  • Title associated with an honorary position (3 letters): SAN

Game guess the words level 19

  • Habitat of some with laptops and tablets (4 letters): CAFE
  • “Tea, ... - not to my liking; I wish I had vodka in the morning.” (5 letters): COFFEE
  • Red Capsicum (5 letters): CAYENE
  • Electrical device that produces a stream of heated air (3 letters): HAIRDRYER
  • Pleasure (4 letters): HIGH
  • Where a drink is prepared and served, which is drunk in a minute or for hours (7 letters): COFFEE HOUSE
  • Place where the bet is placed (3 letters): KON
  • Passionate fan of something, such as the Beatles (3 letters): FAN
  • The source of all metamorphoses in Cinderella (3 letters): FAIRY
  • Note (2 letters): FA
  • Hall in the theater for the public to stay during intermissions (4 letters): FOYER
  • Background of a painting, drawing, something (3 letters): BACKGROUND
  • A lot of salt water (5 letters): OCEAN

Guess the words answers to level 20

  • Karl Marx's figurative definition of religion (5 letters): OPIUM
  • Non-hunting dog with a large head (4 letters): PUG
  • Note (2 letters): SI
  • Result of the visit by the bailiffs (5 letters): INVENTORY
  • Large predatory fish (3 letters): CATFISH
  • Now it rarely comes in paper form (6 letters): LETTER
  • Resistance unit (2 letters): OM
  • Musical or other artistic work (4 letters): OPUS
  • Low alcohol drink (4 letters): BEER
  • First course (3 letters): SOUP
  • Fight of fat people (4 letters): SUMO

Guess the words level 21 answers

  • Affectionate attitude (4 letters): NEGA
  • What we all pay and it’s not clear where it goes (5 letters): TAX
  • Resident of a Western African country (5 letters): GANIE
  • Resident of the country north of Namibia (7 letters): ANGOLAN
  • Don't drive faster than your... guardian (5 letters): ANGEL
  • Similar, similar alternative to something (6 letters): ANALOGUE
  • Unit - carrier of hereditary information (3 letters): GEN
  • Shameless impudent! (6 letters): INCIDENT
  • Favorite football fan word (3 letters): GOAL
  • File with records of events in chronological order (3 letters): LOG
  • Courier (5 letters): MESSENGER
  • ... of God (5 letters): LAMB
  • Large multi-deck sailing ship (6 letters): GALLEON
  • Lower limb (4 letters): LEG

Level 22

  • An oblong device for draining water (5 letters): GUTTER
  • Very unpleasant feeling (4 letters): PAIN
  • ... black ... burning ... passionate and beautiful! (3 letters): OCHI
  • Bitter alkaline liquid secreted by the liver (5 letters): BILE
  • Appearance, appearance human (7 letters): CAPTION
  • Don't wrinkle... (3 letters): FOREHEAD
  • On you, ..., which is not good for me (4 letters): GOD
  • Who drank vodka on the Fontanka (3 letters): CHIZH
  • Marriage... (4 letters): BED
  • What they use to whip up horses in the circus (3 letters): BICH
  • Vegetable dish made from sweet peppers (4 letters): LECHO
  • When it is sweet, it is worse than the bitter truth (4 letters): FALSE
  • Habitated place (5 letters): HOUSING
  • Forehead, part of the head, from the crown to the eyebrows (4 letters): BROAD

Answers to level 23 in the game guess the words

  • Rural Alpine house (4 letters): CHALE
  • Watering device (5 letters): Watering can
  • Servant, lackey (5 letters): LACKEY
  • Cinder, which is formed during the smelting of an ore mixture (4 letters): SLAG
  • The most popular dish in nature (6 letters): SHAB
  • Now she, dressed up, came to us for the holiday (4 letters): TREE
  • Gave the name of the route through Eurasia (4 letters): SILK
  • Used for decorative processing and protection of wood (3 letters): VARNISH
  • Dog... (3 letters): BARKING
  • Magical forest creature (5 letters): LESHAK
  • Viscous sticky substance for joining parts (4 letters): GLUE
  • Modern English ballroom dance (4 letters): SHAKE
  • Currency unit of Romania (3 letters): LEU
  • Pants... (4 letters): FLARES

Level 24 guess the words

  • When a car leaves the country (5 letters): EXPORT
  • Space located high above the ground (4 letters): HEIGHT
  • ... to a duel (5 letters): CHALLENGE
  • Same as body weight (3 letters): WEIGHT
  • A... and now there (3 letters): WHO
  • Deputy so-and-so... (5 letters): CONVOCATION
  • Opening leading from the mouth to the pharynx (3 letters): ZEV
  • When a car enters the country (4 letters): IMPORTATION
  • The process of sowing a field with grain (3 letters): SEV
  • What non-thin people prefer not to use (4 letters): SCALES
  • Henry: "Sand is a poor substitute...!" (4 letters): OATS
  • Part of machines and mechanisms for supporting rotating parts (3 letters): AXLE
  • Cry (3 letters): CALL
  • Suspension (6 letters): SUSPENSION

Level 25 game guess the words

  • Name of the Germans who fought against the USSR (colloquial) (4 letters): FRITZ
  • Entertainment for children and some adults (4 letters): CIRCUS
  • Driver (5 letters): DRIVER
  • In chess: the same as bishop (6 letters): OFFICER
  • Case for a musical instrument or device (4 letters): COFR
  • Construction roofing material (5 letters): SLATE
  • Chief (3 letters): CHEF
  • Serious danger to ships (3 letters): RIF
  • Fish or dishwashing utensil (3 letters): Ruff
  • What the Enigma machine produced (4 letters): CIPHER
  • Fermented milk product (5 letters): KEFIR
  • And yet - He or It? (4 letters): COFFEE
  • Friend, buddy, comrade (slang) (5 letters): KORESH
  • The main policeman in films about cowboys (5 letters): SHERIFF

