Statements of great and successful people about ideas

IDEA, noun. A thought, often unexpected; a concept that generalizes some experience and reflects an attitude to reality

IDEA, noun. Polit., high. the same as teaching; system of political ideas

IDEA FIX, Sustainable combination. Razg. obsessive, manic idea

IDEA FIX, Sustainable combination. Psychol. a mental disorder associated with excessive obsession with achieving a goal, accompanied by excessive emotional stress, and when this goal is achieved, a person often experiences catharsis

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

IDEA, ideas, g. (Greek idea). 1. Thought, concept about something. subject, an image comprehended by the mind (book). The idea of ​​the common good. The idea of ​​good. The idea of ​​chivalry. 2. In idealistic philosophy - the intelligible, eternal essence of an object, phenomenon (philosophy). Plato's world of ideas. 3. Basic, essential Principle of worldview. Dominant ideas. Political ideas. Fight for an idea. 4. Main, main Thought. The idea of ​​the novel. The idea of ​​the play. The idea of ​​the painting. || The principle of the device. The idea of ​​this machine became clear to me. 5. Thought, intention, plan. He was the first to come up with this idea. What stupid idea did you come up with? Happy idea Obsession - see obsessive.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

IDEA, w. lat. concept of a thing; mental concept, idea, imagination of an object; mental image. | Thought, invention, invention, invention; | intention, plan. Ideology g. thought theory, part of metaphysics or psychology that talks about thinking and thought. An ideal is a mental model of the perfection of something, in some way; prototype, prototype, beginning; representative; dream sample. Ideal, related to the ideal; ideal, imaginary, thoughtful, mental; primitive, archetypical or beginning-like. Ideality is the opposite of reality, a conceivable prototype of the present. Idealist m. -tka f. a speculator who is carried away by unrealistic inventions; dreamer, speculator. Idealism is a philosophy based not on the phenomena of the material world, but on the spiritual or mental. | A person's tendency towards daydreaming of this kind.

Modern explanatory dictionary

IDEA (Greek idea), 1) initially “that which is visible”, “visible” (like eidos), then “visible essence”, prototype. Plato called the idea the intelligible prototypes of things in the sensory world, true being. According to Kant, ideas are concepts of the mind that have no corresponding object in sensory experience (freedom, immortality, God)...2) Thought, idea...3) Intention, plan.

ARTISTIC IDEA, content-semantic integrity works of art as a product emotional experience and the author’s exploration of life. It cannot be adequately recreated by means of other arts and logical formulations; is expressed by the entire artistic structure of the work, the unity and interaction of all its formal components. Conventionally (and in a narrower sense) it stands out as the main idea, ideological conclusion, “life lesson” that naturally follows from a holistic comprehension of the work.

Wise words

Words are a brilliant thing, sharp and cutting, like open scissors.

Don't try to look for ideas. Let them find you.

Deep ideas are like those clear waters, the transparency of which is obscured by their own depth.

The simplest idea. Trust yourself.

Ideas are transmitted, undoubtedly, in direct proportion to the force that generates them and end up where the brain sends them, according to a mathematical law, similar to that which determines the direction of a bomb flying out of a mortar.

An uprising with arms in hand is always preceded by an uprising of ideas.

Most effective way to silence a genius is to accept his ideas on faith, to admit that he great man, - and forget about it.

The latest aphorisms about the idea

Ideas ignite each other like electric sparks.

If you want to come up with great ideas, know that you can borrow the best ones.

There is, however, an idea in your nonsense!

Valuable latest aphorisms about the idea

Nothing works as well as a self-invented bicycle.

Ideas flit back and forth throughout the universe. Their main goal - if ideas, of course, have a goal - is to get into the right mind in the right place at the right time.

Freedom is just an idea that fills our heads.

For some reason, man is looking for a miracle, and in order to find it, he is able to walk over corpses. He will torment himself with ideas, he will turn into a shadow in order to forget the horror of reality at least for a moment. He will endure everything - humiliation, bullying, poverty, wars, crimes and even melancholy, hoping for a sudden miracle that will make life bearable. And all the time, an unknown counter is clicking inside a person, and there is no hand that could stop it.

Ideas are like living beings. They are born, grow, gain strength, encounter other ideas and eventually die.

If you want to die as a martyr for great ideas, so be it. I don't like it, but so be it. Just don’t condemn those who believe you to martyrdom. They are worth more than any set of ideas.

I know of nothing more pleasant and instructive than to compare an experience with, or to note the difference between an idea and a reality.

