Life after death new facts. Life after death: real facts and incidents in history. What happens to the brain

Is there life after death? Every person asks this question, regardless of their beliefs. Almost all known religions in the world claim that after the death of the physical body, human life continues. Absolutely all beliefs are convincing - the human soul is an immortal body.

Throughout our lives, we are all interested in the interesting question of what is there... after death? Many people who have experienced clinical death talk about amazing visions: they observe themselves from the outside, hear doctors pronouncing their death. They feel like they are rushing at great speed through a long dark tunnel towards a bright source of light.

Doctors, including resuscitators, very much doubt the reality of the described visions that those who visited the afterlife allegedly experience while in a state of clinical death. The cause of such near-death visions is said to be a light spot, which is the last to enter the brain from the retina and deposits an image on the center of the brain, which is responsible for analyzing what is seen.

However, instruments that record brain activity at the time of a person’s death show zero activity. In other words, the brain and, accordingly, the imagination cannot process information at this moment, but vivid images of a person still exist and originate somewhere.

There is not a single person for whom the experience of clinical death passed without a trace. Many of them begin to have supernatural abilities. Some see the future, some begin to heal, some see parallel worlds.

Some tell fantastic things, claiming that at the moment of death they saw their soul separating from the body in the form of a small cloud, in the middle of which there was, as it were, a spark. Everything has a spheroidal shape from the atom to the planets, including human soul, says a woman who experienced clinical death, and after which she began to notice many luminous balls around her and on the street.

Researchers suggest that the human soul is a spherical clot of energy measuring 3-15 cm, and ultra-sensitive devices are capable of detecting such luminous balls. On this basis, a hypothesis was born about parallel worlds and supposedly in the thinnest boundaries of contact of these worlds with our world, such phenomena with balls can be observed.

There are an abundance of hypotheses, but the most interesting thing is that all those who experienced clinical death asserted in their desire to fly further towards the light that some kind of earthly love is where the light is. However, not everyone sees light at the moment of death; some claim that they observed people suffering and very unpleasant odors. It was very scary there.

In this case, the scientists’ theory about the last spot of light from the retina is not supported by anything. Everyone who experienced clinical death underwent a spiritual transformation and came to God. Today they look at the world differently, they are not afraid of death, although they cannot describe everything in words, but for them much is already clear and no arguments of scientists can convince them.

Today, many scientists doubt the truth of their assumptions and do not deny the spiritual origin of what eyewitnesses tell and still continue research in this area. We do not have instruments to measure divine quantities, but who knows, maybe technology will appear, we will be able to find out with the help of instruments what is there at the end of the mysterious tunnel!


Death is the eternal companion of man from birth. She invariably pursues a person and gets closer and closer every moment. Fortunately, no one knows when Death will make his swift leap, since a person is not supposed to know the reason and time of his departure to the kingdom of the dead.

No matter who a person is in life, completion life path the same for everyone. Everyone knows about this event, but the deep mystery lying beyond life has attracted thousands of years to look behind the secret door of Death.

A little about the mysteries of what is happening was told in the 1970s by the American professor Raymond Moody in the book that became a bestseller, “Life after Death.” The author collected the stories of 150 people who experienced clinical death.

Patients who had an extremely dangerous experience looked into Kingdom of the Dead, but got a chance to come back to life and talk about their visions.

People who have experienced the horror of clinical death after returning now feel more vitally active, survivors assure own death. Much more fully than usual, they accept everything that happens and feel their surroundings more intensely than before.

According to those interviewed, most of them heard how medical workers pronounced them dead, but continued to fight for their lives. During these frightening moments, they supposedly painlessly left their own body and soared to the ceiling of the ward or operating room.

It is difficult for us to believe this, since it is well known that in a state of clinical death, the human brain does not receive the necessary oxygen, without which it can function for a few minutes. Clinical death is a complete cessation of blood circulation, and after this the restoration of normal brain function is rather a matter of divine powers and great luck.

Most medical experts agree that near-death experiences are created in the imagination at the moment of loss of vital functions. At the same time, there are serious contradictions regarding what exactly should be understood by vital functions and their cessation.

According to researchers of near-death visions, not all pictures at the moment of “imaginary death” are a figment of fantasy; a number of them represent the true picture afterlife.

The answer to the question: “Is there life after death?” - all major world religions give or try to give. And if our ancestors, distant and not so distant, saw life after death as a metaphor for something beautiful or, on the contrary, terrible, then it is quite difficult for modern people to believe in Heaven or Hell described in religious texts. People have become too educated, but not to say that they are smart when it comes to the last line before the unknown. There is an opinion about the forms of life after death among modern scientists. Vyacheslav Gubanov, Rector of the International Institute of Social Ecology, talks about whether there is life after death and what it is like. So, life after death - facts.

- Before raising the question of whether there is life after death, it is worth understanding the terminology. What is death? And what kind of life after death can there be, in principle, if the person himself no longer exists?

When exactly, at what moment a person dies is an unresolved question. In medicine, the statement of death is cardiac arrest and lack of breathing. This is the death of the body. But it happens that the heart does not beat - the person is in a coma, and blood is pumped due to a wave of muscle contraction throughout the body.

Rice. 1. Statement of the fact of death according to medical indicators (cardiac arrest and lack of breathing)

Now let's look from the other side: in Southeast Asia there are mummies of monks who have hair and nails growing, that is, fragments of their physical body are alive! Maybe they have something else alive that cannot be seen with their eyes and cannot be measured medically (very primitive and not accurate from the point of view modern knowledge about the physics of the body) instruments? If we talk about the characteristics of the energy-information field that can be measured near such bodies, then they are completely anomalous and many times exceed the norm for an ordinary living person. This is nothing more than a channel of communication with subtle material reality. It is for this purpose that such objects are located in monasteries. The bodies of the monks, despite the very high air humidity and high temperature, are mummified under natural conditions. Microbes do not live in a high-frequency body! The body does not decompose! That is, here we can see a clear example that life continues after death!

Rice. 2. “Living” mummy of a monk in Southeast Asia.
Channel of communication with subtle-material reality after the clinical fact of death

Another example: in India there is a tradition of burning the bodies of dead people. But there are unique people, usually very spiritually advanced people, whose bodies do not burn at all after death. Different physical laws apply to them! Is there life after death in this case? What evidence can be accepted and what evidence can be attributed to inexplicable mysteries? Doctors do not understand how the physical body lives after the fact of its death is officially recognized. But from the point of view of physics, life after death is facts based on natural laws.

- If we talk about subtle material laws, that is, laws that consider not only the life and death of the physical body, but also the so-called bodies of subtle dimensions, in the question “is there life after death” it is still necessary to take some kind of starting point! The question is - which one?

This starting point should be recognized as physical death, that is, the death of the physical body, the cessation of physiological functions. Of course, it is customary to fear physical death, and even life after death, and for most people, stories about life after death act as a consolation, making it possible to slightly weaken natural fear - the fear of death. But today interest in the issues of life after death and evidence of its existence has reached a new qualitative level! Everyone is interested in whether there is life after death, everyone wants to hear evidence from experts and eyewitness accounts...

- Why?

The fact is that we should not forget about at least four generations of “atheists”, who were hammered into their heads from childhood that physical death is the end of everything, there is no life after death, and there is nothing at all beyond the grave! That is, from generation to generation people asked the same eternal question: “Is there life after death?” And they received the “scientific”, well-founded answer of the materialists: “No!” This is stored at the level of genetic memory. And there is nothing worse than the unknown.

Rice. 3. Generations of “atheists” (atheists). Fear of death is like fear of the unknown!

We are also materialists. But we know the laws and metrology subtle plans existence of matter. We can measure, classify and define physical processes, proceeding according to laws different from the laws of the dense world of material objects. The answer to the question: “Is there life after death?” - is outside the material world and the school physics course. It is also worth looking for evidence of life after death.

Today, the amount of knowledge about the dense world is turning into the quality of interest in the deep laws of Nature. And it is right. Because having formulated his attitude to such a difficult issue as life after death, a person begins to look sensibly at all other issues. In the East, where various philosophical and religious concepts have been developing for more than 4,000 years, the question of whether there is life after death is a fundamental one. In parallel with it comes another question: who were you in a past life. It is a personal opinion regarding the inevitable demise of the body, a “worldview” formulated in a certain way, that allows us to move on to the study of deep philosophical concepts and scientific disciplines relating to both individuals and society.

- Is accepting the fact of life after death, proof of the existence of other forms of life, liberating? And if so, from what?

A person who understands and accepts the fact of the existence of life before, in parallel and after the life of the physical body, acquires a new quality of personal freedom! I, as a person who personally went through the need to understand the inevitable end three times, can confirm this: yes, such a quality of freedom cannot in principle be achieved by other means!