Guess the words answers to level 26

  • Virtuoso pilot (2 letters): AC
  • Tailcoats and dresses move to the music (3 letters): BAL
  • Swearing, swearing, foul language (4 letters): HULA
  • Musical... (4 letters): HEARING
  • Traditional rural settlement among Muslims (3 letters): AUL
  • “In a healthy body - healthy...!” (3 letters): SPIRIT
  • an integral part of Russian roads (4 letters): UKHAB
  • Things went well... (3 letters): LAD
  • “Sad souls...” (4 letters): COLD
  • Pleasure, joy (6 letters): PLEASURE
  • Low voice (3 letters): BASS
  • ... sterosovy (3 letters): OAK

Level 27 answers to the game guess the words

  • Flower with edible seeds (3 letters): MAC
  • Cereals for porridge (5 letters): SEMONA
  • The science of moving things in space (8 letters): MECHANICS
  • Exchange of one property for another (4 letters): EXCHANGE
  • Car service worker (7 letters): MECHANIC
  • Cod-like fish of the hake family (3 letters): HEK
  • “Rabbits are not only valuable...!” (3 letters): FUR
  • Decorative stove (5 letters): FIREPLACE
  • Hiring a new employee (4 letters): HIRE
  • A whopper like this (6 letters): MAKHINA
  • Thin... (5 letters): HINT
  • Covertly installed ammunition (4 letters): MINA
  • How does pronunciation in Moscow differ from St. Petersburg (6th letter): AKANIE

Guess the words level 28

  • Chemical drug (7 letters): CHEMICAL
  • Flower with edible seeds (3 letters): MAT
  • Action, a separate part of a stage work (3 letters): ACT
  • Sailors cannot do without it (4 letters): LIGHTHOUSE
  • Thick twill or plain fabric (3 letters): TIC
  • Marine mammal (3 letters): WHALE
  • Large sailing boat of light construction (4 letters): YACHT
  • Subject at school (5 letters): CHEMISTRY
  • One fast movement, one revolution (3 letters): MAX
  • Strongly aromatic plant, contains a lot of menthol (4 letters): MINT
  • What's for you? (3 letters): NAME
  • One who is prone to all kinds of fraud (colloquial) (5 letters): CHEMIST
  • ... of the season - hit (3 letters): HIT

Game guess the words level 29

  • Love-... (7 letters): CARROTS
  • Animal food (4 letters): FEED
  • Ball-shaped substance (3 letters): KOM
  • Flat product made from dough, type of flatbread (4 letters): KORZH
  • What black bread is made from (4 letters): RYE
  • Favorite drink of pirates (3 letters): RUM
  • Group... on the sleeve (5 letters): BLOOD
  • House, dwelling, roof (obsolete) (4 letters): KROV
  • Deep. wide ditch surrounding the fortress (3 letters): ROV
  • Takes someone else's (3 letters): THIEF
  • Cold water swimmer (4 letters): WALRUS
  • Same as epidemic (3 letters): MOP
  • Childhood disease (4 letters): MEASLES
  • ... for ..., tooth for tooth (3 letters): OKO

Guess the words answers to level 30

  • Singing group (3 letters): CHORUS
  • Don't wrinkle... (3 letters): FOREHEAD
  • Presidential ... journalists (3 letters): PUL
  • 17th element of the periodic table (4 letters): CHLORINE
  • Place where effective managers work (4 letters): BUREAU
  • That which, being empty, is deaf to learning (5 letters): BELLY
  • Part of any building (3 letters): FLOOR
  • Well drilling tool (3 letters): BUR
  • What you can’t break with a whip (4 letters): BUTT
  • I don’t see him in... (4 letters): UPOR
  • Sense organ (3 letters): EAR
  • Grass..., it makes my stomach swell (5 letters): BURDON

The point of the game Guess the Words is to compose words from a given meaningless set of letters. For each word, the bun gives a hint, but even with these hints, sometimes it is not entirely clear what kind of word you need to guess. No matter how you fight, it’s all in vain. This is where our website comes to the rescue, where we publish answers to the game Guess the words and similar games 4 photos 1 word.

Now we will analyze tasks from 16 to 30, which are opened to you at the first level. If you thought that everything in the game would be limited to one level, then you were mistaken: in Guess the Words there are as many as 12 levels with 45 tasks in each! We've just started posting answers to them, so if you're already too far along, just wait a little - help is coming!

Guess the words answers to level 16

  • Wasteful, spender (3 letters): ILO
  • Part of the world (2 letters): SOUTH
  • An ugly dwarf guarding underground treasures (4 letters): GNOME
  • Was hungry, swallowed... cold (4 letters): IRON
  • Specially dressed sheepskin (5 letters): MOUTON
  • Behavior of animals during the mating season (3 letters): GON
  • Homemade… (3 letters): COMFORT
  • ... distrust (5 letters): VOTUM
  • A book of considerable volume and thickness (3 letters): VOL.
  • Representative of a subculture who dresses in all black (3 letters): GOT
  • Color, shade, light coloring (3 letters): TONE
  • In the quiet... there are devils (4 letters): Whirlpool
  • Theft of a car, plane or bicycle (4 letters): THEFT

Level 17 answers to the game guess the word

  • S..u, from the heat (3 letters): PYL
  • Archimedes needed not only a fulcrum, but also... (5 letters): LEVER
  • Foe (4 letters): ENEMY
  • ... Yaroslavny (4 letters): CRYING
  • Tree with fragrant leaves, symbol of victory (4 letters): LAUREL
  • Low-melting resinous substance (3 letters): VAR
  • There are evil ones, there are female ones, and maybe both (4 letters): CHARMS
  • Marine device (3 letters): LAG
  • Water in gaseous state (3 letters): STEAM
  • Highest paid profession in the USA (4 letters): DOCTOR
  • Which flew in Savrasov’s painting (4 letters): GRACCH
  • Sediment (5 letters): EVAPORATOR
  • One who derives as many benefits as possible from his work (4 letters): RVACH

Guess the words level 18

  • Canned herring - ... (5 letters): IVASI
  • A large field cultivated and sown by man (4 letters): NIVA
  • Slide vehicle (4 letters): SLEDGE
  • Responsibility for committing an illegal act (4 letters): GUILT
  • Antifever agent contained in tonic (5 letters): QUININE
  • Note (2 letters): SI
  • Sports exercise on uneven bars (3 letters): VIS
  • Turkic and Mongol title in the Middle Ages (3 letters): KHAN
  • Place where any organ is dislocated (4 letters): SVIH
  • Natural red-yellow dye used for hair coloring (3 letters): HEN
  • What Muslims don't eat (7 letters): PORK
  • Tree with narrow leaves and flexible branches (3 letters): Willow
  • Spice, the only remedy against Indian spices (4 letters): ANIS
  • Title associated with an honorary position (3 letters): SAN