Your idea is stillborn. This is what happens when Truth is violated. Always.

There is no writer in the whole world who could write a book on ideas in which she or he does not believe. We can write something if we truly believe.

But the struggle of ideas is an area where one cannot stop for a second.

I did not respect ideas that required me to lay down my life, but from two or three ideas that I did not respect, a wonderful melody could be formed. Or a wonderful rhythm, best of all jazz.

A symbol always exceeds what the author intended.

All the great ideas for which Western civilization has become famous, whether in Judea or Greece, were born under an unchanging, wearily blue sky.

More dangerous than other ideas are ideas floating in the air. They can fall on your head.

He toyed with this idea for some time, but then abandoned it. Running around with ideas generally became his main occupation in his thirties.

Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come!

First you fall in love with the first idea, a tiny part of an unknown whole. And once you grab hold of it, everything else will come on its own.

All great historical discoveries began with a simple idea that went against the usual perception of the world.

It is easier to die for an idea than to live in accordance with it.

An idea can be plausible in theory and destructive in practice, or, conversely, risky in theory but excellent in practice.

What's the use of vows? They are not the ones who bind people. If you feel that you are possessed by an idea, that is all. Otherwise, nothing will bind you.

Too many thoughts and ideas, even logical and correct ones, always lead to the fact that the cart remains in place. This means that sometimes it’s worth giving your head a rest and trusting your feelings.

Ideas become power when they take hold of the masses.

Take it easy, Baronne. Let your mind run wild as it pleases. Go to sleep with one, wake up with another - I mean ideas - leave one for the other, look after them all without becoming attached to any one. Thoughts are women, Baronnet, they breathe with them, they run after them, they make them drunk, and then desire suddenly makes a zigzag, and we go looking in the other direction. Philosophy is a casual relationship; in no case should it be mistaken for great love. More lightness, Baronne, the thought should not be heavier than the pen.

An idea is not so powerless as to give rise to only an idea.

On Earth, ideas served as symbols of friendship or enmity. Their content didn't matter. Friends agreed with friends to express friendly feelings. Enemies spoke back to enemies to express hostile feelings.

Ideas exist in a more subtle space.

Actions determine the idea, not the other way around.

The ideas in his head are like glass in a box: each individually transparent, all together dark.

The vastness of the mind is measured by the number of ideas and their combinations.

A person obsessed with a new idea will calm down only after implementing it.

Why don't you die? - Because under this mask there is something more than flesh. Underneath it is an idea, and ideas are immortal.

It is dangerous to rush around with ideas; you should keep them at a respectful distance from yourself.

Need gives birth to an idea, idea gives birth to action.

There are people who cannot dream. If one day a dream nevertheless wanders into them, it does not tolerate rivals, becoming a fixed idea.

If I didn’t also love architecture, then, at the risk of being branded a monster, I would be forced to admit that my whole life is dresses. I will say without reserve: everything I see and hear takes on the appearance of dresses. Dresses are my dreams, but I tame them and they leave the realm of dreams and become things that can be put on and worn. Fashion lives its own special life, according to its own laws, which are not subject to other laws. I simply know that my dresses must be received in order to be born. They should receive my worries, disappointments, delights.

It is the increase in life expectancy that puts all old values ​​and things associated with them out of use. When people learned about sex at fifteen and died at thirty-five, they faced fewer problems than people of our time who learn about sex at, I think, eight and live to be eighty. It's too long to keep the same idea in the field of attention. The same sickening idea.

After the death of an idea, corpses remain.

A successful business always starts with a big idea, not with a lot of money...

Ideas first suffer moral bankruptcy, and only then financial bankruptcy.

I'd like to see what your brain looks like so I can understand how you come up with these ideas.

Dying for an idea is beautiful. But is this idea worth living?

This is one of the universal world laws: those who do not have their own brains obey the delusional ideas of others.

There is a humor of ideas, a combination of thoughts that have never met each other in a human head, a civil marriage between jokes and wisdom.

Without an idea, nothing great can happen! Without the great there can be nothing beautiful.