Great interest in the issues of life after death is also caused by the fact that everyone went through (or did not go through) the procedure of the “end of the world” announced at the end of 2012. People - mostly unconsciously - feel that the end of the world has happened, and now they live in a completely new physical reality. That is, they received, but have not yet psychologically realized, evidence of life after death in the past physical reality! In that planetary energy-information reality that took place before December 2012, they died! Thus, you can see what life after death is right now! :)) This is a simple method of comparison, accessible to sensitive and intuitive people. On the eve of the quantum leap in December 2012, up to 47,000 people a day visited our institute’s website with a single question: “What will happen after this “amazing” episode in the life of earthlings? And is there life after death? :)) And literally this is what happened: the old conditions of life on Earth died! They died from November 14, 2012 to February 14, 2013. The changes took place not in the physical (densely material) world, where everyone was waiting and afraid of these changes, but in the subtle-material - energy-informational world. This world has changed, the dimensionality and polarization of the surrounding energy-information space has changed. For some this is fundamentally important, while others have not noticed any changes at all. So, after all, people’s Nature is different: some are hypersensitive, and some are supermaterial (grounded).

Rice. 5. Is there life after death? Now, after the end of the world in 2012, you can answer this question yourself :))

- Is there life after death for everyone without exception, or are there options?

Let's talk about the subtle-material structure of the phenomenon called “Man”. The visible physical shell and even the ability to think, the mind, with which many limit the concept of being, is only the bottom of the iceberg. So, death is a “change of dimensionality,” that physical reality where the center of human consciousness operates. Life after the death of the physical shell is aNOTHER form of life!

Rice. 6. Death is a “change of dimensionality” of the physical reality where the center of human consciousness operates

I belong to the category of the most enlightened people in these matters, both in terms of theory and practice, since almost every day in the course of consulting work I am forced to deal with various issues of life, death and information from previous incarnations different people asking for help. Therefore, I can say with authority that there are different types of death:

  • death of the physical (dense) body,
  • death Personal
  • death spiritual

Man is a triune being, which is composed of his Spirit (a real living subtle-material object, presented on the causal plane of the existence of matter), Personality (a formation like a diaphragm on the mental plane of the existence of matter, realizing free will) and, as everyone knows, the Physical body , presented in the dense world and having its own genetic history. The death of the physical body is only the moment of transferring the center of consciousness to higher levels of the existence of matter. This is life after death, stories about which are left by people who “jumped” due to various circumstances to the highest levels, but then “came to their senses.” Thanks to such stories, it is possible to answer in great detail the question of what will happen after death, and compare the information received with scientific data and the innovative concept of man as a triune being, discussed in this article.

Rice. 7. Man is a triune being, which is composed of Spirit, Personality and Physical body. Accordingly, death can be of 3 types: physical, personal (social) and spiritual

As mentioned earlier, humans have a sense of self-preservation, programmed by Nature in the form of fear of death. However, it does not help if a person does not manifest as a triune being. If a person with a zombified personality and distorted worldview does not hear and does not want to hear control signals from his incarnate Spirit, if he does not fulfill the tasks assigned to him for the current incarnation (that is, his purpose), then in this case the physical the shell, together with the “disobedient” ego that controls it, can be “thrown off” quite quickly, and the Spirit can begin to look for a new physical carrier that will allow it to realize its tasks in the world, gaining the necessary experience. It has been statistically proven that there are so-called critical ages when the Spirit presents accounts to material man. Such ages are multiples of 5, 7 and 9 years and are, respectively, natural biological, social and spiritual crises.

If you walk through the cemetery and look at the main statistics of the dates of people’s departure from life, you will be surprised to find that they will correspond to precisely these cycles and critical ages: 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 years, etc.

- Can you give an example when the answer to the question: “Is there life after death?” - negative?

Just yesterday we examined the following consultation case: nothing foreshadowed the death of a 27-year-old girl. (But 27 is a small Saturnian death, a triple spiritual crisis (3x9 - a cycle of 3 times 9 years), when a person is “presented” with all his “sins” from the moment of birth.) And this girl should have gone for a ride with a guy on a motorcycle, She should have inadvertently jerked, violating the center of gravity of the sportbike, and she should have exposed her head, not protected by a helmet, to the blow of an oncoming car. The guy himself, the motorcycle driver, escaped with only three scratches upon impact. We look at photographs of the girl taken a few minutes before the tragedy: she holds a finger to her temple like a pistol and her facial expression is appropriate: crazy and wild. And everything immediately becomes clear: she has already been issued a pass to the next world with all the ensuing consequences. And now I have to clean up the boy who agreed to take her for a ride. The problem of the deceased is that she was not developed personally and spiritually. It was simply a physical shell that did not solve the problems of incarnating the Spirit on a specific body. For her there is no life after death. She actually did not live fully during physical life.

- What options are there in terms of life for anything after physical death? New incarnation?

It happens that the death of the body simply transfers the center of consciousness to more subtle planes of existence of matter and it, as a full-fledged spiritual object, continues to function in another reality without subsequent incarnation in material world. This is very well described by E. Barker in the book “Letters from a Living Deceased.” The process we are talking about now is evolutionary. This is very similar to the transformation of a shitik (dragonfly larva) into a dragonfly. Shitik lives at the bottom of the reservoir, dragonfly primarily flies in the air. A good analogy for the transition from the dense world to the subtle-material one. That is, man is a bottom-dwelling creature. And if an “advanced” Man dies, having completed all the necessary tasks in the dense material world, then he turns into a “dragonfly”. And he receives a new list of tasks on the next plane of existence of matter. If the Spirit has not yet accumulated the necessary experience of manifestation in the dense material world, then reincarnation occurs into a new physical body, that is, a new incarnation begins in physical world.

Rice. 9. Life after death using the example of the evolutionary degeneration of a shitik (caddisfly) into a dragonfly

Of course, death is an unpleasant process and should be delayed as much as possible. If only because the physical body provides a lot of opportunities that are not available “above”! But a situation inevitably arises when “the upper classes can no longer do it, but the lower classes do not want to.” Then a person moves from one quality to another. What is important here is a person’s attitude towards death. After all, if he is ready for physical death, then in fact he is also ready for death in any previous capacity with rebirth at the next level. This is also a form of life after death, but not physical, but of the previous social stage (level). You are reborn at a new level, “naked as a falcon,” that is, as a child. So, for example, in 1991 I received a document where it was written that in all previous years I had not served in the Soviet army or navy. And so I turned out to be a healer. But he died like a “soldier.” A good “healer” who can kill a person with a blow of his finger! Situation: death in one capacity and birth in another. Then I died as a healer, seeing the inconsistency of this type of help, but I went much higher, to another life after death in my previous capacity - to the level of cause-and-effect relationships and teaching people self-help methods and infosomatics techniques.

- I would like clarity. The center of consciousness, as you call it, may not return to the new body?

When I talk about death and evidence of the existence of various forms of life after the physical death of the body, I rely on five years of experience in accompanying the deceased (there is such a practice) to the more subtle planes of the existence of matter. This procedure is performed in order to help the center of consciousness of the “deceased” person to achieve subtle plans in a clear mind and solid memory. This is well described by Dannion Brinkley in the book Saved by the Light. The story of a man who was struck by lightning and was in a state of clinical death for three hours, and then “woke up” with a new personality in an old body is very instructive. There are plenty of sources that, to one degree or another, provide factual material, real evidence of life after death. And so, yes, the cycle of incarnations of the Spirit on various media is finite and at some point the center of consciousness goes to the subtle planes of existence, where the forms of the mind differ from those familiar and understandable to most people, who perceive and decipher reality only on a materially tangible plane.

Rice. 10. Stable plans for the existence of matter. Processes of embodiment-disembodiment and transition of information into energy and vice versa

- Does knowledge of the mechanisms of embodiment and reincarnation, that is, knowledge of life after death, have any practical meaning?

Knowing how death physical phenomenon subtle planes of existence of matter, knowledge of how post-mortem processes take place, knowledge of the mechanisms of reincarnation, understanding of what life happens after death, make it possible to solve those issues that today cannot be solved by the methods of official medicine: childhood diabetes, cerebral palsy, epilepsy - turn out to be curable. We do not do this on purpose: physical health is a consequence of solving energy-information problems. In addition, it is possible, using special technologies, to take on the unrealized potential of previous incarnations, the so-called “canned food of the past,” and thereby dramatically increase one’s effectiveness in the current incarnation. In this way, you can give a full-fledged new life to unrealized qualities after death in the previous incarnation.

- Are there any sources that are trustworthy from the point of view of a scientist that could be recommended for study by those who are interested in issues of life after death?

Stories from eyewitnesses and researchers about whether there is life after death have now been published in millions of copies. Everyone is free to form their own idea of ​​the subject, based on various sources. There is a gorgeous book by Arthur Ford “ Life After Death as Told to Jerome Ellison" This book is about a research experiment that lasted 30 years. The topic of life after death is considered here based on real facts and evidence. The author agreed with his wife to prepare a special experiment during his lifetime to communicate with the other world. The condition of the experiment was as follows: whoever goes to another world first must make contact according to a predetermined scenario and in compliance with predetermined verification conditions in order to avoid any speculation and illusions when conducting the experiment. Moody's book Life after life" - classics of the genre. Book by S. Muldoon, H. Carrington " Death on loan or exit of the astral body" is also a very informative book, telling about a man who could repeatedly move into his astral body and return back. And there are also purely scientific works. Using instruments, Professor Korotkov very well demonstrated the processes accompanying physical death...

To summarize our conversation, we can say the following: facts and evidence of life after death have accumulated over human history a bunch of!