Game guess the words level 19

  • Habitat of some with laptops and tablets (4 letters): CAFE
  • “Tea, ... - not to my liking; I wish I had vodka in the morning.” (5 letters): COFFEE
  • Red Capsicum (5 letters): CAYENE
  • Electrical device that produces a stream of heated air (3 letters): HAIRDRYER
  • Pleasure (4 letters): HIGH
  • Where a drink is prepared and served, which is drunk in a minute or for hours (7 letters): COFFEE HOUSE
  • Place where the bet is placed (3 letters): KON
  • Passionate fan of something, such as the Beatles (3 letters): FAN
  • The source of all metamorphoses in Cinderella (3 letters): FAIRY
  • Note (2 letters): FA
  • Hall in the theater for the public to stay during intermissions (4 letters): FOYER
  • Background of a painting, drawing, something (3 letters): BACKGROUND
  • A lot of salt water (5 letters): OCEAN

Answers guess the word for level 20

  • Karl Marx's figurative definition of religion (5 letters): OPIUM
  • Non-hunting dog with a large head (4 letters): PUG
  • Note (2 letters): SI
  • Result of the visit by the bailiffs (5 letters): INVENTORY
  • Large predatory fish (3 letters): CATFISH
  • Now it rarely comes in paper form (6 letters): LETTER
  • Resistance unit (2 letters): OM
  • Musical or other artistic work (4 letters): OPUS
  • Low alcohol drink (4 letters): BEER
  • First course (3 letters): SOUP
  • Fight of fat people (4 letters): SUMO

Guess the words level 21 answers

  • Affectionate attitude (4 letters): NEGA
  • What we all pay and it’s not clear where it goes (5 letters): TAX
  • Resident of a Western African country (5 letters): GANIE
  • Resident of the country north of Namibia (7 letters): ANGOLAN
  • Don't drive faster than your... guardian (5 letters): ANGEL
  • Similar, similar alternative to something (6 letters): ANALOGUE
  • Unit - carrier of hereditary information (3 letters): GEN
  • Shameless impudent! (6 letters): INCIDENT
  • Favorite football fan word (3 letters): GOAL
  • File with records of events in chronological order (3 letters): LOG
  • Courier (5 letters): MESSENGER
  • ... of God (5 letters): LAMB
  • Large multi-deck sailing ship (6 letters): GALLEON
  • Lower limb (4 letters): LEG

Level 22

  • An oblong device for draining water (5 letters): GUTTER
  • Very unpleasant feeling (4 letters): PAIN
  • ... black ... burning ... passionate and beautiful! (3 letters): OCHI
  • Bitter alkaline liquid secreted by the liver (5 letters): BILE
  • Appearance, appearance of a person (7 letters): APPEARANCE
  • Don't wrinkle... (3 letters): FOREHEAD
  • On you, ..., which is not good for me (4 letters): GOD
  • Who drank vodka on the Fontanka (3 letters): CHIZH
  • Marriage... (4 letters): BED
  • What they use to whip up horses in the circus (3 letters): BICH
  • Vegetable dish made from sweet peppers (4 letters): LECHO
  • When it is sweet, it is worse than the bitter truth (4 letters): FALSE
  • Habitated place (5 letters): HOUSING
  • Forehead, part of the head, from the crown to the eyebrows (4 letters): BROAD

Answers to level 23 in the game guess the words

  • Rural Alpine house (4 letters): CHALE
  • Watering device (5 letters): Watering can
  • Servant, lackey (5 letters): LACKEY
  • Cinder, which is formed during the smelting of an ore mixture (4 letters): SLAG
  • The most popular dish in nature (6 letters): SHAB
  • Now she, dressed up, came to us for the holiday (4 letters): TREE
  • Gave the name of the route through Eurasia (4 letters): SILK
  • Used for decorative processing and protection of wood (3 letters): VARNISH
  • Dog... (3 letters): BARKING
  • Magical forest creature (5 letters): LESHAK
  • Viscous sticky substance for joining parts (4 letters): GLUE
  • Modern English ballroom dance (4 letters): SHAKE
  • Currency unit of Romania (3 letters): LEU
  • Pants... (4 letters): FLARES

Level 24 guess the words

  • When a car leaves the country (5 letters): EXPORT
  • Space located high above the ground (4 letters): HEIGHT
  • ... to a duel (5 letters): CHALLENGE
  • Same as body weight (3 letters): WEIGHT
  • A... and now there (3 letters): WHO
  • Deputy so-and-so... (5 letters): CONVOCATION
  • Opening leading from the mouth to the pharynx (3 letters): ZEV
  • When a car enters the country (4 letters): IMPORTATION
  • The process of sowing a field with grain (3 letters): SEV
  • What non-thin people prefer not to use (4 letters): SCALES
  • Henry: "Sand is a poor substitute...!" (4 letters): OATS
  • Part of machines and mechanisms for supporting rotating parts (3 letters): AXLE
  • Cry (3 letters): CALL
  • Suspension (6 letters): SUSPENSION

Level 25 game guess the words

  • Name of the Germans who fought against the USSR (colloquial) (4 letters): FRITZ
  • Entertainment for children and some adults (4 letters): CIRCUS
  • Driver (5 letters): DRIVER
  • In chess: the same as bishop (6 letters): OFFICER
  • Case for a musical instrument or device (4 letters): COFR
  • Construction roofing material (5 letters): SLATE
  • Chief (3 letters): CHEF
  • Serious danger to ships (3 letters): RIF
  • Fish or dishwashing utensil (3 letters): Ruff
  • What the Enigma machine produced (4 letters): CIPHER
  • Fermented milk product (5 letters): KEFIR
  • And yet - He or It? (4 letters): COFFEE
  • Friend, buddy, comrade (slang) (5 letters): KORESH
  • The main policeman in films about cowboys (5 letters): SHERIFF

