Knowledge is power meaning of the statement. Knowledge is power... unclean. Knowledge is power

The second philosophy assignment you need to complete is to write an essay on one of ten topics. I chose Bacon's saying, “Knowledge is power.” I wrote for a day with breaks for food and other human needs 😉 This is what happened...

Francis Bacon: “Knowledge is power”

"There is no strength without skill"
Napoleon Bonaparte

One of the important questions that any of us has encountered in life is the question of acquiring knowledge.

I agree with the statement of the famous English philosopher Francis Bacon, in which he says that knowledge is power. Indeed, knowledge helps people rationally organize their activities and decide various problems, arising in its process.

First of all, on our own we are helpless. At birth, a Man knows nothing and cannot do anything. He cannot protect himself from various irritating external factors and troubles. Throughout his life, he receives everyday practical knowledge - a force that he uses in his everyday life to solve problems almost unconsciously.

Secondly, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not intelligence. After reading many books, scientific works, philosophical treatises, you will know more, but you will not become wiser, because wisdom is characterized by the degree of mastery of knowledge, and not by its quantity. Folk wisdom says: “The less you know, the more you sleep, you will live longer.” Do you need such a force that will deprive you of sleep and a carefree old age, which you may not live to see?

Thirdly, our knowledge and the knowledge of our predecessors can be used against us, perhaps even accidentally. For example, the creation of a large hadron collider. Scientists expect to be able to study microscopic black holes, but cannot say what will happen if the research process gets out of control. Perhaps the Earth will be swallowed up by a black hole and humanity will cease to exist.

Finding ourselves on an island in the open ocean, only knowledge will save us. Knowledge is a power that can kill, or vice versa, save.

Questions related to the acquisition of knowledge and its application will accompany any Person until his death. Is it worth acquiring knowledge? How to use knowledge so as not to harm? Is it possible to live without this power? The words of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy are appropriate: “There is a lot of necessary and important knowledge. But the most important thing is how to live."


Verkhovtseva Olga Nikolaevna

2nd year student, Department of Philosophy, Ulyanovsk State Technical University


Faritov Vyacheslav Tavisovich

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. Philosopher sciences, old Lecturer at Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk

The English philosopher Francis Bacon once said: “Knowledge is power.” I agree with this statement. Today, humanity is replenishing its knowledge bank every second. But does knowledge give us power? First, let's look at the concept itself.

Knowledge is a general concept, but in this generality lies great power. It is difficult to give a clear and comprehensive definition of what knowledge is. First of all, you need to know that there is knowledge-skill ( practical knowledge) and knowledge-information. Knowledge-skill is what a person knows. Knowledge-information expresses and characterizes a certain state of affairs: the presence of certain properties, relationships, and patterns in objects.

Now let's try to figure out what knowledge is. As a rule, when we say that we know something, we assume that we have a correct and adequate understanding of this subject. And we are absolutely confident that our knowledge of this subject is accurate. We can even make arguments to back it up. So, we consider as knowledge certain beliefs that correspond to the real state of affairs and which have certain evidence. This is the power of knowledge.
Indeed, knowledge helps people rationally organize their activities and solve various problems that arise in its process. But how does this happen? Let's consider the essence of this problem.

Essentially, we are helpless. At birth, a person does not know and cannot do anything. Throughout our lives, we acquire everyday practical knowledge - the power that we use in our everyday life to solve problems. But there is another side to this power. Knowledge today has enormous authority. Knowledge today makes it possible to create enormous material wealth. Science today claims that it is capable of explaining all the phenomena of life, is capable of discovering objective truths, and changing physical nature and human nature. Indeed, knowledge is power. The entire evolution of humanity is built on knowledge that has gradually improved and continues to change. A person in our time is educated, has basic concepts about the structure and laws of the world in which he lives. But science, logically comprehending the world, sees only those manifestations of life that are amenable to observation and sensory perception. Science sees and considers only the physical material world, but the world is metaphysical. The world for science is a mystery that needs to be solved. We perceive our surroundings with the help of categories we have invented, which, in essence, do not exist in nature. Reason uses logic as a tool for understanding the world, but this tool does not make it possible to understand the world, since it is not transcendental. The intellect understands and analyzes frozen forms, while all life phenomena are in constant motion and subject to change.

The mind makes it possible to cognize and see a part of the universe. Science promotes the development of mental and cognitive processes in humans, thereby expanding the part of the universe that we are able to cognize. Science today does not allow a person to see a single picture of the world; it offers many theories and concepts that will help us see more.