But first of all, we recommend that you understand the ABC of the energy-information space: with such concepts as Soul, Spirit, center of consciousness, karma, human biofield - from a physical point of view. We discuss all these concepts in detail in our free video seminar “Human Energy Informatics 1.0,” which you can access right now.

Seven-year-old Katie was found in the swimming pool; she drowned. Pediatrician and researcher Melvin Morse resuscitated her in the emergency room, but Katie remained in a deep coma—she had brain swelling and no gag reflex—and was breathing on a ventilator. Doctors estimated Katie's chances of survival at 10%.

Surprisingly, within three days she completely recovered.

When the girl arrived at the hospital to undergo a re-examination, she immediately recognized Morse and told her mother: “It’s him, the bearded man. At first there was a tall doctor without a beard, and then he came. “I was immediately in a large room, and after that I was transferred to a smaller room, where they took an x-ray.”

Katie reported other details, for example, how a tube was inserted into her nose - everything she said coincided exactly with what happened, but she “saw” what was happening while her eyes were closed and her brain was in a deep coma.

Morse asked what she remembered about her nearly drowning. After all, if she choked because of a seizure, it could happen again.

Katie clarified: “Are you asking about how I visited Heavenly Father?” This answer seemed very interesting to Morse, and the doctor replied: “That would be a good place to start. Tell me how you met your Heavenly Father.”

“I saw Jesus and the Heavenly Father,” Katie replied. Perhaps she noticed the shocked expression on the doctor's face, or perhaps it was all due to her natural shyness. Be that as it may, Katie did not continue at that time.

A week later, the girl became more talkative. She didn’t remember anything about drowning, but she remembered that at first it was dark, then a tunnel appeared through which Elizabeth came. She described her as "tall and beautiful", with bright golden hair.

Elizabeth walked the girl through the tunnel, where she met several people, including her late grandfather, two little boys named Mark and Andy, and others. In addition, Katie said that she visited her earthly home, where she saw her brothers pushing a toy soldier in a jeep, and her mother preparing chicken and rice. She even remembered what everyone was wearing. Katie's parents were amazed at how accurately she described everything.

Eventually, Elizabeth took the girl to meet Heavenly Father and Jesus. The father asked if she wanted to return home. Katie wanted. Jesus asked if she wanted to see her mother. Katie said yes and woke up.

Katie talked for almost an hour, but that hour changed Dr. Morse's life. He began questioning the nurses in the intensive care unit. They recalled that, upon waking up, the girl first asked: “Where are Mark and Andy?” She asked about them several times. Morse thought for a long time about Katie and the way she talked about her experiences. Although the girl was very shy, she spoke “confidently and convincingly” about what happened to her.

The doctor spent several hours asking Katie's parents about the girl's childhood; about everything that could explain such sensations. Katie's parents are Mormons and didn't tell her about tunnels or guardian angels or anything like that. When Katie's grandfather passed away, her mother explained that death was like seeing someone leave on a boat while friends and family remained on the shore.

Dr. Morse described this case in the American Journal of Diseases of Children and began to think about further research. He received a grant for cancer research, but Janet Lunsford, who was responsible for administering the grants, supported his desire to begin studying NDEs in children at Seattle Children's Hospital instead of cancer. Morse assembled a group of eight scientists, each with relevant experience. For example, Dr. Don Tyler, an anesthesiologist, studied the effects of anesthesia on the brain. Dr. Jerrold Milstein, director of pediatric neurology at the University of Washington, has studied the brain stem and hippocampus...

Here are the conclusions doctor came Morse after 3 years of research: “In medical faculties we are taught to look for the simplest explanations for medical problems. Having gone through all the other explanations, I believe that the easiest way to explain NDEs is that they are actually short-term visits to the other world. Why not? I read all the complex psychological and physiological interpretations of NDEs, and none of them seemed completely satisfactory to me.”

When children experience NDEs, they mention the same elements as in adults. But it is extremely doubtful that they could have heard of NDEs before or had the same psychological expectations as adults. Children's spontaneity in describing events entirely outside their previous learning and experience provides a unique and compelling body of evidence. Part of the success of Heaven Is Really Is Thanks to the charm of little Colton's NDE. His story seems childishly spontaneous; In his own fresh and naive way, he spoke about things that only adults can fully understand.

If childhood experiences were based on what children wanted to see during a serious illness, they would probably see their parents in their dreams. But their reports indicate that during NDEs they often see deceased grandparents or pets. After an NDE, their lives, like the lives of adults, change dramatically. They become more empathetic than their peers; they guess the emotions behind spoken words.

Here's another childhood near-death experience. A 5-year-old boy fell ill with meningitis, fell into a coma and, upon waking up, said that he had met a little girl on the other side who said that she was his sister. She told him: “I am your sister. I died a month after I was born. I was named after your grandmother. Our parents called me Rietje for short.”

After waking up from the coma, the boy told his parents everything. They were shocked and left the room for a short time, and then returned and told the boy that he actually had an older sister named Rietje, who died of poisoning a year before he was born. They decided, while he was still young, not to tell him about it.

The supernatural explanation seems to be more consistent with childhood NDEs than the natural explanation based on psychological attitudes or wishful thinking. The first explanation in particular is supported by extensive supporting evidence.

Life after death - described by NDE survivors

“I passed out in the store and went there to buy groceries. I woke up during the operation, but realized that I was floating above my own body. Doctors were crowded there, doing something, talking among themselves.

I looked to the right and saw a hospital corridor. My cousin was standing there talking on the phone. I heard him telling someone that I had bought a lot of groceries, and the bags were so heavy that my aching heart could not stand it. When I woke up and my brother came up to me, I told him what I had heard. He immediately turned pale and confirmed that he had spoken about this when I was unconscious.”

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“I had the feeling that I was flying at great speed through a vertical tunnel. Looking back, I saw great amount faces, only they were distorted into disgusting grimaces. I felt scared, but soon I flew past them, they were left behind. I flew towards the light, but still could not reach it. It was as if he was moving away from me more and more.

Suddenly, at one moment, it seemed to me that all the pain was gone. I felt good and calm, a feeling of peace came over me. True, this did not last long. At one point, I suddenly felt my own body and returned to reality. I was taken to the hospital, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the sensations that I experienced. The terrible faces I saw were probably hell, but the light and feeling of bliss were heaven.”

Ruby underwent a successful Caesarean section at a Florida hospital when she suddenly collapsed due to a rare complication known as amniotic fluid embolism.

After some time, Ruby said that when she lost consciousness she found herself in a different place. It was beautiful, everything was shining. There she met her late father, who said that this was not her time and she should return to Earth.

“I remember almost nothing, only music. Very loud, like a march from an old movie. I was even surprised that a serious operation was going on, but then the tape recorder was turned on full blast. Afterwards I realized that the music was becoming somehow strange. Good, but strange. She was somehow extraterrestrial. I’ve never heard anything like this before... I can’t really explain it. The sounds are absolutely not human.”

“I saw myself from above and from the side. It was as if I was lifted up and pressed against the ceiling. At the same time, I watched for a very long time as doctors tried to revive me. It was funny to me: “I’m thinking how cleverly I hid from everyone here!” And then it was as if I was sucked into a whirlpool and “sucked” back into my body.”

“...I found myself in hellish hell. There was complete darkness and silence all around. The most painful thing was the lack of time. But the suffering was very real. Just me, suffering and eternity. And now a chill runs through my body at the memory of this horror. That’s when I cried out to Christ for help for the first time in my life. How could I know about Him? Nobody preached to me. Maybe this knowledge is innate. But Christ helped. I returned to reality and at the same moment fell to my knees and began to thank God.”

“I ate mushrooms bought at the market, and the next day I woke up in intensive care. My kidneys and liver failed. While I was unconscious, I saw hell: it was hot, there was a cauldron with devils running around it. And then fog and oblivion. I realized that death is not the key to all doors, it tears these doors off their hinges. After clinical death, hallucinations appeared. Voices were heard all the time ordering suicide. I quit my job and went to a monastery. There, after confession and communion, everything passed. Now I attend church weekly. Everything hurts, my hands go numb. I went to doctors - no one knows anything, but I’m no longer afraid of death.”

“Three years ago I crashed on a scooter. My head hit the back door of a parked car. I switched off immediately. Suddenly I saw a man. He said: “It’s too early for you to die - you must save.” After the shots, like in a movie: a girl and a boy, and next to me and mine future husband. I came to my senses in intensive care. The doctors said that one cannot live with such fractures, but a month later I went to university. What I saw came true: I work as a midwife, got married and gave birth to a child. Every year on that day I come to the scene of the accident and thank you for being alive.”

“It happened during recess, I was in third grade then. I was sitting at my desk, and suddenly my stomach started to hurt, it became very bad, my vision went dark. Fell to the floor... and woke up in heaven. I saw my body, but without legs. It was as if I was in a cloud and looked down at my class from above. There are only clouds around. I thought: “We have to go back, otherwise mom will swear!” I started to feel strongly pulled down. I woke up with a terrible headache. “Of course, I’ll fall off my desk!” - friends said. It turned out that I have vegetative-vascular dystonia. But when I faint, I usually see or hear dreams, but here everything is different. I think about this often. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, life is very short.”