Guess the words answers to level 26

  • Virtuoso pilot (2 letters): AC
  • Tailcoats and dresses move to the music (3 letters): BAL
  • Swearing, swearing, foul language (4 letters): HULA
  • Musical... (4 letters): HEARING
  • Traditional rural settlement among Muslims (3 letters): AUL
  • “In a healthy body - healthy...!” (3 letters): SPIRIT
  • an integral part of Russian roads (4 letters): UKHAB
  • Things went well... (3 letters): LAD
  • “Sad souls...” (4 letters): COLD
  • Pleasure, joy (6 letters): PLEASURE
  • Low voice (3 letters): BASS
  • ... sterosovy (3 letters): OAK

Level 27 answers to the game guess the words

  • Flower with edible seeds (3 letters): MAC
  • Cereals for porridge (5 letters): SEMONA
  • The science of moving things in space (8 letters): MECHANICS
  • Exchange of one property for another (4 letters): EXCHANGE
  • Car service worker (7 letters): MECHANIC
  • Cod-like fish of the hake family (3 letters): HEK
  • “Rabbits are not only valuable...!” (3 letters): FUR
  • Decorative stove (5 letters): FIREPLACE
  • Hiring a new employee (4 letters): HIRE
  • A whopper like this (6 letters): MAKHINA
  • Thin... (5 letters): HINT
  • Covertly installed ammunition (4 letters): MINA
  • How does pronunciation in Moscow differ from St. Petersburg (6th letter): AKANIE

Guess the words level 28

  • Chemical drug (7 letters): CHEMICAL
  • Flower with edible seeds (3 letters): MAT
  • Action, a separate part of a stage work (3 letters): ACT
  • Sailors cannot do without it (4 letters): LIGHTHOUSE
  • Thick twill or plain fabric (3 letters): TIC
  • Marine mammal (3 letters): WHALE
  • Large sailing boat of light construction (4 letters): YACHT
  • Subject at school (5 letters): CHEMISTRY
  • One fast movement, one revolution (3 letters): MAX
  • Strongly aromatic plant, contains a lot of menthol (4 letters): MINT
  • What's for you? (3 letters): NAME
  • One who is prone to all kinds of fraud (colloquial) (5 letters): CHEMIST
  • ... of the season - hit (3 letters): HIT

Game guess the words level 29

  • Love-... (7 letters): CARROTS
  • Animal food (4 letters): FEED
  • Ball-shaped substance (3 letters): KOM
  • Flat product made from dough, type of flatbread (4 letters): KORZH
  • What black bread is made from (4 letters): RYE
  • Favorite drink of pirates (3 letters): RUM
  • Group... on the sleeve (5 letters): BLOOD
  • House, dwelling, roof (obsolete) (4 letters): KROV
  • Deep. wide ditch surrounding the fortress (3 letters): ROV
  • Takes someone else's (3 letters): THIEF
  • Cold water swimmer (4 letters): WALRUS
  • Same as epidemic (3 letters): MOP
  • Childhood disease (4 letters): MEASLES
  • ... for ..., tooth for tooth (3 letters): OKO

Guess the words answers to level 30

  • Singing group (3 letters): CHORUS
  • Don't wrinkle... (3 letters): FOREHEAD
  • Presidential ... journalists (3 letters): PUL
  • 17th element of the periodic table (4 letters): CHLORINE
  • Place where effective managers work (4 letters): BUREAU
  • That which, being empty, is deaf to learning (5 letters): BELLY
  • Part of any building (3 letters): FLOOR
  • Well drilling tool (3 letters): BUR
  • What you can’t break with a whip (4 letters): BUTT
  • I don’t see him in... (4 letters): UPOR
  • Sense organ (3 letters): EAR
  • Grass..., it makes my stomach swell (5 letters): BURDON

The general procedure for presenting a writ of execution for execution to the bailiff service is regulated by Federal Law dated October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”.

At this stage, the main thing is not to make a mistake and choose the right bailiff. As a rule, bailiffs are “tied” to a specific judicial district, that is, while in court, the plaintiff (applicant) can find out in advance which bailiffs work with the writs of execution of this court and where they are located.

Having chosen a bailiff, you need to go to him for an appointment. Traditional days for reception of the population by bailiffs are Tuesday and Thursday.

During the initial visit to the bailiff, the plaintiff (claimant), in addition to the writ of execution itself, must submit to the head of the bailiff service an application to initiate enforcement proceedings against the defendant (debtor), the details of which are given in the writ of execution.

The application indicates not only information about the issued writ of execution, but also those actions that the bailiff must perform on the basis of the issued writ of execution, as well as details by which he will be able to list or transfer the recovered property.

Having submitted an application to initiate enforcement proceedings and handed over the original writ of execution to the bailiff, the plaintiff (collector) can only wait. According to the law, the bailiff must recover in favor of the plaintiff (collector) everything specified in the writ of execution within two months from the date of initiation of enforcement proceedings (Article 36 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings

Guess the words answers for level 1, tasks

Guess the Words walkthrough

The point of the game Guess the Words is to compose words from a given meaningless set of letters. For each word, the bun gives a hint, but even with these hints, sometimes it is not entirely clear what kind of word you need to guess. No matter how you fight, it’s all in vain. This is where our website comes to the rescue, where we publish answers to the game Guess the words and similar games 4 photos 1 word.

Now we will analyze tasks from 16 to 30, which are opened to you at the first level. If you thought that everything in the game would be limited to one level, then you were mistaken: in Guess the Words there are as many as 12 levels with 45 tasks in each! We have only just begun to post answers to them, so if you have already gone far, just wait a little - help is close!