This thesis can be viewed from a different point of view. Knowledge is not information, not education, not books, not teaching or philosophy. Knowledge is power, but it is a power of nature, that is, a power that can only be felt. It is impossible to know power by obtaining information about it. Power can only be known by directly touching it. The forces of nature are everything that exists in the universe. There is the power of the tree, the power of the ocean, the power of joy and a variety of other powers. Instead of the word “power” you can use the words “spirit” or “essence”, the meaning will be the same.

To gain knowledge means to gain experience. For example, you cannot recognize an orange until you try it. Thus, knowledge can only be obtained empirically. Having come to know a being, a person adds to his essence the power of the known being.

Receiving intellectual information, we learned to assimilate and use it in Everyday life. But, besides intelligence, there is a variety of other forces. Life is the diversity of these forces. Having received knowledge only about the power of intellect, our life becomes incomplete and limited. Poverty of spirit is the main problem of modern society.

Francis Bacon viewed knowledge from a different angle. Bacon considered the great dignity of science obvious and expressed this in his famous aphorism “Knowledge is power.” Many attacks were made on science; after analyzing them, Bacon came to the conclusion that God did not prohibit the knowledge of nature. God gave man the mind he needed for knowledge. It is necessary to know that there are two types of knowledge: 1) knowledge of good and evil, 2) knowledge of things created by God. The knowledge of good and evil is forbidden to people. They get it from the Bible. And a person must cognize created things with the help of his mind. It follows from this that science should occupy worthy place in the "kingdom of man". The purpose of science is to increase the strength and power of people, to provide them with a rich and dignified life. The scientist was confident that science should give man power over nature and thereby improve his life.

But Bacon's thesis has been translated from English, which may distort its meaning. After all, the meaning of the slogan “knowledge is power” allows for its applied interpretation. And this is not true. “The knowledge of a person is the measure of his power” - this is what Bacon thought about.

This is proven by the fact that the English word “knowledge” can be translated in different ways: “knowledge”, “erudition”, and the word “power” - as “ability”, “opportunity”. All this expands our understanding of the true meaning of Bacon's aphorism. It is important that the clarification returns to the motto the meaningful depth that is so characteristic of the great minds of the New Age. Let's listen to Francis Bacon, he argued that human mind in relation to phenomena, it represents a broken mirror, which reflects phenomena and adds its own properties to them, therefore distorting them. From this we can conclude that in knowledge, in science, Bacon saw a massive tool for progressive social configurations. But Francis Bacon called on all people not to engage in science for the sake of their own spirit, scientific disputes. Scientists should not neglect others, neither for the sake of self-interest and glory, nor in order to achieve power, nor for some other base intentions. One can engage in science only in order to benefit from it and bring success to life. For Bacon, nature is the object of science, which provides the means for man to strengthen his dominance over the forces of nature.

Undoubtedly, knowledge leads to huge achievements in the practical sphere and changes in material world. But this leads to an inability to see the world as a whole. In addition, knowledge contributes to change and spiritual world. And it is the one who creates these truths who has the power. Truth is created by force. Strength is truth. But obtaining these powers requires a lot of effort. It is also important that the knowledge is in the right hands.


  1. Bacon F. Works. Tt. 1-2. - M.: Mysl, 1977-1978.
  2. Bacon F. New Organon. // M. Moshkov Library [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
  3. Gorodensky N. Francis Bacon, his doctrine of method and encyclopedia of sciences. Sergiev Posad, 1915.
  4. Gurevich P.S. Philosophy. Textbook for universities. - M.: Project, 2003. - 232 p.
  5. Litvinova E.F. F. Bacon. His life, scientific works and social activity. St. Petersburg, 1891.
  6. Subbotin A.L. Francis Bacon. - M.: Nauka, 1974. - 422 p.

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power
From Latin: Scientia estpotentia (scientia est potency).
From the work “Moral and Political Essays” (1597) by the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626).
In modern Russian, the aphorism became popular thanks to the popular science magazine “Knowledge is Power,” which has been published in Russia since 1926.
Allegorically: encouraging someone to study (jokingly).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Knowledge is power” is in other dictionaries:

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The history of civilization can be expressed in six words: the more you know, the more you can do. E. Abu

A very bad person is someone who doesn’t know anything and doesn’t even try to find out anything. After all, two vices were combined in him. Abul Faraj

A soul that lacks wisdom is dead. But if you enrich it with teaching, it will come to life, like an abandoned land on which rain has fallen. Abul Faraj