Deathbed Visions

The first known attempt to piece together accounts of deathbed visions was that of Professor Sir William Barrett. His wife, a doctor, prompted him to do the research.

One day, coming home from work, she told Sir William about a remarkable vision that Doris, a patient who was dying after a difficult birth, had told her about. Doris spoke with great joy about seeing her late father. Then, with a rather puzzled expression, she said, “Vida was with him.” Doris turned to her and repeated: “Vida with him.” Doris's sister, Vida, had died three weeks earlier, but due to Doris's health, her relatives did not tell her about it.

In the second half of the twentieth century, three full-scale studies of dying visions were conducted. The first work collected and analyzed reports from nurses and doctors, covering more than 35,000 cases. The second collected approximately 50,000 patient reports. Both of these studies were conducted in the USA. Later, a third work appeared, which collected 255 reports of dying visions in India. Surprisingly, "the Indian study's results were consistent with earlier studies in almost all respects."

Here is some interesting evidence from these studies:

1. Those who reported that deceased relatives or angelic beings came for them to take them away died faster than those who simply talked about seeing angels and angel-like beings in the other world.

2. Sometimes visions were reported by people who did not intend to die, which excludes the possibility of waiting for the event.

One young (about 30 years old) Indian man, educated in college, quickly recovered from his illness. They were going to discharge him that day; both the doctor and the patient hoped for a complete recovery. Suddenly the patient exclaimed: “There is someone in white clothes standing here! I won't go with you! After 10 min. he died.

If such visions are born of cultural expectations, it is possible to expect that expectations will vary greatly from person to person and from culture to culture. But a large percentage of coincidences are better consistent with a supernatural explanation (there is life after death!) than with a purely materialistic one (there is no life after death).

General NDEs are confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses

Often those close to the dying person (his relatives and loved ones) share near-death experiences with him. Reports of shared, or shared, NDEs are valuable from an evidentiary point of view: several people see and experience the same thing. In addition, such incidents do not lend themselves to natural scientific explanations, for example the hypothesis of brain dying, because many “accomplices” had a brain that was not in the process of dying! They had no hypoxia, no hypercapnia (a condition caused by excess carbon dioxide in the blood), no fear of death; There are no other symptoms that could affect the brain at the time of death.

Here is an example of a near-death vision shared by several family members who were nearby.

5 Anderson siblings in Atlanta kept vigil at their dying mother's bedside. Because she was seriously ill for a long time, the children psychologically resigned themselves to the inevitable. According to one daughter, “suddenly a bright light appeared in the room.” He did not look like “any earthly light. I pushed my sister in the side to check if she saw the same thing as me, and, turning to her, I saw that her eyes had become huge, like saucers... My brother sat with his mouth open. We all saw the same thing, and we felt a little scared for a while.”

Then they saw lights that took the form of a portal, a passage. Their mother left her body and passed through this passage in a state of ecstatic joy. Everyone agreed that the passage resembled the famous Natural Bridge in Shenandoah Valley National Park.

Other shared experiences sometimes include a review of some events in the life of the deceased; “Accomplices” can see friends and relatives of the deceased whom they did not previously know. One of the survivors subsequently looked into the album and recognized the people whom he first saw during such a divided near-death vision.

Because such experiences are always something unexpected, it is difficult to attribute them to wishful thinking. And even if someone really wants to see someone's soul leave, it is unlikely that they will be able to jointly observe such unexpected things as the distortion of space in a room, which have been reported in many unrelated cases.

Reading Dr. Moody's book on shared near-death experiences, I came to the conclusion that these types of experiences are quite rare. Only Moody, I thought, is capable of writing about a large number of general experiences, since during his life he interviewed more than one thousand people who had been in a state of clinical death.

Imagine my surprise when, while talking with my close friends, I learned that one of my relatives, a retired history professor, had told me about his own shared near-death experience.

Bucky woke up at three in the morning, feeling a terrible heaviness in his chest. All the symptoms he described reminded me of a heart attack. He saw a light in the distance, then came out of his body and looked at his body as if from the ceiling. Then celestial creatures approached him (in relation to the place of his observation, the light was now behind him). He experienced extreme peace, as many who have had near-death experiences report. Bucky woke up in his bed, sweating profusely, and the phone started ringing. His father, who lived 90 miles away and had never been seriously ill, died suddenly of a heart attack.

Reports of shared or shared NDEs seem to take the evidence to a new level. Often more than one person claims to have encountered the same strange phenomenon. I repeat, since friends and relatives did not experience the psychological and physiological symptoms of dying, it is unlikely that their sensations can be attributed to oxygen starvation or other signs of brain dying. Dr. Moody gives many similar reports; many of them mutually confirm each other in the 2010 book, Glimpses of Eternity: Watching Loved Ones Pass from This Life to the Next.

Face-to-face conversations

Dr. Moody writes that before the research began, he would have immediately dismissed such stories. Conversations with people who had experienced NDEs changed his mind. Dr. van Lommel was a staunch materialist, but never forgot that one extremely emotional patient who had recovered from cardiac arrest spoke of “a tunnel, bright colors, light, a beautiful landscape and music.”

Dr. Rawlings at first considered most of the stories he heard about life after death and near-death experiences to be “fiction, conjecture, or figments of the imagination,” until one of his patients, who had died and been resuscitated several times, each time enthusiastically reported what he experienced “on the other side.” The authenticity of the patient's stories led Rawlings to take the patient's stories seriously.

One of the people I spoke to personally was a person who had achieved success in life; an intelligent, respected, confident man about 60 years old. I started the conversation with some friendly small talk and then asked about his NDE. His excitement took his breath away. No, I don't mean that there were tears in his eyes while he was talking. At first, until he was unable to cope with his emotions, he could not speak at all. He apologized and asked me to wait a few seconds until he came to his senses.

As an interviewer, I had no doubt that my interlocutor was absolutely sincere - he was absolutely sure that he was leaving his body, moving to another dimension and talking with three beings about whether he should return to earth or not. He said that his experience was “very sharply different from the dream.” What he encountered was real, powerful, unforgettable, and life-changing.

Although this opinion may seem rather subjective at first, remember that clearly sincere testimony is considered legal evidence in court. If, for example, a wife is genuinely afraid of her husband who beat her, the court may prohibit the husband from approaching his wife. Of course, a wife can turn out to be a liar and a good actress. When it comes to near-death experiences, each case must be checked to see if its authors are looking for cheap popularity.

On the one hand, it seems that little Colton (“Heaven is real”) has a childlike innocence in his messages. On the other hand, the skeptic in me tells me that children love to be the center of attention. And Colton's story about heaven certainly got him a lot of attention! This latter consideration does not necessarily negate its veracity, but it would be unwise to overlook such a possible motivation. I saw interviews on YouTube with priests who vividly described their visions of life after death. Here one might suspect an intention to revive interest in the books they wrote.

But when it comes to the many reports of NDEs, their authors are unlikely to have hidden reasons for lying. Ordinary people are extremely reluctant to share their experiences, as shown in many studies. They are not at all seeking cheap popularity; they don't want to make money from their stories about other world. On the contrary, quite often they have quite good reasons for not talking about their experiences or even pretending that their NDE was “just a very detailed and vivid dream.”

Deaf people “hear”

This is how a boy who was deaf from birth described his dying visions: “I was born completely deaf. All my relatives hear, and they always communicated with me using sign language. And so I directly communicated with about 20 ancestors using some kind of telepathy. An exciting feeling..."

“Exciting” indeed. The boy did not hear from birth and did not learn verbal communication. And yet it turned out that he communicates effortlessly, not using sign language, but directly, from consciousness to consciousness. He didn't have to learn a new way of communicating. His words do not fit in with what we know about how the brain works.

Blind people see

People who are blind from birth do not “dream.” People born blind perceive dreams through other senses. Even those who have lost their sight in the first 5 years of life are deprived of visual imagery.

However, as a result of a study of 31 NDEs of blind people (almost half of them cannot see from birth), it turned out that:

1. “...blind people, including those born blind, report classic NDEs common to sighted people; the vast majority of blind people tell what they saw during NDEs and OBEs (out-of-body experiences); in support they provide information based on the ability to see, which they could not have acquired in the usual way, which was confirmed by corroborating evidence from an independent source";

2. “...the study did not reveal any obvious differences between the subgroups of sighted and blind people in relation to the frequency of certain elements of near-death experiences. Thus, regardless of whether a person is born blind, loses sight later in life, or suffers from severe visual impairment but is able to see, NDEs appear to be very similar and structurally no different from those reported by sighted people";

3. “like sighted people, blind respondents described both their perception of this world and scenes from life after death, often in great detail. Sometimes they had a feeling of extraordinary visual acuity - in some cases the vision was perfect.”

Let's take the case of Vikki, who was blind from birth. At the age of 22, she fell into a coma after a car accident. According to Vikki, “I never saw anything, I didn’t distinguish between light and shadow, nothing... I didn’t “see” dreams.” My senses of taste, touch, hearing and smell helped me sleep. There were no visual sensations."

After the accident, she suddenly realized that she could see perfectly clearly what was happening in the intensive care unit, where a team of doctors was energetically resuscitating someone. Vicky found out her wedding ring(which she often felt) and gradually realized that this was her body and she was probably dead. She flew up to the ceiling and saw trees, birds and people for the first time. “ was incredible, amazingly beautiful, and I was absorbed by this feeling because before that I could not really imagine what light was.” Before she returned, she met with her relatives who had died before her.