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Guess the words answers to level 16

  • Wasteful, spender (3 letters): ILO
  • Part of the world (2 letters): SOUTH
  • An ugly dwarf guarding underground treasures (4 letters): GNOME
  • Was hungry, swallowed... cold (4 letters): IRON
  • Specially dressed sheepskin (5 letters): MOUTON
  • Behavior of animals during the mating season (3 letters): GON
  • Homemade… (3 letters): COMFORT
  • ... distrust (5 letters): VOTUM
  • A book of considerable volume and thickness (3 letters): VOL.
  • Representative of a subculture who dresses in all black (3 letters): GOT
  • Color, shade, light coloring (3 letters): TONE
  • In the quiet... there are devils (4 letters): Whirlpool
  • Theft of a car, plane or bicycle (4 letters): THEFT

Level 17 answers to the game guess the words

  • S..u, from the heat (3 letters): PYL
  • Archimedes needed not only a fulcrum, but also... (5 letters): LEVER
  • Foe (4 letters): ENEMY
  • ... Yaroslavny (4 letters): CRYING
  • Tree with fragrant leaves, symbol of victory (4 letters): LAUREL
  • Low-melting resinous substance (3 letters): VAR
  • There are evil ones, there are female ones, and maybe both (4 letters): CHARMS
  • Marine device (3 letters): LAG
  • Water in gaseous state (3 letters): STEAM
  • Highest paid profession in the USA (4 letters): DOCTOR
  • Which flew in Savrasov’s painting (4 letters): GRACCH
  • Sediment (5 letters): EVAPORATOR
  • One who derives as many benefits as possible from his work (4 letters): RVACH

Guess the words level 18

  • Canned herring - ... (5 letters): IVASI
  • A large field cultivated and sown by man (4 letters): NIVA
  • Slide vehicle (4 letters): SLEDGE
  • Responsibility for committing an illegal act (4 letters): GUILT
  • Antifever agent contained in tonic (5 letters): QUININE
  • Note (2 letters): SI
  • Sports exercise on uneven bars (3 letters): VIS
  • Turkic and Mongol title in the Middle Ages (3 letters): KHAN
  • Place where any organ is dislocated (4 letters): SVIH
  • Natural red-yellow dye used for hair coloring (3 letters): HEN
  • What Muslims don't eat (7 letters): PORK
  • Tree with narrow leaves and flexible branches (3 letters): Willow
  • Spice, the only remedy against Indian spices (4 letters): ANIS
  • Title associated with an honorary position (3 letters): SAN

Game guess the words level 19

  • Habitat of some with laptops and tablets (4 letters): CAFE
  • “Tea, ... - not to my liking; I wish I had vodka in the morning.” (5 letters): COFFEE
  • Red Capsicum (5 letters): CAYENE
  • Electrical device that produces a stream of heated air (3 letters): HAIRDRYER
  • Pleasure (4 letters): HIGH
  • Where a drink is prepared and served, which is drunk in a minute or for hours (7 letters): COFFEE HOUSE
  • Place where the bet is placed (3 letters): KON
  • Passionate fan of something, such as the Beatles (3 letters): FAN
  • The source of all metamorphoses in Cinderella (3 letters): FAIRY
  • Note (2 letters): FA
  • Hall in the theater for the public to stay during intermissions (4 letters): FOYER
  • Background of a painting, drawing, something (3 letters): BACKGROUND
  • A lot of salt water (5 letters): OCEAN

Guess the words answers to level 20

  • Karl Marx's figurative definition of religion (5 letters): OPIUM
  • Non-hunting dog with a large head (4 letters): PUG
  • Note (2 letters): SI
  • Result of the visit by the bailiffs (5 letters): INVENTORY
  • Large predatory fish (3 letters): CATFISH
  • Now it rarely comes in paper form (6 letters): LETTER
  • Resistance unit (2 letters): OM
  • Musical or other artistic work (4 letters): OPUS
  • Low alcohol drink (4 letters): BEER
  • First course (3 letters): SOUP
  • Fight of fat people (4 letters): SUMO

Guess the words level 21 answers

  • Affectionate attitude (4 letters): NEGA
  • What we all pay and it’s not clear where it goes (5 letters): TAX
  • Resident of a Western African country (5 letters): GANIE
  • Resident of the country north of Namibia (7 letters): ANGOLAN
  • Don't drive faster than your... guardian (5 letters): ANGEL
  • Similar, similar alternative to something (6 letters): ANALOGUE
  • Unit - carrier of hereditary information (3 letters): GEN
  • Shameless impudent! (6 letters): INCIDENT
  • Favorite football fan word (3 letters): GOAL
  • File with records of events in chronological order (3 letters): LOG
  • Courier (5 letters): MESSENGER
  • ... of God (5 letters): LAMB
  • Large multi-deck sailing ship (6 letters): GALLEON
  • Lower limb (4 letters): LEG

Level 22

  • An oblong device for draining water (5 letters): GUTTER
  • Very unpleasant feeling (4 letters): PAIN
  • ... black ... burning ... passionate and beautiful! (3 letters): OCHI
  • Bitter alkaline liquid secreted by the liver (5 letters): BILE
  • Appearance, appearance of a person (7 letters): APPEARANCE
  • Don't wrinkle... (3 letters): FOREHEAD
  • On you, ..., which is not good for me (4 letters): GOD
  • Who drank vodka on the Fontanka (3 letters): CHIZH
  • Marriage... (4 letters): BED
  • What they use to whip up horses in the circus (3 letters): BICH
  • Vegetable dish made from sweet peppers (4 letters): LECHO
  • When it is sweet, it is worse than the bitter truth (4 letters): FALSE
  • Habitated place (5 letters): HOUSING
  • Forehead, part of the head, from the crown to the eyebrows (4 letters): BROAD

Answers to level 23 in the game guess the words

  • Rural Alpine house (4 letters): CHALE
  • Watering device (5 letters): Watering can
  • Servant, lackey (5 letters): LACKEY
  • Cinder, which is formed during the smelting of an ore mixture (4 letters): SLAG
  • The most popular dish in nature (6 letters): SHAB
  • Now she, dressed up, came to us for the holiday (4 letters): TREE
  • Gave the name of the route through Eurasia (4 letters): SILK
  • Used for decorative processing and protection of wood (3 letters): VARNISH
  • Dog... (3 letters): BARKING
  • Magical forest creature (5 letters): LESHAK
  • Viscous sticky substance for joining parts (4 letters): GLUE
  • Modern English ballroom dance (4 letters): SHAKE
  • Currency unit of Romania (3 letters): LEU
  • Pants... (4 letters): FLARES