It is not surprising that a large amount of knowledge, while not having the power to make a person smart, often makes him vain and arrogant. D. Addison

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip away from your hands. A. Barbusse

There are many types of education and development, and each of them is important in itself, but moral education should be higher than all of them. V. G. Belinsky

You will never know enough unless you know more than enough. W. Blake

True knowledge does not consist in the acquaintance with facts which make a man merely a pedant, but in the use of facts which make him a philosopher. G. Buckle

We often meet people whose learning serves as an instrument for their ignorance - people who, the more they read, the less they know. G. Buckle

Education may turn a fool into a scholar, but it will never erase the original imprint. P. Beauchaine

The source of true knowledge is in facts! P. Buast

Education is a treasure, work is the key to it. P. Buast

One should strive for knowledge not for the sake of controversy, not for the sake of contempt for others, not for the sake of profit, fame, power or other goals, but in order to be useful in life. F. Bacon

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge. F. Bacon

Knowledge and power are one and the same. F. Bacon

We are most willing to talk about what we don’t know. Because this is what we are thinking about. The work of thought is directed here, and it can only be directed here. P. Valerie

No one can be either omniscient or omnipotent. Virgil

Ignorance is not a lack of intelligence, and knowledge is not a sign of genius. L. Vauvenargues

The spirit is subject to the same law as the body - the impossibility of existence without constant nutrition. L. Vauvenargues

It is easier for us to acquire the gloss of omniscience than to thoroughly master a small amount of knowledge. L. Vauvenargues

There is no small virtue in recognizing as ignorance what others regard as knowledge, and in openly admitting that you do not know what you really do not know. P. Gassendi

Re-reading books already read is the most reliable touchstone of education. K. Goebbel

Whoever wants to achieve greatness must be able to limit himself. Whoever, on the contrary, wants everything, actually wants nothing and will achieve nothing. G. Hegel

Knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some facts. K. Helvetius

Know-it-all doesn't teach intelligence. Heraclitus

There are no difficult subjects, but there is an abyss of things that we simply do not know, and even more that we know poorly, incoherently, fragmentarily, even falsely. And this false information stops and confuses us even more than that which we do not know at all. A. I. Herzen

Knowledge is power, and the most petrified delusions cannot withstand this power, just as the inertia of the nature around us cannot resist it. A. I. Herzen

If you lose interest in everything, then you lose your memory. I. Goethe

You can only learn what you love. I. Goethe

Experience is the teacher of eternal life. I. Goethe

Acquiring knowledge is not enough for a person; one must be able to give it away. I. Goethe

The theory, my friend, is grey, but green is the eternal tree of life. I. Goethe

What they don’t understand, they don’t master. I. Goethe

A person must believe that the incomprehensible can be understood: otherwise he would not think about it. I. Goethe

A person knows himself only to the extent that he knows the world. I. Goethe

The source of knowledge is inexhaustible: no matter what success humanity acquires on this path, people will still have to search, discover and learn. I. A. Goncharov

Proving to a person the need for knowledge is the same as convincing him of the usefulness of vision. M. Gorky

Knowledge is the absolute value of our world. You need to learn, you need to know. The unknown does not exist; we can only say that the unknown exists. M. Gorky

It is necessary to know not just to know, but in order to learn to do. M. Gorky

Going to replace their fathers and mothers, to help their older brothers and sisters in their great work, young people must tirelessly arm themselves with knowledge. M. Gorky

There is no weapon sharper than knowledge based on labor processes. M. Gorky

There is no force more powerful than knowledge: a person armed with knowledge is invincible. M. Gorky

The more a person knows, the stronger he is. M. Gorky

To live well, you need to work well, to stand firmly on your feet, you need to know a lot. M. Gorky

The more enlightened a person is, the more useful he is to his society. A. S. Griboyedov

Mental pursuits have the same beneficial effect on a person as the sun has on nature; they dispel the gloomy mood, gradually lighten, warm, and lift the spirit. V. Humboldt

Knowledge is a person’s companion on any path. D. Guramishvili

Education is a matter of conscience; education is a matter of science. Later, in an already formed person, both types of knowledge complement each other. V. Hugo

To educate people means to make them better; to educate the people means to increase their morality; to make him literate is to civilize him. V. Hugo

The true cure for all suffering is an increase in the activity of the mind, the soul, which is achieved by increasing education. J. Guyot

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J. Danton

The curious seeks out rarities only to be surprised by them; inquisitive in order to recognize them and stop being surprised. R. Descartes