Regarding the feelings of Vicky Dr. Wang Lommel wrote: “By the standards of modern medicine, this is simply incredible... Vicki reported observations that could not have been generated sensory perception or the (visual) functioning of the cerebral cortex, just as they could not be a figment of the imagination, given that all her observations could easily be verified.”

Regarding evidence for life after death, near-death experiences of blind people are very important from several points of view. If the evidence is genuine (and the authors of the studies make a strong case that they have complete confidence in their sources), then all natural hypotheses - physiological, psychological and other - are woefully untenable.

From a psychological point of view, it is impossible to “train” people born blind in advance for visual sensations of this kind, because they cannot even understand what light and darkness are, much less distinguish colors, halftones, shades, are not able to determine distance by eye, etc. From a physiological point of view, they do not have visual memories to build on. Electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain can awaken memories of tastes and sounds, but not visual memories.

If blind people see during an NDE, they do not see with closed eyes, which are useless in a hospital bed or next to an overturned car. Obviously, they see with a different, heightened vision of an immaterial body, devoid of the flaws that are left behind.

Supporters of natural scientific explanations should regard the description of life after death of the blind as a serious challenge to their worldview.

Everything that happens during NDE is extremely convincing

According to the results of five independent NDE studies, only 27% of respondents believed in life after death before their near-death experience. But even more than 20 years after their NDE, although they have had a lot of time to fully think about what happened to them and try to explain it all, 90%, by their admission, still believe in life after death.

Moreover, the more time they had to think, the more they believed in life after death. In one study, where before the NDE only 38% of respondents believed in life after death, after the NDE, 100% believed in it. Needless to say, there is a huge shift in fundamental beliefs that occurs after a single incident.

J. Steve Miller


One of the main questions for everyone remains the question of what awaits us after death. For thousands of years, unsuccessful attempts have been made to unravel this mystery. Apart from guesswork, there are real facts confirming that death is not the end of the human journey.

There are a large number of paranormal videos that have taken the internet by storm. But even in this case, there are a lot of skeptics who say that the videos can be faked. It is difficult to disagree with them, because a person is not inclined to believe in what he cannot see with his own eyes.

There are many stories about how people returned from the other world when they were near death. How to perceive such cases is a matter of faith. However, often even the most inveterate skeptics changed themselves and their lives when faced with situations that cannot be explained using logic.

Religion about death

The vast majority of the world's religions have teachings about what awaits us after death. The most common is the doctrine of Heaven and Hell. Sometimes it is supplemented by an intermediate link: “walking” through the world of the living after death. Some peoples believe that such a fate awaits suicides and those who have not completed something important on this Earth.

A similar concept is seen in many religions. Despite all the differences, they have one thing in common: everything is tied to good and bad, and a person’s posthumous state depends on how he behaved during life. Write off religious description the afterlife it is forbidden. Life after death exists - inexplicable facts confirm this.

One day something amazing happened to a priest who was the rector of the Baptist Church in the United States of America. A man was driving his car home from a meeting about construction. new church

, but a truck flew towards him. The accident could not be avoided. The collision was so strong that the man fell into a coma for some time. An ambulance arrived soon, but it was too late. The man's heart didn't beat. Doctors confirmed the cardiac arrest with a second test. They had no doubt that the man was dead. Around the same time, the police arrived at the scene of the accident. Among the officers there was a Christian who saw a cross in the priest’s pocket. He immediately noticed his clothes and realized who was in front of him. He could not send God's servant to last way without prayer. He said words of prayer as he climbed into the dilapidated car and took the hand of the man whose heart was not beating. While reading the lines, he heard a subtle groan, which shocked him. He checked his pulse again and realized that he could clearly feel the blood pulsing. Later, when the man miraculously recovered and began to live his old life, this story became popular. Perhaps the man really returned from the other world to complete important matters at the behest of God. One way or another, but scientific explanation

The priest himself said more than once in his interviews that he saw only the white light and nothing else. He could have taken advantage of the situation and said that the Lord himself spoke to him or that he saw angels, but he did not do this. A couple of reporters claimed that when asked what the man saw in this afterlife dream, he smiled discreetly and his eyes filled with tears. Perhaps he really saw something hidden, but did not want to make it public.

When people are in a short coma, their brain does not have time to die during this time. That is why it is worth paying attention to the numerous stories that people, being between life and death, saw a light so bright that even through closed eyes it seeps out as if the eyelids were transparent. One hundred percent of people came back to life and reported that the light began to move away from them. Religion interprets this very simply - their time has not yet come. A similar light was seen by the wise men approaching the cave where Jesus Christ was born. This is the glow of heaven, the afterlife. No one saw angels or God, but felt the touch of higher powers.

Another thing is dreams. Scientists have proven that we can dream anything that our brain can imagine. In a word, dreams are not limited by anything. It happens that people see their dead relatives in their dreams. If 40 days have not passed since death, this means that the person actually spoke to you from the afterlife. Unfortunately, dreams cannot be analyzed objectively from two points of view - scientific and religious-esoteric, because it’s all about sensations. You may dream about God, angels, heaven, hell, ghosts and whatever you want, but you don’t always feel that the meeting was real. It happens that in dreams we remember deceased grandparents or parents, but only occasionally does a real spirit come to someone in a dream. We all understand that it will be impossible to prove our feelings, so no one spreads their impressions further than outside the family circle. Those who believe in the afterlife, and even those who doubt it, wake up after such dreams with a completely different view of the world. Spirits can predict the future, which has happened more than once in history. They can show dissatisfaction, joy, sympathy.

There are quite famous story which occurred in Scotland in the early 70s of the 20th century with an ordinary builder. A residential building was being built in Edinburgh. Norman McTagert, who was 32 years old, worked at the construction site. He fell with quite high altitude, lost consciousness and fell into a coma for a day. Shortly before this, he dreamed of falling. After he woke up, he told what he saw in the coma. According to the man, it was a long journey because he wanted to wake up, but he couldn’t. First he saw that same blinding bright light, and then he met his mother, who said that she had always wanted to become a grandmother. The most interesting thing is that as soon as he regained consciousness, his wife told him about the most pleasant news that was possible - Norman was going to become a dad. The woman found out about her pregnancy on the day of the tragedy. The man had serious health problems, but he not only survived, but also continued to work and feed his family.

At the end of the 90s, something very unusual happened in Canada.. The doctor on duty at one of the Vancouver hospitals was taking calls and filling out paperwork, but then she saw little boy in white night pajamas. He shouted from the other end of the emergency room: “Tell my mom not to worry about me.” The girl was afraid that one of the patients had left the room, but then she saw how the boy walked through closed doors hospital. His house was a couple of minutes from the hospital. That's where he ran. The doctor was alarmed by the fact that it was three o'clock in the morning. She decided that she had to catch up with the boy at all costs, because even if he was not a patient, she needed to report him to the police. She ran after him for just a couple of minutes until the child ran into the house. The girl began to ring the doorbell, after which the mother of that same boy opened the door for her. She said that it was impossible for her son to leave the house, because he was very ill. She burst into tears and went into the room where the child lay in his crib. It turned out that the boy had died. The story received great resonance in society.

In the brutal Second World War one private Frenchman spent almost two hours firing back at the enemy during a battle in the city . Next to him was a man of about 40 years old, who covered him on the other side. It is impossible to imagine how great the surprise of an ordinary soldier in the French army was, who turned in that direction to say something to his partner, but realized that he had disappeared. A few minutes later, screams of approaching allies were heard, rushing to help. He and several other soldiers ran out to meet help, but the mysterious partner was not among them. He searched for him by name and rank, but never found the same fighter. Perhaps it was his guardian angel. Doctors say that in such stressful situations, mild hallucinations are possible, but talking with a man for an hour and a half cannot be called an ordinary mirage.

There are quite a lot of similar stories about life after death. Some of them are confirmed by eyewitnesses, but doubters still call it a fake and try to find scientific justification for people’s actions and their visions.

Real facts about the afterlife

Since ancient times, there have been cases where people saw ghosts. First they were photographed and then filmed. Some people think that this is an edit, but later they are personally convinced of the veracity of the pictures. Numerous stories cannot be considered proof of the existence of life after death, so people need evidence and scientific facts.

Fact one: Many have heard that after death a person becomes exactly 22 grams lighter. Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon in any way. Many believers tend to believe that 22 grams is the weight of the human soul. Many experiments were carried out that ended with the same result - the body became lighter by a certain amount. Why is the main question. People's skepticism cannot be eradicated, so many hope that an explanation will be found, but this is unlikely to happen. Ghosts can be seen by the human eye, hence their "body" has mass. Obviously, everything that has some kind of outline must be at least partly physical. Ghosts exist in greater dimensions than us. There are 4 of them: height, width, length and time. Ghosts have no control over time from the point of view from which we see it.