Level 24 guess the words

  • When a car leaves the country (5 letters): EXPORT
  • Space located high above the ground (4 letters): HEIGHT
  • ... to a duel (5 letters): CHALLENGE
  • Same as body weight (3 letters): WEIGHT
  • A... and now there (3 letters): WHO
  • Deputy so-and-so... (5 letters): CONVOCATION
  • Opening leading from the mouth to the pharynx (3 letters): ZEV
  • When a car enters the country (4 letters): IMPORTATION
  • The process of sowing a field with grain (3 letters): SEV
  • What non-thin people prefer not to use (4 letters): SCALES
  • Henry: "Sand is a poor substitute...!" (4 letters): OATS
  • Part of machines and mechanisms for supporting rotating parts (3 letters): AXLE
  • Cry (3 letters): CALL
  • Suspension (6 letters): SUSPENSION

Level 25 game guess the words

  • Name of the Germans who fought against the USSR (colloquial) (4 letters): FRITZ
  • Entertainment for children and some adults (4 letters): CIRCUS
  • Driver (5 letters): DRIVER
  • In chess: the same as bishop (6 letters): OFFICER
  • Case for a musical instrument or device (4 letters): COFR
  • Construction roofing material (5 letters): SLATE
  • Chief (3 letters): CHEF
  • Serious danger to ships (3 letters): RIF
  • Fish or dishwashing utensil (3 letters): Ruff
  • What the Enigma machine produced (4 letters): CIPHER
  • Fermented milk product (5 letters): KEFIR
  • And yet - He or It? (4 letters): COFFEE
  • Friend, buddy, comrade (slang) (5 letters): KORESH
  • The main policeman in films about cowboys (5 letters): SHERIFF

Guess the words answers to level 26

  • Virtuoso pilot (2 letters): AC
  • Tailcoats and dresses move to the music (3 letters): BAL
  • Swearing, swearing, foul language (4 letters): HULA
  • Musical... (4 letters): HEARING
  • Traditional rural settlement among Muslims (3 letters): AUL
  • “In a healthy body - healthy...!” (3 letters): SPIRIT
  • an integral part of Russian roads (4 letters): UKHAB
  • Things went well... (3 letters): LAD
  • “Sad souls...” (4 letters): COLD
  • Pleasure, joy (6 letters): PLEASURE
  • Low voice (3 letters): BASS
  • ... sterosovy (3 letters): OAK

Level 27 answers to the game guess the words

  • Flower with edible seeds (3 letters): MAC
  • Cereals for porridge (5 letters): SEMONA
  • The science of moving things in space (8 letters): MECHANICS
  • Exchange of one property for another (4 letters): EXCHANGE
  • Car service worker (7 letters): MECHANIC
  • Cod-like fish of the hake family (3 letters): HEK
  • “Rabbits are not only valuable...!” (3 letters): FUR
  • Decorative stove (5 letters): FIREPLACE
  • Hiring a new employee (4 letters): HIRE
  • A whopper like this (6 letters): MAKHINA
  • Thin... (5 letters): HINT
  • Covertly installed ammunition (4 letters): MINA
  • How does pronunciation in Moscow differ from St. Petersburg (6th letter): AKANIE

Guess the words level 28

  • Chemical drug (7 letters): CHEMICAL
  • Flower with edible seeds (3 letters): MAT
  • Action, a separate part of a stage work (3 letters): ACT
  • Sailors cannot do without it (4 letters): LIGHTHOUSE
  • Thick twill or plain fabric (3 letters): TIC
  • Marine mammal (3 letters): WHALE
  • Large sailing boat of light construction (4 letters): YACHT
  • Subject at school (5 letters): CHEMISTRY
  • One fast movement, one revolution (3 letters): MAX
  • Strongly aromatic plant, contains a lot of menthol (4 letters): MINT
  • What's for you? (3 letters): NAME
  • One who is prone to all kinds of fraud (colloquial) (5 letters): CHEMIST
  • ... of the season - hit (3 letters): HIT

Game guess the words level 29

  • Love-... (7 letters): CARROTS
  • Animal food (4 letters): FEED
  • Ball-shaped substance (3 letters): KOM
  • Flat product made from dough, type of flatbread (4 letters): KORZH
  • What black bread is made from (4 letters): RYE
  • Favorite drink of pirates (3 letters): RUM
  • Group... on the sleeve (5 letters): BLOOD
  • House, dwelling, roof (obsolete) (4 letters): KROV
  • Deep. wide ditch surrounding the fortress (3 letters): ROV
  • Takes someone else's (3 letters): THIEF
  • Cold water swimmer (4 letters): WALRUS
  • Same as epidemic (3 letters): MOP
  • Childhood disease (4 letters): MEASLES
  • ... for ..., tooth for tooth (3 letters): OKO

Guess the words answers to level 30

  • Singing group (3 letters): CHORUS
  • Don't wrinkle... (3 letters): FOREHEAD
  • Presidential ... journalists (3 letters): PUL
  • 17th element of the periodic table (4 letters): CHLORINE
  • Place where effective managers work (4 letters): BUREAU
  • That which, being empty, is deaf to learning (5 letters): BELLY
  • Part of any building (3 letters): FLOOR
  • Well drilling tool (3 letters): BUR
  • What you can’t break with a whip (4 letters): BUTT
  • I don’t see him in... (4 letters): UPOR
  • Sense organ (3 letters): EAR
  • Grass..., it makes my stomach swell (5 letters): BURDON

Guess the words answers level 1 - tasks 1-15; tasks 31-45

Guess the words walkthrough level 1 tasks 1-45 video

  • 30/01/Guess the words answers to level 1, tasks 31-45
  • 18/04/Guess the words answers to level 1, tasks 1-15
  • 04/16/Guess the Words for Android - download, walkthrough, answers to all levels

Quote of the day

There is one Chinese fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived a butcher, and he had a knife that remained perfectly sharp year after year. When a butcher was asked how he managed to keep the blade in this condition, he answered: “I follow the lines of the bone. I'm not trying to cut it, break it, or generally resist it in any way. It will only ruin the knife." In life you need to go along obstacles. If you try to overcome them, it will only do harm.

The result of the visit by the bailiffs

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... if it is necessary to remove the restriction or accelerate the removal of the FSSP for traveling abroad?

In the first quarter of 2017 alone, the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) issued 874 thousand citizens with debts on loans, fines, alimony, etc. resolutions restricting the right to travel abroad. This is almost twice as much as in the first quarter of last year. And in total, as of April 1, 2017, 1.5 million people were without the right to travel.