Many know-it-alls have no intelligence. Democritus

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned. Democritus

The essence of the matter is not in the completeness of knowledge, but in the completeness of understanding. Democritus

In spiritual life, as in practical life, he who holds knowledge always progresses and succeeds. W. James

Education gives a person dignity, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery. D. Diderot

Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know. A. Diesterweg

Wrong knowledge is worse than ignorance. A. Diesterweg

The weakness of the mind and (note) the character of many students and adults depends on the fact that they know everything somehow and nothing properly. A. Diesterweg

Knowledge must necessarily be associated with skill. It is a sad phenomenon when a student’s head is filled with more or less knowledge, but he has not learned to apply it, so that one has to say about him that although he knows something, he can’t do anything. A. Diesterweg

Thanks to true knowledge you will be much bolder and more perfect in every work than without it. A. Durer

Education is the face of reason. Qaboos

Socialism is a society of science and culture. And in order to be a worthy member of a socialist society, you need to study a lot and well, you need to know a lot. M. I. Kalinin

False learning is worse than ignorance. Ignorance is a bare field that can be tilled and sown; false learning is a field overgrown with wheatgrass, which is almost impossible to weed out. C. Cantu

Experience charges more for teaching, but he also teaches better than all teachers. T. Carlyle

There is scholarship sweet fruit bitter wine. Cato the Elder

What could be more honest and noble than teaching others what you yourself the best way are you gaping? Quintilian

Knowledge is needed in life, like a rifle in battle. N. K. Krupskaya

What we know is limited, but what we do not know is infinite. P. Laplace

Without knowledge, workers are defenseless, with knowledge they are power! V. I. Lenin

If I know that I know little, I will strive to know more. V. I. Lenin

You can become a communist only when you enrich your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed. V. I. Lenin

Our school must give young people the basics of knowledge, the ability to develop communist views themselves, and must turn them into educated people. V. I. Lenin

It is impossible to imagine the ideal of a future society without combining education with the productive labor of the younger generation. V. I. Lenin

Working people are drawn to knowledge because they need it to win. V. I. Lenin

To really know a subject, one must embrace and study all its sides, all connections and “mediations.” We will never achieve this completely, but the requirement of comprehensiveness will prevent us from making mistakes. V. I. Lenin

Knowledge that is not born of experience, the mother of all reliability, is fruitless and full of errors. Leonardo da Vinci

There are no clear roads to knowledge: here everyone has to work and climb to the top, no matter how good the guidebook is. V. Liebknecht

A more equal distribution of education is a cultural requirement. Only when the people win political power will the gates of knowledge open to them. Without power there is no knowledge for the people! Knowledge is power! Power is knowledge! V. Liebknecht

The rapid accumulation of knowledge acquired with too little independent participation is not very fruitful. Learning can also produce only leaves without producing fruit. G. Lichtenberg

To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what those who came before did for us. G. Lichtenberg

Man was born to be the master, the ruler, the king of nature! But the wisdom with which he must rule is not given to him from birth: it is acquired by teaching. N. I. Lobachevsky

The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once. D. Locke

Nothing teaches a person like experience. A. S. Makarenko

The real end to education comes only from life itself and the conscious initiative of everyone. D. I. Mendeleev

The school is an enormous force that determines the life and fate of peoples and the state, depending on the main subjects and the principles embedded in the school education system. D. I. Mendeleev

And if it is true, as is often asserted, that one cannot live without faith, then the latter cannot be other than faith in the omnipotence of knowledge. I. I. Mechnikov

I have known many people who possessed enormous knowledge and did not have a single thought of their own. W. Mizner

I can’t imagine how anyone can be content with knowledge acquired second-hand; Although the knowledge of others can teach us something, you can only be wise by your own wisdom. M. Montaigne

There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge. M. Montaigne

You have to study a lot to know even a little. C. Montesquieu

Those who love to learn are never idle. C. Montesquieu

A person strives for knowledge, and as soon as the thirst for knowledge fades in him, he ceases to be a person. F. Nansen

Observation collects what nature offers him, while experience takes from nature what he wants. I. P. Pavlov

There is an abyss of poetry in any area of ​​human knowledge. K. G. Paustovsky

Happiness is given only to those who know. The more a person knows, the more sharply, the more powerfully he sees the poetry of the earth where a person with meager knowledge will never find it. K. G. Paustovsky

What good is it if you knew a lot if you didn’t know how to apply your knowledge to your needs? F. Petrarch