IDEA, noun. A thought, often unexpected; a concept that generalizes some experience and reflects an attitude to reality

IDEA, noun. Polit., high. the same as teaching; system of political ideas

IDEA FIX, Sustainable combination. Razg. obsessive, manic idea

IDEA FIX, Sustainable combination. Psychol. a mental disorder associated with excessive obsession with achieving a goal, accompanied by excessive emotional stress, and when this goal is achieved, a person often experiences catharsis

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

IDEA, ideas, g. (Greek idea). 1. Thought, concept about something. subject, an image comprehended by the mind (book). The idea of ​​the common good. The idea of ​​good. The idea of ​​chivalry. 2. In idealistic philosophy - the intelligible, eternal essence of an object, phenomenon (philosophy). Plato's world of ideas. 3. Basic, essential Principle of worldview. Dominant ideas. Political ideas. Fight for an idea. 4. Main, main Thought. The idea of ​​the novel. The idea of ​​the play. The idea of ​​the painting. || The principle of the device. The idea of ​​this machine became clear to me. 5. Thought, intention, plan. He was the first to come up with this idea. What stupid idea did you come up with? Happy idea Obsession - see obsessive.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

IDEA, w. lat. concept of a thing; mental concept, idea, imagination of an object; mental image. | Thought, invention, invention, invention; | intention, plan. Ideology g. thought theory, part of metaphysics or psychology that talks about thinking and thought. An ideal is a mental model of the perfection of something, in some way; prototype, prototype, beginning; representative; dream sample. Ideal, related to the ideal; ideal, imaginary, thoughtful, mental; primitive, archetypical or beginning-like. Ideality is the opposite of reality, a conceivable prototype of the present. Idealist m. -tka f. a speculator who is carried away by unrealistic inventions; dreamer, speculator. Idealism is a philosophy based not on the phenomena of the material world, but on the spiritual or mental. | A person's tendency towards daydreaming of this kind.

Modern explanatory dictionary

IDEA (Greek idea), 1) initially “that which is visible”, “visible” (like eidos), then “visible essence”, prototype. Plato called the idea the intelligible prototypes of things in the sensory world, true being. According to Kant, ideas are concepts of the mind that have no corresponding object in sensory experience (freedom, immortality, God)...2) Thought, idea...3) Intention, plan.

ARTISTIC IDEA, the content-semantic integrity of works of art as a product of emotional experience and mastery of life by the author. It cannot be adequately recreated by means of other arts and logical formulations; is expressed by the entire artistic structure of the work, the unity and interaction of all its formal components. Conventionally (and in a narrower sense) it stands out as the main idea, ideological conclusion, “life lesson” that naturally follows from a holistic comprehension of the work.

Wise words

Of all words, the most true are those that lead us to facts by the shortest route.

You can recognize an idea as useful, but not know how to use it. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Ideas themselves are valuable, but every idea is, after all, just an idea. The challenge is to implement it practically. (Henry Ford)

An image cannot be an idea, but it can play the role of a sign or, more precisely, coexist with an idea in a sign. (Claude Lévi-Strauss)

What you should be most wary of are ideas that turn into actions. (Frank Herbert)

Ideas are sets; Every Idea is a multitude, a variety. (Gilles Deleuze)

The creators of great ideas are very dismissive of their creations and care little about their fate in the world. (Lev Shestov)

Great ideas are ruthless. (Henri de Monterlant)

The implementation of a plan is sometimes possible only because the enemy considers it impossible. (Zechariah)

The influence of ideas is proportional. As objects of science, they are accessible to few. But all people can ascend through piety or passion to their lands. And no man touches these divine natures without himself becoming divine to a certain extent. Like a new soul, they renew the body. We become physically active and luminous; we walk through the air; life ceases to be painful, and it seems to us that it will never be so again. No one in their clear and bright society is afraid of old age, or misfortune, or death, for among them man is carried far beyond the limits of change. While we look at the naked nature of Justice and Truth, we become familiar with the difference between the absolute and the conditional or relative. We know the absolute. As if for the first time we exist, we become immortal, for we learn that time and space are relations of matter, that they have no affinity with the perception of truth or the virtuous will. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Ideas are capital that generate interest only in the hands of talent. (Antoine de Rivarol)

Only ideas, not words, have lasting power over society. (Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)

A great idea has a flaw equal to or greater than the idea's greatness. (Murphy's Law)

In the development of ideas, it is not what is accepted by everyone that wins, but what is in accordance with reason. (Lev Mikhailovich Lopatin)

A broad Design, directed towards a great goal, characterizes genius and elevates the spirit of the performer, even when he fails. (Junius)

People sometimes look at ideas the way an astronomer looks at star worlds far from us. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

An idea is something, firstly, eternal, that is, knowing neither birth, nor death, nor growth, nor impoverishment, and secondly, in itself, always uniform in itself, all its varieties are involved in it in this way , that they arise and die, but hers does not become larger or smaller, and she does not experience any influences. (Plato)

Humanity cannot live without generous ideas.