Receiving a bailiff's order banning travel is not a reason to give up, Vedomosti experts note. First of all, lawyers recommend determining what was the reason for making such a decision. If, in the opinion of a citizen, it is erroneous, it should be appealed administratively by sending a complaint to a senior FSSP officer, or challenged in court. In both cases, the application in accordance with the law on enforcement proceedings will be considered for at least 10 days, warns Alexandra Lysyakova, senior lawyer of the Strizhak and Partners group. So it makes sense to do this if there is at least a month left before the trip.

You can try to lift the ban by writing an application to defer the execution of the court decision. It should be submitted to the same court to the same judge who made the decision in the case. There is a chance if in the application the citizen indicates a good reason for the impossibility of canceling the trip: hospital treatment, being on parental leave, etc., says Anton Tolmachev, managing partner of the law firm Yurpartner. According to him, there are enough precedents for satisfying the request for a delay, but it must be taken into account that the court considers such an application within a month from the date of filing.

The lifting of the ban can be accelerated

The best option for lifting the ban is to pay off debts. However, the fact of repaying the debt in itself does not automatically remove the previously imposed restriction on leaving. This requires a bailiff's order.

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“Regardless of the payment method (using the payment systems of the official FSSP website, at a credit institution or through the State Services portal), the temporary restriction on leaving the Russian Federation should be lifted automatically within 10 days from the date of repayment of the debt,” the press representative assures -FSSP service, adding that this is an average period, but the procedure can take up to two weeks.

However, it can be somewhat speeded up if you fax a receipt for payment of the debt to the FSSP or make an appointment with a service employee. Thus, the bailiff will immediately see that the payment from the citizen has been deposited into the service’s deposit account, the FSSP press service explained to Vedomosti, warning that in this case, it may take a week to lift the travel restriction. After all, just transferring information to the border service about lifting travel restrictions can take up to five days; and in addition to it, copies of the resolution must be received by the central office of the FSSP, the migration service, the claimant, the debtor, the court or other body that issued the executive document.

While the accelerated procedure does not work all the time, citizens who find out that they have become restricted from traveling abroad at the last moment are looking for workarounds. According to lawyers, you can try to get into the desired country through states with loyal border control conditions, for example Belarus and Kazakhstan. But at the borders with these countries, your documents can be checked.

I sincerely thank the employees of the Association for the Protection of Borrowers' Rights. They literally saved me

I sincerely thank the employees of the Association for Borrowers' Rights for their assistance in legal disputes with banks and protecting my rights. I would never be able to cope with such a colossus on my own.

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I was hit by a car and suffered a severe spinal injury. I had to leave my job and got into debt. The bank did not investigate and filed a lawsuit. The Association's lawyers managed to overturn the court order

50% of the salary write-off from the card due to late payment was only in the documents, but in fact, half of my salary was taken from me on a Sberbank loan, and I lost another half by the same Sberbank because of the debt to Russian Standard. I had no income from September to December last year.

My husband and I were invited by the travel agency Azimut 360 for a one-day promotion. As it turns out, here you can buy a trip to hot countries and the sea at a big discount. All potential clients were promised gifts. For us, such a trip was the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

We took out a loan from Russian Standard to renovate our apartment. They paid carefully until both my husband and I started having problems with wages. It was no longer possible to cover the entire loan payment amount every month.

I took out a loan for a good friend from Russian Standard in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. We traded together at the market in the mid-2000s. She couldn't take it upon herself, because... was a citizen of Kazakhstan.

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A disabled woman, a pensioner, until recently she worked part-time at a children's holiday camp. I took out several loans from Sberbank for a total amount of 370 thousand rubles.

I wouldn’t wish what our family went through on anyone. My husband and I have five children, one child is disabled. We lived in a small apartment.

I took out a loan for my son's college education. It so happened that I lost my job. My son and I had a hard time making ends meet. I couldn't pay off my debt on time. Continuous calls from Russian Standard began, and bank clerks constantly came with threats.

Several years ago he divorced his wife and took his son. I needed to buy an apartment. They didn’t give me a mortgage; I had to raise the necessary amount with loans.

I paid on time for several years. At the beginning of 2014, I became seriously ill, was unable to work at full capacity, and began to fall behind on payments.

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Many thanks to all the employees of the Association for the Protection of Borrowers' Rights. These are professionals in their field who provide real financial and legal protection.

He worked in Kazakhstan in hazardous production. Because of this, I went into retirement using the “hot grid”. Then it turned out that the plant gave an incorrect certificate. When I moved to Russia, I spent a year suing the pension fund and trying to get a pension.

Our family was forced to take out a loan for the treatment of a disabled child. It was possible to pay accurately until problems with wages at work began (“Altaikrovlya”). As a result, they were unable to pay the loan on time. The bank was simply crazy, I have no other word.

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Our mission: “We help those who are in trouble!”

Certificate of registration of mass media EL No. FS9 was issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).

Altai Territory, Barnaul, st. Proletarskaya, 131, office 215

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Editor-in-Chief - Anton Aleksandrovich Dorovskikh

Answers to the game Guess the words. Level 1-20

1) Karl Marx’s figurative definition of religion (5 letters): Show answer

2) Non-hunting dog with a large head (4 letters): Show answer

4) Result of the visit by the bailiffs (5 letters): Show answer

5) Large predatory fish (3 letters): Show answer

6) Now it is rarely paper (6 letters): Show answer

7) Resistance unit (2 letters): Show answer

8) Musical or other artistic work (4 letters): Show answer

9) Low alcohol drink (4 letters): Show answer

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11) Part of machines and mechanisms for supporting rotating parts (3 letters): Show answer

What to do if bailiffs come to you?

For many, a visit from bailiffs is a complete nightmare, for some reason people are very afraid of these officials, probably because they have the power to seize property, but not everything is as bad as you think, and in this article I will tell you how to behave and what to do if bailiffs come to you.

What to do if bailiffs come to you?

Bailiffs are officials whose job is to force the debtor to actually comply with a court decision (the requirements of the writ of execution), the resolution of an official or fulfill the requirements of other enforcement documents, on the basis of Article 12 of the “Law on Enforcement Proceedings” (this article specifies all types of enforcement documents on which bailiffs work).