Knowledge is made up of small grains of daily experience. D. I. Pisarev

Knowledge, and only knowledge, makes a person free and great. D. I. Pisarev

You need to learn at school, but you need to learn much more after leaving school, and this second teaching, in its consequences, in its influence on a person and on society, is immeasurably more important than the first. D. I. Pisarev

General education is the consolidation and comprehension of the natural connection that exists between an individual and humanity. D. I. Pisarev

Very few people, and only the most remarkable ones, are able to simply and frankly say: “I don’t know.” D. I. Pisarev

Complete ignorance is not the greatest evil; the accumulation of poorly learned knowledge is even worse. Plato

Since the human mind can triumph over blind necessity only by cognizing its own, internal laws, only by defeating it with its own strength, then the development of knowledge, the development of human consciousness is the greatest, noblest task of a thinking person. G. V. Plekhanov

Education does not sprout in the soul unless it penetrates to a significant depth. Protagoras

Exercise, friends, gives more than good natural talent. Protagoras

Knowledge is not something completed, crystallized, deadened, it is eternally created, eternally moving. D. N. Pryanishnikov

It is better not to know something at all than to know it poorly. Publilius Syrus

The higher a person ascends in knowledge, the more expansive views open to him. A. N. Radishchev

We should treat knowledge the same way we treat food. We do not live to know, just as we do not live to eat. D. Ruskin

The main thing is not to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, the main thing is that this knowledge, great or small, belongs to you alone, is drunk with your blood, is the child of your own free efforts. R. Rolland

It is better to know the truth halfway, but on your own, than to know it entirely, but learn it from other people’s words and learn it like a parrot. R. Rolland

What makes a person educated is only his own internal work, in other words, his own, independent thinking, experiencing, perceiving what he learns from other people or from books. N. A. Rubakin

Any real education is achieved only through self-education. N. A. Rubakin

Knowledge must serve the creative purposes of man. It is not enough to accumulate knowledge; we need to disseminate them as widely as possible and apply them in life. N. A. Rubakin

An educated person is a person who has his own worldview, his own opinions about all aspects and areas of life around him. N. A. Rubakin

An educated person sees different sides where a dark person does not see them, but sees only one and judges all the others by it. N. A. Rubakin

An educated and intelligent person can only be called someone who is like that through and through and shows his education and intelligence both in large things and in small things, in everyday life, and throughout his entire life. N. A. Rubakin

Knowledge is armor against all troubles. A. Rudaki

Talent and knowledge are a bright light, without them there is no way out of the darkness. A. Rudaki

Knowing good things is more important than knowing many things. J.-J. Rousseau

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

It is more useful to know a few wise rules that could always serve you than to learn many things that are useless to you. Seneca the Younger

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. K. Simonov

What could be more harmful than a person who has knowledge of the most complex sciences, but does not have a kind heart? He uses all his knowledge for evil. G. S. Skovoroda

If you are inquisitive, you will be knowledgeable. Socrates

All I know is that I don't know anything.

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge (Bacon)

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge (Bacon)

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is considered the founder of experimental science in modern times. He was the first philosopher who set himself the task of creating a scientific method. In his philosophy, for the first time, the main principles that characterize the philosophy of the New Age were formulated.

Bacon sought to bring the “boundaries of the mental world” in accordance with all the enormous achievements that took place in Bacon’s contemporary society of the 15th-16th centuries, when the experimental sciences were most developed. Bacon expressed the solution to the problem in the form of an attempt at a “great restoration of the sciences,” which he outlined in the treatises: “On the Dignity and Augmentation of the Sciences” (his own work), “New Organon” (his main work) and other works on “natural history”, individual phenomena and processes of nature.

Bacon's understanding of science included, first of all, a new classification of sciences, which he based on such abilities human soul, as memory, imagination (fantasy), reason. Accordingly, the main sciences, according to Bacon, should be history, poetry, and philosophy. The highest task of knowledge and all sciences, according to Bacon, is domination over nature and improvement human life. According to the head of the “House of Solomon” (a kind of research center. Academy, the idea of ​​which was put forward by Bacon in the utopian novel “New Atlantis”), “the goal of society is to understand the causes and hidden forces of all things, to expand man’s power over nature until everything will be possible for him."

The criterion for the success of sciences is the practical results to which they lead. “Fruits and practical inventions are, as it were, guarantors and witnesses of the truth of philosophy.” Knowledge is power, but only knowledge that is true. Therefore, Bacon distinguishes between two types of experience: fruitful and luminous.