Anyone who is afraid of an idea eventually loses the concept. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

The main idea should always be unattainably higher than the possibility of its execution. (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange these ideas, then each will have two ideas. (George Bernard Shaw)

Without ideas there is no mind. (Claude Adrian Helvetius)

AN IDEA is something that cannot be explained to an idiot, and something that nothing can knock out of his head. ()

All ideas in science are born out of a dramatic conflict between reality and our attempts to understand it. (Albert Einstein)

Ideas thunder throughout the world louder than cannons. Thoughts are more powerful than armies. The principles won more victories than the cavalry and chariot. (William McGregor Paxton)

Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. (Immanuel Kant)

Anyone who has moved away from the idea will ultimately remain with only sensations. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Today I see many people trying their best, working hard, simply because they cling to old ideas. They want everything to be the same as before, they resist change. I know people who have lost their jobs or their homes, and they curse technological progress, the economy, or their boss. It's sad to say, but these people never realized that the problem was all in themselves. Old ideas drag them down. Old ideas are their biggest liability. Passive because these old ideas are yesterday. (Robert Kiyosaki)

The history of mankind is mainly the history of ideas. (H.G. Wells)

Original thoughts and objective concepts do not appear when they want and are forced to wait. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

« Without an idea, nothing great can happen! Without the great there can be nothing beautiful!» Gustave F.

« Innovation distinguishes the leader from the catcher. There are no limits to new ideas. It all depends only on your imagination.» Steve Jobs

« Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything has stopped. The goal is lost, and the strength is gone.»

« In order for interesting ideas to arise in your head, you need to have a good rest.» Oleg Tinkov

« Only ideas, not words, have lasting power over society.." Belinsky V.

« If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange these ideas, then each will have two ideas.» Show B.

« All ideas in science are born out of a dramatic conflict between reality and our attempts to understand it.." Einstein A.

« Where to find an idea? Ideas are rare game in the forest of words.» Hugo V.

« Original thoughts and objective concepts do not appear when they want and are forced to wait.» Schopenhauer A.

« You need to have a great variety of different ideas in your head in order to give birth to one good one.» Sebastian M.

« Without ideas there is no mind." Helvetius K.

« Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas." Kant I.

« Ideas can only be neutralized by ideas." Balzac O.

« Today I see many people trying their best, working hard, simply because they cling to old ideas. They want everything to be the same as before, they resist change. I know people who have lost their jobs or their homes, and they curse technological progress, the economy, or their boss. It's sad to say, but these people never realized that the problem was all in themselves. Old ideas drag them down. Old ideas are their biggest liability. Passive because these old ideas are yesterday.» Robert Kiyosaki

« The history of mankind is mainly the history of ideas.» Wells G.

« Scientists are the same dreamers and artists, they are not free over their ideas, they can work well, work for a long time only on what their thoughts lie towards, what their feelings attract. In them, ideas change, the most impossible, often extravagant ones appear, they swarm, swirl, merge, shimmer. And they live among such ideas and for such ideas they work.» Vernadsky V.

« Great ideas are ruthless.» Montherlant A.

« Ideas ignite each other like electric sparks." Engels F.

« Nothing distorts like this human nature like manic ideas. If a person is possessed by the idea that all the world’s evil lies in Jews, Freemasons, Bolsheviks, heretics, the bourgeoisie, etc., then the most kind person turns into a wild beast." Berdyaev N.

« A serious man has ideasA little. A man with many ideas is never serious." Valerie P.

« The flight of ideas is the same reality as the wind, like the flight of a bird." Bach R.

« You can recognize an idea as useful, but not know how to use it." Goethe I.

« An idea can be plausible in theory and destructive in practice, or, conversely, risky in theory but excellent in practice.» Burke E.

« Ideas laugh across space, cross seas, are comprehended and accepted everywhere.» Guizot F.


« The idea came to his mind and now his brain is persistently searching for it.» Zhvanetsky M.

« There is also such an old Russian pastime - the search for a national idea...» Putin V.

« Communism is like prohibition: a good idea, but it doesn’t work.» Rogers W.

« Anyone who catches an idea like a runny nose can easily sneeze on it.» Jerzy Lec S.

« An unexpected idea came to me. She made sure that they weren’t waiting and left.» Ermolova E.

« The idea is what others did not notice when they passed by the ballot box...» Borisov V.

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