I’ll say right away, there is no need to argue with the bailiffs, argue and be rude to them, believe me, this will not impress them and will not stop them, threats also do not work against them, just think for yourself how much negativity these people listen to about them every day, they no longer pay attention pay attention to such attacks, but you can anger them, but most likely you won’t be able to scare them.

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Failure to comply with the requirements of the bailiffs is fraught with administrative liability; you may be held accountable under paragraph 1 of Article 17.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and a fine of 1,000 to 2,500 rubles may be imposed on you.

Usually the bailiffs come after the claimant sends an application and a writ of execution to the FSSP, after which the bailiff initiates enforcement proceedings, about which a decree is issued, the bailiff sends a copy of the decree to the debtor and the claimant, in order to warn the debtor that enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him , and a notice is sent to the collector in order to notify him that his sheet has been accepted for work and the bailiffs have begun to work towards collecting the debt from the debtor under the writ of execution (another writ of execution).

From the moment of initiation of enforcement proceedings, the debtor has 5 days to voluntarily fulfill the requirements contained in the executive document; after these 5 days, if the debtor has not repaid the debt, the bailiffs begin measures to force the collection of the debt, right at this moment they can simply come to your home.

When you have received a notification from the bailiffs that enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you, you have the right, on the basis of Article 37 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, to apply to the court or to the official who issued the executive document with a request for an installment plan or deferment of the debt, if the court or official grants you a deferment or installment plan, then during this time, the bailiffs will not bother you and no enforcement actions will be taken against you, and you will have time to think, find money and pay off debt.

But the Supreme Court in its decision clarified that installments or deferments will not be issued to everyone just like that; for this there must be good reasons, that is, circumstances that cannot be eliminated at the time of filing the demand for an installment plan or deferment and that prevent the debtor from fulfilling the requirements of the writ of execution on time.

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Such circumstances may be the debtor’s difficult financial situation, illness, etc. In most cases, the court makes a decision on the validity of one or another reason, and if it does not find your reasons for granting an installment plan or deferment valid, then your application will not be satisfied.

If the court did not satisfy your application, then know that, on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 35 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, bailiffs can come to you on weekdays from 6:00 to 22:00, if there are no circumstances specified in paragraph 3 of Article 35 If there are circumstances specified in paragraph 3 of Article 35, then the bailiffs can come at any time of the day, even at night, but usually in standard situations there are no such circumstances, because if the bailiffs came to you on the weekend or later than 22:00 and, accordingly, before 6: 00, then you have the right not to comply with their requirements.

If you are waiting for the bailiffs, then don’t sit still, you have property in your apartment and the bailiffs, once they get to your home, will happily inventory it and foreclose on it, but until your property has been inventoried, you have the right to dispose of it at your own discretion, you can sell it, donate it, take it to another place. I would especially take care and give away all the property that does not belong to you, for example, you rented something, rented something, or just used it, be sure to give away such property. Also, if you live with your parents and, in addition to your property, there is property of your parents in the apartment, then make sure that your parents or your roommates have all the documents for their things, these can be checks, sales and rental agreements. Such documents can also be made independently, the main thing is that you have them, I hope you understand how you can protect your things by simply drawing up a purchase and sale agreement for them in the name of your relatives and upon the arrival of the bailiffs it turns out that everything in the apartment belongs not to the debtor, but to his parents or cohabitant, and he only has clothes that, according to the law, cannot be foreclosed on.

If the bailiffs are standing near the door, then do not panic, calmly ask them to present documents, the bailiffs must be dressed in uniform, they must have with them documents relating to your enforcement proceedings, this is a copy of the enforcement document and a resolution to initiate enforcement proceedings against you .

Whether or not to let the bailiffs in is your business; in any case, according to the law, the home is not inviolable, and if the bailiffs do not have permission from the senior bailiff on the basis of paragraph 6, paragraph 1, Article 64 of the “Law on Enforcement Proceedings” to enter the home, then the bailiffs will not They can enter your apartment without your permission. Yes, if you don’t let them in, then this will not be fulfilling the legal requirements of the official and you may be fined, but you can still not let the bailiffs in and they don’t have the right to break into your door without permission, but as soon as they have permission, then They may well break down the door, of course, in the presence of witnesses, and make an inventory of your property and, of course, confiscate it.

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If, nevertheless, you let the bailiffs in or they entered your apartment, then they will definitely begin to carry out the procedure for seizing the property; for this, an act of seizure must be drawn up and witnesses will be invited. All property that has been seized is entered into the act; the act also indicates the witnesses, the full names of all citizens present during the arrest, including officials; if the property is confiscated, then a corresponding note is made about this.

At the end of the arrest, all persons present put their signature on the act and write comments.

Carefully monitor the actions of the bailiff and write all your comments in the act, write what you disagree with and why you think that the bailiffs violated your rights. Be sure to write down the names of the bailiffs who carried out enforcement actions in your residential premises, you are not prohibited from filming this video, if you are prohibited from doing so, then this is a violation of your rights, continue filming and do not respond to demands to stop filming, since your actions are legal and the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows you filming, especially in your apartment.

You can always appeal the actions of bailiffs in the order of subordination or in court.

I hope the article was useful to you, and if you still have questions, you can always ask them on the site.

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When do the bailiffs arrive?

When does the bailiff arrive and how to behave at this moment?

Property description process

In our country, jury trials are increasingly becoming the norm. As a rule, jury judges are people who have absolutely no personal connection to the case. To the jury.

After the court has made a certain decision regarding the creditor or debtor, the bailiffs are obliged to enforce it. Often, these actions are performed.

If the debtor, after the opening of enforcement proceedings, does not repay his debt on his own, his property is seized. Where do they sell confiscated court property?

Unfortunately, the judge does not always make a lawful decision and ensure main principle judicial proceedings - impartiality. There are special laws for such cases.

Country/City: Russia / Tula

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Education: Higher legal education

and higher philological

Marital status: married

About myself: I have experience working in government and commercial structures. Currently I work from home: I write articles and consult people by phone. Working from home allowed me to finally start writing my PhD thesis.