Fact two: The air temperature near ghosts decreases. This is typical, by the way, not only for the souls of dead people, but also for the so-called brownies. All this is the result of the action of the afterlife in reality. When a person dies, the temperature around him immediately drops sharply, literally for an instant. This indicates that the soul leaves the body. The temperature of the soul is approximately 5-7 degrees Celsius, as measurements show. During paranormal phenomena, the temperature also changes, so scientists have proven that this happens not only during immediate death, but also afterwards. The soul has a certain radius of influence around itself. Many horror films use this fact to bring the filming closer to reality. Many people confirm that when they felt the movement of a ghost or some entity near them, they felt very cold.

Here is an example of a paranormal video that features real ghosts.

The authors claim that this is not a joke, and experts who watched this collection say that approximately half of all such videos are the real truth. Special attention deserves that part of this video where the girl is pushed by a ghost in the bathroom. Experts report that physical contact is possible and absolutely real, and the video is not fake. Almost all pictures of furniture moving may be true. The problem is that it is very easy to fake such a video, but in the moment where the chair next to the sitting girl began to move by itself, there was no acting. There are very, very many such cases around the world, but there are no fewer of those who just want to promote their video and become famous. Distinguishing fake from truth is difficult, but possible.

Basically, authentic video recordings have a special energy. It stuns and makes you tremble with fear. If this does not happen, then either the video is not real, or the viewer has nerves of steel and is firmly convinced that the other world does not exist.

Every person can encounter something inexplicable. To prevent this from causing harm, leading experts in the study paranormal activity advise to get rid of fears of world of the dead and pay more attention to reality, changing your destiny good deeds positive thoughts. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

1.For 3 days after a person’s death, enzymes remaining in the body contribute to decomposition.

2. Abraham Lincoln was reburied after death 17 times.

3. People who hanged themselves most often experience a post-mortem erection.

4. A person’s head continues to live for about 20 seconds after death.

5. In 1907, Dr. Duncan McDougal conducted an experiment in which he had to weigh a person “before” and “after” his death. After death, a person loses weight.

6. The real facts of life after death say that people with large fat deposits turn into soap after death.

7. Moritz Rolings wrote the book “Beyond the Threshold of Death.”

8. According to scientists, a person who was buried alive will die after 5.5 hours.

9. After death, a person’s nails and hair do not grow.

10. Many people have visited another world when they were in a state of clinical death.

11.Children see only good things in clinical death.

12.Adults who experienced clinical death saw monsters and demons.

13. In Madagascar, after the death of a person, relatives dig up the remains of the deceased. This is necessary in order to dance with the deceased during a ritual ceremony called Famadikhana.

14.American scientist Michael Newton used hypnosis to awaken memories of past life in people.

15. When a person dies, he is reborn in another body.

16. When a person dies, hearing is the last thing to go.

17. In the south-eastern part of Asia there are still mummies whose nails and hair continue to grow.

18. Reliable facts about life after death indicate that psychologist Raymond Moody managed to write the book “Life after Death.”

19.Many nations have a ban on pronouncing the name of the deceased after his death.

20. Information in the human brain does not die after death, but is stored. This fact confirms life after death: what facts are known for sure remains a great mystery.

21.Residents of China believe that after death they go to the underworld.

22.After the death of a person, his body undergoes various changes in all parts.

23. Coconuts kill more people than sharks.

24.In France, if desired, people can officially marry the deceased. This is permitted by law.

25. Many animals can pretend to be dead to escape from a predator.

26.9 women out of 10 are able to remember their past lives within an hour.

27. In a Norwegian town called Longyearbyen, it is forbidden by law to die. If a person dies in this city, he will not be buried there.

28.Blind people are able to “see” what will happen to them after death.

29.On the territory Ancient Rome Lemurs were the name given to dead people who died and did not return to the world of the living.

30.Residents South Korea They believe in the myth that a person dies while in a dark room with a fan.

31. It takes about 15 years for the decomposition of a dead human body.

32.After death, a person remains the same as he was before: his qualities, intelligence and abilities do not change.

33.After the death of a person, the cerebral cortex continues to receive blood from the vessels, which continue to work until biological death occurs.

34.During his earthly life, a person creates a bed for himself on which he will have to sleep after death.

35.After death, adults see themselves as children, and children, on the contrary, as adults.

36. If a person had any injuries or damage during life, then after death they disappear.

37.After death, a person’s consciousness takes on completely different forms, while maintaining its essence.

38.Professor Voino-Yasenetsky believes that inside the world we see, another world is hidden - the afterlife.

39. There is no longer a person in a deceased person. Life after death speaks about this. You can read facts about this philosophical topic without stopping.

40. Archpriest Pavel believes that earthly life- This is preparation for life after death. The human body is destroyed, but the soul continues to live.

41.Life continues in a person’s body after his death, but consciousness has nothing to do with this.

42.After death, gas pressure in the body increases.

43. Vanga claimed that there is an afterlife. According to her assumptions, after death the dead begin new life and their souls are among us.

44. N.P. Bekhtereva said that after the death of her husband, his ghost appeared not only at night, but also during the day.

45. The facts of life after death claim that after death only good souls return to Earth.

46.The Egyptians believed that the afterlife was almost identical to the real one.

47. Things were arranged in the tomb of the dead pharaoh so that they would be useful in the afterlife.

48.Sometimes dead people come back to life.

49.After death, a person’s state does not become inactive and boring peace, but appears in the form of a harmonious and complete satisfaction of all needs. This once again proves life after death, the facts about which are interesting to everyone.

50. Suicides, when they take their own lives, believe that “they will end everything,” but in the afterlife for them everything is just beginning.

Is there life after death? Probably every person has asked this question at least once in their life. And this is quite obvious, because the unknown scares us the most.

The sacred scriptures of all religions without exception say that the human soul is immortal. Life after death is presented either as something wonderful, or, on the contrary, something terrible in the image of Hell. According to Eastern religion, the human soul undergoes reincarnation - it moves from one material shell to another. However, modern people are not ready to accept this truth. Everything requires proof. There is a discourse about various forms of life after death. A large amount of scientific and fiction, many films have been made, which provide a lot of evidence of the existence of life after death.

We present to your attention 12 real proofs of the existence of life after death.

1: The Mummy's Mystery

In medicine, death is declared when the heart stops and the body does not breathe. Clinical death occurs. From this condition the patient can sometimes be brought back to life. True, a few minutes after blood circulation stops, irreversible changes occur in the human brain, and this means the end of earthly existence. But sometimes after death some fragments of the physical body seem to continue to live. For example, in Southeast Asia there are mummies of monks whose nails and hair grow, and the energy field around the body is many times higher than the norm for an ordinary living person. And perhaps they still have something else alive that cannot be measured by medical devices.

2: Forgotten tennis shoe

Many patients who have experienced clinical death describe their sensations as a bright flash, a light at the end of a tunnel, or vice versa - a gloomy and dark room with no way to get out.

An amazing story happened to a young woman, Maria, an emigrant from Latin America, who, in a state of clinical death, seemed to leave her room. She noticed a tennis shoe forgotten by someone on the stairs and, having regained consciousness, told the nurse about it. One can only try to imagine the state of the nurse who found the shoe in the indicated place.

3: Polka Dot Dress and Broken Cup

This story was told by a professor, doctor of medical sciences. His patient's heart stopped during surgery. The doctors managed to get him started. When the professor visited a woman in intensive care, she told an interesting, almost fantastic story. At some point, she saw herself on the operating table and, horrified by the thought that, having died, she would not have time to say goodbye to her daughter and mother, she was miraculously transported to her home. She saw a mother, daughter and a neighbor who came to see them and brought the baby a dress with polka dots. And then the cup broke and the neighbor said that it was luck and the girl’s mother would recover. When the professor came to visit the young woman’s relatives, it turned out that during the operation a neighbor had actually visited them, who had brought a dress with polka dots, and the cup had broken... Fortunately!

4: Return from Hell

The famous cardiologist, professor at the University of Tennessee, Moritz Rowling, told interesting story. The scientist, who many times brought patients out of a state of clinical death, was, first of all, a person very indifferent to religion. Until 1977. This year an incident occurred that forced him to change his attitude towards human life, soul, death and eternity. Moritz Rawlings carried out resuscitation procedures, which are not uncommon in his practice. young man by indirect cardiac massage. His patient, as soon as consciousness returned to him for a few moments, begged the doctor not to stop. When he was brought back to life, and the doctor asked what scared him so much, the excited patient replied that he was in hell! And when the doctor stopped, he returned there again and again. At the same time, his face expressed panic horror. As it turns out, there are many such cases in international practice. And this, undoubtedly, makes us think that death only means the death of the body, but not the personality.

Many people who have experienced a state of clinical death describe it as an encounter with something bright and beautiful, but the number of people who have seen lakes of fire and terrible monsters is no less. Skeptics claim that this is nothing more than hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in the human body as a result of oxygen starvation of the brain. Everyone has their own opinion. Everyone believes what they want to believe.
But what about ghosts? There are a huge number of photographs and videos that allegedly contain ghosts. Some call it a shadow or a film defect, while others firmly believe in the presence of spirits. It is believed that the ghost of the deceased returns to earth to complete unfinished business, to help solve the mystery, in order to find peace and tranquility. Some historical facts are possible evidence this theory.