The first are those experiences that bring direct benefit to a person, the luminous ones are those whose goal is to understand the deep connections of nature, the laws of phenomena, things. Bacon considered the second type of experiment more valuable, since without their results it is impossible to carry out fruitful experiments.

The unreliability of the knowledge we receive is due, Bacon believes, to a dubious form of evidence, which relies on a syllogistic form of substantiation of ideas, consisting of judgments and concepts. However, concepts, as a rule, are not formed sufficiently substantiated. In his criticism of the theory of Aristotle's syllogism, Bacon proceeds from the fact that the general concepts used in deductive proof are the result of experimental knowledge made exclusively hastily. For our part, recognizing the importance general concepts, constituting the foundation of knowledge, Bacon believed that the main thing is to correctly form these concepts, since if the concept is formed hastily, by chance, then there is no strength in what is built on them.

The main step in the reform of science proposed by Bacon should be the improvement of generalization methods and the creation of a new concept of induction.

One of the important questions that any of us has encountered in life is the question of acquiring knowledge.

I agree with the statement of the famous English philosopher Francis Bacon, in which he says that knowledge is power. Indeed, knowledge helps people rationally organize their activities and solve various problems that arise in its process.

First of all, on our own we are helpless. At birth, a Man knows nothing and cannot do anything. He cannot protect himself from various irritating external factors and troubles. Throughout his life, he receives everyday practical knowledge - a force that he uses in his everyday life to solve problems almost unconsciously.

Secondly, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not intelligence. After reading many books, scientific works, philosophical treatises, you will know more, but you will not become wiser, because wisdom is characterized by the degree of mastery of knowledge, and not by its quantity. Popular wisdom says: “The less you know, the more sound you sleep, the longer you will live.” Do you need such a force that will deprive you of sleep and a carefree old age, which you may not live to see?

Third, our knowledge and the knowledge of our predecessors can be used against us, perhaps even accidentally. For example, the creation of a large hadron collider. Scientists expect to be able to study microscopic black holes, but cannot say what will happen if the research process gets out of control. Perhaps the Earth will be swallowed up by a black hole and humanity will cease to exist.

Finding ourselves on an island in the open ocean, only knowledge will save us. Knowledge is a power that can kill, or vice versa - save.

Questions related to the acquisition of knowledge and its application will accompany any Person until his death. Is it worth acquiring knowledge? How to use knowledge so as not to harm? Is it possible to live without this power? The words of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy are appropriate: “There is a lot of necessary and important knowledge. But the most important thing is how to live.”

Francis Bacon was the first thinker to make experiential knowledge the core of his philosophy. He ended the era of the late Renaissance and, together with R. Descartes, proclaimed the main principles characteristic of the philosophy of the New Age.

It was F. Bacon who briefly expressed one of the fundamental commandments of new thinking: “Knowledge is power.” In this short aphorism one can see the slogan and pathos of the whole philosophical system F. Bacon. Thanks to him, the man-nature relationship is understood in a new way, which is transformed into the subject-object relationship, and becomes part of the flesh and blood of the European mentality, the European style of thinking, which continues to this day; we all feel the influence of Bacon’s ideas. Man is represented as a cognizing and active principle (subject), and nature is represented as an object to be known and used.

Activist utilitarianism believes that with the advent of man, nature splits into subject and object, which are both separated and connected through instrumental activity. "The natural scientific method of presentation explores nature as a calculable system of forces. In knowledge, in science, Bacon saw a powerful tool for progressive social change. Based on this, he placed the “house of Solomon” - the house of wisdom in his work “New Atlantis” - in center of public life.

At the same time, F. Bacon called on “all people not to engage in it, neither for the sake of their spirit, nor for the sake of some scientific disputes, nor for the sake of neglecting others, nor for the sake of self-interest and glory, nor in order to achieve power, not for any other low intentions, but so that life itself would benefit and succeed from it.” For Bacon, nature is the object of science, which provides the means for man to strengthen his dominance over the forces of nature.

In an effort to connect “thought and things,” F. Bacon formulated the principles of a new philosophical and methodological approach. “New Logic” opposes not only the traditional Aristotelian concept of thinking, its organon, but also the medieval scholastic methodology, which rejected the significance of empiricism, the data of sensory perceived reality. According to K. Marx, F. Bacon is the founder of “English materialism and all modern experimental science” and “in Bacon, as its first creator, materialism still harbors in its naive form the germs of comprehensive development. Matter smiles with its poetic and sensual brilliance on the whole person.”

philosophical bacon scientific experienced


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