5: Napoleon's signature

In 1821. After the death of Napoleon, King Louis XVIII was installed on the French throne. One day, lying in bed, he could not sleep for a long time, thinking about the fate that befell the emperor. The candles burned dimly. On the table lay the crown of the French state and the marriage contract of Marshal Marmont, which Napoleon was supposed to sign. But military events prevented this. And this paper lies in front of the monarch. The clock on the Church of Our Lady struck midnight. The bedroom door opened, although it was bolted from the inside, and... Napoleon entered the room! He walked up to the table, put on the crown and took the pen in his hand. At that moment, Louis lost consciousness, and when he came to his senses, it was already morning. The door remained closed, and on the table lay a contract signed by the emperor. The handwriting was recognized as genuine, and the document was in the royal archives as early as 1847.

6: Boundless love for mother

The literature describes another fact of the appearance of the ghost of Napoleon to his mother, on that day, May 5, 1821, when he died far from her in captivity. In the evening of that day, the son appeared before his mother in a robe that covered his face, and an icy cold wafted from him. He said only: “May the fifth, eight hundred and twenty-one, today.” And left the room. Only two months later the poor woman learned that it was on this day that her son died. He could not help but say goodbye to the only woman who was his support in difficult times.

7: The Ghost of Michael Jackson

In 2009, a film crew went to the ranch of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson to film footage for the Larry King program. During filming, a certain shadow came into the frame, very reminiscent of the artist himself. This video went live and immediately caused a strong reaction among the singer’s fans, who could not cope with the death of their beloved star. They are sure that Jackson's ghost still appears in his house. What it really was remains a mystery to this day.

8: Birthmark Transfer

Several Asian countries have a tradition of marking a person's body after death. His relatives hope that in this way the soul of the deceased will be reborn again in his own family, and those same marks will appear in the form of birthmarks on the bodies of children. This happened to a boy from Myanmar, location birthmark on whose body exactly matched the mark on the body of his deceased grandfather.

9: Revived handwriting

This is the story of a little Indian boy, Taranjit Sinngha, who at the age of two began to claim that his name was different, and he used to live in another village, the name of which he could not know, but he called it correctly, like his past name. When he was six years old, the boy was able to remember the circumstances of “his” death. On his way to school, he was hit by a man riding a scooter. Taranjit claimed that he was a ninth grade student and that day he had 30 rupees with him and his notebooks and books were soaked in blood. The story of the tragic death of the child was completely confirmed, and the handwriting samples of the deceased boy and Taranjit were almost identical.

10: Innate knowledge of a foreign language

The story of a 37-year-old American woman, who was born and raised in Philadelphia, is interesting because, under the influence of regressive hypnosis, she began to speak pure Swedish, considering herself a Swedish peasant.
The question arises: why can’t everyone remember their “former” life? And is it necessary? There is no single answer to the eternal question about the existence of life after death, and there cannot be.

11: Testimonies of people who experienced clinical death

This evidence is, of course, subjective and controversial. It is often difficult to assess the meaning of statements such as “I was separated from my body,” “I saw a bright light,” “I flew into a long tunnel,” or “I was accompanied by an angel.” It is difficult to know how to respond to those who say that in a state of clinical death they temporarily saw heaven or hell. But we know for sure that the statistics of such cases are very high. The general conclusion about them is the following: approaching death, many people felt that they were coming not to the end of existence, but to the beginning of some new life.

12: Resurrection of Christ

The strongest evidence for the existence of life after death is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even in the Old Testament, it was predicted that the Messiah would come to Earth, who would save His people from sin and eternal destruction (Isa. 53; Dan. 9:26). This is exactly what Jesus' followers testify that He did. He voluntarily died at the hands of the executioners, “was buried by a rich man,” and three days later left the empty tomb in which he lay. According to witnesses, they saw not only the empty tomb, but also the resurrected Christ, who appeared to hundreds of people over 40 days, after which he ascended to heaven.

Are you afraid of death? Would you like to know what will happen to you after death? Every person, when faced with the unknown, experiences fear. We are creatures that must constantly suppress the fear of death in order to lead a normal life. But our biological instinct does not allow us to forget about the outcome that awaits us all. And, in order to muffle this fear of the unknown, we constantly ask ourselves the question “Is there life after death?”

Life after death proof

Until recently, everything related to spiritual knowledge, esotericism, and the tonal world was subject to the strictest censorship. There was no relevant literature, and people were far from these topics. The pre-2000s era focused only on what makes a profit. But now the era of Aquarius has arrived and we are seeing a certain breakthrough in this area. There was an information explosion, and a whole avalanche of interesting information fell upon us.

Now on the topic of whether there is life after death, many books and articles have been written, various films have been filmed documentaries. This topic is very popular on television. However, this information is very short and scattered and does not allow a person to see full picture. I will give already known evidence of life after death, which is taken from good sources.

Modern medical research

Behind last years science has made a lot of discoveries. More knowledge has emerged about what death is in its essence, how it happens, what a dying person feels, what awaits each of us after the Soul leaves its body. Now the science of life after death is a young and rapidly developing science. She brought a new understanding of the dying process, confirmed religious teachings. Thanks to resuscitation, scientists have learned a little more about death than was previously possible.

The death of the body does not mean the end of existence. Some part, let it be “Soul”, “Essence”, “Consciousness” continues conscious and intelligent life in new conditions. Religion has always taught this, but the theories of materialism and atheism prevented religion from being taken seriously. The works of resuscitation doctors nevertheless confirmed religious teachings about the Soul. And currently, all medicine is revising its old and traditional theories, trying to connect new information and the possibility of its application.

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Research by Mikhail Sabom

The next step was taken by Dr. Mikhail Sabom, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Emory University in the USA. After extensive practice in resuscitation, he wrote the book “Memories of Death,” scientifically proving that there is life after death and this is not some kind of fiction. A person continues to exist after death, retaining the ability to see, hear and feel. He himself was at first a non-believer, but his experience in the hospital proved otherwise.

He decided to check whether the stories of patients who were near clinical death coincided with what was actually happening at that time. He asked them about medical devices, their descriptions, about the people who were in the office at that moment, the words they spoke, and much more. For his observations, he selected only mentally healthy and balanced people. To his great surprise, such a test completely confirmed whether there is life after death.

Regression method

IN modern literature There are quite a lot of books that describe the regression method. What it is? A person is put into a hypnotic state, and in this state he sees his past lives. Currently, a huge number of such memoirs have been collected and published. It is impossible to prove this scientifically, but this method has its place, since it proves the possibility of reincarnation, and therefore other lives.

Sages about immortality

Great philosophers, the noblest people and the best minds of humanity have said that life continues after death. They saw the spiritual side of the world, believed in God and the immortality of the human Soul. For example, Plato taught: “The soul of man is immortal. All her hopes and aspirations are transferred to another world. A true sage wishes death as the beginning of a new life.” In his works, he often said that the Soul, having separated from the body, can meet and talk with the Souls of other people.

Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky attached great importance to the belief in the immortality of the soul. He said: “The whole life of a person, personal and public, is based on the belief in the immortality of the soul. This is the highest idea, without which neither man nor nation can exist.” And these are the thoughts of the German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe: “When I think about death, I am completely calm, because I am firmly convinced that our spirit is a being whose nature will remain indestructible and which will act continuously and forever.”

Ancient sources about immortality

We can say that over time, a person’s faith in life only intensified. Over time, it was recognized that the dead could return to Earth. Later, the custom arose of summoning the souls of dead people, with whom communication then took place. The first such case is described in Homer's Odyssey. Most old book, which tells whether there is life after death, is the Egyptian " Book of the Dead"(1450 BC). She describes what needs to be done to make life in the other world happy.

The Tibetan “Book of the Dead” is a manual that tells how a person dies. This book was compiled from the teachings of many sages of Tibet in oral form and was only written down in the 8th century AD and was then carefully hidden. It says that death is an art and you need to carefully prepare for it and be able to meet it. It contains the stages that the Soul experiences after physical death. These descriptions are similar to those reported by people who have experienced “clinical death.”

What is life after death?

This question can be answered quite definitely. All people who have been beyond life on the other side say that there was no physical suffering or pain. There was only a feeling of uncertainty and fear before the transition, and after that there was only a feeling of happiness, peace and tranquility. The “moment of death” itself is not particularly noticeable. There is only a loss of consciousness for a while and a lack of understanding that they have already died, because they continue to hear, see and understand everything, as before. Everything falls into place when the soul begins to see its body and understands that death has occurred.

Most people who have experienced “clinical” death talk about how they felt safe and surrounded by love there. Most of the data is very light in nature, but there are references to terrible types of hell. This is usually told by people who wanted to commit suicide. The soul's journey itself begins with a bright light that beckons them. In many cases, they are met by various luminous guiding entities.

Then the energy part of the soul is restored for its normal functioning in the Spiritual world and a review of the past life takes place, for which the Higher Beings, Angels, Spirit Guides and soul mates. In a word, life is analyzed. Have the planned lessons been completed, what knowledge has been gained, what skills have been developed. Afterwards it is decided further fate souls.

What happens to a person after death?

How did this book affect me? After reading it, I began to look at life more optimistically. This is not some kind of punishment at all, but a beautiful journey of the soul that allows us to expand our consciousness. I have no fear of death now. Life for me is just another opportunity to fulfill the lesson given to me. I have more love for my closest people, because they specifically came into this life to help me. I began to love my healthy, beautiful and young body, which my soul itself chose. There’s a lot more, it’s impossible to list them all... you just have to read!


In conclusion, I would like to say this. Death is a natural process that will overtake each of us. When it is unknown, everyone is given their own time. But you don’t need to be afraid of it, just be prepared for it and have the right idea. While you are alive, get to know yourself and this world, develop, fulfill your destiny, rejoice, live and love. And when that moment comes, be ready to leave! Is there life after death?! Eat. But different!

In addition to Michael Newton’s book, I recommend you watch this very interesting one. It's called "I am the beginning." The plot is built around the story of a young scientist trying to prove things beyond human understanding using numbers and scientific techniques. In his free time from scientific experiments, the guy takes photographs of people's eyes and on one seemingly ordinary evening of his life he meets a girl whose mirror of the soul seems familiar to him...

These are interviews with renowned experts in the fields of afterlife research and practical spirituality. They provide evidence of life after death.

Together they answer important and thought-provoking questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • Does God exist?
  • What about heaven and hell?

Together they will answer important and thought-provoking questions, and the most important question in the moment “here and now”: “If we really are immortal souls, then how does this affect our lives and relationships with other people?

Bonus for new readers:

Bernie Siegel, surgical oncologist. Stories that convinced him of the existence of the spiritual world and life after death.

When I was four years old, I almost choked on a piece of a toy. I tried to imitate what the male carpenters I watched did.

I put part of the toy in my mouth, inhaled and... left my body.

At that moment when, having left my body, I saw myself from the side, suffocating and in a dying state, I thought: “How good!”

For a four-year-old child, being out of the body was much more interesting than being in the body.

Of course, I had no regrets about dying. I was sad, like many children who go through similar experiences, that my parents would find me dead.

I thought: " Well, okay! I prefer death to living in that body».

Indeed, as you already said, sometimes we meet children born blind. When they go through such an experience and leave the body, they begin to “see” everything.

At such moments you often stop and ask yourself the question: “ What is life? What's going on here?».

These children are often unhappy that they have to go back to their body and be blind again.

Sometimes I talk to parents whose children have died. They tell me

There was a case when a woman was driving her car along the highway. Suddenly her son appeared in front of her and said: “ Mom, slow down!».

She obeyed him. By the way, her son had been dead for five years. She reached the turn and saw ten badly damaged cars - there was a big accident. Thanks to the fact that her son warned her in time, she did not have an accident.

Ken Ring. Blind people and their ability to "see" during near-death or out-of-body experiences.

We interviewed about thirty blind people, many of whom had been blind since birth. We asked whether they had had a near-death experience and also whether they could “see” during these experiences.

We learned that the blind people we interviewed had the classic near-death experiences that ordinary people experience.

About 80 percent of the blind people I spoke to had different visual images during their near-death experiences or .

In several cases we were able to obtain independent confirmation that they "saw" something that they could not have known was actually present in their physical environment.

Surely it was the lack of oxygen in their brain, right? Haha.

Yes, it's that simple! I think it will be difficult for scientists, from a conventional neuroscience perspective, to explain how blind people, who by definition cannot see, receive these visual images and communicate them reliably.

Blind people often say that when they first realized that can "see" the physical the world , then they were shocked, scared and shocked by everything they saw.

But when they began to have transcendental experiences in which they went to the world of light and saw their relatives or other similar things that are characteristic of such experiences, this “vision” seemed quite natural to them.

« It was the way it should be", they said.

Brian Weiss. Cases from practice that prove that we have lived before and will live again.

Stories that are credible, compelling in their depth, but not necessarily scientific, that show us that there is much more to life than meets the eye.

The most interesting case in my practice...

This woman was a modern surgeon and worked with the "top" of the Chinese government. This was her first visit to the USA, she did not speak a single word of English.

She arrived with her translator in Miami, where I was then working. I regressed her to a past life.

She ended up in Northern California. It was a very vivid memory that took place approximately 120 years ago.

My client turned out to be a woman who was telling off her husband. She suddenly began to speak fluently in English, full of epithets and adjectives, which is not surprising, because she was arguing with her husband...

Her professional translator turned to me and began to translate her words into Chinese - he still did not understand what was happening. I told him: " It's okay, I understand English».

He was stunned - his mouth opened in surprise, he had just realized that she spoke English, although before that she did not even know the word “hello”. That's an example .

Xenoglossy- the ability to speak or understand foreign languages, with which you are completely unfamiliar and which you have never studied.

This is one of the most compelling moments of past life work when we hear the client speak in an ancient language or a language with which he is not familiar.

There is no other way to explain this...

Yes, and I have many such stories. In one case in New York, two three-year-old twin boys communicated with each other in a language very different from the children's invented language, such as when they make up words for telephone or television.

Their father, who was a doctor, decided to show them to linguists at New York's Columbia University. There it turned out that the boys spoke to each other in ancient Aramaic.

This story has been documented by experts. We must understand how this could happen. I think that it is . How else can you explain the knowledge of Aramaic by three-year-old children?

After all, their parents did not know the language, and the children could not hear Aramaic late at night on television or from their neighbors. These are just a few convincing cases from my practice that prove that we have lived before and will live again.

Wayne Dyer. Why there are “no coincidences” in life, and why everything we encounter in life corresponds to the divine plan.

—What about the concept that there are “no coincidences” in life? In your books and speeches you say that there are no coincidences in life, and there is an ideal divine plan for everything.

I can generally believe this, but what then happens in the event of a tragedy with children or when a passenger plane crashes... how to believe that this is not an accident?

“It seems like a tragedy if you believe that death is a tragedy.” You must understand that everyone comes into this world when he should, and leaves when his time is up.

By the way, there is confirmation of this. There is nothing that we do not choose in advance, including the moment of our appearance in this world and the moment of leaving it.

Our personal egos as well as our ideologies dictate to us that children should not die and that everyone should live to the age of 106 and die sweetly in their sleep. The universe works completely differently - we spend exactly as much time here as planned.

...To begin with, we must look at everything from this side. Secondly, we are all part of a very wise system. Imagine something for a second...

Imagine a huge landfill, and in this landfill there are ten million different things: toilet lids, glass, wires, various pipes, screws, bolts, nuts - in general, tens of millions of parts.

And out of nowhere a wind appears - a strong cyclone that sweeps everything into one heap. Then you look at the place where the junkyard was just located, and there is a new Boeing 747, ready to fly from the USA to London. What are the chances that this will ever happen?


That's it! The consciousness in which there is no understanding that we are parts of this wise system is just as insignificant.

It just can't be a huge fluke. We are not talking about ten million parts, like on a Boeing 747, but about zillions of interconnected parts, both on this planet and in billions of other galaxies.

To assume that all this is random and there is not some driving force behind it would be as stupid and arrogant as believing that the wind can create a Boeing 747 airplane from tens of millions of parts.

Behind every event in life there is the Highest Spiritual Wisdom, therefore there can be no accidents in it.

Michael Newton, author of Journey of the Soul. Words of comfort for parents who have lost children

— What words of consolation and reassurance do you have for those who lost their loved ones, especially small children?

“I can imagine the pain of those who lose their children. I have children and I am lucky that they are healthy.

These people are so consumed by grief that they cannot believe they have lost a loved one and will not understand how God could allow this to happen.

Perhaps it is even more fundamental...

Neil Douglas-Klotz. The real meanings of the words "heaven" and "hell", as well as what happens to us and where we go after death.

"Paradise" is not a physical place in the Aramaic-Jewish sense of the word.

“Paradise” is the perception of life. When Jesus or any of the Hebrew prophets used the word “heaven,” they meant, as we understand it, “vibrational reality.” The root “shim” - in the word vibration [vibreishin] means “sound”, “vibration” or “name”.

Shimaya [shimaya] or Shemaiah [shemai] in Hebrew means “boundless and limitless vibrational reality.”

Therefore, when in Genesis Old Testament It is said that the Lord created our reality, it is implied that he created it in two ways: he (she/it) created a vibrational reality in which we are all one and an individual (fragmentary) reality in which there are names, faces and purposes.

This does not mean that “heaven” is somewhere else or that “heaven” is something that must be earned. “Heaven” and “Earth” coexist simultaneously when viewed from this perspective.

The concept of “heaven” as a “reward,” or something beyond us, or where we go when we die, were all unfamiliar to Jesus or his disciples.

You won't find anything like that in Judaism. These concepts appeared later in the European interpretation of Christianity.

There is a popular currently the metaphysical concept that “heaven” and “hell” are a state of human consciousness, a level of awareness of oneself in unity or distance from God and understanding the true nature of one’s soul and unity with the Universe. Is this true or not?

This is close to the truth. The opposite of “paradise” is not , but “Earth,” thus “paradise” and “Earth” are opposed realities.

There is no so-called “hell” in the Christian sense of the word. There is no such concept in either Aramaic or Hebrew.

Did this evidence of life after death help melt the ice of mistrust?

We hope that you now have much more information that will help you take a fresh look at the concept of reincarnation, and perhaps even relieve you of your greatest fear - the fear of death.

Translation by Svetlana Durandina,

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